Automatically generated rough PDF by ProofCheck from River Valley Technologies Ltd hmclsnos hwdt epoiigt opeetteeitn rdtoa ehiusbcueo their sensitivity of their because compromising techniques without (Sena system, traditional the existing steps of the pretreatment miniaturization complement of and to possibility and analysis, promising portability, versatility, be of to time showed they cost, however, sensors, chemical high organizations; relatively regulatory the by to accepted et related and disadvantages established chromatographic some well on have based are are determination techniques drug for These drugs methodology techniques. the et of (Ferey most that techniques shows chromatographic literature The and spectroscopic on emphasis special Both with diagnosis. thedrugand effective of and quality accurate analysis patient. the more the The ensure of a area. to health indicate health good methods to the analytical the to possible reliable and mainly it effective, relevant, makes sensitive, highly require pharmaceu- interest investigations the is of clinical meet analysis analysis of the which clinical sense, set products, compounds to this a other of interest In of and ). of (ANVISA, medicines consists and others of which among compounds production purity control, tical and the quality content times, for as all the identity essential for at of is systems standards ensuring, physiological analysis at exploit Drug aimed or administered. alter measures to are of used they and whom treatment or in relief person for purpose: medical a have Drugs Introduction 1 Received: highlighted. be DOI: also can analyses low-cost ofdifferent and sensitive, devel-formation Keywords: rapid, the of to for promising contributing materials sensors, Thepossibility these analytical makes of area. that opment carbonaceous high surface on work based high and present capacity, materials the composite adsorption in biocompatibility, strong follow conductivity, high for to electrical possible tool effect, and be favorite thermal electrocatalytic will a excellent It have interest. sensors nanomaterials clinical electrochemical selec- carbon of Thus,the versatility, the in compounds that and make interest drugs techniques clinical of diagnoses. electroanalytical of determination of effective the the compounds of theindication determining the for portability of that and capable ensure tivity, important methods to extremely analytical are control, thepatient addition, fluids compromise quality In that could biological for life. of important of compounds complications extremely and quality possible is drugs without and effectively of analysis role analysis drug its the fulfills carbon context, for medicine the this sensors covers application electrochemical In article the of interest. This and development clinical impact. methods, the environmental synthesis in low properties, materials main with these as and of manipu- such minimum time, aspects with real important information, in presenting obtaining system, nanomaterials, of studied possibility the the char- as of the promising such lation present due significantly devices increased these sensors that electrochemical acteristics to related researches that notorious is It 1 interest clinical of compounds and drugs of determination in sensors electrochemical of development to applications and synthesis nanomaterials: Carbon Porto S. Laís GRUYTER DE 09Wle eGutrGb,Berlin/Boston. GmbH, Gruyter de Walter 2019 © Borges B. Keyller Pereira, C. Arnaldo Abstract: eatmnod inisNtri,Uiesdd eea eSoJã e-e US) apsDmBso rç Dom Praça Bosco, Dom Campus (UFSJ), del-Rei João São de Federal Universidade Naturais, Ciências de Departamento evco7,Fbia 60-6,SoJã e-e,M,Bai,Emi:[email protected] [email protected]. [email protected], E-mail: Brazil, MG, del-Rei, João São 36301-160, Fábricas 74, Helvécio

l,20;Aa et Alam 2007; al., eea nltclmtoswr sdfrteqatfcto fdusadcmonso lnclinterest, ofclinical and compounds drugs of quantification the for used were methods analytical Several 10.1515/revac-2019-0017 etme 6 2019; 26, September abnnnmtras abnnntbs lcrceia esr,fleee graphene , sensors, electrochemical nanotubes, carbon nanomaterials, carbon 1 ail .Silva N. Daniela /

l 07;21b.Hwvr lcraayia ehd,epcal hs mlyn electro- employing those especially methods, electroanalytical However, 2017b). 2017a; al. r h orsodn authors. corresponding the are Accepted: 1 n ls .d Oliveira de F. Elisa Ana / eebr1,2019 11, December 1 rad .Pereira C. Arnaldo / eiw nAayia hmsr.21;20190017 2019; Chemistry. Analytical in Reviews 1

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Keyller / ’ health s 1 1 Automatically generated rough PDF by ProofCheck from River Valley Technologies Ltd h ytei rcs n h rnia rpriso hs abnnnmtraswl epeetdthroughout presented be will nanomaterials carbon these of about review. properties review this principal brief results a the Furthermore, good and of sensors. process the representatives electrochemical synthesis of important of development the because most the fullerene, the in and of provided (CNTs), materials three nanotubes these analyses, on carbon that control focused graphene, forquality work class, and present nanomaterial The carbon diagnoses health. the effective compoundsofclinical human and of protect of drugs indication to chemically the order for of in detection important applications and extremely and are for analysis advances that interest recent nanomaterials highlighted carbon with review high electrodes this and modified biosensors, limit and detection low sensors trochemical with sensors of development the activ- et to electrocatalytic Yang and contributes 2006; (Trojanowicz, molecules reactions sensitivity target materials redox detectable these various easily characteristics, that for of chemical advantages adsorption ity and the physical The window, conductivity. of response in potential because variations wide literature cost, and low the relatively the in as described such continuously present, are they and were they tention, since attention great attract nanomaterials carbon (Li et made factors reported these first anal- All pharmaceutical science. storage, medical energy science, and environmental yses, great preparation, displaying authors the material besides in properties, review, applications optical improve for this In could potential chem- conductivity, as electric such and fields. properties thermal diverse chemical good stability, and in ical physical distinct application exhibit potential nanomaterials carbon-based their that demonstrated and functionalities, versatility, the all the on reagents biological and chemical of the catalyticactivity only via immobilization perfor- the high not et facilitating response, (Kimmel by surface rapid also signal amplification sensor as by but such conductivity andselectivity advantages high and numerous sensitivity to high effective, owing cost devices mance, analytical 2012). powerful (Walcarius, as decades few ployed last the nanomaterials in of increase use methods the analytical made materials, of development bulk reactive the the extremely in in adsorption, are present high not materials, ratio, this area, surface-to-volume of surface properties and capacity, physicochemical high reactive excellent very the Thus, their form. larger of their Because to compared area. surface massive a (Liet have rials materials of conventional efficiency the improve to and development medicine, materials, monitoring, new environmental offunda- safety, of analyses food storage, diagnostics, and clinical energy research, generation numerous biological for electronics, mental attention as computing, tremendous such growing areas had different in materials applications nanostructured years, recent the Over application. paste, carbon carbon, glassy et gold, (Oliveira platinum, 2018). used modifier Nieszporek, materials, frequently the were the for very graphite Among suitable is pyrolytic be material surface. thechemicalsignal, and should electrode of electrode and the energies the characteristics of the on choice electrochemical convert the appropriate immobilization to have Then, element must signal. it measurable ofthe a as in important, ability interaction, the this with of because and generated the analyte, with (modifier) 2019). Saleh, & characteristics Sajid some the of improve (Baig, can stability modifications modification and These selectivity, of sensitivity, species. possibility active as the chemically such with besides the sensor impact, of environmental base manipulation low the minimum variation. of with with surface and potential information, time, obtaining or characteristics real of the promising current in possibility system, of the a studied as as such because such present significantly devices signal these increased useful that sensors analytically electrochemical an to into related release, Researches proton or transfer electron instru- and the limit et to detection (Pandey compared low reagents the when of besides use instruments analyses, less low-cost spectrophotometric and of chromatographic use for make required mentation sensors electrochemical The selectivity. and 2 Recently, properties. chemical and physical of combinations unique their et of Li view in representative most the be hs osdrn h ifrn abnnnsrcue htwr ieyue ntecntuto ofelec- in construction the used were widely that carbon different the considering Thus, at- gained also nanomaterials carbon of use the sensors, electrochemical of development the Regarding em- were materials nanostructured with integrated platforms biosensor and electrochemical Therefore, factthatnanomate- the is othermaterials from different nanoparticles makes that property significant One sensor for interest the to according chosen be should layer modifying the electrode, the choosing After recognizingmaterial ofthe to theinteraction related is directly sensors the electrochemical of efficiency The as such information, chemical transforming and collecting allow that devices are sensors Electrochemical mn h aiu aeil htcnb lsiidit h aoaeilcas abnnnmtrasmay carbon nanomaterials class, the nanomaterial into classified be can that materials various the Among

