Minutes of the Meeting of & Parish Council 7.30pm Wednesday 11 March 2020 at the Meon Hall, Meonstoke.

PRESENT: Rowena Annereau-Hyder, Jane McCormick, Jerry Pett – Chair, Nick Riley – Vice Chair, Patrick Rowe. IN ATTENDENCE: County Councillor Roger Huxstep, District Councillor Hugh Lumby, Rosie Hoile – Clerk, PUBLIC 2 residents.

19.81 Apologies for absence: ACTION Sue Logan, Bruce Horn, District Councillor Laurence Ruffell. 19.82 To receive declarations of disclosable pecuniary and non-pecuniary interest. None 19.83 Minutes. RESOLVED to approve as a correct record Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 8 January 2020.

19.84 Public Forum: County & District Councillor Reports 19.84.1 County Councillor Huxstep’s full report outlining HCC ambitious capital expenditure programme is appended. HCC has declared a Pandemic, there are 10 cases of Coronavirus in . Residents should check HM Government website or Public Health for advice. Other business in summary - HCC approved £2.1 billion budget for 2020/21 on 13 February. Council Tax has increased by 4% overall of which the County Council portion of Council Tax has increased by 1.99%. Parish Councils, Police & Fire Service portions increased by a total of 2.1%. 2% of the HCC budget was ring fenced for social care. £3m was allocated to road maintenance this year, £2m thereafter £115.8 million for structural maintenance and improvement of roads and bridges. With reference to a misunderstanding which had arisen from the grant application to fund a defibrillator, the full amount requested was disproportionate to total grant funding of £8000 for all the wards in his division, but he was able to grant £1000 towards the cost. 19.84.2 District Councillor Lumby’s report is appended. WCC Council Tax will rise by 3%. The current free garden waste collection scheme will be replaced with an optional service for which there will be a charge. There will be a £2 flat rate charge for car parking in , except Chesil St Car Park. Car parking charges will be extended to 7.00pm for a six month trial period. The Local Enforcement Plan has been updated; there is a flow chart setting out key stages and actions. Separate consultations will be published for market towns, Wickham and Bishops Waltham

19.85 Chairman’s report on matters arising not on the agenda. None

19.86 Finance, Grants & Governance. 19.86.1 Payment of Accounts The bank reconciliation and the level of reserves to 28 Feb were NOTED. Appendix A RESOLVED: Payments listed in Appendix A made between meetings 8 January – 28 Feb were ratified. Appendix A. RESOLVED: Payment of accounts listed in Appendix A including £79.50 for new timber posts on the Jubilee Triangle was approved. 19.86.2 Internal Audit: Review of internal controls - RESOLVED a. The Corhampton & Meonstoke Parish Council Risk Assessment adopted 2010 had been previously circulated. There was no comment or proposal to update.

MINUTES – Corhampton & Meonstoke Parish Council meeting 11 March 2020 b. Internal Auditor’s Report & Risk Assessment of Financial Systems’ Internal Controls had been previously circulated and accepted. c. The Council were content for the Executive Checklist 2019/20 to be signed by the Chair after the meeting. JP

19.86.3 Proposed ground works at the Meon Hall - RESOLVED The Council were content the scope of works would improve access to Recreation Ground sports facilities in line with the Council’s general public duty to make facilities available to all persons in the parish under the 2010 Equality Act. Cllr Riley summarized three quotations received and compared the merits of each contractor. In his opinion the lowest quotation would not result in best value for money. The Council approved the appointment of Schofield Groundworks Ltd on the grounds of proven performance and reliability. A 10% retention will be applied. NR 19.86.4 Overhanging trees at the Meon Hall Car Park across Frys Lane - RESOLVED Tree branches overhanging Frys Lane are entangled with telephone wires. The Council as owner of the property on which the trees grow the Council is responsible for maintenance. The Council approved contribution of circa £500 towards the cost of precautionary measures to make safe. Clerk 19.86.5 External Defibrillator - RESOLVED The Council ratified purchase of an external AED to be located outside the Meon Hall. Cost £1465.00 plus VAT. County Councillor Huxstep had approved a discretionary grant of £1000-00 towards the purchase. The Council considered there was no option other than to approve £465-00 from Reserves to make up the balance. The Meon Ladies had arranged for a resident who had volunteered to install the AED at the Meon Hall. Clerk 19.86.7 Solar powered variable speed limit reminder - RESOLVED Purchase of an HCC approved sign for approximately £2700 + VAT was approved in principle, on the basis of other councils participate to share cost and use. The Chair and Clerk to take up again JP/ with Parish Council. Clerk

