A. Call to Order.

B. Roll Call and Pledge of Allegiance.

C. Approval of Minutes from March 4, 2019.

D. Appearances.

1. A Proclamation Declaring March as “March for Meals Month” in the City of Monona.

E. Public Hearing. (None)

F. Consent Agenda.

1. Approval of Application for 2018/2019 Operator License: a. Johnetta D. Walters, Speedway – Monona Drive

2. Approval of Applications for 2018/2020 Operator Licenses: a. Kevin J. Conley, Speedway – Royal Avenue

G. Council Action Items.

1. Unfinished Business.

a. Consideration of Resolution 19-3-2329 Approval of a Cost Sharing Agreement Between the City of Madison and the City of Monona for the Reconstruction of Bridge Road (Public Works Committee).

b. Consideration of Resolution 19-3-2330 Approving a Proposal from MSA Professional Services for Design and Construction Administration Services for the Winnequah Road Bridge Replacement Project (Public Works Committee).

c. Consideration of Resolution 19-3-2331 Proclaiming the Month of May as Historic Preservation and Archaeology Month (Landmarks Commission).

2. New Business.

* a. Consideration of Resolution 19-3-2336 Resolution Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of $6,000,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2019A (Finance Director).

b. Consideration of Ordinance 3-19-715 Amending Chapter 395-8 of the Code of Ordinances Concerning the Removal of Snow and Ice from Sidewalks (Public Works Committee).

* c. Consideration of Resolution 19-3-2334 Approving a Proposal for Replacement of the Police Records Management System (Police Chief).

* d. Consideration of Resolution 19-3-2335 Purchase Approval of Two Police Vehicles (Police Chief).

e. Consideration of Resolution 19-3-2339 Initiating Planning for Creation of Tax Increment District #10 (City Administrator/Economic Development Director).

f. Convene in Closed Session under Wisconsin Statute Section 19.85(1)(e), Deliberating or negotiating the purchase of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session (City Facilities Solar Panels Contract) and section 19.85(1)(c) Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility (Hiring of City Planner/Assistant Economic Development Director).

g. Reconvene in Open Session under Wisconsin Statute Section 19.85(2).

h. Discussion and Possible Action on Items Arising from Closed Session (City Facilities Solar Panels Contract).

* i. Consideration of Resolution 19-3-2340 Approving an Employment Agreement for the Position of City Planner/Assistant Economic Development Director (City Administrator/Economic Development Director).

H. Reports of Committees, Commissions, Boards, Mayor, City Administrator, City Attorney, and Department Managers.

1. Agendas, Supporting Documents, and Minutes are Available on the Monona Web Page –

I. Appointments.

J. Adjournment.

*Request for immediate action

NOTE: Upon reasonable notice, the City of Monona will accommodate the needs of disabled individuals through auxiliary aids or services. For additional information or to request this service, contact Joan Andrusz at (608) 222-2525 (not a TDD telephone number) Fax: (608) 222-9225 or through the City Police Department TDD telephone number 441-0399. The public is notified that any final action taken at a previous meeting may be reconsidered pursuant to the City of Monona ordinances. A suspension of the rules may allow for final action to be taken on an item of New Business. It is possible that members of and a possible quorum of members of other governmental bodies of the municipality may be in attendance at the above stated meeting to gather information or speak about a subject over which they have decision-making responsibility. Any governmental body at the above stated meeting will take no action other than the governmental body specifically referred to above in this notice. POSTED March 14, 2019 on the City Hall, Library, and Community Center bulletin boards and on the City of Monona’s website

S:\City Council\AGENDAS\AGENDA Council 3-18-19.docx


The regular meeting of the Monona City Council was called to order by Acting Mayor Wood at 7:01 p.m.

Present: Council President Doug Wood, Alderpersons Nancy Moore, Chad Speight, Andrew Kitslaar, Jennifer Kuhr, and Molly Grupe

Excused: Mayor Mary K. O’Connor

Also Present: City Administrator Bryan Gadow, Finance Director Marc Houtakker, Public Works Director Dan Stephany, and City Clerk Joan Andrusz



Alder Moore requested the following amendments:

Page 3, last paragraph, “Nuclear energy is not renewable emission free…” Page 4, first paragraph, “…efforts for carbon reductions…” Page 4, third paragraph, “Alder Moore agreed to move schools into the community bucket and…”

A motion by Alder Grupe, seconded by Alder Kitslaar to approve the Minutes of the February 18, 2019 City Council meeting as amended, was carried.


The following individuals registered in favor of the 100% Clean Energy Resolution:

Dan Costello, 5705 Cove Circle Beth Esser, 6009 Ridgewood Avenue Heather Gates, 207 West Dean Avenue Lisa Gundlach, 404 Midland Lane John Sumi, Madison Gas & Electric Bernadette Caldwell, 5007 McKenna Road

The following individuals appeared before the Council and spoke in favor of the 100% Clean Energy Resolution:

Teresa Radermacher, 5201 McKenna Road Abby Attoun, 2017 Bristol Street, Middleton Don Ferber, 4700 Allis Avenue, Madison Peter McKeever, 6302 Southern Circle Kristie Schilling, 4502 Gordon Avenue Mark Buffat, 4912 Wallace Avenue

The petition that was submitted at the last meeting was presented to Acting Mayor Wood with 19 additional signatures of individuals registering in favor of the 100% Clean Energy Resolution.


There was no Public Hearing.

MONONA CITY COUNCIL March 4, 2019 Page 2


A motion by Alder Moore, seconded by Alder Speight to approve the following, was carried:

1. Approval of Application for 2018/2019 Operator License:

a. Jake R. Dorow, O’Connell’s Liquor

2. Approval of Applications for 2018/2020 Operator Licenses:

a. Tonya A. Baumann, Breakwater b. Lisa M. Putnam, Breakwater


Alder Moore offered a substitute Resolution 19-2-2238 A Resolution to Address Climate Change Through 100 Percent Clean Energy and Resilience with amendments that include the typographical errors City Attorney William Cole and Alder Grupe found; definitions, including a new one; and a 7th “Whereas” section that now includes more accurate figures. Members spoke in favor of this action and commend the community and City Council for forcing action on this. Members stated that Alder Kuhr’s previous comment regarding softening the language for future Councils was considered, but a strong statement and leadership by example was desired. Actions by this Council could be changed by any future Council but there is a demand for this action and work can be done locally.

Alder Moore reported costs are going down; a plan and specific projects will be brought to the Council for approval. The City is now 20% renewable; steps that could be taken now to increase that were outlined. MG&E can provide data on community-wide renewable energy use after tonight’s action. Alder Kuhr stated she supports this Resolution but cautioned that planning efforts need to be mindful of the fact that more work is required from staff who are already stretched thin.

A motion by Alder Moore, seconded by Alder Speight to approve Substitute 19-2-2238 A Resolution to Address Climate Change Through 100 Percent Clean Energy and Resilience, was carried.

City Administrator Gadow reported the Four Lakes Yacht Club settlement and the Firefighters Local 311 contract have been approved, signed, and returned to the City with terms as stated before. Members agree there is no need to Convene in Closed Session under Wisconsin Statute section 19.85(1)(g) Conferring with legal counsel for the governmental body who is rendering oral or written advice concerning strategy to be adopted by the body with respect to litigation in which it is or is likely to become involved (Four Lakes Yacht Club v. City of Monona, et al) and section 19.85(1)(e) Deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session (Firefighters Local 311 contract).


Public Works Director Stephany provided information on Resolution 19-3-2329 Approval of a Cost Sharing Agreement Between the City of Madison and the City of Monona for the Reconstruction of Bridge Road. This will be reviewed by the Public Works Committee on March 6. It has been reviewed by the City Attorney and is similar to the Tompkins Drive and Atwood Avenue agreements. Costs will be

MONONA CITY COUNCIL March 4, 2019 Page 3

adjusted based upon actual costs; bids received on Thursday were $30,000 less than the engineer’s estimates. He will confirm that materials removed will be recycled for re-use.

Public Works Director Stephany provided information on Resolution 19-3-2330 Approving a Proposal from MSA Professional Services for Design and Construction Administration Services for the Winnequah Road Bridge Replacement Project. This will be reviewed by the Public Works Committee on March 6. The 2019 Capital Budget includes $19,000 for design services. Vierbicher Associates doesn’t have staff with bridge expertise. MSA Professional Services has extensive experience and bid lower than Strand Associates. Gregg Borucki’s positive history on Monona projects and the bridge’s history and condition were reviewed. The City qualifies for a Dane County 50% reimbursable grant. The RFP states that one lane will be open at all times during construction.

City Administrator Gadow provided an Update/Discussion on Status of WI DNR Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Grant Application. He recently contacted the DNR to address the questions and objections they raised and has re-submitted the application addressing those questions. He will look into whether reducing the amount could avoid review. Alder Kuhr urged members to contact legislators because the Governor’s budget renewed the stewardship for 2 years, not the usual 5 years.

A motion by Alder Kuhr, seconded by Alder Speight to suspend the rules and take action on Resolution 19-3-2332 Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of $6,000,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2019A, was carried.

Finance Director Houtakker reported this authorizes Financial Consultant Jeff Belongia to start working with bond holders for 2019 Capital Budget borrowing. This includes TIF, water, stormwater, additional TIF, and the Four Lakes Yacht Club settlement. The settlement will come from the Fund Balance and then from the TIF.

A motion by Alder Speight, seconded by Alder Kuhr to approve Resolution 19-3-2332 Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of $6,000,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2019A. On a roll call vote, all members voted in favor of the motion.

Acting Mayor Wood provided information on Resolution 19-3-2331 Proclaiming the Month of May as Historic Preservation and Archaeology Month. This is a federal and statewide event. A plaque will be installed on the Monona Mound on north Monona Drive. The dedication will be at the Library to provide enough room and safety for attendees. The plaque will be on display at the Library prior to the event.

A motion by Alder Grupe, seconded by Alder Kitslaar to suspend the rules and take action on Resolution 19-3-2333 A Resolution Approving the Terms of a Two-Year Contract with International Association of Firefighters Local 311, was carried.

A motion by Alder Moore, seconded by Alder Grupe to approve Resolution 19-3-2333 A Resolution Approving the Terms of a Two-Year Contract with International Association of Firefighters Local 311, was carried.


Alder Moore thanks the community and Sustainability Committee for tonight’s action. A resident survey, due in June, is up and running online and paper copies are available at City buildings.

City Clerk Andrusz announced the new electronic poll books, Badger Books, will be used at the April 2 Spring Election. They will be used for voter check-in, registrations, and absentee processing. Staff and

MONONA CITY COUNCIL March 4, 2019 Page 4

Election Inspectors are being extensively trained, but she asked for voter’s patience with this new equipment launch.

City Administrator Gadow reported a press release announcing tonight’s 100% Clean Energy action will be out tomorrow. In-person Planner interviews will take place on Thursday with a mid-April start date. The public hearing on the sign code draft will be held at the Plan Commission meeting next Monday at 7:00 p.m.

Acting Mayor Wood welcomes new Police Officer Jesse Mashak. On March 10 at 2:00 p.m. Melanie Lichtfeld will perform as activist Belle Boyd at the Dean House.


There were no Appointments.


A motion by Alder Kitslaar, seconded by Alder Grupe to adjourn, was carried. (8:07 p.m.)

Joan Andrusz City Clerk

Resolution 19-3-2329 Monona Common Council


WHEREAS, Madison and Monona have determined the need for the reconstruction of Bridge Road, from Winnequah Road to West Broadway; and,

WHEREAS, the Bridge Road right-of-way in the Project area is in both Madison and Monona; and,

WHEREAS, Section 66.0301 Wisconsin Statutes, authorizes cities, villages, towns, counties, and other public agencies to enter into agreements for the joint exercise of any power or duty required or authorized by law; and,

WHEREAS, it is in both parties’ interests to enter into a cost sharing agreement relating to the Project; and,

WHEREAS, on March 6, 2019, the Public Works Committee reviewed the agreement and recommended approval.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Common Council of the City of Monona, Dane County, Wisconsin, that the attached Cost Sharing Agreement between the City of Monona and the City of Madison for the reconstruction of Bridge Road is hereby approved.

Adopted this ______day of ______, 2019.


Mary K. O’Connor Mayor

ATTEST: Joan Andrusz City Clerk

Approval Recommended By: Public Works Committee – 3/6/19

Council Action: Date Introduced: 3-4-19 Date Approved: _____ Date Disapproved: _____

City of Monona  Original ______Update Substitute No. ______POLICY AND FISCAL NOTE Resolution No. 19-3-2329 Ordinance Amendment No. ______Title: Cost Sharing Agreement with Madison – Reconstruction of Bridge Road

Policy Analysis Statement: Brief Description Of Proposal: The 2019 Capital Budget includes funding for Monona’s share of the Bridge Road Reconstruction Project. Design has been completed by Stand Associates, with cost estimates for each City detailed below. Monona will lead the project and invoice the City of Madison periodically throughout the project. Work is scheduled to begin after the July 4th holiday. The agreement has been approved by Attorney Cole and by the City of Madison.

Current Policy Or Practice: Monona has partnered with the City of Madison on several road reconstruction projects (Monona Drive, Tompkins Drive, Atwood Ave., Bridge Road.).

Impact Of Adopting Proposal:

Agency Allocation of Bid Construction Engineering Total Estimated Items Contingency (Design and Construction) Project Cost (~7%) City of Madison – $580,000 $40,000 $84,900 $704,900 Street City of Madison – $325,000 $25,000 None $350,000 Sewer (Paid by Madison) City of Monona – $670,000 $47,000 $74,100 $791,100 Street City of Monona - $380,000 $27,000 $42,000 $449,000 Bridge City of Monona – $400,000 $28,000 $44,200 $472,200 Water Totals: $2,355,000 $167,000 $245,200 $2,767,200

City of Monona: $1,712,300 City of Madison: $$1,054,900 Total: $2,767,200

Prices will be adjusted accordingly, based on bid amounts received.

Fiscal Estimate: Fiscal Effect (check/circle all that apply) Budget Effect:  No fiscal effect  Expenditure authorized in budget ___ Creates new expenditure account ___ No change to budget required ___ Creates new revenue account ___ Expenditure not authorized in budget ___ Increases expenditures ___ Budget amendment required ___ Increases revenues Vote Required: ___ Increases/decreases fund balance ______Fund  Majority ___ Two-Thirds

Narrative/assumptions About Long Range Fiscal Effect:

Expenditure/Revenue Changes:

Budget Amendment No. ______No Budget Amendment Required _______ Budget Amended Account Number Account Name Prior to Debit Credit Budget Change Fund CC Account Object 400 57 57330 832 Bridge Road Reconstruction $2,075,200 $2,075,200


Prepared By: Department: Public Works Prepared By: Daniel Stephany, Director of Public Works Date: February 28, 2019 Reviewed By: Marc Houtakker, Finance Director Date: February 28, 2019

Page 1 of 5


THIS AGREEMENT, is made and entered into by and between the City of Madison, a Wisconsin municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as “Madison”), and the City of Monona, a Wisconsin municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as “Monona”), effective as of the date by which both parties have signed hereunder.


WHEREAS, Madison and Monona have determined that Bridge Road is in need of reconstruction (“the Project”); and,

WHEREAS, the Project will be financed by a combination of Madison, Monona, and Dane County Bridge Aid Funds; and,

WHEREAS, the Project is to be funded in accordance with past policies of cost sharing on similar projects; and,

WHEREAS, the corporate limits between Madison and Monona run along the centerline of approximately .232 miles of Bridge Road (“the Joint Roadway”), and overall project length of .417 miles; and,

WHEREAS, the parties have each determined that it is cost effective and beneficial to perform the road improvements to the Joint Roadway at the same time; and,

WHEREAS, the parties have agreed to share the cost of the road improvements to the Joint Roadway and wish to formalize their agreement pursuant to Section 66.0301 Wis. Stats.; and

WHEREAS, both Madison and Monona own underground utilities within the limits of the Project and, as part of the Project, have decided to replace some or all of such utilities in conjunction with the road improvements at their own respective costs.

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained in this Agreement, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby mutually acknowledged, the parties hereby agree as follows:

1. The Project shall consist of the reconstruction of Bridge Road, from Winnequah Road to West Broadway, to an improved roadway with bicycle and pedestrian facilities, as more fully described in the Project engineering plans dated February 7, 2019, which are incorporated herein by reference.

2. Monona shall be the lead agency for the Project.

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3. The Parties agree to the joint financial participation in the costs for the road improvements to the Joint Roadway as set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto. In the event the actual costs of construction exceed the amounts shown on Exhibit A, the parties shall be responsible for the excess amount in proportion to the amounts set forth in Exhibit A, unless otherwise agreed to in writing. Notwithstanding the previous sentences of this subsection, Madison and Monona will be solely responsible for the costs for underground utility improvements under their respective jurisdictions as part of the Project.

4. Monona will invoice Madison for its respective share of the Project costs as it is invoiced for the work. Madison will pay Monona within 60 days after receipt of the invoice.

5. Non-Discrimination. In the performance of the obligations under this Agreement, the Parties agree to abide by their own respective affirmative action plans and in doing so agree not to discriminate, in violation of any state or federal law, against any employee or applicant because of race, religion, marital status, age, color, sex, handicap, national origin or ancestry, income level or source of income, arrest record or conviction record, less than honorable discharge, physical appearance, sexual orientation, gender identity, political beliefs, or student status. The parties further agree not to discriminate, in violation of any state or federal law, against any subcontractor or person who offers to subcontract on this Agreement because of race, religion, color, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or national origin.

6. Liability. Each party shall be responsible its own acts, errors or omissions and for the acts, errors or omissions of its employees, officers, officials, agents, boards, committees and commissions, and shall be responsible for any losses, claims, and liabilities that are attributable to such acts, errors, or omissions including providing its own defense, arising out of this Agreement. In situations involving joint liability, each party shall only be responsible for such losses, claims, and liabilities that are attributable to its own acts, errors, or omissions and the acts, errors or omissions of its employees, officers, officials, agents, boards, committees and commissions. It is not the intent of either party to waive, limit or otherwise modify the protections and limitations of liability found in Wis. Stat. 893.80 or any other protections available to the parties by law. This paragraph shall survive the termination or expiration of this agreement.

7. Notice. Any notice or offer or demand required to be sent hereunder shall be sent by United States mail at the Parties’ respective addresses set forth below. Each notice shall be deemed to have been received on the date of postmark, if sent by certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed to:

Name Address

City of Madison City Engineer 210 MLK Jr. Blvd., Room 115 Madison, WI 53703

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City of Monona City Administrator 5211 Schluter Road Monona, WI 53716

8. Final Agreement. This Agreement entered into by the Parties on this date constitutes the entire agreement of the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, and may only be modified or supplemented by an additional writing between the Parties. This Agreement shall be governed by, construed, interpreted, and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Wisconsin. The invalidity of any provision of this Agreement shall not impair or affect in any manner the validity, enforceability or effect of the rest of this Agreement.

9. Construction. The Parties acknowledge that this Agreement is the product of negotiations between the Parties and that, prior to the execution hereof, each Party has had full and adequate opportunity to have this Agreement reviewed by, and to obtain the advice of, its own legal counsel with respect hereto. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed more strictly for or against, any Party because that Party’s attorney drafted this Agreement or any part hereof.

10. Miscellaneous.

a. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each or which shall be deemed an original, and all of which taken together shall constitute one and the same Agreement.

b. All addenda and exhibits attached to this Agreement shall be considered part of this Agreement and the terms and conditions in such addenda and exhibits shall be binding upon all parties.

c. This Agreement is intended to benefit the parties hereto and their respective officials and shall not be construed to create any right or benefit on behalf of any person, firm, corporation or other entity not a party hereto.

d. Each party warrants for itself that it has complied with all applicable statutes, rules, orders, ordinances, regulations and requirements to execute this Agreement and that the person executing this Agreement on its behalf is authorized to do so.

e. The parties agree to comply with all applicable state and federal laws in performing the work under this agreement, including but not limited to any applicable wage laws and public bidding laws.

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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this AGREEMENT effective as of the last date of signature below.


Date Signed:______Mary K. O’Connor, Mayor

Date Signed:______Joan Andrusz, City Clerk

Date Signed:______Marc Houtakker, Finance Director

Date Signed:______William S. Cole, City Attorney

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______Paul Soglin, Mayor Date

______Maribeth Witzel-Behl, City Clerk Date


Approved as to form:

______David P. Schmiedicke, Finance Director Date

______Michael P. May, City Attorney Date

______Eric Veum, Risk Manager Date

Execution of this Agreement by the City was authorized by Resolution Enactment No. RES-___-______, ID No. ______, adopted by the Common Council of the City of Madison on ______, 20____.

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Bridge Road Construction Allocation of Construction and Engineering Costs

Agency Allocation of Construction Engineering Total Estimated Bid Items Contingency (Design and Project Cost (~7%) Construction) City of Madison – $580,000 $40,000 $84,900 $704,900 Street City of Madison – $325,000 $25,000 None $350,000 Sewer (Paid by Madison) City of Monona – $670,000 $47,000 $74,100 $791,100 Street City of Monona - $380,000 $27,000 $42,000 $449,000 Bridge City of Monona – $400,000 $28,000 $44,200 $472,200 Water Totals: $2,355,000 $167,000 $245,200 $2,767,200

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Resolution No. 19-3-2330 Monona Common Council


WHEREAS, the 2019 Capital Budget provides $85,000 in funding for the Winnequah Road Bridge Replacement project design services; and,

WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works received proposals from MSA Professional Services and Strand Associates on February 22, 2019, with MSA Professional Services submitting the lowest price proposal; and,

WHEREAS, the 2019 design services fee totals $73,130, and the 2020 bidding and construction services fee totals $16,320, for a combined total of $89,450; and,

WHEREAS, the Public Works Committee, at its March 6, 2019 meeting, reviewed the proposals and recommended accepting the proposal submitted by MSA Professional Services in the amount of $89,450.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Common Council of the City of Monona, Dane County, Wisconsin, that the proposal by MSA Professional Services in the amount of $89,450 to provide design, bidding and construction administration services for the Winnequah Road Bridge Replacement Project is hereby approved.

Adopted this ______day of ______, 2019.


Mary K. O’Connor Mayor

ATTEST: Joan Andrusz City Clerk

Approval Recommended By: Public Works Committee – 3/6/19

Council Action: Date Introduced: 3-4-19 Date Approved: ______Date Disapproved: ______City of Monona  Original ______Update Substitute No. ______POLICY AND FISCAL NOTE Resolution No. 19-3-2330 Ordinance Amendment No. ______Title: MSA Professional Services Contract – Winnequah Road Bridge Replacement Project

Policy Analysis Statement: Brief Description Of Proposal: The 2019 Capital Budget includes $85,000 in funding to complete design services for the replacement of the Winnequah Road bridge on Pirate Island. A request for proposals was sent to MSA, Strand, and Vierbicher. MSA’s proposal provided the lowest cost for services, and their team has extensive experience with bridge design and completion of bridge projects. Vierbicher decided not to submit a proposal. The proposal provided by MSA includes $73,130 for design services and $16,320 for construction administration services, for a total proposed price of $89,450.

Current Policy Or Practice: $73,130 will be covered under the 2019 capital budget. If approved, $16,320 will be allocated to the 2020 capital budget, as these services are completed during reconstruction. The funds listed below do not include the cost of reconstruction. Reconstruction cost estimates will be provided after final design is completed, and request for funding will be made through the capital budget approval process.

Impact Of Adopting Proposal:

Winnequah Road Bridge 2019 2020 Design Services $73,130 Construction Admin. Services $16,320

Fiscal Estimate: Fiscal Effect (check/circle all that apply) Budget Effect:  No fiscal effect  Expenditure authorized in budget ___ Creates new expenditure account ___ No change to budget required ___ Creates new revenue account ___ Expenditure not authorized in budget ___ Increases expenditures ___ Budget amendment required ___ Increases revenues Vote Required: ___ Increases/decreases fund balance: Capital Fund.  Majority ___ Two-Thirds

Narrative/assumptions About Long Range Fiscal Effect:

Expenditure/Revenue Changes: Budget Amendment No. No Budget Amendment Required ___x____ Budget Amended Account Number Account Name Prior to Debit Credit Budget Change Fund CC Account Object 400 57 57330 983 Bridge Road Reconstruction Design $73,130 $73,130

Prepared By: Department: Public Works Prepared By: Daniel Stephany, Dir Public Works Date: February 28, 2019 Reviewed By: Marc Houtakker, Finance Director Date: February 28, 2019

Statement of Qualifications to Provide Design Engineering Services for the Replacement of: Winnequah Road Bridge

Prepared for: City of Monona - Public Works & Utilities February 22, 2019

February 22, 2019

Dan Stephany, DPW City of Monona 5211 Schluter Road Monona, WI 53716

Re: Winnequah Road Bridge Replacement RFP

Dear Mr. Stephany:

Thank you for allowing MSA Professional Services, Inc. (MSA) the opportunity to submit a proposal for design, bidding and construction services associated with the Winnequah Road bridge replacement project.

We have provided the City of Monona with a very experienced project team with recent experience in “island” access bridge projects. Gregg Borucki and Leah Rhodes combined have completed over 200 bridge design and construction projects, not to mention the many municipal and WisDOT bridge projects MSA has completed over the years.

Similar to the Belle Isle road projects, public involvement and communication will be a key component to the success of the project. We look forward to working with the City of Monona and the residents in the Pirate Island area to provide new and safe access.

The staff and management at MSA take pride in meeting our clients’ expectations. We welcome the opportunity to work with you on this important project. Please give us a call to discuss our qualifications and feel free to call our references as listed with the representative projects.

Sincerely, MSA Professional Services, Inc.

Gregg Borucki, PE Leah Rhodes, PE Project Manager Lead Structural Engineer (608) 355-8959 (608) 355-8945 [email protected] [email protected] Table of Contents








MSA PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, INC. 1702 Pankratz Street, Madison, WI 53704

Contact: Gregg Borucki, PE Leah Rhodes, PE Phone: (608) 355-8959 (608) 355-8945 Email: [email protected] [email protected] Website:


Corporate Overview MSA Professional Services, Inc. professionals based in 16 offices across with bridge construction and inspection, as (MSA) specializes in the sustainable six states, our technical teams collaborate well as design. This in-the-field experience development of communities. We achieve to assist communities throughout the provides our design team with valuable this by building honest, open relationships United States. insight that results in high-quality, low- that go beyond the project to become a maintenance projects for our clients. trusted source of expertise and support In the past five years alone, our for immediate challenges and long-term transportation teams have completed As an employee-owned company, MSA goals. Big or small, we do whatever it more than 50 bridge designs, which has additional value to offer its clients takes to meet each need, working to make have required public involvement and communities. Every professional communities stronger in the process. It’s efforts, environmental documentation in the company has a vested interest in more than a project. It’s a commitment. and analysis, traffic engineering, utility each project’s success. MSA has built coordination, right-of-way plat preparation, a corporate culture based on enduring MSA’s roots reach back to the 1930s. and structure and roadway design in relationships, highly skilled professionals, Once a rural land survey company, our accordance with FHWA and WisDOT’s and respect for community and the firm now consists of approximately 325 procedures. Our team has experience environment. 325 63 168 LICENSED + CERTIFIED INDUSTRY AWARDS TEAM EARNED SINCE 2010 PROFESSIONALS MEMBERS

$500 MILLION 100% GRANTS & LOW-INTEREST LOANS employee we’ve helped our clients secure to offset the cost ofinfrastructure owned projects



The project will be divided into three main components: design, • Plan production bidding and construction. Here is a condensed scope of services • Coordination with the City of Monona to be provided for the project. Opinion of Probable Cost

Design Services • Opinion of Probable Cost – 60% plans • Opinion of Probable Cost – 90% plans Meetings • Opinion of Probable Cost – Final plans • Kickoff meeting with Monona Staff • Design meeting with Monona Public Works Committee Final Roadway plans • Design meeting with Monona City Council • Public informational meeting • Final roadway design • Plan production • Details Surveying • Coordination with the City of Monona • Digger’s Hotline locate • Topographic survey Final Structure Plans • Property/right of way • Structure survey report • Final design • Plan production Geotechnical Permitting • Geotechnical/subsurface investigation – two borings to a depth of 100 feet • General Permits – WDNR, Army Corp, Dane County (Erosion • Coordination with geotechnical subconsultant Control) • Subsurface investigation report • Watermain – WDNR • Sanitary Sewer – WDNR, CARPC, MMSD Utilities Grants / Funding • Letters to utilities identifying conflicts, project schedule, etc. • Coordination with utilities for final design/work plans • Dane County Bridge Aid

Preliminary Roadway Plans Specifications

• Preliminary alignments in relationship to the right of way • Specifications • Plan production • Special procedures • Details • Bidding documents • Watermain layout • Contracts/ Agreement • Sanitary sewer layout • Storm sewer layout Bidding Services Online Bidding Preliminary Structure Plans • Ad for Bid • Hydrology/hydraulic sizing • Quest online bidding setup • Evaluate four (4) options (includes “do nothing”) for the • Contractor questions proposed structure • Addendums • Schematic layout (plan view) • Bid Opening • Asbestos inspection • Bid Tabulation


• Review contractor bids Assumptions • Letter of recommendation • Stormwater infrastructure shall be “replaced in kind.” • Notice of Award • No archeological, historical, or wetland investigations are • Execution of Contract Documents included in the proposal. • Six (6) hard copies of plans and specifications printed (2 - Construction Services City of Monona, 2 - MSA and 2 - Contractor). Construction Administration • Fees for permit applications are unknown at this time and are not included in this proposal. • Preconstruction meeting • Materials testing shall be completed by the contractor. • Progress meetings • A WDNR dredging permit is not included in the project. • Shop drawing review/RFIs • The sanitary sewer siphon/bypass design and reconstruction • Construction Staking is not included in this proposal and would be considered • Pay applications/quantities additional work. • Punchlist and final walk-through • Bid opening will be done electronically. An in-person opening • Record drawings is not anticipated. • Bridge inspection • Title search updates are not anticipated but could be provided for $75 each. Construction Inspection If the City of Monona would prefer full-time inspection on all or • Project inspection (periodic and at critical construction parts of the project, that can be discussed and added to the stages – assumed 80 hours in the field, plus travel time) project. Specific rates are provided in the Proposed Cost section of this proposal.


The MSA team presented in this proposal has the experience, resources, and capacity to successfully complete this bridge project for the City of Monona. The team presented represents three core strengths at MSA which are: bridge replacement experience, full design service resources, and capacity to do the work.


• In the past five years, MSA's bridge staff have completed more than 50 bridge projects to WisDOT standards following the requirements of the WisDOT Facilities Development Manual and the WisDOT Bridge Manual. • MSA has completed similar urban bridge replacement projects to the Winnequah Road bridge, with similar project sites, schedules, and environmental constraints. • The MSA Bridge Team is annually rated highly by WisDOT Bureau of Structures, receiving numerous WisDOT Best-In-State Bridge Design Awards.


MSA is a full service firm capable of handling the technical and professional demands of an urban bridge replacement. What sets MSA apart is the in-house availability of these technical professionals to assist, guide, or perform work on the small, yet important aspects of a project. These professionals are located in the same office as our bridge and roadway design teams, assuring quick turnaround.

• Certified Bridge Inspectors – MSA has four certified bridge inspectors that can help identify existing bridge and stream channel issues for the designers that will make the proposed design more durable, long-lasting, and cost-effective. • Real Estate Specialists – MSA completes real estate negotiations and appraisals for WisDOT and local projects across the state. Real Estate Specialists are available for questions and to assist the City with acquiring any necessary temporary easements or permanent right of way, if any plat work ends up being required. • Planners – MSA has a full-service planning division that also works across the state. Planners are available and willing to share their toolbox of expertise in public involvement and Community Sensitive Design. • Surveyors – MSA performs full service survey work, including field surveys, CSMs and plat development. MSA’s survey team is ready to assist in preparing legal descriptions and a plat, if needed. • Construction Management – MSA provides construction observation and management services for WisDOT and local projects throughout the state. The MSA construction staff is always just a phone call away and willing to help answer constructability questions. Our construction engineers review our construction plans and documents for potential issues with bidding, awarding, staging, and overall constructability. This valuable resource helps to minimize costly change orders during construction.


The proposed MSA design team, led by Gregg Borucki, has a staff of highly available engineers and technicians with experience in bridge replacement projects. Additional engineers and technicians with structural experience are available in other offices across the state. The benefit of this depth of experience and number of experienced staff members is the flexibility to meet the project schedule and workload needs. We submit this proposal with the confirmation that we have the capacity to meet the City’s needs and target milestones while providing excellent client service.


Gregg Borucki, PE Leah Rhodes, PE Project Manager Lead Structural Engineer

Gregg is a civil engineer with nearly 30 years of experience Leah leads our structures team at MSA. She has worked on focusing on design and construction administration projects. numerous bridge replacement and rehabilitation projects, Gregg oversees all project coordination, public involvement, including bridge replacement projects on high-volume urban project development, design, budgets, client communication streets. In addition to project management, her expertise includes and construction. He has worked with various municipalities, the design of slab and girder bridges, box culverts, retaining walls, developers, WisDOT, contractors and private clients. Past and other miscellaneous sign and signal structures. Leah has successful projects include municipal bridges and box culverts, excellent communication skills and has successfully managed roadways, highways, subdivisions, bike trails, stormwater numerous bridge replacement projects to meet milestones and management, watermain improvements, master plans and provide quality deliverables. roadway maintenance programs.

