Alaska Non-Timber Forest Products Harvest Manual for Commercial Harvest on State-Owned Lands

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Alaska Non-Timber Forest Products Harvest Manual for Commercial Harvest on State-Owned Lands Alaska Non-Timber Forest Products Harvest Manual For Commercial Harvest on State-Owned Lands State of Alaska Department of Natural Resources Division of Mining, Land and Water April 2, 2008 - 1 - State of Alaska Non-Timber Forest Product Commercial Harvest Manual, April 2, 2008 Table of Contents Introduction 3 Special notices, clarifications, and general rules 4 Procedure for revision 5 Products and species descriptions 6 Bark birch 7 cedar 8 various species 9 Berries and berry-like fruits 10 Branches and stems of deciduous woody species 11 Buds and tips 12 Burls and galls 13 Cones 14 Conks 15 Cuttings – willow, dogwood & poplar 16 Diamond willow 17 Evergreen boughs 18 Floral greenery 19 Leaves and flowers of woody plants 20 Lichens ground-growing 21 tree-growing 22 Mosses and liverworts 23 Mushrooms 24 Non-woody perennial plants tender edible shoots, stems, leaves, and/or flowers 25 mature stems, leaves and flowers 26 Roots edible or medicinal 27 for fiber 28 Seed heads 29 Seeds 30 Transplants plugs 31 shrubby perennial with root ball 32 sprigs 33 tree sapling with root ball 34 Appendix I: Plants never allowed for harvest 35 Appendix II: Guidelines for non over-the-counter permit products 36 Glossary 38 Selected references 39 - 2 - State of Alaska Non-Timber Forest Product Commercial Harvest Manual, April 2, 2008 Introduction Non-timber forest products are generally defined as products derived from biological resources. Examples of non-timber forest products may include mushrooms, conks, boughs, cones, leaves, burls, landscaping transplants, roots, flowers, fruits, and berries. Not included are minerals, rocks, soil, water, animals, and animal parts. Timber products such as firewood, saw-timber, pulpwood, cull logs, house logs, small round- wood, poles, posts, and Christmas trees are also excluded. Persons interested in harvesting these timber forest products should contact their local Alaska Division of Forestry office. Species of aquatic plants, excluding the rushes, sedges and true grasses, growing in a marine aquatic or intertidal habitat are under the jurisdiction of the Alaska Department of Fish & Game. Contact your local ADF&G office to obtain information about commercial harvest permits for these species. The State of Alaska abounds in natural resources that have sustained life, culture, and economy for centuries and continue to do so. As part of the Department of Natural Resource’s mission to “develop, conserve and enhance natural resources for present and future Alaskans,” the Division of Mining, Land and Water (DMLW) recognizes the importance of both sustainability and opportunity in the management of the non-timber forest product resources in the state. The standards set in this manual exist to protect, conserve and enhance these biological resources while they are being sustainably harvested. This manual provides direction to those wishing to commercially harvest non-timber forest products from general state-owned lands in Alaska managed by the DMLW, but is not a substitute for experience and expertise. It is the responsibility of the applicant to become familiar with the identity of individual species and their associated handling requirements before beginning harvest. This manual in no way proposes to be a guide for species identification or for commercial marketing potential. Many expert resources are available for identification of plant and fungi species, and they should be consulted before any harvesting activity begins – this is especially important to avoid poisonous or harmful species. Always confirm that there is a market in or accessible from Alaska for the product you are collecting to avoid waste of resources. This manual is as comprehensive as possible and based on currently available knowledge. This manual cannot foretell any and all situations that may be encountered in the practice of harvesting. The overriding principle that this document intends to convey is the careful stewardship of natural resources. Remember, commercial viability also depends on sustainability. When a vegetative or fungal resource is harvested responsibly, it will be available for harvest in the future as well. - 3 - State of Alaska Non-Timber Forest Product Commercial Harvest Manual, April 2, 2008 Special Notices, Clarifications, and General Rules The possession of this manual or any page thereof does not constitute permission or authority to harvest for commercial use any non-timber forest product (NTFP). An official permit must be obtained from the Division of Mining, Land and Water (DMLW) to harvest commercially on any general state land. “Commercial Use” means NTFPs harvested for the primary purpose of