I. Philosophy.

• The MWC’s instant replay plan is based primarily on the experiment conducted last season by the Big Ten, with the addition of a coaches challenge element. It is not an “NFL-style” approach. • The intent of the system is to utilize available technology to identify and correct egregious errors, thus positively impacting the officiating program and enhancing the overall MWC football operation. The implementation of instant replay is supported by the officiating community. • Preliminary evidence indicates the flow of the game is not significantly disrupted, nor the length of the game excessively extended. Previous experience has shown a “tranquility effect” on the coaches, fans, administrators, etc. • A common sense approach is desired, including an understanding that an instant replay system will focus only on significant, reviewable plays. Such a system will not be perfect and errors may still occur. Inasmuch as instant replay is an experiment in 2005, some procedural and technical challenges should be anticipated. • It is believed the use of whatever technology is available (e.g., in-stadium with limited number of cameras vs. national television production) will provide an opportunity to improve the game and is worth pursuing. It is understood the technology (e.g., number of cameras and source) will not necessarily be consistent for every game. • The threshold for reviewing/overturning a play shall include the following:

>Indisputable video evidence.

>Discernable competitive effect. Subjectivity and judgment will be involved.

II. Protocols.

The MWC’s instant replay plan is based primarily on the experiment conducted last season by the Big Ten, with the addition of a coaches challenge element. It is not an “NFL-style” approach.

A. Utilization. Nine (9) of the 11 I-A conferences will utilize instant replay for the 2005 season. All intra-conference MWC football games will utilize instant replay. The visiting institution for non-conference, crossover contests shall have the option of using replay under the home team’s (i.e., home conference’s) system. Utilizing an approach jointly agreed upon by the participating I-A conferences, the Mountain West Conference has distributed a consent form to non-conference opponents, with a required response date of August 1. The memorandum accompanying the consent form described the MWC instant replay system and provided details regarding the officiating crew assignment. The I-A members of the Collegiate Commissioners Association have adopted an approach whereby each conference will encourage its institutions to agree to the utilization of instant replay when visiting non-conference opponents. It is anticipated that MWC institutions will agree to instant replay for their non-conference road games. B. Video Source. For televised contests, ONLY a feed from the production truck will be utilized. In-house stadium video (two-camera minimum) will be utilized for games that are not televised. The video feed to the replay booth, regardless of source, should not include audio.

Every available camera angle (within the available time frame), regardless of the source (e.g., television or in-house video) shall be provided to the video replay booth without editorial manipulation by the stadium/television personnel.

It should be noted that NCAA Football Playing Rule 1-4, Article 9 a. (page FR-36) states “television replay or monitor equipment is prohibited at the sidelines, in the press box or other locations within the playing enclosure for coaching or officiating purposes during the game”. The NCAA Football Rules Committee recently reaffirmed the rules prohibiting video monitors in the coaching booths (which would also preclude access to monitors in adjacent boxes).

C. Single vs. Multiple Sources. Only a single source of video (i.e., TV production OR in- house video, not both) will be utilized for the replay system.

D. Point of Decision. The final replay decision will be made in the booth by the Replay Official, not on the field involving review by the .

E. Review Process. The MWC system in the video replay booth will essentially mirror that used successfully by the Big 10 during the 2004 season. The Replay Official and Replay Assistant will review (utilizing the equipment specified) every play via whichever video source is available (e.g., television OR in-house stadium feed). In the event the necessary thresholds are met for the contest to be interrupted and a play reviewed, the Replay Official will notify the referee (and several other on-field individuals) via the pager system and execute the necessary review. The referee will be notified of the Replay Official’s decision whether or not to overturn the ruling on the field. The referee will announce the decision utilizing the public address system and play will resume.

The Video Technician will be responsible for maintenance and operation of the booth equipment as assigned, along with other specific responsibilities. The Replay Official will utilize the TiVo unit, permitting him to stop and rewind particular plays/angles. The Replay Assistant will monitor the live feed, as well as the action on the field, and provide coordination assistance and guidance to the Replay Official. A second TiVo unit will be prepared in each booth to be immediately brought online as a back-up if necessary.

F. Coaches Challenge. The MWC instant replay system shall include a coaches challenge element structured as follows. The MWC will be the only Division I-A conference to experiment with a coaches challenge component during the 2005 season.

• The head coach is the only individual who may throw the flag to challenge a play. • Each head coach is entitled to one challenge per half, provided he has a timeout remaining. • If the initial challenge is upheld, the head coach may have one additional challenge in the half (max. 2 per half). • If the initial challenge is not upheld, the team loses a timeout and any further opportunity to challenge in that half. • A head coach who challenges a non-reviewable play on his first challenge loses his challenge opportunity for that half, but does not lose a timeout. • A head coach who challenges a non-reviewable play on his second challenge opportunity in a half (which he would gain via a successful first challenge) will cause the team to lose a timeout. • Once a team has exhausted either its timeouts or its challenge opportunities in a half, the referee shall collect the challenge flag from the head coach. • A team without a timeout remaining in either half may not initiate a challenge. • The head coach shall not be equipped with a pager to receive notification a play is to be reviewed. • The recommended approach is that the head coach waits to see if the play will be reviewed and only throws the challenge flag if a play is not reviewed and he desires to challenge. • A head coach will be charged with a challenge (and subject to the guidelines outlined above) whenever he throws the challenge flag, UNLESS he does so simultaneously with the pager notification to the field a play is to be reviewed. In that one, limited exception, the challenge flag will be returned to the coach without a challenge being charged. • The replay booth personnel will be responsible for watching for a coaches challenge flag in a goal line-type situation when the officials will be some distance from the team area. If the replay official has not decided to review a play and a head coach throws a challenge flag that is not seen by the officiating crew, the replay booth will immediately activate the pager system to kill the play. However, if a play proceeds before it can be stopped, it will stand.

