The Parish of East Bridgford

Parochial Church Council

Annual Parish Meeting Annual Parochial Church Meeting Sunday 28th April 2019


Agenda 1 Minutes of Meetings 2018 3 Report on PCC Proceedings 7 Treasurer’s Report and Annual Accounts 9 Church Wardens’ Report 25 Deanery Synod Report 27

The Parish of St Peter, East Bridgford

Annual Parish Meeting (APM) (Easter Vestry Meeting) Sunday, 28th April 2019 at 10:45am

Agenda 1. Opening prayer 2. Approval of minutes of APM and Extraordinary Parish Meeting, 2018 3. Election of churchwardens

Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) Sunday, 28th April 2019 at 11:00am

Agenda 1. Approval of minutes of APCM, 2018 2. Matters arising

Reports 3. Electoral Roll report (Electoral Roll Officer) 4. Annual report of PCC (Secretary) 5. Presentation of financial statements (Treasurer) 6. Report on fabric, goods and ornaments (Churchwarden) 7. Deanery Synod report (Deanery Synod member) 8. Report of status of interregnum and proposed Pastoral Re-organisation (Vice Chair)

Elections and Appointments 9. Election of members of Deanery Synod 10. Election of members of the PCC 11. Appointment of Sidespeople 12. Appointment of auditor to the PCC

13. Any other business 14. Closing prayers

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St Peter’s Church, East Bridgford ANNUAL PARISH MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 26th April 2018

The meeting was chaired by, and opened with prayer from, The Reverend Oliver Learmont – Priest in Charge. 21 people, including church officers, attended the meeting. Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting 2017 Written minutes were presented by the Secretary. The Minutes were unanimously accepted as a true record of the meeting. Proposed by: Lynne Black Seconded by: David Goodger

Election of Churchwardens Heather Fielding and Mark Fielding, current Churchwardens, indicated that they were not standing for re-election. The Chair thanked the outgoing Churchwardens for their support and contribution over the previous two years. There being no other nominations, it was stated that there would be a special Parish Meeting when any nominations for the vacant Churchwarden positions were received. The current Churchwardens would stay in post until the end of July, in line with normal procedures, Thanks were also expressed to the two Deputy Churchwardens, Pam Shaw and Angela Higgs, for their support during the last year.

The meeting closed at 10:55am.

EXTRAORDINARY PARISH MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Sunday 22nd July 2018

Election of Churchwardens

The Chair, The Reverend Oliver Learmont, explained that elections for Churchwardens were taking place now as there were no nominations at the Annual Parish Meeting on 26th April 2018. Heather Fielding was nominated (Amanda Waring) and seconded (Hilary Linnington) as Churchwarden. Mark Fielding was nominated (Amanda Waring) and seconded (Hilary Linnington) as Churchwarden. There being no further nominations, Heather and Mark Fielding were elected unanimously to serve as Churchwarden for the forthcoming year.

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ANNUAL PAROCHIAL CHURCH MEETING th Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 26 April 2018

The meeting was chaired by The Reverend Oliver Learmont – Priest in Charge. Apologies for Absence In line with adopted practice, apologies were not recorded for this meeting due to the large number of potential attendees. 22 people, including church officers, attended the meeting. 1. Minutes of the Annual Parochial Church Meeting 2017 Written minutes were presented by the Secretary. The Minutes were unanimously accepted as a true record of the meeting pending four amendments:  p4 – Matters Arising bullet 6: ‘ay’ to read ‘May’.  p5 – Annual Report of Priest-in-Charge para 1: ’12 months’ to read ’12 months to December 2016’.  p6 – Appointment of Sidespersons: ‘Ridgely’’ to read ‘Rigely’.  p6 - AOB bullet 1: ‘introduced’ to read ‘reminded the meeting of’ Proposed by: Lynne Black Seconded by: Robert Large 2. Matters Arising  With regard to alternative venues for weddings, the Chair reported he had made contact with the wedding planner at The Hill and had discussed the criteria for use of the church for marriage services. The criteria are also on the C of E website.  With regard to future pastoral changes and in response to a question from Robert Lee, the Chair indicated that the 2020 pastoral reorganisation was still under review by Bishop Paul but that the original plans and objectives will probably change to support the diocesan strategy of Growing Disciples – Wider, Younger, Deeper. 3. Electoral Roll It was reported that the Electoral Roll stands at 76, a net decrease of six (17%) over the previous year. Beryl Cottrill has taken over from Michael Finnigan as Electoral Roll Officer (ERO). Michael was thanked for his work on the Electoral Roll over the last few years. Electoral Roll forms are available in church. 4. Report on the Activities of the PCC The Secretary, Peter Golightly, presented a report on the activities of the Parochial Church Council during the previous 12 months. He briefly outlined the outcome of the SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) inspection undertaken in November 2016 from which St. Peter’s Academy was judged to be Outstanding for the third successive 5-yearly inspection. It is hoped to develop closer links between the church, PCC and the school. 5. Presentation of Financial Statements The Treasurer, Bill Case, gave a clear, concise and detailed report of the financial affairs of the Parish, supported by meticulously prepared accounts for the year to 31 December 2017. It was proposed (by Peter Golightly) and seconded (by Christopher Henwood) that the accounts are accepted. The proposal was carried unanimously. The Treasurer asked that his thanks be expressed to Lynne Black, Hilary Linnington, Robert Lee and the Finance Team for all their help during throughout the year. He also thanked Robert McConnell for examining the accounts.