sale, resale, or use in a manufacturing process resulting in a product that will be sold or used for business activities. The information in this document pertains only to general state land. A permit obtained from DMLW does not apply to state parks, or to land owned, leased or managed by other state agencies such as the University of Alaska, Alaska Mental Health Trust, Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, or the Alaska Railroad. It is the permittee’s responsibility to obtain permission from public land management agencies and from private land owners (including Alaska Native Claims Settlement lands) prior to commencing any harvesting activities in a particular area or crossing private land. The species and parts described here may be available for commercial harvest with a Limited Non-Timber Forest Products Commercial Harvest Permit through the DMLW when harvested according to the limits and restrictions established in this manual, according to 11 AAC 96.035. Any commercial harvest activities or quantities not specifically addressed in this manual must be applied for and authorized through the standard Land Use Permit, including all associated public review periods. While using state-owned public domain land for permitted commercial harvest of non-timber forest products, harvesters must conform to 11 AAC 96.020 (generally allowed uses) and the conditions provided in 11 AAC 96.025 (conditions for generally allowed uses) for any activity for which they do not hold a valid permit. These sections specify rules for activities such as travel; access improvements; removing or using state resources for non-commercial purposes; improvements and structures on state land; disturbances to vegetation, drainage, soil, fish, and wildlife; public access; time limitations; cleanliness; fires; and damage repair. If an activity is to be undertaken that is not generally allowed, a permit must be acquired for the specific activity. Harvesters must conform to the Alaska Historic Preservation Act (AS 41.35.200), which prohibits the appropriation, excavation, removal, injury, or destruction of any State-owned historic, prehistoric, or archeological site without a permit from the commissioner. Should any sites be discovered during the course of field operations, activities that may damage the site will cease and the Office of History and Archaeology in the Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation ((907) 269-8721) and the appropriate coastal district shall be notified immediately. - 4 - State of Alaska Non-Timber Forest Product Commercial Harvest Manual, April 2, 2008 Revisions to this Manual From time to time the Alaska Non-Timber Forest Products Harvest Manual will need to be revised and updated as new information is accumulated. General rules, species, quantities, seasons, and harvest methods may need to be added, deleted or adjusted in order to protect resources or address new commercial interests. To ensure appropriate participation and review by resource agencies and the public, revisions to this manual will be conducted according to the following procedures: • A revised Alaska Non-Timber Forest Products Harvest Manual, clearly showing the proposed changes, will be drafted, published and made available for review through DNR Public Notice. • Public Notice of this draft revision document will be: o Provided for a minimum of 30 days; o Posted to the State of Alaska On-Line Public Notice System (; o Published as a legal ad for a minimum of one publication in a newspaper of statewide distribution; o Provided to all current permit holders; o Provided to all Alaska Coastal Management Plan (ACMP) district coordinators; o Provided to all individuals and organizations included on the NTFP Harvest Manual Distribution List. [This list will be kept by the State of Alaska, Plant Materials Center. To be included on the NTFP Harvest Manual Distribution list you can submit a request by including your name or organization name and contact information to the PLANT MATERIALS CENTER, 5310 S. Bodenburg Spur Rd., PALMER, AK 99645 or FAX: 907-746-1568 or e-mail [email protected].] • All timely comments will be reviewed, considered, and addressed by the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) in a response-to-comment document. • Changes to the draft document will be made, and a final Alaska Non-Timber Forest Products Harvest Manual will be approved and adopted by DNR. • Any person who submitted timely written comments will be sent a copy of the response- to-comment document, along with the final revised, approved, and adopted Alaska Non- Timber Forest Products Harvest Manual. • Any person affected by this decision who provided timely written comment may appeal the decision in accordance with 11 AAC 02. - 5 - State of Alaska Non-Timber Forest Product Commercial Harvest Manual, April 2, 2008 Products
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