l 21)woearve bu h eeomn fcro-ae ucinlnnmtrasdescribing nanomaterials functional carbon-based of development the about review a wrote (2019) al. ot tal. et Porto

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l,21;Lnk& Lenik 2017; al., EGRUYTER DE Automatically generated rough PDF by ProofCheck from River Valley Technologies Ltd lorpcfrso abn uha rpie Ns n ulrn Fgr )(ym oaa,2019). Mohanan, other & of (Syama formation 2) the (Figure fullerene explain and to CNTs, only graphite, as material such theoretical carbon, purely of Before recently. a forms most isolated allotropic considered was was that family graphene nanomaterials isolated, the of being allotrope carbon the is 2A) (Figure Graphene Graphene 2.1 1: Figure as recognized area now are This which N). nanometers, & of (N order Nanotechnology the and in et Nanoscience particles lead- the 20th of knowledge: (Song of revolution, nanomaterials of up technological made area and materials whole years scientific studies the last a true knowledge the a of In of in enabled consolidation application general, materials the as materials. of for In to class developed. useful ing new classified not them a be were estab- make of may materials well emergence that machines, these the and properties century, and if commonplace have products, like a car,lighting so which devices, be became substances, of would driving program of development life such as TV mixture our a or what watching life, substance question or any not of our day-to-day phone, do cell we the that the actions on lished in calls making lamp, materials a different of use the Nowadays, nanomaterials Carbon 2 GRUYTER DE neeti abnnnmtrasgo tl oe iue1peet hr ieiecnann information containing nanostructures. carbon timeline to short related work a of awards presents main 1 the Figure and discovery more. of still year the grow about nanomaterials carbon in et interest (Schroeder compounds et of (Novoselov chemical thousands 2004 the in in is present which is carbon, and life of of diversity symbol and the richness considered electrical, the that thermal, element besides presented characteristics, nanomaterials mechanical Carbon versatile. and highly (Gogotsi chemical, considered particles are its they of because shape thus, ofafew highlighted and scale, size macroscopic order the on the a of on control case it the this for with (in observed 2014). only Presser, size size. materials properties that & new critical the fact the critical of their form the preparation on material in below the also the differ consists enabling improved, but of material essence and structure this properties N renewed and of the & composition properties particles nanometers), N their and the on great aspects when way, only The their this not products. had In depend beauty have materials to that of phones, properties life canalready cell the daily and our its development chips of of computer products effect from the The public. in general seen the reaching be rapidly and industries, reaching search, h icvr ffleee,floe yCT n h eetioainadcaatrzto fgraphene of characterization and isolation recent the and CNTs by followed , of discovery The be to deserve nanomaterials carbon N, & N of advancement the with developed materials new the Among re- of boundaries the pushing today, science materials in area growing fastest the far, by became, N & N ieieo abnnanomaterials. carbon of Timeline

l,20)poie e osblte nteceityadpyiso abnadmade and carbon of physics and chemistry the in possibilities new provided 2004) al.,

l,2019). al., ot tal. et Porto

l,2019). al., 3 Automatically generated rough PDF by ProofCheck from River Valley Technologies Ltd ooae a oea eoiyo pt 10 to 10 up ( × of 2 velocity to (up a conductor at move can (Sol- monolayer conduction 2017). planar Handal, of & phenomenon Elsherif Ghany, the 2010; provide Dujardin, which & Mahmood bands, dano, conduction struc- and orbital graphene an valence the has in forming atom overlaps atoms Each carbon Å. the 1.42 between approximately length is ture bond The prominence structure. two-dimensional the a presents. in it all monolayers organization, that However, atomic properties today. and the structure to nanomaterials two-dimensional related revolutionary its directly to and and due responsible possible is promising which became most only material the this by of achieved one it atomsconnected of carbon surface area. make mechanical researchers good specific conductivity, the a large electrical To offlat monolayer and presenting 2007). thermal Novoselov, and excellent flexible, & also light, a structure (Geim but being organization resistance, atom hexagonal not only an a of of presented means thickness by material the ultrafine to the it surprise, thinning and conductivity, et its (Novoselov graphite pyrolytic of plates graphene small of of exfoliation layers mechanical individual the in through Manchester, sheets bonds existing. of University the the double of Novoselov to and Geim searchers related (Boehmet suffix-ene Boehm the with and Hanns-Peter junction graphite the Hofmann of Ulrich because chemists graphene German by time first as such dimensionalities, other of materials carbon of graphite. construction (D) the and for CNTs, precursor (C) a fullerene, as (B) used material) (2D graphene (A) 2: Figure 4 an in stacked of layer in 10 are the increase of single sheets limit a with Graphene the by couplings to etc. formed different up four, presents layers be graphene of three, can the number two, that be of the structure compounds by not electronic of should formed the family graphene Thus, materials way. a Therefore, organized to as stacking. sheet), rather of but (monoatomic order material, the atoms single by a determined layers as adjacent considered in atoms of position 2019). Mohanan, m & (10 graphite as such materials m W 400 rpeeoieadrdcdgahn xd,wr eotdi h ieauefraaye fcmonsfrom compounds of analyses for literature the in reported were oxide, graphene reduced and oxide graphene of development the and sensors, biosensors. electrochemical and application sensors supercapacitors, photo electrochemical storage, batteries, electrochemical lithium-ion for in electrodes material transistors, electrode for materials polymer-composite from ing 2007). Novoselov, & ∼ 10 × 2 oecaatrsistr h rpeeit atclrmtra,freape h lcrn fgraphene of electrons the example, for material, particular a into graphene the turn characteristics Some sp with atoms carbon by formed is Graphene presents graphene that properties electrical and optical, mechanical, chemical, physical, excellent the All improving obtained, the material of efficiency byre- the improved characterized increasingly coworkers first and and Geim, Novoselov, isolated was graphene that the 2004 for in observed later actually decades was four material only was this it which However, in year a 1962, in being into came graphene term The oee,teeetoi rpriso rpeecag ihtenme flyr n ihterelative the with and layers of number the with change graphene of properties electronic the However, nrcn er,svrlgahn-ae esr n isnos rgahn-eae aeil,sc as such materials, graphene-related or biosensors, and sensors graphene-based several years, recent In rang- applications for material promising a into graphene turn properties and features remarkable these All ot tal. et Porto ceai representation. Schematic 5 − 1 cm K − 2 1 V .Gahn lososavr ihsraeae ( area surface high very a shows also Graphene ). − 1 s − 1 n hra odciiya omtmeaueu o50 m W 5000 to up temperature room at conductivity thermal and ) 4 cm S − 1 .I osse neetoi oiiyu o10tmslre hnta fsilicon of that than larger times 100 to up mobility electronic an possesses It ). 2 g − 1 n Ns(30m (1300 CNTs and ) – 0lyr 3 ii)we h aeili osdrdgaht (Geim graphite considered is material the when limit) (3D layers 20 6 s m 2 yrdzto naconjugated a in hybridization − 1 p hc un hsmtra noa xeln electrical excellent an into material this turns which , retdpredclrt h oeua ln,which plane, molecular the to perpendicular oriented , 2 g − 1 Slao amo uadn 00 Syama 2010; Dujardin, & Mahmood (Soldano, ) ∼ 60m 2600 2 g − 1

