All Saints’ Church Parish Magazine

LEEK WOOTTON LINK | Guy’s Cliffe | Hill Wootton | Chesford | Goodrest | Wedgnock | North & Middle Woodloes LEEK WOOTTON LINK | JULY / AUGUST 2021 have mentioned, in case of cancellation. EDITORIAL That said, summer has been glimpsed, if Welcome to the July/August double not immediately visible as we write, with issue of The Link. some glorious weather once we got out Despite our best efforts to look on the of that soggy May. bright side last month, there has been a We hope your summer is enjoyable, if set-back in the roadmap to recovery. once again tempered by restrictions, Sadly, there have already been victims, and that you are able to enjoy time with including the Horticultural Society your family and friends this year. Annual Show and we would caution our Helen & Lesley Eldridge readers to double-check any events we The Editorial Team

Cover Image: Leek Wootton War Memorial Recreation Ground at 6:00am (by Harry Wilson) All Saints’ Church WHO’S WHO? Priest in Charge Readers Jim Perryman t : 850610 Audrey Rowberry t : 851498 The Vicarage, 4 Hill Wootton Road 7a The Meadows e : [email protected] Nigel Stallard t : 850548 Church Wardens Reading Room Cottage Jonathan Kingston t : 851181 Church Lane 32 Hill Wootton Road Treasurer to the PCC Nigel Stallard (see right for contact) Iain Wilton t : 07771 664185 4 Croft Road Secretary to the PCC Chris de Wolf e : [email protected] 8 Eliot Close, Parish Safeguarding Officer Lesley Allen t : 07963 815773 | e : [email protected]

Articles for The Link: If there is anything you would like to include, please email [email protected] The deadline for editorial submissions for the SEPTEMBER issue is: FRIDAY, 20 AUGUST 2021 Advertisements for The Link or for www.leekwoottonchurch.co.uk: 1 WEEK IN ADVANCE OF THE MAIN SUBMISSION DEADLINE Via email to [email protected] or call Jim Perryman on 01926 850610 Would you like to receive The Link by email? Please email [email protected] and request your email copy

Back issues of The Link are available to view online at: https://express.yudu.com/library/82141/LeekWootton-amp-GuysCliffe-s-Library 2 LEEK WOOTTON LINK | JULY / AUGUST 2021 FROM THE VICARAGE LET THE SON-SHINE IN In the middle of June, there was a partial solar eclipse due to be visible in Leek Wootton. Disappointingly, the clouds made for a total eclipse of the sky instead. I was still interested to learn that, in the parts of the world which would see the entire moon pass in front of the sun, watchers still wouldn’t see a total eclipse because the moon was too far away from the earth and so was too small to fully cover the view of the sun, instead leaving a ‘ring of fire’. It all sounded very spectacular – but not for us. Of course, the key thing is that, despite the best effort of both clouds and moon to hide the fact, the sun kept on shining. We may not have seen it clearly that day or experienced its warmth so much, but the light and warmth were still there - even when they weren’t recognised. What is obscuring your view and experience of God? It could be a whole range of things – different for each one of us. None of us see God with absolute clarity: even more than looking straight at the sun, it would just be too much for us. That’s why God chose to partially eclipse himself and come among his creation in human flesh – Jesus, God the Son. All people have the chance to look at God in Jesus – all the fulness of God is revealed – but somehow in a way that allows each one of us to find light and warmth without being blinded or burnt. But there are still many things that may prevent us from looking or seeing. It may be a past experience that hurt us deeply and for which we blame God for not preventing. Maybe there is a sense of having been made to feel unwanted or uncomfortable, even in the church. Perhaps it is our own sense of guilt or unworthiness that means we dare not look at God out of fear or shame. For many others, we might just fail to see the point. Life’s OK, why do I need God? Or maybe you’d see yourself echoed in one of the satirical ‘Ten reasons why I never wash’ categories when it comes to God or Church: 1. I was forced to wash as a child. 2. People who wash are hypocrites - they think they are cleaner than everybody else. 3. There are so many different kinds of soap, I can't decide which one is best. 4. I used to wash, but I got bored and stopped. 5. I only wash on special occasions, like Christmas and Easter. 6. None of my friends wash. 7. I'll start washing when I get older and dirtier. 8. I can't spare the time to wash. 9. The bathroom is never warm enough in winter or cool enough in summer. 10. People who make soap are only after your money. All I would say to everyone – whatever your reasons, whatever your pain, whatever your excuses, whatever your level of apathy, whatever the depth of your faith – we’ve all been through a really tough year and a half, and we’re not out of it yet: but through it all, the love of God revealed in Jesus Christ has

3 LEEK WOOTTON LINK | JULY / AUGUST 2021 been seen and experienced by many millions in a way that has offered new hope and new life. Please don’t allow the past – however awful it may have been – to prevent you from experiencing something better, something truly good, for the future. You don’t need to go anywhere special to see the Son-shine: at home, in your garden, on a walk, at the beach, up a mountain, in a hospital bed – or even in the depths of despair or suffering, he is there if you look. The love and comfort of the presence of God can be truly and genuinely experienced in all places and in all circumstances. You can even find it in the church, including among the fellowship at All Saints’! The church is far from perfect, but that means there is room for ‘far from perfect’ people like me – and like you – to discover together more of the fulness of God as revealed in Jesus Christ and experienced through the Holy Spirit. If I, or others from the fellowship at All Saints’, can help in any way, please let me know. Wherever you find yourself this summer, let the Son shine into your life to bring refreshment and new hope. Jim Perryman www.leekwoottonchurch.co.uk ALL SAINTS’ CHURCH CHURCH SERVICES / EVENTS FOR JULY/AUGUST Please note that, from September, we will be trialling a new pattern of church services. Details will be in the September edition of Link. Sunday, 4 July 9:30am Morning Worship ONLINE including MOSAIC group for families 11:00am Holy Communion IN CHURCH 3:00pm Church Teas (to 5pm) -everyone is very welcome Sunday, 11 July 9:30am Morning Worship ONLINE including MOSAIC group for families 11:00am Holy Communion IN CHURCH Wednesday, 14 July 7:30pm PCC Meeting Thursday, 15 July 9:30am Y6 Leavers’ Assembly in Church. Please note that the church will, therefore, be closed for visitors until late morning Sunday, 18 July 9:30am Morning Worship ONLINE including MOSAIC group for families 11:00am Holy Communion IN CHURCH Sunday, 25 July 9:30am Morning Worship ONLINE 11:00am Holy Communion IN CHURCH

