OUR 5 2ND YEAR IIIIUIIIllllllllllj·VJuJ I I'll t.I;J U1 1 t-'11 -M )UI~ Jli.J ntLkli PUDLlJMl~b JUliiMwt•l 11 LV4l dJi [ !H~Utll V~ tt rHJ'l I; /IYUj-;/£4 oso a 50 CENTS H U I D () S (), NE\V MEXlC() • W E D N E S D A Y, () CT. '1 4 1998 ISSL'E NO. 42 • 36 PAGES ' A new future for the past: Heritage Trust to see changes

BY DIANNE STALUNGS close for six months. During that time, we will During the winter, one of the four staff mem­ the 16 people at the gathering came up with a list RUIDOSO NEWS STAR' WRrr£11 have the opportunity to study the financial prob­ bers will stay on as custodian and security to of steps to take in an effort to keep the museum lems and I hope can work it out and then run effi­ ensure items that have been lent to the museum open. Some were moderate and positive, others ln an attempt to stop its financial bleeding, ciently and not go into the red again." are protectOO, the trustee said. The down time will were more extreme, but reflected the frustration of the Lincoln Heritage Trust will close its buildings The Trust was established by oilman Robert give the board time to do some remodeling and people who say they have been kept in the dark in the historic settlement for the winter. 0. Anderson with a $2.5 million endowment to cleaning. about heritage business and who wonder what Trust board members voted Thursday to shut ensure the community wa.s preserved and people News of the closing prompted a town meeting happened to the money meant to keep the muse­ ·the doors at the museum and the· Dr. Wood House had a chance to learn about the history of the area, Sunday. um afloat. from Nov. 1 through May 1, but may push the the Lincoln County War and its most infamous off­ "Saturday the museum was locked and The steps include: November date back by another two weeks to spring, Billy the Kid. chained and a lot of people were concerned," said • Meeting with 'frust board members to offer aaxlmmodate already scheduled tours and a wed­ "Every cent of that money is gone due to mis­ Ralph Dunlap, a shop owner in Lincoln and a for­ volunteer labor at the museum and to talk about ding reception. management," the trustee said. '1t's so shocking." mer county commissioner. "They consider the other ways the town could help to keep the muse­ "The museum is spending more money than it Other sources of financing are being sought to museum an integral part of the town. If people go um open, suggested by resident John McGrath is taking in," a board member, who asked not to be s~y open year-around. The museum may be able there and it's closed, they won't come back and it and Dunlap. The board may meet Wednesday and identified, said Monday ·we've known for some to pay its billa, if it opens only during the summer, will get around by word-of-mouth that nothing is one trustee said Monday that town representa- time that was true, but the trustees never faced up which covers the heavy tourist months, the open in Lincoln." to the issue before. We did Thursday We voted to trustee said. After about an hour and a half of discussion, See TRUST, page 2A School board president alleges 'deals under table' Capitan's Beverly Payne-Calaway resigns

BY SANDY SucGITT meeting and left. The remaining four RU/00\0 Nl.W.\ .\TAff WRIHR members went into executive session - . and when they came out, they made a statement to the effect that there Capitan School Roard President was no under-the-table dealing, and Beverly Payne Calaway resigned at that they had reorganized the board, the beginning of the hoard's Oct. 8 naming Tom Trost president and meeting because of "deals under the ,James Hobbs vice president. table," then the board took an appar­ ently illegal action hy reorganizing Calaway pointed out that to reor­ the board, Calaway said. ganize the board, a vote would be needed, but action cannot be taken "I don't make deals and I don't unless it's posted as a publicized play the good-ol'-boy game agenda item at least 24 hours before Several members of the Board vio­ the meeti~_g'- lated the N.M. Open Meetings Act," "They didn't say anything, they she said, citing her reasons for just did it," said Billingsley, when resigning. "They demanded that I go asked about the legality of reorga· along with their dec1sitm which was nizing the board without prior regarding school business. They notice. wanted me to compromise my integrity by doing thiR, which I will "She did an excellent job as not do. My letlPr of rPsibrnation fully hoard president and I think she put states this." the interests of students ahead of Sandy Suggm!Rwdoso New> everything else, and we're going to Mescaiero High School's fi~ Homecoming Parade marched from an underpass of U.S. Highway 70 down Central Mescalero Boulevard Superintendent Diana Billingsley to the high school around 2 p.m. Friday. said that Calaway read ht>r Jetter of resignation at the bt>ginning of the SL'e RESIGNATION, page 2A Mayor to discuss jail with commission Won1an struck on Sudderth Robert Donaldson says he plans to attend Friday's county con1rnission meeting • Village manager, mayor continue Maddox said. She was taken to pushing the state for two additional Lincoln County Medica] Center hood of $1.1 million more for debt what we've heard - so we started for treatment and released the fol­ BY DIANNE STALLINGS signal lights in the midtown to Rl'lDOWJ .'lEU!\ STAFf WRITER service and operational costs for the investigating other alternatives," lowing afternoon, he said. increase safety for pedestrians. new jaiL When you only collect $2.5 Donaldson said. "Because ifthat'~ the At Tuesday night's council Visitors to the Lincoln County million in property tax, if they use a case, there's plenty of places we can meeting, Ruidoso Village Manager BY TONI K. LAxSON Commission meeting Friday may property tax, it would take 30 per­ take our prisoners and not have to Alan Briley discussed the accident me~ pay that." RU/DO~O NFU'.~ STAFF WR/Tf.R think they're in the wrong place. cent mony.y to make that work .. - both to defuse rumors of the The meeting will begin at 9 a.m. Anothe}-""iilternative mentioned In a 4-1 vote last month woman's death and to discuss the has been a gross receipts tax, (Commissioner Wilton Howell voting An 85-year-old Colorado village's on-going efforts to place in the Ruidoso village council meet­ woman was injured Sunday after­ ing room and Ruidoso Mayor Robert Donaldson said. against the motion), commissioners two additional signal lights in the ''I've heard that a 1!8th of a cent approved building a new jail in noon in midtown when a truck midtown. · Donaldson will be voicing his opin­ ions and suggestions on several gross receipts tax will make about Carrizozo, acknowledging that they turning onto Center Street from This spring, a Roswell woman Issues. $300,000, so it would take a half per­ were choosing guaranteed short term Sudderth Drive knocked her down was struck by a car and killed fEverybody's said where's cent gross receipts tax to fraise savings over uncertain long term as she was crossing the street, while crossing Sudderth Drive. the mayor of Ruidoso hf'en (in past dis­ enough to cover the annual debt and benefits that may be gained from police said Thesda,y. Shortly afterward, village leaders cussions about a new county jail!," operation)," Donaldson said. ''I'm building closer to Ruidoso. Ruidoso Pollee Chief Lanny petitioned the state for permission Donaldson said Thesday. 'Well, be concerned about the ovprall. I mav Donaldson also will have some Maddox said the truck that struck to place signal lights at both careful what you ask for. have an alte:-native in terms of apr~­ input during a public hearing to con­ Edith Bauerfeind at about 4 p.m. Country Club Drive and Center sider changes tQ the ordinance creat­ Sunday was "barely rolling." "I'm going basically to talk about posal- not in terms of where the jail Street. Currently, one signal light will be built if one is built, but anoth­ ing extra-territorial zoning in an The driver of the truck, Robert is in midtown, at Eagle Drive. the financing (for a new jail). Once we got the (new jail) study and J er alternative that may he able to area in the county one mile around Fluhart, 58, of Ruidoso, had been Even though the village has started reviewing it and looking at save the taxpayen; and the county Ruidoso. driving west on Sudderth and offered to pay for the two signal the numbers, it woulrl appPar to me upwards of a million dollars a year "I have a letter that I'll present of stopped completely before begin­ lights, estimated to cost $200,000 that they've only been talking ahout over a new facility." concepts we believe need to be ning his turn onto Center because each, the state must approve the what it would take in tPrms of raising He dPclinPd to ,r:sruss sp<'cifics changPd (in the ordinance>, Don­ the sun was shining in his eyes, lights before the-y may be installed taxes to build the jail. ThPy hav('n't before the meeting. aldson said. "It costs money to have Maddox said. because Sudderth is a state high­ our attorney~ go through and redraft even talked about what it would take "It came about hecausp WP had The impact was enough to way. Recently, state highway offi­ in terms of raising taxes to fund the heard numbers that if the village anoth<>r ordinance. If we've got some knock her down, causin~ her to cials notified the village of their operations. used the new (county) jail, thPre may strike her head on the pavement, decision. "It would appear to me it looks be charges of up to $100 a day- we like it will take right in the neighbor- don't know if that's a fact, but it's See MAYOR, page 2A

