MONEV Ing Four Unearned Runs in the Cadets to a 27-27 Tie with SMU, Son Are Johnny Chapipion, Pat Division
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Sixty Aggies Expected Friday Roughs Move To 1st Place Tulsa, Dkla., Aug. 31—CP)—The Beaumont Roughnecks advanced into first place here last night as they blasted the Tulsa Oilers for For Start Of Football Practice 20 hits to score 16 runs to the home team’s 6, moving into first By FRANK N. MANITZAS Other things which TU says men of the squad with three let quarterback. place. Battalion Sports Editor it needs to win are to develop its ters, and guard Charles Milam. At the present time Hayden Fry, ® inexperienced halfbacks, achieve Other returning lettermen include who will be working towards his Oklahoma City, Aug. 31—(TP)— Tomorrow on football fields all better balance in its ground game, ends Frank Fischel, Jack Richards, fourth letter, Larry Isbel, and Bob A twice-tied Texas League game over the nation and especially in and improve its kicking game, Marvin Stendel, and Pat Summer- Reid will be hustling for the man- ended after 10 innings last night the Southwest Conference, football and, of course a better deal from all, tackles George Eckert, Dave under-position. Team Captain with Shreveport on the important will be underway. Lady Luck than the one which it Hanner, Travis Simpson, and Fred Frank Boydstun at fullback, Stan end of a 4-2 decision. At A&M, the Aggies will begin received last year. Williams. ley Williams at left end, Walter Shreveport put a knot in iKe at 9 a. m. with another workout ★ SMU ★ Returning guards include Buddy Bates at offensive guard, and score in the sixth, went ahead '2-1 scheduled for 4 p. m., following the Brown, Don Reiderer, and Jack Steve Dowden at offensive tackle in the eighth, but the Indians made usual practice of two workouts At Dallas, 65 Mustangs will re Rushing, center Harold Stockton, are the regular starting holdovers. it all even in the bottom of the each day such as is performed port to new Head Coach H. N. quarterbacks Don Logue, Jim Usually a team with 20 letter- frame. The Sports got two runs 'in throughout the conference. Rinehart, and Charlie Temple. Starting tomorrow at A&M and at the other Russell tomorrow where they too men won’t be classified as inex the 10th. the intrasquad games played during spring train will participate in the twice-a-day • Southwest Conference schools is King Football, ing. Jim Dpbbyn (42) tackled Lary, while the Sixty men are expected to re At the backfield posts are half perienced, but the Baylorites claim with sixty players expected to be trying for person in the center trying to get out of the port for play at A&M with all of workouts until the opening of backs Joe Dugan and Sammy Furo, many are injured and may not be Dallas, Aug. 31—(A3)—Hurler Joe berths on the Aggie squad. Leading interference way is End Coach Dog Dawson, who was acting last year’s lettermen, with the ex school. halfbacks Ray Parks and Buddy ready in time. Presko of Houston put a brake on for Yale Lary is Don Pfefferkorn during one of as an official for the game. ception of six who graduated, plus Already claiming injuries and Rogers, and fullbacks Baldridge Summing it up; the Southwest the Dallas Eagles’ drive toward added assistance from last year’s with the graduation of a large and Louie Schaufele. Conference is beginning a year in a play-off position in the Texas freshman ranks and ineligibles. number of their regulars, SMU ★ Baylor ★ which the majority of the teams League race by stopping the Eagles Among the returnees is Andy seems to have a long way to go if will be stronger and already two 6-1 here yesterday. Hillhouse, who should be one of it is to finish as high in the na It’s a re-building job at Baylor. teams—TU and SMU—have gained « Mize’s Two Homers Gain the top candidates in the league tion and even conference as many That’s the task which will con national recognition and are rank Fort Worth, Tex., Aug. 31—(TP) for all-conference honors at the are predicting. front the third new coach in the ed high among the top ten. —San Antonio’s Missions won a end position. He sparkled as a Karo Kyle Rote will be the big conference—George Sauer. With At a glance the SWC teams will doubleheader from the Fort Worth sophomore in ’48 but was not in the graduation of All-Conference win the greatest margin of its in Cats here last night, 16-11, and school during the ’49 season. His gun with the