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The Treasurer was thanked, not only for all the hard work involved in the preparation of the complex accounts, but also for his diligence in administering the financial affairs of the Parish during the past 12 months. Christopher Henwood asked the meeting to give thanks to Penny Prior, editor of the village magazine, for her commitment and hard work which helps to sustain the magazine and its income. Peter Golightly asked about the viability of holding a giving campaign during the forthcoming interregnum. The Chair responded that it is possible. It was agreed that a campaign cannot be left for 24 months. 6. Report on Fabric, Goods and Ornaments Mark Fielding, Churchwarden, summarised the main points from the Churchwardens’ report, a copy of which is appended to the archive minutes. There were no ensuing questions or discussion. He pointed out an error in the title of the report which should read ‘may 2017 to April 2018. A reminder of the five parish walk on 7th May was given. Gill Blagg gave a short summary of the proposed second Christmas Tree Festival to be held on 7th to 9th December. The Chair thanked Gill for all the work she and her team had undertaken to make the 2017 even so successful. The Churchwardens reiterated their thanks to the Deputy Churchwardens and many others for the support given to them throughout the year. 7. Deanery Synod report A written report of Deanery Synod activities and meetings was presented to the meeting by the Deanery Synod representative, Lynne Black, who was thanked for her representation on synod on behalf of the PCC. 8. Annual Report from Priest-in-Charge A written report from OL for the previous 12 months was presented, a copy of which is appended to the archive minutes. Hilary Lee stated that the Mothers’ Union welcomes new members. The Mothers’ Union is active in developing countries but declining in the UK, presenting a threat to the current form of the organisation. The Chair stated that he will still be the incumbent for the parish during May and at least early June before he moves on to his new post. 9. Report from Gordon Lee – Youth & Family Leader Gordon gave a verbal summary of his activities across the four churches he serves since his appointment. His contract ends in August after a 3-year tenure. The main undertakings have been:  Messy Church - held at the Methodist Chapel.  Storyteller – growing but weekday Storyteller not viable at present.  School – taken assemblies at St. Peter’s, an established Bible Explorers, although this has to be limited to 12 despite demand.  1st Sunday 4pm service – needs to be rebranded as not very successful up to now.  Half-term events – Magic Man very successful with 41 at one show. Gordon expressed disappointment with the lack of contact opportunities with the secondary school. Gordon suggested possible developments to encourage engagement with young people should include:  Expansion of space in church for young peoples’ activities.  Wider range of services, including a midweek contemporary worship service.  Development of Sunday services. The Chair thanked Gordon for all he had done and achieved over his 3-year tenure. Recruitment for his replacement is underway.

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10. Election of Members of Deanery Synod Angela Higgs had indicated that she is standing down as a Deanery Synod representative. Due to this vacancy the following was elected unanimously to serve as Deanery Synod representative of to the Parochial Church Council for a period of two years:  Hilary Linnington (proposed by Lynne Black; seconded by David Johnson) 11. Election of Members of Parochial Church Council The following were elected without a vote to serve as Parochial Representatives of the Laity to the Parochial Church Council for a period of 3 years: 1. Colin Anderson (proposed by Hilary Linnington; seconded by Lynne Black) 2. Beryl Cottrill (proposed by Hilary Linnington; seconded by Lynne Black) 3. Robert Lee (proposed by Lynne Black; seconded by Peter Golightly) The Chair thanked PCC members for the work they have done in the last 12 months to support the church and its ministry. 12. Appointment of Sidespersons All existing sidesmen were re-elected en bloc. David Johnson was added to the list of Sidespersons for the 4th Sunday 9:15am service. 13. Appointment of Examiner to the Council Robert McConnell was proposed (by Lynne Black and seconded (by David Goodger) to serve as Examiner to the Council for the forthcoming year. This proposal was carried unanimously. 14. Any Other Business No items had been notified prior to the meeting or were raised at the meeting. The Chair thanked Heather and Mark Fielding, the outgoing Churchwardens, for their work and inspiration during their time in office.

