THECITY OF NEWYORK MANHATTANCOMMUNITY BOARD 3 59 East4th Street- NewYork,NY 10003 Phone:(212') 533-5300 - Fax:(21 2) 53 3-3 65 9 www.cb3 man - [email protected]

Cigi Li,Board Chair SusanStetzer, District Manager

Community Board 3 Liquor License-Application Questionnaire

Pleasebring the following items to the meeting:

NOTErALL ITEMSMUST BE SUBMITTED FORAPPLICATION To BECONSIDERED. tr Photographsof the insideand outside of the premise. tr Schematics,floor plansor architecturaldrawings of the insideof the premise. tr A proposedfood and or drink menu. tr Petitionin support of proposedbusiness or changein businesswith signaturesfrom residentialtenants at locationand in buildingsadjacent to, acrossthe streetfrom and behind proposedlocation. Petition must give proposed hours and method of operation.For example: restaurant,sports bar, combination restaurant/bar. [petition providedJ tr Noticeof proposedbusiness to blockor tenantassociation if oneexists. You can find communitygroups and contactinformatiott on the CB3 website:,gov/html/mancb3/html/communitygroups/communiWgroup listings,shtml tr Photographsof proofof conspicuousposting of meetingwith newspapershowing date. tr If applicanthas been or is licensedanywhere in Ciry,letter from applicablecommunity board indicatinghistory of complaintsand other comments,

Checkwhich you areapplying for: p[ new liquorlicense E alterationclI an existingliquor license E corporatechange

Checkif either of these apply: E saleof assets E upgrade (changeof classJof an existingliquor license

Today's Date:

lf applyingfor saleof assets,you mustbring letter from currentowner confirmingthat you are buyingbusiness or havethe sellercome with you to the meeting. Is locationcurrently licensed?tr YesI No Type of license; If alteration,describe nafure of alteration: Previousor currentuse of,the location: Corporationand trade name of currentlicense:

APPLICANT: Premiseaddress: basement, Crossstreets: Nameof applicantand all principals: Pr:incipal: Daisuke Enomot N/A Tradename (DBA):

| -= ;{=,:{r;:r:*"*i.=l+*:.';,: rz;i-,*,:iig:.j:-..*+.:$*.€*!-i+=]i'si::lll!"Jt::l.i'+i!,:*:!+r!.i:jiii!.lii:i+ri:!{i}U!*d-1":Sr!+'}ja'?!if,iF'd''iry-++iile]g:+:i nevised: February 2014 Page 1 of 4 PREMISE; Typeof buildingand numberof floors: Brick buildirre: four floors plus basement

Will anyoutside area or sidewalkcafe be usedfbr the saleor consumptionof alcoholicbeverages? (includesroof &yard) tr Yes! No If Yes,describe and show on diagram;

Doespremise have a validCertificate oI Occupancyand all appropriatepermits, including for any yard peoplepermitted? backor side use?{Yes tr No Whatis rnaximumNUMBER of

Doyou planto applyfor PublicAssembly permit? tr Yes$[No Whatis the zoningdesignation (check zoning using nrapr httn:// - pleasegive specific zoning designation, such as RB or C2J: C6-lc (See map)

PROPOSEDMETHOD OF OPERATION: Will anyother business besides food or alcoholservice be conducted at premise?tr Yesl! No If yes,please describe what rype:

What are the proposed days/hours of operation?[Specify days and hours eachday and hours of ou[doorspace) 7 daysl I2pm-lIpm

12 a Numberof tables? Numberof seatsat tables?