.. SPORTS i:> \V f:i\ T~t-U:R RHS Warriors score Chimney Partly . . ., cloudy EJuc:nion ...... >R Movte~ ...... lK high with their sweeptng - tt s a throughout Bridge ...... I R Opinion ...... 4A ··~ Classtft<-ds . . . .. 7R Srorr~. . . _ .AB coach dirtv !cd1 h11t· it'~ the week C:ros~word ...... 'JI~ R.e.d c~f.lte ...... JB Dc.u hs .... ~A What's h.1ppcmng . . 2K PAGE 6A got to he done I .cttcr'> ... 4 A Weather ...... 2A PAGE 18 PAGE 2A :lA WEDNESDAY, Ocr. 14, 1998 LOCAL NEWS •

WEDNESDAY HO!h ..• 79 MAYOR: Donaldson said he will also stay for discussions on other topics Low ... 41 Rmooso's need to changed, added or tions,we need to have some The 44-ltem agenda lists Continued from page 1A ' deleted to make the extra-ter­ discussions before (a drat\ is ;:f.W several other issues. includiDg 1imEE-DAY ritorial zoning concept work. put together)." another in a series of discus­ Plll't);y doudy fundamental differences with """" "We"ll go from there, D he The mayor also will l'te.v commissioners on these items, sions abt!ut •tllrtlne' an inde­ WEATIIER said. "I don't necessarily for the oomtniel!don discuasion pendent county indigent fund, then I think we need to negoti­ expect a decision tomorrow. of an gversight committee to OunooK ate with them or re-evaluate They may need to have some monitor the county narcotics · debate over the future of the having the ETZ altogether." hearings. But we need to know investigation unit and· the Glencoe Rural Events Center Donaldson will give com­ at least if we're on tlle same sharing of proceeds &om items on U.S. 70 and a discussion of missioners a formal list of 'flruRsDAY H;gb ... 77 FRIDAY H;gb ... 64 page. If we're fundamentally seized during drug in~­ the legislative package &om Low ... 40 Low ..• 33 what village ·officials think headed in different direc- tions and later sold. the Association of Counties. BOARD: Remaining members said there were no 'under the table' deals Partly cloudy Continued from page lA not to represent special inter­ that would cast a shadow on board in December for the elec­ ests or make deals for the "good the school at all, but the we,v tion in February. ol' boys' political game." they put it to me, it was just miss her." she said. "I hope my decision to Calaway said three board "This is an extremely criti­ something I won't deal with." members •more or lees had me resign &om the board will shed cal time for the school with the She said she huped that ,light on their actions and they WEATIIER ALMANAC with a voting block and they school bond issue eoming up people would watch what's told me that." She spoke of con· and the building (expsnslon) going on and that concerned will rethink their we,vs of per­ R111doso Readings Hlgb Low Preclp. .flicts of interest and said she and everything." she said. people who hsve the best inter­ foni:llng school board business. Friday 74 33 .oo• had been on the board for six "That was one of the most diffi­ ests of the school and commu­ I left the school board with a Satunlay 74 36 .00" years to serve the interests of cult things for ms - to resign - nity in mind would decide to heavy heart and a clear con· Sunday 77 so .00" the school and the community, because I didn't want anything run for election to the school science,» she said Monday 73 3B .00"

~-WedJJesdQy Hlgb Low Porecast TRUST: Some people think the Attorney General's Office should investigate Albuquerque 82 50 Partly cloudy • El Paso, 'I'X 90 05 Partly cloudy Continued from page lA Neil Caldwell, a 'Thxasjudge $135,000 new board is appointed, it Lubbock,TX BB 58 Partly cloudy who also has a home in l.incoJn, When several at the meet- should be a working board, he Midland, TX 91 60 Partly cloudy recently resigned from the 'Ihlst ing quOstioned how the board said. tives with oonstructive ideas board, as did Charlotte Lee. would be weloome. legally could acospt anything But Dl8lJ,Y -ts aganc:ies, Oct./Nov. phasn of the moon Caldwell was out of town but the lowest bid, they were like some of the Linooln County _,., • Contact~ the state 1 Monuments Diviswn of the New Monday, but Lee ssid they both told by Gmy -Miller, who helped commissioners, are --· of were appointed in May aild with the restoration and revita)- bO<:OIIlbtjt . involved ~:---~ Museum State Museum to ses if ~·;.;th KBUHV D the state would be interested in resigned at about the same ization of the town as trust Lincoln's problems, because the Od." Oct. zo Oct.,. Nm. 3 taking over responsibility for time. director two decades -. ~ town isknowforits~ operating the two proparties. She and Caldwell, who was organiz&tion is strictly private. . and in-fighting by different chairman of the board, were STARDATE The monuments divlliion al­ Federal money that went into groups sejd sever&l ·i>ePP!e at Tomorrow 1he moon crowds m Ol1 Reguhm in !he early· resdy manages several other surprised when the motion to the work.carried the stipulation the~ midtM ~ morning iky. As seen from parts"' wesrem North Arm-rica. properties in the settlement. close the museum came up dur· that for 10 ~ it must be LoDg thee··~~ !he moon will pa.o;~; in front of tho: brigln-bluc 5111r, hiding il from view. • Forming a community ing the meeting Thursday, Lee o._.,ted ~a lllUHUJD, but that ~t sal(i th9 ~ men trust that could ilcquire the said. time requirement hss passed, who lbuiided. the 'Irwit;,Jticlud­ properties and nm them, if the "It was a surprise to both of he said. ~ are nut bOUnd by ing tli&'later Peter HUrd and Heritage 'Ihlst dissolves, and us," she said. "I waS astonishelt. laws govennng boards using h ~·L- envisioned this I didn't vote I was so surprised." blic he ssid er ,_,never possibly oould result in a more pu hove to happening. Someone should be unif"ted effort of the entire com­ Several other things were "M~tbey ru,;'t munity with less factional fight­ bothering her that she declined ljave public oieetings, but it held acoountable for· bow ~ ing. to.speciljr Monday, but Lee said would be beneficial if everyone money bas~ spent, ~said. • Calling for the reaignation the vote to close the museum for knew about it," Dunlap eaid MJller ssid he ~ ihad to of current Trust board mem­ six months was the break point 'That's the attitude (not hear talk about gomg to the bers, asking for a new mission foio her. being open) that hss prompted ~ ~~t for the 'Irust and for more com­ The board put the Wortley Dl8lJ,Y ~ us t:o pull bsek,. ssid "Deda" Freeman hsve th:= munity input and involvement. Hotel up for sale last -'uno after Vll'ginia ·Vildl. owner of The . ten . and tha he has • Asking the state Attorney having trouble with the previ­ Ellis Store Coimtcy Inn. '"!'hey m tiona t s General and possibly the ·ous management,. the trustee haven't wanted us as Partners." tried on several ~ to do Internal Revenue Service to ssid. Although national news­ Cille Dickinson said a more for the people m the town, take a look at the operation and man Sam Donaldson, who owns - eb~·knOW. WPuld !If! he said. to determine what happened to two ranches in eastern Lincoln """"'"''1:11'. ...,..,.,;~· lntlf'ili1i ' ""Bomehowor·other·we'Jleed· the original endowment and County and attended tltl!' :rttlli­ ~B«t' · ~'rfifu, current to form a bond of the three enti· money generated from the sale tary academy in Roswell, was board resigned ties to work together," Miller of other property owned by the interested in buying the ~­ Miller said one of the main said. "I think the mission of the 'Ihlst. rant, he was nut se~ the m""'•u.,;r.;;'S in the running of the 'frust is largely completed." • Asking the 'Ihlst board trustee said. ..1 .)1 Trust has been to rely on A new mission is needed Oscuro, 1915. and the state to consider going People at the meeting Anderson's contribution and not and a board that will lOcus on back to a one-ticket approach Thursday said the 'Ihlst board go out and find ~ board accomplishing lt, he said, for the town"s museums and his­ voted instead to sell the hotel to members and other sources of adding, '1 don\ think the way to torical buildings. a local man for a reported private and public money. If a resolve this is to pls,y hardball."

