dos Farm Belt With Export Plan SEESTORYBELOW Cool/Showers Cool with showers today, di- THEDAILY l.FJNAL ' minishing tonight. Partly sun- Red Bank, Freehold ,«, ny* cool tomorrow and Wednesday. Long Branch 7 EDITION Monmouth County'sHome Newspaper for 92 Years VOL. 93 NO. 214 RED BANK, N.J., MONDAY, MAY 3,1971 TEN CENTS Capital Braces for Disruptions WASHINGTON (AP) - 3,000 riot-readypolic e onto the rades staged witnout permits. Worried and wary, the na- streets during the night while There was no reported vio- tion's capital woke up today bringing 10,000 military troops lence, and only one person facing a sunrise test of what to standby duty nearby. was charged with defacing militant antiwar demonstra- Administration sources said property. tors vowed would be their yesterday they expected at . .That brought to'nearly most disruptive performance least some of the federal 1,500 the arrest totjil for a ever. troops would be pressed into wee'k of civil disobediance Thousands of protesters, service today if for- no Other brought primarily by two or- undaunted by having been reason than to direct traffic. ganizations, the May Day Col- rousted from a central camp- Police Chief Jerry V. Wil- lective and the People's Coali- site a day earlier, aimed their son said traffic interruptions tion for Peace and Justice. . efforts for a massive tieup of would be minimal. And he All along leaders had urged commuters at 10 major inter- said, "We are going to arrest arrests be kept to a minimum sections and bridges. as many violators of the law at the earlier demonstrations "We are going to shut down as possible." so that followers would be this government," came the Arrest 325 free to participate in the ac- oft-repeated rallying cry.. Police arrested 325 persons tivities today. City and federal authorities yesterday in a variety of scat- In a. surprise move yes- responded by ordering some. tered demonstrations and pa* terday aimed at diluting the protesters' strength, the po- lice, in a joint decision with the Justice, Interior and De- fense Departments, revoked a Court Calls permit allowing the demon- strators to convene at West Potomac Park, near the Lin- coln Memorial. .While most of more than Ex-ENB Head 15,000 demonstrators were NEWARK - Douglas J. Schotte, the former president of still asleep* - another 35,090 the Eatontown National Bank indicted on charges of mis- had left the park after a rock applying $10 million in bank funds, has been ordered to appear concert hours earlier—Wilson t this week in federal court and to post a $15,009. surety bond. .ordered the park cleared and' Schotte, 39, was arraigned last Friday with four codefen* declared that the group could dants and released hi custody of his attorney until May 6 when use no other public property the bond must be posted. The other defendants were released in the city to gather. on $15,000 bail. As 2,600 helmeted police All were indicted April 20 for allegedly plotting to mis- .swept the park, about 150 pro- apply the bank's money for their own benefit through the pur- testers refused to leave and chase of common stocks in the name of the bank and with pay- were jailed. Several hundred ments in bank cashier's checks. . others took to the roads out of The Codefendants town. But an undetermined Schotte's codefendants are William A. Certilman, 35, of number - at least in the thou- Scarsdale, N.Y.; Bertram E. Cutler, 44, of Brick Township; sands - filtered in small James Perry, 30, of Paramus, and Emmett W. Cox Jn, .49, roups to the campuses of Oakhurst. —x ' ree universities, several Cox was a stockbroker employed by the Asbury Park brd-" churches and other private APWlrepnoto kerage firm of Thompson, McKinnon & Auchincloss, a former grounds. 4 RUSH POLICE VEHICLE — Demonstrators rush an armored police ve- provost marshal at Fort Monmouth and a former Monmouth Last night rallies and plan- hicle yesterday after officials ordered antiwar protesters to leave their County undersheriff. Cutler, Perry and Certilman are three ning sessions at just two of campgrounds near the Lincoln Memorial. The small band of demonstra- former employes of a New York stock brokerage firm,.T.P.O., those locations, Georgetown tors jumped the vehicle as most were leaving their campsites peacefully. Inc: . .'-..• and American' universities, The bank, founded in 1964, was closed and declared in- produced turnouts of about solvent last Aug. g. According to the indictment, the stock bro- 2,000 protesters each. kers were to be granted bank loans totaling $1,134,585 and Leaders said they were con- commissions of $405,711 on the stock purchases. vinced the,campsite eviction $400 Million Farm The indictment further charged Schotte bought more than had done little, to dampen $200 million worth of stock in the bank's name between July 1, their plans, although they 1969andlast Aug. 7. agreed it undoubtedly hurried The trial is not expected to start before late summer. At- the exodus of some who were torneys for the men have been given 60 days to file briefs in not committed to today's tac- Plan Set by Nixon connection with the trial. ' tics anyway. By DOUGLAS B. CORNELL dustry whose-income this year 1972 budget. And he is increas- SAN CLEMENTE, Calif, will be the highest ever. The ing from $77 million to $105. (AP) - President Nixon re- trouble, he said, is that in- million the 1972 total for 75 turns To' Washington today creases in net income - be- small new watershed proj- Protesters Feared with a $400 million program cause of$ie high costs of in- ects. And he called for an ex-, to help farmers improve in- flation -beset farmers. tra $100 million this year and comes and exports - and per- So, Nixon said, the adminis- $111 million next year for an haps improve his own political tration is working to expand, insured loan program to fi- APWirepholo image in the farm belt. Loans the supply of farm credit. The nance rural water and sewer Stalling Pullout Bill EARLY TO RISE — A glum-looking antiwar dem- would make up $349.4 million first step is a bid to Congress systems, onstrator, rousted from her campsite near the of the total, to authorize the Farmers \ Nixon bore down hard on Lincoln Memorial early yesterday, leaves the For a man who was Home Administration to'in- expanding farm exports at the WASHINGTON (AP) - Fulbright, chairman of the from Vietnam are "much too area after officials revoked the camping permit. booed, picketed and snow- sure farm operating loans and outset of his speech, Sen. J. William Fulbright, D- Foreign Relations Committee slow" and "there are always balled by Iowa farmers dur- then increase the amount "We know," he said, "that Ark., said yesterday he Is and a long-time war critic, qualifications." Nixon, said ing the winter, one great goal available by $140 million - American agriculture can worried that the actions of the added, however, "Going Fulbright, "has never com- now is to push farm exports to from $210 million this fiscal compete successfully - antiwar protesters in Wash- beyond the law, breaking the mitted himself to withdraw." $10 billion a year. A record year to $350 million for the whenever it has the chance. ington might jeopardize chan- law, Interrupting the business -The war will be an issue South Vietnamese $7.4 billion Is forecast for this next. We are determined to see it ces for Senate passage of a of the government goes too in the 1972 presidential cam- year The President said he has that chance. bill setting a date for with- far," paign, but he thinks "it is too Nixon spelled it out yes- hoped this credit expansion "As recently as the 1968 fis- drawal of U.S. forces from Chances Good, soon' to take sides" and sup- terdfly in a radio address to would be especially helpful to cal year, farm exports ac- Vietnam. He said chances for Senate port any of the Democrats Repel Red Attacks the nation. Southwestern farms hard hit tually dropped by half a bil- "If they're successful in ac- passage of some sort of anti- seeking the nomination.'Ful- tually interrupting it (the gov- To achieve the goal, he is by drought. lion dollars, a condition which war bill were very good and bright said, however, that if By GEORGE ESPER ernment^ it could be,counter- adding $1 million to the $27.7 Nixon also injected into the, I promised in 1968 to remedy added, "I've been a little wor- Rep. Wilbur Mills of Arkansas SAIGON (AP) - South Vietnamese militiamen, battling to productive," said Fulbright of million already in the fiscal budget for the 1971 fiscal year during my presidential term. ried that excessive protests seeks the nomination as has defend their homes and families, repelled repeated attacks by the demonstrators' announced 1972 budget for the Foreign ending June 30 $9.6 million to I am happy to say that we accompanied by illegal vio- been suggested by some col- North Vietnamese-Vict Cong troops Sunday, killing 92 of the plans to disrupt the working Agricultural Service - the finance federal and state re- have delivered on that prom- lence could set that back." leagues "of course I'll be sup- enemy, military spokesmen said. - federal agency which helps search and experiment sta- ise." of the government and tie up Fulbright was interviewed porting Mr. Mills." traffic around the capital. on the ABC show "Issues and The battle raged around the Dai Lock district headquar- expand agricultural sales tions to attack Southern, leaf The president didn't men- ters 15 miles south of the port cijy of Da Nang. overseas. ? blight on.corn, and to combat ti(mi t ln njS speech but he He said he was sympathetic Answers." Draft Need Told toward the aims of the dem- -The draft does have to be In other developments, a U.S. Air Force fighter-bomber He also promised continued cattle ticks, fire ants and gyp- also pledged in 1968 that his On .other topics, Fulbrighf attacked a missile site inside North Vietnam and the U.S. onstrators and said the recent said:' ,. • extended and he expects to efforts to lower trade bar- sy moths that menace East- administration would improve Navy said it will have phased out its active participation in the rlers. em timber. the farm parity position, the actions by the veterans in -President Nixon's plans support the House-passed bill J Washington were impressive. calling for a two-year exten- Vietnam war by mid 1972. New Measures Told Funding Increased relationship between the price for withdrawal of U.S. troops A South Vietnamese communique said the Dai Loc de- The, President disclosed - „„,„, owcr t the farmer sells and 'sion with some changes in the To lhrow manp ot wha regulations. fenders called in U.S. warplanes when the enemy troops new measures to help farmers int0 soli conservation, Nixon what he buys. It was 76 per launched their initial assaults. In addition to the enemy Slain, combat Inflation and ease the is adding $12 mw\On to the cent at the time. Last Friday Kent State Deaths -He is skeptical of an in- two were captured and 31 rifles and 12 heavy weapons were cost-price squeeze on -im million already in the the Agriculture Department creased Soviet Threat and seized, the communique reported. • • ' • put the figure at 69 per. cent. feels Defense Secretary Mel- Casualties Reported ' Nixon said some prices look Spark Action Bid vin Laird's figures claiming to show a buildup are "less than Field reports placed the militiamen's casualties at 15 KENT, Ohio (AP) - Georgia State Rep. Julian Bond told persuasive." He added, killed and 53Vounded. llic Inside Story wtton"andcS.AS'ho^!w a memorial gathering yesterday to convert their rago over the "There's still a credibility In a followup before\lawn today, enemy gunners fired 60 J that while hog prices still are deaths a year ago of four Kent State students into political ac- gap-a great one." mortar and rccoilless rifles shells into Dai Loc and five rock- First of May brides Page 10 too low, they should improve .tion for change in America. -"I think there is a ets at an American artillery base four miles south of the vil- Nativity Church luncheon coming Page 11 substantially later this year, Bond spoke to about 4,000 students on the second day of change" in the policy of Com- lage. There were no casualties in Dai I,oc, the communique Black Hawks end Bangers'Cup bid PageH "partly because of the highest activities marking the anniversary of the students' deaths in a munist China. "I think they said. A U.S. spokesman reported some Americans were Yankees sweep,Metssqueak..... Page 15 government purchases of pork confrontation with National Guardsmen during an antiwar decided they want to get b'ack wounded in the rocket barrage but none were killed. Surf, Field and Stream Page IS for food distribution and demonstration. into the community of na- The Air Force attack on the North Vietnamese surface-to- Juveniles' plight Is described ,.„ Page 23 school lunches in 15 years. He said the Kent State disorders signaled a new kind of tions." air was the 32nd "protective reaction" DAILYHEflSTER Nixon taped his farm rage on the campus among many of the dissident young - a strike over tho north (his year, the U.S. Command reported. Bridge Advice 21 PHONE NUMBERS ' speech yesterday morning < rage that has not been translated into any kind of movement. -FBI Director J. Edgar A spokesman said an F105 jet fired one radar-homing •CiasSlfled 1B-20 „ , "•"^"UMHUKI durl|]g a 24hour interlude in Informers Paid Hoover should retire and Shrike missile at the .enemy position near Mu Gia Pass and 38 Comics... M ^i» iniiCL liU?,!& the deserl atth e P°sh est»te Straying from his prepared text, Bond said the FBI and there should be a full congres- milesfrom the Laotian border, with "unknown results." The Crossword Puttie .21 g"*"*"* ' "«* of Walter Annonberg, the other federal agencies pay campus informers "its much as $35 sional investigation of the pilot did not see any sAMs launched from the enemy battery, Editorials « mi AH I J° Philadelphia publisher and *a week to spy on classmates and schoolmates." FBI. He said he did hot think the spokesman said, but radar was tracking the U.S. flight. Bond did not give his source for this information. his telephone was tapped as The U.S. Command considers such a radar "lock on" as a Entertainment » SAept. niSS ^"assador to Great Britoin. hostile act and American pilots arc authorized to fire first if 21 sP°rtsDept- 741-M17 BnhrsRcstauf ant, Make Your The Black Legislator called tho Kent Stato shootings some of his colleagues have « Women's News 7that he would do certain •elec- Fringe benefits remained In Boy Slaying trical work for $800 by Oct. 16, left, of the Eotontown Truck and Hose Co. No. 1, to which the men be- M. Huss and Seldin's Jew- • unchanged. • longed, received the certificate on behalf of Volunteer Fireman Joseph elry Store in Red Bank last 1969. . ' . • • The big difference is in the FREEHOLD - Lawrence In a signed statement to po- John A. Gosch Jr., 4 Bel* G. Nicholas, 21, of Keyport lice, Nichols had admitted he Mazza. Mayor Herbert IE. Werner, second from right, attended the cere- July 18. .The indictment al- board's intent to provide sala- ' mony. . • '"v,.. • • ' . .-"' leges that Maggio and a co-de- sahw Ave., Shrewsbury Town- ry increases based primarily has been sentenced to life im- killed Thomas when the boy ship, denied issuing a forged prisonment for the murder of came to his house collecting fendant, Michael Reteneller, on merit. The board calls conspired to use a Bank- $22 check to Pelusio liquors, them "merit awards." an Jl-year-old Keyport boy for newspaper delivery on his Shrewsbury, Jan. 10. last January. * brother's route. Americard belonging to Mr. The increased tuition sched- Huss to purchase jewelry at ule will cost the county full- In the fifth day of his trial The defendant said he told Two Eatontown Firemen Joseph Kuper, Ocean Park last month, Nicholas pleaded the boy he couldn't pay him Seldin's, representing that Aye.', Bradley Beach, denied time student about $25 more a Maggio was'Mr. Huss. year. no defense to a charge of mur- and the boy mumbled some- issuing a worthless $262 check dering Thomas Murphy, 28 thing which made him angry. Robert Warren, Rt. 35, Mid- to James Frangella, trading Parttime students will pay dletown, denied unlawfully $13.50 for each credit hour. Second St., Keyport, Jan 22. He said he struck the boy on Cited by VFW for Deeds as Eatontown TV and Appli- Assistant Prosecutor the neck several times and furnishing merchandise from ance Co., Rt. 35, Eatontown, The fulltime rate for stu- EATONTOWN - Two volunteer firemen for a woman reportedly trapped by the flames. Pix Stores to Reteneller, who dents carrying 12 credits will Thomas J. Smith Jr. told Su- continued to strike him after May 2, 1970. He also denied perior Court Judge Walter H. he fell to the floor. of the Eatontown Track and Hose Company, The chief, the citation states, tripped over the allegedly used the same Bank- renting a motor vehicle with be $162 a semester, a reduc- Number 1, here, were awarded certificates of body of the woman, and fell through the'floor, Americard. The indictment, tion of M cents. . Conklin at that time that if "I got scared," said Nich- appreciation by the Veterans of Foreign Wars intent to defraud in Bradley the court would accept the ols. landing on a rafter. Mr. Brister is credited charging fraud, alleges that Beach last June 8. . Tuition for out-of-county Post 2226, for services performed. with pulling the chief out of the flaming build- Warren knew the credit card students will be $27 for each plea, the state would with- He said be bid the body in draw its demand for the death the attic of 195 Osborn St., ing. '' ' • had been revoked. Karl Stamm, Hackettstown, credit hour, double the county Cited by the VFWwere John E. Blister of . The citation for Mr. Mazza, states that at ' John MarrijB, 176 Nineteenth denied obtaining the services student rate, and the tuition' penalty. where he lived, and then he 48 South St., and Joseph Mazza of 83 Maple There was a question 2:15 a.m. on Jan. 12,1968, he was driving home Ave., Brick "Township, denied of an attorney under false for put-of-state students will took $4.25 from the boy's Ave., both Eatontown. from work, when he noticed smoke pouring out be ?54, double the rate for out- whether the, state could prove • pockets. seven counts of possession of pretenses, with intent to de- The citation for Mr, Blister states that in of a dwelling at 164 South St., Eatontown. stolen property, six counts of fraud. Stamm is accused of Is- premeditation, one of the re- The defense conceded March 1969, he responded to a fire call from quirements for a first degree throughout the trial that Nich- He immediately pulled the fire alarm and issuing forged bank checks suing a check for $100 to at- the home of Mrs. Johannie Rivers, 86 Lewis "with complete disregard for his own safety, and one count of attempting torney Laurence A. Hecker, 5 murder conviction. ols had murdered the boy, but St., into which he gained entrance through a Asks Howell maintained that the murder • entered the burning building and carried to issue a forged bank check. E. Front St., Keyport, June' hole cut into the side of the building by fire- Thomas Catchpole, 84, whose clothing was on The allegedly stolen property 18, 1969, and stopping pay- was Dot premeditated and men. Voters'OK Water Rate was not committed during a fire, out of the house. He then wrapped him in includes seven checks totaling ment on it. While he was hosing flames down, Chief his own coat and awaited the arrival of the $944 belonging to Flivio robbery. Deputy Public De- James Ramsey ran into the building, to look Richard Adler, 28, of Late, fender William J. Gearty con- ambulance. • Monies, trading as Moraes On Grant Hike Asked Citgo Servicenter, Irvington. wood, denied issuing four tended Nichols would explode worthless checks totaling HOWELL TOWNSHIP - "at the slightest provoca- Marris is charged with for- ging them, issuing six of $1,215 to Reiseman's Appli- Voters here tomorrow can By Firm tion." ' Legislative Billboard Posted ance Corp., Broadway, Long help the start of a local Judge Conklin imposed the them, totaling $884, to Shop- Rite of Oakhurstbetween Oct. Branch, on various dates be- school improvement program LONG BRANCH - Mon- life sentence Friday.'•" TRENTON (AP) - Here is sue to acquire open spaces for ces. Restricts activities of tween Oct. 5 and Oct. 28,1970. by balloting to accept an out- moutli Consolidated- Water a boxscore of major bills in recreation. Passed both state officials, including legis- 1 and Oct. 10, 1970, and at- right state grant of $570,000, tempting to issue a $60 check Willie Franklin Jr., Colum- Company has advised the the New Jersey Legislature: houses, sent to the governor. lators, to limit conflicts of in- bus Ave., Neptune, denied for- John P. Lyle, chairman of the New Jersey Board of Public ^Liberation' S-Senate. A-Assembly. R- A 2296 and A 2297 - Evers terest. Assembly Judiciary there Oct. 14. new building program coiff- ging the name of Rickey Kle- Utility Commissioners that, Resolution. * and 27 others. Companion bills Committee^ Fraud Denied fer, Redmond Ave., Oakhurst, 'mittee of the Board of Educa- under its present rates, it can- S2200 - Schiaffo. Appro- to trim welfare costs by ?15 A 2294 - Schluter and 43% Frank Sharabba, Birch tion, says. Bid Made to a withdrawal slip at the not continue to meet the wa- priates $1.78 billion to run the million in the new fiscal year others. Requires public dis- Drive, Shrewsbury, and Jo- Shadow Lawn Savings and Mr. Lyle said the state ter needs of its customers. state government in the fiscal by futting aid to working poor closure Of activities by lob- seph Manno, 72 Maple Ave., Loan Association, 600 Broad- Board of Education will turn The company filed a re- By Candidate year beginning July 1. Sched- families. Passed both houses byists who attempt to in- West Long Branch, denied way, Long Branch, and there- over the funds to Howell vised tariff calling for an in- uled for a vote in the Senate, and sent to the governor. fluence legislation. Passed conspiring to cheat and de- OCEAN TOWNSHIP - by obtaining $500 under false Township if the vote here is crease in rate,$ to become ef- today. • SCR 39 - McDermott and both bouses and sent to gover- fraud Bank of America, Wil- pretenses. favorable. He added that local fective June 1, and further in- "This is an age of liberation A 2421 - Weidel and 7 oth-. three others. Permits public nor. liam B. Barbcs and Sher- taxpayers will pay nothing of dicated it will be obliged to and voters sould bear this in ers. Imposes a one-year mora- referendum on proposal to al- the $570,000, because it is all file sometime next year for ah mind when they cast their bal- torium on the award of local low casino gambling in New state funds from a new $90 additional rate increase effec- lots for members of Township franchises to cable television Council in the May 11 elec- Jersey. Shelved for this ses- million .new building program —ttv*-i»49734argely because of companies. Scheduled for a sion by the Senate caucus. approved this month by the the construction of a new tions, Samuel E. Voloyick, an vote in the Senate today. legislature, and Gov. William treatment plant and associ- independent councilmanic SCR 2017 — Dickinson and A 2601 - Friedland and 13 f\ T. Cahffl. ated facilities anticipated to candidate here suggested today. 18 others. A concurrent reso- others. Permits year-round > The money is needed by cost $8,000,000. lution to ratify a proposed racing at the state's race Howell Township to make up J. James Barr,••vice presi- • "Too often people will listen amendment to the U.S. Con- tracks. Assembly Taxation the difference between the dent and manager, said that to 'mind changers' and politi- stitution to lower the voting Committee. One of The Stop & Shop Companies .$2,686,000 bond issue approved under the proposed, tariff the cal hacks and lose the things age in ail elections to 18. As- A 1100 - DcKorte and 11 May 12,1970, by the citizens of average residential water bill they want most," he com- sembly Conference Com- others. Reforms divorce law Howell Township and the total will rise less than six cents a mented. mittee. to permit divorce with no STARTS TUESDAY - 5 DAYS ONLY of the bids received for the day, or about $1.60 a month "Voters should exercise A 2319 - DeRorto and 46 blame to either party. Passed work. over the present $5.30 a their privilege thoughtfully others. Establishes a state both houses with recommen- MAY 4 THRU MAY 8 Additions are scheduled for month. »•, . . and objectively," he contin- sports authority to construct a, dations for revision by the Daily: 10 AM Io 1 PM . .. 2 PM to 5 PM ... 6 PRi to 8 PM the Ramtown, Taunton, In a petition filed with the ued. major sports complex in the governor and returned to the Saturday: 10 AM Io 12 .... 1 PM to 4:30 PM Griebling and Land O'Pines .board, -the company pointed The Council aspirant said Hackensack River Meadow- governor. schools. out that its present rates are he chose to run independently lands and to negotiate a pos- S15 - Beadleston and three Voting is scheduled be- based on conditions that exis- so here would be no ties or sible long-term lease with the others. Permits compensation tween 3 and 9 p.m. at the ted four years ago. Since the commitments. . New York Giants. Scheduled of up to $10,000 to innocent Squankum firehouse, Ardena end of 1966, the company has "I feel that I can better for a vote in the Senate today. victims of violent crime,' School, Southard School, Land spent more than $5,795,000 for serve the people of Ocean A 155 — Parker and nine Passed both houses and sent 0' Pines School, Ramtown expansion and improvement Township because I am not others. Authorizes a referen- to governor. School and Newbury School. of the water system, is shackled to a ticket which al- dum on an $80 million bond is- S 825 MaraziU and 20 oth- presently constructing a new ready has committed itself - operations center at a, cost of like the present adminis- | Red Cross approximately $940,000 and is tration, for example." Director Leaves ' in process of contracting for "Ocean Township," he said, the construction of the new needs new, fresh political FT. UONMOUTH - treatment plant and its associ- leadership, "I have the con- Births Charles Blue, Red Cross field ated facilities,. •[ fidence in the intelligence of | director here past four years, the voters that they will select has left for a similar assign- The company advised the board that since its last rate me as one of the'five new ' RIVERVIEW daughter, May 1. ment in Iceland. faces to give it that lead- Red Bank Mr. and Mrs. Robert Roof Mr. Blue, a veteran oL24 case its payroll costs have ri- sen 50 per cent and state and ership." Mr. and Mrs. Donald (nee Sharon Pongrac), 26$ years "with the Red Cross, will Gleichman (nee Jane Weust- Oceanview Ave., Keansburg, serve a one-year tour in Ice- local taxes more than 25 per cent. The cost of materials Heroin Possession fcld), Rt 79, Wickatunk, son, son. May 2. lartd before transferring to April 30. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kind- duty in Germany. and services'and interest on Charge Admitted borrowed money to finance Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Levine rough (nee Marva Alleyne), lie reported here from his FREEHOLD-ArlcnS (nee Jadyn Levine), 26 River 1117 Fifth Ave., Asbury Park, third tour in Europe, where cpnstruction expenditures have also risen. Amundsen and James Polito, Drive, Marlboro, daughter, daughter, May 2. he had a total of 13 years' ser- "both of 219 Seeley Ave.,' April 30. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Spicer vice. As a result, the company Keansburg, have pleaded said, its return on investment Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence, To-- (nee Amy Grantham), N-2 guilty to possession of heroin bin (nee Margaret Williams), sutton Drive, Matawan, son, Swiss Fares Rising has steadily declined and will in Keansburg Nov. 6. drop further within the year 37 Riverside Ave., Red Bank, May 2. BERN, Switzerland (AP) - They will be sentenced in son, April 30. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ten Fares cm the Swiss national unless the present schedule of rates is increased. • July. The pleas were accepted Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Catc (nee Deborah Jackson), railways will increase by 12 to by Monmouth County District Akers (nee Donna Pineo), 526 26 Navesink Ave., Highlands, 13 per cent to meet rising Court Judge Thomas L. River Road, Fair Haven, son, son, May 2. costs, officials announced. Yaccarino. April 30. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin JERSEY SHORE MEDICAL, Gorski (nee Jane Pyrone), 54 Neptune Weather: Cool, Showers St. Mary's Place, Nutley, son, Mr. and Mrs. John Collins April 30. (nee Charlotte Davison), Box Mostly cloudy and cool with cd for an area extending from Some other reports Bos- Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Her- 67, Marlboro, daughter, April periods of showers today northern Michigan into north- ton 4G rain, Washington 48 chakowski (nee Alice Dan- 30. gradually diminishing tonight. eastern Missouri with some clear, Atlanta 49 clear, Miami ylou), 69 Harvard Road, Fair Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Irons 8 x 10 CHILDRENS PORTRAITS IN High today in upper 50s. Low Ifost expected as far south as 69 clear, Detroit 42 cloudy, Haven, son, April 3D. (nee Elissa Sanetsky), 419 tonight 40-45. Tomorrow part- Kentucky, western Tennessee Chicago 35 clear, Kansas City Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Rizzo First St., Lakewood, son, ly sunny and continued cool, and northern Arkansas. 40 clear, Dallas 63 clear, Den- (nee Eileen Phillips), 23 Ma- April 30. high around 60, Wednesday Clouds blanketed the Atlan- ver 55 clear, San Francisco 50 son Drive, Hazlet, daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Got- fair and continued cool. tic Coast with light rain spat- clear, Seattle 59 clear, Hono- Mayl. tlieb (nee Reyna Kamhi), 26 LIVING COLOR In Long Branch, yes- tering the area from New lulu 74, rain. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rokosz <;uest Drive, Morgariville, terday's high was 59 and the England through Georgia. TIDES (nee Marie Denski), 44 Hazlct son, April 30. low was 45. It was 54 at 6 p.m. More than half an inch of rain Sandy Hook Ave., Hazlct, daughter. May Mr: and Mrs. Lcroy Cordis The overnight low was 47 and dampened Cape Hatteras, 1- «, (nee Dolores Kelly), 1809^ A LIVING COLOR . r the temperature at 7 this N.C., during the night. TODAY - High 2:48 p.m. Mr. and''Mrs. Ronald Lee- Stratford Avp., Neptune, PORTRAIT OFFER 0 morning was 48. There "was • A few showers sprinkled and low 9 p.m. ser (nee Darlcne Williams), 24 daughter, April 30. ' GUARANTEED TO GIVE per child .01-inch rainfall. Nevada and California but TOMORROW - High 3 a.m. Second St., Highlands, son, COMPLETE SATISFACTION Plus 50«s per family tor South Shivers cloudy weather prevailed over and 3:48 p.m. and low 9:42 May 1. OR YOUR MONEY REFUNDED Handling & Intsuranc* the Rockies and central Pacif- a.m. and 10:06 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Bruco Ege- Dinner Tonight 99 Fair and cool weather ic Coast. For Red Bank and Rumson land (nee Patricia Naraa- LONG BRANCH - A testi- domlnatfcd most of the natlbn Else where, the weather re- bridge, add two hours; Sea roppi), S Rustic Drive, Lake- monial dinner for A.A. Anas- BRING ALL THE CHILDREN today an wtlons of the Mid- mained mostly fair and dry. Bright, deduct 10 minutes; wood, daughter, May 1. Usls who had served 25 years vest Md 8wth shivered ufl- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Falco- • No appointment necessary • Ail children photographed Irom 4 weeks through Temperatures before dawn I Completed in 1850, the canal parallels the Potomac River ried parents and youngsters a "strategically; ic treatment and would bring into this commu- • from Washington, D.C., to Cumberland in western Maryland. located" center to gain information and guid- nity any number of addicts from "outside" Douglas started the annual canal trek in 1934, walking the ance to fight drug abuses. areas. entire length then because he felt it was endangered by a "Many worried parents," the mayor said, Councilman Hoffman last night agreed planned expressway from Washington to Cumberland. "will be able to go to-evening sessions to gain with Mayor Cioffi that the plan by Gov. Cahill Douglas started the annual,canal trek in 1954,. walking the en- information on the early detection of drug has much merit. He agreed also that the city is tire length then because he felt it was endangered by a abuse symptoms." not the place for the program to be initiated. ,. planned expressway from Washington to Cumberland. He said that parents and their children The mayor has submitted several sugges- . . Douglas'wife Cathy was with him. will also receive guidance on the proper treat- tions for alternate sites to Drs. James Cowan, ment of users and potential addicts. He said state health commissisner, and Lloyd' they will be sent to a staff of professional McCorkle, head of Institutions and Agencies, people who understand such problems and can members of a high-level study panel appointed Egypt's Vice President Ousted give the proper guidance and treatment. by Gov. Cahill to advise him on the drug cen- CAIRO - Ali Sabry, Egypt's pro-Soviet Vice president, Education Offered ter plan. was dismissed from his post early Monday by President An- The Outreach unit, he said, maintains an Mayor Cioffi said he is confident that body ' war'Sadat, apparently in a dispute over Egypt's federation educational program aimed primarily at de- will report favorably to the governor on his with Syria and Libya. tection and prevention. Persons with real, or suggestions and delete this city from the state • The move, which took most Mideast capitals by surprise, acute problems, he added, are then directed to plan. came less than 48 hours before U.S. Secretary of State William P. Rogers was scheduled to arrive in Cairo for fa'DTs off a'pos- _ sible Arab-Israeli peace. ' Rumors of a rift between Sadat and Sabry had circulated Register StaH Photo Minimum Force Use _ in Cairo for several days. INSPECT LITTER — Frank Porter, Richdale Road, Colts Neck, fore- Brief announcements between Sabat and Sabry Had circu- ground, reaches for a beer can which exemplifies the littering problem at lated in Cairo for several days. the Swimming River Reservoir. Looking on are, from left, Cplts Neck Brief announcements by the official Middle East news Mayor Kenneth B. George Jr., James Barr,, vice president of Monmouth Is Urged of Troops agency and the authoritative newspaper Al Ahram said only Consolidated Water Co. which owns the reservoir, and Colts Neck Town- By FRED S. HOFFMAN assist in the restoration of law" gas, a chemical irritant of the —that Sabry had been "relieved." But he was reported to have ship Committeeman Carroll S. Pieyce. Mayor George said funds have WASHINGTON (AP) - and order '"\ upper respiratory tract. It objected to Sadat's signing the Eypt-Syria-Libya federation been provided In this year's budget for stepped up patrolling of the area Federal troops committed to The principal riot control takes less than a minute to in- agreement last week without waiting for a "collective" deci- by state and special police. Mr. Porter said last week that "if we have to prevent .disruption of the gov- agent used by the Army is CS capacitate. sion. vigilante It out there, we will... .1 am going to start cleaning my gun" if ernment by antiwar demon- When"Sadat took over last fall after' President Gamal Ab- the "hippies" continue defacing the reservoir area. strators are restricted to u£ de'l Nasser's death, he said fulfillment of tasks left by Nasser ing "minimum necessary was "beyond the ability of any single person, and indicated he force." intended to run Egypt through a form of collective leadership. "The degree of force used 1,100 Seen Joining Egypt'sconstitution, however, gives the president authority to must be no greated than that appoint and dismiss vice presidents. -, Rogers Gets Arab reasonably necessary under the .circumstances," says an Walk for Mankind Army field manual guiding School Drivers Lose Licenses field commanders. RED BANK-. Dr. James Money raised by the walk- Turpin, founder and director ers, will go partly to Project TRENTON - Officials of the State Division of Motor Ve- Follow Rules The rules, strengthened last of Project Concern Inc., was Concern, and partly to a local hicles reported over the weekend 380 school bus drivers had Support Pressure the main speaker during ser- organization of .their choice. November following the fatal their special operators licenses lifted by the.state last month. vices yesterday at the First Organizations registered by •• According to a division spokesman, 230 of the drivers By LEWIS GULICK tion is clear and we have fre- bring the Russians into the shooting of four Kent State University students by Ohio Presbyterian Church, here. walkers'so far include Teen were found to be without regular passenger car licenses. State AMMAN, Jordan (AP) - quently repeated it. The key Mideast area. The Moslem Challenge in Long Branch; In- rjiles prohibit operation of a school or charter bus without pos- Secretary of State William P. to peace is the implementa-" monarch is stoutly anti-Com- National Guardsmen a year Project Concern will be ago, are followed by most ter-faith House, New Shrews- session of a regular license. Rogers arrived in heavily tion of the U.N. Security munist. highlighted Saturday in the bury; Red Bank West Side guarded Amman yesterday Council resolution of Novem- Honor GnardThere state guard organizations. Monmouth County Walk for Still.under investigation are 100 more drivers who have The reyised manual Community Center; Middle- ; been ordered to appear- before a state hearing examiner in after receiving a strong plea ber 1967." ;,; As Rogers jetliner arrived Mankind, to raise funds for town Helps Its Own of Middle- 1 for the Arab cause from King That resolution called for in Amman, a two-company stresses "the use of deadly the project. The walk will ,, Trenton. All the drivers are among 18,000 school bus operators force is authorized only under town and others. registered in the state. Faisal of Saudi Arabia. Israel to pull out of all terri- honor guard of Bedouin troops start in Red Bank, proceed tory occupied in the June 1967 extreme circumstances,"such In is talks yesterday Dr. i' The license revocations came -as the result of a crack- "We support Egypt in ev- were standing by along with as to avoid being killed or se- through Fair Haven and Rum- Turpin described the oper- down by former State Motor Vehicle Director Ronald M. Hey- erything that would support war with Egypt, Jordan and the bagpipe-led Jordan army riously harmed, or to prevent son to Sea Bright, on to Long ations of Project Concern, mann. Heymann asked for an extensive check of all licenses Egypt's return to territories Syria. band: destruction of public utilities Branch, Eatontown and then which operates hospitals in . following a bus crash ljjst summer in which seven children occupied' by Israel," Faisal's Rogers hopes to get stalled • Troops in machine gun- "or similar property vital to back" to Red Bank along Route Hong Kong, Vietnam, Mexico, •were killed and 52 others injured. minister of state for foreign peace talks moving again by- .mounted Jeeps stood guard public health or safety." 35. and also provides medical ser- affairs told newsmen after working out an Israel? Egyp-. near the runway as well as on ^Can Issue Bullets . Rogers conferred for two ' Over 800 youths have regis- vices in this country. tian agreement to reopen the the sunwashed roof the build- tered for the walk, so far, The theme of the talks was hours with the monarch in blocked Suez Canal, a plan for ings around the airport. Commanders to troops on Montclair High Closing Pushed Riyadh, the Saudi capital.. which the palace source Jordanian troops also lined civil disturbance duty are au- with approximately 300 "identification with the prob- , ' MONTCLAIR - Parents of black students at Montclair thorized to issue live ammuni- adults, also taking part in dif- lems of mankind," and the Rogers told Faisal that he showed scant enthusiasm. the four-mile long route from tion but in, most cases their ferent capacities. Each walk- speaker stressed that there High School planned to keep the school closed today by contin- feallzed .the problems are He said Jordan's government the airport to Basman Palace ulnt their protest against the firing of a olack guidance coun- where Rogers will spend the men may not load their weap- er is sponsored by an organi- can be no peace in the world J complex and difficult and he thinks it is a mistake to em- ons except by'an officer's or- zation or by private individ- until there is enough bread to selor. . '' , , . - sees no possibility of any im- phasize an interim agreement night. Army patrols toured A spokesman for the parents said the counselor, Robert B. other sections of Amman in der. ials who pledge to pay a cer- feed the starving masses on mediate Middle East settle- on. the canal "because the So- tain amount per-mile walked. this earth. ' Lee. "has been looking out for our children. Now we have to ment, U.S. officials said. Fais- viet Union will be the only Jeeps mounted with machine "Retention of control by: look out for him." • al agreed on the need for an benefactor of its reopening." guns. Bedouin troops guarded an officer over the loading of . Classes at the school were disrupted last Tuesday when early peace settlement. Flying into Amman airport, the* Intercontinental Hotel, - weapons until such time as about 150 students demanded Lee, be given a new contract He Rogers may hear much the the secretary of state de- where some of the Rogers the need for such action is was to receive the contract by April 1. same thing from King Hussein clared that a lasting settle- party of 42 are staying. clearly established is of criti-. After minor disturbances, the school was closed. Then, on of Jordan when thy meet ment "must of course A three-hour general strike, cal importance in preventing Wednesday, the parents group took up the protest by staging a today in the secretary's sec- safeguard Jordan's interests." planned by Jordan's 11 labor the unjustified use of deadly sit-in .at the school principal's offices. That evening, the school ond round of talks on his and professional trade-unions force," the manual states. • "MuchToGatn" Furthermore, commanders board decided at a special meeting not to renew Lee's COIK Mideast tour. Rogers was the "Few countries have lost so to protest the visit, was called tract and the school was closed Thursday and Friday. guest of the king at a dinner off at government inter-, are told they "should at all- much' by war and have so times exercise positive con- last night but there were no much to gain by peace," Ro- vention two hours before Ro- official talks. gers' arrival from Saudi trol over the use of weapons." buy a Boat? gers said in an arrival state- Arabia. Caution Urged Gasoline Drivers' Strike Hurts No New Ground . ment. The manual advises com-" NEW YORK - The New York metropolitan area began A palace source said Jordan In a 22-hour stop in Amman manders to avoid stirring up would break no new ground in before flying on to Lebanon running out of gas yesterday as a two-day-old drivers' strike the talks, adding: "Our posi- crowds by riot control forma- . prevented deliveries to service stations. on today, Rogers expected to • 2 Charged tions or gas "if saturation of . The Health and Hospitals Corp. called the situation talk with Hussein about more the area with manpower "grave" and said it had «nly 5,000 gallons of gasoline left- ^ -^ economic aid as well as the would suffice." enough to operate hospital ambulances for one or two days. Tittl^t tZ-ftt£>Y broader Middle East problem. For False Jordan, like Saudi Arabia, It adds: The AFL-CIO Petroleum Trade Employes Union struck *J*>U'i>*> \*%M>VWZI "Every effort should be Mobil, Gulf, Texaco, Getty and Amoco at midnight Friday. is friendly to the United States. It is receiving ?60 mil- Fire Calls ;made to avoid appearing as The Esso Employes Association struck Standard Oil N.J. Sta- Is Found In an alien invading force, and to tions affected were in New York City, Nassau, Suffolk and lion worth of military aid LONG BRANCH - Two from Washington tin's year, persons, one of them a minor, present the image of a re- ;• Westchester counties and part of New Jersey. strained and well disciplined A union official said the strikers were demanding a |120-a- Qty Auto U.S. officials said. It has also have been charged with received $20 million in U.S. sounding false fire alarms. force whose sole purpose is to week raise over two years. Average base pay under the,old LONG BRANCH - The pink . contract was $180-a-week. economic relief since last Sep- Two others are awaiting juve- box had a slot cut oh its cov- tember's civil war with Pales- nile action on charges of aid- er. In crayon was written, tinian guerrillas. ing and abetting false alarms. "Amos Moses goodby." Rogers plans to stress pos- James. Gadsen, 59, of 130 Nixon^een Closing Off War Roy Meghan of 3 Second sibilities for a Suez reopening Monmouth Ave. was appre- IRS Curbs WASHINGTON - The chairman of the Republican Na- Ave., who found the box on during his stop in Egypt and hended last night when he .' tional Committee, Sen. Robert pole of Kansas, predicted yes- the front seat of the car, was Israel. But in Amman and was seen sounding box 61, Seen Costly ••'- terday that President Nixon would "virtually" end the In- somewhat shaken when he Riyadh, he was making plain Rockwell and Monmouth ave- dochina war in the very near future. opened it. • that he sees this as no substi- • nues, by Stephen Kraus of 32 '• In response to questioning, Dole said that by "virtually" The reason - the contents - tute for an over-all settle- Rockwell Ave., a driver for To Treasury '•/• he meant an end to American battle casualties. a baby alligator. ment.' the Paramount Cab Co. WASHINGTON (AP) - The " "President Nixon will virtually end this war In the very , Meghan lost little time He said "the policy of the Saturday night, three volun- Treasury is losing about $1.5 near future," he said on the CBS-TV program "Face The Na- transporting the box and its United States with respect to . teer firemen, staking out Box billion in revenue because the • tion," "perhaps before the end of 1971." contents to police headquar- a peaceful firm- 132 located at Park and Wood- Internal Revenue Service was He stressed that he meant 1971; not 1072, and also pre- ters where he turned it over ly rooted in the Security Coun- gate Aves., caught a 14-year- required to make manpower dicted that the war would not be an Issue'in the next presiden- to desk officer Gary Tomaini. cil resolution'in all its aspects. old boy as he sounded a false and spending economies tial campaign. Just what's in store for the In his meeting with Faisal, alarm. which save only $250 million, 'gator is uncertain at the U.S. officials said Rogers The trio, Al Trocchia, IRS Commissioner Randolph present time, according to reaffirmed fhat in a per- Frank Buono Jr. and Ralph W. Thrower says. Sgt. George Naylor. If the manent solution the United Zambano, members of the At- Thus, he said, the Treasury owner fails to claim the liz- Stales still favors an Israeli lantic Fire Engine & Truck loss was ?C for every $1 saved. CAN W£ HUP YOU? ard-like member of the croco- pullback to substantially the Co.,. apprehended the youth Thrower gave the figures to Clmtnot s " "rt""*' H.J.WH1 dile family, it could end up in same frontiers it- had before before the fire horns started a House Appropriations sub- Haw you found tha boat you have always wanted? Branch Officii: a pet shop or a school. W* can h«lp you with m special boat loan. Vtelt'any » IJJ m. II, Ml*)l«t«wn, N. J. the 1967 conflict. to sound. committee to support the' M la|l MOW »(., FmMM. N. J; Amos Moses about six or Saudi spokesman Sakkaf the youth, questioned by agency's request for a $108.6 on* of our convsnUntty located offlcaa or saa your llfvraoMn^LOTillniiclhH.'J. seven incites long. Police Detective Jerome Humlin, million budget increase "to boat dsatsr. A loan can 6a arranged quicty and ta»Hy. aren't certain how long it is. praised Rogers and wished •ttntfUlHdIn tinbtMm[»• Co* Skirniwr Mr. Snellen was born in six years ago. sister, Mrs. Hilma Dahlbom government as a metals ex- Newark and retired in 1955. af- Walter J. Ward, 69, of Colts- She was a member of St. in Sweden; and three grand- pert from 1950 to 1953. • Alumlnimj Safdy ftnt# ter 43 years service as a de- Neck Road, died Thursday at John's United Methodist children. - In 1961, he was named as- and LockUp SaMyUddtt Tective in the Newark Police sistant director of mobiliza- Jersey Shore Medical Center,, Church, Hazlet and was the Arrangements are under - Neptune. • Lugt Patio Department. the direction of the Higgins tion and planning in the widow of Philip Hartley, re- Mr. Ward was born in . WHYWEMAKETHISUMITED OFFER , • Heavy Duty Rtgisttrad He was a member of the Memorial Home) Freehold. Aluminum and Manganese Di- tired fire captain of the City Bayonne and lived In the WekmlotliM'appobMuintlilsin'Aiin'lii'thiiinifor'tlii m Vinyl UneT ' ' • Orpheus Club; the Newark of Patterson, who died in 1964. Fanningdale area since 1925. : Police Glee Club; and the lo- Surviving are a daughter, ^^X^r^l^XrZ^^^^;^ CREDTTWAVAIUBIE cal Elks Lodge. He had formerly lived in ' At-Horrn seivice. • ° -' Mrs. Muriel Hiinter of Ber- Bayonne. - Surviving are his widow, genfield; a son, Philip A. CrashlnjuryFatal He was a self employed 5SAXONY ASSOCIATES HWKS I Mrs. Grace Morrissey Snel- Hartley of Holmdel; three len; a daughter, Mrs. Bemice grandchildren and one great- plumber for the past 46 years. '• |74? No. Brood SI., Ellzobeth, MJ: 07JW af% P" af% #% 4Ra afl% atalV I Please hove your representative coll. Estelle Walker of Lincroft; grandchild. "> ° '. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Minnie Sutton Ward; and j|T'*j Tinil I I understand there U no aDMgqtlori and one grandchild. Arrangements are under To Toomey Quid Arrangements are under several nieces and nephews. - the direction of the Moore Fu- Arrangements are under the direction of the Wflliain S.- neral Home, Patterson. SPRING LAKE HEIGHTS" 1968 in Los Angeles County, Anderson Funeral Home, Red the direction of the C.H.T. 0 J J" j JJd j ~ _._,„,, — Jeralyn Dawn Toomey, Los Angeles, Calif., and had Bank. • Clayton and Son Funeral three-year old daughter of lived in the Shore area with IPMONE.. Joseph N. Johnson •Richard A. Toomey of Califor- her mother for about a year. Home, Adelphia. - nia, and Mrs. Donna "White Besides her parents, she is EAST ORANGE - Joseph Toomey of 558 Ocean Road, also survived by her maternal N. Johnson, 54, of 422 Central here, dieu' Sunday at Jersey grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. /ARO Ave., here, a former resident. Snore medical Center, Nep- Leonard Countryman of the of Red Bank, died Tuesday. DECORATING tune, as a result of injuries re- Highlands, and her paternal Mr. Johnson was born in ceived in a one car accident in grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. PROBLEMS? Lewisburg, N.C., and lived late April. Toomey of California. most of his life in Red Bank, Spring Lake Heights police . Arrangements are under moving to this area 10 years r said the child was injured the direction of the Daniel A. ago.' " . - " when the car, driven by her Reilly Funeral Home, Bel- Surviving are his widow, mother, hit a tree, on Ocean mar. Mrs. Pearl Johnson of East Road, on the morning of April GOIMG Orange and a daughter, Miss 27. Chester L. Henry Paula Johnson at home; four Dr. C. Malcolm B. Oilman, brothers, Belmar and Jesse Monmouth County Medical LONG BRANCH - Chester Johnson both of New York, Examiner, attributed death to L. Henry, 83,-of 111 Union Ave William.and Ashley Johnson, died Friday in Monmouth Me- both of Red Bank; and a sis- a fractured skull. Jeralyn Dawn was borri in dical Center. ter, Mrs. Ella Reynolds of Born in Mattapoisett, Long Branch. • Mass., he was a former New Arrangements are under Anthony Penta Jr. York resident. He had liye_d GOIHGIBUT the direction of the Church- LONG BRANCH - Anthony here 12 years. : man Funeral Home, Newark. Penta Jr., 21, of 275 Cleveland Mr. Henry was a retired Ave. died Saturday in Cornell employe of the New York- DEATH NOTICES Medical Center, New York. Long Island Railroad's •USE WARDS CUSTOM SERVICE HARTLEY. In Red Bank, NJ.,. on Sat-. Mr. Penta was a lifelong Steinway Trolley and Bus Co." f REE ESTIMATES IN YOUR HOME urday,"May 1.1971. Mary Ann (nee Old. royd). Beloved wife of the late Capr. resident here. He was a member of the Philip Hortley. Age 78. Ot 11 Stllwell Chester A. Arthur Senior Citi- Call 542-2150 Today Drive, Holmdel. Relatives and friends A 1967 graduate of Red are Invited to attend the-funeral zens Organization, here. Use all of Wards 'Custom Wednesday, May 5, at 2 p.m. from Bank: Catholic High School, he Moore's Home for Funerals, 384 Totowa Surviving are his widow, . Service* Ave., Paterson. Interment at Falrlawn was a junior-year student at su • bedspread* • shades •draperies Cemetery. Friends may call from 3 to 5 Newark College of Engineer- Mrs- Florence Henry; a son, end 7 to 10 pjn. Tuesday. • slipcovers • reupnoistery ' ing. He had also worked four Raymond Henry of Melrose, SNELLEN, Bernard J. 344 Weslwood N.Y.; two grandcMldren and Ave.. Long Branch, on April 30,1971. years as a summer lifeguard Wards Monmouth Viewing Monday 2-4 and 7-9 pjn. Mass here. two great-grandchildren, 10 . "' i1^1" '1 rr