How many stand-up bars/ bar seatsare locatedon the premise? [A stand up bar is any bar or counter(whether with seatingor not) over which a patron canorder, pay for and receivean alcoholicbeverage) Describeall barsflength, shape and locationJ: Rectangle12'x2' Doespremise have a full kitchenfl Yestr No? Doesit havea food preparationarea? El Yes(No (lf any,show on diagrarnJ I.sfood available for sale?$(Yes E No If yes,describe type of food and submit a menu Japanese food

Whatare the hourskitchen will be open? yes, Willa manageror principalalways be onsite? ft YesE No If which? Howmany employees will therebe? 21(part time included) Do vou haveor nlan to install E Frenchdoors El accordiondoors or El windows? /y0 Willtherebe TVs/monitors? E YesE No (lf Yes,how many?J Will premisehave music? {Ves E No nev'ised:February 2014 eage2 of 4 If Yes,what type of music?E Livemusician tr DJtr Jukebox.[ Tapes/CDs/iPod If otherrype, please describe Whatwill be themusic volume? $l Background[quiet) tr Entertainmentlevel Pleasedescribe your sound system: srnall speaker

Willyouhost any promotedevents, scheduled performances or any eventat which a coverfee is charged?If Yes,what type of eventsor performancesare proposedand how often? No

How do you plan to managevehicular traffic and crowdson the sidewalkcaused by your establishment?Please attach plans. (Please do not answer"we do not anticipatecongestion.") .r,L-i^ lnr-s 4^ rs a ^ Ja1)arrese T^^^-^ restaurant, we will have a person m0nj,tor and manage crowdjf any.

Willthere be securiry personnel? tr YesftNo (lf Yes,how many and whenJ

Howdo you planto managenoise inside and outside your businessso neighborswill not be aff-ected?Please attach olans. Thiq ic : lrn:nogg restaurant, we will have a persc)n to rnonitor and manage noise, if Arr/. Doyou E haveor E planto installsound-proofing? No

APPLICANTHISTORY: Hasthis corporation or anyprincipal been licensed previously? tr Ycsfl No lf yes,please indicate nanre of establishment; Address: Community Board # Datesof operation: If you answered "Yes" to the above question, pleaseprovide a letter from the community board indicating history of complaints or other comments' please Hasany principalhad work ex'nerience similar to the proposedbusiness?.S Yes tr No If Yes, The printipal has been operating this Japanese attachexplanation of experienCeOr resume. restaurant since Feb, ?_013 Doesany principal have other businessesin this area?E Yests No lf Yes,please give trade name anddescribe type ofbusiness Hasany principal had SLA reports or actionwithin the past3 years?E Yesft No If Yes,attach list of violationsand datesof violationsand outcomes, if any.

Attacha separatediagram that indicatesthe location(name and address) and total numberof establishmentsselling/serving beer, wine (B/W) or liquor (OP)for 2 blocksin eachdirection. pleaseindicate whether establishments have On-Premise (OPJ licenses. Please label streets and avenuesand identifuyour location.Use letters to indicateBar, Restaurant, etc' Thediagratn must bc submittedwith the questionnaircto the CommunityBoard before the nteeting'

February LOCATION: ffi;,:;:ffi:::1Hil:::ilJlTi!},i^i; wtnz Is premisewithin 200 feet of anyschool or placeof worship?E Yestr No N/a - oerrayZ"S rcag?t"-t u bdne '

COMMUNITYOUTREACH: Pleasesee the CommunityBoard website to find blockassociations or tenantassociations in the immediatevicinity of your locationfor communityoutreach. Applicants are encouragedto reach out to communitygroups. Alsouse provided petitions, which clearlystate the name,address, licensefor whichyou areapplying, and the hoursand method of operationof your establishmentat the top of eachpage. (Attach additional sheets of paperas necessary).

We sre including the following questions to be able to prepare stipulations and have the meeting befaster and more efficienL Pleaseanswer per your businessplan; do not plan to negotiate at the meeting.

1,. [l agreeto closeany doors and windows at 10:00P.M, every night? 2. X t ,"itt not haveX.D1s, E(liu" music,Kpromoted events,K"ny eventat which a coverfee is charged,{..cheduled performances,E more than - Dlslpromoted eventsper - E more than_ private partiesper _

3. fl t witt play ambientrecorded background music only. 4. ts t witt not apply for an alterationto the methodof operationagreed to by this stipulation without first comingbefore CB 3.