19.87 Planning. 19.87.1 Ref: SDNP/20/00939/FUL Proposal: Change of Use of land to residential and construction of outdoor swimming pool with associated landscaping Location: Warners Cottage, Beacon Hill Road, Corhampton, Hampshire, SO32 3LL The Council had NO OBJECTION IN PRINCIPLE to construction of an outdoor pool at this location. The Council was concerned that change of use would set a precedent for encroachment and incremental development in the countryside and lead to loss of 'open JP/Clerk countryside' into the curtilage of dwellings in other rural locations within the Park. Ref: SDNP/20/00522/HOUS Proposal: Ground floor front extension and new porch Location: Springhill, Rectory Lane, Meonstoke, SO32 3NF NO COMMENT Clerk Ref: SDNP/20/00598/HOUS Proposal: Single storey rear infill extension with new part pitched and part flat roof over (with PV panels on), and installation of new first floor side window. Location: Meon Hall Cottage , High Street, Meonstoke, SO32 3NH The Council had NO OBJECTION but requests WCC, if it is minded to approve the application, to impose a condition for construction traffic to park only within the curtilage of Meon Hall Cottage to protect children and adults on the High Street going to and from Meonstoke School, and preserve sightlines from the entrances of neighbouring properties. JP/Clerk MINUTES – Corhampton & Meonstoke Parish Council meeting 11 March 2020 Enforcement matters: 19.85.2 Millside, Road, Corhampton. A garage had been converted into a room without submitting a planning application. Permitted Development Rights were removed by the Inspector in the Appeal Decision published 9 October 2006. (Formal Decision Item 34 Clause 16). The Clerk to follow up with WCC. SDNP/18/00214/SEC215 Southbourne House. WCC enforcement had given the landowner 3 months in which to remove 2 containers and the boat. The deadline was 31 December 2019. The Clerk had requested, but not received an update since that received for the January meeting. The Clerk will continue pursue the matter Clerk

19.86 Open Spaces, Recreation & Play Grounds 19.86.1 Signage on the Recreation Ground – Cllr Horn was not present to provide an update. 19.86.2 Annual Play Inspection Report. RESOLVED A number of small repairs are required. To date loose nuts on the swings have been tightened and the moss beneath the swings sprayed. The Clerk was requested to order replacement caps for the Clerk skate park. The Council agreed to set up a maintenance programme. SL/Clerk 19.86.3 Open Space Fund balance £2027.90: RESOLVED The Council approved a seesaw (sea elephant or alligator) to fit into the space currently occupied by an old bench which is no longer used. The Clerk will complete the grant application form. Clerk 19.86.4 Church Green: The HCC Countryside Access Ranger has identified where Hemlock Water Dropwort is growing on the banks of the where it flows through the Church Green. The plant should be cut back where children play near the waters’ edge as it is poisonous and causes severe blisters. The Church Green is listed on the Hampshire County Council Register of Common Land and Village Spaces, therefore open to the public. The Council will write to the Parochial Church Council to drawn attention to its duty of care. JP/Clerk

19.87 Allotments: Cllr Annereau-Hyder reported the majority of rent for the allotment year 1 February 2020 – 31 January 2021 had been received.

19.88 Roads, Highways & Transport 19.88.1 Variable Speed Limit Reminder: HCC require a series of proposed sites to be submitted for approval. Signs cannot be left in place for longer than 3 weeks because the deterrent effect wears off. Warnford Meeting and Droxford Parish Council have been approached to consider sharing the equipment. Neither Council has JP/Clerk responded to date. 19.88.2 Warnford Meeting and Droxford Parish Council had been contacted to Campaign Against Speed and Noise – meeting held 8 February 2020: Average speed cameras have proved an effective deterrent where used on motorways. The high success rate has resulted in insufficient income from fines with which to operate the cameras; meaning that ongoing funding is an issue. County Councillor Humby favoured a pilot scheme on A272 which would make the Meon Valley route as a whole less attractive to bikers. Parish Councils would be required to make significant contributions. Acoustic cameras are the most promising solution but require new Government legislation to be installed. 19.88.3 Obstruction of pavement by fallen trees - HCC Track it ref: 21482601. HCC contractors had removed the trees promptly.