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A ••' »••• •Heron's New POW Plan By ROBERT S.ALLEN Experts here believe most Established in 1878 - Published by The Red Bank-Register SBd JOHN A. GOLDSMITH U.S. POWs are suffering to President Nixon is seriously some degree from tropical IM. HAROLD KELLY, Publisher! considering a "neutral na- INSIDE diseases, and many of them tion" initiative as a means of have now been held for periods Arthur Z. Kamin, Editor providing quick relief for U.S. WASHINGTON of two to seven years prisoners of war held by the The neutral nation idea has Thomas J. Bly, Executive Editor William F. Sandford, Associate Editor Communists in Indochina. its advantages and its dis- Such an initiative would in- advantages. Obviously, it pro- Monday, May 3.1971 volve a proposal by the U.S. for relief of prisoners who are poses that one part of a two- and South Vietnam at the ill, and for those who have nation, stalemate be extended stalemated peace talks in been held by a belligerent so as to require in addition the ALLEN GOLDSMITH Paris. Under such a plan, over a long period. Switzera- agreement of other parties. prisoners of war in Indochina . iand and Sweden have func- There is, however, nothing - or at least .some categories tioned in such a third-party in the Geneva convention or the International Red Cross. who have worked so hard to of prisoners - would be trans- role. the precedents to require that Such a plan would also have focus attention on thje plight ferred by both sides to neutral all prisoners from both sides its political"advantages for of the prisoners. The^briginal Administration-experts be- Mr. Nixon. It is no secret goal espoused by the National nations. lieve the neutral nation con- must he transferred to the The use of neutral nations same neutral nation. Thus that POW families in the League of Families of Ameri-' cept might open the way to a United States are becoming can Prioners and Missing ii for the internment of prison- broad transfer of prisoners by prisoners held by the Commu- ers of war is sanctioned by nists could go to one nation impatient as the POW con- Southeast Asia - assuring tin both sides in Indochina. Even troversy continues without guarantees of the Geneva con- the Geneva convention. An if an agreement were reached and those held by the South appendix to the convention Vietnamese could go to anoth- change, as terms of imprison- vention - has lost its unifying lo transfer prisoners who are force. outlines, in considerable de- ill and those held for a long er. •' • ment grow longer, and as no tail, the techniques by which time, that could bo a broad The great humanitarian ad- positive steps are taken. A the services of a neutral na- mandate. vantage," in the eyes of ex- nuetral nation plan - even the Mr. Nixon's aides have re- tion can be secured, com- perts here, would be .that "in- proposing of such a plan - cently been informed^ that pensation arranged, and so Precedents suggest that terned U.S. POWs could be would be.a positive step. more and more POW families forth. two years would be classified quickly assured of the treat- Such.a proposal could, in are no longer comforted by The netural nation method as a long period of imprison- ment outlined in the Geneva fad, provide a new rallying statements of presidential has been employed in the past ment under the convention. convention under the aegis of point for the POW families concern, however forceful. What Is A Food Bargain?

By SYLVIA PORTER various bargain meat substi- More 'Ifs' For each food dollar you tutes versus hamburger. Each If the price of a dozen large spend, do you get more "nu- item on the list gives you tritional-value" in the form of YOUR MONEY'S eggs is less than one-eighth comparable amounts of pro- above that of medium eggs, protein from chicken or tuna tein, via item, amount ready get the large ones. fish, or lamb chops? What real WORTH to eat, cost.per serving: savings can you achieve by American cheese, 2 slices, ' If the price of a dozen me-- switching to meat substitutes 12c; hamburger, 2 oz. lie; diunj eggs is less than one- such as baked beans, eggs, eggs, 2, 9c; cottage cheese, •£ seventh above that of small cheese? Assuming there are tional bargain is becoming a eggs, the mediums arc the major U.S. goal not only be- cup, 7c; p'ork and beans, 1 bargains in these categories, cup, 7c; peanut butter, 4 bargain how do you find them? cause it can save us money, but also because we are con- tblsp., 6c; dry beans, 1 cup, ir the price of a dozen large PORTER You will achieve spectacu- stantly being found to be suf- 3c. / eggs is less than one-fourth lar cuts in your food market fering, as a nation, from fun- ' Second, if you decide to eat above that of small eggs, the rules on how to get the most basket if you search out the damental nutritional in- egg dishes more frequently - large eggs are a bargain. for your money in this key nutritional bargains - those adequacies. as a low-cost meat substitute, Third, cheese is not as category: Stick to less-ex- types and cuts of meats and here are the clues to egg bar- much of a protein bargain as pensive domestic cheeses; meat substitutes which offer Heart of Matter gains: .eggs - or even hamburger. buy process cheese in place of you the greatest possible So, first, I'll get right to the If the price of a dozen extra But, compared to steaks and "natural" cheeses, especially amounts of protein and other heart of the matter, with this large eggs is less than one- chops, cheese offers a lot of those marked aged and key nutrients for each dollar table, prepared by the Agri- ninth above (he price of a doz- nutrition for relatively little sharp; get large chunks of you spend for food. culture Department and com- en large eggs, the extra large money1. cheese rather than more eds- What's more, the nutri- paring per-serving costs of eggs are a bargain. Therefore, hercvare kev tly sliced or grated cheesev - Panthers: Klan Without Sheets By JIM BISHOP humiliated young men who a.m. When Newton was asked tow w'Tfli jo itr m «OUT ALL THIS «O TO YOUR m*The Black Panthers are a were in a permanent rage. to step out of the car, revolver political phenomenon. A dying THE "American Right" shots cracked.. Patrolman one, to be sure, but worthy of There-had been sporadic John Frey reached-in slow Sitting Duck Is Sunk study because it represents publicity •kbout them, but' the / motion for the pavement. He Wisely, we believe, the U.S. Navy has fense Melvin R, La^rd that he should sup- the only "Suicide Squad" to REPORTER first national attention came was (lead. Officer Herbert emerge from the cauldron, of Ileanes was seriously surrendered. Not, fortunately, in a naval port it. Other nations are not building the when "The San Francisco Ex- , civil rights. Doctor Martin Lu- aminer" published a photo of wounded. engagement, but at the direction of the flattops, which leads one to assume that- ther King, Jr: referred to ing dead men named Huey Bobby Seale with a .45 auto- Newton had a gunshot Pentagon. We refer, of course, to the vic- critics may be correct in describing them them as the "crazies." They Newton, Bobby Seale, El- matic strapped to his shoul- wound in his belly. He lived. A tory scored by congressional opposition to as about as useful in modern warfare as thought of themselves as a na- dridge Cleaver. der, and Huey Newton with a little later, three cops were tion within a nation, with a They were like little boys ambushed at Hunters Point. BISHOP the construction of a giant nuclear aircraft the horse cavalry and the battleship. double bandolier of ammuni- prime minister, a minister of organizing a secret club inside tion and a shotgun under his- One dfed. The Black Panther carrier which would have broken all When he was in Monmouth £ounty\last defense and an army. a half dozen peach crates, arm. There was a law against magazine published a drawing Roy Wilkins, Asa Randolph;' records for cost. America's 22,000,000 Negro- password and all. They1 re- oLfive pigs in police helmets,,. the late Whitney Young and week, U.S. Sen. William Proxmire, D-Wjs., carrying concealed weapons, Part of the credit for this three-year es were frightened and fasci- quired-a name for ferocity, 'but unconcealed ones were an The caption read:-"Three,, Martin Luther King, Jr. depl- mentioned how. much money our federal little piggies got away -." long fight goes to U.S; Sen, Clifford P. nated by the violence 'of a and they stole the title Stokely American right. ored the maniacs in our midst government wastes on weapons systems cadre which never numbered Carmichael had given to his An Open War but were powerless to stop Case, R-N.J., who was among the few who - that don't work. He called the carriers more than 40 chapters and a Alabama political party: AfteflHat, 30 members ap- Since then, the Black Pan-, them. The Black Panthers seriously questioned the need for building peared, armed, in the gallery ''sitting ducks," and said the Russians are thousand members. In a span Black Panthors. The reason ther war against all police de- are, in a very special sense, the carrier as well as its costs - estimated cf five years they arced like a for this is that it was the larg- at the California State capitol. partments has been open. In the Negro Ku Klux Klan. outsmarting us by putting their navy under at a minimum of $1.8 billion with planes dark, malevolent meteor in est, most predatory animal of When the legislators look- cities where they have £hap- If, as they say, they are a the ocean. * the night sky, and fell to earth the right color. A lion or a ti- ed, and saw all those guns, and escorting vessels considered. •ters, they occupy empty con- separate nation at war with in fragments. They buried ger would not do. • . there was panic. The capitol demned buildings and sand- Sen. Case and his colleagues have not' the U.S., why is it that police- Admiral'Elmo R. Zumwalt Jr., chief theniselves. For the whites, the Pan- guards thought that their pri- bag the windows so that the men are not permitted to of naval operations) fought against post- been anti-Navy, as is shown by their ac- Someone, I think it was thers had to devise a stupid mary duty was to keep the police will know where they shoot them on sight, just as poning .construction of the carrier, but oth- ceptance of a $6 billion increase in the de- Earl Anthony, wrote that no glutton, so they selected press from taking pictures, so are. However, policemen usu- our soldiers shoot the enemy Bobby Seale and his group got er members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff fense budget that includes n\ore ship- one except a black man can "Pig." The goal was to de- ally are forbidden to draw in VictnaTn? Is there a differ- appreciate the "rage'-' in his clare war on the United away while police fought re- first, or shoot first-even to ence? went along with the Pentagon decision, building money than has been the-case in heart. There is reason for States; primary enemy be- porters and photographers. save their lives. The Black The Black Panthers claim recent years. That cash, though, is ear- and the word is that the White House will rage in being born black in came the policeman. Recruits Eighteen of the Panthers . Panthers are aware of this ad- they learned a lot from Mao not ask for funds for it in the next budget marked for five more nuclear submarines, America, hut rage divorced of often swore:' "The only way were arrested later getting vantage. There is no target as T'se-tung. Marxist ideology is President Nixon will send to Congress. a nuclear guided-missile frigate and other reason is insanity, This is I'm gonna leave this party is gasoline at a filling station. big as a handcuffed police- at its best on the drawing what the Black Panthers had. in a pine box." As members, Huey Newton, driving a tan In congratulating the Pentagon for modern engines. man. board. Besides, Mao's first They organized in Oakland, they attracted the felons, the Volkswagen, vvas appre- We're happy that the Pentagon took The war continues in dimin- lesson was in "How to Stay this bit of realism, we do not want to be Calif., Sround a nucleus of liv- narcotics addicts, chronically hended by Oakland police at 4 uendo. Civil Rights leaders, • Alive".... considered among those who want to re- the action it did and that there are people 1 duce our military strength. in Washington such as Sen. Case who will Ample evidence has been presented not be swayed by sentimental proposals that the carrier is not essential, even if that cany high price tags for items that The Story of Miguel Murupa Navy leaders convinced Secretary of De- are already outmoded. By JAMES J. more important than the ington, where he vvas gradu- LISBON - We sit in a res- name; Murupa is an African ated in economics and sociolo- A Wonderful Show taurant on the beach at Cas- CONSERVATIVE once deeply committed to the gy in 1967. cais. Twenty miles away is Frelimo "freedom fighters." He lived in an apartment Most of us are aware that in the Mon- hundreds of volunteer leaders who work, so Lisbon, bright capital of a VIFW He has defected, heart and out near Fifteenth and Euclid mouth Council of Boy Scouts, the county closely with the boys throughout the year. fading empire. The black vil- soul, to the Portuguese side. Streets, a lonely scholar, ab- has an extraordinary organization that lage of Prebane, in central • "I am Portuguese," he sorbed in his books. While in Monmouth Council, and all of us, are Mozambique, is rather more serves pur youth in an exceptional man- says. "I am at home there. I Ghana, he had begun reading indebted to the race track management, distant - by about a thousand You will see the same strong am at home here,'-'- .. in Marxist and Leninist phi- ner. \ years. A new face of Africa is for offering its facilities to the scouts. It is planes of his face in every Such is the hostility - and losophy. In Washington, he Another ex&ipie of its excellence beside me-. sculptured figure sold in the the naivete - of most of the another instance in which the Jockey Club soaked up their works. And was Saturday's Scout Expo 71 at Mon- This is Miguel Murupa, 31. bazaars of Lourenco Mjr- American press, and such are one evening at the Sheraton, KILPATRICK shows that it is a real part of the commu- He was born in Prebane in the myths embraced by gul- • mouth Park Race Track in Oceanport, ques; he is a short man who he was invited to meet Dr. nity and is interested in aiding worthwhile 1939, the only son of a sub- stands tall. His name is worth lible churchmen, that you will Edouard Mondlane, the bril- when troops and packs representing about chief of the Macuan tribe. rupa sought to leave Frelimo. endeavors. remembering, but the story is have heard nothing of Murupa lani and misunderstood Afri- 5,000 boys exhibited skills learned in scout- or of the dramatic shift in the He was jailed instead. He can Socialist. They met twice served for months in forced ing, including arts and crafts, atomic In just a few short weeks, the sound sentiment he represents. The more; and young Murupa - .conventional wisdom hulds labor in northern Mozam- energy and about 100 other merit badge of "They're off" will be heard as the thor- he was 28 - willingly signed bique. On Nov. 6, 1970, ho es- thai-members of Frelimo are on with Krelimo, activities. oughbreds thunder around the Oceanport "freedom fighters." At Ihe caped. The Portuguese,;he The Pinewood Derby, cub chariot course. It will be a welcome cry for en- very least, they are "black An Intellectual says, "received me as a lost He was sent to Tanzania, son coming back." . .|, • race, raingutter regatta, tug of war and thusiasts of the .sport of racing, but it will nationalists," struggling bra- ' vely for self-government in first to the terrorists' heacl- adventure trail were among the program's be difficult to match the excitement and ' quarters in t)ar-es-Salaani, • soul hern Africa. In the gradualism of Poi^ highlights which delighted not only the enthusiasm displayed by the youngsters then, to a guerrilla training Creature of Communism tugal's multi-racial.-devel- there this past Saturday. camp at Nashingwca. Under scouts, but their proud parents and the The truth, to which this the tutelage of Chinese in- opment; ,M.iirupa sees grqat man attests, is-something structors, he learned some- hope for his African brothers. Racial discrimination, he in- else. In its leadership, and in thing of small a'rms tech- 1 Israel Rogosin its power-hungry appetite, niques, but his own mission sists, does not exist as such in Frelimo is a creature of Chi- was to serve F'relimo as an in- Mozambique, in education Few people can expect to live to the amassed a large fortune, principally from nese communism. Its com- 'tcllcctual. After four months and In employment, great op- age of 85, and still fewer can matchvthe a knitting firm he founded in 1912. He used mitment is not to ;i new free- of largely political in- portunities are opening. But it generosity of Israel Rogosin of Allenhurst, it for humanitarian purposes, and among dom, but to a different sla- doctrination in Maoist think- all takes time - time to Il- very; and its tactics are the luminate Ihe darkness of. cen- retired industrialist and philanthropist, the beneficiaries were many hospitals, in- ing, he became a roving'am- ladies of ambush and terror. bassador, propagandist and turies, tiific to accommodate ' who died Wednesday night. cluding Monmouth Medical Center in Long tribalism to love of country. Murupa knows. He was edu- fund-raiser. "Yes," he says It has been estimated that he gave Branch. cated as a child in missionary regretfully. "I raised much away $50 million in the past 50 years, in- Another of his interests was scouting, schools, then at a Catholic money for Frelimo." "I understand very well the United Slates," he .says, "but cluding $2 million to Rutgers, the largest and the cash he directed to help the youth seminary at Zobue. He (Disenchantment grew. He worked for a time in 1!X>2 as a this I think the United States single contribution ever made to the state of his adopted nation was given in Ihe con- saw Frelimo divide into Itus- do not understand very well proofreader on a Beira news- shin and Chinese factions, university. . , viction that Boy Scout and Girl Scout orga- paper, traveled restlessly at all. In lime tlio Portuguese with the Mondlane leadership model will provide the good Using the philosophy of "giving while nizations represent "the only hope',' foe, the through Rhodesia and Ma- cut away. The more Murupa life. I wish the United Stoics alive," he said he had no desire to set up a future of the United States. lawi, wound up in ciiana as a traveled, the more he under- did understand. Tell them I perpetuating fund, preferring to have all radio announcer. In 1963, he stood that "the beautiful In assessing the merits and faults of won a scholarship to Lincoln am black; and I am 'Portu- his money distributed at the time if his our capitalistic system, Mr. Rogosin's life words of the Communisls had University in Oxford, Pa. Af- no meaning." In February of guese - I ii m as Portuguese death. / in Hopiiiiinj: To Worry Alton! A represents a mighty large "plus" to erase ter a year, he .transferred to 19119, Mondlane was assassi- as this beach at Cascals -anti A native of Lithuania, Mr. RoRosin some of the "minus" entries. Tliiwl-Slrikc Capability" Howard University in Wash- nated. Six months later, Mii- it is the right way fur us to ' Regional Bids . J, Muod*/, May 3,1971 7 Held for Study ', i HUMSON- - The Ilumson Lowest base bid was re- Fair Haven Regional High ceived from Sabro Inc., for Schoor Board of Education $206,874 and the highest from has received bids for the con- Freehold Electric for $220,000. ' struction of the new senior Of six base bids, with an al- wing, and repairs to the exist- ternate of eliminating air con- ing building. ditioning in the nurses' suite; All bids received last night ihe lowest for $139,555 came were referred to the board at- from Freehold Klectrie Co., torney iAbraham J. Zager, and Inc., and the highest for the. b'oard's building com- $159,603,'from Sol Lieberman. mittee for study. Of eight bids received for Of the nine bids received educational equipment, the, for: the general, construction lowest bid-for art and science work.;: the lowest ,was for equipment for $14,650 came fP,()0tt from, the fatock Con- from Institutional ...Cabinetry "struetion.Co., and the highest Inc., and the highest for • fqr,J586,8M from the Henry V., $17,884 from Hamilton Manu- Vaccaro Co. An alternate bid facturing Co.; $nd for library for general construction with shelving,: the lowest for $5,181 the omission of the parking cqme from Southside Manu- area.idrew a low from.Patock facturing Co., and the highest for. $453,800 and a high from of $6,725 from Atkinsi and Co., • Vaocaro tor $591,800. Inc. •.• .-. ...',.. Of -eight bids- received for The lowest bid for the sup- strucliiEal steel and mis- ply of carpeting .for.$24,720 cellaneous iron and metal came from the Newark Par- work, the low bid of $50,994 que Floor Co., and the highost came from Park Steel and for '$27,550,, from Robert Mast Iron Co., and the high of Co., Inc. >•: • $74,870 from Steel Structures White Resigns Co. Accepted with regret by the" Of eight bids received for board was the resignation of plumbing and drainage work, Paul White, who served the the low bid of $54,820 was board for 10 years. Mr. White from Br.oderick and Kelly cited pressure of private busi- Plumbing and Heating Corp., ness as the reason for his res- • and the1 high of $78,672, from^ ignation. • \ • Sabro Inc. Also accepted with regret Eight bidders for the heat- was the resignation of Roch- . ing, ventilating and air condi- eHe Robinson, social studies tioning -wbrk, were also faced teacher, who served the dis- with three alternates, besides trict for the past two years. the base bid. These cdncerned Also awarded by the board elimination,of work in the were bids for supplies for the health suite, substitution of 1971-72 school year, ranging Acme roof top units, and sub- from $650 for janitorial sup- stitution of Herman Nelson plies to $9,631 for athletic sup- rooftop units. plies, from different suppliers. Red Bank Landlord Hearing Continued RED BANK - After more of Ihe building around picture than four hours of testimony windows and openings raning by borough code enforcement from one half to one inch un- officer Willard Watkins, Mu- der front doors. ,i nicipal Court Judge William I. Mr. Shaw asked about the' -Kiatsky has adjourned until 9 topography of the land, which • a.m. May 11 the hearing of is adjacent to the Farr tract :- Iwb complaints against Her- and Mr. Watkins said the ro- man Singer of Asbury. Park, dents could have come from owner of the Locust Ave. what appeared to be stagnant apartments. waters in the area. Mr. Singer, through his at- Mr. Watkins said he did not torney, Peter Shaw, pleaded feel Mr. Singer or Mr. Miller not guilty to both complaints, were, fulfilling their responsi- •one of which charges him bilities but he never1, inferred with maintaining premises un- that Mr. Miller was in- fit for human habitation and competent as superintendent. the other alleging that he Mr. Watkins said he in-, faijed to {lave1 a full-time su- spected a total of seven apart- perintendent on the premises. Vments and two tenants com- Benjamin Nicosia, borough plained of mice. • attorney', on direct exam- ination of Mr. Watkins,. estab- • lisffed that complaints from residents of the three-building complex at 105 Locust Ave. Started coming in early in De- cember of 1970 and sub- sequent complaints followed. 40 in Complex There are 40 units in the complex, Mr. Watkins testi- fied, and'the initial complaint was received from Miss Be- verly Summers. Mr. Watkins said he in- spected Miss Summers' apait- mpnt Dec. 30 when she said there was improper garbage • disposal. • Action Is Taken The superintendent, Kich- ard Miller, was notified, Mr. - Watkins said. He said he spoke to Mr. Miller or Mrs, Manhattan... Miller, if her husband was not Robert M. Morris home, a number of times and that remedial action was tak- Enters Club the en.- BKVKRLY HILLS, C'aIiT-~ Mr, Watkins said he in- Robert M. Morris, 11430 Sunset ' Bpected both the interior and Ave., Waniimassa, N..L. insur- exterior of the premises' a ance executive., lias been Sensational hew fashion shirts deftly blended numWer of times before filing voted it\to membership in the the complaints against Mr. Beverly Hills Club here, of Kodel polyester and cotton for easy-to- Singer for alleged violations Mr. Morris.has offices in •of the borough health and Waniimassa and Southern Cal- wash, no-iron convenience. New with-it housing codes on April 7. He ifornia, had inspected the premises April 6, he said. Conversion 1'nlikoil colors and patterns that 'turn-on* any suit. The president of the Hoard TORONTO (Al?) - The Of Health sent a letter In Mr. Consumer Protection Bureau Choose the D.Q. stripe with 7-button front, Miller April 1, Mr. Watkins reports Ihe complaint of a Ca- testified, and upon cross ex- nadian who answered a I'.S. amination'by Mr. Shaw, said magazine advertisement, for tapered body in plum, green, red or grey. he did not actually see the let- kits to "cmnvert your black ter mailed. and white TV to color."'The 7.50 . Introduced into evidence Canadian snid he sent $l!i for were pictures taken by Mr. one of the kits and received a The Torque Dura-Brite shirt in subtle swiss Watkins 'showing dead mice in can of paint and a brush. traps in Miss Summers' apart- ment..',; A PROMISING DRUG dot. Blue, green or plum, 7.00. Mr.-Watkins said he had no- NEW YORK (AP) Arj, tified Maxwell Klarfn, build- thrilis iind all Its weakening ef- The Custom Limited new raised debby stripes • inginspector, o( his action, fects on ,c(juinps and canines (8 and: Mr. Klarin notified Mr. million, hurscs find,25 million Singer of the alleged viola- dugs), may become a thing of the in blue, brown or green. 8.00. tions.: past if a new drilg called Nco- Mr. Sha\v, who sought lo es- Arlh lives up lo its promise. All in popular jtfzes, rfow in our men's shop tablish exactly what Mr. Wat- The Gentries Corporation of kins' responsibilities arc, A/nerica has developed this new asked if he had not issued a drug which has proved successful certificate of occupancy for a on 76 per cent of the afflicted neighboring apartment to horses in New York and Florida, Miss Summers shortly before says Dr. .1.0. Reed, DVM, who \ »%|te«fau-r, . J, Mwvd.j, jty 3,1971 Miss Mulheren KtAMf, Ha. - Miss Mao- ardess,'' . ' . ' . ; ' Yorir. ftaa fte* *» w» % reett Mulheren, daughter of Hiss Muliieren is a gradu- to many of t% note than 160 Mr, and Mrs. John A. Mulbe- ate Of Red Bank Catholic cities Eastefti serves in SB ren of 50 Irving Place, Red High School and of Mercy Cot states coast to coast, the Dis- X)n Campus Bank, N.J., has graduated lege. She received a four-year trict of Columbia, Canada, from Eastern Airlines' (light full scholarship to Mercy Col- Mexico, Puerto Rico, Ber- DwieU WUHs, a freshman al len Marcie Rassas, 595 Wood- training center here and has lege. ' •" 'T muda, iarnfiea.flHS Bahamas Susquehanna University, Se- gate Ave., Long Branch;.Ja- started her career as a stew- She will be based in New and the Virgin Islands. linsgrove, Pa., had a lead role net M. Barchat, 2 Norwood in Rogers and Hammerstein's Court, Marlboro; Maureen "Oklahoma!" in the Chapel Kathryn Daly, .367 Lloyd Auditorium at the University. Road, Matawan; Maureen Pa-' He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. tricia Shellon, 39 . Holland William H. Willis, 185 Mon- Road arid Linda Irwin Wright, mouth AV6.. Long Branch. 18 Tatura Drive, both Middle- ONLY BECAUSE WE ARE AN Monmouth County fresh- town; Jane Ann Palala, 12 men who have been named to Chapman Ave., Neptune; EXCLUSIVE AUTHORIZED the dean's list at Douglass Louise Ann Capriglione, 938 Exclusive RETAILER College, New Brunswick, are Sycamore Ave. and A. Paige Optional Margaret Ana Keleber, 340 Morgenthal, 150 Cloverdale ALL POOLS Hollie Drive W. and Andrea Circle, both New Shrewsbury; DOUBLE Danlele Smith, 555 Garfield Karen Ann Schultz, 20 Walnut DECK INCLUDE: Ave., both Belford;Maryadele St., Red Bank; Mary Anne • WITH AMD PUMP Harriet Jarema, 509 Fourth Nlgro, 214 Garden Road, • POOL UDDER Ave., Belmar;Leslie Ann Shrewsbury; Gloria Ann • STEEL BRACING Douglass, Colts Neck; Bar- Leyh, 407 Mercer Ave., Spring • SUN DECKS Lake, and Lois Barbara ban Ten Cottraan, English- • VACUUM Traub, 1405 Unami Ave>, town; Both Am McGnlre, 135 CLEANER Wanamassa. Parkview Ten, Uncroft; El- • SET-IN VINYL LINER SCOUT SOAR PROJECT — Boy Scouts of St. James Troop 8, Red Bank, • SAFETY SENCE ft admire their planting and cleanup efforts at Harrison Ave. municipal park STAIRS at Marion St. Project was part of scout program called Save Our Ameri-' can Resources. Joseph Sestlto was local project head; Clint Hasenohr id EXCITING NEW scoutmaster. . LEISURE KING GIANT 38" x 19' Man-Size Outside Dimensions 30'xlS1 Swim Area Campaign Is Started 4' Constant RECLINER • A«tomatlc Filia- tion c»dln-Wall Harmonizes with any decor Hydro-Skimmer For Campership Fund Syitirn • Ahnlum Softly RED BANK - The fifth an- h & Loek-Up larly to give young boys in fa- Walter Lancton, director of Safely Ladder nual Campership Fund drive therless homes a chance to Pupil Personnel Services, • UripFatio sponsored by Community Ser- profit from male supervision Long Branch Public Schools, y yg vices Council for Monmouth arid companionship. and Mrs. Eugene Wells, Mmi Vinyl Liner County, to send under- CHECK OUR NEW Among those working on Campefship Auxiliary chair- LOW MICE! privileged children to camp the program this year, in ad- man 0! the Junior League of this summer, is under way. dition to the members of the Monmouth County. Letters explaining the pro- Campership Auxiliary, are gram and appealing for con- Mrs. S.M. Hoffman, executive Contributions, which are tributions have bifen mailed to" director of Community Ser- tax deductible, should be sent individuals and business firms vices Council; Mrs. G.B. Hol- to Campership Fund, CSC, 16. in the county. Posters have lar, coordinator of the Camp- Spring St., Red Bank, N.J. been placed in public build- ership Program; Donald 07701 ings and business estab- Watt, chairman of the Youth THE AMERICANA " lishments. A slide program Committee and district execu- 20' x 19' Outside Dimensions for presentation to interested tive of Boy Scouts; David .ROYAL PHEASANTS

