Loch’n’Glen News

Issue No. 18 Winter 2013 1

Welcome to the winter edition of the News – we seem to have missed a season out somewhere and moved straight from summer into winter!

Firstly – a plea - are there any of our readers who might be willing to join our little team and help with any facet of the on-going production of the magazine? It takes up quite a bit of time with just two of us, and has occasionally proved a bit stressful to fit it around our other commitments. Delegating some of the jobs would help spread the workload and could perhaps even increase the type and spread of news items that we carry. We really appreciate the support we have had from all our present contributors and advertisers and feel it is a very worthwhile venture to be a part of and to keep going. If you think you might want to lend a hand, please contact either of us for more details.

As usual we are very grateful to our advertisers and sponsors who help financially to publish the newsletter, but are always glad to receive donations from anyone who has enjoyed the publication, as printing costs continue to rise. If you would like to contribute financially, please send a cheque or contact us for further details. We hope you will continue to enjoy reading the publication and will be delighted to hear from anyone who would like to contribute, either on a regular basis or a one-off article. If you know of anyone who has news, views, memories or just idle trivia that may be of interest to other people, we shall be delighted to afford them space if available.

For future reference, our next copy dates will be approximately 11 March, 11 June, 11 September & 11 December 2014, with a view to the newsletters being available at beginning of April, July, October & December 2014. This might help you to plan ahead. If you wish any information please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.

Janice Hampson Lorraine Whitton Belhaven, High Road Duncreggan Lodge Blairmore Blairmore Dunoon Argyll PA23 8TG PA23 8TE Tel: 01369840099 Tel: 01369840690 Email:[email protected] Email:[email protected]

Where there are any errors in the content of the newsletter please let us know.

The compilers welcome articles up to 300 words in length for publication. The compilers also reserve the right to shorten, to amend or to refuse to print them. Names and addresses must be supplied, or emails to indicate good faith. For an online version, visit: www.lochnglennews.co.uk

Acknowledgement: Frontispiece – Ian Giles Photographer (Retired), Pier View, 2


Just before sitting down to write this article, I remembered to put out the wheelie-bin for emptying. Occasionally (but with increasing frequency as the years pass and the brain becomes more addled!) I forget to put it out, and we end up overflowing with rubbish before the next collection is due. I never cease to give thanks that the local Council provides a regular and dependable refuse disposal service. Without it, we would be very quickly submerged in the garbage of daily living.

We are just entering a new year. I remember as a child that the whole house had to be spick and span before ‘the bells’ at midnight on Hogmanay, and I suspect with hindsight there was an element of superstition that bad luck would ensue if all was not neat and clean and sparkling, with no vestige remaining of the detritus of the year that was ending.

It seems to me that we can move from superstition to wisdom, and indeed to sound theology, in recognizing the importance of getting rid of the accumulated waste material from the past, and of making a fresh beginning unencumbered by all the dross and debris that can so easily weigh us down. I’m not now thinking of the rubbish that we put in our wheelie-bins. Rather I’m thinking of the less tangible but even more unhealthy burdens of guilt, regret, recrimination, grudges, resentment, that can so insidiously overwhelm our hearts and minds and souls.

One of the most wholesome disciplines of religion, and a key element in every regular act of Sunday worship, is the prayer of confession and absolution when we bring before God with sincere shame and penitence all the wrong we have done, all the good we have left undone, and receive in Christ’s name the assurance of his forgiveness. And so we are enabled to begin each new week afresh, freed from the shackles of our past failures and shortcomings.

Whether you are religious or not, the liberating power of letting go of all that is poisonous in the past, of refusing to allow yourself to be dominated by negative instincts or destructive contempt of yourself or others, opens the door to moving forward in ways that are life- enhancing rather than life-denying.

One further thought. There is rightly great emphasis placed on recycling our refuse whenever possible. In God’s economy, nothing is ever wasted. Even those things of which we are most ashamed can be used and transformed, by the miracle of forgiveness received and given, to deepen us and enrich us as human beings in our understanding of ourselves and one another.

In this New Year, remember to put out your wheelie-bins, both literal and psychological, and build better lives and a better world.

May God bless you all.