4 LEEK WOOTTON LINK | JULY / AUGUST 2021 During August, the Diocese of Coventry will be offering online worship each week. This will be available from 10:00am each Sunday using the link: www.leekwoottonchurch.co.uk/summerservices Sunday, 1 August 11:00am Holy Communion IN CHURCH 3:00pm Church Teas (to 5pm) - everyone is very welcome Sunday, 8 August 11:00am Holy Communion IN CHURCH Sunday, 15 August 11:00am Holy Communion IN CHURCH Sunday, 22 August 11:00am Holy Communion IN CHURCH Sunday, 29 August 11:00am Holy Communion IN CHURCH 6:30pm CTKD Taizé Worship – details to be confirmed Please refer to the church website or to the CTKD website www.lovekenilworth.org.uk Weekday online services will continue throughout July, but will not take place during August. These services are not available via YouTube. Monday – Friday, 8:30am – 8:50am ONLINE Morning Worship: Prayer, Bible reading, time to reflect on the reading and a song of worship related to the theme, plus a chance to chat at the end. Monday and Wednesday, 5:45pm – 6:00pm ONLINE Compline: A short time of peaceful reflection to end the working day. You can ‘phone in’ to our online services if you don’t feel comfortable joining via Zoom or YouTube on your computer or smartphone. Details for all methods are as follows. TO JOIN US ON ZOOM (All online worship, Sunday and midweek): www.tiny.cc/lwzoom all lower case or use the Zoom Cloud Meeting App Meeting ID 645 991 3128 with Passcode 110720. TO JOIN US ON YOUTUBE: www.tiny.cc/lwyoutube all lower case TO JOIN US ON YOUR TELEPHONE: Dial 0131 460 1196 (standard phone charges apply) When asked, on your phone keypad, key in 6459913128# Then to second question, just enter # And when asked for the Passcode, key in 110720# TO JOIN US IN CHURCH: Come along, but please where a face covering and abide by all the official regulations as well as the local hygiene requirements. TO CATCH UP LATER: Go to www.leekwoottonchurch.co.uk and follow the menu link to ‘Recent Online Service Videos’ 5 LEEK WOOTTON LINK | JULY / AUGUST 2021 DAILY COMMUNITY PRAYER FOCUS: Each weekday, and each weekend, we pray specifically for those who live or work in a different street or area of our parishes. We invite everyone to join in this – perhaps thinking about those you know in a particular place, or just picturing the place in your thoughts – and in a moment of quiet, just ask that peace and blessing may come to the homes and workplaces there. Prayer doesn’t need long words or strange language, just an open heart and a brief stillness of mind. The cycle of prayer for the coming days will be displayed on the front page of the church website. Please make this one of your home pages, or bookmark it, so that you can easily find out who to think about, and when you are being specifically prayed for. You are always invited to submit personal prayer requests to [email protected] where some of the church leaders will pray for your concerns in strict confidence. To enter into conversation about a concern, please contact the Vicar, one of the Readers or Churchwardens directly – see contact details inside the front cover. www.mothersunioncoventry.com LEEK WOOTTON MU Contact : Janet Jackson t : 258264 Deanery Prayers On the third Tuesdays, 20 July and 17 August, we will pause to pray for family life and our communities. Also, each month we remember particular areas, and this time they will be Ashow and Stoneleigh. Summer of Hope 2021 - MU on The move The Leek Wootton MU Friendship Group is invited to join other MU Diocesan Members for a sponsored ‘Litterpick’ to raise funds for AFIA (Away From It All). This is a local fund, managed in Coventry, to provide short breaks in a caravan, or days out, for families or individuals who need a break from the stresses of daily life. As MU, a global movement active in 84 countries, is 145 years old this year, we are each aiming to pick up 145 pieces of litter (or more if needed) by the end of August. This could be when we’re out and about locally or on holiday, and if you would like to support and encourage us, please send your online donation to Mothers’ Union Coventry Diocese at: CAF Bank Ltd, Sort Code 40-52-40 Account No: 00017109 Reference: AFIA Even a small amount will make a difference (as with litter-picking!). Thank you. [The Parish Council’s Environment Group has some litter-pickers that can be borrowed – contact the Clerk (e: [email protected]) ...Eds.] 6 LEEK WOOTTON LINK | JULY / AUGUST 2021 A Summertime Prayer God of hope, shine the rays of your love on all in need across the world, that this may be a summer of hope for those we seek to serve. Help us to reflect your hope through kindness and generosity, that lives may flourish and grow in the warmth of your love. Amen MU website: Summer of Hope Appeal

www.coventrycathedral.org.uk COVENTRY CATHEDRAL MATTERS Parish Partner : Mary Robins t : 512643 SERENDIPITY On the first Sunday in June, I decided to go to the Cathedral morning service, as I hadn’t been since last year. I arrived early as the Dean, John Witcombe and Canon Stone were arriving so was able to greet them with a “Good Morning”. I signed in, put on my mask, and was checking the leaflet about the Organ Recitals when Dean John came up to speak to me. He knew he’d seen me somewhere before but couldn’t place where; we had a very nice conversation as I explained about All Saints’ and being a Parish Partner. I asked about the new extension to the building and was told it has been held up by design problems but, hopefully, will be completed by the end of July. There were a large number of people in the congregation, well spread out with chairs set out in twos. The choir was smaller in number, but oh, the singing was absolutely beautiful and raised one’s spirits. Wonderful. Dean John’s sermon was thought provoking, but its content was wiped from my memory when, at the end of prayers, he said “And this afternoon we shall be interring the ashes of Peter Berry”. I nearly fell off my seat. Canon Peter Berry was a friend of my family and Godfather to our son, William. He died two years ago, and William and I went to his funeral and later, after some effort and persuasion from his sister, Georgina Key, a memorial service was held at St Philip’s Cathedral, Birmingham where Peter had been Dean. His was the first ordination at Coventry Cathedral in the 1960s after it was consecrated and he had remained there as a Canon until being made the Vice Provost. At the end of the service, I hurried to ask Dean John about his announcement. Yes, indeed, it was to be the interring of Peter’s ashes, in the small, grassed cemetery at the entrance to the ruins. This was unprecedented as, since the London Road Cemetery opened in 1847, no more burials were allowed in the

7 LEEK WOOTTON LINK | JULY / AUGUST 2021 Cathedral grounds. 2 o’clock. So, I dashed home and back again, arriving in time to meet Peter’s sister, Georgina, her daughter Maxine and his brother, Clive. On the way through the ruins, I was able to view the installation of a forest of trees, saplings, each in its hessian sack and I was invited to remember a loved one by writing a name on a length of green ribbon and hanging it on the wire fencing surrounding each tree. Georgina was carrying Peter’s casket in a holdall, which I know she had taken into the memorial service, so that Peter could be part of the proceedings, so to speak. The Dean arrived wearing his black vestments, accompanied by a Sidesman who had already dug a large hole in the lawn area. Another pleasant surprise was that Martin Williams, Chairman of The Friends of Coventry Cathedral, also arrived. He and his wife, Jane had been neighbours of Peter’s in Earlsdon. Another gentleman, Tim, who had sung in the choir joined with us, so we were eight in all. Dean John read the service, which I thought was so beautiful in its simplicity, and we took it in turns to drop soil on to the casket. With help, Georgina managed to fill the hole completely. There will be no plaque or headstone. It isn’t allowed. The Bishop had only just given his permission for this internment. It had always been Canon Berry’s wish to be buried at Coventry Cathedral and now, two years after his death, his wish has been fulfilled. Peter was not married and spent many Sundays at our dinner table. His work at the Cathedral was very much centred on bringing together the many different faiths in the city, holding multi-faith services, some in the ruins. I remember him as having a huge intellect and marvellous memory – that is for remembering passages from the Bible and literature, not necessarily for keeping appointments! He was always anxious that William should decide on a career path, giving him suggestions of what to do. So wonderful to be there that day, and to see Georgina again. She had moved to Wales, but I didn’t know where. Why did I decide to go to the Cathedral that Sunday? I am told it is called SERENDIPITY. ORGAN RECITALS Mondays at 12:30pm. Admission if free and tickets can be booked at www.coventrycathedral.org.uk although it is possible to attend without a booking. If you would like to be added to the mailing list for future concerts, please contact the Director of Music, Rachel Mahon at [email protected] Monday, 5 July Alessandro Bianchi Italy Monday, 12 July Paul Trepte Worcester Monday, 26 July Colin Andrews USA Monday, 9 August Mark Swinton Warwick Monday, 16 August Paul Leddington-Wright Coventry Monday, 23 August Rachel Mahon Coventry Cathedral Monday, 30 August Geoffrey Woollatt Manchester Cathedral

