~f.' THE PRESIDENT OFTHE GENERAL ASSEMBLY 14 October 2013 Excellency, 1 have the honour to enclose a letter dated 9 October 2013 from RE. Remigiusz A. Henczel, in his capacity as President of the Human Rights Council, transmitting the latest report ofthe Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic, document (A/HRC/24/46), and an additional document (A/HRC/24/CRP.2) entitled "Assault on medical care in Syria", pursuant to Human Rights Council resolution 22/24 of 22 March 2013. These documents were presented by the Chair of the Commission ofInquiry at the 24th session of the Human Rights Council. Please accept, Excellency, the assurances ofmy highest consideration. John W. Ashe To All Permanent Representatives and Permanent Observers to the United Nations New York BUREAU DU PRESIDENT. OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT , CONSEIL DESDROlTS DEL'HOMME HUMAN RJ;GHTS COUNCIL E-mail: h!'
[email protected] Tel: +41 (0) 22 9171732 . +41(0) 22 91727 94 Fax: +4f(0)229170490 HUMAN RIGllTS COUNCIL 9 October'2013 Excellency, . In its resolution 22/24 entitled "Situation of .human rights in the Syrian Arab .Republic" adopted on 22 March 2013 at its 2:2nd session, the Human Rights Council decided in operative paragraph 32 "to transmit all reports and oral updates.by the commission of inquiry to aJ-I relevant bodies of the United, Nations and to the Secretary-General for appropriate action", In my capacity as President of the Human Rights Council,I therefore have the honour to encloseherewith the latest report ofthe Independent International Commission ofInquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic (AlHRCI24/46) and documentAlHRC/24/CRP.2.on"Assaulton medical care hi Syria" that were presentedby the Chair of the Commissionat the'24th session ofthe HumanRights Council held from 9 to 27 September2013.