Education Education M.S., Structural Engineering B.S., Civil Engineering Washington University (St. Louis) University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee B.S., Civil Engineering Registration Washington University (St. Louis) Professional Engineer, WI Registration Selected Project Experience Professional Engineer, WI, IA, MN • IH 94 Bridges Construction, Tomah, WI • STH 113 Bridge Construction, Lodi, WI Selected Project Experience • Fair Street & Pleasant Street Bridge Construction, Lodi, WI* • Illinois Avenue, Wisconsin Dells, WI nd • N. 2 Street Utility Crossing, Watertown, WI • Opal Road over Brush Creek, Monroe County, WI • STH 27 Utility Design & Construction, Eastman, WI • N. 2nd Street Bridge, Watertown, WI • Belle Isle Neighborhood Road Design & Construction, • Milwaukee Street Bridge, Madison, WI Monona, WI* • Pine River Bridge, Redgranite, WI • Belle Isle Dredging Project, Monona, WI* • West Milwaukee Bridge, Janesville, WI • Fireman’s Park Site Development, Monona, WI* • STH 182 Bridge, Park Falls, WI • Monona Drive Phase 3 Utility Construction, Monona, WI* • Arndt Street Bridge, Fond du Lac, WI • Vortex Optics Campus & Industrial Park Development, • Lake Street Bridge, Horicon, WI Barnaveld, WI • E Main Street Bridge, Sparta, WI • STH 113/78 Utility Design & Construction, Merrimac, WI* • Gillette Drive over Belle Fountain Creek, Green Lake • Stage Coach Road Reconstruction, Cross Plains, WI County, WI • Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Bluff, West and Westin Street • CTH XX over Halfway Creek, La Crosse County, WI Reconstruction, Necedah, WI • CTH K over Williams Creek, Iowa County, WI • Sparta Business Park, Sparta, WI • Gateway Avenue over Hansen Creek, Monroe County, WI • CDA Facade Grant Assistance and TID Amendment, Camp • Gant Road over Yellowstone River, Lafayette County, WI Douglas, WI • CTH B over Bostwick Creek, La Crosse County, WI

*Completed prior to joining MSA.


Mark Harnois, PE Josh Sweno, PE Structural Engineer & Senior Hydraulics Engineer Construction Inspection

Mark has worked on stormwater and bridge hydraulic projects Josh’s experience includes single- and multi-span prestressed throughout the majority of his 36 years with MSA. His experience girder and concrete slab bridges, box culverts and retaining includes hydrologic and hydraulic modeling. He has analyzed walls. He has performed project engineering on numerous bridge the hydrology and hydraulics of more than 350 bridges and replacement projects and is knowledgeable on the WisDOT FDM completed several flood studies. Mr. Harnois currently spends and all the latest developments in LRFD Design. He is also a one day a week at the WisDOT Bureau of Structures, reviewing WisDOT certified bridge inspector, and he provides construction other consultants’ bridge hydraulic designs. inspection services on bridge replacement projects.

EDUCATION EDUCATION B.S., Civil Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Platteville B.S., Civil Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Platteville

REGISTRATION REGISTRATION Professional Engineer, WI Professional Engineer, WI, MN WisDOT Certified Bridge Inspector

Ron Rabska Terri Meyerhofer, PE Senior Structural Technician Project Engineer

Ron has been the lead bridge design technician at MSA for Terri provides a variety of engineering and construction-related over 30 years. He has produced more than 600 structural plan services to clients throughout southern Wisconsin. Her attention sets meeting WisDOT standards. These plans encompass new, to detail serves her well in design and in the field. In her time at replacement and rehabilitation bridge projects. Included in this MSA, she has gained experiences in each phase of the design work were box culverts, box culvert extensions, timber slabs, process including preliminary scoping, preliminary design, final concrete slabs, pre-stressed concrete girder, structural steel and design, bidding and field observation. numerous retaining walls and sign bridges. EDUCATION EDUCATION B.S. Civil Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison A.S., Civil Engineering Technology, District One Technical Institute REGISTRATION Professional Engineer, WI


This project is included to show MSA’s experience with staged bridge construction and maintaining access on a bridge leading to a dead end. The City of Wisconsin Dells, using Transportation Enhancement funds, was extending their riverfront walkway along the Wisconsin River. Teaming Project Team with another consultant to deliver this project, MSA performed structural • Leah Rhodes design and plans for seven structures in the project, including a large bridge • Mark Harnois sidewalk widening, retaining walls, and a precast three-sided concrete box • Ron Rabska culvert on Illinois Avenue. We completed the hydraulic sizing for the desired precast option.

The Illinois Avenue site was complex, being a dead-end roadway that Reference Information required staged construction and tie-ins to the approach retaining walls. David Holzem, Director of Public Works The precast, three-sided box culvert provided an alternative that was faster City of Wisconsin Dells to construct and provided the aesthetics desired by the city. This site (608) 253-2542 directly abuts the world-famous Upper Dells riverway with its many tourist [email protected] opportunities, creating the need for an aesthetic fit to the surroundings.


Opal Road over Brush Creek Monroe County, WI

This project is included to show MSA’s experience with temporary bypass structures and maintaining access on a bridge leading to a dead end. The existing Opal Road bridge was a narrow and structurally deficient 37.7-foot, single-span steel deck girder bridge on a dead-end road. The existing bridge Project Team had a load posting, and the clear roadway width was only 13.0 feet. Access • Leah Rhodes to the properties on the other side of the bridge needed to be maintained • Mark Harnois throughout construction since there was no other access for the property • Ron Rabska owners. MSA investigated overland routes, realigning the proposed road to maintain the existing bridge for access, staging the construction of a new bridge, and a temporary bypass bridge.

After cost comparisons, it was decided to utilize the temporary bypass bridge Reference Information option and maintain the existing roadway alignment. The new bridge is a 50.8-foot, Leroy Baldwin, Town Chairman single-span flat slab bridge with a clear roadway width of 24.0 feet. The new bridge is Town of Sheldon skewed to better align with the stream flow. A small drainage channel parallel to Opal (608) 487-6188 Road that flows into Brush Creek immediately upstream of the bridge needed to be realigned in order to widen the road approaches at the bridge.

Before Temporary Bypass During Construction

After Construction


Milwaukee Street Bridge Madison, WI

This project is included to show MSA’s experience with the design of single-span bridges with an urban cross section. The Milwaukee Street bridge over the East Branch of Starkweather Creek in the City of Madison was a single-span steel girder bridge adjacent to the nearby intersection Project Team with Fair Oaks Avenue. The existing bridge was deteriorating rapidly and was in • Leah Rhodes need of replacement. The City of Madison hired MSA to complete the design of • Mark Harnois the replacement structure and adjacent intersection on an expedited schedule. • Ron Rabska The project was funded through the WisDOT Local Bridge Program and followed all applicable WisDOT design procedures.

The new bridge is a single-span flat slab bridge on a similar horizontal and vertical alignment. The 87-foot-wide new structure is twice the overall width of the existing Reference Information Steve Sonntag bridge to accommodate lane configurations for the adjacent intersection, a median, City of Madison bike lanes, and wider sidewalks on the structure. The sidewalk widths are eight feet (608) 267-1997 on the north and ten feet on the south to accommodate bike and pedestrian traffic [email protected] that may wish to access a future path east of the structure.

The new structure incorporates a limestone form liner and street name text on the parapets as well as cut stone boulders to line the stream banks rather than traditional riprap.


N. 2nd Street Bridge | Three-Span Bridge Watertown, WI

This project is included to show MSA’s experience with complex urban projects involving significant public coordination. It also highlights our experience with urban utility design.

The project included the reconstruction of the N. 2nd Street Bridge over the Rock River and associated roadway approaches. The project was completed as part of the local Project Team bridge program through the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT). The • Gregg Borucki project also included sanitary sewer and water main improvements that were • Leah Rhodes completed in advance of the bridge project. • Mark Harnois • Ron Rabska The bridge project considered several structure alternatives as we evaluated various impacts and costs associated with each alternative. The alternatives took into consideration initial construction costs as well as long-term maintenance costs of the structure itself, while also balancing the impacts to the waterway and shoreline. Reference Information Jaynellen Holloway, PE - City Engineer The proposed bridge structure alternative included a three-span pre-stressed girder City of Watertown bridge with an urban cross section, raised sidewalks, and Texas-style parapets. (920) 262-4050 The southeast quadrant of the bridge included a cast-in-place cantilever retaining [email protected] wall with pile supported footings.

The sanitary sewer and water main project consisted of replacing an existing sanitary sewer siphon system. The siphon work included design of 16-inch and 10-inch sanitary sewer mains that connected into 96-inch diameter siphon structures on each side of the Rock River. Each siphon structure incorporated a 48-inch x 72- inch aluminum manhole access door, concrete divider wall, HDPE sluice gate, and a custom poured bench and flow line.


Pine River Bridge Redgranite, WI

This project is included to show MSA’s experience with single-span slab bridge design and to demonstrate Josh Sweno’s construction management experience.

The Village of Redgranite had a deteriorated bridge that required replacement. This street is a critical route to/from the north side of the village to the south main part of Project Team the village, and is a connector to CTH E at the Village limits. Using Tax Incremental • Leah Rhodes Financing, the Village used local funds for the design and construction. • Mark Harnois • Josh Sweno MSA designed an economical, durable, single span concrete slab bridge • Ron Rabska to replace the existing single span steel girder bridge. The bridge width was carefully laid out to avoid nearby adjacent sanitary sewer, water and gas facilities. We worked closely with WDNR to size the span length to accommodate the underlying trout stream and minimize adjacent wetland impacts. The road approach pavement Reference Information required geogrid due to underlying soil conditions. MSA developed specifications Belinda Passerelli, President for a local-let bid, which MSA managed on behalf of the village. Josh Sweno Village of Redgranite also performed construction management for the project. The project was (920) 566-2381 closed during construction using a signed detour. [email protected]


Fee Breakdown

DESIGN SERVICES MSA Professional Services $63,930.00 CGC, Inc. (Subsurface Investigation) $7,450.00 $73,130.00 Dane County Title Company (5 Title Searches) $1,750.00 BIDDING SERVICES MSA Professional Services $1,380.00 $1,380.00 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES MSA Professional Services $14,940.00 $14,940.00 TOTAL $89,450.00

Staff Hourly Rates

KEY PROFESSIONAL STAFF ROLE 2019 RATE Gregg Borucki, PE Project Manager $153.00 Leah Rhodes, PE Lead Structural Engineer $153.00 Mark Harnois, PE Senior Hydraulics Engineer $142.00 Josh Sweno, PE Structural Engineer & Construction Inspection $108.00 Ron Rabska Senior Structural Technician $108.00 Terri Meyerhofer, PE Project Engineer $112.00


Subconsultant Proposals This page intentionally left blank SUBCONSULTANT PROPOSALS

901 S Whitney Way | Madison, Wisconsin 53711 | Phone 608-271-2800 | 800-626-9735 Fax 608-271-8836 | Web | [email protected]

MSA Professional Services, Inc. ATTN: Joshua Sweno, Project Engineer 1702 Pankratz Street Madison, WI 53704

RE: Quote for 60­year searches

Project #: 00386020 Existing Bridge #: B­13­120 (Single Span Steel Deck Girder) Feature On: Winnequah Road (Dead End) Feature Over: Interlake Lagoon Location: 0.1 miles south of the intersection with Bridge Road

Dear Mr. Sweno, Thank you for considering Dane County Title Company in the matter of assisting MSA with title searches. We will provide MSA with one hardcopy and one emailed PDF version of the 60­year Reports of Title (full title search reports) showing: Easements, covenants, restrictions, legal description, outstanding liens/judgments against the current record title holder, tax payment status, and other matters appearing of public record. 60­year reports include copies of all documents and the cost of each report is $350, with an update charge of $75 each.

Please contact us with any questions or concerns. We look forward to working with you.



Simon Faust Title Examiner


2921 Perry Street, Madison, WI 53713 CGC, Inc. 608-288-4100 • FAX: 608-288-7887

Mr. Joshua Sweno, P.E. PROPOSAL No.: C976.674 MSA Professional Services DATE: February 13, 2019 ([email protected]) Re: Proposal for Geotechnical Services Proposed Replacement Bridge Winnequah Road City of Monona, Dane County, WI

PROJECT DESCRIPTION We understand that a current bridge along Winnequah Road in the City of Monona, WI will be replaced with a new single-span steel girder bridge, which we assume will be supported on driven piles. Pavement on the approaches will also be replaced. SCOPE OF SERVICES • Two Standard Penetration Test (SPT) borings to planned depths 100 ft (or refusal) near each of the existing abutments. The borings will be backfilled in accordance with WDNR regulations and patched with asphalt cold patch at the surface. • Located the borings in the field and survey ground surface elevations using an on-site benchmark. • Contact Diggers Hotline. • Traffic control with warning (work ahead) signs and cones. • Limited geotechnical lab testing, including one particle size distribution for scour analysis. • Preparation of a report providing geotechnical recommendations regarding foundation design/construction in accordance with WisDOT LRFD Bridge Manual guidelines assuming a basic pile analysis is required. Driveability analysis and multiple pile analysis are not included in the basic geotechnical report. Pavement design parameters will also be provided for approach reconstruction. SPECIAL TERMS • We assume that the borings will be accessible with a truck-mounted drill rig. • We assume tree, brush or snow removal (if required) to access the boring will be completed by others. Landscape repairs (including rutting) are not included in our cost estimate. • Private utilities (if any) will be located by the client. If needed, CGC can arrange for a private utility locate for an additional cost, if needed. • The borings can potentially be shortened if consistently favorable soil conditions are encountered. Unused drilling footage will not be invoiced. Conversely, the borings can be extended deeper at the rates indicated below if lower-strength soils extend near or below the planned termination depths. • ESTIMATED COSTS $7,450, estimated cost, not to exceed without your approval. Our work will be invoiced on a time-plus-expenses basis according to our current rate schedule. The estimated total includes a lump sum cost of $1,600 for geotechnical report preparation, drilling coordination, boring layout and Diggers Hotline, and we have included allowances of $100 for geotechnical laboratory testing.

Additional drilling footage during same mobilization is $18.15/ft from 0 to 20 ft, $19.25/ft from 20 to 40 ft, $20.90/ft from 40 to 60 ft, $24.75/ft from 60 to 80 ft and $29.70/ft from 80 to 100 ft. If required, rock coring can be completed for $50/ft following a $275 set up charge per hole.

Driveability and multiple pile analysis can be completed for an additional cost of $500 each.

COMPLETION SCHEDULE Upon notice to proceed, drilling can typically be scheduled within two weeks, pending Diggers Hotline clearance. Drilling is expected to require about two days to complete. The geotechnical report can typically be completed within two to three weeks after drilling is finished, with verbal recommendations available a few days after drilling, if desired.


ACCEPTANCE Prior to authorizing CGC, Inc. to begin with the work outlined within the scope of services defined in the above proposal, please review the terms and conditions presented on the attached General Conditions for Professional Services. Signing this proposal will be considered authorization for CGC, Inc. to proceed.

Accepted by: Date:______Submitted by: AJB Date:2/13/2019 CGC, Inc. By ______By: ______Alex J. Bina, P.E. Title ______Title: Senior Staff Engineer Please return one copy for our records



I. Hourly Rates for Professional and Technical Staff 2. Compressive Strength Testing-Cylinders ...... $ 13.00/cylinder* (or holding not testing) Staff Categories Rate/Hour Single Use Molds ...... $ 3.00/each Field Technician Trimming Charges ...... $ 12.00/each end Level A ...... $ 29.00 3. Cast-in-Place Pull Out Cylinders (CIPPOCS) ...... $ 30.00/cylinder Level B ...... 39.00 Single use molds ...... $ 35.00/each Level C ...... 49.00 Extensions ...... $ 15.00/each Level D ...... 55.00 Trimming charges ...... $ 10.00/each end Level E ...... 62.00 4. Concrete Cylinder Pick-up Service Clerical ...... 45.00 (applicable only if unique visit required) Staff Engineer ...... 69.00 If done in conjunction with other testing ...... No charge Senior Staff Engineer or Geologist ...... 75.00 Separate Site Visit ...... ** Senior Technician ...... 75.00 5. Consultation on Concrete Problems ...... Per Item I Project Engineer ...... 84.00 Consulting Professional ...... 94.00 IV. Field Testing/Equipment Lab/Field/Office Supervisor ...... 105.00 1. Coring Machine ...... $ 85.00/day Senior Consulting Professional ...... 120.00 2. Generator ...... 85.00/day Principal/Consulting Professional ...... 130.00 3. Pavement Saw ...... 85.00/day Personnel have been classified in the above staff categories based on skill, 4. Hammer Drill ...... 50.00/day education and experience levels. Legal consultation rates are doubled. 5. Concrete Field Equipment ...... 10.00/day 6. Fire Proofing Bond Test ...... 10.00/each 7. Swiss Hammer ...... 50.00/day II. Field Density Testing 8. Windsor Probe 1. Personnel Charges ...... Per Item I a. Equipment Rental ...... ** b. Test Probes ...... 75.00/set of 3 2. Field Density Test Charges ...... 10.00/test 9. Steel Testing a. Bolt Testing ...... ** 3. Moisture-Density and Relative Density Tests b. NDT-Welded Connections ...... ** a. Modified or Standard Proctor 10. Dynamic Cone Penetrometer ...... 35.00/day 1. Sample Preparation (per sample) ...... $ 35.00 11. Floor Flatness - Dipstick Method ...... *** 12. Double Ring Infiltration ...... 100.00/set up 2. Coarse-Grained Soil (per point) 13. Photoionization Detector ...... 95.00/day i. 4 in. mold ...... $ 27.00 14. Cylinder Cure Box ...... 80.00/season ii. 6 in. mold ...... $ 37.00 15. Crack Monitors ...... 30.00/each 16. Vaprecision Slab Moisture Kits ...... 35.00/each 3. Fine-Grained Soil (per point) 17. Relative Humidity Sleeve/Test i. 4 in. mold ...... $ 39.00 a. Sleeve/Test ...... 85.00/each ii. 6 in. mold ...... $ 41.00 b. Readout Machine ...... 60.00/day 18. Concrete Maturity Curve Development ...... 900.00 est. b. Relative Density 19. Maturity Meter Temperature Probes ...... 85.00/each 1. Dry ...... $ 110.00 20. Traffic Control Signs ...... 150.00/day 2. Wet ...... $ 130.00 21. Grout Sample Box ...... 7.00/each III. Concrete Testing * This rate applies only to cylinders prepared by on-site CGC, Inc. 1. Personnel Charges for Cylinders Made by CGC representatives. Technicians ...... Per Item I Discounted rate be available on large volume projects. A rate of $15.00/cylinder will be applied to all other test specimens. ** Denotes tests performed on a time and expense (T&E) basis. *** Denotes tests performed on a T&E basis plus dipstick daily charge.

OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS Laboratory Services Standard laboratory tests will be at a fixed charge per test. When appropriate, there will be a charge for the time of laboratory personnel associated with the supervision of the testing program and summarizing and plotting of the test data. These personnel time charges will be at the hourly rates for the classification involved. A detailed breakdown of these charges will be supplied on request. The charge for nonstandard tests will be performed on a time-and-materials basis. Subcontracts and Equipment Rental The cost of services subcontracted by CGC to others, including but not limited to, chemical analysis, test borings, specialty contractors, surveyors, consultants, and equipment rental, e.g., backhoes, bulldozers, and test apparatus, etc., will be charged at cost plus a maximum of 20%. Other Direct Non-Salary Expenses Other costs incurred by CGC, which are directly identifiable to the project, including, but not limited to: vehicle rental; subsistence; fares of public carriers; special supplies and/or equipment; fees and special project insurance; permits and licenses; shipping charges; tolls and parking; special drafting, stenographic, or printing supplies, including outside printing of photographs, photostats, blueprints, etc., will be charged at cost plus 15%. A report reproduction fee of $10 per copy will be invoiced. Mileage associated with the project for company-owned vehicles will be charged at 75 cents per mile. Mileage associated with employee-owned vehicles will be charged at the current IRS allowable rate (i.e., 58 cents per mile) plus 15% markup. Use of specialized equipment provided by CGC will be invoiced at a fixed daily or weekly rate. A summary of these rates will be provided on request. Payment Invoices will be submitted monthly and will include the charges incurred during the preceding month. Payment of these invoices is due within thirty (30) days of the invoice date. Late payment may be subjected to interest charges of 1.5% per month. This fee schedule contains confidential business information and is not to be copied or distributed for any purpose other than the use intended in this contract or proposal Effective -- January 2019 (s:\rate-a.b.c 2019)


CGC, Inc.



The method of charging for CGC's services ("Services") shall be on a time and materials basis and shall be based on the Schedule of Fees and Charges in effect when the Services are performed. CGC periodically shall submit invoices to Client. Client shall pay each invoice within thirty (30) days of the date of the invoice. However, if Client objects to all or any portion of any invoice, Client shall so notify CGC thereof within fifteen (15) days from date of the invoice, give reasons for the objection and pay that portion of the invoice not in dispute. Client shall pay an additional charge of one and one-half percent (1-1/2%) of the amount of the invoice per month or the maximum percentage allowed by law, whichever is the lesser, for any payment received by CGC more than thirty (30) days from date of invoice. Payment thereafter shall first be applied to accrued interest and then to the unpaid principal. The additional charge shall not apply to any disputed portion of any invoice resolved in favor of Client. In the event of a legal action brought by CGC against Client for invoice amounts not paid, attorneys' fees, court costs and other related expenses shall be paid to the prevailing party by the other party.

Client shall reimburse CGC for any sales, use and value-added taxes which apply to the Services. Client shall reimburse CGC for the amount of such taxes in addition to the compensation due for the Services.

In addition to the above, if payment of CGC invoices is not maintained on a thirty (30) day current basis, CGC may, by ten (10) days written notice to Client, suspend further performance and withhold any and all data from Client until such invoice payments are restored to a current basis.


CGC, except for its own services, shall not specify construction procedures, manage or supervise construction, or implement or be responsible for health and safety procedures; shall not be responsible for the acts or omissions of contractor's or other parties on the project; and shall not have control or charge of and shall not be responsible for construction means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures, or for safety precautions and programs. CGC testing or inspection of portions of the work of other parties on a project shall not relieve such other parties from their responsibility for performing their work in accordance with applicable plans, specifications and safety requirements.


Client recognizes that environmental, geologic, hydrogeologic and geotechnical conditions can vary from those encountered at the times and locations where data are obtained by CGC, and that the limited data result in some level of uncertainty with respect to the interpretation of these conditions, despite the use of due professional care.


CGC represents that the Services shall be performed, within the limits prescribed by Client, in a manner consistent with that level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by other professional consultants under similar circumstances at the time the Services are performed. No other representations to Client, express or implied, and no warranty or guarantee is included or intended hereunder, or in any report, opinion, document or otherwise.


The liability of CGC, its employees, agents and subcontractors (hereinafter for purposes of this Article V referred to collectively as "CGC"), for Client's claims of loss, injury, death, damage or expense, including, without limitation, Client's claims of contribution and indemnification with respect to third party claims, relating to the Services or to obligations imposed hereunder (hereinafter, "Client's Claims") shall not exceed in the aggregate:

(1) the total sum of $100,000 for Client's Claims arising out of professional negligence, including errors, omissions or other professional acts, and including unintentional breach of contract;

(2) the total sum of $1,000,000 for Client's Claims arising out of negligence, or other causes for which CGC has any legal liability, other than as described in (1) above.

In no event shall either CGC or Client be liable for consequential damages, including, without limitation, loss of use or loss of profits, incurred by one another or their subsidiaries or successors, regardless of whether such damages are caused by breach of contract, willful misconduct, negligent act or omission, or other wrongful act of either of them.

\\Cgcserver\shared\Forms\General Conditions for Proposals.docx -1-



If any claim is brought against CGC, its employees, agents or subcontractor (hereinafter for purposes of this Article VI referred to collectively as "CGC") and/or Client by a third party relating in any way to the Services, the contribution and indemnification rights and obligations of CGC and Client, subject to the limitations of liability under Article V above, shall be determined as follows:

(1) if any negligence, breach of contract, or willful misconduct of CGC caused any damage, injury or loss claimed by the third party, then CGC and Client shall each indemnify the other against any loss or judgment on a comparative responsibility basis under comparative negligence principles (Client responsibility to include that of its agents, employees and other contractors);

(2) unless CGC was guilty of negligence, breach of contract, or willful misconduct which, in whole or in part, caused the damage, injury or loss asserted in the third party claim, Client shall indemnify CGC against the claim, liability, loss, legal fees, consulting fees and other costs of defense reasonably incurred.


CGC agrees to maintain during the performance of the Services: (1) statutory Workers' Compensation coverage; and (2) Comprehensive General and Automobile Liability insurance coverage in the sum of not less than $1,000,000.


Client shall notify CGC of any known, potential or possible health or safety hazards existing on or near the project site upon which the Services are to be or are being performed. If hazardous conditions are discovered during the performance of the Services that are different in type, amount or concentration from those disclosed to CGC prior to commencement of the Services, then, upon notification, Client and CGC shall equitably adjust the Services and compensation. If the parties are unable to agree on the adjustment, the Services shall be terminated and CGC shall be paid for the portion of the Services performed and reasonable termination charges.

Client shall correctly show, on plans to be furnished to CGC, the location of subsurface structures, such as pipes, tanks, cables and utilities. If the Services require CGC to investigate the location of such underground structures, then consistent with the agreed upon scope of such investigation, CGC shall be obligated to perform the investigation in accordance with reasonable standards of care. CGC shall not be responsible for damage to underground structures which occurs despite the use of such care.

Client shall give CGC prompt written notice of any suspended defect in the Services.


Neither party shall hold the other responsible for damages or for delays in performance caused by force majeure, acts of God, or other acts or circumstances beyond the control of the other party or that could not have been reasonably foreseen and prevented. For this purpose, such acts or circumstances shall include, but not be limited to, unusual weather affecting performance, floods, epidemics, war, riots, strikes, lockouts or other industrial disturbances, protest demonstrations, unanticipated site conditions, and inability, with reasonable diligence, to supply personnel, equipment or material for the Services. Should such acts or circumstances occur, both parties shall use their best efforts to overcome the difficulties arising and to resume as soon as reasonably possible the normal pursuit of the Services. Delays which cumulatively exceed forty-five (45) days shall, at the option of either party, make the Services subject to termination for convenience or to renegotiation.


Because of the uncertainties inherent in the Services, time schedules are only estimated schedules and are subject to revision unless specifically described as otherwise herein.


CGC's charges are estimated only and shall not be regarded as "lump sum", "fixed price" or "guaranteed maximum" compensation unless expressly stated as such in writing.

\\Cgcserver\shared\Forms\General Conditions for Proposals.docx -2-


Resolution No. 19-3-2331 Monona Common Council


WHEREAS, the National Trust for Historic Preservation established May as Historic Preservation Month in 1973, as a way to promote historic places for the purpose of instilling national and community pride, promoting heritage tourism, and showing the social and economic benefits of historic preservation; and,

WHEREAS, the Wisconsin Historical Society recognizes May as Historic Preservation & Archaeology Month and sponsors annual events around the state of Wisconsin to instill awareness and promote the historic assets in Wisconsin; and,

WHEREAS, the City of Monona is home to two individually listed properties on the National Register of Historic Places; and,

WHEREAS, a purpose of the City of Monona’s Historic Preservation Ordinance is to foster civic pride in the beauty and noble accomplishments of the past; and,

WHEREAS, another purpose of the City of Monona’s Historic Preservation Ordinance is to protect and enhance the City’s attractions to residents, tourists and visitors, and serve as a support and stimulus to business and industry; and,

WHEREAS, another purpose of the City of Monona’s Historic Preservation Ordinance is to promote the use of historic districts and landmarks for the education, pleasure and welfare of the people of the City.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor and the City Council in Monona do hereby declare the month of May as Historic Preservation and Archaeology Month, and call upon the people of Monona to join their fellow citizens across the United States in recognizing and participating in this special observance.

Adopted this ______day of ______, 2019.


Mary K. O’Connor Mayor

ATTEST: Joan Andrusz City Clerk

Requested By: Landmarks Commission

Council Action: Date Introduced: 3-4-19 Date Approved: ______Date Disapproved: ______

Resolution No. 19-3-2336 Monona Common Council


WHEREAS, the Common Council hereby finds and determines that it is necessary, desirable and in the best interest of the City of Monona, Dane County, Wisconsin (the "City") to raise funds for public purposes, including paying the cost of projects included in the City's 2019 Capital Improvement Program and providing funds for payment of settlement of a lawsuit (the "Project"); and,

WHEREAS, the Common Council hereby finds and determines that the Project is within the City's power to undertake and therefore serves a "public purpose" as that term is defined in Section 67.04(1)(b), Wisconsin Statutes; and,

WHEREAS, the City is authorized by the provisions of Section 67.12(12), Wisconsin Statutes, to borrow money and issue general obligation promissory notes for such public purposes; and ,

WHEREAS, it is the finding of the Common Council that it is necessary, desirable and in the best interest of the City to sell its general obligation promissory notes (the "Notes") to Hutchinson, Shockey, Erley & Co. (the "Purchaser"), pursuant to the terms and conditions of its note purchase proposal attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by this reference (the "Proposal").

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City that:

Section 1. Authorization and Sale of the Notes. For the purpose of paying the cost of the Project, there shall be borrowed pursuant to Section 67.12(12), Wisconsin Statutes, the principal sum of SIX MILLION DOLLARS ($6,000,000) from the Purchaser in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Proposal. The Proposal is hereby accepted and the Mayor and City Clerk or other appropriate officers of the City are authorized and directed to execute an acceptance of the Proposal on behalf of the City. To evidence the obligation of the City, the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized, empowered and directed to make, execute, issue and sell to the Purchaser for, on behalf of and in the name of the City, the Notes aggregating the principal amount of SIX MILLION DOLLARS ($6,000,000) for the sum set forth on the Proposal, plus accrued interest to the date of delivery.

Section 2. Terms of the Notes. The Notes shall be designated "General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2019A"; shall be issued in the aggregate principal amount of $6,000,000; shall be dated April 1, 2019; shall be in the denomination of $5,000 or any integral multiple thereof; shall be numbered R-1 and upward; and shall bear interest at the rates per annum and mature on October 1 of each year, in the years and principal amounts as set forth on the Pricing Summary attached hereto as Exhibit B-1 and incorporated herein by this reference. Interest shall be payable semi-annually on April 1 and October 1 of each year commencing on April 1, 2020. Interest shall be computed upon the basis of a 360-day year of twelve 30-day months and will be rounded pursuant to the rules of the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board. The schedule of principal and interest payments due on the Notes is set forth on the Debt Service Schedule attached hereto as Exhibit B-2 and incorporated herein by this reference (the "Schedule").

Section 3. Redemption Provisions. The Notes maturing on October 1, 2027 and thereafter are subject to redemption prior to maturity, at the option of the City, on October 1, 2026 or on any date thereafter. Said Notes are redeemable as a whole or in part, and if in part, from maturities selected by the City, and within each maturity by lot, at the principal amount thereof, plus accrued interest to the date of redemption.

If the Proposal specifies that any of the Notes are subject to mandatory redemption, the terms of such mandatory redemption shall be set forth on an attachment hereto as Exhibit MRP and incorporated QB\56009383.1

herein by this reference. Upon the optional redemption of any of the Notes subject to mandatory redemption, the principal amount of such Notes so redeemed shall be credited against the mandatory redemption payments established in Exhibit MRP for such Notes in such manner as the City shall direct.

Section 4. Form of the Notes. The Notes shall be issued in registered form and shall be executed and delivered in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit C and incorporated herein by this reference.

Section 5. Tax Provisions.

(A) Direct Annual Irrepealable Tax Levy. For the purpose of paying the principal of and interest on the Notes as the same becomes due, the full faith, credit and resources of the City are hereby irrevocably pledged, and there is hereby levied upon all of the taxable property of the City a direct annual irrepealable tax in the years 2019 through 2027 for payments due in the years 2020 through 2028 in the amounts set forth on the Schedule.

(B) Tax Collection. So long as any part of the principal of or interest on the Notes remains unpaid, the City shall be and continue without power to repeal such levy or obstruct the collection of said tax until all such payments have been made or provided for. After the issuance of the Notes, said tax shall be, from year to year, carried onto the tax roll of the City and collected in addition to all other taxes and in the same manner and at the same time as other taxes of the City for said years are collected, except that the amount of tax carried onto the tax roll may be reduced in any year by the amount of any surplus money in the Debt Service Fund Account created below.

(C) Additional Funds. If at any time there shall be on hand insufficient funds from the aforesaid tax levy to meet principal and/or interest payments on said Notes when due, the requisite amounts shall be paid from other funds of the City then available, which sums shall be replaced upon the collection of the taxes herein levied.

Section 6. Segregated Debt Service Fund Account.

(A) Creation and Deposits. There be and there hereby is established in the treasury of the City, if one has not already been created, a debt service fund, separate and distinct from every other fund, which shall be maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. Debt service or sinking funds established for obligations previously issued by the City may be considered as separate and distinct accounts within the debt service fund.

Within the debt service fund, there hereby is established a separate and distinct account designated as the "Debt Service Fund Account for General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2019A" (the "Debt Service Fund Account") and such account shall be maintained until the indebtedness evidenced by the Notes is fully paid or otherwise extinguished. There shall be deposited into the Debt Service Fund Account (i) all accrued interest received by the City at the time of delivery of and payment for the Notes; (ii) any premium which may be received by the City above the par value of the Notes and accrued interest thereon; (iii) all money raised by the taxes herein levied and any amounts appropriated for the specific purpose of meeting principal of and interest on the Notes when due; (iv) such other sums as may be necessary at any time to pay principal of and interest on the Notes when due; (v) surplus monies in the Borrowed Money Fund as specified below; and (vi) such further deposits as may be required by Section 67.11, Wisconsin Statutes.

(B) Use and Investment. No money shall be withdrawn from the Debt Service Fund Account and appropriated for any purpose other than the payment of principal of and interest on the Notes until all such principal and interest has been paid in full and the Notes canceled; provided (i) the funds to provide for each payment of principal of and interest on the Notes prior to the scheduled receipt of taxes from the next succeeding tax collection may be invested in direct obligations of the United States of -2- QB\56009383.1

America maturing in time to make such payments when they are due or in other investments permitted by law; and (ii) any funds over and above the amount of such principal and interest payments on the Notes may be used to reduce the next succeeding tax levy, or may, at the option of the City, be invested by purchasing the Notes as permitted by and subject to Section 67.11(2)(a), Wisconsin Statutes, or in permitted municipal investments under the pertinent provisions of the Wisconsin Statutes ("Permitted Investments"), which investments shall continue to be a part of the Debt Service Fund Account. Any investment of the Debt Service Fund Account shall at all times conform with the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code") and any applicable Treasury Regulations (the "Regulations").