A glimpse into Lincoln Chavez; probate judge, Martin County's past, compiled from Chavez; superintendent of Help Wanted local newspapers by Polly E. schools, Jon. A. Haley; survey­ Chavez. or, B.R. Robinson; commission­ PUBLIC NOTICE ers, Sipio Salazar, S.C. Wiener, $$$ Be Your Own Boss $$$ White Oaks Eagle and Ed Phengsten. See Oct. II, 1900 The public school opened (Work at Home) The democrats of Lincoln at Rabenton Monday. Ruidoso Ford-Lincoln-Mercury's county have placed a good The public school is tlll.ing '" clean ticket in the field for up and a fourth teacher will ad on page 8B in Friday's issue www.CPB.com/bizop.btm county offices, one for which probably be a necessity. Consolidated Press Bureau, Inc. excuses need not be made: for Juan L. Reyes is building a of the Ruidoso News sheriff- C.W. Wmgfield; clerk new house. - Leslie Ellis; treasurer, Geo. Jerry Dalton, of Bonito, E. Sligh; assessor - Porfirio sold vegetables here Thesday. RIO PECOS MEDICAL ASSOCIATES, ZIA RUIDOSO NEWS LTD. ·ORSON L. TRELOAR, M.D. Mailing Address: P.O. Box 128, Rukloso. NM 88355 Phone: (505) 257-400 I (BOO) 857-0955 Fax: (505) 257-7053 Diabetes Management & Endocrinology e-mail: [email protected] Specializing in disorders of: . Tamara M. Hand Terrance Vestal Exe.l Ext. 18 LOCAL • Thyroid E.ditot" Publisher • Parathyroid launo ay..--. Ext. s...... _ ~ Edimr Tnq. Shepvd. Ext. I 0 ...... Productlorl ~ ICsMI Greer!. Ext. 19 ...... Ed-..1 Adr/JJef Chrlsllne ~- bt. 6 •...... •• kf411 ~-"" • Sexual Development Sandy $ualtt. Ext. 15 EdLcGtloru'VamMos ,.,,...,_ Linda Wallace. Ext. 7 ...... ••...... s..leo Ao:coum: &ec Toni Laxson. Ext.. 2l ..... Clljf' ,.,..r./Bulllll!U Rleponet s.aa- RaMI. Ext. 8 ...... CldulfMd AcnJwM Emc.. Dianne Stalilnp. E..t. 21 ...... Coumr l"•"t ,.,,...._ G-. Boo.ylDn. Exr. 20 ...... O(flc.e~ J""ll McWIIII:tnw. Ext. I l ...... Mallnxlm ~ As well as Diaoefes Management Ana Anglada. Graphic Artist; Louiae Hanson. Production Asaietant; '1\!ni Can=y. •20 per month thereafter • No Set-up Fee • Route DriYw: .k4f f1oTI!e. Head Prase Operator; Evelyn Hazel, Clerleal Aaslatant; NOW ACCEPTING PATIENTS IN · Jackie B~t, lneerter; Mat-gru-et Ga.llegos., Assistant Press 0peratm; Mickey High speed (56k) Modem Access • Web Service and E-Mail Sanc:hez., Inaarter, Pat Connell, Illllerter; Dooley Graham, Inserter; Shari French. Inserter; Susanne Abbey, Shift 5upeTviaor; Jill Wright.. AdvwtJsing: Representative. • RUIDOSO •ARTESIA • ROSWELL Subecription rate& in advance--Singl:e copy, 60cz. Mail delivwy: single copy, $2.50; In Lincoln and Otero c:ountiee; one year, $34; six months, $20; three months. For appointments ealll-888-353-4175 $14. Out of Lincoln and Otero anmt.i-= onu year,$43; 8ix m.ont.h&.$27; three months, $21. Home denvery: tJu-oee mont.llll, $20; ~months. $38; one yaar, $68. Can (606) 267..4()01 for home de!iwJry. Sierra Professional Building The Ru.idoso News cUBPOO 472-800> is pub1iahed each Wedneada;y and Fridi\Y at 159 Mescalero Trail • Ruidoso, NM 104 Porlr. Avenue. Ruidoso, NM 88345. &cond cl.lt68 pr:llll".llgle paid at tho Post Offiea ot Ruidoen, NM 88346. Postmaeter: Send addreeu eha.nges to the Ruidatlo News, P.O. Deming Las Cruces Silver City Office of Dr. Seidel • (505) 257-3661 Box 128, Ruidouo. NM 88356. Tho Ruidoso New& l"'ll8el"Yiilll the right t.o npct advertising urnl edit copy that it 546-2979 522-1234 388-21n Artesia Clinical Associates c:onaiders ~oct.ion.Bble. Uabilit): for any error in edvertiaing shall not 8-t tho value of the actual space in which the error OCCllnl and .ehall be sat.Wied by oon-ee­ Hatch Alamogordo Tore 612 N. 13th, SuiteD • Artesia, NM tion in the ned. issue.. No portion of the Ruidnso lW!w8 rnay be used in any rrumner without tho ~d. written conaent of the publiaher. The RuidoBo News is pub- 267-1000 434-6760 744-4081 (505) 748-~675 liahod by WoddWest Umited Liability Company. • Roswell. Ruidoso EIPaso or toll free (888) 447-4175 Melnberof&he New Me:dco Pre.~tlcm MmDber of Inland p,_~on. NNA 623-3434 257-3962 581-9300 303 W. Country Club Rd. Copyrtfilht 1998 Roswell,NM 2801 E Missouri, Suite 33, Las Cruces 88011 (505) 623-1442 • or toll tree (888) 353-4175

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RuiDoso NEws LOCAL NEWS WI!DNESDAY, OCT. 14, 1998 3.\

