The BG News November 24, 1998

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The BG News November 24, 1998 Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 11-24-1998 The BG News November 24, 1998 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News November 24, 1998" (1998). BG News (Student Newspaper). 6413. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. UESDAY,The Nov. 24, 1998 A dailyBG independent student News press Volume 85* No. 60 (■■■■■■■M FORECAST $S\f\^mm. 52 H.O.P.E. sponsors AIDS events '/•"~~"X "LOW:"-tO\ 33 □ Two illness to live with as an adult, In the sixth grade, he was day, November 30, HIV Out- The World AIDS Day was first but imagine being diagnosed at kicked out of school because he reach, Prevention, & Educa- started by the World Health HIV/AIDS age 11 with HIV and being told was HIV positive. Not only did tion(H.O.P.E.) in cooperation Organization, said Besty Bunner, WW activists will your life expectancy is "about" this affect his life, but his dating with nine other co-sponsers, is director of AIDS education with one year, but it turns out to be 11 experiences were affected as hosting two speakers concerning the college of health and human speak on years, not one. well. HIV/AIDS. One ol the speakers services. campus This is not a false story, in fact, "It (HIV/AIDS) is not just a is Decker and the other is M,ir "The main reason I do this Nov. 30. it is one of reality that Shawn medical condition, HIV/AIDS garet Campbell, both are work is because there are a lack Decker, HIV/AIDS activist, has has a stigma of fear and will con- HIV/AIDS activists. They will of services for youth of color," lived with since 1987. Decker tinue well into the next millenni- be focusing their speeches on Campbell said. "I decided I was By MELISSA NAYMIK was infected with HIV through um," he said. "Be a Force for Change," the going to be a loud and boisterous tainted blood products in blood In order to open the eyes of theme of the 11th annual World young woman bringing atten- The BG News transfusions since he is a hemo- University students trying to AIDS Day, which is nationally Being HIV positive is a hard philiac. understand HIV/AIDS, on Mon- held on Dec. 1 every year. • See AIDS, page five. ■ The women's swim- ming and diving teams beat Wright State. Lack of Greyhound tickets Students are preventing holiday urged to ■ The men's basketball travel for some students team hosts Detroit eat healthy tonight and Illinois- Chicago on Saturday. for holidays □ There are less ■ The Falcon men's fattening options for swimming and diving Thanksgiving dinner teams lose to Wright for those concerned State. with a healthier diet. By CAROLYN STECKEL THe BC News The traditional view of a typi- cal Thanksgiving day includes a large turkey dinner with mashed potatoes, dressing, yams, rolls ■ Ohio man calls in and pumpkin pie and then crash to later discover claiming a couch or chair to take his daughter was the a nap on. victim. I lowever, because a student's eating habits may change during the college years. Thanksgiving does not have to be a time to sac- BG News Photo/MICHAEL NEHMKUHLE iiIuf a healthy diet. ■ Teaching nursing and According to Barbara Hoff- computer programming Barney's Convenience Store had been the only place in town to offer Greyhound bus options, the service has been dis- man, nurse practitioner for are rated in the top 10 continued recently. health services, a student's diet can drastically change in college, in report, Ohio Job Out- home." and good communication is the look. power to do it." best way to make sure a student By BRANDI BARHITE Davidoff said he was upset that no one Clark also said it was difficult to man still eats healthy. BG News was notified that Greyhound would not be the station because some days Barney's Caroline Tienarend, chief For six years he used Bowling Green's picking up students in Bowling Green. would get ten people wanting tickets and dietitian at the Wood County "Frankly, I am not happy," he said. other days they would get no one. It was ■ '60 Minutes' airs first TV Greyhound services to gel home for the hospital, said the key to eating holidays. He said it was reliable, affordable "Barney's was not helpful and Greyhound hard to estimate how many clerks to have healthy is to eat moderately. assisted suicide. and convenient. It made his trip home to had no idea." on duty Clark said. "Thanksgiving dinner is