Blissful relaxation...our Phalanx Road, Lincroft. itoall/OTOllobioolfeBltM , recliner chair that adjusts The "Road Scholars" for 50 to many positions. Uphol- 1971 were selected by Regi- nald B. Burdge, automotive $I2 * stered in wipe-clean vinyl. shop instructor at the school Send it the FTD way. Contour arms, tufted back. The team will be sponsored Choice of fashion colors. by Maurice Schwartz & Sons, Inc., 141 W. Front St., Red SATISFACTION GUARANTEED REPLACEMENT OR MONEY REFUNDEO Bank.


PRICES are LOWER because 1.No Salssmen s Commiuions

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What kind of an extra room doyoun««d? Let us give you a fra* estimate on any typ* il*W room. You'll be " pleasantly surprised at our Send a wy low prices. NO MONEY DOWN - TERMS ARRANGED ON ANY IMPROVEMENT FTD BigHug B MONMOUTH CONSTRUCTION CO. HIGHWAY 35 AT HEDDONS CORNER, MIDDIETOWN fly 741 5OG0 - 776-6600 01771 Ho«W TroiawttiU Ddiwiiy Auoclallw/'A. M (KUpuxfcrt UIBWt ™* no M.mb.r>|o,hl i.l. kb own prtc«. The IWly ftegbier, B*J lfa^Mi4dlKu,>.%/*. i^ ., May 3, «71 9 Judge Gonklin Penalizes Woman for Welfare Fraud FREEHOLD - Superior Cliffwood Inn, Rt. 35, Cliff- each of four counts of issuing burg, an indeterminate re- let, Jan.-17 and stealing $100; Kevin Broderiek, 118 Port Court Judge' Walter H. Conk- stealing four tires valued -at check June 26, a $265 check wood, with intent to steal Oct. forged checks, the terms to. formatory term for two Monmouth Road, East JKeans- lin has suspended an in- $380 from Whelan - June 29 and another $265 breaking into Ron's Mobil Sta- 14. break-ins and three larcenies burg, a suspended reforma- determinate reformatory Inc., ttt. 9, Freehold run concurrently. Henderson check July 2 to John's Bar tion, Rt. 36, West Keansburg, ' John Edward Henderson, Township, Sept. 17. had admitted issuing a $25 and Grill, Rt. 35, Matawan earlier this year. Richards' Jan. 26 and stealing $75, and tory term, one year's proba- term for Patricia Mazzio of tion and a $100 fine for posses- AJlentown, who pleadfed guilty Lakewood, a suspended re- John H. Henderson, 44 Sa- check June 19 to Van Werner Township. bad pleaded guilty to breaking stealing $120 from Monmouth formatory term, probation for lem Place, Cliffwood, three to Auto Service, Rt. 35, Maiawan Keith B. Richards, 82, into South Laurel General Esso Station, Holmdel, Feb. sion of marijuana in Middle- March 8 to obtaining money town April 27,1970. under false pretenses from two years and a $150 fine for five years in state prison for Township, and issuing a $75 Franklin Ave., West Keans- Store, 431S. Laurel Ave., Haz- 15. the Monmouth County Wel- fare Board. She was placed oh proba- tion for one year. .[ The amount of .money she received in welfare payments between March 1 and May 1, 1970, was notdisclosed: Others Penalized Judge Conklin imposed these1sentences on these de- fendants for crimes towhich they had pleaded guilty: Allen Michael?' Burozski, 1635 Ocean Ave., Brick Town- ship, an indeterminate' re- formatory term, and Robert Louis Williams, Lakewood, one to three years In state prison for possession of stolen property valued at fl,D92 be- longing to Frank Yates of Revolutionary Road, Colts Neck, Sept. U in Colts Neck. Fred Luke, Perth Amboy, an indeterminate reformatory term for stealing a 1964 Che- velle valued at $400 belonging to Victor Summerbill, 212 Monmouth St., Red Bank, . Jan. 20,1970, in Marlboro. Alfred Austell of Trenton, three to five^ years in state prison for possession of a sto- len money order for $90 be- longing-to Alfred Ianni, Law- rence Township, Dec. 20,1968, in Freehold, Robert Gallapo, 109 Main St., Keansburg, an in- SMOKED determinate reformatory term for possession of mari- juana and hashish Jan. 6 in Keansburg. Cedric Key, MlUhurst Road, EngliShtown, a suspended re- HAM formatory term, probation for three years and a $100 fine for stealing articles valued at $445 last,Dec. 29 from County Seat Esso, 63 E., Main St., here. Catherine Taylor Dunbar, Rt. 35, Ocean Township, a sus- pended reformatory term, Dinner ware probation for two years and a $100 fine for obtaining $461 un- mmmmmmmmmm No limit. Buy as many as you Yellow or like. No coupons needed. One der false pretenses from Shop- Piece with $5 purchase — Rite, Rt. 35, Ocean Township, Cottar Cut Two Pieces with $10 purchase May 2; Grand Union, Rt. 35,, — Three Pieces with $15 pur- 1 SLICES OR ROASf Ocean Township, May 29 and- (Water AddxJ) chase... etc. Sept. 10, and York Motel, Nep- 2nd Week :•:•:• ForStuKing— TISSUE tune, Jan. 17. FACIAL David Noverto Robles, 2 {SAUSAGE MEAT Central Ave., Port Monmouth, a suspended reformatory 3rd Week term,, probation for one year | PORK BUTT ROAST •ffi Country Styl* ' and a $100 fine for possession 1 SPARE RIBS 4th Week of heroin in Long Branch Dec. Kv FmhHolorSwMt 24. Frank Ochelli, 105 Myrtle . IITALIAH STYIE SAUSAGE ib. 79 Ave., Long Branch, three •S| U.SJJJLCov'l.GrodtdCHok.. months in county jail for ma- | POT ROAST licious destruction of property of Jeffrey Erb, Apartment 10, I SMOKELTDAISIES and Eugene Salvatore, Apart- ft:! JomiUnk ment'23, both at 336 Third Ave., Long Branch, last Jan. ' I SAUSAGE 29. DELI DEPT Sent to Prison Foodtown Regular or Thick Ucn, SB' Thomas Share, 2 Beech St., I ':£( Foodiown Cut Port Monmouth, one to three Ib. vac TOMATO JUICE m GREEN BEANS years in state prison for com- Foodtown ::-::::: Foodiown CrnunSlyU or Whota mitting atrocious assault and BACON pkg. 58* battery upon Keansburg Po- ADMtrtorAHlMf FLOOR WAX II KERNEL CORN Foodtown Plattk •/.'•:'••.'• Foodiown lice Sgt. Frank Peters April FOODTOWN FRANKS*?'68' 27,1968, in Keansburg. GARBAGE BAGS I PEAS & CARROTS Foodtown PlaiUc • •:•:•:•: Foodiown Glenn Frattin, Matilda APPETIZER DEPT. MAXWELL Ter., Long Branch, a re- WASTE BASKET BAGS 2^88' SWEET PEAS YriboCllngSlieidorHohet , <<<;. Foodiown formatory term and a $50 fine. Ltan Domestic 4 . WITH THIS COUPON for possession of marijuana in FOODTOWN PEACHES « 1 APPLESAUCE Coupon OOMI at any Foodtom Suptrmariurl. BOILED Foodiown WholtUnpttkd UnH m ptpr yadult famh. Long Branch Oct. 4. c Coupon tipirit Saturday, May t. David Steven Maul, Hilltop HAM v,,b. APRICOTS 3 I SAUERKRAUT ICE CREAM Can.BBR-S/3 58' Foodtown Cut or Frarub Blvd., Cliffwood, a suspended Tonyy Domwtie Foodiown Pink or Umon ___ reformatory term, probation SWISS CHEESE LIQUID LOTION 3,^88' MEMBUHS for two years and a $150 fine Foodiown P«tuh,Pimop!>t» or ^»a» for stealing $142 worth of cop- SEAFOOD DEPT. APRICOT PRESERVES 3'^88 roodtow per wire from a Jersey Cen- Auorttd COLOMBIAN COFFEE tral "Power & Light Co. sub- FOODTOWN CANDY Foocitown Swirl Braw MARGARINE OMEIETS ,58' C MJm riCTVOTS FOOlttOWn station in Howell Township CODFISH STEAKS Foodtown 15c off our regular low price. Jan. 29, 1970, and cutting V TEA BAGS ;™,75 NoPhoichoM.NoNTA FRUIT YOGURTS grounding wire at the substa- APPLE JUICE WHOLE FLOUNDER Foodtown FOODTOWN DETERGENT Foodtown Hoturol tion Jan. 30, leading to a (Whtr< Available) charge of malicious damage. FABRIC SOFTENER Foodiown SWISS SLICES 1st Quqlity Nylon Stretch 20 Denier You Sow Mt»« Foodtown Whip William A, Brady, 708 Pros- TRASH BAGS 10 pect Ave., Cliffwood, a sus- FOODTOWN YAMS CREAM CHEESE pended three-to-five-year PANTY HOSE Toward uwpur UIOM of ony 10-or. iar frutant CcHee state prison term, probation Regular Produce Sayings! fortwo years and a $200 fine 99c Value for breaking into Burlew's U.S. # 1 Extra Fancy Western Red NESCAFE 5Oc off our regular low price. DELICIOUS APPLE BAHAMAS Cowon taod at an> FoodtoWn »»»»)iarVtt. "THE FIT THAT WON'T QUIT" ^^ nS > hn37 Royal Purple Hazlet Clerk Stretch Petite-Medium 4'10".5'S" Medium Tall 56" and Over. EGGPLANT c Being Sued CnHnClant Bi llH.X.51 Crisp Pascal NIBLET CORN 5 cms • FREEHOLD - Anthony L. Red Ripe for Slicing Aiod»«rtiiiJov««>nW.A.i.C. nI-u. $«|9 CELERY Tewm t fl» awcktii of of 4 oak ' Bellezsa Inc. of 367 Carr Ave., TANYA LOTION all. 'I Sweet Florida Juice TOMATOES CoKthlt, Vanilla, at Strnratrre, Pry Keansburg, has filed a Superi- C or Court complaint against JUICE DECANTER VS-sol.l9 ORANGES CARNATION SLENDER .Hazlet Township Clerk Step- 43c off our regular low price. Co»»oat»odafn>F..»lo«ni«.»raiarlltl. hen J. Fila'rdl to require him UnH am •» aauH tmii. You Saio More Caapm ano-nSoUrdar. Mar f to certify a minor subdivision You Save More , You Save More You Save More You Save Afore You Save More IfaTSn. U4I* in West Keansburg. Iyory Soap fvory Soap The company alleges that Phase III Soap Drive Ivory Flakes Ivory Snow Jhe-township Planning Board approved the minor subdivi- plant C O large tj bars Toward live purchase ol any sion July 9 and forwarded it to k 87 •54 34-OL giant box Township Committee, but the :: v.-r.-. ••-:•:•.-:•;•,•:•;••*••• •*.*.•.•-v.-.y;-;- committee has failed to take : v, v.v.v.v, ••-••.•. •.'•-.•XvV-:-v.v.vv.% Assorted You Save More You Save Morn | You Save More % You Save More 10c Off Scaliest SPIC N SPAN action on the application. Tho ISc oH our regular low prke. company alleges that the ap- Camay Soap Zest Soap Lava Soap | Oxydol "% Tide Light 7V Lively IMtomiMtaaVlhlaniay. plication is now deemed ap- Ice Cream Caufan •»>**• latuntor, Wn t. proved, s C Ml|.: vide a .68-acre tract on Sev- 87 i enth St. into three lots. Prkei effective throunh Saturday, May ». Not reipoiwlWt for tvaoaranhkal errora. W« reserve the right to limit quorrthles. Member Twin County Crown. The company alleges that it Middlelown, N. J. Tomi River, N. J. Wanamojio, N. J: rormingdale, N. J. demanded the clerk to certify Tom» River, i J. Engliihlown, N. J. Port lh,N.J. Ole application March 19 and RI.3S& Ml. Hill Road Route 37 Fisher Blvd. , SumetAve. • 10BankSlr«» 42 Mo!n SI.' Hwy. 34 4 iroyAve. naor Wickopeclo Av«, April l, but that he has re- Maiawan, N. J, Wett End, long Branch, N. J, Jaclttcn.NJ. Neptune, N.J. (used to do so.,. Freehold, N. J. Sea Bright, U.S. iMilMk.N.J. 126 Main St. Park Aye. 8, Hwy. 33 West End Court & MaiM Ploce 7 Brook Plata Route 33 Philip J. Blanda Jr. ot Haz- U60OcecmAve. ••- 36 Newman SpiingiRo»d- let represents the company. L • • • TV D Oil or milted The Woman's Club of Little Silver received three awards 1 egf, bulei inlre uuct butter at the Fifth District Drama Festival. "The Killing of Sister We call them "CliiJfkey" balls since you can Use chicken or 1 >turkc> loll overs or some of tioth. Meie's how. Combinft all George.' won for the best play. Mrs. Robert Frcdickson, Little iiigicdictits except fat, Form Into walnuMlicd balls and [oil in crumbs. Brush wild (at. Plane on jircarvetJ baking sheet and Silver, was named best director and Mrs. Robert Clarke,,At- Beg. $89.95 bake 15 to 20 minutes at 375" until golden;br?wn. lantic Highlands, was chosen best actress. Honors according the Middletown Woman's Club at Fifth Golden Powermaster* Drapery factory Outlet District Achievement Day were first place for -a cook book upright vacuum by Singer. Gives 821 HIGHWAY 35 775-1894! "Tempting Taste Bud Teasers" compiled by club members, you cord reel, 2 speeds and a .: WANAMASSA, NEW JERSEY third place to Mrs. Russell Collins for her African violets, and light. Plus 3-posilion handle ' honorable mention to Mrs. Alexander Alfier for her entry in and low silhouette to slide ..'' , OVER 6000 PAIRS! the ceramics category. lender furniture easily! /j*?*^:] SOME SLIGHTLY IRREGULAR READY TO HANG FIRSTTIME EVER! Powermaster1' ALL NEW It's true! A brand-new Golden Tbuc_h&_.Sew* sewing (V-453 upright <~ FOUR-YEAR-OLDS machine by Singer. In the contemporary Bakerslield •vacuum by Singer. ... clert, and intelligent, and as motura ok such tittle children CAN bt, or* desk. At a saving you could never get before! It's the U-46 Invited to join our naw kintfargorltn ttatut. Our tuccftis In teaching read- Reg. $59.95 ing and arithm«tic to qualified flve-yewotds encouraged us la it yeor to machine that does so much with just one touch. And s Sale 548.88 beliawl that something more In the way of readinou training could bo with the Singer 1JoJ36 Credit Plan, it's easy to buy CLEARANCE SALE' done for certain four-yearoid children than wai being accomplished. V/o started thti program; and it certainly worked, with o fair number actually now, within your budget! 48" WIDE x 45" -54" -63" LONG 66 going Into formal reading and numbtr work during the year. We plan to continue permanently with theie groups qnd ore reqdy to examine appli- VALUES TO 8.00 Per Pair cants. The children will attend class In our primary ithoot center at Rum- 1 ion, which it devoltd to the training of four, five, and six-year-old children. 69 Broad Street, Red Bank Every Singer* They will att*nd school from 9 A.M. to 3 P.M. during the conventional school year, with plenty of provhion for rest, tf you are intemttd, pleat* 48" WTOIx 72" -84" -90" LONG "M 66 call us and arrange for prattmlnoiy testing. Tromportof ion Is available. Monmouth Shopping Center, Eatonlown vacuum is on sale- A VALUES TO 15.00 2'•• *' *& and when you buy both , - Mohilri - SOIMH Wnt» - IroCTdw - A« Colon * Dallgnt The Singer 1 to 36' Credit Plan helps you have an upright and a canister STORE HOURS - OPEN RANNEY SCHOOL these values now-within yojur budget. vacuum by Singer, TuM.10om.5pm W»d. IOom-5 pm Thuri. 10om-9pm Frl.lOom«»pm fat. 10 am-5 yn 5424777 you save even more! Auto Insurance 1971

I ByBOGEEE.SPEAH chased 100 shares of FansteeL Q-Tam 87 and hold 200 I amthinkinfeaf buyJngmpre. TRENTON - The New Jer- drivers. Selikoff urged that HORSE OWNERS shares of W.T. Grant which However, I need your advice sey State Bar Association, in examinations be directed to- cost 11% per share in 1963. SUCCESSFUL on the soundness of this secu- its second appearance at a ward coordination, sight, They are now close to 70 and I rity.—M.J. IN COOPERATION WITH TO public hearing of the state hearing, color recognition, am wondering whether to sell INVESTING A - A three-year 89 per NEW JERSEY EQUINE ADVISORY BOARD, commission on automobile in- and other such areas as the and put the money in the bank cent drop iii share price to 7% surance problems, suggested Department of Motor Vehicles, for more income or hold on to: " . -ri was reversed last August. plant. * laceas- in which legislation is deems necessary without ha- them for my daughter. - A.D. earnings are anticipated for Shares are trading 75 per cent Fansteel's refractory met- needed to achieve reforms in rassment. A - The additional income fiscal 1971-72. Sales in the first above that low but still 80 per als, tool and machinery are Opinion Research Corporation New Jersey's system of au- 2. Requiring the use of rec- which would be gained by sell- . two months of the current fis- cent below the 196f peak of used by a wide range of in- IS CONDUCTING A CENSUS OF AIL tomobile accident com- ognized safety equipment. ing these shares and banking cal year rose 5.1 per cent, but 69'^. Upward momentum ap- dustries, includingv aero- pensation. This includes safety belts, the proceeds would be sharply an even stronger gain for the pears to have temporarily lost space, automotive, electronic, HORSES AND PONIES IN NEW JBSEY. Marshall Sclikoff, Eumson, shoulder belts, and other im- outweighed by the tax liability full quarter is probable since steam in response to the poor petrochemical and- phar- • spokesman for the 8,000-mem- proved safety devices as they which you would incur. Be- most retailers have reported a earnings showing in > the final maceutical. Thus, growth is ber attorneys' organization, are developed and prove ef- cause Grant shares have risen fast-paced April. Company 1970 quarter. Sales for 1970 heavily dependent upon eco- fective. Questionnaires .have been sent to all known suggested that the commis- almost vertically (up 15 per profits have benefitted from were,, off 2 per cent from thef nomic recovery. Shares are sion recommend legislation: 3. Legislating or amending cent) since the 1970 low, some the shift to larger outlets lo- restated 1969 figure which was1 an intelligent speculation for, horse owners. If you have not received a 1. Requiring periodic physi- the constitution to require an interim consolidation is prob- cated in suburban shopping reduced $7 million reflecting the investor willing and able questionnaire, please fill out the coupon be- cal examinations'of licensed increase in the number of able. centers. Since 1965-66 sales the sale of a division and a to assume risk. low and send it to judges according to popu- However, record sales and per store rose from ?.77 mil- lation. Selikoff also urged a lion to % 1.11 million last year. Constitutional amendment • Grant has liberalized its FLUHR'S FUEL KIDS mandating an integrated Raycomm VP dividend rate frequently and court. Such a step would facil- with a good earnings gain this OPINION RESEARCH CORPORATION, itate administration of the Is Appointed year another increase is like- courtand aid in the dis- Princeton, New Jersey 08540. , , position of litigation, he said. FREEHOLD - John S. FARAWAY—• Libretto, who lives at B42 Ab- Q -1 am an inexperienced WHILE BASKING-IW We will then send you a questionnaire to fill bington Drive, Twin Rivers investor and recently pur- Order regular deliv- THEMONfHOFMAY OUt. ' •'..( ' * ,;: • ( :'• LONG-TERM MUSIC Development, Hightstown, ery of fuel oil next BEAR MOUNTAIN, N.Y. has been named vice presi- Buda With .ARRANGE winter NOW. Prices (AP) — Ray Nelson's orchestra- dent of communications for FOB OUR are at their lowest holds some sort of a record for Raycomm Industries, Inc., an Union College FUEL OIL electronics firm here., and delivery at its longevity. This is the 39th* CRANFORD - Charles fastest. - ADDRESS: ...... ; Tirtuf-BoclColfor' straight year for them in the Mr. Libretto joined Ray- Buda Jr. of 32 Edgcwater TOILET TANK BALL Bear Mountain Inn dining room. comm in 1968 as its operations Drive, Matawan, has been ap-" CITY: ZIP...... Aifl Each of the 10 musicians has manager. He was previously pointed director of purchasing itetUaiWalHMlnKinilantVll played at one time or another associated with Lockheed and non-academic personnel O* tarn of «W thtt