• Jail study draws 2-yeat,..old conclusions ~ ·Vamadores open Sears • First of two articles about a nate the need fur 72-hour lwld­ ceed if county' officials take the $16,000 oavinge. county detention center study. ing cells In Ruidoso and to can­ lead In bringing topther all Operational coste including The second will appMT Friday. cel the need fur much trSD&­ segments ')I' the criminaljUs&ice jail pel'SOnnel required for ajail dealer st6re on U. S. 70 portation. SJIBiem In the county' and hav­ reach a threshold based on A Sears dealer. store is cost about $800,000, will Specific size, method of ina all ngree to eupport ouch an economy of scale at 75 inmatee, BY DIANNE STAIJJNGS bti'tiative,. they wrote. . en fur business in RWdoso offer ·electnmic:s, appliances, 6nancipg and design ha"" not the coosultants wrote. ClllTrf· ~wns, a co-owner said tools and lawn and garden been chosen by commissioners, Programs could iiu:lude ing that figure up to 100 releasing l!eople waiting for 'fuesday. equipment, acoording to ear- Some Lincoln County- Com- but they appear to have "'liected inmates d0e8n't signiflcantlrt . 1bni Varnadore, who lier statements by Var­ missioners didn't put much the idea or coneolitiating ~ trial on ihoiir own recognizance increase the cost in overhead, and on bonds; and those owns the dealership with her nadore. The store doee not faith In c:onclUsions contained 1n vices (such as radio disj>atcb) alreadrt hut decreasee the cost in labor husband Howard, said the eell clothing items or acces­ convicted to be put on electric a stuozy they oomlni•oioned on and haven't endorsed or "''iect­ per inmate. store opened last week at sories. construction of a new county' ed courtrooms In the jail com­ monitors, allowing them to leave the jail during the day on They estimated that operat­ 2172 U.S. Highway 70, ''We're vmy excited to jail, but-of the statements plexporta~.,.,::: prisoner hns- work release or to do_ communi- ing costs fur a county' jail aver­ across from Frank's Fruit· open a Sears store right he~ age $30 to $32 per jnmate, per Market. in Ruidoso Downs," Var- =~con=.,t•.n:.~ Put together by Ray ty' service. A "Nobody ever took judge might darf. If the county' used 50 .beds The store's official grand nadore said in the release. Warren. Mitcham Associates, P2RS and leased 50 at $52 per dart to opening celebration will be 9 "Loeal cuetomers can In bold black letters Group Inc., Gerald A. Mai:tin a look at the cost determine other entitiae, it would ..tealize a.m. to noon Oct. 24; she expect excellent customer " that oociety ·authoro of the stuozy stated that' · ~ 'M'lbby . .Michael al Capital Entelllrises Markets Iong-tenn. and the·· an~annual revenue of $865,000, said. service, a great selection of the ~or costs of a detention UIW:lp based on the aseumption that At the grand opening, quality' merehandise and the Gary facility- ere not in building one, Group Inc., ~ atud;y """'!""" Mitd.eu, d~fendant the bede were kept filled. If the CQStomere will have a chance same national pricing as the but in operating it. Warren who lRaDded building a 1IJO.bed Jail Study conmJinee chair ~tfromboth gam a county' charged $76-a dav, the to win a $100 eh'!J'ping Sears mall stores.• · built ...... r correctional facm- and initiating plauo fur alterna­ revenue gained would· hit spree, .a color television, a The store will have a ti.es in 'Thxas, said -much the tive sen~ tO eliminate suspended sentence that includes manda­ $693,500 in mccess of the actual tool chest and cabinet and a small n"hhon cutting on Oct. aame thing about two rtears ago future jail additiona. expense of keeping the prison­ Kenmore upright vacuum 22, which will be attended by wheo he olfered suggestions to "We incarcerate too Dlllllrf tor;y attendance at educational cJaeees and at abuse ers, the eonsultants prqjected. . ~aner, 1;1000rding to a com- Sears officials, Varnadore the county-. ~on a~ substance pany press release. said. · ~ programs. Enlisting "We are convinced that a Commissioners in a 4-.1 basis that could easily be ID.f1de well-run facility can operate at Refreshments . will be Construction of the etore vote last month wiih Commie- to contribute to sociaty in iKime tha cooperation of district judges elQ)I!(IitiDg hear­ 85 percent or better occupancy served during the grand took about two and a half Wilton meaniugful in the Bioner Howell choosing more manner whUe ings of piclred.u fur and thus reduce .the costs of opening celebration, Var- months, beginning in July, to see more ~t decided to balping to reduce tha cost to the indiviiluals And The probation violations would t; debt service and operations fur nadore said. most mer- · Varnadore said. ground­ reduce the cost to the county' of (taxparters)," they wrote. chandise in the store will be breaking was held in May. · . =:.:ci~ ~~~m::-~ on sale, according to the The store will also olfer through free land, utility' avail- the eonsultants·wrote. their incarceration, the authoro The deelgn criteria included ·release. repaii- servioe on all brands ability' and road aooess, over Those who should be in jail wrote. that the 24,000-square-foot The 1 0,00.0-square-foot of appliances and consumer J><>B!'!ble long-term savings by are people who might Bee, who They prqjected that it would building would contain admin­ store, projected earlier to electronics. building cloeer to Ruidoao, the represent a danger to the com­ cost $40,000 a year to employ a istrative offices, multi-purpose population center and tha municy and people accueed of coordinator versus .the cost of rooms, an intake area and a B01lidoso. • daughter Ilobin Blankenship a little lcok. 1eae «lStly larger cells with sev- in Fehrumy of growing 400 The 53-year-old woman A long-time La Luz resi- and he~ son Trevor of "''bmmrt Warren came in era! other inmetes, they wrote. marijuana plants in her home, was charged after members of dent, Mrs. Blankenship was Louisiana· br:,thers GeD.e and bask:alJy told them what it "Senne might ewn be quali­ pleaded guilty' in federal dis­ the Lincoln County' narcotics b';'ried at the La Luz 9<>mmu- Phelps and .his wife, Marcy of would cost and the jail oonunit- 6ed under the right program to trict court Thursday to &:" investigation unit found her n~cy C_.tery l<>llowing ser- Hobart, Okla., and Jack Phelps tee did too. The three gnjups in be releaeed several hOU!'B a day charge Of p~ with in' basement full of marijuana vtces Saturday at the Sears of Gamaliel, Ark. Mrs. the hualness told them the to perfOrm some useful eervioe tant to distribute more than plants. special growing lights, Alamogordo Funeral Home Blankenship was preeeded in same thing; you can build it to society," the eonsultants aug­ 100 marijuana plants. packets of dried plant material was born March 12, death. by her parents, L.B. and Cheaper in Carrizozo, but long gested. No dete has been set fur Cha~ term it will cost a whole lot They recommended the ere- her sentencing, but court offi­ and bins of dried plant parts. 1940 in Hobart, Okla. to L.B. Maggie Phelps. more." ation of a county coordinator of cials in Las Cruces said it Officers said they also and Mat:e Roman Plielps. -. Arr~ments were under Figures compiled bv the Alternative Sentencing Pro- would be at least 70 derf&. recovered a list of customers ' ....._ hired would eonsultants shew• hhe county' - •- pereon . . }:lubbard faces a maximum and a detailed account of the ='fu~,;'~\1.~~:_~--dl~c~~'lt~:..":"". Alam-, and village of Ruidoso would identifY, eetahliBh, implement possible sentence of five to 40 cultivation· of each plant. La Luz in 1952 from 0 a- '1'he family requests mem~>o save nearly $5.9 million over 20 and monitor a range of pro­ years imprisonment, not less Law enforcement · officials homa. rials to Hospice of Lincoln rf8Brs, if the jail WBB built close grams. than four rf8Br8 of supervised said the bust was one of the big­ She was a homemalcer and County', 116 Nob Hill, Ruidoso, enough to the village to elimi- "Such an effort can only suo- probation and not more than a - gl!St in the histoty of the county'. a member of the Baptist N .M. 88345.

A NEW NAME Keep WITH A· District Judge Karen L. ·ush NEW LOOKI

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Judge Karen L. Parsons with her family, husband Neale Williams of twenty • years. daughters Shirryn & Rachael.