(C) Remaining Monies. When all of the Notes have been paid in full and canceled, and all Permitted Investments disposed of, any money remaining in the Debt Service Fund Account shall be transferred and deposited in the general fund of the City, unless the Common Council directs otherwise.

Section 7. Proceeds of the Notes; Segregated Borrowed Money Fund. The proceeds of the Notes (the "Note Proceeds") (other than any premium and accrued interest which must be paid at the time of the delivery of the Notes into the Debt Service Fund Account created above) shall be deposited into a special fund separate and distinct from all other funds of the City and disbursed solely for the purpose or purposes for which borrowed or for the payment of the principal of and the interest on the Notes. Monies in the Borrowed Money Fund may be temporarily invested in Permitted Investments. Any monies, including any income from Permitted Investments, remaining in the Borrowed Money Fund after the purpose or purposes for which the Notes have been issued have been accomplished, and, at any time, any monies as are not needed and which obviously thereafter cannot be needed for such purpose(s) shall be deposited in the Debt Service Fund Account.

Section 8. No Arbitrage. All investments made pursuant to this Resolution shall be Permitted Investments, but no such investment shall be made in such a manner as would cause the Notes to be "arbitrage bonds" within the meaning of Section 148 of the Code or the Regulations and an officer of the City, charged with the responsibility for issuing the Notes, shall certify as to facts, estimates, circumstances and reasonable expectations in existence on the date of delivery of the Notes to the Purchaser which will permit the conclusion that the Notes are not "arbitrage bonds," within the meaning of the Code or Regulations.

Section 9. Compliance with Federal Tax Laws. (a) The City represents and covenants that the projects financed by the Notes and the ownership, management and use of the projects will not cause the Notes to be "private activity bonds" within the meaning of Section 141 of the Code. The City further covenants that it shall comply with the provisions of the Code to the extent necessary to maintain the tax-exempt status of the interest on the Notes including, if applicable, the rebate requirements of Section 148(f) of the Code. The City further covenants that it will not take any action, omit to take any action or permit the taking or omission of any action within its control (including, without limitation, making or permitting any use of the proceeds of the Notes) if taking, permitting or omitting to take such action would cause any of the Notes to be an arbitrage bond or a private activity bond within the meaning of the Code or would otherwise cause interest on the Notes to be included in the gross income of the recipients thereof for federal income tax purposes. The City Clerk or other officer of the City charged with the responsibility of issuing the Notes shall provide an appropriate certificate of the City certifying that the City can and covenanting that it will comply with the provisions of the Code and Regulations.

(b) The City also covenants to use its best efforts to meet the requirements and restrictions of any different or additional federal legislation which may be made applicable to the Notes provided that in meeting such requirements the City will do so only to the extent consistent with the proceedings authorizing the Notes and the laws of the State of Wisconsin and to the extent that there is a reasonable period of time in which to comply.

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Section 10. Designation as Qualified Tax-Exempt Obligations. The Notes are hereby designated as "qualified tax-exempt obligations" for purposes of Section 265 of the Code, relating to the ability of financial institutions to deduct from income for federal income tax purposes, interest expense that is allocable to carrying and acquiring tax-exempt obligations.

Section 11. Execution of the Notes; Closing; Professional Services. The Notes shall be issued in printed form, executed on behalf of the City by the manual or facsimile signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, authenticated, if required, by the Fiscal Agent (defined below), sealed with its official or corporate seal, if any, or a facsimile thereof, and delivered to the Purchaser upon payment to the City of the purchase price thereof, plus accrued interest to the date of delivery (the "Closing"). The facsimile signature of either of the officers executing the Notes may be imprinted on the Notes in lieu of the manual signature of the officer but, unless the City has contracted with a fiscal agent to authenticate the Notes, at least one of the signatures appearing on each Note shall be a manual signature. In the event that either of the officers whose signatures appear on the Notes shall cease to be such officers before the Closing, such signatures shall, nevertheless, be valid and sufficient for all purposes to the same extent as if they had remained in office until the Closing. The aforesaid officers are hereby authorized and directed to do all acts and execute and deliver the Notes and all such documents, certificates and acknowledgements as may be necessary and convenient to effectuate the Closing. The City hereby authorizes the officers and agents of the City to enter into, on its behalf, agreements and contracts in conjunction with the Notes, including but not limited to agreements and contracts for legal, trust, fiscal agency, disclosure and continuing disclosure, and rebate calculation services. Any such contract heretofore entered into in conjunction with the issuance of the Notes is hereby ratified and approved in all respects.

Section 12. Payment of the Notes; Fiscal Agent. The principal of and interest on the Notes shall be paid by Associated Trust Company, National Association, Green Bay, Wisconsin, which is hereby appointed as the City's registrar and fiscal agent pursuant to the provisions of Section 67.10(2), Wisconsin Statutes (the "Fiscal Agent"). The City hereby authorizes the Mayor and City Clerk or other appropriate officers of the City to enter a Fiscal Agency Agreement between the City and the Fiscal Agent. Such contract may provide, among other things, for the performance by the Fiscal Agent of the functions listed in Wis. Stats. Sec. 67.10(2)(a) to (j), where applicable, with respect to the Notes.

Section 13. Persons Treated as Owners; Transfer of Notes. The City shall cause books for the registration and for the transfer of the Notes to be kept by the Fiscal Agent. The person in whose name any Note shall be registered shall be deemed and regarded as the absolute owner thereof for all purposes and payment of either principal or interest on any Note shall be made only to the registered owner thereof. All such payments shall be valid and effectual to satisfy and discharge the liability upon such Note to the extent of the sum or sums so paid.

Any Note may be transferred by the registered owner thereof by surrender of the Note at the office of the Fiscal Agent, duly endorsed for the transfer or accompanied by an assignment duly executed by the registered owner or his attorney duly authorized in writing. Upon such transfer, the Mayor and City Clerk shall execute and deliver in the name of the transferee or transferees a new Note or Notes of a like aggregate principal amount, series and maturity and the Fiscal Agent shall record the name of each transferee in the registration book. No registration shall be made to bearer. The Fiscal Agent shall cancel any Note surrendered for transfer.

The City shall cooperate in any such transfer, and the Mayor and City Clerk are authorized to execute any new Note or Notes necessary to effect any such transfer.

Section 14. Record Date. The 15th day of the calendar month next preceding each interest payment date shall be the record date for the Notes (the "Record Date"). Payment of interest on the Notes on any interest payment date shall be made to the registered owners of the Notes as they appear on the registration book of the City at the close of business on the Record Date.

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Section 15. Utilization of The Depository Trust Company Book-Entry-Only System. In order to make the Notes eligible for the services provided by The Depository Trust Company, New York, New York ("DTC"), the City agrees to the applicable provisions set forth in the Blanket Issuer Letter of Representations, which the City Clerk or other authorized representative of the City is authorized and directed to execute and deliver to DTC on behalf of the City to the extent an effective Blanket Issuer Letter of Representations is not presently on file in the City Clerk's office.

Section 16. Official Statement. The Common Council hereby approves the Preliminary Official Statement with respect to the Notes and deems the Preliminary Official Statement as "final" as of its date for purposes of SEC Rule 15c2-12 promulgated by the Securities and Exchange Commission pursuant to the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934 (the "Rule"). All actions taken by officers of the City in connection with the preparation of such Preliminary Official Statement and any addenda to it or final Official Statement are hereby ratified and approved. In connection with the Closing, the appropriate City official shall certify the Preliminary Official Statement and any addenda or final Official Statement. The City Clerk shall cause copies of the Preliminary Official Statement and any addenda or final Official Statement to be distributed to the Purchaser.

Section 17. Undertaking to Provide Continuing Disclosure. The City hereby covenants and agrees, for the benefit of the owners of the Notes, to enter into a written undertaking (the "Undertaking") if required by the Rule to provide continuing disclosure of certain financial information and operating data and timely notices of the occurrence of certain events in accordance with the Rule. The Undertaking shall be enforceable by the owners of the Notes or by the Purchaser on behalf of such owners (provided that the rights of the owners and the Purchaser to enforce the Undertaking shall be limited to a right to obtain specific performance of the obligations thereunder and any failure by the City to comply with the provisions of the Undertaking shall not be an event of default with respect to the Notes).

To the extent required under the Rule, the Mayor and City Clerk, or other officer of the City charged with the responsibility for issuing the Notes, shall provide a Continuing Disclosure Certificate for inclusion in the transcript of proceedings, setting forth the details and terms of the City's Undertaking.

Section 18. Record Book. The City Clerk shall provide and keep the transcript of proceedings as a separate record book (the "Record Book") and shall record a full and correct statement of every step or proceeding had or taken in the course of authorizing and issuing the Notes in the Record Book.

Section 19. Bond Insurance. If the Purchaser determines to obtain municipal bond insurance with respect to the Notes, the officers of the City are authorized to take all actions necessary to obtain such municipal bond insurance. The Mayor and City Clerk are authorized to agree to such additional provisions as the bond insurer may reasonably request and which are acceptable to the Mayor and City Clerk including provisions regarding restrictions on investment of Note proceeds, the payment procedure under the municipal bond insurance policy, the rights of the bond insurer in the event of default and payment of the Notes by the bond insurer and notices to be given to the bond insurer. In addition, any reference required by the bond insurer to the municipal bond insurance policy shall be made in the form of Note provided herein.

-5- QB\56009383.1

Section 20. Conflicting Resolutions; Severability; Effective Date. All prior resolutions, rules or other actions of the Common Council or any parts thereof in conflict with the provisions hereof shall be, and the same are, hereby rescinded insofar as the same may so conflict. In the event that any one or more provisions hereof shall for any reason be held to be illegal or invalid, such illegality or invalidity shall not affect any other provisions hereof. The foregoing shall take effect immediately upon adoption and approval in the manner provided by law.

Adopted this ______day of ______, 2019.


______Mary K. O'Connor Mayor

ATTEST: Joan Andrusz City Clerk (SEAL)

-6- QB\56009383.1


Note Purchase Proposal

To be provided by the Purchaser and incorporated into the Resolution.

(See Attached)



Pricing Summary

To be provided by the Purchaser and incorporated into the Resolution.

(See Attached)



Debt Service Schedule and Irrepealable Tax Levies

To be provided by the Purchaser and incorporated into the Resolution.

(See Attached)



Mandatory Redemption Provision

The Notes due on October 1, ____, ____ and ____ (the "Term Bonds") are subject to mandatory redemption prior to maturity by lot (as selected by the Depository) at a redemption price equal to One Hundred Percent (100%) of the principal amount to be redeemed plus accrued interest to the date of redemption, from debt service fund deposits which are required to be made in amounts sufficient to redeem on October 1 of each year the respective amount of Term Bonds specified below:

For the Term Bonds Maturing on October 1,

Redemption Date Amount ____ $______(maturity)

For the Term Bonds Maturing on October 1,

Redemption Date Amount ____ $______(maturity)

For the Term Bonds Maturing on October 1,

Redemption Date Amount ____ $______(maturity)

For the Term Bonds Maturing on October 1,

Redemption Date Amount ____ $______(maturity)]



(Form of Note)



October 1, _____ April 1, 2019 ____% ______



FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the City of Monona, Dane County, Wisconsin (the "City"), hereby acknowledges itself to owe and promises to pay to the Depository or its Nominee Name (the "Depository") identified above (or to registered assigns), on the maturity date identified above, the principal amount identified above, and to pay interest thereon at the rate of interest per annum identified above, all subject to the provisions set forth herein regarding redemption prior to maturity. Interest shall be payable semi-annually on April 1 and October 1 of each year commencing on April 1, 2020 until the aforesaid principal amount is paid in full. Both the principal of and interest on this Note are payable to the registered owner in lawful money of the United States. Interest payable on any interest payment date shall be paid by wire transfer to the Depository in whose name this Note is registered on the Bond Register maintained by Associated Trust Company, National Association, Green Bay, Wisconsin (the "Fiscal Agent") or any successor thereto at the close of business on the 15th day of the calendar month next preceding each interest payment date (the "Record Date"). This Note is payable as to principal upon presentation and surrender hereof at the office of the Fiscal Agent.

For the prompt payment of this Note together with interest hereon as aforesaid and for the levy of taxes sufficient for that purpose, the full faith, credit and resources of the City are hereby irrevocably pledged.

This Note is one of an issue of Notes aggregating the principal amount of $6,000,000, all of which are of like tenor, except as to denomination, interest rate, maturity date and redemption provision, issued by the City pursuant to the provisions of Section 67.12(12), Wisconsin Statutes, for public purposes, including paying the cost of projects included in the City's 2019 Capital Improvement Program and providing funds for payment of settlement of a lawsuit, as authorized by a resolution adopted on March 18, 2019. Said resolution is recorded in the official minutes of the Common Council for said date.

The Notes maturing on October 1, 2027 and thereafter are subject to redemption prior to maturity, at the option of the City, on October 1, 2026 or on any date thereafter. Said Notes are redeemable as a whole or in part, and if in part, from maturities selected by the City, and within each maturity by lot (as selected by the Depository), at the principal amount thereof, plus accrued interest to the date of redemption.


[The Notes maturing in the years ______are subject to mandatory redemption by lot as provided in the resolution authorizing the issuance and sale of the Notes, at the redemption price of par plus accrued interest to the date of redemption and without premium.]

In the event the Notes are redeemed prior to maturity, as long as the Notes are in book-entry-only form, official notice of the redemption will be given by mailing a notice by registered or certified mail, overnight express delivery, facsimile transmission, electronic transmission or in any other manner required by the Depository, to the Depository not less than thirty (30) days nor more than sixty (60) days prior to the redemption date. If less than all of the Notes of a maturity are to be called for redemption, the Notes of such maturity to be redeemed will be selected by lot. Such notice will include but not be limited to the following: the designation, date and maturities of the Notes called for redemption, CUSIP numbers, and the date of redemption. Any notice provided as described herein shall be conclusively presumed to have been duly given, whether or not the registered owner receives the notice. The Notes shall cease to bear interest on the specified redemption date provided that federal or other immediately available funds sufficient for such redemption are on deposit at the office of the Depository at that time. Upon such deposit of funds for redemption the Notes shall no longer be deemed to be outstanding.

It is hereby certified and recited that all conditions, things and acts required by law to exist or to be done prior to and in connection with the issuance of this Note have been done, have existed and have been performed in due form and time; that the aggregate indebtedness of the City, including this Note and others issued simultaneously herewith, does not exceed any limitation imposed by law or the Constitution of the State of Wisconsin; and that a direct annual irrepealable tax has been levied sufficient to pay this Note, together with the interest thereon, when and as payable.

This Note has been designated by the Common Council as a "qualified tax-exempt obligation" pursuant to the provisions of Section 265(b)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

This Note is transferable only upon the books of the City kept for that purpose at the office of the Fiscal Agent, only in the event that the Depository does not continue to act as depository for the Notes, and the City appoints another depository, upon surrender of the Note to the Fiscal Agent, by the registered owner in person or his duly authorized attorney, together with a written instrument of transfer (which may be endorsed hereon) satisfactory to the Fiscal Agent duly executed by the registered owner or his duly authorized attorney. Thereupon a new fully registered Note in the same aggregate principal amount shall be issued to the new depository in exchange therefor and upon the payment of a charge sufficient to reimburse the City for any tax, fee or other governmental charge required to be paid with respect to such registration. The Fiscal Agent shall not be obliged to make any transfer of the Notes (i) after the Record Date, (ii) during the fifteen (15) calendar days preceding the date of any publication of notice of any proposed redemption of the Notes, or (iii) with respect to any particular Note, after such Note has been called for redemption. The Fiscal Agent and City may treat and consider the Depository in whose name this Note is registered as the absolute owner hereof for the purpose of receiving payment of, or on account of, the principal or redemption price hereof and interest due hereon and for all other purposes whatsoever. The Notes are issuable solely as negotiable, fully-registered Notes without coupons in the denomination of $5,000 or any integral multiple thereof.

This Note shall not be valid or obligatory for any purpose until the Certificate of Authentication hereon shall have been signed by the Fiscal Agent.

No delay or omission on the part of the owner hereof to exercise any right hereunder shall impair such right or be considered as a waiver thereof or as a waiver of or acquiescence in any default hereunder.

-2- QB\56009383.1

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Monona, Dane County, Wisconsin, by its governing body, has caused this Note to be executed for it and in its name by the manual or facsimile signatures of its duly qualified Mayor and City Clerk; and to be sealed with its official or corporate seal, if any, all as of the original date of issue specified above.


By: Mary K. O'Connor Mayor


By: Joan Andrusz City Clerk

-3- QB\56009383.1

Date of Authentication: ______, ______


This Note is one of the Notes of the issue authorized by the within-mentioned resolution of the City of Monona, Dane County, Wisconsin.


By Authorized Signatory

-4- QB\56009383.1


FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned sells, assigns and transfers unto ______(Name and Address of Assignee)

______(Social Security or other Identifying Number of Assignee)

the within Note and all rights thereunder and hereby irrevocably constitutes and appoints ______, Legal Representative, to transfer said Note on the books kept for registration thereof, with full power of substitution in the premises.

Dated: ______

Signature Guaranteed:

______(e.g. Bank, Trust Company (Depository or Nominee Name) or Securities Firm)

NOTICE: This signature must correspond with the name of the Depository or Nominee Name as it appears upon the face of the within Note in every particular, without alteration or enlargement or any change whatever.

______(Authorized Officer)

-5- QB\56009383.1 City of Monona X Original ______Update Substitute No. ______POLICY AND FISCAL NOTE Resolution No. 19-3-2336 Ordinance Amendment No. ______Title: 2019 Borrowing GO Note

Policy Analysis Statement: Brief Description Of Proposal: The breakdown of the 2019 borrowing

General $3,500,000 Per 2019 Capital Budget TIF 410,000 Per 2019 Capital Budget Water 500,000 Per 2019 Capital Budget Storm 100,000 Per 2019 Capital Budget Settlement 1,000,000 Per Agreement TIF 490,000 Approved last year but not borrowed yet $6,000,000

Budget amendment needed for the settlement

Current Policy Or Practice:

Approved 2019 capital budget

Impact Of Adopting Proposal:

Pay for 2019 approved budget

Fiscal Estimate: Fiscal Effect (check/circle all that apply) Budget Effect: ___ No fiscal effect ___ Expenditure authorized in budget X Creates new expenditure account ___ No change to budget required ___ Creates new revenue account X Expenditure not authorized in budget X Increases expenditures ___ Budget amendment required X Increases revenues Vote Required: ___ Increases/decreases fund balance ______Fund ___ Majority X Two-Thirds

Narrative/assumptions About Long Range Fiscal Effect:

Expenditure/Revenue Changes: Budget Amendment No. ____19-7_ No Budget Amendment Required ______Budget Amended Account Number Account Name Prior to Debit Credit Budget Change Fund CC Account Object 400 40 491000 000 General Proceeds 3,500,000 3,500,000 Water 500,000 500,000 Storm 100,000 100,000 TIF 900,000 1,000,000 1,900,000 TIF

Prepared By: Department: Finance Department Prepared By: Marc Houtakker Date February 28, 2019 Reviewed By: Date:

Ordinance No. 3-19-715 Monona Common Council


WHEREAS, the Common Council finds that it is reasonable and necessary for the public health, safety, and welfare to ensure the timely removal of snow and ice from Monona sidewalks and crosswalk ramps and openings; and,

WHEREAS, current City Ordinance requires owners or occupants to remove all snow and ice from sidewalks within 24 hours after snow and ice ceases to accumulate; and,

WHEREAS, current City Ordinance does not specifically state that owners or occupants are required to remove all snow and ice from crosswalk ramps or crosswalk openings within 24 hours after snow and ice ceases to accumulate. Clear crosswalk ramps and openings are necessary to ensure safe passage of pedestrians across streets.

NOW, THEREFORE, the Common Council of the City of Monona, Dane County, Wisconsin, do ordain as follows:

SECTION 1: Chapter 395-8 of the Code of Ordinances is hereby amended to read as follows:

§ 395-8 Snow and ice removed from sidewalks and crosswalk ramps/openings. A. The owner, occupants or person in charge of each lot or part of lot shall remove all snow and ice which may have fallen or accumulated on the sidewalk and crosswalk ramps/openings abutting such lot and shall, if necessary, spread sand, salt, ashes or other material on the sidewalk and crosswalk ramps/openings to keep them clear and prevent them from being or becoming slippery. The person responsible for maintaining the sidewalk and crosswalk ramps/openings as outlined above shall clear the sidewalk and crosswalk ramps/openings of accumulated snow and ice as soon as possible, but in no event later than 24 hours after such snow and ice cease to accumulate. Sidewalks and crosswalk ramps/openings shall be cleared to the full width of the sidewalk and crosswalk ramp/opening. Any person violating this section shall, in addition to being subject to citation and forfeiture, be primarily liable for any damage resulting from the failure to properly maintain the sidewalk and crosswalk ramps/openings in safe condition. B. The Department of Public Works shall cause all sidewalks and crosswalk ramps/openings which shall not have been cleared of snow and ice as above described to be cleared upon default of the person whose duty it shall be to clear the same. The Department of Public Works shall keep an accurate account of the expenses so incurred in front of each lot or parcel of land in accordance with the Public Works Special Services Fee Schedule. The expenses shall be billed to the owner of record for each lot or parcel of land, and payment shall be due within 30 days of the date of the invoice. If the charges are not paid within said period of time, they shall be entered in the tax roll by the Clerk as a special tax against the appropriate lot or parcel of land, and the same shall be collected in all respects like other taxes upon real estate. Prosecution under Subsection A of this section shall not bar the City from proceeding under Subsection B of this section, nor shall proceeding under Subsection B bar prosecution under Subsection A. C. No person shall deposit snow or ice on another person's property without his/her consent. D. Any person found to have violated Subsection A above shall be subject to forfeitures as prescribed by the Fee, Forfeiture and Deposit Schedule as adopted by the Common Council.[1]

[1] Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).

SECTION 2: This Ordinance shall take effect upon passage and publication as provided by law.

Adopted this ______day of ______, 2019.


______Mary K. O’Connor Mayor

ATTEST: ______Joan Andrusz City Clerk

Approval Recommended By: Public Works Committee – 3/6/19 Drafted By: Dan Stephany, Public Works Director

Council Action: Date Introduced: 3-18-19 Date Approved: ______Date Disapproved: ______

Redline Markup

§ 395-8 Snow and ice removed from sidewalks and crosswalk ramps/openings.

A. The owner, occupants or person in charge of each lot or part of lot shall remove all snow and ice which may have fallen or accumulated on the sidewalk and crosswalk ramps/openings abutting such lot and shall, if necessary, spread sand, salt, ashes or other material on the sidewalk and crosswalk ramps/openings to keep it them clear and prevent it them from being or becoming slippery. The person responsible for maintaining the sidewalk and crosswalk ramps/openings as outlined above shall clear the sidewalk and crosswalk ramps/openings of accumulated snow and ice as soon as possible, but in no event later than 24 hours after such snow and ice cease to accumulate. Sidewalks and crosswalk ramps/openings shall be cleared to the full width of the sidewalk and crosswalk ramp/opening. Any person violating this section shall, in addition to being subject to citation and forfeiture, be primarily liable for any damage resulting from the failure to properly maintain the sidewalk and crosswalk ramps/openings in safe condition.

B. The Department of Public Works shall cause all sidewalks and crosswalk ramps/openings which shall not have been cleared of snow and ice as above described to be cleared upon default of the person whose duty it shall be to clear the same. The Department of Public Works shall keep an accurate account of the expenses so incurred in front of each lot or parcel of land in accordance with the Public Works Special Services Fee Schedule. The expenses shall be billed to the owner of record for each lot or parcel of land, and payment shall be due within 30 days of the date of the invoice. If the charges are not paid within said period of time, they shall be entered in the tax roll by the Clerk as a special tax against the appropriate lot or parcel of land, and the same shall be collected in all respects like other taxes upon real estate. Prosecution under Subsection A of this section shall not bar the City from proceeding under Subsection B of this section, nor shall proceeding under Subsection B bar prosecution under Subsection A.

C. No person shall deposit snow or ice on another person's property without his/her consent.

D. Any person found to have violated Subsection A above shall be subject to forfeitures as prescribed by the Fee, Forfeiture and Deposit Schedule as adopted by the Common Council.[1]

Resolution No. 19-3-2334 Monona Common Council


WHEREAS, the Police Department, along with its partners in the Multijurisdictional Public Safety Information System (MPSIS) consortium, is required by federal mandate to replace its records management system by January 1, 2021; and,

WHEREAS, the cost of the new system will be divided between the five participating agencies with each agency paying a share based on population; and,

WHEREAS, the MPSIS published an RFP to solicit proposals from vendors to replace the Records Management System in the five MPSIS agencies; and,

WHEREAS, the MPSIS Consortium found the proposal from Zuercher Technologies, LLC to be the lowest cost proposal that best meets the needs of the five agencies; and,

WHEREAS, the total cost of the system per the Zuercher proposal is $449,410 plus a 10% contingency of $44,941, for a total project cost of $494,351; and,

WHEREAS, the Monona portion of the total is $40,525 — $20,262.50 to be paid in 2019 and $20,262.50 to be paid in 2020 at the completion of the project. $20,000 for 2019 was approved in the 2019 Capital Budget and the remaining $20,000 was included in the 2020 capital improvements program.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Common Council of the City of Monona, Dane County, Wisconsin hereby approves the attached End User License Agreement with Zuercher Technologies, LLC for the purchase and implementation of a new police Records Management System and authorizes an amount of $20,262.50 in 2019 and $20,262.50 in 2020 from the Capital Budget to be paid to the City of Sun Prairie for Monona’s portion of this project.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute the Zuercher agreement and other documents related to this project.

Adopted this _____ day of ______, 2019.


______Mary K. O’Connor Mayor

ATTEST: ______Joan Andrusz City Clerk

Approval Requested By: Police Chief Walter Ostrenga

Council Action: Date Introduced: 03-18-19 Date Approved: ______City of Monona X Original ______Update Substitute No. ______POLICY AND FISCAL NOTE Resolution No. 19-3-2334 Ordinance Amendment No. ______Title: Replacement of the Police Records Management System

Policy Analysis Statement: Brief Description Of Proposal: The Police Department, along with its partners in the MPSIS consortium, are required by federal mandate to replace its Records Management System (RMS) by January 1, 2021. The MPSIS group published an RFP and solicited vendors for the five partner agencies. MPSIS found the proposal from Zuercher Technologies, LLC to be the lowest cost proposal that best meets the needs of the group. The total project cost is $494,351, with the Monona portion of the total amount being $40,525. $20,000 for 2019 was approved in the Capital Budget and the balance will be requested in the 2020 capital improvement plan. The Monona cost is $525 higher than originally budgeted. The $525 will come from the savings for the police budget.

No Budget Amendment Needed

Current Policy Or Practice: The current RMS system has reached end of life and needs to be replaced to comply with federal mandates on reporting.

Impact Of Adopting Proposal: The MPSIS group members will have an up to date records system that complies with federal reporting mandates.

Fiscal Estimate: Fiscal Effect (check/circle all that apply) Budget Effect: ___ No fiscal effect X Expenditure authorized in budget ___ Creates new expenditure account ___ No change to budget required ___ Creates new revenue account ___ Expenditure not authorized in budget ___ Increases expenditures ___ Budget amendment required ___ Increases revenues Vote Required: X Increases/decreases fund balance 2019 Capital Fund X Majority ___ Two-Thirds

Narrative/assumptions About Long Range Fiscal Effect: This purchase is expected to bring Monona and the other MPSIS agencies in compliance with federal reporting mandates and provide a more modern records management system.

Expenditure/Revenue Changes: Budget Amendment No. ______No Budget Amendment Required _____X__ Budget Amended Account Number Account Name Prior to Debit Credit Budget Change Fund CC Account Object 400 57 57260 846 MPSIS Upgrade 20,000 20,000


Prepared By: Department: POLICE Prepared By: Chief Walter J. Ostrenga Date: 3/5/19 Reviewed By: Marc Houtakker Date: 3/13/19

S:\City Council\PACKETS\3-18-19\Replace Police RMS system.doc

End User License Agreement


1. Definitions

1.1 “Customer” means Monona Police Department .

1.2 “Go Live” means the date of the Customer’s first use of the Licensed Software as a live, non- test-bed system. This can be exhibited by events such as the completion by Customer of the first real-world booking, the taking of the first real-world call for service, the entry of the first real-world case report, or a similar event dealing with real-world use.

1.3 “Licensed Software” means the Zuercher software in object code format licensed to Customer as listed in Section 5 of this EULA, and any associated product documentation furnished by Zuercher for use therewith.

1.4 “Server Hardware” means the computer hardware provided by Zuercher on which the Licensed Software has been installed by Zuercher and which operates in a local area network that runs administrative software which controls access to all or part of the network and its resources and makes such resources available to computers acting as workstations on the network. 2. License

2.1 Grant of the License Subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein, Zuercher hereby grants to the Customer, and the Customer accepts, a fully paid-up, perpetual, royalty-free and non-exclusive license to use the Licensed Software only for the Customer’s own internal business purposes, subject to the terms and limitations of this EULA. Customer may make a copy of the Licensed Software for backup purposes only.

2.2 Copies and Modifications Unless otherwise agreed to in writing by Zuercher, no identifying marks, copyright or proprietary right notices may be deleted from any copies of the Licensed Software made by the Customer. The Customer shall not decompile, or create by reverse engineering or otherwise, the source codes from the object code supplied hereunder, or adapt the Licensed Software in any way or use it to create a derivative work. Zuercher shall not be responsible in any way for the Licensed Software’s performance if the Licensed Software has been modified, except as modified by Zuercher.

Confidential and Proprietary Zuercher Technologies, LLC | 1 Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved

2.3 Restrictions on Usage The Customer shall not allow any party, other than Zuercher, to add, update, or delete database records or file system objects directly to or on the server on which the Licensed Software operates or the Zuercher database except as provided for in documentation of this Agreement.

The Customer shall not access any Server Hardware on which the Licensed Software operates except as provided in documentation of this Agreement or cause any software except the Licensed Software provided under this EULA to be installed on or executed on the Server Hardware.

Customer acknowledges that the Licensed Software and its associated documentation furnished with the Licensed Software (the “Confidential Information”) constitute the trade secrets and proprietary information of Zuercher. Customer shall hold the Confidential Information in strict confidence and shall not disclose it to third parties except as necessary to exercise the licenses granted hereunder or as legally required. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Customer shall use reasonable means, not less than those used to protect its own trade secret and proprietary information, to safeguard the Confidential Information. Customer shall not attempt, or authorize or permit others to attempt, to imitate the Licensed Software using the Confidential Information or any part thereof, or to reverse engineer the Licensed Software by any method, now known or later discovered. Nothing in this EULA shall be construed as granting to Customer any title to the Licensed Software, or Zuercher trademarks or tradenames. 3. Copyright and Trademark Infringement Zuercher represents and warrants that the Licensed Software does not infringe the copyrights, patents, trade secrets or trademarks (collectively “Intellectual Property Rights”) of any third party. In the event of a claim, allegation, action or proceeding (collectively “Claim”) brought against Customer alleging infringement by the Licensed Software of the Intellectual Property Rights of a third party, Zuercher will at its expense defend, indemnify and hold harmless Customer against such Claim, and damages, costs, liabilities and expenses (including court costs and reasonable attorneys’ fees) suffered or incurred in connection with such Claim, except for Customer’s attorney’s fees if Customer chooses to participate in the defense of such Claim), provided that Customer promptly notifies Zuercher of such Claim and cooperates fully with Zuercher and its legal counsel in the defense thereof. Zuercher may in its discretion (i) contest such Claim, (ii) settle such Claim, (iii) procure for Customer the right to continue using the Licensed Software, and/or (iv) modify or replace the Licensed Software so that it no longer infringes (while maintaining substantially equivalent functionality and performance to that described in the user documentation). Customer may participate in the defense of such Claim at its own expense. If Zuercher concludes in its sole judgment that none of the foregoing options are commercially reasonable, or Customer’s use of the Licensed Software is permanently enjoined as a result of a judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction in respect of such Claim, or any temporary injunction restricting Customer’s use of the Licensed Software is in effect and has not been lifted within 90 days, the license granted in this EULA shall terminate upon the earlier of written notice from Zuercher to Customer, the date when the permanent injunction issues, or written notice from Customer to Zuercher terminating the license due to the continued application of the temporary injunction for 90 days or more. In the event of termination of this EULA due to an uncured Claim, Zuercher shall refund to Customer the license fees paid for the Licensed Software, less a prorated portion of such fees for the Customer’s use of the Licensed Software, calculated by multiplying the ratio of the number of months of actual use in a live operational environment to thirty-six (36) months times the license fees paid. Any refund

Confidential and Proprietary Zuercher Technologies, LLC | 2 Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved

shall be conditioned upon Customer executing and delivering a release and waiver, in form and substance satisfactory to Zuercher, releasing Zuercher and its authorized reseller from any and all further liability and claims in respect to the Licensed Software. This Section 3 states the entire obligation of Zuercher, and Customer’s sole redress, regarding infringement by the Licensed Software of Intellectual Property Rights, and it will survive the termination of this EULA.

Notwithstanding the above, Zuercher shall have no duty under this Section 3 with respect to, and Customer shall not bring an action against Zuercher for indemnification or other causes of action with respect to, any Claim to the extent arising from or related to infringements (i) by third-party equipment or third-party operating system software upon or with which the Licensed Software operates, (ii) arising out of modifications to the Licensed Software not made by or under the direction or authorization of Zuercher, (iii) resulting from use of the Licensed Software to practice any method or process which does not occur wholly within the Licensed Software, unless designed by Zuercher to do so, or (iv) resulting from modifications to the Licensed Software prepared pursuant to specifications or other material furnished by or on behalf of Customer. 4. Term and Termination Provided that the terms and conditions of this EULA are complied with at all times, and subject to the termination provisions below, the licenses provided hereunder are perpetual.

Customer may surrender the licenses granted hereunder at any time by giving written notice to Zuercher and ceasing use of the Licensed Software.