luttr-Chun Ual-fert Interdata Gets AinptU Ford Contract OCEANPORT - Interdata has announced receipt of a G5 Broad Street Monmouth . contract for four of its Model Red Bank Shopping Cente> 5 computers from the Ford Open Wednesday Open Monday Thru Motor Company's Rawson- and Friday Friday Till 9:30 p.m. Till 9:00 p.m. Saturday 10-6 ville Plant in Michigan. The three systems included in the $230,000 contract in- clude 64KB Mass Memories, and a Real Time pperating System. Three of the Model 5 sys- NEW MEMBERS tems will monitor and control the production testing of car- Now being Accepted buretor subassemblies, while the fourth will be used as a communications processor to handle analysis and reporting ADULT functions, as well as making program changes between the existing Ford Main Test Com- puter System and the Model PARTY 5's on the plant floor. CLUB New Bell Post For Welber /"' limited Time ONLY! MURRAY HILL-Irran Wei- COME-JOIN SOME OF YHE NICEST PEOPLE IN ber of 97 W. River Road, TOWN KIW are hiring good limn it the new Part7 Time Daare Club — Rumson, has been nailed as- let BI introduce you la our mtmbrr*. See hnw easy it U la gel acquainted ,.. sociate executive direetqr, of fcow (ritaJly.te fined md congenial our mrmber* trr. Parly Time Danrt Club b eonpocrd of adult men and women — all with a limiitr purpot«t ID make Toll Transmission at Bell mew friend*, heretic their confidence, poise a£d popularity . . . enjoy life Laboratories in Merrimack vmtihrougao'ancini!. f] Valley, Mass. MO ESCOR1NEIDID-. YOU MAY COME ALONE Since 1965, Mr. Welber had •epersonally »e* to it thai jou hao new man in my life* lo ha** more fua... meet art* people... make new frirndft. submarine cable systems, WI'U MAKE YOU MORE POPULAR IN 10 waveguide transmission, high- DAYS! OBT »clhod> are so limplr you'll br drlightrd to KC bow quickly frequency radio and digital you can bewote a eanforiable dance partner! You*)) lo*e any ihyness or bath- falneu ., . gain nrw aeif-coBfidcnre ... up your thimtmnH prnonatilv ... transmission on existing radio duke t»m frkadifo a month lhaa you've made in a year L systems. S2 WEEKS OF FUN A YEAR!... ih.i-.-i... ,nm»ft mmt*f**'namemberof Piny TimeDinre('.lab. Be pUn » wbnli:-irmrof fun Oh, I'm still young enough to f infJ one! howfaritis,fromhome. ' (or «ur mtmhm ... fan d>y afler day, werk aftrr wreb, month •Fur month. Halliday Attends Yoail te«fa all Ike latest ttept... haie fun while jou're Irarninff. He's the Car Man at my CITGO station. And when I'm home*. ,and runntngto Education Parley A brand new idea for cars.. .and forgirls.- stores and friejids' houses and club TOMS RIVER - William Halliday of Middletown, The Car Man's job is looking after my meetings, the Car Man sees to it my tires Ocean County College student car...the way that nice man at the bank are always full. He never Jets my tires PARTY TIME CLUB in public administration, ac- looks after my savings. loseapound. , ARTHUR MURRAY FRAN£HISED STUDIO companied Dr. Russell H. McClain, chairman of the col- The Car Man makes sure I do the right The new man in my lifejsreally im- CAUMISSJOYCE lege's Social Sciences Depart- things to my car. Like when I'm off to portantto me. He l ment, to the annual meeting visitthechildren. The Car Man helps get keeps my car going... 741-5858 of the Council of Educational Institutions in Law Enforce- my car ready for long-distance driving. and that's what keeps ment in New Brunswick. He wants my car to behave no matter me going. Mr. Halliday was one of a group of law enforcement stu- dents considered outstanding Thcrc'/o Cor Mian for every woman of in their respective schools who attended the lunchcon- busincsB meeting. OW71 Wiro-TmtaMrt COa Smkx CM COTOKIT. MMfflw d Clllw Sink* OMIIPW*. SCOUT EXPO 71 - It was 'estimated that approximately 11,000 youngsters, took part in the event. Each unit participated in dif- people visited Scout Exf>o 7T Friday evening/Saturday and ferent events, some of which were a pinewood derby, a cub Sunday morning at the Monmouth Park Race Track, Oceanport. scout chariot race, construction projects, skill demonstrations, More than half the Cub Scout, Boy Scout and Explorer units in and other events. " Monmouth County, over 150 units representing well over 5,000 Register Staff Photos Fair Ha/venBoyScouts Launch Campaign Against Drug Abuse FAIR HAVEN -Good It opened officially with a nate similar programs with George Carhart Sr;, long a dent of the Monmouth-Ocean scouts will be campaigning "Scouts Against Drugs" booth scout troops throughout the leader in the county's fight • County Pharmaceutical So- against drug abuse here. • the troop manned last Satur- county," he'said. against drug addiction; Fair ciety, Which is supplying The scouts are members of day at Scout Expo '71 at Mon- Haven Police Sgt. Louis De educational literature; and Fair Haven 'Boy Scout Troop mouth Park Race Track. Poster Winners Vito; Benjamin Schultz, presi- Mr. Wenner. 24/ which lias launched an It will continue as scouts go Named winners of the post- educational program against ^door-to-dpor, bringing infor- er contest which is part of the drug abuse that is expected to mational material about campaign, were William Van be a pilot program for county drugs, their use and-abuse, to Duyne'and Edju Olszewski, Seek Funds to Save who tied for first place; John SCOUTING SKILLS — Boy ocouU ullending Scout Expo 71 at Monmouth troops. . borough residents.; • , Park Race Track durind the weekend constructed this fire tower, demon- The campaign, which Troop It is the fist project of^ts O'Halloran, second place, and strating their construction and fieldcraft/skllls. Throughout the event, the 24 has adopted as its commu- kind undertaken by. a county Kevin Deary, third place. SST Developments tower was manned by a lookout perched on the specially constructed seat boy scout troop, according to All of the posters made by nity service project, has the atop the structure. ( support of the county Narcot- Richard Wenner, adminis- the troop will go on display at ByVERNHAUGLAND ing the federal government to ics Council and the Mon- trator of the county Narcotics borough stores as part of the WASHINGTON (A.P) - provide $15 million to $20 mil- mouth-Ocean County Phar- Council. : campaign.« Builders of the defunct super*. lion to complete work on tech- maceutical Society. ° "If it works, we'll coordi-' Judges for the contest were - sonic transport plane are ask- nological advancements made during SST research. A team from the Seattle- THEdMLY based Boeing Co. is in Wash- ington attempting to convince i i congressmen and key federal officials the advancements are too important to let die. REB BANK, N.J., MONDAY, MAY 3,1971 13 The Boeing-General Elec- tric program to build two test models of the,l,800-mile-an- hour airliner lurched to a stop March 24 when the Senate voted to deny further devel- Red Cross Selects opment funds. Lead Lobby Walter C. Swan, Boeing's chief SST engineer, and Wil- liam H. Cook, technical direc- 2 Teens for Board tor of the firm's commercial SHREWSBURY - There's a new young pie-eating contest that raised ?100 for the airplane group, are leading look at the county Red Cross chapter. Sandy Hook Marine Lab. As an aftermath, he the lobbying attempt. For the first time in its 53-year history, was invited to attend the Red Cross youth ( "In the last 30 days, we the chapter has named teen-agers as full vot- . training center in Hightstown last summer and Wave taken a task team and .ing members of its board of directors. was promptly elected president over delegates gone through the program, to Just elected are. Joanne Braxton, 5W/z 4 from all over the state. iind out what was accom- Prospect Ave., Asbury Park, and Barry Hef- "I'm in a health careers program,"- Barry , • • ' ' • Y • Register Staff Phota plished with 51 billion in the fernan, 2 Atlantic St., Highlands. said, "and I'm very interested in helping CAMPAIGN AGAINST DRUGS — It was "Scouts Against Drugs" at the booth Fair Haven Boy Scout taxpayer's' money," Swan " The two 17-year-old high school seniors people. I came back fr6m the training center Troop 24 manned at Scout Expo 71 at Monmouth Park Race Track Saturday. The educational drug said. were chosen because of their work with the with new ideas on how to work with people, in- program is a pilot for cdunty scouts. Fair Haven Police Sgt. Louis A. De Vito holds one of the informa- "We found over 100 areas in Red Cross Youth Council, according to Mrs. • stead of doing things for them. Then I became tional posters made by the troop while Edward McMahon, center, a troop commltteeman and chair- which advances were being -Mary H. Kirby, chapter executive director. In directly involved with the Youth Council." man ofits Expo 71 committee, and Scoutmaster Allen Hook look on. made, and screened those fact, the two were elected by the approximate- Joanne has been active in Red Cross that were absolutely urgent, ly 25-member council, of which Barry is presi- youth work throughout her career at Asbury and came up with 10 major dent, to fill the board vacancies. Park High School. She has been a Youth Coun- technological devel- "These are no honorary positions," Mrs. cil member four years. Police Chief Smith Gives opments-items in major use Kirby stressed. "They'll be shouldering their Through Red Cross, she has done volun- in no other place. ' full responsibilities as board members." teer work at Jersey Shore Medical Center, Items Found "I was really shocked and surprised," served cookies and juice at a number of Red "The other 90 are of the Joanne said. "I feel it is a great honor." Cross bloodmobile operations, and joined se- types that can be carried out VPm glad they saw that youth on the nior citizens from the Charles G. Lumley Law Day Address in normal processing," her board would be beneficial'to the Red Cross," Home, Asbury Parjc, in making Christmas Barry commented, "and I'm glad I was cho- stockings and calendars. i 1 said, "but the top 10 are those FREEHOLD - Confronted world ahead at an accelerated The stability thaUaw can pro- each of us remains faithful to about which there can be no seti." "We helped them and they helped us," said with immense social pressur- pace in a turbulent and uncer- vide is now absolutely essen- law and dedicated to reason question that America out to • His aim as a board member, Barry said, Joanne, adding, "I've always liked doing es growing out of the Vietnam tain future." tial for maintaining our social can we secure ourselves keep the technology that has will be "to try and see if we can use youth in things and helping people." war, civil rights, and the ab- . Aming the most visible and equilibrium. At the same against these evils-tyranny become available." many ways, such as in first aid." Joanne is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. time, the capacity of the law and anarchy." , , useiOf drugs, society must de- controversial pressures for so- Swan said results of the de- .' Although he's only been a member of the Howard Braxton. Barry is the son of Mr. and to facilitate change in rules, Assignment Judge Elvin R. Ipend on the law for stability cial change, he cited "the cbn- velopments, which would be Youth Council since last September, he's been Mrs. Harold Heffernan. rights and responsiblities is Simmill told the audience: i and orderly change. flict over civil rights and the turned over to the govern- active. He led a council group that helped the The two new Board members will take also absolutely essential to ac- "This time of year, every ?• The words were by^Asbury" . underlying demands fcy mi- ment and to industry general- adult Red Cross disaster team at an Eaton- their seats at the next Red Cross board meet ; commodate changed social year, is the lime for all of us' Patic Police Chief Thomas S..... nority groups for wider recog- ly ^wouldlpjfovidft-valuable apartment house, fire. Along with other ing. conditions without violence, again to rededicale ourselves Smith, speaking .to a court nition of their economic, polit- technology in military and ci- council members; he helped refinish furniture Abraham J. Zager, chapter chairman, disorder and anarchy," the to the. principles of justice house audience in observance ical and social interest." vilian aircraft and spacecraft. for the council's own room on the third floor of stated, "We are very gratified that Joanne and chief said. through law." ! of Law Day y.S.A. on the 1971 He termed the Vietnam war Boeing already has re- the modern new Red Cross headquarters on Barry have joined our Red Cross board of dt . The program, introduced by theme "Channel Change "perhaps the most difficult leased 60 per cent of its SST Broad St. rectors., We feel that it is important to keep up He emphasized that the Francis X. Moore, chairman Through Law and: Reason." and controversial of the inter- staff. The salvage effort He became involved with Red Cross with every segment of the community, and we public in a free society has of the Law Day committee of national pressures for social would allow retention of about > through the Health Club at Henry Hudson Re- feel these young people will give us the fresh Chief Smith dedicated his many choices, But said that the Monmouth County Bar As- change," emphasizing its 500 of the present 1,400 to 1,500 gional School, of which he was president, and a slant here at Red Cross." , 'remarks to Sgt. Joseph Mon- "the procedures for making sociation, was prepared by ( "tremendous impact upon our persons who were transferred teparo, 'wh6 recently was these choices are, however, Mr. Moore and attorney Mi- young." to other Boeing commercial killedin the lin§ of duty in my specified by law, and the use chael Fan-en.* transport programs. city, while trying to disarm a Pressures in everyday life; of these procedures is the spe- William T. Wichmann, in- mentally ill person." he said, are dominated by the cial responsibility of the legal coming president of the Bar Some of the developments The chief pinpointed "popu- use of drugs, which, "if some- profession. Association, described the made, Swan said, include the Vandalism, Cultural lation increase, the urbaniza- thing is not done, will be the "Each of us," he said, "has Law Day observances being large-scale use of a specially tion .of society and tech- Trojan Horse of our country. both a legal and a moral re- conducted in county high developed titanium aUoy, a nological change" as "three "To meet the challenge of sponsibility which must be ex- schools, and the law school machine to simulate a flight immense social forces draw- social change; the law must ercised fotJhe preservation of scholarships offered by the control system unique in avia- Ing both this nation and the be both stable and flexible. lawful government. Only if Bar Association.' tion, new cockpit displays, en- Exchange Ban Scored gine intake improvements, jet noise suppression techniques The Monmouth County Jew- It reads: "Cultural ex- months ago, as well as anoth- and a wing flutter test. ish Community Council has change programs provide an er cemetery in West Long opportunity for person-to-per- Others involve a new vari- sent two letters to federal, Branch soon after. . son communications and are able speed gear box device, state, county, and municipal Although the council states essential for a better under- an all titanium hydraulic sys- officials regarding acts of it is aware of efforts being standing of the rights of the tem, and advanced fuel tank vandalism in a Long Branch made by the prosecutor and United States and the Soviet sealing materials. cemetery and the cancellation the Long Branch Police De- of cultural exchange pro- Union. partment, members felt it grams by the Soviet Union. ' "Therefore, • the Monmouth was necessary to bring atten- April Rain The council is an organiza- Jewish Community Council tion to others in the commu- tion formed last summer to wishes the exchange pro- nity to effect better methods Was Lowest provide and develop a me- grams to be continued wind of preventing vandalism and LONG BRANCH - April's dium through which the Jew- hopes that the Soviet Union better cooperation among law temperature, an average of 48 ish community in the county will consider their decision to enforcement agencies. degrees, edged below the nor- could unite in thought and ac- cancel the programs." "In this regard," the letter mal of 49.6, and its 2.80-inch tion. „ Copies of the second letter reads, "we request that you total rainfall a bit under the The council president is concerning cemetery van- have the attorney general re- 3.63-inch normal, Wilbur Charles Frankel, an Asbury dalism went to Gov. .William view the existing statutes, and Lafaye, the weather observer, Park attorney. Vice presi- T. Cahill; Attorney General we recommend to you for the said last night. dents are Dr. Irving Buchen George F. Kugler Jr.; the attorney geriei-al's review and Most of the moisture devel- of Hazlet, Melvin Kohn, Ea- county Board of Freeholders; report to you, a suggestion oped early in the month, he tontown, Abraham J. Zager of Prosecutor Vincent P. Keu- that if the existing statutes do noted. There was a 1.44-inch Shrewsbury and Isidore Zlot- , per; Daniel Leitstcin, presi- not make it a high mis- fall - with .3-inch coming as kin of Freehold. dent of Congregatuin B'nai demeanor for vandalism oc- low - on April 7. There was Submitted by Mr. Zager, ixSholom, Long Branch.'and curring in churches, syna- measurable rain on nine of the first letter in the form of a Long Branch and West Long gogues and cemeteries, that LAW DAY SPEAKER — Asbury Park PollceChlef Thomas S. Smith speaks on "Channel Change (he 30 days. Branch councilmcn. legislation be framed in that 1 resolution, went to the atten- Through Law and Reason/ the 1971 theme for Law Day observances conducted in the Court House, That's brought the year's tion of the Cultural Affairs The letter expresses con- regard so that If and when Freehold, by the Monmouth County Bar Association. Seated, left to right, are Judges Thomas J. Smith, total accumulation to 14.68 in- Department of the U.S.S.R. at cern of the council about the these acts do occur they will Alton V. Evans, M. Raymond McGowan and Elvin R. Simmlll and Red Bank attorney William T. Wlch- ches, lust below the month's the Soviet Embassy, U.S. acts of vandalism which took be subject to severe puniih. 1 mann. 15.32-wcbnorinaL State Department. place at B'nai Sholom several ment." . . 14 Blaek Hawks End Rangers began swarming aroimcl goalie Tony Esposito. Esposito feept CHICAGO (AP) - "IFS.a shame that the two of us can't extra sessions. Tkaczuk with Hull scoring. • play Montreal," Chicago Coach Billy Reay said to liis rival, Reay was groping for a turning point and said: "If there "I really don't know what happened," said fhemisffing smotheruig Banger shots but finaUy yielded the tying goal at New York Rangers' pilot Emile Francis, as the two shook was one," it naif to be Cliff Koroll's power-play goal. It tied the Angotli. "I didn't even anticipate winning the faceoff. It hap- 18:31 with Pete Stemkewski culminating a New York flurry by lands after yesterday's 4-2 victory that sent the Black Hawks game at 2-2 and pave us a needed lift." pened so fast that I was still down on my stick as the puck shoving the puck into the Chicago net. ', L' '• against Montreal in the National Hockey League finals. Hull had sent a blistering slap shot which hit goalie Ed went into the net." • New York remained in command throughout most of the "We gave it all we had," said Francis. "It was a great... Giacomin. ' ' . " ,,.,,»,,, (, . Hull praised Angotti's buzz-saw play, then said: "I can't second period.and the Bangers finaUy took a 2-1 lead at 11:43 ' reWiember any other series going this length of time." Then he tremendous series and it all boiled down to one shot." ' "It hit him," said Koroll, "and I took a swipe at it. It hit on a goal by Red Gilbert. Vic Hadfield made the play by re- / smiled and added: "Maybe I'm just getting older and they Keay, whose HaVks won the best-of-seven semifinals four • him again, then hit me and went in." trieving his own missed shot and passing to Gilbert for the seem to be longer." games to three by capturing the nationally televised finale, The Hawks now advance to the best-of-seven finals which . In addition to scoring the winning goal, Hull put in a work commented: open tomorrow night in Chicago against the Canadians for the horse performance and played more than 30 minutes of the Chicago got a break when Hadfield wa£ cail.edf or tripping "Here were two evenly matched clubs and it all came coveted Stanley Cup. Ironically, New York center Walt Tkaczuk, one of the best. contest. and the Hawks took advantage, to tie the score With another down to one final period and one shot." power play goal Bat, Stapleton fired a perfect pass to Huljr The one shot was by Bobby Hull which cracked a 2-2 tie faceoff men in the NHL, was again the victim of Hull's win- For the sixth time in the series the Hawks scored the-f irst ning goal. goal of the game. Dave Baton of New York drew a tripping who unloaded his famous slap shot. The puck bounced off., early in the third period. Chico Maki scored into an open net Giacomin, but Cliff fCorpIJ punched the rebqund*Into the' iief iff which the never-say-die Bangers were still trying to gain a tie Lou Angotti, hating come in for Pit Martin, slowed by a penalty at 13:42 and a little, more than a minute later Chi- knee injury, won a faceoff from Tkaczuk. The puck, went on cago's Jim j^appin took a pass from behind the net from Maki 13:27 to tie the score 2-1 „ .. - t and a possible overtime. Although outplayed, in the first two tieHods, the Hawks. It wouldn't have been surprising since three previous Hull's stick and Bobby fired for the vital goal. and back-handed the puck past Ranger goalie Ed Giacomin at Last Tuesday the Hawks won 3-2 in overtime, on a carbon- 14:49. ' came on strong in the final stanza after Hull's go-ahead t»«l trt. • games in the scries were decided in sudden-death, including send them into the Cup finals since 1905. Thursday night's 3-2 Xcw York victory which went into three copy play - only "then it was Martin who won the faceoff from The Hawks power play goal shook up the Rangers, who Beard New Orleans DAELINGTON, S.C, (AP) 130.678 miles an hour. Time of NEW ORLEANS, La. (AP) champion Charles Coody fol- - Husky Baddy.Baker the race was 3 hours, 3i min- - Steady Frank Beard fired a lowed with a 70-280. whizzed by a faltering Donnie utes, 36 seconds. four-under-par 68 and scored Defending champion Miller Allison with 10 laps to go'yes- his 11th career victory yes- Barber had a 72 for 281 and terday to win an action-pack- Except for the time he terday in the $125,000 (Jreater was tied there with Dave Hill, ed stock car race spent in his pit. Baker had New Orleans Open Golf Tour- John Lotz and Jack Ewing. before 46,500 at Darlington been no worse than fifth all nament. Ewing bad a 70, lloll 71 and Raceway. day. And/when his Plymouth- The 32-year-old Beard,, in Lotz 71 Allison, at the wheel of the driving stablemale, Richard third place going into the 1971 Mercury that A.J. Foyt •Petty, went out in a spectacii- - Beard picked up $25,000 for day's play, had a 72-hole total- drove to two major triumphs; lar accident two-thirds of thg the triumph, which came a of 276 and won by a single earlier in the season, had led way, Baker was the only day after his 32nd birthday. It stroke over rookie Hubert this 186,000 classic most of the serious challenger left for Al- punches his earnings to al- Green, his playing partner. . way and was pacing the field lison. most $60,000 for the season. Green, a 24-year-old from when bis engine failed with - Petty, NASCAB's alMtaie • Birmingham, Ala., was third- Beard, an emotionless play- victory insight. round leader and retained money and events winner, er and master putter, started Baker, son o! two-time that position until they was riding on Allison's bump- slowly in the bright, warm Grand .National champion reached the par-five 15th hole. cr when his car suddenly sunshine. -, • , collected $16,065 caught fire on the ba'pfc Beard was one stroke back for his second victory hi a row r straightaway. Petty put the at that point but birdied the He matched a single birdie at Darlington. He won the hole while Green took a bogey- car into a sideways drift to with a bogey on the front side here last Labor catch the wind, which ex- making it a two-slroke swing on the 7,080-yard, par 72 Lake- Day. for the methodical Beard. tinguished the fire, and bailed wood Country Club course Second place went to Dick out safely when the machine ' Lee Elder-and George and made the turn in par 36. Brooks in a , third to Johnson lied for third at 278, reached the grassy safety apr* - He was three strokes back -in another. on. two strokes back. Johnson has at that juncture but made his Dodge. Allison'had built up a 63 and Elder a 71. Masters move in a hurry. enough lead over the remain-;f ing cars to claim fourth place. He reeled off birdies on AP Wirephoto Jim Vandiver was fifth in a MBC Sails Beacon Hill, three of the next four holes to RANGERS RAID — New York Rangers center Walt Tkaczuk (18) soars over the puck on a first period Dodge. close within a single shot of scoring try. The puck was blocked by Chicggo Black Hawks' goalie Tony Esposito (35) with help from Baker's average speed for the pressure-ridden rookie, Doug Jarrett (4). At right is Bob Nevin (8) of the Rangers. Chicago won, 4-2, to take the seventh arid the 293 laps around the mile Flying High Bainm Clubs then' bolted in front to stay on deciding game of the semifinal series and will meet Montreal in the Stanley Cup finals starting tomor- and three-eighths oval was the crucial 15th hole. row. . . • ' . RED BANK - The Mon- List Winners mouth Boat Club continued its spring series with a full MIDDLETOWN - Winners schedule of events over (he in three classes were crowned weekend. yesterday after an 18-hole Robert Messersmith domi-. stroke play, full handicap Victor Looks to Preakness Now nated the Lightning class ac- tournament at the Batrun Hol- tion with a double victory, . John Campo, the trainer of runnerup Jim French, said yes- low Country Club. LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) - Canonero II first left Kentucky tual field, a single betting interest for the 97th Derby, finished while the Spurrs, Curt and terday he felt Frank Caldwell's colt would have won if there In Class "A", Max Stein as a $1,200 yearling purchase. Now he will leave as the Ken- in the last five places. Jim, split top honors in the had not been so many horses..-He added Jim French came out (81-11-70) easily defeated run- tucky Derby winner and a colt whose value is many times A crowd of 123,284 - the first time Churchill Downs has ' Windmill events; ner-up Thomas C. McBeth (fjl- of the race with cuts on three 'legs, but would be ready for the $1,200. . announced an official attendance figure - bet a record Mike Henich took both ends 7-74). Herman Kurre (88-16- Preakness, And he will leave today as' a first class equine citizen, a • $2,648,139 for the Derby and a world record $6,389,567 for the of the Jet 14 races, while Lad- 72) took Class "B" over. Ed "I was bumped so hard I thought I would fall off," said status it took him a little more than two minutes to earn Satur- entire card of 10 races. die Irons grabbed both Blue v Watkinson (89-16-73), and Mi- Angel Cordero Jr., of his ride on Jim French. "The field was too day. ' " - • '..' In the 13-16' mile $150,000-added Preakness, Canonero II Jay events. ran Martinolli (92-22-70) • "He was going to be bumped," said Alex Nichols, whose tog. He could have won." ^ also will meet Bold Reason, owned by William A. Levin, and . Lightnings First race: 1. R. Messersmlth; 2, J. topped second place Leo Celi agency flies thoroughbreds to various tracks in the nation. But the traffic didn't bother Gustave Avlla, who took the Calumet Farms Eastern Fleet. However, Calumet's Bold and Schneider; 3. B. Clausen. (98-22-76) in "C". long route to the winner's circle aboard Canonero II: Second race: 1. Messersmllh; 2. Clau- "We had too many horses for the plane and we decided Cano- Able, eighth in the Derby, will not go to Pimlico, according to train- sen; 3. Ron Freund. BEACON HILL nero II was the one to be dropped. But now we'll have to add The pair started to circle the field, leaving the back- er Peggie Cornell. M-Scows First race: 1. John Wol.te; Z. prob LEONARDO - John Steib, another plane." stretch. They continued to circle entering the stretch and then Unconscious Skips Hance; 3. June Molhot. Second roce: 1. Bob Marsh, 2. Hance* -with 47 points, captured high Canonero II came here from Venezuela where he has shot to the front where they stayed for a 3% length victory Unconscious will be shipped to California and skip the Pre-' Sam Altructer. WlnilmllK point honors in a medal play, raced mostly since his purchase by Edgar Caibelt, a Caracas over Jim French. Bold Reason was third, another two lengths akness. " - First race: 1. Jim Spurr; 2. Girt full handicap, tournament plumbing and heating supplies manufacturer. back and a neck in front of Eastern Fleet, while favorite Un- Spurr;3.Greg.Wyckotf. ' The non-Derby starters expected to try for victory in the _ Second race: 1. Curt Spurr; 2. Jim yesterday at the Beacon Hill His destination today will be Baltimore, the home of the conscious took fifth. second race of the Triple Crown series are Peter Kissel's Exe- Spurr; 3. Wally Van Slclcn. jer IH Country Club. Preakness, a race in which he is expected to be joined by at Because Canonero II is the nervous type, a hood was cutioner, the Flamingo winner, and Paul Melton's lightly- . First race: 1. Mike Henich Jr.( 2. Mike Henich Sr.; 3. Bill Hamilton. James E. Robinson Sr. was least the second, third and fourth finishers in the 20-horse der- dropped over his eyes.before he was put in the gate. It came raced Salem, who. would have to be supplemented for the race. Second race: 1. Henich Jr.; 2. Hclltch off before the start and 2:031-5 and 114 miles later, the colt got Sr.; 3. Rich Cherry. second with 41, one point bet- by and a bunch of 3-year-olds who did not run the Churchill ' There is an outside possibility Neil Hellman's Good Be- Wood Pllsiy ter than Harold Schaiblc. Downs classic. a first hand look at the winner's blanket of roses, and Caibett, having, winner of three straight stakes, also could be supple- Flrslracc: 1. BIIIMer»OO 291-OtOO 842-4400 trict on Saturday, May 22. The Monday sessions arc Mater Del ot SI. Rose TteD«ay Eerier, Brewer Pair NEW YORK (AP) - Danny Cater doubled home the win- ning run with two out in the seventh inning foUowing an in- tentional walk to Bobby Murcer, giving, the New York Yan- kees a 5^ victory over Milwaukee and a sweep of their doutv But Don't Tell Braves leneader yesterday. Mel Stottlemyre hurled a three-hitter to win the opener, 2- By The Associated Press so strong he just muscles the homer in the eighth. run on a change-up.'- "I feel worse today than ball out of there." Reed lost his shutout on I've felt all year," moaned Gene Clines' tie-breaking The victory was the 16th in Wills' sixth-inning homer; single keyed a four-run burst The Yanks, who tied the score in the sixth when pinch hit- slugger Willie McCovey of the the last 20 games for the which left the veteran short- ter Filipe Alou singled a njn home, got the winning run follow- San Francisco Giants. "My in the seventh that lifted ing Horace Clarke's teadoff single. Giants and gave them a stop only 585 behind Aaron. Pittsburgh past San Diego. right knee was really acting six-game lead in the NL West "I had only two hanging The Padres "have lost seven Jake Gibbs bunted into a force play and then took second on up. This is the worst kind of over Atlanta, which jumped sliders all da"y and look what Roy White's long fly to center. Ken Sanders replaced Marce- weather for a guy wilh my in a row and 15 of 17, over Los Angeles and Houston happened to them. Duke Sims Gene Alley started the rally lino Lopez and walked Murcer before eater's double. problem." • into second place. hits a double and Wills gets The Yanks jumped on rooki^Stof Slaton for three quick runs with a single and stole second "When a home run hitter The Braves got home runs the home run." before pitcher Steve Arlin in the first.inning. Clarke singled, Gibbs and White double.d hits one you can't say rriueh," from Orlando Cepeda and and Murcer singled. •' , Cepeda's home run came ou booted Dave Cash's grounder. complained pitcher Ron Reed Hank Aaron to support Reed's a change-up from loser Don Cline then singled, scoring of the Atlanta Braves, "but strong pitching. Cepeda con- Sutton. "I was looking for a , The Brewers got an unearned run off Fritz Peterson in the Alley, and Cash also raced when one of those slap hitters nected in the first after Aaron fast ball," Cepeda" said. "I home when left fielder Larry second and took the, lead with three in the fourth on doubles by hits one it hurts the ego," belted his 543rd career double, don't get many change-ups, AndyJfoscp and Phil Roof wrapped around a walk and Mow- Stahl's throw sailed past the Tie Is Broken putting him eighth on the maybe three or four a year. plate. Richie Hebner tripled ed by a two-rut, two-out single by Lopei • ^ - Sore losers? Hardly. all-time list. jAaron then In fact, my first hit in the The Yankees broke through Marty Patfin, 3-3, for both Clines across and scored on McCovey whacked a two- slugged his 603rd career major leagues was a,homo Willie Stargell's sacrifice, fly. their runs in the third inning of the opener w,ith only one hit. run homer in tlie first inning Clarke led off ftitlja walk and Gibbs doubled. They scored on and a tie-breaking solo shot consecutive sacrifice flies py White and Mijrcer.-' ' '.•'' in the 13th as the Giants Stottlemyre, 2-0, lost his shutout when Dave May homered edged the Reds 4-3 in chilly, With two out in the ninth. blustery Cincinnati. Reed Mets Overcome Astros checked Los Angeles 4-1 on a five-hitter, the only run Sights Set on Crown coming on Maury Wills' 18th In lOthlnning, 6-5 career homer. season. Pinch singles by Rich Elsewhere in the National , HOUSTON (AP) - Ken homer and a two-out, run- SALT LAKE CITY, (AP)- showdown series Wednesday Boswell's double and Bob As- scoring single by Jim Wynn Chiles and Norm Miller Kentucky, which hasn't League, the New York Mets chased Frisella before Wynn after a rough, bruising seven- tripped Houston 6-5 in 10 promonte's triple in the 10th in the ninth had lifted the As- played a basketball game for game set with the ABA's de- inning gave the New York tros into a 5-5 deadlock. tied it with a hij. to left off Dine days, makes its first ap- innings, St. Louis nipped Ron Taylor. . fending champions, the In- Montreal 1-0, Pittsburgh Mets a 6-5 victory over the Tommie Agee, whose pearance In the American diana Pacers. Utah finally Houston Astros yesterday. double ignited a four-rim New Houston's Don Wilson took Basketball Association cham- downed San Diego 5-1 and the won its way into the finals by Chicago Cubs trounced With one-out .in the 10th, York rally in the sixth, lashed a 2-0 lead into the sixth, when pionship finals tonight against dumping the Pacers in the de- Boswell looped a double to left a run-producing single in the Agee doubled, Bud Harrelson Utah. ciding game Wednesday night Philadelphia 7-1. tripled and' Cleon Jones sin- American League scores: center and then scored the tie- top of the ninth, giving the Utah has been there before in Indianapolis. breaking run on Aspromonte's Mets a 5-2 lead. gled, tying the game. Jones - last year when it was Boston swept Minnesota 1-0 stole second and scored on Ed Utah won four of six games '"'••' AP Wlrephoto and fl-8,Baltimor e defeated triple into the right field cor- But Jesus Alou opened the known as Los Angeles Stars. ner off George Culver, the bottom half with a single off Kranepool's single, which This year the Stars have with Kentucky during the CATCH AS CATCH CAN'T-Milwaukee Brewers Kansas City 5-3, California knocked out Wilson, before regular season. The Stars won catcher Eli Rodriquez bobbles the ball as Yankees shaded Detroit 4-3, therNew fifth Houston pitcher. Danny'Frisella Cedeno Aspromonte's RBI single cap- battled their way into the Cesar Cedeno's two-run belted his first homer of the ABA finals in the first season' all three in the Salt Palace, by Jake Gibbs slides into home with a run on Boljby York Yankees took a ped the rally. since the franchise was one, 12 and 22 points. Ken- Mercer's sacrifice fly in yesterday's first game. doubleheader from Milwaukee Agee's ninth inning single tucky won by 11 and 12 points Danny Cater (10) uses body English to aid his 2-1 and 5-4, the Chicago White scored Jerry Grote, who had moved to Salt Lake City. at home and lost by nine in teammate. The Yanks swept the doybleheader, 2-1 Sox beat Washington 3-1 arid doubled, with the Mets' fifth The Stars moved into the the third game. end 5-4. - . ' • Oakland divided a twin bill with Cleveland, winning 8-5 run. Houston (5) How They Stand New York (4) and then losing 7-3 in 10 • ab r n ab r MUgrss 4 0 1 innings. •-. «iiriiii-«iiit«|.|ic ' NATIONAL LEAGUE Agee cf 2) have three games . with two games .to play; Ma- games. The Caseys (6-6), Township edged Red Bank slated this week, but if they nasquan (5-6) two games; have to win two of their three. Catholic, 5-4; Raritan. • lose all three their record will • Matawan Regional (6-4) three St. Rose of Belmar (2-5) is •thumped Monmouth Regional, still be considerably above the l no longer being considered. 10-2; Neptune took two from .500 mark. games; Ocean Township, (4-5- 1) three games. ijt. Joseph's of Toms River's Ocean Township, 7-5, and 5-2; Neptune is 8-34, and must Shore Regional (11-2) is the HI record has obliterated its New Brunswick beat Asbury play three games also. only squad that has gotten the chances of making a berth in Park twice, 3-1, and 2-1; Brick The only other Group IV the Parochial "C" tour-ney. clipped Jackson, 3-1; Point nod in Group II, while Rum- J ' schools on the Shore, Brick son-Fair Haven Regional (5-7) • Weekend Action Boro eased over Lakewood, 8- ,/^.^/•*> Township and Toms River Shore diamonds were filled 4; Toms River South kept up is the only team without a the pace with a 6-3 verdict North, have three games dur- chance of making the trip. , over the weekend. In games ing the week which will de- played Friday', Marlboro over Central Regional; and Five others are still in the "Toms River North won two '.• dde their fates. running. Jackson Township blanked Keyport behind Fred Group III houses the larg- Westbrook's three-hitter, 6-0 from St. Joseph's of Toms (6-6) with three games on this • River, 13-0, and 4-3. est number of Shore contin- week's slate; Central Region- in the only "D" Division ' gents. Of the 11 representa- al (4-6) two games; Point game. . l tives, Raritan, Marlboro and Pleasant Boro (3-5) three ' In other action, Mater Dei Toms River South are assured games, and Wall Township (5- downed St. Joseph's of Toms St. Anthony's Fete Set of berths in the state event. River, 9-2; Henry Hudson 3) five games. LONG BRANCH - St. An- t thony's CYO basketball team will hold its annual banquet at the Paddock Lounge here on> May 15. State Resumes Normal Mike Riordan, of the New York Knicks, is slated as the Trout-Stocking Program guest speaker. ,i- the N;j. Division of Fish, ; The testing procedure com- Holmdel Frosh \ Game and Shelffisheries has a.- r , prises a 400-yard swim; a sim- •announced immediate re- ulated rescue at 50 yards; Down Thompson '• sumption of its normal trout- Surf, Field towing a torpedo bouy and HOLMDEL - Holmdel High 1 stocking schedule. line; the application of arti- School's freshman track team . The. announcement came ficial resuscitation; a 200-yard upped its record over the foUowing the reopening of the And Stream sprint on the beach, and an in- weekend when it defeated woodlands that had been terview. Thompson School, 78-48; here. closed by forest /ire emer- Instructions will be given in Thompson's Mike Fifepatr- gency. the use of belt, bouy and har- ick took double honors when In addition to resumfng'the Flagship Marine is located ness prior to testing. he grabbed the 100 and 220- at the Municipal Harbor on Applicant should bring a noflnal restocking schedule, Simon I.nke Drive, just off yard dashes, j ; swfrh suit, warm clothing, fifi division has announced a Route 36. !< juppleiriental lisi of waters towels, food, hot beverage and stocked while the emergency Boats available.for demon- plan to spend an entire day at Resko's Low 89 was still In effect. stration ride's include the Ar- the test facility. row-Glass, Boston Whaler, Testing will begin at 9 a.m. Wins SATCOM Those in Monntouth County Robalb, Scottle • Craft, Sea are Mohawk Pond, Taka- at all testing areas. FT. MONMOUTH - Lou Boulevard of broken dreams. Craft and Well-Craft lines. • Water Pollution nassec Lake, Old Mill Pond, Also available is the new Bos- Resko came'in with a low 80 Shadow Lake and Spring ton Whaler Outrage. The high cost of building wa- gross for top honors as play It's sad. , According to the Guide, the same VolkswrjgerV Lake. ter pollution control facilities began in the annual tourna- Y/hen you think of all the shiny, late model cars Beetle that sold for abo^ $500 less than the .Sportsmen should continue Fishermen Connect will be among the topics, ex- ment of the Army Satellite that find their way to lots like these. to exercise caution as warm, The first striped bass were amined at the 56th conference Communications (SATCOM) average economy car three years ago, now sells windy days could contribute caught off the Atlantic High- of the N.J. Water Pollution Golf Leagues What's worse are some of the price tags you for about $200 more. , ' " , to a dangerous fire level again lands breakwater and the Na- Control Assodaiton in Allan- Thirty-eight members and find in the windows. That's because we spent 23 years making a should no additional rain be vesink River. tic City in three meeting days three guests opened the But when somebody's in the business of buying beginning Wednesday. Volkswagen work better, instead of just making it forthcoming. An eight-pounder was league's season at Old Or- and selling used cars, he goes by the book. look different. Show Continues hauled in at Red Bank, while Included in the. discussions eliard Country Club; Eaton- The NADA Official Used Car Guide. The "in-the-water" boat plug casters connected with a will be a report on the impact town. ' So before you invest your hard-earned cash in show, which opened the Flag- few bass in the Lower Shrews- oi neavy metals In water pol- Results in the handicap And the Guide will tell you that most cars lose a new car, think about tho resale value ofaVW. ship Marine on March 21, will bury, at the Rumson Flats. lution treatment by Dr. Alan flights were: "A", first Hank just about half of their original value during the And while you're at it, think about the money continue through May 31,.at Applications are being ac- Mytelka, assistant chief engi- Cody (92-17) 75; second Lou first three years. neer of the Interstate Sanitation you don't have to spend to own and operate one. Atlantic Highlands. cepted for lifeguard positions Resko (89-13) 16; "B", first But then, most cars aren't Volkswagens. Show hours arc from 9 a.m. at the various state-owned Commission. Bill Reese (94-19) 75; second Pleasant dreams. '• to 9 p.m. dally and from 9 oceanfront parks and inland •I'liu convention will be re- Sam Brown (101-20) 81; "C", a.m. to 6 p.m. on weekends. recreation areas. viewing questions involving first Frank Canneto (100-29) There are door prizes and The positions arc opened to new state and federal regu- 71; second Ted Cummings latory matters relating to the free gifts, as well as an op- both, New Jersey and out-of- (107-29) 78. t- Shrewsbury Motorsloto , Inc. portunity to visit and view the statc residents age 16 and state's water pollution pro- Bob Dobson, at 13 feet, 6 in- Shrewsbury Avenue gram and to new legislation new facilities which ore cur- over. Preference will bo given dies, took closest to the pin Shrewsbury . " rcntly under construction. to state residents. affecting pollution control. honors, while BUI Davisonhad least number of putts with 29.. AP**rm*zfT® LOST ANP FOUND AUTOS rOESAl/E 1 ' AUTOS ran SALE -ANNOUNCEMENTS LOST AUTOS FOB SALE I AUTOS KOH SALE AUTOS FOE SUB

I FOUND — Short haired Englhli Pointer. (MiKCWrilht ITS YOUR MOVE | colts Neck

V wgvJy Buhler & Bitter RED BANK AUTO IMPORTS E. HEWMAN SPRINGS RD.r RED BANK VALUES CHRYSLER tl PLYMOUTH EstabVihedl92S SERVICE: 264-9090 741-5886 SALES:264*0198 M0NM0UTH COUNTY'S IMPORT LEADER 3290lfflY.35,HAZLET are up at... AUTHORIZEDTRJUMPHDEAIER [DOWNES PONTIACJ "You're only a few minutes BRING YOUR away from a better deal*99 566-2299 FAMILY IN 62 LOWER MAINLST._MATAWAN,<

MARK III $8421*

LINCOLN 9 ACRES CONTINENTAL OF CARS 7213*. BUICK-OPEL anlr OVIRl50 MID CARS IN STOCK MARQUIS TO MEET BROUGHAM *5033 OUR FAMILY 9 ACRES (we're sure you'll like them), of NEW and USED CARS ALL USED CARS COME WITH Lincoln-Mercury for 1971 100% GUARANTEE MONTEREY "Over 100 Used Cars to Choose From," $ 1969 CHEVROLET $269: 1968 PLYMOUTH $1195' 3423* WHY NOT STOP IN AND King^waod Estate station MEET OUR USED CAR FAMILY TOQ-W wagon. V-8, automatic trans- 4 Station wagon, automatic transmission, -P.S. mission, power steering and fac- 5 V-8. tory air condition. 1969 BUICK $3395 C Electro, 2-door hardtop, V-8, 1969T-BIRD 1969BUICK $2495 A automatic transmission, power 1971 MERCURY LeSebre, V-8, automatic transmission, R steering and brakes, vinyl roof Marquis four-door hardtop. 7,000 tWo-door hardtop. Sharp, air condi- powersteering, factory air condition and and factory air condition. miles, air conditioned, showroom new. tioned. vinyl roof. COUGAR S 1969 BUICK $2595 $ 1968IMPALA $1995 H Skylark, 2-door hardtop, V-8, $4130 $2760 Custom 2-door hardtop V-B auto- 0 automatic transmission, ppwer 3289* matic, power steering, vinyl steering atiif'factory air condi- 1970 COUGAR roof, factory air conditioning. W tion. • 1969 COUGAR R two-door hardtop. Ajr conditioned, vi- two-door hardtop, Automatic, trans- 1968 BUICK $2995 O 1967 BUICK $1595 nyl top. mission, power steering, vinyl roof. RIVIERA, V-8, automatic transmission, O Wildcat, convertible. Fire engine red, V-1 power steering, Mag wheels and factory 8, automatic transmission, power steer^ L air condition. M $2690 $2490 ing and Mag wheels. 1966 OPEL LUXURY MONTEGO 1970 MERCURY 1969 LINCOLN •4-speed trans- SPECIAL $ Monterey four-door. Air conditioned. Continental four-door sedan. 4 beau- mission, red with Vinyl lop. Factory warranty. tics to choose from. Air conditioned. black stripes. ra-> 2777* $3130 dio. CHEVROLET $3740 nger s Impala, 2-door hardtop, 1970 MERCURY lion wagon, V-8, automatic V-8, automatic trans- transmission, power steering $595 MontegO MX four-door. Vinyl top, air mission, power steering, conditioned. Factory warranty. 1968 BUICK factory air condition and Skylark four-door. V-8, automatic vinyl roof $2760 transmission, power steering. *2895. CAPRI $1855 $ 1969 CONTINENTAL 1968 CADILLAC K 2395* Mark III. loaded, air conditionod. sedan DcVillo. Loadod. air conditioned. STRAUB SPORT SPECIALS $5685 $3420

