Resource Efficiency Challenge Opinions, Examples, and Management Tools Publisher/Editor: econsense – Forum for Sustainable Development of German Business Office: Oberwallstraße 24, 10117 Berlin Phone: +49 (0)30 – 2028-1474, Fax: +49 (0)30 – 2028-2474 E-Mail:
[email protected] Project management: Miriam Riecke, Florian Teipel All texts and images used in this brochure are protected by copyright. Any use whatsoever of texts and images is only per- missible after obtaining express permission from econsense. The external text contributions reflect the opinion of the respective author. © 2012 by econsense econsense members: Allianz, BASF, Bayer, BMW Group, Bosch, Daimler, Danone, Deloitte, Deutsche Bahn, Deutsche Bank, Deutsche Börse, Deutsche Post DHL, Deutsche Telekom, DuPont, EnBW, E.ON, Ernst & Young, Evonik Industries, Generali Deutschland, HeidelbergCement, KPMG, Linde, Lufthansa, PwC, RWE, SAP, Siemens, Tetra Pak, ThyssenKrupp, TUI, VCI, Vodafone, Volkswagen Introduction Conservative use of the worldwide available resources is a key challenge for business, politics, and society. It is neces- sary to achieve a balance between the utilization of scarce resources and the necessity of expanding economic growth to emerging and developing countries. Poverty for many and prosperity for a few is not a sustainable economic model. But we require new approaches in order to counter the excess consumption of valuable resources. The keyword “resource efficiency“ points the way to an approach which can help us succeed in creating more awareness for improved efficiency in the use of raw materials. A comprehensive review of methods and strategies for achieving resource effi- ciency is discussed in this econsense – Forum for Sustainable Development of German Business brochure.