E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 112 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION

Vol. 157 WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 2011 No. 37 Senate The Senate was not in session today. Its next meeting will be held on Monday, March 14, 2011, at 2 p.m. House of Representatives The House met at 9 a.m. and was lic for which it stands, one nation under God, tion that won’t take their criminals called to order by the Speaker. indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. back. And maybe that will get their at- f f tention, and they will take their people ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER home. PRAYER And that’s just the way it is. The SPEAKER. The Chair will enter- The Chaplain, the Reverend Daniel P. f Coughlin, offered the following prayer: tain up to five requests for 1-minute THE REDUCE UNNECESSARY From the depths, O Lord, You call speeches from each side of the aisle. SPENDING ACT OF 2011 out for us to be one in mind and one in f heart. In an ever-changing world, the FOREIGN KILLERS DON’T GO (Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia asked and was given permission to address focus of our prayer, our energies, and HOME our concern can easily shift day by the House for 1 minute and to revise (Mr. POE of Texas asked and was and extend his remarks.) day. With all our diversity, even united given permission to address the House we stand before You very vulnerable. Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. Mr. for 1 minute.) Speaker, I urge my colleagues to co- Today, we pray for our families, Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, Ash- sponsor the Reduce Unnecessary friends, and constituents out in the Pa- ton Cline-McMurry, a 16-year-old kid Spending Act of 2011. cific and its surrounding coasts. Be with cerebral palsy, was walking home Many decisions made over the past with these island people who touch the from a football game in Massachusetts decade on both sides of the aisle con- Members and Delegates of this Con- when he was ambushed, beaten, tributed to the Nation’s untenable gress who have represented them al- stabbed, and murdered. debt. The Reduce Unnecessary Spend- ways, even in their hour of need. One of the killers, Loeun Heng, an il- ing Act provides another deficit-reduc- From our depths, O Lord, we cry out: legal from Cambodia, was sent to pris- tion tool to eliminate unnecessary Have mercy, O Lord. Have mercy. on. Ashton’s family was promised this spending. It grants the President expe- Amen. murderer would then be deported back dited rescission authority to create an- f to Cambodia after serving his sentence. other opportunity to reduce spending But he never was. Why? Because Cam- THE JOURNAL and provides a strong incentive for bodia and other nations refuse to take Congress to work together to trim un- The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- back their convicted felons from the necessary spending and dedicates all ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- United States. So the assassin, by U.S. spending cuts to deficit reduction. ceedings and announces to the House law, has been released on the streets of Expedited rescission is a well-known his approval thereof. America. He is still illegally here. concept with bipartisan support. The Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- Mr. Speaker, there are over 140,000 Budget Committee’s current chairman, nal stands approved. criminal aliens in the United States, Mr. RYAN, introduced expedited rescis- f like Heng, that have been sent to pris- sion in the 110th Congress. Senator on, ordered deported, and their native JOHN MCCAIN and Senator THOMAS CAR- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE nation stalls, delays, and eventually PER have introduced similar legislation The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman refuses to take these outlaws back. So this year, with 32 bipartisan cospon- from Virginia (Mr. CONNOLLY) come they are running loose in the United sors. forward and lead the House in the States. Exercising fiscal responsibility re- Pledge of Allegiance. The worst offending nations are quires strong discipline and a commit- Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia led the Cuba, China, India, Pakistan, and Ja- ment to cutting unnecessary spending. Pledge of Allegiance as follows: maica. Expedited recession provides another I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the The United States should consider layer of spending cuts and another op- United States of America, and to the Repub- cutting aid and stopping visas to a na- portunity for deficit reduction.

b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.



VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:58 Mar 11, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11MR7.000 H11MRPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with HOUSE H1730 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 11, 2011 I urge my colleagues to cosponsor the COMMENDING THE WORK OF THE BURDEN OF BUDGET CUTS legislation. U.S.-INDIA BUSINESS COUNCIL (Mr. YARMUTH asked and was given (Mr. WILSON of South Carolina f permission to address the House for 1 asked and was given permission to ad- minute.) dress the House for 1 minute and to re- ENERGY IS JOBS Mr. YARMUTH. Mr. Speaker, we are vise and extend his remarks.) engaged in a process now and over the (Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio asked and Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. next week to decide how we are going was given permission to address the Speaker, I rise to commend the work of to fund the government for the next House for 1 minute.) the U.S.-India Business Council. few months and for the next year. Re- Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, Founded in 1975, the primary mission publicans have already decided where you have heard it said many times: En- of the USIBC is to strengthen bilateral they want to put the burden of the cuts ergy is jobs. Energy is jobs. investments and trade between our two that we all know we have to make in We have a wealth of resources in our great nations. America and India now the budget. They want to put them on Nation: oil, natural gas, and coal. Yet share $50 billion in annual trade that the least fortunate of our country. we see gas prices rising to unbelievable mutually benefits both countries. Our rates here in America, approaching, in two democracies—the world’s largest Let me read something from The many places, in excess of $4 a gallon. and the world’s oldest—have held joint Washington Post this week written by And what are we doing about it? Not military exercises, increased two-way Harold Meyerson. Mark Whitehouse of very much. We’ve got a permitting tourism, and have engaged in bilateral the Wall Street Journal looked at how process that is failing America. And we cooperation on many fronts, including businesses were dividing up the pie 18 have an opportunity today to show the global war on terrorism. months into every previous recovery America just how bad that problem is. Thanks to the leadership of President since 1947 and found that 58 percent of Later today, I’m going to be intro- Ron Somers, the USIBC, hosted by the their increases in productivity trickled ducing a bill called the ROAD to Jobs U.S. Chamber of Commerce, has grown down to their workers in increased Act. It stands for regulatory openness, to 400 member companies creating jobs wages. What has happened today is the accountability, and disclosure. And we in America. Indian businesses have in- other way around: Only 6 percent of are going to show the American people, vested billions across the Nation, in- productivity gains have gone to our through a report that is going to be re- cluding Mittal Steel in Georgetown, newly more productive workers. In quired from the Council on Environ- South Carolina. For 36 years, USIBC other words, our people, our working mental Quality, just how flawed that has opened the doors of American busi- families have already paid the price. permitting process is, requiring them nesses in India, creating jobs in both What have the corporations and busi- to show the permits that are in cycle countries as strategic partners. nesses done with that profit that they and what the economic implications In conclusion, God bless our troops, have made? Mostly, they are buying are of not authorizing permits to go and we will never forget September the their stock back. They are not hiring after America’s resources. 11th in the global war on terrorism. people or investing in research. So as I cherish the memory of Addison we decide where we are going to tight- f Morton Graves, who passed away 50 en the belt as we move forward on our years ago on March 8. budget, let’s make sure that we tighten ECONOMIC RECOVERY AND it on the fat cats as well as the people SPENDING CUTS f who have already been strangled. (Ms. SCHWARTZ asked and was given permission to address the House b 0910 f for 1 minute and to revise and extend her remarks.) BICYCLING ADVOCATES OFFER OPPOSING EDUCATION SPENDING Ms. SCHWARTZ. Last week, we saw POSITIVE MESSAGE OF HOPE CUTS real signs of economic recovery when (Mr. BLUMENAUER asked and was (Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of the unemployment rate dropped below given permission to address the House Texas asked and was given permission 9 percent for the first time in 2 years. for 1 minute and to revise and extend to address the House for 1 minute.) This is encouraging news, but we still his remarks.) have a long way to go to promote pri- Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, I Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of vate sector growth. would like to thank the hundreds of cy- Texas. Mr. Speaker, it is difficult to sit The Republicans are digging their clists, parents, business people, and es- and not say anything about how we are heels in on billions of dollars of reck- pecially bike industry leaders who damaging our future. We cannot con- less cuts that threaten our economic flooded Capitol Hill this week with a sider the kind of cuts that are proposed growth and put 700,000 American jobs message of bike partisanship. They to our future and think that this coun- at risk. We agree that spending cuts were addressing the issues found on the try will be prosperous. This plan elimi- are necessary to reduce the deficit. front page every day in our newspapers nates the funding for math and science This is not about whether to cut or about what would happen if we made it partnerships. We must make strategic not. This is about where to cut, how easier to use the most efficient form of investments in STEM education in much to cut, and how fast to cut. The urban transportation ever designed. It order to maintain a competitive work- Republican agenda threatens our core would make a huge difference to the force. obligations to our seniors, to our safe- health of our families, dealing with This plan eliminates Even Start, ty, and to our future. traffic congestion and air pollution, Reading is Fundamental, and Striving We need disciplined budgeting. We and reduce the tyranny of our addic- Readers. It cuts more than $1 billion need targeted cuts that won’t hurt our tion to oil if we burned more calories from Head Start. This represents a economy. And we need strategic invest- and less fossil fuel. massive setback for youth who are ments to make America competitive It is also big business. Billions of dol- most in need. This plan is especially for future generations. Republicans are lars are made from the sales, service, damaging for our youngest children putting partisan politics ahead of manufacturing, and bike tourism. And just beginning their academic careers. American priorities. Instead of enact- most important, it makes our commu- These children will fall behind before ing job-destroying cuts, we should be nities more livable, our families safer, they even get started. The Reading is focusing on job creation and sound healthier, and more economically se- Fundamental program has provided budgeting. cure. books for young children whose fami- Enough is enough. It’s time to get se- Thank you, cycling advocates, for lies cannot afford them. rious and pass a responsible spending your positive message of hope. I hope Mr. Speaker, we must not allow our plan that grows the economy and in- that it found receptive ears here on country to continue to fall behind in vests in the future. Capitol Hill. competitiveness.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:58 Mar 11, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MR7.003 H11MRPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with HOUSE March 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1731 GENERAL LEAVE we are sending the bill to our children Mr. Chairman, these are just a few of Mr. HENSARLING. Mr. Speaker, I and grandchildren. This is a form of the voices of job creators. ask unanimous consent that all Mem- intergenerational theft. The Demo- I am heartened to see that the unem- bers may have 5 days in which to revise cratic whip, the gentleman from Mary- ployment rate ticked down last month. and extend their remarks on H.R. 836. land, when Republicans were in control Frankly, it is attributable mostly to and the deficit was a fraction, a frac- the fact that we now have a divided The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. WIL- tion of what it is today, he termed it government. Job creators now know SON of South Carolina). Is there objec- tion to the request of the gentleman ‘‘fiscal child abuse.’’ The gentleman there is at least some check on the ex- from Texas? from Maryland (Mr. HOYER) said that cesses of the Obama administration. It There was no objection. when the annual deficit was $200 bil- is a testament to the fact that, at the lion. Now the monthly deficit is $200 end of the last Congress, Republicans f billion. If we want to help create jobs were successful in blocking, at least for EMERGENCY MORTGAGE RELIEF today, if we want to spare our children 2 years, the single largest tax increase PROGRAM TERMINATION ACT bankruptcy, we have got to quit spend- in America’s history, and I don’t know ing money we don’t have. any American who believes that if you The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- And so this week, Mr. Chairman, increase taxes on one’s company that ant to House Resolution 151 and rule House Republicans have brought a cou- that’s going to lead to a raise, to a XVIII, the Chair declares the House in ple of bills to the floor to do something bonus, or to employing more workers. the Committee of the Whole House on that is rarely ever done in this institu- Finally, we have what Warren the State of the Union for the consider- tion, and that is to save American fam- Buffett calls the regenerative nature of ation of the bill, H.R. 836. ilies and save small businesses money: the free enterprise system. This is an terminate a program. You know, as we b 0914 economy that wants to recover; but are coming off the 100th anniversary of since the Great Depression, we’ve never IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Ronald Reagan’s birthday, I am re- had a longer recession or a more tepid Accordingly, the House resolved minded, and perhaps I don’t have the recovery, which is due to the policies of itself into the Committee of the Whole quote exact, but he said something the President and of the previous House on the State of the Union for the along the lines of the closest thing to Democratic Congresses. So, if we want consideration of the bill (H.R. 836) to eternal life on Earth is a Federal pro- to help create jobs today, we’re going rescind the unobligated funding for the gram. to have to show that we can put the Emergency Mortgage Relief Program So the bill we have before us today is Nation on a fiscally sustainable path. and to terminate the program, with a program that was originally author- Now, this is a $1 billion program Mr. WESTMORELAND in the chair. ized in 1975 and was never funded in its where not $1 has left the door yet. I’m The Clerk read the title of the bill. 35-year history. Now, a billion dollars sitting here thinking, Mr. Chairman: If The CHAIR. Pursuant to the rule, the has been allocated for this program. It this body, after having 75, 76 some odd bill is considered read the first time. is not out the door. Nobody has used different government housing programs The gentleman from Texas (Mr. that money. It is in a series of so-called that add up to, roughly, 56 some odd HENSARLING) and the gentlewoman foreclosure mitigation programs that billion dollars that, frankly, have from California (Ms. WATERS) each will the administration has put forth, al- grown at an exponential over the fam- control 30 minutes. most all of which have been abject fail- ily budget—the family budget has to The Chair recognizes the gentleman ures even by their own yardstick, by pay for the HUD budget—if we can’t from Texas. their own measurement. terminate, in order to save our chil- Number one, the best foreclosure Mr. HENSARLING. Mr. Chairman, I dren from bankruptcy, in order to help mitigation program in America is a yield myself such time as I may con- create jobs, one program at $1 billion job. It’s a paycheck. It’s not a govern- sume. where not one penny has left the door, ment check, it’s a paycheck. Job cre- Mr. Chairman, the American people how are we ever going to make the ators are hampered by the uncertainty woke up several days ago to the very tough decisions that are necessary to of the national debt. Historic levels of sad reality that this Nation has just in- save the country from bankruptcy? debt will lead to historic levels of tax- curred its single largest monthly def- Mr. Chairman, at some , you’ve ation, which leads to historic levels of icit in the history of the Nation, $226 got to quit spending money you don’t unemployment. billion, which, by a back-of-the-enve- have. At some point, when do you ever lope calculation, that is roughly $2,500 b 0920 say enough is enough? When do you say for every household in just 1 month. The equation could not be more true. we are tired of borrowing money from And, Mr. Chairman, February is the The equation could not be more ele- the Chinese? Is it the future of our shortest month of the year. This is on mentary. children? Is it their destiny to shine top of our Nation’s first trillion-dollar But don’t take my word for it, Mr. the shoes of the Chinese? Is it our chil- deficit, our Nation’s second trillion- Chairman. Let’s hear from some of the dren’s destiny that one day they’ll wait dollar deficit. And now, according to job creators in America. Let’s hear tables for the Chinese? It’s not the the budget presented by the President from the CEO of Caterpillar, which em- dream I have for my 7-year-old son. It’s of the United States, the third-largest, ploys tens of thousands of people not the dream I have for my 9-year-old the largest deficit, in America’s his- across our Nation: Unfunded entitle- daughter. It’s not the American dream. tory and the third trillion-dollar-plus ment programs, coupled with the com- The American Dream is to leave your deficit. ing wave of retiring baby boomers, will children with greater freedoms, greater Mr. Chairman, the Nation is drown- push the deficit to untenable levels. It opportunity, and a higher standard of ing in a sea of red ink. If we want to is a train wreck. living. That’s what I believe the Amer- help job creators create jobs today, we Mike Jackson, the CEO of ican Dream is. have got to start taking away the un- AutoNation, with 19,000 employees: The If we can’t terminate one program certainty of this huge national debt. If best thing that this town could do to from which the Obama administration we want to save our children from help the economic recovery become itself says we’re going to lose 98 cents bankruptcy tomorrow, we have to start sustainable is to deal with the deficit. on the dollar—I didn’t say it; it was the doing something about the national Bernie Marcus, the former chairman Obama administration that said it, los- debt. But everybody says essentially: and CEO of Home Depot, with over ing 98 cents on the dollar. If we can’t well, not in my backyard. Not with my 200,000 employees in the U.S.: If we con- do this, Mr. Chairman, I have great programs. Not today. Let’s do it some tinue this kind of policy, we are dead fear and great trepidation for the fu- other day. Let’s kick the can down the in the water. Businesspeople, they ture. road. don’t know what’s coming—the debt, So I urge my colleagues to take one But, Mr. Chairman, this is a Nation the budget. This debt we have is in the small, tiny baby step towards the path that is borrowing 40 cents on the dol- trillions. I’m going to have to pay for of fiscal sustainability. Take one meas- lar, much of it from the Chinese, and this somehow. ured baby step, and tell job creators in

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:43 Mar 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MR7.004 H11MRPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with HOUSE H1732 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 11, 2011 America we are going to put the Na- Beyond that, we have the military. unemployment and led to the fore- tion’s fiscal house in order. Go ahead. Now, we’re talking here about trying closures. Many of them profited from It’s safe to invest in America again. to stop a serious economic problem in it. It’s safe to create jobs. American cities. Well, we can’t afford And we then had the TARP—and this We’re going to get this done. Take that, but $400 million was voted to be is money that we voted in the TARP in one tiny step today to help create spent on infrastructure in Afghanistan. another set of programs—and we said, those jobs and save our children from a I do not think that that $400 million you benefited from intervention. We pathway to bankruptcy. will be very well spent. I understand didn’t do it because we loved you. We I reserve the balance of my time. there are some national security needs, did it because we had to save the econ- The CHAIR. The gentleman from but I think that that war has gone on omy from going upside down. I know Massachusetts is recognized for 30 min- too long. And the notion of sending Members like to rail about bailouts, utes. $400 million to build up the cities in Af- but let’s be very clear: every activity Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts. I yield ghanistan and to deny helping America in the United States—known as a bail- myself such time as I may consume. makes no sense. out recently—was at the initiative of I hope Members will be careful walk- We are also being told that we can the George Bush administration or Mr. ing on the floor right now, especially send $1.2 billion for Iraqi security Paulsen and Mr. Bernanke. And they on the Republican side of the aisle, be- forces over and above what we spend on were bipartisanly supported, and I cause I wouldn’t want anyone to fall the American military. We are sending agree that we had to do them. We had into the enormous gap that has just to do them because of failures in past been created between the gentleman’s $1.2 billion. I voted against that. Mem- bers on the other side voted for it. The regulatory policy. comments and his voting record. But the fact is that in the bill we whole war in Iraq has been an enor- Mr. Chairman, we heard a great argu- passed last summer, this money mous waste, in my judgment, of Amer- ment about the need to cut the budget wouldn’t have come from the Treasury. deficit and stop spending. During the ican money at the cost of American It wouldn’t have added to the deficit. It recent debate on the budget, an amend- lives. Brave, young Americans went to would have been recouped from an as- ment was offered to limit entitlement war when they were asked to by their sessment on large financial institu- spending to farmers to $250,000 per enti- country, but it was a mistake for them tions. The Republican Party blocked ty. The amendment said no agricul- to be sent there. The war in Iraq has so it—not here, they didn’t have the votes tural entity, no individual, could get dwarfed any domestic expenditures in here, as we don’t often have the votes more than $250,000 per year. It was de- this area that I do not understand how today, but in the Senate. feated by the Republican Party. The Members can, on the one hand, talk se- So I will make this announcement: I majority of Democrats voted for it. It riously about cutting the deficit and plan to reintroduce next week the pro- will cost $1 billion over 10 years—at then have voted for more and more and vision of the financial reform bill that least. hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of would have taken the money for this We had the Brazilian cotton farmers, billions of dollars for that war in Iraq. program and other programs to allevi- but my friends on the other side hate Now we have another point that ate the impact of foreclosure—the for me to mention that because un- should be made. It is true this $1 bil- Neighborhood Stabilization Program pleasant reality is always bothersome. lion that we are asking for—and by the that helps get foreclosed property back You know, over a 4-year period, we’re way, according to the CBO, it will cost into productive use, aid to the home- going to spend more money subsidizing $840 million, not 98 percent in total ex- owners who are unemployed—and pay American and Brazilian cotton farmers penditure, but 84 percent. It’s still a for it, as we tried to do last July but than we are on this program. high number, but $140 million is still Republican opposition stopped us, not The gentleman from Alabama said $140 million. So this will cost $840 mil- from the taxpayer, but from the large yesterday that it was Obama who made lion, according to the CBO, if it is fully institutions. And I don’t mean to de- him do it. Rather implausibly, he ar- run. It is going to come out of the monize, but I think Goldman Sachs and gued that he was compelled to follow Treasury right now, but let’s be clear: Wells Fargo and the Bank of America this recommendation of the Obama ad- The reason it will come out of the and Citicorp and Morgan Stanley and ministration to send $150 million a Treasury as we try to deal with this— the large hedge funds, I think they can year to Brazilian cotton farmers for 4 by the way, here is what the program pay for this. That’s what we would years because the President told him is: have done. So I agree, this should not to do it. Well, that’s a very selective It says to Americans who took out come from the taxpayer. invocation of the President, I must mortgages and became unemployed By the way, with regard to the bill say—no more persuasive than Flip Wil- that we will help them pay their mort- we debated yesterday—and I regret not son having invoked the devil as having gages because you can’t afford mort- pointing this out, but, you know, you made him do it, and of course there are gage payments out of unemployment can only correct so much error in a sometimes analogies in the way in compensation. limited amount of time. I talk fast, but which they refer to the President. b 0930 error outpaces me when we get into One hundred fifty million dollars. these debates. Now, the argument, by the way, was That’s the lavishness of this pro- We were talking yesterday about that we have to send $150 million to gram. We’re taking people who are in money that was going to be spent in Brazilian cotton farmers. The gen- trouble and facing losing their homes another program, the FHA refi. And tleman voted for it because otherwise and having more foreclosures, which people talked about $8 billion. Yes, $8 we would be in trouble with the World have negative effects not just on the billion—it won’t cost $8 billion—but $8 Trade Organization. But we could have individual foreclosed, but on the neigh- billion that was set aside, if necessary, saved that $150 million to the Brazil- borhood, on the city, on the whole from the TARP. And people said that ians by not sending $150 million to the economy. So this has a macroeconomic TARP money was promised to go back American cotton farmers. By the way, impact, but we are going to come to to the taxpayers. It was, and here’s that would include American cotton their assistance. how—Members may have forgotten farmers who could get more than In the financial reform bill passed this, having voted for it; but in the $250,000 a year. last summer, we, in the conference TARP legislation we added a provision So we’re not debating whether or not committee, voted to take this money that said in 2013, when the TARP is we should reduce the deficit. It is how. from an assessment on the largest fi- concluded, the President at that time Do you exempt agriculture, as many of nancial institutions. We voted that fi- is mandated to send to the Congress a my friends do, because they represent nancial institutions with $50 billion or bill that would recoup the funds that agricultural districts? As for conserv- more in assets and hedge funds with $10 had not been returned to the Treasury atism and the free market, it has got billion or more in assets would have to from those large financial institutions. no application to the growth of cotton pay for this. And our logic was that it And we reiterated that in the financial or grain or of many of these other pro- was the activity of these institutions reform bill over the Republicans’ objec- grams that receive so much money. that caused the crisis that led to the tions.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:58 Mar 11, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MR7.006 H11MRPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with HOUSE March 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1733 So the point is this: the TARP money prepared to send money to Brazilian So that’s the choice. We have a that will be spent—if it is on the refi- cotton farmers so they can send money choice of doing nothing to alleviate the nancing—and the TARP money that to American cotton farmers. They will impact of foreclosures on the overall will be spent on the HAMP program not limit entitlements to agricultural economy, on municipalities, and on will not come out of the Treasury. It individuals to $250,000 a year. They’ll families, or of doing something and re- will be reimbursed to the Treasury—if send billions to Afghanistan and Iraq couping that money from the large fi- my colleagues on the other side go that will be wasted, not for our de- nancial institutions. fense, but to build up their infrastruc- along with what we voted for—from the b 0940 large financial institutions. So let’s be ture and their security. And then, when very clear, whether we are talking it does come to the relatively small I hope that we will, in the end, decide about the programs in the financial re- amount that we will be spending on that we were right to say that the form bill or the programs in the TARP, some of these programs, like $840 mil- large financial institutions can appro- they are a package of programs to deal lion here—and that’s small compared priately be asked to bear part of that with the consequences of foreclosure. to what they spend elsewhere, for in- burden. I must say, I saw a draft of my Re- stance, in their wars—they would rath- I reserve the balance of my time. publican colleagues’ budget views, and er have it come out of the taxpayer. Mr. HENSARLING. Mr. Chairman, at they said—astonishingly—that spend- They would rather not spend it at all; this time I yield 2 minutes to the dis- ing TARP money to deal with fore- but if they have a second choice, it tinguished majority leader, the gen- closures was inappropriate because comes out of the taxpayer and not out tleman from Virginia (Mr. CANTOR). those were unrelated to the financial of the large financial institutions. Mr. CANTOR. I thank the gentleman. crisis. Foreclosures unrelated to the fi- So let’s frame the debate appro- Mr. Chairman, for the past several nancial crisis? That is an illogic that I priately. The large financial institu- years the conversation in Washington am surprised at. Ideology drives you to tions, because of inappropriate regula- has been about how much we can in- certain ridiculous conclusions, but that tion and improper regulation during crease spending. Today, the debate is one goes further into that than I would the Bush years—fairly, the Clinton centered on how much we can increase have thought. years as well, but mostly the Bush savings. So let’s again be very clear. Our pro- years—provoked a financial crisis. We On November 2, voters sent a mes- posals are that the large financial in- began to deal with it in 2008 in the last sage that they will not sit by as Con- stitutions—assets of $50 billion or months of the Bush administration in a gress spends our way into national de- more, hedge funds of $10 billion or bipartisan way. We did it. We provided cline. It was a statement of rejection more, most of which would direct bene- some funding in the first instance to towards a buildup of debt and burden- ficiaries of our activity in dealing with those very financial institutions, not some regulation that continues to the financial crisis that many of them out of love for them, but because we cloud the prospects for the future. helped cause—that’s how we will fund thought that was needed to stabilize. The new Republican majority has re- these programs. The requirement is that any money sponded with a cut-and-grow agenda So with regard to the HAMP, with re- spent under the TARP will ultimately designed to produce results. We’re cut- gard to the FHA refinance, no, that be recouped by an assessment on the ting spending and job-destroying regu- will not come out of the Treasury. large financial institutions. Appar- lations and growing private sector jobs That will be reimbursed ultimately, ently, the Republicans want to forget in the economy. yes. The TARP money goes back and that one. They want to act as if it’s the Last month, we voted to cut spending the law calls for that to be assessed. Treasury, apparently because they down to 2008 levels. Today, through our And so, yes, I understand my Repub- can’t bear the thought of telling the YouCut program, we offer American lican colleagues, they don’t want Gold- large financial institutions, who were a taxpayers the opportunity to recoup man Sachs or Citicorp or any of the large part of the cause of the financial roughly $300 million dollars in wasteful large financial institutions or any of crisis and benefited from our efforts to spending. The savings come from ter- the large hedge funds to have to pay correct it, that they should have to minating a program funded in the the cost. But that’s what the debate is, pay. Dodd-Frank regulatory bill. This man- not the Treasury and the average tax- And we do know that when we said datory spending program allegedly pro- payer versus alleviation of foreclosure, this program and programs to give vides loans to homeowners potentially the large financial institutions. money to municipalities—which they facing foreclosure, but it is estimated And, yes, they did succeed, tempo- very much want—to buy up property that the subsidy rate, meaning the rarily, I hope, in changing that. They that would otherwise fester because amount of the loan that will not be re- knocked out of our bill a requirement there would be nobody to make them paid, is 98 cents out of every dollar. that the large financial institutions take care of it, that they prefer that to So we are borrowing money we don’t would help us mitigate foreclosures be paid for by the taxpayer than by the have to give loans to certain home- and help us have cities buy up property large financial institutions. We’ll give owners that can’t repay and that other that is rotting and causing trouble; them a chance to correct that mistake. American families will have to pay and, unfortunately, temporarily, that’s So I hope this bill is defeated. And back in higher taxes in the future. This not the case. next week we will have legislation that program truly does not make sense and But I will file the bill next week. And I hope our committee will be having leaves everyone worse off. given their concern for the taxpayer hearings on and act on which will rein- At a time, Mr. Chairman, when we and the deficit, they will have a choice: state the provision that says all of the must do everything in our power to do you add the cost of these programs four programs we’re dealing with this balance the Federal budget, this legis- to the deficit, because they’re not week and next week will be dealt with lation must pass. And I urge my col- going to become law, these repealers. in one of two ways: it will be financed leagues to vote in favor of it. The President is going to veto them. by the TARP, and that money will be Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts. I yield The Senate won’t pass them even for recovered when the program is over by 4 minutes to the gentleman from North him to do that. Are you then going to an assessment on the large financial Carolina (Mr. WATT). say that it will come out of the deficit, institutions; and the smaller amounts Mr. WATT. I thank our ranking or will you join us in taking it from that will go to this program, that member for yielding time. Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley money will also be recouped from the I’m here today because this is a se- and the Bank of America and those un- large financial institutions. And those ries of actions, all of which I oppose, reasonable institutions that do a lot of institutions which received hundreds of that are in sequence. And I think we good work, but they can afford this $1 billions—they have repaid it and it has need to put this in perspective. billion. Their bonuses alone would pay been useful—but they were great bene- Yesterday, my colleagues were pro- for these programs. ficiaries of it. They caused some of the posing to terminate the FHA Refinance So let’s be clear what the choice is. problem in general. They will be the Program that helps people refinance First of all, we have people who are ones that will bear the cost. mortgages under FHA. Next week,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:58 Mar 11, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MR7.008 H11MRPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with HOUSE H1734 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 11, 2011 we’ll be back on the floor out of our of the top fund that the law requires Mr. MCCLINTOCK. I thank the gen- committee with a proposal that they the biggest financial institutions in tleman for yielding. have made to do away with the Com- America to make the taxpayers whole, Two years ago, the President told us munity Stabilization Program, which if, at the end of the day there is a def- that we were all to blame for the hous- is designed really to stabilize commu- icit in repaying this money, it doesn’t ing bubble and the financial crisis that nities and keep people who own prop- matter. Let’s just stand up and beat on followed. No, we’re not. Those families erties and are trying to pay their mort- our chest and say to the American peo- who passed up the get-rich-quick real gages from seeing the values of their ple and think that they will believe estate seminars and who turned down properties go down even further. And that we are doing something to save the loans that they couldn’t afford, or next week they’ll be offering a proposal them tax dollars. who settled for a smaller home, or who to do away with the mortgage refi- This bill saves no tax dollars, and it’s rented because that’s all they could af- nance assistance program called an abomination. ford, they’re not to blame. And they HAMP. Mr. BACHUS. Mr. Chairman, I yield 2 shouldn’t be left holding the bag. Of all of the four proposals, including minutes to the gentleman from New Ninety-one percent of Americans are the one we’re here debating today, this, York (Mr. GRIMM). making their mortgage payments not I think, is the most mean spirited and Mr. GRIMM. Mr. Chairman, I rise in only because it’s the right thing to do, most duplicitous one and I think the support of the Emergency Mortgage but because they know that the sooner one that most vigorously deserves to Relief Program Termination Act. the market corrects itself the sooner be opposed by my colleagues here in And I’m sitting here and I hear that their homes will begin to appreciate the House; because this proposes to do we’re mean spirited, and it makes me once again. By propping up bad loans away with a program that assists peo- think of the last year that I had with and by undermining responsible home- ple who were employed, got a mort- my father before he passed away. I owners, our government’s extending gage, were paying their mortgage, then spent a lot of time with my dad be- the agony and postponing the day when lost their jobs to the downturn in the cause I was taking him to the hospital. the market stabilizes and home buyers economy and found themselves in a po- He had lung cancer. And we had to sit can safely reenter the housing market. sition where they could no longer af- and wait, often more than an hour, to Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts. I re- ford to pay their mortgage. These are see the doctor to get his tests or to get serve the balance of my time. not people who were out getting second his chemo. Mr. BACHUS. Mr. Chair, I yield 1 homes. These are working people who And I asked my father, knowing that minute to the gentlewoman from West had jobs, fell on bad times, and lost his life was nearing the end, what was Virginia (Mrs. CAPITO). their jobs and getting unemployment the toughest thing that he ever had to Mrs. CAPITO. I have been listening benefits. And all we’re saying is give do. My father told me the toughest to the discussion. Certainly over the them a break for 12 months and give thing he ever had to do was tell his last several years I have been in the them the opportunity to go back into children ‘‘no.’’ Sometimes when you’re committee where we have seen pro- the marketplace and find a job, and a child, you don’t understand. You ask gram after program being introduced then they can resume paying their for things, whether it be new hockey to try to alleviate the problem that we mortgages. skates or a new baseball mitt, or what- know exists with the foreclosure issue. It is absolutely mean spirited to say ever it may be, and a good parent But this is about making choices to somebody who has complied with all sometimes says they can’t afford it. today. This is about making choices the rules and lost their job by no fault Well, I don’t think it’s mean spirited about programs that are working, pro- of their own and then find themselves to step up and answer the message not grams that are not working, programs unable to pay their mortgages that we that we’re sending, but the message that are costing too much, and pro- won’t try to give you some measure of that the American people sent us that grams that we need to reshape and re- relief. we cannot continue reckless spending. form. It’s further complicated—made even And this program, to put it right back I believe this program is one that we more duplicitous, really—by a provi- on point, this program is the poster can in good measure eliminate. It sion that has been inserted into this child of waste and reckless spending. hasn’t really gotten started. It’s a bil- bill that directs the Secretary of Hous- lion-dollar program, and in some sense b 0950 ing and Urban Development to conduct we already know, and we’ve heard from a study and, based on that study, issue It’s not me. It’s not anyone in this many in the discussion, that 98 cents a report on the best practices that Chamber that said it’s going to be sub- out of every dollar that’s set forth as a could be used to implement this pro- sidized 98 cents on the dollar, we will loan in this program will actually be a gram—a program which they are pro- lose 98 cents on the dollar. The admin- forgiven loan. posing to terminate. istration said that: 98 cents on the dol- Now, we talk about fairness and Why would you spend taxpayer lar. We cannot continue to spend on mean-spiritedness. Is it fair to the rest money to have a study on the best programs that are failing. That is the of the folks who are working, scraping, practices to implement a program that definition of waste. We were sent here paying their mortgages every single the bill itself says is going to be termi- to cut the spending, to stop the waste day to know that 98 cents of every dol- nated? A waste of taxpayer money. Yet for one reason, so that we can grow the lar that goes out the door in helping my colleagues are here representing to economy. And when we grow that econ- some other folks is never going to the Members of this House and to the omy, we actually create jobs. The come back in when the original agree- American public that their whole ob- whole point, if I understand the argu- ment—it is a loan. I think this is a jective is to save the taxpayers money. ment on the Democratic side, is that good-sense cut that will lead to more The CHAIR. The time of the gen- these people have lost their jobs. jobs and better-sense government. tleman has expired. The CHAIR. The time of the gen- Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts. I yield Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts. I yield tleman has expired. myself 15 seconds to note that I am not the gentleman 1 additional minute. Mr. BACHUS. I yield the gentleman surprised at that, because there are Mr. WATT. I don’t understand the ra- an additional 30 seconds. people on the other side who think it’s tionale of my colleagues. And it would Mr. GRIMM. For that reason, the an- unfair to pay the unemployed any- be something else if this bill were swer is not more failed programs; it’s thing, like unemployment compensa- going to see the light of day in the Sen- growing the economy and creating a tion. So, no, I don’t think it’s unfair to ate. It’s not going anywhere. job. We need to give them hope, not say to people who are unemployed in This is a message bill, Mr. Chairman. false hope. this economy that they will get some That’s all this is about. Let’s send a Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts. I re- economic help. And that’s what this is message to the American people that serve the balance of my time. about. we can cut. Whether we’re cutting Mr. BACHUS. Mr. Chairman, I yield 1 I yield 33⁄4 minutes to the gentle- money that’s taxpayer money or cut- minute to the gentleman from Cali- woman from New York (Mrs. ting money that’s going to be paid out fornia (Mr. MCCLINTOCK). MALONEY).

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:58 Mar 11, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MR7.011 H11MRPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with HOUSE March 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1735 Mrs. MALONEY. I thank the gen- holds that have a mortgage in which Now, to put this in perspective, this tleman for yielding. someone in the family is under- program is one of four that the major- I rise in opposition to H.R. 836. This employed or unemployed. And in the ity is putting forward to terminate is one of four anti-foreclosure programs great State of Texas, the largest num- programs that would help people stay that the majority is voting to termi- ber of households with a mortgage and in their homes. Yesterday, they termi- nate. This particular program they a spouse or head of household who is nated the FHA Refinance Program. want to terminate today is designed to unemployed, there are over 172,000 fam- Next week they’re going to attempt to homeowners who have experi- ilies in this terrible situation. terminate HAMP and the Neighbor- enced a significant reduction in income Families across the country would hood Stabilization Program. Yet econ- or are at risk of foreclosure due to loss benefit from the program. But instead, omist after economist tell us that in of a job, involuntary unemployment, they are cutting it. The program ful- order to strengthen our economy we underemployment, or a medical condi- fills an important gap because it ad- have to stabilize the housing market. tion. dresses a temporary loss of income and So these cuts are wrong. They are This is a group that needs our help. helps homeowners when they are most wrong in the first place, and they are There are 1.2 million households with a vulnerable. It has been successful in certainly wrong at this time when we mortgage where a head of household or Pennsylvania, which has its own State- are working to dig our way out of this spouse is unemployed. And in my home run program. Over 45,000 homeowners hole and to get people back to work. State of New York, where Mr. GRIMM— have been assisted, with an average This program, like the others, is nar- I wish I had the opportunity to ask loan of $11,000; and 85 percent of these rowly tailored to help a specific class him, was he aware that 142,000 house- recipients have been able to stay in of homeowners because of this econ- holds in our home State have a mort- their homes as a result. If we continued omy and because of the high level of gage with a person who is the head of this program, we would be able to help unemployment. During the financial the household or spouse is unemployed. families across the country. crisis, we lost 7 million jobs in this And this program potentially could So I oppose terminating the program, country. We are slowly gaining jobs have helped those people. and I oppose tossing hardworking again, but we are not even at the point The majority leader who spoke ear- Americans out in the street. I oppose where we are keeping place with the lier, in his home State, the great State this mean-spirited effort to terminate workforce. of Virginia, there are over 59,000 house- help for unemployed Americans. I urge a ‘‘no’’ vote on this bill. EMERGENCY HOMEOWNER LOAN PROGRAM (EHLP) STATE ALLOCATIONS—OCTOBER 2010

Households with a Household with a Mortgage, Head or Mortgage, Head or State Spouse in the Spouse Share HUD Allocation Labor force Unemployed

Texas ...... 3,091,395 172,280 0.1354 135,418,959 New York ...... 2,282,350 142,040 0.1116 111,649,112 Pennsylvania ...... 1,960,525 134,605 0.1058 105,804,905 Massachusetts ...... 1,048,520 77,650 0.0610 61,036,001 Washington ...... 1,052,975 71,590 0.0563 56,272,599 Minnesota ...... 1,003,985 71,050 0.0558 55,848,137 Wisconsin ...... 974,890 65,570 0.0515 51,540,638 Missouri ...... 948,920 62,340 0.0490 49,001,729 Virginia ...... 1,284,620 59,320 0.0466 46,627,889 Colorado ...... 865,890 52,525 0.0413 41,286,747 Maryland ...... 986,825 50,840 0.0400 39,962,270 Connecticut ...... 599,820 41,915 0.0329 32,946,864 Kansas ...... 441,240 22,580 0.0177 17,748,782 Arkansas ...... 372,850 22,565 0.0177 17,736,991 Iowa ...... 514,585 22,110 0.0174 17,379,343 Louisiana ...... 570,160 21,235 0.0167 16,691,558 Utah ...... 413,850 21,090 0.0166 16,577,582 Oklahoma ...... 499,880 19,815 0.0156 15,575,381 Puerto Rico ...... 241,335 18,720 0.0147 14,714,668 Idaho ...... 243,960 16,900 0.0133 13,284,075 New Hampshire ...... 236,540 16,100 0.0127 12,655,243 New Mexico ...... 261,340 13,645 0.0107 10,725,515 Maine ...... 230,635 13,205 0.0104 10,379,657 West Virginia ...... 228,700 10,610 0.0083 8,339,884 Nebraska ...... 285,530 10,565 0.0083 8,304,512 Hawaii ...... 148,885 8,005 0.0063 6,292,250 Delaware ...... 146,535 7,695 0.0060 6,048,577 Montana ...... 132,410 7,265 0.0057 5,710,580 Vermont ...... 109,490 6,145 0.0048 4,830,215 Alaska ...... 94,145 4,950 0.0039 3,890,898 Wyoming ...... 85,010 2,985 0.0023 2,346,329 South Dakota ...... 117,250 2,610 0.0021 2,051,563 North Dakota ...... 94,275 1,680 0.0013 1,320,547 Total ...... 1,272,200 100% 1,000,000,000 Source: Census—American Community Survey, 2009. Note: EHLP funds were allocated based on each eligible state’s share of unemployed homeowners with a mortgage in 2009. Actual allocations to states will be reduced on a pro-rata basis to cover HUD administrative costs (To Be Determined).

Mr. BACHUS. I have no further re- porations? That’s the basic question evicted when we can help some of quests for time, Mr. Chair, and I re- that we have to contend with. Are the them? serve the balance of my time. banks and the major corporations too We may not be able to help every- Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts. I yield big to fail and are the taxpaying Amer- body, but when you can help somebody, 3 minutes to the gentleman from Texas icans who helped bail them out too you ought to try to do the best that (Mr. AL GREEN). small to help? you can and help those that you can. Mr. AL GREEN of Texas. Mr. Chair- man, there is a more basic and funda- b 1000 With reference to the FHA refi that mental question that we are con- Can we continue to end programs passed, that was ended yesterday by a fronting today. That question is, Can that help people stay in their homes vote of this House, that bill did not we continue to go out of our way to that did not create the exotic products, lose money unless persons failed to pay help major corporations? As a matter that did not create prepayment pen- their mortgages. It was only if mort- of fact, $700 billion. Can we go out of alties that coincide with teaser rates, gages were not repaid that FHA came our way to help them and make sure that did not create loans wherein you forward and covered the cost. So to say that the programs work for them and qualify for your teaser rate but you that it cost $8 billion is incorrect. It then turn our backs on the taxpayers don’t qualify for your adjusted rate? cost whatever at the end of the pro- that helped those very same major cor- Can we continue to allow them to be gram may have been spent; but that

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:58 Mar 11, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MR7.013 H11MRPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with HOUSE H1736 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 11, 2011 money had not been spent, so the have that debate, but I would rec- First of all, the last statement is, of money was there. ommend that the ranking member course, totally contradictory from the There was also a premium to be paid have the debate with the Obama ad- gentleman from Texas. But when you by persons who got the refis. FHA was ministration, because that’s where just want to bash things, you will say going to help a lot of people stay in many of us got the information. anything. their homes and help a lot of commu- Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts. Will You cannot simultaneously say this nities and neighborhoods maintain the gentleman yield? program is too generous because of its their integrity and their property val- Mr. HENSARLING. I yield to the forgiveness and is a predatory loan. ues. gentleman from Massachusetts. The fact is it has very generous for- We, today, have an opportunity to Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts. There giveness provisions, which is why it is help people with emergency mortgage were two ways we could have dealt scored at 84 percent, not 98 percent. So assistance, people who have lost their with it, yes. The gentleman and the that argument the gentleman just jobs through no fault of their own be- Obama administration on one side. I made is, of course, entirely self-con- cause of this downturn in the economy. disagree with the President. We could tradictory because it can’t be both. It is a very simple premise. have avoided that by reducing Amer- Secondly, as to agriculture, I did Will we allow ourselves to save major ican cotton subsidies to the same vote for an amendment that would corporations and deny the people, the amount as we did with Brazil. So we change it, but the gentleman, the spec- taxpaying Americans, some help in could have either saved 300 million or tacle of my Republican colleagues hid- their time of need? not. ing behind Obama is bizarre. You could If there is one thing that I heard Mr. HENSARLING. Reclaiming my have done what we have offered, which from American people, it was: Where is time, I would just point out to the was to cut the $150 million from going my bailout? ranking member that was not the vote to Brazil and then cut it out of Amer- Well, when we come up to the plate, before us. And if there was a chance to ica. But it’s not the only item I men- and we try to help people who actually get out the cotton subsidies—and I tioned. need and merit the help, somebody must admit people on both sides of the I mentioned the $1.2 billion the gen- comes forward and finds a reason why aisle vote for them, but the oppor- tleman wanted to send to Iraqi secu- we can’t help them. This is the day to tunity was at the point of the con- rity forces, the 400 million to build in- help those American people. Let’s not ference report on the farm bill which frastructure in Kandahar and Kabul, let them be too small to help while the gentleman from Massachusetts the $250,000 limit the Republicans re- others will allow banks to be too big to voted for. jected on individual entities. So, no, fail. But to put this again in a larger con- there are billions in agriculture and Mr. BACHUS. Madam Chair, at this text, we on this side of the aisle fer- the military. I didn’t just mention one vently believe that you will not have item. time I yield 31⁄2 minutes to the gen- The gentlemen do understand that tleman from Texas (Mr. HENSARLING). job creation until you put the Nation Mr. HENSARLING. Madam Chair, on a fiscally sustainable path. We are they are vulnerable, so they blame again, we cannot lose sight of the fact talking about $1 billion here. If we Obama. They and Obama are both that our Nation is drowning in a sea of can’t do it on this program, what pro- wrong about sending money to Brazil. But the most important point is this, red ink. It is a sea of red ink that con- gram can we do it on? and I hope in his final time the gen- tinues to hamper job creation. Job cre- And I must admit, I also find it iron- ic how many of my friends on the other tleman from Alabama will address it. ators today are uncertain of our future. In the first place, on two of these They know, though, they know that side of the aisle will come to the floor programs—the HAMP Program, which historic levels of debt lead to historic and say, You know what? There are we will deal with next week on the levels of taxation, which can only lead people in this Nation trying to force loans onto people who are unemployed, floor, and the FHA refi—the money to historic levels of unemployment. doesn’t come from the Treasury. They They are looking for some signal from people who can’t afford to pay it back, people who are in debt. That’s preda- keep saying it, but they are wrong, and this body that we get it, that we get it, ignoring a fact doesn’t make it go that we are going to stop borrowing 40 tory lending, and now they want the government to do the same thing. away. Those are funds that come from cents on the dollar, much of it from the TARP. Chinese, and sending the bill to our The Acting CHAIR (Mrs. MILLER of Michigan). The time of the gentleman In the financial reform bill, we rein- children and our grandchildren. forced an earlier provision. It says, the Again, when the annual deficit, the has expired. Mr. BACHUS. Madam Chair, I yield FDIC ‘‘is authorized to conduct risk- annual deficit was $200 billion and the gentleman 30 additional seconds. based assessments on financial compa- dropping, as opposed to the monthly Mr. HENSARLING. We heard nies’’ to pay for this, the money that’s deficit, which is now over 200 billion, throughout the debate there needs to left in the TARP. We have a mandate but when the annual deficit was 200 bil- be a consistency, a consistency of de- to the FDIC so that when the TARP is lion, the gentleman from Maryland, bate. So let me get this right. A pay- finished, large financial companies will the Democratic whip, said that was fis- day lender is guilty of predatory lend- have to pay this, not the Treasury. cal child abuse. ing if they loan money to somebody So I know that troubles people on the Now, my friends on the other side of who is underwater, to somebody who other side. They are solicitous of these the aisle are introducing the term may be struggling, but if the Federal large financial companies. But when ‘‘mean spirited.’’ I don’t know. Is fiscal Government does it, it’s something they talk about it adding to the deficit, child abuse mean spirited? It’s their else. It’s noble. I don’t see the consist- they are wrong. It is statutorily re- term, Madam Chair. I will let them re- ency in the debate there, Madam Chair. quired that this will come, over their flect upon that. But again, most importantly, when objection, from the large financial in- Now I hear the ranking member talk does the day arrive that we quit spend- stitutions. about fiscal responsibility, and he ing money we do not have? I say today As to the other two programs, includ- points to one item: cotton. We have is that day. ing the one today, we had similar lan- heard cotton throughout this debate. Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts. How guage in our bill to do that. It was re- But I would note that the ranking much time remains, Madam Chair? jected by the Republicans because we member apparently voted for the con- The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman needed to get 60 votes in the Senate. ference report on the farm bill which from Massachusetts has 31⁄2 minutes re- So, yes, for now, that 840 million will includes cotton subsidies that he comes maining, and the gentleman from Ala- come out of the taxpayer. If we had our to this floor to decry. bama has 91⁄2 minutes remaining. way and the Republicans had not been He speaks about a WTO decision, but Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts. May I successful in frustrating us, it would it’s the Obama administration that inquire, do we have general leave? have also come from Goldman Sachs says that countervailing measures The Acting CHAIR. Yes. and from Morgan Stanley and the would have cost this country more Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts. I yield other large institutions, and I will give than 800 million. I suppose we could myself the balance of my time. them another chance.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:58 Mar 11, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MR7.017 H11MRPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with HOUSE March 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1737 So the fact is that the bulk of this (2) the remainder of the special assess- much, and this is a poster child for money does not come from the Treas- ments shall be deposited into the Financial those programs. If you can’t cut this ury. It is mandated that it will be re- Crisis Special Assessment Fund established program, I’m not sure you can cut any. paid back to the TARP, and I hope the under section 1602. And when we find such programs, we as (e) COMPANIES SUBJECT TO ASSESSMENT.— gentleman from Alabama will address The Council shall impose risk-based assess- the representatives of the people have that in his final remarks. ments on and the Corporation shall collect a duty and a responsibility to the tax- b 1010 such assessments from financial companies payers to end these programs. That’s in such amount and manner and subject to what we are doing this morning. We’re Is he for repealing that? Does he be- such terms and conditions that the Council going to end this program. That’s what lieve we should not as we have said we determines are necessary in order to satisfy we’re here for. would twice legislatively, including on the requirements of subsections (a), (f), (g) In this legislation by the gentleman one bill he voted for, assess the large and (h). from Texas, we stop a $1 billion failed financial institutions and hedge funds? (f) MINIMUM ASSESSMENT THRESHOLD.— (1) IN GENERAL.—The Council shall not as- spending program. Now it’s a well-in- Does he want to take it off? But of sess financial companies with less than tentioned program. But just as the course if he doesn’t, it doesn’t come $50,000,000,000, adjusted for inflation, in as- road to hell is paved with good inten- from the Treasury. It doesn’t add to sets on a consolidated basis and shall assess tions, so is the road to higher deficits the deficit. It may reduce the bonuses financial companies with $50,000,000,000, ad- and record-breaking debt, a debt that at some of the large financial firms, it justed for inflation, or more in assets in ac- our children and our grandchildren will cordance with subsections (g) and (h). may reduce the dividends at some of have to pay. the large financial firms, but that’s not (2) HEDGE FUNDS.—The Council shall not assess financial companies that manage You know, when we talk about the adding to the deficit in a way that we hedge funds (as defined by the Council, in taxpayers ultimately fund this pro- care about. consultation with the Securities and Ex- gram, when we borrow at 42 cents out And as to the other money, the change Commission, for purposes of this sec- of every dollar, it’s our children and money for the Neighborhood Stabiliza- tion) with less than $10,000,000,000, adjusted our grandchildren that will have to pay tion Program and for this program, if for inflation, of assets under management on for these programs. We’re charging they will come back with us and join, a consolidated basis, and shall assess any fi- something and we’re telling them to that also will come from the large fi- nancial companies that manage hedge funds with $10,000,000,000 or more of assets under pay the bill. nancial institutions. Today, we have an unthinkable debt So let’s drop the phony arguments management in accordance with subsections (g) and (h). of $14 trillion, a debt that imposes a about the deficit. If you want to pro- (h) REQUIREMENT FOR EQUITABLE TREAT- birth tax on every child born in Amer- tect the large financial institutions, be MENT IN ASSESSMENTS.—In establishing the ica. It’s $45,000 today. Just last year it honest about saying so. special assessment system under this sec- was $35,000. It’s grown by $10,000. Even TITLE XVI—FINANCIAL CRISIS tion, the Council shall consider differences worse, this debt or birth tax is growing ASSESSMENT AND FUND among financial companies based on com- every day, because our government is SEC. 1601. FINANCIAL CRISIS SPECIAL ASSESS- plexity of operations or organization, inter- connectedness, size, direct or indirect activi- spending some days $5 billion, some MENT. days $8 billion more than it takes in (a) SPECIAL ASSESSMENT.—The Council ties, and any other risk-related factors the shall impose, and the Corporation shall col- Council may deem appropriate to ensure and adding to what our children and lect on behalf of the Council, one or more that the assessments charged take into ac- grandchildren will have to pay. special assessments on the financial compa- count the risk posed to the financial system One question that the American peo- nies identified in subsections (e) and (f) to by particular classes of financial companies. ple often confront is, are they better collect, in the aggregate, the lesser of— (6) PENALTY FOR FAILURE TO TIMELY PAY AS- off than their parents and will their SESSMENTS.—Any financial company that (1) $19,000,000,000; and children be better off than they are, 1 fails or refuses to pay any assessment under (2) the product of 1 ⁄3 and the amount nec- and their grandchildren? It’s inter- essary to fully offset the net deficit effects of this section shall be subject to a penalty the provisions of this Act (excluding the ef- under section 18(h) of the Federal Deposit In- esting that in survey after survey, or fects of sections 1601 and 1602) for the period surance Act, as if that financial company poll after poll, the American people starting on the date of enactment of this Act were an insured depository institution. say, we’re better off than our parents. and through September 30, 2020, which Mr. BACHUS. Madam Chair, I yield Our parents fought for our freedom, amount shall be determined by the Director myself the balance of my time. they preserved it in numerous wars, of the Office of Management and Budget— The American people have sent us they saved their money, they watched (A) by reference to the latest statement here to tell the truth, and the truth is their money, they worked hard, and submitted for printing in the Congressional Record by the Chairmen of the House and that there are too many government they left us in good shape. Senate Budget Committees titled ‘‘Budg- programs that do not work and actu- But when that same question is a lit- etary Effects of PAYGO Legislation’’ for this ally make things worse. These govern- tle different question, ‘‘Do you think Act, excluding the net deficit effects of the ment programs are paid for by the your children or grandchildren will be special assessments imposed under sections American people. better off?’’ the American people know. 1601 and 1602, provided that such statement You can say that it’s not from the They instinctively know. ‘‘No’’ is the has been submitted prior to the vote on pas- Treasury, or that it’s from the Treas- answer, sadly. And that’s because of sage in the House acting first on the con- ury; that it’s from TARP, it’s not from our national debt and our deficit. In ference report for that Act; or TARP. But the fact remains that it is fact, both the Chairman of the Joint (b) TIMING OF PAYMENTS.—The special as- sessments described under subsection (a) from the American taxpayer. In fact, Chiefs of Staff and Secretary Robert shall be collected on an annual basis, with the gentleman at one time said it Gates have said that it’s a national se- the first payment due no later than Sep- comes out of the Treasury. Then he curity problem. Our debt threatens our tember 30, 2012, and subsequent payments said it comes from TARP. But the very existence as a country. due no later than September 30, 2013, no later promise in 2008 was that it would go This Washington spending binge is than September 30, 2014, and no later than back to the American people. It would driving our country right off a cliff. September 30, 2015, respectively. go back in the national Treasury. In We’ve seen the effect of overspending (c) ASSESSMENTS PLACED IN THE FINANCIAL CRISIS SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUND.—Special fact, it does not. I will address where it on our economy today. The govern- assessments collected pursuant to this sec- goes, and I think the American people, ment absorbs so much money from our tion shall be deposited by the Corporation as when they find out where it goes under citizens that it’s hard to create private follows: this program, they’re going to be even jobs. Each dollar out of the economy is (1) The first $15,000,000 in special assess- more upset. I don’t think they’ll be a job that the private sector can’t cre- ments collected pursuant to this section surprised, because I think they’ve come ate. shall be deposited in an account to be main- to realize that there’s not a lot of will Now actually President Reagan and tained by the Corporation for the payment of President Clinton both realized this reasonable implementation and administra- in Washington to protect them, the tive expenses of the Corporation associated taxpayers. and they grew the economy. Those with the collection of assessments for the Fi- The American people already know were the only two years with a growing nancial Crisis Special Assessment Fund es- that there are too many ineffective economy and government spending ei- tablished under section 1602; and government programs that cost too ther level or going down. That’s the