1965 PLYMOUTH 'Bused on manufacturer's suggested retail price for model shown, excluding destina- 1967 BUICK tion charges, state and local taxes and white sidawall tires which range from $27.40 Skylsrk. "GS" interior, V-8, 1967 MGB Fury III, 2-door hardtop, i V-8, automatic trans-J to $42.00 dnponding on model. Monterey end Cougar doluxo wheel covers $25,90 •utonwtlc inmmiHlon, eir Roadster, 4-speed trans- outre. Ooalor preparation charges are excludod from Comet and Capri pricoo, inciud conditioned. mission and radio. mission, power steering. ed in all othors. $1395 $1495 $795 COMET 1968 DODGE 1969 PLYMOUTH $ ; ptlmm. 2-door hardtop, V-8, Fury III, V-S, automatic 1969 OPEL Station wagon, 4-ip«td : 2217* •utom*tlc tnntmlMlon, trantmiulon, power »t««r- ' pownrsuwring, irlnylroof. tnmunisuon, radio. $1495 *"• $1995 $1395 BUICK-OPEL Wall Exit117offFKY. KEYPORT SHREWSBURY, NJ. HWY.35 264-4000 Shrewsbury Ave., At Sycamore 747-5400 AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOtfOBIALE Tbft Dally a^ter1! 17 JtOCr. 6R0UwmcwmmP - AUTOMOTIVE '•nag* (*»((«, ftH tVioiOrj inc. XtSABRE iffl AUTOS POK8ALK too doyen't teo/ f '"* *»*•. Well msM Aytt*r.jed Deleft . tSOO. 7<7ttM Dodge .„.-... m, Fouf-4ew kar4»P> vts^i Icp*LFA P.OItfLQ \W) - see• A "WSSeLt• - ftliii" - Wf me »>< . wrlincip nW WGB MH -WtiH.,"wirir vrt Mwy K n, NJ. and tnt*ri«rt Powar »l*«rfA«y Mw«r SUMd, Coll Oder 4 o/n. ca< btrbuys> . KOSteLL tjldsmooile-CABIC- &Catl MMMK aller condition. SHOO orjeslofltr. TR 4 ~ ttttfly IXHMH. Roolot Midi- s, tw-way s*ati, int-wh««7, oir. LAC: CO,Co.,. IU1MV Newrnain r spririgi »«., Rta Wet. Modi some Irsmmmion work. miles. Second owner. $2i9S. Ccrtl Bank. 741-0910. IV60 PLYMOUTH — 1967 TORONADO - Tvr< FORD GALAXIE — IMi. tefrdttbr. HJrosnDwtirei.W „ WASHINGTON'S AUTO SERVICE fluoise and black, Black vinyl interior, 1970 VOLVO — Station wooon. Dark * TRAVEL Tt MBBE W — 1968 CHCVY NOVA — Air conditioned Full power, air, sacrifice. MM31I. green. Automatic transmission, 12,000 ?47-S<4i oilers p.m. J>0 Brood St. !Ml)iJ Keyporl Excellent condition. J1J95 firm. trommlsjlon. power steering, Drake!. Ro- miles. Coll 291-3520 7:l0p.m.-' TRANSPORTATION 1970 TORINO - GT, oolfl. Automatic dlA, air aiMltloned. Vinyl root. Excellent Coll 7474860. BUICIC 1968 — Wildcat. Pour-door, power 1961 VOLKSWAGEN transmission, two-door sedon. Good run- '9M 0LDSWOHILE5 — Large selrciion. condition. One owner. Coll after i p.m. immedialc Oolivcry. STEVEN OLtJSMO' Steering, brakes, air conditioning, £x' 1962 BUICK STATION WAGON U50 - - RIDE WANTED - To Irvlngton, JAon. • ning condition and qoodjlrei. 787^297. 142-61)4. . NEW SUBARU - Lilt SI29S HOW »WS ceiltnt condition. 671-M42. S20O or best otter. Fri., leaving AAlddlelown aboul 2:30 pm BILf. 110 Moin SI Matawon. S6A 3600.. Coll otter 5 p,rri. 891-lttf Return 12 midnight. Coll 787-01;?, 196» FIAT - * 1J4 Sporls Spydir. White SCENIC CAR SALES 787-4B44 •JW 8UICK - LcSobre. Eaolltnt condi- Hwy 3S, Highlands 873-0221 1968 PONTIAC - Ttmpest iport coupt. 1964 OODGE CORONET - Poof-door s«5 Comrtrjbir.^nye-spKil. oir jonrUtfonlria, tion. AM f>ow*r. Vinyl roof. Air condl- OOREMUS FORD Mechanically excellent. Exterior very 19(4 FORD PALCON — four-door. Low don. V-8 stondord shift. Mutt (ill this RIDE WANTED - To Red Bank, Moriday Snow lires. Original owner. Exceptionally Kroll through Friday, leaving Union Beach 8-30 Honing. One owner. HMO. Coll S42-367B of- good. Ettras. 81400. 2M-2MO. mileage. Goraged. One owner, roll 84? week. 747-3328. ..:...' :_.-,. • Jl™. Gorage ktpf. Low mileage. 12500. tersp.m. 279 Broadway Long Branch. N. J. 10M. 3.m., return S p ffl. 73M521. VOLKWAGEN — 1961. Sunroof, radio. 1965 CHEVROLET IMPALA - TwMVIor 1»O7 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE - Four- One owner. 11050. Call after 6p.m. 196J STUOEBAKER LARK ^ Sl»n roof, tardtop. immaculate tbroughout. Must^ CHEVROLET* - BRAND NEW door ^Hardtop. Power steering, Brakes ond 1 YOUNG LADY - Keorcburfl. Ne.ds tiao 1964 MUSTANG - Fostback, GT, 589 h.p. 544-8516 ._' FM radio. New tires, battery. Original Sell. Best otter. 741.205S. . »o and from Linden, N.J., five days o four-speed, disc Drakes, Mur.1 Jell Immc windows. Air .conditioned. New tires, JEEP SALES AND SERVICE owner. Asking 1360. Coll 946-4/81. week, 9 ond 5. Share expenses, 787-M19. dialely. Best oiler.22MW4. l«fl> LEFTOVERS - Demo's and enecu- brake}, shocks ond paint. Excellent condi- Iwin (ioroMoloFS, Inc IWT VOLKWASBtT-tiuorebcck. t>tr- •ive's at greatly reduced prices -AS IS" SPECIAL tion. Call belween 5-7 p.m. 7I7-31U. 131 Newman Springs Rd., Red Sank 19J7 PORD LTO C0lo»7 .AUTOS FOR SALE 968 OPEL KADETT — In excellent run- 542-1000 7113110 CHEV6LLF. SS396 - 1970. Excellent Con- Cell 671-1354 offtr 3 p.m. AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE dition. 13,200 miles. t770O. ning condition. Low mileage. 4975. 642* MUSTANO - 1V69 Hardtop, VI, 28?. DODGE DART 270 - 1966. Two-dOor 1970 ROADRUNNER - Excellent condl' Power steering. lS,opt) miles. Servicsd. hardlop. Automatic, ilx-cyllnder, Very 291-2227 Goroaed. ll«75. Private. B72-O303. fine condition. 197,5 or best oiler. 495-0693. 1970 CHEVELLE SS — 402 cu. In. 4-speed, 1970 HORNET — Two-door, stick shift. Like netv. Many extras. 11750. Call 872- leaders, Edelbrock high rite, Holley dual 1963 VOLkSvVAGEN — 5275 or belt oft«r. 1969 TRIUMPH — GT t + , four-lpeed, 1«62 CHEVROLET - Inipolo, tl] tour- ftd, jew tires. Excellent condition. S27D0. Call Otter 3 p.m. wire wheels, radio. Good condition. Must barrel, 4-speed. Many new ports. Tires Call 671-3091 between 9 and 2. ' 264-WS7 sell, flolna Inlo service. $2000 firm. After 6 1969 FORD MUSTANG — dne owner. llk> njw Call alter 3, $66-8932, CHRYSLER - 1947 Newport. One owner, CHEVROLET — 196! Impola, custom Low mileage. Excellent condition. Call. 1966 CHEVROLET — Pour-door, sm-cylln- garaged.' Vinyl top, power steering, auto- hardtop. V-B, 327. Power steering, factory VOLKSWAGEN BUG - 19(4. Gooo 2*4-9494 der Biscoyne. Automatic transmliitan/ matic, four-door. Excellent condition. air. 34,000 miles. Garaged, (2275; Private, brakes and tires, new clutch, rebuilt en, 1947 CHEVELLE. — Stollon Woaori. Stan- four new tires as of 4/13/71, Mechanically 51395. 6711272. • glne. (475. Coll otter 7 p.m. or all day Sal dard shift. 4-rJoor. wood-grained paneling. sound car. 59,600 original miles. Reo' ond Sun. 566-5715. Good condition. 787-9655. clean inside and out. >/5C tltra. Tuned ond AUSTIN AMERICA - TwsdOU'. fOUf- 1W PONTIAC •* Grand Prm. TWO'OOOT, reody to go. 4N-43I3. . vinyl top, Eleclrlc windows, power Heer-. speed, SI,672. P.O.E. slightly higher with 1«» OJRY5LER NEWPORT — Four PONTIAC STATION WAGON 196? — 9- aulomotk. Also Sprlles, Midgels. MGB ing, good running condltlori. Needs tonte door sedon, V-B, aufornaUc, alr-conai (More ciBMlfled body work. 17957 Con be seen evenings ppssenaer executive. Green wllh vinyl In- roodslers — GT' A8.0 MOTORS. AsOur* terldr^fower and air. PhonA 747-9374. Park 775.3483. and Sat. 671-1682. on Next Page) AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOft SALE AUTOS FOB SALE AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE. SELLING OUT ENTIRE STOCK BEAT WoW 1970 !! SPECIAL BONUS SALEI! —-— HOW CAN WE DO IT? . AIR CONDITIONED. QUALITY PLUS SAVINGS 1970 POLARA HARDTOP FACTOBY AIR CONDITIONED, TINTED GLASS, VINYL INTE- RIOft 383 V-8 ENGINE, AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION, RA- DIO, HEATER, W.W, TIRES, LARGE WHEEL COVERS, SALES SUMPEPI GUARDS, PLUS ALL'STANDAfiD FACTORY 1969 COUNTRY SQUIRE 1971 PINTO RUNABOUT EQUIPMENT. 10 passenger. V-8, automatic" transmission, luggagg rack. Power stoorihg, power brakos, 4-spood. 2000 engine, AM/FM radio. Alarm ORIGINAL LIST 44774 ^ir conditioning, ftemainder of new car guar- systoni, whitewall tires. Remdlnder Of naw antes. Like now. car guarantee. 1,800 mjlss.. QUOTA... $3195 $2195

AND WE NEED YOUR HELP! OUR MEW LOW DISCOUNT PRICE 1969 LTD 1969 MUSTANG Bal.'50,000 Mile factory Warranty S-door hardtop. V-8, automatic transmission. Air conditioned, power stfierihg, power" .Twfedoor hardtop. Automatic transmission, brakes. Reftiaindef of new car guarantee. 6 cylinder, radio. Remainder of naw car MOST OTHER MODELS - SIMILAR SAVINGS Like new. guarantee. A puff. $3095 $2095 TOWN & COUNTRY DOREMUS FORD * DODGE * 566-6' fiO MATAWAN 90 MONMOUTH ST. 741-6000 RED BANK

We've Got OUR BIG PITCH... BRAND NEW, FACTORY FRESH " WITH I fl PRICES EVER 1971 BIGGEST SELECTION! mi AT THE SERVICE! ittcisr mnwtnmutH DMK IBRANDNEW omormtA»eatinmsiAtu LOWEST PRICES r BRAND NEW 1971 Of fHE YEAR! IPLYMOUTH WITH AUTOMATIC, POWER STEERING DUSTER and all Standard Factory Equipment $ ALL MODELS § ALL COLORS •2497 tiihitn) Might t Preparation ' 1997 EXTRA SPECIAL BUYS! IMPERIAL '70 PLYMOUTH '70 CHRYSLER AIR-CONDITIONED-FURY III 383, V 8NEWPOI, radio, automaticT 4 ,POO powerR Jteertnf sn*,M po»ef Mt 4door, V-8, radio & heater, tutcmaticjiower iUttkt. btakei, Stftil wipers, tetflotl tfflMt mirror, vinyl whit* wall tires, • $7fiOT interior, light ftk|,tinted wind., tear dtlojiei, bumper SA1E! miiiil, power (ruflk release. «hi«lt!rMii,tint«d|li!i. «OTf AIRwCONDIflONED Orij.l'str'iite I J4«2 il997l You're Sure To Save More OVIR 500 CARS '70 Le BARON \\ %... andwe're out AVAHABUA1 AT MONMOUTH ALLVmi '69 Le BARON LOWEST USED CAR PRICES IN fHE AREA! to prove it I HURRY IN FOR BEST SELECTION! SAVE HUNDREDS! "^3 CHRYSLER «2I '67 VOLKSWAGEN MJ»T 70DODGS U69T Nowport, radio, hen tor. ntitOfnnlic, pow- •67 COUGAR «149» 2 door, radio, tieiter, etc Swnger, 340. V-8,4 speed, air condi- Hadio. heater, automatic on console, tioned, radio, hea'er, etc. 'WrtYMOUTHHard'top MOM COMPLETE power stOfiiiMfj, bucket soota. FUrylll.2dODr.air condlllontd, V-8 A PARTIAL '68 BARRACUDA...... 11407 • TOP TRADE ALLOWANCES lutomalic, power steeling. FINANCING '71 VOlKSWAOtN '31*7 LISTING Hardtop, V-8 stick shifl, radio hoalur, 'MMUJTANO2+2 *ttt7 AVAILABLE Bus. 9 pas)., lite new. Automillc, radio &htater, MANY MORE J\ '68 FORD $1597 '*7 «IOW Gnlaxio 500, riiilio, hcaier.'aulornatic, snau • IMMEDIATE DELIVERY '64 CHEVROLET *7S7 'tBIUICKHqidtep '1397 power steering. ^_ COiWli, 4 door, radio & healer, White Impala convertible, radio, hoater, auto- •tlPLYWlirrlHTUllIE walltirts. I door, air conditioned, radio & neuter, rnstic. powor sleonnrj. automatic, etc. •68 TEMPEST «1197 4 door, air condl' '67MYMOUTH MIW '86 CHEV6LLE «1O97 4-door, radio, licnler. euloinalic, power tlofled, r»dioS heat ..; ir PAYS ro SHOP mt SHOWS ' Fury III, 2 toot hardlop. radio an) heat- '48 PLYMOUTH 4 door...'I6M Sln»nn|). er, aulomalic, powff er, automatic, power steering. . H aid top. Malibu, 2-door redid, boater, PUry/aeir conditioned, radio 4 heater. steering: '897 automafic, powsr it coring. automatic, power steering, etc. •69 nYMOUTH Wagon.. '2997 LARGtSl OLDS-CADILLAC DtALtftl '67PI,YMOUTHConv..... 'I19T '86 PONTIAC »897 Custom Suburban wagon,radio & heat- Belvedere, convertible, radio & heater,, Hardtop. Olnllna, 2dodr, r«dio, (\eai- '67 MUSTANG »987 er, automatic, pdwir steering. aUiorr.alld,power steering. er, Rutomallc, poworsloorlriu, Radio, tioaiftr, automatic power sfcbi- 'WTIMPMTWagon MM7 '86 PONTIAC »1297 i '6f CHRYtlERWagifl ... '3097 I Safitl. Station Wagon, radio & heater, Town & Country, dli conditioned, auto- taMANS 7-Anat Imrdtop. radio, heater. US INTERNATIONAL..... «18971 automatic, mwer ttetflng. automatic, power sloonnfj. malic, power steering. I Stout Includel clow. I automatic, poer steeling, tike new. '69 MUSTANG »ZZ97 'OaCHmiM 'IS97 '68 CHRYSLER Hardlop ,.'1997 Convcrlililo, Air COIIIIIIIOIIIHI, V !l BIIKI Newport, 4 door, radio & beater, auto- New Yorkel, 4 door, air conditioned, Ml irulic, |H]WRf sli!(![ni!|. Immiictilalu. tnailc, power steering, etc. power, eto. Oruen. Lik^ ntrw. OPEN RUSSELL EVENINGS] 'til OLDSMOBILE-CADILLAC CO. 9:30 497 100 Newman SprliiflsRtf: Red Bank --- - CHRYSLER • PLYMOUTH TOYOTA BftAKDNEW 7OO RT. 36, E ATONTOWN 542-55OO '71IOYOTA 741-0910 H Wilp fjil Of MonmoiMh Shnpinonrprtid HELP WANTED PffMALE |g TV &«8/Regi*l«r, tW B«Jc-MW»-n,N. J, Moabty, May 3,1971 ALTOS FOR UJX MOBILE HOMES BOATS kHh ACCESSORIES HELP WANTED FEMALE rj-TAUJK — Or-nx Oe'/ille. Otwil CUSTOM WjtlLt"»7sH.E -.- 10 1 U, with ROJA.W — 24'. Ufovsrt ifrtertewiv. \.Jt*t AUTOS'FORSJILE AUTOS FOB SALE ic.tlrfe cno owl. Fulf power, olr. Just lovely tdousied o'jftide ritjrr,. Screens ho-ir%. tolle/, htad, burikl. tl5W*. tA'l- paswd inspection. i'J/l. 767-38W. ond heal. UJjst be relocated. 2U-W3J. 4176. . BOOKKEEPER ci/r personnel , ..A CADILLAC — Srton DtVfllt. Full 1967 MERCURY ., ! power, factory olr. AMiFM. 40,000 miles. VOLVO 1»67 — Blue. I4. Marcak for interview appointment. Kitson 19/0 VOLKSWAGEN — Convertible. Like 787-6363 HOUSEPAfNTING ~ Interior. Fxterior. 1 OLOSMO6 I LE — F-6S Sedan. jiw 9,000 miles. 51895. BAILLY BPOS.V SWITCHBOARD 1966 OLDSMOBILE 442 — Excellent con Reasonable rates. Free estimates. Coll MONMOUTH, RECEPTIONIST From SJS 19 E Newman Springs Rd., Red Bank. ' WANTED AUTOMOTIVE 767-6S98 393 -050! on. Color bronze. 4-speed trans- CHRYSLER-PLY-MOUTH „ 1 TRANSIT CLERK...".. . .To 185 1970 CHEVELLE - Sjpersport, 4-speed, mission. S1000. Coll 721-4595. GfTCA^H FOR Y OU'R "FOR E I GN"'-" LIGHT HAULING, CLEAN CELLARS, Chevrolet BUICK 19«t—LeSabre tonvertible. Good D SPORTS CARS AT MO U tf> JU TH 700 RT, 36 " " EATONTOWN 394-350 h.p. Cowl induction hood. A-l YARDS, GARAGES Free estimates. condition. 1400. shope. Must sell, best offer 227-7290, 1963 CORVETTE - A-l rondilion. IOKb INl..« HA-/ Ji- fctJtofHoAn TELLERS tiramee) ,.»,; From Hi Cull 741-2OEIatler5p.m. Bestolfer. Call otter 3 p.m. 741-2149. - 542-5500 1944 CHEVROLET - Bel Air, Six-cylin- 872-098J 1?41 RAMBLER — Foor-door ouiomollc -FURNITURE MOVING — Allies and cel- NAGGING BILLS? -Work part ti der, standard shift. 18,000 miles. One own- JUNKCARS lars cleared. Free estimates with our multi-mllllort dollar company. S7J. er. Asking J1000. 495-0194. 970 MGB — BRG™mcq wheels. One o_ d/r Personnel '70 CHEVROLET Coll 737-4424 ;r. Like new. S2395 RED BANK AUTO PICK liU UP Call 747-3032 Show others how to be more beautiful. 1963 PONTIAC — Bonneville convertible. 222-3628. __, IMPORTS, Newman Springs Rd., Red Twinbrook Auto Wrecking W. BUCK . Kingswood. V-8 wagon, auionmlic trans- 106B JAVELIN — SiK cylinder, three Good lires* good shope. 5300. Call 747- Bonk. 741-5886. mission, power steering, risriio air condi- speed. 23 mpg. New hrokes, new battery. Eatontown ' 542-2235 Furniture repaired and onliques LEGAL SECRETARY — AAatawan, NJ. he Personalized Employment Agency 3705. rcfinished. 542-6551 General practice. Emphasis on real es- 57 Broad St. Red Bank (42-3501 tioned, tool lack. 3 seals In excellent running condition. $1000. Coll 1965 CHEVROLET IMPALA 8 — Two-CARS WANTED WE PAY TOP » FOR 56(0251 or 741-I50B 1967 FORD CORTINA — GT model. Four door hardtop. Power steering. One owner. tate. Experience required. Salary com- CLEAN USED CARS. CALL MR. VIN- rnensuraie with experience. Coll 566-1100. AS new tires. Perlecl condition. S800. 747- Excellent condition. 5675. 741-0454. CENT 542-5500. NOW $3589 1968 OLDSM0BILE VISTA CRUISER 1J.C..&.SON WAITRESS AND KITCHEN HELPER - FEMALE — Full lime, to work In Sub' WAGON — Air conditioning, AW/FM ro- 1969 FORD BRONCO — With plow and Paneling. Cellars, Attics, Repairs, Smalf 1 dio, power steering. Cleon Inside. Needs 1948 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE —24,000 power anglers. jobs. Free estimates, 7B7-3195 Full or part-time. Five days, SI .25 hr. Ap- Shop. Will train. Apply in person, John * 1 AUTO PARTS-REPAIR iubs, 31 Monmouth St., Red Bank. some body work. 51400 will give irrirrie- ' miles. Used only during summer. Coll 741-5662 or 7419737 DISAPPEARING ATTIC STAIRS — Fur- ly In person. Chapel Hill Luncheon, 449 diote possession. 842 7B54. ' 8420374. AAMCO TRANSMISSION te. 35, Middletown. 1 nished and installed lor only $64.95. To or- YPIST — Insurance experience pre- VOLKSWAGEN — 1965. Rodlo, lieofcr, 193 Newman Springs R' Red Bonk der, call 349-CB63. '69 CAMARO GRAND PRIX 1971 —Vinyl top, clr con-VOLKSWAGEN - 1(65. Excellent condi- red. S700. 842-2500 ORTHODONTIST'S ASSISTANT — Musi erred. Call 291-0567 lor appointment. The 2-door hardtop, V-8, iuuomatic irahs- dilionina, oil power, electric windows.! tion. Asking »8O0. 949-*3D8 flays, 747-3199 Call 229-9370. type well. Malayan area. Please phone :aptoin's Agency. • Asking S4300 or best offer. 9BB-7144 otter 4.' otter 5:30 p.m. power snaring, rnd'O. SECRETARY — Exec, type girl able 1o CONVERTIBLE — 1965 Rambler Ameri- JAGUAR 1947 XKG ROADSTER AUTO RENTALS LIN-MAR RN — 3 to 11 p.m. Full or part-time. Em- cope with figures, steno, general duties, . « NOW $2499 can. Healthy. S37S. See ot 74 Bay Ave., Very good condition. Reasonable. TRUCKS FOR SALE ery Manor Extended Care Facilities, FEE PAID. $150. (Apt. 1). Highlands. 1966 VOLKSWAGEN PICKUP - 4-specd, Matawon. 546-6400. PERSONNEL SERVICES TOM'S FORD BUILDERS 77 Broad St. Red Bank 741-355$ 'our-cyltnder, one ton, electric hoist. Experienced builders In Montnouih County WAITRESS —Must be over 21, Sir MOTORCYCLES MOTORCYCLES I1I9S. , t RENT A CAR for over. l$..vears. We do additions, dor- Francis Reslntirnnt, Hwy 36, Highlands. Hwy 35 264-1600 Keifport mers, siding, roo/ing, mur,onry, kitchens, 672-1174. Help Your Husband! '67 CHEVROLET TOM'S FORD bathrooms and new construction on your Hwy35 . , Kcyport BABYSITTER WANTED — For Infonl, You can earn up to 512.50 In oh hour tak- Bel An 2 doo! sctta. autoniHtir- trans BOATS AND ACCESSORIES •78T-0816 y home, weekdays. Call otter 7 p.m. ing orders from youi> friends* neighbors mission, prtvei slrcnrii, uid:n. 264-1600 Belford. 787-3831. and relatives for Studio GJri'sbeoutiful IV63'INT&KWATIONAL — Tandem dump ALL YOUR SPRING . LAWN MAINTENANCE Good Housekeeping approved WIGS, truck. New molor, new tiros. Low mile- FITTING OUT NEEDS AT Grais cutting, sod, and fertilising CLERK TYPIST - Day shift. We are ac-f WIGLETS, FALLS and CDsmetiCil ' ' M395 NOW $1189 age. Excellent condition. 329-1553. Estimates given. 7J1-064B. cepting applications for Individuals with IT'S HONDA good typing skills and experience In the The Boatman's Shop 194B FORD — C-700 Cab and chassis. Five- 24WhorfAve. 741-5780 ' -Red Bank clerical field. Apply Personnel Dept., Jer- Top profits. No lerrttory restrictions. Also speed transmission. V-8. All heavy duly. Open weekdays, 9 o.m. — 6 p.m. TORN SCREENS?? sey 5hore Medical Center, 1945 Corlies sell where you work. Full time or spare S2695. hours. Side line O.K. Phone toll free (800) Sundays and Holidays, 9 o.m. — 1 p.m. We re-screen wood- or aluminum framed Ave., Neptune, Mon.-Frl., between 9-2 621-4005, or Write STUDIO GIRL HOLLY- ,'69 CHEVROLET TOM'S FORD p.m. Art equal opportunity employer WOOD, Dept. NU-107, 1H41 Hart St., No. MADE TO ORDER PROWN'S (M/F) ^^___^^__ Hollywood, Ccllf. 91605, for full Informa- on, automatic irans- SEASON!!! Hwy3S Keyporl Bool cushions. Canvos work. 842-2205. tion ond free samples by moll. No one will 32 Broad SI. Red Bant 741-7500 WOMAN WANTED — Two days a week, 8 264-1600 FLOATING OOCKS to 4, untiJ June, Ihcn full time.'Apply In call on you. AM replies confidential. MRS 1957 CHEVROLET- Panel truck. Coll between 6-9 p.m. WINDOW WASHING person, Joyce's Sub Shop, 655 Newmon Phone today. • " - " 2695 NOW $2489 $175 as is 78/-S293, 7B77604 HOMES APARTMENTS STORES Springs Rd., Llncroft. (Next to Post Of- Coll 787-0702 Anytime For free estimates call AAA Window PERSONNEL TRAINEE 1«3 CRUISERS INC. — 20'. 75 h.p. Sleeps Washing SDrvicc. SJ2-1630 1 3-4. Full winter ond summer canvases. NURSES AIDES - 7 10 3:30 Shift. Kinq '67 SHELBY 1970 FORD — F2S0 »,i ton pickup. V-B. LAWNS CUT — Expert care. Also bulk Must like dealing with public. WIN train to Four-speed. Blue. Electric power pack. New rugs, curtains. Excellent shope. 78/- James Nursing Home. 648B or, after 6 p.m., 671-3308, shrub Installation. Call between 6-9 p.m Coll 291-3400 Interview, test, screen, and dispatch help Cobra GT, 350, 4-spctd transmission, ta- J2995. to various job sites. Good telephone tech- 'ICI, power stct'fKK] [lower brakes. 1 THOMPSON IB — do h.p. Johnson elec- SECRETARY-RECEPTIONIST — Inter- nique, ability to talk to high-level person- TOM'S FORD tric, three gas lonks. Extras. RUGS — Cut any slie or shape. Binding, esting and challenging position for potsed nel In office and Industry. Somft typing W seaming, fringing. Free estimates. 842 2*|5 NOW $1989 Call 787-3)05 , young lady with excellent typing and steno and record keeping. Hwy 05 Keypol 0J61. skills. Must have experience or secrelor- 264-1600 16'/j* ODAY DAV SAILER — Complete"; LIGHT HAULING — Furniture moving, lal training. Please call 747-233J between CALL 842-4343 FOR APPT. 196S CHEVROLET VAN TRUCK h.p. English motor, boom lent, trailer clean yards, garage, attics and cellars, 5-6 p.m. '67 CHEVELLE Coll cushions, lockets, mooring, dingh/» etc, AREA - LOCAL Call 741-6762. /days a week. WAITRESSES WANTED — Experience i/-S, Malibu, hardtop, automatic trans- 946-4275 after 6 p.m. S2.000. Coll 741-V04V. Bank Taller Trainees ...... 445-130 necessary. Apply in person, Luigi's Fa- Claims Representative taSU7 mission, power steering, tadio, vinyl roof. JERSEY SPEED 5KIFF— Length U',ce mous Plzia, 477 Middle Rd., Hozlet, after Data Entry Analyst ...... 4150-XIB0 dar built. Engine V-8, 195 h.p. Chevrolet. EMPLOYMENT Secreiary ..»»«$9O4JD0 MOTORCYCLES. SJ200. Call 291-9529 or 747-1521. • H ms NOW $1679 TRAVEL AGENT — Ori&year experience MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE HfiM'-WANTKD-FKMALE PLACE MART 842-68B0 Reasonable Rotes 25' OWENS CABIN CRUISER — 185 h.p, necessary. Excellent opportunity tor ad-766 Shrewsbury Ave. New Shrewsbury GROSSINGER & HELLER AGENCY Flagship,Head, galley. Sleeps four, full EXPE RIENCTO HOSIfciS vancement. Call 542-2B90. '71 CHEVROLET Brood & Mechanic Sts. 741-2100 Red Bank canvas. Asking $2300. 747 4829. Must opi'lV m person Town &Surf Diner, Hwy 35, Middlct CLERICAL AND SALES — Home Im WAITRESS ville Spon Van V-8, automatic trans- 18'.AQUA CAT — Catamaran wilr) Iroiler, "provement Dept. See Mrs. Roberts any mssion, radio, tinted glass, 3rd seal. 1970 HONDA 450 — Like new, only T50I HOUSEKEEPER — Thurs., Frl., Sat., 9 day except Tuesday. Prawn's, 32 Broad Experienced, over 21 miles. 1900. $900. Call 873-1322 Only 5500 miles.'Like new.' 842-6459 alter 6 p.m.- 4o4. No cooking. Mustliuve trans- St., Red Bank. COMPLETE NEW LINE OF 71 MACHINES Call872-09l2afler8p.m. portation. 842-5144. - , - EXEC. SECRETARY — Very flood Sklllr ;ave over 1969 McKEE CfcAFT — Sports Fish- HOUSEKEEPER — Experience pre- 600 for top man In active, diversified business v NOW $3699 erman. 40 h.p. Johnson electric Like new. MOTHER'S HELPER — Neat, depe ferred. One day a week, preferably , ..From $125 "From the Mighty 750 to the ,. BMW SALES Many extras. $1400. 84?-5BUoHer5 p.m. able. Mjst love children. Motherless Fridays. Coll after 6 p.m. 566-4369. . "PERSONNEL SERVICES Come see the new 750cc BMW lotne. Call 542-2091. . 77 Groad St. Red Bonk 741-355S '67 COUGAR BMW Parts ond Service 1966 PACEMAKER - 26% (lying bridge. SMALL COMPONENT ASSEMBLY — Trail Blazing Mini's." ^ THE BOAT CENTER Radio, depth finder, Bimlrtl top. Sleeps LEGAL SECRETARY WANTED — Ex- And light machine work. Apply. Hoagland SEWING TEACHER — Part-time, to '-door'hardtop, automatic transmission, 75 WMIe St. Red Bonk 741-115* four. Sink, refrigerator, toilet. Ready to perience preferred/ but not reaulrcd. Instrument Co., 65 Chestnut St., Red teach dressmaking and olve Instructions lower siDering, radio, air conditioned, vi- go In water. Pier 2, Atlantic Highlands Write Box D-115, The Daily Register, Red Bank. , on the operation of sewing machines. Name ot boat is "Our Rctreot". Excellcn Bank. Must have good working knowledge of nyl rooL 1969 HARLEY DAVIDSON - FLH, full condition. Phone 787-3502. MORE THAN JUST — A counter girl, you OPEN EVENINGS leaded, perfect condition. Very good buy. .HOUSEWORKER — ExperienLed, Port working In one of the most modern sewing. Good income and excellent Work- s NOW $1879 566-7476. , TROJAN 1963 — 30" Iwin screw, flybridge, Monmoulh area. Call between 7-9 p.m. dry cleaning plants In the country. Please ing conditions. Apply Singer Co., Man- 264-3103 coll for appointment, 842-4888. mouth Shopping Center, EafDntowrL^^ 1970 YAMAHA — 125 Endora, good condl fully outfitted. Engines just rebuilt. S8750, For complete list of gear and extras, call WAITRESSES — Experienced, for port-. COMPANION — For elderly couple. L!v« ' 'Til 9 tlon. Like new Nnbe. If Interested, call 768-3810. , , CHICKEN HOLIDAY — Now accepting '67 CHEVROLET SHORE 671-2694, lime banquet work. Top union wage. applications for pprt-tlme counter help. in oportment Monmouth Beach. No house- Closed Tuesday Phone 442-I0J9. Apply to Manager, CHICKEN HOLIDAY keeping. Light conking and shopping. AN mpala. V-8. 4-door sedan,-automatic MINI BIKE — For sale. Excellent condi- ALUMINUM GRUMMAN CANOE — .. tractive fringe benefits. Coll 222-7U1i 9 Poddies, floor panels, rowing rig. Ex- HOUSEKEEPER — 3 to 5 days. Salary 185 Newmon Springs Rd., Shrewsbury. transmission, power steering, radio. tion, but needs clutch. S75. cellent .condition, S250. Call 741-4377. a.m.-? p.m. Saturdays ond Sundays. ,- 946-8150 according to experience and references, HOUSECLEANING — Sals, only Five v 15' MFG^-r^JS h.p. Johnson, navy top. Doytlme coll 671-2K2. Evenings 291-3422. hours. Own transporlallon. References. A5ST. BKKPrT— Payables, receivables* . . BSA500 i«5 NOW $1369 Skis, trailer, etc. S50O. Call after 7 p.m. MAIDS —'Full-time poslllons available Alter 6 p.m., 842-4609. ______billing, requisitions, typing. Wont a CA- Best offer or trade for pickup. 542-3395. for experienced females on the 8 a.m. to REER GIRL. From SU0. • HONDA 842-3059. Keep colling. AMBITIOUS LADIES - Part-time, three PERSONNEL SERVICES 3:30 p.m. shifts. Appllconts must be able '68 DODGE 20" ZOBEL SKIFF — With trailer, rebuilt to work weekends and holidays. Apply In evenings, can earn $5 tir. No investment. 77^Broad St. Red Bank 741*3555 Hwy34 Matawan engine, head end pump, 12 volt system.' person. Personnel Office, Rlverview Hos- Car and phone required. 264-339S. hargcr, Haidlop, automaiic trans- AUTOS FOR SALE Call 222-B709. SECRETARY — Responsible position for pital, between ) p.m. and 3 p.m. Mon. INSURANCE GIRL experienced legal secretory handling Reat mission, power steering, radio, vinyl roof. South of Lloyd Rd. through Fri. An equal opportunity employ: 5EA KING — 14' with Iraitcr, liberglas. Maxfmum remuneration tor Fire and Cas- Estate transactions for busy law firm. Ex* > S Best offer, or swap. 843-4176. er. ' 2- ualty rater-writer, Pfeler insurance girl cellent working conditions. Salary open !"ie 95 NOW $1749 with experience in rating and writing Red Bank-Mlddletown area. 7411-3900. 583-3900 BOOKKEEPER — Experienced. Full (commercial policies. Many fringe ben- WANTED AUTOMOTIVE time. Red Bank area. To take charge. . etits. Excellent working conditions. Coll GIRL FRIDAY — Full-time. Exciting po- AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE Neat, good with figures. Full benefits, I Mr. Howard Preville, 531-1600. sition with unique new product. General '69 CHEVROLET ood salary. Send resume to Box C-lOfl, office experience required. Accurate typ* he Daily Register, Red Bonk, NJ. RN — 11 p.m. to 7a.m. part:tlmc, EM; Impala, V-8, sport. 2-door, automatic ? 1st. Call 741-6400. CREDIT INTERVIEWER —National ERY MANOR EXTENDED CARE FA' [ransmryston;-poweK--stewing;'ladio.-Bir Spring Is HERE! jewelry chain looking for responsible C1LITY, Matawan. 566-640O. ORDER CLERK — capable or handling conditioning. woman with or without credit experience incoming sales orders, both mall and - TELEPHONE SOLICITING - House phone, with related detail. Good at typing ' for part-time work In our Eotontown, New wives, have lime on your hands? Earn SI! ADRIAN PYLE and we need 100 Used Cars Jersey store. Hours vary. Transportation and figures. Work in local manufacturing to 530 a week. MUST HAVE 7*7, 741, 14; facility. Reply P.O. Box 610, Neptune. 2495 NOW $2349 Trading As to and from work needed. If Interested,' exchange. Coll 842-5749. Car Hwy. 35 2M-1600 Keypori call 542-7524 between 4-8 p.m. RNs WANTED — 7 to 3:30. King James Nursing Home. We will tradoor buyout PART-TIME — Earn S75 a week for 15 ADMITTING CLERK — And social ser. A&G hours work. Must drive and be able to vice worker. Need versatile, mature Indi- 291-3JC0 right —Call or come in vidual to handle admissions and perlorm '67 DODGE work three evenings a week. One week BOOKKEEPER — Machine posting for 1 training period. Call583-1041, social service duties under professional Monaco, 4-