Zuercher may terminate the licenses granted hereunder for cause if Customer materially breaches the terms of this EULA or otherwise infringes Zuercher’s intellectual property rights in the Licensed Software, which breach is not remedied within thirty (30) days after the date of written notice to Customer of such breach.

Upon termination of the licenses granted hereunder, Customer shall permanently remove any Licensed Software from Customer’s equipment, back-up media, or other storage locations and either (i) return all copies thereof to Zuercher or (ii) destroy such copies, as Zuercher directs.

The provisions of Sections 2.2, 2.3, 3, 4, 6 and 7 shall survive the termination of the licenses granted herein.

4.1 Additional Agency Term Customer will be part of the Fitchburg Police Department system (hereinafter the “host agency”). Zuercher may immediately terminate this EULA if the Software License and Service Agreement is not in full force and effect between Zuercher and the host agency. If termination of this EULA occurs for this reason, Zuercher will work in good faith with Customer to develop and negotiate a new contract.

5. Licensed Software and Support Please refer to Exhibit A – Pricing Detail for the list of software licenses being acquired by Customer as part of the host agency’s system. The license terms for the host agency are set forth in the separate Software License and Service Agreement between the host agency and Zuercher.

Confidential and Proprietary Zuercher Technologies, LLC | 3 Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved

For all software licensed under this EULA and residing on the host agency’s server(s)/system, implementation and support of such software will be in accordance with the provisions of the host agency’s Software License and Service Agreement.

6. Limitation of Liability The total liability of Zuercher for any claim or damage arising under this EULA, whether in contract, tort, by way of indemnification or under statute shall be limited to (i) direct damages which shall not exceed the license fees paid for the Licensed Software or (ii) in the case of bodily injury or property damage for which defense and indemnity coverage is provided by Zuercher’s insurance carrier(s), the coverage limits of such insurance.


Zuercher, and not its authorized reseller from whom Customer may have purchased the Licensed Software, is responsible for honoring all Customer infringement and warranty claims and service issues associated with the Licensed Software. All Customer claims, for infringement, warranty or service issues, shall be addressed to Zuercher in writing at the address set forth below (or such other principal business address of Zuercher as Zuercher shall post on Zuercher’s website, at Customer acknowledges and agrees that Zuercher’s authorized reseller bears no liability, and Customer shall not bring a claim against such authorized reseller, for infringement, warranty or service issues in respect to the Licensed Software or any other service or product furnished by Zuercher. 7. Warranty Zuercher warrants that it owns or otherwise has all necessary rights in the Licensed Software to lawfully permit it to license the Licensed Software as described in this Agreement. Zuercher further warrants that the Licensed Software (including any ordered custom programming, enhancements and updates to such Licensed Software furnished by Zuercher to Customer) will operate in conformity with Zuercher’s applicable product specifications and documentation (including the applicable user guide(s)) for a period of twelve (12) months from the date of Go Live. In the event a warranty defect or breach is reported by Customer to Zuercher, Zuercher will, at its discretion, either correct or replace the defective Licensed Software with fully functioning replacement Licensed Software. Upon notice of a warranty defect or breach, Zuercher shall correct or replace the Licensed Software within a reasonable timeframe.

Warranties for third party equipment or third party software supplied by Zuercher (or its authorized reseller) will be provided by the applicable vendor and passed through to the Customer by Zuercher, provided, for purposes of clarification, the foregoing does not limit the warranty made by Zuercher on the Licensed Software in this EULA. Zuercher will reasonably cooperate with Customer in Customer’s pursuit of such third-party warranty claims.

Confidential and Proprietary Zuercher Technologies, LLC | 4 Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved

ZUERCHER MAKES AND CUSTOMER RECEIVES NO OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, IN RESPECT TO THE LICENSED SOFTWARE. 8. General Terms This EULA represents the entire agreement between the parties hereto and a final expression of their agreements with respect to the Licensed Software, and supersedes all prior written agreements, oral agreements, representations, descriptions, understandings or negotiations with respect to the matters covered by this EULA. If any term, provision, condition or covenant of this EULA is held to be invalid, void or unenforceable, the rest of the EULA shall remain in full force and effect and shall in no way be affected, impaired or invalidated. No amendment to this EULA shall be effective unless it is in writing and signed by Customer and an authorized officer of Zuercher. No term or provision hereof shall be deemed waived and no breach excused unless such waiver or consent shall be in writing and signed by the party claimed to have waived or consented. Any consent by any party to or waiver of a breach by the other, whether express or implied, shall not constitute a consent to, waiver of, or excuse for any other different or subsequent breach. Neither this EULA nor any rights or obligations hereunder shall be assigned or otherwise transferred by Customer without the prior written consent of Zuercher, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed. This EULA shall be binding on and shall inure to the benefit of the heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of the parties hereto, but nothing in this paragraph shall be construed as a consent to any assignment of this EULA except as provided hereinabove. A facsimile of this EULA and its exhibit(s) may be used as an original.

Except to the extent that this EULA is governed by the laws of the United States, this EULA shall be governed, interpreted and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Wisconsin, USA, without regard to its conflict of laws provisions or the United Nations Convention for the International Sale of Goods.

All notices required to be given under this EULA shall be made in writing by (i) first-class mail, postage prepaid, certified, return receipt, (ii) by overnight delivery using a nationally recognized express carrier (e.g., UPS, FedEx, or USPS), (iii) by facsimile or email followed immediately by first-class mail or overnight delivery, or (iv) by personal delivery, to the address set forth herein, or such other address as provided in writing. Such notices shall be deemed given three (3) days after mailing pursuant to (i) above, or one (1) business day after full compliance with (ii), (iii) or (iv) above. As used herein, a “business day” shall mean a weekday other than a U.S. federal holiday.

Confidential and Proprietary Zuercher Technologies, LLC | 5 Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved


5211 Schluter Road 4509 West 58th Street Monona, WI 53716 Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57108 Attn: Attention: E-mail: Fax:

Accepted by (signature): Accepted by (signature):

Printed Name: Printed Name:

Title: Title:

Date: Date:

Confidential and Proprietary Zuercher Technologies, LLC | 6 Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved

Exhibit A: Pricing Detail This Pricing Table shows all pricing for the complete multi-agency system. Payment will be in accordance with the Payment Schedule under Exhibit B of the “Software License and Service Agreement” between the City of Fitchburg and Zuercher; upon the completion of each payment milestone as defined in Exhibit B, Zuercher will invoice the City of Fitchburg for remittance of payment(s).

Software and Servers Comments Unit Qty Price Total Zuercher Suite Production Server (Physical Server, OS, 1 $ 25,780 $ 25,780 Includes up to 4TB of disk. DBMS, Installation & Testing) Zuercher Suite Training/Testing Server (Physical Server, 1 $ 16,520 $ 16,520 Includes up to 4TB of disk. OS, DBMS, Installation & Testing) Zuercher Suite Warm Standby Server (Physical Server, 1 $ 25,780 $ 25,780 Includes up to 4TB of disk. OS, DBMS, Installation & Testing) Zuercher Suite Production NCIC Server (Virtualized 1 Included Included Server, OS, Installation & Testing) Zuercher Suite Warm Standby NCIC Server (Virtualized 1 Included Included Server, OS, Installation & Testing) Zuercher Suite Production GIS Server (Virtualized Server, 1 Included Included OS, Software, Analytics, Installation & Testing) Zuercher Suite Warm Standby GIS Server (Virtualized 1 Included Included Server, OS, Software, Analytics, Installation & Testing) Esri Server License (Esri ArcGIS for Server Workgroup 1 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 Standard)

Administration Core 1 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 Administration Core (Agency Site License) Middleton PD 1 $ 2,030 $ 2,030 Administration Core (Agency Site License) Fitchburg PD 1 $ 2,380 $ 2,380 Administration Core (Agency Site License) Sun Prairie PD 1 $ 2,660 $ 2,660 Administration Core (Agency Site License) Verona PD 1 $ 1,050 $ 1,050 Administration Core (Agency Site License) Monona PD 1 $ 1,085 $ 1,085

Mobile Core 1 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 Mobile NCIC Per Unit 69 Included Included Mobile Records Middleton PD Per Unit 11 $ 950 $ 10,450 Mobile Records Fitchburg PD Per Unit 18 $ 950 $ 17,100 Mobile Records Sun Prairie PD Per Unit 22 $ 950 $ 20,900 Mobile Records Verona PD Per Unit 11 $ 950 $ 10,450 Mobile Records Monona PD Per Unit 7 $ 950 $ 6,650 Mobile - Badger TraCS NCIC Interface (Export) 1 Included Included

Personnel Core 1 Included Included Personnel Core (Agency Site License) Middleton PD 1 Included Included Personnel Core (Agency Site License) Fitchburg PD 1 Included Included Personnel Core (Agency Site License) Sun Prairie PD 1 Included Included Personnel Core (Agency Site License) Verona PD 1 Included Included Personnel Core (Agency Site License) Monona PD 1 Included Included Personnel Advanced (Agency Site License) Middleton PD 1 $ 2,274 $ 2,274 Personnel Advanced (Agency Site License) Fitchburg PD 1 $ 2,304 $ 2,304 Personnel Advanced (Agency Site License) Sun Prairie PD 1 $ 2,328 $ 2,328 Personnel Advanced (Agency Site License) Verona PD 1 $ 2,190 $ 2,190 Personnel Advanced (Agency Site License) Monona PD 1 $ 2,193 $ 2,193

Portal - Community Involvement Pack 1 $ 5,973 $ 5,973

Records Core 1 $ 7,500 $ 7,500 Records Core (Agency Site License) Middleton PD 1 $ 17,400 $ 17,400 Records Core (Agency Site License) Fitchburg PD 1 $ 20,400 $ 20,400 Records Core (Agency Site License) Sun Prairie PD 1 $ 22,800 $ 22,800 Records Core (Agency Site License) Verona PD 1 $ 9,000 $ 9,000 Records Core (Agency Site License) Monona PD 1 $ 9,300 $ 9,300

Confidential and Proprietary Zuercher Technologies, LLC | 7 Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved

Records Advanced (Agency Site License) Middleton PD 1 $ 5,800 $ 5,800 Records Advanced (Agency Site License) Fitchburg PD 1 $ 6,800 $ 6,800 Records Advanced (Agency Site License) Sun Prairie PD 1 $ 7,600 $ 7,600 Records Advanced (Agency Site License) Verona PD 1 $ 3,000 $ 3,000 Records Advanced (Agency Site License) Monona PD 1 $ 3,100 $ 3,100 Records - Inform CAD Interface (Import) 1 $ 35,000 $ 35,000 Records - WI Crime Reporting (WIBRS) Interface 1 Included Included Records - WI Badger TraCS Accident Reporting Interface 1 $ 12,900 $ 12,900 (Import) Records - WI Badger TraCS eCitations Interface (Import) 1 $ 12,900 $ 12,900 Records - LInX Interface (Export) 1 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 Records - N-DEx Adapter (IA IEPD) 1 Included Included Records - WI eReferral Interface (Export) 1 $ 10,000 $ 10,000

Reporting Core 1 Included Included Reporting Universal Interface Engine 1 Included Included

QA (Article), QB (Boat), DQ 1 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 (Driver's License), QG (Gun), Zuercher Suite - TIME/NCIC Interface (Basic Queries) RQ (Vehicle Registration), Snowmobile Registration, Data Mining (WI only) Zuercher Suite - Additional Agency TIME/NCIC Interface Fitchburg PD 1 $ 2,500 $ 2,500 Zuercher Suite - Additional Agency TIME/NCIC Interface Sun Prairie PD 1 $ 2,500 $ 2,500 Zuercher Suite - Additional Agency TIME/NCIC Interface Verona PD 1 $ 2,500 $ 2,500 Zuercher Suite - Additional Agency TIME/NCIC Interface Monona PD 1 $ 2,500 $ 2,500

Zuercher Suite - Time Synchronization Interface 1 Included Included

Software and Servers Pre-Discount Subtotal $ 392,597 Software and Servers Discount $ (34,922)

Software and Servers Total $ 357,675

Subscriptions Comments Unit Qty Price Total

Community Data Platform Subscription Middleton PD 1 Included Included Community Data Platform Subscription Fitchburg PD 1 Included Included Community Data Platform Subscription Sun Prairie PD 1 Included Included Community Data Platform Subscription Verona PD 1 Included Included Community Data Platform Subscription Monona PD 1 Included Included

Subscriptions Total Included

Peripheral Hardware Comments Unit Qty Price Total

Records - Property & Evidence Barcode Scanner and 1 $ 949 $ 949 Middleton PD Printer Package (Wasp) Records - Property & Evidence Barcode Scanner and 1 $ 949 $ 949 Fitchburg PD Printer Package (Wasp) Records - Property & Evidence Barcode Scanner and 1 $ 949 $ 949 Sun Prairie PD Printer Package (Wasp) Records - Property & Evidence Barcode Scanner and 1 $ 949 $ 949 Verona PD Printer Package (Wasp) Records - Property & Evidence Barcode Scanner and 1 $ 949 $ 949 Monona PD Printer Package (Wasp) Records - Electronic Signature Pad (Topaz) Middleton PD 1 $ 403 $ 403 Records - Electronic Signature Pad (Topaz) Fitchburg PD 1 $ 403 $ 403 Records - Electronic Signature Pad (Topaz) Sun Prairie PD 1 $ 403 $ 403 Records - Electronic Signature Pad (Topaz) Verona PD 1 $ 403 $ 403 Records - Electronic Signature Pad (Topaz) Monona PD 1 $ 403 $ 403

Peripheral Hardware Total $ 6,760

Confidential and Proprietary Zuercher Technologies, LLC | 8 Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved

Services Comments Unit Qty Price Total Project Manager Per Project 1 $ 36,587 $ 36,587 Configuration and Business Process Review (BPR) 2 round-trips anticipated Per Project 1 $ 11,390 $ 11,390

Training - Administration - Mobile (Train the Trainer) - Records (Train the Trainer) - Refresher 2 round-trips anticipated Per Project 1 $ 10,993 $ 10,993

Go-live Support 2 round-trips anticipated Per Project 1 $ 9,005 $ 9,005

Mapping - One-time GIS Data Set Up 1 $ 4,500 $ 4,500

Data Conversion Global Justice RMS Per Module 1 $ 12,500 $ 12,500

Services Total $ 84,975

TOTALS Software and Servers Total $ 357,675 Subscriptions Total Included Peripheral Hardware Total $ 6,760 Services Total $ 84,975

TOTAL $ 449,410

Recurring (Subscriptions & Maintenance) Subscriptions (Year 1) 1 Included Subscriptions (Year 2) 1 Included Subscriptions (Year 3) 1 Included Subscriptions (Year 4) 1 Included Subscriptions (Year 5) 1 Included

Maintenance & Support (Year 1) 1 Included Maintenance & Support (Year 2) 1 $ 63,293 Maintenance & Support (Year 3) 1 $ 66,458 Maintenance & Support (Year 4) 1 $ 69,781 Maintenance & Support (Year 5) 1 $ 73,270 *Taxes are not included in the pricing.*

Confidential and Proprietary Zuercher Technologies, LLC | 9 Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved

Community Data Platform Membership Agreement

Client: Monona Police Department


A. TriTech offers qualifying Member Agencies access to IQ Search and limited services (the Software and Services) as defined in this Agreement. B. Clients who wish to qualify as a Member Agency must:

a. Be a CJIS compliant Law Enforcement Agency b. Agree to contribute data to the Community Data Platform including: i. CAD ii. RMS Incidents iii. RMS Arrests iv. RMS Warrants v. RMS Master Names c. Agree to allow TriTech to share their data with other Member Agencies and law enforcement third parties as provided in this Agreement

C. The Member Agency (also referred to herein as “Client”) will receive the following benefits:

Free subscription to IQ Search for up to 10 Concurrent Users, limited to the following: Your Your State’s National Contributed Participating Participating Data Agencies Agencies RMS Incidents • Quickview (Date of Occurrence, YES YES Location, Incident Type Description, Case Status, RMS Case Number, Agency) CAD Call for Service • QuickView YES

Free subscription to Public access to: Radius searches of crime data from a specified location Map-based summary of RMS Incident statistics based on crime type, description, location, agency, date Register for alerts on RMS Incident activity within a certain radius of a location and/or crime type Map-based citizen/public access to categorized RMS Incidents

A free 90-day trial to the national IQ Search service which includes full detailed searches.

D. The Member Agency will receive up to 10 concurrent user licenses to the Community Data Platform. E. In consideration of the free subscription to IQ Search and as defined above, Client understands and agrees that TriTech will process and anonymize data from the IQ Community Data Platform (the “Aggregate Data”) to provide further commercial services for its clients and third parties as described below.

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F. Full search concurrent user licenses can be purchased to increase concurrent user access and search/query builder capabilities.


Membership includes a limited non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the Software and Services, located on TriTech’s servers, through Client’s computer(s).

The Software and Services provide users an effective set of tools for conducting investigations, monitoring regional crime trends, and increasing transparency to the community.

Client is expressly prohibited from sublicensing, selling, renting, leasing, providing service bureau or timeshare services, distributing or otherwise making the Software and Services available to third parties.

Access and Passwords

A. Access to IQ Search by Client’s authorized end users (“Authorized Users”) will require the use of a password. Client is responsible for management and control of passwords for its end users. B. Client acknowledges (i) that the protection of passwords issued to Authorized Users is an integral part of TriTech’s security and data protection process and procedures and, (ii) that TriTech will rely on Client utilizing and maintaining proper password control obligations and procedures. In the event that Client has reasonable cause to believe that a password is being improperly used by an Authorized User or used by an unauthorized person, Client shall promptly notify TriTech. TriTech reserves the right to deactivate a compromised password immediately upon notice from Client without further notice to Client or the affected Authorized User. TriTech shall have the right, at its sole cost and expense, to utilize an independent certified accounting firm, to verify the number of passwords that have been issued for use by Authorized Users of the Client and use of these passwords within Client’s organization in compliance with the terms of this Agreement.


A. This Agreement may be terminated by TriTech upon thirty (30) days’ written notice due to a material breach by Client. B. Either Party may terminate this Agreement for convenience upon thirty (30) days’ written notice to the other Party.

Client Responsibilities

A. Client will assign a Client Administrator to manage end user access and passwords. B. Client is responsible for providing hardware, operating system and browser software that meets TriTech’s technical specifications, as well as providing and maintaining a fast, stable, high speed connection and remote connectivity for data contribution services as well as individual client user access. C. Client is solely responsible for the integrity of all data and information that is provided to TriTech under this Agreement (i.e., the Client Information), including completeness, accuracy, validity, authorization for use and integrity over time, regardless of form and format, and whether or not such data is used in conjunction with the Subscription Services. D. Client shall not attempt to decode, disassemble, copy, transmit, transfer or otherwise reverse engineer the Services, including, without limitation, the Software. E. Client is responsible for maintaining an active e-mail account for correspondence with TriTech.

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F. Client is responsible for proper firewall maintenance allowing for data to move from their on-premise data contributing system to the applicable IQ application.


A. In association with the execution of this Agreement and TriTech’s participation in the use and support of the Software and Services, Client has obtained, will have access to, or will obtain confidential information regarding intellectual property of TriTech, the Software and Services and its contents, sales and marketing plans and other similar information (hereinafter referred to as "Confidential Information"). Client acknowledges that the Software and Services itself represents and embodies certain trade secrets and confidential information of TriTech. Client hereby agrees that, for itself and its shareholders, officers, directors, employees, and agents, Client shall not disclose any of TriTech’s trade secrets or Confidential Information without TriTech’s prior written consent for any such disclosure. B. In association with the execution of this Agreement and the participation of TriTech in the support of the Software and Services, TriTech has obtained or will obtain confidential information of Client regarding the business of Client or its customers (“Client Information”). TriTech shall not use any Client Information except as expressly set forth in this Agreement. C. Confidential Information of either Party shall not include any information that is (i) already known to the receiving Party at the time of the disclosure; (ii) publicly known at the time of the disclosure or becomes publicly known through no wrongful act or failure of the receiving Party; (iii) subsequently disclosed to receiving Party on a non-confidential basis by a third party not having a confidential relationship with the other Party hereto that rightfully acquired such information; (iv) communicated to a third party by receiving Party with the express written consent of the other Party hereto; or (v) legally compelled to be disclosed pursuant to a subpoena, summons, order or other judicial or governmental process, provided the receiving Party provides prompt notice of any such subpoena, order, etc. to the other Party so that such Party will have the opportunity to obtain a protective order. D. Each Party agrees to restrict access to the Confidential Information or Client Information of the other Party to those employees or agents who require access in order to use or support the Software and Services, acknowledging that certain Confidential Information or Client Information of each Party may be disclosed to Authorized Users as a necessary function of the Software and Services; and, except as otherwise provided, neither Party shall make Confidential Information or Client Information available to any other person or entity without the prior written consent of the other Party. E. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Client understands and agrees that TriTech may transfer Client Information to a third party hosting entity for the purposes of providing the communications infrastructure, hosting services and/or related support and other operations necessary to deliver all or certain portions of the Services; provided that TriTech, in turn, binds such third party to confidentiality and non-disclosure terms that are at least as protective of TriTech’s and Client’s interests as the terms stated herein. In addition, TriTech may also access and use Client Information and results or data, in a de- identified form, for data or analysis purposes (including for the purpose of preparing the Aggregate data and for crime data reporting), and may distribute the results of such analysis or data summaries to other Member Agencies or third parties provided no personally identifying information in the Client Information is disclosed. Client acknowledges that TriTech shall have no responsibility or liability for unauthorized access to or dissemination of Client Information by Authorized Users or other third parties, whether as a result of breach of data security, misappropriation or misuse of passwords or any other cause.

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Ownership and Rights

A. TriTech owns all rights and title in and to the Software and Services. Further, Client agrees that the Software screens and any output of the Software, excepting the Client Information, are the property of TriTech and subject to United States and other patent, copyright, trademark, trade secret and other applicable laws and treaties and Client agrees that it shall not remove, alter or obstruct any ownership or use legends that TriTech places on any such screens or output of the Services. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as granting Client any rights in or to the Software and Services (including, without limitation, the Software and output of the Services), the deliverables from the implementation or additional services or related Confidential Information, other than the right to use the Software and Services and any applicable Confidential Information of TriTech during the Term, in accordance with this Agreement. B. Clients who elect to participate in the Membership Program contribute to a database of information utilized by members to conduct investigations, monitor regional crime trends, and increase transparency to their communities. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, excluding CJIS data, or personally identifying data, Client agrees that TriTech has and retains all rights to use any data and information relating to the Software and Services that is uploaded, inputted, or otherwise submitted by Client for any commercial purposes during or after the term of this Agreement; and any information that constitutes, or results in, an improvement or other modification to the Software and Services. TriTech shall retain all rights and ownership to the Aggregate Data. C. As between the parties, TriTech agrees that all Client Information provided to TriTech under this Agreement for TriTech’s use in connection with the Software and Services is the property of Client; provided, however, TriTech shall have the right to retain Client Information in accordance with its obligations under the terms of this Agreement in the event that the return or the destruction of any Client Information is infeasible, and in any event may use and retain Client Information as provided in Section E of the “Confidentiality” section above. D. The term “Developments” shall mean all programs, upgrades, updates or other enhancements or modifications to the Software, if any, and all Documentation or other materials developed and/or delivered by TriTech in the course of providing technical support or otherwise, under this Agreement. E. Client will not have the ability to copy the Client Information entered onto the Software. Rather, TriTech shall retain the physical copy of the Software, title, right and interest in and to the Software, including upgrades, updates, and/or other enhancements or modifications to the Software in any medium, including but not limited to all copyrights, patents, trade secrets, trademarks, and other proprietary rights. F. TriTech reserves the right to provide free cloud storage only for those data items viewable as part of the Limited Search Capabilities. Additional data attached to contributions such as video, images, and other document types may induce optional storage fees for cloud retention.



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Client shall not transfer or assign any of its rights or obligations under this Agreement to any other person or entity without the express written permission of TriTech, which permission shall not be unreasonably withheld. Any assignment without such express written permission of TriTech shall result in the automatic termination of this Agreement.


Written notices required or permitted to be given under this Agreement shall be made to the parties at the following addresses and shall be presumed to have been received by the other party (i) (three) 3 days after mailing by the party when notices are sent by First Class Mail, postage prepaid; (ii) upon transmission (if sent via facsimile with a confirmed transmission report); or (iii) upon receipt (if sent by hand delivery or courier service).

To Client: To TriTech: Monona Police Department TriTech Software Systems Attn: Attn: Contracts 9477 Waples Street, Suite 100 San Diego, CA 92121

Governing Law

Except to the extent that this Agreement is governed by the laws of the United States, this Agreement shall be governed, interpreted and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State

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of Wisconsin, without regard to its conflict of law provisions.

Support Services

Support will be provided in accordance with Attachment A.

This Agreement does not include any other TriTech subscription services. Additional subscription services purchased by Client will be subject to applicable fees.


Accepted By (Signature) Accepted By (Signature)

Printed Name Printed Name

Title Title

Date Date

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Schedule A


This Schedule describes the terms and conditions relating to technical support that TriTech will provide to Client during the Term of the Agreement.

Technical Support Services:

Email Assistance. Client may contact TriTech via email for issues with IQ Search at [email protected] during normal Customer Service hours, (between 7:30am and 7:30pm Central Time) on regular business days, excluding TriTech holidays, to consult with TriTech technical support staff concerning problem resolution, bug reporting, documentation clarification, and general technical guidance. Assistance may include remote connectivity, modem, or electronic bulletin board.

Software Problem Reporting. Client may submit requests to TriTech identifying potential problems in the Software. Requests should be in writing and directed to TriTech by e-mail,. TriTech retains the right to determine in its sole discretion the final disposition of all requests, and will inform Client of the disposition of each request. If TriTech decides in its sole judgment to act upon a request, it will do so by providing a bug fix as described above.

Scheduled Maintenance. IQ applications may be unavailable periodically for system maintenance. Regular system maintenance includes installation of the IQ Updates, operating system updates/patches and updates to other third party applications as needed. Clients are notified of maintenance periods via an email message.

Exclusions from Technical Support Services:

TriTech shall have no support obligations with respect to any third party hardware or software product (“Nonqualified Product”). If TriTech provides support services for a problem caused by a Nonqualified Product, or if TriTech’s service efforts are increased as a result of a Nonqualified Product, TriTech will charge time and materials for extra service at its current published rates for custom software services. If, in TriTech’s opinion, performance of technical support is made more difficult or impaired because of a Nonqualified Product, TriTech shall so notify Client, and Client will immediately remove the Nonqualified Product at its own risk and expense during any efforts to render technical support under this Agreement. Client shall be solely responsible for the compatibility and functioning of Nonqualified Products with the Software.

Client Responsibilities:

In connection with TriTech’s provision of technical support as described herein, Client acknowledges that Client has the responsibility to do each of the following:

1) Provide hardware, operating system and browser software that meets TriTech’s technical specifications, as well as a fast, stable, high speed connection and remote connectivity.

2) Maintain the designated computer system and associated peripheral equipment in good working order in accordance with the manufacturers’ specifications, and ensure that any problems reported to TriTech are not due to hardware malfunction;

3) Maintain the designated computer system at the latest code revision level deemed necessary by TriTech for proper operation of the Software;

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4) Supply TriTech with access to and use of all information and facilities determined to be necessary by TriTech to render the technical support described herein;

5) Perform any test or procedures recommended by TriTech for the purpose of identifying and/or resolving any problems;

6) At all times follow routine operator procedures as specified in the Documentation or any policies of TriTech posted on the TriTech website;

7) Other than TriTech’s confidentiality obligations with respect to Client Information as set forth in this Agreement, Client shall remain solely responsible at all times for the safeguarding of Client’s proprietary, confidential, and classified information; and

8) Ensure that the designated computer system is isolated from any process links or anything else that could cause harm before requesting or receiving remote support assistance.

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MPSIS RFP Response Evaluation Matrix Vendor: Zuercher Spillman1 New World - MPD New World Agisent2 EIS Global Total Up-Front Cost: $429,135.00 $489,581.00 $270,765.00 $525,617.00 $136,324.00 $459,830.00 $332,000.00 Average Maintenance Cost Years 2 - 5 $60,852.00 $89,960.00 $126,264.00 $46,576.00 $64,424.00 $58,530.15 $82,000.00 Per Year Support Increase % 5% 0% 0% 0% 0% 4% 3% TCO Over Five Years $672,543.00 $849,421.00 $775,821.00 $711,921.00 $394,020.00 $693,950.60 $660,000.00 Projected Go Live Date March 31, 2020 June 30, 2020 July 30, 2020 July 30, 2020 October, 2019 December 16, 2019 October, 2019 Support Type 24/7/365 M-F 7-7 24/7/365 24/7/365 Unspecified 7/24/365 7/24/365

Evaluation Criteria Weight Vendor has Wisconsin based customers. 50 Cost 250 Completeness 100 Schedule 25 General System Requirements 50 Data Access Requirements 50 Test/Training Server 15 User Training Requirements 25 Data Conversion 50 Field Reporting 25 eReferral Interface 25 TraCS Interface 50 TriTech CAD Interface 50 CFS Module 10 Master Name Index 15 Master Vehicle Index 15 Master Location Index 15 Incident Module 50 Arrest Module 15 Citation Module 15 Crash Module 15 Property/Evidence Module 25 Property Inventory Module 25 Bicycle Registration 5 Case/Workflow Management Module 25 Watch Module 5

Final Score: 1000 0 0 0 0 0 0

1. Spillman provided two options, one a stand-alone system and the second being the use of the Dane County Spillman System. The price reflected for comparison is the stand-alone system, as that was the higher of the two costs, however the most complete. The Dane County option did not include data conversion costs.

2. Agisent provided a SAAS option hosted in the cloud and an on-premisis option. Cost in the matrix is for the cloud version as hardware costs for the on-premesis version were not included and would have to be added after an understanding of the necessary software and hardware MPSIS would need to provide.

Software License and Service Agreement

The City of Fitchburg

The City of Fitchburg Zuercher Suite Contract

This Software License and Service Agreement (this “Agreement”) entered into as of this ____ day of ______20___ by and between The City of Fitchburg on behalf of the Multi-Jurisdictional Public Safety Information System (“Customer”), having its principal place of business at 5520 Lacy Road, Fitchburg, WI 53711-531, and Zuercher Technologies LLC (“Zuercher”), having its principal place of business at 4509 West 58th Street, Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57108. Customer and Zuercher may also be referred to herein individually as a “Party” or collectively as the “Parties”. This Agreement details the responsibilities of Zuercher and Customer with regard to the public safety software, hardware, and related services to be provided by Zuercher under this Agreement. Now, therefore, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises contained in this Agreement, the Parties agree as follows: 1.0 Exhibits and Order of Precedence The following Exhibits are incorporated into this Agreement: 1. Exhibit A: Statement of Work 2. Exhibit B: Pricing Detail 3. Exhibit C: Payment Schedule 4. Exhibit D: Maintenance Agreement 5. Exhibit E: Community Data Platform Membership Agreement In the event of any inconsistency among the various documents that comprise this Agreement, the order of precedence shall be as follows: (i) the Agreement, followed by (ii) the Exhibits to the Agreement in the order in which they appear in 1.0, Exhibits and Order of Precedence. 2.0 License 2.1 Grant of the License In consideration of Customer’s payment of the license fees set forth in Exhibit B: Pricing Detail, and subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein, Zuercher hereby grants to Customer, and Customer accepts, a perpetual, non-transferable and non-exclusive license to use certain Zuercher software (the “Software”) identified in Exhibit B: Pricing Detail only for Customer’s own business purposes in object code format.

2.2 Copies and Modifications Customer may make a copy of the Software solely for backup or archival purposes. No Zuercher identifying marks, copyright or proprietary right notices may be deleted from any copies of the Software made by Customer. Customer shall not decompile, or create by reverse engineering or otherwise, the source codes from the object code supplied hereunder, or adapt the Software in any way or use it to create a derivative work. Zuercher shall not be responsible in any way for Software performance if the Software has been modified, except as modified by Zuercher.

2.3 Restrictions on Usage Customer shall not allow any party, other than Zuercher, to add, update, or delete database records or

Confidential and Proprietary Zuercher Technologies, LLC | 1 Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved The City of Fitchburg Zuercher Suite Contract

file system objects directly to or on the server or database except as provided for in the Zuercher Documentation. Customer shall not access any Server Hardware except as provided in the Zuercher Documentation or cause any software except the Software provided under this Agreement to be installed on or executed on the Server Hardware.

2.4 Infringement

Zuercher will at its expense defend against any claim, action or proceeding by a third party (“Action” herein) for infringement by the Zuercher Software of copyright or trade secrets, provided that Customer immediately notifies Zuercher in writing of such Action and cooperates fully with Zuercher and its legal counsel in the defense thereof. Zuercher may in its discretion (i) contest, (ii) settle, (iii) procure for Customer the right to continue using the Zuercher Software, or (iv) modify or replace the Zuercher Software so that it no longer infringes (as long as the functionality and performance described in the Specifications substantially remains following such modification or replacement.) Customer may participate in the defense of such Action at its own expense. If Zuercher concludes in its sole judgment that none of the foregoing options are commercially reasonable, and Customer’s use of the Zuercher Software is permanently enjoined as a result of a judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction in such Action, then Zuercher will return to Customer the Zuercher Software license fee(s) paid by Customer under this Agreement less a prorated portion of said fee(s) for Customer’s use of the Zuercher Software (calculated by multiplying the ratio of the number of months of actual use in live operations to thirty-six (36) months times the license fees paid) and the licenses granted in this Agreement shall terminate. In addition, in the event such Action results in a money judgment against Customer which does not arise, wholly or in part, from the actions or omissions of Customer, its officers, directors, employees, contractors, agents, or elected officials, or a third party, Zuercher will, subject to Section 5.0 herein, indemnify Customer therefrom.