What we NEED In a District Judge is exactly what we HAVE In DISTRICT JUDGE KAREN L. PARSONS: . IN WAL-MART SUPER CENTER + personal and professional Integrity At SrnartStyle Family Hair Salon, + strong work ethic get smart looks for kids, moms, + fair, yet finn and dads at friendly prices. + judicial temperament, consistently showing patience & respect for all + found qualified and recommended by a bi-partisan cominittee of lawyers, judges and private citizens as a candidate for District Judge; subsequently appointed by the Governor; presently serving second year + 2() years continuous legal experience In Lincoln and Otero counties + experience as District Judge and lawyer In family, probate, criminal. civil and all other State, general jurisdiction laws + graduate of the National Judicial College; active board member and ·officer NM District judges Association + active member American Inns of Court

Rcdlu::n, No:::JU

LE.T•s KE.E.P HE.R! We ask for your VOTE on November 3rd. Thank you.

1800 W. Hwy 70 • Ruidoso Downs, NM • 378-:4243 l"'lld tar by ttv. Comm!Uee to Elect Dlstl'la.fud&a l

Q\LL US l'h

PuBUSHI!D EVERY 'WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY AT 104 PARK AVENUE, RuiDoso, NEW MEXICO Tamara M. Hand, Publisher Terranre Vestal, Editor Keith Green, Editorial Adviser Copyright 1998 . OUR OPINION

[J A small matter of trust n

One burdensome item (No. 29) on the five-page agen­ da of the Lincoln County Commission meeting coming up -~ Friday in the Ruidoso Village Cm,mcil chambers bas to do with naming an oversight committee to keep track of ~ money received by the sheriff's department as a result of drug busts around the coqnty. It's an issue raised hJ ~uidoso's Commissioner Wllton Howell, following a ·contrvversy over the purchase of an "undercover vebiele" and the accounting of something like $33,000 in funds received by the sheriff's department .. through the county. Sheriff 1bm Slillivan doesn't like it; says it's nobody's YOUR OPINION business but his, sinee it's money resulting from a spd. - put awa;y .the · · ways. voicing in her letter. I heve problems agitating county government right now. of promot.ing lin-est health and · Carrizozo's proposal was Barbaru J. Ward lived bY thst motto all of my wildUfe safucy allow us to oontin­ presented months ago, and at Garrizozo life and preseed it upon my ue our programs of education an open heering on July 24.. .in children, thst we are to leave and eetivism to protect the Carrizozo we were told to .. It's campaign time the earth, mother nature, as A -perfect wedding place health and besuty of our forest. attend the next open ·hearing we found it in respect oo trash In addition to the monetsly sup- July l... in Ruidoso, where we 1b the editor: and landseape, etc. ,....,~ _~~ ._ . . . . port we receive, we do need peo­ would learn of other alteme­ Yes, once again it's cam­ However, I feel that we are .L ll&lll< for bemg the spot pie· who wisb~ take a you, Ruidoso, perfecf; to have ••. w more tives. I repeat. ,Ruido'll)_i,...;d . l!lliall tUII!hauc!-" aJl., o£ theae not . "accouunodatin.r(' "file a wedding. · · , active ~roll ill the FHALC. {\ny- "ths Village ofRUllliiso is~ politician's areolit bHoi-ee. But, toUrist so· mUch as we .are Six months ago Ed and I picked Oct. 3 to get married, one interested may oontact to negotiate on the eaJe of eome it seems to be the only time you allowing the natives to hevs without realizing Aspenfest aieo would fall on that dsy. me... at (505) .257--4624. land t9 the County."' We see or hear from them. easier access to the everyday During the planning proeess we wavered baek and 'I'!'"!>ks oo .... WaiMart ... fur learned nothing more. . They are hemming and things thst we need to take forth on that day beeause of accommodations for our ""d":.':.T:~display Having attended i·.z· ...i:om.­ hawing on the ~ issue. care of, suc!t as work (and) :f:: ::::; banking. Also· we as drivers guesta With 276 guests echeduled to come and only 50 of ~ weekend.overAlso. thanks mission meetings for a long They eeem afraid oo make a time, I do know another com­ decision... not wanting to will be allowed .a place~ them local, we had to rely on the serviees this community to those who helped at the table: missioner representing Rui­ (upset) one special interest over, and/or off, to allow · · had to offer to pull it off. Ginny Dingmao, Bill Dul!lll!ini doso who has done battle for group or another. rd hate to be and other emergency "cles The weekend was perfect. We have received thank- Caroline anuman But in May, 1991, archaeol­ facts'heve been dated as old as m New Me,doo we1k the 88Die (202) 224--5521 425-0508 . habitation in ogist Richerd MaeNelsh 47,000 ye&l'IL · land that has beeo home to u. s. llEPBEsEN-J>\TJVB IITATB REPRBSEN'IlAII'JVE the Amerieas. announced the dlseovery of a It will be intereatio to eee humans fur millennia. In every JoE 8JmEN (R), DIBT. 2 DuB WILLIAM8 (R), DI8T. 68 These people .cave near the town that he how soon thess~s will earner of the state, the next rock 2302 Rayburn House Bldg. HC66·Box 10 eame from says indieates human habita­ be accepted; and boW the theo-- you see .might be a messaae left; >Washington, DC 20515 Glencoe,~ 88324 Asia, it is be­ tion as earl,y as 40,000 yeers ry of tlie land-bridge between by someone who lived whao (202) 225-2365 37...... 181 lieved Cl'OS&-'­ ing ;bout 50 "l!"·MaeNeish found 'stones Asia and North America will be mammoths and prehistoric bars­ Elected of6dals welcome questions and comments. changed.. What thess finds es ~ camels walked the same miles of what tha~ ap:i"'r to have been is now ocean in· ·chipped humans t;hat he· seem to'indieate is that anum- trails. at SYNDICATiD aJlllMNisr the Bering ber of migrations occurred over W1i!e .llbnw Hall P. a .lhl< dates b 38,000 years. A ofyesrs.. - -63l,lilitrma'a, NM. 870160681., VIUAGE OF RUIDOSO between of ''thousands or;,. Strait 26,000-year-old toe-bone a Another area of study may mail: [email protected] · Siberia and Alaska, at a time, horee was also found - wjth a MAYOR RoBERT DONALDSON during an ice age, when it was spear point embadded in it. Box 2958 drY land. And the remains of a clay fire.. · Ruidoso, NM 88355 The Clovis people were fol­ fingerprints 258-4046 • 257-2443 plaoe, with buman . LETfERS POUCY lowed here in warmer times by in~ hes been cfatoid at CoUNCILOR COUNCn.oR Paleo-Indians we eaJl Folsom, 28,00u yeers. RoN ANDERSON LEoN EGGLESTON named after the little town . Later MaeNelsh found The Ruidoso News eneouraPs letters to the editor, especially Box 1655 Box 2600 eaet of Raton· near where their humtm hairs embedded in the about 1o est and must avoid ~and libelous language. The Rui­ fur the artifacts oftheee JlrebiS-­ discovery, If verified, will help COUNCD..OB COUNCO..OR doso News teserves the right oo edlt!'::"J so long. as vi~ts BILL CRANCE BoB'STEBcm torie cultures, so scientists Shatter the tidy picture of are nilt aJt.ered, Shorter letters are P" and II"Jl"l'ally reosJVa Box 4478 Box4305 around the world are familiar human migration to the Amer­ greater readership. . - . Ruidoso NM 88355 Ruidoso, NM 88355 with the words Clovis and Fol, icas that scientists hevs con· Lettsrs ;::~ hand-delivered ro the News ofllc:e at 104 Park 257-7592 • 336-4550 258-+418 aom, and with other New Mex.i~ structed since the -ifacts of Avenue or to P.O. Box 128, Ruidoso, NM 88345, attention ico place names . like Simdis0 the Clovis -Ia were found. of the editor. · Minibres and Moaollon, whetd Scientists are reluctant to The News - lbe right to ~eet any letter. later· sites heve ""been -· thm\ge their theoriss. ,. -- . LOCAL NEWS \IVEONfSDAY, Ocr, 14, 1998 5A . d .. D owns eqmpment y~. meets opposttton