Shrewsbury Motors, Inc. AUTO CARTS DISTH IBUTORS — Op- portunity for youno mun interested In au- BUICK-OPEL tomotive. Assist In counter Jalei and HIGHWAY 36 SHREWSBURY AVE. NEW SHREWSBURY stock control. Contact Naylor't Auto . EATONTOWN 741-8500 (More Classified 542-1126 HWY. 35 264-4000 KEYPORT HELP WAXTED MALE HELP WAWfBP MALE SITUATION WANTED THE FAMILY CIRCUS V) \ FEMALE • PETS AND LIVESTOCK HOUSES FOR HEN* JKHJSgS FOR SALE " i d/r Personnel OMAH £ceks housekeeping position. APPALOOSA — Quarter borse. 1} lion oTrtrsrLVER - T«£OTOWTU*; t HXV^H ~ <3rT&js Ifr*^ tSrivwiUnf RESUMES PREPARED ;ive-doy week, live In. Experienced. Call nine years. Jumps* excellent torm, goad homt, Near Morkhom PI. tctooll. June! to shopping. Excellent area. Twc-jtory !7M240' conformation, very friendly. Call 74M177 wssesslon. (250 per month plus'utilities. lome, AH. Formica court ry^kitcften Over- CcpwrTlef: Dearje. % yews experience 1er6:». looking lovely private yard, Livrrvg room 01 Inttrinl promollonrad ogency dept. Be d/r Personnel YOUNG HOUSEWIFE — with one child, with I (replace, full dining room, IV? baths, • 3 mon house oraon, safes campaign, wishes to core lor 1 or 2 pre-schoo! chil- THREE-BEDROOM RANCH — Living flagstone patio, full basement ai^d goroge 57 Broad SI. Red Bank W2-3501 S US^ AKC, trade iho*s, et.c full benefits, MA com- ren lor working mother in my home. 229- hlg bone, beauties- Sound temperament. room/fireplace, dining area, kitchen, pany, Pet. area. To $12,000. Champ Rops ~ Troll lines. Stud service. bath, tuil basement. Middletown Twsp. YOUNG MAN — Mechanically Inclined, SO-13M. netM- Red fidnlc,^29j. 566-5780. LDrSHREWSBURV — Custom built to operate small form type tractor and Credlt/Cotlectlon: Supervisor. 3-5 years WILL GIVE — Loving care to your cWld NEW COLONIAL. — *-S bedrooms, 2'a •lane ond brick ronch, park-like selling experience In Industrfal credit for large combine. Good driving record and valid in my home. Infants accepted. Ex- AKC LABRADOR RETRIEVER PUP- 3ne acre plus. BeouIIIul grounds. En license. Future. Call Mr. Sea, I o in to perienced mother. Coll 741-8255. baths, den with fireplace, oil appliances. ITipnuiactvrlng company. Able to work un r PIES-For sale • Convenient location. 1450. 671-487B. ranee hall, 24x14 Hying room with fire der pressure. Rerfh Amboy area. AAA tuyn. 591-1700. 565-SM2 Jloce, 12x15 dining room. 5pocious kitch* compony; To J15.000. rOUNG WOMAN — 17 years experience •n feolures dishwasher, wall-oven, wosfier PART-TIME EVENINGS - 3 or t nights eceptionlst, personnel, light typing, office GELDING — 5 year old, strawberr/ roan. ind dryer, Three bedrooms, two baths, "week, Must be neat and reliable, over *ork. all switchboards, desires work Rides English ond Western. Good child 5 WANTED TO RENT* 5x20 paneled laloOsicd Florida room. Et Shift Supervisor: (Rotating 1st and 2nd) 25. Uniforms supplied. Apply COLONIAL Ceansburg area, full or part-time. Coll horse. Must sacrifice. 1350. 671-1474. Some college. Work wilri union scheduling CITGO, 110 E. Front St., RtdUank. WE NEED - Five or six, 2 3 bedroom lulsite decor throughout. Circular drive production and personnel. New Brunswick Rental Homes,1 furnished or unfurnished /ay to two-cor attached garage. Must be DUTCH BELT RABBITS 1 area. To S12.000. EXPERIENCED AUTO BODY MAN WILL BABYSIT — In my home days or Six weeks old from iB5 to J3S0 per monfh lor incoming For large GWi dealership. Top solary, 40 ^eekly. 741 -7365 personnel. THE BERG AGENCY RI. 35, WATERBU R Y AQ E N C Y .Computer Engineer: Degree. 1-3 years ex- hr. weelc. Paid vacation, fringe benefits. Coll 264-8415 Middlctown.fc7l-100D. Profit shoring and hospltallzolion. Contact Realtor 45 Years ot Service (nsuror perience In application. Know hardware POODLES — Miniature, AKC, 9 weeks. APARTMEMT OR SMALL HOUSE — Ir — time sharing Fortran. To 514,500. Bill Slotter, 741-6200. WcGLOIN BUICK- MATURE WOMAN — Would like to care Male silver beige; male ond female me- a mople Avc. 747-3500 Red Bonk for elderly or Invalid person. Call 264- dlum-brown. 542-3769. Atlantic Highlands, overlooking bay. Call Use 'Holly, The Home Finder" ' BJ2-453S, before 3 p.m. Director Scientific Info Ctr: PhD Chem- 1626. Ask for Mrs. K. (References.I REDBANK - RUMSOM AND MILES istry. New Dept. — statr your own. 2-5 MAN — Part-time for driving ond general POODLES —AKC. work. Apply Norwood Distributors Inc., IGH SCHOOL JUNIOR — Maloring In WANTej?,....-w,Room with ferlttiL'netle anc ROUND — Multiple LiJtlnflS, Send for years experience In library systems.»slng Toys, miniatures, standards. - eetotplog of modest homes, forms, polo- 626 Broadway, Long Bronch. See Frank business, wants part-time |ob (now). Also 291-2327 'priv^jt bold tor mtiture, college-educo'ed EDP Corporate levels. To 325,000. ner employment. Call 671-5BS4. qenH7413766 al Rurmon estates, waterfronts, acreage, WAREHOUSEMAN AND GENERAL POODLES - Black, male, female, AKC ots, busjness opportunities. S/BS:.Biology. Research, work with an- HELPER r-. For Party Rental business, registered. Call 495-032B. Jf no answer 787- I A.-.l o.25 year old college student Rlals In psychophormacology. 2-5 years five or six days. S2 per hr. to start, plu former coptoin In the USMC'. Need old Ray Stillman; Realtor •xperlence. To $.12,000. overtime. 542-3131. FINANCIAL farmhouse or garage apartment, pels BUSINESS SHELTIE PUPS — AKC. Beautiful mini allowed. Willing to work to defray rental. "Our 53rd Year" ALL ABOVE ARE FEE PAID EXPERIENCED AUTO MECHANIC collies. Sable ond white. Champion blood- Write Box B-133, The Daily Register, Red 64BHwy35 Shrewsbury 741-B60Q Excellent salary plus Incentive for right OPPORTUNITIES lines. 842-2803, .v Bank. IV'j WOODED ACRES, HOLW1DEL Bring or send your resume to: man. 40 hr. week. Paid vacation, trlnge his beoutlfut three-year-old ronch has Rita B. Hecht benefits. Contact Bill Stutter, 741-4200. Me AKC BRINDLE BOXER - Male, eleven DAILY REGISTER REPORTER - And Iwo baths, living room, dining roomy den GLOIN BUICK-OPELINC. weeks, Champion blood line. Call alter 5 wife need apartment or Email house In the ind exposed basement, with patio door CHEVRON p.m., 291-0780. Red Bank nrea. Can "move in immediately loclng over a babbling brook. «5,90Q. CARPENTERS Call BJ2-7292 alter 5 p.m. d/r Personnel Experienced only. COLLIE — Sable and white, Iwo years Walker & Walker, Realtors 471-2800 STATION old, AKC, chomplorishlp slock. Excellent SOCIAL SERVICE AGENCY ~" 5eeking Hwy 35 671-3311 Middletown for Stud. Call 842-2794. rental units for* clientele. If you have houses or opartments 1o rent, roll 5d2> MIDDLETOWN — Three-bedroonVfSplif. '' the Personalized Employment Agency MASON'S HELPER WANTED Good pay tor good worker. LABRADOR RETRIEVER - Male, Vear 8000, Ext, 245-6. No commission involved. Large living room, woll-to-wall carptling, 157 Broad St. Red Bank 642-3501 Coll after 5:30 p.m. 946-8906 Available old, rust color. Fully trained. Without pa- IVi oaths, large paneled recreotion;room pers, S35. Coll 264-1801. THREE-BEDROOAA HOUSE WANTED — with built-in bar. Assumobte mortgage. SYSTEMS ANALYST — BS Accounting or •With yard, 5-10 minutes from shore. June Established sewers. Principals Qmy. IN THE SPRINGER SPANIEL PUPPY — Male, 1 to Sept. 1. Coll 212-852-3702. «9,500. 787-6185, . . \ Business background In Real Tlmo Appli- five months old, Irom good hunting stock. cations with Telecommunications Ex- MIDDLETOWN- Housebrohen. Good with children $30. 609- perience billing, accounts receivable. NO "They didn't let-me finish smiling." SINGLE GIRL — Working In Bell Labs LONG BRANCH — Newly decorated. Liv- FEE.TOSI6.5K 75B SJ10. Will deliver. needs apartment. Call 949-454B before 5 ing room, dining room, kitchen and loun- PATROLMAN AND RED BANK p.m., 972-1804 after 6 p.m. dry. Two bedrooms, v/j baths. Bosement, PER5ONNEL SERVICES l ALASKAN MlLAMUTES — 12) Lovable. Front pqreh. SU,000. 2S9-MA1. 77 Broad SI. Red Bonk 741-3555 . AREA Male AKCV temple pedigreed. Two years FAMILY OF-4 —Desires moderately Paid training available. BUSINESS OPPItTUMTIES BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES old. RtQionable-y-ilffr. 747-0532. priced 2 or 3-bedroam house or oporlment WO HOUSES — On large lot. Income Open to Male Citizens ; AUTOMOBILE or Information fo rent, Call 747-1632. troperty located Ir New Shrewsbury-Red 21 to 35 Years of Age Weekdays 8:30 lo 5 p.m. Call PERSIAN KITTENS — For sale to aood Bank area. Asking H3.00Q. 747-3B62. . Mr. Keollng, 687-1550, Ext. 70 home. BADLY NEEDED — Three-bedroom SALESMAN 747-5218 house for family of seven. Rent up to $200. FAIR HAVEN — River Oaks. Charming Who are residents of We have on Immediate opening for an ag- Evenings after 7, call Mr. Bennetfj 1 463-0911. DO YOU NEED ME? DO I NEED YOU? Coll 564-2658. center hall Colonial. Four bedrooms, 2 1 KEANSBURG BORO gressive mon with sales experience. He BASSET HOUND Kiths, Jorge counlry kitchen, ponded den. must live localty'and be able to toke ad- 2'A year old female. UKC Registered. S25. HOUSE — Three-bedroom house. Unfur- For application Forms and vantage of the full potential of tills posi- Coll 787-7198. . • nished, urgently needed in Red Bonk-Foir '* of an acre. (62,900. THE DOWSTRA tion. See Aaron Kossos of MAYBE WE NEED EACH OTHER! AGENCY, Realtors, 91 E. Front St., Red .--.-•• Further ESTABLISHED Haven New Shrewsbury area, for Church Bank. 741-8700. Information Contact POODLES Caretaker and family of three. Church RASSAS\PONTIAC BAR While—mini. 575to S100. will vouch for character and reliability ol RUMSON COLONIAL — Four bedrooms, NEW JERSEY 395 Broad St. 7*1-5180 Red BonH Jf you have a business with growth potential and can use 20 years of executive ex- 2M-6788 Ihls tine family. Monthly rental not to ex Eves, until 9 2Vj baths. Paneled den AND gome room, 153 Shrewsbury Ave., Red Bank Five- perience to keep It growing, we moy find It mutually advantageous to get logehler. 1 ceed 5250. Tenants will pay oil utilities screened porch, potio. Excellent location.. : DEPARTMENT OF room apartment second floor. Two MINIATURE SCHNAUZERS — Available Calt Church Office, 747-1348. Ask tor Mr MENtWOMEN for Mother's Day. Three males, one fe- W5.000 ELLEN 5. HAZELTON, Realtor, CIVIL SERVICE rooms il("5l lloor. Kitchen equipped Little. 13 W. River Rd., Rumson. 842-3200. MAKE MONEY IMMEDIATELY tor business, two rooms In rear wim M/ experience has been In the marketing, advertising and selling of mososs consumer male. 787-1062. State House BE A entrance. Two-car garage. 741-2978. products, hard goads, and services. Management experience includes five years asE Ex LITTLE SILVER RANCH —On beau- Trenton, New Jersey ecutlve V.P. of a 125 million company thai continues to grow profitably, FURNISHED ROOMS tifully landscaped V* acre lot. A-l condi- GOOD HUMOR MAN tion. Three bedrooms, fireplace. Asking ROW WITH A YOUNG COMPANY — REAL ESTATE tATONIOWN AHfcA (Or Phone Your Local . »No experience required •prefer to use the 3 hours spent commuting to New York working In or nccr Mon- CALL 535,000. Shown only by appointment. Prin- We are filling our executive positions cipals only. 741-8580. Police Department 787-0600) •No expenses row. Exceptionally high Income potential. mouth Count/. If you wont more specifics, or want to tolk about your problems and op- FOR RENT 927-16IB •Enloy high income :ull end part-time. Call for appointment portunities* contact me. | am Interested In an equity position or possibility. APARTMENTS ELBERON — Four bedrooms, two baths, Applications must be filed Bring your N.J.'drlver's license ottpched garage. Quick occuponcy. 5B5 Shrewsbury Ave., Shrewsbury RED BANK — Luxury high rise^?p Manor Hotel 529,900. Call FOUR SEASONS REALTY, before May 17,1961. {Opp. Red Bonk Airport) Speciaf off season rotes. Hotel room; ET-X — The original pressure washer, Write Box B-136, The Dally Register, Red Bank. .menis. Immediate ond'future occupancy, witli in aid service, $20_week. Mote Realtor, 229-7800. No lee for lillna nnpllcalions 741-2501 jtlll the world's best. Just attach to a gar- Monrnouth County's Itnest centrally, air- den hose... flip a dial to spray on foamy, rooms. 135 week and up. 1 Portland Rd. PORTAUPECK — By owner. Principols Cost of adv. S23.52 MAINTENANCE ENGINEER — Genera conditioned building. Studios, one, two Highlands, fl7M773. •_ manulaciurlng background. Develop new self-acting JET-X suds. . . then tltp it ond three bedrooms. Swimming pool, only. Three-bedroom, two bath ranch. procedures in maintenance area. ME De- again to rinse dirt clean awoy. Fund rols* sauna rooms, boot morino pnd garages on FREEHOLD — Furnished room. TV. pri- V.i + acre. Lorgc paved drtvewoy, potio, LUBE MAN gree. NO FEE, TOS13.5K. Ing organizations can tnako more than 11 FOR SALE FOR SALK premises. 24-nr. .doorman. Riverview vole entrance. Also one room with kitch- double garage. Marble fireplace, full Immediate opening for experienced man. PERSONNEL SERVICES J on sale of each unit. Franchise investors lowers, 28 Riverside£. Fronl St., Red Bank. 741-1693. coastline ad|olning a beautiful marina. 35. Centrally located. 264-7295, after 5 p.i only. 4V5-0B2O. (West Keonsburg) al Interview, contact Emil Sctiram ot Rus home. No soliciting, no canvassing. Dlrec all day weekends. ______sell Oldsmobllc-Cadlllac Co., 100 Newman sales experience helpful. 1200 salary plus 20 GAL. FISH TANK — All accessories Includes air conditioning, swimming CONTEMPORARY RANCH — Four bed benefits, If qualified. Car necessary. Good MERCHANDISE 10 SPEED BICYCLE — Never used. including stand, 535. Heavy duty Blazon pool, parking. All specious, truly luxury Springs Rd., Red Bank. Schwlnn Varsity, $69. rooms, dining room, living room, panelec opportunity for advancement with larges iwlng set, wllh adult rider, 525. 583-4J52. apartment's. GARAGES FOR RENT recreation room, paneled den with .fire- SALESMAN — Maurice Schworlz and growing'company in the cast. Call be FOR SALK Call 747-4521. Call or visit superintendent, 591-0237. f PIANOS -ORGANS I Brounell-Kromer Management Co. place, two baths, sauna both. Basement. Sons, Chrysler-Plymouth dealer, Fron ween 10-3. BEST'TOPSOIL ORIENTAL RUG — Beautiful Kashan, Used spinets from $195. Unlimited rentals RED DANK — Large garage, Suitable lo 5undeck,¥lwo-car garage. Heavily woodec 'St., Red Brink, expanding their sales fore* Mr. Ross 736-5600 from Iran. 7x10, gold and blue. from 17.50. Warehouse for Yamaha-Conn- KFYPORT — Three rooms. Couple. One many uses. J25 a month. acre lot in Marlboro area. Builder's to meet Itic orowlng.dcniands.Dt soles 741-7483 Call 671-11B4 "" Kimball-Wurlltier-Chickerina. FREE ibnth security. References. Coll 671-3709. h6me. Possible assumption J4/,5D0. 946- Demo and all fringe benefits. Coll Mr SERVICE/SALES - Minimum 2 years TYPEWRITER, ADDING machines. All HOLD MUSIC CENTER, 12 Throckmor Call 264-5216 •1594 or 949-AW. 5lgler._7<7-O78r. • college Chemistry plus sales experience LIKE NEW — Reel mower, self pro- ton St. 462-6/30." makes, new or used. Guaranteed. Low as IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY —Threebed- or past work using chemicul training. NO 125. Serpicos. 101 WonmouihSt. Next to filed. Spreader. TV sets, rattan furri- KEANSBURG — 5Vi large rooms, work MECHANIC - Immediate opening. Five F6E.TOS9.5K ure, cedar chest. Other furniture. 741- INDIVIDUAL SALE — Office, mailing ing fireplace. Beachfront. No pets. Secu- REAL ESTATE room split on large tot, Living room, for- IHeater. 747-04B5. mal dining room, kitchen, utility room, day week. Pold vocation. New ond used PERSONNEL SERVICES 2918. and graphics equipment. PB Postage Ma- rity. SU5, no Utilities. Alter 5 p.m. 787- cars. Top salary tor right man. Coll 741 DISAPPEARING ATTIC STAIRS -- Fur- chine 4351, PB Inserter and PO Scale. Ad- C063or 914 3S6 9429 ofter 5. FOR SALE buth, fnrlnqcd carport, gas grill, etc. Only 77 Brood SI. fed Bank 741-355. S23,500. KTo down. 2433 for oppointmorit. nlihed ond installed 'or only 164.95, To or-' NEARLY NEW SALE - Clothing for the dressograph Graphatype 6340. Speedau- 1/ dcr.Colia4S>-0B63. • family, Mon. through Wed., May 3, 4. 5. WE5T END — 2 2 furnished rooms. HOUSES FOB SALE PALACE REALTY ASSOCS. LANDSCAPE EQUIPMENT OPER- mat 2S0Q and Notcher; olso shrink box, Kilchen.-balh, air1 conditioner, year round MATURE MAN WANTED — For super ATORS — And drivers. Experienced only. 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Corner of Shrewsbury light table, woxer. Two GBC collators. 20 1958 Rt. 35 Hazlet, N.J. Call 297-1244,462-7447 between 9 and 5. COMPARE BEFORE YOU BUY - SOIIL Ave. and Herbert St. (Opp. Sol's), Red and 16 bin. Nearly new Hcadliner and from S175. 400 Ocean Blvd., 222-6233. 264-530O visor of buildings and grounds for public vinyl siding doesn't dent like obsolete . Institution. Send resume ond salary ex Bank. National Council of Jewish Women. fonts. Challenge drill, time clock, GBC SPACIOUS LUXURY — Onet-bedroom RUMSON Licensed Rcol EStote Broker INDUSTRIAL PAINTER meial siding. Coll for free estimate, D.W. Ceflovcqulpincrit. "Two steel strno desks peeled to Box E-115. The Dally Register Barr Home Improvements. 642-2053. CAMERA LENSES epartment to suplet for six months start- Red Bonk. See our ad under and two executive desks, Iwo IBM type- ing July ] wllh optional lease. Located In ThTrF"rendfr"PrbtfIh'crdlh6irne~fs lo- RUMSON — Three bedrooms. IVi baths,"" Help Wanled Male/Female Pentax or Mamiya rlters. 946-8163. cated on Bellevue Ave., In Ihe heart of den ond sunroom, full cellar, two-cor ga- OLO FASHIONED SCHOOL DESKS - Call 842-7127 central Red Bank overlooking river. EXPERIENCED BODY MEN _ Ex Phone 223-1499 days. 842-0779 after 6 p.m. the estate area. Your family will en- rage, fenced in back yard. 539,500, By CLAIMS REPRESENTATIVE — Respon' Chairs, conference table, benches* stu- joy the privacy atforded by the sur- owner. 747-5744. cellent salary for qualified men. Fred sible position with large Insurance com' dent,,teacher, and arm chair desks, audi- BIG BOXWOOD 8ARGAINS DINING ROOM SET — Sheraton style by Hughes & Son, Inc., 11 Oceanporl Avc. Kittlnger. Baby grand piano. Gulbransen, TWO ROOMS UPSTAIRS — Furnished. rounding woodlands; the beauty of the pany. College degree required. No ex- torium seats, 2'xe appreciated. 141,500. vated. Large lot. No phone information. 8i lectlng.Call 747-2143. 1er S, plus automatic Sollgor 200mm with UV, DIG YOUR OWN — Scotch and While iroximately 4.O0O sq. ft. of prime office Realtors .pace in professional zone of Red Bonk, Washington St., Long Bronch. Owner will BAKER WANTED — Full-time, excellent plus extras. SISO. 566-6401 alter 5 p,m, Pine, 3' to 8\ 75' per ft. Behind Wicker 30 Ridge Rood Rumson take bock mortgage. working conditions. Good references es- MODERN, BEDROOM CHESTS (2) will Barn, Rt. 34, Colts Neck. 10 to 5 doily. mmediatc occupancy. Will decorate ond Sentlol. Excellent wages. Full company HELP WANTED drawers. Light wood and cane. Matchlm AUSTRALIAN SURFBOARD - Bv'Han- nartitron lo suit. Attractive long.term 842-2760 king size heodboard, 550. 747-4608. seru 7'2M: Excellent condition. Asking ease available. Call HOWARD B. DEX- benefits Including vocation, health and In- MALE OK FKMALK TER ASSCVS. 747-27O1. UPDATED OLDER HOME surance plan. Apply In person; Man. $100. 67M495. TOP SOIL Large living room with fireplace, scpa _ REAL ESTATK WANTED TANDEM BICYCLE — Columbia. 52.50 cu. yd. Tandem loadSj Weekend de- through Frl.. 1 to 4 p.m. DELICIOUS OR- HAIRDRESSER • " ' Used once. 150 firm. KtU HANK — ,01'icc 'or rent, turnisned. rate dining room, modern kitcnen, thret Ll5Tlr4GS OF BETTER HOMES- In POOL — 1B"X4\ Fitter, ladder, etc. $150.livery only. After 4:30 p.m., 229-9393. r CHARDS, Rt. 34, Colls Neck. Unusual bpuoilunlly tor hlgli Jlytlst will) Coll 747-0429 Heat aid utilities supplied. SB5 month. arge bedrooms, I'/j baths. Attic and bose K fo^sburcj Widdictown -Hamlet 'Ho'mdj^. following. Full or part-time. Red Bon Call 291-3744 CAMPING FUN - Awaits you ncv/TWhy Cotl 747 7706 nent. Two-car garage. Near River ond The Smolko Agency, 7B7-C1J3. TWO JOBS - For those Interested In area. Cod 741-7789 or 842-6230. SILVER — Coflee ahd lea service, sever wait? You con borrow tents, staves, cots, IUS line. New Llstlng-Hurry-*33,POO. earning opportunity of 1150 per week. pieces with tray, never used. Asking S250, lanterns and other equipment from the A Phone for appointment, 741-1966. An equal Experienced , SODA FOUNTAIN — Freezer, refrig- OPPORTUNITY FOR Walker & Walker, Realtors erator (root beer barrel), two soft Ice to Z Rental Center, 181 Newman Springs Colts Neck —Holmdel opportunity employer. ^^ REAL ESTATE SALESPERSON! Rd., Shrewsbury, 741-0040. Hwy 35 741-5212 Shrewsbury We have reody qualified buyers. So lor lo^f Active office. Two Multiple L/tlngs. •WIJ cream machines, Cory coffee maker. 741- DOCTOR'S OFFICE AIR CONDITIONING, hootlno and short SXirfpr Antique lurnlture, bric-a-brac, efficient service, call J D ROCHE. Reol- consider person with other sales baGK- crystal,-)kot stoves, tea wagon. Marble 4476. ENGLISH RACER — 3 speeds. Good con- ntmediate occupancy.-Colls Towre Shop- VERSIDE HEIGHTS — Middle-to for, Ri. J). Colls Neck. 4672/41. McmDer metal mechanics. Musi be experienced hrce bedrooms, paneled living room and _round. Call 671-0600. tTavcsInk Assad 4l)x6C". Shore Furniture. Hwy 35, Lau TOP SOIL-Filldlrt.Well rotted dition. Less than one year old. $20. Call es, Rt. 34 (opposite Delicious Orchards), Multiple Listing Service. • commercial ond residential imtollollons. ates, 1008 Hwy 35; Middletown. rence Horbor. 671-3875. alts Neck. 431-2323. ' in room, eat-in kitchen, 520,500. 747- High pay plus paid hospltalliotlon, ho- manure. 077. lidays, skk days ond vacations. Truck ond INHALATION THERAPIST-Ex Coll 671-0335 SURFBOARD — 6" Hanson custom, used .OLDEN OPPORTUNITY - For renting LISTINGS URGENTLY NEEDED IN Al unilornis supplied. Year round positions perlenced, for busy respiratory depar three months, excellent condition. it professional offices Is being offered .HREWSBURY RANCH — This very ap. lanflc Highlands, Highlands, Ltonordo cnt to qualil'ed nicn. Oays 727-1360. Evenings LIKE NEW $180 GO-CART low. Immediate occuponcy. Colls Towne alinn home iji a park-like setting has a NoveslnV. BROOK AGENCY. 99 First ment. Apply weekdays between 9 and HAMMOND Best offer over 1100 74J-3S80 671-2929. p.m. to Personnel Office, Jersey Short jhoppes, Rt. 34, (opposite Delicious Or qe living room with fireplace, dining . Atlnnflr Hlohinnris WM717. . Medical Center. 1945 Corllcs Ave,, Nep 946-8890 EARLY AMERICAN STYLE — Drop-leof :hords) Colts Neck. 431-2323. oom, sunny kitchen', three bedrooms, MAINTENANCE MECHANIC - Second ioth. Air conditioned. 24x30 cathedral tune. An eqtol opportunity employer. ORGAN TWO ELECTRIC FRYERS — With one table and hutch, Si50 each, plus other ac- . WHY NOT CALL SOMEONE WHO • Shift. Experience In production equipment double electric grill, Hotpolnf, wltlt stand. cessories. 741-6624. MODERN PROFESSIONAL OFFICES - 'Cnmed paneled den with tire-place. Many repairs. Some electrical experience help- BEAUTICIAN — Experienced,or good be Shrewsbury. 3 or 4, rooms plus lavatory. 'xlrcn. Must be seen. Principals only. KNOWS? lul but not necessary. Good starling sala- Chairs, tables, stools. 741-4476. TWO' GIRLS' 26" Columbia bicycles. Call Jnlimltcd parking. Also business or pro- .3?.500. 741-393!.. List your home with Ray Van Horn Inner, lull time. Apply In person, RE Agency Multiple Listings. 747-4100. ry. All fringe benefits. Equal opportunity OWN BEAUTY SALON, U72 Hwy 35 STUDIO 10 ALUMINUM 5CREENS — 32x55, $2 otter 1 p.m. esslonol man to s'harc suite. 747-2401. employer. Container Corp. ol America. a )LDE SHREWSBURY — Exclusive lour- Middletown. * each. Full mattress $10, wall cabinet $15, 842-1530 letlraom, 2'.>baih ranch, counlry kitchen, Wonmoulh Fibre Drum, 125 Harrison OF ASBURY PARK gas stove $15, birch cabinet $15, high chair FFICE SPACE — Malawort, Rt. 3d. Ap- FAMILY DESIREb — Thrccbtdroom Ave., Matawon. N.J. 566-5534. MEN WOMEN roximatply 750 sq. ft. Immediate occu- II dining room, Id' living room: private 1'ousc, basement and yard. Prefer Hazlet, flO, torch lamp $1J. Black Angus 115. gas icreagc near rnllroad, bus ond stores. Expansion allows me to shore my bus NEW HAMMOND heater $15, Royal typewriter., oil capitals, MACHINERY FOR SALK lancy. Call 566 0936 lor details. Rumson or Mldoletown area. To $25,000. MAINTENANCE MECHANIC ness. Be your own.boss. Double your ir i49,9Q0. Terms. 222-8233 or 74I-774B. Coll (2121 836-2230. CADETTE ORGANS KJO. Furnace-oil burner $35, waxer $10, BULLDOZER — H.D. 11-E,'motor over- .TORE OR OFFICE SPACE — 30>30'. come In spore lime. NO INVESTMENT end table $5, dresser is, medicine cabinet Aatawan Twp. )CEAN TOWNSHIP— Three-bedroom . -For steel tubing plant. Good all around 842-2232 any lime. $3, Formica tables 15. 872-0919. hauled. Undercarriage like new. Michigan man. Steady work. Top rates ond liberal $555 loader 125 A. 1963 International tondem Call 679-2284 •pitt. V.j batlis, formal dining room. Pros- LEGAL NOTICE EARN S25O TO S30O A MONTH - Part Includes bench, delivery, instani-plot dump truck. New rubber, new motor. All Icjc area. Only S2?,5O0. Call FOUR SEA- company benefits/Day shift B a.m. to 4:30 TIRE5 — 740x15, 600x15, 9J0xl4 (3) •461, oom, den. Closcd-in porch. Two-cur (ja ply for Interview, 229-73W. Devon Apparel SIX-PIECE DINING ROOM SET — Oak. on Tuesday, Moy 18. 1971 ot 6:30 P.W. EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE SALES Open daily 'til 9; Sal. 'til 5:30 aqe. Pull basement. Eat-in kitchen. 671 Dinner will follow Ihe mecling. Price Inc., 3M Wharburlon St., Long Branch. Tires. Toys. Kitchen ulensils. Picture win- 1491. PERSON — Full time. AAlddlctown Offic HURNITURE AND APPLIANCES MERCHANDISE WANTED 57.00. For Reservations call Mrs. Brilton: PAINTERS - Experienced. Specialize In ot Allaire-Farrow Agency. Member of Iw dow wooden cornice. Miscellaneous. 741 DISTINGUISHED «l-4000Ext. 2ES. Welfare ond people with credit problems. 2689. ANTIQUE JEWELRY — Top coin paid. 3ELFORQ — Three-bedroom ninth, (tc new custom ho Multiple Listing Services. Contact Lorr Immediate deliveries. Instant credit. Call SAMUEL CAR.OTENUTO Schilling, 671-2590.. LES DEUX & DON PONS, 799 River Rd. iched gnroqe. 5' cruwl S|)ncr. Nc^ly tloc Mr. Gran. 373-6611 , HOTPOINTMANGLER - $3.0. VM Fair Haven. 741-4337 or 842-6257 OFFICES fOtert. Subiect to FHA cwraiscii. \0' Secretary Phono, stand, records $20. Hedstrom Tot- occied in center ol Red Bonk Business lown. Asking 524,900 ColU71-!?89 REAL ESTATE SALESMAN - Aggres- HAIRDRESSERS- Good opportunity TWIN METAL BEOS — Complete will llner w/landem $15, oak parquet flooring PRIVATE COLLECTOR — Paying cash istrlcl. May 3 S3.25 sive mon needed Immediately for eslob- good pay plus. ^^ mirrored dresser, $20. Kitchen cabinet, $10. Lighted medicine chest, electric (or old guns, swords ond Civil Wor med- ITTLE SILVER -- Four bedroom cus- llsheti realtor In northern Monmouln glass front, 4 drawers, SIS. Mornings 7SI rangemastcr hood, Royal typewriter, Ols. Coll otter 5 p.m.; 842-7489. • Control Air Conditioning jm Cape Cod tiighliqhled with ptnielinq HOUSES FOR SALK County. Member ol two Multiple Listing 6610. , dressmaker's dummy, portable crib, met- • Self Service Elevator Urick, wrought iron and enfras. Masle Services. Motowdn area resident pre- COLLAR SETTER ~ On ladles toppers al desk, each $5. Call 842-7743 before 6 ANTIQUES — Tiffany ilerns, loys lurnl- • Private Parking Space fledropm, 16x22, two both^, large dinini 'fflrred, but not mandatory. Our employees Union shop and hiqhcit wages. Appls 16'GLOBE STAR —Travel Trailer. Self p.m. turc, china, pointings, statuary, coins, • Complete Janitorial Service room, tamily room, oversized goraqe. On know ol this ad ond all Inquiries kept con- contained. Excellent condition, lighting fixtures. Carved ook dining mom • Individual Thermostatically Con- • votl lahdscoped lol. Convenient to trans- FOR REAL SERVICE Wall Street Fashions, corner West oni 5rt689 piece!. Copper Kellle Ailhqucs. OoKhurst. fidential. Write Box P-142. The Dally Reg- Woll Sts,. Red Bank. YELLOW OAK CHirTERODE. vanity trolled Heat tortotion and Stores. S39.900. 747 0096. ister, Red Bank. _____ i and mirror. Call alter S 33i-iawor inmn. • Wnll-to-Wal! Corpcting IN REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE — Twoprofesslono 787-0626 PACIOUS — L-shapcd ronch on loud 'WANTED — Young man as driver ond GERANIUMS WAMTED 14 Broad Street Red Bank scoped 3v4 ocrc lot. Five minutes to Mon Consult a tolesmon for mod.rn lumber yard. Good salespeople to work In expanding Rc< Three for 11. Flowers and vcgetabl' NORGE GAS DRYER -$35. Moving, Used Oriental Rugs Coll for appointment to Inspect mouth Pork race track. Near shopping future. Benefits Including Insurance ond Bank area office. Full time only. Fal plants, wholesale and retail. Mike's must sell. Call 5-7 p.m. Cinnese and Pcriian transportation. Lor etc paneled den will Member of Haven, Multiple Listing. Call Mr. Co/er 747-5541 Also Wall Tapestries • 747-1100 hospltolliallon. Experience not necessary. Greenhouses. 20l-5hore Blvd., Kcansburg, 7;j iu narbie fireplace, large kitchen, till appli Red Bank Area Must be neat In appearonce, willing to al 741-F4B6. FRIEDMAN GALLERIES - j /B7-5O4. SACRIFICE — Bass nuitor, case, ampli- jncoy Three bedrooms, t,vo balt^, large MLS learn, ond hove the ability to deal with the FILL DIRT COIN COLLECTIONS - Gold ond silver llviiKj room. Oversuffl two-coc oartitjc mL fier. Hardly used. Value $300. Best alter. public. Call 4-2-8B-0, • NDUSTRIAL PAINTER - Experience Top soil. Slone. Free delivery, coins, wor nickels. Will pay top current 1IOUSKS FOR -RENT ^ Circular ctrivewoy ond other features 717-0637. __ 1 1 spray painter for small and mrrtluin SII . Call 7i\ 3029. nifirkM. Example silver dollar . 52 and S39.S00 Atlcr 5 p.m. W21AJ0 YOUNG MAN — For work on school parts Apply ELECTRO IMPULSE, IK WIDt SELECTION OP .RCHt ALS - grounds. Full time, permanent |ob for re- SPINET~DESK — $12.50, French style up Mr. Romeo, 7B7-5951 shpd ond ijiifLirniS'icek Irninrdiii'f Chestnut SI.. Red Bonk. 741-0404. An equal HUMAN Hair Wigs- One brown J15, on birdscye maple dressing table, $19.50. THREE-ROOM 8UNGALOV/ — Aikini liable hardworking person. Call Mr. Hond, opportunity employer, frosted S15. ot t upon r v SAMUEL TEKHtR i2200. Co-operollve. SS-TniDnth covers oil RUMSON mi|ulUir.«l,-d !r,K • fi' ritory oncompussed by Rod Bank .vision In modern manufacturing office HILO STEINER 5TUDIO. « Riverside mediate cash for anything and everything iippuinlnicnt. Reply/P.O. Pv» °lo. Neptune, Avc, Red Bank, SOFA-BED — As Is, $20. Crib S10, twin Rusclls, 25 East Front St. 741-1693 LlNCROi-T — Fourbedroont, Iwo-botri Area. Multiplo Listing Sorvico. home. Convenient locution. 1350 pe DRIVERS — Earn up to 5200 a week am bed, box spring, mattress, S20. mi MrKl<-l-. mi sue Stwi-ftilury H,II PIOBSB answer by resume to Box HANDMADE CROCHETED ARTICLES Call 787-6430. WANTED notilh April occuponcy Lcme r^lerpnce -i-ili-'. n\ Mcumiiulh IIIMIII fi more Trucks now available for Ice creai — Made to order. ELECTRIC OVEN -- Good condition, 23 nd security required. Coll alter 8 p.m. 127, FairHavon, vending. CalUWOlSl a.m. Coll 78M037. WATER SOFTENER - Automatic. Wllh across, 29" lo 31" digit. 741 2213 MM773. The Dowstra Agoncy brine tank. S25 Coll94MI-»4 WANTED — Roto-Nller and shreddei plDn y hrdroo ; Ixi'h REALTORS composler. r trmMitioiiinij 1 wo c< | , 91 E. FRONT ST. RED BANK WHITE BATHROOM FIXTURES — Com- Coll 73/• 1771 orii with tii cijlatf. Hrnorilonni Iron RESTORED COLONIAL mode, sink, medicine cabinet, ond acccs (ili-td-wftll. Pnvute, In, beau 741-8700 5orlci. t50. Call J4)tW. uH/ landicyped itiO riiO(iir>. 946-84*A (it jusn/srfo CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY WASHER AND DRYER — Good ccncJI PETS AND r 6[i.m _ .. Ilus ih.irmiim I'onii- I'.'". l'»c lirilrowm. lion, >S0 each. Liriji! ii'iiltl ioyBf. II.•.n.l11ill liwifi{| Kilini. RUMSON SUMMER MfNlAl. — I (irijo, : A HANDY GUIDE OF BUSINESS SERVICES TO SUIT YOUR Cotl 8424730 LIV E_STO C K dccJ. Fully turnisiieif. Five Iiedtoomv 1!i il.nimj room n* Immwil ciilmrj balh*. Cilalc (iron. Walk to orenn DISTINCTIVE -Ennllsh Henplewhile GOOD HOMES FOUND FOR OLOE iiimiiig pool. Asking S3?M) sroson 842 <•••-! ««•« IIHI'UIJ'I tables. Also Hepplewhlic sideboard, 3BW. ' MIDDLE TOWN — Three liedrooms. iwo' carved oak bookcases, llolion Provincial car (iaro((e. Good aren 1250 per montl dining room set, lain Century style, fine OKAY APPALOOSA GELDING -- I"* plus ullhiles. One tnontli's security. J8! Odd Jobs JVnrl anil Beat] qualify bedroom set, end many other qua) cellent disposition, sevon yeofs tild Ena 3403. Ity pieces. Collectable china; (jlossworf Mali or WiMtern, Coll BJ? 4456- INDIVIDUALITY T i7GM> llAULING - C-llor'. |l» Fxprrtly on bmklfri mien, si SO o strand. ond bric-a-brac. RUSCIL'S SYCAMORE ATTRACTIVE SIX ROOM HOUSE - .ADO I NO VIACHlfiES - Y,P"" r I It ri Slcrtiiui cUnns fio'ii V5c R[;Ur>SILLC'S, GREENS, Sycamore Avc, Little Silver AKC Centrally located In Red flunk, iJOU pei .ln-,1 listi- mriiiirii) THREE LAWN MOWERS — Two IKIHA ,IIKI .).)().in.-'. rellyte II*"' lor vou perjonally. Sons . emod»lm(| nnti repairs. Coll-H1-QU9 Ol Good condition. Almosl new, Connertone. AVAILABLE - Ptilnllnti..Pnnerlitffla'ii'l. PantllriB,. . 747-5330 Washtno machine, copprrinnnipyrh hut F3W.AN,HTEPHLBO PUPS - AKC ton, good condition. /39 1BVJ. r.uiMtiln (or Mndt M^ [)^JJi liffinn, Hilly insured. I or Irte eitlnuifcfr* hiitnllrri onfJ nuorontfed for 10 years. i)i bedroorn set, Wood/lcnU>»r kitchen set, Mu)t stU,. Cheitnut mare. 11 hrwtlt, iounj, (l)|>(Hiin« Uolidou^ Cii(h.inV') nr *njr Uaify fl."?"rt.or». Odd |obs. ReoVsnofie toll W-MM. O'OV-391-OMO. (3) club <.tmirs, School during Arbor Day cermonles Friday. The trees commemorate high school students James clined to name the man who Vila you to tola on General Supplies foe Mark Clarkin of Winter posed by the director of motor 1h« 1(71-7] school yeor. Speclflcollon: Johnson, John Bentiett and Thomas Clause, all killed in auto accidents. The three would have gradu- most recently turned down may be obtained upon re. agreement. justified." It contended that New York, appointed to the 3,000 Gclbns No, 2 fuel oil, lor grader end healing, cert is the bonus to new sub- Baroque music. His program once thriving overseas in- began last September when In a prospectus issued on the S.E.C. "has at no time contract negotiations by the 55 Gallons hydromalic fluid lor {trader, scribers to MAF'S Chamber identified any purported mis- ttillltcndcar. here will include works from vestment empire. I.O.S. was hit by a financial March 5, the company said it state Public Employes Rela* All deliveries to be made at Munclpal Music Series for 1971-72, ac- the Baroque to modern peri- The financial community, is statement or omission" in the Garage, Stole Route li. Marlboro, New slump. did not feel it was subject to 'tions Commission. Jersey. cording to Jack Tomlinson, ods. curious about who bought Ho arranged,a $5 million the 1067 agreement, that In- I.C.C. registration. ' All bids shall be submitted on the pro The teachers contract, in posol forrhs furnished wlih the contract chamber sudety president. Next year's chamber series Cornfeld's 6 million shares of loan from a Bahamian subsi- ternational Controls was not a The complaint contended documents and stiail be delivered in negotiation since September, 1 The, concert Will be given seoled envelopes al the time anil place will feature the Fine Arts Investors Overseas Service diary of International Con- party to the agreement be- that the S.E.C. "demanded, may be settled within two specliied with the envelope properly by harpsichordist Igor Kjtmis marked to Identity the work bid upon. Quartet. These musicians, fitter Cornfeld bowed out. So Is trols and agreed to loan out tween the S.E.C. and I.O.S. coerced and attempted to in- weeks, according to Miss Copies of specifications may be secured at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in artists in residence at the Uni- the S.E.C, another $5 million upon de- duce plaintiffs to violate the from the Business Administrator's office. The S.E.C. contends it can Mario Panos, MRTA presi- Municipal Bujfa*lno, Routs 7?* Marlboro, llumson'S First Presbyterian versity Of Wisconsin, haye ap- Issues Deeper mand of the Geneva-based inquire Into International Con- criminal laws of Switzerland dent. : Church. It is the last of four Butthei'legaTS'sueTsnaping and Was'threatened plaintiffs r The bid Is lo cover a period from Moy peared throughout the wiorw, firm. """"" trols' relationship with I,O;s: She said the teachers' asso- )5. l«7t to May 1/1972. concerts on the chamber so- on TV, radio, and in films. up "before a U.S. District with various official and unof- A certified check In the amount of Ten Connections Severed' not only because of the 1967 ciation has pushed back a (10%) percent of the tatol bid must ac-' ciety's present series. Next year's series also in- Court judge run much deeper. ficial ' sanctions... including company each bid and same shall be con- Cornfeld subsequently sold decree tiut because of two meeting to May 12 in hopes sidered a deposit. Each bid received Shall Persons who subscribe to cludes the Festival Winds One of "the key questions is non-approval of registration constitute an offer to contract and the fail- his interest in Investors Over- proposed offerings of I.C.C. that action on the fact finder's ure of bidder to execute a contract wlfltln next year's chamber series on Quartet of flute, oboe, clarinet whether the SEC can question now in registration before the statements." 15 days dfter award and submission of seas Service and in January report, expected by then, can agreement to successful bidder shdll re- or before tomorrow are In- and bassoon; a string trio of Vesco and an American com- severed his connections With SEC In Washington, the S.E.C. betaken. sult In forfeiture of the deposit. No bond vited to hear Mr. Kipnis' con- P will be accepted In lieu of the required the New York Chamber pany he heads about their the investment empire he suit is Filed (said it didn't believe ther-e The near 400 teachers are certllled check, The Township reserves cert as guests of the society. the right to relect any and oil bids If It Soloists, and a Renaissance founded. Vesco filed suit in federal was any substance to the suit. presently working under a deems it best for Ihe public good. Mr. Kipnis, son of the fa- Trio featuring tenor Robert Vesco emerged as chair- court in Newark last week A hearing has been set for BERNARD HARTNETT two-year contract settled last Business Administrator mous Metropolitan Opera bas- White. Reformatory man of I.O.S. and as a direc- seeking to block an in- Friday before Judge Robert. Moy3 • " J12.00 May, with negotiation reopen- so, Alexander Kipnis, has tor of Overseas Development vestigation of the company's Shaw. ers on salary, personal days earned a reputation hero and Bank .of Geneva, a banking financial dealings with I.O.S, "We expect to be able to Separate Sealed Proposals will be re- Crochet Quickies Sentence 1 and duty free lunch hours, tof :ejved by the Board of Education of the abroad. He is a recognized au- subsidiary of I.O.S. The complaint asserted that fend this off," a lawyer for Henry Hudson Regional School tflslrlcl ot the 1971-72 school year. One Grand Tour, Highlands, New Jersey, Under a 1967 order by the the S.E.C. was seeking to de- the S.E.C. said, 'We'll b6 on or before 3:00 P.M., prevailing time. 536 For Tillman there," / May 13, 1971, for the furnishing of Physl-. ZipltVp! Securities and Exchange termine, among other mat- col Education ona* Boccei* Equipment and Supplies, Fuel Oil ortd Boiler Maintenance FREEHOLD - Larry Til- lor the Henry Hudson Regional School lman of 1000 Bangs Ave., As- /.. Teachers OK District, Highlands, New Jersey, upon Forms of Proposals whicn ma? be had Printed Pattern bury Park, was sentenced to upon applicationisrthe Olflce of the sec- retory. All bids ore lb-*e iti strict accor- an indetorniinate reformatory dance with said forms. R«rm of proposal Conditions in Jiivenijte Pay Guide In and specifications moy beXoblalned front term for an armed robbery, the Office of the Secretary Seated ot One Grand Tour, Highlands, New Jersey, be- two robberies and an assault tween the hours of 9 A.AA. old fM P.M., with a weapon with intent'tot Middletown - Monoay through Friday, t/cepllng legal holidays. ' rob, holidays. ' , Institutions Assailed ' MIDDLETOWN-The Mid- TThhe BoarBdd of EducatioEdti n reserves the right lo reject any or all bids ond to wolye Tillman had pleaded guilty dletown Teachers Association any defect or informality of any bid to robbing $100 from Morris WASHINGTON (AP) - Sen, tentlon has no educational or gal commitment of a child shoulhldd It be dedeemeed ffo r ththe bbestt InterestItsts Thursday accepted a' 1971-72 of the Board of Education to do so. E. Siegel, trading as Benny's Birch Bayh opened hearings rehabilitation facilities and its from that county to a state re- salary guide of {7,900 to Al) proposals are to be presented to the sanitary conditions are dis- formatory." Board of Education ot the above stated Grocery Store, Red Bank, and today on conditions in juvenile $13,272 in 13 steps. time and place. In SEALED ENVE- correctional institutions with gusting. In his detailed, statement, LOPES, PLAINLY MARKED BID FOR $34 from William Mari of Edward Van Mouten, new- "PHYSICAL EDUCATIOrTsUPPLIES, a charge that many youths He also said children are Payne also said that the de- SOCCER SUPPLIE5, FUEL OIL or BOIL- Mari's Package Store, 71 ly-elected president of the 700- 11 ER MAINTENANCE. • __ Brighton Ave., Long Branch, "are beaten, brutalized and continually beaten, no quali- tention home has no recrea- iftember association said the By order of the eoord of Education of exposed to vicious sexual at- fied personnel are employed, tional, diagnostic or rehabi- the Henry Hudson Regional School Dis- Oct. 26. guide was the recommenda- trict, Highlands, Monmoultl County, New He also had admitted rob- tacks." and juvenile records are dis- litative programs, that ''the JerSe/ tion of a state-appointed fact " (MrJ.) EMILY JOHNSON bing $65 from Raymond E. The Indiana Democrat, closed to any caller. ' children eat slop while the finder last February. Secretary to 1hB Board of Education chairman of the Seriate juve- Even stronger testimony employes eat sirloin tips with May 3 !. 11.15 Whelan, an employe of Kraus- The guide, which hikes the nile delinquency subcom- was given by Bill Payne, who mushroom, sauce," and that - NOTICE 7er's Dairy Inc., Rt. 35, Nep- present salary guide of $7,350 children sit in their cells all Take notice that Ihe Laird 8. Company, tune City, last Oct. 25. mittee, added in his prepared said in his prepared statement to $12,480, has also been ac- trading os Laird & Company hDS applied day without reading matter or to Ihe Director of the Division of Alcohol- Tillman also admitted that statement that little, if any, he was assigned by the El cepted by the negotiating ic Beverage Control for o Rectifier ond Paso Times last August to any other diversion. Blenders License for the premises situ- he assaulted Rosa Mayer, an rehabilitation takes placo in committee of the Board of ated ot Laird Road, Scobeyvllle, New Jer- conduct an investigation and sey, and to maintain warehouses at Laird employe of Freedman's Bak- detention and correctional fa- "The situation is no better Education, Mr. Van Houten Road, Scabeyville, New Jersey. cilities, write a series of articles. in the state schools, which are J. E. Laird, Jr., President, Director J. ery Inc., 1009 Main St., As- explained. '• Stockholder, Fair Haven, N.J. characterized more by ho- bury Park, with a pistol with Denounce System "Juvenile justice as it ex- The board may adopt the Andrew F. Ward. Vlce-Presldent, Fair mosexuality than by anything Haven, NJ. intent to rob. Two of the first witnesses ists In El Paso County, and, guido^at Its meeting next May Larrle W. Laird, Vlce-Presldent, Direc- else," he said, tor & Stockholder, Freehold, N.J. Reginald Ward of 34 N. denounced the 'juvenile justice indeed, throughout the state 10, but is reportedly reluctant Benjamin Sporn, Treasurer, Jackson, of Texas, is a disgrace and an . Bayh said he hoped tnrough N.J. Broadway, Long Branch, wlio system in: El Paso, Tex., and to commit itself in view Of the M. L. Lolrd, Secretary, Fair Hoven, was convicted by a jury of conditions in the county juve- abomination, conceived and the hearings the subcom- present appeal to the state Virginia Dangler Sledenlop, Assistant nile detention home there. 'executed in bad faith and de- mittee will, find ways "to SecrcTary, Woyslde, N J. aiding and abetting Tillman in Commissioner of Education of William A. Cansodlne, Assistant Secre- the armed robbery of Mr. Steven Bcrcu of the El Paso signed solely for the profit of make correctional institutions a $300,000 cut imposed, on the . tory, Newark, N.J. the keepers even as they Capable of achieving rehabili-' O. W. E. Baldwin, Director, New York, Mari and of having the stolen Legal Assistance Society said School budget by the Town- it is difficult to imagine any apeak nobly of solicitude for tatlon rathet* than capable r Royal H. Gibson, Director, Rumson, money in his possession, was ship Committee, • N.J. also given an indeterminate place "where juveniles are so the children they catch and only of turning out more con- John L. Leban, Director, Hollywood Colorful, thrifty, unlined - The association, at its meet- Beoch, Flo. reformatory term. routinely abused." cage," Payne said. . firmed criminals and Donald McCalg, Director, Hlllsdale. whip up both Quickies! ing last week, elected new of- He said police will arrest Cites Illegalities delinquents." N.J. Put summer in the bag - Ward also was fined $200 ficers headed by Mr. Van Charles C. Schock, DIreclor, Malawan, any juvenile merely on the Since the construction of Legislation Bayh in- crochet fringed style of rug and given a concurrent re- Houten, forthocomlngyear. J.'E. Loird, Jr., Folr Haven. N J. word of the parent and, in de- the detention home in .the troduced Friday provides, LorrieW. Laird, Freehold, N.J. . yarn with wooden beads; formatory term for possession They include Carl Antlsell, Ann Laird Chamberlain, Arlington, Va. fiance of Texas law, children early 1950s, Payne said,, "in more legal protections for \ Stockholders draw-string bag of heavy cor- and salo of heroin June 22 in vice president; Kathleen are detained for indefinite pe- El Paso County there has juveniles in federal courts, Objection), It ony, should be mode Im- ded cotton with plastic beads. Long Branch and for posses- Brltt, recording secretary; mediately in writing to the Director of the riods without the benefit of a probably never been a legal giving them the right to Coun- Division of Alcoholic Qeveroqe Control, 8-16 Pat. 536: two handbags. sion of a weapon without a Jacqueline Loarsch, corre- 1100 Raymond Boulevard, Newark, N.J. court hearing and "without arrest of a child, there has sel and a jury trial. It also 07102. . FIFTY CENTS for each permit. sponding secretary and Alyah • (Signed) |A/||C«M would prohibit detention of pattern -.add 15 cents for The sentences were im- any conceivable justifica- probably hever been a legal LAIRDS COMPANY fife juveniles in any institution in Meyer, treasurer. •••?••:•:•. J. E. Laird, Jr., each pattern for first-class, posed by County Court Judge tion." detention of a child and there President YOU'LL LIVE IN this zip- Bercu said the county de- • has probably never been a le- which adults are confined, , Moy 3,10 123.00 'font casual - it's both com- mailing and special handling.' Alton V. Evans. LEGAL NOTICE fortable and quick to slip into! Send to Laura Wheeler, The ReillyWins Dally Register, 61 Needlecraft NOTICE One main part, plus collar, Take notice that the Laird & Company, Dept., Box 161, Old Chelsea Golf Tourney trodmj as Laird S, Company has appNecl tc sleeves. Sew in knits, Dacron. *hB Director of the Division of Alcoholic Printed Pattern 9019; NEW Station, New York, N.Y. Beverage Control for o Limited Distillery HAZLET - Michael Roifiy • License for the premises situated ot Laird Misses' -Sizes 8, 10, 12, 14, IB. 10011. Print PATTERN NUM- of Middle Road won the Het- Rood. Scobeyvllle, New Jersey, on6 to rhalntaln warehouses at Laird Road, Size 12 (bust 34) requires ,1% BER, NAME, ADDRESS, reation Commission's spring SCobcyville, New Jersey. ZIP. J. B. Laird, Jr., President, DIreclor & yards 45-inch fabric. golf tournament Saturday, Stockholder, Folr Hoven, ff J. Andrew F. Wcrd, Vice-President, Foir SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS NEW 1971NEEDLECRAKT with a low gross total of 85. * . CATALOG - what's happen- Lorr'rt w,' Loird, Vlce-Presldent, Direc- for each pattern - add 15 The tournament, with mor( tor & Stockholder, Fraellold, NJ. ing in knits, crochet, quilts,, than 50 local participants, wus Benjamin Sporn, Treasurer, Jockion,. cents for each pattern for n.J. iirb't-cfass mailing and special fashions, embroidery. Free held at the Knob If 111 Golf M. L. Laird, Secretory, Fair Haven, handling. Send to Marian patterns, 60c. Club, Manalapan. Virginia Dangler Slcden'op, Assistant. Secretory, Wayside, N.J. Martin, 420 The Red Bank NEW! COMPLETE IN-' Jack Monahan of Lafayette William A, Consollne, Asilitonllecre- Register, Pattern EAEPT.,"' STANT GIFT UOOK - over lory, Newark, HJ. Drive was low net winner C W. E. Baldwin, Director, New York, West 18th St., New York, 100 gifts! AH occasions, ages, with a 72. Royal H. Olbson, Director, fcurmon, N.Y., 10011. Print NAME, AD- Crochet, paint, tic dye, de- John Wilkins, chairman of John L, Lebon, Director/ Hollywood DRESS, ZIP, STYLE NUM- coupage, knit, sew, quill, the event, presented engraved Beooi, Mo. BER and SIZE. Donild c, McCaig, Director, Hlllsitole, weave, more! $1.00. silver trays to the two win- Complete Afghan Book - $1.00 ners at ceremonies in the Vet- Criarlti a Schock, Jr.. Wotowan, M.J. NEWFall-wlnter Pattorn J E Loird, Jr., ™r Moved, M.Ji Catalog. 114 dynamic designs. "16 Jiffy Rugs" Book. 50c eran's Memorial Park build- torrln W, Lolrd,,Frc«hOld, NJ, Ann Loird CMambefloln, Arlington, Va. Free Pattern Coupon. SOc. "50 Instant Gifts" Book. SOc ing and runners-up received StotktltlMrl Book of 12 Prize Afghans. 50c wilit be moot im INSTANT SEWING BOOK various pieces of golf equip- sew today, wear tomorrow. Quilt Book 1-10 patterns, SOc JUDGES MEET — Monmouth County Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court Judae Leo Welnsteln center ment. • I. INSTANT FASHION Museum Quilt Book 2 - pat- P r S a e 0S en Ot Mmi t n X°hf p«S l A IT'? ! ^°^afe Council of Juvenile Jydgos at dinner meeting Saed S? eft BOOK - Wnat-to-woaY an- terns for 12 superb quilts. to right, Freeholder Axel B. Carlson Jr., Hudson County Juvenile Judae William BOzzuffi, Monrnouth Coun- nwcrs, accessory, figure tipsl. Book 3, "Quilts for Today's D stl C 0latl0n s c &&H.2?«f ^°h . / h #ourt Jodfle John k Arnone, and Sheriff PflulSnanVTh?K5iSSt DgcuottrrobiMiiT 5.. May 1,19 Only $1. living". 15 patterns. 5flc , County Board of Freeholders was host to the meeting at Rod's Shadow^rook, Shrewsbury *«°nrnouTn Call H88-S333 For Help D«y « IS Tree trunk. sportsmen. IS Gemini. 31 Own* par!. ^ 23—much as, «*-«*»r- .« /ii»W- SHOULD UE BOTHER Puzzle IN SCHOOL, ANP uCerstore 24 Yesterday: 41 From the ^ VJME OUTSIPE Fr. • limeof. ^IOHAVE ODR OU5N BUSINESS? ACROSS 42 Gnawing. SOON FlElP TRIPS? 44 Fish. 25 Blue-greens.« Tendencies. lXand 45 Engrossed... measure. 46 Melody. 47Greek letter t 5 Helpers: 47 Spanish abbr. dance. 10 Sign of the 50 Record. zodiac 29In the 14 Coll. 51 Measure. 15 Pointed. 54 Ardor. 16 Danish 55SeelO-A. 58 Care for. i island. 32 Seasons: " ,,"Yf- 17 Astrological 59 National r archers. symbol. Sent *«! -*" - THATfe WHEN I'LL 19—Arms- GO Dry. 34 Task "^ 53 Closes. H .61 Inquires. 37 Tools used, tS^S*?"!* 1 BE FEELJNS BETTER slrong. by winter 57 Fall back. SICK/TOO?! !! 20 Avenues: 62 Horse. BEEARNEP abbr. "63 Coagulates. . Solution to Friday's Pnzzle 21 Proceed on. DOWN THIRST/. DID 22Coin: var. 1 Military *3U CALL IN 24 Musician group: inits SICK TOWS/ Al—. 2 Eton. TOO? : 25 Tiptop, 3 Tatters. 20 Weans: var. 4— Wallach. I ft (UiMMEft W CHISELS 'NfHfNSS 29 Water 5 Flowers. bearer. 6 Contraction. J GUESS HTSAF^ID Of/S//35Z^?/ 33 Ciphers. 7 Variety of 34 Tainta. chalcedony. Children's letters to God 35 Unit, 8Thrice: preJ i 9 Racecourse 37 Porticos. accidents. 38 Indigo. 10 See 10-A. 39 Aries. 11 Emit vapor. Mary Worth 40 Pelts. 12 Seed 41 Grudge. covering. m AFRAID WE SEE. m SUHE THEV ARE 11 A FUN-FILLED SI., SOT Dizzy CM THIMGS DIFFERENTLY! MV > 2 s It WMs s IT IS ID HHI> «2 13 OR.I WOULDN'T LET A";;MH Nfi LATE HUSBAND WA5 6AV AT THE Aj^T WANK, WHEN I ENOUGH TO FLY. AMIWEMNt THE CHILDREN RIDE. A FIGHTER PILOT.' 1« IN THEM! THE MAKER < fftRKMSBEEN SHOULD GWE US' 1 1 I" 17 \ MARRED BV WIN«?...UKt DR.HOLT'5 ANGELS? REFUSAL TO 26 RIDE IN A MINIATURE PLANE- it IT !9 30 31 33