There being no further business, the meeting ended with prayer at 8:45pm.



Page 6 Report on the Activities of the Parochial Church Council 2018-19 The Parochial Church Council (PCC) has met on seven occasions during the last 12 months for regular, scheduled meetings. The average attendance was 71%. There have also been three joint meetings with the PCCs of the four other parishes in the Fosse Group. The Treasurer and a representative from the Methodist Church have been in regular attendance. The Standing Committee has not been convened during the year. At its first meeting following the 2018 Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) officers of the PCC – Vice Chair, Treasurer and Secretary - were confirmed. Robert Taylor was re-appointed as a co-opted member of the PCC. Members of the Standing Committee were also appointed. Following the departure of the Rev. Oliver Learmont at the beginning of July 2018, much of the work of PCC since then has been devoted to the interregnum, considering options for a pastoral re- organisation of the Fosse Group of Parishes, and starting the process of recruiting a new incumbent. To facilitate all this happening:  Three special joint PCC meetings of the five parishes were held in the autumn. The first was with the Archdeacon of and Area Dean to lay out the processes that would be required to undertake the recruitment of a new incumbent and the issues that all PCCs would have to consider, including how parishes can collaborate more closely in the future. The other two joint meetings were led by the Rev Phil Williams, Associate Archdeacon for Transition Ministry, the first to consider the attributes and requirements of a new incumbent, and the second to consider options for a new configuration of parishes within the Fosse Group to minimise duplication and maximise the potential for the development of a broad ministry that meets present and future needs of the parishes and their communities.  A special joint meeting with the PCCs of Flintham and Kneeton formally agreed to establish a single parish of East Bridgford, Flintham and Kneeton, which will come into effect once the legal processes have been undertaken by Diocese. This will mean there will one PCC covering the new parish and one APCM instead of three. Car Colston and Screveton are forming a similar joint parish.  A small group revised the content of the Group Profile relevant to East Bridgford, in preparation for incorporation into the new profile, which forms the main document for prospective applicants for the vacant post. Subsequently, two PCC members worked over several meetings with representatives of the other parishes to produce a single Group Profile which has been approved by our Bishops.  Booking of ministers to take regular services during the interregnum has been undertaken by Lynne Black. PCC especially wish to acknowledge the support given by Canon Alan Haydock and Canon John Chambers. The Churchwardens, Deputy Churchwarden and Group Administrator have co-ordinated all other activities and issues. An update will be given at the APCM. PCC received updates on church activities aimed at children, including the monthly Storyteller service, and Messy Church. Council agreed to continue to provide part of the costs of the Children’s, Young People and Families’ Worker, Sarah Cody. The post is shared and jointly funded with the Methodist churches in East Bridgford and Bingham and St. Mary’s & All Saints Church, Bingham. PCC has received regular reports from the Treasurer on the financial status of the Church and on all financial issues affecting the Church. The Treasurer has advised PCC on projected financial trends and challenges facing the church in the future. Gifts to Missions and Charities have continued to be made through a PCC-approved dedicated collection on one Sunday each month.  PCC continues to consider and implement a range of initiatives to increase church funding, from one-off fundraising events to increased regular giving. A new Giving Programme has been delayed until late 2019/early 2020.  Bill Case continued to act as Treasurer. He is paid a small remuneration for his services which precludes him being a full member of PCC, which he therefore supports as a non-voting but fully participating attendee.  The Council has again discussed proposals for the payment of the annual Parish Share from East Bridgford. PCC members have expressed concerns over the amount allocated to the