Ha.vburst said. 'Til sell you a piece of limd LCMC continues search for administrator &sponding to. qussti<>ns right up the -·" Harris told from "'l$klents, Ha;yburst and the IDf\YOI' at one point.· The · communicy-based Mitchell said TUesday. "We offered by Presbyterian ·- · Moxe than a cloZen people V~ Cl$'k Leann WeDJbJ,-ecbt Under ~stioz!btg froin boBrd that oversees the have plency of time to do a HealthCare Sy131;em.s, the operatiop. of the Lincoln good search." . Albuquer.que-based firm met with-MQ~ Jlisbt Sllid. the village eannot use- a Ha,vburst, Harris sold the prop­ ""'llDSDt of tbe .All American . erty was in a subdivision, which, County MedleaJ Center ;, in Mitcbell said even ff it that manages the local hos- .' ~~~:a..~ Park to Bl.oi'!! . the eq\Jipment sold the IDf\YOI', ma;y moot with no burry to ·lind a replace­ takes several months to lind pital. . cbo no-s• heavy~-. because the ststs will nnt allow equal dissi'J'l'0'1al from neigh- ment for Valerie Miller, who Miller's replacemmit, "we're 'We've interviewed a ' . ll:!u!l in ll:ont of . ball it. ilon!- resigned earlier this month not in a big hurry.". few people and have called ~Ague. Fria water u • on . Nor could the Village use Hayhurst said even thOugh after eight years at the hahn Julie Sterchi is interim for applieations through the South Sjning Road part of the Lincl)ln County Solid the equipment yard ilo DO Jo­ of the hospital in Ruidoso. administrator of the 38-bed Presbyterian system," "'1'hoole of us who live up Wasts Au~ty's recycling CODI5idered fur Spring Road, the ''Welre eomfortab1e with hospital. Mitchell said. "We may be . above 1;)le junc:ture of Spring yard, which, said Hayhurst, .did- village oWl intsnds to widen the the team in place now," The board is using a discussing it more at our . Road -are- very concerned about n't have snoui!IJ room fur its own road and prOvide better mainte­ board . chairman Gary riational search system meeting Thursday." . tile eqplpment yard that is equlpJnent, much lass village nance, such as snow removal in pJaDned (next to the Aaua Fria equipmsnt. the winter. . waterutilicy)," saidJakii Harris, 'Yho jJresented the council with a 13-point list of reasons wey the yard shouldn't be relocated . to the proposed site. •T9r one reason, it will devaJue. our property," Harris said, acldlng tliat the road to the . ~ yard was too narrow two cars to pass, let alone heavy • t. .An~on residents gave apinst DIDViDg the equip­ ment Yllld was thet .oil spills and leaks from the equipment euuld contaminate the watar. "It just angers Jill! because nobody (from the village) con­ tacted' us about It,. said Mariella LevinsmL . After listeDing to residenta' oldeclion• to the J>Iso Downs · ~Joe Ha,vhurst intm:Jected to sa.y: "If I may: There won't be ::r equipment put up HaYhurst told the residsnts that t6e village had proposed moving the equipmsnt yard becanp .of. "thousands of com­ plaints" about its present looa­ ticm, which is-to u.s. High­ wa.v 7o and in li-oDt of v111age ball. . SHARP. Danby . ''We just thought everybody wqu1d be so happy," he said of Microwave Oven the proposed relocation. 'The 4HD Hi·Fi VCR reason we did this is because we " ..... • Unlver&al Remote . don't have an;ywhere else to put : :::: >~!':! : • On screen programming it." ' '" .... • High speed NWind ~to for the yard bad nnt besn researched =®= ]jmause vll1age ~were not ~ €&at PeOI>li.'~ the . 'I.. . J>roposed Bite oii SoUth Spring, Q)' - 7 -= t's digita ) The $99 . t's satellite DMW657W Disaster FRIGIDAIRE" FRIGIDAIRE" Report Electric Dryer . It's yours.-

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Two workshops to train local. levels, "hands on" se,s.. Fe Archivea, 223 Cathedral work books to UE!e when con­ Mexico State University Publie amateur historians interested sions conducting in-depth oral Place, and Saturday, Nov. 14, ducting tho!ir research .and History Program. preparing their famlly history. Jan Elliott is the new execu­ in conducting genealogy or in history interviews and tips on at the University Museum in Also participating in the tive director of the Emergency reconstructing their family his­ preparing materials for publi­ Kent Hall on the campus of Featured at the workshops program will be Martha. Lielb­ Medical Services Region In, tory will be preoented Oct. 24 cation. exhibition or as a collec­ New Mexico State University, will be State Historian Robert ert, h'brarisn and member· of which incl•ldes Lincoln County. 1brrez of th~ New Mexico and Nov. 14 by the New Me:rdeo tion of information to share ae part ·of the commemoration the Sandoval County Histori­ She wae ~ by the Records and Archives Centar; Hispanic Cultural Cen~r. m~bers. of the !50th anniversary of the Society; Tim regiOn's board of direcloni in with other family professor Carlos Vasquez, cal and Blevin, city of Las Cruces. archivist at the New· Mexico· Clbvis.Elliott ~. funner Workshops will include The eessinns are set for 9 director of the University of director Brian Hecht. Sbe's been presentations on archival hold­ a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Oct. The price is $10. New Mexico Oral History Pro­ State University. employed with .the region oinns ings available at state and 24, at the Archdiocese of Santa Participants will receive gram; Marina Ochoa, archivist For more :information, con~ 1989, serving as~_.. with the Arcbdioeese of Santa tact Gmce Saavedra at (506) tion coordinator &om: 1989-95 Fe Archives; and professor Jon 246-2261 or by fmi at (505) 246- and training coordinator for the Hunner, dlreetor of tbe New 2613. Enrollment is Umited. 1aet three years. The regionol olii.Ce will advertiee Wr the position of Re-Elect Dub Williams training ooordinator, being left Volunteers to maintain trail vacant by Elliott's prnmotion. They will be looking fur a · • National RegiBtry Certified and State Representative near Socorro for visitors state J;oeosed paramedic. The .coordinatoris~fur Volunteers must sign up and other protective gear. the ·assessment of training by Monday, Oct. 19 to partici­ Motels are available in needS within tbe regiOn and for pate in a trail maint8nance. Socorro about 20 ~inutes the development, c:oordinatlon prqject at ~ue del Apache oortb on In~tate 25. San and implementetion of specific near Socorro. Antonio.. the town right out­ programs. New Mexico Volunteers side the refuge, bas an RV for tbe Outdoors will turn 88; and :; George Hutto ofAlbuqbet'que. . : The Allene wers married • Oct. 28,1928, in Abilene,'IImas, :; and Hved in 'IImas until June :: 1947. The tlunilv then lllDYeee·e•·we·e·e·entntrnetsnnearir·ae·••e•ee••.;,e=w·e.er•••-•• · .. ..._ .._.,_..._ .. ...______.... --.. ______.... _._ . ~ .. ,_ -· " "

SPORTS WI!DNESDAY, (lq. 14, 1998 7A .: ; 1 _;;; of I ,.1'1,.·. .,, ...• ·._,-'._,, c,, .•. L, .. t ...' J. 1 ~.--.1-.L£1.1 .ii&,.LiiElJ ;g_; IIU£2 I- ' &.il ' . > II> PREP .FOOTBALL . A slippery subjeet