8 LEEK WOOTTON LINK | JULY / AUGUST 2021 LIFE ON THE BREADLINE Saturday, 3 July, 10:00am – Wednesday, 28 July, 4:00pm A challenging new exhibition being premiered in the Cathedral this summer. I WAS GLAD! AT COVENTRY CATHEDRAL Saturday, 10 July, 7:00pm in the Cathedral The Cathedral Choristers of Central Britain in concert, in aid of the Diamond Fund for Choristers THE HANDLEBARDS: MACBETH Thursday, 22 July, 7:00pm in the Ruins * An all-female troupe’s farcical production of Macbeth – “frantic” and “delirious”. MR STINK by David Walliams Tuesday, 24 August, 6:00pm in the Ruins * You are invited to celebrate Annabelle’s 10th birthday, hosted by everyone’s favourite MP candidate, Janet Crumb! (Almost) everyone is welcome… that is, everyone apart from Chloe’s particularly smelly new friend, Mr Stink. * Outdoor productions, so you will need to bring your own chair or blanket to sit on, a picnic to dig into, and to dress for the weather! Please see the Cathedral website for all forthcoming events.


9 LEEK WOOTTON LINK | JULY / AUGUST 2021 www.leekwootton.org.uk LEEK WOOTTON & GUY’S CLIFFE PARISH COUNCIL Clerk to the Parish Council : Helen Eldridge t : 853841 e : [email protected] The Parish Council met at its first in-person meeting since lockdown 1, on Tuesday, 1 June 2021, at Leek Wootton Village Hall. Discussion included the following: ANNUAL ACCOUNTS Following the internal inspection of the 2020/21 accounts, the Council agreed and signed the Annual Governance Statement and Accounting Statement. The Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Annual Governance & Accountability Return (Exempt Authority), detailing when and how residents may arrange to inspect the Council’s accounts, is available on page 12. LEEK WOOTTON WAR MEMORIAL RECREATION GROUND CAR PARK The Council is taking the first steps towards funding the car park works, applying for a Public Works Loan Board loan, which if successful will lead to matching the funding from the District Council’s RUCIS fund. The car park will benefit several parties and a meeting was arranged for 7 June when the Parish Council met with representatives of the memorial ground Trustees, the Village Hall committee and Sports Club. This was the first meeting of its kind, but it was agreed that it was constructive to discuss matters together. The meeting gave an opportunity to share the plans, explain the different phases of the project and discuss any concerns about liability and ongoing maintenance. Another meeting has been arranged for 5 July. PLAYGROUND A playground gatepost was discovered to be rotten and was removed for safety. A builder will be replacing this shortly. The Council plans some tidying work before the summer break and, following a complaint about overhanging trees affecting waste collection vehicles, the Council would like to thank the residents of Quarry Close and Fields, who got together to cut back the low-hanging branches. COMMUNITY MAINTENANCE The Council continues to bring community maintenance issues to the attention of the responsible parties. In May these included: flooding under the A46 in Hill Wootton Road; flowing water on Warwick Road from the vicinity of Church Lane; a fallen slab in the retaining wall in Woodcote Lane and; street lamp(s) that are not working correctly. The Council’s grounds maintenance contractors have been asked to undertake a clearance of the tink-a-tank and to complete the trimming of the laurel hedge

10 LEEK WOOTTON LINK | JULY / AUGUST 2021 in the playground. Please report any issues to the Clerk, who will be able to follow up, or sign-post you to the responsible parties. COMMUNITY LIVE The Council has booked the Village Hall on 11 September for a Community Live event, which will bring together clubs, societies and interest groups with residents. Read more on page 19. NEXT MEETING The next meeting of the Parish Council will be at 7:30pm on Tuesday, 6 July 2021, at Leek Wootton Village Hall. Minutes of all Parish Council meetings, when signed, are published on the website at www.leekwootton.org.uk. Any local issues can always be raised at meetings under Public Question Time or by contacting any of the Parish Councillors or the Clerk, details of whom are listed on all noticeboards, the Parish Council website, in the Parish Directory and the Bulletin. ADVERTISING

11 LEEK WOOTTON LINK | JULY / AUGUST 2021 Leek Wootton & Guy’s Cliffe Parish Council NOTICE OF PUBLIC RIGHTS AND PUBLICATION OF ANNUAL GOVERNANCE & ACCOUNTABILITY RETURN (EXEMPT AUTHORITY) ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2021 Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 Sections 25, 26 and 27 The Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 (SI 2015/234)

NOTICE 1. Date of announcement 18 June 2021 2. Each year the smaller authority prepares an Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR). The AGAR has been published with this notice. It will not be reviewed by the appointed auditor, since the smaller authority has certified itself as exempt from the appointed auditor’s review. Any person interested has the right to inspect and make copies of the AGAR, the accounting records for the financial year to which it relates and all books, deeds, contracts, bills, vouchers, receipts and other documents relating to those records must be made available for inspection by any person interested. For the year ended 31 March 2021, these documents will be available on reasonable notice by application to: Helen Eldridge, Clerk to the Parish Council t: 01926 853841 e: [email protected] commencing on Thursday, 1 July 2021 and ending on Wednesday, 11 August 2021 3. Local government electors and their representatives also have: • The opportunity to question the appointed auditor about the accounting records; and • The right to make an objection which concerns a matter in respect of which the appointed auditor could either make a public interest report or apply to the court for a declaration that an item of account is unlawful. Written notice of an objection must first be given to the auditor and a copy sent to the smaller authority. The appointed auditor can be contacted at the address in paragraph 4 below for this purpose between the above dates only. 4. The smaller authority’s AGAR is only subject to review by the appointed auditor if questions or objections raised under the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 lead to the involvement of the auditor. The appointed auditor is: PKF Littlejohn LLP (Ref: SBA Team) 15 Westferry Circus Canary Wharf London E14 4HD ([email protected]) 5. This announcement is made by Helen Eldridge, Clerk to the Parish Council

For further information about the Notice of the Period of Exercise of Public Rights, please see the Parish Council website at www.leekwootton.org.uk/parish-council-business/finance 12 LEEK WOOTTON LINK | JULY / AUGUST 2021 ANNOUNCEMENTS News has been received that Robin Lawrence, who lived with his late wife, Jill on The Hamlet for many years, died at home on 13 June. The Lawrence family had many friends and contacts in this area and Robin contributed significantly to the production of Leek Wootton and its Hamlets back at the turn of the century. CONGRATULATIONS Brian Jones, formerly of Pen-y-Bryn, Leek Wootton, who now lives in , celebrated his 90th birthday on 11 June and at the weekend with his family.