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:43 Mar 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MR7.018 H11MRPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with HOUSE H1738 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 11, 2011 only time in our country we had a sur- same budget for fiscal year 2012. It esti- Although I agree that both Congress’s and plus. They both realized that it was the mates the losses on this program, and the Administration’s response to the mortgage private sector that would see us out of they have accused us of making up crisis has been wholly inadequate, the answer this. This growth in the Federal Gov- these figures, 97.72. That’s the loss on is to improve these programs, not to eliminate ernment and in its spending is ham- this program, 98 cents out of every dol- them. Congress could work to provide home- pering job creation. And that’s what lar. Madam Chair, it’s time to end this owners with the same bankruptcy protections these homeowners need. They need a failed program. that investors have or we could require banks job. Mr. TOWNS. Madam Chair, I rise today to that received TARP funds to participate in loan Let’s look at this program. This is urge my colleagues to vote no on H.R. 836. modification programs. I don’t expect that Re- from the Obama administration. This This legislation would repeal any underlying publican leaders will be pursuing any of these is their budget that was just filed. Here authority for loans and other assistance to un- ideas. is what the American people need to employed homeowners at a time when we still The Majority has no plan to create jobs, im- know. What does this program do? It have nearly nine percent of our Nation out of prove health care, or keep families in their offers a loan of up to $50,000 to pay all work. The effects of this bill would kill the homes. I urge all of my colleges to reject this arrearages to homeowners on their Emergency Mortgage Relief Program before it agenda and vote no. first mortgage. Fifty thousand dollars. has any chance of helping homeowners who Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. And then to pay up to 24 consecutive are in desperate need of immediate assist- Madam Chair, I rise in opposition to H.R. 836, months of mortgage payments; 24 ance. the Emergency Mortgage Relief Program Ter- months of their mortgage payment. It is troublesome to me how we as a nation mination Act. Both the gentleman from Texas and can bail out banks, the automobile industry This legislation would end the Department the gentleman from Massachusetts and even other nations. However, when a of Housing and Urban Development’s Emer- kept talking about the large financial neighbor has lost their job through no fault of gency Homeowners’ Relief Program, a pro- institutions. That’s who is owed the his or her own, we are willing to sit on our gram designed to help unemployed home- money. In fact, we’re not getting this hands. Mr. Speaker, this is the wrong mes- owners keep their homes. money from the large financial institu- sage to send to our constituents. Buying a home is one of the biggest com- tions. Just the contrary. We’re paying The Emergency Mortgage Relief Program mitments and the most valuable investment of them, because they’re the ones that will provide $1 billion to the Department of our adult life. If this program is eliminated un- hold this mortgage. So when the tax- Housing and Urban Development and is pro- employed homeowners will have nowhere else payers write a $50,000 check under this jected to help 30,000 to 50,000 distressed to turn when their home is threatened. program to pay arrearages on the homeowners. The bridge loans that will be dis- Our unemployment rate is now 8.9 percent. mortgage, who do you think it goes to? bursed through this program will be at zero in- We must not forget those still struggling to pay It goes to Bank of America. It goes to terest to the borrower. This will allow home- their bills and trying to provide for their fami- Morgan Chase. It goes to Citigroup. It’s owners a chance to receive some relief from lies. shocking that the gentleman from payments until they are able to find a job, or Ending vital recovery programs and offering Massachusetts would actually say that are able to resume payments through other reckless spending proposals will only move this money is coming from the very in- means. our country backwards. While cuts are nec- stitutions that are going to receive Madam Chair, this Congress must ask itself essary to address the nation’s long-term fiscal this money. This billion dollars is not who we value and more importantly who do problems, cutting too deeply before the econ- going to homeowners. It’s going to we stand with. Congress must stand on the omy is in full expansion will add unnecessary these large financial institutions. He side of homeowners. I urge my colleagues to risk to the housing recovery. says they’re the ones that ought to be vote no on H.R. 836. I encourage my colleagues to oppose this paying this, not the homeowners or not Mr. STARK. Madam Chair, I rise today to bill. the taxpayers. We always thought the oppose H.R. 836, the Emergency Mortgage Ms. HIRONO. Madam Chair, I rise in strong homeowners were supposed to pay their Relief Termination Act. opposition to H.R. 836, the Emergency Mort- mortgages. But I think we could all The new Republican Majority has been in gage Relief Program Termination Act. agree that it’s not the taxpayer. It’s control for 10 weeks. This has been enough The Emergency Mortgage Relief Program, just an astounding thing. time for them to reveal their agenda—an as- also known as the Emergency Homeowners He says that if Flip Wilson told us to sault on working Americans. The Majority has Loan Program, EHLP, was established to help vote for something, we would. But it no plan to keep families in their homes. They responsible homeowners who, through no fault wasn’t Flip Wilson. It was Ron Kirk. have no plan to create jobs and they have no of their own, are unemployed or under- And what did he tell us? If I were plan to improve health care. employed or suffer from a medical condition Chairman FRANK, I would talk about Earlier this year, the Majority voted to repeal and can no longer make their mortgage pay- anything but this failed program. I the Affordable Care Act. Their plan for those ments. think that’s why they’ve talked about who can’t afford insurance or have a pre-exist- The $1 billion relief fund provides these everything but this failed program. It ing condition? ‘‘NoCare.’’ What about the ma- homeowners with zero-interest loans, credit was Ron Kirk that told us that our jority’s jobs agenda? The GOP’s spending bill, advances, or payments. Up to 30,000 dis- automobile sector would suffer, that H.R. 1, would result in the loss of up to tressed homeowners at risk of foreclosure our pharmaceutical sector would suf- 700,000 jobs. When asked about the impact of could be assisted by this program. The De- fer. He said that this would cost jobs in H.R. 1 on the economy, the Speaker replied: partment of Housing and Urban Development, medical equipment, electronics, tex- ‘‘So be it.’’ Today, we are witness to the Re- HUD, is working to implement EHLP as soon tiles, wheat, fruit, nuts, cotton. He did publican plan for those families struggling to as possible to assist homeowners in the 32 include cotton. He said $60 billion pay their mortgage. In short, their plan is, states that are not participating in the Hardest worth of exports were at risk. ‘‘good luck.’’ If you are one of the 2 million Hit Fund, HHF, a successful $7.6 billion fund homeowners in California whose mortgage is that has been made available to the 18 states b 1020 underwater—good luck. that have been hardest hit by the housing cri- Well, do the math: 7,000 jobs for each The Emergency Homeowners Loan Pro- sis. EHLP is also modeled after a highly suc- $1 billion worth of exports, that’s gram that is on the chopping block today was cessful program in Pennsylvania. Simply ter- 420,000 jobs. So do you want to vote part of last year’s Wall Street Reform legisla- minating EHLP before it has had a chance to against something that would put tion. It is designed to provide short-term bridge take effect and help the homeowners who 420,000 Americans out of jobs? And then loans to homeowners who have lost their jobs, need it the most is unconscionable. they would all line up for another gov- so they can stay in their home while they With 13.7 million people unemployed in our ernment program that the minority search for a new job. The program is paid for country, I am sure that all of my colleagues would design? by a fee on large banks. The program that the have constituents who are unemployed or un- The other thing—and this is the last majority voted to eliminate yesterday, the FHA deremployed and are in need of a lifeline. thing I’ll say. They keep saying that Short Refinance Option, would allow home- I met a couple who work as substitute the taxpayers will get paid back. Well owners with underwater mortgages to reduce teachers in Kona on Hawaii Island. As the let me introduce this. This is from the up to 10 percent of their loans principal and economy worsened, it became harder and Obama administration. This is their refinance into stable FHA loans. harder for them to find steady work. Despite

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:43 Mar 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K11MR7.020 H11MRPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with HOUSE March 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1739 applying for numerous jobs, they remained un- The text of section 1 is as follows: which, of course, will cause people to deremployed. For more than a year, they tried H.R. 836 lose their homes to the banks. So the to work with their mortgage lender to avoid de- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- banks in America have people coming linquency and foreclosure, submitting all of resentatives of the United States of America in and going. And they keep getting more their financial documentation many times. The Congress assembled, and more money. lender clearly was not motivated to help them. SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. Madam Chair, millions of Americans It was only through the support of the Hawaii This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Emergency are facing or will face foreclosure in HomeOwnership Center, a federally funded Mortgage Relief Program Termination Act’’. the coming months. Their hold on their nonprofit in Hawaii that provides foreclosure Mr. KUCINICH. Madam Chairman, I homes has been endangered by unem- prevention assistance, in addition to an inquiry move to strike the last word. ployment, or predatory loan terms, or from my office that the couple was able to get The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman falling house values. We are in the forbearance and a permanent modification. To from Ohio is recognized for 5 minutes. worst crisis facing homeowners in the top it off, the husband received a good job Mr. KUCINICH. I yield for the pur- history of this country. And the facts offer. But, this couple will never forget the pose of making a unanimous consent are well known. No one in the House stress and anxiety of fighting to keep their request to the gentleman from Arizona. can feign a lack of knowledge of the home. (Mr. PASTOR of Arizona asked and misery that has gripped American Not all the stories of struggling homeowners was given permission to revise and ex- homeowners and neighborhoods across have a happy ending. In fact, many of them tend his remarks.) the country. Yet today, this House do not. Programs like the Emergency Home- Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. I thank the takes up a bill to terminate a program owners Loan Program are a lifeline for these gentleman for yielding. intended to assist distressed borrowers. individuals and families. This bill is another ex- Madam Chair, I rise today in opposition to Next week, the House will consider ample of Republicans turning their backs on both H.R. 830, the FHA Refinance Program more bills to eliminate two other as- middle class Americans. Termination Act, and H.R. 836, the Emer- sistance programs. I urge my colleagues to help struggling gency Mortgage Relief Program Termination What message is this Congress send- homeowners throughout the country by sup- Act, which we will debate tomorrow. ing? If you’re a distressed borrower or porting programs like EHLP and voting against I readily recognize that both these programs you have a relative who is in trouble or this measure. could have accomplished more in helping a neighbor in distress, the message of Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Madam Chair, the Emer- Americans to save their homes. But, just be- this House is, tough luck. Worried gency Mortgage Relief program was created cause a program needs improving does not about losing your house? Tough luck. Government assistance to distressed in the Dobb-Frank Act to help distressed mean that it should be eliminated. borrowers should be effective. I can homeowners who fall behind on their mort- There is a tremendous need for programs agree with my colleagues on that. I gage payments due to involuntary unemploy- that help homeowners to stay in their homes. share the belief that some of the pro- ment, underemployment or a medical condi- We have assisted large national banks, Wall grams intended to assist distressed bor- tion. The program works by providing quali- Street investment companies, and the major rowers do not help enough people. But fying borrowers with a zero interest bridge automobile companies of our country. In fair- is that an argument to just end the loan that enables them to make their mort- ness, we cannot turn our backs on the hard- programs? You know that people need gage payments until they can find a job or oth- working American homeowners—who in most cases were victims of the large, multi-billion help and that the programs aren’t ef- erwise resume paying their loan. Assistance fective, and you just say, well, we’re dollar financial organizations—and allow them under the program is terminated when a bor- going to end the program. How does to lose their homes because the economy has rower’s income is restored to 85 percent of that help people stay in their homes? It hit on such low times. pre-crisis levels and is limited to a maximum doesn’t. These mortgage assistance programs can of 24 months or $50,000, whichever comes I submit that the fundamental prob- first. make a difference in the Fourth Congressional lem with these programs, the funda- Madam Chair, this program is modeled after District of Arizona. I am told by housing offi- mental problem is that they depended successful initiatives at the state level—such cials in Arizona that part of the reason so little on the voluntary participation of the as the Homeowners Emergency Mortgage As- has been done and these programs have had very banks and servicers that created sistance Program, HEMAP, in Pennsylvania, such a limited level of success is that the in- the housing crisis in the first place. So whose 85 percent success rate has helped frastructure for administering them, both in the the programs are set up where you over 45,000 homeowners stay in their homes private and semi-public sectors, was not in need the banks to participate. Banks at an average loan amount of $11,000 per place. And, even when it was put into place, don’t want to participate, or they slow- borrower. With our economic recovery still many financial institutions failed to fully co- walk the applications, and before you gaining momentum, and unemployment hov- operate. know it, people are just left in a des- ering around 9 percent, now is not the time to Can these programs be improved? The an- perate strait where their homes are terminate assistance to borrowers at risk of swer is a definite yes. being lost. losing their homes through no fault of their Should these programs be improved? Now, when the banks were in trouble, own. Instead, we should give this program a Again, the answer is yes. taxpayer assistance was rushed for- chance to work and extend a temporary hand But let us work to fix them, so that they can ward. I voted against the bailouts. Now to those who need this assistance the most. keep families in their homes. that the banks have emerged from a The Acting CHAIR. All time for gen- Local authorities need more discretion in crisis, unfortunately, our friends in the eral debate has expired. making decisions. The Phoenix housing mar- majority are determined to dismantle Pursuant to the rule, the amendment ket is a perfect example of this. Dollar limits the few legal efforts that are there to in the nature of a substitute printed in that may suffice in other parts of the country preserve and protect homeowners. the bill shall be considered as an origi- are not sufficient in higher priced markets like We should be reforming these pro- nal bill for the purpose of amendment Phoenix, Las Vegas, Miami, and San Diego. grams, not dismantling them. If the under the 5-minute rule. But, we should not just eliminate these pro- House approves the bill before us No amendment to the committee grams because they have struggled to be- today, H.R. 836, Congress will be turn- amendment in the nature of a sub- come operative. Let’s work together to fix the ing its back on people whose lives have stitute is in order except those received problems, not create further problems by evict- been wrecked by a crisis created by ir- for printing in the portion of the CON- ing people from their homes. responsible banking practices. So I’m GRESSIONAL RECORD designated for that Mr. KUCINICH. Madam Chair, it is a urging a ‘‘no’’ vote on the bill, Madam purpose in a daily issue dated March 9, very strange Congress. At a time when Chair. But I also hope that we take a 2011, or earlier and except pro forma Wall Street has been bailed out, banks very cold and sober look at what we’re amendments for the purpose of debate. have been bailed out—and banks were doing here. We’re really attacking the Each amendment so received may be bailed out who kicked people out of very victims of this housing crisis, and offered only by the Member who caused their homes, now the programs that we’re giving comfort to those who cre- it to be printed or a designee and shall have been created to help keep people ated the crisis. be considered read if printed. in their homes, these programs are The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will The Clerk will designate section 1. going to be canceled by the majority, designate section 2.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:58 Mar 11, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11MR7.004 H11MRPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with HOUSE H1740 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 11, 2011 The text of section 2 is as follows: b 1030 we were able to help the banks to the SEC. 2. RESCISSION OF FUNDING FOR EMER- These are dire facts, and are more tune of trillions of dollars, we can’t GENCY MORTGAGE RELIEF PRO- than just numbers on a ledger. They provide a small bridge loan to help a GRAM. represent a real threat to our economy homeowner who has been paying their Effective on the date of the enactment of this and our security and job creation. bills, been abiding by the law and has Act, there are rescinded and permanently can- been affected by the actions or inac- celed all unobligated balances remaining avail- Yesterday, Moody’s announced that able as of such date of enactment of the they had downgraded the debt of Spain, tions of the government and Wall amounts made available by section 1496(a) of another country in a long line of down- Street. the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Con- grades in Europe. With the deficit and Now, this is not a new program built sumer Protection Act (Public Law 111–203; 124 debt realization, you cannot say that on hopes and dreams. This is a replica- Stat. 2207; 12 U.S.C. 2706 note). would never happen in America. Spain tion of a program that has been oper- AMENDMENT NO. 5 OFFERED BY MR. CANSECO is expected to have a budget deficit of ating in Pennsylvania for 20 years. It Mr. CANSECO. Madam Chairman, I 6 percent of GDP in 2011, while the actually has a history in which the have an amendment at the desk. United States is expected to run a def- State of Pennsylvania has put in $235 The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will icit of about 9.8 percent of GDP in 2011. million and gotten back $250 million, designate the amendment. Without a change in our course, we are and in which 44,000 homeowners have The text of the amendment is as fol- on track to become the next Spain, the been able to secure their homes over a lows: next Greece. small interruption in their employ- Page 4, line 22, after the period insert the The writing is on the wall. We are ment by getting help over 24 months. following: ‘‘All such unobligated balances so headed to a fiscal and economic night- Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts. Will rescinded and permanently canceled shall be mare if nothing is done. This is an the gentleman yield? retained in the General Fund of the Treasury unsustainable path that will end one of Mr. FATTAH. I yield to the for reducing the debt of the Federal Govern- two ways: either we have the courage gentleman. ment.’’. to tackle our Nation’s problems, or we Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts. Would The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman continue throwing money at wasteful the gentleman tell us from what party from Texas is recognized for 5 minutes. programs and revert to the status of a the Governors of Pennsylvania have Mr. CANSECO. Madam Chairman, I Third World country. come during this period? want to thank my colleague and friend My colleagues on the other side have Mr. FATTAH. Well, this was started from Texas (Mr. HENSARLING) for offer- made clear which option they will under a Republican Governor, Gov- ing the bill to terminate the emer- choose. They want to continue to cre- ernor Thornburgh. I introduced this as gency mortgage relief program. ate wasteful programs hoping that the a young State legislator with no gray The amendment I’m offering will en- magic one will come along and fix all hair, and it has worked very well in the sure every penny of savings that come of our problems. We have to stop kid- State of Pennsylvania. I offered it here from terminating the emergency home- ding ourselves that this is the way to in this Chamber. In 2007, we hit a 50- owner relief program will go back to create jobs and economic prosperity. year high in mortgage foreclosures. the Treasury’s general fund in order to Not only do we have an obligation to It makes no sense to move someone reduce the debt of our country. reduce our debt for the sake of our out of their home, ruin their credit for We are in the midst of a spending- economy, but we have a moral obliga- a decade and have their family be driven fiscal crisis. Today, every child tion to our children and grandchildren homeless when in the Pennsylvania in- born in the United States is responsible to leave this country to them better stance, for less than $7,000 on average, for more than $45,000 of the debt. If we than we found it. Unfortunately, that you can help them over a period of dif- don’t stop spending and put our Nation is not the case right now unless we act. ficulty. back on a sustainable fiscal path, we This Congress has a clear mandate So here is the Republican majority. will ensure that the futures of our chil- from the people who sent us here to do They say, look, we can’t find it within dren and grandchildren drown in a sea our job: cut the spending and reduce us as a Nation, even though we help of red ink. the debt. With this bill and my amend- people all across the globe, to actually The total debt of our Nation is on ment, we will do both. I urge passage of pause for a minute for a paltry sum track to equal the entire size of our my amendment. and help a citizen in our own country economy. The debt held by the public Mr. FATTAH. Madam Chair, I move meet a burden, and do it in a way that today is $10.43 trillion. That represents to strike the last word. would actually be more cost effective 69.4 percent of GDP. Per household, The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman for our taxpayers. this is $89,007. The gross debt, accord- from Pennsylvania is recognized for 5 We should reject this. We should re- ing to the monthly Treasury statement minutes. ject the notion that somehow we are so through February, our gross debt is Mr. FATTAH. We heard just the much in debt that we can’t afford to $14.194 trillion, which is 94.41 percent of other day in this Chamber the leader of help our own citizens. What we should GDP, or $121,128 per household. No na- our great ally Australia talk about the know is we are the wealthiest country tion in history has ever survived a debt greatness of our Nation and how it is in the world. Just yesterday, we should burden the size towards which we are the belief that we can achieve any- read the story about how we have a few hurtling. thing. billionaires who have trillions of dol- As I travel across the 23rd District of This lack of confidence illustrated in lars. We should remember that last Texas, over and over I hear of very, the rhetoric here on the floor today week on the front page of USA Today, very real concerns my constituents about the greatness of America, maybe we had a story saying for a quarter-of- have over our out-of-control Wash- we need to walk back a minute and a-million dollars, seats on boards of di- ington spending and our exploding defi- look at how we invested and rebuilt rectors were going wanting in our cits and debt. Japan and Germany after the war, how country because they weren’t being The facts are really frightening. we bailed out Mexico, over $40 billion. paid enough for six meetings a year. There is over $14 trillion of debt on the How, today, this day alone, we are We can afford to pay our bills. The backs of American families. We’ve had spending $2 billion this week in Af- Republican majority says let’s cut 1.5 two straight years of trillion dollar- ghanistan. We have people all over the percent of what the Federal Govern- plus deficits. The CBO projects that the world trying to assist others. We will ment is going to spend this year in the deficit for fiscal year 2011 will be $1.5 be one of the first nations rushing to face of a $1.5 trillion deficit. If they trillion, and the President’s recently help those affected by the tsunami this want to balance the budget, they released fiscal year 2012 budget projects morning in Japan. This is a great Na- should step forward for a much more more than $1 trillion in deficits. tion. aggressive plan. This is not about bal- Admiral Mike Mullen, Chairman of We come today, however, to say to ancing the budget. It will not get close the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has warned law-abiding, tax-paying citizens who to balancing the budget. This is about that ‘‘the most significant threat to lost their jobs because of the shenani- somehow being willing to help big our national security is our debt.’’ gans on Wall Street, that even though banks when President Bush stepped

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:58 Mar 11, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MR7.024 H11MRPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with HOUSE March 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1741 forward and said we have to do TARP. The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman is on protecting the large institutions. But when it comes to helping a home- recognized for 5 minutes. The gentleman from Alabama said all owner meet their obligation, somehow Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts. First, this money is going to the large insti- we have to do less than our best as a let me address the wholly contradic- tutions. Well, that’s not true, because Nation. tory argument of the gentleman from it does go to pay off loans to keep peo- This is not the America that has Texas (Mr. NEUGEBAUER). ple from being foreclosed. Some will go come to have great allies like the lead- We have heard on the other side, to smaller institutions. Some will go to er of Australia who spoke from that po- through the eagerness to just say nega- credit unions. Some will go to commu- dium who said we can do anything and tive things, two entirely contradictory nity banks. how the whole world looks at us as a things: one, that this is too lavish a But here is the point: under our pro- beacon of hope. We should think again. subsidy to the homeowner and, two, posal, which the Republicans tempo- This is ill advised, and I hope that this that it will further indebt the home- rarily blocked—and I hope they’ll re- House rejects this bill and today stands owner. pent—all of the funding would have up for an American citizen who needs a Members do understand that they come from the large institutions, but little help. cannot possibly both be true. In fact, the Members don’t want to address Mr. NEUGEBAUER. Madam Chair, I there is a significant element of sub- that. Under our proposal in the bill move to strike the last word. sidy here, and those who take this that passed—and we had to amend it, The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman money and who pay off their mortgages and we’re going to try and come back from Texas is recognized for 5 minutes. Mr. NEUGEBAUER. First of all, I will get a subsidy so they will not be and change it again—every single commend the gentleman from Texas further in debt. penny that will be expended here will for his good amendment. I think it is The argument just made by the gen- come from institutions of more than interesting that we keep talking about tleman from Texas (Mr. NEUGEBAUER) $50 billion in assets and hedge funds of the country, and certainly that is im- is wholly without basis. The argument more than $10 billion in assets. portant and the taxpayers are impor- that it is a more generous subsidy is a So, if you do it our way, not a penny tant. The other flaw in this program is more accurate one. By the way, even if will come from the taxpayer. It will that it encourages these people to get they were to pay it back, avoiding late come from the large financial institu- further in debt. And quite honestly, the fees and interest helps them out. tions. And, yes, it will be a help to level of debt they have is their primary Mr. NEUGEBAUER. Will the gen- these individuals. Some of them will problem. It is the same mentality that tleman yield? pay some of it back, but they won’t has kind of gotten our country in the Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts. I yield have late fees. And, yes, the gentleman jam it is in where we will have to have to the gentleman from Texas. was correct when he said the second a vote here in a few weeks about rais- Mr. NEUGEBAUER. Well, as the time around that it could become a ing the debt ceiling. It is the reason a ranking member knows, it has been grant program. lot of individuals and companies and billed as a loan program, but what I will now yield to the gentleman governments around the world are we’re saying is that it is, in fact, a from Texas if he can explain to me how overleveraged. grant program. it can both be a grant program and So what we are saying is the way to Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts. Re- something that gets people further in fix someone’s problem that has too claiming my time, no, that’s not what debt. much debt is for them to take on more the gentleman is saying. The gen- Mr. NEUGEBAUER. I have a question debt. It is absurd to think that is good tleman is completely contradicting for the gentleman: Do you think this is for these borrowers. himself. a loan program or a grant program? I would like to yield to my good He says it’s a grant program. First, Which do you think it is? friend from Texas (Mr. CANSECO). he was contradicting the other gen- Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts. I un- Mr. CANSECO. I thank you for yield- tleman from Texas. Now he’s contra- derstand it’s going to be primarily—— ing. dicting himself. He said it’s a grant Mr. NEUGEBAUER. It’s a question I think we need to focus on what this program. Well, if it’s a grant program, of—— amendment does and the purpose of it. why did the gentleman say it was get- Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts. I’m The purpose of it is to bring back those ting people further in debt? sorry. It’s my time. You asked me a funds that are allocated to this failed The gentleman has been caught in a question. I’m going to answer it. I will program and bring them back into the totally contradictory argument. He did note you don’t want to answer the Treasury so that the Treasury can use not say it was a grant program. He said question. those funds in order to reduce the debt it was getting people further in debt. I am being consistent. Yes, I think it that we have. It is but a small return Mr. NEUGEBAUER. Will the gen- will work out for most people as pri- into the Treasury, but it goes a long tleman yield? marily a grant program, 84 percent. I way into fiscal responsibility so we can Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts. I yield am pointing out that the gentleman is continue on that path and reduce that to the gentleman from Texas. trying to cover his own embarrassment budget. Mr. NEUGEBAUER. I think one of because he made the argument without Now, with regards to the program the things that points out how terrible any basis that it was going to put peo- itself that this amendment addresses, this program is—— ple further in debt. He then acknowl- we have to realize that this program Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts. I’m edges that it’s a grant program. People spends an enormous amount of tax- sorry, I reclaim my time. I will yield if do not become further indebted when payers’ money that came out of Dodd- you want to clarify what you said. You they receive grants. Frank, a $1 billion HUD emergency had your 5 minutes. I’m not going to So, yes, it will work out for people homeowner relief program which pro- yield for general philosophy. I’m sorry, who are responsible, to a great extent, vides loans or credit advances to unem- but it’s my time. I was yielding if the as a grant program. That’s why the ployed borrowers. This program would gentleman thought I was misinter- CBO says 84 percent will be spent. That spend 98 cents for every dollar that preting him. For him to simply repeat 84 percent in our bill, as we did it, does not come back. Those are very im- what he already said takes time that I would come from the large financial in- portant, to realize that these funds are don’t want to give him. stitutions. I don’t want it to come from taxpayer funds that would otherwise go He did contradict himself com- the taxpayers. While temporarily it as a grant to the borrower, not any re- pletely. First, it was a program that now does, we will be offering a bill—I payment program, but grants to the was going to put people further in debt. hope the committee of which the gen- borrower, that does not get repaid. Mr. NEUGEBAUER. Madam Chair, I Now it’s a grant program. He can de- tleman is an active member will give yield back the balance of my time. cide which it is. us consideration—so we can amend the I now want to go back and make my law under which this program is au- b 1040 central point, which is that the only thorized so that every penny, whether Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts. I move reason this has any impact on the tax- it’s loans or grants or some combina- to strike the last word. payer is that the Republicans insisted tion—it will be primarily grants—will

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:58 Mar 11, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MR7.028 H11MRPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with HOUSE H1742 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 11, 2011 come from the large financial institu- (C) eligible to receive a Gold Star lapel pin Mr. NEUGEBAUER. I think the bill tions and not a penny from the tax- under section 1126 of title 10, United States says that it’s a loan, so as soon as that payer. Code, as a widow, parent, or next of kin of a individual takes an advance in this Mr. NEUGEBAUER. Will the gen- member of the Armed Forces person who died in program, it becomes the liability of a manner described in subsection (a) of such tleman again yield? section. that individual. Now, there are certain Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts. I yield ways in this bill, either from forfeiture AMENDMENT NO. 3 OFFERED BY MR. to the gentleman from Texas. NEUGEBAUER or through some of the provisions, Mr. NEUGEBAUER. Does the gen- Mr. NEUGEBAUER. Madam Chair, I where that indebtedness is forgiven; tleman think that the language in the offer an amendment as the designee of but I will tell you that the proper ac- legislation as it is written now rep- the gentleman from Minnesota (Mr. counting is that the day that the indi- resents it as a loan or as a grant? PAULSEN). vidual payment is made on his behalf it Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts. It will The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will becomes the liability of that indi- work out as a grant. designate the amendment. vidual. Again, I am struck by the gentleman The text of the amendment is as fol- Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts. Re- from Texas. He is the one who said it lows: claiming my time, the gentleman gets was an excessive loan program and a himself further and further in the hole Page 5, line 23, strike ‘‘AND’’. grant program. He has made two en- Page 5, line 24, before the period insert the when trying to explain his contradic- tirely inconsistent statements in a following: ‘‘, AND MEMBERS AND VETERANS tory statements. very short period of time. Even for a WITH SERVICE-CONNECTED DISABILITIES AND The facts are very clear. He began by politician, that’s a record for self-con- THEIR FAMILIES’’. saying it was going to put them further tradiction. Page 6, line 19, strike ‘‘or’’. and further in debt. That, of course, The point is that it is both a grant Page 6, line 25, strike the period and insert contradicted his colleagues who had ‘‘; or’’. and a loan. It will be primarily a grant. said it was going to be too much of a The Acting CHAIR. The time of the Page 6, after line 25, insert the following: (D) such members and veterans of the subsidy. In fact, it does not say ‘‘loan’’ gentleman has expired. Armed Forces who have service-connected or ‘‘grant’’ in the title. It says ‘‘emer- The Acting CHAIR. The question is injuries, and survivors and dependents of gency relief,’’ and it does provide for a on the amendment offered by the gen- such members and veterans of the Armed loan and forgiveness. tleman from Texas (Mr. CANSECO). Forces with such injuries. So I am sorry the gentleman got The amendment was agreed to. The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman himself tongue-tied, but don’t blame The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will from Texas is recognized for 5 minutes. the bill. designate section 3. Mr. NEUGEBAUER. Thank you, I yield back the balance of my time. The text of section 3 is as follows: Madam Chairman. The Acting CHAIR. The question is SEC. 3. TERMINATION OF EMERGENCY MORT- I offer this on behalf of my good on the amendment offered by the gen- GAGE RELIEF PROGRAM. friend from Minnesota (Mr. PAULSEN). tleman from Texas (Mr. NEUGEBAUER). (a) REPEAL.—Title I of the Emergency Hous- ing Act of 1975 (12 U.S.C. 2701 et seq.), as It is a good amendment. It would add The amendment was agreed to. amended by section 1496(b) of the Dodd-Frank military servicemembers and veterans AMENDMENT NO. 4 OFFERED BY MS. WATERS Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection who have service-related injuries, as Ms. WATERS. Madam Chair, I have Act, is hereby repealed. well as survivors and dependents of an amendment at the desk. (b) TREATMENT OF REMAINING FUNDS.—Not- such individuals, to be included in the The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will withstanding the repeal under subsection (a) of study in this bill. this section, any amounts made available under designate the amendment. These families often face new hard- The text of the amendment is as fol- the provision specified in section 2 of this Act ships. They will likely need modifica- and obligated before the date of the enactment lows: of this Act shall continue to be governed by the tions to their houses to help them get At the end of the bill, add the following provisions of law specified in subsection (a) of around, especially if the servicemem- new section: this section, as in effect immediately before such bers are now disabled. There may be SEC. 4. PUBLICATION OF MEMBER AVAILABILITY repeal. significant changes in their ability to FOR ASSISTANCE. (c) TERMINATION.—Upon the completion of move around and in the skills they are Not later than 5 days after the date of the outlays to liquidate all amounts referred to in able to perform. This will ultimately enactment of this Act, the Secretary of subsection (b) of this section and the completion have a significant impact on their live- Housing and Urban Development shall pub- of all activities with respect to such amounts lihoods. lish to its Website on the World Wide Web in under the provisions of law specified in sub- It is my hope that we can gain a bet- a prominent location, large point font, and section (a) of this section, the Secretary of boldface type the following statement: ‘‘The Housing and Urban Development shall termi- ter understanding of how we can best Emergency Mortgage Relief Program, which nate the Emergency Mortgage Relief Program provide for the families of those who would have provided unemployed home- authorized under the provisions specified in have served our country and who have owners with low-interest loans to assist subsection (a). paid the ultimate price. them in paying their mortgage, has been ter- (d) STUDY OF USE OF PROGRAM BY MEMBERS With that, I yield back the balance of minated. If you are unemployed and con- OF THE ARMED FORCES, VETERANS, AND GOLD my time. cerned about not being able to pay your STAR RECIPIENTS.— Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts. mortgage, please contact your Member of (1) STUDY.—The Secretary of Housing and Congress for assistance.’’. Urban Development shall conduct a study to de- Madam Chair, I move to strike the last termine the extent of usage of the Emergency word. The Acting CHAIR. The gentlewoman Mortgage Relief Program authorized under the The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman is from California is recognized for 5 min- provisions specified in subsection (a) by, and the recognized for 5 minutes. utes. impact of such program on, covered home- Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts. The Ms. WATERS. Madam Chair, I rise to owners. gentleman from Texas who consecu- present my amendment, which I be- (2) REPORT.—Not later than the expiration of tively denounced this program for put- lieve is a commonsense provision that the 90-day period beginning on the date of the ting people in debt and for being a give- provides transparency and clarity for enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall sub- distressed homeowners. mit to the Congress a report setting forth the re- away grant asked me whether it was sults of the study under paragraph (1) and iden- designated as a loan or a grant. The an- Specifically, this amendment would tifying best practices, with respect to covered swer is neither. The program is called require the Secretary of Housing and homeowners, that could be applied to the Emer- the Emergency Mortgage Relief Pro- Urban Development to publish on gency Mortgage Relief Program. gram, meaning it leaves open what HUD’s Web site a statement indicating (3) COVERED HOMEOWNER.—For purposes of kind it would be. So that’s the answer that the Emergency Mortgage Relief this subsection, the term ‘‘covered homeowner’’ to his question, and that’s why some of Program has been eliminated. The means a homeowner who is— us were less confused than others of us. amendment explains that this program (A) a member of the Armed Forces of the United States on active duty or the spouse or Mr. NEUGEBAUER. Will the gen- would have provided unemployed parent of such a member; tleman yield? homeowners with low or no-interest (B) a veteran, as such term is defined in sec- Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts. I yield loans to assist them in paying their tion 101 of title 38, United States Code; or to the gentleman from Texas. mortgages.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:58 Mar 11, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MR7.030 H11MRPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with HOUSE March 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1743 b 1050 sensitive because we have seen in senting or creating confusion to home- Further, my amendment directs un- Pennsylvania, as was described by my owners that may be seeking assistance. employed homeowners to contact their friend Mr. CHAKA FATTAH from that So I would just say that at this par- Members of Congress directly since the State, how this program has worked ticular time this is not necessary and Emergency Mortgage Relief Program is well for the last 20 years in assisting that we should not put a confusing no longer available. unemployed homeowners. We will set piece of information out there on the If you listen to the recent debate, the regulations for how this is done. Web site. you can understand why this is impor- And of course they will look at these Mr. HUIZENGA of Michigan. Will the tant. First of all, we need transparency individuals in terms of how long gentleman yield? in what we do and in the public policy they’ve been unemployed, how they’ve Mr. NEUGEBAUER. I yield to the that we make. We need to be able to paid their bills, and whether or not gentleman from Michigan. communicate better and clearly with they believe they’re capable of not only Mr. HUIZENGA of Michigan. I appre- our constituents. utilizing the program but repaying ciate the gentleman’s yielding. I need And so they have been told and start- these loans at some point. I don’t think to clarify this. ed to get involved with this program it’s too much to ask of us to be of as- I’m a freshman here in Washington, that would assist unemployed home- sistance. D.C. I was not here for the creation of owners to be able to stay in their I notice that my colleague from this program, but it’s my under- homes. As you know, this program was Texas referred to it as ‘‘these people.’’ standing—and I’m hoping to hear some specifically developed so that it could These people are our people. These peo- clarification from you—that there has deal with the high unemployment rates ple are American citizens. These are not been a single application that has and the fact that people who had been constituents who vote and send us here even been put in, much less denied or working—some of them all of their to make good public policy. It has been accepted, because this program has not lives—are now unemployed or under- said over and over again that we bailed had the regulations promulgated. That employed or have medical conditions out the too-big-to-fail institutions, is correct; right? I mean, it strikes me that cause them not to be able to pay that we were generous in our loans to that it’s like giving a job layoff notice their bills in the way that they had them, billions of dollars that went into before you’ve even hired anybody. And been paying them in the past. And so those too-big-to-fail institutions. that really is the issue, it seems to me, now that we are coming along just So I would simply ask for an ‘‘aye’’ that we need to make sure that we are since this program has started and say- vote on this very simple amendment getting people back to work. That is ing, oh, sorry, the program is elimi- that would bring some transparency to the best protection that we can pos- nated, we need to be able to commu- what we’re doing. sibly give to any program out there for nicate that, and this is what this Mr. NEUGEBAUER. Madam Chair, I people to make sure that they can amendment would do. rise in opposition to the amendment. make their payments is by giving them American homeowners deserve our The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman a job. assistance and they deserve our help. from Texas is recognized for 5 minutes. Mr. NEUGEBAUER. Reclaiming my We have just experienced a recession, Mr. NEUGEBAUER. I want to read a time, I thank the gentleman, and I almost a depression, where small busi- portion of this amendment filed by the think he makes a great point. In fact, nesses and big businesses alike had to gentlewoman from California. It says, it is a program that has not had an ap- close their doors or to downsize, and it ‘‘The Emergency Mortgage Relief Pro- plication, has not been promulgated. has left us with some of the highest un- gram, which would have provided un- And so there is a reason why we feel employment rates that we have experi- employed homeowners with low inter- like this is not necessary, and I encour- enced in many, many years. And still est rate loans to assist them in paying age my colleagues to vote against this the unemployment rates are unaccept- their mortgage, has been terminated. If amendment. ably high, still hovering around 9 per- you are unemployed and concerned Madam Chairman, I yield back the cent, and in some communities it’s about not being able to pay your mort- balance of my time. even worse than that. It goes up to 15 gage, please contact your Member of Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ. and 20, and in some communities even Congress.’’ Madam Chair, I move to strike the last 30 percent. And so our American citi- You see, that’s what is so confusing word. zens have turned to government and about the arguments by my colleagues The Acting CHAIR. The gentlewoman said, What can I do? Can you help? on the other side. They can’t decide if from Florida is recognized for 5 min- This is but one of four programs that this is a loan or a grant—one time it’s utes. was designed to help them. Unfortu- a loan, one time it’s a grant—but, in Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ. nately, my friends on the opposite side fact, the program says it’s a loan. In Madam Chairman, I rise in opposition of the aisle have decided that not only fact, HUD, the Department of Housing to H.R. 836, the Emergency Mortgage are they going to eliminate this pro- and Urban Development, the title of Relief Program Termination Act. gram, the Emergency Mortgage Relief their rule is Emergency Homeowners This legislation, like the other war Program for unemployed homeowners, Loan Program. on affordable housing bills being but they have decided they are going to The other reason I rise in opposition brought to the floor by our colleagues eliminate the HAMP program, that is to this is that we’re terminating a pro- on the other side of the aisle, seems to the Home Affordable Modification Pro- gram that has had zero customers. So terminate a much needed Federal pro- gram. it seems ambiguous here to have the gram that helps struggling home- Yesterday, they voted off this floor Federal Government go through a proc- owners. To be clear, shutting down a the FHA program that would assist ess here where we’re going to notify badly needed foreclosure mitigation as- homeowners in refinancing. And don’t homeowners of a program that never sistance program is not a solution to forget, this FHA program was really was instituted, never was used, that it Federal deficits and will simply hurt for middle class citizens who paid their does not exist anymore. That seems a homeowners and the current economic bills, who were not in default, had not little wasteful and I think in many recovery. lost their homes yet but their homes ways could be misleading. Obviously, Rather than turning our backs on were underwater and they were trying when you look at the way that the pro- homeowners, we should be working to- to stay in them by reducing the mort- gram is structured, it becomes a grant gether to improve and expand pro- gage. This legislation under the FHA program. And so we’re misrepresenting grams to help the millions of Ameri- would have helped them to do that. that in the sense that, well, it says it’s cans and communities affected by the You’re going to hear more about the a loan, but it’s really not a loan. It’s a housing crisis all over our Nation. NSP program that my friends on the grant. For several years now, many Ameri- opposite side of the aisle are elimi- And so I think this is something that cans have struggled with foreclosures, nating also. is one of the things that the American underwater mortgages, and abandoned But today, this is the most sensitive taxpayers are really kind of tired of is and blighted properties. For local that we’re doing now. This is the most the government out there misrepre- towns and cities, this crisis has also

