^ HALE Had Received Soviet Protests on Parent Institution of the Two F Fe E Favoring Pected Desegregation Attempt Next April 8 Charging That NATO Nu­ Schools

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^ HALE Had Received Soviet Protests on Parent Institution of the Two F Fe E Favoring Pected Desegregation Attempt Next April 8 Charging That NATO Nu­ Schools J T '-- FRIDAY, MAY XI, i m Mmuh^at^t Ew titefl Jfi^ralb X' Average Daily Net Preee Ron b Hmltod of Mta n d la g . ro r the Week Ended N Hospital Starts wo are Nursing Stadento The Weather Town WBson roreeab of 0 . & Waa tow BnrMHi aakL KNJNN« COMMOMK AprU to, 16 61 ‘ l9B#:l^lMto« m iM wU ba < New Parking Area PkrMiw rubs To Att^d Dinner Gradual eleartag with tttOa M P ^ by Oiuar SbiiiM Cinb to- 1 3 , 9 7 4 nlftit at tlM country d t* . Dln- temperature change tonlglit. Low OonatiuoMoa began this weak to Tba aanwl dinnar for r o f ttM A aatl In toe SCa. Sonda^ pnrtty ananjr oa r M iiC 7:10. H m Top Rattan open 66 now parking Mannhartar High Sobool wbo wW aad 4 In 10 diaaee for ahowen win antartaia. and two inart fltana apacaa toe i e€ OlfoiilftttoB amptoyoa and vialtoca at Manobaa- Pastor Attending bagla aaptamlMr trsln lu at mus­ late in the day. High 70 to 75. aa ShrtaMan wUl ba abowa.. ing soboob WlU bb bald Tiiasday at Manchettei^— A CUy o f Village Charm tar Mamorlai Hospital. Tba 17,000 Two Conferences oiSO p,m. at Bmanual Uttharaa Maalban a t tha Anay-Nary aquara foot lot b dlteaUy behind ChurdL TOL. LXXXn, NO. 195 <TEN PAGES^’TV SECTION) AuxlUary wfll ataet tonlgbt at 7 tba 1950 east wing addition, to tha Dr. MsCTlU BuWaow wlU ^ MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MAY 18, 1963 (Olaaflfled Advertbtng en Rage i) at HobBaa Funaral R ona 400 Main Tbo Rav. K . EJnsr Rasb, paator PRICE SEVEN CENTS aortfaeaat oomar at tha grounds, toastmaster, aad the dtanar sdU (K., to p i^ raapaota to Mia. Loulaa of Trinity Covenant Ctaurdi, b at­ ba batarad ^ IM ia Cliob, Eman­ LaOaata, wbo waa a aManbar. and aiMuld ba opan in early fall; tending the 76th annual maating uel Lutoaten CburehwonMa. according to C. B. WUaon, chief of tha Blast Coast OoivtoTonoe A film, "New life for Lba,” M ary angkiaar at. tha bdapital. BQnbtertum, and tha TIM annual will ba shown. U*S. Scores State News Btiabaan Ohanay Amd maating of the JBsat Coast Confar- Kennedy in South, ary,ry, X/SWV,tn r baa raoatvad ao taW- Costing sevoral tbouaand dol­ Hospital rapieaantatlvaa, doc­ lars, the new fadUtlaa were dla- anoa at toe BhrangoUcal Osvanant tors, nurses, Xlnnuib msmbars, tattoB to attaod tba VFW Joint la- Church, AtU«ftx>ro, Maaa., yester­ atoWatton Tuaaday at f p ja . attfaa cuased last year whan the parking high scbool advisors and the mem­ Red Note on area bordering Armory St. waa day through tomorrow. Roundup VFW Homa Pastor Rask also attandad a bers of tbs Maabbastar Student Astronaut Now Faces oonstruotad. Asks Racial Peace meeting last night on a oommittaa Nurse Scholarship Oommittaa wlU mCDICRL Tha boapital did not plan to ex­ be present. Tba aaiMial dtanar a t tba Wcni' pand tha paHclng area at this on evangeUam at toe confarenca. N A TO Aims aa*a ItoUowatalp a t Saoond Oon- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wldham of Tbs oommittaa wlU oonsldar a PHRRmflCY time but "due to the large number dosan appUoationa for aohotaratalpa NNNS.I1MM.I.6.-M.S*4M9>^ ^NASHVILLE, Tenn, (AP)9bate" about civil rights, Kennedy Dr. Stowe to Head apagatioiial Churdi wlU ba Mon­ of vtsitora and employaa, and tha Mancheater ware lay delagotaa said ha arould speak "not of your day Juna S at 6:30 p ja . la Fel- f i ^ TWnlty Covenant Church. and wlU daolda after the dinner -—President Kennedy ventur­ WASHINGTON (AP) fact that paridng on Haynes St. who toe radpianta win be. rl|^b as Americana but of your Medical School lowaUp Ran. AU woman ot tba ed into'the restive South to­ reaponslblltty.’’ The United States rejected to­ ehuroh a n Invltod to attend, aad day to appeal for public rejec- And, in thb connection, he em­ day Soviet protests against resarvatlona mart 1»a la by Mon­ phasised respect for the bw. HARTFORD (AP) — Dr. day, May Mra. Joal Hitt, tiem o f “ the temptations o f creation of NATO nuclear Nation’s Glory Orbit ao, to Lyman M. Stowe, associate prejudice and viofmice” at a Kennedy reasoned that one forces. A note to the Kremlin 178 Onan Rd. Tba Rav. Fallx man’s defiance of the law or a dean of Stanford University’s Davia, paator will Install oCfioen, OPEN MONDAY THRU time of “tragic disorder.’’ court order inspires defiance by amd the Allies “ will not be Tba Gbamiaada Musioal d u b wfll In a major addreu prepared for medical school, has been 9:304o 5:30 others, "leading to a breakdown diverted by threats” from provMa antertatnment. SATURDAY eltliena of thb city where racial of all justice and order.” building up their defenses. named dean of the State Med­ THURSDAY;rHi 9:00 P.M. violence hna flared aporadically In Kennedy flew to Nashville to Countries of Europe "are within ical School planned for Con­ OUb Pack 144 wfll awat tonlgbt recent WMka, Kennedy made no help celebrate the 80th annlver- striking reach of hundreds of So­ necticut. He’ ll M eet at 7 at Keenay S t Scbool. WaMar effort to duck the powder-keg de- eary of the Tennessee Valley Au­ viet nuclear mbsilea and nuclear- Dr.' Stowe, 40. a graduate of Buffinton of Hamden wlU parfOcm ■egregation baue. thority and the 60th anniversary equipped aircraft," the note said, Loomb School and Yale Medical gmbiation oanmonlas for Waba- Still, hia words were moderate of Vanderbilt University, whose and they havp a right to maintain School, will team up with Dr. k o la fuU Indian dreaa. in tone and repreamted a plea 84,000-seat football stadium he armaments necessary to protect Lewis Fox, 50, a South Norwalk His FamOy that community l^ ers work to­ tued as his forum. themselves against the threat of dentbt appointed dean of the ward the day when "all Ameri­ Ahead lay speaking stops in Soviet power. planned State Dental School, cana enjoy equal opportunity and Alabama—at Muscle Shoab and The U.S. note was timed for de­ The appointments were an­ liberty under the bw ." Huntsville. Waiting to join him in livery in Moscow along with sim­ nounced yesterday by Dr, Homer In H aw aii Spring Special Mrs. Miary 9terud pins Mian Carol Randall while Miss Roxanne WhUte noting "a continuing de those communities was Alabama itar notes from Britain and West D, Babbidge Jr., University of AngeU watches. Both girls worked 400 hours during toe past Oov. George C. Wallace—an out­ Germ any. Connecticut president. ABOARD USS KEAR- BANCHES and CAPE GODS year. Miss Randall, president of the Pinkies is the daughter of spoken Kennedy critic who has All three. NATO governments The State University will be the ^Pinkies’ Get promised to physically bar an ex­ S A R G E APPROACHING Paintad For $ ^ ^ .0 0 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Randall, 36 Baldwin Rd., and b a. Man­ ^ HALE had received Soviet protests on parent institution of the two f fe e Favoring pected desegregation attempt next April 8 charging that NATO nu­ schools. HONOLULU (A P)—Gordon Caps, Awards chester High School sophomore. Miss AngeU, a junior at MHS, Main Straat, Manchastor month at the Huntsville branch of clear plans were unjustified. In­ Salaries of $25,000 were author­ Cooper eomes “home” to Hon­ PLUS PAINT is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Heihert AngeU, 22 Sanford Rd. Phona 643-4123 the University of Abbama. creased the danger of nuclear ized for the two positions by the olulu today and the first of a and TRIM (Herald photo by Pinto). Free4or-All in Vanderbilt has a biracbl policy war, and would set back disarma­ uhlverslty’s board of trustees, a with Negroes attending Its gradu­ series of welcomes honoring Junior Auxiliary “Pinkies,” re­ ment negotiations for many years. spokesman said yesterday. SPECIAL PRICES ON ate and divinity echoob. No Ne­ ’The United States told the So­ Both Dr. Stowe and Dr. Fox his heroic feat of orbiting the ceived caps and awards yesterday the girls and their guests and ex­ lowing girla for working 10: 1964 Contest groes, however, are enrolled in LARGER HOMES at toe Manchester Memorial Hos- viet government that such charg­ have been active throughout their earth 22 times in a 34-hour pressed appreciation for the many hours: Judy Jackson, Marjorio the undergraduate school. es are baseless and that the careers in medical or dental edu­ pAtaJ cafeteria, with Mrs. Mary hours of service the Pinkies devote four through space. ALLSTATE PAINTERS Meyers, Kathleen Mulready, Mari­ An AP Newe .Analyab Kennedy, in his Nashville ad­ NATO nuclear defense strategy, cation. Sterud, director of nurses, capping to the hospital. lyn Manchester, Carol Randall, dress, aimed hb remarks at On the agenda were parades Uovaatry—^TeL 742-7668 the girls. By JACK hEU. which was undertaken in 1057, Dr. Stowe's career In medical and receptions in Honolulu, at Pinkies worked 9,107 hours this Nancy Hitt, Pamela Kittridge, WASHINOTON (AP) — Former Vanderbilt alumni and other "edu­ was forced by the need to offset education began in 1041 when he Hartford->289-6988 Mrs. Richard Carpenter, advisor year in various departments such Sandra Marella, Pearl Olmated, cated cltbens" who, he said, bear Cape (Canaveral, Washington and for toe Junior Auxiliary, welcomed President Dwight D. Blaenhower Russia's buildup of nuclear weap- became a teaching fellow In ob­ New York, including a meeting, as central .supply, emergency Mary Lou Frankenburg, Lynn seems to favor a free-for-all con­ a particubr obligation to pursue (Hts and missiles.
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