Kol Schedule and Announcements PARSHAS

SUNDAY EVENING SHIUR The Rav's Sunday evening Halacha Shiur will continue Hilchos Shabbos: Amira L'Akum 8:30 PM at KAYTT. SHOVAVIM SHIUR The Irgun Shiurai Torah Shovavim Ta"t Taharas Hamishpacha Halacha Review series continues for men this Tuesday, January 18th , 8:45-10 PM at KAYTT, and the Shiur will be given by Rav Berger .

There will also be a review available for women on Sunday January 30 TH and February 6 TH given by Mrs. R. Tajerstein from 8-9:30 PM at KAYTT. WOMEN'S SHIUR This Monday , January 17th , 8:15 PM , at the Shul, the Rav will give a Shiur for women on Hafrashas (Kashrus Primer II) MEN'S ONEG SHABBOS There will be an Oneg Shabbos for men next Shabbos, Parshas Yisro , on Friday Night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elie Ciment, 1 Farringdon Court . Stay tuned for further details. WOMEN'S MELAVEH MALKA There will be a Women's Melaveh Malka next Motzai Shabbos, Parshas Yisro, January 22 ND , 8:15 PM at Bnai Jacob Shaarai Zion. Please see the flier sent in the mail for more details and RSVP to one of the numbers listed on the flier or send an email to Mrs. Leba Musman at [email protected] . Also, if you'd like to be a sponsor of the event for $36 please be in touch with Mrs. Faige Katz at 410 484 0738. BUILDING UPDATE Please see the attached update on the progress of the new Shul construction.

MAZEL TOV Mazel Tov to Mr. and Mrs. Yechiel Ben-Ari and Family of Queens, NY on the birth of a baby boy.

Mazel Tov to Mr. and Mrs. Yossi Burstyn and Family on the birth of their baby girl, Tehilla.

Mazel Tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Moshe Cohen and Family on the Bar Mitzvah of their son Shalom this Shabbos.

Mazel Tov to Mr. and Mrs. Chaim Preiser and Family on the birth of a baby girl .

Mazel Tov to Mr. and Mrs. Gavriel Rudin and Family on the birth of their baby girl, Nechama Esther NEW MEMBERS The Shul wishes a warm welcome to our new members Mr. and Mrs. Shlomo Weiss.

SPONSORSHIP Next week's Megillah Chabura is open for sponsorship . If you are interested in sponsoring a week of learning please contact Aron Lebovits at [email protected] or call 443 929 0669 to reserve your sponsorship.

This Week's Seudah Shlishis is available for sponsorship. Sponsorship opportunities are available for many of the Shabbosos until Pesach. Please contact Chaim Baruch Silverman at 410 804 2189 or [email protected] to reserve your sponsorship.

Next week's Avos U'Banim is available for sponsorship. Please contact Rabbi Avi Glenner at 410 602 7957 or [email protected] to reserve your sponsorship.

The Rav's Sunday Night Halacha Shiur is available for sponsorship. If you are interested please be in touch with Ovadiah Bander at 410-764-2966.

SHABBOS SCHEDULE EREV SHABBOS KODESH Mincha and Hadlokas Neiros - 4:48 PM SHABBOS KODESH Shiur on Shabbos Malkisa 8:15 AM

Shacharis - 8:30 AM

Mincha - 4:25 PM


Halacha Shiur - 5:30 PM

Maariv - 6:03 PM

Zman Melachah (45/72 min.) - 5:53/6:20 PM

Avos U'Banim - 7:00 PM Sponsored Anonymously

Ah Gutten Shabbos!

Mailing Address: Kol Torah of Baltimore P.O. Box 15106 Baltimore, MD 21282-5106

Contact Information: Rabbi Yosef Berger 6303 Western Run Dr. Baltimore, MD 21215 H - 410 358 5802 C- (Sun - Thurs, 4:45 - 5:45 PM) - 443 992 0203

President (Moshe Dov Shurin) - [email protected] or 443 473 3301 General information (Board of Directors) - [email protected] Gabba'im (Chaim Abraham and Avi Honigsfeld) - [email protected] , 410-484-0952, 516-770-2155 Billing inquiries - [email protected] or 410 484 2576 Building Committee - [email protected] information (Tzvi Feigenbaum) - [email protected] or 443 807 2877 Seudah Shlishis information (Chaim Baruch Silverman) - [email protected] or 410 804 2189 Internet Filter Questions and Support - [email protected] Simcha announcements and address changes - [email protected] or 410 358 1983 Membership information (Chaim Abraham) - [email protected] or 410 484 095 JobLink Employment information (Eliyahu Baron) - [email protected] or 443-956-0316. CDs/MP3s of the Rav's Shiurim - [email protected] or 410 358 1983

Kol Torah Charity Fund 6307 Pearce Ave. Baltimore, MD 21215-3120

This e-mail is sent to members to disseminate Shul information on a timely basis. Occasionally Zmanim and other information will be sent. If you wish to be removed from the Kehilas Kol Torah information mailing list, please send an e-mail to [email protected] with "unsubscribe shulnews [email protected] " (without the quotation marks) in the body of the message.

Building Update #19 ! Taking Shape

Both the inside and outside of the building is beginning to feel like a building. The beautiful block is rising steadily. When all is said and done the sanctuary will be around thirty feet from the outside. Inside we have a unique ceiling layout, more to come on that in future updates. Meanwhile the inside of the social hall has its studs and a lot of electric wiring already in place. Here is a view from the storage room looking towards the kitchen. Here is the social hall itself.

This view is from inside the shul showing the women’s section in the rear.

The doors to the main shul from the mens side hall are now in a wall!