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:18 Mar 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MR7.036 H11MRPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with HOUSE H1744 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 11, 2011 decimated their tax base, leading to a simply abandoned its duty to the bial can. If you can’t cut an expensive, ripple-up effect producing funding American public. Lax Federal regula- irresponsible program like this one, shortfalls for basic services like police, tions and oversight led to an ‘‘any- then what can you cut? firefighters, and teachers. This creates thing-goes’’ attitude. Banks were mak- Look, we’re all about job creation. deficits at every level of government. ing subprime loans people couldn’t Job creation is the preferred way to de- I keep hearing from my Republican really afford and then bundling these liver us from this financial plight that colleagues that the debt is crushing loans and selling them off, eventually we happen to be in. But the problem Americans and we must act now. Well, becoming toxic assets that crashed our with job creation right now is that what about the crushing debt of nega- financial markets. there is a dark, dark cloud hanging tive equity facing almost a quarter of We owe more to our constituents over America as we know it with a all homeowners in this country? Nearly than Speaker BOEHNER’s ‘‘so be it’’ at- huge deficit, a record deficit, and a one-fourth of all Americans owe more titude. We must do more than just mounting debt, a debt so large that on their mortgages than their homes stand by and say the lending industry very soon in this very Chamber we’ll be are now worth. There are nearly 11 mil- will take care of this crisis. A fore- taking up the issue of a debt ceiling in- lion families who feel trapped in their closure has a devastating effect on crease. homes, unable to sell or move if they each and every homeowner and tears at That dark cloud includes higher wanted to, or even to refinance to lock the very fabric of the family. taxes, that dark cloud includes burden- in a better interest rate. And the sta- Saying you support family values is some regulation, and that dark cloud tistics in my home State of Florida are mere lip service unless you take ac- certainly includes deficits and debt. far more staggering than the national tions to value the family by striving to This program must be eliminated. average. Forty-five percent of all mort- keep families intact with a roof over The savings must go to deficit reduc- tion. gages in Florida are underwater. their heads. That is why I support the amend- We have come to the end of the road. b 1100 ments offered by many of my Demo- We can no longer kick this can any fur- ther. My colleagues and I are dem- In Broward County, where I live, that cratic colleagues—most of which have onstrating leadership in this arena, number is more than 50 percent. Yes, been ruled non-germane because, as far something this Congress has lacked for over half. More help is needed, not less. as I can tell, they propose helping too However, what is offered today is a several years. many homeowners. Apparently, any I encourage support of H.R. 836. ‘‘repeal and abandon’’ approach, leav- Federal effort that would help more ing homeowners with few or no op- Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ of Cali- than zero homeowners is simply too fornia. I move to strike the last word. tions. This is simply unacceptable. For broad and unacceptable to the authors The Acting CHAIR. The gentlewoman 10 weeks now, the House Republican of this legislation. is recognized for 5 minutes. leadership has failed to bring to the Perhaps this boils down to a funda- Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ of Cali- floor a single piece of legislation to mental disagreement of our role in fornia. It amazes me that somebody create jobs despite making occasional looking out for our constituents and could say that homeowners, American casual references to jobs. assisting at the Federal level. homeowners, losing their homes and us What they’ve done instead is push The Democratic minority remains trying to help them to stay in them is legislation that will destroy jobs—just committed to our goals for the 112th like throwing money down a rat hole. I like the spending bill we pushed Congress—to create jobs, strengthen might suggest that we might look at through the House a few weeks ago the middle class, and responsibly re- Afghanistan or the war in Iraq where that would cost our economy 700,000 duce the deficit. We will continue to we’re spending $2 billion a week as a jobs. These housing bills risk further judge each of your bills by this stand- place where we could find the money to injury to our economic growth. ard. balance our budget. Now, I can appreciate the arguments The legislation before us today fails But at this moment, Madam Chair, I that the current housing programs on all three counts, and I urge my col- would like to yield to my good col- have not done enough to help home- leagues to vote against it. league from California (Ms. WATERS). owners, and I agree. But that’s why I Mr. WOMACK. Madam Chair, I move Ms. WATERS. I thank the gentlelady support legislation offered by Congress- to strike the last word. for yielding. man CARDOZA to require Fannie Mae The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman Madam Chair, I rise to oppose the and Freddie Mac to refinance under- from Arkansas is recognized for 5 min- statements that were just made by the water mortgages so homeowners strug- utes. new gentleman from Arkansas, the one gling to stay out of foreclosure can bet- Mr. WOMACK. Madam Chair, hun- who claims that he and others are pro- ter afford to stay in their homes. dreds of times since I took the oath of viding legitimate leadership for the And that’s why I support taking a office just a few weeks ago, I’ve heard first time. I would like to be in opposi- hard look at how we can improve the references to ‘‘kicking the can down tion to the fact that he describes what current Federal programs so more the road.’’ we’re doing as ‘‘pouring money down a homeowners receive assistance. This kicking of the can, the ‘‘can’’ rat hole.’’ But my Republican colleagues have being the deficit and the debt, has Let me just be very clear about my no plan to helping make housing more come to the end of that road. In fact, opposition. I do not like the American affordable or keeping people in their we have used this term so many times, people being referred to that way. One homes—nor will they. That’s because America has a chronic case of turf toe. of the other gentlemen on the opposite they believe the lending industry will Washington is in a state of denial. We side of the aisle this morning referred take care of it. For those with short continue to give away taxpayer dol- to our citizens as ‘‘these people.’’ Now memories, that’s the same laissez faire lars—correction, borrowed dollars—to I hear our citizens being referred to as approach that caused the Wall Street people who can’t afford to pay it back. people who are receiving funds that are meltdown in the first place. Our friends from the other side want going down a rat hole. The Republican leadership began the you to believe that we don’t have a The American citizens are not rats. 112th Congress with a lot of fanfare by heart, that we’re insensitive to the The money that we are appropriating reading the Constitution on the floor of plight of those who are struggling be- through good public policy is not the House. Well, it’s not enough to sim- cause they’ve lost jobs and can’t afford money that’s going down a rat hole. As ply read the Constitution, but to abide their mortgages. a matter of fact, he knows, if he knows by it and carry out its charge. Article Well, let me tell you what Americans anything about this crisis that we’re I, section 8 of the Constitution vests understand. Americans understand confronted with, that not only have we the Congress with a duty to provide for that we cannot continue to live in this bailed out the biggest institutions in the general welfare and to regulate irresponsible way—giving away bor- America that are too big to fail with commerce. rowed money, program after program, billions of dollars that we loaned to However, over the decade leading up knowing that it’s going down a rat them—and I didn’t hear anybody talk- to this housing crisis, the Congress hole. Just another kick at the prover- ing about that money ‘‘going down a

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:18 Mar 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MR7.037 H11MRPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with HOUSE March 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1745 rat hole’’ or ‘‘those people’’ or ‘‘these program has been in existence since what directive the gentleman is refer- people.’’ 1975. I understand some of my col- ring to. I would be glad to yield to him. Let us be a little bit more respectful leagues on the other side of the aisle What policy of the Federal Govern- as representatives of the people in the may have been here for either the cre- ment, what law directed people to way we describe our public policy here. ation or shortly thereafter, but this make loans of 120 percent loan-to- I don’t consider that credible leader- vital program for 36 years remained un- value? ship, Madam Chair, and I would ask the used, unfunded, and ineffective because I yield to the gentleman. gentleman to refrain from referring to it didn’t exist. Now we hear that it’s a Mr. HUIZENGA of Michigan. I appre- the citizens of this country in that vital program. We hear that we cannot ciate the opportunity from the gen- way. continue to protect the homeowners of tleman from Massachusetts. And I would ask the Members of Con- America without this program. It is ab- Fannie and Freddie. We had Fannie gress to reject those arguments and to solutely nonsensical that we are going and Freddie that were allowed to go do look at what we are doing and to un- to put people further in debt and call that. derstand, as the gentlelady from Cali- that helping them. Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts. I re- fornia has said, if they want to be cred- Here is what happened the last time claim my time. ible in how they reduce the deficit, government started going in and de- Understand the difference, ‘‘directed’’ they should look at the money that manding that credit be eased and all and ‘‘allowed.’’ Fannie Mae and we’re spending on a war that we can’t these other things. And I have some ex- Freddie Mac never originated a loan. win—money, the billions that we’re perience in this. I was a former Real- They could not have directed anybody putting into Afghanistan. But no, they tor, licensed Realtor in Michigan. I can to do anything. They were the sec- choose not to do that. also tell you I have done housing devel- ondary market. Fannie Mae and They choose to attack the most vul- opment. My family is involved in con- Freddie Mac could only get into action nerable in our society, people who have struction. if some private entity made the loan in worked all of their lives who are asking It used to be, not that long ago, it the first place. Beyond that, during the their government for a little assistance used to be that you either had to own period when we had the increased because now they’re underemployed or your lot or you had to have 20 percent subprime loans, which some of us were unemployed or they have medical con- down to go get a mortgage and a loan. trying to ban, Fannie and Freddie were ditions that don’t allow them to meet Well, that 20 percent quickly became 15 in a declining percentage. their obligations. percent, which quickly became 10 per- But I will yield again to the gen- I stand with the people. I stand with cent, which became 7, which became 5, tleman to tell me who directed the pri- the citizens. The people on this side of which became 2 percent, which became vate sector to make these loans. the aisle generated the public policy zero down, which became 120 percent Mr. HUIZENGA of Michigan. I appre- under these four programs to help loan-to-value because we needed to get ciate that. American citizens. And for those who people in homes. Well, that was not be- It was an encouragement that hap- don’t want to help people whose homes cause the private sector and the free pened, and it was allowed. are underwater, who don’t want to help market was dictating that. It was be- Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts. I re- people whose neighborhoods are being cause this body and others were direct- claim my time. decimated by these boarded-up prop- ing them to do that. I want to say to the gentleman, we erties, who don’t want to help hard- We have an opportunity here to un- are here in the House of Representa- working citizens who have worked all wind some things that have been done. tives making policy. You have got to of their lives, who don’t want to rise to As I said, I wasn’t here for the creation be precise. I would say to Members the occasion of this crisis in our eco- of this well-intentioned but crazy ini- about what you say, ‘‘directing’’ and nomic system, let them continue to tiative, but I am here for the ‘‘allowed’’ are two very different identify themselves. unwinding of that program, as are things. It is one thing to allow it. I have an amendment here that says, many of my other new colleagues, and By the way, when you were talking okay, if that’s how you feel, then let’s it’s about time we do that. from the perspective of the private sec- post on the HUD Web site exactly what Madam Chair, how we realize we can tor, it’s a very big difference. And we’re doing. We’re eliminating this really truly help people, how we are there are many things that the govern- program. And let the citizens call us so going to help homeowners, is we are ment allows that I wouldn’t direct. that we can tell them, yes, we have a going to get them a job. We are going There are things it allows that I wish program. They would like to say this to create an atmosphere, not a govern- people wouldn’t do. But the gentleman program has not been started. It has. ment program. We are going to create didn’t say ‘‘allowed’’; he said ‘‘di- As a matter of fact, we started to get an atmosphere that’s going to allow rected.’’ That’s simply wrong. I asked calls right after the Dodd-Frank bill the private sector to go out and be pro- because—and he didn’t say this, and I was signed into law with people asking ductive. acknowledge that, but there were some about the program, wanting to get in Prosperity is created by the private who tried to blame the Community Re- the program, being thankful that we sector, not the public sector. The pub- investment Act. had somehow come up with ways to lic sector receives the dollars that it I should note that in the Financial help them. gets from us, taxpayers, from me as a Crisis Inquiry Commission, three of the b 1110 small business owner, from my employ- four Republican appointees, including It’s not a program that has not ees. It’s not a government program Bill Thomas, our former colleague begun; it has begun. And this amend- that’s going to create that prosperity; here, chair of the Ways and Means ment that I have before this floor it’s the private sector. It’s our job to Committee, and Douglas Holtz-Eakin, would simply say: Tell the people that create an atmosphere that’s going to who was the chief economic adviser to you are eliminating the program. Let allow that private sector job creation Mr. MCCAIN, specifically repudiated the them know that it no longer exists. to happen. notion that the CRA had caused this. Clear up any confusion about whether I yield back the balance of my time. So we ought to be very clear. or not we stand with the people or we Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts. Mr. HUIZENGA of Michigan. Will the are going to work against the people. Madam Chair, I move to strike the last gentleman yield? Mr. HUIZENGA of Michigan. Madam word. Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts. I yield Chair, I move to strike the last word. The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman is to the gentleman. The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman is recognized for 5 minutes. Mr. HUIZENGA of Michigan. I will be recognized for 5 minutes. Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts. the first one to acknowledge that occa- Mr. HUIZENGA of Michigan. Madam Madam Chair, I have to respond to sionally Republicans make mistakes as Chair, everybody needs to understand a what I just heard because it simply well. So thank you very much. little history here, all right? isn’t true. The notion that the govern- Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts. I was This program was put first in place ment directed people to make these not talking about Republicans making in 1975. I was 6; all right? This vital loans is not true. I don’t understand mistakes. I have no idea what that’s

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:18 Mar 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MR7.039 H11MRPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with HOUSE H1746 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 11, 2011 supposed to contribute to the debate. I The Acting CHAIR. The question is it doesn’t pay enough, because they are was citing two responsible and on the amendment offered by the gen- underemployed, because they have thoughtful Republicans, the former tlewoman from California (Ms. WA- found a part-time job which doesn’t chair of the Ways and Means Com- TERS). give them benefits so they have to use mittee and Mr. MCCAIN’s chief budget The question was taken; and the Act- COBRA, and they have to pay for their adviser, plus all of the financial regu- ing Chair announced that the noes ap- health care simply because they have lators under both Bush administrations peared to have it. less money right now during this time who said CRA wasn’t the problem. Ms. WATERS. Madam Chair, I de- when you all have not been able to help Now, the gentleman didn’t say that it mand a recorded vote. us create jobs. was. Some people have said that, be- The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to This would provide as many as 30,000 cause CRA did have some kind of more clause 6 of rule XVIII, further pro- distressed homeowners with loans until mandatory position, but it wasn’t for ceedings on the amendment offered by they are able to find better jobs or find those subprime loans. In fact, with re- the gentlewoman from California will jobs. Assistance terminates when the gard to the loans the gentleman is le- be postponed. borrower’s income is restored to 85 per- gitimately complaining about, it was AMENDMENT NO. 7 OFFERED BY MS. LORETTA cent of their pre-crisis level, and the those of us on the Democratic side who SANCHEZ OF CALIFORNIA assistance is limited to 24 months or tried to ban them. Beginning in 2004, Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ of Cali- $50,000, whichever occurs first. the gentleman from North Carolina fornia. Madam Chair, I have an amend- You know, unexpected situations, (Mr. MILLER), the gentleman from ment at the desk. they occur in our lives. Many people North Carolina (Mr. WATT), I joined The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will who are unemployed today or are un- them a little bit later, tried to outlaw designate the amendment. deremployed today didn’t expect to those loans. And we were blocked by The text of the amendment is as fol- lose their jobs. They went every day. people who said, No, that’s a mistake. lows: They worked hard every day. As people In fact, in 2007, when this House, At the end of the bill, add the following were losing jobs, they worked harder, when we became the majority, finally new section: they stayed longer. They became more did make illegal many of those loans in SEC. 4. EFFECTIVE DATE. productive and still, because of deci- a bill, The Wall Street Journal de- Notwithstanding any other provision of sions made by other people other than nounced us and said we had created a this Act, this Act shall take effect on, and those who were working hard, they lost Sarbanes-Oxley restriction for housing. any reference in this Act to the date of the their jobs, or a medical problem came So I just want to make it clear that enactment of this Act shall be construed to up. You get cancer, you have got to go refer to, the first date occurring after the there was no direction by any entity of to the doctor, you have got to do chem- date of the enactment of this Act on which otherapy. Your employer says, don’t the Federal Government. The gen- the Current Population Survey (CPS) of the tleman appears to acknowledge that need you around because you are out. Bureau of Labor Statistics of the Depart- You have got bills piling up, and you when he said, well, Fannie and Freddie ment of Labor, as released monthly, identi- have no job, and you are working and allowed it. That’s a long way from say- fies that the unemployment rate for the you can’t work. And now you are going ing that it was directed. United States is equal to 7.5 percent or less. to lose your home. You are going to I yield to the gentleman from Michi- Mr. HENSARLING. Madam Chair, I put people who have cancer and other gan. reserve a point of order against this serious problems like that, health Mr. HUIZENGA of Michigan. Thank amendment. problems, out of their home? you. I appreciate that. I am curious, The Acting CHAIR. A point of order This is a program to help those kinds though, how, getting back to this par- is reserved. of people. I don’t know. The last time ticular amendment and this particular The gentlewoman from California is I checked, Americans cared about each bill, as we are removing this program, recognized for 5 minutes. other. If we can even save one family in why is this program so vital if it was Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ of Cali- their home, then it is worth it. authorized in 1975, and in 1995 the Clin- fornia. Madam Chair, I offer an amend- The banks have proven that working ton administration under HUD used ment to House Resolution 836, the to keep our neighbors in their homes is this language? Emergency Mortgage Relief Program not a top priority for them. Don’t join Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts. You’ve Termination Act. My amendment them. Don’t join them in sending the got to move quickly. I have only got 5 would simply delay implementation of message to America’s workers, to minutes here. H.R. 836 until the unemployment rate America’s families, to America’s home- Mr. HUIZENGA of Michigan. The lan- is at 7.5 percent nationally or lower. owners that you, too, do not think that guage that they said is they wanted to b 1120 they are a priority. remove this outdated, obsolete, and un- I urge you to allow this amendment. derutilized program. Why 7.5 percent? Because if my Re- I yield back the balance of my time. Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts. I am publican colleagues really want to ter- Mr. HENSARLING. Madam Chair, I reclaiming my time. The gentleman is minate this program, focus on what would note that the gentlelady from using it up with the papers. people in America really want, jobs. California’s economic program known Here’s the deal: 1975 is when it hap- Ten weeks into this Congress and not as the stimulus has helped another 3 pened in Pennsylvania, not in America, one single bill has come from our Re- million of our fellow citizens lose their if he had been listening carefully. Sec- publican colleagues with respect to jobs. ondly, in 1995 we didn’t have this fore- jobs. We haven’t even had a chance to POINT OF ORDER closure crisis. Third, as to was this just see how this program can be beneficial Mr. HENSARLING. Madam Chair, I a new program, in fact, this program to the people we represent, to our make the point of order that the for the 32 States where it will operate neighborhoods, to the economy. amendment violates clause 10 of rule is based on the program which operated I know that shortly after the Dodd- XXI known as the cut-go rule. in 18 other States, so we have had expe- Frank Wall Street Reform and Con- I have been advised by the chair of rience with it. sumer Protection Act the phone was the Committee on the Budget that the By the way, the gentleman from Ala- ringing off the hook in my offices as amendment would cause a net increase bama’s Governor praised this program people were trying to find out how they in mandatory spending relative to the in his State where it operated. The could get some help to stay in their bill in the period specified in the rule. Governor of New Jersey, Mr. Christie, homes. Accordingly, the point of order lies, praised this program. The Emergency Homeowner Loan and I ask for a ruling from the chair. So this is a new program for these 32 Program was designed to assist home- The Acting CHAIR. Does any other States, but it is modeled on a program owners who have experienced a signifi- Member wish to be heard on the point that has worked successfully in these cant reduction in income—in income, of order? other 18 States. In 1975, it was Pennsyl- not because they got into a bad loan; Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ of Cali- vania, not the United States. because they have lost their jobs, be- fornia. I wish to be heard, Madam I yield back the balance of my time. cause they have found another job but Chair.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:18 Mar 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MR7.041 H11MRPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with HOUSE March 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1747 The Acting CHAIR. The gentlewoman easy for people to go home. You will go monthly deficit equaling that annual from California is recognized. home tonight, you will fly home. You deficit. Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ of Cali- will have a nice, warm house. So I listened carefully to this gen- fornia. I think this is directly related But let me tell you about the other tleman from Maryland. And when I go to what is going on. I don’t understand America, the America that has come to to church on Sunday, I’m going to be how people don’t understand what is five foreclosure prevention events that very glad in my heart, in my head, that going on here. Because we have this I have held in my district, 40 miles I did not commit an act of fiscal child program, the Republican side says let’s away from here. They come in with pa- abuse on my children or anybody else’s eliminate this program and then, if you pers in hand because they simply want children or grandchildren. We have got want to help people, you need to find some relief. They have lost their jobs, to stop spending money we don’t have. more money and cut another program. duh, through no fault of their own. I yield back the balance of my time. The Acting CHAIR. Does the gentle- They come in with tears running AMENDMENT NO. 4 OFFERED BY MS. WATERS woman from California wish to address down their faces. They are black, they The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to the point of order? are white, they are Hispanic, they are clause 6 of rule XVIII, proceedings will Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ of Cali- Asian. They are Americans. now resume on the amendment on fornia. I do believe it’s germane, So you say to them, the taxpayer, which further proceedings were post- Madam Chair. the dollars that you pay, I don’t want poned. The Acting CHAIR. The Chair is pre- to use them to help you stay in your pared to rule. house and their houses. They are the The unfinished business is the de- The gentleman from Texas makes a same Americans that I used to see get mand for a recorded vote on the point of order that the amendment of- on the early bus, the early bus, and amendment offered by the gentle- ATERS) fered by the gentlewoman from Cali- then go to work. But now they have no woman from California (Ms. W on which further proceedings were fornia violates clause 10 of rule XXI by jobs, in part because of the same kinds postponed and on which the noes pre- proposing an increase in mandatory of efforts we see over and over again vailed by voice vote. spending over a relevant period of about saying getting rid of regulations, time. the regulations that were not adhered The Clerk will redesignate the Pursuant to clause 10 of rule XXI and to, the ones that were not in place are amendment. clause 4 of rule XXIX, the Chair is au- the very ones that got us where we are. The Clerk redesignated the amend- thoritatively guided by estimates from That’s why many of them don’t have ment. the chair of the Committee on the jobs and are now losing their homes. RECORDED VOTE Budget that the net effect of the provi- We are better than that. The Acting CHAIR. A recorded vote sions in the amendment would increase That’s why I was one of the authors has been demanded. mandatory spending over a relevant pe- of this revision. I am tired of seeing my A recorded vote was ordered. riod as compared to the bill. fellow citizens come in, your neighbors The vote was taken by electronic de- Accordingly, the point of order is and my neighbors, people that look vice, and there were—ayes 185, noes 237, sustained, and the amendment is not in like your mother and my mother, peo- not voting 10, as follows: order. ple that look like your son and my son. [Roll No. 172] Mr. CUMMINGS. Madam Chair, I Tears running down their faces, simply AYES—185 move to strike the last word. wanting a break. They are not looking The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman Ackerman Doggett Lee (CA) for a handout. They are looking for a Andrews Donnelly (IN) Levin from Maryland is recognized for 5 min- bridge. Baca Doyle Lewis (GA) utes. And so it is when you go to church on Baldwin Dreier Loebsack Mr. CUMMINGS. Madam Chair, as I Sunday, when they ask you, what did Barletta Duncan (TN) Lofgren, Zoe sat here and I listened to all of this, Barrow Edwards Lowey you do this weekend? What did you Bass (CA) Ellison Luja´ n there are some things that are missing achieve? Becerra Eshoo Lynch from this discussion which I think we You could say to them, stick your Berkley Farr Maloney are forgetting. And that, you know, Berman Fattah Markey chest out and say, yeah, I stopped some Bishop (GA) Filner Matheson sometimes I think that we forget that 30,000 people from staying in their Bishop (NY) Frank (MA) Matsui this is America. homes, Americans. Blumenauer Fudge McCarthy (NY) This is a country that has gained its Boswell Garamendi McCollum power through its moral authority, not b 1130 Brady (PA) Gonzalez McDermott Braley (IA) Green, Al McGovern necessarily by its military might. And And then there’s another argument Brown (FL) Green, Gene McIntyre we have heard discussions this morning that bothers me, Madam Chair. They Butterfield Grijalva McNerney about kicking the can down the road, act like we cannot create jobs and keep Capps Gutierrez Meehan putting money into a rathole. You people in their homes at the same Capuano Hanabusa Meeks Cardoza Harris Michaud know, the more I think about it, time. We can do better than that. Carnahan Hastings (FL) Miller (NC) Madam Chair, I think it is a very sad And so I hope that when you go back Carney Heinrich Miller, George day when somebody from a State with and you talk to your neighbors and you Carson (IN) Higgins Moore Castor (FL) Himes Moran high foreclosures can get up and talk say, a $1 billion program. A billion dol- Chu Hinchey Murphy (CT) about destroying a program that will lars. We were trying to get a little bit Cicilline Hinojosa Nadler help his own neighbors. There is some- more, but even in the conference com- Clarke (MI) Hirono Napolitano thing wrong with that picture. mittee, the Republicans cut that down. Clarke (NY) Holden Neal Clay Holt Olver President Barack Obama uses a term And now they’re back at it again. Cleaver Honda Pallone that I wish I had invented. He says that With that, I yield back the balance of Clyburn Hoyer Pascrell we have an empathy deficit in our my time. Cohen Inslee Pastor (AZ) Connolly (VA) Israel Payne country. Mr. HENSARLING. I move to strike Conyers Jackson (IL) Pelosi And I wonder what it’s going to feel the last word. Costa Jackson Lee Perlmutter like on Sunday when my colleagues go The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman Costello (TX) Peters to church, read from the same Bible from Texas is recognized for 5 minutes. Courtney Johnson (GA) Petri Critz Johnson, E. B. Pingree (ME) that I read from, and can brag about Mr. HENSARLING. Madam Chair, we Crowley Jones Polis the fact that they were able to kill a can do better than trillions of dollars Cuellar Kaptur Price (NC) program that would allow some 30,000 of debt that is borrowed from the Chi- Cummings Keating Quigley Davis (CA) Kildee Rahall people to stay in their own homes nese and the bills are sent to our chil- Davis (IL) Kind Rangel while at the same time, when I go to dren and grandchildren. When the an- DeFazio Kissell Richardson church, I will have to explain to them nual deficit was $200 billion and falling, DeGette Kucinich Richmond why they did it. another gentleman from Maryland, the DeLauro Langevin Ross (AR) Deutch Larsen (WA) Rothman (NJ) We are better than that. We are bet- distinguished Democratic whip, said it Dicks Larson (CT) Roybal-Allard ter as a Nation. We are better, and it’s was fiscal child abuse. Now we have a Dingell LaTourette Ruppersberger

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:18 Mar 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MR7.045 H11MRPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with HOUSE H1748 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 11, 2011

Rush Sherman Visclosky NOT VOTING—10 (1) IDENTIFICATION OF AMOUNTS FOR ASSIST- Ryan (OH) Sires Walz (MN) Akin Gingrey (GA) Thompson (MS) ANCE FOR ELIGIBLE HOMEOWNERS.—Not later Sa´ nchez, Linda Slaughter Wasserman Engel Reyes Wu than the expiration of the 180-day period be- T. Speier Schultz Frelinghuysen Smith (WA) ginning on the date of the enactment of this Sanchez, Loretta Stark Waters Giffords Thompson (CA) Act, the Secretary of Housing and Urban De- Sarbanes Sutton Watt velopment shall— Schakowsky Tierney Waxman b 1155 Schiff Tonko Weiner (A) determine, in consultation with the Schwartz Towns Welch Messrs. WALDEN, BARTON of Texas, Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of Scott (VA) Tsongas Wilson (FL) and Mrs. SCHMIDT changed their vote Veterans Affairs, the amount necessary to Scott, David Turner Woolsey from ‘‘aye’’ to ‘‘no.’’ provide assistance under title I of the Emer- Serrano Van Hollen Yarmuth Messrs. RYAN of Ohio and gency Housing Act of 1975 (12 U.S.C. 2701 et Sewell Vela´ zquez RUPPERSBERGER changed their vote seq.) to eligible homeowners (as such term is from ‘‘no’’ to ‘‘aye.’’ defined in paragraph (3) of this subsection); NOES—237 and So the amendment was rejected. Adams Gosar Owens (B) submit notice of such determination to Aderholt Gowdy Palazzo The result of the vote was announced the Congress that specifies such amount. Alexander Granger Paul as above recorded. (2) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.—Ef- Altmire Graves (GA) Paulsen The Acting CHAIR. The question is fective upon the submission to the Congress Amash Graves (MO) Pearce on the committee amendment in the by the Secretary of Housing and Urban De- Austria Griffin (AR) Pence nature of a substitute, as amended. velopment of the notice required under para- Bachmann Griffith (VA) Peterson graph (1), there is authorized to be appro- Bachus Grimm Pitts The amendment was agreed to. The Acting CHAIR. Under the rule, priated, for assistance under the Emergency Bartlett Guinta Platts Mortgage Relief Program under the provi- Barton (TX) Guthrie Poe (TX) the Committee rises. sions of law referred to in subsection (a) of Bass (NH) Hall Pompeo Accordingly, the Committee rose; this section only for eligible homeowners, Benishek Hanna Posey and the Speaker pro tempore (Mr. Berg Harper Price (GA) the amount identified in such notice. Biggert Hartzler Quayle CHAFFETZ) having assumed the chair, (3) ELIGIBLE HOMEOWNER.—For purposes of Bilbray Hastings (WA) Reed Mrs. MILLER of Michigan, Acting Chair this subsection, the term ‘‘eligible home- Bilirakis Hayworth Rehberg of the Committee of the Whole House owner’’ means a homeowner who is— Bishop (UT) Heck Reichert on the State of the Union, reported (A) a member of the Armed Forces of the Black Heller Renacci that that Committee, having had under United States on active duty or the spouse Blackburn Hensarling Ribble or parent of such a member; Bonner Herger Rigell consideration the bill (H.R. 836) to re- (B) a veteran, as such term is defined in Bono Mack Herrera Beutler Rivera scind the unobligated funding for the section 101 of title 38, United States Code; Boren Huelskamp Roby Emergency Mortgage Relief Program (C) eligible to receive a Gold Star lapel pin Boustany Huizenga (MI) Roe (TN) and to terminate the program, and, under section 1126 of title 10, United States Brady (TX) Hultgren Rogers (AL) Brooks Hunter Rogers (KY) pursuant to House Resolution 151, re- Code, as a widow, parent, or next of kin of a Broun (GA) Hurt Rogers (MI) ported the bill back to the House with member of the Armed Forces person who Buchanan Issa Rohrabacher an amendment adopted in the Com- died in a manner described in subsection (a) Bucshon Jenkins Rokita mittee of the Whole. of such section; or (D) such a member or veteran of the Armed Buerkle Johnson (IL) Rooney The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under Burgess Johnson (OH) Ros-Lehtinen Forces who has a service-connected injury, Burton (IN) Johnson, Sam Roskam the rule, the previous question is or- or a survivor or dependent of such a member Calvert Jordan Ross (FL) dered. or veteran of the Armed Forces with such an Camp Kelly Royce Is a separate vote demanded on any injury. Campbell King (IA) Runyan amendment to the amendment re- Canseco King (NY) Ryan (WI) Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia (during Cantor Kingston Scalise ported from the Committee of the the reading). Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- Capito Kinzinger (IL) Schilling Whole? mous consent that further reading of Carter Kline Schmidt If not, the question is on the com- the motion be dispensed with. Cassidy Labrador Schock mittee amendment in the nature of a The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Chabot Lamborn Schrader substitute, as amended. objection to the request of the gen- Chaffetz Lance Schweikert Chandler Landry Scott (SC) The amendment was agreed to. tleman from Virginia? Coble Lankford Scott, Austin The SPEAKER pro tempore. The There was no objection. Coffman (CO) Latham Sensenbrenner question is on the engrossment and The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- Cole Latta Sessions third reading of the bill. tleman is recognized for 5 minutes. Conaway Lewis (CA) Shimkus The bill was ordered to be engrossed Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. Mr. Cooper Lipinski Shuler Speaker, this final amendment, which I Cravaack LoBiondo Shuster and read a third time, and was read the Crawford Long Simpson third time. submit with the gentleman from Texas Crenshaw Lucas Smith (NE) MOTION TO RECOMMIT (Mr. AL GREEN), who led this battle in Culberson Luetkemeyer Smith (NJ) committee, protects our men and Davis (KY) Lummis Smith (TX) Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, I have a motion to recommit women in uniform who risk their lives Denham Lungren, Daniel Southerland to keep us safe in our homes by pro- Dent E. Stearns at the desk. DesJarlais Mack Stivers The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is the tecting theirs. It would continue pro- Diaz-Balart Manzullo Stutzman gentleman opposed to the bill? viding emergency mortgage assistance Dold Marchant Sullivan Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. I am, in to servicemembers, veterans, and Gold Duffy Marino Terry Star families, amending the underlying Duncan (SC) McCarthy (CA) Thompson (PA) its current form. Ellmers McCaul Thornberry The SPEAKER pro tempore. The bill that would otherwise strip away Emerson McClintock Tiberi Clerk will report the motion to recom- such vital assistance to homeowners in Farenthold McCotter Tipton mit. distress through no fault of their own. Fincher McHenry Upton Whether it is the result of being laid The Clerk read as follows: Fitzpatrick McKeon Walberg off or a severe medical condition or Flake McKinley Walden Mr. Connolly of VA moves to recommit the Fleischmann McMorris Walsh (IL) bill, H.R. 836, to the Committee on Financial emergency, Congress has not turned its Fleming Rodgers Webster Services with instructions to report the back on our Nation’s veterans when Flores Mica West same back to the House forthwith with the they are in need, and now is no time to Forbes Miller (FL) Westmoreland following amendment: start. Fortenberry Miller (MI) Whitfield In section 3(b), before ‘‘shall continue’’ in- As my colleagues are well aware, the Miller, Gary Foxx Wilson (SC) sert the following: ‘‘, and any amounts made foreclosure crisis has affected millions Franks (AZ) Mulvaney Wittman available for use under such Program pursu- Murphy (PA) of American families. Sadly, our mili- Gallegly Wolf ant to subsection (d),’’. Gardner Myrick Womack tary families have suffered some of the Garrett Neugebauer Woodall In section 3, strike subsection (d) and in- sert the following new subsection: worst brunt of this impact. Last year, Gerlach Noem Yoder 20,000 active-duty Reservists and vet- Gibbs Nugent Young (AK) (d) CONTINUATION OF PROGRAM FOR MEM- Gibson Nunes Young (FL) BERS OF THE ARMED FORCES, VETERANS, AND erans lost their homes, the largest Gohmert Nunnelee Young (IN) GOLD STAR RECIPIENTS.— number in recent history. Did you Goodlatte Olson

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:18 Mar 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11MR7.017 H11MRPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with HOUSE March 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1749 know the foreclosure rate around our but 1 minute, so please allow me to I know of who wants to mortgage our Nation’s military installations is four speak on behalf of our veterans for 1 Nation’s future to China. There is no times higher than the national aver- minute. veteran I know of who wouldn’t be age? From 2007 to 2008, the rate of fore- This is a moment of truth for us. Our ashamed and embarrassed to have closure in towns within 10 miles of a veterans have been there for us. We had China foreclose on our Nation because military facility swelled by 217 percent the courage of our convictions to send of the national debt that has been run compared with 59 percent in the rest of them to war. They have done their up by our friends on the other side of the country. jobs, but many of them are returning the aisle. home to properties that are being fore- If we want to have a secure Nation, if b 1200 closed upon. That will be abated. This we want jobs, if we want to save Amer- Right here in our own backyard—in is an opportunity for us to spend 0.859 ica from bankruptcy for our children, my district, in the community of percent of the $1.6 trillion that we have we’ve got to quit spending money we Woodbridge, Virginia—the foreclosure spent in Iraq and Afghanistan to help don’t have. Veterans put country be- rate spiked an astounding 414 percent our veterans retain their homes. They fore self. around the Quantico Marine Corps have been there for us. The question is: Mr. Speaker, at this time, I yield to Base. Why is that? Because the unem- Will we be there for them today? the distinguished chairman of the Vet- ployment rate for our military heroes Don’t you take up time to make sure erans’ Affairs Committee, the gen- who served in Iraq and Afghanistan is that the veterans don’t get what they tleman from Florida (Mr. MILLER). 15 percent higher than the national av- deserve. Veterans have worked hard for Mr. MILLER of Florida. Members, erage. We all know how difficult the us. We sent them to war. Let’s now what we are talking about is trying to transition back into civilian life can make sure that we take care of them in eliminate a program that is duplica- be, particularly for the disabled as they peace. Let’s take care of our veterans. tive, a program that has been wasteful try to find work. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The over the last few years. Congress has repeatedly singled out time of the gentleman has expired. I think the colleagues who are speak- veterans for additional assistance, Mr. HENSARLING. Mr. Speaker, I ing against what we are trying to do whether it is workforce training or rise in opposition to the motion to re- don’t quite understand how the VA small business assistance. In fact, the commit. home loan program works. Veterans House, itself, initiated a Wounded War- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- have their own program that they can rior Program to place veterans in our tleman from Texas is recognized for 5 go to and borrow money. They are not Member offices; but even with that as- minutes. being disadvantaged by our doing away sistance, the men and women who so Mr. HENSARLING. I yield to the dis- with the program that we are talking bravely fought on behalf of our Nation tinguished chairman of the Financial about today. find difficulty succeeding back home. Services Committee, the gentleman In fact, if VA individuals have loans that are guaranteed by the VA and That’s why we had more than 75,600 from Alabama (Mr. BACHUS). homeless veterans in 2009. Mr. BACHUS. I thank the gentleman. their homes are under water, they can I know a young man in my district We are talking about our soldiers, go back to the VA and, in some in- who returned home with a severe dis- our veterans. What do they do? They stances, get those loans refinanced ability from a tour of duty in Iraq. fight for our freedom, for our national without appraisals, including all the Thankfully, the modest financial sup- defense. What is the greatest threat to fees, including all the closing costs—I port he currently receives has enabled our country now? What is the greatest will remind you again—even if the him to remain in his home, but barely, threat to our national security? It is homes are worth less than what the and he is only one adverse event away the debt. Don’t take my word for it. original loans were all about. from foreclosure. What if his situation Admiral Mullen said just 2 months Just a moment ago, we heard of the worsens? What if he suffers the loss of ago: The most significant threat to our large increases in the number of fore- unemployment or develops a cata- national security is our debt. closures. Let me tell you what the strophic illness? How am I supposed to Defense Secretary Robert Gates re- number is in regards to foreclosures tell him or his family, not to mention cently said on CNN: The country’s dire with VA loans. The foreclosure rate is the thousands of others like him in fiscal situation and the threat it poses 2.5 percent. Why? Because the VA many of our communities, that we are to American influence and credibility works with the people who have these turning our backs on them? around the world will only get worse loans to make sure that they don’t get Rather than continuing to provide unless the United States Government into serious delinquencies, which is for the needs of our veterans when they faces its financial crisis. being more than 90 days in arrears, so need us the most, this legislation pa- We can start representing our sol- that they can stay in their homes; and tronizes them by calling for yet an- diers and our veterans and those they if something happens when they have other study to tell us what we already defend by cutting out this worthless $1 problems, the VA has a program to know: that our military families suffer billion program where 98 cents out of take care of that, too. disproportionately from foreclosures. every dollar is never repaid. Let’s move b 1210 We don’t need a study to tell us the today. Let’s defend our country. Let’s But here we have our colleagues on right thing to do. start cutting our debt. the other side of the aisle in some in- In a sincere attempt to honor their Mr. HENSARLING. Mr. Speaker, re- stances—some of my colleagues may memories, many of my colleagues post claiming my time, the distinguished not have heard this—questioning what pictures outside their offices of local chairman of the Financial Services we do in church on Sunday because servicemembers who have made the ul- Committee brought to our attention we’re not committed as the Lord re- timate sacrifice. Those men and something that, I believe, every vet- quires us to do to other people. That’s women fought and died protecting our eran now knows, which is that the big- not right. Both sides of the aisle are homes. How can we now tell their fami- gest threat to our national security is committed to what we think is right, lies that we’re not going to fight to our national debt. and what we think is right is not mort- protect theirs? I am not a veteran. My brother was. gaging our country on the backs of our Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to He fought during the Cold War. My fa- children and our grandchildren any- support this final amendment and to ther was. He fought during Korea. My more. help preserve the American Dream for grandfather was. He fought during The SPEAKER pro tempore. The those who are out there protecting World War II. So I know veterans, Mr. time of the gentleman from Texas has that dream for each of us. Speaker, and there are no citizens in expired. With that, I yield the balance of my our country who are more passionate Without objection, the previous ques- time to the gentleman from Texas (Mr. about the preservation of our national tion is ordered. AL GREEN). security than our veterans. There is no There was no objection. Mr. AL GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speak- veteran I know of who would not put The SPEAKER pro tempore. The er, this is about our veterans. I have country before self. There is no veteran question is on the motion to recommit.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:18 Mar 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MR7.050 H11MRPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with HOUSE H1750 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 11, 2011 The question was taken; and the Capito Huizenga (MI) Pompeo RECORDED VOTE Carter Hultgren Posey Speaker pro tempore announced that Cassidy Hunter Price (GA) Mr. HENSARLING. Mr. Speaker, I the noes appeared to have it. Chabot Hurt Quayle demand a recorded vote. RECORDED VOTE Chaffetz Issa Reed Coble Jenkins Rehberg A recorded vote was ordered. Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. Mr. Coffman (CO) Johnson (IL) Reichert Speaker, I demand a recorded vote. Cole Johnson (OH) Renacci The SPEAKER pro tempore. This Conaway Johnson, Sam Ribble will be a 5-minute vote. A recorded vote was ordered. Cravaack Jordan Rigell The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Crawford Kelly Rivera The vote was taken by electronic de- ant to clause 9 of rule XX, the Chair Crenshaw King (IA) Roby vice, and there were—ayes 242, noes 177, will reduce to 5 minutes the minimum Culberson King (NY) Roe (TN) not voting 13, as follows: Davis (KY) Kingston Rogers (AL) time for any electronic vote on the Denham Kinzinger (IL) Rogers (KY) [Roll No. 174] question of passage. Dent Kline Rogers (MI) The vote was taken by electronic de- DesJarlais Labrador Rohrabacher AYES—242 Diaz-Balart Lamborn Rokita vice, and there were—ayes 182, noes 238, Dold Lance Rooney Adams Gibson Nunes not voting 12, as follows: Dreier Landry Ros-Lehtinen Aderholt Gingrey (GA) Nunnelee Akin Gohmert Olson [Roll No. 173] Duffy Lankford Roskam Duncan (SC) Latham Ross (FL) Alexander Goodlatte Palazzo AYES—182 Duncan (TN) LaTourette Royce Altmire Gosar Paul Ellmers Latta Runyan Amash Gowdy Paulsen Ackerman Gonzalez Olver Emerson Lewis (CA) Ryan (WI) Austria Graves (GA) Pearce Altmire Green, Al Owens Farenthold LoBiondo Scalise Bachmann Graves (MO) Pence Andrews Grijalva Pallone Fincher Long Schilling Bachus Griffin (AR) Petri Baca Gutierrez Pascrell Fitzpatrick Lucas Schmidt Barletta Griffith (VA) Pitts Baldwin Hanabusa Pastor (AZ) Flake Luetkemeyer Schock Barrow Grimm Platts Barrow Hastings (FL) Payne Fleischmann Lummis Schweikert Bartlett Guinta Poe (TX) Bass (CA) Heinrich Pelosi Fleming Lungren, Daniel Scott (SC) Barton (TX) Guthrie Becerra Higgins Pompeo Perlmutter Flores E. Scott, Austin Bass (NH) Hall Berkley Himes Posey Peters Forbes Mack Sensenbrenner Benishek Hanna Berman Hinchey Price (GA) Peterson Fortenberry Manzullo Sessions Berg Harper Bishop (GA) Hinojosa Quayle Pingree (ME) Foxx Marchant Shimkus Biggert Harris Bishop (NY) Hirono Reed Price (NC) Franks (AZ) Marino Shuster Bilirakis Hartzler Blumenauer Holden Rehberg Quigley Frelinghuysen McCarthy (CA) Simpson Bishop (UT) Hastings (WA) Boren Holt Reichert Rahall Gallegly McCaul Smith (NE) Black Hayworth Boswell Honda Renacci Rangel Gardner McClintock Smith (NJ) Blackburn Heck Brady (PA) Hoyer Ribble Richardson Garrett McCotter Smith (TX) Bonner Heller Braley (IA) Inslee Rigell Richmond Gerlach McHenry Southerland Bono Mack Hensarling Brown (FL) Israel Rivera Ross (AR) Gibbs McKeon Stearns Boren Herger Butterfield Jackson (IL) Roby Rothman (NJ) Gibson McKinley Stivers Boustany Holden Capps Jackson Lee Roe (TN) Roybal-Allard Gingrey (GA) McMorris Stutzman Brooks Huelskamp Capuano (TX) Rogers (AL) Ruppersberger Gohmert Rodgers Sullivan Broun (GA) Huizenga (MI) Cardoza Johnson (GA) Rogers (KY) Rush Goodlatte Meehan Terry Buchanan Hultgren Carnahan Johnson, E. B. Rogers (MI) Ryan (OH) Gosar Mica Thompson (PA) Bucshon Hunter Carney Jones Rohrabacher Sa´ nchez, Linda Gowdy Miller (FL) Thornberry Buerkle Hurt Carson (IN) Kaptur Rokita T. Granger Miller (MI) Tiberi Burgess Issa Castor (FL) Keating Rooney Sanchez, Loretta Graves (GA) Miller, Gary Tipton Burton (IN) Jenkins Chandler Kildee Sarbanes Graves (MO) Mulvaney Turner Calvert Johnson (IL) Ros-Lehtinen Chu Kind Schakowsky Griffin (AR) Murphy (PA) Upton Camp Johnson (OH) Roskam Cicilline Kissell Schiff Griffith (VA) Myrick Walberg Campbell Johnson, Sam Ross (FL) Clarke (MI) Kucinich Grimm Neugebauer Walden Canseco Jones Royce Clarke (NY) Langevin Schrader Guinta Noem Walsh (IL) Cantor Jordan Runyan Clay Larsen (WA) Schwartz Guthrie Nugent Webster Capito Kelly Ryan (WI) Cleaver Larson (CT) Scott (VA) Hall Nunes West Cardoza King (IA) Scalise Clyburn Lee (CA) Scott, David Hanna Nunnelee Westmoreland Carter King (NY) Schilling Cohen Levin Serrano Sewell Harris Olson Whitfield Cassidy Kingston Schmidt Connolly (VA) Lewis (GA) Chabot Sherman Hartzler Palazzo Wilson (SC) Kinzinger (IL) Schock Conyers Lipinski Chaffetz Kline Shuler Hastings (WA) Paul Wittman Schrader Cooper Loebsack Chandler Labrador Sires Hayworth Paulsen Wolf Schweikert Costa Lofgren, Zoe Coble Lamborn Slaughter Heck Pearce Womack Scott (SC) Costello Lowey Coffman (CO) Lance Speier Heller Pence Woodall Scott, Austin Courtney Luja´ n Cole Landry Stark Hensarling Petri Yoder Sensenbrenner Critz Lynch Conaway Lankford Sutton Herger Pitts Young (AK) Sessions Crowley Maloney Costa Latham Tierney Herrera Beutler Platts Young (FL) Shimkus Cuellar Markey Cravaack Latta Tonko Huelskamp Poe (TX) Young (IN) Shuster Cummings Matheson Crawford Lewis (CA) Towns Simpson Davis (CA) Matsui NOT VOTING—12 Crenshaw LoBiondo Tsongas Smith (NE) Davis (IL) McCarthy (NY) Culberson Long DeLauro Giffords Reyes Smith (NJ) DeFazio McCollum Van Hollen Davis (KY) Lucas ´ Ellison Green, Gene Smith (WA) Smith (TX) DeGette McDermott Velazquez Denham Luetkemeyer Engel Harper Thompson (CA) Southerland Deutch McGovern Visclosky Dent Lummis Fattah Polis Thompson (MS) Stearns Dicks McIntyre Walz (MN) DesJarlais Lungren, Daniel Dingell McNerney Wasserman Diaz-Balart E. Stivers Schultz Sullivan Doggett Meeks b 1227 Dold Mack Donnelly (IN) Michaud Waters Dreier Manzullo Terry Doyle Miller (NC) Watt So the motion to recommit was re- Duffy Marchant Thompson (PA) Edwards Miller, George Waxman Thornberry jected. Duncan (SC) Marino Eshoo Moore Weiner Duncan (TN) McCarthy (CA) Tiberi Farr Moran Welch The result of the vote was announced Ellmers McCaul Tipton Filner Murphy (CT) Wilson (FL) as above recorded. Emerson McClintock Turner Frank (MA) Nadler Woolsey Stated for: Farenthold McCotter Upton Fudge Napolitano Wu Fincher McHenry Walberg Garamendi Neal Yarmuth Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speaker, Fitzpatrick McKeon Walden Flake McKinley Walsh (IL) NOES—238 on rollcall vote No. 173, had I been present, I would have voted ‘‘aye.’’ Fleischmann McMorris Webster Adams Benishek Brooks Fleming Rodgers West Aderholt Berg Broun (GA) Mr. ELLISON. Mr. Speaker, on March 11, Flores Meehan Westmoreland Akin Biggert Buchanan 2011, I inadvertently missed rollcall vote No. Forbes Mica Whitfield Alexander Bilbray Bucshon 173, had I been present, I would have voted Fortenberry Miller (FL) Wilson (SC) Amash Bilirakis Buerkle Foxx Miller (MI) Wittman Austria Bishop (UT) Burgess ‘‘aye.’’ Franks (AZ) Miller, Gary Wolf Bachmann Black Burton (IN) The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Frelinghuysen Mulvaney Womack Bachus Blackburn Calvert question is on the passage of the bill. Gallegly Murphy (PA) Woodall Barletta Bonner Camp The question was taken; and the Gardner Myrick Yoder Bartlett Bono Mack Campbell Garrett Neugebauer Young (AK) Barton (TX) Boustany Canseco Speaker pro tempore announced that Gerlach Noem Young (FL) Bass (NH) Brady (TX) Cantor the ayes appeared to have it. Gibbs Nugent Young (IN)