33 3< ; IS r-LP -UPt- SB hHFM 1 12 rF 44 1 1 1 The Wizard of Id

*» » THaraa MNVTMN* IN THIS 17 IB 52 93 14 56 S1 / SB 1 |


•fhMiMMFtM.iH.ini I .1 I I I I f J Your Horoscope, Birthday Nubbin MONDAY, MAY 3-Born chance that you will reach a you in launching a new proj-' ture. Be sympathetic. today, you are essentially a point when such suffering ect. See that you repay the SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23- person of great courage. does not accrue to you. kindness. Dec. 22) - Take care that the There are times when you fal- Not one to take another's CANCER (June ?2-July 23) vengeance you seek does not ter, when you think yourself word for things, you prefer to - Be sure you know precisely boomerang. You could very neither strong enough nor' discover for yourself whether what the subject is before you well have bitten off more than wise enough to keep to your ,a project is worth your time give your opinion. Others seek you can chew. convictions - but these times and effort or not. Only take your views - but don't be has- ' CAPRICORN (Dec. 23-Jan. are short-lived and in the end care that you believe in what 20) - So long as your con- you yourself discover; don't ty- you always manage to keep . LEO (July 24-Aug. 23) - ception of your new job is ac- faith with your own principles waste valuable tune repeating curate, you should have no your investigations in hopes of Take care that you are not be- and beliefs. With time, you guiled into granting favors, difficulty getting the hehvyou grow ever more able to keep coming up with the opposite- need at first. / answer. you really had no intention of to a straight line of action granting. Be your AQUARIUS (Jan. 21-Feb. based on firm decision r with To find what is in store for VIRGO (Aug. 24-Sept. 23) - 19) - New resolutions con- nary a relapse along the way you tomorrow, select your If you are not privy to the cerning your attitude toward to make you doubt yourself or birthday and read the corre- plans of others, you might be younger family members may your activity. sponding paragraph. Let your wise to place yourself in a po- well be put ty the test today. You have tremendous re- birthday star be your daily sition near the source of infor- PISCES (Feb. 20-March,21) Andy Gapp spect for all people - but you guide. mation. - A day for rationalism. The expect that others will feel Tuesday, May 4 Pisces who acts according to r>f0UR FAMILY LIBRA (Sept. 24-Oct. 23) - the same way, and in this you TAURUS,(April. 21-May 21 Analyze the central issue of impulse or instinct may make MUST'AVE err. Indeed, you will often be - Take care that the story today's problem and you mistakes that will be most dif- THIS PLACE COULD CAT OFF disappointed in your ex- you tell is the right one. Ten- should be able to discover the ficult to correct. THE FLOOR.' pectations of others and have der ears may catch errors source of the difficulty. ARIES (March 22-April 20) CLEANED UP-.' to suffer the consequences of that older people take no no- SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) - The mysterious and the learning the.truth. You'be- tice of. - The Scorpio who takes an mystical are in full evidence lieve, however, in giving oth- GEMINI (May 22-June 21) uncompromising attitude to- today. Tonight you can do ers every benefit of every - A person of high in- ward others is apt to find him- yourself a favor; make it up doubt and, thus, there is little telligence does much to aid self judged harshly in the fu- with an old friend. SheinwoldPs Bridge Advice By ALFRED SHEINWOLD looked to East as though had a long heart suit and that J-x-x of partner's trump, suit The typical bridge swindle South had started with K-5 of Garozzo's play of the ten of and a worthless side double-. is constructed out of such hearts and West with five hearts at the first trick had ton. flimsy materials that you hearts headed by the queen- been a desperate attempt to North dealer Blondie can't believe that any ex- nine. get a third heart trick. perienced player can be taken Declarer led the deuce of East returned a heart, and Both sides vulnerable 1 COMB NOW/ piiu^ULimjiji ^ ||||l|f NOW VW CAN'SEE NORTH " V_/ HOW IT TOOK in by it. "It would never fool clubs to try a finesse with it was all over. Declarer took ELMER" WHEN me," you say belligerently. dummy's nine. East won with • his four heart tricks and three • AK874 I COUNT THBSEL rTHBEE J .