David Mill, Minister, the Shore Churches (Kilmun linked with Strone and ) 3


After another successful season presided over by Douglas Menzies, Ardentinny Bowling Club held its trophy presentation in the Bowling clubhouse on the 30th Nov. The list of winners for 2013 is as follows:

Club Championship - John Adamson Gents Singles - Bruce Marshall Ladies Singles - Shirley Chrystall Gents Pairs - John Adamson & Douglas Menzies Ladies Pairs - Shirley Chrystall & Mary Menzies Presidents Shield - Gordon Smith & Pat McCormack English Cup - Don Cragg & Janette Reilly Ashby/Lacaille Shield - Jim Robinson, Robert Devine, Derek Rosen Gibson Bowl - John Adamson & Robert Devine Sat / Wed Sweep - Gordon Smith Tues Sweep - James Gordon Jim Robinson (Secretary)


Our friendly club has this year been pleased to increase our depleted membership by four new members, but we would still welcome newcomers, especially in the afternoon session, where the ladies outnumber the men by 9 to 2! We played our first friendly match against Ardentinny Carpet Bowling Club and were soundly beaten - again. While we hope to do better in the return home match in February, it is difficult to be downhearted when we all have such a happy evening together – “It’s no lost what a frien’ gets!’ The second half of our year starts on Wednesday 8th January in Blairmore Hall at 2.00pm and 7.30pm A very happy and prosperous 2014 to all our members and friends Olive Cragg [Sec]


The bowling club breaks for Christmas and the New Year on Thursday 19 December and will resume on Thursday 9 January 2014 at 7.30pm. New members will always be welcome. Bob Balfour


New opening hours for the surgery are Mon - Friday 8.30 - 1pm & 2 - 5.30pm, apart from Wednesday when surgery closes at 1pm. Late night surgery on Thursday until 6pm. Fiona Limbert, Practice Nurse 01369 840 279




ARAY FISH, FRUIT & VEG Paul & Laura Blyth Dalavoullin Cottage PA32 8XT Mobile shop visits Loch Eck-side and the Shore Villages to Ardentinny every Wednesday at regular stopping points. Please ring if you would like a call. Tel: 01499302412 Mobile: 07787113746 Email: [email protected]

Caladh Funeral

Services Count your garden by the flowers Never by the leaves that fall. Local Funeral Directors:- Count your joys by golden hours Never when life’s worries call. ARTHUR & JOANNA Count your nights by star, not shadow, DOMINICK Count your days by smiles, not tears. And on this New Years Day morning Professional caring 24 hour service Count your age by friends – not years Telephone 01369 707000 Happy New Year and Happy Gardening Private Chapel of Rest

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57 Marine Parade, Kirn, Dunoon PA23 8HF


Ferguslie garage, sandbank




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Benmore Café and Shop at Benmore Botanic Gardens Tel: 01369 840509

Café and Shop Open Everyday from 10 am (closed Monday & Tuesday, November to February)

Come and sample our Fairtrade Speciality Coffees & Teas. Homemade scones, loaves, cookies & cakes baked daily. We offer a large Menu choice ranging from main meals to light snacks, soup and sandwiches and includes smaller portions for those whose “appetite isn’t what it used to be”. Children’s menu also available. Our shop has a wide variety of gift ideas with local crafts, jewellery & art together with children’s gifts & pocket money toys .



We have had a successful session of the Kilmun Guild, so far this season, with several new members joining us and others rejoining. Apart from speakers we have had a Craft Afternoon and an Away Day, when we enjoyed a soup & sandwich lunch. This session finished with a party, when a good time was had by all. The theme for this season is “A Fellowship to Build” and we have certainly been doing that. Everyone contributed to and helped with the Christmas Fair, to raise funds for the church.

We meet fortnightly and this last session has been held in the Younger Hall due to the ongoing work at the church. After the Christmas break we restart on January 7th and we hope to be back in the church hall. There are some interesting speakers booked, as well as a Day out.