Ruidoso coach·' issues' ·mid

season grades to .Warriors . . • The 6-1 Ulrnior.s take a break ·point after kicks. Kicker Brad pollsters will penalize Loving­ . before headh!g imo "finals, P also ~n . is one of the War- ton for the loes. -'' ktiown as dlsirict play nors' special t...._ player who Despite the good grades, . · · helps the unit make the grade; Ruidoso needs to turn it up a BY lAURA CLYMER Davidson has missed just one noteh when it returns to action extra point and is perfect from . Oct. 28 against No. 1 Arteaia. field goal range. He has kic4ed "'t's time to ehange gears / Withthefirstnineweeksnf twofieldgoalsfrom40yal'dsor and hopsfully we'll play ·~ ·. • the sehool year nearing its end, beyond, and, ~·•---"'-- ~ ... to ball," Carter said. • what. grade has the Ruidoso Carter; l<>VeS playing his part - About the only sufUect the • ,•· footl;all team earned according a pert whieh makes Davideon Warriors to improve upon is in ••. -- • L--~ h Lea c a hero or a goat depending on "psychology." to 't:":B._.p... ~~~ the &<:cUracy nf his leg. Sometimes against lass '• •...., "He likes the preaaure of it worthy upponanls the Warriors 'fuesday. "We've ha.;l definitely (field goal kicking). That's the start slowly, Carter said For ~L-a_,boveule." a,.,._ pre-distriot good feeling," Carter said. · example, Ruidoso was a bit ~ The WaiTiors own a 6-1 lacklUster in the opening QUlii"- Carter rated the Warriors record heading into a bye ter of the Albuquerque Acade­ as B-plus acroas the board, week. There's a chanae Ruidoso my game. The Warriors went whieh included/ the o!l'erudve (rated No. 3 last week) will on to blow away the Chargers, backfield, otl'ensive line, defen- move up a spot in th<> AP 'lbp 35-0, Sept. 26. sive lin<>, linebackers and 10 Poll as well. The Warriors On the up side of thoae sit­ ~ve secondary. whipped Santa 'l'eres

KDdy L T.,ladfcr die Rllldoso NeM.w Capitan's Mlchael-ker sUps through the """" of a wculd-be tad

' - . . '. '•

.... Your new Ruidoso .if~· Sherwiu-Williams store is now open for bus~ss !.-.. Stop~in.and-save on-all· vow>-· ·I Authentic German Food. Drink, paint, stain and wallcovering needs! -. ------Music & Family Fun! • October 16th & nth, 1998 Friday, 5 pm 'til 12 mldnitht Saturday, 12 noon 'til I 2 midnltht at the Ruidoso Convention Center Tlcl>ets, $5 for one day • $8 for two days • Chlldren un,Per 18 FREE 1.800.253.2255 257-7595 ...... www.ruldoso.net • Co~Jt. .... Sale! 5 • • 7.9 APR • • ~o. Fees! • . ,_ .-it!' ' _·. . .:-, • ,, .. • <.,;. , ·• PURCHASE • REFINANC£ • ·· * with NOW or Money Market Checking • or ANY REASON! . .1' '• · Sale Ends 10/30/98 • ••• ltlVING/·' . \ ' BANK ~• ••••••••••~~~11il • I ------· ------...... _"""------.... ~------~ . / 8A WEDNESDAY, OCT. 14, 1998 SPORTS Scoreboard •·•·······••···•••···••·•·······•···· WARRIORS: Real tests begin in a week with the start ofdistrict play

Continued from page 7A mainly a blockbig position. '"They ne!!d to rest and "There was a lot of l)ffimse "We had J>rObabl.y looked """""• Football Oct. • Not IJI.Uch bill' cbaoged relax, and go watch the volley- in the first half," Carter said. fur them to thrOw the 1;alllllOJI8 Rukfoso 53, Santa Teresa 28 with the Warrior . defensive ball .team IQld do some things Not so fur Santa Teresa in than they started,. Carter said. Cloudcroft SS. Mes(alero o =·vely, especially on unit. Reny Reidbead, Keith .Ruldoso went back to pla,y­ .carri2ozo 36. ctovis Christian 6 like that," be answe!. Sllllta fled the 8ant.Jl 'n.reea ommse. Wednetday,Dct.7 eounts the moat - clistricts. It which afford$ one of them a the score of the Ruidoao!Santa Teresa's pass·bappy ~se. Meanwbile, the ~ Adutt Coed SoftbaH starts with Artesia in the Bull· breather. Teresa game, 36-22, 'I'll& more • Instead, the Desert Wanioze oll'eDsive unit oontinued to ron CoNads 25, Hit 'n Run 13 dog Bowl on Oct. 23 and finish­ So what does Carter aug­ ~t of a sbt·UI\In Coot- Plllled a fas1; one on. visitlng up the yardage · and Wuoh- • Chances Are 21, Sweet & Sour es up with back-to-hack home ~ his Warriors do this week- ball sboot-out thim '.out 11-man li.uidoso, adopting a run-orient- downs in the eecond half of Los Amigos 11 16, Sweet a Sour 11 game. ad attack. play. Camp Sierra Blanca 14. Gum & ~ 11 games ~ Pll1't.Bies Oct. 80 end? '"" Los Amigos II 28, Cimp Sierra Blanca 6 and Lovington Nov. 6. CoNads 18. Chances Ale 16 "We probably have the best district schedule of anyboc!Y in .... ---"'~•• ... This week the. district,• Carter s!Oid. "Arte­ ··················•············•····· sia bas to prepare fur us and . then Lovi.ngton.·· { THURSDAY The Warriors ba.., Portales ... cross Country sandwiched between Artesia The Barn Ruidoso lrMtationaf, 3 p.m. and Lovington. The Rams are A Celebration of llfspa.Dic Food & Music DO puahover, but this ye&r they Trade Days&: Antique Mall '"'""'Ru'idoso at Hatch, 6 p.m. 0 aren't the caliber of the otber :.r~ - October Ul, 1998 Capitan at Cloudcroft. 4 p.m. three ..,main theAAAA. COME SEE US••• WE HAVE IVIountainair at Carrizozo, 4 p.m. The bye week means short­ ~ 8:00 p.~. - 10:00 p.m. L_ -·FootbaD er pnu:ticea fur the Warriors. lncJian Jewelry - lncJfan Art Mescalero at Alemo Soph.. 6 p.m. Carter sam .Ruldoso will aJ-. ~ Lincoln County Fairgr(Junds ~ nate betWeen defensive and Gla.-ware ...... oll'eDsive pnu:ticea. · · Purnlture - Antiques ~ capitan, New Mexico 7 "'We'll cut our prad;ic:e time. Capitan at lo\J.ing. 7 p.m. down • be said. Pottery - Cbrlstmes 'Yarcl Art ..,C ·FRl!lE ADMISSION'" ~- -Corona at Roy, 7 p.m. c;.,t;.. and his staff will tamP. - PaJ.Itlnts · ...... also spend the time looking for Football someone to till the slotliack Buill Gift Wrap - Mfl'I'Ors Cai'Tizmo at Mountainair,. 2 p.m. position. That 8pC!I; was vacated when Brett Meyer moved to ancJ lots more!!! Cobre"""""""" at Ruidoso. 11 a.m. . the fullback's position to l'lli!E COI'I'I!I! 5oc0 ..., - ... .. Lovington 1>0 6-1 • -...... 1>0 6-1 ..11aleo 1>0 3-4 !lA DilL lll0 4-3 We're pleased to announce our newest location! Hage0 4-3 LcMng 1>0 2-4 Jal 1>0 0,6 . . Iii if Ruidoso Adult Coed Softball League ·RUidOSO Standings 1itoiD !Ill L CoNads 9 0 Hit&Run' 5 2 Los Amigos 0 • 5 3 Chances Are 4 3 Sweet & Sour 3 5 Guns & Roses 1 7 Camp Sierra Blanca 1 8

On deck ····································•

Coed volleybaO league The Vil~e of Ruidoso parks and recre. ation department adult coed wDeyball league begins play at 6:30 p.m. Wednes­ day. Oct. 21, at Ruidoso Middle School. Entry fEe is $150 per team. Entry fee and preliminary rostE!IS are due by Wednes­ day. Oct. 14. FinaJ rostets. are due New, 11. For more information, call 257·5030.

