Ants performance profiler vs dottrace

Continue ProsAutomatically save session profileProfiling: Exceptions, Performance, S'LServer, File I/OPossible to search by namePossible method to view traces while runningPosible to view on ThePossible thread to view all streams at oncePossible select the time area to bookmark regionPossible to create call schedules. (thumbs up) ConsNo remote app profile supportT not possible to view the total number of requestsProsAutomatically save the profile of the sessionPossible to search by namePossible method to view on threadConsdotTrace 4 Performance will not start profiling web applications, It is not possible to view the trace when you startProfiling only performance, without exception, sqlserver or I/ONot can view all streams at onceUnly can drill down the time intervalUsing memory profiles-Redgate in Ants Performance Profiler is the winner. I've been doing some RRS on tools or profilers to test the performance of one of my .NET apps. Below is a list of some of the compiled collection of .NET Profilers that I could put together. 1. JetBrains dotTrace JetBrains dotTrace is a performance and memory profile for JetBrains.NET applications. This allows you to profile the performance of .NET-oriented applications from 1.0 to 4.5, and quickly identify bottlenecks. Read more about JetBrains dotTrace know 2. The ANTS ANTS performance profile is from red gates and allows for easy .NET profiles, ASP.NET and MVC applications and allows you to optimize the performance of the .NET application quickly. Learn more about the ANTS ANTS Performance Profiler Profiler Profiler 3. EsaTEK Profiler Another good .NET Profile and comes in various versions as free, standard, professional, corporate. Learn more about the E'TEC profile and download it from the 4 E'TEC Profiler download page. Telerik Just Trace Telerik Just Trace from Telerik and helps you identify memory leaks as well as solve performance problems easily. Learn more about Telerik Just Trace on the Telerik Just Trace 5 product page. .NET Memory Profiler In Depth .NET Memory Profiling tool and allows you to find memory leaks and automate memory testing. Find out more about the .NET Memory Profiler from the .NET Memory Profiler product page above the list is only a partial one that I was able to explore and list them. If you think there are any other .NET profiles that will be included in the list above, please add them to the comments section. What profilers did you use when working with .net programs, and what would you recommend? I used JetBrains dotTrace and Redgate ANTS extensively. They are quite similar in characteristics and price. They offer useful performance profiling and fairly basic memory profiling. dotTrace integrates with Resharper, which is very handy as you can profile the performance of a test unit with one click Ide. However, dotTrace often seems to give false results (for example, say that the method took several years to run) I prefer how ANTS presents profiling results. It shows the and to the left of each line tells you how long it took to run. dotTrace just has a view of the tree. The E'TEC profiler is fairly basic and requires you to compile special instrumental versions of your builds, which can then be launched in the E'ATEC profiler. It is, however, free. Overall I prefer ANTS for performance profiling, although if you use Resharper then dotTrace integration is a killer feature and means that it beats ANTS in usability. Free CLR Profiler (.Net framework 2.0 / .Net Framework 4.0) is all you need for .NET memory profiling. 2011 Update: Scitech Memory Profile has a fairly simple user interface, but a lot of useful information, including some information about inedure memory that dotTrace and ANTS lack - you may find it useful if you do COM interop, but I still don't find any profiler that makes COM memory problems easy to diagnose - you usually have to break out windb.exe. The ANTS profiler has come on the leaps and down in the last few years, and his memory profiler has some really useful features that have now pushed him ahead of dotTrace as a package in my assessment. I'm lucky enough to have a license for both, but if you're going to buy one .Net profiler for performance and memory, make it an ANTS. .NET Profilers are the developer's best friend when it comes to optimizing the performance of the app. They are especially important when running a low-level processor and optimizing memory. But did you know that there are three different types of professions? Traditional .NET profiles that track process memory usage, time spent on the line of code, and the frequency of method calls. Easy profilers or other tracking mechanisms that allow you to logically understand what your code is doing and understand performance at a high level. Application Performance Management (APM) tools designed to monitor production servers. All of them are very valuable, but serve relatively different purposes and different types of performance profiling. Let's look at different types. These tools include CLR profiler products such as Profile Visual Studio.NET, ANTS, dotTrace, SciTech and YourKit.Most likely if you use a profiler of one form or another, you have a bad day. This usually means that you are haunted by some bad problems with the processor or the use of memory. I had my fair share of multi-day marathon profiling sessions, find obscure memory leaks. These tools are the savior when you need them, but they are very resource-intensive and slow you down when using them. I would venture to guess that the vast majority of developers never or very rarely use these types of profilers. They just don't need day-to-day applications that many developers have .NET: High memory usage: Profile profiles are extremely powerful when it comes to tracking memory leaks and optimizing memory usage. CPU usage is getting out of control: If your server processor is extremely high and you have no