l,2004). al., ,hge hntoeosre for observed those than higher ), π odsse,arne in arranged system, bond

l,16) h ae it named who 1962), al., − 1 K − 1 cmae to (compared EGRUYTER DE ’ Automatically generated rough PDF by ProofCheck from River Valley Technologies Ltd n et ihu etoigissrcue nadto,CT aeatniesrnt,tnieta te,and steel, than tensile strength, be tensioned tensile can a have and CNTs 2003). flexibility (Terrones, addition, conductivity high In electrical denotes and structure. material thermal its this excellent destroying known, without structures robust bent, most and the of one senting through C the conduction of electrical strength excellent The allowing 2019). spreading, Shahrokhian, & without Ghalkhani is, (Asadian, ma- nanotubes that these way, of in extensions ballistic transport large electronic a the in that describe occurs studies terials Some cylinders. carbon concentric onhowthe between 2003). depend coupling (Terrones, CNTs tube the the of of axis properties the theelectrical along way, oriented this may are CNTs In around, hexagons wraps properties. sheet and graphene geometries the different way have the on Depending coincide. equivalent, crystallographically MWCNT. (B) SWCNT; (A) 3: Figure graphene coiled concentrically more or two of set a by synthesis difficult the formed However, 10 it are nm. make of MWCNTs 5 and diameters scale. have to cost may large its 1 which increase a from sheets, SWCNT ranging on of diameter fraction applied small a be are have a SWCNTs to only and produce 3B). graphene to (Figure of employed (MWCNTs) currently sheet methods nanotubes one only carbon of multiple-walled nan- up carbon and made single-walled groups: 3A) two (Figure into (SWCNTs) divided be otubes can CNTs Conceptually, other. each from characteristics scientific the reports, previous time. are first became the there fibers for if these out even that carried Therefore, Iijima by 1991). developed Iijima (Iijima, work considers (CNT) the community in nanotubes 1991, carbon in as only known was it However, 1978). becauseofthe Abrahamson, time & that at Russian publications to the 2006). Kuznetsov, & cited reportedina scientists or (Monthioux was by Western War known widely Cold of access filaments not carbon is difficulties article the this However, of somenano-sized of 1952). Lukyanovich, because axis, & (Radushkevich nature own micrometers 1952 the tubular from their in range of article can from Russian that cylindrically evidence range length first rolled and The sheets nanometer centimeters. the graphene to in diameter more a or with structures one tubular from forming formed nanomaterials are CNTs nanotubes Carbon 2.2 opportuni- analyses. new chemical providing of several created, of progress be functions sustainable can and the systems properties for analytical the ties innovative combin- with and by graphene materials result, of new a properties components, As mechanical other bonding. and chemical electrical, or thermal, adsorption physical the by ing enzymes, and DNA as such biomolecules, electrochemicals sensitive highly and enhanced are that sensors et of (Xiao-Mei development detected, making the easily is to uric contribute perturbation acid, anymolecular material this way, ascorbic this In glucose, properties. electronic of specific and detection area surface the in as such applications, et (Justino clinical drugs Pb analyses, and as food acid, such as ions metal well of as detection ticides, the are examples Some sources. environmental GRUYTER DE Nshv eea trcieadpoiigpoete o aiu plctosbcueo hi structure. their of because applications various for properties promising and attractive several have CNTs weak of because SWCNTs in observed those to similar are MWCNTs of properties electronic the network, general, hexagonal In its of sites two that so up rolled is graphene of sheet a nanotubes, the form to order In term the Nowadays, center (Wiles a hollow with in layers rolled fibers graphite observed also Abrahamson and Wiles 1978, In and nanoparticles, polymers, as such materials other with composites form can graphene addition, In high its of because inserted is it which to environment the in changes the to sensitive extremely is Graphene tutrso CNTs. of Structures

l,2011). al., sp 2 – “ Cs abnnanotubes carbon

l,2017). al., ’ p okt etefrtdsrpino h N,sneacmlt tutrlstudywas structural acomplete since the CNT, of description first the be to work s 2 odgvsCT ihceia n ehnclrssac.Hwvr vnpre- even However, resistance. mechanical and chemical high CNTs gives bond – 0n Shodret (Schroeder nm 50 ” orsod oafml fcmonsta a aedifferent have may that compounds of family a to corresponds

l,21;Sn et Song 2019; al.,

l,2019). al., 2+ n Cd and 2+ nlsso pes- of analyses , ot tal. et Porto 5 Automatically generated rough PDF by ProofCheck from River Valley Technologies Ltd ebrdrnsadsnl od ewe h iemmee ig ssoni iue4. inFigure as shown rings five-membered the between bonds single and C rings forms, membered these all in ever, hncmie ihakl eas hs rprismk hsmtra rmsn o eea ye fap- of types several et for 2016). Li promising Shrestha, 2013a, material Wang, & this et superconductor Qi (Bosi make a antivirals (Li, properties photovoltaic become These to as ability such metals. the plications, alkali and with resistance, mechanical combined the of high when orbitals area, molecular surface LUMO large stability, non-binding chemical the because possible only is C fact This anions. corresponding ing C the of ability 4: Figure architect American the of honor in as C baptized et the the was (Silveira com- and by of pentagonal, the idealized structure 12 to domes the and due geodesic way, hexagonal structure the this 20 spherical of In a form construct pentagons. same faces sug- with the hexagonal some bination in which After atoms in molecules. Fuller, the Buckminster these organizing Richard to of architect stability idea such the give had could Kroto structure gestions, molecular what wonder to researchers et Silveira later in were 2016; experiment which Shrestha, an agglomerates, & performed forming Minami Kroto laser Smalley, (Ariga, high-frequency and spectrometry pulsed Curl mass a of by to help analyzed subjected the was With plate space. graphite in a carbon which of chains W. large Harold these of by done work (polyines, the chains in proven et (Kroto fullerenes Smalley of E. existence of Richard and the existence Curl, was F. the Robert 1985 of Kroto, in possibility only However, the atoms. demonstrated atoms.carbon fullerenes calculations carbon the by allotropes, only theoretical constituted other molecules 1966, the nanometric Unlike spheroidal Since considered fullerenes. being the form, is molecular nanoscale the in at are allotrope carbon a of example Another Fullerene 2.3 6 of types time. several short with a theelec- modified in response be improve improving further can electrode, can and which modifications analyte sensors, These between transfer others). of tron among development complexes, the metal make genetic, that for characteristics (enzymes, material are species groups desirable functional a of presence CNTs High the others. the many and among area, drugs, surface biomolecules, high velocity, various transfer fragments, electron DNA toxins, gases, as such analytes prod- diverse systems, several in metals, application and ceramics and potential polymers, sensors electrochemical a with of composites have development biosensors. in and materials memories, televisions; computer for These devices, photovoltaic emitters transistors, N. electron diodes, as, & such N devices of and ucts, development the in used 60 hog l h tde htwr led oeo ulrn,oeo h otamrbedsoeisi the is discoveries admirable most the of one fullerene, on done already were that studies the all Through C example, for as, isolated already were fullerene of forms stable other Currently, leading observed, was atoms carbon 60 with molecules of formation the experiment, this of end the At Kroto of result a was fullerenes of discovery The Nswr mlydi h eeomn fhgl estv lcrceia esr odtrietemost the determine to sensors electrochemical sensitive highly of development the in employed were CNTs most components the of one as CNTs the consider material of class single a in together properties these All oeueaea eylweeg ee.Ohritrsigpoete httefleee rsn r good are present fullerenes the that properties interesting Other level. energy low very a at are molecule ot tal. et Porto ceai ersnain(Dad3)o h ulrn tutr C structure fullerene the of 3D) and (2D representation Schematic