Brian with his wife and three children This photo was recently spotted on the JJ Ward collection website, which has been digitised at: https://coventry.digital. It shows the Warwick Road, where Stonehouse Mews now stands, some time after 1910. You can also see the Weather Tree which stood in the grounds of The Rock. It is an Autochrome, an early form of colour photograph. JJ Ward / Julie Hill via @covdig 13 ADVERTISING

14 LEEK WOOTTON LINK | JULY / AUGUST 2021 LEEK WOOTTON & GUY’S CLIFFE NEWS f LWandGC c LWandGC_Community Two Mayors’ Walk replaces Two Castles Run (again) As a reminder and to mark the event, when the Two Castles Run was cancelled in 2020, the Mayors of Warwick and Kenilworth each walked from their respective castles and met in Leek Wootton. Unfortunately, the Run had to be cancelled again in 2021 but on this occasion the Mayors and their consorts could at least enjoy lunch together at The Anchor and the Vice Chairman of the Parish Council took the opportunity to buy them all a welcome drink!

The Mayors and their consorts meeting Vice Chairman of LW&GC Parish Council, Paul Eldridge (left: Peter Jones, Mayor of Kenilworth, and right: Richard Edgington, Mayor of Warwick)

Angela’s Plant Sale I would like to thank friends for helping me raise money for two very special causes that need help. Alexander’s Journey and The Shakespeare Hospice. An amazing final total of £107.40 was raised for which I am truly grateful. Angela Pennington FREE to a good home !!! – Hostess Trolley, good condition - interested? Phone Eileen Clayton (855124)

15 LEEK WOOTTON LINK | JULY / AUGUST 2021 Walled garden wins HM The Queen’s Award On 2 June each year, the anniversary of HM The Queen’s Coronation, recipients of The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service are announced, and this year Guy’s Cliffe Walled Garden was on the list of the 241 organisations from across the UK to receive the prestigious award. Also coinciding with National Volunteers Week, the Award aims to recognise outstanding work by volunteer groups to benefit their local communities, and Sarah Ridgeway, GCWG Trustee said, “I am delighted that the project has been recognised; the volunteers have made a great start, on which we can now build towards achieving our objectives. It’s been a tough year for everyone and COVID has reminded all of us how important it is that we all work together helping others.

The garden has been growing fruit and vegetables for our local foodbanks and night shelter and will continue to do so, and as we come out of lockdown, we will be able to again work with schools, groups with special needs and others. Our volunteers are a key part of this, and I thank them for all their help.” A special task taken on at the Garden has been the nurture of an ‘offspring’ of the felled Cubbington Pear Tree. This was grafted from the original, which had been named England’s Tree of the Year in 2015 but was felled last October by HS2 to make way for the new high-speed line. Other grafts have been planted around the area but the Cubbington Action Group Against HS2 said the one in Guy’s Cliffe Walled Garden is showing great promise and can now be seen on any of the Garden open days. See: www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/guys-cliffe-walled-garden- visitor-days-tickets-123980831003

16 LEEK WOOTTON LINK | JULY / AUGUST 2021 YOUR LETTERS If you would like to write to us, please email the Editorial Team at : [email protected]

The following is based on a letter received from a resident. Speeding traffic has, of course, been of concern to this parish for many years: “I know speeding traffic has been a concern and that, while some residents are sensible, there are many people driving in, out and through Leek Wootton with little awareness that other people exist outside their own world. Today I was a passenger and the driver carefully reversed off the drive, with what should have been plenty of time, had the car in the distance been moving at 30 mph, but that driver sped up to an estimated 50 mph. To get out of the way is far safer than anything else, so we sensibly pulled back over rather than moving on (which we were entitled to do). The driver of the small white hatch van sped past, shouting abuse. In the opposite direction, just a few days earlier, I had pulled out of Woodcote Lane quite safely with no cars in either direction. I accelerated and indicated to pull into a driveway, at which point the driver, who must have been speeding and was only two inches from my bumper, decided to blow his horn, while the female passenger hurled non-sensical abuse. It’s sad that whilst walking around Leek Wootton it seems rare when someone drives at 30 or less. Many seem to continue at excessive speeds, quite oblivious, careless and selfish. These are likely to be the same people who go on the Image Capture: Nov 2020 © 2021 Google © 2021 Nov 2020 Image Capture: same journeys each day and sit in the same traffic queues for the same reason - they can’t think for themselves. Perhaps it is an indication of the selfishness of individuals acting as sheep, following the thoughtless person driving in front of them. It’s time people learned to look down at their speed and be brave and stick to 30 in residential areas. I have long since given up trying to persuade people to do the right thing, to slow down, as you cannot change people - ignorance is as ignorance does. Despite the idiots, Leek Wootton is a good place to be and I hope that traffic calming is not something we need, but may be something we cannot do without!!” Name supplied The Parish Council is aware of residents’ concerns about speeding, monitoring the situation and looking into possible solutions. It has recently had the vehicle activated sign repaired, with support from County Councillor Wallace Redford. County Council is the highways authority for this area and illegal incidents should be reported to the Police Non-Emergency 101. 17 LEEK WOOTTON LINK | JULY / AUGUST 2021

Applications are now open to be a volunteer at Birmingham 2022 and join the Commonwealth Collective. To apply and find out more, visit www.birmingham2022.com/get-involved/volunteering

18 LEEK WOOTTON LINK | JULY / AUGUST 2021 ADVANCE NOTICE: COMMUNITY LIVE! Saturday, 11 September 2021 at Leek Wootton Village Hall e : [email protected] With dozens of local organisations and clubs on our doorstep, Leek Wootton & Guy’s Cliffe Parish Council is honoured to bring them together and host the first annual Community Live meet up. These clubs offer a wide range of activities for all ages: from sports and culture to nature and volunteering opportunities. Come meet people from the organisations, ask questions and join in. If you don’t see something for you, then there will be a manned post-it note corner where you can look for others in the parish who share your interests. Exact timings to be announced in the September issue of The Link. Please get in touch if you would like to set up a table for your group. Steph Allison Community Live Coordinator and Parish Councillor

Whilst COVID-19 restrictions continue to affect many services, the following have taken place: From the Parish Registers Wednesday, 24 March 2021 Wednesday, 12 May 2021 The Funeral Burial of Ashes of of Harold Haynes Nicholas Hunt Wednesday, 14 April 2021 Monday, 17 May 2021 Burial of Ashes Burial of Ashes of of John Appleby Mabel and Norman Sheard Wednesday, 5 May 2021 Friday, 4 June Burial of Ashes Burial of Ashes of of Harold Haynes Simon Butler


