Laurelhurst Community Club Serving 2800 Households and Businesses in Seattle’s Laurelhurst Neighborhood September 14, 2006 Mayor Greg Nickels City of Seattle 600 Fourth Avenue, 7th Floor P.O. Box 94749 Seattle, WA 98124-4749 Council President Nick Licata and Members of the Seattle City Council 600 Fourth Avenue, Floor 2 P.O. Box 34025 Seattle, WA 98124-4025 RE: Laurelhurst Position Statement on SR 520 Dear Mayor Nickels, Council President Licata and Members of the City Council, Attached is our Position Statement regarding the SR520 replacement project. This document was the result of many hours of discussion by our board and countless hours of public involvement by the two of us. It reflects our collective concerns regarding the project and it’s impacts on NE Seattle. We thank you for the careful attention you are giving to this matter and hope that you will find our concerns and proposals to have merit. Please feel free to contact either of us for further information & clarification. Sincerely, Jean Amick Joseph Herrin AIA LCC Transportation Committee LCC Transportation Committee 3008 East Laurelhurst Drive NE 5040 47th Avenue NE Seattle, Washington 98105 Seattle, Washington 98105 206-525 7065 206-525 6541
[email protected] [email protected] The mayor doesn't accept email so that would go to Tim Ceis (
[email protected]). The councilmembers are: Nick Licata, Sally Clark, Richard Conlin, David Della, Jan Drago, Jean Godden, Richard McIver, Tom Rasmussen and Peter Steinbrueck. There addresses are first name, dot, last name Senator Pat Thibaudeau,
[email protected] Speaker Frank Chopp,
[email protected] Representative Ed Murray,
[email protected] Senator Ken Jacobsen,
[email protected] Representative Jim McIntire,
[email protected] Representative Phyllis Kenney,
[email protected] Governor Christine Gregoire Office of the Governor PO Box 40002 Olympia, WA 98504-0002 .