We are a friendly, supportive group, who also look to the needs of others as part of our faith. Why not come and join us? Please phone Sheila Wherry (840796) for further information. Sheila Wherry


At the first meeting of our new session members of Kilmun guild joined us when we welcomed our minister, who spoke on this years Guild theme "A Fellowship to Build" The national Guild selects a number of projects which guilds are invited to support, and at our next meeting we had a presentation from Morag Donaldson, about "The Julius Project" which seeks to offer support and friendship to homeless people, and help them to maintain tenancies when they are housed. Each year in November we have "Guild Week". The aim of this week is to publicise and promote the work of The Guild .We held a coffee morning on the 16th November, which was a very happy occasion, and raised £460. Many thanks to all who came and again gave such support to this. We ended Guild Week by taking part in the service in Strone church on the 24th. George McEwan gave a most interesting presentation on the work of "Young Enterprise" on the 25th November. Our last meeting of this year is our Christmas celebration on 16th December when Tom and Fiona Irvine will entertain us.

January 27th 2014 "Grey Matters" Gwen Harrison February 24th "Nursing" Betty Grant March 31st "Walking Abroad" Marian Norris April 28th A.G.M.

Our meetings are held in Strone church hall on the last Monday of each month at 2.15pm and all are welcome. D. Logan (Sec)



Strone and Ardentinny Church hope to hold a Coffee Morning, weather permitting, in Blairmore Hall on Saturday, February 22nd, 10am - 12pm. A warm invitation is extended to everyone.


A Coffee Morning, in aid of The Princess Royal Baby Unit, will be held in Blairmore on Saturday, June 14th, further details in the next issue of "Loch 'n' Glen".


Munnonday Club started back in September with a good turnout. We welcomed two new members. We had a successful whist drive on Friday 1 st November with everyone saying they had a very enjoyable evening and asking how soon we can have another one. We plan to have one on Friday 7th February in Kilmun Hall. We had an enjoyable Christmas lunch on 2nd December when we were joined by friends and guests. Fergus and staff excelled themselves as usual and we all enjoyed a lovely meal. Bob provided his usual quiz and Carolyn Smith was the winner. Well done Carolyn - some of the questions had us thinking. We were then entertained by Bill Wilkie supported ably by Fran and Tricia as his backing group. We joined in some well known festive singing and Bill introduced us to some new songs. We closed the afternoon with fun Bingo and Santa's sack. On the 16th December we intend to hold a festive afternoon with our usual whist but with a few added festive extras including a raffle for a Christmas hamper. Munnonday Club will resume on 13th January. We are happy to welcome new members. Please come along and join us. 12.30 alternate Mondays. If anyone wishes more information contact Rose 840 793 or Betty 840 475


The scrabble club has now finished for Christmas and the New Year. We shall re-commence on Monday 6 January 2014 at 2.15pm for 2.30pm. If you like to play for fun then our scrabble afternoons are for you. Bob Balfour


The craft afternoon start the New Year on Thursday 9 January at 2pm. Come and join us in Kilmun Hall, bring your own craft or hobby to do, learn something new or just come to enjoy the chat and a cup of tea. Rose Balfour


This has been a busy session at the dance club. Firstly we were delighted to welcome our regular dancers back and also to extend a warm welcome to new members. At our AGM, Chairperson Margaret Hart announced that she was moving south. Fortunately Helen Giles was willing to accept that position. As a thank you to Margaret for her support and hard work, we held a little party at the end of October, when we were joined by members of South Argyll Branch. It was a lovely evening and a chance to wish her well in her new home. In November, five more new members joined us, some never having tried Scottish Country Dancing, and they are now dancing regularly, meaning we have two full sets of an evening. As Christmas approaches, we are planning ahead to our Christmas Party on December 17th, when we will be joined by fellow dancers from Sandbank and . This is always a great evening and we look forward to Madalene's choice of dances and lively music. Looking further ahead, we are planning to hold a dance at the beginning of February. Helen and Madalene have started planning already. If anyone would like to join us, classes resume on Tuesday 7th February. Why not come along and join the fun!


This term, members have been enthusiastic and put their skills in action on exciting pieces of artwork. We have enjoyed demonstrations by local artists on watercolour mixing, perspective and pastel, and been surprised by our attempts, good and not so good. In December members brought along work in progress and finished pictures for assessment. The critic was most complimentary and pleasantly surprised by our attempts. He thought our drawing had improved which was a good base for producing the final piece and expressed an interest to visit again, to check our progress, before our exhibition next June. I am pleased to say that the new members who joined us in September are enjoying the club and we hope to welcome another on 8 January. We look forward to meeting again in 2014 and welcoming anyone interested in painting. Best wishes to you all for 2014. Madeleine Hacking, President