l,2018). al., 60 … oeuet eev rmoet i lcrn,ee huhi sarayrc neetos form- electrons, in rich already is it though even electrons, six to one from receive to molecule

l,20) hmteaetc,atbois n h eeomn fsnos(rg,Mnm & Minami (Ariga, sensors of development the and antibiotics, chemotherapeutics, 2003), al., C ≡ C – C 60 ≡ .. n fatmtn orpoueitrtla odtost rv h existence the prove to conditions interstellar reproduce to attempting of and C...) ulrn stems bnatadms tbe with stable, most and abundant most the is fullerene ’ neeti h unu ehnc td fcrancarbon certain of study mechanics quantum the in interest s

l,1985). al., 60

l,21b,boeia plctos rnpr of transport applications, biomedical 2013b), al., was defined as a polyhedron of 32 faces, being of 32 a polyhedron as defined was 60 .

l,2018). al., 20 π C , “ od ewe h six- the between bonds cages 70 C , ” 78 omdol by only formed n C and , EGRUYTER DE 84 How- . Automatically generated rough PDF by ProofCheck from River Valley Technologies Ltd aesfre eed ietyo h oln ae(ho&Gu 08.Ti ehdi ceaie nFigure in schematized is method This 2018). graphene Gou, the & of (Zhao number precipitate rate The species graphene. cooling carbon the the 6. form process, to on cooling growth directly and a depends nucleation by formed to followed layers leading example, & metal of for the (Son surface Ir, of atoms the surface Ru, on the carbon Pt, atoms on dissociated Ni, carbon previously of as segregation the such or catalysts, hydrocarbons, from tem- of metallic structure high decomposition at graphite thermal catalysts by the Thus, metal of 2017). of Ham, formation surface the the on to bythismethod, occurs up hydrocarbons, on thesurface graphene peratures as of such Forthe orsemiconductors preparation compounds, metal, precursor (CVD). of as ceramics, pyrolysis vapor deposition such chemical materials, using of various substrates different films of thin obtain to possible is deposition vapor It chemical by nanotube carbon and graphene of Synthesis 3.2 method. 5: Figure obtaining of its possibility allowing et the methods, (Gilje mechanical is scale the large method to a this on compared of graphene when obtain advantage yield, graphite, to excellent the main use re- of and The oxidation structure uniformity 5). chemical the good by in (Figure with sheets that place graphene graphene COOH takes the and keeping separation OH for the as us- responsible Waals, such and graphene der groups Van to to of of reduced graphite forces addition from the chemically as the exfoliation duces is of such chemical because The which agents borohydride. possible oxide, sodium oxidizing is graphite or graphene strong hydrazine forms as with reaction such compounds graphite This reducing acid. reacting ing nitric by oxygen, or acid containing sulfuric groups functional is scale. drawback of large main a duction on its However, graphene is possibleto defects. of andit production of the free disk, allow practically not are does oxide that it samples that ofasilicon/silicon graphene et (Novoselov provides microscope and atomic the surface graphite. an reliability by high-purity to graphene of of exfoliation existence transferred perform the to are verify repeatedly flakes used captured is tape some adhesive Next, an which method, bonds, this In these exfoliation. today. chemical until of or breakage exfoliation the mechanical after methods: Waals main graphite Vander two the by by bonded from accomplished sheets be produced can graphene be of can layers several graphene of Consequently, composed forces. is graphite mentioned, previously As exfoliation chemical and mechanical by graphene of Synthesis 3.1 nanomaterials carbon of Synthesis 3 GRUYTER DE hmcleflain rceia euto,ivle h ovrino rpiet rpeeb h intro- the by graphene to graphite of conversion the involves reduction, chemical or exfoliation, Chemical isused and time first the for graphene of isolation the allowed that method the is exfoliation Mechanical ceai ersnaino h eue rpeeoiepouto ytemcaia rceia exfoliation chemical or mechanical the by production oxide graphene reduced the of representation Schematic

l,20;Zaget Zhang 2007; al.,

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l,20) hsapoc rsnsgood presents approach This 2004). al.,

l,2018). al., ot tal. et Porto 7 Automatically generated rough PDF by ProofCheck from River Valley Technologies Ltd iue7: Figure widely most the of one still is electrode method fullerene. other discharge of the arc synthesis of inert electric the surface the The for of the 2016). methods atoms on used Shrestha, gas chains the & graphite with Minami new collisions of (Ariga, to that formation (cathode) due so the energy out, collision allows kinetic them generating anode, procedure pull lose the to This and and energy against atmosphere. plasma gas, enough accelerated the transferring surrounding through electrode are the pass the electrons andatlowpres- of atoms the ionizing or surface He) carbon the as Ar formed, from Thus, atoms is 7). carbon electrodes with (Figure (usually occurs the electrodes between the between arc aninertatmosphere plasma in electric a an that 1991). steel chamber so CNT (Iijima, a of sure, begin tobeexplored within synthesis distance first small the during sufficiently could Iijima by used offullerenes also was pos- which properties it method, discharge making thechemical arc collaborators, tric macro- and that so in Krätschmer C60 by of done et quantities synthesis (Krätschmer work sufficient the the for obtain with method to 1990 a of sible in development only the occurred 1985, quantities in scopic fullerenes of discovery the with Even discharge arc electric by fullerene of Synthesis 3.3 production the in control the as well 2016). as Tali, samples, & prepared (Shah techniques MWCNTs the pro- or characterization of SWCNTs con- the of homogeneity of and, guarantee CNTs advancement the of will stages of The it growth control nanotubes. the as of better CNTs, of sequently, understanding better the bundles a obtaining enabled the techniques) in microscopy of fundamental electron surface to growth (mainly is the enough and catalyst on the nucleation CNTs high form of temperature of and role cess a hydrocarbons The the with (hydro- catalyst. of metal kilns precursors decomposition a carbon controlled the of perform CVD, atmospherically to by in required CNTs energy used of the also provide synthesis are the etc.) in alcohols, Thus, carbons, inexpensive. relatively is and production 6: Figure 8 h r-icag ehdcnit fapyn oeta ifrnebtentogaht lcrdsata electrodes graphite two between difference potential a applying of consists method arc-discharge The large-scale enables it because CNTs of synthesis the for methods used widely most the of one also is CVD ot tal. et Porto ceai ersnaino h ulrn rdcinb lcrcacdshremethod. discharge arc electric by production fullerene the of representation Schematic CVD. by production graphene the of representation Schematic