idea why, a profiler may be your last resort to figure out why. Proactive performance adjustment: Optimizing CPU usage for some applications is endless. The standard .NET profiler works with the .NET CLR profiling interface. This allows you to profile bytecode .NET MSIL at a low level to understand every operation that the code performs. This allows them to show you the hot path in the code to see which methods use the most CPU. You can then drill even to see which line of code the processor uses in your app. This can be a huge savior when you have one of those bad days and need to urgently find a problem. We actively use Visual Studio Profiler and ANTS to customize the performance of our Windows Monitoring Agent. Our goal is to add as little overhead as possible to our customers' servers. We also had to use them to chase down some strange memory leaks. List of popular .NET ProfilersVisual Studio Performance ProfilerRed Gate ANTSdotTraceMORE: How to confuse the high .NET application processor in production with ANTS and the HackerScreenshot process from a studio visual profile showing performance to code level2. The .NET Profiler/TransactionLightweight easy transaction tracking tools are mostly focused on tracking your app's high performance. They will help you understand the total page load time, what calls have been made, etc. These tools are designed to help developers every day. They are designed to not have a huge impact on code performance so they can always be on. There are three main tools available to .NET developers that work as ASP.NET Profilers. They all differ greatly in how they are implemented, how they work, and the types of information they can provide. Below is a real quick overview and comparison. Glimpse: Installed in your app and requires a lot of changes and packages. The open source project is currently led by Microsoft. Glimpse does not use the .NET CLR profiler. Uses extension frameworks and packages to add support for different dependencies and application technologies. Some code changes are required, for example, to track database requests that need to be wrapped in a special wrapper. It only works with web applications. Installed in your app as an easy tracking tool. It does not use a .NET CLR profiler. Database calls can be tracked by changing the code to wrap connections with S'L. You can also change your code to report additional steps in the code to include in pseudo-bibles. It only works with web applications. A lot of code changes are required. Stackify Prefix: Set on on outside the app. Based on the .NET CLR profile and uses the same technology that feeds the APM Stackify product to monitor server applications. It doesn't require any code changes or confit to work! Automatically tracks the performance of 30 common .NET structures and libraries. Can be used to view exceptions, logs, and more. It can be extended to the profile of any method in your code. Also works with non-web applications. This is our tool, so naturally we are a little biased towards it. These types of profiles are more designed around individual web queries or transaction tracking. This makes them very useful for tracking how long a particular web query takes and why they take so long. They can save a lot of time compared to writing a bunch of custom logs or debugging code. They can put a lot of good information at your fingertips as soon as they are setup. Each developer should have one of these tools in their toolbox. Prefix is an amazing free tool. It's very easy to install and it just works without a headache, code change, or config changes. It is very lightweight and designed to be used every day. We have a lot of users who leave it open on their second monitor all the time. An example of a screenshot of Prefix, a free Stackify3 tool. Profiling production .NET applications (APM) These tools include products such as New Relic, AppDynamics, Stackify Retrace, Dynatrace, and others. Conventional profiles are designed as developer tools that are used on their workstations. The same technology is used on servers, but should be very easy so as not to slow down the production of applications. Retrace APM and Stackify Prefix use the same light profiling technology for both. Another key feature of profiling production applications is aggregating performance parts across all transactions, applications, and servers so you can easily understand the performance of your application. Reproducing application problems in development or development environments is usually a nightmare. One of the great things about APM products is they usually collect enough items to quickly identify and solve the most common application problems. Products like Stackify APM can show accurate database requests, logs, exceptions, web service calls, and more to understand how to fix bugs or improve your application performance. The biggest problem with APM solutions is their pricing. They were traditionally so expensive that only the largest enterprises could afford it. It doesn't make sense to spend $100 a month on an Azure server or and then spend another $150 a month on a product like New Relic. Monitoring tools don't have to cost more than servers! Stackify Retrace is a very affordable APM solution that includes server monitoring, bug tracking and log management at that price. However, Retrace's advantages over New Relic go beyond pricing. Check it out quickly quickly functions between them. Want even more energy to write better code faster and catch any problems before they get to production? SummaryProfilers are powerful tools for measuring and improving the performance of your applications in the design and production of both. I strongly recommend seeing all three types of .NET profiles mentioned in this article. They are tools that you should always have in your arsenal of tools. Elements. ants performance profiler vs dottrace

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