Strategy 2011
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STRATEGY 2011 Development Cooperation: a French Vision Directorate-General of Global Affairs, Development and Partnerships Framework Document DIRECTORATE-GENERAL OF GLOBAL AFFAIRS, DEVELOPMENT AND PARTNERSHIPS DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION: A FRENCH VISION FRAMEWORK DOCUMENT Évaluation réalisée par : Pluricité Nicolas Subileau Alix de Saint-Albin Michel Hoffert Synthèse du rapport (français et russe) Rapport remis en décembre 2009 MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AND EUROPEAN AFFAIRS Contents Remerciements Ce document n’aurait pas pu voir le jour sans la participation active et les contributions des diverses directions du ministère des Affaires étrangères et européennes (MAEE), du ministère de l’Économie, de l’Industrie et de l’Emploi (MINEIE), de l’Agence française de développement (AFD), du ministère de l’Immigration, de l’Intégration, de l’Identité nationale et du Développement solidaire (MIIIDS), du ministère de l’Intérieur, de l’Outre-Mer et des Collectivités territoriales (MIOMCT), du ministère de l’Agriculture, de l’Alimentation et de la Pêche (MAAP), du ministère de l’Écologie, de l’Énergie, du Développement durable et de la Mer (MEEDEM), du ministère de la Défense et du Secrétariat général aux affaires européennes (SGAE). Le document a également bénéficié de consultations avec la société civile. La maquette de ce document a été préparée par le Pôle politique européenne de développement de la Direction générale de la mondialisation, du développement et des partenariats qui a organisé les réunions de consultation. Ont ainsi participé à titres divers aux débats, à la rédaction ou à la relecture de ce document : Pour le MAEE : Éric Adam, Laurent Amar, Delphine Babin-Pelliard, Jacques Biau, Laure Bourdarot, Matthieu Boussichas, Mathilde Bouyé, Jocelyne Caballero, Pauline Chabbert, Delphine Clerc-Touré, Franz Coïdan, Jean Constantinesco, Paul Coustère, Emmanuelle d’Achon, Laurent Delahousse, Catherine Disparti, Benoît Faivre-Dupaigre, Falilou Fall, Emmanuelle Gallet, Christophe Gigaudaut, Myriam Gourrin, Camille Grousselas, Yves Gueymard, Laetitia Haton, Pierre Jaudoin, Philippe Lacoste, Matthias Lange, Élise Launay-Rencki, Jean-Luc Lavaud, Jennifer Le Duff, Dominique Le Masne, Romain Louvet, Alberto Martelli, Marc Mertillo, Laurence Pais, Isabelle Perot, François Ponge, Pierre Pougnaud, Béatrice Ravanel, Irchad Razaaly, Jérôme Rivière, Guillaume Robert, Matthieu Robin, Roland Sourd, Nicholas Suran, Giovanna Tattolo, Serge Tomasi, Alain Van Hamme, Florence Veber, Caroline Vinot, Lionel Vignacq. Pour l’AFD et les autres ministères : Jean-Marc Bellot, Quentin Bérinchy, Nicolas Beriot, Nicolas Caudal, Grégoire Chauvière Le Drian, Anne Crozat, Jean-René Cuzon, le colonel Éric Fournier, Françoise Georgin, Émilie Gravier, Thomas Groh, Damien Hendrick, Cécile Liev-Müller, Virginie Lucas, Nicole Martin, André Pouilles-Duplaix, Mylène Testut, Mailys Tisseau, Françoise Tysseire, Alexander Von Kapp-Herr, Claude Warin. Pour Coordination Sud : Gipsy Beley, Aurélie Gal-Régniez, Philippe Jahshan, Cécile Mabilotte, Robert Toubon. All rights of adaptation, translation and reproduction by any processes, including the photocopy and the microfilm, reserved for any countries. Photos on cover : AFD, CampusFrance, CICR/G. Primagotama, Fotolia/Galline, Fotolia/T. Müller, MAEE/F. de la Mure, UN/F. Noy et Union européenne. Execution : Elisabeth Esloduc Printing : Centre Impression © Ministère des Affaires étrangères et européennes, 2011 Contents Preface .................................................................................................................................4 Executive summary ......................................................................................................5 A changing world: tailoring development cooperation policy ...........9 Steering globalisation: four strategic challenges for cooperation policy .............................................................................................. 13 1) Contributing to shared and sustainable growth ............................................................................13 2) Fighting against poverty and reducing inequality .........................................................................15 3) Preserving global public goods ....................................................................................................18 4) Promoting stability and the rule of law as factors of development ...............................................19 A global approach to development: mobilising multiple levers and promoting policy coherence ....................................................................... 21 1) From aid to the overall financing of development .........................................................................21 2) Enhancing policy coherence .........................................................................................................24 3) Strengthening the complementarity of bilateral, European and multilateral action ......................27 4) Fostering democratic governance, promoting laws and standards ..............................................32 5) Encouraging the production and exchange of knowledge and culture .....................................35 Implementing differentiated partnerships: maximising the impact of France’s actions ............................................... 38 1) Africa: supporting growth and achievement of the MDGs ............................................................38 2) Mediterranean: sustainable development with prospects for convergence ..................................42 3) Emerging countries: managing global balances ...........................................................................45 4) Countries in crisis: bolstering stability ..................................................................................47 The emergence of global policies ................................................................... 50 A duty: evaluation and accountability .......................................................... 51 Appendices ................................................................................................................... 54 Appendix I – The institutional organisation of development cooperation .........................................54 Appendix II – Cooperation policy reference documents ...................................................................55 Appendix III – The budget for development cooperation policy .........................................................57 Appendix IV – Official Development Assistance in figures ...............................................................59 Appendix V – Structure and destination of France’s ODA ................................................................61 Appendix VI – Targeted distribution of French bilateral aid by differentiated partnership .................63 Appendix VII – The World Bank’s International Development Association (IDA) .............................63 Appendix VIII – Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM) ..................................63 Appendix IX – Summary of recent evaluations of French cooperation .............................................64 Appendix X – Bibliography and Internet resources ....................................................................64 Acronyms and abbreviations ............................................................................. 66 Notes ................................................................................................................................ 68 Development Cooperation: a French Vision 3 Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs - DGM PrefaCe ➔ I am delighted to make this framework on the overarching global challenges such as document on France’s cooperation and controlling global warming, protecting biodiversity, development policy available to our public and containing major pandemics, safeguarding all private partners. It is a single-document summary cultures, and so on. of French cooperation strategy, its geographic This document is, of course, only a step but it and sectoral priorities, and the financial and nonetheless constitutes real headway. For our human resources that France is devoting to this parliamentarians, our local authorities and our area. We now have a forward-looking and external partners, it offers a clear roadmap of transparent framework that puts French action France’s external cooperation policy. for cooperation into perspective. I wish therefore to extend my thanks to all our To respond to the challenge of sustainable partners that took part in its preparation, notably globalisation and guarantee the major balances of the non-governmental organisations, companies our planet over the long run, French cooperation and the French Development Agency. We can strategy focuses on four overarching objectives: be jointly proud of the means and resources that foster sustainable and equitable growth for France is devoting to development financing. the poorest populations; combat poverty and inequality; preserve global public goods; and ensure global stability and the rule of law. Henri de Raincourt In its search for comprehensive responses, Minister responsible for Cooperation France is working with all the resources at its attached to the ministre d’État, disposal. It is one of the few countries in the Minister of Foreign and European Affairs world to use not only the traditional tools of official development assistance but also long-term financial instruments, as well as an expanding