5. frt *itt not seeka changein classto a full on-premiseliquor license. Or tr my businessplan is to seekan upgradeat a laterdate. 6. XI will not participatein pub crawlsor haveparty busescome to my establishment. 7. E I *itt not havea happyhour, Or tr Happyhour will endby B. tr I will not havewait linesoutside. Xth"." will be a staffperson outside to monitor sidewalk crowdsand ensureno loitering. g. fr| Residentsmay contactthe manager/ownerat the followingphone number, Any complaints will be addressedimmediately and I will revisit the above-statedmethod of operationif necessaryin orderto minimizemy establishment'simpact on my neighbors. 7lB-399-8302 Soupless MAZEMEN チャアシュウ混ぜ麺 / $9.50 Mix Soupless RAMEN with Garlic Oils Toppings: Chashu Pork, Mixed Green, Red Pepper, Baby Corn, Fried Ginger & Onion, and Scallion

nce a bowl of BASSANOVA Ramen is set before you, YOU O for Vegetarians... are to enjoy our creamy, rich, and solid “TONDAKU”, deep pork 野菜混ぜ麺 / $12.00 bouillon soup. Our chef dedicates all his efforts for over 12 Vegetarian Soupless RAMEN with Truffle Oil hours to make our original recipe soup from select premium Toppings: Mixed Green, Red Pepper, Baby Corn, Kikurage Mushroom, Menma , Fried Ginger Onion, and pork bones, simmered in the specially ordered giant stockpot. Scallion In Tokyo, we have cultivated our recipe in Setagaya, an area with a concentration of ramen stores. for Pescatarians... 厚海老混ぜ / $11.00 As a reward, we have received rave reviews from CNN to be 濃 麺 Savory Shrimp Sauce Mix Soupless RAMEN ranked in the Asia's Top-10 Soup List, and the New York Times Toppings: Red Cabbage, Mix Green, Pesto over sliced Tomato, has acclaimed our recipe as the best ramen noddle. Kikurage Mushroom, Menma Bamboo shoot, Fried Ginger Onion, Also the renowned Japanese Food Website “TABELOG” has and Scallion ranked us as the #1 Ramen Store for consecutive years. Come and fall in love with BASSANOVA TODAKU Ramen and for Pescatarians... 厚蟹混ぜ / $12.50 TONDAKU Green Curry Ramen! 濃 麺 Savory Crab Sauce Mix Soupless RAMEN Toppings: Crab Meat, Red Cabbage, Mix Green, Pesto Tomato, Kikurage Mushroom, Menma Bamboo shoot, Fried Ginger Onion, and Scallion Additional Ramen Topping choices

Scallion------$1.00 Lemon------$1.00 Menma------$1.00 Lime------$1.00 Kikurage------$1.00 Shrimp------$2.00 Okra------$1.00 Chashu------$2.00 Red Pepper----- $1.00 Boiled Egg------$1.50 Baby Corn------$1.00 Grilled Tomato-- $1.00 Mixed Leaf------$1.00


DRINK(Soda): ■ BOYLAN's: $3.00 ea. -Cane Cola -Orange -Ginger Ale -Pure Seltzer

*...... CASH ONLY **...... 20% Gratuity will be added to parties of 6 or more ※ ..... チップのお目安は 課税前小計 (ST) の 15% 前後です ※※ ...... 6名 様以上の団体様には課税前小計の 20 %のチップをお会 計に加算しております。ご了承下さい。 BASSANOVA Original BASSANOVA Original RAMEN RAMEN

Staff recommends... 4. 檬 胡椒豚 ラ メン 1. 豚濁ラーメン 檸 黒 濁 ー Tondaku Ramen - $13 Lemon & Black Pepper Tondaku Ramen - $14 Berkshire Pork TONKOTSU Soup Berkshire Pork TONKOTSU Soup w/ Lemon & Black pepper Topping with: Porkloin Chashu, Kikurage Mushroom, Topping with: Porkloin Chashu, Kikurage Mushroom, Fried Fried Ginger Onion, Crushed Sesame, , and Scallion Ginger Onion, Crushed Sesame, Nori, and Scallion