20 LEEK WOOTTON LINK | JULY / AUGUST 2021 The Link Themed Quiz By Norman Rogers (answers on page 43) Football's Coming Home 1. Who was the Irish born playwright (1856-1950), whose most famous works included Arms and the Man, Saint Joan, Pygmalion, Major Barbara and Man and Superman? He won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1925. 2. What was the name of Don Quixote's squire in the 1605 eponymous novel written by the Spanish author Cervantes? He rode a donkey and constantly passed witty asides about his master's crazy behaviour. 3. What is the name of the film, often cited as the best motion picture of all time, co-written, directed and produced by Orson Welles and released in 1951, starring Welles and Joseph Cotton? It's a quasi-biographical film based on the lives of 3 or 4 millionaire media barons of the time. 4. This actress and broadcaster tragically died of cancer in 2014. She appeared in the famous ‘OXO Family’ tv advert for years and in later life was on the panel of Loose Women for several years. Very popular, she was in All Creatures Great and Small and Doctor Who. Who was this lady? 5. What was the name of the bus and truck manufacturing company based in Sandbach, Cheshire? It was established in 1856 and was a major producer until taken over by an American company in 1980. The original name was dropped in the 1990s. 6. What is the name of the small ridge near the old city of Jerusalem from which Jesus Christ ascended to heaven? It was named after the crop which grew upon it. 7. Who was the trumpeter dubbed ‘The Man with the Golden Trumpet’, who to my young ears, seemed to be constantly on radio and TV throughout the 1950s? He had No.1 hits with Oh, Mein Papa and Cherry Pink and Apple Blossom White. Thankfully, his style of music was out of date and style by the 1960s. 8. Name the English lyricist who, with Andrew Lloyd Webber, wrote Jesus Christ Superstar, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat and Evita. 9. Born Gladys Smith in 1892 this Canadian-American actress and producer had a career that spanned 5 decades. She appeared in countless film roles in the silent era and became known as ‘America's Sweetheart’ but she won the Best Actress Oscar in her first talking role in 1929. An early pioneer of acting and producing she co-founded the film studio United Artists. In 1976 she was awarded an Honorary Oscar for her work for the film industry; she died in 1979. What was this lady’s stage name? 10. In 1882 the outlaw Bob Ford shot to death his gang leader in the back of the head in a cowardly act to claim the reward. Ford was himself shot to death ten years later. Who was the famous outlaw he assassinated? 11. What is the theme?



ANNUAL HORTICULTURAL SHOW AND FETE AUGUST 2021 Due to the current ongoing restrictions, which look unlikely to be relaxed in time for the Society to organise and run the Show, it has been decided to cancel the event again this year. However, like last year, we will hold the photographic competition with the two categories that we have published in The Link. For the avoidance of doubt these are “Wildlife” and “Seasons”. Please send your entries in by email to [email protected] by 14 August 2021. The Society’s Committee members will decide upon a winner, who will be given this year’s Banksian Medal. We will notify the winner by means of email and the September Link, so please include your name, email and telephone number with your photograph. We look forward to receiving your entry. WATERPERRY GARDENS VISIT – SATURDAY, 4 SEPTEMBER 2021 There are still some places available on the trip to Waterperry Gardens. If you are interested, please contact Steph Jones on 855370 or email [email protected] and details will be sent out to you. The cost is £27.00 per person to include coach travel and entry to the Gardens.

Good news for residents of this ivy-rich part of the world! Ivy on your house is not really so bad after all So says the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS). In an effort to restore the plant’s reputation, the RHS has been showcasing the species at its flagship garden in Wisley, Surrey. It hopes to set a new trend, and to get people to stop seeing ivy as ‘the enemy.’ At Wisley you can now see 390 varieties of ivy, with a vast array of leaf shapes, sizes and colours. The RHS wants people to see that ivy can be an attractive and even eco-friendly addition to your home. RHS experts say that ivy is a ‘super plant’ that not only has insulating benefits, but also offers habitats for a variety of wildlife, as well as being a food source for birds and pollinators during months of the year when there is very little else for them to eat. www.rhs.org.uk/press/releases/New-research-shows-ivy-is-the-most- effective-plant From Parish Pump

23 LEEK WOOTTON LINK | JULY / AUGUST 2021 Count on Nature Report In the churchyard, on the weekend of 5 and 6 June, bats were detected, moths trapped and identified before being released, wildflowers were spotted and minibeasts were hunted. About 50 people were involved in the different events, about 20 of those were children. It was all part of the Churches Count on Nature initiative to assess the importance of churchyards to the wildlife that live there. Four different species of bats, 29 species of moths, 44 species of plants flowering and various types of minibeasts were found. The churchyard has a great variety of habitats which allow for a wide range of species to be found there - mature trees, hedgerows, and grassland. The areas of grass that have been allowed to grow long for a few months give the chance for plants to flower, which brings in bees and other pollinating insects, as well as caterpillars and true bugs that feed on the plants. Thank you to all who took part in these events. Although the Count on Nature week is finished, do let us know what you spot in the churchyard so that we can keep a list of the species up to date. Please email [email protected] and, if you have photos, I can give you a link to upload them. ADVERTISING

24 LEEK WOOTTON LINK | JULY / AUGUST 2021 What is Forest School? Three years ago, I started a journey to become a Forest School Leader and would like to share some of what I have learnt about Forest School since then. I had previously done quite a lot of wildlife education with children of many different ages, teaching them about nature, but Forest School is different, and the focus is more on the development of the children (and adults) in the outdoor environment. That environment usually has trees but is not necessarily a woodland. The Forest School Leader can provide the opportunities to develop new skills, take part in different activities, inspire ideas, support thinking and discovering, but it is the child who is the focus and chooses what to do. They learn how to handle risks, to experience the natural environment and, most importantly, to use their own initiative to solve problems and co-operate with others. Forest School is not a one-off activity, but regular times in different seasons, different weathers, giving a chance to build on experiences and learning. I am often overwhelmed by the children’s creativity. Last week, in a session at school with 5- and 6-year-olds, I helped them to learn to tie simple knots and encouraged them to use their string to make something. Some made quite complex mobiles, while a couple of others tied a cone on a string, and it was a ‘metal detector’. It helped them find ‘dinosaur bones’ (sticks of different shapes) which they then made into a collection on a table. Others made fishing rods and then made one of the tyres we have into a pool to fish in. This week, our focus was art, and we made a circle art with natural materials, that they decided together and collected. A few weeks ago, a group of 8- and 9- year-olds had a restaurant with many different ‘dishes’ and a fairground of different ‘rides’. My pre-schoolers, like all the ages I work with, love the mud kitchen, and make a wide variety of dishes, and the picnic set with the soft toy creatures is always very popular. In recent weeks we have also been enjoying watching the tadpoles grow. In my training we were encouraged to ‘SPICES’ our activities – that is to assess the opportunities we provide as to how they encourage Social, Physical, Intellectual, Communication, Emotional and Spiritual development. The work I do with pre-schoolers and their families, with all the children at school (each class having 6 weeks of sessions each year), with uniformed groups, and with families in school holidays is so valuable to them all in many different ways, and I feel privileged to be able to help them. If you are interested in knowing more about Forest Schools in general, then please see: https:// forestschoolassociation.org/what-is-forest-school/. Image:www.nurseryworld.co..uk For more information about my activities, please see: https://closerlook.perryman.org.uk/forest-school. 25 ADVERTISING