Page 7 parish relative to its annual financial deficit. PCC decided to cap the payment for 2018 to £50,000, which is 72% of the allocated contribution. PCC has received regular reports from the Churchwardens on the condition of and repairs to the fabric of the Church, the substance of which is covered in the Churchwardens’ Report. The PCC Fabric Team, which is a subcommittee of the PCC, aims to facilitate the maintenance and development of the fabric of the church. It has reported on, and sought approval for, a number of projects and issues throughout the year, some of which are covered in more detail in the Churchwardens’ Report. Major items have included:  Successful installation of electric motors to undertake the regular winding of the church clock and chimes’ mechanisms. Partial funding was provided through grants from East Bridgford Parish Council and the Historic Churches Trust.  Approval of a second survey of the safety of gravestones in the churchyard which will prioritise the remedial work required based on a risk assessment of safety issues. PCC has additionally approved, in principle, the repair and re-instatement of those gravestones with a high priority to be funded by the PCC, although grants will be also be sought. This decision replaces the original plan to lay all at-risk gravestones flat.  Final approval for installation of glass doors to the church porch which has been an ongoing proposal for the last three years.  Commissioning of a War Graves marker for the three war graves in the churchyard and two noticeboards for the north wall.  Commissioning of repairs to the church path, masonry repairs to walls on churchyard/Kirk Hill boundary, repairs to roof, and draining improvements round the south side of the church.  Eradication of knotweed found in the churchyard. Reports from Deanery Synod meetings have been reported to PCC by the two Deanery Synod representatives. PCC supported the very successful Armistice Centenary evening commemoration which included decorating the church with silhouettes representing men who died, processions down Kneeton Rd and Main St with battery lights representing the 150 men from EB who served in the war, memorabilia display, lighting of the Beacon by the war memorial and a concert’ of poetry and singing in Church. PCC established a small group who organised opening the church and providing refreshments for visitors to the Open Churches Weekend held in July. The small number of visitors for a second year will inform the decision for participation in July 2020. PCC decided not to have a stand the village show during the interregnum as members are heavily committed to other duties but to have a presence on the Methodist Church stand. The applications for road closures for the acts or remembrance on Feast Sunday and Remembrance Sunday were again undertaken by Francis Meylan on behalf of the church, for which PCC are very grateful. PCC has maintained a strong ecumenical component through cross-representation between the PCC and the Methodist Council to observe each other’s practices and share experiences and issues of mutual interest, and to provide support to Messy Church and other Methodist Chapel activities. A Parish/Group Administrator, Anna Hemati, was appointed in September. She has undertaken the role previously. She initially worked from the Rectory but, because of its poor condition, moved the office into the house of the Deputy Churchwarden until the future of the Rectory is known. A number of successful fundraising events have been held in the last 12 months which have raised funds for the church and charities. These have included summer and Christmas concerts, the Christmas Tree Festival and the 5-Parish Walk. PCC has expressed its thanks to all those who have been involved in organising these events on behalf of St. Peter’s Church and its PCC. Many other issues have been considered and approved by the Council over the last 12 months. Most of these related to the day-to-day running and maintenance of the Church and its activities.

Peter Golightly Secretary to the Parochial Church Council April 2019



of the





Independent Examiner

Mr Robert McConnell 24 Edwald Road Edwalton Nottingham NG12 4AQ






1 Report of the Examiner

2 Treasurer's Report

3 Statement of Financial Activities

4 Balance Sheet

5 Notes to the Accounts


This report on the accounts of the PCC for the year 31 December 2018 , which are set out on pages 3 to 13 , is in respect of an examination carried out in accordance with the Church Accounting Regulations 2006 ( ' the Regulations' ) and s.144 (2) of the Charities Act 2011 ( ' the Act ' ) .

Respective responsibilities of trustees and examiner

As the members of the PCC you are responsible for the preparation of accounts , you consider that the audit requirements of the Regulations and section 144 (2) of the Act do not apply . It is my responsibility to issue this report on those financial statements in accordance with the terms of the Regulations .

Basis of independent examiner's report

My examination was carried out in accordance with the General Directions given by the Charity Commission under of the Act .

That examination includes a review of the accounting records kept by the PCC and a comparison of the accounts with those records . It also includes considering any unusual items or disclosure in the financial statements and seeking explanations from you as trustees concerning any such matters . The procedures undertaken do not provide all the evidence that would be required in an audit , and consequently I do not express an audit opinion on the view given by the accounts .

Independent examiner's statement

In connection with my examination , no matter has come to my attention :

1. which gives me reasonable cause to believe that in any material respect the requirements - to keep accounting records in accordance with section 130 of the Act ; and - to prepare financial statements , which accord with the accounting records and comply with the requirements of the Act and the Regulations have not been met ; or

2. to which , in my opinion , attention should be drawn in order to enable a proper understanding of the accounts to be reached .

Mr R McConnell

March 2019



The results for the year to 31st December 2018 show an excess of expenditure over income of £ 8,845 compared to a deficit of £ 22,466 in 2017 . This reduction in the deficit is the result of an increase in fund raising activity , no major repair costs and lowering our Parish Share contribution from £ 60,682 last year to £50.000 this year .

Gift aid donations continue to fall as well as Other Planned giving , the magazine has once again made a major contribution £ 8,320 , fees are well down , dividends are ahead of last year and there has been a significant increase in donations and other income .

Responding to the downward trend in Gift Aid donations the work of the Fund Raising Team has been outstanding in raising over £8,500 from six events , with about half for our Fabric Fund and the other half . to a number of Charities and included in Schedule 10 page 11 . Thanks to all involved .

Due to the fall in unit prices the value of our CCLA Investments have reduced by £ 7,109 .

Once again thanks should be expressed to the members of the Finance Team for all their help and support throughout the year .

