2018/19 SESSION of the BERMUDA SENATE OFFICIAL HANSARD REPORT 3 July 2019 Sitting number 17 of the 2018/19 Session (pages 539–568) Sen. The Hon. Joan E. Dillas-Wright, MBE, JP President Disclaimer: The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for informational purposes only. The printed version remains the official record. Official Hansard Report 3 July 2019 539 BERMUDA SENATE OFFICIAL HANSARD REPORT 3 JULY 2019 10:00 AM Sitting Number 17 of the 2018/19 Session [Sen. the Hon. Joan E. Dillas-Wright, President, pre- ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE PRESIDENT siding] SENATE VISITORS The President: Good morning, Senators. The Senate is in session. The President: Before I go on to messages, can I just Shall we pray? acknowledge the Young Worker Activists from the BPSU Summer School Programme, in the Gallery? PRAYERS Welcome to each and every one of you. [Prayers read by Sen. the Hon. Joan E. Dillas-Wright, MESSAGES President] PREMIER, MINISTERS AND OPPOSITION LEADER CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES PERSONAL STAFFS ACT 2019 [Minutes of 26th of June 2019] The President: There is a message from the Honour- The President: The Minutes of the 26th of June 2019. able House of Assembly. Clerk. Sen. James S. Jardine: Madam President. The Clerk: Yes, Madam President. We have a mes- The President: Senator Jardine, you have the floor. sage from the House of Assembly. The message is number 10, and the message reads as follows: Sen. James S. Jardine: Madam President, I move “To the Honourable the President and Mem- that the Minutes of the meeting of Wednesday, the bers of the Senate: The House of Assembly returns 26th of June 2019, be taken as read.
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