THE GLORY HOLE The church charity shop has had another good year. We are so grateful to everyone who brought in items for us to sell and, of course, most grateful to all those of you who came along and purchased the treasures on display. We were glad to have been able to donate a further £500 to the Childrens’ Hospice in Balloch, where families can be united for the last days with the children who have terminal illnesses. To date the Glory Hole has donated £4000 to this most worthy enterprise. We couldn’t achieve these good results without the dedicated work of our volunteer helpers who staffed the shop throughout the year. They came to work despite the problems with the weather and transport and we are appreciative for their dedicated service. And behind all the front-line staff is a hard working group who price the items, make sure that there is someone to staff the shop and that the items for sale are well displayed and presented. Well done everyone and all good wishes for 2014. Remember, we re-open on Monday 13 January 2014 at 11am. Jenny Cornish 9


Prostate cancer is the most common cancer now affecting men in the UK. There are over 40,000 new cases diagnosed each year, and at today’s statistics this means ONE in EIGHT men will get prostate cancer at some stage in their lives. Prostate cancer kills 10,000 men each year yet many men are unaware of the symptoms. Prostate Cancer UK is a national charity which supports research into Prostate Cancer, supports men with the disease and campaigns for change, pushing the disease up the National Agenda. Doc Wilkie has been personally affected by this disease and bravely decided to grow some facial hair during the month of MOvember (Moira was not too happy with the look though!) He also organised a fund raising concert at Uig Hall on Saturday 30 November, packed with entertaining folk, traditional & contemporary music. He disappeared at the interval to shave off the beard and moustache and re-appeared to rousing applause and approval of the return of the ‘old doc’. The funds raised are £800 and still rising, which is a fabulous amount of money to add to such a worthy charity. Special thanks to Doc Wilkie for organizing a wonderful fun evening.


Sunday 17 November was the date set for an afternoon of musical tribute to a very talented musician and dear friend who sadly lost his battle against cancer, recently. Friends and family gathered in the Younger Hall, Kilmun, to share their memories of Brian by way of musical tributes. Chloe Whitton sang ‘Caledonia’ – “the first song Brian taught me to play”, accompanied by Brian’s son, Andrew, on guitar, Jim King on percussion, Doc Wilkie on ‘mouthy’ and Jim Jack singing along when Chloe got a wee bit emotional and needed help. Medicinal Brew played a few numbers, the 1,2,3,4’s performed in their inimitable style, the Fogarty Family did their ‘Von Trapp Family’ impression with some beautiful harmonies and many individuals ‘did their own thing’, all culminating in a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon.


The Eight + One Singers led by John McIntosh gave a concert in Ardentinny Church in September. They had a programme of many varied songs and styles, but songs that were obvious favourites of the collection of people who came to hear them, and there was the odd tear to the eye when an especial favourite came up that provided happy memories for that person. Everyone was very impressed at the skill of the singers and the professionalism of their presentation, and we all really enjoyed the concert. There was a collection at the end for a very special fund. THE PRINCESS ROYAL BABY FUND. The Princess Royal Maternity Hospital in Glasgow is situated at the site of the Royal infirmary and serves the East side of the city. It performed a staggering 6400 deliveries last year. Inevitably among those deliveries are some babies who require very special aftercare and the neonatal unit is there to provide this. Many of the babies in the unit are very premature or have suffered from a difficult birth and some have to spend a long time in the unit before they are big or fit enough to go home.

10 This puts a strain on their families and the BABY FUND is there to buy extra equipment and other items that help to ease the difficulties for the parents. For instance one particular purchase was for video cameras. A camera can be placed in the incubator when an ill Mum, after a difficult birth, is on another ward, a monitor is placed at her bedside and she can then watch her baby when she is unfit to visit it. Another piece of equipment allows Mums and Dads to cuddle their fragile bundle out of the incubator but still supplies essential needs to the baby. Other uses of the fund are to purchase just small items that enhance the comfort of the babies and parents. At the concert there was a generous response from the people there and £370 was raised for the fund. We are hoping to have another fund raising event next year for the BABY FUND and further details will be intimated.