W F Case

January 2019



for the YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2018

Note Unrestricted Restricted Endowment TOTAL FUNDS funds funds funds 2018 2017


Incoming resources from donors 2a 37,736 11,142 48,878 44,403

Other voluntary resources 2b 0 0 0 0

Income from charitable and ancillary trading 2c 27,811 4,687 32,498 33,463

Investment Income 2d 10,362 5,682 308 16,352 16,311

75,909 21,511 308 97,728 94,177


Grants 3a 8,883 6,105 14,988 9,904

Activities directly relating to the work of the Church 3b 79,386 6,375 308 86,069 102,774

Fund raising and publicity 3c 677 0 677 678

Church management and administration 3d 4,839 0 4,839 3,287

93,785 12,480 308 106,573 116,643

NET INCOME RESOURCES / ( RESOURCES EXPENDED ) -17,876 9,031 0 -8,845 -22,466

INVESTMENT GAINS and LOSSES Realised 0 0 Unrealised -4,390 -2,569 -150 -7,109 43,719

NET MOVEMENT IN FUNDS -22,266 6,462 -150 -15,954 21,253

BALANCES BROUGHT FORWARD as at 1 JANUARY 2018 439,814 93,417 10,025 543,256 522,003

BALANCES CARRIED FORWARD as at 31 DECEMBER 2018 417,548 99,879 9,875 527,302 543,256



as at 31 DECEMBER 2018


2018 2017 FIXED ASSETS

Tangible assets 5 1,924 1,294 Investments 13 519,956 521,880 527,065 528,359


Debtors and prepayments 7 3,829 3,552 Short term deposits 11,596 24,386 Cash at bank 1,274 7,906 Cash in hand 0 0 16,699 35,844 CREDITORS

Amounts falling due within one year 8 11,277 20,947


NET ASSETS 527,302 543,256


Unrestricted 232,226 254,492 Development reserve 185,322 417,548 185,322 439,814

Restricted 99,879 93,417 Endowment 9,875 10,025

527,302 543,256

Approved by the Parochial Church Council on and signed on its behalf by


Mark Fielding (Churchwarden)





The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the Church Accounting Regulations 2006 together with applicable accounting standards and the SORP 2005 .

The financial statements have been prepared under the historic cost convention except for the valuation of investments assets , which are shown at market value . The financial statements include all transactions , assets and liabilities for which the PCC is responsible in law . They do not include the accounts of church groups that owe their main affiliation to another body nor those that are informal gatherings of Church members .


Endowment funds are funds , the capital of which must be maintained , only income arising from the investment of the endowment may be used either as restricted or unrestricted funds depending upon the purpose for which the endowment was established .

Restricted funds represent a) income from trusts or endowments which may be expended only on those restricted objectives provided in the terms of the trust or bequest , and b) donations or grants received for a specific objective or invited by the PCC for a specific objective . The fund may only be expended on the specific objective for which they were given . Any balance remaining unspent at the end of the year must be carried forward as a balance on that fund .

Unrestricted funds are general funds which can be used for PCC ordinary purposes .

Incoming resources

Voluntary income and capital resources Collections and donations are recognised when received Planned giving received under Gift Aid is recognised only when received Income tax recoverable on Gift Aid is recognised when the income is recognised Grants and legacies to the PCC are accounted for as soon as the PCC is notified of its legal entitlement , the amount due is quantifiable and its ultimate receipt by the PCC is reasonably certain . All incoming resources are accounted for gross , except where it is more appropriate to credit the income to a cost heading , and then note that cost as "net" Dividends are accounted for when received , interest is accrued

Gains and losses on investments Realised gains or losses are recognised when investments are sold Unrealised gains or losses are accounted for on revaluation of the investments at 31 December .



Resources used

Grants and donations are accounted for when paid over , or when awarded , if that award creates a binding obligation on the PCC . The Diocesan Parish Share is accounted for when due . Amounts received specifically for mission are dealt with as restricted funds . All other expenditure is generally recognised when it is incurred .

Fixed assets

Consecrated and beneficed property of any kind is excluded from the financial statements by s.96 (2) (a) of the Charities Act 1993 .

Movable church furnishings held by the Priest in Charge and Churchwardens on special trust for the PCC and which require a faculty for disposal , are accounted as inalienable property unless consecrated . They are listed in the church's inventory which can be inspected (at any reasonable time ) . For inalienable property acquired prior to 2000 there is insufficient cost information available and therefore such assets are not valued in the accounts . Items acquired since 1 January 2000 have been capitalised and depreciated in the accounts over their anticipated useful economic life on a straight line basis .

Equipment used within the Church premises is depreciated as follows

Church equipment 25% straight line basis Churchyard equipment 25% straight line basis Church furniture 25% straight line basis

Investments are valued at market value at 31 December .