MINUTES – Corhampton & Meonstoke Parish Council meeting 11 March 2020 19.89 Footpaths and Rights of Way - RESOLVED 19.89.1 The Council approved support for grant application to replace stiles with 1 No. kissing gates at the junction of C & M FP16 and Stocks Lane and 2 No. kissing gates at C&M FP 14 Shavards Lane to JP/Clerk New Road. 19.89.2 FP15 Allen Lane to the Churchyard. The verge had been churned up by a mini dumper accessing fields to the rear of Barton House. Land Registry records revealed that the right of way is owned by Portsmouth Diocese and the matter referred to the Rector to take up. 19.89.3 Proposed footpath between de Port Heights and Meonstoke Village Shop. JP The Council will write to County Councillor Huxstep to request he take up with HCC.

19.90 Consultations, Meetings & Training Sustainable Construction Supplementary Planning Document Consultation. The Planning Working Group had nothing to add.

19.91 Items for the next agenda. VE Day. Meon Ladies to be invited to the Annual Parish Assembly. Clerk

19.92 Meeting dates: Corhampton & Meonstoke Annual Parish Assembly. Wednesday 15 April 2020 at 7.30pm in Small Hall at the Meon Hall.

Full Parish Council meeting preceded by the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council. 7.30pm Wednesday 13 May 2020 at 7.30pm in the Crypt at the Meon Hall.

The meeting closed at 9.300pm

Signed ……………………………………………………………….Date………………………………..

MINUTES – Corhampton & Meonstoke Parish Council meeting 11 March 2020

APPENDIX A - FINANCE REPORT 11 March 2020 INCOME RECEIVED to 28/2/20 £ WCC County Councillors Grant for defibrillator. 1000.00 Allotment rent 18/20 – 28/2/21 85.36 TOTAL 1085.36

EXPENSES Payments by Standing Orders and Direct Debits. EMS Inv 1948 Jan contract 342.00 DD Castle Water 33.95 SO R Hoile February salary 353.99 TOTAL 729.94

Invoices paid between meetings to be ratified. (9/1 – 28/2) Estates Maintenance Services, extra to contract - cut overgrown hedge 900.00 The Meon Hall - s137 payment - CANS public meeting 8 February 60.00 J Pett, expenses for land registry searches x3 18.00

ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT Wizbit domain host package 96.00 The Flower Pot Men Jan/Feb/March contract 210.00 R Hoile Feb/March office expenses 116.77 EMS Inv 2029 Feb contract 342.00 The Defib Shop 1465.00 J McCormick – refund expense for posts for Jubilee Triangle 79.50 Total 2309.27

Bank Reconciliation 1/04/2019 - 28/02/20 Unity Trust A/C ...525 £ £ £ Balance 28/02/20 1,654.24 Unity Trust A/C …538 Balance 28/02/20 26,231.60 Scottish Widow s A/C No 060 Balance as per statement No. 42, 4/04/19 7941.15

Less payments not made EMS Inv 2029 Feb contract 342.00 Wizbit Inv 70828 96.00 Flow er Pot Men - Jan contract 70.00 - 508.00 Add unpresented cheques C.Jensen 13.00 Hinton & Ampner PC 20.00 A Brow n 13.17 46.17 35,365.16

Cash at bank 28 February

Cashbook reconciliation 28 February 2020 Balance b/f 1/04/19 27,600.69 Add Receipts 1/4/19 - 28/02/20 22,377.92 Less Payments 1/4/18 - 28/02/20- 14,613.45 35,365.16

Reserves 28/02/20 (rounded) * balancing figure General reserve (6 mths running costs) 6,500.00 Earmarked reserves: Capital reserve Play equipment 4,500.00 CIL Open Sapce 1,332.80 Emergency plan 1,500.00 2019/20 b/f capital project - bollards 2,500.00 WCC grant fund - defibrillator 1,000.00 Project reserve 18,032.36 * 35,365.16

