
Respect “So in everything, “For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand do to others what you would have them do to you.” and says to you, ‘Do not ; I will help you.’” Matthew 7:12 Isaiah 41:13

 Listening when someone else is talking.  Believing in ourselves.  Treating each other as we would like to be treated.  Trying our hardest in all we do.  Taking part and joining in.  Taking risks and being brave.  Doing as we are asked.  Never giving up.  Looking after each other and our environment.  Having a go, even when something is tricky.  Taking care of God’s world.  Standing up for what you know is right or for someone else.  Thinking of others’ thoughts and .  Not letting things get in your way of doing your best.  Being polite – saying please and thank you.  Trusting yourself and trusting others.  Using kind and thoughtful hands and words.  Keeping going if something goes wrong.

Compassion “Be kind and compassionate to one another, “Be completely humble and gentle; forgiving each other just as, in Christ, God forgave you.” be patient, bearing one another in .” Ephesians 4:32 Ephesians 4:2

 Helping others out even when it is difficult.  Helping each other through the tricky things  Showing love and to each other, no matter what.  Putting others first, before yourself.  Looking out for when others feel down and showing them kindness.  Not putting ourselves down.  Putting others first.  Not thinking we are better than others.  Forgiving others if they hurt us, inside or out.  Being patient and gentle.  Loving ourselves and being the person we want to be.  Doing the right thing, just because it’s the right thing.  Not expecting anything in return for good deeds.