日本のお客様におすすめです 5. 豚 和 出汁ライムトムヤンクンラ メン 2. 豚濁魚介和風出汁ラーメン 濁 風 ー Tondaku Wadashi Ramen - $14 *Sour Tondaku Wadashi Lime TomYum Goong Ramen - $15 Berkshire Pork TONKOTSU & WaDASHI bouillon Soup Topping with: Porkloin Chashu, Menma Bamboo shoot, TONKOTSU & Tom Yum Goong Soup Gyofun, Nori, Fried Ginger Onion, and Scallion Topping with: Lime, Mixed Green, Shrimp, Okra, Red pepper, and Lime

Staff recommends... 3. 豚濁和風出汁グリーンカレー ラーメン *Spicy Tondaku Wadashi Green Curry Ramen- $15 ● 替え玉 Berkshire Pork TONKOTSU & Green Curry Soup KAEDAMA- extra noodle - $2 Topping with: Grilled Porkloin Chashu, Mixed Green, Shrimp, *extra noodle is offered only with Ramen menu, not Okra, Red pepper with Soupless Ramen(Mazemen)... BASSANOVA Original RAMEN - Appetizer -

豚濁魚介和出汁スペシャル Highly Recommended, Tondaku Wadashi Special ● 絶品鉄鍋韮棒餃子 $6.00 Sizzling Hot Iron-Pan Stick Dumplings (Filling: Berkshire Pork, Chives, Chinese Cabbage, Garlic, 6. 豚 介西洋松露(トリュフオイル)和 出汁ラ メン 濁魚 風 ー Scallion) Tondaku Truffle Oil Wadashi Ramen - $15 Berkshire Pork TONKOTSU & WaDASHI bouillon Soup New!

Topping with: Porkloin Chashu, Menma Bamboo shoot, ● 酸奶鉄鍋韮棒餃子 - スパイシー•ヨーグルトたれ$7.00 Gyofun, Nori, Fried Ginger Onion, and Scallion Hot Iron-Pan Stick Dumplings served with Spicy Yogurt (Filling: Berkshire Pork, Chives, Chinese Cabbage, Garlic, Scallion) 7. 豚濁魚介柚子胡椒和風出汁ラーメン Tondaku Wadashi Ramen - $14.50 ● 豚バンズ(2 ピース) $6.00 Berkshire Pork TONKOTSU & WaDASHI bouillon Soup 2 pieces of Berkshire Pork Buns Topping with: Porkloin Chashu, Black Pepper, Menma ● 五目チャアシュウ丼 $5.00 Bamboo shoot, Gyofun, Nori, Fried Ginger Onion, and Flavored Rice Bowl Scallions Topping with: Chashu Pork, Scallion

● 三種盛り - チャーシュウ・メンマ・煮タマゴ $7.00 Sanshu Mori (Chashu Pork, Menma Bamboo Shoot, Boiled Egg) 76 Mott St NYCityMap 76 MOTT STREET, NEW YORK 10013

- Building & Property Information

Borough: Manhattan Block: 201 Lot: 11 Police Precinct: 5 Owner: LEUNG CHUNG HOW REALT

Address: 76 MOTT STREET, NEW YORK 10013 Lot Area: 1181sf Lot Frontage: 25' Lot Depth: 47.25 Year Built: 1920 (estimated) Number of Buildings: 1 Number of Floors: 4 Gross Floor Area: 4,600sf (estimated) Residential Units: 3 Total # of Units: 5 Land Use: Commercial and Office Buildings Zoning: C6-1G Commercial Overlay: Zoning Map #: 12C Dept. of City Planning, PLUTO 13v2 ? 2013 and other city agency sources

Links to More Information Address Translator Building ECB Violations Building Elevator Information Building Profile Building Registration/Violation DCP Zoning Map 12C DOF Digital Tax Map DOHMH Rat Information Portal Poll Site Locator School & Zone Finder Tax and Property Records