MINUTES – Corhampton & Meonstoke Parish Council meeting 11 March 2020

APPENDIX B – PLANNING REPORT 11 March . 1. APPLICATIONS DETERMINED Ref: SDNP/19/03189/HOUS Location: Coombe Place House New Road Meonstoke SO32 3NN Proposal: Construction of annexe for ancillary residential purposes following demolition of existing grooms quarters and stables. DECISION: APPROVED Ref: SDNP/19/05323/HOUS Location: Hawthorn Cottage, Warnford Road, Corhampton, SO32 3NS Proposal: First floor side extension together with single storey side extension and open sided porch DECISION: APPROVED Ref: SDNP/19/05561/FUL Proposal: Proposed Change Of Use of an agricultural storage barn to a commercial unit (B1 - Retrospective) Location: Corhampton Lane Farm , Corhampton Lane, Corhampton, SO32 3NB DECISION: APPROVED Ref: SDNP/19/02000/TCA Location: Barn Lodge , Pound Lane, Meonstoke, SO32 3NP Proposal: Remove conifer and Laurel bush to ground level, grind out stumps and replace with much more attractive and manageable yew hedging DECISION: RAISE NO OBJECTION Ref: SDNP/19/03900/TCA Proposal: Holly Tree difficult for lorries and coaches to access the school we would like to cut it to ground level. Location: 1 Claremont Cottages, High Street, Meonstoke, Southampton, Hampshire, SO32 3NH DECISION: RAISE NO OBJECTION Ref: SDNP/20/00231/HOUS Proposal: Single Storey Rear Extension. Location: 6 The Butts, Warnford Road, Corhampton, SO32 3ND DECISION: APPROVED Ref: SDNP/19/03228/TCA Location: Stoke Cottage, Chapel Road Meonstoke O32 3NJ Proposal: Tree works are to be carried out as detailed in the attached tree condition survey report: 'J871 04 TCS Stoke Cottage 20190701.pdf' DECISION: RAISE NO OBJECTION Ref: SDNP/19/04481/HOUS Location: Selbourn Cottage, Warnford Road, Corhampton SO32 3ND (Pending Consideration) Proposal: Proposed Two Storey Rear Extension (following demolition of the existing conservatory) and alterations to existing fenestration - resubmission of application SDNP/16/02067 DECISION: APPROVED Ref: SDNP/19/02911/TCA Location: Mill Cottage, High Street, Meonstoke, SO32 3NH Proposal: Proposed works as part of the ongoing arboricultural / routine maintenance DECISION: APPLICATION WITHDRAWN Ref: SDNP/19/04073/TCA Proposal: To be removed: a single Ash shown on 3 (look at application) is in the way of the drive way. Branches break off and the roots invade gardens. Will replace it with an Elm in late Autumn. Location: Gwynne House, High Street, Meonstoke, Southampton, Hampshire, SO32 3NH. DECISION: APPLICATION NOT REQUIRED - PRIOR NOTIFIC Ref: SDNP/19/04641 Proposal: Norway maple crown reduction by1.5 to a secondary growth point and thin out the crown. Location: Meon Barn, High Street, Meonstoke, Southampton SO32 3 NH

MINUTES – Corhampton & Meonstoke Parish Council meeting 11 March 2020 DECISION: RAISE NO OBJECTION

2. APPLICATIONS IN PROGRESS Ref: SDNP/19/02615/FUL Location: Beacon House, Stocks Lane. Proposal: Construction of residential dwelling with access from Warnford Road. Ref: SDNP/19/03680/TPO Proposal: Sycamore - fell because of excessive damage to surrounding buildings and cars and low amenity value. The tree is becoming particularly dangerous when it is windy as large branches have started to fall. Location: Conway , Warnford Road, Corhampton, SO32 3ND

3. PLANNING ENFORCEMENT Ref: SDNP/18/00124/SEC215 Nature: Untidy land - build up wagons and containers Address: Land to rear of Southbourne House, Chapel Road, Meonstoke SO32 3NJ Ref: SDNP/18/00362/OPDEV

Sec 215 Notice not being issued by WCC to the owner as they have removed or tidied some of the land. WCC has given them 3 months to remove the 2 containers and boat only (the boat sold – to be collected) to rectify the situation. All the other items apart from the 2 containers and boat are immune from Enforcement action as they have been on the land for over 10 yrs. Update following review of the site near the end of Dec 2019.

MINUTES – Corhampton & Meonstoke Parish Council meeting 11 March 2020