The Phantom


HIM? WHERE IS HE? 22 1>el>«Byaq8i»ler,KedB«ik-Mi««MleU.v.uMad5N'.J^MMid»y5N'.J^MMid»ye , , May 3,1973,1971 TelevisiorwT% f - .' t • n fTlodaH J y Legal Fund Started ifAVi/Vi/^' • New York Chamieb-2,4,5.7,9.11.13 reception, then has to try and make everyone dis. DAYTIME MOVIES appear when Harry return* home unexpectedly. (R) By CYNTHIA LOTVRY problem of untrained super- 9:30 O "View from Pompey'l Head" Q THE DAVID FROST SHOW (C) Guest: Anthony Quinn For Salkind, French visory employes, many of 10:30 0 "GiV"GVe Me A Sil Sailor" NEW YORK (AP) -It was them with no experience with 12:30 (D "800 Leagues Over irte Amazon" O THE REEL SAME (C) MARLBORO - The Mon- ation this week will complete have not yet heen formulated, NBC's turn to make waves 1:00 Q "Roach for the jjiy" Host. Jack Barr two of the wayrto raise funds juveniles. O "Moss Rose" ID NY-P.D. -- 0 TRUTH OH CONSEQUENCES (C) ing1 - ththe pciBor.ail l liflife of a RussiaRi n embassb y employel e funds to pay for an adequate Trouble Ahead Drama Workshop of the Mon- xvilh Bob Barker In Ottawa, Canada. April 11 in Keansburg, was the ultimate crime. 11:30 Q THE MERV GRIFFIN SHOW (C) Narrator Edwin Newman mouth YM-YWHA will . 8 LET'S MAKE A DEAL (C) given a three to five year legal defense... said that an estimated one Host: Monty Hall O THE TONIGHT SHOW (C) present "A Funny Thing Hap- O 7:30 P.M. REPORT (C) Guest: David Brenner state prison term. million children will be ar- pened on the The Fo- with Bill Ryan 0 11:30 MOVIE William L. Parmer, Cooy- "This is regardless of the rested this year, encountering fD FATHER KNOWS BEST "And Now Tomorrow" <1944) starting Loretta merit of anyone's position. . . THXII38 rum" June 12,13,19 and 20 at "Father Duliveni the Papers" Young. Alan Ladd, The story or a young doctor don, Pa., who was convicted a special system of justice, ; from the wrong1 Bide ol the tracks and a beautiful both are entitled to have an the new facility on Grant Ave. CB NEW JERSEY SPEAKS but deaf rich girl he loves and cures. of breaking into the Eaton- special because the rules ap- Performing in the Broad- "The TockH Island Dam Controversy" (Part I) town Post Office with intent adequate defense!" ply only to children. It in- 8:00 O ROWAN AND MARTIN'S LAUGH-IN (C) O THE DICK CAVETT SHOW (C) way musical will be Don Guest: Orson "Welles • .. ' quest: Sir Michael Redgrave. to steal March 7, 1969, was volves crimes like running Mayor Salkind, a marketing Paul Newman- Brennan, Abe Vogel, Zippie 0 TO TELL THE TRUTH (C) 12:30 fD NIGHT FINAL (C) sentenced to five to seven away from home, truancy, Host: Garry Moore with Roy Whitfield consultant, and Mr. French, COOL HAND LUKE Eqstein, Vince Harnett, Art being out too late at night. He O THE NEWLYWED GAME (C) MX> O O NEWS(C) years in state prison. an airline pilot, are residents Leask, Ed Kronisch, Barbara Host: Bob Eubanka 0 THE ONE O'CLOCK MOVIE „ Jeffrey Jacobiti of J4 E. of Monmouth Heights and stressed repeatedly that most O BASEBALL (C) "Samson and the Vampire Women" starring Santo, children called juvenile Parker, Louise Kinsey, Lu- New York Mcts vs. Chicago Cubs , Lorena Valaqucz. Highland Ave., Atlantic High- members of the association. delinquents have broken laws cille and Lucinde Sauneders, fD THE MOVIE GAME (C) !K» 0 TALES OF WELLS FARGO lands, was sentenced to an in- The association president Gucsla: John Forsythe, Shelley Winter*. BUI Blxty, "Golden Owl" ' Jan Edelstein, Sally Brown, I/iuis Nye. Dina Merrill, Peter Haskell. determinate reformatory said that although the charter which do not exist for adults. 1:10 a THE LATE SHOW (C) j Walter Reads And that many of them are EUen Martin, James Brooks, HI WORLD PRESS (C) "I Denl In Danger" (1066) starring Robert Gdulet, term for breaking into the of his organization prohibits Mark Ellentuck, Jim Norwood Moderator: Roger Boas Christine Carere. home of James Harper, 898 Theatres held without trials, hearings 8.30 0 HERE'S LUCY (C) 1:15 O THE GREAT GREAT SHOW involvement in political activ- or legal representation. and Jack Kaplan. LULV dorutcs HJM> b hcusc without his permission The Glass Mountain" (1053) starring Michael Navesink River Road, Middle- ities, he has been advised by The show was cast by direc- to L vounc Gink UHI|)]L lo u e for a wedding Denison, Valcntiim Cortrfln. town, with intent to steal Oct. the association's attorney that Carlton While the NBC team was tor Lauren K. Woods of Mon- "1 If" 29. He had pleaded guilty to excluded from some in- participation in the fund drive RldBink 741-9600 mouth College and Nancy Blu- the charge. is allowable. stitutions it was investigating, menkrantz. in others Carr was able to in- Mr. Moss said that although Information regarding tick- the mechanics of the drive terview young inmates who ets, reservations, group rates Couple Denies Drugs Left? told of being beaten with or helping with the production omorrow boards, repeatedly rapped on is available at the Y office, the arch of the foot and being locked up in barren cages for Within Children's Reach prolonged periods. An official ^FREEHOLD - Stephen D, $20 from an inmate, Lee Keansburg May 25,1970. of a mental hospital defended Concert Saturday . For Jones Winner Martin, 36, and his wife, Ei- Grant Williams, Nov. 24 and Barbara Lepre, 30, of Ever- as a "treatment" tying two By Strjing Band FKEEHOLD - Milton D. of 8 13-year-old boys to their beds leen, 38," of 2 Central Ave., promising to supply him with ett-Road, Lincroft, denied Jones of- Red Bank, an inde- Port Monmouth, have denied heroin. showing an altered driver li- Academy for 77 hours and of keeping a BELFORD - The Belford pendent council candidate, Awards girl, who had slapped a ma-' Independent Fire Co. will charges of possession of dan- In other innocent pleas: cense to Middletown Detec- has until tomorrow to file an tron, tied to her bed for seven gerous substances - amphetar Phillip Muzetska, Green tive Robert Olsen in Middle- sponsor a concert, featuring amended petition so that his REX HARRISON consecutive days. the Ocean County String mines - and contributing to Grove Ave., Keyport, denied town last Dec.' 15. name will appear on the gen- the delinquency of their four attempting to impair the mor- Raymond Daniels, 25, of AUDREY HEPBURN Abuse Reasons Band, Saturday at 8 p.m. in eral election ballot in Novem- minor children. als of a 15-year-old Hazlet boy Long Branch Ave., Long They were admitted freely Middletown Township High ber. Branch, and his wife, Lu- to the two Indiana reform School, Tindall Road, Middle- The Martins are accused of by allegedly serving him alco- County Election Board town. Tickets will be avail- possession and control of am- holic beverages and offering berta, 21, denied possession of schools, and the boys school clerk Stanley A. Davis said I Micdl. superintendent did not at-able at the door. ; phetamineand methampheta- him $20 to let Muzetska per- heroin in Long Branch last that Mr. Jones' petition has tempt to evade the fact that A dinner-dance will follow mine last Feb. 24 in Middle- form a sex act. ' July 25. the required number of valid GREATMOVIE MAKING! $ there were abuses-too many in the firehouse, Rt. 36. Any town and contributing to the William Dugger, 9Jirst St., Robbery Denied signatures after 32 names - N. Y, TIMES, A boys in for too short periods, fireman may be contacted for delinquency of their two Freehold,'denied robbing;' Frank Harris, 27, of Sum- were deleted -14 persons had he said, and there was the tickets. daughters, aged 10 and 12, and George O. Wilson of $65 at merfield Aye., Asbury Park, signed twice, 15 were not reg- their sons, aged 6 and 8, byknifepoint last Jan. 23. denied robbing Edward Pom- istered voters and two were 3 keeping quantities of dan-. John Morris, Rockwell phrey, an employe of the Cit- not from Red Bank. gefous drugs in the house Avk, and Joseph Boyd, Gar- go Service Station, Bingham ' Mr. Jones, of 56 Tilton Ave., within their r'each. fieltkCourt, both Long Aye. and River Road, Rum- was advised by letter that he Their innocent pleas were Branch, denied, possession of soh, of $130 at the point of a had to amend his petition by i pistol last Dec. 9. accepted Friday by Superior heroin and cocaine April 23,, having three of the signers of Atlantic Hijhlondl' 291-0148 Court Judge Walter H. Conk- 1970, in Long Branch. Donald A. Remensnyder, diary of a mad* the affidavit sign the petition. housewife lin. Joseph Williams, 21, of 20, of-Normandy Beach, de- ."If this is not completed, NOW-ADULTS ONLY Martin denied an additional Cooper Ave., Long Branch, nied resisting arrest by Hazlet your petition will be in- No ono under 21 admitted •PIUS- charge of possession of weap- denied using a minor - a 17^ Patrolman John Allen last Shown 7-8:30-10 PAUL NEWMAN MOTHER'S DAY DINNER FAVORITE validated and your name will IN ons (a rifle and a pistol) by a year-old Long Branch girl — Sept. 20. not appear on the general You carve the turkey—take home the rest convicted narcotics offender. to transport he'roin in Long John Richard Savitsky, 22, election ballot," advised Mr. "WINNING" Other Pleas Made Branch last Aug. 14 and con- of Rosewood Drive, Cliff wood, Davis. . For Adults Orily FOR A FAMILY OF SIX OR MORE Julius Blue, Bangs Ave., tributing to the girl's delin- denied robbing" Terry Heekin, . Mr. Jones and Ralph Smith • •••••••••••••••a.: Neptune, a former Monmouth quency. New York City, of ?9 at Jr. of 180 River St., Red Bank, ADULTS.....$5.00 CHILDREN $3.00 - County jail guard, denied a John Zelenke, 52, of Carte- knifepoint last July 4 in Long had filed petitions with Mr. charge of misconduct in of- ret denied resisting arrest by Branch and'contributing to Community Everything from soup to nuts Davis last week. Both filed fice. He is accused of taking Patrolman Anthony Lopes in the delinquency of three Cliff- under the slogan, "Red Bank RESERVATIONS NOW BEING ACCEPTED wood boys, one 16 and two 17, Independent." Mr. Smith's pe- by encouraging them, to take tition, however, was rejected part in the armed robbery. by Mr. Davis' on the grounds Thomas Sullivan, 28, of Cot- . that it was a photostat of Mr. At the Movies tage Place, Long Branch, de- Jones'petition. RED BANK MALLC1NEMA- nied breaking into the home C/VRLTON- Rald on Rommel 7:25; f:30 of Joseph Martin, 10 Beach My Fair Lady 2:00; 8:00 TOMS RIVER St., Long Branch, with intent Bike Racer Stopped CINEMA III- DOVER- to steal Dec. 14. AYLESBURY, England 2001 A Space Odyssey 3:00; 8:00 Pallon 7:00; Mash 10:05 ' Jerry Wilson, 20, of Cooper (AP) - Police stopped George . /EATONTOWN NORTH OF RED BANK . THEPLAZA • •••'••*> ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Ave., Long Branch, denied Addy, 53, for speeding on a bi- COMMUMTY- cycle. Addy, who was in a (It. JS A! MM (B. TOiEl 76HI1I Torfl, Toro, Tora 2:00; 7:00; 9:35 ATLANTIC- committing atrocious assault COBBLESTONES DRIVEIN- Koma Sutro '71' 7:00; 8:35; 10:00 and battery upon George Don- cycling race, said he was go- Circle Mad Man From Mandoras 8:00; 1:00; MIDDLETOWN • nelly, Garfield Court, Long ing' only 23 miles an hour. He Rt. 66 al AtDury Pk. Circft Blood on Safari's Clow 9:40; Beast In FREEHOLD MALL Oce«n TownlHip 775 8810 the Cellar 11:25 TOWN- . " Branch, in that city Oct. 5. was released. FREEHOLD Diary of a Mad Housewlle 7:25; Win- SHOPTO Hum, (OOlEi (SMCDQ MALLI- ning?^ Pnl!on7:O0; Masri9:55 HAZLET NOW PLAYING MALL IL- PLAZA- Music Students' mumnoitmcm MCWDWS Masri 7:00; Potion 9:00 Alrport 7:00; 9:20 BEST PICTURE LASBURYPARE K , RT. 35 DRIVE-IN- Ttix 1138 al 6:15; 12:17; Cool Hand and Sloryj.00; 7:30; 9:30 Luke 9:58 LYRIC- KEYPORT Workshop Planned BEST ACTOR Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspi- STRAND ART ART- ••••lit cion 8:30; Trlslono 7:00; 10:25 Censorship i n DDenmark 7:15; 10:00; WEST LONG BRANCH - A "Participants will include GEORGE C. SCOJT MAYFAIR- SwinginSi g PPads 8:45 group instrumental workshop students with different levels EAST BRUNSWICK Potlon 2;OO; 7:00; Mash 1O.00 will be offered this summer of ability," Prof. Tucker said, • DATTAM' Eatontown SAVOY- TURNPIKE- . by the Monmouth College De- "and the parts they play vary DHIVt IN U2A2M A History ot Ihc Blue Myovie 7:00; 9:00 OUTDOOR- MQC(Man frprri Mandoras NEPTUNE CITY -Bury Me an Angel 8:15; 11:25; Angels partment of Fine Arts. greatly in difficulty, per- Alao Die Hord 9:55 The workshop is open to mitting a full ensemble. •PLUS'. NEPTUNE CJTY- INDOOR- ELLIOTT GOULD Toro, Toro, Tora^lOO; 9:35 students who have "some "The nature of the work- Blood Orr, Solon's Clow LAKEWOOD Pollori7:3P; 12:30; Mash 10:39 PERTH AMBOY- proficiency in strings, wood- shop will- be informal to pro- ' -Plus- COUNTR-Y- winds, brass, or percussion, Boost In Tho Collar Raid en Rommel 7:20; 9:25 AMBOYS DRIVE-IN- mote a cooperative group at- k • Anoels Die Hard «: 15; 11:27; Bury Me and will offer instrumental ex- mosphere for learning." Stu- "MASH" TOWN- An Angel 9:56 Sectc-1 01 Sanla Vittorla 7:00; 9:V5 MENLO PARK perience in concert and dance dents will have the opportu- BRICKTOWN combinations to improve the nity to present any work of BItU'K PLAZA- • C1NEMA- TOWN lyric Lovc Story 2:00; <:00; o:00; 8:00; musicianship of the student," major or minor length which 'Asbuiy Park 775 10SR Aflasb 7:00; Pal ton 9;00 10:00 according to Tommy Tucker, HICIIWH S.IMIMOO I0WS WISH they have written and receive ACADEMY AWARD WINNER I associate professor of music guidance in its improvement. NOW PLAYING BEST FOREIGN PICTURE ANTHONY QUIIMN in the college's Fine Arts De- "INVESTIGATION I ALL YOU CAM EAT! partment. ' The average Swede-eats 45.1 . - ;• '.IN.' i •• OF A CITIZEN ( Enrollment will be open to pounds of fish or shellfish an- "THE SECRET OF ABOVE SUSPICION' music majors, interested stu- nua"v — four times the per SANTA VITTORIA" TUESDAY dents iri other fields of study, caP'ta consumption in the Unit- PHIS and high school seniors. "I States. IS "TRISTARJA"< "One of the year's , FREEHOLD MALL] SPAGHETTI NIGHT best pictures!" , SHDWHC tWHI. MUlt 1 tEMMO NOW PLAYING Mayfair AT : Halen H»ye« »lb'P| And Byrt L«nca«1«r WIHHK of rAaomnmm THE BROTHERS 2OO1 "AIRPORT" "BEST PICTURE OF YIAR" From 5 P.M. To 10 P.M. a space odyssey CHILDREN 1.00 ADULTS 1.75 COUNTRY "PATTON" f"An unprtcadanted RCnW !. IMHWt Ctlfflin 1SHHI Morford Pltfa •nd Waft Front St., Red Bunk •He roller ; •r of an CIIEMA m 'RAID ON ROMMEL" 'MASH" < 842-9899 HIHTE S1RCIT, I\(D BANK , K«y *, WH 23 Jersey's Meirtally ents? Plight Described ge, State Officials By DORIS KULMAN &*? Listen. was raised to send the child to boro's board of managers, Jamesburg, and Menlo Park. Mr. Houston said James- plauded Marlboro's interest in of saying the facility should T| MARLBORO - Do you J M speaker is Monmouth an institution in Texas this said..) The no/ first was admitted burg officials had to get two setting up a center for juve- be at Marlboro, Dr. Ivey said know how-New Jersey treats County Juvenile and Domes- year-"the only place that ,,... "Whatever you set up at to the Brisbane Child Treat- psychiatrists to testify the boy nile delinquents as "an impor- "a hospital for children is an its emotionally and mentally tics Relations Court Judge treats such children that ' Marlboro will be welcome," ment Center in Adelphia, was psychotic and go to court tant, vital step." excellent idea." disturbed juvenile LeoWeinstein. would take him..." Mrs. Helen Safko, director of where he'remained for one for civil commitment to force Dr. Evelyn P. Ivey, medic- Dr. Simon emphasized that delinquents-sick children "We incarcerated in the Private Grant social work at the state's year and then was discharged the state hospital to readmit al director of the Brisbane Marlboro makes no claim "we whose ark, declared. ' ' efits-that means he wasn't Mr. Houston said that often voiced belief that children staff and facilities we have of setting eight or nine fires. grant which won't be renewed She said that of the 91 'cured." mental health clin- being treated "should be in a now." When he set fire to the shelter, next year because the Texas youngsters '(58 of them teen- Through the intervention of ics—supported 50 per cent by residential center close to About 100 persons, most of we sent him to Marlboro State institution isnt non-profit "so agers) at Menlo Park in a social worker, the child was state funds-and state hospi- home and participating in the them professionally involved Dog Clinic Runs Hospital. we have to start looking for March, 40 had been sent home sent, at state expense, to a tals don't want to accept trou- community as much as they with disturbed or delinquent "He was at Marlboro one • another place for him... "with the recommendation private school in Pennsylva- blesome cases "because they are able." children, attended the Out of Serum week. Then they returned him "Our state, big as it is, they go to a mental health nia for a year, "but they have to have success cases to Although she stopped short pasium. ' - At last Satur- to us. They said he wasn't should have some place for clinic"-a recommendation couldn't contain him," and parade when they ask for day's anti-rabies clinici spon- psychotic." these children..." she implied was a euphemism sent him to Menlo Park. budget increases..." sored by the Board of Health, Because the judge had no At least 96 of the 2,400 juve- for doing nothing because From Menlo Park he was The Causes serum supplies gave out after other choice, the cfyild was niles who appear before him "there's a seven to 10-month sent to a state hospital-"not There was some dis- approximately .400 dogs had sent to the state reformatory each year are sent to the Chil- wait at the clinics." Marlboro"-which kept him agreement among the panel- been inoculated. in Jamesburg. dren's Psychiatric Center •The. reason for returning for on,e year. ists about the causes of and board has now recqm- "That is not the right place (Eatontown) or the Pollak them home is that it's prac- 16 Entries perhaps some hesitancy about OUR BAGS polyti- fcthafr the 1« to 15 re-, for him. The boy is sick. He Clinic (Long Branch) for eval- tically impossible to get the "Although the hospital whether Marlboro is the right rethane crinkle patent j dog owners who were should be in a state hospital," uation "but we can't follow children into a residential fa- record showed 16 entries in- place for a treatment center, with adjustable shoul- mble to take advantage of the judge said. their suggestions because we cility," Mrs. Safko said. "The • dicating he had tried to choke but no quarrel about the need der strap. Black, red, 'f free vaccinations here at- 11-Year-Old Boy don't have any facilities or state hospitals don't want a psychologist, and had tried for a treatment center. bone, white, navy. By 1 any of the upcoming clin- Listen as Judge Weinstein money,'' Judge Weinstein them. Many kids are being to kill another child, the hospi- Dr. Nafi Kiremitci, Marl- Handi-Bag. ijcs scheduled for neighboring details a case before him two says. ' • sent back to Menlo Park, not tal decided the boy was suf- boro's assistant medical di- •4owns. weeks ago. It is the case of an The judge was one of the because they need more eval- fering from 'a maladjustment rector and symposium chair- $12 I In adjoining Hazlet, the 11-year-old boy, a boy com- speakers at a symposium uation, but as a place to keep reaction of adolescence' and" man, quoted studies showing 3x»rd said, clinics are sched- pletely deaf and dumb. Friday at Marlboro State Hos- them for awhile..." sent him to Jamesburg:.." that juveniles exhibiting uled from 9 a.m until noon on "It was pathetic. The child pital to discuss the possibility "The state hospitals don't Charles W. Houston, super- delinquent behavior have a 40 to Mother with loca 3May 8 in the Hazlet firehouse; couldn't speak or hear. If he of converting vacant facilities want them..." intendent of the Jamesburg per cent chance of becoming |jfoni 7 until 9 p.m. May 12, wanted your attention,- he there into a center for the Mrs. Safko and Dr. Eugene- Home For Boys, picks up the adult psychopaths, "if not 1 aami from 9 a.m. until noon would go like this..." and the care and treatment of juve- Reyitch, a psychiatrist on the story.'.. • ' properly treated." Say 22. judge demonstrates, grabbing nile delinquents who are diag- Menlo'Park Center's staff, ,.. "The hospital saul he tried Dr. Ralph Brancale, medic- RED BANK: 30Broad St. one of his shoulders roughly nosed as mentally ill. backed up her statement with tp choke a psychologist and ASBURY PARK: 600 Cookman Ave. if Vaccinations on the latter al director at Menlo Park, ap- Stwodates will be given in the and shaking... Under New Jersey law, some hair-raising examples. went to court to have him sent Sfttblic Works garage on Leo- The boy was accused of, state hospitals are responsible Report Changed to Jamesburg. Of course, we -ca'dia Court. trying to kill his parents, and .for treating only psychotic Mrs. Safko told of the 13- also have psychologists who sisters. That was in Hudson children and those only when year-old girl the center had' , can be choked;.. County, where the family they are experiencing a psy- sent to a state hospital, along "But we decided the boy llan Injured lived before moving to Mon- chotic episode. Only a small with a report which diagnosed was on a shuttle that wasn't mouth, and this' 11-year-old minority of the 46 youngsters her as a schizoid personality doing him any good. We kept in Collision had been sent to the Vroom in Marlboro's 75-bed chil- in need of a structured envi- him at Jamesburg until we dren's unit meets that de- r HAZLET - Robert Feigen- building of Trenton State Hos- ronment. became fearful he was going Prompt FOR scription, according to Dr. Mi- ;JBaum of 12 Highpbint Road, pital) a unit for the criminally I'Her mother called last to commit suicide. But even Free Estimates chael R. Simon, medical di- Jlolmdel, Was released from insane, where all the other in- week to tell me that the hospi- th\n we couldn't get the state For mates were adults. rector. Jiiverview Hospital, Red Bank tal has made plans to send her • hospital to take him back..." Quality Work "Yesterday, after his admit- "The Trenton papers got "The larger number are to another institution and id- SPRING tfthhce Saturday with injuries hold of it and raised hell. The teen-age behavior problems," deleting our diagnosis from .suffered when his car struck a parents had moved to Mon- he told the symposium. the report because that in- Room Gutted. CALL 291-4854 • 291-4855 3pee on Bethany Road, mouth County, so the case No Staff, Money stitution won't take a child w Police said Mr. Feigen- was transferred here." (The reason there are only with a schizoid person- In Haslet Dormers Fireplaces Garages tfaum was traveling on N. But there aren't any facil- 46 youngsters in a 75-bed unit ality. .." Porch Enclosures Add-A-Lovels that serves four counties is HAZLET - A fire of un- Additions J3eers St. when he lost control ities in New Jersey for such • Dr. Revitcn told of a 16-, Family Rooms General Repairs children," so we started look- !'we don't have the staff or year-old boy who; since the known origin gutted an up- Aluminum Siding pf his car, and crashed stairs bedroom of the James through a stop sign at Beth- ing for money." money" to care for more, Ed- age of 10, had been shuttled Judge Weinatein says ?7,800 win Gage, a member of Marl- between a state hospital. Barrett home, 27 Cornell any Road and into a tree. He Drive, Saturday morning. INDIAN HEAD «was pulled unconscious from Police reported all first aid Th'is car by police. and fire companies responded HOME IMPROVEMENTS ~ Pending further in- to the general alarm at 11:01 vestigation by Patrolman MIDDLETOWN Space a.m. There were no injuries, iHarold Donlin,"no summons Need for Open but a family cat died in the Licensed - Terms - Insured -has been issued. blaze, which began in the bed- WE DO MORE FOR LESS! room. Back taps were Bill Ed George • Howlell Driver Stressed by ist sounded at 12:30 p.m. •Freed on Bail MIDDLETOWN - More Agriculture and Environmen- ance. between residential an,d tal Science. Mr. Mitcheltree,, cbm'mdrcial ne'etts' and re- |. MIDDLETOWN - Jacob than 150 municipal recreation 1 Eaudsapp of Howell Town- officials joined their county at Eutgers 24 years, discussed quirements of the people for Ihip, was released yesterday counterparts at the second an- "Developing a Community Spir- recreational and leisure areas AN ANNOUNCEMENT ftl $255 pending court hearing nual dinner sponsored by the can,, come only through lead- iline 24 on a,drunken driving Monmouth County Board of He stressed the importance ersmpi incentives, public par- charge and one count of using Park and Recreation Commis- of preserving open spaces ei- ticipation, communication and Bud and abusive language. sioners in'The-CpbbleStones, ther in the form of virgin the dissemination of relevant * The man was arrested by Bt. 35. tracts or as cultivated farm- information, . Mr. Mitcheltree fietectives Patrick McConnell Guest speaker was Wallace land. People, he said, are concluded. IMPORTANCE IndSgt. Harold T. ReUly at A. Mitcheltree, extension spe- working hard toward acquir- Toastmaster of the affair fi30 a.m. yesterday. cialist in community life fpr ing more leisure time and was James J. Truncer, county' Rutgers University College of therefore need places in director of parks and recrea- which to use it. tion. Victor E Grossinger, Virgin tracts may be used .chairman of the Board of Artist's Talk for parks containing such fea- Park and Becreation.Commis- tures as zoos where children' .sioners, welcomed the guests. Set Tomorrow may view farm animals, Mr. Comments were added by MATAWAN TOWNSHIP Mitch.eltree went on, or as Freeholder director Joseph C. Franklin Gay, artist and pho- recreation areas for camping Irwin and Russell Myers, di- tographer for the New York and observation of the coun- rector of parks.and recreation TAIR CLIMB Times, will be guest speaker tryside in its natural state. in Morris County. CRATES at a meeting of the Matawan Air Purifiers The invocation was offered Lit thi Butltr hilp prolong lit* .Township Auxiliary to Bay-" Cultivated areas can act as by the Rev. Donald L. Biggs for you Sinter shore Community Hospital to- air purifiers for the county, of Luther Memorial Church, LIQUOR STORE Cltfceni tnd Aid morrow at 8:30 p.m. in Lloyd the extension specialist ex- New Shrewsbury. 20 NORTH BRIDGE AVE. Thoit Riltrlctid Road Intermediate School. plained. He cited four model RED BANK In their Phyilnl fruit farms which, besides ActbltlM - Tax Mr. Gay will display his pic- with Diductlbla if tures, some of which were their esthetic value, serve as 'Info Night' ricommtndid taken in this area, and paint- air conditioners to the county, by • pfiyilclin. ings. he said. Is Tomorrow FREE DELIVERY $ flixlbli modi) conirlbutn to Election of auxiliary offi- "One acre of apple trees •"'' MIDDLuTOWN - The Mid- lowut Coit tin muni th» oni In cers also will be conducted. equals a 250-ton air condi- 'wock an be iet up on yourstilra In dletown Township High 747-1485 The unit will sponsor a din- tioner. The air conditioners houn. Oottid Portion Rimovibto School .guidance department ner-dance Saturday in For- you use in your homes are itomatlo Sifttln • 2 Yttr Warranty will sponsor its annual college Call Ua For Detail* sgale Country Club, James from one to threetons," he t : information night for college- £-H«ntil-Purchlia Plan Avallabla burg. Reservations may be went on. bound juniors and their par- made with Mrs. Gerson Wex- Development of community -SOUTH JERSEY SURGICAL ents tomorrow at 8 p.m. in the ler, 47 Fordham Drive, and spirit and a reasonable bal ,, 33EASTFRONTSTREET , : school auditorium. ;.• RED BANK, N.J. Mrs. Walter McGill, 19 Jeun 747-2614 Place. SENIORS TO MEET College counselors will be HOLMDEL-The Half introduced to parents, by Century Club will meet tomor- Francis Grimes, guidance di- row at 1 p.m. in Fellowship rector. Indoor- Outdoor ATTENTION Hall, Main St. Discussed will College admissions booklets be plans for a trip to Amish and informational material MIDDLETOWN country. will be distributed.- ' PARTY TIME IS HERE AGAIN RESIDENTS: It's that time of the year when the sun Part of summer-time fun are partie? and we Fmip shines-again, the breezes become balmier at Crates are ever ready to serve all your par- fRiE RABItS dlHItS and you and yours are ready for summer ty needs. Sure, we'll deliver. .just call. with money ifun. ' are slated 'for all Middletown Township dog owners during the second week' in May. The from us We have the Board of Health reminds pet owners that all dogs, niust be on a leash and 1971 licenses- See ui> about a home; Finest Selection Pure - Delicious will be,'on sale. < •••'•.'•• improvement loan. Low rates. Convenient of repayment plans. CRATES SODA SmDUlilSASrOllOVIfS: FINE WINES Monday - May 10 • Port Monntouth first AM....7 to 9 p.m. LIQUORS in Wednesday - May 12 • lincrof! Fire Houie....-.7 to 9 pjn. and Thursday -May 13 • BrewentPark Fire House -.7 to 9 p.m. 18 GREAT FLAVORS Friday • May 14 - Port Monmouth First Aid....-.?' t«• J P-m. COLD BEER Party mixes that go great and soda Saturday • May 15 - Town HoH—v....».«..»10toj2 a.m. flavors to please all . . . and it's Kegs and Coolers quality controlled from start to fin- ish. Choose from large bottles, Dogs Must be on a leash Available for your small bottles (doposit or non-retur- nable) and cans ? 1971 Dog licenses Party Needs Will Be On Sole MoNMoinn COUNTYNATIONAL RANK The bank that looks out lor |n)U ' " ICE AND DRY ICE SOLD HERE FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE \ Detergent Labels, Ads by Holm 45 detergents, both older Dr." Nash was the final disproved detergent industry into receiving waters from Dr. Pollac^ said a second at Box 209, Holmdel, N.J., cials estimate have reached a By SHERRY FIGDORE statements. , municipal sewerage facilities. revisioh of the CBE pamphlet 07733. quarter of the county's 125,000 brands and the mushrooming WASHINGTON, D.C. - speaker in three days of pub- number of new, no-phosphate lic testimony before the FTC. A study cited in the August, The phosphates, in effect,. has been prepared and is The latest version of the households, list ingredients Three members of the Holm- and effects of approximately detergents. - Martin A. PoilacK, CBE 1970, issue of "Science," the over-fertilize algae, "resulting available from' the committee pamphlet, which CBE offi- del, N.J., based Committee Bell Telephone Laboratories in frequent overgrowths of the for a Better Environment chairman, said that "detergent industry spokesmen con- physicist said, showed "that single-celled plants. As these (CBE) testified here before when the phosphate input algal masses die and decay, the Federal Trade Commis- tended (during the hearing) that although 30 to 70 per cent from sewage was eliminated, the decomposition process sion in favorof a rule on de- there was a substantial and robs the water of oxygen m-X-SPRAY tergent labeling and advertis- of the phosphates in sewage come from detergents, there immediate decline in the needed to maintain fish and ing. is no existing evidence that growth of algae. The study other desirable marine life, MINUTE CAR WASH The proposed FTC regu- these phosphates contribute to also showed that no ottier im- and leads to the premature 5 lation would require listing on water pollution or that their portant plant nutrient played aging and filling in of bodies High pressure Jet-X Spray gives your car that sparkling each detergent box of all in- new look. Magic Suds formula coats the surface with a removal would in any way any role in the lake's recov- of water known as eu- protective film to keep it shiny ... without extra waxing. gredients, their weight in help matters." ery." trophicatipn, the ecologists grams per recommended use Dr. Nash, in turn, cited a Overgrowths Form maintain. .""' level, and the following cau- recent scientific study of pol- Many ecologists have point- Dr. Nash also maintained tion: "Warning: Each recom- lution of Seattle's Lake Wash- ed an accusing finger at the that "it is also well known Just connect the qmazing Jet-X Spray mended use level of this prod- ington, which he contended effect of phosphates pouring that other ingredients of de- gun to your hose, load with Magic Suds uct contains - grams of phos- tergents such at nitrilotriace. & tet Jet-X do your work. Out comes a phorus, which contributes to tate (NTA) and silicates have spray so powerful that in just one.roirb; water pollution. Do not use in been suspected of adverse ef- ute all normal dirt & grime are washed excess. In soft water areas, Tenants Organize fects, ecological or other- away. • •. '••„• \ <• .;.••' --.;i-. use of phosphates is not nec- wise." For the next (wo minutes, Jet-X Spray whisk's off oil, tar essary." , Dr. Pollack,\an electrical and corrosive salts. Next comes the Rfiwer rihsa which The warning statement engineer at Bell Labs, last leaves your car sparkling clean & ready to quick-dry to a Plepse • #5179 JET-X-SPRAY WASHER $4.95 would, in addition, be re- showroom finish. For Lease Fight night praised the FTC com- Send • #5517 ADDITIONAL MAGIC SUDS, 1 Qt $1.98 quired in all'lelevision adver- missioners for "appearing tising of detergent products. FREEHOLD - Tenants of 88 one and two -bedroom • #5216 SET OF SPARE PARTS $.49 genuinely concerned" about Enclosed Is Check • M.O. O 'or $ (Incl. N.J. Tox) MULTIPURPOSE PRESSURE Since July of last year, the Monmouth Village Apart-" apartments on Rt. 33. So Jar, the issue and how they can ments have organized to op- 71 tenants have paid dues to Washer t Sprayer cleans almost everything fa sighll CBE secretary Dr. Franklin best discharge their obligation Tiffany • Cars* Motorcycles • Bicycles • Trailers • Trucks* Mobile R. Nash told the FTC, the en- pose rent hikes, security de" - the Tenants Organization, Mr. 175 Hawthorne Ave. Homes • Windows • Siding • Garage Floors • Pottos • Outdoor Fur" Quinlan said. Arnold Canape, to the general public. nlture • Swimming Pools • Boats • Airplanes • Campers • Goll vironmental group has dis- posits and restrictions in- Scientists Appear Glen Ridge, N.J. 07028 Carts • Snowmobiles • Tractors • Implements • Barns • Animal tributed in Monmouth County, troduced in leases that their of 573 Park Ave., is president Stalls • Pens • Animals • Industrial Buildings • Display Name Signs • Vans • Takes any water soluble pellets for Lawns, Gardens/ N.J., 23,000 copies of a pamph- new landlord has asked them of the group. Dr. W. John Tomlinson, Trees let outlining the effects of to sign, a spokesman said yes- CBE treasurer and a Belt Address Labs physicist, also appeared order your phosphates in detergents, and terday. Ciiy JET-X SPRAY listing phosphate content of The Monmouth Village Ten- WiniriCYO at the public hearing. Other witnesses during the three State...... Zip.. 5 MINUTE CAR WASH numerous popular brands. ants Organization hopes to Today! Concern Is Seen convince Michael Singer, of PlayContest days of testimony included Speaking for the CBE,.Dr. Newark, the new landlord, to HOLMDEL - The Catholic representatives of several fed- Nash said that on the basis of meet with them "around the Youth Organization of St'. eral agencies, detergent man- FUND RAISING ORGANIZATIONS CAN MAKE MORE THAN $1.00 ON SALE OF EACH CBE's experience in dis- bargaining table," said Wil- Benedict's Church won first ufacturers, leaders of citizens tributing its pamphlet, "De- liam Quinlan, 579 Park Ave., a ecological and conservation UNIT. FRANCHISE INVESTORS CAN OBTAIN TERRITORIES. NOW AVAILABLE FOR place in the annual Monmouth groups, and researchers in tergents Pollute," he is "con- building captain. County CYO one-act play con- A LIMITED TIME ONLY-SMALL INVESTMENT REQUIRED! vinced that tlie housewife is Martin Aranow, president test with its production of "An several related fields. concerned abAut the problem of the»New Jersey Tenants Overpraised Season." of phosphate pollution from Organization, spoke to the St. Dorothea's, Eatontown, detergents and desires infor- group at a meeting last week. and St. Anthony's, Ked Bank, mation which, would enable placed second and third, re- her to intelligently choose a The terms of the lease, Mr. spectively. nonpolluting washday -prod- Quinlan said, include rent in- Kelly Brady of St. Ben- uct." creases of ?40 or more per edict's was named best ac- apartment, and prohibit holes tcess and Edward Recundo of Cairns Heads in the walls for screws, nails, St. Dorothea's, best actor. or other hardware, so that A special judges' award for Raritan GOP "you can't hang pictures or outstanding direction went to HA8LET - William Cairns curtains." Sister Ann Smith of St. Ben- has been elected president of Furthermore, he said, the edict's, who'was assisted by the Raritan Republican Club. lease requires that the tenant Mrs. Francis Burke and Louis Also elected were Michael waive action against the land- •Fillippo. Brennan, vice president; lord for damage or injury, Also appearing in the St. Howard Denig, treasurer; even if caused by the "negli- Benedict's play were Eliza- Wrs, James Wiley, secretary, gence of the landlord," he beth Davidson, Maryellen Ma- We have more kinds .. and Steven Altman, sergeanl- added. han, William Hill, Frank at-arms. Monmouth Village is an Woods and William 'Anger- Officers will be installed -at eight-year-old complex with meyer. the unit's annual dinner dance Saturday at 8 p.m. in the Hof- brauhaus, Atlantic Highlands. Tickets are available from Mrs. Ann Israel, Mrs. Dorothy 12 Are Penalized Morgan and Mrs. Kathleen Fitzpatrick. By Judge in Hazlet Job Switch Is Liked LONDON (AP) -Pete . HAZLET :T A Parlin man Chula Vista, Cal., $10 for fail- Best, who was fired as the has been fined $50 by Munici- ing to obtain a state driver's first drummer with the Beat- pal Court Judge Vincent J. license and ?Z5 tor contempt les and was succeeded by Agresti on a shoplifting of court; James Daily of Ringo Starr, is a ?2,500 a year charge. Staten Island, $20 for careless civil servant and has a wife Pleading guilty as charged driving plus $15 for contempt and two daughters. Best, 28, was Thomas J. Carraro, who of court; William B. Kohlbe- says lie is content and does was apprehended by thS secu- cker of 602 Columbia Ave., not regret the job switch. rity officer for Stop and Shop Union Beach, $20 for careless Super Market, Rt 36. driving; Jacquelin Slowinski of 40 Nevada Drive, $20 for NURSING HOME In traffic cases Judge Agr- esli fined Martin J. Hardy of speeding; and Arnold Heister- • 24-Hour Can man of 7 Stephen. St., $20 for • RNondutyaHlimei careless driving. r NAVESINK HOUSE Cemetery Unit Also, Albert G. Eastmond 44 RIVERSIDE AVE. RED BANK of 341 Park Ave., Union All kinds of cars, priced from $2217* to $8421*. More M2-3400 Sponsors Event Beach, $20 for careless driv- ing; Oscar C. McCaim of 756 kinds of cars than anybody else in the business can ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS- Hoping Road, Belford, $25 for offer. And each car's designed and built to give High Interest The committee of Crystal speeding and $10 for con- Stream Cemetery, New Mon- tempt; Ruth Oliver of 11 Hurl- you better ideas ranging from sophisticated pollution mouth Road, Navesink, asso- ey St., Keyport, $20 for driv- and Flexibility ciated with Quinn Chapel, ing without a license; Thomas control devices to Lifeguard A.M.E. Church, here, will P. Cumiskey of 34 Central Design Safety Features. sponsor a William Seruby Day Ave., keyport, $10 for failing Sunday, May 23. to possess a vehicle registra- Members are seeking pa- tion and $10 for contempt; We don't stop there! At the sign of the cat, good trons and contributions to Mary W. Connallon of 15 Haug maintain the cemetery, na- St., Union Beach, $28 for service facilities are also important. Used cars/ too. med after the late Mr. Se- speeding;^ and Gerald E. ruby, a faithful member of the Stefanelli of Newark, $30 for We try very hard to keep coming up with better ideas church who desired to see the speeding. cemetery maintained proper- to serve you better in everyway. , ly. . Neglect Case Further information may We want you to keep coming back. And we want you be had by contacting Mr. Se- Is Acquitted ruby's daughter, Miss Lucille to tell your friends that it's a better idea to... Seruby, 111 Leonardville FREEHOLD - George and Road, Leonardo. Deadline is Carmen Badillo, 8 Sheriff St., Wednesday, May 12. here, have been ac- In addition to Miss Seruby, quitted of a charge of child the committee includes Ollie neglect involving their four and Ernest Jones, Herbert children, aged one to SEE YOUR Reed and Dorothy Keyes. six. They were being tried Motor raniri Bnem. Mitit on a charge of neglecting the Church pastor is the Rev. children last July 28. MERCURYMAN Forrest H. Worten Sr. ' Monmouth County Court ^itiiiuiuii|iliit|iiiitiiiuiniii|ii)UiiiilUlilii|lliiVllilil[Uiiiumillilii{jii|i|iilil)i|ilU|U>Uilii|g Judge Patrick J. McGann Jr. i § granted a defense motion for = acquittal. j| Assistant Prosecutor James "Based on manufacturer's suggested retail price tor modef £rioWl, ' ' • ' = A. Carey presented the sldte'.s excluding destination charges, state antf local taxes and white sldiwan ittts' | case. Gerard Del Tufo of which range from $27.40 to J42.00 depending on model.' Monterey «n*C6uear Jj Matawan represented Mrs deluxe wheel covers $25.90 extra. Dealer preparation charges are excluded from s Badillo and the public defend- Comer and Capri prices, included In all others. . E er's office represented Mr. J Badillo. Better Ideas make Better Cars. | 1 WINDS ARE BEWILDERING = 7 Welcome to Natelsons. We lib the family name | WASHINGTON (AP) — I and are delighted with our customers. I Clustery sP"nP wind\ lhat de- WALL LINCOLN-MERCURY From the late 180O's to the mid-1930's, kites gathered infor- Tormenting Rectal Itch mation on wind, temperature and SALES SERVICE pressure vital to weather bureau Of Hemorrhoidal Tissues forecasts. Sophisticated weather bal- SHREWSBURY AVE., AT SYCAMORE Promptly Relieved loons check the winds now. More than 200 soar alolt daily from SHREWSBURY f In many cases Preparation H dreds of patients showed this different parts of the United gives prompt, temporary relief to bo true in many cases. In States to test wind direction an Aunt nidi pain and itching fact, many doctors, them- velocity. Altitudes sometimes ex mid actually helps Bhrink selves, use Preparation H® or ceed 100,000> feet. swelling of hemorrhoidal Us* recommend it for their fam- Despite scientific advances, th 'aim caused by inflammation. ilies. Preparation H ointment winds still bewilder and mystify, T by doctor* on hun- or suppositories. the National Geographic Socii says.