Notwithstanding the above, Zuercher shall have no duty under this Section 2.4 with respect to any claim, action or proceeding arising from or related to infringements (i) by Third Party Software, including operating system software, or hardware, (ii) arising out of modifications to the Zuercher Software and/or Documentation not made by Zuercher, (iii) resulting from use of the Zuercher Software to practice any method or process which does not occur wholly within the Zuercher Software, or (iv) resulting from modifications to the Zuercher Software or Documentation prepared pursuant to specifications or other material furnished by or on behalf of Customer. This Section 2.4 states the entire obligation of Zuercher regarding infringement of intellectual property rights, and it will survive the termination of this Agreement. 3.0 Delivery, Fees and Payments 3.1 Delivery of Software to Customer The Software shall be delivered in executable object code form only. Zuercher shall initially deliver and install copies of the Software as set forth in Exhibit A: Statement of Work, in the quantities set forth in

Confidential and Proprietary Zuercher Technologies, LLC | 2 Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved The City of Fitchburg Zuercher Suite Contract

Exhibit B: Pricing Detail. Except as stated in Exhibit D: Maintenance Agreement, Zuercher shall not be responsible for providing any updates, enhancements, modifications, revisions, additions, replacements, conversions or maintenance to the Software.

3.2 Delivery of Hardware to Customer Zuercher shall ship Hardware provided under this Agreement as set forth in Exhibit B: Pricing Detail to Customer’s location at a mutually agreeable time in the project timeline. Items shipped via commercial carrier are FOB destination at the fixed price stated in Exhibit B: Pricing Detail. It shall be Customer’s responsibility to install all Hardware and to perform proper facility preparation (such as appropriate uninterrupted power, air conditioning, space, electrical drops, security, network equipment, network drops, etc.) not specified in this Agreement as being provided by Zuercher, but necessary to accommodate equipment as specified in the Statement of Work before, during, and/or after installation.

3.3 Delivery of Services to Customer Zuercher will provide Services as set forth in Exhibit A: Statement of Work.

3.4 Fees Customer will pay Zuercher the fees, without deduction or offset, on the dates set forth in Exhibit C: Payment Schedule.

3.5 Late Payment If Customer fails to pay any amount due within thirty (30) days of invoice date, Customer shall pay late charges of one and one half percent (1.5%) or the highest allowed by law, whichever is lower, per month on such balance, together with all of Zuercher’s expenses, collection costs and reasonable attorneys’ fees incurred in enforcing this Agreement.

3.6 System Acceptance Customer acknowledges that the System shall be deemed accepted on the date of Go Live. In the event that a Customer notifies Zuercher of a material non-conformity in the Software as compared with the Statement of Work, Zuercher shall use commercially reasonable efforts to correct the reported non- conformity in accordance with the support provisions set forth in Exhibit D: Maintenance Agreement.

3.7 Additional Components Other components (hardware and/or software, collectively “Third Party Components”) may be desired for use with the System. Zuercher assumes no responsibility under this Agreement for obtaining and/or supporting any Third Party Components except as expressly agreed herein. This includes, but is not limited to, networking equipment, workstations, servers for third-party systems, mobile networking equipment, and mobile workstations, laptops, or tablets.

3.8 Third-Party Costs Except as expressly agreed herein, Zuercher assumes no responsibility for any third-party costs related to

Confidential and Proprietary Zuercher Technologies, LLC | 3 Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved The City of Fitchburg Zuercher Suite Contract

implementation of the System. This includes, but is not limited to, any third-party costs associated with the implementation of Interfaces as defined in Exhibit A: Statement of Work. 4.0 Rights and Obligations 4.1 Proprietary Rights Zuercher represents that it is the owner of or otherwise has the rights to the Software and that it has the right to grant the License. Zuercher retains title to the Software and its associated Documentation, including, without limitation, all copies and audiovisual aspects thereof and all rights to patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets and other intellectual property rights inherent therein and appurtenant thereto. Customer shall not, by virtue of this Agreement or otherwise, acquire any proprietary rights whatsoever in the Software or its associated Documentation, which shall be confidential information of Zuercher and the sole and exclusive property of Zuercher. Zuercher hereby expressly reserves any right not expressly granted to Customer by this Agreement. No identifying marks, copyright or proprietary right notices may be deleted from any copy of the Software provided to or made by Customer. All right and title to any third party software provided by Zuercher under this Agreement shall remain with the applicable vendor thereof. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as conveying title in the Software, its associated Documentation, or any third party software to Customer.

4.2 Trademarks and Trade Names Any and all trademarks and trade names, which Zuercher uses in connection with the License granted hereunder, are and shall remain the exclusive property of Zuercher. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be deemed to give Customer any right, title or interest in any trademark or trade name of Zuercher.

4.3 Confidentiality Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, Customer shall not sell, transfer, publish, disclose or otherwise make available any portion of the Software or its associated Documentation to others. Customer shall use its reasonable best efforts to cooperate with and assist Zuercher in identifying and preventing any unauthorized use, copying or disclosure of the Software or any portion thereof or any of the algorithms or logic contained therein or any other deliverables. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to limit Customer’s ability to comply with its obligations under Wisconsin Open Records law, and doing so shall not be considered a violation of this Agreement. 4.3.1 Zuercher agrees to maintain Customer’s confidential business information and confidential data, including patient identifying data, to which Zuercher gains access in confidence and to not disclose such information except as required to perform hereunder or as required by law. Customer will use reasonable efforts to identify or designate information or data as confidential at or within five (5) business days of disclosure. Notwithstanding the above, Zuercher shall own the copyrights, trade secrets, patent rights and other proprietary rights in and may use without restriction knowledge, information, ideas, methods, know-how, and copyrightable expression learned or acquired (including without limitation any feedback, suggestions, or other information or materials) as a result of or in connection with this

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Agreement to make modifications and enhancements to the Zuercher Software or Documentation. Customer shall acquire no intellectual property ownership rights to the Zuercher Software or Documentation as a result of such use, whether as author, joint author, or otherwise. Confidential information does not include any information which (a) is generally available to the public or becomes generally known to the public through no act or omission of Zuercher or any violation of confidentiality; (b) is disclosed to Zuercher by third parties without breach of confidentiality obligations; (c) is already in the lawful or rightful possession of Zuercher prior to receipt of the confidential information or (d) is developed independently by Zuercher without use of the confidential information. Zuercher maintains a security program for managing access to customer data – particularly HIPAA and CJIS information (“Security Approved Personnel”). This includes 1) a pre- employment background check; 2) security training required by Federal CJIS regulations; and 3) criminal background checks/fingerprints required by Federal or State regulations. Zuercher will work with the Customer to provide reasonably required documentation (such as the CJIS Security Addendum Certification form and VPN documents). If required by the Customer, Zuercher will provide paper fingerprint cards for such Security Approved personnel with the fingerprinting performed in the state of the Zuercher staff’s job assignment. If the Customer requires fingerprints submitted in a form other than paper prints (such as Live Scan) or that such fingerprints be performed at the Customer’s site, the Customer will reimburse Zuercher for the cost of Zuercher Security Approved Personnel traveling to the Customer’s site or for a vendor (such as Live Scan) to travel to the applicable Zuercher office location. This provision will apply during the installation of the Project and for the duration of the Customer’s Maintenance Agreement.

4.4 Termination for Breach Zuercher may immediately terminate this Agreement, including all license rights granted herein, in the event Customer breaches any of its material confidentiality obligations regarding the Software and its associated Documentation.

4.5 Non-Confidential Information Confidentiality obligations of the Parties shall not extend to information that: (a) is, as of the time of its disclosure, or thereafter becomes part of the public domain through a source other than the receiving party; (b) was known to the receiving party at the time of its disclosure and such knowledge can be proven by documentation; (c) is independently developed by the receiving party; (d) is subsequently learned from a third party not under a confidentiality obligation to the providing party; or (e) is required to be disclosed pursuant to court order, subpoena, or government authority,

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whereupon the receiving party shall provide notice to the other party prior to such disclosure.

4.6 Limited Warranties Software Warranties Zuercher warrants that: (i) it owns or otherwise has the rights in the Software and has the right to license the Software as described in this Agreement. Zuercher further warrants that for a period of twelve (12) months from the date of Go Live (the “Warranty Period”), the Zuercher Software will perform in conformance with the Zuercher Documentation and any applicable specifications set forth in Exhibit A: Statement of Work. Zuercher’s sole obligation or liability during the Warranty Period shall be to use commercially reasonable efforts to correct the Software upon receipt of written notice of a warranty defect from Customer, in a reasonable time in accordance with the provisions of Exhibit D: Maintenance Agreement. In the event Zuercher fails to remedy material defects in the Software under this warranty, Customer’s sole remedy and Zuercher’s sole liability shall be to receive a refund of any fee paid hereunder for the portion of the Software, if any, which contains an uncorrected material defect. Wireless Service Limitations Problems in the Zuercher software or transmission of data caused by wireless services, including cell phone carriers, cell phone devices and operating systems, and any personal settings on the devices are not warranted by Zuercher, or covered under the terms of this Agreement. The Customer’s use of services provided by wireless service providers or carrier, or transmission of data from cell phone carriers, cell phones and operating systems, and the security, privacy, or accuracy of any data provided via such services is at the Customer’s sole risk.

Hardware and Third-Party Software Warranties Zuercher warrants that, at the time of delivery, the Hardware will be new and unused. In addition, Zuercher warrants that upon payment of the applicable fees, Customer will acquire good and clear title to the Hardware, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances. All Hardware and Third-Party Software warranties provided by the manufacturer will be passed through to Customer. Zuercher will be solely responsible for processing and managing of all Hardware and Third- Party Software warranty claims that may be necessary during the term of this Agreement. ZUERCHER EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS, AND CUSTOMER HEREBY EXPRESSLY WAIVES, ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

4.7 Legal Relationship It is expressly understood by Customer and Zuercher that Zuercher shall not be construed to be, and is not, an employee of Customer. Zuercher shall provide services to Customer as an independent contractor with control over the time, means and methods for accomplishing the services outlined in this Agreement. Zuercher further acknowledges that it is not entitled to such benefits as holiday time, vacation time, sick leave, retirement benefits, health benefits, or other benefits usually associated with employment.

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4.8 Insurance Provision Zuercher, at all times during the term of this Agreement, shall obtain and maintain in force insurance coverage of the types and with the limits as follows: (a) Commercial General Liability Insurance: Commercial general liability insurance with a limit of $1,000,000 for each occurrence; $2,000,000 in the aggregate. (b) Professional Liability Insurance: Professional liability insurance with a limit of $5,000,000 each claim; $5,000,000 in the aggregate. (c) Business Automobile Liability Insurance: Business automobile liability insurance or equivalent form with a limit of not less than $1,000,000 for each accident. Such insurance shall include coverage for owned, hired and non-owned vehicles. At Customer’s request, Zuercher shall provide properly executed Certificates of Insurance which shall clearly evidence all insurance required in this Agreement and which provide that such insurance may not be canceled, except on 30 days prior written notice to Customer. 5.0 Indemnification and Limitation of Liability Zuercher shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless Customer from any and all claims, lawsuits or liability, including attorneys' fees and costs, allegedly arising out of, in connection with, or incident to any loss, damage or injury to persons or property or arising from a wrongful or negligent act, error or omission of Zuercher, its employees, agents, contractors, or any subcontractor as a result of Zuercher’s or any subcontractor’s performance pursuant to this Agreement; however, Zuercher shall not be required to indemnify Customer for any claims or actions caused to the extent of the negligence or wrongful act of Customer, its employees, agents, or contractors. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the foregoing, if a claim, lawsuit or liability results from or is contributed to by the actions or omissions of Customer, or its employees, agents or contractors, Zuercher’s obligations under this provision shall be reduced to the extent of such actions or omissions based upon the principle of comparative fault. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the aggregate liability of Zuercher for any reason and upon any cause of action of claim, including, without limitation, Zuercher’s obligation to indemnify and hold harmless under this agreement, shall be limited to direct damages which shall not exceed (i) the amount of the fees paid for the portion of the System giving rise to such claims in the aggregate, including, without limitation, breach of contract, breach of warranty, indemnity, negligence, strict liability, misrepresentations, and other torts; or (ii) for claims arising under annual maintenance, the amount of the maintenance fees paid for the term in which the claim arises. IN NO EVENT SHALL ZUERCHER, ITS SUBCONTRACTORS OR SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE WHETHER IN CONTRACT OR IN TORT FOR LOST PROFITS, LOST SAVINGS, LOST DATA, LOST OR DAMAGED SOFTWARE, OR ANY OTHER CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF, OR OTHERWISE RELATED TO THIS AGREEMENT, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER ZUERCHER HAS NOTICE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF ANY SUCH LOSS OR DAMAGE.

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6.0 Termination 6.1 By Zuercher for Cause In addition to various other express rights of Zuercher to terminate this Agreement set forth herein, Zuercher shall also have the right to terminate this Agreement upon thirty (30) day’s prior written notice and cancel any unfulfilled portion of it by written notice to Customer due to Customer’s failure to comply with any material terms or conditions of this Agreement, or in other cases if: (i) Customer becomes bankrupt or insolvent or enters into any arrangement or composition with its creditors or if a receiver is appointed to direct the business of Customer, or (ii) Customer sells or assigns its rights, duties or obligations under this Agreement to any person or entity, in whole or in part, whether by assignment, merger, transfer or assets, sale of stock, operation of law or otherwise, without the express written permission of Zuercher or (iii) upon Customer’s breach of the License or confidentiality and nondisclosure provisions contained herein, or (iv) upon a violation of Zuercher’s proprietary rights hereunder. The termination of this Agreement shall automatically terminate and extinguish the License. Zuercher may exercise any rights available to it under Wisconsin state law to terminate for cause upon the failure of Customer to comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement; provided that Zuercher shall give Customer written notice specifying Customer's failure and a reasonable opportunity for Customer to cure the defect.

6.2 By Customer for Cause Customer may terminate this Agreement for cause based upon the failure of Zuercher to comply with any material terms and/or conditions of the Agreement, provided that Customer shall give Zuercher thirty (30) days’ written notice specifying Zuercher’s failure. If within thirty (30) days after receipt of such notice, Zuercher shall not have either corrected such failure or, in the case of failure which cannot be corrected in thirty (30) days, begun in good faith to correct said failure and thereafter proceeded diligently to complete such correction, then Customer may, at its option, place Zuercher in default and the Agreement shall terminate on the date specified in such notice.

6.3 Termination without Cause After the fifth anniversary of the System Go Live date, this Agreement and the Software license granted herein may be terminated by either party by providing notice one-hundred eighty (180) days prior to the date the next annual maintenance payment is due.

6.4 Post-Termination Obligations All provisions hereof relating to Zuercher’s proprietary rights, confidentiality, non-disclosure and non- solicitation shall survive the termination or expiration of this Agreement. Any fees due as per Exhibit C: Payment Schedule for work completed prior to termination shall still be paid by Customer. In the event of termination of this Agreement prior to implementation of the Zuercher Software, or termination due to Customer’s breach of Zuercher’s intellectual property rights, the license to the Zuercher Software granted under this Agreement shall also terminate and Customer shall remove all Zuercher Software from its

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computer system and at Zuercher’s direction, either return or destroy the Software and its associated Documentation. 7.0 Customer Responsibilities Customer shall provide one primary Project Manager to be the main point of contact for Zuercher. Duties of the Project Manager are outlined in Exhibit A: Statement of Work. 8.0 Miscellaneous 8.1 Force Majeure Neither party shall be liable to the other for any delay or failure to perform any of the services or obligations set forth in this Agreement due to causes beyond its reasonable control. Performance times shall be considered extended for a period of time equivalent to the time lost because of such delay.

8.2 Governing Law This Agreement and performance hereunder shall be governed by the law of the State of Wisconsin, without giving effect to the principles of conflict of law of such state or international treaties.

8.3 Forum Selection The Parties hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of Wisconsin state, or federal courts with respect to any action between the Parties relating to this Agreement.

8.4 Assignment This Agreement shall apply to, inure to the benefit of, and be binding upon the Parties hereto and upon their permitted successors in interest and permitted assigns. Customer may not assign, without the prior written consent of Zuercher, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, Customer’s rights, duties or obligations under this Agreement to any person or entity, in whole or in part, whether by assignment, merger, transfer of assets, sale of stock, operation of law or otherwise, and any attempt to do so shall be deemed a material breach of this Agreement.

8.5 Notice Any notice provided pursuant to this Agreement, if specified to be in writing, shall be in writing and shall be deemed given (i) if by hand delivery, upon receipt hereof; (ii) if mailed, 7 days after deposit in the U.S. mails, postage prepaid, certified mail, return receipt requested. All notices shall be addressed to the Parties at the addresses set forth on the first page hereof.

8.6 Survival All provisions of this Agreement relating to proprietary rights, confidentiality, non-disclosure and to payment of fees by Customer shall survive the termination of this Agreement.

8.7 No Waiver The waiver or failure of either party to exercise any right in any respect provided for herein shall not be

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deemed a waiver of any further right hereunder.

8.8 Enforceability If for any reason a court of competent jurisdiction finds any provision of this Agreement, or portion thereof, to be unenforceable, that provision shall be enforced to the maximum extent permissible so as to affect the intent of the Parties, and the remainder of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect.

8.9 Remedies Unless otherwise specified herein, the rights and remedies of the Parties set forth in this Agreement are not exclusive and are in addition to any other rights and remedies available at law or in equity.

8.10 Headings The headings of the sections of this Agreement are inserted for convenience only and shall not constitute a part hereof or affect in any way the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement.

8.11 No Third-Party Beneficiaries The Parties agree that this Agreement is for the benefit of the Parties hereto and is not intended to confer any rights or benefits on any third party, and that there are no third-party beneficiaries as to this Agreement or any part or specific provision of this Agreement.

8.12 Limitation of Actions No action, regardless of form, arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the subject matter hereof may be brought by either party more than two (2) years after the cause of action has initially arisen, with the exception of either Party’s breach of its confidentiality or non-disclosure obligations herein or Customer’s violation of Zuercher’s proprietary rights in the Software or any other software owned or licensed by Zuercher.

8.13 Taxes Customer shall, in addition to the payments required hereunder, pay all applicable sales, use, transfer or other taxes and all duties, whether international, national, state or local, however designated, which are levied or imposed by reason of the transactions contemplated hereby, excluding, however, income taxes on net profits which may be levied against Zuercher. Customer shall reimburse Zuercher for the amount of any such taxes or duties paid or accrued directly by Zuercher as a result of this transaction. If Customer is a tax-exempt organization, Customer will provide Zuercher with documentation required by the taxing authority to support such exemption at the time of Execution of this Agreement.

8.14 Non-Discrimination Zuercher agrees to abide by the requirements of the following as applicable: Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended by the Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972, Federal Executive Order 11246 as amended, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, the

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Vietnam Era Veteran's Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, the Fair Housing Act of 1968 as amended, and Zuercher agrees to abide by the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Zuercher agrees not to discriminate in its employment practices, and will render services under this Agreement without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, veteran status, political affiliation, disabilities, or because of an individual's sexual orientation. Any act of discrimination committed by Zuercher, or failure to comply with these obligations when applicable shall be grounds for termination of this Agreement.

8.15 Change Orders Change orders and out-of-scope work will be defined by written agreement.

8.16 Entire Agreement This Agreement, and any Exhibits specifically incorporated therein by reference, constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to the subject matter. These documents supersede and merge all previous proposals of sale, communications, representations, understandings and agreements, whether oral or written, between the Parties with respect to the subject hereof. This Agreement may not be modified except by a writing subscribed to by authorized representatives of both Parties. 9.0 Definitions (a) Documentation: All written, electronic, or recorded end user and system administrator documentation and functional descriptions therein that describe the uses, features, and functional capabilities of the System, and that are published or provided to Customer by Zuercher. (b) Executable Object Code: Software code which has been compiled for use by the computer and is no longer directly readable or modifiable by humans. (c) Execution of Agreement: Date Agreement is signed by all enumerated Parties. (d) Hardware: All hardware, equipment, and other tangible non-Software items supplied to Customer by Zuercher under this Agreement. (e) Go Live: The use of the System as a live, non-test-bed system. This can be exhibited by events such as the completion of the first real-world booking, the taking of the first real-world call for service, the entry of the first real-world case report, or a similar event dealing with real- world use. (f) Software: Any computer programs in object code form and any updates, enhancements, modifications, revisions, additions, replacements or conversions thereof owned by Zuercher and set forth or identified in Exhibit B: Pricing Detail or subsequently licensed to Customer. Software specifically excludes any Third-Party Software. (g) Server Hardware: All hardware, equipment, and other tangible non-Software items supplied to Customer by Zuercher under this Agreement listed as “Server Hardware” in Exhibit B:

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Pricing Detail. (h) Services: All project management, training, data conversion, and other services to be provided by Zuercher under this Agreement. (i) SSH: Secure Shell. A cryptographic protocol for securing data which it transmitted over an insecure network. (j) System: The collective whole of all Software, Hardware, and Services to be purchased, developed, licensed, supplied, installed, configured, or implemented by Zuercher under this Agreement. (k) Third-Party Software: Any software to be supplied by Zuercher under this agreement that is purchased or licensed from any source external to Zuercher for use with or integration into the System.

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The City of Fitchburg

Signer’s Name: ______Signer’s Title: ______

Signature Date

Zuercher Technologies, LLC

Signer’s Name: ______Signer’s Title: ______

Signature Date

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Exhibit A: Statement of Work Zuercher will provide Software, Hardware and Services substantially similar to those outlined below, in the quantities specified in Exhibit B: Pricing Detail. 1.0 Software The software detailed in the following sections includes, but is not limited to, the listed functionality.

Zuercher Suite Base • Operating system software • Secure intra-Customer • Database software messaging • Master name index • Configurable • Master address index • Web address links • Master vehicle index • No duplicate data entry • Authentication

Administration (Core) • Equipment • Service Dogs • Fleet Management • Policy Manual • Inventory Management • Full audit trail • Purchase Requisitions • Custom Forms

Administration – Agency Site • Allows agencies named License herein to access and use Customer’s Zuercher Administration system •

Note: Many items are configurable by agency. All other configuration must be agreed upon between Customer and Additional Agencies.

Mobile Core • Grants access to the Zuercher Mobile application

Mobile Records • Cases • Master index access (including • Warrants mug shots and alerts)

Personnel (Core) • Personnel Log • Full audit trail

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Personnel (Advanced) • Commendations • Service History • Disciplinary Actions • Training • Positions • Citizen Feedback • Promotions

Personnel – Agency Site • Allows agencies named Licenses herein to access and use Customer’s Zuercher Personnel system

Note: Many items are configurable by agency. All other configuration must be agreed upon between Customer and Additional Agencies.

Portal (Community • Read-only access • Data sharing with other Involvement) • Public access to Inmates, Sex Customers Offenders, Warrants, Civil • Media reports Papers, and Calls for Service • Extra Patrol requests • Agency-defined permissions • Public tip submission

Records (Core) • Case Reports • Pawn Property • NIBRS/UCR Submission • Pistol Permits • Master Record Notes • Sex Offenders • Protection Orders • Full audit trail • Warrants • Juvenile Referral List

Records (Advanced) • Field Identifications • Tow Calls • Expungement • Bicycle Registrations • Intelligence Cases • Parking Tickets • Investigative Leads • Custom Forms • Form Requirements

Records - Agency Site License • Allows agencies named herein to access and use Customer’s Zuercher Records system

Note: Workflow and personnel related items are configurable by agency. All other configuration must be

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agreed upon between Customer and Additional Agencies.

Reporting (Core) • Pre-defined reports • Custom data filters • Custom reports • Statistical analysis • Ad-hoc reports • Scheduled reports • Drag and drop report • COMSTAT compatible building • Emailed reports • Export to PDF, XLS, XML, TXT

Community Data Platform • Search engine for Zuercher • State-wide data sharing (CDP) Suite CAD and RMS Data • Up to 10 concurrent users supported

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1.1 Interfaces All costs related to Zuercher’s implementation of the following interfaces is represented in Exhibit B: Pricing Detail. Any third-party costs or charges incurred related to the implementation of the following interfaces will be the responsibility of Customer. Any interfaces that cannot be deployed as part of System go-live due to Customer or a third-party vendor not being ready for deployment shall not delay System Acceptance. Customer shall not allow any party, other than Zuercher, to add, update, or delete database records or file system objects directly to or on the server or database except as provided for in the Zuercher Documentation. Zuercher backend server software is wholly managed by Zuercher and the Customer shall not attempt to access it, except as provided in the Zuercher Documentation. Customer shall not cause any software except the Software provided under this Agreement to be installed on or executed on the Server Hardware. Refer to Exhibit A: Statement of Work: 3.2 Implementation Process overview for interface implementation information. Standard Interfaces

The following are sold as standard interfaces. There will be no software modifications or changes to these standard interfaces: Mobile - Badger TraCS NCIC Interface (Export) This is a one-way export interface from Zuercher Mobile to the local machine's file system. When an NCIC query for persons or vehicles is run on Zuercher Mobile, the system exports an XML file defined by the Badger TraCS schema and places the file in a location watched by the TraCS application. TraCS then imports the XML file to pre-populate person and vehicle information into TraCS forms. Customer will need data mining for the applicable states to export the file. Zuercher is responsible for generating the XML file and exporting it to the local machine. TraCS is responsible for defining the export location on the local machine and importing the record into the TraCS form.

Records - Inform CAD Interface (Import) This is a one-way interface from TriTech's Inform CAD to Zuercher Records. Zuercher receives TriTech's Inform CAD incident data for the Customer that is used to populate the appropriate CAD tables in Zuercher Suite. The CAD data is sent from TriTech as XML files to a shared network location and is used to create Case Reports in Records. The agency will identify the data from TriTech Inform CAD for import into Records, which will include incident location, disposition, date, time, incident code, assigned unit times, primary officer, names and vehicle data. This information, along with case number, will be sent from TriTech Inform CAD to populate the appropriate incident report fields in Records. TriTech will trigger the interface to export this CAD data upon applicable unit dispatch, enroute, on-scene and cleared times. Records will import each XML file as the call progresses, updating the case accordingly.

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Records - WI Crime Reporting (WIBRS) Interface This is a one-way interface from Zuercher Records to Wisconsin NIBRS. Customer employees are able to select cases in Records and manually export those cases to a text file on the local file system. From there, the Customer provides the file to the state system. Zuercher creates functionality to support the text file export from Records.

Records - WI Badger TraCS Accident Reporting Interface (Import) This is a one-way interface from the Badger TraCS to Zuercher Records. Badger TraCS will send accident records as XML files to a shared directory within the agency's network. Base-64 encoded PDFs of the accident report, which also contains the accident diagram, are embedded within the XML files. These files are then imported into Records Accident Reports. Records users will review and approve these imported accident records into the master accident report log. Customer to set up and host the samba network share responsible for receiving TraCS files. Records - WI Badger TraCS eCitations Interface (Import) This is a one-way interface from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation's Badger TraCS to Zuercher Records. Customer sends Uniform Traffic citations as XML files through Badger TraCS to a shared directory within the Customer's network. Attachments to citations are base-64 encoded as a PDF in the XML sent by TraCS. Citations and included attachments are then imported into Records. Records users will review and approve these imported citations into the master citation log. Zuercher will set up and host the network share and will be responsible for importing the files. Records – LinX Interface (Export) This is a one way interface from Zuercher to LinX. LinX will query database views provided by Zuercher. The database views will expose accidents, arrests, incidents, citations, reports, name card information, property, vehicles, and warrants. Zuercher will host the database and the LinX vendor will be responsible for hosting a gateway machine on the agency's network and executing the queries against the Zuercher database periodically. Records - N-DEx Adapter (IA IEPD) This is an adapter that produces XML that is conformant to the N-DEx Incident/Arrest (IA) IEPD. Zuercher Suite transmits data to the N-DEx web service via Zuercher’s existing N-DEx WSDL. Data transmission does not include all fields defined in the IEPD. Records - WI eReferral Interface (Export) This is a one-way interface from Zuercher Records to the Wisconsin District Attorney's eReferral service. Approved case reports in Records are exported to the WI eReferral service once per hour. Records calls the SOAP web service endpoint provided by the WI District Attorney IT department, posting authentication and case data as XML to the service. Data exported from Records includes: case number, date/time, location, defendant name and demographics, victim name and demographics, agency, charge and arrest information. Zuercher Suite - TIME/NCIC Interface (Basic Queries) This is a two-way interface between Zuercher Suite and the Zuercher-provided NCIC server. The following basic queries will be generated by Zuercher Suite and passed to the NCIC server: DQ (Driver’s License), RQ

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(Vehicle Registration), QB (Boat), QA (Article), QG (Gun), Snowmobile Registration, and Data Mining (WI only). The Zuercher-provided NCIC server then sends the queries on to NCIC and collects the results. Those query results are then sent back to Zuercher Suite. Customer is responsible for providing a network connection and the necessary authentication to the state message switch from the NCIC server. NCIC data mining results will only be returned for the state in which Customer is located. Zuercher Suite – Additional Agency TIME/NCIC Interface – Fitchburg PD This interface allows Fitchburg PD to access and use the TIME/NCIC Interface functionality available to Primary Agency.

Zuercher Suite - Additional Agency TIME/NCIC Interface – Sun Prairie PD This interface allows Sun Prairie PD to access and use the TIME/NCIC Interface functionality available to Primary Agency.

Zuercher Suite – Additional Agency TIME/NCIC Interface – Verona PD This interface allows Verona PD to access and use the TIME/NCIC Interface functionality available to Primary Agency. Zuercher Suite - Additional Agency TIME/NCIC Interface – Monona PD This interface allows Monona PD to access and use the TIME/NCIC Interface functionality available to Primary Agency. Zuercher Suite - Time Synchronization Interface This is a one-way interface that uses NTP to keep all Zuercher Servers' clocks in sync.

1.2 Data Conversion Zuercher will provide data conversion services for Customer’s current GIS map data and from Customer’s current software database vendors to Zuercher software. The contents of the data conversion will be determined by the Data Conversion Specification and GIS Specification documents. The listed data conversion services and their associated costs are based on Zuercher's understanding of Customer's needs and current system. Any modules not explicitly listed in this section are not a part of the current project scope and will not be included in implementation. If additional module conversions are required, each one will come at an additional cost based on the scope of the work required for each. Customer shall work with its existing vendors to obtain unencrypted data for conversion in one of the following compatible formats: (a) MS SQL .bak files with database version and credential information (b) MySQL .dump or .sql files with database version and credential information (c) PostgreSQL .sql files with database version and credential information (d) MS Access 2003 or newer .mdb files (e) CSV files with column headers and relationship mapping documentation (f) Oracle 10g or newer backup files

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JusticeRMS Data will be converted into the Zuercher Records module from the JusticeRMS database and data will be provided in one of the formats listed above.

One-time GIS Data Set Up In Zuercher’s efforts to make sure that Customer-supplied GIS data is working to the best of its abilities, Zuercher will run a series of tests to ensure that the GIS data is ready for first installation. In addition, the data will be set up with the proper configuration and loaded into an ArcGIS map document that is required for the software to operate. Address locator and network dataset files will be created and updated for proper geocoding and routing abilities. A thorough GIS data review by Customer is imperative for an effective and organized Zuercher software Go Live. Zuercher cannot make any guarantees for the spatial nor the tabular accuracy of Customer-supplied GIS data as it pertains to geocoding results, routing, and searching. Customer understands that there are several steps involved to make the GIS data sufficiently perform the abovementioned functions. If Customer is unable to make these corrections on its end, a GIS data contract can be set up with Zuercher to ensure the data is built according to the desired specifications. Zuercher will apply one (1) GIS update per month to the Customer’s map as part of this contract. 2.0 Customer Hardware, Network and Power Requirements Zuercher is not responsible for physical installation of the computer hardware required for operating Zuercher Software. Zuercher is not responsible for networking any hardware. Unless otherwise specified, Customer will be responsible for providing the following to meet the hardware, network and power requirements for the System.

2.1 Server Hardware 1. Three (3) rack-mount servers will be purchased by Customer as part of this agreement. 2. Three (3) Zuercher Suite servers will be configured as follows: (a) One (1) Production server with Lantronix remote access device (b) One (1) Warm Standby server with Lantronix remote access device (c) One (1) Testing/Training server 3. The servers will be installed at Fitchburg Police Department and a standby location. 4. In addition to the standard Zuercher Suite operating environment, the Production and Standby servers will have the capability of running the following on a virtual machine: (a) One (1) virtual NCIC server (message switch) (b) One (1) virtual GIS server 5. Ten (10) inches of rack space is required at the primary server location for one (1) Zuercher Suite

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Production rack-mounted server (3.5”), one (1) Zuercher Suite Testing/Training rack-mounted server (3.5”), and one (1) Lantronix remote access device (3.0”). 6. Six and one-half (6.5) inches of rack space is required at the standby server location for one (1) Zuercher Suite Standby rack-mounted server (3.5”) and one (1) Lantronix remote access device (3.0”).

2.2 Production and Testing/Training Server Network Requirements 1. Six (6) open Ethernet cables and ports to be used by one (1) Zuercher Suite Production rack- mounted server, one (1) Zuercher Suite Testing/Training rack-mounted server, and one (1) Lantronix remote access device. 2. Static IP addresses that include four (4) for the Zuercher Suite Production rack-mounted server, three (3) for the Zuercher Suite Testing/Training rack-mounted server, and one (1) for the Lantronix remote access device. 3. Network access that maintains low-latency and high bandwidth that includes a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to support remote users per the requirements that are set forth in the Network Requirement Specifications and Server Requirement Specification documents provided by Zuercher.

2.3 Production and Testing/Training Server Power Requirements 1. One (1) uninterrupted power supply (UPS) that support 1000 watts. 2. Power supply that will handle dual 720 watts for one (1) Zuercher Suite Production rack-mounted server, one (1) Zuercher Suite Testing/Training rack-mounted server, and one (1) Lantronix remote access device. 3. Server cooling that will ensure the appropriate temperatures for one (1) Zuercher Suite Production rack-mounted server, one (1) Zuercher Suite Testing/Training rack-mounted server, and one (1) Lantronix remote access device.

2.4 Standby Server Network Requirements 1. Four (4) open Ethernet cables and ports to be used by the one (1) Zuercher Suite Warm Standby rack-mounted server and one (1) Lantronix remote access device. 2. Static IP addresses that includes five (5) for the Zuercher Suite Warm Standby rack-mounted server and one (1) for the Lantronix remote access device. 3. Network access that maintains low-latency and high bandwidth that includes a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to support remote users per the requirements that are set forth in the Network Requirement Specifications and Server Requirement Specification documents provided by Zuercher.