gen- Cincinnati a little bit less stressful. He said he has used the service for sev- "Sometimes clerks would sit and do erally a pretty healthy meal to That was last year. eral years to get home for the holidays, nothing and other times they would have begin with," Tienarend said. This year, no bus will be coming visit friends, or just for traveling purposes. too much to do," he said. "What you have to watch out for Opinion 2 through Bowling Green. "I can't be the only one who used Grey- Barney's was also not benefiting is overeating." Page Three 3 Barney's Convenience Store, 1602 E. hound," he said. "The holidays are proba- because the Greyhound bus would only To remedy this, she suggests World and Nation 4 Wooster St. shut down their Greyhound bly the busiest time." pick up people and not stop Clark said He using the plate concept. According to Barney's, the holidays are said no one ever came in to buy anything Sports 7 station. "Only eat what will fit on Solomon Davidoff, doctoral American the busiest time for Greyhound, and they from Barney's. your plate and do not go back Agate 9 Culture Studies student, said he is stuck in could no longer handle selling the tickets. Local Greyhound stations though, are for seconds," she said. "You can Bowling Green. Roy Clark, Barney's spokesman, said working together to help Bowling Green also think about dividing your Davidoff said he called Barney's Thurs- selling the tickets was too time consuming students get home. Ben Baines, Toledo plate into quarters and only and other customers were being slighted. Greyhound terminal manager said several putting what will fit in those "A person's ability to grow day to purchase his annual Thanksgiving ticket and was shocked to leam that they He said when a person came to buy a tick- students have come to Toledo to purchase divisions." and succeed is largely no longer sold Greyhound tickets. The et, the clerk would have to leave the other tickets. He also said Toledo Greyhound Tienarend also said that there related to their ability to nearest stations are in Findlay, 23 miles customers to tend to the tickets. He said it will drop students off in Bowling Green are now substitutes that students suffer embarrassment." away or in Toledo, 30 miles away. took a lot of time to answer questions and near the old station. can use in preparing Thanksgiv- "I really don't know what I am going to give directions to Greyhound customers. "We are trying to find another station in do," he said. "I'm still trying to find a lift "We tried it, but it wasn't worth it," Doug Engelbart Clark said. "We just did not have the man- • See RIDE, page five. i See HEALTH, page five. "lather of personal computers" IFTC theatre group formed □ A new theatre group move. with a girl at the Student Rec Look for stories, The IFTC debuted Nov. 12 to Center, Tutlle's main character horoscopes, weather, was formed in a full house at the Joe E. Brown Eddie Walker tries to convince crossword puzzles and September over pizza. theatre, for a one-time only pro- others that beautiful things hap- more on the updated duction of "The Cause of Life," a pen all of the time. play written and directed by "One of my biggest com- BG News website. TONY CAVALLARIO IFTC president Brian Tuttle. plaints of humanity is thai we fail to recognize the miracle in The BG News "One of my first days in Bowl- Check it out at: ing Green, I looked at a girl, went our everyday life," said Tuttle, Just before midnight on a home and wrote a play. We who came to BG because he "felt Bowling Green Tuesday, the 30 (IFTC) had a meeting, I said I. is like writing" while visiting the WWW. members of the Independent do my show', I casted, we ( .inipus. Film and Theatre Corps are rehearsed, and Thela [Alpha "People always complain buzzing around the dining room Phi, the theatre fraternity] got us about where Ihey are. Bui it's not of a local pizza joint where the the space," said Tuttle, who is a the place that makes you," says group holds its meetings. freshman. Tuttle. "You are always told that The group, with hopes of "All we knew was that we are somewhere else is belter, but you If you have a news tip or doing a film, was bom over a going to work our butts off to can be just as magic anywhere." have an idea for a story, pizza at a single table here this make our dreams come true," The group called the play a September.
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