Ponies and is the Yankees AL First Place only man on squad to have been quarterback Adrian Burk, Baylor tersectional tilts, and maybe, up to 2-0, to knock the Cats from the height (6’2”) and weight (220) is also faced with the problem of three teams will be playing in Texas League lead for the first will help him along his way. a letterman regular for the past New York, Aug. 31—(A1)—Pow Mize blasted a pair of homeruns, son broke a 3-3 tie in the first two seasons. Others who have finding a suitable player who will bowl games at the first of the time since early May. The second ered by the big bat of Johnny Mize, one in each game. His first round- game and gave Tom Ferrick his The question which must be gained two letters at SMU include be ready for conference play as a year. game went 10 innings. New York’s defending champion tripper started Bob Feller on the eighth victory of the season. solved for the Aggies is the same Co-captain Bobby Collier, Neal Yankees soared into first place in road to his 10th defeat of the sea Cleveland dropped into fourth as that on four of the other Franklin, and Bob Vann, tackles; the seething American League race son. His second, and 15th of the place, a game and a half behind the SWC campuses—who will be the Bill Richards, halfbacks; Sam yesterday by sweeping both ends campaign, came with a man on base Red Sox, who topped the Chicago quarterback ? Wood, center, and Bill Sullivan, of a doubleheader from the Cleve and gave Lefty Ed Lopat more White Sox, 6-1, in Boston. Gardemal First end. land Indians, 4-3 and 3-0. than enough runs to register his Red Sox 6, White Sox At the present time, Dick Garde Players with one letter and pro 1'he Yankees’ twin victories for fifth straight triumph over his bable lettermen in the coming sea ces a complete revision in the first Cleveland cousins. Boston, Aug. 31—CP)—By scor mal, who last year directed the MORE MONEV ing four unearned runs in the Cadets to a 27-27 tie with SMU, son are Johnny Chapipion, Pat division. New York took the lead Mize also collected a couple of Knight, Gene Roberts, H. N. Rus from Deti’oit, which had a twi- third Boston's Red Sox, registered is in the top spot, having a year of line singles, missed a third homer their 15th victory in their last 16 experience behind him. sell, Jr., Henry Stollenwerck, I. Specials for Thurs., Friday & Sat. - Aug. 31 - Sept, 1 & 2 night doubleheader on tap in Wash by the narrowest of margins, and D. Russell, and Fred Benners, ington, by one game. games yesterday, a 6-1 decision Sophomores Ray Graves and Dar- drew a walk in the eighth inning over Chicago. The Chicagoans com backs; Herschel Forester, guard; The Tigers had been on top for of the first game that eventually rbw Hooper and Gardemal’s class- Dick Hightower, center; Charles No. 3 Diamond Tall Can 81 consecutive days, since June 10. mitted three errors in Boston’s became the winning run. four run third inning. Perry, tackle; and Ben White, end. A pinch single by Tommy Hen- Cubs 6, Dodgers 5 ★ Rice ★ Tomatoes.................. 10c Carnation Milk........ 12c rich in the eighth inning follow Consolidated ing walks to Mize and Billy John- Chicago, Aug 31—CP)—Walt Rice Institute will be stronger Diamond No. 300 18 Oz. Dubiel scored the first victory of than everyone thinks, mainly be his career over the Dodgers yes cause of its experienced backfield. With linemen comparable to right Pork & Beans . 3 for 23c Post Toasties...........25c Battalion terday as the Cubs beat Brooklyn Eleven Begins 6-5. Dubiel needed help in the tackle Paul Giroski, 6’ 5” and 235 No. 303 ninth from relief pitcher Bob Rush pounds, the Owls should do all Pillsbury—9 Oz. and shortstop Roy Smalley right. SPORTS Rush put down the Brooks after With some 56 gridsters expect Del Dixi Hominy ... 5c Hot Roll Mix. ........ 29c Practice Friday they had scored two runs on Dub ed to be fighting for berths start TUBS., AUG. 31, 1950 Page 3 No Limit iel. Smalley made a diving catch ing tomorrow at Rice, Head Coach Franco American— Oz. The A&M Consolidated Ti-*- of Gil Hodges’ liner with the bases Jess Neely isn’t feeling as sure gers will be on the move again loaded and two out in the ninth. as he was last year, for the heavy, Sugar.............5 lbs. 46c Spaghetti. 2 for 25c Giants 4, Pirates 0 hard-hitting line which made the tomorrow when workouts be Blue and Gray the fifth team in Heinz—1 Gallon gin in Tiger Stadium. Pittsburgh, Aug. 31—(A5)—Sal the nation is gone.