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2.5 Standby Server Power Requirements 1. One (1) uninterrupted power supply (UPS) that support 1000 watts. 2. Power supply that will handle dual 720 watts for one (1) Zuercher Suite Standby rack-mounted server, and one (1) Lantronix remote access device. 3. Server cooling that will ensure the appropriate temperatures for one (1) Zuercher Suite Standby rack-mounted server and one (1) Lantronix remote access device.

2.6 Peripheral Hardware Records – Property & Evidence Barcode Scanner and Printer Package (Wasp) – Middleton PD This contract will provide for one (1) property and evidence barcode scanner and printer package that will include one (1) wireless Wasp WWS550i barcode scanner, one (1) Wasp WPL305 label printer, and four (4) rolls of labels. Records – Property & Evidence Barcode Scanner and Printer Package (Wasp) – Fitchburg PD This contract will provide for one (1) property and evidence barcode scanner and printer package that will include one (1) wireless Wasp WWS550i barcode scanner, one (1) Wasp WPL305 label printer, and four (4) rolls of labels. Records – Property & Evidence Barcode Scanner and Printer Package (Wasp) – Sun Prairie PD This contract will provide for one (1) property and evidence barcode scanner and printer package that will include one (1) wireless Wasp WWS550i barcode scanner, one (1) Wasp WPL305 label printer, and four (4) rolls of labels. Records – Property & Evidence Barcode Scanner and Printer Package (Wasp) – Verona PD This contract will provide for one (1) property and evidence barcode scanner and printer package that will include one (1) wireless Wasp WWS550i barcode scanner, one (1) Wasp WPL305 label printer, and four (4) rolls of labels. Records – Property & Evidence Barcode Scanner and Printer Package (Wasp) – Monona PD This contract will provide for one (1) property and evidence barcode scanner and printer package that will include one (1) wireless Wasp WWS550i barcode scanner, one (1) Wasp WPL305 label printer, and four (4) rolls of labels.

Records – Electronic Signature Pad (Topaz) – Middleton PD This contract will provide for one (1) electronic signature pad package that will include one (1) SignatureGem LCD 1x5 pad with attached pen and one (1) USB cord Records – Electronic Signature Pad (Topaz) – Fitchburg PD This contract will provide for one (1) electronic signature pad package that will include one (1) SignatureGem LCD 1x5 pad with attached pen and one (1) USB cord

Records – Electronic Signature Pad (Topaz) – Sun Prairie PD This contract will provide for one (1) electronic signature pad package that will include one (1) SignatureGem LCD 1x5 pad with attached pen and one (1) USB cord

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Records – Electronic Signature Pad (Topaz) – Verona PD This contract will provide for one (1) electronic signature pad package that will include one (1) SignatureGem LCD 1x5 pad with attached pen and one (1) USB cord

Records – Electronic Signature Pad (Topaz) – Monona PD This contract will provide for one (1) electronic signature pad package that will include one (1) SignatureGem LCD 1x5 pad with attached pen and one (1) USB cord 3.0 Services 3.1 Project Management Customer Project Manager Customer shall provide one primary Project Manager to be the main point of contact for Zuercher. A single, dedicated Project Manager will be assigned to manage the project for all Customers included in this installation. Customer will identify a Zuercher Build Team. With assistance from Zuercher Implementation Analysts, Customer’s Build Team is responsible for the configuration of Zuercher software. The Build Team should expect to devote 10-20% of each week of implementation to Zuercher configuration work. Customer’s Project Manager and Build Team will work within standard business hours (7:00 AM CST to 6:00 PM CST, Monday through Friday) to enable mutual availability to work with Zuercher on configuration and project activities. Customer’s Dedicated Project Manager Customer’s Dedicated Project Manager Responsibilities 1. Have the authority to speak for Customer from a project perspective. 2. Designate people responsible for specific roles as needed, examples below: (a) Module Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) (b) Hardware Project Manager (c) Zuercher Build Team Members (d) Data Conversion Review Team Members (e) Interface points of contact at Customer (assigned per interface) 3. Involve Customer decision makers when needed 4. Escalate issues to the Zuercher project manager 5. Eliminate roadblocks for completing project on schedule 6. Sign various project documents and ensuring signoff documents and deliverables are provided to Zuercher project manager in a timely manner 7. Organize training schedules, training rooms, and training equipment

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8. Provide real world scenarios for testing and review Zuercher Project Manager and Project Team From the start of the project, a Zuercher project manager will work with Customer as the single point of contact for implementation of the Zuercher Suite system. The project manager will develop and manage the implementation schedule and will coordinate with Customer to keep the project on track and on schedule. The project manager will conduct weekly status meetings to provide Customer with project updates. The Zuercher project team, under the direction of the project manager, will visit pertinent areas of Customer and will meet with key Customer personnel to understand Customer’s operational needs and business rules. Team members will observe Customer’s daily operations first-hand and use that information to identify how the Zuercher Suite system would best be configured to match and enhance Customer’s workflows. The project team will train Customer system administrators on configuration options and code table setup.

3.2 Implementation Process Overview Zuercher uses a multi-phase approach to ensure a successful implementation for each Customer. Trained and experienced members of the Zuercher implementation team move through the process with Customers to ensure successful outcomes. Timelines will be discussed with Customer’s project manager and will be mutually agreed upon to ensure a successful Go Live.

Kickoff Meeting Upon contract signature, a kickoff meeting is scheduled to initiate the implementation process, setting up a statement of work, server installations and scheduling the Business Practice Review (BPR).

Business Practice Review During this meeting, the Zuercher project team works with Customer’s build team and will demo Zuercher Suite modules and guide the agency on their configuration tasks. Configuration Customer plays a large part in the configuration and setup of the final system. Configuration of Zuercher software is guided by Business Analysts, via in-person or remote online sessions, but is considered a Customer responsibility to complete. Data Conversion and GIS Data Conversion Data not contained in systems listed in Exhibit A: Statement of Work: 1.2 Data Conversion will not be converted. Code tables, data mapping, and other system configuration will be entered by Customer with the assistance of a Zuercher Business Analyst. Code tables will not be part of the converted data. A major part of data conversion is review of data that has been converted to Zuercher software. Customer plays a key role in this data review. A thorough data conversion review by Customer is imperative for an effective and organized Zuercher software Go Live. Customer should expect to devote 10-20% of each week of the data conversion process to Zuercher configuration work. Each module converted will require participation of SMEs.

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See Exhibit A: Statement of Work: 1.2.2 GIS Data Conversion for information regarding the GIS data conversion process. Interfaces See Exhibit A: Statement of Work: 1.1 Interfaces for a list of included interfaces. Customer tasks related to interfaces will start immediately after the initial Zuercher kickoff meeting. Customer will set up conference calls with Zuercher and each interface vendor within two weeks of contract signing or one week of kickoff call. Interfaces to and from Zuercher software are created and tested internally before being available for Customer testing. Customer is responsible for initiating and facilitating the relationship(s) between Zuercher and the third- party interface vendor(s). Zuercher software interface specifications must be clearly defined in the Interface One Sheet or Interface Specifications Document. If applicable, each interface will be thoroughly tested by Customer before Go Live.

Final System Review Throughout the project, implementation analysts from Zuercher will schedule sessions with Customer’s Build Team and end users to review any questions or concerns. Train-the-Trainer and/or End User Training Zuercher offers several options for end user training. All of the training options provide hands-on use of the software with real-world examples. Class sizes are limited to ensure that each individual has sufficient time to practice using the system. When the go live date arrives, users are well-prepared to begin using the new software.

Go Live Zuercher provides on-site and/or remote support the day that the new system goes live. Any questions that arise are addressed immediately by the team, ensuring that the first day(s) using the new system goes smoothly.

3.3 Training and Go Live Support Training Zuercher staff will provide for on-site or remote training. The number of days specified for ‘on-site’ services herein may include travel days in addition to actual days on site at Customer’s location(s). Zuercher will make a good faith effort to minimize the travel time which is necessary for a project by working with Customer to most efficiently plan and schedule the delivery of on-site services. System Configuration and Training The first portion of training will be performed by the Zuercher project team. Team members will train and guide Customer’s Build Team in configuring the Zuercher Suite system, setting up and maintaining code tables, managing users and user rights, among other options. Through Zuercher-guided configuration of the system, the Build Team becomes well versed in the Zuercher software system administration.

Confidential and Proprietary Zuercher Technologies, LLC | 25 Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved The City of Fitchburg Zuercher Suite Contract Train-the-Trainer and/or End User Training Trainers will conduct detailed courses for each of Customer’s user groups (such as dispatchers or officers). The content of each course will be tailored to the features and functionality in Zuercher software that each group needs to know and use. Refresher Training Zuercher will provide follow-up training (after successful implementation) to refresh existing personnel on best practices with regard to using Zuercher Suite.

Training Resources Training will be scheduled within standard business hours (7:00 AM CST to 6:00 PM CST, Monday through Friday). The training facilities and equipment will be provided by Customer based on the following: Trainer Resources 1. One (1) computer with a network connection 2. Most recent Zuercher Suite version installed and tested (includes login) 3. Two (2) projectors and two (2) screens set up and tested 4. One (1) podium or desk for trainer Trainee Resources 1. Five (5) to ten (10) computers with network connections two (2) monitors required (three (3) monitors are suggested) 2. One (1) supervisor will attend every class to address policy questions 3. No more than ten (10) trainees in each class 4. Most recent Zuercher Suite version installed and tested (includes login) 5. All third-party devices (i.e., printers, scanners, barcode reader, mugshot camera) connected and tested

Go Live Support Zuercher staff will assist users with questions that arise during Go Live and will reinforce skills learned during the training sessions. Zuercher staff will be on site or remote for Go Live.

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Exhibit B: Pricing Detail The pricing included in this document is valid until March 31, 2019.

Software and Servers Comments Unit Qty Price Total Zuercher Suite Production Server (Physical Server, OS, 1 $ 25,780 $ 25,780 Includes up to 4TB of disk. DBMS, Installation & Testing) Zuercher Suite Training/Testing Server (Physical Server, 1 $ 16,520 $ 16,520 Includes up to 4TB of disk. OS, DBMS, Installation & Testing) Zuercher Suite Warm Standby Server (Physical Server, 1 $ 25,780 $ 25,780 Includes up to 4TB of disk. OS, DBMS, Installation & Testing) Zuercher Suite Production NCIC Server (Virtualized 1 Included Included Server, OS, Installation & Testing) Zuercher Suite Warm Standby NCIC Server (Virtualized 1 Included Included Server, OS, Installation & Testing) Zuercher Suite Production GIS Server (Virtualized Server, 1 Included Included OS, Software, Analytics, Installation & Testing) Zuercher Suite Warm Standby GIS Server (Virtualized 1 Included Included Server, OS, Software, Analytics, Installation & Testing) Esri Server License (Esri ArcGIS for Server Workgroup 1 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 Standard)

Administration Core 1 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 Administration Core (Agency Site License) Middleton PD 1 $ 2,030 $ 2,030 Administration Core (Agency Site License) Fitchburg PD 1 $ 2,380 $ 2,380 Administration Core (Agency Site License) Sun Prairie PD 1 $ 2,660 $ 2,660 Administration Core (Agency Site License) Verona PD 1 $ 1,050 $ 1,050 Administration Core (Agency Site License) Monona PD 1 $ 1,085 $ 1,085

Mobile Core 1 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 Mobile NCIC Per Unit 69 Included Included Mobile Records Middleton PD Per Unit 11 $ 950 $ 10,450 Mobile Records Fitchburg PD Per Unit 18 $ 950 $ 17,100 Mobile Records Sun Prairie PD Per Unit 22 $ 950 $ 20,900 Mobile Records Verona PD Per Unit 11 $ 950 $ 10,450 Mobile Records Monona PD Per Unit 7 $ 950 $ 6,650 Mobile - Badger TraCS NCIC Interface (Export) 1 Included Included

Personnel Core 1 Included Included Personnel Core (Agency Site License) Middleton PD 1 Included Included Personnel Core (Agency Site License) Fitchburg PD 1 Included Included Personnel Core (Agency Site License) Sun Prairie PD 1 Included Included Personnel Core (Agency Site License) Verona PD 1 Included Included Personnel Core (Agency Site License) Monona PD 1 Included Included Personnel Advanced (Agency Site License) Middleton PD 1 $ 2,274 $ 2,274 Personnel Advanced (Agency Site License) Fitchburg PD 1 $ 2,304 $ 2,304 Personnel Advanced (Agency Site License) Sun Prairie PD 1 $ 2,328 $ 2,328 Personnel Advanced (Agency Site License) Verona PD 1 $ 2,190 $ 2,190 Personnel Advanced (Agency Site License) Monona PD 1 $ 2,193 $ 2,193

Portal - Community Involvement Pack 1 $ 5,973 $ 5,973

Records Core 1 $ 7,500 $ 7,500 Records Core (Agency Site License) Middleton PD 1 $ 17,400 $ 17,400 Records Core (Agency Site License) Fitchburg PD 1 $ 20,400 $ 20,400 Records Core (Agency Site License) Sun Prairie PD 1 $ 22,800 $ 22,800 Records Core (Agency Site License) Verona PD 1 $ 9,000 $ 9,000 Records Core (Agency Site License) Monona PD 1 $ 9,300 $ 9,300

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Records Advanced (Agency Site License) Middleton PD 1 $ 5,800 $ 5,800 Records Advanced (Agency Site License) Fitchburg PD 1 $ 6,800 $ 6,800 Records Advanced (Agency Site License) Sun Prairie PD 1 $ 7,600 $ 7,600 Records Advanced (Agency Site License) Verona PD 1 $ 3,000 $ 3,000 Records Advanced (Agency Site License) Monona PD 1 $ 3,100 $ 3,100 Records - Inform CAD Interface (Import) 1 $ 35,000 $ 35,000 Records - WI Crime Reporting (WIBRS) Interface 1 Included Included Records - WI Badger TraCS Accident Reporting Interface 1 $ 12,900 $ 12,900 (Import) Records - WI Badger TraCS eCitations Interface (Import) 1 $ 12,900 $ 12,900 Records - LInX Interface (Export) 1 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 Records - N-DEx Adapter (IA IEPD) 1 Included Included Records - WI eReferral Interface (Export) 1 $ 10,000 $ 10,000

Reporting Core 1 Included Included Reporting Universal Interface Engine 1 Included Included

QA (Article), QB (Boat), DQ 1 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 (Driver's License), QG (Gun), Zuercher Suite - TIME/NCIC Interface (Basic Queries) RQ (Vehicle Registration), Snowmobile Registration, Data Mining (WI only) Zuercher Suite - Additional Agency TIME/NCIC Interface Fitchburg PD 1 $ 2,500 $ 2,500 Zuercher Suite - Additional Agency TIME/NCIC Interface Sun Prairie PD 1 $ 2,500 $ 2,500 Zuercher Suite - Additional Agency TIME/NCIC Interface Verona PD 1 $ 2,500 $ 2,500 Zuercher Suite - Additional Agency TIME/NCIC Interface Monona PD 1 $ 2,500 $ 2,500

Zuercher Suite - Time Synchronization Interface 1 Included Included

Software and Servers Pre-Discount Subtotal $ 392,597 Software and Servers Discount $ (34,922)

Software and Servers Total $ 357,675

Subscriptions Comments Unit Qty Price Total

Community Data Platform Subscription Middleton PD 1 Included Included Community Data Platform Subscription Fitchburg PD 1 Included Included Community Data Platform Subscription Sun Prairie PD 1 Included Included Community Data Platform Subscription Verona PD 1 Included Included Community Data Platform Subscription Monona PD 1 Included Included

Subscriptions Total Included

Peripheral Hardware Comments Unit Qty Price Total

Records - Property & Evidence Barcode Scanner and 1 $ 949 $ 949 Middleton PD Printer Package (Wasp) Records - Property & Evidence Barcode Scanner and 1 $ 949 $ 949 Fitchburg PD Printer Package (Wasp) Records - Property & Evidence Barcode Scanner and 1 $ 949 $ 949 Sun Prairie PD Printer Package (Wasp) Records - Property & Evidence Barcode Scanner and 1 $ 949 $ 949 Verona PD Printer Package (Wasp) Records - Property & Evidence Barcode Scanner and 1 $ 949 $ 949 Monona PD Printer Package (Wasp) Records - Electronic Signature Pad (Topaz) Middleton PD 1 $ 403 $ 403 Records - Electronic Signature Pad (Topaz) Fitchburg PD 1 $ 403 $ 403 Records - Electronic Signature Pad (Topaz) Sun Prairie PD 1 $ 403 $ 403 Records - Electronic Signature Pad (Topaz) Verona PD 1 $ 403 $ 403 Records - Electronic Signature Pad (Topaz) Monona PD 1 $ 403 $ 403

Peripheral Hardware Total $ 6,760 Confidential and Proprietary Zuercher Technologies, LLC | 28 Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved The City of Fitchburg Zuercher Suite Contract

Services Comments Unit Qty Price Total Project Manager Per Project 1 $ 36,587 $ 36,587 Configuration and Business Process Review (BPR) 2 round-trips anticipated Per Project 1 $ 11,390 $ 11,390

Training - Administration - Mobile (Train the Trainer) - Records (Train the Trainer) - Refresher 2 round-trips anticipated Per Project 1 $ 10,993 $ 10,993

Go-live Support 2 round-trips anticipated Per Project 1 $ 9,005 $ 9,005

Mapping - One-time GIS Data Set Up 1 $ 4,500 $ 4,500

Data Conversion Global Justice RMS Per Module 1 $ 12,500 $ 12,500

Services Total $ 84,975

TOTALS Software and Servers Total $ 357,675 Subscriptions Total Included Peripheral Hardware Total $ 6,760 Services Total $ 84,975

TOTAL $ 449,410

Recurring (Subscriptions & Maintenance) Subscriptions (Year 1) 1 Included Subscriptions (Year 2) 1 Included Subscriptions (Year 3) 1 Included Subscriptions (Year 4) 1 Included Subscriptions (Year 5) 1 Included

Maintenance & Support (Year 1) 1 Included Maintenance & Support (Year 2) 1 $ 63,293 Maintenance & Support (Year 3) 1 $ 66,458 Maintenance & Support (Year 4) 1 $ 69,781 Maintenance & Support (Year 5) 1 $ 73,270 *Taxes are not included in the pricing.*

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Exhibit C: Payment Schedule The pricing and the payment schedule included in this document are only valid until March 31, 2019. The total amount of this contract is $449,410. The amounts due under this contract are as follows: Upon contract execution 50% $224,705 Due January 2nd, 2020 30% $134,823 Go Live 20% $89,882

Commencing one year after the System reaches “Go Live,” an annual maintenance fee of $63,293 will be due. Thereafter, the annual maintenance fee shall increase by an amount not to exceed 5% from the prior year. These amounts do not include any taxes. See Agreement section 8.13 Taxes for more information.

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Exhibit D: Maintenance Agreement 4.0 Term The initial term of annual Maintenance under this Exhibit D begins on the date of Go Live and ends twelve (12) months thereafter. The fee for the initial term is included as a line item in the pricing set forth in Exhibit B: Pricing Detail. Maintenance is renewable on an annual basis upon payment of the applicable maintenance and support fee. Zuercher will invoice Customer prior to the end of each annual maintenance term. 5.0 Software Updates While this Agreement has not expired, Zuercher will maintain the Software by providing software updates and enhancements to Customer. All software updates provided to Customer by Zuercher pursuant to the terms of this Agreement shall be subject to the terms and conditions of Section 2.0 License of this Agreement. At a time mutually acceptable to both parties, Zuercher will install software updates remotely.

5.1 Included Updates Updates will be provided on an as-available basis and include the items listed below: 1. Bug fixes; 2. Enhancements to products licensed by Customer under this Agreement;

5.2 Not-Included Updates Updates do not include: 1. Platform extensions including product extensions to different hardware platforms, different windowing system platforms, or different operating system platforms 2. New functions such as new modules, components, products, or applications. 6.0 Support 6.1 General Support Zuercher shall provide phone and email support for the Software licensed under this agreement and shall maintain a support center database to track any reported issues. No support will be provided for Software more than two versions back from the most recently released version. Support does not include custom programming services or training. Support is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week for Zuercher Suite customers.

6.2 GIS Support One-time GIS Data Set UP Zuercher will apply one (1) GIS update per month as part of this contract to the Customer’s map. The

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update includes conversion of submitted data to Zuercher Suite standard and addition or removal of map layers.

6.3 Server Hardware Maintenance Zuercher will maintain the Server Hardware necessary to host the Software. This does not include any Hardware except Server Hardware.

6.4 Customer Responsibilities Access to Premises Customer shall provide Zuercher with reasonable and timely access to the sites and personnel necessary for Zuercher to perform its obligations under this Agreement. Zuercher Server Access Customer will ensure that all Zuercher Suite servers are directly network accessible to Zuercher at all times via SSH. There shall be no additional authorization or equipment required except as requested by Zuercher. System Administrator Customer is responsible for naming one or more System Administrators to serve as a primary point of contact between Customer and Zuercher. At least one System Administrator must be available at all times. Customer will ensure that the System Administrators possesses the appropriate technology and public safety knowledge and skills to perform this role sufficiently. Security Customer is responsible for providing all physical security. The customer is responsible for securing their network.

System Updates Customer shall work in good faith to allow Zuercher to install System updates as requested by Zuercher.

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Exhibit E: Community Data Platform Membership Agreement

Client: The City of Fitchburg (on behalf of the Multi-Jurisdictional Public Safety Information System


A. TriTech offers qualifying Member Agencies access to IQ Search and limited services (the Software and Services) as defined in this Agreement. B. Clients who wish to qualify as a Member Agency must:

a. Be a CJIS compliant Law Enforcement Agency b. Agree to contribute data to the Community Data Platform including: i. CAD ii. RMS Incidents iii. RMS Arrests iv. RMS Warrants v. RMS Master Names c. Agree to allow TriTech to share their data with other Member Agencies and law enforcement third parties as provided in this Agreement

C. The Member Agency (also referred to herein as “Client”) will receive the following benefits:

Free subscription to IQ Search for up to 10 Concurrent Users, limited to the following: Your Your State’s National Contributed Participating Participating Data Agencies Agencies RMS Incidents • Quickview (Date of Occurrence, YES YES Location, Incident Type Description, Case Status, RMS Case Number, Agency) CAD Call for Service • QuickView YES

Free subscription to Public access to: Radius searches of crime data from a specified location Map-based summary of RMS Incident statistics based on crime type, description, location, agency, date Register for alerts on RMS Incident activity within a certain radius of a location and/or crime type Map-based citizen/public access to categorized RMS Incidents

A free 90-day trial to the national IQ Search service which includes full detailed

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searches. D. The Member Agency will receive up to 10 concurrent user licenses to the Community Data Platform. E. In consideration of the free subscription to IQ Search and as defined above, Client understands and agrees that TriTech will process and anonymize data from the IQ Community Data Platform (the “Aggregate Data”) to provide further commercial services for its clients and third parties as described below. F. Full search concurrent user licenses can be purchased to increase concurrent user access and search/query builder capabilities.


Membership includes a limited non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the Software and Services, located on TriTech’s servers, through Client’s computer(s).

The Software and Services provide users an effective set of tools for conducting investigations, monitoring regional crime trends, and increasing transparency to the community.

Client is expressly prohibited from sublicensing, selling, renting, leasing, providing service bureau or timeshare services, distributing or otherwise making the Software and Services available to third parties.

Access and Passwords

A. Access to IQ Search by Client’s authorized end users (“Authorized Users”) will require the use of a password. Client is responsible for management and control of passwords for its end users. B. Client acknowledges (i) that the protection of passwords issued to Authorized Users is an integral part of TriTech’s security and data protection process and procedures and, (ii) that TriTech will rely on Client utilizing and maintaining proper password control obligations and procedures. In the event that Client has reasonable cause to believe that a password is being improperly used by an Authorized User or used by an unauthorized person, Client shall promptly notify TriTech. TriTech reserves the right to deactivate a compromised password immediately upon notice from Client without further notice to Client or the affected Authorized User. TriTech shall have the right, at its sole cost and expense, to utilize an independent certified accounting firm, to verify the number of passwords that have been issued for use by Authorized Users of the Client and use of these passwords within Client’s organization in compliance with the terms of this Agreement.


A. This Agreement may be terminated by TriTech upon thirty (30) days’ written notice due to a material breach by Client. B. Either Party may terminate this Agreement for convenience upon thirty (30) days’ written notice to the other Party.

Client Responsibilities

A. Client will assign a Client Administrator to manage end user access and passwords.

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B. Client is responsible for providing hardware, operating system and browser software that meets TriTech’s technical specifications, as well as providing and maintaining a fast, stable, high speed connection and remote connectivity for data contribution services as well as individual client user access. C. Client is solely responsible for the integrity of all data and information that is provided to TriTech under this Agreement (i.e., the Client Information), including completeness, accuracy, validity, authorization for use and integrity over time, regardless of form and format, and whether or not such data is used in conjunction with the Subscription Services. D. Client shall not attempt to decode, disassemble, copy, transmit, transfer or otherwise reverse engineer the Services, including, without limitation, the Software. E. Client is responsible for maintaining an active e-mail account for correspondence with TriTech. F. Client is responsible for proper firewall maintenance allowing for data to move from their on-premise data contributing system to the applicable IQ application.


A. In association with the execution of this Agreement and TriTech’s participation in the use and support of the Software and Services, Client has obtained, will have access to, or will obtain confidential information regarding intellectual property of TriTech, the Software and Services and its contents, sales and marketing plans and other similar information (hereinafter referred to as "Confidential Information"). Client acknowledges that the Software and Services itself represents and embodies certain trade secrets and confidential information of TriTech. Client hereby agrees that, for itself and its shareholders, officers, directors, employees, and agents, Client shall not disclose any of TriTech’s trade secrets or Confidential Information without TriTech’s prior written consent for any such disclosure. B. In association with the execution of this Agreement and the participation of TriTech in the support of the Software and Services, TriTech has obtained or will obtain confidential information of Client regarding the business of Client or its customers (“Client Information”). TriTech shall not use any Client Information except as expressly set forth in this Agreement. C. Confidential Information of either Party shall not include any information that is (i) already known to the receiving Party at the time of the disclosure; (ii) publicly known at the time of the disclosure or becomes publicly known through no wrongful act or failure of the receiving Party; (iii) subsequently disclosed to receiving Party on a non- confidential basis by a third party not having a confidential relationship with the other Party hereto that rightfully acquired such information; (iv) communicated to a third party by receiving Party with the express written consent of the other Party hereto; or (v) legally compelled to be disclosed pursuant to a subpoena, summons, order or other judicial or governmental process, provided the receiving Party provides prompt notice of any such subpoena, order, etc. to the other Party so that such Party will have the opportunity to obtain a protective order. D. Each Party agrees to restrict access to the Confidential Information or Client Information of the other Party to those employees or agents who require access in order to use or support the Software and Services, acknowledging that certain Confidential Information or Client Information of each Party may be disclosed to Authorized Users as a necessary function of the Software and Services; and, except as otherwise provided, neither Party

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shall make Confidential Information or Client Information available to any other person or entity without the prior written consent of the other Party. E. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Client understands and agrees that TriTech may transfer Client Information to a third party hosting entity for the purposes of providing the communications infrastructure, hosting services and/or related support and other operations necessary to deliver all or certain portions of the Services; provided that TriTech, in turn, binds such third party to confidentiality and non-disclosure terms that are at least as protective of TriTech’s and Client’s interests as the terms stated herein. In addition, TriTech may also access and use Client Information and results or data, in a de-identified form, for data or analysis purposes (including for the purpose of preparing the Aggregate data and for crime data reporting), and may distribute the results of such analysis or data summaries to other Member Agencies or third parties provided no personally identifying information in the Client Information is disclosed. Client acknowledges that TriTech shall have no responsibility or liability for unauthorized access to or dissemination of Client Information by Authorized Users or other third parties, whether as a result of breach of data security, misappropriation or misuse of passwords or any other cause. E.F. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to limit Customer’s ability to comply with its obligations under Wisconsin Open Records law, and doing so shall not be considered a violation of this Agreement.

Ownership and Rights

A. TriTech owns all rights and title in and to the Software and Services. Further, Client agrees that the Software screens and any output of the Software, excepting the Client Information, are the property of TriTech and subject to United States and other patent, copyright, trademark, trade secret and other applicable laws and treaties and Client agrees that it shall not remove, alter or obstruct any ownership or use legends that TriTech places on any such screens or output of the Services. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as granting Client any rights in or to the Software and Services (including, without limitation, the Software and output of the Services), the deliverables from the implementation or additional services or related Confidential Information, other than the right to use the Software and Services and any applicable Confidential Information of TriTech during the Term, in accordance with this Agreement. B. Clients who elect to participate in the Membership Program contribute to a database of information utilized by members to conduct investigations, monitor regional crime trends, and increase transparency to their communities. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, excluding CJIS data, or personally identifying data, Client agrees that TriTech has and retains all rights to use any data and information relating to the Software and Services that is uploaded, inputted, or otherwise submitted by Client for any commercial purposes during or after the term of this Agreement; and any information that constitutes, or results in, an improvement or other modification to the Software and Services. TriTech shall retain all rights and ownership to the Aggregate Data. C. As between the parties, TriTech agrees that all Client Information provided to TriTech under this Agreement for TriTech’s use in connection with the Software and Services is the property of Client; provided, however, TriTech shall have the right to retain Client Information in accordance with its obligations under the terms of this Agreement in the event that the return or the destruction of any Client Information is infeasible, and in any

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event may use and retain Client Information as provided in Section E of the “Confidentiality” section above. D. The term “Developments” shall mean all programs, upgrades, updates or other enhancements or modifications to the Software, if any, and all Documentation or other materials developed and/or delivered by TriTech in the course of providing technical support or otherwise, under this Agreement. E. Client will not have the ability to copy the Client Information entered onto the Software. Rather, TriTech shall retain the physical copy of the Software, title, right and interest in and to the Software, including upgrades, updates, and/or other enhancements or modifications to the Software in any medium, including but not limited to all copyrights, patents, trade secrets, trademarks, and other proprietary rights. F. TriTech reserves the right to provide free cloud storage only for those data items viewable as part of the Limited Search Capabilities. Additional data attached to contributions such as video, images, and other document types may induce optional storage fees for cloud retention.



Confidential and Proprietary Zuercher Technologies, LLC | 37 Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved The City of Fitchburg Zuercher Suite Contract



Client shall not transfer or assign any of its rights or obligations under this Agreement to any other person or entity without the express written permission of TriTech, which permission shall not be unreasonably withheld. Any assignment without such express written permission of TriTech shall result in the automatic termination of this Agreement.


Written notices required or permitted to be given under this Agreement shall be made to the parties at the following addresses and shall be presumed to have been received by the other party (i) (three) 3 days after mailing by the party when notices are sent by First Class Mail, postage prepaid; (ii) upon transmission (if sent via facsimile with a confirmed transmission report); or (iii) upon receipt (if sent by hand delivery or courier service).

To Client: To TriTech: The City of Fitchburg TriTech Software Systems Attn: Attn: Contracts 5520 Lacy Road 9477 Waples Street, Suite 100 Fitchburg, WI 53711-531 San Diego, CA 92121

Governing Law

Except to the extent that this Agreement is governed by the laws of the United States, this Agreement shall be governed, interpreted and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Wisconsin, without regard to its conflict of law provisions.

Support Services

Support will be provided in accordance with Attachment A.

This Agreement does not include any other TriTech subscription services. Additional subscription services purchased by Client will be subject to applicable fees.

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Accepted By (Signature) Accepted By (Signature)

Printed Name Printed Name

Title Title

Date Date

Confidential and Proprietary Zuercher Technologies, LLC | 39 Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved The City of Fitchburg Zuercher Suite Contract

Schedule A


This Schedule describes the terms and conditions relating to technical support that TriTech will provide to Client during the Term of the Agreement.

Technical Support Services:

Email Assistance. Client may contact TriTech via email for issues with IQ Search at [email protected] during normal Customer Service hours, (between 7:30am and 7:30pm Central Time) on regular business days, excluding TriTech holidays, to consult with TriTech technical support staff concerning problem resolution, bug reporting, documentation clarification, and general technical guidance. Assistance may include remote connectivity, modem, or electronic bulletin board.

Software Problem Reporting. Client may submit requests to TriTech identifying potential problems in the Software. Requests should be in writing and directed to TriTech by e-mail,. TriTech retains the right to determine in its sole discretion the final disposition of all requests, and will inform Client of the disposition of each request. If TriTech decides in its sole judgment to act upon a request, it will do so by providing a bug fix as described above.

Scheduled Maintenance. IQ applications may be unavailable periodically for system maintenance. Regular system maintenance includes installation of the IQ Updates, operating system updates/patches and updates to other third party applications as needed. Clients are notified of maintenance periods via an email message.

Exclusions from Technical Support Services:

TriTech shall have no support obligations with respect to any third party hardware or software product (“Nonqualified Product”). If TriTech provides support services for a problem caused by a Nonqualified Product, or if TriTech’s service efforts are increased as a result of a Nonqualified Product, TriTech will charge time and materials for extra service at its current published rates for custom software services. If, in TriTech’s opinion, performance of technical support is made more difficult or impaired because of a Nonqualified Product, TriTech shall so notify Client, and Client will immediately remove the Nonqualified Product at its own risk and expense during any efforts to render technical support under this Agreement. Client shall be solely responsible for the compatibility and functioning of Nonqualified Products with the Software.

Client Responsibilities:

In connection with TriTech’s provision of technical support as described herein, Client acknowledges that Client has the responsibility to do each of the following:

Confidential and Proprietary Zuercher Technologies, LLC | 40 Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved The City of Fitchburg Zuercher Suite Contract

1) Provide hardware, operating system and browser software that meets TriTech’s technical specifications, as well as a fast, stable, high speed connection and remote connectivity.