l,19) h ehddvlpdb rtcmradclaoaoswsvr iia oteelec- the to similar very was collaborators and Krätschmer by developed method The 1990). al., EGRUYTER DE Automatically generated rough PDF by ProofCheck from River Valley Technologies Ltd ifrn oiiain ftesm aeeetoecngnrt esr ihdfeetseiiiisforapartic- differentspecificities with sensors and reproducibility. can generate perfor- repeatability, baseelectrode analyte. analytical quantification, same ular their the and of determine detection that of modifications parameters limit Different selectivity, some sensitivity, for as evaluated such usually mance, are developed drugs. in biosensors and and acid, uric acid, ascorbic glucose, of detection as such tions, et (Hussein l samples pmol environmental 14.78 in of tions limit detection A . CNT fields healthcare and environmental the in applications potential l for nmol promising 0.031 is of et limit (Khan method detection the a authors, showed the sensor The to chemisensor. chromium(III) Pb a as as such application ap- ions Several metal literature. of the detection in for reported analysis analysis. were environmental pesticide oxide, as and such graphene described, reduced were and plications oxide, graphene graphene, electrocatalysis. doped the area promoting surface transfer high electronic as the such facilitate have, materials which literature conductivity, these the electrical that in excellent characteristics physical and described of and continuously development chemical was the remarkable electroanalysis the in in to use applications due their various and for prominence, biosensors increasing and gained sensors nanomaterials carbon sensors electrochemical seen, of previously development As the in nanomaterials carbon of Use 4 the with or other, each et with Bonis (De more so stability react necessary greater laser, are present the conditions and by medium These generated liquid gases. species, the the active of extreme for the molecules more obtained make in conditions that result solution these than in that higher technique values, an ablation pressure liquid in the performed the and in technique as temperature ablation conditions such laser thermodynamic used, the the to conditions compared atmosphere, experimental when inert the Furthermore, parameters. changing physical structure laser by whose the altered or stable nanostructures be medium produce only to can properties itsability to chemical due and community scientific the of interest 8: Figure et Bonis De 2003; (Terrones, material the obtain to inert of water end the by opposite cooled while the is carbon, at et a system located the Sajid to collector, the 2015; vaporize copper taken After, uniformly a 8). is onthegraphite. in to (Figure that them source tube tube focused depositing this energy the is species, quartz In laser generated an a the the fullerenes. as inside and entrains of used placed stream gas, gas are synthesis is aninert pulses and the laser source for with successive carbon and filled Then, CNTs a then is as of tube used synthesis The is oven. the temperature-controlled stick for graphite both solid used a is method, method ablation laser ablation The laser by fullerene and nanotube carbon of Synthesis 3.4 GRUYTER DE o h nlsso i-hnlA hi rpsdsno rsne eeto ii f6. mll pmol 60.0 of limit detection et a (Alam presented samples sensor environmental in proposed analysis Their for A. suitable nanocomposites proved bis-phenol oxide/hydroxyapatite of graphene reduced analysis The on l the based detection. nmol for sensor 0.27 2-nitrophenol chemical selective of for a limit composite developed detection also oxide low oxide/zinc a graphene presented reduced sensor using fabricated was (GCE) nodrt urne h ult fterslsotie n ovldt h nltclmto,tesensors the method, analytical the validate to and obtained results the of applica- quality clinical the and guarantee analysis to food order in In employed widely also were sensors electrochemical as such Devices et Khan as such materials, graphene-related or biosensors, and sensors graphene-based several years, recent In the attracted and prominence gained technique liquid This solution. in performed be also can ablation Laser usi et Hussein electrode carbon glassy of sensor a of use the that described 2017b) (2017a, al. et Alam paper, another In xml feprmna eu o h ae baintcnqewt nr atmosphere. inert with technique ablation laser the for setup experimental of Example

l,2015). al.,

l 21)uiie esrbsdo oynln-rfe rpeeoxide graphene polyaniline-grafted on based sensor a utilized (2015) al.

l,2016). al.,

l 21)dvlpdaslcieAg selective a developed (2019) al.

l,2019). al., + oi esrbsdo oyiy hoiemxdgraphene- chloride/mixed polyvinyl on based sensor ionic − 1 − 1 Aa et (Alam a band ihtepsiiiyo uueapplica- future of possibility the with obtained, was

l 07,Aa et Alam 2017a, al.

l,21aAa et 2017a,Alam al.,

l,2015). al.,

l 2017b). al.

l,21b.Teeauthors These 2017b). al., – WO 3 aoopst for ot tal. et Porto − 1 2+ According . − 1 n Cd and n also and

al., 2+ 9 Automatically generated rough PDF by ProofCheck from River Valley Technologies Ltd 10 a presented sensor proposed the detection, individual for 0.1 result, range, a response As and urine) linear indicator. (serum wide diagnostic fluids body valuable in very molecules species important these a are of is analysis which (UA), The metabolism. acid simulta- human uric and in and individual processes (AA), physiological for for acid (RGO) ascorbic oxide (DA), graphene dopamine reduced of and determination (Pd), neous palladium (Au), gold of nanocomposite analyses a chemical of progress ana- sustainable innovative the and for materials opportunities new new of components, et providing properties (Xiao-Mei other created, mechanical several be and of optical, can functions electrical, systems adsorp- and lytical thermal, physical properties of the means combining the by result, with enzymes, a graphene and As materials DNA bonding. other as chemical with such or composites biomolecules, tion form and can nanoparticles, graphene polymers, improved addition, as of development In such the sensors. to electrochemical contributes sensitive which detected, highly easily and be can perturbation molecular any that lows ihrslto rnmsineeto irsoy -a hteeto pcrsoy ttcwtrcnatan- contact microscopy, water electron static transmission spectroscopy, et using ultraviolet photoelectron Yang gle, X-ray characterized microscopy, mobility. was electron electron biosensor transmission fabricated free high-resolution The and (GOx). activity de- oxidase electrocatalytic sensor glucose high electrochemical its for to et (PtNPs@NG) (2015a),Yang due NG increased PtNp-functionalized steadily in velopment interest The (PtNPs). nanoparticles immunosensing electrochemical for platform promising a et providing (Yang analyte, applications model 0.02 as of (CEA) antigen range bryonic linear serum human immunosensor in wide The a applied was successfully (CV). with and immunosensor samples voltammetry area, electron surface cyclic electrochemical specific transmission larger and sensitive activity, by electrochemical spectrum, highly high characterized showed impedance was a electrochemical NG develop streptavidin-functionalized (TEM), to The microscopy material detection. this marker tumor used for and (NG) graphene sensitivity doped the et enhance (Wu to in applications capability applied biosensing its been in has to graphene that of due material biocompatibility biosensor structure of and electrochemical itselectronic example of an is development andtailoring (NG) and graphene electrocatalysis Nitrogen-doped morphology its 2013). Chen, bycontrolling & Zhou (Tang, increased significantly be samples could urine graphene human in UA and PA of 2016). concentrations John, & the (Kesavan was determining sensor simultaneously proposed the when for demonstrated found range UA, response linear and concen- The higher PA concentrated). at more of even 0.04 PA times determine 50 determination to to (up simultaneous possible UA was of for byKesavan It trations proposed signals. activity voltammetric their damage, electrocatalytic electrode (GCE-GO-AT) liver both modified excellent separating serious successfully The presented cause can metabolized (2016) PA renal failure. completely of John and is doses interference PA and high important doses, the pancreas, of an consumption therapeutic of is the usual However, which At urine. inflammation UA, the urine. of in human eliminated presence with in PA is the (GO) and of oxide in determination (PA) graphene the paracetamol was of for electrode of reduction agent This determination electrochemical electrode. the carbon the vitreous in by a applied of prepared surface was the sensor on (aminotriazine-AT) a 2,4-diamino-1,3,5-triazine which prostate in of diagnosis (2016), the John for promising ml is pg et sensor (Pothipor 0.13 The applications of serum. medical limit human other detection in and level a cancer relevant with clinically performance, the satisfactory than highly better a cancerdetection. presented prostate biosensor for Du, developed labeling The & (Jiang silver-gold and porous-hollowed nanoparticles electrodes Pd acid)-modified biocom- and its Au and by conductivity exerted electrical activity sensitivity its electrocatalytic of increasing excellent terms thus, 2014). to oxide, functional in of some oxygenated graphene addition response reduced in good of patibility, goodsen- bythepresence The surface showing DA. the samples, and beexplained on UA, in urine can groups AA, ECV of Au-Pd-OGR-modified of determination wasapplied selectivity the and thesensor for selectivity Inaddition, and sitivity peaks. oxidation well-defined and 0.005 n21,JagadD eeoe neetohmclsno ae nagascro lcrd oiidwith modified electrode glass-carbon a on based sensor electrochemical an developed Du and Jiang 2014, In al- This inserted. is it which to environment chemical the in changes the to sensitive extremely is Graphene irgndpdgahn sas eotdt efntoaie ihmtlnnprilssc splatinum as such nanoparticles metal with functionalized be to reported also is graphene Nitrogen-doped et Yang of ability binding the and properties, electron-donor conductivity, electron that showed studies Many and by Kesavan performed the work was graphene with modified electrodes of use the of example Another et Pothipor Recently, – 100 μ ot tal. et Porto o l mol μ o l mol