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:18 Mar 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MR7.054 H11MRPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with HOUSE March 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1751 NOES—177 AUTHORIZING THE CLERK TO Mr. CANTOR. I thank the gentleman Ackerman Green, Al Olver MAKE CORRECTIONS IN EN- from Maryland, the Democratic whip, Andrews Green, Gene Owens GROSSMENT OF H.R. 836, EMER- for yielding. Baca Grijalva Pallone Mr. Speaker, on Monday, the House Baldwin Gutierrez Pascrell GENCY MORTGAGE RELIEF PRO- Bass (CA) Hanabusa Pastor (AZ) GRAM TERMINATION ACT will meet at noon for morning-hour and 2 p.m. for legislative business. On Becerra Hastings (FL) Payne Mr. HENSARLING. Mr. Speaker, I Berkley Heinrich Pelosi Tuesday and Wednesday, the House Berman Herrera Beutler Perlmutter ask unanimous consent that in the en- will meet at 10 a.m. for morning-hour Bishop (GA) Higgins Peters grossment of H.R. 836, the Clerk be au- and noon for legislative business. On Bishop (NY) Himes Peterson thorized to correct section numbers, Blumenauer Hinchey Pingree (ME) Thursday, the House will meet at 9 Boswell Hinojosa Price (NC) punctuation, and cross-references, and a.m. for legislative business. Brady (PA) Hirono Quigley to make such other technical and con- The House will consider at least two Braley (IA) Holt Rahall forming changes as may be necessary Brown (FL) Honda Rangel bills under suspension of the rules on Butterfield Hoyer Richardson to accurately reflect the actions of the Monday, which will be announced by Capps Inslee Richmond House. the close of business today. On Tues- Capuano Israel Ross (AR) The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there day, we expect to consider a short-term Carnahan Jackson (IL) Rothman (NJ) objection to the request of the gen- Carney Jackson Lee Roybal-Allard continuing resolution to fund the gov- Carson (IN) (TX) Ruppersberger tleman from Texas? ernment for another 3 weeks. On Castor (FL) Johnson (GA) Rush There was no objection. Wednesday, the House will consider one Chu Johnson, E. B. Ryan (OH) or possibly two more bills from the Fi- Cicilline Kaptur Sa´ nchez, Linda f Clarke (MI) Keating T. nancial Services Committee addressing Clarke (NY) Kildee Sanchez, Loretta AMENDMENT PROCESS FOR CON- mandatory spending: H.R. 839, the Clay Kind Sarbanes SIDERATION OF H.R. 839, HAMP Home Affordable Modification Program Cleaver Kissell Schakowsky TERMINATION ACT OF 2011; AND Termination Act; and H.R. 861, the Clyburn Kucinich Schiff H.R. 861, NSP TERMINATION ACT Cohen Langevin Schwartz Neighborhood Stabilization Program Connolly (VA) Larsen (WA) Scott (VA) (Mr. DREIER asked and was given Termination Act. Finally, Mr. Speaker, Conyers Larson (CT) Scott, David permission to address the House for 1 on Thursday, the House will consider a Cooper LaTourette Serrano concurrent resolution sponsored by Mr. Costello Lee (CA) Sewell minute.) Courtney Levin Sherman Mr. DREIER. Mr. Speaker, the Com- KUCINICH related to the War Powers Critz Lewis (GA) Shuler mittee on Rules is scheduled to meet Resolution. Crowley Lipinski Sires Mr. HOYER. I thank the gentleman Cuellar Loebsack Slaughter on Tuesday, March 15, at 3 p.m., to grant a rule, which may limit the for that information. Cummings Lofgren, Zoe Speier He mentioned the CR, the continuing Davis (CA) Lowey Stark amendment process for floor consider- resolution, the continuing authoriza- Davis (IL) Lynch Sutton ation of H.R. 839, the HAMP Termi- DeFazio Maloney Tierney tion to operate government, which I nation Act of 2011, and H.R. 861, the DeGette Markey Tonko understand will be for a 3-week period. DeLauro Matheson Towns NSP Termination Act. Deutch Matsui Tsongas Can the gentleman tell us what will Any Member wishing to offer an be in that continuing resolution at this Dicks McCarthy (NY) Van Hollen amendment to either bill must submit Dingell McCollum Vela´ zquez point in time? Doggett McDermott Visclosky an electronic copy of the amendment Mr. CANTOR. As the gentleman Donnelly (IN) McGovern Walz (MN) and description via the committee’s knows, our majority is committed to Doyle McIntyre Wasserman Web site. Members must also submit 30 Edwards McNerney Schultz the process of providing a 3-day notice Ellison Michaud Waters hard copies of the amendment, one for all Members, as well as their con- Eshoo Miller (NC) Watt copy of a brief explanation of the stituents, to see what we will be voting Farr Miller, George Waxman amendment, and an amendment log-in on. The Appropriations Committee is Fattah Moore Weiner Filner Moran Welch form to the Rules Committee in room busy preparing the text of that, and it Frank (MA) Murphy (CT) Wilson (FL) H–312, upstairs, of the Capitol by 10 will be presented online this afternoon. Fudge Nadler Woolsey a.m., Tuesday, March 15. Both elec- The details will be in that online Garamendi Napolitano Wu tronic and hard copies must be received Gonzalez Neal Yarmuth version this afternoon. by the date and time specified. Mem- Mr. HOYER. I thank the gentleman NOT VOTING—13 bers should draft their amendments to for his comments. Bilbray Luja´ n Stutzman the text of the bills as ordered reported Now, it’s my understanding we are Brady (TX) Meeks Thompson (CA) by the Committee on Financial Serv- not scheduled, according to his an- Engel Polis Thompson (MS) ices, which are available on the Rules nouncement, to meet next Friday. Giffords Reyes Is that accurate? Granger Smith (WA) Committee Web site. Members should use the Office of Mr. CANTOR. Yes. I would say to the ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE Legislative Counsel to ensure that gentleman that is correct. their amendments are drafted in the Mr. HOYER. And I take it the gen- The SPEAKER pro tempore (during tleman is reasonably certain, obviously the vote). There is 1 minute left in the most appropriate format. Members should also check with the Office of the we don’t know what the other body will vote. do, but in light of the fact that that CR Parliamentarian, the Committee on will be offered next Tuesday, the gen- the Budget, and the Congressional b 1233 tleman’s presumption is that, in fact, Budget Office to be certain that their we will be out sometime on Thursday. Ms. BASS of California changed her amendments comply with the rules of Mr. CANTOR. Well, I would say to vote from ‘‘aye’’ to ‘‘no.’’ the House and the Congressional Budg- the gentleman, we certainly look for- So the bill was passed. et Act. ward to the Senate acting expedi- The result of the vote was announced If Members have any questions, tiously and acting quickly on the as above recorded. please contact me or the Rules Com- House’s 3-week extension. Assuming mittee staff. A motion to reconsider was laid on that goes as well, the gentleman is cor- the table. f rect in assuming that we will not be in LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM session next Friday. Stated for: Mr. HOYER. I thank the gentleman. Mr. BRADY of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I rise (Mr. HOYER asked and was given The gentleman and I have had this today to make known that I was unable to cast permission to address the House for 1 discussion, and I think we both agree a ‘‘yes’’ vote on Final Passage of H.R. 836, minute.) that continuing to fund government on the Emergency Mortgage Relief Program Ter- Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, I yield to either a 2-week or 3-week cycle is not mination Act. I am in favor of this legislation my friend, the majority leader, to in- what we ought to be doing. Further- and would like the RECORD to reflect my sup- quire about the schedule for the week more, Mr. Speaker, a number of econo- port. to come. mists have indicated that if, in fact, we

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:18 Mar 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11MR7.021 H11MRPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with HOUSE H1752 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 11, 2011 proceed to funding levels that reflect First of all I want to respond to the Again, I understand the gentleman’s H.R. 1, which is my assumption of what first part of the gentleman’s discus- issue with respect to the President. will happen according to what the gen- sions regarding Mr. Zandi and the Both the gentleman and I understand tleman has told me and, I think, said other individuals he spoke to regarding and agree that the Constitution, in ar- publicly, the funding levels that are in- the predictions of doom because of our ticle I, gives to the House of Represent- cluded in H.R. 1 on a week-to-week position on H.R. 1. atives of the United States and the basis, which leads me to believe that if I would say to the gentleman, and as Senate the responsibility to raise and we are having a 3-week extension will he knows, there are as many econo- spend moneys, so that this is a primary be somewhere in the neighborhood of $6 mists, certainly several hundred, who responsibility of the legislative depart- billion in additional reductions. signed a letter indicating that the cuts ment of government, which he and I Would that be accurate? were not something that would produce have the privilege of serving in. While Mr. CANTOR. I would agree with the the results that Mr. Zandi and others I understand that the gentleman is ac- gentleman that, yes, as he and I have have predicted. curate, both alternatives were defeated discussed, we intend for the 3-week ex- In fact, it’s Mr. Zandi’s math that in the United States Senate. tension to maintain the current for- was applicable to the stimulus bill that The President put an offer on the mula upon which we are operating I think most Americans do know now table in his 2011 budget. We then, in today, and that is a reduction of spend- failed in the promises made that we December, froze spending at 2010 levels, ing of $2 billion per week. I expect the would see unemployment not rise which was $41 billion less than the Appropriations Committee, again, to above 8 percent. President’s offer which he put on the introduce a 3-week, short-term exten- Again, the gentleman and I have had table. sion cutting $2 billion per week later a discussion before that if the answer We have now had two additional of- this afternoon, consistent with the was just spend more government tax- fers put on the table. The next offer House position as spelled out in H.R. 1. payer dollars to create jobs, why don’t was, of course, included in H.R. 1. That we just go spend it all and then every- passed this House but did not pass the b 1240 body will be employed again. Well, we Senate. Mr. HOYER. I thank the gentleman know that’s not true and that doesn’t The Senate, however, did put an offer for his comments, and I would observe work. on the table, as the gentleman pointed to him that with respect to H.R. 1, nu- We also know that Chairman out, cutting an additional $10 billion merous economists have indicated, in- Bernanke did not agree with the pre- above the $41 billion, or $6 billion above cluding Mark Zandi, who was, of dictions of the kinds of cuts that Mr. the $4 billion that was included in the course, one of the principal advisers to Zandi and others have predicted, ac- short-term CR which expires on March JOHN MCCAIN when he ran for Presi- cording to his testimony. Certainly we 18. dent, Chairman Bernanke, chairman of believe, very strongly, that if you cut What I ask the gentleman again is, the Federal Reserve, Goldman Sachs, government spending, we create an en- does the gentleman now propose, and Moody’s, and others, that the just re- vironment for private sector jobs. will the gentleman and his side of the jected H.R. 1, if adopted, would lead to And to the gentleman’s direct ques- aisle be proposing, a counteroffer, as I the loss of hundreds of thousands of tion about when we can proceed with a said last week, or is the gentleman’s jobs, in one analyst’s point of view, longer term solution so that we do not position you are staying, as I seemed over 800,000 jobs. have to continue operating in stopgap to hear you say, at the $100 billion fig- In fact, of course, three Republicans ways, I would say to the gentleman, as ure that was included in H.R. 1, which voted against H.R. 1 in the Senate, and he knows, it’s not just the House, it’s implies that unless there is an agree- one of those who voted for H.R. 1 in the trying to work with the Senate as well ment to your figure, that we will have Senate said this, Mr. Speaker: Let me as the White House. to shut down government or agree to be clear that I strongly oppose some of The Senate did act this week, and we your figure. the proposed cuts in the House-passed now know that the Senate rejects our I want to make sure that I under- bill—that was H.R. 1—particularly the $60 billion, approximately $60 billion stand your thoughts on that. drastic cuts that would disproportion- cut off of 2010 levels, and it also re- I yield to my friend. ately affect low-income families and jected the proposed $10 billion worth of Mr. CANTOR. I say to the gentleman seniors. Making such deep and imme- cuts by Leader REID. In fact, there again, it is the House that has taken diate cuts to critical low-income heat- were more votes in favor of the $60 bil- the position that we want to see cuts of ing assistance, weatherization, and lion H.R. 1 level than there were for approximately $60 billion off of current Head Start programs in the middle of the $10 billion level off of current 2010 levels. The Senate said it wanted the fiscal year would cause serious spending. to cut $10 billion off of 2010 levels. problems for those who rely on these The problem is the White House has There is a $50 billion difference here. programs. That was Senator COLLINS, a not indicated where it wants to go. And What we believe is we need to do every- Republican from Maine, when the bill as we both have discussed before, as I thing we can to try to figure out how was on the floor. have told the gentleman, I just don’t to do more with less in Washington. So let me ask the gentleman, do we see where the leadership is on the part The American public sent us to have a plan to proceed so that we can, of the White House. Washington to spend their money the A, retreat from the uncertainty that It is obviously up to the White House way they would. I think most people we keep creating by these 2 weeks? I to come to the table as well, as the also, certainly our conference, believe know that he and I agreed that this is President has got to sign the bill. We you cut government spending, you cre- not the way to proceed, but does the agree it is much better for us to be op- ate private sector jobs. That’s what we gentleman have a plan, A, to move for- erating with some certainty and not are about. We are waiting to see what ward so that we can fund government have to be operating off of stopgap position the White House will take so through September 30, complete fund- measures every several weeks. But we that we can move forward and begin ing for this fiscal year, and turn our at- don’t want to shut government down, the job that we are supposed to be tention and focus on what I know the we want to cut spending. about right now, which is the next fis- gentleman knows the Appropriations If this is how we are able to do it, we cal year. Committee is now focusing on, the fis- are going to deliver on that promise to As the gentleman knows, we are here cal year 2012 appropriations and spend- cut spending. But I do share with the because, unfortunately, the last Con- ing plan. gentleman the frustration that we gress did not pass a budget, did not Does the gentleman have in mind don’t see any type of coalescence pass appropriations bills. We are trying when we might get to a plan to fund around a notion that we should have to clean up that mess. the balance of government, not on 2- or some type of longer term agreement on So we are waiting to see what the 3-week cycles but between now and this fiscal year. White House’s position is so we can September 30? Mr. HOYER. I thank the gentleman begin to see how we can maximize effi- Mr. CANTOR. I thank the gentleman. for his response, Mr. Speaker. ciencies in government, cut spending,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:18 Mar 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MR7.059 H11MRPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with HOUSE March 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1753 so that we can see more private sector gentleman, on our side of the aisle: grams, which are the significant driver jobs. What do we do at that point in time? of deficits into the future as he knows. Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, I thank We obviously have the majority in the So I do look forward to that. We will be the gentleman for his answer. I think I Senate and we have the President of dealing with that within a month’s did not receive an answer in terms of the United States, the American people time. I look forward to that debate. whether or not the gentleman is saying have elected. And as Newt Gingrich, But I would lastly say, Mr. Speaker, it’s either $100 billion or nothing, and your former Speaker, our former does the gentleman know what kind of that there will be no counteroffer to Speaker, said in 1998, we have to reach cuts the Senate can support at the 60- the offer that is on the table, either agreement. And the way you reach vote level? Because I don’t. So I don’t from the President or, more accurately agreement is to get offers back and see a counteroffer there. I don’t see a at this point in time, in terms of the forth. We think we have an offer on the position that the Senate or the gentle- timing from the Senate, which got us table and we’d like to hear your man’s side of the aisle has taken. I to $51 billion in cuts, which, although counteroffer. don’t see the President having come the gentleman would like to say it’s I yield to my friend. down at a level that is acceptable at all between zero and $60 billion, the gen- Mr. CANTOR. First of all, the prob- because he hasn’t come down to a level. tleman in his Pledge to America said lem is that the $10 billion off of current This is the problem, Mr. Speaker. We he was going to cut $100 billion. The spending, that that is the largest cut have made our position known. The reason he got to $100 billion was he that has ever been proposed since the House wants to cut 60 some billion dol- counted the $41 billion cut from the gentleman has been in Congress, that’s lars off of the 2010 levels or $100 billion President’s initial offer of 2011 spend- the problem. That’s the problem. off of the 2011 proposals. We don’t want ing. Mr. HOYER. Reclaiming my time, I the status quo. We want to continue to What has happened, since the gen- did not say it was the largest cut that cut spending. We can’t come to any tleman and his party made that offer, had ever been proposed in Congress. I agreement when the other side doesn’t Mr. Speaker, is that, in fact, $41 billion said it is the largest cut from one year come forward with any offer, and that’s of that $100 billion was accepted in the to the other, from the previous year’s why we have been forced into this situ- CR that was passed which expired 2 spending. And it is $13.6 billion, I be- ation where we are once again pro- weeks ago. lieve. Seventeen billion. My staffer, posing a stopgap measure so that we who’s brilliant, much more brilliant can see the government operate, so it b 1250 than I am, reminds me that I am—— doesn’t shut down, in the name of try- Since that time, we’ve put from the Mr. CANTOR. I’m told the gentleman ing to do more with less. Senate’s perspective an additional $10 has a lot of those. Mr. HOYER. I thank my friend. billion on the table to get us to $51 bil- Mr. HOYER. Right. Both of us do. Let me make a point here, Mr. lion. The way I calculate it, that is Mr. CANTOR. Yes. Speaker. As I understand it, the gen- more than halfway from the gentle- Mr. HOYER. I want to clarify so the tleman continues to take the position man’s offer, not of $60 billion in his public understands as well when they until we get to 100, there is no credible Pledge to America but $100 billion. And hear us, what we’re talking about cut- counteroffer. Two billion a week. The gentleman served with a very the way he got to $100 billion is the $41 ting from is 14 percent of the budget, conservative Member, also a great billion that we already cut in the first the discretionary, non-defense, non-se- Member of this Congress, a guy named CR, the additional $10 billion is now $51 curity, part of the budget. So let me Joe Scarborough. Most of America billion. I say to the gentleman, we’ve focus on that. And when I speak of the knows Joe Scarborough. Let me give a come halfway, a little more than half- cut, and it is $17 billion in non-secu- quote from Joe Scarborough: way. And we are now asking the gen- rity, that from year to year, since I’ve ‘‘There are elements of the GOP tleman, is he going to have a been here since 1981, is the largest sin- spending plan that cause me great con- counteroffer for us that we can con- gle cut in non-defense, non-security cern. The belief of some on the right sider from our offer of $51 billion which discretionary spending from one year that America can balance the budget we believe is more than halfway? to the other. Yes, it is. And that’s in a by cutting education, infrastructure, I will tell you further, Mr. Leader, very small 14 percent slice of the budg- the Corporation for Public Broad- that it is my staff’s belief, and I could et. Frankly, the discussions we have casting, and home heating assistance be corrected on this, that the offer that had to date ignore the other 81, 82, 83 for the poor is tantamount to budg- is on the table represents the single percent of the budget. Obviously inter- etary witchcraft.’’ largest cut from one year to the next est rates are not subject to being re- That’s not a Democrat. That’s Joe since I have been in the Congress of the duced. We need to pay our debt. Scarborough, conservative Member United States, which is largely under So I just want to clarify, A, that I am from northern Florida, with whom I Republican Presidents. speaking of the discretionary part of served. Now a lot of people see him on We obviously are prepared to agree the budget, non-defense, non-security; Morning Joe every day. The fact of the and have agreed on very substantial re- and, yes, from year to year it is in fact matter is that’s what he said. Now straints in spending, cutting spending, what’s sitting on the table as an offer we’re looking for a counteroffer, be- trying to get a handle on this deficit. to you the largest cut we’ve had in cause we don’t agree with some of H.R. As you know, I’m concerned about the non-defense, non-security discretionary 1, as you well know. As a matter of fact that in the rule we adopted on the spending in the last 30 years. fact, every conservative Democrat, first day of the session that you pro- Mr. CANTOR. I would say to the gen- every liberal Democrat and everybody vided for $4.7 trillion in additional tax tleman, Mr. Speaker, that’s exactly the in between voted ‘‘no’’ on H.R. 1, as did expenditures, if you will, tax cuts, cut- problem still. Because, as the gen- three of your Republicans over there ting of revenue, that is projected cur- tleman alludes, we have over a trillion and SUSAN COLLINS, who voted for it, rently by CBO which will lead to $4.7 and a half dollar deficit this year said she didn’t like the elements in it. trillion of additional spending, while alone. I understand the gentleman’s So what I am saying to my friend, you have proposed a trillion dollars of point about there being just a smaller very sincerely, is, he can preach all he cuts, leaving a net appreciation of the piece of the budget from which these wants about we need to cut spending. deficit of $3.7 trillion, increased deficit cuts are being taken. But the bottom We agree with that. And the issue is that is in fact planned for under your line is, that’s the problem. We’ve got to where you cut it from. What impact rule. work harder to cut more so that pri- does it have? Does it sustain the econ- All I am asking for now is, do you vate sector jobs can be created. omy or does it deflate the economy? have and will you have a counteroffer I would say to the gentleman two Does it create jobs or does it lose jobs? to our $51 billion offer so that we can things: One, I look forward to his sup- Does it help people who need help or then try to move on and reach com- port, then, of the budget that we bring does it abandon people who need help? promise? If it is simply, no, we want forward, because we are, as the gen- That’s the issue. $100 billion or nothing, then we’ll have tleman knows, going to be dealing with And what I am saying to my friend to make a decision, as I have told the how to reform the entitlement pro- with all due respect is, we have made

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:18 Mar 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MR7.061 H11MRPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with HOUSE H1754 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 11, 2011 an offer. The gentleman wants to talk where the Senate can’t get 60 votes— sticking to your number, and just about the President. Article I of the that we’re not going to go anywhere pointing fingers at one another saying Constitution says we need to do this. from the offer that he’s made to pass ‘‘the Senate can’t get 60 votes for any- This is our responsibility. The people something that can, in fact, garner 60 thing we propose’’ will not serve our elected us to do it. And the people votes in the Senate. country or our people. elected us to reach agreement. I regret that the Senate, frankly, I yield back the balance of my time. And how do you reach agreement? didn’t get 60 votes for our offer. And he f This is what I want. This is what you is correct that he got a few more votes ADJOURNMENT TO MONDAY, want. We have come up. We have for H.R. 1 than was gotten for the Sen- MARCH 14, 2011 moved; pretty substantially. We think ate majority leader’s counteroffer. But it was appropriate to move. Now we are the fact of the matter is this is really Mr. CANTOR. Mr. Speaker, I ask asking you, are you prepared to move an issue between the Republicans and unanimous consent that when the from the position you have taken con- the Democrats. House adjourns today, it adjourn to sistently at your figure, which a lot of Senator MCCONNELL has said, as I meet on Monday next, when it shall your folks think has problems in its know the majority leader says, we’ll convene at noon for morning-hour de- constituent parts? pass what the House passes. That’s bate and 2 p.m. for legislative business. what he said. Now, if that’s the case, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there b 1300 then we need to pass something that objection to the request of the gen- I’m asking you, and I can’t get an an- can garner 60 votes over there. We tleman from Virginia? swer, and you apparently are not going know that H.R. 1 couldn’t get 60 votes. There was no objection. to make a counteroffer as to, okay, we We know that Senator REID’s proposal f took 100, we passed it, couldn’t pass the couldn’t get 60 votes. Senate, you offered something in re- And if we’re going to move this gov- RECOGNIZING THE CONTRIBU- turn. And what I mean by ‘‘you,’’ the ernment forward and not fund it on 2- TIONS OF DR. MICHAEL ALESSANDRI Senate didn’t pass it. The gentleman is week cycles—and Senator MCCAIN has absolutely correct. But we Democrats said that funding the Defense Depart- (Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN asked and was have made the offer here and there of ment on 2-week or 3-week cycles is un- given permission to address the House the $51 billion. The President has indi- dermining our national security. So for 1 minute and to revise and extend cated he could sign that. He said that there is no disagreement that doing her remarks.) publicly. things 2 weeks at a time does not make Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, I Now, that’s our offer sitting on the sense. And if the gentleman’s view is rise today to recognize a great indi- table. My suspicion is you’ve rejected simply you will not make some offer vidual of my south Florida community, that offer. And if you have rejected it, that we think—and we can have a dis- Dr. Michael Alessandri, for his work what is your counteroffer? That is my cussion about trying to come to agree- with children and young adults who question. ment on that—that we can get 60 votes have been diagnosed with autism. Dr. I yield to the gentleman. for in the Senate and we’re going to Alessandri, a professor of psychology Mr. CANTOR. I thank the gentleman fund it on 2-week cycles, I say to my at my alma mater, the University of again. friend, that’s going to be damaging to Miami, will be honored at the Kesher Not to belabor the point, but I did the economy, create great uncertainty, Annual Scholarship Journal Dinner to say, Mr. Speaker, that there were not and undermine our national security. celebrate his commitment to this 60 votes in the Senate for the offer he And I would hope that the gentleman amazing organization. speaks of. In fact, there were more would see fit to determine where we Kesher, an organization that provides votes for the $60 billion off of the cur- can meet somewhere in the middle. an academic and Jewish education to rent funding levels that is our plan. So We think we’ve come 51 percent of children with special needs, was formed there is really no offer on the table the way towards your hundred. To- in 1995 with two classrooms and 20 stu- that is valid because it can’t pass the wards your hundred. You keep talking dents. Today, with the help of Dr. Senate. about 60. That was not your pledge. Alessandri, the organization is shaping What is the Democratic Senate’s Your pledge was 100. And the way you the lives of over 80 children and young offer on the table? The gentleman got to 100 was to count the 41. We’ve adults with autism through their per- rightfully says it is up to us in Con- done that. We’ve done another 10. So sonalized student curriculum. Dr. gress. The people elect us to try and we’ve come, we think, 51 percent of the Allesandri’s dedication to helping chil- come together and agree upon a spend- way. You don’t count it that way, and dren and young adults with autism ob- ing plan. What is the offer? There is no we understand that. But whatever way tain an education has been funda- offer that could pass in the Senate. We we come, we need to move on. mental to the success of Kesher. passed the House version. We know You won the majority. God bless you. Once again, I would like to congratu- where the House stands. So I’m just I’m sorry about that, but I live with it, late Dr. Alessandri and all of the staff, having difficulty in understanding and there it is. You have the majority. faculty, and parents and the students where the offer is. And with the majority, you have the of Kesher, and hope others follow his Again, Mr. Speaker, I think the gen- responsibility to see if we can move lead in making our community a better tleman has made his points. He is frus- this country forward. That’s what place in which to live. trated because he sees there is no Newt Gingrich said. And you can’t be f movement because the Senate has been the perfectionist caucus, as he referred unable to get an offer on the table that to, of sticking just at a number that LEASE EXTENSION AND SECURE can garner 60 votes. So the gentleman doesn’t have the votes in the United ENERGY ACT OF 2011 wants us to negotiate with ourselves. States Senate. (Mr. FLORES asked and was given No. We want to cut spending and keep And if we’re going to be on this 2- permission to address the House for 1 the government open. That’s why we’re week cycle, I will tell my friend, you minute and to revise and extend his re- in the position we are, to do another may keep passing these 2 weeks at a marks.) stopgap measure so that we can hope- time. None of us want to shut down Mr. FLORES. Mr. Speaker, unem- fully iron out some differences, cooper- government. But I will tell you that ployment is still at nearly 9 percent, $4 ate in trying to keep the government while I and my colleagues, some of my gasoline is on the way, and the Obama open, and cut spending so that people colleagues, may vote to do this one administration still doesn’t get it. in the private sector get back to work. more time, for me, it’s the last time. They’ve locked up our domestic energy Mr. HOYER. I thank the gentleman. We need to have a plan to fund this resources through the recently issued As I understand what the gentleman government for the balance of the fis- Wild Lands order, which had no con- is saying, if the Senate can’t get 60 cal year to September 30. It is irrespon- gressional authority, and they con- votes—which, of course, we have seen sible for us not to have that. And just tinue to pursue regulatory drilling the gridlock for a long period of time each of us sticking to our number, you moratoria.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:18 Mar 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MR7.063 H11MRPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with HOUSE March 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1755 Every developed country in the world what has been going on recently. We one area where the Federal Govern- looks to their own resources to fuel heard a little colloquy just a moment ment actually comes to the aid of the their economies. We have access to re- ago with the majority leader and the local school districts with special ed sources that dwarf the Strategic Petro- minority leader talking about what is and IDEA moneys that they need to ac- leum Reserve, and we can finally put going on in H.R. 1 and some of the cat- tually make sure that they can deliver our country on a path to energy inde- astrophic cuts that are being proposed those high-cost special needs programs pendence. The United States has vast by our colleagues on the other side of to students. We are actually cutting energy resources on our public lands the aisle. I spoke earlier during the de- them: $700 million from the two big for- and off our coasts that belong to the bate on H.R. 1, and found from commu- mula programs we have here. It is a 4 taxpayers. nications that the people back in my percent cut to title 1 programming This is why I’ve introduced the Lease district in Oregon are taking it seri- when our local districts need it the Extension and Secure Energy Act of ously. They are worried that we will do most. 2011. This bill would extend offshore the devastating $60 billion worth of Head Start, a proven, performance- leases impacted by the Obama adminis- cuts within a short, 1-year time frame based program to get our kids off to a tration’s drilling moratorium for an that has been universally panned, actu- great start and a great education so additional 12 months. This legislation ally, by experts across the country. they don’t need the remediation that would return time lost during the drill- My colleagues and I on the Demo- we have to do later on in high school ing moratorium, adding certainty so cratic side have offered alternatives and college. They are cutting Head domestic producers can continue explo- that I think are a little more reason- Start 20 percent, so 200,000 children ration without a looming lease expira- able. We realize, as the gentleman from would be kicked out of the Head Start tion. Maryland talked about, we need to program. I don’t think that’s the way We need the stability that comes make some reductions, but we should you become a world leader. I don’t from an all-of-the-above energy ap- make them in a serious way, some- think that is going to help our STEM proach. We need a commonsense energy thing that will accomplish our goals. I programs do the research and innova- policy that brings stability to the mar- think scaring Americans needlessly is tion we need. Pell Grants. Pell Grants, a commit- ketplace, creates good paying Amer- inappropriate. The cuts they are talking about are ment we made to American students, I ican jobs, grows our economy, reduces think it is really important. Back our dependence on foreign oil, and not going to happen. The Food and Drug Administration, we just passed a home in Oregon, I worked very, very raises trillions of dollars to help pay hard on a scholarship program that ac- off our growing $14 trillion national food safety bill in the last Congress, and they want to cut $240 million below tually, with our Federal aid, our State debt. We owe this to our children and the 2010 level, much less implement the aid, scholarship programs, parental in- to our grandchildren. Food and Drug Safety Administration volvement, and student working at a f work that we have asked them to do. minimum wage job during the summer IN HONOR OF ANN’S CHOICE USDA would be furloughing inspectors. full time and during the school year part-time, the student could actually (Mr. FITZPATRICK asked and was Our meat safety programs would not be graduate from college with an under- given permission to address the House safe. We would not be able to have the graduate degree and no more than for 1 minute.) processing plants inspected on a reg- Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, ular basis going forward. $13,000 or $14,000 in debt. When we take this past week, I had the privilege of The ability for some of our small, our share of the bargain away by cut- addressing about 700 residents back rural communities to have safe drink- ting the Pell Grant program from our promised level of $5,500 down to $4,700, home in my district, the residents of ing water hinges on the wastewater and that can make the difference between the Ann’s Choice retirement commu- drinking programs that we have, the young men and women actually being nity in Warminster Township, Bucks revolving loan funds that we have here able to afford that college education so County, and to thank those residents in Congress. Reducing the programs as they can compete with the best and and senior citizens for collectively put- much as Republicans want would cause brightest around the world. ting together over 55,000 hours of com- serious, serious problems. It would also eliminate 54,000 engineering, construc- Job training. It is unbelievable to me munity service, really outstanding tion, and support jobs as a result of that in H.R. 1, our Republican col- community service, back home in this. We need to be adding jobs, not leagues are cutting job training em- Bucks County. ployment services; more than $4 billion Some of the many activities that ac- subtracting jobs at this point in time. We also have State and local grants. in cuts to job training programs. This counted for a tremendous amount of We have States back home, and our is unconscionable, folks. This is ex- hours included tutoring and reading to local communities are starving right actly the time when we need to get elementary school children, providing now. A lot of the budgets are out of these dislocated workers back into the wheelchair escorts, sorting and pack- whack. The worst thing we can be workforce. The Trade Adjustment Act aging clothing for the needy, creating doing is cutting our State grant pro- cuts are unconscionable. We need to blankets for ill children, and providing grams which fund the education, public make sure that there is an opportunity comfort to those in need. safety, and health care needs of our for these folks to retrain, get back in Mr. Speaker, communities are built local communities. We should actually the workforce, pay taxes, and help get on service to others. Through this serv- be empowering and helping them the economy back on track. Cutting ice, the community of Ann’s Choice is, through these tough budget times, and these programs just doesn’t make any in fact, strong and vibrant. The count- only the Federal Government has that sense. less lives they have touched have made ability. They are even cutting Social Secu- Bucks County a stronger and better The firefighter grants are being cut. rity, folks. Pretty amazing. They cut place to live, and for that I salute COPS grants are being cut. Our public the operational budget from $125 mil- them. safety is at serious risk here. I can’t lion below the 2010 level, and $1 billion f believe this is being proposed in any se- dollars below the President’s requested b 1310 rious manner whatsoever. I have to as- level for 2011. They apparently don’t sume it is all part of the political the- think that we need technology to im- CATASTROPHIC CUTS ater and part of the campaign still. It prove Social Security’s ability to work The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. is time to get off the campaign trail with seniors and make sure that they JOHNSON of Ohio). Under the Speaker’s and quit the political circus and get get the services they need, to cut down announced policy of January 5, 2011, back to actually worrying about seri- on mistakes and to cut down on the the gentleman from Oregon (Mr. ous reductions we have to make to put fraud and abuse in the benefit pro- SCHRADER) is recognized for 60 minutes our country back in balance, and that grams for our deserving Social Secu- as the designee of the minority leader. means going to other programs. rity recipients. They don’t care. They Mr. SCHRADER. Mr. Speaker, I They are also wanting to cut title 1 really don’t care. It is pretty amazing would like to talk a little bit about grants to school districts. This is the the range and scope of these cuts.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:18 Mar 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MR7.065 H11MRPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with HOUSE H1756 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 11, 2011 We have listened to Ben Bernanke in ognized. Again, the demagoguery, I these would be put in place, would have the Budget Committee say that the Re- just don’t think has any place. to have 21 days of furloughs for all of publican plan would result in hundreds b 1320 its employees. There will be $110 mil- of thousands of jobs lost in this coun- lion in cuts to the National Weather try. Mark Zandi, MCCAIN’s economist, Right now, I point to a project that’s Service and a big cut to State disaster he puts a number on it of 700,000 jobs going on along the central coast of the preparedness grants. lost. Goldman Sachs, not exactly a par- great State of Oregon, which is moving So, right now, our Emergency Oper- agon of liberal virtue, said it would the NOAA fleet, the Pacific NOAA ations Centers in Oregon, in California, really hit our GDP, maybe 2 percent. fleet, down into a small community in Hawaii are in full swing. The reason We need jobs, we need jobs, we need that has been devastated for years, not that they’re able to be in touch with jobs. We have to be smart how we go just by this recent recession, but by people in scattered coastal commu- about this. Right now we need surgical over 20 years of strife. Fishing has been nities and in relatively difficult areas cuts, not the meat ax approach that is cut back. Fishing grounds have been to access, which could be cut off if the being proposed by my colleagues on the cut back. Timber has been cut back. waves are bad enough, is because of the other side of the aisle. You can’t cut any trees anymore in our Federal assistance that we have given I offered a proposal during the debate State. They’ve been hurting for a long to them to set up these centers. Under that would have cut our budget by time. The recession has added to it. the Republicans’ budget, we would cut about $22 billion. It is kind of a nice in- They’ve tried to go into the tourism $206 million from State Emergency Op- termediate approach as I see it from business, and that has been hit, obvi- erations Centers. where the Senate is and where our col- ously, with what has gone on in this re- Now, where are the States going to leagues started. It also looks at the de- cession. get the money in this bad climate? I fense budget. I am a huge supporter of As a result of that, we actually have guess those places won’t be tended to our warriors overseas and in this coun- a very exciting opportunity for the Pa- either. try. They do great things, whether it is cific NOAA fleet to come down and re- So we won’t know the tidal waves are a local disaster or a serious problem generate that economy, providing coming because they’ll have laid off abroad. But we have to look at the con- thousands of new jobs, with hundreds the people at NOAA. We won’t know tracting and the weapons procurement immediately related to the NOAA the tornadoes are happening. Even if programs. Secretary Gates has been project, itself. For all the parts, all the we did happen to stumble over that very, very clear that there is lots of remediation, all the opportunities to fact despite these cuts, we won’t have room, lots and lots of room for im- partner in the community, there the Emergency Operations Centers to provement there. should be some great opportunities, I coordinate in order to evacuate people I think we need to work on a bipar- think, for the central Oregon coast. and to rescue and to coordinate med- tisan approach. Enough of the political This would all be put in jeopardy be- ical services. theater, frankly, on both sides. It is cause the Commerce budget and the Mr. DICKS. Will the gentleman yield time to sit down and look at the indi- NOAA budget are cut. to me on that same point? vidual programs and services that are Mr. DEFAZIO. Would the gentleman Mr. SCHRADER. Absolutely. most in need for this country right yield at this point? Mr. DICKS. Being from Washington now. And until we are willing to sit Mr. SCHRADER. I yield to the gen- State, I am as concerned as the gen- down and do that, we are going to con- tleman from Oregon. tleman is about the west coast. We tinue to do these 2- or 3-week con- Mr. DEFAZIO. I thank the gentleman have a number of Indian tribes that are tinuing resolutions that make a mock- for yielding since he has just made a right down at the coastal waters, and ery out of the greatest country in the good litany of ill-intentioned potential several of them are trying to move world, funding the Federal Government cuts by the Republicans. back because of a tsunami. This is a of the United States of America 2 You just mentioned NOAA. I’d like to great wake-up call. weeks at a time. I think there is noth- point out that, as we’re speaking, we’re One of the things I’m worried about ing that makes us look more foolish in waiting for the third tidal wave to hit are the satellites. We have new sat- the world’s eyes and in our own con- the Oregon coast. They’re about an ellites that we’re supposed to be pro- stituents’ eyes and to the folks at hour apart. We should be hit again in curing. This program is in some trou- home. It is time for us to really move about 10 minutes. ble, and I’m worried that these cuts are forward. Now, the reason we know where these going to affect the ability of NOAA to There has been a lot of bashing of our waves are, what their amplitude is, get these satellites in a proper time. public sector employees across the Na- what the potential for damage is, the They give us the warning on major tion. A public sector job is apparently reason we were able to evacuate those weather fronts. This is another impor- a bad thing. Well, I am here to tell you communities last night, and the reason tant aspect of this. FEMA is another in my corner of the universe in Oregon, we’re online right now with our State problem. the public sector employer is often- emergency services people is because of I just want to rise to congratulate times the biggest employer, and some- the warning buoys we have and because the two gentlemen from Oregon for times the only employer of any real of the great work of the National Oce- bringing this to the floor as we watch size in some of these communities. The anic Atmospheric Association and the to see how these tsunamis hit the west school districts, the school districts in National Weather Service. coast of the United States. I mean, rural Oregon are oftentimes the big The Republicans have proposed to some of the weather forecasters have employer. These are good jobs. These decimate those programs in H.R. 1. So, said that this could be a very serious are people, teachers who are giving of in the Republican world, when every- problem, but we hope it isn’t. I just their time. And, frankly, my wife is a body at NOAA is furloughed for 21 wanted to associate myself with the re- teacher, she is working overtime, after days, if there happens to be an earth- marks that have been made here and hours, putting their own dollars some- quake in Japan and if you live on the stress how important the NOAA budget times into the kitty to make sure our Pacific Coast or if there are some tor- is and the importance of getting these kids get a great education. The dema- nadoes in the Midwest, tough luck, satellites replaced in a timely way. goguery that goes on of the public sec- sorry. We had to furlough those em- Mr. DEFAZIO. If the gentleman tor is, I think, unfortunate and out of ployees who would have warned you to would just yield again. place here. go to your tornado shelter. We had to Mr. SCHRADER. Indeed. The hospitals in rural parts of our furlough those employees who would Mr. DEFAZIO. This all seemed to country are oftentimes the biggest em- have warned you to evacuate the low- have started with our former colleague, ployer. Oftentimes they are public hos- lying areas on the Oregon-California Bobby Jindal, now the Governor of pitals; they are not private operations. Coast and in Hawaii. But, no, they have Louisiana, when last year or the year Not-for-profit hospitals, there are a targeted massive cuts in the NOAA before last he made fun of money that bunch of them in Oregon, and they are budget—$450 million. It’s estimated was being appropriated for volcano huge employers. That has got to be rec- that NOAA, because of the time of year monitoring. I’ll tell you, actually, that

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:18 Mar 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MR7.067 H11MRPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with HOUSE March 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1757 I live in a region that has a number of well-trained personnel to respond when So these kinds of slogans and the dormant volcanoes—not extinct, but these emergencies occur. kind of meat-ax approach to the kinds dormant—and it is crucial. In fact, when this tragedy occurred of cuts we’re looking at in H.R. 1 are Three Sisters has got a bulge on it. in Japan, they dedicated Federal em- devastating, and especially now when We’re watching that all the time. ployees at the National Weather Serv- we are once again confronted with a There is the potential for a big lahar ice at a specific tsunami warning cen- huge, huge natural disaster in Japan that could wipe out some communities ter, and they were there to provide ad- that can have ramifications particu- and people downstream. Certainly, up vance warning to the people of our is- larly on Hawaii and the west coast. in the Seattle area, there are concerns lands. This early warning allowed the It, again, shows the foolishness of about Mt. Rainier. We have Mt. Hood Coast Guard, Hawaii State Civil De- these kinds of massive cuts that really and others. fense, and the other State and county disable our ability to deal with these So all of these attacks on emergency officials to put into motion the State’s disasters. services seem to come with all of the emergency warning response plans. Mr. SCHRADER. I appreciate the juice that Bobby Jindal got out of This whole thing began to unfold in gentlelady’s comments. We have some criticizing volcano monitoring. Well, I Hawaii in the very early morning breaking news from southern Oregon. think it’s pretty darned important to hours. I’m just grateful that all of our Mr. DEFAZIO. Yes, exactly. I just got monitor volcanoes, too. first responders had everything they an email—and I’ve got to go take a Mr. DICKS. We’ve had a volcano. needed in order to be able to take the phone call in the Cloak Room—but Mount St. Helens erupted and it was appropriate action. They had to decide they just announced that some heavy enormous. I had been told again and whether or not schools would be open waves have come into the harbor at again when I was chairman of Interior and whether public buildings were Coos Bay. This would be the third pe- that California has a very complex sys- going to remain open. In fact, they did riod of waves. They say the fourth or tem of detection. The rest of the coun- evacuate people in the low-lying areas the fifth might be the worst. The port try doesn’t. Washington and Oregon do just to make sure that the safety of tells me the docks are breaking apart. not have the same level of early warn- our people and of our visitors would be Luckily—since we had ample warning ing equipment. So I think this is an- protected. because we still do have NOAA and we other thing that we’ve got to work on. So, right now, the reports are encour- still do have buoys before these Repub- Again, these cuts are going to make aging in Hawaii. There has been some lican cuts go into effect—there were no it more difficult for us to get the equip- flooding on several islands, but the people on the docks. At this point ment that we need to predict and to de- level of damage, however, thankfully, we’re not aware that anyone has been tect when these things are occurring. I is not severe. There have been no re- injured. But this is a serious and devel- worry about Mt. Rainier. Mt. Rainier ports of injuries or fatalities, but as I oping situation. And I would expect the could have the lahar, and we’ve been mentioned, the ‘‘all clear’’ sign is not gentleman’s district just north of mine told by USGS that Washington State there yet. is probably having a similar experience could have a 9. This was 8–9, and look in Newport or other areas. b 1330 at the enormous damage that was done Mr. SCHRADER. Well, we’re on the there. I mean, we could have another So the kind of cuts to FEMA, we phone right now trying to make sure major event in the future. I hope it mentioned already the National Oce- that the folks are safe. I do know that doesn’t happen, but it does happen anic and Atmospheric Administration, schools have been evacuated, and the every 300 or 400 years. would have seen its budget cut by $454.3 lower elevations that are very flood Mr. SCHRADER. It may even be million, including our $126 million cut prone, they’ve taken precautions. sooner than that. to the National Weather Service. So Thank goodness, thanks to the com- I mean, you can’t help but note the there goes advance warning. ments I’ve heard from the gentlelady devastation wrought by the earthquake The cuts would not have spared the from Hawaii and the Congressman from in New Zealand just very recently and Federal Emergency Management Agen- Washington as well as my colleague now here in Japan. This is the Pacific cy, FEMA, either. And according to the from Oregon, we have some of these Rim, the volatile Pacific Rim. So I Transportation and Infrastructure programs in place that can actually think there are a great deal of prob- Committee’s analysis, cuts to FEMA save lives and make sure that the eco- lems that we’ve got to be careful of. and the Coast Guard would have to- nomic infrastructure hopefully in the The good Congresswoman from Ha- taled $441 million. This includes a $105 future is not at risk. waii is feeling the brunt of it right million cut to the Coast Guard’s acqui- Just this morning I had a visit from now. I yield to the gentlewoman. sition, construction and improvement Mark Apple with Oregon State Univer- Ms. HIRONO. Thank you very much. accounts, money for ships and equip- sity talking about a program that’s in I thank the two gentlemen from Or- ment to deal with emergencies; a $50 danger because of these cuts, because egon for bringing this matter to our at- million cut to FEMA’s Interoperable of the cuts to the National Science tention. Emergency Communication Grants Foundation programs, along with NIH I think we make a very serious mis- program, money that helps our first re- and anything else that’s got research take when, in a fervor to cut budgets sponders get the equipment to commu- that the Republicans are trying to cut and to do it in a meat-ax way, we cut nicate with each other. away. the very programs that we’re going to This was a huge problem when 9/11 They’ve got a great project. They’ve need to rely upon in times like this, occurred, where our first responders hired 25 people already. They’re put- meaning in the times of the kind of could not keep track of what was going ting buoys on the floor of the ocean devastation that has hit Japan. Of on, couldn’t talk to each other. So a and sensing devices to actually have course, Hawaii is the first U.S. State to $35 million cut to FEMA’s predisaster real-time monitoring of ocean condi- be hit with the tidal wave that fol- mitigation grants, hurting our commu- tions so we can actually anticipate lowed that disaster, and it’s still play- nities’ ability to implement necessary what’s going to be happening long be- ing out. We still haven’t done the ‘‘all prevention measures against threats. fore it actually hits our coast. We can clear’’ sign in Hawaii, by the way. So we’ve heard all the time about we also plan—plan our fisheries, plan what With the kinds of cuts that we are should learn to do more with less. Well, we need to do with ocean acidification contemplating in H.R. 1, FEMA is in our Transportation and Infrastruc- that’s devastating the oysters up and going to have a major impact. I also ture Committee hearing where we had down the Pacific coast and actually in want to say, before I go further, that the people from the Coast Guard come other parts of the world right now. our hearts go out to the people of to testify, these kinds of cuts mean The leading research is being done in Japan, and we stand ready to assist that they really are facing doing less my district on oyster larva and trying them in any way. I think that it is so with less. And we also hear about how to make sure that ocean acidification important at a time like this that we families understand the need to cut. does not cause a problem. That stuff is have the resources to employ the best Well, when families cut, they do less in danger right now. I don’t think some technology, cutting-edge equipment, with less. of my colleagues on the other side of