2) Maintain the designated computer system and associated peripheral equipment in good working order in accordance with the manufacturers’ specifications, and ensure that any problems reported to TriTech are not due to hardware malfunction;

3) Maintain the designated computer system at the latest code revision level deemed necessary by TriTech for proper operation of the Software;

4) Supply TriTech with access to and use of all information and facilities determined to be necessary by TriTech to render the technical support described herein;

5) Perform any test or procedures recommended by TriTech for the purpose of identifying and/or resolving any problems;

6) At all times follow routine operator procedures as specified in the Documentation or any policies of TriTech posted on the TriTech website;

7) Other than TriTech’s confidentiality obligations with respect to Client Information as set forth in this Agreement, Client shall remain solely responsible at all times for the safeguarding of Client’s proprietary, confidential, and classified information; and

8) Ensure that the designated computer system is isolated from any process links or anything else that could cause harm before requesting or receiving remote support assistance.

Confidential and Proprietary Zuercher Technologies, LLC | 41 Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved

Resolution No. 19-3-2335 Monona Common Council


WHEREAS, maintaining a highly operational fleet of vehicles is critical to the operation of the Police Department, as police officers rely on motor vehicles (marked and unmarked squad cars) as their principle mode of transportation; and,

WHEREAS, the City Council has approved a fleet renewal program of two police vehicles in the 2019 capital budget; and,

WHEREAS, the two vehicles scheduled for replacement in 2019 are Squad #110, an unmarked 2009 Toyota Camry, and #115, a marked 2014 Ford Utility Police Interceptor; and,

WHEREAS, the two vehicles scheduled for purchase are a 2019 Ford Fusion Hybrid and a 2020 Ford Police Interceptor Utility Hybrid; and,

WHEREAS, delays in ordering vehicles could result in an increase in maintenance costs and a decrease in revenues from the sale of used vehicles.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Common Council of the City of Monona, Dane County, Wisconsin, that the Monona Police Department is hereby authorized to order and purchase one (1) 2019 Ford Fusion Hybrid for $25,125 and one (1) 2020 Ford Utility Police Interceptor Hybrid for $39,390.50 from Ewald Automotive Group under the State Bid.

Adopted this ______day of ______, 2019


Mary K. O’Connor Mayor

ATTEST: Joan Andrusz City Clerk

Requested By: Police Chief Walter J. Ostrenga Approval Recommended By: Public Safety Committee – 2/27/19

Council Action: Date Introduced: 3-18-19 Date Approved: ______Date Disapproved: ______

City of Monona X Original ______Update Substitute No. ______POLICY AND FISCAL NOTE Resolution No. 19-3-2335 Ordinance Amendment No. ______Title: Purchase of replacement Police Vehicles

Policy Analysis Statement: Brief Description Of Proposal: Purchase of two (2) police vehicles with funds allocated in the 2019 Capital Budget for squad replacement. State bid from Ewald Automotive Group is $64,515.50. Expected delivery is 90-120 days from order.

Squad #115, a marked 2014 Ford Utility Police Interceptor AWD and Squad #110, a unmarked 2009 Toyota Camry. The marked squad will be replaced with a 2020 Ford Utility Hybrid Police Interceptor AWD vehicle ($39,390.50), and the unmarked will be replaced with a 2019 Ford Fusion Hybrid ($25,125.00).

The City budget is $79,500 in 2019. No amendment needed. The remaining amount will be used to get the cars ready for services.

Current Policy Or Practice: Vehicles scheduled for replacement have reached age and mileage totals that are requiring substantial maintenance expenditures.

Impact Of Adopting Proposal: In purchasing these vehicles, we anticipate a decrease in our maintenance costs associated with older vehicles in the police fleet.

Fiscal Estimate: Fiscal Effect (check/circle all that apply) Budget Effect: ___ No fiscal effect X Expenditure authorized in budget ___ Creates new expenditure account ___ No change to budget required ___ Creates new revenue account ___ Expenditure not authorized in budget ___ Increases expenditures Budget amendment required ___ Increases revenues Vote Required: X Increases/decreases fund balance 2019 Capital Fund X Majority ___ Two-Thirds

Narrative/assumptions About Long Range Fiscal Effect: This purchase is expected to aid in decreasing maintenance costs and down time associated with older fleet vehicles. As these are both Hybrid vehicles, it is expected that fuel usage and costs will be reduced.

Expenditure/Revenue Changes: Budget Amendment No. ______No Budget Amendment Required ______X Budget Amended Account Number Account Name Prior to Debit Credit Budget Change Fund CC Account Object 400 57 57210 816 Police Vehicles 79,500 79,500


Prepared By: Department: POLICE Prepared By: Chief Walter J. Ostrenga Date: 2/26/19 Reviewed By: Marc Houtakker Date: 3/13/2019

S:\City Council\PACKETS\3-18-19\Fiscal Note Two Police Vehicles 2-26-19.doc Ewald Automotive Group Scott Kussow | 262-567-5555 | [email protected]

Monona Police Department Prepared For: WALTER J. OSTRENGA (608) 222-0463 [email protected]

Monona PD 2019 Ford Fusion Hybrid (P0L) SE FWD Ewald Automotive Group Scott Kussow | 262-567-5555 | [email protected]

Monona PD 2019 Ford Fusion Hybrid (P0L) SE FWD

Quote Worksheet MSRP Base Price $27,555.00 Dest Charge $995.00 Total Options $420.00 Subtotal $28,970.00 Subtotal Pre-Tax Adjustments $0.00 Less Customer Discount ($3,845.00) Subtotal Discount ($3,845.00) Trade-In $0.00 User Item $0.00 Subtotal Trade-In $0.00 Taxable Price $25,125.00 Sales Tax $0.00 Subtotal Taxes $0.00 Subtotal Post-Tax Adjustments $0.00 Total Sales Price $25,125.00


2019 Ford Fusion Hybrid SE to your specs as detailed. Registration fees are included. Delivery can be anticipated 90-120 days from receipt of your order.

Dealer Signature / Date Customer Signature / Date

This document contains information considered Confidential between GM and its Clients uniquely. The information provided is not intended for public disclosure. Prices, specifications, and availability are subject to change without notice, and do not include certain fees, taxes and charges that may be required by law or vary by manufacturer or region. Performance figures are guidelines only, and actual performance may vary. Photos may not represent actual vehicles or exact configurations. Content based on report preparer’s input is subject to the accuracy of the input provided. Data Version: 7698. Data Updated: Feb 18, 2019 9:32:00 PM PST.

Feb 19, 2019 Page 2 Ewald Automotive Group Scott Kussow | 262-567-5555 | [email protected]

Monona PD 2019 Ford Fusion Hybrid (P0L) SE FWD

Standard Equipment Mechanical

Engine: 2.0L iVCT Atkinson Cycle I-4 Hybrid (STD)

Transmission: eCVT (STD)

50-State Emissions System

Engine Auto Stop-Start Feature

Front-Wheel Drive

500CCA Maintenance-Free Battery w/Run Down Protection

Hybrid Electric Motor

Gas-Pressurized Shock Absorbers

Front And Rear Anti-Roll Bars

Electric Power-Assist Speed-Sensing Steering

14 Gal. Fuel Tank

Single Stainless Steel Exhaust w/Chrome Tailpipe Finisher

Strut Front Suspension w/Coil Springs

Multi-Link Rear Suspension w/Coil Springs

Regenerative 4-Wheel Disc w/4-Wheel ABS, Front Vented Discs, Assist, Hill Hold Control and Electric

Brake Actuated Limited Slip Differential

Lithium Ion Traction Battery Exterior

Wheels: 17" Sparkle Silver-Painted Aluminum

Tires: P225/50R17 BSW

Spare Tire Mobility Kit

Clearcoat Paint

Body-Colored Front Bumper

Body-Colored Rear Bumper

Chrome Side Windows Trim

Body-Colored Door Handles

Body-Colored Power Side Mirrors w/Convex Spotter, Manual Folding and Turn Signal Indicator

Fixed Rear Window w/Defroster

This document contains information considered Confidential between GM and its Clients uniquely. The information provided is not intended for public disclosure. Prices, specifications, and availability are subject to change without notice, and do not include certain fees, taxes and charges that may be required by law or vary by manufacturer or region. Performance figures are guidelines only, and actual performance may vary. Photos may not represent actual vehicles or exact configurations. Content based on report preparer’s input is subject to the accuracy of the input provided. Data Version: 7698. Data Updated: Feb 18, 2019 9:32:00 PM PST.

Feb 19, 2019 Page 3 Ewald Automotive Group Scott Kussow | 262-567-5555 | [email protected]

Monona PD 2019 Ford Fusion Hybrid (P0L) SE FWD


Light Tinted Glass

Speed Sensitive Rain Detecting Variable Intermittent Wipers

Fully Galvanized Steel Panels

Chrome Grille

Trunk Rear Cargo Access

Autolamp Fully Automatic Projector Beam Halogen Auto High-Beam Daytime Running Lights Preference Setting Headlamps w/Delay-Off

Perimeter/Approach Lights

LED Brakelights Entertainment

Radio w/Seek-Scan, Clock, Speed Compensated Volume Control, Controls, Voice Activation and Radio Data System

Radio: AM/FM/MP3 Stereo -inc: 9 speakers and SiriusXM radio w/a 6-month prepaid subscription, SiriusXM not available in AK/HI, Sirius XM audio and data services each require a subscription sold separately, or as a package, by SiriusXM Radio Inc, If you decide to continue service after your trial, the subscription plan you choose will automatically renew thereafter and you will be charged according to your chosen payment method at then-current rates, Fees and taxes apply, To cancel you must call SiriusXM at 1-866-635-2349, See SiriusXM customer agreement for complete terms at, All fees and programming subject to change, SiriusXM and all related marks and logos are trademarks of SiriusXM Radio Inc

Integrated Roof Antenna

SYNC 3 Communications & Entertainment System -inc: enhanced voice recognition, 911 Assist, 8" LCD capacitive touchscreen in center stack w/swipe capability, AppLink, Apple CarPlay, Android Auto and 2 smart charging USB ports

3 LCD Monitors In The Front

Siriusxm Traffic Real-Time Traffic Display Interior

8-Way Driver Seat

Passenger Seat

60-40 Folding Bench Front Facing Fold Forward Seatback Cloth Rear Seat

Manual Tilt/Telescoping Steering Column

Gauges -inc: , , Engine Coolant Temp, , Traction Battery Level, Power/Regen, Trip Odometer and Trip Computer

Power Rear Windows

FordPass Connect 4G LTE WiFi Mobile Hotspot Internet Access

Front Cupholder

This document contains information considered Confidential between GM and its Clients uniquely. The information provided is not intended for public disclosure. Prices, specifications, and availability are subject to change without notice, and do not include certain fees, taxes and charges that may be required by law or vary by manufacturer or region. Performance figures are guidelines only, and actual performance may vary. Photos may not represent actual vehicles or exact configurations. Content based on report preparer’s input is subject to the accuracy of the input provided. Data Version: 7698. Data Updated: Feb 18, 2019 9:32:00 PM PST.

Feb 19, 2019 Page 4 Ewald Automotive Group Scott Kussow | 262-567-5555 | [email protected]

Monona PD 2019 Ford Fusion Hybrid (P0L) SE FWD


Rear Cupholder



Proximity Key For Push Button Start Only

Remote Keyless Entry w/Integrated Key Transmitter, Illuminated Entry, Illuminated Ignition Switch and Panic Button

Remote Releases -Inc: Power Cargo Access and Power Fuel

Cruise Control w/Steering Wheel Controls

Distance Pacing w/Traffic Stop-Go

Dual Zone Front Automatic Air Conditioning

HVAC -inc: Underseat Ducts and Console Ducts

Locking Glove Box

Driver Foot Rest

Cloth Front Bucket Seats -inc: 10-way power driver seat w/2-way power lumbar (fore/aft, up/down w/recline, tilt), 6-way power passenger seat (fore/aft, up/down w/recline) and 4-way front seat head restraints

Interior Trim -inc: Metal-Look Instrument Panel Insert, Metal-Look Door Panel Insert, Metal-Look/Piano Black Console Insert and Chrome Interior Accents

Full Cloth Headliner

Cloth Door Trim Insert

Metal-Look Gear Shift Knob

Day-Night Rearview Mirror

Driver And Passenger Visor Vanity Mirrors w/Driver And Passenger Illumination

Full Floor Console w/Covered Storage, Mini Overhead Console w/Storage and 2 12V DC Power Outlets

Front And Rear Map Lights

Fade-To-Off Interior Lighting

Full Carpet Floor Covering -inc: Carpet Front Floor Mats

Carpet Floor Trim and Carpet Trunk Lid/Rear Cargo Door Trim

Cargo Features -inc: Spare Tire Mobility Kit

Cargo Space Lights

FOB Controls -inc: Trunk/Hatch/Tailgate, Windows and Remote Engine Start

Integrated Navigation System w/Voice Activation

This document contains information considered Confidential between GM and its Clients uniquely. The information provided is not intended for public disclosure. Prices, specifications, and availability are subject to change without notice, and do not include certain fees, taxes and charges that may be required by law or vary by manufacturer or region. Performance figures are guidelines only, and actual performance may vary. Photos may not represent actual vehicles or exact configurations. Content based on report preparer’s input is subject to the accuracy of the input provided. Data Version: 7698. Data Updated: Feb 18, 2019 9:32:00 PM PST.

Feb 19, 2019 Page 5 Ewald Automotive Group Scott Kussow | 262-567-5555 | [email protected]

Monona PD 2019 Ford Fusion Hybrid (P0L) SE FWD


Instrument Panel Bin, Driver / Passenger And Rear Door Bins

Power 1st Row Windows w/Front And Rear 1-Touch Up/Down

Delayed Accessory Power

Power Door Locks w/Autolock Feature

Systems Monitor

Redundant Digital Speedometer

Trip Computer

Outside Temp Gauge

Digital/Analog Display

Seats w/Cloth Back Material

Manual Adjustable Rear Head Restraints

Front Center and Rear Center Armrest

2 Seatback Storage Pockets

Perimeter Alarm

Securilock Anti-Theft Ignition (pats) Engine Immobilizer

2 12V DC Power Outlets

Air Filtration Safety-Mechanical

AdvanceTrac Electronic Stability Control (ESC)

ABS And Driveline Traction Control Safety-Exterior

Side Impact Beams Safety-Interior

Dual Stage Driver And Passenger Seat-Mounted Side

911 Assist Emergency Sos

Rear Parking Sensors

Ford Co-Pilot360 - Blind Spot Information System (blis) Blind Spot Sensor

Ford Co-Pilot360 - Automatic Emergency Braking (aeb) and Cross Traffic Alert

Lane Keeping Assist

Lane Departure Warning

This document contains information considered Confidential between GM and its Clients uniquely. The information provided is not intended for public disclosure. Prices, specifications, and availability are subject to change without notice, and do not include certain fees, taxes and charges that may be required by law or vary by manufacturer or region. Performance figures are guidelines only, and actual performance may vary. Photos may not represent actual vehicles or exact configurations. Content based on report preparer’s input is subject to the accuracy of the input provided. Data Version: 7698. Data Updated: Feb 18, 2019 9:32:00 PM PST.

Feb 19, 2019 Page 6 Ewald Automotive Group Scott Kussow | 262-567-5555 | [email protected]

Monona PD 2019 Ford Fusion Hybrid (P0L) SE FWD


Tire Specific Low Tire Pressure Warning

Dual Stage Driver And Passenger Front Airbags

Curtain 1st And 2nd Row Airbags

Airbag Occupancy Sensor

Driver And Passenger Knee

Mykey System -inc: Top Speed Limiter, Audio Volume Limiter, Early Low Fuel Warning, Programmable Sound Chimes and Beltminder w/Audio Mute

Rear Child Safety Locks

Outboard Front Lap And Shoulder Safety Belts -inc: Rear Center 3 Point, Height Adjusters and Pretensioners

Back-Up Camera WARRANTY

Basic Years: 3 Basic Miles/km: 36,000 Drivetrain Years: 5 Drivetrain Miles/km: 60,000 Corrosion Years: 5 Corrosion Miles/km: Unlimited Hybrid/Electric Components Years: 8 Hybrid/Electric Components Miles/km: 100,000 Roadside Assistance Years: 5 Roadside Assistance Miles/km: 60,000

This document contains information considered Confidential between GM and its Clients uniquely. The information provided is not intended for public disclosure. Prices, specifications, and availability are subject to change without notice, and do not include certain fees, taxes and charges that may be required by law or vary by manufacturer or region. Performance figures are guidelines only, and actual performance may vary. Photos may not represent actual vehicles or exact configurations. Content based on report preparer’s input is subject to the accuracy of the input provided. Data Version: 7698. Data Updated: Feb 18, 2019 9:32:00 PM PST.

Feb 19, 2019 Page 7 Ewald Automotive Group Scott Kussow | 262-567-5555 | [email protected]

Monona PD 2019 Ford Fusion Hybrid (P0L) SE FWD

Selected Model and Options MODEL


P0L 2019 Ford Fusion Hybrid SE FWD $27,555.00



J7 Magnetic Metallic $0.00



44J Transmission: eCVT (STD) $0.00



550A Equipment Group 550A $0.00



55M Front & Rear Floor Liners $120.00



63K P0L01 - SE HEV $0.00



99U Engine: 2.0L iVCT Atkinson Cycle I-4 Hybrid (STD) $0.00



DI-1 4 KEYS TOTAL $300.00

This document contains information considered Confidential between GM and its Clients uniquely. The information provided is not intended for public disclosure. Prices, specifications, and availability are subject to change without notice, and do not include certain fees, taxes and charges that may be required by law or vary by manufacturer or region. Performance figures are guidelines only, and actual performance may vary. Photos may not represent actual vehicles or exact configurations. Content based on report preparer’s input is subject to the accuracy of the input provided. Data Version: 7698. Data Updated: Feb 18, 2019 9:32:00 PM PST.

Feb 19, 2019 Page 8 Ewald Automotive Group Scott Kussow | 262-567-5555 | [email protected]

Monona PD 2019 Ford Fusion Hybrid (P0L) SE FWD



DT Ebony, Cloth Front Bucket Seats -inc: 10-way power driver seat w/2-way power lumbar (fore/aft, $0.00 up/down w/recline, tilt), 6-way power passenger seat (fore/aft, up/down w/recline) and 4-way front seat head restraints



J7 Magnetic Metallic $0.00

Options Total $420.00

This document contains information considered Confidential between GM and its Clients uniquely. The information provided is not intended for public disclosure. Prices, specifications, and availability are subject to change without notice, and do not include certain fees, taxes and charges that may be required by law or vary by manufacturer or region. Performance figures are guidelines only, and actual performance may vary. Photos may not represent actual vehicles or exact configurations. Content based on report preparer’s input is subject to the accuracy of the input provided. Data Version: 7698. Data Updated: Feb 18, 2019 9:32:00 PM PST.

Feb 19, 2019 Page 9 Ewald Automotive Group Scott Kussow | 262-567-5555 | [email protected]

Monona PD 2019 Ford Fusion Hybrid (P0L) SE FWD



Base Price $27,555.00

Total Options $420.00

Vehicle Subtotal $27,975.00

Destination Charge $995.00

Grand Total $28,970.00

This document contains information considered Confidential between GM and its Clients uniquely. The information provided is not intended for public disclosure. Prices, specifications, and availability are subject to change without notice, and do not include certain fees, taxes and charges that may be required by law or vary by manufacturer or region. Performance figures are guidelines only, and actual performance may vary. Photos may not represent actual vehicles or exact configurations. Content based on report preparer’s input is subject to the accuracy of the input provided. Data Version: 7698. Data Updated: Feb 18, 2019 9:32:00 PM PST.

Feb 19, 2019 Page 10 Ewald Automotive Group Scott Kussow | 262-567-5555 | [email protected]

Monona Police Department Prepared For: WALTER J. OSTRENGA (608) 222-0463 [email protected]

Monona PD 2020 Ford Police Interceptor Utility (K8A) AWD Ewald Automotive Group Scott Kussow | 262-567-5555 | [email protected]

Monona PD 2020 Ford Police Interceptor Utility (K8A) AWD

Quote Worksheet MSRP Base Price $40,615.00 Dest Charge $1,095.00 Total Options $4,534.50 Subtotal $46,244.50 Subtotal Pre-Tax Adjustments $0.00 Less Customer Discount ($6,854.00) Subtotal Discount ($6,854.00) Trade-In $0.00 Subtotal Trade-In $0.00 Taxable Price $39,390.50 Sales Tax $0.00 Subtotal Taxes $0.00 Subtotal Post-Tax Adjustments $0.00 Total Sales Price $39,390.50


2020 Ford Interceptor Utility Hybrid to your specs as detailed. Registration fees are included. Delivery can be anticipated 180-210 days from receipt of your order.

Dealer Signature / Date Customer Signature / Date

This document contains information considered Confidential between GM and its Clients uniquely. The information provided is not intended for public disclosure. Prices, specifications, and availability are subject to change without notice, and do not include certain fees, taxes and charges that may be required by law or vary by manufacturer or region. Performance figures are guidelines only, and actual performance may vary. Photos may not represent actual vehicles or exact configurations. Content based on report preparer’s input is subject to the accuracy of the input provided. Data Version: 7698. Data Updated: Feb 18, 2019 9:32:00 PM PST.

Feb 19, 2019 Page 2 Ewald Automotive Group Scott Kussow | 262-567-5555 | [email protected]

Monona PD 2020 Ford Police Interceptor Utility (K8A) AWD

Standard Equipment Mechanical

Engine: 3.3L V6 Direct-Injection Hybrid System -inc: (136-MPH Top Speed) (STD)

Transmission: 10-Speed Automatic (STD)

3.73 Axle Ratio (STD)

50 State Emission System Flexible Fuel Vehicle (FFV) system is standard equipment for vehicles equipped with the 3.3L V6 Direct-Injection engine.

Transmission w/Oil Cooler

Automatic Full-Time All-Wheel Drive

Engine Oil Cooler

80-Amp/Hr 800CCA Maintenance-Free Battery

Hybrid Electric Motor 220 Amp Alternator

Class III Towing Equipment -inc: Hitch


1670# Maximum Payload


Gas-Pressurized Shock Absorbers

Front And Rear Anti-Roll Bars

Electric Power-Assist Steering

19 Gal. Fuel Tank

Dual Stainless Steel Exhaust

Permanent Locking Hubs

Strut Front Suspension w/Coil Springs

Multi-Link Rear Suspension w/Coil Springs

Regenerative 4-Wheel Disc Brakes w/4-Wheel ABS, Front And Rear Vented Discs, Brake Assist and Hill Hold Control

Lithium Ion Traction Battery Exterior

Wheels: 18" x 8" 5-Spoke Painted Black Steel -inc: center caps and full size spare

Tires: 255/60R18 AS BSW

Steel Spare Wheel

Spare Tire Mounted Inside Under Cargo

This document contains information considered Confidential between GM and its Clients uniquely. The information provided is not intended for public disclosure. Prices, specifications, and availability are subject to change without notice, and do not include certain fees, taxes and charges that may be required by law or vary by manufacturer or region. Performance figures are guidelines only, and actual performance may vary. Photos may not represent actual vehicles or exact configurations. Content based on report preparer’s input is subject to the accuracy of the input provided. Data Version: 7698. Data Updated: Feb 18, 2019 9:32:00 PM PST.

Feb 19, 2019 Page 3 Ewald Automotive Group Scott Kussow | 262-567-5555 | [email protected]

Monona PD 2020 Ford Police Interceptor Utility (K8A) AWD


Clearcoat Paint

Body-Colored Front Bumper w/Black Rub Strip/Fascia Accent and 2 Tow Hooks

Body-Colored Rear Bumper w/Black Rub Strip/Fascia Accent

Body-Colored Bodyside Cladding and Black Wheel Well Trim

Black Side Windows Trim and Black Front Windshield Trim

Black Door Handles

Black Power Side Mirrors w/Convex Spotter and Manual Folding

Fixed Rear Window w/Fixed Interval Wiper, Heated Wiper Park and Defroster

Deep Tinted Glass

Speed Sensitive Variable Intermittent Wipers

Front Windshield -inc: Strip

Galvanized Steel/Aluminum Panels

Lip Spoiler

Black Grille

Liftgate Rear Cargo Access

Tailgate/Rear Door Lock Included w/

Fully Automatic Projector Beam Led Low/High Beam Headlamps

LED Brakelights Entertainment

Radio w/Seek-Scan, Speed Compensated Volume Control and Steering Wheel Controls

Radio: AM/FM/MP3 Capable -inc: clock, 4 speakers, 1 USB port and 4.2" color LCD screen center stack Smart Display

Streaming Audio

Integrated Roof Antenna

Wireless Phone Connectivity

1 LCD Monitor In The Front Interior

8-Way Driver Seat

Passenger Seat

35-30-35 Folding Split-Bench Front Facing Fold Forward Seatback Rear Seat

Manual Tilt/Telescoping Steering Column

This document contains information considered Confidential between GM and its Clients uniquely. The information provided is not intended for public disclosure. Prices, specifications, and availability are subject to change without notice, and do not include certain fees, taxes and charges that may be required by law or vary by manufacturer or region. Performance figures are guidelines only, and actual performance may vary. Photos may not represent actual vehicles or exact configurations. Content based on report preparer’s input is subject to the accuracy of the input provided. Data Version: 7698. Data Updated: Feb 18, 2019 9:32:00 PM PST.

Feb 19, 2019 Page 4 Ewald Automotive Group Scott Kussow | 262-567-5555 | [email protected]

Monona PD 2020 Ford Police Interceptor Utility (K8A) AWD


Gauges -inc: Speedometer, Odometer, Engine Coolant Temp, Tachometer, Engine Hour Meter, Trip Odometer and Trip Computer

Power Rear Windows and Fixed 3rd Row Windows

Remote Releases -Inc: Power Cargo Access

Cruise Control w/Steering Wheel Controls

Dual Zone Front Automatic Air Conditioning

HVAC -inc: Underseat Ducts

Locking Glove Box

Driver Foot Rest

Unique HD Cloth Front Bucket Seats w/Vinyl Rear -inc: reduced bolsters, driver 6-way power track (fore/aft.up/down, tilt w/manual recline, 2-way manual lumbar, passenger 2-way manual track (fore/aft, w/manual recline) and built-in steel intrusion plates in both front seatbacks

Interior Trim -inc: Metal-Look Instrument Panel Insert, Metal-Look Door Panel Insert and Metal-Look Interior Accents

Full Cloth Headliner

Urethane Gear Shift Knob

Day-Night Rearview Mirror

Driver And Passenger Visor Vanity Mirrors

Mini Overhead Console w/Storage and 2 12V DC Power Outlets

Front And Rear Map Lights

Fade-To-Off Interior Lighting

Full Vinyl/Rubber Floor Covering

Carpet Floor Trim

Cargo Features -inc: Cargo Tray/Organizer

Cargo Space Lights

Smart Device Integration

Dashboard Storage, Driver And Passenger Door Bins

Power 1st Row Windows w/Driver And Passenger 1-Touch Up/Down

Delayed Accessory Power

Power Door Locks

Systems Monitor

Redundant Digital Speedometer

This document contains information considered Confidential between GM and its Clients uniquely. The information provided is not intended for public disclosure. Prices, specifications, and availability are subject to change without notice, and do not include certain fees, taxes and charges that may be required by law or vary by manufacturer or region. Performance figures are guidelines only, and actual performance may vary. Photos may not represent actual vehicles or exact configurations. Content based on report preparer’s input is subject to the accuracy of the input provided. Data Version: 7698. Data Updated: Feb 18, 2019 9:32:00 PM PST.

Feb 19, 2019 Page 5 Ewald Automotive Group Scott Kussow | 262-567-5555 | [email protected]

Monona PD 2020 Ford Police Interceptor Utility (K8A) AWD


Trip Computer

Analog Display

Seats w/Vinyl Back Material

Manual Adjustable Front Head Restraints

2 12V DC Power Outlets

Air Filtration Safety-Mechanical

Electronic Stability Control (ESC) And Roll Stability Control (RSC)

ABS And Driveline Traction Control Safety-Exterior

Side Impact Beams Safety-Interior

Dual Stage Driver And Passenger Seat-Mounted Side Airbags

Tire Specific Low Tire Pressure Warning

Dual Stage Driver And Passenger Front Airbags

Curtain 1st And 2nd Row Airbags

Airbag Occupancy Sensor

Passenger Knee Airbag

Rear Child Safety Locks

Outboard Front Lap And Shoulder Safety Belts -inc: Rear Center 3 Point, Height Adjusters and Pretensioners

Back-Up Camera w/Washer WARRANTY

Basic Years: 3 Basic Miles/km: 36,000 Drivetrain Years: 5 Drivetrain Miles/km: 100,000 Corrosion Years: 5 Corrosion Miles/km: Unlimited Hybrid/Electric Components Years: 8 Hybrid/Electric Components Miles/km: 100,000 Roadside Assistance Years: 5 Roadside Assistance Miles/km: 60,000

This document contains information considered Confidential between GM and its Clients uniquely. The information provided is not intended for public disclosure. Prices, specifications, and availability are subject to change without notice, and do not include certain fees, taxes and charges that may be required by law or vary by manufacturer or region. Performance figures are guidelines only, and actual performance may vary. Photos may not represent actual vehicles or exact configurations. Content based on report preparer’s input is subject to the accuracy of the input provided. Data Version: 7698. Data Updated: Feb 18, 2019 9:32:00 PM PST.

Feb 19, 2019 Page 6 Ewald Automotive Group Scott Kussow | 262-567-5555 | [email protected]

Monona PD 2020 Ford Police Interceptor Utility (K8A) AWD

Selected Model and Options MODEL


K8A 2020 Ford Police Interceptor Utility AWD $40,615.00



LK Dark Blue $0.00



___ 3.73 Axle Ratio (STD) $0.00



17T Switchable Red/White Lighting in Cargo Area -inc: Deletes 3rd row overhead map light $50.00

43D Dark Car Feature -inc: Courtesy lamps disabled when any door is opened $25.00

52P Hidden Door-Lock Plunger -inc: rear-door controls inoperable (locks, handles and windows), Note: $160.00 Can manually remove window or door disable plate w/special tool, Note: Locks/windows operable from driver's door switches

60A Grille LED Lights, Siren & Speaker Pre-Wiring Inc.

60R Noise Suppression Bonds (Ground Straps) $100.00

This document contains information considered Confidential between GM and its Clients uniquely. The information provided is not intended for public disclosure. Prices, specifications, and availability are subject to change without notice, and do not include certain fees, taxes and charges that may be required by law or vary by manufacturer or region. Performance figures are guidelines only, and actual performance may vary. Photos may not represent actual vehicles or exact configurations. Content based on report preparer’s input is subject to the accuracy of the input provided. Data Version: 7698. Data Updated: Feb 18, 2019 9:32:00 PM PST.

Feb 19, 2019 Page 7 Ewald Automotive Group Scott Kussow | 262-567-5555 | [email protected]

Monona PD 2020 Ford Police Interceptor Utility (K8A) AWD



21L Front Warning Auxiliary LED Lights -inc: driver side - red / passenger side - blue $550.00

51R Driver Only LED Spot Lamp (Unity) $395.00

549 Heated Sideview Mirrors $60.00

59F Keyed Alike - 0576x $50.00

63B Side Marker LED Sideview Mirrors -inc: Located on exterior mirror housing, driver side - red / $290.00 passenger side - blue, Located on backside of exterior mirror housing, LED lights only, Wiring and controller not included

63L Rear Quarter Glass Side Marker LED Lights -inc: driver side - red / passenger side - blue $575.00

66A Front Headlamp Lighting Solution -inc: LED low beam/high beam headlamp, wig-wag function and $895.00 red/blue/white LED side warning lights (driver's side white/red / passenger side white/blue), Wiring and LED lights included, Controller not included, Grille LED Lights, Siren & Speaker Pre-Wiring

66B Tail Lamp Lighting Solution -inc: LED lights plus (2) rear integrated hemispheric lighthead white $430.00 LED side warning lights in taillamps, LED lights only, Wiring and controller not included

66C Rear Lighting Solution -inc: (2) backlit flashing linear high-intensity LED lights (driver's side $455.00 red/passenger side blue) mounted to inside liftgate glass and (2) backlit flashing linear high- intensity LED lights (driver's side red/passenger side blue) installed on inside lip of liftgate (lights activate when liftgate is open), LED lights only, Wiring and controller not included

92R 2nd Row Only Solar Tint Glass -inc: privacy glass on rear quarter and liftgate window $85.00



47A Police Engine Idle Feature -inc: This feature allows you to leave the engine running and prevents $260.00 your vehicle from unauthorized use when outside of your vehicle, Allows the key to be removed from ignition while vehicle remains idling

52T Class III Trailer Tow Lighting Package -inc: 4-pin and 7-pin connectors and wiring $80.00



44B Transmission: 10-Speed Automatic (STD) $0.00



500A Order Code 500A $0.00

This document contains information considered Confidential between GM and its Clients uniquely. The information provided is not intended for public disclosure. Prices, specifications, and availability are subject to change without notice, and do not include certain fees, taxes and charges that may be required by law or vary by manufacturer or region. Performance figures are guidelines only, and actual performance may vary. Photos may not represent actual vehicles or exact configurations. Content based on report preparer’s input is subject to the accuracy of the input provided. Data Version: 7698. Data Updated: Feb 18, 2019 9:32:00 PM PST.

Feb 19, 2019 Page 8 Ewald Automotive Group Scott Kussow | 262-567-5555 | [email protected]

Monona PD 2020 Ford Police Interceptor Utility (K8A) AWD



96 Charcoal Black, Unique HD Cloth Front Bucket Seats w/Vinyl Rear -inc: reduced bolsters, driver 6 $0.00 -way power track (fore/aft.up/down, tilt w/manual recline, 2-way manual lumbar, passenger 2-way manual track (fore/aft, w/manual recline) and built-in steel intrusion plates in both front seatbacks



99W Engine: 3.3L V6 Direct-Injection Hybrid System -inc: (136-MPH Top Speed) (STD) $0.00






LK Dark Blue $0.00

Options Total $4,534.50

This document contains information considered Confidential between GM and its Clients uniquely. The information provided is not intended for public disclosure. Prices, specifications, and availability are subject to change without notice, and do not include certain fees, taxes and charges that may be required by law or vary by manufacturer or region. Performance figures are guidelines only, and actual performance may vary. Photos may not represent actual vehicles or exact configurations. Content based on report preparer’s input is subject to the accuracy of the input provided. Data Version: 7698. Data Updated: Feb 18, 2019 9:32:00 PM PST.