Current assets

Amounts owing to the PCC at 31 December in respect of fees or other income are shown as debtors , less provision for amounts that may prove uncollectable .

Short term deposits are held with CBF Funds , Nottingham Credit Union, and the bank .

Reserves policy

In view of the scale of the excess of costs over income in each of the last few years ,it is the policy of the PCC to hold in reserve the equivalent of the next 24 months forecast of negative cash flow . It should be noted that the major elements of our Unrestricted reserves comprise the Development reserve , which is ring-fenced , and the increase in value of our CCLA investments over cost . Stock Market investment values are subject to influences we cannot control and can fall as well as rise .



2. INCOMING RESOURCES Unrestricted Restricted Endowment TOTAL FUNDS funds funds funds 2018 2017 2a) Incoming resources from donors

Planned giving: Gift Aid donations 26,005 1,630 27,635 29,018 Income tax recoverable 6,975 407 7,382 7,795 Other planned giving 1,569 1,569 1,735 34,549 2,037 36,586 38,548 Collections (open plate) 1,712 1,564 3,276 4,380 Sundry donations 1,475 7,541 9,016 1,475 37,736 11,142 48,878 44,403

2b) Other voluntary resources

Grants 0 0 0 Legacies and exceptional income 0 0 0 0 0 0

2c) Income from charitable and ancillary trading

Village magazine 19,184 19,184 18,844 Fees 6,154 6,154 7,876 Floodlighting , light and heating 965 965 1,195 Other income 1,508 4,687 6,195 5,548 27,811 4,687 32,498 33,463

2d) Investment Income

Dividends (gross) 10,052 5,678 308 16,038 15,699 Interest (gross) 310 4 314 612 10,362 5,682 308 16,352 16,311

TOTAL INCOMING RESOURCES 75,909 21,511 308 97,728 94,177



3. RESOURCES EXPENDED Unrestricted Restricted Endowment TOTAL FUNDS funds funds funds 2018 2017 3a) Grants Missionary and charitable giving Church overseas missionary societies 0 0 Relief and development agencies 0 0 Home missions and other Church societies 8,883 1,230 10,113 8,562 Secular charities 4,875 4,875 1,342 8,883 6,105 0 14,988 9,904

3b) Activities directly relating to the work of the Church Ministry Parish share 50,000 50,000 60,682 Clergy expenses 1,826 1,826 2,431 Church running expenses 6,569 6,569 6,556 Clergy housing costs (net) 144 144 0 Church maintenance (note 9) 4,302 308 4,610 7,595 Village magazine expenses 10,864 10,864 10,343 Upkeep of the Churchyard 2,073 2,073 2,536 Organist 5,994 5,994 6,175 Choir and organ maintenance 1,174 1,174 350 Training 0 0 160 Upkeep of services (net) 1,915 1,915 2,758 Depreciation 900 900 3,188 79,386 6,375 308 86,069 102,774

3c) Costs of generating funds

Funding campaigns 673 673 673 Annual funding costs 4 4 5 677 0 0 677 678

3d) Church management and administration

Administration costs 3,305 3,305 2,061 Stationery , postage etc 1,358 1,358 799 Photocopier 176 176 427 4,839 0 0 4,839 3,287

TOTAL RESOURCES USED 93,785 12,480 308 106,573 116,643



4a) STAFF COSTS The total staff costs for the year were £ 9,299 (2017 £ 8,194) . During the year the PCC employed the Treasurer , Administrator and the Organist , all part-time . No payments were large enough to attract social security costs .


Mr Robert Taylor , Organist , is a member of the PCC his remuneration is included in note 4a above . No payments were made to any other PCC member or persons closely connected to them or related parties .

5. TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS Church Church Churchyard TOTAL Furniture Equipment Equipment 2018 Cost £ £ £ £ at 1 January 2018 8,133 18,440 3,404 29,977 Additions during the year 1,530 1,530 at 31 December 2018 8,133 19,970 3,404 31,507 Depreciation at 1 January 2018 8,133 18,309 2,241 28,683 Charge for the year 513 387 900 at 31 December 2018 8,133 18,822 2,628 29,583 Net Book Value at 1 January 2018 0 131 1,163 1,294 at 31 December 2018 0 1,148 776 1,924


Within unrestricted funds an amount of £ 185,322 ( 2017 £185,322 ) has been ring-fenced as a Development Reserve . The amount represents a donation of £ 200,000 made in 2010 less costs and fees incurred to date.