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:18 Mar 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MR7.069 H11MRPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with HOUSE H1758 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 11, 2011 the aisle understand how important was, somewhere between 1 million and ture, and that’s not going to cut it, col- this stuff is. So we’re going to have to 10 million. I mean, that’s a big range, leagues. That’s just not going to get be watching very, very carefully, I folks; that’s a big range. the job done. think, going forward and make sure The Department of Defense has no We’ve got to be thinking about mak- that there are not these bludgeoning clue as to how and what they’re doing. ing the strategic investments so our deep cuts that are not really smart. Where is that money being spent? We businesses can be competitive world- Where is the discussion about the du- cannot afford rampant, undisciplined— wide around the globe. plicative programs? We just had a unauditable has been the term used— Right now, there’s a new enterprise great GOP report. I’ve heard a lot of spending in the Department of Defense. in my home State of Oregon on the posturing on the other side. Where is They’re supposed to report their budg- coast that’s currently under siege it? It’s not included in H.R. 1. I mean, et annually, come in with a coherent through the natural disasters where look at this. In Afghanistan and Iraq budget. It has been determined that it they’re actually trying to export Dun- we’ve got USAID programs and Depart- is unauditable, folks. I mean, we talk geness crab—the best crab in the world, ment of Defense rebuilding the coun- about the domestic side—and, yes, with no disrespect to my colleagues try. There’s not even a centralized data there are certain things we can do, as from Maryland. But the best crab in system that tracks U.S. funds used. I I’m talking about here, to improve the the world comes from the Pacific mean, that’s crazy. Why aren’t we programs, but it’s also on the defense coast, the north coast, if you will, Dun- looking at that? Why isn’t that part of side that we’ve got to get our act to- geness crab. what we’re working on? gether. Our domestic food assistance pro- Let’s talk about economic develop- They’re now able to export live crab grams. There are 18 different programs. ment. I mean, we want to make sure to China. But the hurdles to go through I want to see something in a budget we’re getting the biggest bang for the to get there are almost insurmount- resolution or a proposal going forward buck here. We have 80 different eco- able. That was started back in 2003. that talks about streamlining some of nomic development programs spread They tried to get a program going. And this stuff, that the data collection, the through Commerce, HUD, USDA, Small because of the difficulties in trans- administration of these programs you Business Administration. I mean, it’s porting and some of the bureaucratic can save millions and millions—per- all good that we’re doing that, but let’s redtape to go through that, it didn’t haps billions of dollars. And here is a have some centralized opportunities. work. quote: ‘‘Little is known of the effec- Let’s leverage the resources. They have now come up with a much tiveness of some of these programs be- In my home State of Oregon when I more viable program for a whole new cause they have not been well studied.’’ was budget chair, we would see the industry to really export to China. In- Job training. I talked about job Federal Government’s money come in. stead of China exporting here and hurt- training. They’re taking a meat ax to It was all different programs tied with ing our jobs, we’re creating jobs in the it. There are 47 programs in job train- all these little strings. It made it very Pacific Northwest and exporting high- ing. Let’s get those organized so we can difficult for my local agencies and my quality products to China. We need leverage the limited dollars we’re local communities to use the money. more of that sort of innovation going going to be able to put forward in these Very, very inflexible. And that’s got to forward. That’s the type of investment tough economic times. end. We’ve got to break down these in infrastructure. Same thing for transportation for the silos, allow people to work across the We shouldn’t have to ship it to Van- disadvantaged, 80 different programs; spectrum so that we can get the big- couver, B.C., to get it over there on a laudable, but let’s get together on this. gest bang for the buck. direct flight. We should be able to have Again, there doesn’t need to be 80 dif- I would also point out that in our a direct flight from Portland, Oregon, ferent programs. Where are my col- surface transportation programs we to make that actually happen. leagues’ concrete proposals? They’re in work really hard trying to keep Amer- So I think we’re missing the boat charge; they’re the majority party. ica competitive. In H.R. 1, there are here in terms of what we’re trying to Where are their concrete proposals to huge cuts to the transportation budget. effect and the issues I think that we’re improve this, for goodness sakes? If we’re going to be competitive going dealing with in this H.R. 1. We’re try- Military health, veteran services. forward like we were after World War ing to hit only domestic programs, pro- We’ve got to do right by our men and II when Eisenhower, a Republican grams that our kids depend on. Penal- women who have served this country President, and Congress put together a izing the kids of the future. through times good and times bad. Our secure highway fund, realizing that our Oftentimes, I hear my colleagues responsibilities are distributed so far security depended on having interstate widely we can’t even get critical pro- across the aisle talking about we’ve highways that were connected, you got to worry about our kids and our curement centralized opportunities could travel at a reasonable rate, we that would save billions of dollars, bil- grandkids. I see the photos brought to need to be thinking along those same the floor. Well, let’s worry about our lions and billions of dollars. lines now. We also have a situation where the kids and grandkids and support the If they were worried about the cost of education programs I talked about ear- Department of Defense now, if they that program and not the security of conveniently need some money, rather lier. Let’s support the early health care this country or the economic benefits, prevention programs that were in the than go through appropriate channels, it would never have gotten off the they have urgent needs processes for health care bill last Congress, make ground. I mean, this is a capital pro- sure our kids don’t suffer from the developing, modifying and fielding new gram. And, again, my colleagues across military capabilities. Well, that’s being same problems that are debilitating the aisle don’t seem to understand the obese Americans right now. abused, folks. GAO found eight entities difference between an operational I mean, we know that prevention is that respond to them, five for counter- budget and a capital budget. IED technologies, and they have no important. We must be funding preven- way of tracking the system for this b 1340 tion. We need the innovation to come program, no way of tracking metrics We need to be making infrastructure up with the programs to make sure for this program. Must be nice to be investments right now. that our chronic diseases are under able to spend the taxpayers’ money There is an opportunity for America, control. The health care cuts in H.R. 1 with no accountability. probably a narrow window—I’d say the are unbelievable. I know it’s politically I was at a dinner the other night next 10 years—for us to be competitive their big mantra to roll back or repeal working on some budget issues, and it going forward with the rest of the health care reform, but folks, that is came out that when the Department of world. Right now, the developing na- the wrong way to go right now. Our Defense was asked about contracting— tions that are pretty developed, like health care system is broken. We des- how many civilian folks do you have China, India, they’re developing 21st perately need some help. under contract, how many people are century infrastructure. We’re still I welcome my colleague from the you contracting with—their answer dealing with a 20th century infrastruc- north coast of Oregon.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:18 Mar 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MR7.070 H11MRPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with HOUSE March 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1759 Mr. WU. I thank the gentleman, my ice by helping to support education, Over half of people in the United States re- friend, and the adjoining Representa- educating not just our young people side in coastal areas, and billions of dollars of tive on my southern border and my col- but all citizens about earthquakes and commercial and recreational activity depend league from the State of Oregon. especially tsunami. on healthy oceans and coasts. We rise together, and I rise today to It is these people just out of college The efficiency of tsunami response efforts recognize the tremendous tragedy that who are funded with fellowships, and this morning in Oregon, Hawaii, and else- has struck Japan early this morning. they call together sessions—and I’ve where demonstrates the hard work that com- This tragedy follows on other tragedies seen these sessions convene in our munity officials have already put toward tsu- similar in nature that affected Chile State of Oregon—and they educate the nami preparation. earlier this year and Haiti in the very residents about how to reduce their At the same time, we must be ready for the recent past. risk, how to behave during an earth- kind of disaster scenario that Japan faced this We in the Pacific Northwest feel a quake, how to evacuate and the best morning, one that presents much shorter special connection to these events be- routes to take to escape the follow-on warning times and a devastating ocean surge. cause we have the Cascadia fault off tsunami. These are crucial activities to Local officials are doing their part, but the the coast of Washington, Oregon, and surviving an earthquake and the earth- federal government has a critical role to play northern California. And about a 250- quake’s natural consequence off our in hazards preparation and response efforts. mile stretch of the Cascadia fault is coast, a tsunami. Without continued federal funding for ocean locked tight. With great regularity And it’s not just the residents of the observation, seafloor modeling, and projects since the last Ice Age 12,000 years ago— coast, because the population of the that build the infrastructure for withstanding the furthest back that we can reach in coast is swelled several times by inland ocean surge, the next tsunami could be dev- our studies—this fault locked up, has residents who come to Oregon’s beau- astating to vulnerable ocean communities. snapped and created earthquakes of 9.0 tiful shoreline. And those students and All of the federal R&D agencies, even if it’s magnitude, very similar to the 8.9 those adults also need this education not their primary mission, have a hand in haz- Richter scale-magnitude earthquake so that, instead of going out to the ard preparation and response. For example, in that struck Japan early this morning. shore to look at a receding waterline, the aftermath of last year’s devastating earth- Our hearts go out to the Japanese which many people in Indonesia did— quake in Haiti, NASA used their satellites and people and to their friends and rel- you know, it’s a natural curiosity; Unmanned Aerial Vehicles to predict where atives who are here in the United right? And you don’t necessarily know mudslides were going to occur. States. that a tsunami is about to follow. Our thoughts today are with the people of We have an obligation, and we have This kind of education is so you Japan, who have suffered widespread loss of an ability to mitigate these problems, know to head for high ground right life and destruction of property. Oregonians to plan for them, and to reduce the risk now. Don’t delay. As soon as the and all Americans stand ready to assist the to the American people and to Orego- ground stops moving, head for high Japanese people in rebuilding and recovery nians. My All Hazards legislation ground. This inexpensive education efforts. passed in the last Congress addresses will save lives. It’s what has been done Mr. SCHRADER. I thank the gen- these risks in a comprehensive way. By in some parts of the world, and it has tleman from the north coast of my uniting the risks of fire, wind, flood, saved lives. It hasn’t been done in great State of Oregon for his com- and earthquakes we can better allocate other parts of the world, and the cas- ments. They’re right on the money, scarce resources in this era of scarce ualty figures reflect it. and I very appreciated his time. resources so that we can get a better The All Hazards legislation which I I would now like to yield some time buy on the Federal dollar. was able to pass in the last Congress to the gentlelady from Hawaii, our new Different agencies are involved in re- knits these different components to- Member. Welcome. ducing the risk of earthquake. We gether: NOAA for education purposes; Ms. HANABUSA. Thank you, both know about FEMA and how it can do a NIST to set standards, to do research, gentlemen from Oregon. great job and how it can do a poor job. to prevent building collapses and I would like to first begin by extend- FEMA is primarily engaged in the busi- bridge collapses and other collapses ing heartfelt condolences to the people ness of recovering from natural disas- which cost us money and business of Japan, and they should all know ters, and it is part of the All Hazards downtime; FEMA to recover from that that we will stand by them as they legislation that I passed last session. damage which occurs. These are crucial work to recover from this tragic dis- NIST, one of the agencies under the things to do, and we know what the aster. But I would also like to say jurisdiction of the subcommittee which price of inaction is. thank you to my colleagues on both I chaired last Congress, NIST is in the This government has responded hero- sides of the aisle who have come up to business of prevention, of researching ically and well when minimal, appro- me today and they’ve asked a single what causes building failure, of doing priate investments are made. And when question. Is everything all right at model codes, of promulgating model those investments aren’t made, when home? Is your family all right? Do you codes so that the local and State build- the preparing agencies aren’t prepared have family in Japan? It didn’t matter ing codes can encourage and, indeed, themselves, then we have something whether one was an R or one was a D. require more earthquake-resistant like Katrina, where American citizens Those concerns were extremely gen- buildings and, indeed, also other infra- were found floating face down in the uine. structure such as rail lines, bridges, dark waters of New Orleans. We should As I walked over here, the Capitol and airports. These are all important never, ever fail Americans in that man- guard asked me, Ms. HANABUSA, is ev- infrastructure that in Chile survived to ner again. erything okay at home? And then it a decent extent. And Mr. SCHRADER and Mr. DEFAZIO struck me what this is all about. We With the severe earthquake in Japan, and I, we’ll be darned if we’re going to are people, and we are always going to even with Japan’s high standards, a re- let Oregonians suffer the way that be there to help others. markable number of structures are cur- some Americans have had to. Making We must also look at why Hawaii has rently incapacitated, and we can do these small-dollar investments today, really been prepared for these kinds of better and we will do better by ade- we’ll save lives tomorrow. disasters. I do congratulate both the quately supporting these very impor- Pacific Tsunami Warning Center, as tant research and standard-setting b 1350 well as our officials back home who did agencies. It’s the smart thing to do. It’s the an excellent job preparing. But I would Furthermore, an agency that Mr. wise thing to do. It’s the right thing to also like people to consider what it SCHRADER talked about, NOAA, that is do. Pinch pennies and pound foolish cost and how we were able to come going to bring jobs to Oregon. And an will cost us lives. here. important part of Mr. SCHRADER’s con- Today’s tragic earthquake and tsunami that Remember when the good Senator gressional district, but important to brought devastation to Japan was a stark re- from Hawaii, Senator INOUYE, did that the whole Northwest and to our Na- minder of the importance of disaster prepared- unspeakable thing, that earmark called tion, indeed, NOAA does a crucial serv- ness for Oregon’s coastal communities. the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:18 Mar 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MR7.072 H11MRPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with HOUSE H1760 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 11, 2011 And, yes, it was an earmark. He had tions that I talked about that are tar- savings in the budget, we will have the foresight, as only, for example, like geted to increase the efficiency of the missed the boat. I think the people my good colleagues from Oregon and Department of Defense and make sure back home get it. I think the only peo- people who represent their districts, to our warriors get what they really need, ple that don’t get it are the people in know what that district needs and even including the defense budget, it’s Congress. It’s time that we step up and started way back when with the Pacific not going to be getting at the root make some tough decisions and show Tsunami Warning Center. And that has cause of our debt and deficit problems. these people we have some backbone. grown. If you watched the news this As we all know, those two, domestic There is this little waiting game morning, as I did from 3 o’clock in the and defense discretionary expenses, going on here in Congress right now. I morning, you could hear them saying, only account for about 30 percent of will show a little of my hand if you our projections are this, we’re looking the budget for the American people. show a little of your hand. That’s fine. at what’s going on, and we think it’s The bulk of it is tied up in other areas. I understand everyone wants their ‘‘po- going to be about 2 feet. We got those Our Tax Code is shown to be extremely litical cover,’’ but it takes leadership, projections before they hit Hawaii. You inadequate. We are collecting revenues people willing to step up and embrace know what? They were right. What do now at an all-time low. Yes, some of some of the solutions that are already we have to attribute to that? The fact it’s the recession; but it’s also because on the table. that there was wisdom and there was we give away more in tax breaks than I think there are ways you can do it funding and there was the recognition we actually spend on domestic and de- without causing problems. Indeed, I that a Pacific Tsunami Warning Center fense programs in this country in the think you can actually solve problems. was essential. discretionary budget. Yes, $1.2 billion You know, I think we need spending It’s not only for Hawaii. It’s for the given away in tax expenditures. We caps. We did PAYGO in the last Con- whole Pacific. When they wanted infor- spend money on these tax breaks. It’s gress. We only did half of PAYGO. We mation of what it meant for Guam, spending money by giving away all only dealt with mandatory spending. what it meant in Japan, what it meant these breaks. We need to have the spending caps that for the west coast, who was the expert? We need to broaden our tax base, were in place when a Democratic Presi- The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center. quite frankly, and reduce the rates. I dent and a Republican Congress insti- It is unfortunate that in H.R. 1 it think if we’re going to get real about tuted PAYGO in the mid-nineties. If we stands massive cuts. It is also unfortu- solving our budget problems, we need put that in place, then we have real, nate that people look upon it like it’s to begin to embrace some of the rec- real control on our domestic and de- ‘‘that earmark’’ and therefore should ommendations, if not the package that fense spending. be cut. the fiscal commission the President set I think if we are going to do reduc- I ask my same colleagues on both up last year, we need to embrace those tions, we should prioritize both. Equal sides who said, Is everything all right recommendations in some form. This is cuts in defense and domestic spending, at home, to realize that and to recog- the real meat of the issue, colleagues. at least for the first few years here. We nize that the one way you can help pro- This is where the rubber meets the can at least make sure that there is an tect not only the people of the State of road. If we do not actually have the opportunity for both sides, if you will. Hawaii, but the west coast, as well as guts, the political courage to step up Both sides of the aisle have different anyone in the Pacific Rim, is to set and deal with some of these problems, priorities, I respect that, but let’s treat aside labels and to recognize that it is we are mortgaging our children and them equally. funding like that that goes to save grandchildren’s future. b 1400 lives. That is what we can rely upon. In the last Congress, much was said So when we remember this unfortu- about the health care reform. No mat- I think that the draconian cuts of $60 nate and tragic day, let us also remem- ter how you feel about that bill, and I billion or $100 billion in the President’s ber how fortunate we were because we said this again and again at town halls recommended budget are too draco- had information and we were prepared, back home, no matter how you feel nian. I am worried smarter people than and how inexpensive being prepared is about the bill, you should be in favor of I, as I alluded to earlier in my remarks, when you look at the investments that the $500 billion in savings in the Medi- have talked about how devastating have been made. Thank you very much. care budget. These are long overdue. A that would be. We can get to the same Mr. SCHRADER. I appreciate the lot of these things weren’t new. They result—rolling back to 2008 levels—if very kind remarks. Indeed, our hearts had been proposed one Congress after that’s where we want to go by ap- go out to the people of Japan, much another, but no political will, no polit- proaching it in a thoughtful way. The like they did in New Zealand. Very ical courage to step up and try and fiscal commission talks about gradu- concerned about the health and wel- take them on. ally reducing it so that we are at those fare. I am sure this country will come I think it’s important for Americans levels by 2013, and then allowing infla- to their aid like it does in any disaster, to understand and respect their lead- tionary increases only. Again, the and like a lot of our friends did when ers, that the people in this body, in spending caps would help us. we suffered similar consequences, this Chamber, and in our sister Cham- In the tax reform arena I don’t think whether it’s Katrina or the horrible at- ber across the Capitol Rotunda, that there is anybody that doesn’t want to tacks on 9/11. We have had our brothers we’re willing to step up and make these have their taxes reduced. I would love and sisters around the world come to tough decisions. I don’t think anyone to see my tax rates go down. Right our aid, and I appreciate that. wants to pay hospitals for preventible now, the effective rate for a lot of I would ask how much time we have readmissions. I think everyone wants folks, when you add in the State and left in the hour, if I may. to make sure that the repayment sys- local taxes, is nearly 50 percent in my The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- tem for our hospitals and our doctors is corner of the world. You know, that’s tleman has 15 minutes remaining. as efficient as possible. I think every- terrible. Mr. SCHRADER. To follow on the one wants to make sure that fraudu- If we were able to get rid of the tax gentlelady’s remarks, I think there are lent companies are not taking advan- breaks, get rid of all of the giveaways areas where we can get together. The tage of seniors in the Medicare or So- that we have out there, we could actu- illusion that cutting the domestic cial Security system. I think people ally reduce the tax rates almost in budget for this country, the discre- ought to see our Medicare and support half. We could reduce our corporate tax tionary budget, is going to solve our system, our safety net system, if you rate down to at least 29 percent. Then woes and put us back in financial bal- will, protected. It’s really important we would be a little competitive with ance and avoid the Armageddon that’s that we have that opportunity and that the rest of the world. There wouldn’t somewhat before us is a horrible illu- we make these tough decisions. be maybe quite so much overseas sion. I don’t think my colleagues on If we’re not going to look at tax re- offshoring of American jobs. It would the other side of the aisle really be- form, we’re not going to look at Social be more palatable, more appealing to lieve that’s going to be solving any of Security, we’re not going to look at keep these jobs and these businesses our problems. Even the defense reduc- Medicare, Medicaid, other mandatory and these plants here in America so we

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:18 Mar 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MR7.075 H11MRPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with HOUSE March 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1761 could have Made in America products tensive jobs, we can make sure that So- (Mr. KING) is recognized for 60 minutes going overseas instead of importing ev- cial Security is protected for the next as the designee of the majority leader. erything from China or India. 75 years as opposed to going away or Mr. KING of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I I think if we were to reform the Tax seeing a 25 percent reduction in just 25 very much appreciate being recognized Code along the lines that I am talking years. to address you here on the floor of the about, and that I see in some of the fis- There are smart things we can do, House of Representatives. I have come cal commission reports, that we could folks. We already started down the to the floor to raise some issues here, actually use some of that savings to re- road to being smart in our Medicare to address you and hopefully be able to duce our deficit, seriously, going for- program. There is discussion of Med- penetrate with some rationale and ward, reducing the deficit on an ongo- icaid. I don’t think voucher programs logic that I think is essential that the ing basis. Now I am not proposing nec- or privatizing have any place in this American people benefit from, and that essarily that we reduce or get rid of all discussion. But there are smarter ways is this, that, for some time now, we tax expenditures over the long haul. that we can come together on, Repub- have been making the case that there We should have an opportunity to add licans and Democrats, working to- are automatic appropriations in back for set periods of time with spe- gether to really get at taking care of ObamaCare in an unprecedented fash- cific sunsets targeted tax expenditures our country’s deficit needs. We can re- ion with regard to the magnitude and that help our economy or help those duce our debt, the deficit, dramatically the duration of them. most in need of our help. I think that’s in the near term if we just pay atten- These automatic appropriations were the more thoughtful discussion we need tion to what I have talked about here. written into the bill in preparation. to have going forward that’s missing so Let’s get off the H.R. 1 bandwagon, The automatic appropriations were far. the political theater, the circus that’s written into the bill in preparation for Social Security. Social Security is consuming a lot of taxpayer dollars and anticipated, I believe, the loss of going to be gone, cut benefits, 25 per- and really not moving this country for- the majority by the Pelosi Congress, cent in about 25 years if we do nothing. ward. Let’s begin the dialogue right because I think they expected that this So if you don’t care about Social Secu- here, right now about taking care of Congress would be handed over by the rity, don’t do anything. Don’t do any- the big cost drivers, the big spending American people to a Republican ma- thing. That’s what we are doing right items that are affecting our future and jority that had been assigned the task now. We are not doing anything. our children and grandchildren’s fu- by the American people to repeal If you care about Social Security, I ture. ObamaCare, to defund ObamaCare. mean, I have friends, I have friends f That’s what everyone ran on. There that are 30 and 40 years old, and they are 87 Republican freshmen here, all of EVEN COWBOY POETS WANT TO don’t expect Social Security to be whom have voted to repeal ObamaCare, CUT SPENDING there when they get of age. And I don’t and I believe all of whom, if they spoke think people already know Social Se- (Mrs. MILLER of Michigan asked and to the issue at all, Mr. Speaker, also curity’s age for full benefits is 67. It’s was given permission to address the pledged to cut off the funding to not 65. That was changed back during House for 1 minute.) ObamaCare. the Reagan years. Mrs. MILLER of Michigan. Mr. I have sought to facilitate that hap- We could do some pretty smart fixes Speaker, I was absolutely dumbfounded pening and taking place. In doing so, I here. The commission talks about rais- recently when I heard the Senate ma- have drafted legislation that’s pat- ing the retirement age to 69, over 65 jority leader slamming the long-term terned after the language that was years gradually. I know it’s going to continuing resolution passed by this written into a continuing resolution in feel that, we are not going to affect the House, which cut government spending April of 1974. That’s the language in a seniors right now. The seniors right by more than $100 billion below the continuing resolution that shut off the now, full benefits, fully protected. Even President’s FY 2011 budget request. funding to the Vietnam War. those about to become seniors, full He particularly lamented the elimi- It says something very similar to benefits just right now. nation of funding for an annual cowboy this. Notwithstanding any other provi- But if you raise that age to 69 over 25 poetry festival in Nevada. sion of law, no funds made available in years or over 65 years, I think that’s a Mr. Speaker, I can assure the Senate this act and no funds heretofore appro- pretty good deal if that helps keep So- majority leader that the rugged indi- priated shall be used for offensive or cial Security solvent. The payroll tax vidualism of the American cowboy will defensive operations in Vietnam or the originally was set up to be roughly 90 not be snuffed out due to the lack of a countries adjacent to it. percent of payroll. It’s down to about Federal subsidy. In fact, I believe that In other words, it’s not really an 85 and scheduled to go down to about 82 the American cowboy supports our ef- exact quote, but it is the compression percent of the payroll out there. That’s forts to get this out-of-control Federal of the language, and it’s an accurate not the way the system was designed. spending under control. depiction of what it said. What it did The system was designed to work at Let me quote, Mr. Speaker, from a was it shut off all funding for anything a higher level. If we just go back to poem written by Yvonne Hollenbeck, that was used to support the South Vi- that same payroll level that’s subject who has been featured at the National etnamese military, including M–16 to the same payroll tax to fund Social Cowboy Poetry Gatherings in Elko, Ne- rounds, 105 rounds, MREs, anything Security, it helps keep it in balance. vada. The title of her poem is ‘‘How to that was going to support a military And there is early means testing. I Cut Taxes’’: operation offensive or defensive was mean, I have to admit as a new Mem- So, I think if I was the President of shut off by this Congress by language ber of Congress, a hardworking, small this home of the free and the brave, in a CR. business guy, I was not focused on So- I’d close up all those departments Now, who could conceive, Mr. Speak- cial Security. But in Congress it’s a and think of the money I’d save. er, that this Congress couldn’t figure big, big thing, and I am getting close Mr. Speaker, this is the poet that I out how to write language on how to enough to where it becomes a personal would give a personal subsidy to, and I shut off funding to ObamaCare. They issue. would hope that our colleagues in the didn’t find the Vietnam War unconsti- I did not know Social Security is al- other body would take that good old tutional. Two Federal courts have ready means tested. The commission American cowboy common sense and found ObamaCare unconstitutional. suggests a little tweaking of that to help us start saving the American peo- 1410 make sure the poorest of the poor still ple’s money. b get good benefits and get maximum f I hear arguments that say, well, needs taken care of. They add another there is an obscure rule somewhere bracket, if you will, in Social Security. OBAMACARE that says that this is written into a And with those three simple little The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under legislation that makes it what they things, with some hardship exclusions, the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- call mandatory spending. Therefore, obviously, for people in tough, labor-in- uary 5, 2011, the gentleman from Iowa this Congress, this 112th Congress, is

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:57 Mar 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MR7.077 H11MRPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with HOUSE H1762 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 11, 2011 prohibited from getting their hands on both of those, we shut off any funding We want an America that has liberty that and can’t shut off the automatic that’s automatically appropriated. And and freedom and vitality, where people $105.5 billion. it says: No funds in any previous act make their own choices, where we have Please, Mr. Speaker. We all know and no funds in the continuing resolu- the selection of 1,300 health insurance that no previous Congress can bind a tion or in any fiscal year shall be used companies, 100,000 health insurance subsequent Congress. None of our pred- to carry out the provisions of policies, and not government-at-the- ecessors can put up a vote in 2010—or ObamaCare, patterned exactly off the Federal-level intervention into those 1810—that binds us here. We set the language that shut off the funding to decisions that are made by individuals rules and we appropriate the money the Vietnam War. If we can end a war and doctors and families and busi- here. Automatic appropriations writ- in an appropriations bill, we can shut nesses. ten into an authorization bill of the off an unconstitutional, irresponsible, America wasn’t built by government largest magnitude of any legislation $2.6 trillion in irresponsible spending plans, by one-size-fits-all, by socialized that I know: ObamaCare. We expected bill, Mr. Speaker. And that’s what we medicine. America wasn’t built by peo- the authorization, the authorization must do. ple who sit in their lofty liberal towers that says, we open the door up now and We pledged to the American people deciding that they’ve been gifted with the discretion of the appropriators in that we would repeal ObamaCare, and an intelligence and an intellect so that the subsequent Congress will decide if we won a huge majority here in order common, ordinary people can be taken those authorized categories are funded. to repeal ObamaCare. Mr. Speaker, we care of by elitists. We were built by in- have to act on it. We need to act on it Forty-eight places in ObamaCare, dividuals, individuals that make indi- now. Every day, every minute that there’s authorization written right in vidual decisions, to start a business, goes by, we’re seeing that $105 billion with appropriations. Unprecedented. end a business, take a job, quit a job, spent to send the tentacles of Yes, it does happen in small little to make a purchase or not make a pur- ObamaCare down, send the roots down. ways. Ironically, National Public Radio chase, to provide a service, to stop and has in the past gotten an authoriza- They’re working night and day, 24/7, Mr. Speaker, they’re doing that to es- help their fellow man. We’re an Amer- tion/appropriation that went in out- ica that lives on the American Dream, years as far as way out there to 2 tablish and expand the dependency class in America and tell us that we to leave this country a better place years, Mr. Speaker. Some of the than it was when we found it. ObamaCare automatic authorization/ can’t live without ObamaCare, that we can’t take responsibility for our own Mr. Speaker, ObamaCare diminishes appropriation language goes in per- the future of all Americans. It shapes petuity. There’s a billion dollars set in health care, and that the money that’s spent and invested keeps our private and diminishes the arc of history in a a category that says Medicare Mod- sector and our doctor-patient relation- way that cannot be forgiven by those ernization Effort that is a billion dol- ship from functioning and growing and who follow behind us. This is a destiny lars every year, that automatically adapting to the markets that they issue for this country. This is a pivotal spits out a billion dollars and goes to must do so. issue for this country. I stand and I CMS to do Medicare modernization to We’re losing huge health insurance have written a letter and I have joined the end of the world. In perpetuity. It companies across the country. Prin- with MICHELE BACHMANN. takes it out of the hands of Congress. cipal in my State laid off hundreds. I see my friend from Texas (Mr. And this Congress is going to sit here And that’s true across the Midwest at GOHMERT) is here. We agree that a con- and wring their hands and say, there’s least, on down to Texas. Insurance tinuing resolution that does not in- a mandatory piece of spending lan- company after insurance company is clude the language that shuts off the guage that’s here and we can’t stop it pulling out because there’s no cer- funding that is automatically imple- in an appropriations bill? tainty out there in the market any- mented in ObamaCare, we will vote This Congress stopped the Vietnam more, and they understand that there ‘‘no’’ on that continuing resolution, War in an appropriations bill, Mr. are going to be fewer insurance compa- Mr. Speaker. And I will continue to do Speaker. Can’t we stop an unconstitu- nies if ObamaCare is implemented. so until such time as ObamaCare has tional, irresponsible socialized medi- They’re calling upon this Congress, met its end. cine policy in an appropriations bill? shut off the funding to ObamaCare. Some will say, the President will Yes, we can. There is no rational rea- Yes, we passed the repeal. Every Re- never sign a bill that repeals son why we cannot. I have faced straw publican and with Democrat support, ObamaCare. He would never sign an ap- man argument after straw man argu- bipartisan, passed the repeal of propriations bill that shuts off the ment. These little things, they stand ObamaCare, H.R. 2, sent it to the Sen- funding for ObamaCare. I’m not sug- up a straw man and he’s supposed to ate. HARRY REID found a way to force a gesting that that’s an easy decision for look like a whole demon himself that vote on it where it didn’t succeed over him. But when I look back through the rules the road. And it might be an ar- there, but 47 Republican Senators arc of history and I think what Soc- gument such as, ‘‘King’s language will voted to repeal ObamaCare. And I can- rates did at the end of his life, I think violate the rules of the Senate. There- not be convinced that those same legis- the President can make a hard decision fore, they will never take it up.’’ Not lators, House and Senate, would not here. If Socrates can drink the hem- so. You take the language down to the vote to shut off all the funding to lock, the President can sign the repeal Senate and they say, Bring it. We want ObamaCare if provided the language in of ObamaCare. it. We want the House to send language a continuing resolution. Mr. Speaker, I would be so glad to be to the Senate that shuts off the auto- I believe that we can look the Presi- able to yield the balance of my time to matic funding to ObamaCare. dent in the eye and say, Mr. President, the gentleman from Texas. And then they will say, ‘‘No, the lan- we’ve demonstrated that we will keep guage isn’t accurate enough. It isn’t the dollars there for the legitimate and f precise enough. It doesn’t get at what prudent function of government avail- b 1420 we want.’’ Show me some better lan- able, as we have in a short-term CR AMERICA’S HERITAGE guage. It’s patterned off the language that expires March 18, as is proposed by that shut off the Vietnam War. That a short-term CR that is likely to be re- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- worked. They don’t have an argument leased later on today—after the whip tleman from Texas is recognized for as to where there’s a hole in my lan- team has already whipped it, by the the remainder of the hour, approxi- guage. There isn’t a hole in my lan- way. We’ve demonstrated we want to mately 48 minutes. guage, Mr. Speaker. It says, no funds in keep the government open. But if the Mr. GOHMERT. Mr. Speaker, these this act, ObamaCare, and I list the two President, speaking through HARRY are trying times. Charles Dickens said of them actually. It is 111–148 and 111– REID, decides that all the functions of ‘‘the best of times and the worst of 152. That’s ObamaCare and the rec- government can be shut down unless he times.’’ More freedoms than any nation onciliation package that came from has his pet project, ObamaCare, the has ever enjoyed in the history of the the Senate to circumvent the filibuster American people will side with those of world are right here in this country. rules that they have in the Senate. In us who side with them. We have been blessed so richly. And

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:57 Mar 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MR7.079 H11MRPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with HOUSE March 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1763 lest we begin to think we’ve been wheelbarrows with cash being carried what the Russian students would tell blessed because of something that we to buy bread. That was a cartoon I saw me; but, basically, you might as well did to deserve to be born in America, in my history book. try to heal yourself and be your own for all those wonderful people who have And, ultimately, as the country’s physician. immigrated to America, we didn’t de- economy collapsed, they became so Because when you go to socialized serve to be born here or immigrate desperate that they were willing to medicine, just as Dr. Berwick has indi- here. So why did we end up being in the elect a little guy with a mustache who cated before President Obama put him country with the greatest freedoms in began to blame those of Jewish origin, in charge of our health care, when you the history of the world, since it wasn’t leading to the worst holocaust in the go to socialized medicine and you put because of something we did to deserve history of mankind. Nothing we can be the government in charge, whether you to be here? proud of. What led to it? What opened want it or not, whether you will admit The answer is very clear. We’ve been the door for this barbarian to take over it or not, historically, if you go to so- blessed as a nation because of the ac- such a proud country and lead them cialized medicine, if you go to govern- tions of those who went before us. For into this unthinkable, horrible crime ment-controlled medicine, then you’re those who believe in the Bible, it’s full against humanity, over 6 million Jew- going to have rationing. Dr. Berwick of one incident after another, histori- ish people were killed, exterminated? made that clear. It’s not a matter of if. cally, where it was shown that genera- Economic problems, spending too It’s a matter of when and how much. tions ended up being blessed because of much, owing too much and trying to So unless ObamaCare is repealed, we the faithfulness of one generation. print money to make it up didn’t work. will get rationed care. Our President One of the things that was difficult So they got desperate. told people on that side of the aisle the for me to come to grips with as a judge Look at the Soviet Union. Most his- day they were going to vote on and is how often children pay for the sins of torians give credit to President Reagan pass ObamaCare that he had some good the parents. And that’s bringing me to because he was unflinching even when news: if they would just vote for it, where we are today. We are a nation some described a defense shield as Star then things would be different. Where- that has done the unthinkable, a na- Wars as some fictional, ridiculous as in the past—and these are his tion that has brought in around $2.1 thing that we might try to do. On the words—in the past you go to the doctor trillion for the last couple of years and other hand, President Reagan could see and get five tests; now you’ll go to the yet has spent 3.6, 3.5, $3.6 trillion. How clearly that the truth was that to have doctor and get one test. irresponsible could that be? And the a doctrine called ‘‘mutual assured de- Well, for those of us that have experi- problem is future generations will have struction,’’ properly called MAD, then ence, I know that if my mother had to pay and pay and pay for the self-in- that was truly mad. You’re going to been given one test, they would never dulgence, the arrogance and the self- have two countries racing to make nu- have found her brain tumor. It took 6 centeredness of this generation. And clear weapons. The only defense is that days. It prolonged her life for 15 years; it’s heartbreaking when you step back you both agreed you’ll never put up a and she made invaluable contributions and take a good look at what’s going defense. So if one country launches its to mankind, to east Texas, Texas and on. nukes at the other, then the other will the country during that period and was Polls indicate that 70 percent or certainly launch theirs, and both will an invaluable teacher of students, of more of American adults believe that be mutually assured that they will children in the eighth grade. this will be the first generation—my both be destroyed. And that’s the de- b 1430 generation will be the first in Amer- fense? President Reagan saw that as no ican history that does not leave the defense. It was not a proper defense. One test, she would have been dead. country to our children better than we And some called him a nitwit and ig- Six days of tests, they found it. Well, found it. It’s why I’m here. We can do norant. I can identify. I’m accused of Mother would have been dead. better than that, but we’d better hurry. those things on blogs every day. Maybe I have a lady in my district who con- Because if we have 2, 3, 4 more years of I am. But I know history. And the his- tacted me when this whole debate what the President proposed, $1.65 tril- tory and the truth is that by his mov- started and said: You need to know my lion in deficit spending, there’s not ing forward with a way to actually de- experience. I immigrated from Eng- going to be a country. I don’t care how fend the people of the United States land. My mother got cancer over there much smarter we think we are in this with a defense shield that would stop and died. The sole reason my mother country, how much more intellectual incoming nuclear weapons, then the died of breast cancer was because she some of the liberals may be here, you Russians had no choice. They had to was in England. And in England, you can’t outrun history. try to keep up. They couldn’t keep up have to be put on a list. You’re on a There are lessons that are estab- financially, and they went broke. list to get a mammography. You’re on lished. And if you commit this act, I learned a great deal during the a list to be treated. You’re on a list to then in the laws of nature and history, summer I spent in the Soviet Union as get radiation or any other kind of you’re going to get this result. If you an exchange student in college. That chemotherapy. You’re on a list, and spend too much money you don’t have was when it was truly the Soviet that is the way you deal with govern- for long enough, you’re going to lose Union. I saw socialized health care up ment-controlled health care, because your country. It’s happened over and close and personal. I saw it. I went ultimately government-controlled over. It doesn’t matter how smart you through a medical school, I went health care does not break the bank be- are. It doesn’t matter how many let- through hospitals, I went through clin- cause you ultimately, unless the na- ters you have after your name. It ics and I needed some help at one tion just completely goes broke. They doesn’t matter if you commit certain point. But I knew one thing: I sure say, You know what? We have this acts; you’re going to get certain re- didn’t want to ever go to socialized much money. And, therefore, we can sults, just as sure as if it’s a scientific medicine. That was for sure. Because only give out this many tests. We can experiment that’s been proven over and the doctors, I was surprised to find out, only do this many transfusions, this over. really weren’t respected over there un- many transplants. We only have this Well, it has been proven. If you spend less it was some national doctor na- much chemo, radiation. And let’s see, too much, you’re going to lose the tionally known, otherwise these doc- sir or ma’am, we don’t think you’re country. Now the Germans, after World tors were like poorly paid plumbers. productive enough, and so you’re not War I, thought perhaps they could Plumbers got a lot more respect. getting it. We, as your government, print the money fast enough so that It was a 9-to-5 type job. They’d show overseeing your health care, have to they could pay the massive indebted- up. They didn’t care if they hadn’t seen make a call. Somebody has got to. ness they had after World War I and you before. They’d see you; it didn’t That’s where government-controlled that could get them on solid footing. matter whether you got that well or health care goes. It’s where it has to go Some remember the cartoons from his- not. That was largely the case. You’d or it bankrupts the country. tory books. There are people alive run into somebody that tried to do a But the good news is, for those who today that remember, themselves, good job every now and then, from worry about health care bankrupting

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:57 Mar 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MR7.081 H11MRPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with HOUSE H1764 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 11, 2011 the country, we may not have to get They look at our way of life and they late husband, apparently a fine man, that far unless we take responsible see rape and crimes occurring in Amer- but he did have political interests and steps that any right-thinking group of ica and they say: See, that is what hap- they were affected by decisions of the leaders should take, then we could fin- pens when you don’t have a totali- Court, and those groups never com- ish out with a whimper. Every country tarian, religious sharia law existing plained about that. But they only come meets its demise at some point. No na- where we tell everybody what they can after conservatives on the Court, like tion lasts forever, and anyone who and can’t do. We don’t allow that kind Justice Scalia, Justice Thomas, who thinks so has never studied history ap- of freedom because it leads to debauch- believe that the words on the page of propriately. And this Nation will be no ery. I happen to think that God gave us the Constitution, the pages, mean what exception. that much freedom and the freedom to they say. They don’t change over time; The only question is are we going to choose; and, unfortunately, some otherwise, you can have no consistency be a generation that takes such respon- choose wrong. Eventually, every coun- as a nation. sible steps and follows the rules of his- try has too many who choose wrong, So it would only make sense that tory, many of which Jesus laid out. and that’s when they lose their coun- somebody up here in Congress who has You want to be a generation that is try. taken an oath to provide for the com- blessed and have your children blessed, So it made sense, if you’re interested mon defense would say: You know, here are the rules. Well, we need to fol- in providing for the common defense, we’ve noticed that every one of these low the rules if our children and our that we would take a look at those who terrorists in the last—well, since 1991 grandchildren are going to be blessed, are trying to destroy us. And, by the who have really wanted to do anything because the track we are on right now, way, the State Department is not to destroy our way of life as a whole, and all those left-wing blogs that like going to take a look at that. I made an that they seem to have a connection to take shots at us who are conserv- official inquiry of the State Depart- that they are not Muslim; they are rad- atives, they will one day be looked at ment, my office did, and asked: Tell us ical Muslims. They are radical Islamic as such blatant fools because that’s the how many times women have come jihadists. way it goes. A country, toward the end into this country and had babies when of its demise, the liberals who say b 1440 their husband was known to be on the there can be no end to this wonderful, terrorist watch list or associated with So wouldn’t it make sense to take a hedonistic society, they are the most a terrorist group. The State Depart- look? popular because they are playing to ment came back and told us: We can’t We know the largest percentage of people’s hopes. There will be no end to tell you because we don’t check. The Muslims in America are peace-loving. this society. Sure, there will be no end. husband’s name is on any woman’s ap- They don’t believe that ‘‘jihad’’ means It will go on. Forget these naysayers. you go kill your neighbor. They believe Well, I’m not a naysayer; I’m a plication for a visa, but we don’t in- quire if there is going to be hospitaliza- it’s an internal jihad, where you yeasayer. And I would like this genera- change your life and leave the old be- tion to say yea to blessing at least the tion. You wouldn’t want it to be spe- cific as to one gender, but you could in- hind; but there are disagreements over next couple of generations. But it’s in what percentage of Muslims are these our hands. But once the naysayers who quire. And to help keep immigrants from bankrupting our country, it radical Islamic jihadists who want to are truly the naysayers who say nay, destroy our way of life. Wouldn’t it nay, you people who want to be respon- would seem like the State Department would inquire: Are you anticipating make sense that we’d make inquiry sible, spend within your means, who into that? It sure seems to me that we want to provide for the common de- hospitalization when you come into should. Yet PETE KING, the chairman of fense, you guys, you’re crazy. You’re this country? And of course I have a bill on health the appropriate committee, wanted to nuts. do just that, and he has been under I’ve been called nuts for pointing out care that says any immigrant, in order death threats ever since it first came the fact that we have actually had peo- to get a visa, is going to have to show up. ple, men, associated with known ter- that they have already purchased Now, for some of us, we say, Gee, in rorist groups send over their wives to health insurance for any health care order to keep my commitment to my have children in this country. Then the they will need in the United States. We oath to provide a defense for this coun- wife comes back with a baby with an are willing to let people in. We let in American passport and an American more people on visas than any nation try, I think we need to look at this citizenship. You can go online. China in the world. We are willing to let you issue of radical Islam when you have a provides birthright citizenship. You in, but you’ve got to pay for your Major Hasan at Fort Hood who kills pay a fee and we will get you an Amer- health care while you’re here. Well, we American soldiers in their place of ref- ican visa. Come into the United States. don’t do that. uge while yelling ‘‘Allah Akbar.’’ Per- There is a Muslim-owned hotel in One lady had said, The great thing haps we should look at that issue. This , and they were upset about my daughter coming in and hav- is despite the fact that the Defense De- online, it seemed like, because people ing a baby—and yes, her husband was a partment didn’t even want to mention were not giving them credit for being member of a terrorist group in the Mid- the word ‘‘jihad’’ or the word ‘‘ter- the first group to come up with birth- dle East, on our terrorist watch list— rorist,’’ did not want to point out the right citizenship. You pay a big fee to but the good news is she doesn’t even fact that they had made him the imam this hotel in upper New York, and they have to pay for anything. She can leave for Fort Hood or the fact that he had would put you up for a month. If you with an American passport, and she apparently told many people, If I get are pregnant, they get you a doctor to doesn’t have to pay for anything. The orders to deploy to the Middle East, I help deliver your baby, one of the best Americans pay for it. cannot risk spiritually having to kill a in New York, and they had the mecha- We have to stop that. It’s nuts. The Muslim for one of the reasons besides nism in place to help you get that State Department doesn’t inquire if the three for which I’m allowed to kill American passport. you anticipate hospitalization. And another Muslim, one being converting And then the most precious gift that even though the spouse’s name is on to Christianity. I can’t risk that spir- anybody could be given, a child, a the visa application, they say, as a itually, so I’ll have to go on a rampage blessing, not a terror, a gift of a child rule, we don’t bother to check to see if and kill people here if I get orders to is born with an American passport, and the spouse is a terrorist. deploy. it is taken back. And in some cases, I You have groups out here who are Amazingly, he got orders to deploy, hope and pray it is not many, but I condemning Justices on the Supreme and he killed American soldiers—but know it is happening, they are taken Court because their spouse may be po- none of that was brought up in the back, and until they are adult, they are litically active. They show themselves record. It’s extraordinary that it’s not trained to hate Americans. And that to be blatantly extremely partisan, even mentioned in the report. How the greatest thing they could ever do like Common Cause, because they have blind do we have to be? for eternity is help destroy the Amer- never raised that issue with a former So we have one responsible com- ican way of life. leader of the ACLU whose husband, mittee chairman who says—well, there

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:57 Mar 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MR7.083 H11MRPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with HOUSE March 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1765 are plenty of responsible people here. ing the attacks on the United States, ple, most of whom turn out to be inno- He is the committee chair with juris- including Mohammed Salman cent—is the kind of thing that inevi- diction. He is going to have a hearing, Hamdani, a 23-year-old New Yorker of tably happens after a major terrorist and he gets blasted in death threats. Pakistani descent, who is believed to attack.’’ So, to my way of thinking, when have gone to the World Trade Center to So the article points out that Mr. someone announces ‘‘you know what? offer rescue assistance and is now miss- Hamdani has been singled out by this I’m going to have a hearing, and we’re ing.’ ’’ Congress and by people in New York going to look into whether radical The article goes on. It reads: for being the hero that he apparently Islam is violent’’ and if the radical ‘‘That is, Hamdani was actually sin- was. There is no allegation by this Con- Islamists respond by saying ‘‘we’re gled out for particular high honors gress, of which I’m aware, of blanket going to kill you and kill your family,’’ among the thousands of victims of the smearing, saying that all Muslims are I think they kind of help make PETE September 11 attacks. There is little evil. They’re not. The disagreement is KING’s case. If he says he just wants to evidence,’’ if any, ‘‘of the ‘rumors’ that over what percentage. Is it 1 percent or have a peaceful hearing and you say he did otherwise. You can go to Google 10 percent that is being radicalized and ‘‘we’re going to kill you for it,’’ well, and search for Mohammed Salman wants to destroy our way of life? It’s a that seems to me they’re making his Hamdani’s name, using various time question worth looking into. case. frames from before today’s hearings.’’ b 1750 The peace-loving Muslims are not the That was yesterday. ‘‘You’ll discover problem, but there is an element of two discordant sets of returns, none for Because there were actual witnesses radical Islam in this country and in sites and news reports accusing at the hearing that pointed out that this world that wants to destroy our Hamdani of being a terrorist and many their young children had been taken— way of life. There will be books that thousands of pages honoring him as a I say young, a teenager to me is young will ultimately, someday, belittle hero while claiming that he was ‘wide- these days—and had been turned those people who are accusing PETE ly accused’ of being a terrorist.’’ against the United States through a KING of all kinds of impropriety—rac- They can’t find the allegation of his mosque, taken to a foreign country and ism, bigotry, xenophobia—all those being a terrorist, only those saying he radicalized to finish the process. Why things a lot of us are accused of be- was widely accused and what a hero he wouldn’t we want to look into that? It cause they don’t know us and because was. only makes sense. Because if you bury they don’t know our hearts. Someday, ‘‘Web pages that do source that claim your head in the sand, even though you books will point out: Look how silly that Hamdani was ‘widely accused’ of don’t see any danger your rear end is these people were. They had people being a terrorist typically trace back hanging out there to some pretty sig- saying, We’re going to kill you; and to a single report from the New York nificant danger, and we shouldn’t be in they said, Uh-oh, we’d better not make Post, dated October 12, 2001, and titled that posture as a country. them mad and try to defend ourselves ‘Missing—or Hiding? Mystery of NYPD Now we also know that the Muslim and figure out how to do that. Let’s Cadet from Pakistan.’ The piece has Brotherhood has been active in foreign just try to placate them. been taken offline, but its content is countries. We’ve seen what happened in History shows, when you try to pla- preserved elsewhere. Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, other countries cate radical Islamists, particularly ‘‘His family distributed missing per- around the Middle East. But I would since 700–800 AD, you’re going to not son flyers in the fear that the 23-year- humbly submit that the thing that only not placate them; you’re going to old, who is trained as an EMT, went in- ought to scare Americans the most grow more contempt because, not only stead to the World Trade Center to about our stature in the world, about do they see you as an infidel, but they help and was killed. But investigators the way our allies and friends look at see you as a stupid infidel who is try- for the FBI and NYPD have since ques- this Nation and about how they per- ing to pay off the people who want to tioned the family about which Internet ceive whether or not we will be able kill them. to—and will—help in a crisis, came So we know that, in the hearing, our chat rooms he visited and if he was po- litical. when we saw that King Abdullah, King friend across the aisle, Mr. ELLISON, of Jordan, had made an appointment to testified. He brought up the case of Mo- ‘‘Hamdani, a graduate of Queens Col- apparently work out some kind of deal hammed Salman Hamdani—and my lege, with a biochemistry degree, had with a madman named Ahmadinejad. apologies if I mispronounce that—who been in the NYPD cadet program for 3 Abdullah, I’ve met him before, he’s a was a Pakistani-born Muslim Amer- years. He became ‘inactive’ because he needed to work full time, his mother brilliant man, we’ve visited a couple of ican. As Mr. ELLISON pointed out, times, he’s a brilliant man, he has a Hamdani rushed to Lower Manhattan said. Police sources said he hadn’t been different world view, but this country on the morning of September 11, 2001, to work at the NYPD since April, but in the past has appreciated his ability to assist in rescue efforts, and died in he still carried official identification. to keep order and keep peace in his the collapse at the World Trade Center. ‘‘One source told the Post: ‘That tells Mr. ELLISON was thinking—and I’m me they’re not looking for this guy at country. sure, absolutely, there was no intent to the bottom of the rubble. The thing When an ally like King Abdullah mislead and that he actually believed that bothers me is, if he is up to some makes an appointment with a mad- what he was saying. But he said, after tricks, he can walk past anybody using man—possibly to cut his own deal for the tragedy, some people tried to the I.D. card.’ protection—it ought to send off alarms smear his character solely because of ‘‘Hamdani’s mother, who has been in all over this Nation that we’re in trou- his Islamic faith. They spread false ru- the United States for two decades, de- ble. The world perceives us as weak. mors and speculated he was in league nied her son was political or a religious Our friends have seen we don’t stand with the attackers, all because he was fundamentalist. Cops at the Midtown with our friends. We’ll snub Israel. Muslim. Tunnel reported spotting someone who We’ll leave them hanging until the last So I’m proud to be able to point this looked like Hamdani yesterday morn- second on whether or not we’ll even out, and I hope that it’s a comfort to ing. veto a resolution Lebanon brings to the my friend Mr. ELLISON; but in fact, as ‘‘So the Post reported (1) that U.N.—which is what this administra- Matthew Shaffer pointed out in this Hamdani’s family believed he died in tion did. We’ll snub their prime min- National Review article last night, he the World Trade Center attacks; (2) ister when he comes early on, as this said that, in fact, 6 weeks after the that the FBI asked Hamdani’s mother administration did. Oh, sure, the ad- September 11 attacks, before a few background questions after a ministration tried to warm up to him Hamdani’s remains were identified, mistaken sighting; and (3) that an right before the election and tried to Congress did sign the Patriot Act into unnamed source felt such questioning jockey for political help back in the law with this line included—and this is implied guilt. No doubt, that was hard fall of 2010, but our allies and our en- in the Patriot Act: on the grieving mother; but frankly, emies are not as stupid as some in this ‘‘ ‘Many Arab Americans and Muslim this—a mistaken sighting and very pre- town think. They see the way we treat Americans have acted heroically dur- liminary investigations of many peo- our friends, our allies, those who have