Feb 19, 2019 Page 9 Ewald Automotive Group Scott Kussow | 262-567-5555 | [email protected]

Monona PD 2020 Ford Police Interceptor Utility (K8A) AWD



Base Price $40,615.00

Total Options $4,534.50

Vehicle Subtotal $45,149.50

Destination Charge $1,095.00

Grand Total $46,244.50

This document contains information considered Confidential between GM and its Clients uniquely. The information provided is not intended for public disclosure. Prices, specifications, and availability are subject to change without notice, and do not include certain fees, taxes and charges that may be required by law or vary by manufacturer or region. Performance figures are guidelines only, and actual performance may vary. Photos may not represent actual vehicles or exact configurations. Content based on report preparer’s input is subject to the accuracy of the input provided. Data Version: 7698. Data Updated: Feb 18, 2019 9:32:00 PM PST.

Feb 19, 2019 Page 10

5211 SCHLUTER ROAD MONONA, WI 53716-2598 CITY HALL (608) 222-2525 FAX (608) 222-9225

March 14, 2019

To: Mayor O’Connor and City Council

From: Bryan Gadow, City Administrator

RE: Resolution Initiating Planning for Creation of Tax Increment District (TID) #10

Late last year, the Community Development Authority (CDA) received and is in process of reviewing a development proposal for redevelopment of two parcels along W. Broadway and Falcon Crest for a potential mixed-use housing and commercial project. The proposal includes forty-one (41) apartment housing units and a smaller commercial space on the ground floor. The developer (Kevin O’ Driscoll) made application for $625,000 in TIF assistance, which the CDA is reviewing. It is likely that the CDA will make a formal determination on the TIF request in March or April, and then forward the development proposal on to the Plan Commission for their review and determination.

In the interim, if the project is to receive TIF assistance, the City would need to create a new TIF District (#10) to facilitate this and any future redevelopment projects in the area. The CDA requests City Council approval of the attached Resolution to authorize the creation of a new TIF District, which also requires Joint Review Board action. Beginning this TIF District creation process would not obligate the City to any TIF assistance or project approvals now, rather it begins the necessary procedural steps, in the event that this development project was to move forward.

The proposed boundaries of the TID #10 would include the W. Broadway/Falcon Crest parcels, as well as extending further to the west to cover a few of the parcels on Pirate Island Road. The exact boundaries of the District will be determined at a later date. A map of the proposed boundaries of the new TID #10 is attached.

Staff recommends City Council review of a 1st reading of this resolution at its March 18th meeting, with formal adoption of a 2nd reading at its April 1st meeting.

Please let me know if you have any questions about the above or the attached resolution.

POLICE DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY CENTER MONONA SENIOR CENTER FIRE DEPARTMENT 5211 Schluter Road 1011 Nichols Road 1011 Nichols Road 5211 Schluter Road 222-0463 222-4167 222-3415 222-2528

Resolution 19-3-2339 Monona Common Council


WHEREAS, the Common Council of the City of Monona has determined a need to eliminate blighting conditions and generally encourage redevelopment within the City; and,

WHEREAS, the Monona Common Council has established the Community Development Authority of the City of Monona (CDA), with all the powers prescribed under State Statutes, to oversee the identification, planning and remediation of blighted property within the City boundaries; and,

WHEREAS, Wisconsin statutes 66.1105 authorize municipalities create tax increment financing districts (TIDs) for the purpose of eliminating blighting conditions and ss. 66.1333 authorizes a Community Development Authority of a City to prepare a project plan for a blight elimination TID; and,

WHEREAS, the Community Development Authority (CDA) of the City of Monona has reviewed a development proposal for the redevelopment of two parcels along W. Broadway that were found to be blighted by the Monona City Council in 2012 and are contained within Redevelopment Area #8, and has recommended the project move forward contingent upon the formation of TID #10 and the negotiation and approval of a development agreement; and,

WHEREAS, the creation of a Tax Increment District requires a Joint Review Board to review, evaluate and approve or deny the action following City Council approval.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Common Council of the City of Monona directs the CDA to initiate planning for the creation of TID #10, to conduct public hearings on said creation and to submit to the City Council a boundary and project plan for consideration; and,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Common Council of the City of Monona authorizes City staff, the City Attorney and contracted consultants to assist the CDA with the tasks necessary to create the TID described above; and,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Common Council hereby directs the CDA and City staff to notify the standing Joint Review Board of the commencement of the TID creation process; and,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that appropriate public agencies be notified of the Joint Review Board’s consideration of the proposed Tax Incremental District.

Adopted on this ______day of ______, 2019.


Mary O’Connor Mayor

ATTEST: ______Joan Andrusz City Clerk

Respectfully Submitted: The above resolution has been authorized by the governing body of the City of Monona by Resolution No. 19-3-2339 dated ______, 2019. Date Passed:



Parcel Information Proposed TID #10, City of Monona SIZE, LAND IMPROV TOTAL LAND VALUE PARCELNO OWNER PROPERTYADDRESS ACRES VALUE VALUE BLIGHT VALUE PER ACRE 071020455808 Current Owner 501 W BROADWAY 0.466 $63,300 $0 Y $63,300 $135,837 071020455933 Current Owner 501 W BROADWAY 0.674 $91,500 $0 Y $91,500 $135,757 Total 1.14 $154,800 $0 $154,800 $135,789

Page 1


February 2019

1 Police Department

Monthly Activity Summary February 2019

Arrests by Month Arrests 40 35

Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb 30 Felony 3 2 3 2 10 5 25 20

Misdemeanor 4 13 4 8 27 15 Arrests Non-Criminal 0 0 0 0 0 1 15 10

Total 7 15 7 10 37 21 5

0 Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb

Type of Calls by Month Calls for Service 700 600 Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb 500 911 38 29 40 49 36 24 400 Calls 300 Officer Initiated 684 544 495 465 652 576 200

Citizen Gen 280 273 191 260 214 242 100

Unknown 323 329 337 319 357 342 0 Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Total 1,325 1,175 1,063 1,093 1,259 1,184

Top 10 Natures 350 300 Dec Jan Feb 250 Foot Patrol 88 139 105 Follow Up 77 108 99 200 Traffic Stop 92 99 90 Calls 150 Traffic Arrest 73 95 97 100 Assist Ambulance 69 81 86 50 Street Parking 26 84 48 0 Directed Patrol 34 48 71 Follow Up Foot Patrol Traffic Stop Traffic Arrest Street Parking Directed Patrol Check Person Information (Law) 61 40 45 Assist Ambulance Information (Law) Traffic Complaint Check Person 42 46 42

Traffic Complaint 42 39 34 Feb Jan Dec Citations

Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Citations by Month 240 County 14 4 8 16 0 4 200 Ordinance 64 48 30 37 34 58 160 Parking 34 33 21 29 110 32 120 Traffic Citations 217 123 160 157 144 148 80

Warning 145 102 83 82 92 82 40

Total 474 310 302 321 380 324 0 Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb

Crash Reports

Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Accidents by Month Angle 8 6 6 8 7 6 20

Head On 1 0 2 1 0 2 16 No Collision With Motor Transp 4 4 3 5 9 3 Rear End 19 20 11 12 9 16 12

Sideswipe, Opposite Direction 2 1 0 0 0 0 Accidents 8 Sideswipe, Same Direction 4 9 8 6 5 5 Unknown 0 0 1 2 0 1 4

Total 38 40 31 34 30 33 0 Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb

2 Calls for Service by Shift for Feb of 2019

1 2 3 Total 911 Abandoned 4 3 0 7 911 Disconnect 4 4 1 9 911 Misdial 0 3 0 3 911 Open Line 3 2 1 6 911 Question 0 0 1 1 911 Test 1 0 0 1 911 Unintentional/Callercontct 8 10 1 19 Accident-Hit/Run 1 3 0 4 Accident-Injury 5 1 0 6 Accident-No Injury 15 13 2 30 Accident-Private Property 6 1 1 8 Accident-Unknown Injury 2 0 0 2 Afd-Assist Fire Department 5 5 4 14 Alarm 6 9 5 20 Alcohol Compliance Check 6 1 0 7 Animal-Barking 0 1 0 1 Animal-Bite 1 0 0 1 Animal-Found 0 1 0 1 Animal-General/Stray 3 3 0 6 Animal-Lost 0 2 0 2 Aoa-Assist Other Agency 13 10 10 33 Aoak9-Assist Other Agency-K9 0 2 1 3 Arrested Adult 2 4 4 10 Assist Ambulance 32 36 18 86 Assist Citizen 6 5 2 13 Atl-Person 1 1 0 2 Battery 0 0 1 1 Burglary-Residence 1 1 0 2 Check Person 9 17 16 42 Check Property 3 2 3 8 Child Abuse 0 0 1 1 Civil Dispute 2 0 0 2 Community Policing 0 1 1 2 Confidential/Silent 1 0 0 1 Conveyance 1 0 0 1 Damage To Property 1 1 0 2 Death Investigation 1 0 0 1 Directed Patrol 60 8 3 71 Disabled Vehicle 16 21 9 46 Disturbance 4 3 4 11 Disturbance-Domestic 1 3 2 6 Drug Investigation 3 2 0 5 Fight In Progress 0 1 1 2 Follow Up 82 12 5 99 Foot Patrol 56 15 34 105 Found Property 2 0 0 2 Fraud 8 5 0 13 Information (Law) 9 22 14 45 Intoxicated Driver 0 3 0 3 Intoxicated Person 1 0 1 2 Juvenile Complaint 4 1 0 5 Lost Property 1 1 0 2 Meeting 2 0 0 2 Missing Adult 0 0 1 1 Neighbor Trouble 0 1 1 2 Noise Disturbance 0 2 0 2 Ordinance Violation 4 0 0 4 Phone Message (Law) 1 3 0 4 Preserve Peace 1 2 0 3 Private Parking 10 1 1 12 Recovd Stolen-Outside Agency 1 1 0 2 Safety Hazard 10 15 2 27 Special Event 5 1 0 6 3 1 2 3 Total Street Parking 38 6 4 48 Suspicious Person 4 2 0 6 Suspicious Vehicle 1 4 1 6 Theft 2 0 0 2 Theft-Retail 9 21 5 35 Threats 2 2 0 4 Towed Vehicle 2 1 0 3 Traffic Arrest 30 44 23 97 Traffic Complaint 12 19 3 34 Traffic Stop 24 36 30 90 Trespass Complaint 3 1 0 4 Unwanted Person 2 5 8 15 Total 553 406 225 1,184


In February of 2019, the Operations Division handled 33 vehicle crashes and issued 82 traffic warnings, 148 traffic citations, and 32 parking tickets. Our calls total for February was 1,184 calls for service. Training

Chief Ostrenga and Det. Bomkamp attended the 2019 WI Police Leadership Foundation Mid-Winter Training Conference, February 11-13, 2019.

Lt. Wiegel, SRO Wunsch, and CRO Reiter attended the 3rd Annual Active Threat Integrated Response Conference, February 20-21, 2019.

Officer Ostrowski attended an 8-hour Plain Clothes Investigation training, February 28, 2019. Speed Trailer

The Speed Trailer was put away for the winter season. To request the speed trailer in your neighborhood contact Officer Jim Reiter at: [email protected]

Security Checks

Officers performed 105 security checks in the month of February. A security check is when an Officer goes into a business and walks around to meet with staff to discuss any problems that the businesses are aware of. This also serves as a deterrent for theft. For the overnight shift, this entails checking the perimeter of the business and pulling on doors to make sure the businesses are secure.

Retail Thefts

There were 35 retail theft cases in February, up quite a few from the 26 cases in January. Around 40 cases are typical in a month. These cases can be time consuming if the suspect flees and follow-up outside the City is necessary.

Tellurian Treatment Center

In February we had 20 calls to the Tellurian property totaling 15.5 hours of police time.

Use of Force Incidents

On February 2nd, 2019, at 9:54 am, a Monona Officer heard the County Dispatcher say that a stolen auto was in our area. The Officer observed the vehicle as it made a few of traffic violations. The Officer attempted to stop the vehicle, but it entered the beltline driving erratically at an extremely high speed. Per policy, the pursuit was terminated. (MO19-01339)

5 On February 6th, 2019, at 10:22 pm, an Officer was dispatched to Wal-Mart for a retail theft in progress. An adult female concealed two headsets worth $139 and attempted to flee from the loss prevention agent. The Officer chased after the suspect on foot through the parking area and when he went to put on handcuffs, the suspect resisted verbally and physically. The Officer had to decentralize the suspect to the ground in order to secure her into handcuffs. The suspect was cited for Retail Theft and Resisting Arrest and taken to jail on an arrest warrant. (MO19-01532)

On February 23rd, 2019, at 1:51 am, Officers were dispatched to Denny’s restaurant for a report of a disturbance between customers. When the investigation was complete the intoxicated arrested suspect refused to walk on his own to the squad car and had to be carried. The suspect then slammed his own head into the squad cage while screaming he was the devil. The suspect declined to cooperate with EMS and refused to put his legs into the squad, so two knee strikes were delivered to the suspects quad muscle to attempt to gain compliance. The suspect still refused and a Taser was presented as a final option. Voluntary compliance was then obtained and the male was booked into the Dane Co Jail. (MO19-02265)

Citizen Complaints

There were no citizen complaints in February.

1st Shift Monthly Report

For February I felt it was important to attach the photos of three guns recovered by Officers. This was accomplished by a second shift Officer and a third shift Sergeant.

The first incident was an OWI case. These two handguns were located as a result an Officer observing marijuana inside the car of a suspected drunk driver. 63 grams of marijuana and two loaded handguns were inside the car. The driver was arrested for carrying a concealed weapon, possession with intent to deliver Marijuana and OWI. The passenger was arrested for carrying a concealed weapon, possession of marijuana, and obstructing. (MO19-01493)

6 The second incident was a traffic stop at 12:35 am for operating without headlights on. An unlicensed 15-year-old driver was operating the car. A strong odor of burnt marijuana allowed for a search of the vehicle, which led to this loaded handgun, 46.8grams of marijuana and 4 ecstasy pills. (MO19-01685)

Officer Overtime Analysis

TOTAL APPROX JAN FEB HRS COST 2019 Hrs Hrs To Date To Date TRAINING CONSORTIUM (In-Service) 40 - 40 $2,155 TRAINING CONSORTIUM (Instructors for In-Service) 24 - 24 $1,293 OTHER REQUIRED TRAINING (ECIR/Radar/CPR/K9) - - 0 $0 OPTIONAL OFFICER TRAINING - 9.5 9.5 $512

SICK LEAVE Coverage - 5 5 $269 VACATION Coverage 12 20 32 $1,724 FLOATING HOLIDAY Coverage - 4 4 $215 MILITARY LEAVE Coverage - 12 12 $646 FMLA Coverage (Work injury, baby leave, etc) 105 68 173 $9,320

COURT 14.75 3.5 18.25 $983

LATE/EARLY CALL or SERIOUS INCIDENT 75 26.25 101.25 $5,454 Special Event (Meeting, Parade, Festival, Drug Work) 2.5 1.5 4 $215 Mental Health Case - 2 2 $108

Dispatch Coverage by an Officer - - 0 $0

MG High School OT (Reimbursed) 2 4.25 6.25 $337 TRAFFIC GRANT (Reimbursed) 36 36 72 $3,879 TASK FORCE (Reimbursed) - - 0 $0

TOTAL HRS 311.25 192.00 503.25 Expense Per Month @ average OT rate $53.87 / HR $16,767 $10,343 $27,110

7 Lieutenant Curtis Wiegel is the Operations Commander and 1st shift patrol supervisor. He can be reached at [email protected]

2nd Shift

Here is the second shift activity report for the month of February 2019. Officers conducted 80 traffic stops. We handled 21 Retail Thefts, and 18 crashes. There were also 3 arrests for Operating While Intoxicated.

The following are some of the cases second shift handled this month.

On February 3rd Officers responded to Wal-Mart in the City of Monona for a fight in progress. While responding Officers were told that one of the people involved pepper sprayed another individual. When Officers arrived on scene the disturbance was over. Officers learned that this incident stemmed from a fight that occurred somewhere else earlier in the week. Both parties involved advised that they did not need the police. Neither wished to pursue charges.

On February 3rd Officers conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle pulling an enclosed trailer. During the stop Officers discovered that the trailer was stolen. Officers also learned that the driver had a warrant for his arrest. The driver was taken to the Dane County Jail on his warrant and possession of stolen property.

On February 3rd while Officers were investigating the stolen trailer a disturbance was reported in the 300 block of Femrite. Due to both Monona Officers being tied up with the stolen trailer mutual aid was requested. An outside agency responded to the disturbance and conducted an investigation. No arrests were made.

On February 22nd Officers responded to the 6300 block of Winnequah Road for a residential burglary. The resident stated that someone had kicked open the door. Upon arrival Officers noted that the door frame was shattered. A sweep of the residence was conducted and no suspects were found inside. While investigating the incident Officers noted that something specific was taken from one of the dressers. Other valuable items like TV’s and game councils were left alone. It is believed that possible narcotics were taken.

Sergeant Jeremy Winge is the 2nd shift patrol supervisor and can be contacted at: [email protected]

3rd Shift

The Monona Police Department third shift officers handled 5 retail thefts, 5 business alarms and responded to several disturbance calls during the month of February. Officers made 52 traffic stops, 29 were given warnings, while 23 were issued citations.

8 On February 2nd, 2019 at 5:09 a.m. officers responded to Wal-Mart for a Retail Theft. Officers located the suspect and detained her for the investigation. The female suspect had initially provided a false name, which came back with active arrest warrants out of Grant County. While enroute to the Dane County Jail the female advised she had provided a false name and gave her true identity. The female also had active arrest warrants under her real identity. While inside the Dane County Jail, the body scanner was used that suggested that the she had an object placed in her anal cavity. The female advised that she had forgot that she had placed a crack pipe at this location. The female was booked into the Dane County Jail on criminal charges.

On February 8th, 2019 at 3:13 a.m. a traffic stop was conducted on a vehicle for speeding, 69 mph in a 55 mph zone. During the traffic stop a K-9 was requested for a vehicle sniff. A Dane County K-9 alerted to the vehicle indicating the presence of a controlled substances. During a search of the driver an officer located 5 individual baggies of methamphetamine with a total weight of 5 grams. The individual was arrested and taken to the Dane County Jail on possession with intent to deliver methamphetamines.

On February 11th, 2019 at 12:35 a.m. a traffic stop was conducted on a vehicle for operating without any lights on during the hours of darkness. During the initial contact with the vehicle the officer observed furtive movements and detected the odor of burnt marijuana. During the search of the vehicle officers located a 9mm handgun that had 11 bullets in the magazine underneath the front passenger seat where the suspect had initially been seen reaching. Officers also located 47.1 grams of Marijuana and 11 grams of ecstasy. The suspect was taken to the Dane County Jail on numerous charges.

On February 21st, 2019 at 1:51 a.m. officers responded to Denny’s restaurant for a fight in progress. The investigation determined that a male and female intoxicated and under the influence of a controlled substance had been picking fights with customers. During this an altercation broke out and one of the suspects threw water in an employees face. It was determined that the two suspects would be arrested for Disorderly Conduct. During this both suspects resisted arrested and had to be forcibly placed in the squad car with leg restraints. Once in the patrol car one of the suspects struck his own head repeatedly on the petition while trying to kick out the back windows. Both suspects were taken to the Dane County Jail and released to the movement team.

Sergeant Adam Nachreiner is the 3rd shift patrol supervisor and can be contacted at [email protected]


Detective Unit

During the month of February, 60 cases were reviewed for possible referral to the Investigative Division.

Crime Number of Cases Battery 1 Burglary 2 Drug Investigation 5 Fraud 13 Recovered Stolen Vehicle 2 Retail Theft 35 Theft 2

Members of the Investigative Unit were assigned to, or assisted with, the investigation of 24 current and past incidents.

Current Investigations

MO19-00518 – ARMED ROBBERY A woman reported being robbed at gunpoint in a car at a local store. Patrol Officers took the initial report and developed a possible suspect. Detectives were able to solidify the identity of the first suspect and positively identify a second suspect. A search warrant was served to Facebook and detectives are awaiting the results.

MO19-00610 - ARMED ROBBERY This was a joint investigation between Madison, Dane County, and our department on two suspects involved in a robbery spree of Madison area businesses. Both were identified and arrested. They were identified as a male and female couple who lived on Femrite Drive in Monona. He was responsible for 5 robberies (3 in Monona) and she was responsible for 3 robberies. This month, both were federally indicted. They face up to 20 years in federal prison for each count.


MO19-00764 - THEFT This was a lengthy investigation into a female who was repeatedly stealing a large amount of cigarettes (Mostly cartons) from Monona Speedway gas stations. The suspect, a former longtime resident of Monona, was arrested for her crimes. She faces charges on 11 counts of Retail Theft and 1 count of Strong Armed Robbery.

MO19-00835 – DOMESTIC VIOLENCE This was an on-going domestic violence situation between a couple we arrested for multiple robberies. Based on our investigation, charges were filed against the male half.

MO19-01770 – FORGERY Mequon PD reached out to Monona PD regarding a check forgery case they were investigating where suspects cashed forged checks in Monona. The joint investigation is on-going.

MO19-01925 – BATTERY There was a fight at a local bar. Detectives attempted to obtain video and were unable to due to the business having a subpar video system. The case was closed as no viable suspect information was available.

Other Activities Property room management Municipal court officer duties Police Officer Candidate Interviews Police Officer Candidate Background Investigations Assisted DCI with controlled heroin buys and the search warrant/arrest of a dealer in Monona.

If you have information to provide in these or other incidents, please contact: Det. Sgt. Ryan Losby can be contacted at [email protected] Det. Matthew Bomkamp can be contacted at [email protected]

School Resource Officer

February was a cold month that consisted of me handling 27 cases at the Monona Grove High School, 1 case at MG21 and 0 cases at Winnequah Elementary School. I issued 3 citations for Disorderly Conduct, 2 citations for Habitual Truancy, 1 citation for Possession of a Controlled Substance, 1 citation for Possession of Nicotine, 1 citation for Possession of Marijuana, 1 citation for Vaping in an Educational Facility and 4 Parking citations.

11 I presented an ALICE (active shooter principles) PowerPoint for Immaculate Heart of Mary students. A barricade drill was conducted at MG21 with students on 02/22/19 and at MGHS with students on 02/26/19. Five outside law enforcement agencies assisted with the drill at MGHS. I also attended an Active Threat conference in Oshkosh that involved debriefs from some of the most recent active shooter incidents around the country.

Two separate incidents were reported of students smoking something in bathrooms at MGHS. Searches of the students turned up a THC “dab pen”, some drug paraphernalia, and a small amount of marijuana. Three of the 4 students involved received citations for either vaping or being in possession of drugs.

I received information from Cottage Grove Police regarding an incident that happened outside of school with a high school student. There were concerns for the student’s safety and well-being. I shared the information with the student’s school counselor and we met with the student, making him aware of additional resources. Contact was also made with the student’s mother.

I received information from SRO Helgeland with Cottage Grove Police. A student at GDS was reporting a domestic disturbance that took place prior to school. I met with the student and had patrol go to the residence in Monona to check the welfare of mom. Mom was okay and reported her son had gotten out of control because he did not want to go to school. The case was referred to Child Protective Services for their review.

School Resource Officer Luke Wunsch can be contacted at [email protected]

Citation and Arrest Statistics

During the month of February, the Monona Police issued numerous traffic citations, municipal ordinance (non-traffic) citations, parking citations and warnings. In addition, there were many referrals for charges. See the detail below.

Traffic Citations 156 Municipal Ordinance Citations 59 Parking Citations 32 Traffic Warnings 90 Adult Arrests & Referrals 14 Juvenile Arrests & Referrals 4

Each of the adult and juvenile arrests and referrals take at least an hour and a half of the dispatchers’ time to complete the reports and intake paperwork for the Dane County District Attorney’s Office. In addition, Police staff must follow up by going to the DA’s office to sign probable cause forms, as well as, review and electronically sign complaints to ensure the subjects are properly charged or held on charges.



The Monona Communications Center answers 911 and business line calls for Police, Fire, and EMS incidents. Calls for service for Fire and EMS are transferred to the Dane County Communications Center for dispatching of Monona Fire and EMS personnel. The Monona Communications Center advises Police of high priority Fire and EMS calls in the event Officer Response is required. Many of the business line calls include routine phone calls from citizens who are not only seeking police assistance, but also assistance with processing citation payments, requesting police records and general assistance issues. The dispatchers are also responsible for preparing and filing officer reports, citations, accidents, parking, UCR reporting and many other routine daily duties.

During the month of February, Dispatchers handled 1,184 calls for service. Most of these calls for service were received on the non-emergency lines, via personal reporting at the Police Department, transfers from the Dane County Communications Center or as self- initiated calls directly from Monona Officers. On January 10th, all landline 911 calls were automatically transferred to and answered by the Dane County 911 Center. The Dane County 911 Center Call Takers enter the calls in the TriTech CAD and the information is immediately visible to our Police Dispatchers. The Dane County 911 Center does maintain the ability to transfer 911 calls back to the Monona Dispatch Center if determined appropriate. The process appears to be working well.

Lieutenant Sara Deuman is the Technical Services Commander in charge of Dispatch, Court Services and Investigations. She can be contacted at [email protected]

During the month of February, Community Resource Officer Reiter was involved in the following crime prevention and community relations activities:

Officer Reynolds and I attending the MALPA (Madison Area Loss Prevention Assoc) meeting at the Madison East Police District. The meeting allows Loss Prevention Officers and Police Officers to discuss and share any cases of retail theft. Several members share unsolved or unidentified suspect photographs with hopes of having someone identify the suspect. At this meeting Monona Officer assisted with identification of two subjects.

I attended the Dane County Sensitive Crimes meeting at Madison South Police District. The meeting focus was for the year to come and what funding is available to continue or cut services for the year. One main topic was discuss was a critical response team being created for Child Protective Services similar to that of the DA’s office.

Lt Wiegel, Officer Wunsch and I attended the Annual Active Threat Conference in Oshkosh. Great speakers were on hand to provide insight about different incidents throughout the Country such as Parkland, Pulse Night Club, Middleton, and “I love you guy’s foundation”. Great take always will be used for conducting training for when I teach Civilian Response to Active Threats.

13 Community Relations Officer

I gave a safety presentation at the Stepping On for the Senior Center. The topic focused on safe driving, being out and about in the community and how to be prepared prior to leaving your home. Several questions were asked about how to drive in a roundabout and the difference between each roundabout.

I assisted Officer Wunsch at the Monona Grove High School with a safety drill. The drill was geared toward students and staff doing active threat within the school and doing a barricade drill.

Monona Meriter Clinic had a client make a statement about her husband shooting the place up. The clinic went into a full lock down until the threat was proven false. I assisted with a staff debrief over their lunch hour two days after the incident occurred. Some great takeaways were thought about for the clinic and how they can improve their process during a lock down. The clinic also wishes for additional trainings and meetings in the future.

I was recruited to assist on the planning committee for the next Triad conference. I attended my first meeting with the committee, which is in the planning stage of what breakout sessions they wish to have for the next conference.

Several residents have requested extra traffic enforcement on Winnequah Road near Graham and Dean for speeding and stop sigh violations during the morning rush hour times. During the month of February, I performed several enforcements in those areas.

If you would like to involve the Monona Police Department in a community presentation or event, please contact Community Resource Officer James Reiter at 608.222.0463 or [email protected]


DEPARTMENT: Fire/EMS MONTH OF: February 2019 Calls for Service: Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Total EMS 121 117 FIRE 58 43 Average 5.52 4.86 turnout/incident

122 70 Jan Jan 121 Feb 60 Feb

120 March 50 March April April 119 40 May May 118 June 30 June 117 July 20 July August August 116 10 September September 115 0 October October EMS FIRE

Call Volume: Month YTD 2018YTD EMS 117 238 214 Fire 43 101 93 EMS Mutual-aid received 18 EMS Mutual-aid given 5

Major Incidents: The department did not have any significant incidents this month but did respond to multiple water leaks caused by freezing pipe from the polar vortex. Owners and residents are encouraged to turn their thermostats up to 70 degrees when extreme cold temperatures are expected, especially in vacant units or buildings.

Major Projects / Issues: An offer has been made to one of the two candidates for the open FF/Paramedic position, he has accepted and a background investigation is being conducted. The candidate is a graduate of Monona Grove High School and is looking forward to giving back to the community.

In Progress / Routine Duties: Training will move to more of a classroom based format as the weather changes and training outside becomes more difficult, we do continue to train outside if the weather is favorable. The department took on 4 new members in February and are expecting another additional member in March, 4 of the 5 mew members have no training so we have requested to host a Madison College Entry Level Firefighter class to start in early March.

Upcoming Objectives / Events / Pub-Ed: OBJECTIVES: The new ambulance has been delivered and is being equipped with radios and essential equipment, we hope to have it in service the middle to end of March.

EVENTS: Crews held a blood pressure wellness check at Monona Meadows for residents that wanted to check and track their 3/11/19 MONTHLY DEPARTMENT HEAD REPORT TO COUNCIL blood pressures.

PUBLIC EDUCATION: 2/14 FF/P Zwettler did a safety talk and Vial of Life presentation at Monona Meadows.

Personnel: Staffing levels: Career- 1 Chief, 8 FF/Paramedics (A conditional offer has been made for open position) Paid-on-call/volunteer – 37 fire/ems LTE – 1

POP: Feb 28 shifts

POC: Budget YTD $39,545 Budgeted YTD Paid on call $50,000 $7095 POP $15,000 $4843 EMS Stipend $ 1,500 $90 These numbers include December 2018 payments which are paid in January of 2019

3/11/19 Elite emsmedicalbilling Incident Type Report (Summary) w/o Loss

Basic Incident Type Code And Description (FD1.21) Total Incidents Total Incidents Percent of Incidents Incident Type Category (FD1.21): 3 - Rescue & Emergency Medical Service Incident 300 - Rescue, EMS incident, other 1 2.33% 311 - Medical assist, assist EMS crew 14 32.56% 324 - Motor vehicle accident with no injuries. 2 4.65% Total: 17 Total: 39.53% Incident Type Category (FD1.21): 4 - Hazardous Condition (No Fire) 400 - Hazardous condition, other 1 2.33% 424 - Carbon monoxide incident 1 2.33% 440 - Electrical wiring/equipment problem, other 1 2.33% 445 - Arcing, shorted electrical equipment 1 2.33% Total: 4 Total: 9.30% Incident Type Category (FD1.21): 5 - Service Call 522 - Water or steam leak 2 4.65% 550 - Public service assistance, other 2 4.65% Total: 4 Total: 9.30% Incident Type Category (FD1.21): 6 - Good Intent Call 600 - Good intent call, other 1 2.33% 611 - Dispatched and cancelled en route 3 6.98% Total: 4 Total: 9.30% Incident Type Category (FD1.21): 7 - False Alarm & False Call 700 - False alarm or false call, other 7 16.28% 710 - Malicious, mischievous false call, other 1 2.33% 730 - System malfunction, other 1 2.33% 731 - Sprinkler activation due to malfunction 1 2.33% 735 - Alarm system sounded due to malfunction 1 2.33% 741 - Sprinkler activation, no fire - unintentional 1 2.33% 743 - Smoke detector activation, no fire - unintentional 1 2.33% 745 - Alarm system activation, no fire - unintentional 1 2.33% Total: 14 Total: 32.56% Total: 43 Total: 100.00%

1 of 1 Printed On: 03/11/2019 09:57:23 AM MONTHLY DEPARTMENT HEAD REPORT TO COUNCIL

DEPARTMENT: Senior Center MONTH OF: February 2019 Accomplishments:

• March Newsletter mailed to homes – working on April newsletter • Sponsorship letters mailed and processing Intent forms for support • Starting Annual Report Information • Snowshoe event Feb. 14th was a HUGE success with 14 participants and beautiful weather. • Stepping On Falls Prevention Class running smoothly. • Dealt with many program rescheduling into February from January bad weather days. • Continued Program Evaluation Process – about 50% complete • Running successful tax clinics weekly • Making Progress on Volunteer Appreciation – working with intern as this is his major project. • Newsletter ads were sold and it looks like all spaces will be full to support our newsletter printing.

Major Projects / Issues:

Capital Budget Projects – New stage arrived, curtain was ordered to compliment stage. NewBridge - Completed annual MOU – waiting on their signature, Holiday Events – St. Pat’s Dinner set and taking reservations. Weather – challenging winter weather has affected attendance at many programs Volunteer Recruitment – We have had several new volunteers come on board recently. We are getting to know them, training and finding the best fit for their skills.

In Progress / Routine Duties:

Meetings: Dementia Friendly Monona Meeting, Staff meeting, Friends Board meeting, Volunteer Meeting, regular staff team meetings. Correspondence, processing donations and bills, website updates, publicity in the local paper and social media, changes in supporting agency representatives, thanking business sponsors for their support. Volunteer coverage for travel and illness Intern management – bi-weekly reviews, keeping up with semester goals

Upcoming Objectives / Events:

Program Planning 2019 – Looking ahead to fall scheduling Day Trips – First trip of the year may cancel due to Low Enrollment, Ballroom Basic for Balance to being in April – Actively promoting now. Let’s Dance – Friends of Monona Senior Center fundraiser – Sunday, March 10th at East Side Club St. Pat’s Party – Thursday, March 14th

Personnel: Personnel – Lori C. is working a less predictable schedule lately. Diane M. is planning a vacation week at the end of March. Summer schedules are being lined up to accommodate vacation time for all Senior Center staff.


DEPARTMENT: Finance MONTH OF: February Accomplishments: Working on year end closing. Various IRS and other Reports, Working PSC Report

Major Projects / Issues: W-2’s and ACA reports

In Progress / Routine Duties: Year end closing

Upcoming Objectives / Events: March is a very busy month with year end reports. Will be working hotel tax report, TIF Reports, PSC report and recycling report and other required reports.