Unrestricted funds Development Restricted Endowment TOTAL reserve funds funds 2018 £ £ £ £ £ Fixed assets 157,980 185,322 168,703 9,875 521,880 Current assets 15,832 867 16,699 Current account 69,691 -69,691 0 243,503 185,322 99,879 9,875 538,579 less Creditors -11,277 -11,277 FUND BALANCE 232,226 185,322 99,879 9,875 527,302

Restricted funds comprise - Fabric fund £ 99,879



7. DEBTORS and PREPAYMENTS 2018 2017 £ £ Income tax recoverable 375 302 Accrued interest 0 174 Promise Programme - costs c/fwd 336 1,008 Clock service costs prepaid 246 444 Sundry debtors and prepayments 2,872 1,624

3,829 3,552


2018 2017 £ £ Mower reserve 1,150 1,150 Training fund (designated fund) 486 840 Redecoration reserve 1,329 1,329 Disasters and appeals reserve (note 12) 0 0 Tony Ford fund 1,177 1,177 Magazine advertising and subscriptions prepaid 3,455 3,351 Peter's Club ,Choir and Bell Ringers reserves 1,165 646 Sundry creditors and accruals 2,515 12,454

11,277 20,947


2018 2017 £ £ Clock and bells maintenance 198 533 Church cleaning 552 782 Audio system 419 809 Alarm system 556 992 Electrical, heating and fire inspection 2,538 1,467 Building repairs, gutters etc 23 3,012 Redecoration , Kitchen and related costs 24 0 Asbestos report 300 0

4,610 7,595



10. GRANTS Missionary and Charitable giving from collections and Fund Raising

2018 2017 £ £ Home Missions and other Church Societies

The Children's Society/Christingle 554 844 Other Fosse Group Churches 518 0 Salvation Army 69 85 Rwanda 89 62

1,230 991

Secular Charities

Framework 159 151 British Legion Poppy Appeal 701 333 Neuroblastoma Society 62 0 DEC East Africa Appeal 0 84 MacMillan 41 71 Flintham School 42 0 Family Care 29 49 Beaumond House 93 40 East Bridgford Care Group 573 38 Crisis at Christmas 68 85 Prison Fellowship Charity 38 73 Multiple Sclerosis 41 33 Nottingham Hospital Charity 40 45 Alzheimer's 211 136 Marie Curie 0 102 Woodland Trust 0 51 St Peter's Academy 332 0 Dove Cottage Hospice 423 0 Newark Emmaus Trust 80 51 1st Shelford and East Bridgford Scouts 215 0 Freed Beeches 708 0 Maggie's 500 0 St Peter's Bell Ringers 519 0 4,875 1,342




11. GRANTS Missionary and charitable giving

2018 2017 £ £ Overseas Missionary Societies

Christian Relief and Development Agencies

Home Missions and other Church Societies St Peter's School - Bibles 500 471 Grace Project - Youth worker scheme 8,383 7,100

Secular Charities



2018 2017 £ £

Balances at 1st January 2018 0 0

Provided during the year 0 0

Applied during the year 0 0

Balance at 31st December 2018 0 0



13.INVESTMENTS ( All investments are held in Central Board of Finance Funds )

Number of Year of Cost or value Market Value shares acquisition on acquisition 2017 2018 2017 2018 Unrestricted Millington Legacy 35.24 1976 258 258 577 569

Clough Legacy 4,619.80 1972 28,610 28,610 75,738 74,603

Exhibition Fund 1,354.44 1972 8,419 8,419 22,205 21,872

Dunsmore Legacy 5,121.73 1982 33,807 33,807 83,968 82,708

McLean Legacy 438.49 1982 2,828 2,828 7,189 7,081

Fletcher Legacy 646.71 1983 4,277 4,277 10,602 10,443

Amreen Legacy 1,039.65 1989 7,981 7,981 17,044 16,789

Wild Legacy 208.07 1990 1,581 1,581 3,411 3,360

Hand Legacy 524.36 1998 5,475 5,475 8,597 8,468

Wing Legacy 81.38 2000 1,000 1,000 1,334 1,314

PCC 1 4,035.32 1993 41,870 41,870 66,157 65,164

PCC 2 Accum Hfx 914.69 1997 0 0 33,106 33,711

PCC Fixed Int 6,059.91 1999 10,000 10,000 10,170 9,711

Mumby Legacy 345.82 2004 3,146 3,146 5,670 5,585

149,252 149,252 345,768 341,378 Restricted (Fabric) Buller Legacy 10,018.71 1995 86,127 86,127 164,251 161,787

Turner Legacy 428.25 1962 2,584 2,584 7,021 6,916

88,711 88,711 171,272 168,703 Endowment Clough Graves 80.00 1972 100 100 1,311 1,292

Brooks Bursary 313.00 1990 1,670 1,670 5,131 5,054

Spring Legacy 218.52 1997 2,000 2,000 3,583 3,529

3,770 3,770 10,025 9,875

527,065 519,956

Page 23 Page 24 Churchwardens’ Report Period covered: May 2018 to April 2019 Churchwardens: Heather Fielding and Mark Fielding Deputy Churchwarden: Pam Shaw