l 21)pooe,frtefrttm,a fiin n nvra tetvdnfntoaie nitrogen- streptavidin-functionalized and universal anefficient time, first the for proposed, (2017) al. −

l,2011). al., 1 – o A A n A epciey ntesmlaeu eeto,tesno rsne separate presented sensor the detection, simultaneous the In respectively. UA, and DA, AA, for

− iil U-i)setocp,eetohmclipdneseta n ylcvlamty re- voltammetry, cyclic and spectra, impedance electrochemical spectroscopy, (UV-vis) visible l 05)rpre oe lcrceia lcs isno oiidwt tP@Gand PtNPs@NG with modified biosensor glucose electrochemical novel a reported 2015b) al. 1 n h eeto ii a .8no l nmol 0.68 was limit detection the and ,

l,2017). al.,

l 21)dsrbdteueo isno ae ngahn-oy(3-aminobenzoic graphene-poly on based biosensor a of use the described (2019) al. – 00 0.01 1000, – 20n ml ng 12.0 – 0,ad0.02 and 100,

l,2019). al., − 1 n eeto ii f00 gml ng 0.01 of limit detection and , – 500 − 1 h rcia plcto fti esrwsalso was sensor this of application practical The . μ o l mol

− l,2011). al., 1 n eeto iiso .2 .0,and 0.002, 0.02, of limits detection and , − 1 sn carcinoem- using , EGRUYTER DE

− al. 1 , Automatically generated rough PDF by ProofCheck from River Valley Technologies Ltd ne piie odtos h ehdpeetdalna ocnrto ag f16.15 of ml range ng concentration (Anoj 4.89 of linear limit a detection low presented a and method forms. (ox-MWCNT) the native andfunctionalized conditions, in their optimized Under MWCNTs with (CPEs) electrodes paste carbon modified 3 of range the concentration the in in dopamine sponse of production of nation the stimulating thereby, (Co(DMG) dopa-decarboxylase, chloro(pyridine)bis(dimethylglyoximato)cobalt(III) Parkinson et enzyme of Leite the treatment of body. Thus, the action barrier. bloodstream the in the by used through pass is not and does DA of sor n h niaaildu P)wsue satmlt o h oeua mrnigwt the with imprinting molecular the for 2,4,6-trisacrylamido-1,3,5-triazine, template a the as was used was authors (PQ) the drug by antimalarial employed the and monomer functional The (PQ). (C fullerene maquine functionalized using (MIP) polymer (Rahimi- imprinted satisfactory was samples real in diazepam 2017). Mazloum-Ardakani, of & determination Khoshroo the Nasrabadi, response for linear application one its in diazepam and repeatability, of reduction to 0.3 relation of in range activity electrocatalytic good showed it oroborate), 10 × Trp 1.0 of of detection range 10 the response × for linear precision 4.9 a and selectivity, presenting sensitivity, samples amino excellent andmedical essential showed real the studies sensor in of electrode The one Trp inclinical life. is screen-printed ofthis Trp human as golden surface for of important, extremely acids a onthe are oncology, thedetermination used and for neuroscience researchers in particularly immobilized methods the studies, analytical study, Trp aptamers effective this saliva, and with Sensitive (urine, out (SPEAu-MWCNT) sensor. samples carry MWCNTs biological to with in (Trp) modified order tryptophan (SPEAu) In of serum). determination the blood for and sensor a developed who (2016) et (Sooraj acid homovanillic and between acid, discriminate 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic prop- UA, to good recognition able has being the selectivity, material for good (CuNPs/MWCNT-MIP) a responsible imprinted mainly the is toward that capacity sorbent recognition shows composite investigation polymer electrochemical the The of erty. MWCNTs sites on binding polymer selective imprinted the molecular between with interaction non-covalent grafted The nanoparticle (CuNPs/MWCNT-MIPs). copper using samples pharmaceutical of determination the for alternative viable a et is sensor proposed the biosensors electrochemical excellent of development the for platform et promising (Yang stability, a acceptable is and it reproducibility, that good method(en- demonstrates sensitivity, which selectivity, excellent as the reference lin- exhibited a also l with biosensor mmol well process glucose 1.1 as transfer to electron 0.005 fast The from samples and bioactivity. range quasi-reversible serum ear its a human showed retained five and that spectrophotometry) in way catalytic a applied zyme was in performed biosensor was glucose PtNPs@NG proposed on immobilization GOx The spectively. GRUYTER DE eu,uie n hraetclfruain.Atrtedvlpeto h ls-abneetoemodified (C electrode fullerene glass-carbon on the based of nanocomposite development a the with After formulations. pharmaceutical and urine, (C serum, fullerene on based posite 2019). Srivastava, of & chiral (Upadhyay (ISS/IRR) 3.62 of ratio be current andgoodre- to advantages peak found oxidation was outstanding RR-ATS anodic to demonstrated SS-ATS the highstereospecificity, conditions, developed experimental enantioselectivity, basedona optimized method as excellent Under producibility. the develop with hydroxypropyl-b-cyclodextrin was such MWCNT authors, sensor electrodes the The afunctionalized nanocomposite-modified (ATS). to with According isomers modified atorvastatin (HBC). (GCE) discriminates electrode time, carbon first glassy the for that, sensor et (Majidi system

l,2012). al., rsd ua,adSnhdsrbdi hi okapni rpieeetoemdfe ihamolecularly with modified electrode graphite pencil a work their in described Singh and Kumar, Prasad, Majidiet by wasperformed sensors of electrochemical modification the in CNTs using work Another Anoj for sensor a developed also collaborators and Sooraj Recently, of determination The aiiNsaaiadclaoaosdvlpdagasbsdcro-oiidsno oiidwt acom- with modified sensor carbon-modified glass-based a developed collaborators and Rahimi-Nasrabadi electrochemical enantioselective an work, relevant extremely an describe (2019) Srivastava and Upadhyay č i ć −