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:57 Mar 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MR7.085 H11MRPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with HOUSE H1766 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 11, 2011 stood with this country through thick people in countries where they dev- b 1500 and thin, and they’ve seen the way astate their own people, we shouldn’t And of course we know Mohammed we’ve turned on them. be giving them money for that. Let lived 600 or so A.D. So 1,600 to 1,700 They see what we’ve done with en- charitable groups go in and give aid di- years before there was a Mohammed, emies of ours, as Qadhafi has been in rectly to the people. They do a great there was a King David ruling over the past, as Ahmadinejad has been, as job of that, better than the government Jews in Israel. They have a history in Kim Jong Il in North Korea has been, because we as a government usually the land. We voted with Israel’s en- and they say, gee, if we go strongly have to give it to the government, and emies. And the lesson from Hezekiah against this country, the Obama ad- then the government uses it to go in was, as you can read from the Old Tes- ministration will come rush to see their bank accounts and to do what tament, Isaiah was sent to Hezekiah. what they can give us to try to make they will with their people. It doesn’t He knew what he had done. Pardon the us friends—obviously they won’t make make sense. Texas paraphrase, but he said, in es- us friends, but we’ll take whatever I was also a little surprised to find sence, What have you done? He said, they’ve got to give. In fact, in the case out how much we help Lebanon be- Oh, these great Babylonian leaders of North Korea and the Clinton admin- cause they were short on some of their came over, and so I showed them all istration running over there and say- weaponry, and the U.S. was of some as- our treasure, and I showed them our ing, look, we’ll build you a nuclear sistance to help them rearm last year. defenses. power plant if you will just quit trying And I was trying to remember, oh, yes, And Isaiah, in essence, said, You fool. to make a nuclear weapon. You’ll give why was Lebanon a little short on Because you’ve done this, you’ll lose us a nuclear power plant? Doesn’t that weaponry? That’s right. They were the country. have nuclear fuel? Yes, it does. We killing Israelis—our friends and al- You don’t placate your enemies and might be able to take that fuel and lies—back 5 years ago. That’s why they think they’re going to be your friend if make a nuclear weapon? Sure, yeah, I were short on weaponry. But not to you give them things, you show them mean, it’s possible. But if you’ll just worry, U.S. to the aid; we’ll provide all your great defenses, because they’ll promise us you won’t do that, we’ll military weapons to our enemies, to figure a way around them and you will give you the nuclear material, the fa- the enemies of those who are dear, de- lose your country. cility, we’ll show you how to do it. voted friends like Israel. Yeah, we’ll Every country meets its demise and Well, sure. Okay. Yeah, we’ll give you equip your enemies. We’ll sell jets to heads to the dustbin of history at some that promise. And of course we pro- countries that won’t recognize Israel. point. We’ve got to rein in the ridicu- vided them what they needed to go nu- Three billion dollars for a friend in lous deficit spending. We’ve got to quit clear and build nuclear weapons. It kind of an oasis in the middle of a lot hurting our friends abroad and quit makes no sense. We ought to be smart- of hostility is a small price to pay, but helping our enemies and be about the er than that. unfortunately when you pay billions to But we didn’t learn our lesson with Israel’s enemies $3 billion is not oath that we all took in this body. And North Korea that you can’t placate a enough. if we will do that, if we will follow the terrorist leader, so this administration So why, instead of running up the precepts that history—and even FDR has talked about sanctions. And we’ve tab, why don’t we as a nation quit said, Follow the teachings in the Bible. had some sanctions against Iran, and I funding Israel’s enemies, quit helping People have found it a help for ages—if their enemies, quit helping to put in really think that they’re going to work we do those things, future generations place—as President Carter did by pull- by 2015 or 2020, but unfortunately by will be blessed because of us, and not ing the rug out from under the shah— then, Iran will have nuclear weapons, condemned. apparently not a nice man what he did and they will have the ability to say f to his people—but by President Carter you either withdraw your sanctions or pulling the rug out from him, he fell. COMMUNICATION FROM CHAIR OF we’re going to use the nukes that we’ve And of course President Carter wel- COMMITTEE ON OVERSIGHT AND now sent on yachts and are outside comed Khomeini as a man of peace, and GOVERNMENT REFORM major places you care about to blow then we shortly found he created a ter- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. your major cities up. It’s a crazy way rorist state like none before in history. HARRIS) laid before the House the fol- to defend the country, to placate your Good job. enemies. We’ve got to stop doing those kind of lowing communication from the chair I’ve had this bill—I’ve filed it three good jobs. We’ve got to get back to the of the Committee on Oversight and Congresses and I’m hoping now that basics of providing for the common de- Government Reform: we’re in the majority we’ll get it fense, quit condemning those who are HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, COM- passed; it seems like I pick up more not xenophobes—they’re not phobes of MITTEE ON OVERSIGHT AND GOV- supporters every time—called the U.N. any kind—but they see the world ERNMENT REFORM, Washington, DC, March 11, 2011. Voting Accountability Act. It simply through a clear window, the window of says that any nation—you know, Hon. JOHN A. BOEHNER, history, and see that if you help your Speaker, House of Representatives, they’re sovereign nations, they can do enemies, they will destroy you. You Washington, DC. what they want as long as they don’t help your friends, they remain your DEAR MR. SPEAKER: My letter of March 3, come after us, don’t commit crimes friends, and they remain vital and 2011 notified you formally, pursuant to Rule against humanity, but they’re sov- helpful to you in the world picture. VIII of the Rules of the House of Representa- ereign nations, so basically what it One other thing we did to Israel last tives, that the Committee on Oversight and says is any nation that votes against a year—I believe it was in May I read Government Reform has been served with a U.S. position more than half the time that this administration for the first subpoena for documents issued by the United in the U.N. will receive no financial as- States District Court for the District of Co- time voted with all of Israel’s enemies lumbia in a case now ending before that sistance of any kind from the United to require them to disclose any and all Court. That letter incorrectly referenced the States in the subsequent year. As I’ve nuclear weaponry. Because people in pending case as a civil case. In fact, it is a said before, you don’t have to pay peo- leadership in the appropriate places criminal case. ple to hate you, they’ll do it for free. here in America apparently have not Sincerely, We can save the money, we need to read the Old Testament. They have not DARRELL E. ISSA, save the money. read history. You can go back and find Chairman, Committee on Oversight We heard that President Mubarak— where Hezekiah was the king. And I and Government Reform. really a king, but called President Mu- know there are some journalists who f barak—one report said he had $70 bil- think that Jews came from Poland, but lion in a bank, now there’s only $7 bil- actually there’s archaeological evi- RECESS lion. Where do you think he got that dence to show that they were actually The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- money? We’ve been giving him some- in Israel 3,000 years ago and that King ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair where around $2 billion a year for David was King of Israel around 1000 or declares the House in recess subject to years. We have propped up so many evil so B.C. the call of the Chair.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:57 Mar 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MR7.087 H11MRPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with HOUSE March 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1767 Accordingly (at 3 o’clock and 2 min- in order to keep the Congress fully informed, 5262-03] (RIN: 0648-AT48) received February 9, utes p.m.), the House stood in recess reports prepared by the Department of State 2011, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the subject to the call of the Chair. for the October 20 — December 20, 2010 re- Committee on Natural Resources. porting period including matters relating to 837. A letter from the Deputy Assistant Ad- f post-liberation Iraq under Section 7 of the ministrator for Operations, NMFS, National Iraq Liberation Act of 1998 (Pub. L. 105-338); Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, b 1537 to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. transmitting the Administration’s final rule AFTER RECESS 829. A letter from the Assistant Secretary, — Fisheries of the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, Legislative Affairs, Department of State, and South Atlantic; Snapper-Grouper fishery The recess having expired, the House transmitting the Department’s report on the Off the Southern Atlantic States; Amend- was called to order by the Speaker pro status of Data Mining Activities, pursuant ment 17B [Docket No.: 0907271173-0629-03] tempore (Mr. BISHOP of Utah) at 3 to Implementing Recommendations of the 9/ (RIN: 0648-AY11) received February 15, 2011, o’clock and 37 minutes p.m. 11 Commission Act, Section 804; to the Com- pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- mittee on Foreign Affairs. mittee on Natural Resources. f 830. A letter from the Secretary, Depart- 838. A letter from the Attorney General, ment of Education, transmitting FY 2010 An- ADJOURNMENT Department of Justice, transmitting a letter nual Performance Report; to the Committee to inform of the Executive Branch’s deter- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without on Oversight and Government Reform. mination and the Department’s steps in the objection, the House stands adjourned 831. A letter from the Acting Director, Of- two pending DOMA cases; to the Committee until noon on Monday next for morn- fice of Sustainable Fisheries, NMFS, Na- on the Judiciary. tional Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra- ing-hour debate. 839. A letter from the Chief, Publications tion, transmitting the Administration’s final and Regulations, Internal Revenue Service, There was no objection. rule — Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic transmitting the Service’s final rule — Rob- Accordingly (at 3 o’clock and 38 min- Zone Off Alaska; Pacific Cod by Non-Amer- inson Knife Manufacturing Company and utes p.m.), under its previous order, the ican Fisheries Act Crab Vessels Harvesting Subsidiaries v. Commissioner 600 F.3d 121 (2d House adjourned until Monday, March Pacific Cod for Processing by the Offshore Cir. 2010), rev’g T.C. Memo 2009-9 received 14, 2011, at noon. Component in the Central Regulatory Area February 11, 2011, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. of the Gulf of Alaska [Docket No.: 0910131362- 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Ways and f 0087-02] (RIN: 0648-XA177) received February Means. EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, 9, 2011, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to 840. A letter from the Chief, Publications the Committee on Natural Resources. ETC. and Regulations, Internal Revenue Service, 832. A letter from the Acting Director, Of- transmitting the Service’s final rule — Dis- Under clause 2 of rule XIV, executive fice of Sustainable Fisheries, NMFS, Na- closure of Return Information to the Depart- communications were taken from the tional Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra- ment of Agriculture [TD 9245] (RIN: 1545- Speaker’s table and referred as follows: tion, transmitting the Administration’s final BE15) received February 11, 2011, pursuant to rule — Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on 822. A letter from the Assistant Secretary, Zone Off Alaska; Pacific Cod by Catcher/ Ways and Means. Navy, Department of Defense, transmitting a Processors Using Pot Gear in the Bering Sea 841. A letter from the Inspector General, report on the Repair of Naval Vessels in For- and Aleutian Islands Management Area Department of Health and Human Services, eign Shipyards, pursuant to (122 Stat. 4584); [Docket No.: 0910131363-0087-02] (RIN: 0648- transmitting a report entitled ‘‘Review of to the Committee on Armed Services. XA176) received February 9, 2011, pursuant to Medicare Contractor Information Security 823. A letter from the Director, Defense 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Program Evaluations for Fiscal Year 2008’’; Procurement and Acquisition Policy, De- Natural Resources. jointly to the Committees on Energy and partment of Defense, transmitting the De- 833. A letter from the Acting Director, Of- Commerce and Ways and Means. partment’s final rule — Defense Federal Ac- fice of Sustainable Fisheries, NMFS, Na- f quisition Regulation Supplement; Award-Fee tional Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra- Contracts (DFARS Case 2006-D021) (RIN: 0750- tion, transmitting the Administration’s final REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON AF51) received February 16, 2011, pursuant to rule — Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Zone Off Alaska; Pollock in Statistical Area Armed Services. 610 in the Gulf of Alaska [Docket No.: Under clause 2 of rule XIII, reports of 824. A letter from the Under Secretary, De- 0910131362-0087-02] (RIN: 0648-XA168) received committees were delivered to the Clerk partment of Defense, transmitting author- February 9, 2011, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. for printing and reference to the proper ization of 2 officers to wear the authorized 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Natural calendar, as follows: insignia of the grade of brigadier general; to Resources. Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of California: the Committee on Armed Services. 834. A letter from the Acting Director, Of- Committee on House Administration. House 825. A letter from the Chief Counsel, De- fice of Sustainable Fisheries, NMFS, Na- Resolution 147. Resolution providing for the partment of Homeland Security, transmit- tional Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra- expenses of certain committees of the House ting the Department’s final rule — National tion, transmitting the Administration’s final of Representatives in the One Hundred Flood Insurance Program, Policy Wording rule — Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Twelfth Congress (Rept. 112–30). Referred to Correction [Docket ID: FEMA-2010-0021] Zone Off Alaska; Pacific Cod by Catcher Ves- the House Calendar. (RIN: 1660-AA70) received February 15, 2011, sels Greater Than or Equal to 60 Feet (18.3 Mr. BACHUS: Committee on Financial pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- Meters) Legnth Overall Using Pot Gear in Services. H.R. 839. A bill to amend the Emer- mittee on Financial Services. the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Manage- gency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 to 826. A letter from the Regulatory Spe- ment Area [Docket No.: 0910131363-0087-02] terminate the authority of the Secretary of cialist, LRAD, Department of the Treasury, (RIN: 0648-XA167) received February 9, 2011, the Treasury to provide new assistance transmitting the Department’s final rule — pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- under the Home Affordable Modification Bank Secrecy Act Compliance; Fair Credit mittee on Natural Resources. Program, while preserving assistance to Reporting; Technical Amendments [Docket 835. A letter from the Acting Director, Of- homeowners who were already extended an ID: OCC-2011-0003] (RIN: 1557-AD38) received fice of Sustainable Fisheries, NMFS, Na- offer to participate in the Program, either on February 9, 2011, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. tional Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra- a trial or permanent basis; with an amend- 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Financial tion, transmitting the Administration’s final ment (Rept. 112–31). Referred to the Com- Services. rule — Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic mittee of the Whole House on the State of 827. A letter from the Deputy to the Chair- Zone Off Alaska; Pollock in Statistical Area the Union. man for External Affairs, Federal Deposit In- 630 in the Gulf of Alaska [Docket No.: Mr. BACHUS: Committee on Financial surance Corporation, transmitting the Cor- 0910131362-0087-02] (RIN: 0648-XA169) received Services. H.R. 861. A bill to rescind the third poration’s final rule — Orderly Liquidation February 9, 2011, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. round of funding for the Neighborhood Sta- Authority Provisions of the Dodd-Frank 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Natural bilization Program and to terminate the pro- Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protec- Resources. gram; with an amendment (Rept. 112–32). Re- tion Act received February 10, 2011, pursuant 836. A letter from the Assistant Adminis- ferred to the Committee of the Whole House to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on trator for Fisheries, NMFS, National Oce- on the State of the Union. Financial Services. anic and Atmospheric Administration, trans- 828. A letter from the Assistant Secretary, mitting the Administration’s final rule — f Legislative Affairs, Department of State, Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS transmitting consistent with the Authoriza- Management Act Provisions; Fisheries of the tion for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Northeastern United States; Extension of Under clause 2 of rule XII, public Resolution of 2002 (Pub. L. 107-243), and the Emergency Fishery Closure Due to the Pres- bills and resolutions of the following Authorization for the Use of Military Force ence of the Toxin That Causes Paralytic titles were introduced and severally re- Against Iraq Resolution (Pub. L. 102-1), and Shellfish Poisoning [Docket No.: 050613158- ferred, as follows:

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:43 Mar 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MR7.090 H11MRPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with HOUSE H1768 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 11, 2011 By Mr. TIBERI (for himself and Mr. tax alternative to the current income tax remains of the member if the member dies MCDERMOTT): system; to the Committee on Ways and while on active duty; to the Committee on H.R. 1031. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- Means, and in addition to the Committee on Armed Services. enue Code of 1986 to repeal the shipping in- Rules, for a period to be subsequently deter- By Mr. DUNCAN of South Carolina (for vestment withdrawal rules in section 955 and mined by the Speaker, in each case for con- himself, Mr. CHAFFETZ, Mr. BISHOP of to provide an incentive to reinvest foreign sideration of such provisions as fall within Utah, Mrs. NOEM, Mr. SCOTT of South shipping earnings in the United States; to the jurisdiction of the committee concerned. Carolina, Mr. WILSON of South Caro- the Committee on Ways and Means. By Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania lina, Mr. GOWDY, Mr. MULVANEY, Mr. By Mr. BROUN of Georgia: (for himself and Mr. ALTMIRE): GOSAR, Mr. ROSS of Florida, Mr. H.R. 1032. A bill to establish judicial proce- H.R. 1041. A bill to amend title XVIII of the KINGSTON, Mr. STUTZMAN, Mr. dures for causes and claims relating to any Social Security Act to repeal the Medicare NEUGEBAUER, Mr. YODER, Mr. action or decision by a Federal official re- competitive acquisition program for durable LAMBORN, Mr. BURTON of Indiana, Mr. garding the leasing of Federal lands (includ- medical equipment and prosthetics, GOHMERT, Mr. FLORES, Mr. GINGREY ing submerged lands) for the exploration, de- orthotics, and supplies (DMEPOS); to the of Georgia, Ms. FOXX, Mr. SESSIONS, velopment, production, processing, or trans- Committee on Energy and Commerce, and in Mr. HUELSKAMP, Mr. WESTMORELAND, mission of oil, natural gas, or any other addition to the Committees on Appropria- Mr. MCHENRY, Mr. KING of Iowa, Mr. source or form of energy, and for other pur- tions, and Ways and Means, for a period to be PITTS, Mr. ROKITA, and Mr. HERGER): poses; to the Committee on the Judiciary. subsequently determined by the Speaker, in H.R. 1047. A bill to amend the National By Mr. BROUN of Georgia: each case for consideration of such provi- Labor Relations Act to protect State re- H.R. 1033. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- sions as fall within the jurisdiction of the quirements for a secret ballot election of enue Code of 1986 to allow a credit for unre- committee concerned. labor organizations; to the Committee on imbursed funeral expenses with respect to a By Mr. BACA (for himself, Mr. CAL- Education and the Workforce. deceased indigent individual; to the Com- VERT, Mr. CARDOZA, Mr. COSTA, Mr. By Mr. HOLT (for himself, Mr. SIRES, mittee on Ways and Means. CUELLAR, Mr. LEWIS of California, Mr. ROTHMAN of New Jersey, Mr. By Mr. CAMP: Mr. YOUNG of Alaska, Mr. MCCLIN- PALLONE, Mr. PASCRELL, Mr. HONDA, H.R. 1034. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- TOCK, and Mr. GARY G. MILLER of and Ms. LINDA T. SA´ NCHEZ of Cali- enue Code of 1986 to extend the funding and California): fornia): expenditure authority of the Airport and H.R. 1042. A bill to amend the Endangered H.R. 1048. A bill to prevent harassment at Airway Trust Fund; to the Committee on Species Act of 1973 to require that certain institutions of higher education, and for Ways and Means, and in addition to the Com- species be treated as extinct for purposes of other purposes; to the Committee on Edu- mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- that Act if there is not a substantial in- cation and the Workforce. ture, for a period to be subsequently deter- crease in the population of a species during By Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio (for himself, mined by the Speaker, in each case for con- the 15-year period beginning on the date the Mr. DUNCAN of South Carolina, Mr. sideration of such provisions as fall within species is determined to be an endangered MILLER of Florida, Ms. BUERKLE, Mrs. the jurisdiction of the committee concerned. species, and for other purposes; to the Com- SCHMIDT, Mr. GOHMERT, Mr. By Ms. HIRONO (for herself, Mr. mittee on Natural Resources. WALBERG, Mr. SCOTT of South Caro- FALEOMAVAEGA, Ms. HANABUSA, and By Mr. VAN HOLLEN (for himself, Mr. lina, Mr. PEARCE, Mr. HARPER, Mr. Ms. BORDALLO): CONNOLLY of Virginia, Mr. WELCH, MCHENRY, Mr. HARRIS, Mr. TIBERI, H.R. 1035. A bill to amend title IV of the Mr. MCGOVERN, Mr. MATHESON, Mr. Mr. STIVERS, Mr. LANDRY, Mr. Personal Responsibility and Work Oppor- OWENS, Mr. SHULER, Mr. COOPER, Mr. MCKINLEY, Mr. BROUN of Georgia, Mr. tunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 to permit BOSWELL, Mr. SCHRADER, Mr. PETERS, LATOURETTE, Mr. NUNES, and Mr. Medicaid coverage for citizens of the Freely Mr. QUIGLEY, Mr. LARSEN of Wash- AUSTRIA): Associated States lawfully residing in the ington, Mr. BRALEY of Iowa, Mr. H.R. 1049. A bill to amend the National En- United States under the Compacts of Free HONDA, Ms. BASS of California, Mr. vironmental Policy Act of 1969 to direct the Association between the Government of the Council on Environmental Quality to report United States and the Governments of the ALTMIRE, Mr. BARROW, Mr. COSTA, Mr. CUELLAR, Mr. ROSS of Arkansas, to Congress annually on the number of per- Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic mits required under Federal law for which of the Marshall Islands, and the Republic of Mr. CARDOZA, Mr. PETERSON, Mr. BOREN, Mr. DONNELLY of Indiana, Mr. applications have been submitted and that Palau; to the Committee on Energy and have not been issued because an environ- DAVID SCOTT of Georgia, and Mr. Commerce. mental impact statement is pending, and for By Mr. BILBRAY: MCINTYRE) (all by request): H.R. 1043. A bill to provide an optional other purposes; to the Committee on Natural H.R. 1036. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- Resources. enue Code of 1986 to allow temporarily a re- fast-track procedure the President may use when submitting rescission requests, and for By Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas (for duced rate of tax with respect to repatriated himself, Mr. SESSIONS, Mr. PAUL, Mr. foreign earnings; to the Committee on Ways other purposes; to the Committee on the Budget, and in addition to the Committee on BURGESS, Mr. CANSECO, Mrs. BLACK, and Means. Mr. MARCHANT, Mr. GERLACH, and Mr. By Mr. KING of New York (for himself, Rules, for a period to be subsequently deter- mined by the Speaker, in each case for con- MCCAUL): Mr. GONZALEZ, Mr. PASTOR of Ari- H.R. 1050. A bill to amend title I of the Em- sideration of such provisions as fall within zona, Mr. MCCAUL, Mr. ROTHMAN of ployee Retirement Income Security Act of the jurisdiction of the committee concerned. New Jersey, Mr. PAULSEN, and Mr. 1974 to improve access and choice for entre- By Ms. JENKINS (for herself, Mr. FILNER): preneurs with small businesses with respect CUELLAR, and Mr. AKIN): H.R. 1037. A bill to amend the Public to medical care for their employees; to the H.R. 1044. A bill to amend title XVIII of the Health Service Act to provide for the na- Committee on Education and the Workforce. Social Security Act to provide payment tional collection of data on stillbirths in a By Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas (for under part A of the Medicare Program on a standardized manner, and for other purposes; himself, Mr. SESSIONS, Mr. PAUL, reasonable cost basis for anesthesia services to the Committee on Energy and Commerce. Mrs. BLACK, and Mr. MCCAUL): By Mr. GOSAR: furnished by an anesthesiologist in certain H.R. 1051. A bill to amend title XVIII of the H.R. 1038. A bill to authorize the convey- rural hospitals in the same manner as pay- Social Security Act to clarify the use of pri- ance of two small parcels of land within the ments are provided for anesthesia services vate contracts by Medicare beneficiaries for boundaries of the Coconino National Forest furnished by anesthesiologist assistants and professional services and to allow individuals containing private improvements that were certified registered nurse anesthetists in to choose to opt out of the Medicare part A developed based upon the reliance of the such hospitals; to the Committee on Ways benefits; to the Committee on Ways and landowners in an erroneous survey con- and Means. Means, and in addition to the Committee on ducted in May 1960; to the Committee on By Mr. RYAN of Ohio: Energy and Commerce, for a period to be Natural Resources. H.R. 1045. A bill for the relief of the sur- subsequently determined by the Speaker, in By Mr. SULLIVAN (for himself, Mr. vivors of Michael T. Theodore, Jr., Joshua A. each case for consideration of such provi- BOREN, Mr. COLE, Mr. LUCAS, and Mr. Sherbourne, and Zachary A. Nolen; to the sions as fall within the jurisdiction of the LANKFORD): Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. committee concerned. H.R. 1039. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- By Mr. COHEN (for himself, Ms. By Mr. JONES: enue Code of 1986 to permanently extend the BORDALLO, Mr. DUNCAN of Tennessee, H.R. 1052. A bill to guarantee the right of Indian employment credit and the deprecia- Mr. GRIJALVA, Ms. MOORE, Mr. ROG- individuals to receive social security bene- tion rules for property used predominantly ERS of Michigan, Ms. NORTON, Mr. fits under title II of the Social Security Act within an Indian reservation; to the Com- GEORGE MILLER of California, Mr. in full with an accurate annual cost-of-living mittee on Ways and Means. LEWIS of Georgia, and Ms. RICHARD- adjustment; to the Committee on Ways and By Mr. BURGESS (for himself, Mr. SON): Means. BARTLETT, Mr. COLE, and Mr. ROSS of H.R. 1046. A bill to amend title 10, United By Mr. MATHESON (for himself and Florida): States Code, to authorize a member of the Mr. BISHOP of Utah): H.R. 1040. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- Armed Forces to designate anyone as the H.R. 1053. A bill to clarify authority grant- enue Code of 1986 to provide taxpayers a flat person authorized to direct disposition of the ed under the Act entitled ‘‘An Act to define

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:57 Mar 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L11MR7.100 H11MRPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with HOUSE March 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1769 the exterior boundary of the Uintah and Congress has the power to enact this legis- Article I, Section 8, Clause 1: The Congress Ouray Indian Reservation in the State of lation pursuant to the following: shall have Power to lay and collect Taxes, Utah, and for other purposes’’; to the Com- Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3: To regulate Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the mittee on Natural Resources. Commerce with foreign Nations, and among Debts and provide for the common Defence By Ms. PINGREE of Maine (for herself, the several States, and with the Indian and general Welfare of the United States; but Mr. MCDERMOTT, and Ms. MOORE): Tribes. all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uni- H.R. 1054. A bill to amend title XIX of the By Mr. BROUN of Georgia: form throughout the United States. Social Security Act to provide access to cer- H.R. 1033. By Mr. BURGESS: tified professional midwives for women en- Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 1040. rolled in the Medicaid program; to the Com- lation pursuant to the following: Congress has the power to enact this legis- mittee on Energy and Commerce. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1: The Congress lation pursuant to the following: By Mr. THORNBERRY (for himself, shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, The attached bill is constitutional under Mr. CARNAHAN, Mr. BURGESS, and Ms. Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Article I, Section VIII: ‘‘The Congress shall HAYWORTH): Debts and provide for the common Defence have Power To lay and collect Taxes’’. H.R. 1055. A bill to amend title XVIII of the and general Welfare of the United States; but By Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania: Social Security Act to permit coverage of all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uni- H.R. 1041. certain covered part D drugs for uses that form throughout the United States. Congress has the power to enact this legis- are determined to be for medically accepted By Mr. CAMP: lation pursuant to the following: indications based upon clinical evidence in H.R. 1034. Article I, Section 8, Clause 3; and includ- peer reviewed medical literature; to the Congress has the power to enact this legis- ing, but not solely limited to Article I, Sec- Committee on Energy and Commerce, and in lation pursuant to the following: tion 8, Clause 14. addition to the Committee on Ways and Clause 1 of Section 8 of Article I of the By Mr. BACA: Means, for a period to be subsequently deter- United States Constitution. H.R. 1042. mined by the Speaker, in each case for con- By Ms. HIRONO: Congress has the power to enact this legis- sideration of such provisions as fall within H.R. 1035. lation pursuant to the following: the jurisdiction of the committee concerned. Congress has the power to enact this legis- U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8. By Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky: lation pursuant to the following: By Mr. VAN HOLLEN: H.J. Res. 48. A joint resolution making fur- Article I, Section 8, Clause 1: ‘‘The Con- H.R. 1043 ther continuing appropriations for fiscal gress shall have Power to lay and collect Congress has the power to enact this legis- year 2011, and for other purposes; to the Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay lation pursuant to the following: Committee on Appropriations. the Debts and provide for the common Article, I Section 9, Clause 7 and Article I, By Ms. WOOLSEY (for herself, Mr. Defence and general Welfare of the United Section 5, Clause 2. OLVER, Mr. GRIJALVA, Ms. SLAUGH- States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises By Ms. JENKINS: TER, Ms. SPEIER, Mr. RUSH, Mr. shall be uniform throughout the United H.R. 1044. Congress has the power to enact this legis- CAPUANO, Mr. CONYERS, Ms. RICHARD- States.’’ lation pursuant to the following: SON, Ms. CLARKE of New York, Ms. Article I, Section 8, Clause 3: ‘‘The Con- Article I, Section 8, Clause 3: The Congress EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas, Mr. gress shall have Power to regulate Com- shall have Power—To regulate Commerce SERRANO, Mr. HINCHEY, Ms. MOORE, merce with foreign Nations, and among the with foreign Nations, and among the several Ms. BALDWIN, Mrs. MALONEY, Ms. several States, and with the Indian Tribes.’’ States, and with the Indian Tribes. NORTON, Mr. ENGEL, Ms. MCCOLLUM, By Mr. BILBRAY: By Mr. RYAN of Ohio: Ms. MATSUI, Ms. WASSERMAN H.R. 1036. H.R. 1045. SCHULTZ, Mr. KILDEE, Mr. PETERSON, Congress has the power to enact this legis- Congress has the power to enact this legis- Mr. WALZ of Minnesota, Mr. lation pursuant to the following: lation pursuant to the following: PALLONE, Mr. SIRES, Ms. SUTTON, Mr. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1: The Congress The constitutional authority on which this FARR, Mr. MCNERNEY, Mr. STARK, Mr. shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, bill rests is the power of Congress to make LEVIN, Ms. BORDALLO, Ms. DELAURO, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the rules for the government and regulation of Mr. MCGOVERN, Mr. LEWIS of Georgia, Debts and provide for the common Defense the land and naval forces, as enumerated in Ms. TSONGAS, Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ and general Welfare of the United States; but Article I, Section 8, Clause 14 of the United of California, Mr. PRICE of North all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uni- States Constitution. Carolina, Ms. JACKSON LEE of Texas, form throughout the United States. By Mr. COHEN: Mrs. LOWEY, Ms. BERKLEY, Mr. VAN By Mr. KING of New York: H.R. 1046. HOLLEN, Mr. COHEN, Mr. SARBANES, H.R. 1037. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Mr. ELLISON, Ms. HANABUSA, Mr. RA- Congress has the power to enact this legis- lation pursuant to the following: HALL, Mr. HASTINGS of Florida, Mr. lation pursuant to the following: The constitutional authority of Congress BACA, and Mr. RANGEL): Article I, Section 8, Clause 1: The Congress to enact this legislation is provided by Arti- H. Res. 165. A resolution supporting the shall have Power to lay and collect Taxes, cle I, Section 8 of the United States Con- goals and ideals of National Women’s His- Duties, Imposts, and Excises to pay the stitution (Clauses 12, 13, 14, 16, and 18), which tory Month; to the Committee on Oversight Debts and provide for the common Defence grants Congress the power to raise and sup- and Government Reform. and general Welfare of the United States; but port an Army; to provide and maintain a By Mr. MCCOTTER (for himself and all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uni- Navy; to make rules for the government and Mr. ISRAEL): form throughout the United States. regulation of the land and naval forces; to H. Res. 166. A resolution expressing support By Mr. GOSAR: provide for organizing, arming, and dis- for designation of March 2011 as ‘‘National H.R. 1038. ciplining the militia; and to make all laws Kidney Cancer and Kidney Health Awareness Congress has the power to enact this legis- necessary and proper for carrying out the Month’’; to the Committee on Energy and lation pursuant to the following: foregoing powers. Commerce. Congress has the express constitutional au- By Mr. DUNCAN of South Carolina: f thority to manage and convey federal lands, H.R. 1047. pursuant to Article IV, Section 3, Clause 2 of CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY Congress has the power to enact this legis- the Constitution. This clause provides, in lation pursuant to the following: STATEMENT relevant part: ‘‘The Congress shall have This legislation follows the 10th Amend- Pursuant to clause 7 of rule XII of Power to dispose of and make all needful ment to the Constitution, standing up for the Rules of the House of Representa- Rules and Regulations respecting the Terri- the rights of the states to an overreach of tory or other Property belonging to the the federal government as it relates to the tives, the following statements are sub- United States . . .’’ Federal lands may only mitted regarding the specific powers National Labor Relations Board’s stated in- be appropriated by an act of Congress. tent to sue four states over provisions in granted to Congress in the Constitu- United States v. Fitzgerald, 40 U.S. (15 Pet.) their state constitutions. tion to enact the accompanying bill or 407, 421 (1841) (‘‘No appropriation of public By Mr. HOLT: joint resolution. land can be made for any purpose, but by au- H.R. 1048. By Mr. TIBERI: thority of congress. By the third section of Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 1031. the fourth article of the constitution of the lation pursuant to the following: Congress has the power to enact this legis- United States, power is given to congress to Article I of the United States Constitution. lation pursuant to the following: dispose of, and make all needful rules and By Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio: This bill makes changes to existing law re- regulations respecting the territory or other H.R. 1049. lating to Article 1, Section 7 which provides property belonging to the United States.’’) Congress has the power to enact this legis- that ‘‘All bills for raising Revenue shall By Mr. SULLIVAN: lation pursuant to the following: originate in the House of Representatives.’’ H.R. 1039. The Congress enacts this bill pursuant to By Mr. BROUN of Georgia: Congress has the power to enact this legis- Article I, Section 8, Clause 18 of the United H.R. 1032. lation pursuant to the following: States Constitution.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:57 Mar 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L11MR7.100 H11MRPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with HOUSE H1770 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 11, 2011 By Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas: ADDITIONAL SPONSORS H.R. 893: Mr. FITZPATRICK, Mr. HOLDEN, and H.R. 1050. Mr. COBLE. Under clause 7 of rule XII, sponsors Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 896: Ms. GRANGER, Mr. SESSIONS, Mr. lation pursuant to the following: were added to public bills and resolu- SAM JOHNSON of Texas, and Mr. CONAWAY. The constitutional authority of Congress tions as follows: H.R. 900: Mr. CHANDLER. to enact this legislation is provided by Arti- H.R. 10: Mr. YODER, Mr. SULLIVAN, Mr. SAM H.R. 904: Mr. WALBERG and Mr. SCHOCK. cle I, Section 8 of the United States Con- JOHNSON of Texas, Mrs. BACHMANN, and Mr. H.R. 909: Mr. KINZINGER of Illinois. stitution, specifically Clause 1 (relating to WHITFIELD. H.R. 910: Mr. STEARNS, Mr. FLORES, Mrs. providing for the general welfare of the H.R. 27: Mr. CLEAVER. BIGGERT, Mr. PALAZZO, Mr. RENACCI, and Mr. United States) and Clause 18 (relating to the H.R. 58: Mr. HARRIS, Mr. STEARNS, and Mr. AUSTRIA. power to make all laws necessary and proper RIVERA. H.R. 925: Mr. POLIS. for carrying out the powers vested in Con- H.R. 104: Mr. SHIMKUS. H.R. 948: Mr. GRIJALVA. gress), and Article IV, Section 3, Clause 2 (re- H.R. 110: Mr. LIPINSKI, Mr. BRALEY of Iowa, H.R. 951: Mr. POSEY. lating to the power of Congress to dispose of Mr. MURPHY of Connecticut, Mr. MICHAUD, H.R. 959: Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. and make all needful rules and regulations and Mr. TONKO. H.R. 965: Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of respecting the territory or other property H.R. 153: Mr. MCKINLEY and Mr. KELLY. Texas, Mr. BERMAN, Mr. HINCHEY, Ms. RICH- belonging to the United States). H.R. 154: Mr. GOODLATTE. ARDSON, Ms. LEE of California, Mr. JACKSON By Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas: H.R. 178: Mrs. CAPPS and Mr. RIVERA. of Illinois, Mr. OLVER, Mr. MORAN, Mr. H.R. 1051. H.R. 191: Mr. DEUTCH. KUCINICH, Mr. RANGEL, Ms. JACKSON LEE of Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 258: Mr. MORAN. Texas, Mr. GEORGE MILLER of California, and lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 303: Mr. RIVERA and Mr. ALTMIRE. Mr. GRIJALVA. The constitutional authority of Congress H.R. 308: Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. H.R. 984: Mrs. MYRICK, Mr. ROGERS of Ala- to enact this legislation is provided by Arti- bama, Mr. PAUL, and Mr. HULTGREN. cle I, Section 8 of the United States Con- H.R. 358: Mr. REHBERG, Mr. SAM JOHNSON of H.R. 987: Mr. PLATTS. stitution, specifically Clause I (relating to Texas, and Mr. RIGELL. H.R. 992: Mr. DINGELL. providing for the general welfare of the H.R. 402: Mr. DEUTCH and Mr. GARAMENDI. H.R. 993: Mr. PAUL, Mr. SAM JOHNSON of United States) and Clause 18 (relating to the H.R. 409: Mr. RIVERA. Texas, and Mr. CARTER. power to make all laws necessary and proper H.R. 421: Mr. ROKITA and Mr. LATTA. H.R. 1004: Mr. SCHOCK and Ms. SPEIER. for carrying out the powers vested in Con- H.R. 459: Mr. HARRIS. gress), and Article IV, Section 3, Clause 2 (re- H.R. 529: Ms. BALDWIN. H.R. 1028: Ms. CASTOR of Florida. lating to the power of Congress to dispose of H.R. 546: Mrs. MILLER of Michigan, Mr. H. Con. Res. 12: Mr. PAYNE, Mr. BARROW, and make all needful rules and regulations LATHAM, Ms. ESHOO, Mr. ROGERS of Alabama, Mr. WOLF, Ms. SUTTON, Mr. FILNER, Mr. respecting the territory or other property Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of California, Mr. NEAL, Mr. MORAN, Mr. BILIRAKIS, and Mr. belonging to the United States). COSTELLO, Ms. BORDALLO, Mr. RIVERA, Mr. PASCRELL. By Mr. JONES: CARNAHAN, Ms. RICHARDSON, Mr. COBLE, Mr. H. Con. Res. 13: Mr. CALVERT, Ms. FOXX, H.R. 1052. RYAN of Ohio, and Mr. ROSS of Florida. Mr. WESTMORELAND, Mr. TURNER, Mr. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 576: Mr. POLIS. CANSECO, Mr. STEARNS, Mrs. EMERSON, Mr. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 601: Ms. ESHOO and Ms. SLAUGHTER. LATTA, Ms. JENKINS, Mr. UPTON, Mr. YOUNG Article I, Section 8, empowers Congress to H.R. 605: Mrs. MILLER of Michigan. of Alaska, Mr. ADERHOLT, Mr. HUIZENGA of impose and collect taxes ‘‘to pay the Debts H.R. 625: Mr. WESTMORELAND and Mr. BUR- Michigan, Mr. KINGSTON, and Mr. BOREN. and provide for the common Defence and GESS. H. Con. Res. 21: Mr. BRALEY of Iowa, Mr. general Welfare of the United States.’’ H.R. 651: Ms. CHU, Ms. FUDGE, Mr. GEORGE FORTENBERRY, Mr. SCHWEIKERT, Mr. WEST- By Mr. MATHESON: MILLER of California, Mr. PAYNE, Ms. SPEIER, MORELAND, Mr. FARENTHOLD, Mrs. MILLER of H.R. 1053. Mr. MICHAUD, Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia, Ms. Michigan, Mr. PEARCE, Mr. MILLER of North Congress has the power to enact this legis- ZOE LOFGREN of California, and Mr. QUIGLEY. Carolina, Mr. JONES, Mr. YODER, Mr. HARRIS, lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 656: Mr. CUMMINGS, Mrs. CHRISTENSEN, Mr. GOSAR, Mr. RIGELL, Mr. SMITH of Ne- This bill is enacted pursuant to the power and Mr. RANGEL. braska, Mr. WITTMAN, Mr. KIND, Mr. VIS- CLOSKY, Mr. FLEMING, Mr. NUNES, Mr. granted to Congress under Article I, Section H.R. 665: Mr. LONG. LANKFORD, Mr. DAVID SCOTT of Georgia, and 8, Clause 3 of the United States Constitution. H.R. 687: Mr. RIVERA and Mr. WITTMAN. Mr. BOREN. By Ms. PINGREE of Maine: H.R. 694: Ms. HAYWORTH. H. Con. Res. 25: Mr. WOODALL, Mrs. ROBY, H.R. 1054. H.R. 700: Mr. HANNA. Mr. PENCE, Mr. FLAKE, Mr. MCKEON, Mr. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 710: Mr. SARBANES. WILSON of South Carolina, Mr. JONES, Mr. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 721: Mr. GRIFFIN of Arkansas. ROSS of Florida, Mr. GRAVES of Georgia, Mr. This bill is enacted pursuant to the power H.R. 729: Mr. BISHOP of New York, Mr. OLSON, Mr. NEUGEBAUER, Mr. FINCHER, Mr. granted to Congress under Article I, Section CLAY, and Mr. STARK. 8, Clause 3 of the United States Constitution. WALBERG, Mr. ISSA, Mr. LAMBORN, Mr. FLEM- H.R. 733: Mr. ACKERMAN, Ms. BERKLEY, Mr. By Mr. THORNBERRY: ING, Mrs. SCHMIDT, Mr. HARRIS, Mrs. MYRICK, ISRAEL, Ms. ZOE LOFGREN of California, Mr. H.R. 1055. Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio, Mr. SCOTT of South HINCHEY, Mr. COOPER, Ms. LEE of California, Carolina, Mr. MCCOTTER, Mr. BENISHEK, Mr. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Mr. CAPUANO, Mr. NEAL, and Mr. COSTA. lation pursuant to the following: MARCHANT, Mr. KINGSTON, Mrs. NOEM, Mrs. H.R. 745: Mr. GARRETT and Mr. LONG. Article I, Section 8 of the United States BLACK, Mrs. ADAMS, Mr. POMPEO, Mr. H.R. 750: Mr. GIBBS and Mr. DANIEL E. LUN- Constitution. CRAWFORD, Mr. ROKITA, Mr. NUNNELEE, Mr. GREN of California. By Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky: CONAWAY, Mr. GRAVES of Missouri, Ms. FOXX, H.R. 772: Mr. NADLER. H.J. Res. 48. Mr. BARTON of Texas, Mr. AUSTRIA, Mr. H.R. 780: Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Congress has the power to enact this legis- KELLY, Mrs. ELLMERS, Mr. LUETKEMEYER, lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 819: Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia, Mr. Mr. HULTGREN, Mr. STUTZMAN, Mr. POLIS, Mr. CRITZ, and Mr. OWENS. The principal constitutional authority for SOUTHERLAND, and Mr. MCKINLEY. this legislation is Clause 7 of Section 9 of Ar- H.R. 822: Mr. JORDAN, Mr. COSTELLO, Mr. H. Res. 11: Mr. BACA. ticle I of the Constitution of the United FLEMING, Mr. ROSS of Florida, Mr. RIVERA, H. Res. 25: Mr. YOUNG of Alaska, Mr. States (the appropriation power), which and Mr. BILIRAKIS. PALLONE, and Mr. TONKO. states: ‘‘No Money shall be drawn from the H.R. 831: Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. H. Res. 34: Ms. BORDALLO, Ms. HIRONO, Mr. Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropria- H.R. 835: Mr. GALLEGLY, Mr. KUCINICH, and MORAN, Mr. GRIJALVA, Mr. MURPHY of Con- tions made by Law. . . .’’ In addition, Clause Mrs. NAPOLITANO. necticut, Mr. HINOJOSA, Mr. WALZ of Min- 1 of Section 8 of Article I of the Constitution H.R. 838: Mr. PEARCE. nesota, Ms. NORTON, Ms. SUTTON, Mr. HONDA, (the spending power) provides: ‘‘The Con- H.R. 840: Mr. HALL and Mr. LANDRY. Ms. BALDWIN, Mr. MICHAUD, Mr. MCGOVERN, gress shall have the Power . . . to pay the H.R. 861: Mr. COFFMAN of Colorado. Mr. LARSEN of Washington, Mr. GRIMM, Mr. Debts and provide for the common Defence H.R. 862: Mr. FILNER. HASTINGS of Florida, and Mr. GENE GREEN of and general Welfare of the United States. H.R. 872: Ms. SEWELL, Mr. BURTON of Indi- Texas. . . .’’ Together, these specific constitutional ana, Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi, Ms. JEN- H. Res. 44: Mr. ROKITA and Mr. CARTER. provisions establish the congressional power KINS, Mr. POMPEO, Mr. FLAKE, Mr. JOHNSON H. Res. 60: Mr. ISSA. of the purse, granting Congress the author- of Ohio, Mr. OLSON, Mr. SCHOCK, Mr. LONG, H. Res. 76: Mr. PITTS. ity to appropriate funds, to determine their Mr. WALBERG, Mr. CRITZ, Mr. NUNES, and Mr. H. Res. 85: Mr. ENGEL and Mr. MARINO. purpose, amount, and period of availability, PAUL. H. Res. 100: Mr. GEORGE MILLER of Cali- and to set forth terms and conditions gov- H.R. 892: Ms. FUDGE, Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio, fornia, Mr. MCGOVERN, Mr. FARR, Mr. JOHN- erning their use. Ms. SUTTON, and Mr. RANGEL. SON of Georgia, Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:48 Mar 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11MR7.028 H11MRPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with HOUSE March 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1771 Mr. MARKEY, Mr. ENGEL, Mr. HOLT, Mr. H. Res. 143: Mr. POSEY. limited tax benefits, or limited tariff WEINER, and Mr. DOYLE. f benefits were submitted as follows: H. Res. 106: Mr. MILLER of Florida, Mr. OFFERED BY MR. ROGERS OF KENTUCKY WITTMAN, Mr. JONES, Mrs. MYRICK, and Mr. CONGRESSIONAL EARMARKS, LIM- MCKINLEY. ITED TAX BENEFITS, OR LIM- H.J. Res 48, Additional Continuing Appro- H. Res. 111: Mr. LANCE, Mr. CRAVAACK, Mr. ITED TARIFF BENEFITS priations Amendments, 2011, does not con- KEATING, and Mr. PAYNE. tain any congressional earmarks, limited tax H. Res. 137: Mr. KING of New York and Mr. Under clause 9 of rule XXI, lists or benefits, or limited tariff benefits as defined HASTINGS of Florida. statements on congressional earmarks, in clause 9 rule XXI.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:48 Mar 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11MR7.035 H11MRPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with HOUSE March 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E459 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS

HONORING STEPHANIE SCHEIB deter frivolous lawsuits, it also requires that this exceptional man, I ask my colleagues to any person seeking judicial review of any ac- join me in mourning his passing and honoring HON. SAM GRAVES tion under this Act shall pay the prevailing par- his life and his service to our community and ty’s legal fees and other expenses, unless the our country. OF MISSOURI Court finds that the position of the person was f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES substantially justified or that special cir- Friday, March 11, 2011 cumstances make an award unjust. STATEMENT ON H.R. 998, THE As the economic downturn continues and ‘‘STUDENT NON-DISCRIMINATION Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I energy prices soar, our nation must do every- ACT’’ proudly pause to recognize Stephanie Scheib. thing in its power to access the abundant nat- Stephanie is a very special young woman who ural resources with which we have been HON. MICHAEL M. HONDA has exemplified the finest qualities of citizen- blessed. I believe this legislation can play an OF CALIFORNIA ship and leadership by taking an active part in important part in our nation’s economic recov- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Girl Scouts of the USA and earning the ery by alleviating current energy costs, while high honor of the Gold Award. also helping to ensure our energy future. Friday, March 11, 2011 Stephanie’s outstanding achievement re- f Mr. HONDA. Mr. Speaker, I rise as a proud flects her hard work and dedication. Stephanie cosponsor of the ‘‘Student Non-Discrimination has exhibited unique and creative examples of HONORING THOMAS PATRICK Act,’’ SNDA, introduced today by my friend service that have made a difference in her O’ROURKE Congressman JARED POLIS of Colorado. community. I am confident that she will con- I commend Congressman POLIS for his tinue to hold herself to the highest standards commitment to creating and fostering a safe in the future. This is an accomplishment for HON. THADDEUS G. McCOTTER educational environment for all students. The which Stephanie can take pride in for the rest OF MICHIGAN legislation we introduced today would assure of her life. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES equal protection for lesbian, gay, bisexual, or Mr. Speaker, I proudly ask you to join me in Friday, March 11, 2011 transgender, LGBT, students. commending Stephanie Scheib for her accom- As an educator for over 30 years, I have plishments with the Girl Scouts of the USA Mr. MCCOTTER. Mr. Speaker, today I rise witnessed firsthand the devastating impact and for her efforts put forth in achieving the to honor Thomas Patrick O’Rourke, a devoted bullying and harassment has on students highest distinction of the Gold Award. husband, father, grandfather, son and brother emotionally, socially and academically. These and to mourn him upon his passing at the age problems are pervasive and persistent in our f of 75. schools. The hostile environment created by INTRODUCTION OF THE REMOVING Born on February 22, 1936, Thomas harassment and bullying not only deprives stu- EXCESS LITIGATION INVOLVING O’Rourke was the younest of six children born dents of the opportunity to receive a quality ENERGY ON FEDERAL LANDS to James and Mary O’Rourke and attended education, but also contributes to academic ACT both Detroit Catholic Central and St. Cecelia underachievement. Furthermore, bullying and before graduating from St. Cecelia in 1954. harassment can, and have, led to life-threat- Having honorably served this great nation as ening violence and suicide, as evidenced by HON. PAUL C. BROUN a member of the United States Army, SPC 4 several nationally reported incidents including OF GEORGIA Thomas O’Rourke was honorably discharged cases in New Jersey, Philadelphia, New York IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES on September 30, 1962. Thomas married the and across the United States. love of his life, Mary Ellen on May 3, 1974. A Friday, March 11, 2011 Existing federal civil rights statutes that ad- dedicated and loving father to their four chil- dress discrimination do not cover sexual ori- Mr. BROUN of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, today, dren, Thomas embodied the truest spirit of the entation or gender identity, thus LGBT stu- I introduced the Removing Excess Litigation Irish enjoying the boundless conversation and dents are vulnerable to discrimination, harass- Involving Energy on Federal Lands Act, RE- camaraderie the Gaelic League and the An- ment, and bullying. Furthermore, there is no LIEF Act. This legislation would help stream- cient Order of Hibernians. He was affection- recourse or legal protection when the rights of line judicial procedures for causes and claims ately known as ‘‘Mr. Notre Dame’’ among his LGBT students are violated. regarding the leasing of Federal lands for the friends at the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post The Student Non-Discrimination Act is a exploration, development, production, proc- where he was an active member. positive step toward achieving equal protection essing, or transmission of oil, natural gas, or On March 7, 2011, Thomas O’Rourke for LGBT students. It will do this by prohibiting any other source or form of energy. passed from this earthly world to his eternal discrimination in public school based on actual Excessive legal challenges have signifi- reward. Thomas will be deeply missed by his or perceived sexual orientation or gender iden- cantly delayed and in many cases prevented wife of 36 years, Mary Ellen. He will long be tity. These steps will provide LGBT students a energy resources from reaching the American remembered as a father devoted to his be- safe environment free from discrimination to public. These oftentimes frivolous legal chal- loved children Katie, Molly, Tom and Erin. learn and succeed in school. lenges have helped contribute to our nation’s Thomas O’Rourke leaves a legacy in his The SNDA has goals similar to legislation I economic turmoil and skyrocketing energy grandchildren, Ella, Aidan, Jack, Megan, supported as chair of the Congressional Asian costs. Danny, Colleen, Maggie and the impending Pacific American Caucus including the Safe The RELIEF Act would not take away any- James, due in July. He is survived by his sis- Schools Improvement Act, which helps one’s ‘‘day in court;’’ instead, it will simply ter, Marge. Preceded into eternity by his par- schools and school districts develop and im- streamline the process for all parties involved. ents, James and Mary as well as his brother prove anti-bullying and anti-harassment initia- This legislation would require that all claims be James and his sisters Marie, Dorothy and tives. We need all of this and much more, until filed within 60 days of an action or decision Jane, Thomas was a wonderful man, kind to our students are safe enough to study without and that any proceeding be resolved within all he encountered. He will be truly and sor- the strain of discrimination or fear of bullying 180 days of the claim being filed and gives rowfully missed. and harassment. precedence over other court proceedings. In Mr. Speaker, during his lifetime, Thomas I am proud to be a cosponsor of the Student addition, it requires that all appeals from the O’Rourke enriched the lives of everyone Non-Discrimination Act and urge my col- District Court be reviewed by the Supreme around him. There is no doubt that Thomas leagues to join me in supporting this important Court and that any proceeding be resolved was a beacon of joy, hope and inspiration to legislation to ensure that all our students have within 180 days of the claim being filed. To those who knew him. As we bid farewell to access to a quality education free from fear.