26 LEEK WOOTTON LINK | JULY / AUGUST 2021 www.historygroup.leekwoottonandguyscliffe.org.uk LEEK WOOTTON HISTORY GROUP Chairman : Paul Eldridge t : 854347

This month’s story is of an accident ‘waiting to happen’ … The Coventry Evening Telegraph of Friday, 2 February 1968 ran a dramatic headline about a tanker of liquid ethylene being driven through Leek Wootton, on what was then the A46, and used reference to a tv programme to tell the story! (‘Softly, Softly’ and ‘Softly, Softly: Taskforce’ were a very popular series of cop dramas, which ran from 1966 to 1976). ‘TV DRAMA’ ON THEIR DOORSTEP Tanker blast danger at Leek Wootton Villagers of Leek Wootton watched “Softly, Softly” on BBC1 last night with more attention than usual. For the programme was about a disaster in a small village when a tanker of high explosive liquid blew up a school. And right on Leek Wootton’s doorstep was just such a tanker – in danger of exploding. The tanker, carrying nine tons of liquid ethylene, had broken down in Leek Wootton’s main street. The fuel pump was not working. Loss of power meant that a refrigeration plant on the tanker switched off. Firemen and police were called. They watched a gauge indicate the increasing pressure inside the tank as the temperature began to rise. A spokesman for Warwickshire Fire Brigade said that if the pressure increased too much, there would be a very big explosion, followed by a fierce fire. The tanker driver, Mr Dennis Smailes, of Old Trafford, Manchester, worked with a mechanic to repair the fault – without success. Police Vigil The tanker was then towed to Quarry Lane – away from houses – under police and fire brigade escort. The road was cordoned off by police. Explosion was not the only danger – escaping gasified ethylene would be highly poisonous, said the fire brigade spokesman. But later the danger passed as falling air temperatures cooled the tanker. The pressure dropped to a safer level – and the tanker was moved to the grounds of the nearby Warwickshire police headquarters. Police kept a watch on the tanker. Their vigil ended early today when a new tractor unit arrived, was connected to the body of the tanker, and left the village.


28 LEEK WOOTTON LINK | JULY / AUGUST 2021 www.girlguiding.org.uk 1 ST LEEK WOOTTON (ALL SAINTS’) BROWNIES e : [email protected] A monumental trail Leek Wootton Brownies have had another busy term and a highlight has been meeting each other in ‘real life’. We have enjoyed making fairy houses, making tree rubbings, inventing sports and playing games. This half term we will be out and about making hedgehog houses and bird feeders, learning about water safety along the canal and having an end of term celebration. We would like to encourage you to get out and about too, so we’ve been thinking about the monuments we would like to create. Lots of our ideas reflected the people and events of the past year from Captain Sir Tom Moore to the NHS workers, our virtual camps to Queen Elizabeth II. To share their ideas, we’ve created a trail around the village, which we invite you to follow. To obtain a map, please email us at [email protected]. The trail will be on display from 26 June to 11 July.



30 LEEK WOOTTON LINK | JULY / AUGUST 2021 Summer Art Weeks 2021 19 June to 4 July As part of its 21st birthday year, the Warwickshire Open Studios network of artists and designers is promoting over 320 artists exhibiting at 117 venues across Coventry and Warwickshire. You can check out the venues that are near to us or, if you have a particular artform that you love, you can narrow your search that way. There are venues from canal boats to churches, the oldest tennis club in the world to farms and barns, as well as the usual gardens, studios and homes. All the information needed is at www.warwickshireopenstudios/summer and you can see paintings, drawings, ceramics, photography, sculptures, jewellery, textiles, glassware, print work, woodcraft and much more.



31 LEEK WOOTTON LINK | JULY / AUGUST 2021 Festival of Britain 70 Years On The Festival of Britain ran from May to September 1951 Seventy years ago and exactly 100 years since the famous Great Exhibition of 1851, the Festival of Britain showcased the best of British manufacturing and design in the post-war world. It was a national exhibition and fair that reached millions of visitors throughout the United Kingdom during that summer. First conceived in 1943 to commemorate the centenary of the Great Exhibition, it was a great achievement, just 6 years after the end of the war, and it inspired post-war Britain with visions of a new, clean, efficient world that was beginning to be built. Image: Benton Peter © Image: It was staged on the South Bank of the River Thames, but most of the exhibits and buildings were temporary, the Royal Festival Hall being the one lasting reminder. It is probably most famous for the sight of the Skylon towering over

the site.

I was reminded of the Festival while watching a documentary on BBC4, Coventry Cathedral: Building for a New Britain (a fascinating View of The Festival Site and the Skylon programme, broadcast on 9 June and available on BBC iPlayer for 11 months). Sir Basil Spence’s submission was chosen for Coventry Cathedral because his architecture was considered modern and appropriate for the vision of a truly new cathedral. He was known for having designed the popular Sea and Ships Pavilion at the Festival. With hindsight the modernist style of the Festival and the City of Coventry, which was intended to be democratic and ’for the people’, is often accused of lacking character and of being alienating. But in recent years elements of ‘Mid- Century Chic’ have become very fashionable and the remodelling of homes to make them more spacious and open-plan owes a lot to the Festival and this

period. [My personal memory of the Festival was seeing Rowland Emett’s Far Tottering and Oyster Creek Railway, which ran through the Festival Pleasure Gardens – I’m sure there was much else, but I was young! ...Ed(Sr).] [My memory is of seeing the Old Shot Tower* that was left standing and re-purposed as a radio telescope mast, using an old anti-

aircraft gun to mount the antenna dish. Image:Kid www.flickr.comKollage There’s some great footage available on The Fun Fair at the Festival Pleasure YouTube...Mr Ed(Sr).] Gardens in Battersea Park * A shot tower was used to drop molten lead from the top and it would cool on the way down, landing as spherical lead shot for use in muskets.