The Argyll Mausoleum project kicked off in 2008 specifically to restore the Argyll Mausoleum, the historic burial site of the Chiefs of the . The goal of the project also includes providing visitor facilities and opening the building to the public. However, as the work has proceeded, our historians have uncovered more and more facts about this unique site. One of our consultants has called it ‘the Rosslyn Chapel of the West’. From the start, we were puzzled why such a powerful family as the Campbell Clan of Argyll would choose such a relatively remote site to bury their dead leaders. There were many suitable sites close to their ancient homes at Loch Awe or Inveraray. We now believe that, already in the 15th century, this site was a special place of holiness. Even the name of the would indicate that it was not considered just another loch. We begin to see that a monk – St Munn – who was a follower of St Columba, established a monastic settlement here in the 7th / 8th century and that was followed by a 12th century church, possibly built by the Vikings. A 15th century church followed, to be replaced by the 1841 church we see today. This site was already well renowned as a place of holiness when Sir Duncan Campbell of Lochae (Loch Awe) chose to endow a collegiate church here in 1441 and started the tradition of Campbell burials. We now think that the construction of the Argyll Mausoleum in 1790 was an episode – a significant one nevertheless – in an unfolding story stretching back to the beginnings of Christianity in . And there is more history to be found as we research further in the years ahead. For that reason, the Trustees have selected the name ‘Historic Kilmun’ to be the overall theme and brand for the site. You will see our new logo on our newsletters. It will continue to be used as we develop our marketing program with websites, leaflets, visitor guides, audio-visual aids and similar. We are now ‘Historic Kilmun’. David McKenzie


We have had a very busy term here at Strone Primary School. We have been working with the local community, performing our Kilmun Pageant in partnership with the Argyll Mausoleum Group. We have also been working with Ardentinny Walled Garden and went to for Apple Day at the Scottish Parliament. We met lots of interesting people and had a tour of the Parliament Building. We even got to listen to a debate! We took part in the annual Country Dancing Festival and would like to thank Mrs Giles and Mrs Morton for working with us to teach us the dances. We had a very successful Soup and Sandwich event organised by our Parent Council, and just recently performed our Christmas Show, “The Night Before Christmas” for our parents, friends and family. We’d like to thank everyone who has worked with us this year and look forward to continuing our close working partnerships with our local community next year. Finally we’d like to wish a very Happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year to all, from all of us here at Strone Primary School.

On the 31 st October Halloween, Primary 5-7 from Strone Primary took part in a pageant related to the Argyll Mausoleum. It was to remember the important people who used to live in Argyll like Sir Duncan Campbell. We learned a lot about the Argyll Mausoleum, thanks to Fiona Lochhead and Ann Galliard. Fiona Lochhead talked to us about Funeral Traditions and music. It was really good and she showed us some power points and Ann Galliard told us stories about people from the past. On the day of the parade, 31st of October, we walked from the school down the hill and to the Post Office in our costumes. There was Sir Duncan Campbell, Elisabeth Blackwell, Sir Patrick’s Butlers and loads more. Quickly we marched to the Post Office and Yasmin and Scott had put out refreshments for us. It was a really nice thing to do and we thanked the both of them. We then marched to Graham’s Point and met the piper Scott Wilson. He started playing music and we walked on and then the rain came on so we all squeezed into the bus shelter until Fiona Lochhead and some parents came to give us lifts to the Younger Hall. We didn’t get to walk even though we were so close. When we got there we were drenched in rain but we soon dried off. Everyone recited their speeches and after everyone was finished we sang our song Bonnie George Campbell accompanied by our ukulele players. After that was when the party started. The mausoleum committee arranged an old fashioned Hallowe’en party for us. We all got changed into our Hallowe’en costumes and started playing a game called eyeball and spoon race. It is just like egg and spoon, only the Hallowe’en version. We also had the three legged race, bobbing for apples which were hanging on a stick... it wasn’t easy, then we did the sack race. It was really funny and just about everyone fell over. We made our own puppets and we used these sticky dots. First we put two lolly sticks together and coloured them in. I did a vampire since it was Hallowe’en. At the end Fiona Lochhead said how well we did and said some things about the Mausoleum and that if people keep doing things like we have done the Mausoleum will become a great tourist attraction. I think the day went very well and everyone enjoyed it. By Ciaran P7 12 BLAIRMORE VILLAGE TRUST

A Busy Week in Blairmore The Santa event on 6th, 7th & 8th December was a huge success with over 700 people coming to Blairmore to meet Santa and Mrs Claus in their holiday home in the Old Ticket Office. We are indebted to the lovely people who became Elves and helped to make the whole experience magical – it is really hard work but elf smiles were abundant and plentiful. We would like also to thank the many local businesses, artists and individuals who generously supported the event by providing items for our tombola and raffle which is always a favourite with our visitors young and old. This year we received generous financial contributions from Emma Thompson, The Co-op Food Group and Western Ferries. Our event included a large marquee where the children ended their visit by listening to a story from Val (what’s the story in Elfanory?) before heading off home happy and exhausted.