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:58 Mar 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MR8.001 E11MRPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS E460 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 11, 2011 HONORING LYNESIA TAYLOR and have exhibited extraordinary strength and ture. This is an accomplishment for which courage for managing to live full and produc- Megan can take pride in for the rest of her life. HON. SAM GRAVES tive lives despite daily struggles. Mr. Speaker, I proudly ask you to join me in OF MISSOURI I urge my colleagues to take time to meet commending Megan Hottel for her accomplish- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES with some of the Great Comebacks award re- ments with the Girl Scouts of the USA and for cipients. Their personal stories, like Linda’s, her efforts put forth in achieving the highest Friday, March 11, 2011 are inspiration and will heighten your aware- distinction of the Gold Award. Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I ness about some of the huge strides being f proudly pause to recognize Lynesia Taylor. made by people living with intestinal diseases Lynesia is a very special young woman who or recovering from ostomy surgery. IN RECOGNITION OF NATIONAL EACH ONE, TEACH ONE’S 44 has exemplified the finest qualities of citizen- f ship and leadership by taking an active part in YEARS OF SERVICE AND TO CEL- the Girl Scouts of the USA and earning the INTRODUCTION OF THE INDIGENT EBRATE THE 70TH BIRTHDAYS high honor of the Gold Award. FUNERAL EXPENSE REIMBURSE- OF ITS FOUNDING FATHERS, BOB Lynesia’s outstanding achievement reflects MENT ACT OF 2011 MCCULLOUGH AND FRED her hard work and dedication. Lynesia has ex- CRAWFORD hibited unique and creative examples of serv- HON. PAUL C. BROUN ice that have made a difference in her com- OF GEORGIA HON. CHARLES B. RANGEL munity. I am confident that she will continue to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF NEW YORK hold herself to the highest standards in the fu- Friday, March 11, 2011 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ture. This is an accomplishment for which Friday, March 11, 2011 Lynesia can take pride in for the rest of her Mr. BROUN of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, today, life. I am introducing the Indigent Funeral Expense Mr. RANGEL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Mr. Speaker, I proudly ask you to join me in Reimbursement Act of 2011. This common join the Children of the Founders in recogni- commending Lynesia Taylor for her accom- sense legislation would allow for up to a tion of National Each One, Teach One’s 44 plishments with the Girl Scouts of the USA $3,000 federal tax credit for the providing of Years of Service and to celebrate the 70th and for her efforts put forth in achieving the individual funeral services. Additionally, this Birthdays of its Founding Fathers, Bob highest distinction of the Gold Award. legislation would not usurp existing state tax McCullough and Fred Crawford. f incentives for the funeral services of indigent The National Association of Each One, individuals, but instead would supplement Teach One, Inc.—‘‘Where Knowledge is HONORING LINDA PASTO AS A 2010 them. Power,’’ is a non-profit (501c3) youth develop- GREAT COMEBACKS AWARD RE- Funeral homes respectfully and diligently mental & mentoring program, which uses CIPIENT provide the last measure of care for those in sports as a vehicle to motivate youngsters to our society who have passed away. Often- pursue higher education and explore various HON. RICHARD L. HANNA times the family of the deceased or the careers. They conduct college tours; provide OF NEW YORK deceased’s estate takes care of the funeral guest speakers from public, private and the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES expenses. However, in some cases, most es- entertainment sectors, while fostering self re- pecially in the case of indigent or unclaimed spect, community awareness and self em- Friday, March 11, 2011 deceased individuals, the means to pay for powerment. Mr. HANNA. Mr. Speaker, I pause today to these solemn services simply do not exist. ‘‘Each One, Teach One,’’ was a motto recognize Linda Pasto, R.N., of Ithaca, New Typically, cities, counties and states are left to coined by Holcombe Rucker, who organized York. Linda has been selected as a 2010 cover the bill, and states often have tax credits basketball tournaments as way to help keep Great Comebacks Award recipient for the East or tax deductions available to funeral homes kids off the street and out of trouble through Region. This program honors a group of indi- that provide services for indigent care. How- life lessons. Born and raised in Harlem, viduals who are living with varied intestinal ever, in these trying times, these state tax in- Holcombe Rucker played guard at Benjamin diseases and/or recovering from ostomy sur- centives are among the first cuts being made. Franklin High School in East Harlem before gery. It seeks to raise awareness of the quality Across the country, because of an influx of dropping out to serve in the United States of life issues confronting more than 700,000 the number of deceased individuals and their Army during World War II. Upon his dis- men, women and children throughout our families now befitting indigent status, funeral charged from the Army, Rucker earned his country affected by the very conditions that homes and mortuaries are being forced to General Equivalency High School Diploma can result in an ostomy. shoulder the financial burden of providing the and was hired as a Playground Director in Every year on the first day of September, last service of a person’s life. This straight- Harlem for the New York City Department of Linda throws a party. It’s not for her birthday, forward tax credit would simply remove the fi- Parks. but for what she considers her rebirth—the nancial burden and allow funeral homes to The Playgrounds and Parks would double- day she received her ostomy. After 10 years provide the care and services that they are up as his office and meeting place, where of flare-ups, hospitalizations and weight gain trained to provide. people, whether they liked basketball or not, from medication due to Crohn’s disease and f would come to Rucker for advice and words of ulcerative colitis, Linda opted for ostomy sur- wisdom. The word was that he spent more gery. At age 51, Linda’s life began again. Now HONORING MEGAN HOTTEL than half his day—thirteen to fifteen hours—at she uses her newfound zest and enjoyment the park, beginning around 8:30 am. He even for life to help others who are dealing with in- HON. SAM GRAVES ate dinner there, which consisted of his favor- testinal diseases. OF MISSOURI ite meal—Chinese food, vegetables with rice Since her surgery, Linda went from strug- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and brown gravy and was followed by a cup gling with everyday activities, including her du- of coffee and a cigarette. ties as a nursing instructor, to playing with her Friday, March 11, 2011 In 1962, Rucker would prove the importance grandchildren, traveling abroad and even Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I of education and enrolled at the City College going on a 3-hour kayaking trip in the Adiron- proudly pause to recognize Megan Hottel. of New York, CCNY. While taking night class- dack Mountains. Megan is a very special young woman who es, Holcombe took his work ethic and thirst for The Great Comebacks Program is spon- has exemplified the finest qualities of citizen- education and completed a four-year Bachelor sored by ConvaTec, a leading developer of ship and leadership by taking an active part in of Arts degree in only three years. He used ostomy and wound care products, in partner- the Girl Scouts of the USA and earning the the degree to teach English at Junior High ship with the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation, the high honor of the Gold Award. School 139 in Harlem. In 1965, Holcombe United Ostomy Associations of America, Inc. Megan’s outstanding achievement reflects Rucker passed due to cancer complications at and the Intestinal Disease Education and her hard work and dedication. Megan has ex- the young age of 38 years old. Before he died, Awareness Society. Each year, Great come- hibited unique and creative examples of serv- Rucker would set the standard for years to backs presents regional awards to 12 individ- ice that have made a difference in her com- come. uals through the United States who have munity. I am confident that she will continue to Over the years, Holcombe Rucker would struggled with a chronic intestinal condition hold herself to the highest standards in the fu- help youth to obtain over 700 intercollegiate

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:58 Mar 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K11MR8.002 E11MRPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS March 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E461 athletic scholarships. Bob McCullough and Finals against the Boston Celtics. A team that astating earthquake on the eastern coast of Fred Crawford are two of the many prodigies featured West Virginia’s , Keith Er- Japan, and the resulting catastrophic tsunami and leaders, touched by Holcombe Rucker, icson, Providence’s Johnny Egan, Saint Jo- that struck Japan and is currently moving and most important cats in New York basket- seph’s Cliff Anderson, USC’s Bill Hewitt, Se- throughout the Pacific, with the potential to im- ball history. In 1967, under the guidance and attle University’s Elgin Baylor, Oregon State’s pact Hawaii, Alaska, and the West Coast of vision of the legendary New York City Parks Jay Carty, UCLA’s Keith Erickson, Notre the United States, including my state of Cali- Department Playground Director, Coach and Dame’s Tom Hawkins, Oregon State’s Mel fornia. President Obama has stated that the Mentor, Bob McCullough and Fred Crawford Counts and Kansas University’s Wilt ‘‘The United States stands ready to help, and I join developed, The Each One, Teach One Bas- Stilt’’ Chamberlain. During his stellar NBA ca- the President and the American people in ketball Program, where NBA Legends, Nate reer, Freddie Crawford, has also played for pledging our assistance to the people of ‘‘Tiny’’ Archibald and Dean ‘‘The Dream’’ the Philadelphia 76ers, the Golden State War- Japan as they recover from this terrible dis- Meminger served as the program’s first coun- riors and the Milwaukee Bucks. aster. selors. Bob and Fred also served as the Com- The impact that Bob McCullough and The United States Congress must stand missioners of the Holcombe Rucker Park Freddie Crawford have made, on young men united with our ally Japan and provide it with Tournament and League. and women, on and off the court through the the resources it needs to respond and re- Bob McCullough played basketball for Bene- Each One, Teach One Basketball Program, cover. I will work with my colleagues on the dict College in South Carolina from 1962–65. has averted generations of young people from House Appropriations Committee to ensure He is considered one of the all-time greatest falling into illegal activity on the streets, by that we make available the resources nec- basketball players in the Southern Intercolle- promoting education, discipline, drug preven- essary to assist the Japanese Government giate Athletic Conference. He was recruited by tion and mentoring. and the Japanese people during this time of Coach John E. Brown and scored 2,135 points Former Each-One Teach One Counselors suffering and distress. While we mourn the for a 28.4 career average during his three were, NBA legends Julius Erving, Emmitt Bry- massive loss of lives, we recognize this is a years with the Tigers. As a freshman in 1961– ant, Connie Hawkins, , Willis time for action and a time for Congress to 62, Bob canned 54, 56, and 64 points in exhi- Reed, , Dave Stallworth, commit ourselves to assisting our friend and bition games. In 1963–64, he was the star of Hawthorne Wingo, Butch Lee, Steve ally Japan. Benedict’s national scoring championship bas- Sheppard, Arnold Duggar, Larry McNeil, f ketball team that averaged 101.2 points per Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Charlie Scott, Jo Jo game. In 1964–65, he was the second leading White, Joe Bostic, Bill Bradley, Hubie Brown, HONORING MS. AURELIA LOPEZ scorer in the nation averaging 36.4 points per Al McGuire, Mel Davis, Joe Dupree and St. GONZALEZ ON HER 90TH BIRTH- game. He netted over 45 points on four occa- John University’s outstanding Hall of Fame DAY sions, 49 points twice and a single career high college coach, Luigi P. (Lou) Carnesecca, to of 51 points against the South Carolina State name just a few. HON. HENRY CUELLAR Bulldogs. Bob was inducted into the Benedict Today the program is run through SCAN/El OF TEXAS College Athletic Hall of Fame in 2004. Faro Beacon Center in East Harlem, where IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES McCullough was the first black athlete to be we celebrate the National Each One, Teach Friday, March 11, 2011 selected for the All-Southern Textile Basketball One’s 44 years of service. Please join me in All-Star Team in Greenville, SC. He was saluting my good friends Bob McCullough and Mr. CUELLAR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to named to the All-American Honorable Mention Freddie Crawford as we celebrate their 70th recognize the celebration of Ms. Aurelia Lopez team by sportswriters for United Press Inter- Birthdays. Gonzalez’s 90th birthday. With nearly a cen- national and Converse Magazine in 1965, and f tury passing, Ms. Gonzalez has dedicated her was offered a contract by the Harlem Globe- life to her family, loved ones, and giving back trotters. Bob was drafted by the Cincinnati HONORING ERIN PRICE to the community. Royals of the National Basketball Association, Ms. Gonzalez was born March 11, 1921 at and was dropped from the Royals when All- HON. SAM GRAVES the San Bartolo Ranch near Cadereyta Ji- Star guard Oscar ‘‘Big O’’ Robinson renewed OF MISSOURI menez, Nuevo Leon. At a young age, Ms. his contract. In 1967, Bob played with the New IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Gonzalez and her parents migrated to the Jersey Asbury Park Boardwalkers in the East- Friday, March 11, 2011 United States after their wooden home was ern Professional Basketball League, now washed away in a flood. At the age of nine, Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I known as the CBA. He averaged 22 points Ms. Gonzalez enrolled in the La Escuellita proudly pause to recognize Erin Price. Erin is and five assists per game and was selected to Amarilla Public School. She went on to attend a very special young woman who has exem- the All-Rookie Team. McCullough earned a Christen Jr. High School and by 1943 she plified the finest qualities of citizenship and Master of Science degree from Lehman Col- graduated from Martin High School. In 1993, leadership by taking an active part in the Girl lege and studied additionally at New York Uni- Ms. Gonzalez was able to attend the Martin Scouts of the USA and earning the high honor versity, Cornell University and Hunter College. High School’s 50 year reunion at the La Po- Fred ‘‘Freddie’’ Crawford was a 1st team, of the Gold Award. sada Hotel in Laredo, Texas. Erin’s outstanding achievement reflects her All-City player at Samuel Gompers High Throughout her life, Ms. Gonzalez has hard work and dedication. Erin has exhibited School in the Bronx and played basketball for worked to support herself and her family at the unique and creative examples of service that St. Bonaventure University, from 1960–64. In Law Offices of Phelps and Phelps, S & H have made a difference in her community. I 1961, during St. Bonaventure’s first venture Kress Store, McCllends and H.E.B. grocery am confident that she will continue to hold into the NCAA tournament, sophomore Fred store. By 1948, she married Mr. Eusebio herself to the highest standards in the future. Crawford scored 614 points and led the Bon- Busto Gonzalez. A year later, Mr. and Mrs. This is an accomplishment for which Erin can nies to their first NCAA Tournament in school Gonzalez welcomed their first child, Adolfo take pride in for the rest of her life. and later would go on to have two more chil- history. Crawford continued his torrid scoring Mr. Speaker, I proudly ask you to join me in dren, Thomas and Eusebio Jr. Unfortunately, pace in his junior and senior seasons. He commending Erin Price for her accomplish- Mr. Gonzalez contracted Lou Gehrig Disease averaged 19.7 points per game during his jun- ments with the Girl Scouts of the USA and for in 1950. For the next 10 years, she tried to ior campaign, scoring 492 points. In his senior her efforts put forth in achieving the highest find a cure for the disease through taking trips season, he scored 631 points, earning All-East distinction of the Gold Award. honors. Crawford also averaged 10.3 re- around Texas and Mexico. In November of bounds per game for his career. He was in- f 1960, Eusebio passed away leaving her to ducted into St. Bonaventure University’s Ath- DEVASTATION IN JAPAN care for herself and their three sons. After her letic Hall of Fame in 1970. husband’s passing, Ms. Gonzalez went back Forward Freddie Crawford was selected HON. MICHAEL M. HONDA to work with S & H Kress, until they closed number one in the fourth round of the NBA OF CALIFORNIA down in 1970. Soon after, Ms. Gonzalez start- Draft by the in 1964 and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ed working with H.E.B. grocery store in La- spent five years in the league. Crawford had redo, Texas. She worked with them for 12 his best season in the NBA in 1968 with the Friday, March 11, 2011 years until her retirement in 1982. Lakers when he averaged 10.3 points, 2.9 re- Mr. HONDA. Mr. Speaker, my thoughts and In her spare time, Ms. Gonzalez garnered a bounds, and 2.5 assists per game in the NBA prayers are with all those affected by the dev- passion for baking. Her cakes and cookies,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:58 Mar 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A11MR8.006 E11MRPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS E462 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 11, 2011 known as Ojaracas, can be found around La- ments, colleges, buildings, libraries and other based group for helping citizens in San redo in weddings, Quinceaneras, birthdays, causes at Penn State. Sue Paterno is recog- Leandro in need of assistance. She was also and Christmas. Additionally, after her time with nized as a philanthropist and community lead- a charter member of the first San Leandro H.E.B., Ms. Gonzalez took up teaching class- er in her own right. She has served as a Arts Council—which was reconstituted in 1998 es on cake decorating. The annual Wilton champion of Penn State’s library system while and is still active today. Cake decorating convention is where she volunteering for Pennsylvania Special Olym- Faith was a member of the Library Board of picked up many new ideas to take back to her pics, United Way, Centre (County) Volunteers Trustees and sat on this committee for almost students. She also decorates bouquets, which for Medicine, and a tutor for student-athletes. 12 years until she won a seat on the San can be seen during All Saints Day. Currently, No wonder the American Jewish Committee Leandro City Council in 1974. While serving Ms. Gonzalez spends her days tending to her has selected Joe and Sue Paterno for its pres- as a member of the City Council she also home garden, exercising, and staying healthy. tigious 2011 National Community Leadership served as a member of the Associated Com- Her devotion to the Catholic faith does not Award. This nonsectarian honor will be pre- munity Action Program, serving low income waiver; she attends church every week. For sented to the Paternos at the AJC Philadel- residents of Alameda County for over 30 nearly a century, Ms. Gonzalez has dedicated phia/Southern New Jersey’s Award Dinner on years, and the Alameda County Training and her life to the community and touching the March 15, 2011, at the Union League of Phila- Employment Board. lives of her family and loved ones. delphia. Among her many other achievements she Mr. Speaker, I am honored to have had the The National Community Leadership Award was also a Founding Member of the Bonaire time to recognize and celebrate the tremen- is an excellent example of the service commit- Civic League and Charter Member of the San dous life of Ms. Aurelia Gonzalez and her 90th ment and broad outreach of both the Paternos Leandro League of Women Voters, appointed birthday celebration. and the bridge-building, human rights pro- Commissioner of the Alameda County Com- moting organization that created it. The Amer- mission on the Status of Women, helped f ican Jewish Committee honors stellar achieve- found the Southern chapter of the National HONORING ALLISON FELTON ment in civic and community circles and in the Women’s Political Caucus, Member of the world of philanthropy. Past recipients of AJC Peralta Chapter of OWL (Older Women’s HON. SAM GRAVES National Awards include Sidney Kimmel, League) which keeps track of legislation af- Jones Apparel; Rupert Murdoch, News Corp.; fecting women statewide and nationally, and OF MISSOURI Steven Spielberg, Dreamworks; William Clay she was an original founder of the Political Ac- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Ford, Ford Motor Company; Terry Lundgren, tion Committee for Excellence, PACE, which Friday, March 11, 2011 Federated Department Stores; Cathie Black, supports women for elective office. Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I New York City Schools Chancellor; Henry I feel privileged to have known Faith. I proudly pause to recognize Allison Felton. Alli- Kravis, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts; and Steven treasure the opportunity I had to work with her son is a very special young woman who has A. Schwarzman, The Blackstone Group, L.P., during her tenure as one of the City of San exemplified the finest qualities of citizenship among many others. Leandro’s Councilmembers and my relation- and leadership by taking an active part in the Earlier in my career, as a state legislator, I ship with her during her active career in com- Girl Scouts of the USA and earning the high served on the Board of Pennsylvania State munity service as a public citizen. I join the community of San Leandro in hon- honor of the Gold Award. University and got to know Joe Paterno. His oring Faith Frazier. Her presence and con- Allison’s outstanding achievement reflects fan club stretches from the Delaware River to tributions will be felt for years to come. her hard work and dedication. Allison has ex- the Ohio line. In Philadelphia, some of us may hibited unique and creative examples of serv- cheer for Temple, Penn or Villanova. Every f ice that have made a difference in her com- member of this House has his or her favorite HONORING PAIGE ALLEN munity. I am confident that she will continue to college team. But in the fields of philanthropy hold herself to the highest standards in the fu- and community service, I urge all my col- leagues to join in cheering for the JoePa/ HON. SAM GRAVES ture. This is an accomplishment for which Alli- OF MISSOURI SuePa team and for their AJC National Lead- son can take pride in for the rest of her life. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Speaker, I proudly ask you to join me in ership Award. Friday, March 11, 2011 commending Allison Felton for her accom- f Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I plishments with the Girl Scouts of the USA TRIBUTE TO FAITH FRAZIER and for her efforts put forth in achieving the proudly pause to recognize Paige Allen. Paige highest distinction of the Gold Award. HON. FORTNEY PETE STARK is a very special young woman who has ex- f emplified the finest qualities of citizenship and OF CALIFORNIA leadership by taking an active part in the Girl CONGRATULATING JOE AND SU- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Scouts of the USA and earning the high honor ZANNE PATERNO ON THEIR RE- Friday, March 11, 2011 of the Gold Award. CEIPT OF THE AMERICAN JEW- Mr. STARK. Mr. Speaker, it is with deep Paige’s outstanding achievement reflects ISH COMMITTEE LEADERSHIP sadness that I acknowledge the passing, on her hard work and dedication. Paige has ex- AWARD February 20, 2011, of former San Leandro hibited unique and creative examples of serv- City Councilmember Faith Frazier. Faith was a ice that have made a difference in her com- HON. CHAKA FATTAH native of New Orleans and raised in Memphis, munity. I am confident that she will continue to hold herself to the highest standards in the fu- OF PENNSYLVANIA Tennessee before attending college at both ture. This is an accomplishment for which IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the University of Cincinnati and Memphis Paige can take pride in for the rest of her life. Friday, March 11, 2011 State. She settled at the University of Cali- fornia, Santa Barbara, where she received her Mr. Speaker, I proudly ask you to join me in Mr. FATTAH. Mr. Speaker, the name elementary and junior high school teaching commending Paige Allen for her accomplish- ‘‘Paterno’’ is legend across the Common- credentials and bachelor of arts. Faith met her ments with the Girl Scouts of the USA and for wealth of Pennsylvania. The successes of Joe late husband James while attending college her efforts put forth in achieving the highest Paterno, as football coach of the Penn State and they relocated to San Leandro in the mid- distinction of the Gold Award. Nittany Lions since 1966, compiling an aston- 1950s. f ishing 401 victories, 24 bowl game triumphs, Faith was a pioneer for women’s rights and REDUCE UNNECESSARY SPENDING five undefeated seasons and two national women in government. Shortly after moving to ACT OF 2011 championships, are well known to even the San Leandro she worked to bring women in most casual sports fans. the community together for purposes of edu- HON. CHRIS VAN HOLLEN Not so well known, yet equally worthy of ac- cating them about local city government. She OF MARYLAND claim, is the generosity of Joe and Suzanne wanted to help women become a part of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Paterno in their charitable support for edu- government and running for elected office. Her cational institutions and other causes. This group would eventually become known as the Friday, March 11, 2011 amazing couple, often known simply as Civic Information and Education Group, CIEG. Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today JoePa/SuePa, has contributed over $4 million, Faith was a member of the Board of the to introduce the ‘‘Reduce Unnecessary Spend- and raised many millions more, to depart- San Leandro Service Center—a community- ing Act of 2011’’ on behalf of the President.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:58 Mar 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A11MR8.008 E11MRPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS March 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E463 There is no question we need to rein in Federal welfare reform law, state and territorial USA and for her efforts put forth in achieving spending and put our nation on the path to governments have been the sole sources of the highest distinction of the Gold Award. long-term fiscal sustainability—and at the funding for meeting the social service and f same time invest in job growth and ensure public health needs of this ever growing popu- that America remains competitive in the 21st lation. HONORING JOSEPH GIROLAMO century global economy. With that in mind, In 2007, Hawaii spent over $37 million to President Obama put forth a tough love budg- cover the health care costs of the state’s HON. THADDEUS G. McCOTTER et that reduces our deficit over 10 years, while Compact Migrant population. Of this amount, OF MICHIGAN also investing in our future. $30 million would have been eligible for partial IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES This legislation will add another tool to make Federal reimbursement through the Medicaid Friday, March 11, 2011 sure the investments we make are targeted program. and designed to maximize economic growth. The decision to allow citizens of the Freely Mr. MCCOTTER Mr. Speaker, today I rise to The establishment of an expedited rescission Associated States to come to the United honor and acknowledge Joseph Girolamo, a process will help keep us on a responsible States was a Federal decision; however, the remarkable Michigan citizen and esteemed path and enforce greater fiscal discipline. An cost of that decision has fallen mainly on a veteran, upon his 90th birthday. expedited rescission process allows the Presi- handful of states and territories. Most Com- Born on March 9, 1921 in New York City, dent to sign a spending bill into law, and at pact Migrants have settled in the Pacific re- Joseph Girolamo is the oldest of seven chil- the same time propose to Congress that cer- gion, likely because the environments and cli- dren born to Pellegrino and Mary Girolamo. tain items in the bill with a budgetary cost be mates are similar to their home nations. Ha- Pellegrino came to the United States as an ‘‘rescinded’’ or cancelled. The President sends waii is home to 12,215 Compact Migrants; immigrant from Benevento, Italy during World his recommendations for rescission to Con- Guam, 18,305; and the Commonwealth of the War I and served in the Army. The young fam- gress within a short time-frame after present- Northern Marianas Islands, 2,100. Compact ily moved to Detroit when Joe was a toddler. ment of the spending bill, and the Congress Migrants are also on the continental United Growing up in Detroit, Joseph Girolamo has takes up the proposals on a fast track, acting States, including California, Oregon, Wash- made Livonia his home for the last 58 years. in a short period after receiving the President’s ington, and Arkansas—a state where they Joseph Girolamo has always been active in recommendations. The rescissions take effect have been specifically recruited as laborers. his community. As a youngster Joe sold news- only if approved by a majority in each house. Restoring Medicaid coverage is the only fair papers on the street corners of Detroit. He be- Even though the current law already pro- way to address the Federal mandate. came a Boy Scout and a proud member of the vides Presidential rescission authority, the law Our former colleague and now Governor of Junior ROTC in high school. Young Joe joined does not ensure that the Congress will vote on Hawaii, Neil Abercrombie, worked with Con- the army during World War II and served hon- the President’s proposed rescissions. By con- gressman ELIOT ENGEL and Congresswoman orably as a staff sergeant of General George trast, the measure President Obama is now ANNA ESHOO on an amendment to provide Patton’s 7th Army in the European Theatre of proposing, and I am introducing by request, Medicaid coverage for Compact Migrants dur- Africa, France and Italy. It was during his time adds new procedures that will virtually guar- ing the mark-up of the House health care re- in the service that Joe, given his penchant for antee a vote. In addition, this version of the form bill by the Energy and Commerce Com- taking ‘‘creative liberties’’ on the interpretation bill ensures that any savings from Congres- mittee. This amendment was adopted by the of music as the camp bugler, became known sional passage of a rescission approval bill will Committee by a voice vote. as the ‘‘Boogie Woogie Bugler.’’ be dedicated to deficit reduction. Regrettably, the Senate health care reform When World War II, ended Joseph came This proposal is another step forward on the bill did not include comparable language. So home to begin a 32-year career with Ford path to greater fiscal responsibility. Other today, I am introducing that same, bipartisan Motor Company, working in the Tool and Die Members of Congress, including Chairman supported amendment language as a stand- Division and holding the position of committee- RYAN, have proposed different versions of ex- alone bill. man. Joe also became a very accomplished pedited recession legislation in past years. I Restoring the Medicaid eligibility of Compact bugler. He served as Drum Major for the hope this year we can work together to find Migrants is an important issue not only for Ha- Wayne County Council and the Detroit Edison common ground in this area. waii, but also Arkansas, California, Oregon, Lamplighter Drum and Bugle Corps. Joseph has written drill and instructed many marching f and Washington as well as the territories of American Samoa, Guam, and the Northern units in both the United States and Canada. INTRODUCTION OF THE MEDICAID Marianas Islands. I look forward to continuing During his service as an instructor he COVERAGE FOR CITIZENS OF to work with my colleagues on this important trained a women’s drum and bugle corps FREELY ASSOCIATED STATES issue. where he met Lillian Paananen. Finding a ACT OF 2011 Mahalo nui loa. genuine harmony, Joseph and Lillian were f married on June 12, 1951. The Girolamos HON. MAZIE K. HIRONO quite literally made beautiful music as both be- C OF HAWAII HONORING MARY M CLANNAHAN came state champion buglers and Joseph be- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES come a national champion bugler. On June 5, 1957 Joe and Lillian became parents to Friday, March 11, 2011 HON. SAM GRAVES OF MISSOURI daughter Joyce Arlene and their family was Ms. HIRONO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES complete. After celebrating 40 years of mar- introduce the Medicaid Coverage for Citizens riage in June of 1991, Joseph’s beloved Lillian of Freely Associated States Act of 2011. I Friday, March 11, 2011 succumbed to leukemia in October of that would like to thank Congressman ENI Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I year. FALEOMAVAEGA, Congresswoman COLLEEN proudly pause to recognize Mary Joseph Girolamo continues to be involved in HANABUSA, and Congresswoman MADELEINE McClannahan. Mary is a very special young his community through various veterans’ pro- BORDALLO for cosponsoring this bill. woman who has exemplified the finest quali- grams. He is the JR. VICE of VFW Post 3941 Compact Migrants are citizens from Micro- ties of citizenship and leadership by taking an and the Patriotic Instructor for American Le- nesia, the Marshall Islands, and Palau that active part in the Girl Scouts of the USA and gion Post 32, both in Livonia. Major Joe teach- have migrated to the United States. Citizens earning the high honor of the Gold Award. es flag etiquette to the Boy Scouts, Cub from these countries are allowed to freely Mary’s outstanding achievement reflects her Scouts, Girl Scouts and Brownies. He volun- enter the United States without a visa, criminal hard work and dedication. Mary has exhibited teers as a marching and drill instructor with background check, or health certification due unique and creative examples of service that the Livonia Churchill High School Junior to agreements signed by the Federal Govern- have made a difference in her community. I ROTC. Major Joe is also a popular speaker at ment. am confident that she will continue to hold local schools as he shares his involvement The 1996 Personal Responsibility and Work herself to the highest standards in the future. and experiences during World War II. Opportunity Act prohibited Federal Medicaid This is an accomplishment for which Mary can Mr. Speaker, for 90 years Joseph Girolamo payments for nonimmigrants, a category that take pride in for the rest of her life. has graced the world with his kindness, patri- includes Compact Migrants. Prior to this spe- Mr. Speaker, I proudly ask you to join me in otic dedication, hard work, and community cific prohibition, Compact Migrants were cov- commending Mary McClannahan for her ac- spirit. Today, I ask my colleagues to join me ered by Medicaid. Since enactment of the complishments with the Girl Scouts of the in congratulating Joseph Girolamo upon

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:58 Mar 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A11MR8.011 E11MRPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS E464 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 11, 2011 reaching his 90th birthday on March 9, 2011, through countless charity events and organiza- of American homeowners are underwater on and to honor his heartfelt commitment and tions. It has also reached out to the greater their mortgages. Terminating a program that brave service to his community and his coun- community by encouraging individuals to reg- would allow hard-working Americans who are try. ister with the National Marrow Donor Program current in their mortgages the ability to stay in f (NMDP). their homes will only add to our nation’s fore- Mr. Speaker, I am proud to recognize the closure crisis. IN RECOGNITION OF THE BEVIN achievements and dedication of the Bevin Mr. Chair, homeownership is the American KALATHIL VARUGHESE MEMO- Kalathil Varughese Memorial Foundation. dream for many families in this country. The RIAL FOUNDATION Through its attempts to preserve and honor FHA Refinance Program will give the Amer- Bevin’s memory, this Foundation is making a ican people a chance to keep their dream HON. GARY L. ACKERMAN positive and lasting impact on countless lives. alive by allowing lenders the ability to write off OF NEW YORK I ask that my colleagues in the House join me mortgage principal, at no cost to the tax payer. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in recognition of the achievements of the This Congress must stand with the dis- Friday, March 11, 2011 Bevin Kalathil Varughese Memorial Founda- tressed homeowners in this country who have tion. lost their jobs through no fault of their own. Mr. ACKERMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today f Before moving forward we should ask our- to seek Congressional recognition of the vital selves who do we value, and more importantly mission and achievements of the Bevin HONORING JORDAN GARDNER who do we stand with? Congress must stand Kalathil Varughese Memorial Foundation on the side of the homeowners in this country. (BKV). The BKV Memorial Foundation has HON. SAM GRAVES I urge my colleagues to vote no H.R. 830. been instrumental in raising awareness and OF MISSOURI resources for individuals battling leukemia. f The Foundation’s creation was inspired by the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES remarkable life of one of my constituents, Friday, March 11, 2011 RECOGNITION OF MS. NANCY MAZZA Bevin Kalathil Varughese—a life which was Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I tragically cut short following an unsuccessful proudly pause to recognize Jordan Gardner. bout with this terrible disease. Jordan is a very special young woman who HON. FRANK PALLONE, JR. Born in Manhasset, New York, Bevin has exemplified the finest qualities of citizen- OF NEW JERSEY Kalathil Varughese was an affectionate indi- ship and leadership by taking an active part in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES vidual and a cherished son, brother, nephew, the Girl Scouts of the USA and earning the Friday, March 11, 2011 cousin, and uncle. An extraordinarily motivated high honor of the Gold Award. young man, Bevin graduated from Herricks Jordan’s outstanding achievement reflects Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to High School in New York and went on to earn her hard work and dedication. Jordan has ex- recognize Nancy Mazza for her immeasurable his Bachelor’s Degree in Finance and Real hibited unique and creative examples of serv- contributions as a leader and corporate execu- Estate from Temple University in Philadelphia, ice that have made a difference in her com- tive in the field of retail banking. Nancy has Pennsylvania. His cheerfulness, generosity, munity. I am confident that she will continue to been valuable to my district and an asset to and love of life were evident to all who knew hold herself to the highest standards in the fu- local communities. On March 11, 2011, Ms. him; his personality touched all who were ture. This is an accomplishment for which Jor- Mazza will be recognized by the Greater Long close to him. dan can take pride in for the rest of her life. Branch Chamber of Commerce during their Bevin’s drive and good-nature were unwav- Mr. Speaker, I proudly ask you to join me in 77th Annual Business Awards Dinner with the ering—even when he was diagnosed with commending Jordan Gardner for her accom- Lois G. Libutti Community Service Award. Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in January plishments with the Girl Scouts of the USA Today, I applaud Ms. Mazza, as her achieve- 2004 at the age of 24. Although Bevin fluc- and for her efforts put forth in achieving the ments should serve as an inspiration to us all. tuated between relapse and remission for four highest distinction of the Gold Award. Nancy Mazza began her career at Shadow years, he refused to let the disease dampen Lawn Savings Bank as a teller. As a result of his spirits or weaken his will. Instead, Bevin f her hard work and dedication, Ms. Mazza was focused his energy on researching the disease FHA REFINANCE PROGRAM promoted to Branch Manager in 1984. Her re- and the resources available to those it afflicts. TERMINATION ACT sponsibilities included overseeing eight By working with his family and friends, he cre- branches throughout Monmouth County. In ated the South Asian Cancer Foundation SPEECH OF 1994 Ms. Mazza acquired the responsibilities (SACF) which advocates for leukemia aware- of Senior Vice President and Senior District ness, particularly within the South Asian-Amer- HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS Executive for Sovereign Bank. She was ac- ican community. Bevin was also involved in a OF NEW YORK countable for overall sales, operations, per- variety of other organizations dealing with the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES formance management, facilities and district disease and those affected by it—he hosted Thursday, March 10, 2011 performance in Monmouth County. She cur- fundraisers to benefit both the Leukemia and The House in Committee of the Whole rently serves as the Executive Vice President Lymphoma Society (LLS) and the SACF, took House on the State of the Union had under of Retail Banking at Colonial American Bank. part in the LLS Light the Night Walk, and or- consideration the bill (H.R. 830) to rescind Nancy Mazza is a valued member of the ganized numerous blood and bone marrow the unobligated funding for the FHA Refi- community. Ms. Mazza honorably serves as drives. nance Program and to terminate the pro- past-chair of the Ronald McDonald House in Although Bevin eventually lost his battle with gram, with Mr. Bass of New Hampshire in Long Branch and New Brunswick. She con- leukemia on February 7th, 2008 at the all-too- the chair. tinues to remain an active member of the young age of 28, his passion and legacy live Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Chair, I rise today to urge board. Ms. Mazza is also a committee mem- on through the Bevin Kalathil Varughese Me- my colleagues to vote no on H.R. 830, the ber for United Way, Monmouth Park Charities, morial Foundation. The BKV Memorial Foun- FHA Refinance Program Termination Act. This the March of Dimes, Michael’s Feat, Jason’s dation was created in 2008 to both preserve bill would terminate the authority for the FHA Dream for Kids, Tinton Falls C.U.R.E. and Bevin’s memory and to continue his work with to guarantee new single family refinance loans Toys for Tots. Nancy is an alumna of Rutgers the South Asian Cancer Foundation. The under the FHA refinance program at 97.75 University and earned a degree in Journalism Foundation’s mission is to raise awareness percent of the home’s value. I am concerned and Communications. She is a forty-year resi- about acute lymphoblastic leukemia and other that the Republican plan would kill a program dent of Monmouth County and currently lives blood-related diseases. This non-profit organi- that offers a cost effective approach to assist- in Little Silver with her husband Dominick and zation provides resources to those suffering ing underwater borrowers achieve sustainable their three children, DJ, Joseph and Kristyn. from leukemia and to their families. The as- long-term homeownership. Mr. Speaker, once again I would like to sistance comes in the form of support for leu- This Congress should be committed to help- thank Nancy Mazza for her outstanding con- kemia patients, financial aid for those who ing struggling homeowners stay in their tributions to the constituents of my district and cannot afford treatment, and donations for re- homes. Instead it seems we are taking up congratulate her for the honors she has re- search to find a cure for the disease. The BKV measures that would only complicate this ef- ceived from the Greater Long Branch Cham- Foundation works tirelessly to raise funding fort. According to the FHA nearly one quarter ber of Commerce.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:58 Mar 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11MR8.013 E11MRPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS March 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E465 HONORING EMILY MISCHKE JAMES BILLINGS, SR. TRIBUTE indispensible resource of wisdom and experi- ence. HON. SAM GRAVES HON. SCOTT R. TIPTON A former member of the board of the Na- tional League of Cities, Mayor Jennings has OF MISSOURI OF COLORADO IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES held about every post one can within that im- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES portant national organization, tirelessly defend- Friday, March 11, 2011 Friday, March 11, 2011 ing the principles of good government at fo- Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I Mr. TIPTON. Mr. Speaker, it is a great rums around the country. In Alabama, Mayor proudly pause to recognize Emily Mischke. honor to rise and pay tribute to the life and ca- Jennings has also led his peers as president Emily is a very special young woman who has reer of Mr. James Billings, Sr. of Pueblo, Colo- and long-time officer in the Alabama League exemplified the finest qualities of citizenship rado. The community has lost a great fire- of Municipalities where he has been a strong, and leadership by taking an active part in the fighter and a man, who led a life that was steady voice for issues vital to local and state Girl Scouts of the USA and earning the high dedicated to family, public service and leader- economic development. A man gifted with a vision for our nation’s— honor of the Gold Award. ship. Mr. James Billings, Sr. comes from a family and region’s—economic future, Mayor Jen- Emily’s outstanding achievement reflects her of police officers and fire fighters, and it is no nings has for decades promoted the develop- hard work and dedication. Emily has exhibited surprise that he followed in the honorable foot- ment of telecommunications on the local and unique and creative examples of service that steps of his father and brother. Born and state level, leveraging the resources of busi- have made a difference in her community. I raised in Pueblo, Mr. Billings was compelled to nesses and universities. am confident that she will continue to hold serve the city, and joined the Pueblo Fire De- A supporter of both electronic and paved herself to the highest standards in the future. partment in 1953. Serving honorably and with highways, Mayor Jennings also helped estab- This is an accomplishment for which Emily distinction for twenty-five years, the last six of lish the Florida-Alabama Strategic Task Force can take pride in for the rest of her life. those years as the assistant fire chief. Mr. Bil- to improve transportation between the two Mr. Speaker, I proudly ask you to join me in lings was so respected as a firefighter that states to enhance both public safety and eco- commending Emily Mischke for her accom- many have described working with him as one nomic growth. plishments with the Girl Scouts of the USA of the highlights of their careers. Mr. Billings’ I have had the pleasure of working with and for her efforts put forth in achieving the own son, James, Jr. said that the greatest Mayor Jennings for more than two decades highest distinction of the Gold Award. memory of his long career as the Pueblo Chief and I can say, without hesitation, that his de- of Police was the first time he was on the job votion to public service is without equal. I was f with his father. For all the achievements of Mr. fortunate to be a co–chair on the Alabama IN HONOR OF JACK HINES, JR. Billings’ career in public service, he was an Rural Action Committee with Mayor Jennings, even more determined family man. With his and I believe there is a no more passionate loving wife Rose, he raised five wonderful chil- and informed voice for rural economic devel- HON. JIM GERLACH dren, and was a devoted husband, father, opment than his. OF PENNSYLVANIA grandfather and great grandfather. As Mayor Jennings steps off the stage from IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The life of Mr. James Billings, Sr. is one that a remarkable civic career, I know he will con- Friday, March 11, 2011 should be celebrated and recognized. This tinue to have a positive impact on his commu- was a man who endlessly devoted himself to nity and state. To his family and close friends Mr. GERLACH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to public service and to his family. Mr. Speaker, who have shared Ted with us for all these congratulate Jack M. Hines, Jr. of Marshallton, it has been my sincere privilege to rise and years, we offer our heartfelt thanks. And to the Chester County, Pennsylvania on his retire- honor Mr. James Billings, Sr. Mayor, himself, I am privileged to speak for all ment after 33 years of service as Municipal f of South Alabama in offering our heartfelt Manager of West Bradford Township and to thanks to a true servant leader, a real partner honor him on his outstanding career of accom- TRIBUTE TO MAYOR TED for progress and a man who leaves behind a plishment. JENNINGS legacy of goodness as well as success. In addition to his service as Municipal Man- Thanks, Mayor Jennings, for a job well ager of West Bradford Township, Jack has HON. JO BONNER done. served on various committees of the Pennsyl- OF ALABAMA f vania State Association of Township Officials. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES He has been an instructor for both the Penn- HONORING WOMEN’S MONTH sylvania State Association of Township Super- Friday, March 11, 2011 visors and the Governor’s Center for Local Mr. BONNER. Mr. Speaker, I rise to pay HON. LORETTA SANCHEZ Government Services. Jack has served as tribute to the remarkable example and service OF CALIFORNIA Chairman of the Legislative Committee, Ches- of a true leader in South Alabama, someone IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ter County Association of Township Officials, who has taken the roles of successful busi- Friday, March 11, 2011 and has been a member of the Advisory nessman, trusted medical adviser, and local Board for Connect Care3, which serves mem- and national civic leader for more than 30 Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ of California. Mr. bers of the Pennsylvania Municipal Health In- years. Speaker, as we work through the rigors of this surance Cooperative. In 2012, Mayor Ted Jennings of Brewton, congressional session, it is important that we Further, Jack is a former Fire Chief and Alabama, will end nearly a quarter century of take the time to recognize this March as Na- President of the West Bradford Fire Company, service as his town’s chief executive. tional Women’s History Month. The theme for as well as being a former Fire Service Instruc- For many, this accomplishment alone would 2011 is, ‘‘Our History is Our Strength,’’ and tor and Director of the Chester County Fire be the epitome of a life’s work. And, indeed, this is understood by looking back on the chal- School. He is a former Board Member and Mayor Jennings has confidently guided his lenges that women faced throughout the President of the Chester County Crime Victims community for four terms. course of history and realizing that it has only Center, Chairman of the Environmental Man- But Ted’s body of accomplishments does made us stronger and more tenacious going agement Center, Executive Committee Mem- not begin nor end with holding public office. into the future. ber of the Brandywine Conservancy, and A graduate of Auburn University’s School of This month, we acknowledge those women Trustee of the Chester County Historical Soci- Pharmacy, a successful business owner and in history who braved the fight for equal rights ety. Director of Pharmacy at D.W. McMillan Memo- and paved the way for myself and many of my Mr. Speaker, in light of his incredible years rial Hospital, Mayor Jennings has also made colleagues here today. We honor the strong of service to his community and litany of out- an indelible mark through his compassion and women in the military who are everyday help- standing accomplishments almost too long to devotion to the well-being of his community. ing to ensure our safety and freedom in this record, I ask that my colleagues join me today And his contributions don’t stop there. world. And we honor all women for the impor- in recognizing Jack M. Hines, Jr. for his in- While Ted Jennings may be known to the tant role that they play in their communities. valuable contributions to the quality of life of people of Brewton as their long-time mayor But, despite all the challenges and hurdles the citizens of West Bradford Township and and trusted pharmacist, to his colleagues in that we have overcome, the efforts for equality Chester County. Alabama and across America, he is an continue. As the proud representative of the