32 LEEK WOOTTON LINK | JULY / AUGUST 2021 Healey: Cars for Speed and Glamour The very local story of the Donald Healey Motor Company, which was based in Warwick, is the subject of a new exhibition currently at the Market Hall Museum in Warwick, and due to run until Spring 2022. In 2016 Warwickshire County Record Office was able to purchase the company archive from the Healey family, and has catalogued all the documents, drawings and photographs. That catalogue is now accessible online and has proven to be a great source of information and inspiration for researchers and enthusiasts. It is the contents of the archive that have now been used to mount the exhibition, and Warwickshire Heritage & Culture say: “This is the first time the Museum has devoted the entire ground floor to one exhibition. It will focus on Donald Mitchell Healey CBE, entrepreneur, inventor and racing driver and the Donald Healey Motor Company he founded. It will tell the story of the rise of a remarkable company that started in the Cape area of Warwick and achieved international fame, designing some of the most famous and desirable sports cars in motoring history. The exhibition will feature artefacts, archives and photographs, owned by Donald Healey or his company. It will demonstrate the extraordinary spirit of Donald, his sons, Geoffrey and Brian, and the talented team that worked with them. Highlighting the works, the cars, the motorsport exploits and some of the less publicised projects!” heritage.warwickshire.gov.uk and


imagecourtesy CR4804/3/130of WCRO

Sir Anthony Eden, future Prime Minister, and Donald Healey at the Cape Works, circa 1949 33 LEEK WOOTTON LINK | JULY / AUGUST 2021 https://bringbackguyscliffe.org f bringbackguyscliffe BRING BACK GUY’S CLIFFE Dedicated to helping the restoration work at Guy's Cliffe Contact : [email protected]

The Volunteers at Guy’s Cliffe have continued to work tirelessly around the buildings and throughout the grounds with stunning results, and in early June the sight was transformed into the setting for a beautiful summer wedding.

Images: www.facebook.com/ Bringbackguyscliffe

Hope is the thing with feathers Hope is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul, And sings the tune without the words, And never stops at all, And sweetest in the gale is heard; And sore must be the storm That could abash the little bird That kept so many warm. I've heard it in the chillest land, And on the strangest sea; Yet, never, in extremity, It asked a crumb of me. Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)


www.pawsitivevetcare.co.uk PAWSITIVE VET CARE m : 07410411461

Paws for Thought By Helen Perryman Everybody should know about the dangers of leaving dogs in cars in warm weather (although that still doesn’t stop it happening!), however did you know that exercise actually causes the vast majority of heat-related illness? The muscle activity that occurs during exercise generates heat, and when combined with outside hot temperatures, this can be a dangerous combination. Dogs are only able to cool themselves naturally through panting, and sweating through their paws, unlike us who can sweat everywhere. Some dogs struggle to cool themselves effectively with panting, particularly brachycephalic dogs (those with squashed faces such as Bulldogs and Pugs). Obesity can also stop a dog cooling down effectively. To avoid exercise-induced heat-related illness, it is important to do the following: • only exercise your dog during the coolest parts of the day • avoid prolonged intense exercise such as ball-throwing or jogging • build your dog’s fitness up slowly and do not push them too far if they are unfit • make sure your dog has access to plenty of water during hot weather and when exercising • stop the exercise if your dog is panting continuously • if your dog is unwell, very young, elderly, brachycephalic or overweight, be extremely careful with exercise in warm weather. If in doubt, skip the walk and do some gentle mental exercise at home instead • test the temperature of any tarmacked areas with the back of your hand before walking your dog. If it is too hot for you to touch, it will burn your dog’s paws. If your dog does start to overheat, rapid cooling is vital - immerse them in cool water or pour water Pexels from Photo by Artem Beliaikin onto them and encourage evaporation with fans or air conditioning. Get them checked by your vet as soon as possible.


36 LEEK WOOTTON LINK | JULY / AUGUST 2021 www.thewarwickshire.com f warwickshiregcc THE WARWICKSHIRE GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB t : 409409 | e : [email protected] The Warwickshire says goodbye to Guide Dog puppy, Prince Staff, golfers and walkers have had to say goodbye to Prince as he left the foster care of Course Manager, Daniel Rowe to begin his training to become a Guide Dog. Prince was the eighth puppy that Daniel had fostered, and for sixteen months he spent almost every day at The Warwickshire getting used to the early starts, many different sights and sounds and to meeting lots of different people. Daniel told the press that Prince “… came to the golf course each day during lockdown and even helped out when the drive needed gritting to keep the vaccination centre going”. As he had been a best friend for those at the Club, he would make a great best friend for someone with sight loss too.



38 LEEK WOOTTON LINK | JULY / AUGUST 2021 https://leekwootton.play-cricket.com/ t @LeekWoottonCC LEEK WOOTTON CRICKET CLUB Chairman : David Allison t : 07880 783635 e : [email protected] Cricket resumed this season after COVID ruined 2020, and after a wet May that saw two Saturdays wiped out, it really got underway with some lovely June sunshine. The first team, which plays in the Premier Division of the Cotswold Hills League, after gaining promotion in 2019 (there are 8 Divisions), is more than holding its own and currently stands in 4th position. Highlights have been a brilliant stand of 192 for the fourth wicket between Skipper Stuart Budd with a magnificent 120 and Sandeep Murthy with 87 against . Sandeep also played a superb innings of 41 not out to guide the team to a win against Exhall & , with two balls to spare. New recruit Barney Dillow from Somerset wielded the willow to score 61 in the win against Shipston-on-Stour. Bowling has been steady; the best figures so far have been paceman Venkat Sarma's 5-46 against Ex and Wix. Zain Ansari and evergreen Graeme Couchman have both had ‘4 fors’. ‘Couchy’ is also our President and groundsman and has prepared some ‘belting’ pitches. The game against Norton Lindsey, for instance, produced 548 runs from 84 overs. The first and second teams are sponsored by the La Raj Spice Indian restaurant in Kenilworth. The second team plays in the 4th Division and currently stands in 3rd position. Captained by Kash Choudary, its highlights have been a tremendous innings of 112 not out from Jimmy Sommerville to win the game against & Ragley, 72 from Binoy Master against Welford on Avon, and 59 from Elliot Sorrell and 49 from Phil Robinson against Southam. The bowling highlight has been Prem Kumar's two ‘4 fors’ in the two opening wins of the season against Welford on Avon and Tanworth & Camp Hill. Under the dynamic Chairmanship of David Allison, the Club is thriving; between 30/40 children of both sexes take part in coaching by qualified coaches, and Ian Cox Image: Facebook@drainsareus Image: and his team of volunteers, each Friday evening. Ages range from 8-15 years old, and most age LWCC Under 13s groups now play

39 LEEK WOOTTON LINK | JULY / AUGUST 2021 against other teams in the area. They have lots of fun! If you have a child who shows a propensity to hit things or throws a ball around the garden, then bring him or her down on Friday at about 5:00pm. The initiative of junior cricket works - two 15-year-olds, James Ward and Devan Lota, are both fixtures in the 2nd team and several more play Sundays and mid-week. The junior section is generously sponsored by The Cassidy Group. The Sunday team plays friendly fixtures most weeks and the mid-week twenty- over side has had regular matches. Please come along at the weekends; the bar is open so you can enjoy a pint or a soft drink and watch some good cricket in the sunshine. Games start at 1:30 and can go on until 7:30 depending on the state of play. Visit our website for fixtures at: https://leekwootton.play-cricket.com/home. Robert Yates by Googly In 2019 I wrote that Robert, a village resident, had been taken on by Warwickshire CCC at the age of 19 and given a short-term contract. I am glad to report that he has fulfilled his early promise and has just received a new 3-year contract and is now a member of the 1st team squad. After a COVID-reduced County Championship schedule last season, Rob has been an ever present in the side as an opening batsman and has so far scored 1,093 runs in 25 matches with at an average of 27 per innings, good figures for a young man in only his first full season. He has scored 3 first class centuries and 3 fifties, and his 120 not out won the game for Warwickshire against Essex who hadn't been beaten for 2 seasons. Throughout his innings Sir Alastair Cook, ex England captain and, like Robert, a left-handed opener, was fielding at slip for Essex so got a good close-up view of the innings. Cook later described the knock as “One of the best I've seen from a young English batsman both in temperament and technique”. On a recent visit to Edgbaston I had the pleasure of talking to Ian Bell, ex Warwickshire and England batsman who reiterated Cook's assessment that he had a big future in the game if he continues to improve. Rob is a very levelheaded young man who looks after himself, drinks shandy and only goes out with one girlfriend at a time!!! Alongside his cricket career he is studying English Language at Birmingham University, and is currently doing a thesis on the language of African Gorillas!!! We watch his career with great interest.