Church maintenance (repairs) The PCC have given the go ahead to the following works as follows:  Internal re-decoration (repair of the peeling paint): DKN Decorators £2,990.00  Masonry repairs: Summary of works (looking from the road): Option 1: Repair of the stone retaining wall to the far right of the boundary wall, anchoring and minor repointing of the red brick wall to the right of the Lych Gate and repair only of the red brick wall to the left of the Lych Gate OR Option 2 to include repair of the stone retaining wall to the far right of the boundary wall, anchoring and minor repointing of the red brick wall to the right of the Lych Gate and replacement of the red brick wall to the left of the Lych Gate both options to include some masonry repairs and repointing to the church itself: Saunders (option 2 chosen): £26,354.42  Roofing: Summary or works: Replacement of some slates and lead to roof, gutters, timber repairs. Bonsers £5,045.34  Drainage works: Summary of works: Work on some cast iron down pipes, bench at east end chancel, repair tower door and fit aluminium threshold strip, remove concrete drainage apron round church, replace drains and back fill with pea gravel, limited foul drain work Mendham £7,450.00 The other big ticket item for this next 12 month period will of course be the refurbishment and repair of grave stones. We await further figures.

Church improvements The PCC has given the go ahead to the installation of the glass doors. Mark Goodwill Hodgson is currently working up a specification as well as asking contractors for further cost estimates.

Churchyard maintenance (working party) The stalwarts of the churchyard working party work hard to maintain the church yard come rain or shine to great and impressive effect. Thanks are due in large measure to them.

Beech tree and south boundary wall A tree surgeon has inspected the tree and recommended limited pruning to a few limbs to one only of the trees. Notice has been given to the Local Authority.

Page 25 Fund raising The PCC has voted to fund the works set out above from capital so as not to delay those essential works. PCC has also resolved not to wait until we have a new Incumbent before embarking upon a giving campaign. We realise that any giving campaign will probably have two limbs to it as follows: 1. Seeking lump sums where available to replenish capital spent on the building works; and 2. Increasing the number and value of monthly gifts from existing and potential monthly givers. Your Church Wardens have agreed to lead this process.

Interregnum Our hope is that the members of the PCC have, during the Interregnum, managed to give good service to the needs of the congregation and villagers of East Bridgford. It has been a particularly important part of your Church Wardens duties to spend time assisting with the arrangements for several funerals in the village.

Conclusion and closing remarks We close this, our second annual report, emphasising once again our sincere thanks for all the help, advice and assistance we have received from so many members of the church and the PCC. This has been invaluable. Our very particular thanks go to Pam Shaw our Deputy Churchwarden who has been most generous with her time and support. Church services, weddings and funerals simply would not happen without you. Thank you.

Heather and Mark Fielding Churchwardens 22nd April 2019

Page 26 Deanery Synod Report 2018/2019 The East Bingham Area Deanery Synod which includes clergy and lay representatives from the PCCs has met three times over the past year. The meetings take place in different churches in the area. At the moment there are three interregna in the Area Synod, in the Cranmer Group, in the Wiverton Group, and in the Fosse Group. Also, in October, the Area Dean, the Rev’d Bronwen Gamble, moved to another parish in the north of the Diocese and a new Area Dean, the Rev’d Dr Stephen Hippisley Cox was appointed as her replacement. Since last year the Area meetings begin with an act of worship as well as reports from the parishes and General Synod, if it has met. Usually, they include a talk followed by group discussions and a plenary session. Recently, the Minster was the guest speaker. The Minster, despite some problems, is having a resurgence with an increase of visitors, congregations, and an expanding number of events being held there. The Dean seemed most amenable to better communication with parish churches and a greater use of the Cathedral by them. The Parish Share is always a discussion point at these meetings. We are usually encouraged to pay our Share in full, despite such comments as....’Does that mean we have to sit in churches with no heating in order to pay our Parish Share?’... Parish Share remains a controversial topic! This year extra meetings have been held for the Lay Representatives only, in order to find ways to improve communication between the parishes, and ‘to help declutter from the politics and machinery of church, parish, and Deanery governance allowing us to concentrate on what really matters.’ The last meeting concentrated on the variety of worship including House Groups without priests to lead them. Also, there was criticism of a lack of leadership amongst the clergy and a lack of communication between them, and the perception that most of the work for growth in our Diocese is happening in the city. Perhaps, in conclusion, it should be stated that the Lay Leadership of the Deanery Synod has an evangelical view which is not always shared by everyone. However, they are determined to organise social events which can be enjoyed by all parishes in the Deanery.

Deanery Synod Representatives - Lynne Black and Hilary Linnington April 2019

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