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WANNEROO ROAD, ACCIDENTS 414. Hon KEN TRAVERS to the Minister for Transport: (1) How many accidents have been recorded on Road between Drive and Beach Road in - (a) 1998; (b) 1997; (c) 1996; and (d) 1995? (2) How many of those accidents were fatal? Hon M.J. CRIDDLE replied: (1) Report crashes for the years in question are: (a) 1998 40. (b) 1997 44. (c) 1996 42. (d) 1995 51. (2) Five crashes involving eight deaths. MOTOR VEHICLE TRANSFERS - STAMP DUTY 422. Hon LJILJANNA RAVLICH to the Minister for Transport: (1) What steps have been taken to implement effective compliance strategies and procedures over the stamp duty assessment and collection process on motor vehicle transfers? (2) Has a computerised data matching system been developed to assist with the identification of understated purchase prices declared on motor vehicle transfers? (3) If not, why not? (4) Has a motor vehicle audit program been established as recommended by the Auditor General in the report "Control, Compliance and Accountability Audits 1998"? Hon M.J. CRIDDLE replied: (1) Department of Transport is reviewing the process of assessing market valuations and collection of stamp duty. Until the completion of the review Transport Licensing staff have been requested to exercise more care in the assessment of market values and stamp duty payable on new vehicle registrations and used vehicle transfers. Amendments have been made to the latest print of the Notice of Disposal form to include provision to record the odometer reading of the vehicle and a declaration as to the condition of the vehicle on the Disposal Notice form and to include a further warning message to the sellers of vehicles advising of the offence and penalties applicable for providing false or misleading information. (2) No. (3) The Department of Transport is currently consulting with suppliers of electronic motor vehicle valuations with the view of interfacing this data with extracts of the Department’s vehicle records to produce exception reports which will be referred to the State Revenue Department for investigation and further action. (4) The Department of Transport will undertake the establishment of revised program as part of the review referred to in relation to the answer to question 1. MINISTRY OF JUSTICE - EXECUTION OF WARRANTS 425. Hon LJILJANNA RAVLICH to the Minister for Justice: (1) What was the cost for the consultants engaged by the Ministry of Justice to assist the Ministry in considering alternatives for improving the execution of warrants? (2) Will the Minister table the documents provided by the consultants and/or the Ministry of Justice which recommended the outsourcing of serving of metropolitan warrants? (3) What was the annual cost to the Ministry for Justice for this service in 1996/97 and 1997/98? (4) What improvements are expected by the outsourcing of this service? [Tuesday, 24 November 1998] 3983

Hon PETER FOSS replied: (1) $20,000. (2) No, not until after the tender is awarded. (3) 1996/97 - $617,607 1997/98 - $715,819 (4) Ensure the maximum number of offenders will pay their fines; Maximise the number of fines that are satisfied by way of payment; Reduce the number of work and development orders undertaken as an alternative to the payment of the fine; Minimise processing costs; Reduce the current backlog of warrants. WORKSAFE WA COMMISSIONERS - IMPACT OF INQUIRY 479. Hon LJILJANNA RAVLICH to the Attorney General representing the Minister for Labour Relations: What action, if any, has the Minister for Labour Relations taken to ensure that - (a) WorkSafe Commissioners are not exposed to the same type of damaging findings as those recently brought down by the Public Sector Standards Commissioner; (b) the Commissioners are fully informed and involved in any discussion on a change in policy; and (c) the chief executive officer of WorkSafe adheres to the guidelines and directions laid down by the Commissioners? Hon PETER FOSS replied: (a) The Public Sector Standards Commissioner did not make an adverse finding on members of the WorkSafe Commission and advice to this effect has been tabled in the Parliament. (b) The Chairman and members of the WorkSafe Western Australia Commission have been informed of my intention to involve them in any discussion on changes to policy falling within the functions of the Commission. (c) The Chief Executive Officer of WorkSafe Western Australia is not subject to control by the WorkSafe Western Australia Commission. BARTHOLOMAEUS, MR NEIL - PUBLIC SECTOR STANDARDS COMPLIANCE 480. Hon TOM HELM to the Attorney General representing the Minister for Labour Relations: (1) Can the Minister for Labour Relations confirm that the WorkSafe Commissioner, Mr Bartholomaeus, had signed a performance agreement with the previous Minister for Labour Relations which clearly spelt out that Mr Bartholomaeus was to - "Meet the principles of the Public Sector Management Act and ensure organisational compliance with the code of ethics." (2) If yes, what action will the Minister be taking following a finding from the Commissioner of Public Sector Standards that Mr Bartholomaeus did not comply with s.9 of the Public Sector Management Act? Hon PETER FOSS replied: (1) Yes. (2) The Hon Premier has appointed Mr Wayne Martin QC to investigate the matter under the terms of the Public Sector Management Act. The result of that investigation was tabled in the Parliament on 10 November 1998. OMEX CONTAMINATED SITE - REDEVELOPMENT 498. Hon GIZ WATSON to the Minister for Finance representing the Minister for the Environment: I refer to the Minister for the Environment’s response to questions on notice dated September 17, 1998 concerning the rehabilitation of the Omex Contaminated Site - (1) With regards to question (1), is it correct that Lots 55 and 56 are under the WA Planning Commission’s Improvement Plan for the redevelopment of the Omex site? (2) If yes, then as these properties are located next to the main sludge pit at the Omex site, why has the Department of Environmental Protection not undertaken investigations for contamination?