40 LEEK WOOTTON LINK | JULY / AUGUST 2021 www.leekwoottonfc.com f LeekWoottonJuniorsFC t LeekWoottonFC LEEK WOOTTON FOOTBALL CLUB Chairman : Paul Baigent

Football Club Finishes Stop Start Season With Some Silverware Like everyone else the Football Club has had a frustrating year as we started then stopped and then started again. The league season just about got completed with plenty of midweek games in the spring and early summer, and our Under 16s Colts finished their campaign as Runners Up in the Mid Warwickshire League, which was a great achievement for the lads in their last season at the Club. Our two Midlands League teams had creditable finishes in the league but did even better in qualifying for the Midland Cup finals. The Under 15s played Hednesford Town and soon found themselves two down after the first 15 minutes. However, they rallied well and brought the scores level and the game finished 2-2 but then the dreaded penalties where unfortunately the lads lost 6-5 - a brilliant effort, nonetheless. Meanwhile, our Under 13s had a successful result in their cup final with two goals in each half giving Leek Wootton a deserved 4-0 victory over Droitwich Spa. This was a great achievement for this team which had a lot of rebuilding to do after a lot of departures the year before. Football Club Under 13s team who won their Midland League Cup Over the summer our beating Droitwich Spa in the final Nippers continue to train at Castle Farm under the stewardship of Conrad Pope - the group currently has 26 members aged between 5 and 7 but shortly a large number will be graduating and forming two new Under 8s teams for next season so we will have plenty of vacancies for any budding players to come and join us. The next season will start in September, and we will be running teams from Under 8s to Under 18s - any new players interested in joining can apply on our web site at www.leekwoottonfc.com. Have a great summer … 41 LEEK WOOTTON LINK | JULY / AUGUST 2021

14 June We are appealing for information and to identify two witnesses following a serious collision in Warwick. The incident happened at around 9:15pm on Saturday, 5 June on Coventry Road close to the Saxon Mill pub when a white Seat Ibiza car is believed to have collided with a cyclist. The cyclist, a 17-year-old male, was taken to hospital where he remains with what are believed to be serious, life changing injuries. Officers investigating the collision are keen to identify two witnesses who may be able to help with the investigation. The first is a woman wearing sports/jogging style clothes who was walking on the opposite side of the road to the Saxon Mill pub, from Warwick in the direction of the A46, at around the time of the incident. The second was a male doctor in a VW Golf who is thought to have been driving behind the Seat Ibiza. He stopped at the scene and identified himself as ‘Doctor Sammy’. Officers would really like to speak to these two witnesses and are urging them to get in touch. Anyone who witnessed the incident, knows who the above two witnesses

may be, has dash cam footage or information that could help with enquiries, is asked to report this via our website or by calling 101 quoting

incident number 421 of 5 June. https://bit.ly/3woTc35 ImageGoogle © Nov 2021 2020 Capture:

42 LEEK WOOTTON LINK | JULY / AUGUST 2021 OUT & ABOUT IN LEEK WOOTTON & GUY’S CLIFFE See main articles for further details [KEY: In Parish | Online | Outside the parish] EVENTS MAY BE CANCELLED AT SHORT NOTICE—PLEASE CHECK LATEST LISTINGS 2-4 July 23 July - 8 August Pub in the Park Summer Olympics www.pubintheparkuk.com/warwick Saturday, 24 July Sunday, 4 July GCWG Open for NGS Church Teas www.guyscliffewalledgarden.org.uk 15:00-17:00 at All Saints’ Church Sunday, 1 August Tuesday, 6 July Church Teas Parish Council Meeting 15:00-17:00 at All Saints’ Church 19:30 at the Village Hall Warwick Food Festival 9-10 July www.cjseventswarwickshire.co.uk Warwick Beer, Cider & Music Festival 7-8 August https://warwickbeerfestival.com Art in the Park Sunday, 11 July www.artinpark.co.uk Half Marathon Sunday, 15 August www.leamingtonspahalfmarathon.co.uk Retro Warwick Wednesday, 14 July Classic Car Show 2021 PCC Meeting From 09:00 at Market Square, Warwick 19:30 Online 24 August - 5 September 23-25 July Summer Paralympics Game Fair, Ragley https://thegamefair.org LINK THEMED QUIZ ANSWERS

From page 21

Squad. Football 2021 Euro England's of Members 11. | James) (Reece

Tim Rice (Declan Rice) | 9. Mary Pickford (Jordan Pickford) | 10. Jesse James James Jesse 10. | Pickford) (Jordan Pickford Mary 9. | Rice) (Declan Rice Tim

Lewin) | 8. Sir Sir 8. | Lewin) - Calvert (Dominic Calvert Eddie 7. | Mount) (Mason Olives of Mount

Kane) | 4. Lynda Bellingham (Jude Bellingham) | 5. Foden Trucks (Phil Foden) | 6. 6. | Foden) (Phil Trucks Foden 5. | Bellingham) (Jude Bellingham Lynda 4. | Kane) 1. G B Shaw (Luke Shaw) | 2. Sancho Panza (Jadon Sancho) | Citizen Kane (Harry (Harry Kane Citizen | Sancho) (Jadon Panza Sancho 2. | Shaw) (Luke Shaw B G 1.

BUS TIMETABLE LEEK WOOTTON Timetable from 06 Mar 2021: Route 16 (Kenilworth to Hatton Park via Warwick) Route X16 (Kenilworth to Stratford College via Warwick) Towards Kenilworth (Mon-Sat) 0837 1027 1227 1427 1705(SCH & HOL) Towards Warwick (Mon-Sat) 0732(SCH & HOL) 0915 1115 1315 1507 COVID-19 MEASURES: Remember, you must wear a face covering throughout your journey, unless you’re exempt. This timetable is valid at the time of download. However, this may be affected by alteration at short notice. To read service updates or to re-check your journey go to www.stagecoachbus.com.


Please submit your photos to [email protected]

Image: Image:


BringBackGuysCliffe acknowledges Volunteers’ Week, 1-7 June The partial eclipse as seen in Leek

Wootton, 10 June Image:AnthonySkelton

Philip Seccombe, PCC for Warwickshire congratulates the new Chief Constable, Debbie Tedds, who will take over from Martin Jelley in July 44