č l 05,2015b). 2015a, al. et 12 i l ć

Dp npamcuia omltos tteedo h tde,ti esrpeetdalna re- linear a presented sensor this studies, the of end the At formulations. pharmaceutical in -Dopa l,2019). al., o l mol et – 700

l 21) iiga h eemnto fdpmn,dvlpdcroaeu nanomaterial- carbonaceous developed dopamine, of determination the at aiming (2019), al.

l 21)dvlpdasno sn yoyi rpieeetoe(G)mdfe with modified (PGE) electrode graphite pyrolytic a using sensor a developed (2012) al. −

μ l,2016). al., 1 o l mol . This sensor is extremely promising as it is a simple, efficient, portable, and miniaturized portable, efficient, simple, a is it as promising extremely is sensor This . − 1 l n eeto ii f0.087 of limit detection a and Dp o eooa so ra motnebcuei steimdaeprecur- immediate the is it because importance great of is Levodopa) (or -Dopa l 60 Dp ihadtcinlmto 7.23 of limit detection a with -Dopa n Nsfrtedtriaino izpmi elsmls uha blood as such samples, real in diazepam of determination the for CNTs and ) − 1 n eeto ii acltdt e002mo l mmol 0.002 be to calculated limit detection a and − – 1 100 h esrwsscesul ple o Adtriaini injection in determination DA for applied successfully was sensor The . μ 60 o l mol ,CT,adinclqi 1btl3mtyiiaoimtetraflu- (1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium liquid ionic and CNTs, ), − 1 n eeto ii f0.86 of limit detection a and l Dp n tutrlyrltdcmonssc sDA, as such compounds related structurally and -Dopa l Dp samnsee n ovre nodopamine into converted and administered is -Dopa ’ ies.D antb diitrdoal,a it as orally, administered be cannot DA disease. s μ 60 o l mol sannmdao o lrtaeaayi fpri- of analysis ultratrace for nanomediator a as ) − 2 11 ly dobdo WNsfrtedetermi- the for MWCNTs on adsorbed ClPy) −

l o10×10 × 1.0 to mll nmol 1 Dp n h ucinlgop rsn in present groups functional the and -Dopa l hssno rsne odsaiiyand stability good presented sensor This . Dp eemnto nhmnuieand urine human in determination -Dopa l

l,2020). al., Dp npamcuia ape (Leite samples pharmaceutical in -Dopa − 1 h eeoe esras showed also sensor developed The . − 4 o l mol μ o l mol − 1 n eeto ii of limit detection a and − − 1 1 h electrochemical The . eosrtn that demonstrating , – 9.0n ml ng 192.70 “ ufc grafting- surface ot tal. et Porto − 1 DA

al. 11 Automatically generated rough PDF by ProofCheck from River Valley Technologies Ltd al hw oeeape ihihigteaayeo neet h lcrd,temdfcto sd n the and used, modification the electrode, the obtained. interest, literature. detection of published of analyte the limit the all highlighting covering examples comprehensively some of shows interest. instead clinical 1 highlighted Table of were compounds trends and certain drugs article, of determination this the In for literature recent in described constantly were 2017). Patnaik, & (Sutradhar interferents possible to relation in selectivity transfer electron effective activity, 0.02 electrocatalytic of showed range sensor response This linear capacity, analysis. glucose (C 3-amino-5-mercapto-1,2,4- for ligand using fullerene the are nanocomposite as nanoparticle-functionalized nanoparticle-based they triazole gold as gold thiol-capped diabetes, a using of electrode developed diagnosis carbon recently clinical (2017) Sutradhar the selectivity. and Patnaik to sensitivity, stability, good application and responses, accurate the and in fast with interest devices low-cost relatively the of quick because providing prominence in gained et results (Rather good fluids showed biological in that biomarkers tools of analysis promising sensitive are and monitoring methods The electrochemical fluids. catechol- Thus, (DOPAC). biological and in Parkinson HVA oxidase from of monoamine detection suffering 0.03 by the to patients for equal in suitable be HVA device to of this found was makes sensor and sensitivity, proposed high the of limit Parkinson detection for ERC The biomarker named a was (HVA), hydroxide sensor acid potassium the homovanilic of step, solution this aqueous In an properties. in C performed forming was (GCE) (ER) electrode reduction (1.0 carbon electrochemical glassy an of oxide that, surface fullerene-graphene After the interface, conjugate on phenyl-modified immobilized a was give nanocomposite to (FTIR).Then, salts infraredspectroscopy diazonium Fourier surface-bound transform and using (FESEM), microscopy electron emission field and ical rpeeoie(GO oxide graphene (C 2020). Li, & (Zhang samples real in 0 analysis PDP of dopamine that range showing stability, the 0.015 and in repeatability, be DA excellent lectivity, to of concentration found increasing was with limit linearly detection increased current peak anodic The n 0.80 than tobe:2.7 relapsing lower found of ma- were any forms ranges without liver pharmaceutics, response 4.8 latent and Thelinear urine, against plasma, cross-reactivity. active blood and validated human is collaborators effect of and trix that matrices Prasad complex drug Therefore, for infections. anti-malarial sensor pneumocystis proposed only of the treatment the im- is the is for formulations) The useful PQ pharmaceutical and kinetics. and that malaria electrode urine, fact plasma, the the (blood extending matrices to different greatly related in thereby determination and PQ of action portance electrocatalytic inducing electrode, the from 12 byZhangand workdescribed In the PDP-C assemblies. the supramolecular Li, transfer andfullerene electron (PDP) efficient forming fullerene, of porphyrin-diazocine-porphyrin self-assembly (C non-covalent with modified electrode 60 60 – ueossuisivligeetohmclsnosadboesr sn rpee Ns n fullerene and CNTs, graphene, using biosensors and sensors electrochemical involving studies Numerous fluids biological in glucose of detection the for non-enzymatic, or enzymatic biosensors, of development The ahret Rather eety agadL vlae h lcrceia ciiyo oaie(A sn lsycarbon glassy a using (DA) dopamine of activity electrochemical the evaluated Li and Zang Recently, 0. n 803.2 – .Svrlwrsi h ieauerpre htprhrndrvtvshv xetoal ihafnt with affinity high exceptionally have derivatives porphyrin that reported literature the in works Several ). m ” O,cnuaeb ,-ioa yladto ecinbtenfleee(C fullerene between reaction cycloaddition 1,3-dipolar by conjugate GO), ot tal. et Porto prah nti opst,tefleeeasssteeeto rnfrbtentercgiinstsand sites recognition the between transfer electron the assists fullerene the composite, this In approach. KOH) to produce highly conductive films of C films conductive highly produce to KOH) m o qeu,bodpam,uie n hraetclsmls epciey ihdtcinlimits detection with respectively, samples, pharmaceutical and urine, plasma, blood aqueous, for