On Tuesday and Thursday following Santa’s visit, we were happy to invite local people and helpers to join us in the Marquee for a festive lunch. The food (prepared by Alison Sykora) was delicious and enjoyed by all. Sue and Elizabeth (Mossgeil House) arranged these two days with a lot of help from Bridget and Linda who worked tirelessly in the kitchen, Morrisons very generously supplied us with fish to make the lovely fish pie. Well done Sue and Elizabeth for organising such a lovely community event and for arranging for goody bags to be delivered to local people who were unable to attend.

Finally on Saturday 14th we were busy again putting on the Producers Market with over 27 stalls, refreshments and musical entertainment. The weather was not too kind to us, but everyone rallied round and we ended the day a bit early due to the gusty wind and torrential rain. A busy and fun day was had by all.

None of this can happen without huge support from so many people – so thank you all so much for taking part. BVT wish everyone a very Happy Christmas.


The Holy Loch Coffee Shop gallery is now open, displaying a variety of art. We feature works by local artists Leticia Smith – Burnett, Andy McClintock, Robert & Margaret Macleod and fine art prints by Sarah Ross-Thompson.

We support our local craft makers and have a variety of crafts. So if you are looking for something special and unique, then come and browse. We have wood turning objects, seashore craft, glass work, felting, jewelry and more.

The Holy Loch Coffee Shop is open to all Monday to Sunday 10am – 3pm subject to seasonal change. 13


RASHFIELD SHEILINGS luxury riverside lodges for couples and wonderful memories www.logcabinsdunoon.com

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Call Stephen or Liz. Tel. 01369 840672


TRADES SERVICES Builder/Joiner Mr A Crowe 704261 Building & Civil Engineering John Brown (Strone) Ltd 707766 Contractors Cleaning Services Ms Shona Moohan 840715 07765073111 Community Transport Services Interloch Transport 840474 DJ Mr A Cameron 706380 Dunoon Observer Mr Colin Cameron 703218 Earthmoving Equipment Mr Ross MacArthur 840289 Electrician Mr S Grant 840747 Electrical Contractor Mr J B Stevenson 840420 Estate Agent Waterside Property 701755 Scott Campbell 07771 806323 Events organiser Mr D Dewar 840404 Farrier Mr J Witham 810300 Fitted Bathrooms & Kitchens Mr A Gilles 830495 07703 576 238 Forest management 703749 Forestry Commission Scotland John Hair – Planning 01877 382383 David Robertson- Recreation 07884 113607 Forestry Services Messrs Dave & Ross Petro 705564 Forestry Services Mr D Guy 706230 Funeral Services Caladh Funeral Services 707000 Arthur & Joanna Dominick Gardening Mrs D McCheyne 840614 Gardening Ms Morag McCluskey 707998 07769262662 General Contractor Mr D Rankine 840121 General Contractor Mr E Whitton 840690 General Contractor Mr M Logan 840302 General Contractor Mr S McSweeney 840216 Handyman Mr John Kloumann 860240 Holy Loch Marina Mr M Downes 701800 Industrial Relations Consultants Kerr-Smith Associates 840100 Insight Graphic Systems 840088 Joinery work Mr A Cameron 706380 Land & Tree Management 705564 Motor Service & Repairs Ferguslie Garage 706868 Neighbourhood Watch Ardentinny Mr M Bartley 810324 N/bourhood Watch Midge Lane Mr R Cruickshank 840447 Painter/Decorator Mrs Carol Gilles 830495 07825151315 Plumber/Oil Heating Engineer Mr P Shields 840478 07801 817277 Professional Services Ltd Mr D McKenzie 840077 Property Maintenance/Builders Mr M Logan 840429 Property Maintenance Mr W Bremner 840589 15