ISC Ziraat Bank Tbilisi Branch
ISC Ziraat Bank Tbilisi Branch Financial Statements |anuary 1, 2015 - December 31, 2015 Table of Contents lndependent Auditor' Report Statement of Financial Position 4 Profit-loss and Other Comprehensive Income Statements 5 Cash Flow Statements 6 Statement of Changes in Equity 7 Explanatory Notes to the Financial Statements 8 Auditing Concern "TSODNISA" Ltd 4 I,Y azha-Pshavela ave., Tbilisi, Georgia. Identiflcation code 2ll344l8$ Tel.: 239-33-50 E-mail: Independent Auditor's Repoft (on the reuiew of financial t,Ziraat statements of Bank rbilisi Branch,,, ISC) I' Independent auditor - LTD Audit Concern'Tsodnisa" has audited the (accompanying) financial statements of the lsC "ziraat Bank Tbilisi Branch,,(hereinafter referred to as the company) financial statements (attached to). The financial statements comprised the statement of financial position as December at 31, 2015, the statement of profit-loss and other comprehensive income for 2015, statement of changes in equity, cash flow statement for the reporting period, the basic principles ofaccounting policies and explanatory notes, 2' The Companf s management is responsible for the performance of the financial statements and its fair presentation in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (//,?S), This responsibility includes: designing and implementing the relevant internal control free from material misstatement' whether due to fraud or error. our responsibility rs to express an opinion on the presented financial statements based on the performed audit,
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