G. Replay Policy. The existing MWC scoreboard video replay policy will be retained. The current policy permits a controversial play to be shown once at full speed and once at .

H. Media Policies. The Replay Officials are off-limits to the media. The existing pool reporter approach will be utilized, with the referee as the spokesperson for the entire crew. If appropriate, the referee will consult with the replay official before meeting with the media representative. Should an appropriate MWC staff member be in attendance, that person would assume the responsibility of consulting with the referee and the Replay Official on any issues, then meeting with the pool reporter.

III. Reviewable Plays.

The types of plays that can be reviewed has been strictly defined by the NCAA Football Rules Committee and will be consistent throughout all of Division I-A .

IV. Institutional Facility Requirements.

• The replay booth must be located in the press box along the sideline (e.g., not in the end zone). • The preferred location for the replay booth is somewhere between the 20-yard lines. • The replay booth must be a private, secured space (e.g., not shared with another function or personnel). • The booth must be large enough to accommodate three people and the necessary equipment. • Per existing NCAA Football Playing Rules, video access should continue to be precluded in the coaches booth (including elimination of access to monitors that may be visible in adjacent booths). • The location and structure of the replay booth will be subject to final approval via a site inspection. • The in-house video system shall include a minimum of two cameras. • A coaxial cable hook-up linking the television truck (or in-house television production area) and the instant replay booth must be provided. • A direct telephone line (e.g., ring-down system) linking the television truck (or in-house television production area) and the instant replay booth must be provided. • A direct telephone line (e.g., ring-down system) linking the instant replay booth and the sideline to facilitate communication with the referee must be provided. The telephone on the field should include one (1) ear-covering headset. • The costs of modifying existing space to create the replay booth (including necessary cabling, wiring and telephone capabilities), and any costs related to in-house stadium video capabilities, shall be an institutional expense.

V. Equipment and Personnel.

• Two TiVo units, 23-inch flat screen monitor, 17-inch basic monitor, pager system base unit and two VHS/DVD recorders. • The replay crew will consist of three individuals, including the Replay Official, Assistant Replay Official and Video Technician. • The Replay Official and Assistant Replay Official will be assigned by the Conference office, while the Video Technician will be provided by the host institution. • The Replay Officials will be considered part of the officiating crew and will be included in the pre-game and post-game meetings of the crew.

VI. Training and Education.

The MWC has or will implement a number of elements, including the following:

• Training of game officials and replay officials in conjunction with MWC officials clinic to include the construction of a mock replay booth and execution of game-style training exercises. • Conference calls specifically to review potential scenarios and how they would be administered under the MWC instant replay system. • Series of conference calls with Replay Officials to orient them to the MWC system and protocols, review potential play scenarios, etc. • Training of assistant football coaches in conjunction with MWC Assistant Football Coaches Seminar. • Ongoing communication with and education of those who will deal with the details of the system and facilitate implementation of instant replay in each stadium. • Utilization of instant replay system at selected institutional fall scrimmages to replicate game situations. Replay officiating crews will participate in the scrimmages for training purposes. • Detailed meetings with various television partners and entities to identify logistical considerations, including seminar with ABC/ESPN partners. VII. Budget.

The MWC has determined the estimated costs for first-year implementation of the MWC’s video replay system and established an appropriate budget. This includes both one-time expenses (e.g., equipment) and anticipated first-year personnel costs. The total Conference expense is projected to be approximately $125,000.

The MWC has worked in cooperation with the Big 12 and C-USA to exchange information and coordinate a group purchase of the necessary instant replay equipment. The bulk purchase drove down the per unit and overall costs for each conference.

VIII. 2004 Analysis.

NOTE: 41 game reports and from MWC contests during the 2004 season revealed the following:

>24 games would have utilized the replay system.

>In those 24 games, 18 plays would have been overturned, 10 plays would have been stopped for review and ruled correct on the field and 28 plays would have been reviewed as correct by the replay officials with no game stoppage.

>Of the 18 plays that would have been overturned:

Seven (7) Five (5) catch/no catch Four (4) interceptions Two (2) touchdowns

>Of the 10 plays that would have been stopped and ruled correct on the field:

Three (3) fumbles Three (3) catch/no catch Two (2) touchdowns Two (2) vs.

>Of the 28 plays reviewed as correct with no stoppage:

Seven (7) fumbles Six (6) catch/no catch Five (5) touchdowns Two (2) interceptions Four (4) forward pass vs. fumble Three (3) runner down One (1) quarterback beyond line of scrimmage