OLD HALL WALKING BRIEF – WAINWRIGHTS – Jun - 202 1 Date: 26-Jun-21 27-Jun-21 Walk Name: Bonscale Pike and Wether Hill & From: Head CP, Haweswater Travel Time: Pooley Bridge: 20 mins/Penrith 35m Pooley Bridge: 20 mins/Penrith 35m Grade: Black Blue+ Go4awalk Ref: C112 modified C159a Map: Landranger 90 or Explorer OL5 Landranger 90 or Explorer OL5

Meeting Time: Please make your own arrangements to share transport to the start point if possible, depending on where you are staying Meeting Place: and plan to be ready to start walking at least 5 minutes before the walk commencement time below Starting Point/Car Parking: St Peters Church, SW of Howtown Mardale Head CP, Haweswater NY 436192 NY469107 ///jigsaw.coherent.everybody N54.4891 W2.8206 ///delight.paler.declines https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?hl=en&mid=1qyJPXYjujFxxf9mIx7ug9ZoE66dfF31K&ll=54.57817906334475%2C-3.164344271537061&z=11 Walk Commences/Finishes: 9:30/18:00 09:30/15:00

Distance: 18km + Hallin (1.5k) 11.5 km (7.1 mi) Ascent: 834m + (+140m) 723 m (2372 ft) Duration: 6.75 hrs+ Hallin Fell (7.5 hrs) 5 hrs Highest point: (671m/2202 ft) High Raise (Mardale) (802m/2632 ft) Wainwrights: Loadpot Hill; Wether Hill; Arthur's Pike; High Raise (Mardale) Bonscale Pike; (Pikeawassa) + Kidsty Pike Hallin Fell

Walk Leader: Howard Cruse Bob Wilkinson Confirmation of participation in the above walks should have already been made to John Trimble, together with your accommodation details. Should there be any changes please notify John. Alternate contact Howard. A ‘Whatsapp’ group will be set up for the weekend and include those who have notified their attendance. KIT Refer to the Walkers' Handbook for recommended walking equipment and other walk related information. https://www.ohwc.org.uk/home/handbook/kit-list/ Remember you are responsible for being properly equipped. Note: Stops are included in the above. There is no need for these people to book the Wainwright walks above with the leader. Walk Fee £2 per walk