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:58 Mar 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K11MR8.009 E11MRPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS E466 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 11, 2011 47th district of California, I will continue to That this great bond, that this warm love Mr. Speaker, as Roosevelt Dam embarks on strive for increase and advancement of oppor- and so friendship, as will live on for ev- its second century of service, it deserves spe- tunities for women all around the world. And I ermore! cial recognition for its engineering marvel and And together as one, as out into the future challenge young women everywhere to do the we walk hand in hand, as we have done being an economic engine for central Arizona. same and continue with even greater strength before! f and force into the future. ‘Oh across those great oceans, ‘‘It’s a good HONORING SPECIALIST DAVID R. f day’’ . . . all because of our love that we have so poured! FAHEY PERSONAL EXPLANATION f HON. NAN A.S. HAYWORTH THE CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION HON. MICHAEL K. SIMPSON OF NEW YORK OF THEODORE ROOSEVELT DAM OF IDAHO IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. PAUL A. GOSAR Friday, March 11, 2011 Friday, March 11, 2011 OF ARIZONA Ms. HAYWORTH. Mr. Speaker, I rise to pay Mr. SIMPSON. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall No. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tribute to Specialist David R. Fahey, who lost 163, on Motion to Suspend the Rules and Friday, March 11, 2011 his life on Monday, February 28, 2011, while Pass H.R. 570, the Dental Emergency Re- courageously serving our nation in Afghani- Mr. GOSAR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to sponder Act of 2011, I was unable to vote. stan. He was killed by an IED explosion. Yes- Had I been present, I would have voted ‘‘yea.’’ pay tribute to Theodore Roosevelt Dam, an engineering marvel that is celebrating its cen- terday he was laid to rest. f tennial of service to the people of Arizona, in- Specialist Fahey enlisted at the age of 20, in August, 2007. He was deployed to Afghani- IN HONOR OF THE VISIT OF PRIME cluding a majority of constituents in my own stan in June, 2010. He is mourned by family, MINISTER JULIA GILLARD OF District. friends, and fellow soldiers from Yorktown AUSTRALIA TO CONGRESS When Federal engineers built Roosevelt Dam on the Salt River in the beginning of the Heights, New York, to Washington State, HON. JO BONNER 20th Century, they did not have the conven- Korea, and Afghanistan. He has been honored iences of a nearby town, an existing power for his service with the Combat Action Badge, OF ALABAMA supply or a locally skilled labor force. Several the Purple Heart, and the Bronze Star. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES engineering feats needed to be accomplished Specialist Fahey’s dedication to protecting Friday, March 11, 2011 even before construction could begin at the his fellow citizens extended to his plans to join the New York City Police Department after the Mr. BONNER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to site 80 miles east of Phoenix. completion of his tour of duty. His sacrifice for ask that this poem by Albert Carey Caswell, A road was cut into the sides of mountains our nation will be remembered through the commemorating the historic address by Prime so supplies could be hauled from the Phoenix family he loved and freedom he protected. I Minister Julia Gillard of Australia, be placed in area to the dam site. Members of local ask the House to keep in their thoughts and the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD in honor of the Apache tribes helped build the road, and they prayers Specialist Fahey and all the other great friendship between our two countries. continued with the construction effort for the dam. Federal engineers also constructed a 20- brave men and women in our armed services ACROSS THE GREAT OCEANS mile canal to develop hydroelectric power at who have lost their lives, as well as those who Across the great oceans the dam to power a cement mill, aerial trams continue to serve abroad. Over the deep blue seas And all of the most distant shores and cableways, and other equipment. f Stone masons cut massive blocks from the And throughout the miles we see PAYING TRIBUTE TO CAPTAIN But lies . . . sides of the canyon. Cranes were used to THOMAS F. MCGOVERN, AS HE But lies, such a great love, a bond between lower the stones, some weighing as much as America and Australia so indeed! 10 tons, to the riverbed. They were laid in a PREPARES TO RETIRE AFTER 25 For when we look into the mirror, a mirror stair-step fashion, which gave the dam a dis- YEARS OF COMMISSIONED SERV- image we so see tinctive appearance. ICE TO THE UNITED STATES For we are so much alike, are but you, are Federal engineers ensured the strength of NAVY AND TO OUR NATION but so you and me the dam by requiring the mortar joints on the As such a great bond, so very special across upstream face not to exceed 1 inch in width. those seas HON. C.W. BILL YOUNG So very strong, so very deep Following the laying of the cornerstone in OF FLORIDA That even time and distance, cannot so de- 1906, crews worked nearly nonstop, with IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES strings of electric lights suspended above the stroy. Friday, March 11, 2011 As is such a great bond between Australia site allowing men to work through the night. and America, Five years later, Roosevelt Dam had risen 280 Mr. YOUNG of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I rise That our hearts of love have so received feet high, with a base 184 feet thick that nar- to pay tribute to Captain Thomas F. McGov- For we are such fine friends, so are all of we! rowed to 16 feet at the top. On the day of its ern, as he prepares to retire after 25 years of And throughout the generations, and dedication on March 18, 1911, it was the larg- Commissioned Service to the United States throughout all of those wars All throughout all of those dark storms est rubble-masonry thick-arch dam in the Navy and for his extraordinary dedication to As we have so stood together, as one, as one world. duty and service to the United States of Amer- have all of we! Due to its engineering and construction ex- ica. I have worked with Captain McGovern As throughout all of those dreadful wars cellence, Roosevelt Dam stood nearly un- personally in his role as the Deputy Director of As we have sent our fine son and daughters, changed for more than 80 years. In the 1990s, the Navy Appropriations Liaison Office, and I off together, off to die, off to death and a new generation of engineers needed to ad- would like to share with you some highlights of war dress dam safety, regulatory water storage this fine officer’s career. And ‘Oh, what a burden bore! and flood control in central Arizona. During Captain Thomas F. McGovern received his To lose all of our most precious loves, that which we have all so adored! this construction effort, the entire face of the commission from the United States Naval All of those tears, those heart broken tears, dam was overlain with concrete, ranging in Academy in May 1986, and was designated a that together we have so poured! thickness from 10 to 50 feet. The concrete ex- Naval Aviator in March 1988. He has served As all together we’ve so stood, so stood tended upward to create a new crest and spill- in operational assignments with Patrol Squad- throughout the generations as one so ways were constructed deeper and narrower, ron Forty at Naval Air Station Moffett Field, for very sure! allowing for greater water releases during California, flying the P–3C Orion; Patrol For Down Under, no greater loves adorned! floods. Renovations used nearly 450,000 cubic Squadron Thirty-One as an Instructor Pilot; Then, that bond between Australia and yards of cement, enough to pave a two-lane aboard both the USS Constellation and USS America From all across those most distant shores road between Phoenix and Tucson. The addi- Saratoga as a Catapult and Arresting Gear Of- As we even speak the same language, all the tional 77 feet of height effectively doubled the ficer. Captain McGovern also served with dis- more capacity of the reservoir, enhancing its role in tinction as Flag Lieutenant to the Commander, And on this day, a prayer we say as so sent managing water supplies for the growing Pacific Fleet Patrol Wings and Anti-Submarine across those most distant shores greater Phoenix metropolitan area. Warfare Force, at Naval Air Station Barbers

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:58 Mar 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A11MR8.017 E11MRPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS March 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E467 Point, Hawaii, and with Patrol Squadron One ing and galvanizing response from all citizens until 2009 when he was sworn in as Mayor of as the Senior Pilot and Operations Officer. of the United States. The members of the the City of Asbury Park. Mayor Johnson admi- Ashore, Captain McGovern broadened his Aspen Volunteer Fire Department were espe- rably serves on several key committees and experience working in the Operations, Readi- cially moved to help their brothers from the subcommittees including the Springwood Ave- ness and Mobilization Directorate of the Army Fire Department of New York in any way they nue Advisory Committee, Transportation Cen- Operations Center, Pentagon. During this joint could. ter Subcommittee, Neighborhood Preservation assignment, he was assigned as an Oper- In the days following the September 11th at- Program, Urban Enterprise Zone, Tax Sub- ations Officer for United Nations Peace- tacks, the Aspen Volunteer Fire Department committee, Asbury Works and the Parking Ad- keeping Operations. His responsibilities in- went to all the local businesses with a fire- visory Subcommittee. Prior to joining the City cluded the logistical and administrative support man’s helmet in hand, asking for donations to Council, Mayor Johnson served four consecu- for US personnel assigned to the United Na- provide assistance for the Fire Department of tive terms as Chairman of the Asbury Park tions Peacekeeping missions in Iraq, Kuwait, New York. Through the efforts of the Aspen Urban Enterprise Zone (UEZ). He is credited Israel, Egypt, Western Sahara, Guatemala and Volunteer Fire Fighters over $110,000 was with the transformation of the Asbury Park the United Nations Headquarters in New York. raised in a span of less than ten days. To UEZ into a productive organization ready to He also served with the Office of the Chief of raise that amount of money in such a short meet its program obligations and local commit- Naval Personnel as the Enlisted Aviation amount of time is remarkable, but the Aspen ment to strengthen and grow the Asbury Park Community Manager and as the Special As- Volunteer Fire Department thought there was business community. sistant for Manpower for the Naval Aviation more that could be done in support of the Fire Mayor Johnson currently serves as the Di- Enterprise. Department of New York. The firefighters rector of the Brookdale Community College Captain McGovern served as the Com- again took to the streets and urged the ski re- Long Branch Higher Education Center. He has manding Officer of Patrol Squadron Forty sorts, hotels and local businesses to provide been committed to promoting quality, afford- Seven in April 2003. During his tour, the their services to the Fire Department of New able education and workforce development squadron deployed to the FIFTH Fleet Area of York at little to no cost. All the businesses opportunities in Monmouth County. Mayor Responsibility in support of Operations Iraqi obliged, and in February of 2002, seventy- Johnson has also established a successful ca- Freedom and Enduring Freedom. Their out- seven members of New York City’s Fire De- reer as an educator. In addition to establishing standing efforts were recognized by being partment and their families were able to enjoy a successful career as an educator, he has awarded the ‘‘Golden Wrench’’ award for a trip to Aspen, Colorado. The relationship be- worked in the fields of Experiential Education, maintenance excellence along with the Com- tween the two fire departments has now blos- International Exchange, Scholarship and Aca- mander Pacific Fleet Retention Excellence somed into an annual tradition. Firefighters demic Programs and Higher Education. Mayor Award. from New York City have been coming to Johnson continues to support and promote Captain McGovern reported to his current Aspen every winter since the tragic 9/11 at- open access in education and building cross- assignment as the Deputy Director for Appro- tacks as guests of the Aspen Volunteer Fire cultural communication and diversity aware- priations Matters in the Office of Assistant Department. This bond forged in brotherhood ness through leadership development. He is Secretary of the Navy Financial Management came full circle this past Fourth of July when highly commended for his continued service & Comptroller in March 2007. During his time members of the Fire Department of New York on behalf of the residents of Monmouth Coun- at Financial Management Budget & Execution, made the long road trip to Aspen. They ty. Captain McGovern demonstrated exceptional brought with them a unique and powerful gift; Mr. Speaker, once again I would like to ex- leadership and foresight, engaging Members a refurbished piece of the World Trade Center tend my congratulations to Mayor Ed Johnson of Congress and the Appropriations Com- Towers. The steel from ground zero is now for his exceptional contributions to the resi- mittee Staff, providing essential information the center piece of the newly built Aspen Vol- dents of my district and congratulate him for and resources for the Department of the Navy unteer Fire House. It also signifies the shared the honor he received from the Greater Long to maintain its role as the world’s dominant connection between the Aspen Volunteer Fire Branch Chamber of Commerce. sea power. Captain McGovern worked through Department and the Fire Department of New f significant readiness and manpower chal- York, and most importantly serves as a me- lenges, providing essential support in shep- morial to all who were lost in the September CECIL TURNER TRIBUTE herding three Navy budgets and multiple war 11th attacks. supplemental requests totaling more than Mr. Speaker, the efforts of the Aspen Volun- HON. SCOTT R. TIPTON $550 billion in Department of the Navy fund- teer Fire Department have been truly remark- OF COLORADO ing. I can assure you that my staff, the sub- able. These firefighters have tirelessly given IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES committee staff, and my fellow Members have support to the Fire Department of New York Friday, March 11, 2011 found him to be a pleasure to work with, and for nearly a decade, and have no intentions of he is respected by all for his true profes- stopping their good works. It has been a stir- Mr. TIPTON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to sionalism. ring privilege for me to rise and pay tribute to recognize the life of Assistant District Attorney Mr. Speaker, On behalf of a grateful Nation, the Aspen Volunteer Fire Department. Cecil Turner of Pueblo, Colorado. As one of Colorado’s outstanding attorneys, Mr. Turner I join my colleagues today in saying thank you f to Captain Thomas F. McGovern for his ex- had an exemplary record in the courtroom. traordinary dedication to duty and service to RECOGNITION OF MAYOR ED The state of Colorado has lost a tremendous this country throughout his distinguished ca- JOHNSON legal resource and his experience will be dif- reer in the United States Navy and we wish ficult to replace. Many members of the Colo- him, his wife Katie, and his daughters, Rose- HON. FRANK PALLONE, JR. rado legal community point to Mr. Turner as mary and Lauren ‘‘Fair Winds and Following OF NEW JERSEY both a teacher and resource who will be sore- Seas’’ in his well-deserved retirement. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ly missed. Mr. Turner, a graduate of the University of f Friday, March 11, 2011 Colorado School of Law, was an integral part ASPEN VOLUNTEER FIRE Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to of southern Colorado’s legal system. Following DEPARTMENT TRIBUTE recognize Edward Johnson for his outstanding his graduation, he joined Pueblo’s legal de- service as Director of the Brookdale Commu- partment, where he quickly advanced. In less HON. SCOTT R. TIPTON nity College Long Branch Higher Education than a decade he rose from a department aide OF COLORADO Center and Mayor of Asbury Park, New Jer- to chief trial deputy and eventually assistant IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sey. I would like to congratulate him for receiv- district attorney. In 1976, he turned to private ing the Louis G. Libutti Community Service practice for several years, though he never Friday, March 11, 2011 Award presented on behalf of the Long ceased to offer advice and guidance to the Mr. TIPTON. Mr. Speaker, it is a true honor Branch Chamber of Commerce. district attorney’s staff. He later rejoined the for me to rise and pay tribute to the fraternal Ed Johnson was first appointed to fill a va- prosecutor’s office, in 2005, and worked there spirit and charitable efforts that have been ex- cancy on the Asbury Park City Council in Jan- for the remainder of his career. emplified by the Aspen Volunteer Fire Depart- uary 2005. He was later elected to a four-year A strong legal system is essential to the ment. The tragedy that befell our country on term in May 2005 and re-elected to serve a freedom of all Americans, and Mr. Turner September 11, 2001, was met with a resound- second term. Mr. Johnson held this position worked tirelessly in that pursuit. Attorneys of

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:58 Mar 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K11MR8.016 E11MRPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS E468 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 11, 2011 his caliber are rare, but his exemplary career ring to S.S. Dixon Elementary School. She ate’s Leadership Program and the Patriot Pals is one to be admired. I rise today to commend taught 4th and 5th grades at S.S. Dixon Ele- Mentoring Program. Cecil Turner and thank him for his service to mentary school until 1994, when she moved to Teachers are amongst our most valuable the people of Colorado. S.S. Dixon Intermediate School. public servants, and they play an integral role Mrs. Smith is highly respected by her col- f in shaping the future of our nation. The Santa leagues for her work and dedication to her Rosa County Teacher of the Year award is a RECOGNIZING ANNETTE SMITH AS students. She is well known for her work with reflection of Mrs. Smith’s tireless work ethic THE 2012 SANTA ROSA COUNTY, at-risk students. From 1992–2005, Mrs. Smith and steadfast dedication to the students of FLORIDA TEACHER OF THE taught in the Drop-Out Prevention/Alpha Pro- Santa Rosa County. She has proven to be YEAR gram. In order to succeed as a teacher for among the many exceptional teachers in our these at-risk students, Mrs. Smith had to tran- nation, and I am proud to have her as a con- scend the traditional teaching role. She acted HON. JEFF MILLER stituent in Florida’s First Congressional Dis- as a teacher, mentor, and role model for these OF FLORIDA trict. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES students. Her assiduous work ethic inspires her students, and creates an atmosphere Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the United States Friday, March 11, 2011 where failure is nearly impossible. Congress, I am privileged to recognize An- Mr. MILLER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I rise Mrs. Smith also volunteers her time with nette Smith for her accomplishments and her today to recognize Mrs. Annette Smith as the myriad educational programs. She is a trainer continuing commitment to excellence at S.S. 2012 Santa Rosa County, Florida Teacher of for Building Better Readers, Santa Rosa Dixon Intermediate School and in the Santa the Year. For 25 years, Mrs. Smith has been County’s Team Teachers, the Diagnostic As- Rosa County School District. Her passion for an inspiration to her students, motivating them sessments of Reading, and a master trainer her students is laudable, and her dedication to to achieve academic excellence. for Florida Assessments for Instruction in her profession is exemplary. My wife Vicki Mrs. Smith began her teaching career at Reading. She is also the school coordinator joins me in congratulating Mrs. Smith, and we Baghdad Elementary School, before transfer- for Pace High School/S.S. Dixon Intermedi- wish her all the best.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:58 Mar 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K11MR8.018 E11MRPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS Friday, March 11, 2011 Daily Digest Senate Chamber Action Committee Meetings The Senate was not in session today. It will next No committee meetings were held. meet at 2 p.m. on Monday, March 14, 2011. h House of Representatives Pursuant to the rule, the amendment in the na- Chamber Action ture of a substitute recommended by the Committee Public Bills and Resolutions Introduced: 35 pub- on Financial Services now printed in the bill shall be lic bills, H.R. 1031–1055; and 3 resolutions, H.J. considered as an original bill for the purpose of Res. 48; and H. Res. 165–166, were introduced. amendment under the five-minute rule. Page H1739 Pages H1767–69 Agreed to: Additional Cosponsors: Pages H1770–71 Canseco amendment (No. 5 printed in the Con- gressional Record of March 9, 2011) that provides Reports Filed: Reports were filed today as follows: that all unexpended balances rescinded and perma- H. Res. 147, providing for the expenses of certain nently canceled by the Emergency Mortgage Relief committees of the House of Representatives in the Program’s termination be retained in the General One Hundred Twelfth Congress (H. Rept. 112–30); Fund of the Treasury for reducing the federal gov- H.R. 839, to amend the Emergency Economic ernment debt and Pages H1740–42 Stabilization Act of 2008 to terminate the authority Neugebauer amendment (No. 3 printed in the of the Secretary of the Treasury to provide new as- Congressional Record of March 9, 2011) that in- sistance under the Home Affordable Modification cludes military servicemembers and veterans who Program, while preserving assistance to homeowners have service-related injuries, as well as survivors and who were already extended an offer to participate in dependents of such individuals, in a study on use of the Program, either on a trial or permanent basis, the Emergency Mortgage Relief Program. Page H1742 with an amendment (H. Rept. 112–31); and Rejected: H.R. 861, to rescind the third round of funding Waters amendment (No. 4 printed in the Con- for the Neighborhood Stabilization Program and to gressional Record of March 9, 2011) that sought to terminate the program, with an amendment (H. require the Secretary of Housing and Urban Devel- Rept. 112–32). Page H1767 opment to post a statement prominently on the Emergency Mortgage Relief Program Termi- HUD website stating that the Emergency Mortgage nation Act: The House passed H.R. 836, to rescind Relief Program has been terminated and including the unobligated funding for the Emergency Mort- contact information for borrowers who are uncertain gage Relief Program and to terminate the program, as to how to proceed (by a recorded vote of 185 ayes by a recorded vote of 242 ayes to 177 noes, Roll No. to 237 noes, Roll No. 172). Pages H1742–46, S1747–48 174. Pages H1731–51 Point of Order sustained against: Rejected the Connolly motion to recommit the Loretta Sanchez amendment (No. 7 printed in the bill to the Committee on Financial Services with in- Congressional Record of March 9, 2011) that sought structions to report the same back to the House to provide that the bill take effect on the first date forthwith with an amendment, by a recorded vote of occurring after enactment on which the Current 182 ayes to 238 noes, Roll No. 173. Pages H1748–50 Population Survey of the Bureau of Labor Statistics D228

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:01 Mar 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D11MR1.REC D11MRPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with DIGEST March 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST D229 of the Labor Department, as released monthly, iden- HOMELAND SECURITY tifies that the unemployment rate for the United Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Home- States is equal to 7.5% or less. Pages H1746–47 land Security held a hearing on FY 2012 Oversight Agreed that the Clerk be authorized to make & Budget Department of Homeland Security. Testi- technical and conforming changes to reflect the ac- mony was heard from John Morton, Assistant Sec- tions of the House. Page H1751 retary, Immigration and Customs Enforcement. H. Res. 151, the rule providing for consideration of the bill, was agreed to on Wednesday, March 9th. LABOR, HEALTH, AND HUMAN SERVICES Meeting Hour: Agreed that when the House ad- Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Labor, journs today, it adjourn to meet on Monday, March Health and Human Services, Education and Related 14th, when it shall convene at noon for morning Agencies held a hearing on Status of Health Reform hour debate and 2 p.m. for legislative business. Implementation. Testimony was heard from Kath- Page H1754 leen Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Serv- ices. Recess: The House recessed at 3:02 p.m. and recon- vened at 3:37 p.m. Pages H1766–67 LEGISLATIVE BRANCH Quorum Calls—Votes: Three recorded votes devel- Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Legisla- oped during the proceedings of today and appear on tive Branch held a hearing on Library of Congress pages H1747–48, H1750, H1750–51. There were FY 2012 Budget. Testimony was heard from James no quorum calls. H. Billington, Librarian of Congress. Adjournment: The House met at 9 a.m. and ad- LEGISLATIVE BRANCH journed at 3:38 p.m. Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Legisla- f tive Branch held a hearing on Government Account- ability Office FY 2012 Budget. Testimony was heard Committee Meetings from Gene L. Dodaro, Comptroller General. HOMELAND SECURITY EMERGING THREATS AND CAPABILITIES Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Depart- Committee on Armed Services: Subcommittee on Emerg- ment of Homeland Security held a hearing on FY ing Threats and Capabilities held a hearing on 2012 Oversight and Budget. Testimony was heard counter proliferation strategy and the fiscal year from ADM Robert Papp, Commandant, United 2012 national defense authorization budget request States Coast Guard. for the Defense Threat Reduction Agency and chem- ical biological defense program. Testimony was INTERIOR, ENVIRONMENT heard from Kenneth B. Handelman, Acting Assist- Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Inte- ant Secretary of Defense for Global Strategic Affairs; rior, Environment, and Related Agencies held a Andrew Weber, Assistant to the Secretary of Defense hearing on Forest Service FY12 Budget Oversight for Nuclear and Chemical and Biological Defense Hearing. Testimony was heard from Tom Tidwell, Programs; Kenneth A. Myers, III, Director, Defense Chief, Forest Service. Threat Reduction Agency; and Brigadier General AGRICULTURE, RURAL DEVELOPMENT, Jess A. Scarbrough, USA, Joint Program Executive FDA Officer for Chemical and Biological Defense, Office of the Secretary of Defense. Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Agri- culture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Admin- FEDERAL OVERREACH INTO ACADEMICS istration, and Related Agencies held a hearing on Committee on Education and the Workforce: Sub- Food and Drug Administration, Department of committee on Higher Education and Workforce Health and Human Services FY 2012 Budget Re- Training held a hearing on Education Regulations: quest. Testimony was heard from Margaret A. Ham- Federal Overreach into Academic Affairs. Testimony burg, M.D., Commissioner, FDA. was heard from Kathleen Tighe, Inspector General, COMMERCE, JUSTICE, SCIENCE Department of Education; and public witnesses. Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Com- FY 2012 BUDGET—EPA merce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies held a Committee on Energy and Commerce: Subcommittee on hearing on Members and Outside Witness Hearing. Energy and Power and the Subcommittee on Envi- Testimony was heard from Rep. Cicilline; Rep. Farr; ronment and the Economy held a joint hearing enti- Rep. Richardson; and public witnesses. tled ‘‘The FY 2012 EPA Budget’’. Testimony was

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:01 Mar 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D11MR1.REC D11MRPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with DIGEST D230 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST March 11, 2011 heard from Kenneth B. Handelman, Acting Assist- et Proposals at the National Science Foundation and ant Secretary of Defense for Global Strategic Affairs; the National Institute of Standards and Technology. Andrew Weber, Assistant to the Secretary of Defense Testimony was heard from Subra Suresh, Director, for Nuclear and Chemical and Biological Defense National Science Foundation; Ray Bowen, Chairman, Programs; Kenneth A. Myers, III, Director, Defense National Science Board; and Patrick Gallagher, Threat Reduction Agency; and BG Jess A. Under Secretary of Commerce for Standards and Scarbrough, Joint Program Executive Officer for Technology, and Director, National Institute of Chemical and Biological Defense, Office of the Sec- Standards and Technology. retary of Defense, USA. COVERED BOND MARKET PASSENGER RAIL SERVICE Committee on Financial Services: Subcommittee on Cap- Committee on Transportation: Subcommittee on Rail- ital Markets & Government Sponsored Enterprises roads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials held a held a hearing entitled ‘‘Legislative Proposals to Cre- hearing on Finding Ways to Encourage and Increase ate a Covered Bond Market in the United States’’. Private Sector Participation in Passenger Rail Serv- Testimony was heard from public witnesses. ice. Testimony was heard from Joseph Szabo, Ad- ministrator, Federal Railroad Administration; Ste- NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE REFORM phen Gardner, Vice President of Policy and Develop- Committee on Financial Services: Subcommittee on In- ment, Amtrak; and public witnesses. surance, Housing and Community Opportunity hear- ing entitled ‘‘Legislative Proposals to Reform the CAREGIVER ASSISTANCE National Flood Insurance Program’’. Testimony was Committee on Veterans’ Affairs: Subcommittee on heard from Craig Fugate, Administrator, FEMA; Health held a hearing on Implementation of Care- Orice Williams Brown, Managing Director, GAO; giver Assistance: Are we getting it right? Testimony and public witnesses. was heard from Robert A. Petzel, M.D., Under Sec- LAWSUIT ABUSE REDUCTION retary for Health, Veterans Health Administration, Committee on the Judiciary: Subcommittee on the Con- Department of Veterans Affairs; and public wit- stitution held a hearing on a bill regarding lawsuit nesses. abuse reduction. Testimony was heard from public witnesses. DATA MATCHING AND GOVERNMENT BENEFITS TRANSPARENCY THROUGH TECHNOLOGY Committee on Ways and Means: Subcommittee on Committee on Oversight and Government Reform: Sub- Human Resources held a hearing on the use of data committee on Technology, Information Policy, Inter- matching to improve the administration of govern- governmental Relations and Procurement Reform ment benefit programs. Testimony was heard from held a hearing entitled ‘‘Transparency Through Patrick P. O’Carroll, Jr., Inspector General, Social Technology: Evaluating Federal Open-Government Security Administration. Initiatives.’’ Testimony was heard from Danny Har- ris, Chief Information Officer, Department of Edu- f cation; Chris Smith, Chief Information Officer, De- CONGRESSIONAL PROGRAM AHEAD partment of Agriculture; Danny Werfel, Controller, Office of Federal Financial Management, OMB; and Week of March 14 through March 19, 2011 public witnesses. DEBT OWED TO THE GOVERNMENT Senate Chamber Committee on Oversight and Government Reform: Sub- On Monday, at approximately 4:30 p.m., Senate committee on Government Organization, Efficiency will begin consideration of the nomination of James & Financial Management hearing entitled ‘‘Red to Emanuel Boasberg, of the District of Columbia, to Black: Improving the Collection of Delinquent Debt be United States District Judge for the District of Owed to the Government.’’ Testimony was heard Columbia, and after a period of debate, vote on con- from David Lebryk, Commissioner of Financial Man- firmation of the nomination at 5:30 p.m., to be fol- agement Service, Department of the Treasury. lowed by a vote on the motion to invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to consideration of S.493, FY 2012 BUDGET—NSF AND NIST SBIR/STTR Reauthorization Act. Committee on Science, Space, and Technology: Full Com- During the balance of the week, Senate may con- mittee held a hearing on the Fiscal Year 2012 Budg- sider any cleared legislative and executive business.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:01 Mar 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D11MR1.REC D11MRPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with DIGEST March 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST D231 Senate Committees nologies and the impact of domestic policies on that in- vestment, 9:30 a.m., SD–366. (Committee meetings are open unless otherwise indicated) Committee on Environment and Public Works; March 16, Committee on Appropriations, March 16, Subcommittee to hold hearings to examine the report to the President on Department of Defense, to hold hearings to examine from the National Commission on the BP Deepwater Ho- proposed budget estimates for fiscal year 2012 for the rizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling, 10 a.m., SD–406. Department of the Navy, 10:30 a.m., SD–192. Committee on Finance; March 16, to hold hearings to ex- March 16, Subcommittee on Department of the Inte- amine health reform, focusing on lessons learned during rior, Environment, and Related Agencies, to hold hear- the first year, 10 a.m., SD–215. ings to examine proposed budget estimates for fiscal year Committee on Foreign Relations; March 16, to receive a 2012 for the Environmental Protection Agency, 2 p.m., briefing on Libya, 9 a.m., SVC–217. SD–124. March 16, Full Committee, to hold hearings to exam- March 17, Subcommittee on Legislative Branch, to ine the nomination of Joseph M. Torsella, of Pennsyl- hold hearings to examine proposed budget estimates for vania, to be Representative to the United Nations for fiscal year 2012 for the Government Accountability Of- U.N. Management and Reform, with the rank of Ambas- fice (GAO), the Government Printing Office (GPO), and sador, Department of State, 10:15 a.m., SD–419. the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), 2:30 p.m., March 16, Full Committee, to receive a briefing on Af- SD–138. ghanistan, focusing on progress and expectations, 2:30 Committee on Armed Services, March 15, to hold hearings p.m., SVC–217. to examine the situation in Afghanistan; with the possi- March 17, Full Committee, to hold hearings to exam- bility of a closed session in SVC–217 following the open ine the nominations of David Bruce Shear, of New York, session, 9:30 a.m., SD–G50. to be Ambassador to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, March 17, Full Committee, to hold hearings to exam- and Kurt Walter Tong, of Maryland, for the rank of Am- ine the Department of the Air Force in review of the De- bassador during his tenure of service as United States fense Authorization request for fiscal year 2012 and the Senior Official for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Future Years Defense Program; with the possibility of a (APEC) Forum, both of the Department of State, 2 p.m., closed session in SVC–217 following the open session, SD–419. 9:30 a.m., SD–G50. Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions; March 17, Subcommittee on Readiness and Manage- March 16, organizational business meeting to consider ment Support, to hold hearings to examine military con- subcommittee assignments and any pending nominations, struction, environmental, and base closure programs in re- 10 a.m., SD–430. view of the Defense Authorization request for fiscal year March 17, Full Committee, to hold hearings to exam- 2012 and the Future Years Defense Program, 2:30 p.m., ine health insurance exchanges and ongoing state imple- SR–323A. mentation of the ‘‘Affordable Care Act’’, 10 a.m., Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, SD–430. March 15, to hold hearings to examine the Administra- Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs; tion’s report to Congress, focusing on reforming Amer- March 15, Subcommittee on Federal Financial Manage- ica’s housing finance market, 10 a.m., SD–538. ment, Government Information, Federal Services, and Committee on the Budget, March 15, to hold hearings to International Security, to hold hearings to examine en- examine the report of the Bipartisan Policy Center’s Debt hancing the President’s authority to eliminate wasteful Reduction Task Force, 10 a.m., SD–608. spending and reduce the budget deficit, 2:30 p.m., March 16, Full Committee, to hold a joint hearing SD–342. with the Task Force on Government Performance to ex- March 16, Full Committee, business meeting to con- amine modernizing performance, focusing on using the sider an original bill entitled, ‘‘Supporting Employee new framework, 10 a.m., SD–608. Competency and Updating Readiness Enhancements for Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, March (SECURE) Facilities Act of 2011’’, S. 550, to improve 15, to hold hearings to examine realizing NASA’s poten- the provision of assistance to fire departments, an original tial, focusing on programmatic challenges in the 21st bill entitled, ‘‘Electronic Rulemaking Improvement Act century, 2:30 p.m., SR–253. of 2011’’, S. 531, to amend section 5542 of title 5, March 16, Full Committee, to hold hearings to exam- United States Code, to provide that any hours worked by ine the state of online consumer privacy, 10 a.m., Federal firefighters under a qualified trade-of-time ar- SR–253. rangement shall be excluded for purposes of determina- March 17, Subcommittee on Science and Space, to hold tions relating to overtime pay, S. 300, to prevent abuse hearings to examine investing in Federal research and de- of Government charge cards, S. 498, to ensure objective, velopment, 10:30 a.m., SR–253. independent review of task and delivery orders, S. 191, Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; March 15, to to direct the Department of Homeland Security to under- hold closed hearings to examine information regarding take a study on emergency communications, S. 514, to cyber security and critical electric infrastructure, 10 a.m., amend chapter 21 of title 5, United States Code, to pro- SVC–217. vide that fathers of permanently disabled or deceased vet- March 17, Full Committee, to hold hearings to exam- erans shall be included with mothers of such veterans as ine current global investment trends in clean energy tech- preference eligibles for treatment in the civil service, and

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the nominations of Heather A. Higginbottom, of the Dis- ministration, and Related Agencies, hearing on FY 2012 trict of Columbia, to be Deputy Director of the Office Budget Request, 10 a.m., 2362–A Rayburn. of Management and Budget, Executive Office of the March 15, Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, President, and Carolyn N. Lerner, of Maryland, to be Spe- Science, and Related Agencies, hearing on FY 2012 cial Counsel, Office of Special Counsel, 2 p.m., SD–342. Budget Request, 10 a.m., H–309, The Capitol. March 17, Ad Hoc Subcommittee on Disaster Recov- March 15, Subcommittee on Energy and Water Devel- ery, to hold hearings to examine recouping improperly opment, and Related Agencies, hearing on FY 2012 paid Federal assistance in the aftermath of disasters, 10 Budget Request for the Department of Energy, 10 a.m., a.m., SD–342. 2359 Rayburn. March 17, Full Committee, to hold hearings to exam- March 15, Subcommittee on Financial Services and ine catastrophic preparedness, focusing on if FEMA is General Government, hearing on FY 2012 Budget Securi- ready for the next big disaster, 2:30 p.m., SD–342. ties and Exchange Commission, 10 a.m., 2362–B Ray- Committee on Indian Affairs; March 15, to hold hearings burn. to examine the President’s proposed budget request for March 15, Subcommittee on Homeland Security, hear- fiscal year 2012 for Tribal Programs, 10 a.m., SD–628. ing on FY 2012 Oversight & Budget, 10 a.m., B–308 Committee on the Judiciary; March 15, to hold hearings Rayburn. to examine the ‘‘Freedom of Information Act’’, focusing March 15, Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, on ensuring transparency and accountability in the digital and Related Agencies, hearing on FY 2012 Budget Over- age, 10:15 a.m., SD–226. sight, 1 p.m., B–308 Rayburn. March 16, Full Committee, to hold hearings to exam- March 15, Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human ine certain nominations, 2:30 p.m., SD–226. Services, Education and Related Agencies, hearing on Pell March 17, Full Committee, business meeting to con- Grants, 10:30 a.m., 2358–B Rayburn. sider S. 222, to limit investor and homeowner losses in March 15, Subcommittee on Legislative Branch, hear- foreclosures, S. 216, to increase criminal penalties for cer- ing on FY 2012 Budget, 10:30 a.m., HT–2, Capitol. tain knowing and international violations relating to food March 15, Subcommittee on Military Construction, that is misbranded or adulterated, S. 410, to provide for Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies, hearing on Army media coverage of Federal court proceedings, and the nominations of James Michael Cole, of the District of Co- Posture, 2 p.m., H–140, Capitol. lumbia, to be Deputy Attorney General, Department of March 15, Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations Justice, and Edward Milton Chen, to be United States and Related Agencies, hearing on Millennium Challenge District Judge for the Northern District of California, 10 Corporation, 10:30 a.m., H–140, Capitol. a.m., SD–226. March 15, Subcommittee on Transportation and Hous- Committee on Veterans’ Affairs; March 16, to hold joint ing and Urban Development and Related Agencies, hear- hearings to examine the legislative presentations from ing on Department of Housing and Urban Develop- AMVETS, Jewish War Veterans, Military Officers Asso- ment—Transformation Initiative FY 2012 Oversight and ciation of America, Gold Star Wives, Blinded Veterans Budget, 10 a.m., 2358 Rayburn. Association, Non Commissioned Officers Association, Iraq March 16, Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Devel- and Afghanistan Veterans of America, Fleet Reserve Asso- opment, Food and Drug Administration, and Related ciation, 9:30 a.m., SDG–50. Agencies, hearing on FY 2012 Budget Request, 10 a.m., Select Committee on Intelligence; March 15, closed business 2362–A Rayburn. meeting to mark up the fiscal year 2011 Intelligence Au- March 16, Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, thorization, 2:30 p.m., SH–219. Science, and Related Agencies, hearing on FY 2012 March 17, Full Committee, closed business meeting to Budget Request, 10 a.m., H–309 Capitol. consider pending calendar business, 2:30 p.m., SH–219. March 16, Subcommittee on Defense, hearing on FY Special Committee on Aging; March 16, to hold hearings 2012 Army Budget Overview, 10 a.m., H–140 Capitol. to examine securities lending in retirement plans, 2 p.m., March 16, Subcommittee on Energy and Water Devel- SH–216. opment, and Related Agencies, hearing on Department of Energy—Science, Fiscal Year 2012 Budget Request, 10 House Committees a.m., 2362–B Rayburn. Committee on Agriculture, March 15, full Committee, March 16, Subcommittee on Financial Services and hearing to consider the Budget Views and Estimates Let- General Government, hearing on FY 2012 Budget, 2 ter of the Committee on Agriculture for the agencies and p.m., 2359 Rayburn. programs under jurisdiction of the Committee for March 16, Subcommittee on Homeland Security, hear- FY2012, 10 a.m., 1300 Longworth. ing on Southwest Border Enforcement, 10 a.m., 2359 March 16, Subcommittee on Conservation, Energy, and Rayburn. Forestry, hearing to review the Chesapeake Bay TMDL, March 16, Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, agricultural conservation practices, and their implications and Related Agencies, hearing on Fish and Wildlife Serv- on national watersheds, 10 a.m., 1300 Longworth. ice FY 2012 Budget Oversight Hearing, 1 p.m., B–308 Committee on Appropriations, March 15, Subcommittee Rayburn. on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Ad-

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March 16, Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human March 17, Subcommittee on Military Personnel, hear- Services, Education and Related Agencies, hearing on De- ing on military personnel overview, 11 a.m., 2212 Ray- partment of Health and Human Services FY12 Budget burn. Request, 10 a.m., 2358–C Rayburn. March 17, Subcommittee on Tactical Air and Land March 16, Subcommittee on Military Construction, Forces, hearing on soldier and marine equipment for dis- Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies, hearing on Vet- mounted operations, 9:30 a.m., 2118 Rayburn erans Affairs Budget, 2 p.m., H–140 Capitol. Committee on the Budget, March 17, full Committee, March 16, Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations hearing on Fulfilling the Mission of Health Retirement and Related Agencies, hearing on FY 2012 Budget Re- Security, 10 a.m., 210 Cannon. quest for the United Nations and other International Or- Committee on Education and the Workforce, March 15, ganizations, 10 a.m., B–308 Rayburn. Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Elementary, and Sec- March 17, Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Devel- ondary Education, hearing on Education Regulations: opment, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Burying Schools in Paperwork, 10 a.m., 2175 Rayburn. Agencies, hearing on FY 2012 Budget Request, 10:15 March 17, full Committee, hearing on Education Reg- a.m., 2362–A Rayburn. ulations: Roadblocks to Student Choice in Higher Edu- March 17, Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, cation, 10 a.m., 2175 Rayburn. Science, and Related Agencies, hearing on FY 2012 Committee on Energy and Commerce, March 14 and March Budget Request, 2 p.m., 2359 Rayburn. 15, full Committee, markup H.R. 910, the Energy Tax March 17, Subcommittee on Defense, hearing on Af- Prevention Act of 2011; and H.J. Res. 37, a resolution ghanistan, 10 a.m., H–140 Capitol. CLOSED HEARING disapproving the rule submitted by the Federal Commu- March 17, Subcommittee on Financial Services and nications Commission with respect to regulating the General Government, hearing on FY 2012 Budget, 10 Internet and broadband industry practices. a.m., 2359 Rayburn. March 16, Subcommittee on Energy and Power and March 17, Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, Subcommittee on Environment and the Economy, joint and Related Agencies, hearing on U.S.Geological Survey hearing entitled ‘‘The FY2012 Department of Energy and FY 2102 Budget Oversight Hearing, 9:30 a.m., B–308 Nuclear Regulatory Commission Budgets’’, 9:30 a.m., Rayburn. 2123 Rayburn. March 17, Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human March 16, Subcommittee on Commerce, Manufac- Services, Education and Related Agencies, hearing on Im- turing, and Trade, hearing entitled ‘‘Made in America: proper Payments, 10 a.m., 2358–B Rayburn. Increasing Jobs through Exports and Trade.’’ 10 a.m., Committee on Armed Services, March 15, Subcommittee 2322 Rayburn. on Military Personnel, hearing on military health system March 17, Subcommittee on Health, hearing entitled overview and Defense Health Program cost efficiencies, 10 a.m., 2212 Rayburn. ‘‘The Implementation and Sustainability of the New, March 15, Subcommittee on Readiness, hearing on Government-Administered Community Living Assistance long-term readiness challenges in the Pacific, 2 p.m., Services and Supports (CLASS) Program.’’ 9:30 a.m., 2218 Rayburn. 2322 Rayburn. March 15, Subcommittee on Strategic Forces, hearing March 17, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investiga- on the fiscal year 2012 national defense authorization tions, entitled ‘‘Oversight of DOE Recovery Act Spend- budget request for national security space activities, 3 ing.’’ 1:30 p.m., 2322 Rayburn. p.m., 2212 Rayburn. March 17, Subcommittee on Energy and Power, hear- March 15, Subcommittee on Tactical Air and Land ing on The American Energy Initiative: focus on oil sup- Forces, hearing on Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force tac- plies, gasoline prices, and jobs in the Gulf of Mexico, 9 tical aviation programs, 11:30 a.m., 2118 Rayburn. a.m., 2123 Rayburn. March 16, full Committee, hearing on developments in Committee on Financial Services, March 15, mark-up on Afghanistan, 10 a.m., 2118 Rayburn. legislation to Approve the Views and Estimates of the March 16, Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Committee on Financial Services on Matters to be Set Capabilities, hearing on the fiscal year 2012 national de- Forth in the Concurrent Resolution on the Budget for fense authorization budget request from the U.S. Cyber Fiscal Year 2012, 10 a.m., 2128 Rayburn. Command, 3:30 p.m., 2212 Rayburn. March 16, Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and March 16, Subcommittee on Military Personnel, hear- Consumer Credit, hearing entitled ‘‘Oversight of the Con- ing on Military Health System Overview and Defense sumer Financial Protection Bureau’’, 10 a.m., 2128 Ray- Health Program Cost Efficiencies: A Beneficiary Perspec- burn. tive, 8 a.m., 2212 Rayburn. March 16, Subcommittee on Capital Markets and Gov- March 16, Subcommittee on Seapower and Projection ernment Sponsored Enterprises, hearing entitled ‘‘Legisla- Forces, hearing on amphibious operations, 2 p.m., 2118 tive Proposals to Promote Job Creation, Capital Forma- Rayburn. tion, and Market Certainty’’, 2 p.m., 2128 Rayburn. March 17, full Committee, hearing on Law of War De- March 17, Subcommittee on Domestic Monetary Policy tention and the President’s Executive Order Establishing and Technology, hearing entitled ‘‘The Relationship of Periodic Review Boards for Guantanamo Detainees, 1 Monetary Policy and Rising Prices’’, 10 a.m., 2128 Ray- p.m., 2118 Rayburn. burn.

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Committee on Foreign Affairs, March 16, full Committee, and Municipal Debt: The Coming Crisis? Part II.’’ 1:30 hearing on the Agency for International Development and p.m., 2154 Rayburn. the Millennium Challenge Corporation: Fiscal Year 2012 March 15, Subcommittee on Health Care, District of Budget Requests and Future Directions in Foreign Assist- Columbia, Census and the National Archives, hearing en- ance, 10 a.m., 2172 Rayburn. titled, ‘‘Obamacare: Why the Need for Waivers?’’ 1:30 March 17, full Committee, hearing on The Global Nu- p.m., 2247 Rayburn. clear Revival and U.S. Nonproliferation Policy, 9:30 a.m., March 16, Subcommittee on National Security, Home- 2172 Rayburn. land Defense and Foreign Operations, hearing on TSA March 17, Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere, Oversight Part I: Whole Body Imaging, 9:30 a.m., 2154 hearing on the Colombia and Panama Free Trade Agree- Rayburn. ments: National Security and Foreign Policy Priorities, 2 March 16, Subcommittee on Regulatory Affairs, Stim- p.m., 2172 Rayburn. ulus Oversight and Government Spending hearing on Committee on Homeland Security, March 15, Sub- Project Labor Agreements and the Cost of Doing Business committee on Border and Maritime Security, hearing en- in the Construction Industry, 1:30 p.m., 2154 Rayburn. titled ‘‘Strengthening the Border—Finding the Right March 17, full Committee hearing entitled ‘‘The Free- Mix of Personnel, Infrastructure and Technology.’’ 10 dom of Information Act: Crowd-Sourcing Government a.m., 311 Cannon. Oversight’’, 9:30 a.m., 2154 Rayburn. March 16, Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, Infrastruc- Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, March 15, ture Protection and Security Technologies, hearing enti- Subcommittee on Technology and Innovation, hearing on tled ‘‘Examining the Cyber Threat to Critical Infrastruc- An Overview of Science and Technology Research and ture and the American Economy.’’ 10 a.m., 311 Cannon. Development Programs and Priorities to Effectively Pro- March 17, Subcommittee on Emergency Preparedness, tect Homeland Security, 10 a.m., 2318 Rayburn. Response, and Communications hearing entitled ‘‘Ensur- March 16, mark-up on H.R. 658, the FAA Reauthor- ing Effective Preparedness, Response, and Recovery for ization and Reform Act of 2011, 10 a.m., 2318 Rayburn. Events Impacting Health Security.’’ 2 p.m., 311 Cannon. March 17, Subcommittee on Investigations and Over- Committee on House Administration, March 17, Sub- sight, hearing on Behavioral Science and Security: Evalu- committee on Elections, hearing on Election Assistance ating TSA’s SPOT Program, 10 a.m., 2318 Rayburn. Commission Operations and 2012 Budget Request, 10:30 Committee on Small Business, March 15, full Committee, a.m., 1310 Longworth. markup to consider the views and estimates on the Small Committee on the Judiciary, March 14, Subcommittee on Business Administration’s FY 2012 budget request, 1 Intellectual Property, Competition and the Internet, hear- ing on Promoting Investment and Protecting Commerce p.m., 2360 Rayburn. Online: Legitimate Sites v. Parasites, Part I, 4 p.m., 2141 March 16, full Committee, hearing on Spurring Inno- Rayburn. vation and Job Creation: The SBIR Program, 1 p.m., March 15, Subcommittee on Courts Commercial and 2360 Rayburn. Administrative Law, hearing on H.R. 1002, the ‘‘Wire- Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, March 15, less Tax Fairness Act of 2011’’, 1:30 p.m., 2141 Ray- Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transpor- burn. tation, hearing on Assuring the Freedom of Americans on March 16, full Committee, hearing on the Federal Bu- the High Seas: The United States Response to Piracy, 10 reau of Investigation, 10 a.m., 2141 Rayburn. a.m., 2167 Rayburn. Committee on Natural Resources, March 15, Subcommittee March 17, Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines, and on Water and Power, hearing entitled ‘‘Examining the Hazardous Materials, hearing on Federal Regulatory Spending, Priorities and the Missions of the Bonneville Overreach in the Railroad Industry: Implementing the Power Administration, the Western Area Power Adminis- Rail Safety Improvement Act, 10 a.m., 2167 Rayburn. tration, the Southwestern Power Administration and the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, March 17, Subcommittee Southeastern Power Administration’’ including the Presi- on Disability Assistance and Memorial Affairs, hearing on dent’s Fiscal Year 2012 budget requests and other spend- Department of Veterans Affairs FY 2012 Budget for the ing as it relates to the four Power Marketing Administra- Veterans Benefits Administration, National Cemetery Ad- tions, 10 a.m., 1324 Longworth. ministration, and Related Agencies, 1 p.m., 334 Cannon. March 16, full Committee, hearing on the Obama Ad- Committee on Ways and Means, March 15, Subcommittee ministration’s De Facto Moratorium in the Gulf of Mex- on Health, organizational meeting and hearing on the ico: Community and Economic Impacts, 10 a.m., 1324 Medicare Payment Advisory Commission’s (MedPAC) an- Longworth. nual March Report to the Congress which details the March 17, full Committee, hearing on Harnessing Commission’s recommendations for updating Medicare American Resources to Create Jobs and Address Rising payment policies, 1 p.m., 1100 Longworth. Gasoline Prices: Domestic Resources and Economic Im- March 16, Subcommittee on Select Revenue Measures, pacts, 10 a.m., 1324 Longworth. hearing on the tax code’s treatment of abortion-related Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, March 15, expenses and the changes to such tax treatment proposed Subcommittee on TARP, Financial Services and Bailouts by section 2 of H.R. 3—the No Taxpayer Funding for of Public and Private Programs, hearing entitled, ‘‘State Abortion Act, 2 p.m., 1100 Longworth.

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Next Meeting of the SENATE Next Meeting of the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 2 p.m., Monday, March 14 12 p.m., Monday, March 14

Senate Chamber House Chamber Program for Monday: After the transaction of any Program for Monday: Consideration of the following morning business (not to extend beyond 4:30 p.m.), Sen- suspensions: (1) H.R. 793—To designate the facility of ate will begin consideration of the nomination of James the United States Postal Service located at 12781 Sir Emanuel Boasberg, of the District of Columbia, to be Francis Drake Boulevard in Inverness, California, as the United States District Judge for the District of Columbia, ‘‘Specialist Jake Robert Velloza Post Office’’ and (2) H. and after a period of debate, vote on confirmation of the Con. Res. 27—Providing for the acceptance of a statue nomination at 5:30 p.m., to be followed by a vote on the of Gerald R. Ford from the people of Michigan for place- motion to invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to ment in the United States Capitol. consideration of S. 493, SBIR/STTR Reauthorization Act.

Extensions of Remarks, as inserted in this issue

HOUSE Graves, Sam, Mo., E459, E460, E460, E461, E462, E462, Rangel, Charles B., N.Y., E460 E463, E464, E465 Sanchez, Loretta, Calif., E465 Ackerman, Gary L., N.Y., E464 Hanna, Richard L., N.Y., E460 Simpson, Michael K., Idaho, E466 Bonner, Jo, Ala., E465, E466 Hayworth, Nan A.S., N.Y., E466 Stark, Fortney Pete, Calif., E462 Broun, Paul C., Ga., E459, E460 Hirono, Mazie K., Hawaii, E463 Tipton, Scott R., Colo., E465, E467, E467 Cuellar, Henry, Tex., E461 Honda, Michael M., Calif., E459, E461 Fattah, Chaka, Pa., E462 McCotter, Thaddeus G., Mich., E459, E463 Towns, Edolphus, N.Y., E464 Gerlach, Jim, Pa., E465 Miller, Jeff, Fla., E468 Van Hollen, Chris, Md., E462 Gosar, Paul A., Ariz., E466 Pallone, Frank, Jr., N.J., E464, E467 Young, C.W. Bill, Fla., E466

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