al. (2016) reported the first-time synthesis of the fullerene-graphene oxide nanocomposite the fullerene-graphene of synthesis first-time the reported (2016) al. 60 GEcmoiemdfe lcrd xiie iheetoaayi ciiyforDAdetection. activity high electrocatalytic exhibited electrode composite-modified /GCE m Paa,Kmr&Snh 2016). Singh, & Kumar (Prasad, – N 3 .TeC The ). 60 – Onncmoiewscaatrzdb UV by characterized was nanocomposite GO – O . mll mmol 0.8 μ m mty rnfrs ogv V n ,-iyrxpeyaei acid 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic and HVA give to transferase -methyl hs h rpsdsno hwdhg estvt,stsatr se- satisfactory sensitivity, high showed sensor proposed the Thus, . ’ ies seteeyiprata Audroscatabolism undergoes DA as important extremely is disease s − 1 eeto ii f22.0 of limit detection , 60 ’ ies,oe ocnrto ag rm01t 7.2 to 0.1 from range concentration a over disease, s – 60 GO GO – Ph – ha h lcrd ufc ihelectrocatalytic with surface electrode the at Ph – C n a ple ntedtriainof determination the in applied was and GCE – 6/C saptnileetoemtra for material electrode potential a is C60/GCE

l,2016). al., μ μ o l mol m hc niae odefficiency, good indicates which , – – − 4.,4.2 848.5, i pcrsoy electrochem- spectroscopy, vis 1 60 odsaiiy eie good besides stability, good , ,adazide-functionalized and ), 60 – 2.,3.4 827.4, -oiidvitreous )-modified 60 – GO – 200 – EGRUYTER DE – 9.,and 795.2, Ph μ m – GCE. The . μ m . Automatically generated rough PDF by ProofCheck from River Valley Technologies Ltd EGRUYTER DE

Table 1: Electrochemical sensors based on carbon nanomaterials for drugs and clinical interest compound determination. Analyte Electrode Modifier Sample LOD (mol l−1) References Piroxicam Nimesulide GCE RGO/PEDOT: PSS Pharmaceuticals 1.0 × 10−7 Wong, Santos & Fatibello-filho, 2017 2.4 ×10−9 −8 Omeprazole GCE GO–NiZnFe2O4 Pharmaceuticals Blood 1.5 × 10 Afkhami, Bahiraei & Madrakian, 2017 −9 Tramadol CPE NiFe2O4/graphene Pharmaceuticals 3.6 × 10 Afkhami et al., 2014a Acetaminophen 3.0 × 10−9 Glucose GCE GO–MIP Blood serum 1.0 × 10−8 Alexander et al., 2017 Gemcitabine GCE GO–Bi Pharmaceuticals 5.0 × 10−8 Tandel et al., 2017 −8 Codeine Acetaminophen CPE CoFe2O4/graphene Pharmaceuticals Blood 1.1 × 10 Afkhami et al., 2014b plasma Urine Carvedilol GCE MWCNT/MIP Pharmaceuticals 1.6 × 10−5 Coelho et al., 2016 Metronidazole GCE MWCNT/CTS–Ni Pharmaceuticals Blood 2.5 × 10−8 Mao et al., 2017 serum Urine Bromhexine Platina MWCNT/NiNPs Pharmaceuticals 3.0 × 10−6 Kutluay & Aslanoglu, 2014 Cisplatin Printed electrode MWCNT–COOH Pharmaceuticals 4.6 × 10−6 Materon et al., 2015 Promethazine CPE MWCNT/SiAlNb/DNA Pharmaceuticals 5.9 × 10−6 Marco et al., 2013 Gentamicin sulfate CPE MWCNT Pharmaceuticals Blood 2.2 × 10−7 Khalil & El-Aziz, 2016 serum Urine Glucose/albumin GCE MWCNT–PEI–Cu Pharmaceuticals Drinks 1.8 × 10−7 Gutierrez, Rubianes & Rivas, 2016 Acetaminophen GCE MWCNT–β-cyclodextrin Pharmaceuticals Urine 1.5 × 10−8 Alam et al., 2018 Hydrochlorothiazide CPE MWCNT Pharmaceuticals 1.4 × 10−8 Salamanca-Neto et al., 2014 Enalapril maleate 4.1 × 10−8 −8 Aciclovir GCE Fullerene (C60) Pharmaceuticals Blood 1.5 × 10 Shetti, Malode & plasma Urine Nandibewoor, 2012 −8 NE GCE C60–MWCNT–IL Blood serum Urine 1.8 × 10 Mazloum-Ardakani & Khoshroo, 2014 IP 2.2 × 10−8 DA 1.5 × 10−8 −8 Pyruvic Acid GCE C60–MWCNT Blood Urine 1.0 × 10 Brahman et al., 2015 −6 al. et Porto Glucose GCE MWCNTs–SnS2–GOx Blood serum 4.0 × 10 Li, Qi & Wang, 2013a; Li et al., 2013b

GCE, glassy carbon electrode; CPE, CPE electrode; RGO, reduced graphene oxide; PEDOT, poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene); PSS, poly(4-styrene sulfonate); PIR, Piroxicam; NIM, Nimesulide; OG, graphene oxide; MIP, molecularly printed polymer; MWCNT,

13 multiwalled ; CTS-Ni, chitosan-nickel complex; NiNPs, nickel nanoparticles; PEI, polyethylenimine; HTZ, hydrochlorothiazide; ENP, enalapril maleate; IL, ionic liquid; NE, noradrenaline; IP, isoprenaline; DA, dopamine; Gox, glucose oxidase. Automatically generated rough PDF by ProofCheck from River Valley Technologies Ltd usi,M . lm .M;Aii .M;A-mhn,Z . aeas,K . amn .M lrsncasse arcto fpolyvinyl of fabrication Ultrasonic-assisted M. M. Rahman, S.; K. Hajeeassa, M.; Z. Al-amshany, M.; A. Asiri, M.; M. Alam, A.; single-layer M. on Hussein, based detection dopamine ultrasensitive for sensor photoelectrochemical A X. Luo, J.; Zhao, modified S.; electrodes Wang, S.; carbon Wang, glassy X.; on Hun, based glucose and acids amino for sensor Electrochemical A. G. Rivas, D.; M. Rubianes, A.; applications. F. device Gutierrez, for graphene to route chemical A V. Presser, B. Y.; R. Gogotsi, Kaner, L.; state-of-the-art. K. Wang, applications: different M.; Wang, for S.; graphene Han, of S.; Revolution Gilje, T. H. Handal, A.; S. Elsherif, A.; A. N. graphene.Ghany, of rise The S. K. Novoselov, K.; A. Geim, Quality-by-Design. by analysis pharmaceutical multiproduct for method UHPLC K. Gaudin, I.; Rivals, ultrashort A.; by Raimbault, obtained L.; Ferey, composites oxide graphene Fullerene-reduced R. Teghil, A.; Galasso, V.; J. sensor Rau, electrochemical A.; of Santagata, application M.; and Curcio, Development A.; C. Bonis, A. De Pereira, B.; K. Borges, T.; R. C. Tarley, M.; T. A. Silva, F.; J. Giarola, L.; K. M. Coelho, Fullerene R. Singhai, N.; S. Topkaya, N.; Pandey, P. K.; Brahman, applications. biological for tool attractive an derivatives: Fullerene M. Prato, G.; Spalluto, D.; T. leaves. Ros, S.; carbon Bosi, Thin U. TrAC Hofmann, O.; applications. electroanalytical G. Fischer, for A.; electrodes P.; Clauss, nanomaterial-modified H. in Boehm, trends Recent A. T. 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