Adutt basketbaU league The VHiage of Ruidoso parks and JE!CJ'eoo ation adult basketball league begins play at 6:.30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 22. at the Rui­ doso Middle School gymnasium. Cost to enter is $275 per team. Entry fee and pre­ liminary rosters are due by Thursday. Oct. · ·1 S. Final rosters are due by Nov.. 12. for more Information, call 257·5030.

..,.,,..,_Men's and women'S open baslcelbaO n·s a store with the national resources The Mescalero Recreation Department is · Home Electronics sponsoring a men's and women's open of Sears and the neighborhood basketball tournament Oct. 16-18. Entry • fee is S 125 per 'team and is due by S p.m. service of Ruidoso Downs, New Mexico Oct. 14. Trophies and individual awards for first through third place finishers. For and owners Howard and Toni Varnadore! more information call 671·9212. -•• FIShing report It's a store where you can find ...... •••...... •.•.••.••••••.••.••. top national brands like: Kenmore, Whirlpool, GE, Fishable waters ...... Streams: Ruidoso, Bonito, Hondo, Amana, Sony, RCA, PhilipS Lakes: Alto, Bonito, Lake Mescalero, Magn- and Panasonlc Grindstone. Eagle Lakis. Stream flows predominantly deer except following rains. The Bonito and Eagle All UNDER ONE ROOF. creeks wiD be dearer than the Ruidoso. Expect flows to dea-ease. Fly selectioJl for streams: • Sizes 14to 18 • Dries - stimtlators,. elk hair and god­ dard caddis,. blue winged olive. daves hoppers. ants and beetles. • Nymplu - ...... gold - hairs ears, green rock worms. princes. muddler minnows and other streamers. Lake levels will be. faltly stable. Alto is fuR and dingy. Bonito is down six feet and Grindstone 1$ down two feet as weH. Fly selections fol' JaJces; • Sizes 12 to 22 • Dries- grtffitbs gnats; blade. amm and DINe midges; elk hair caddis; adams; mayflies-cream, rust and black and ~lmu- · Vacuum deonors lators. . Owned and operated by: . •. Nymphs - large phe¥ant tails. dalk Howard and Toni Varnadore . woolly bugga~ pistol peteS. gold rtbbed . '. hal:ef. ears and muddler minnows. OPEN IN RUIDOSO DOV~NS Washers/l:'r yers Best times - Fall fishing Is best in the Saaamanto Mountains as days shorten, 2172 HWY.70 expect nUd-day fishing 1o be-excellent. HOURS: 9·6 Mdliltm Mila> Hyman . Ruktoso RNer Assodstlon

I • ·xa·•·=stn···enr·nnevw·e· M''t''' rts'·tt·ehfnhi.h•l!.••n·=•"' •nh···-, • _,_., ...."""" ...... ~ ...... _ • ,.,.• ··- • -"- ·, ~- · · · · ~ ·- · ··- .. ,; nP san au I p' tstaeek'' sh'th' t' tl t ron ., .. RUIDOSO .. NEWS ·- .- ... · . ,.

WIIDNEsD,\Y, Ocr. 14, 1998 18

ThiE DREAMER It's a· sooty business but someone has to do it

• Ch~ SUJeefJ< say atrycme metal compoilents next to a l'ropsner said he has heard can clean a chimney. but tht!J! home's wooden frame. ofpeopl& using pine branches to know />pw to spot potential sat•· And most people wouldn't clean their chimneys, eepeciaJIY ty probl""'fo too. . ~ !lign8 of a previous the )Hiloke shelf, They trim two chimney fire; Blue. or thres bottom branChes from BY TONI K. LAXsoN a tree and tie a rope tO the IWJOO.SO N£\ti'S !aAFF 1!'RI'JEI! "It's usuaJly not the first limbs. He has heard of tying a chimney firs that gets you - rock to the other eiul of the rope - ' The most commonlY &$ked it's the second or third," he said, and then dropping it down a . ~ of ehimney sweeps is adding that the creosote can Chirimey, but cautioned that Jack Frost · .bow often should a chimney be wOrk its way through brick in most flues are ceramic and the first lire, then ignite Jatar in··· oould be broken by dropping arrives early sw~at kind of depends on the li'amew9rk. heavy things down the chim.- how often you burn, but lotl Sometinies the creosote ney. need to inspect it annually," cannot be scrubbed ofT- it has Once the sOft 'bas been in the vale said Dave Buchanan, a chiJn.. to be eoftened first with chemi- brushed down the chimney, ney sweep and owner of The cals. the fireplace is unsealed and lu the early morning of Propsner, who has been the soot scooped up into a ~the first ft.ost of the c]eaning cbimneya since 1981~ container to be hauled away. Oct. 6, Jack F':l'ost paid his first said a J)l'Ofeeiorial ·will be ab,te Blue .wears a respirator visit of the fall to our moun­ fall already come and gone, many people are stocking up <>n to look for oa1l>ty factors.''A during this part of the job as tain land, bringing the tem­ firewood and thinking about sweep also knows to clean ifue well as the next, when he perature down .to 30 degrees igniting that .first fire; if they smoke shelf, the frame .,tthat cleans the smoke shelf using here in the vale. haven't aJread,y. One consldara­ supports the flue, he ssldf Soot a J:>rush about the length of a Our little friend of the tion before that match is lit - and ash tend to build up.,bn the toilet bowl. brush. Inhalation autumn time, the· painter of what's in the chimney? smOke shelf. The materlal can of . soot 1s dangerous and J become deep enougl_l over tillle can cause black the masterpieces of autumn Besides a dangerous build­ that it will up of c:;reosote, or soot, which push the damper closed, ProP- lung an'd cause cancer, he leaf colors, is a: early, can lead to a chimney lire and sner said. ' said. sinos the first t usually poBSJ.Dly a house fire, chimneys Someone cleatiin.g their Do not try to vacuum up does not anive here at Storm's should be Checked for bird nests own chimney should start by the soot with a household Crossing tiDtil Oct. 111. or even r~ccoons, Buchanan ~ a strong tlashligb.t up vacuum cleaner, Propsner HOwever, all the apricot said. into the fireplace to see what's cautioned. The particles in leaves still 'lbdd Blue, owner of Lin<:oln up there, Buchanan said. soot are so fine that they will • tree were smerald Thep they should make escape most vacuums as well green, the osk brush high on County Chimney Sweeps and a member of the national chim­ sure they have sUfficientlY as clog the engines, .he said•. 1Cri K. ~News -the ·hills still was summer sealed their fireplace before Sweepers have vacuums Todd Blue follows a chimney sweep tradition, inCluding a sto'lleplpe hat. green among the evergremis, ney sweep guild, said the ru)e of thumb is . to clean chimneys cleaDing, he said. Otherwise, manufa~tured specifically for And the blooms of the magiC once a year, though some may soot will ftll a home. Buchanan soot sa1d Blue and Propsner. clematis vine at the corner need to be swept onlY once said if a fireplace doesn't have And the do-it-yourselfer near the kitchen door were ·every several years. glass doOrs, then a plastic t""tlm s~ould be prepared to get ... Chimney sweep tips . ~ brilliant purpJe touched RDb Propsner, owner of A should be taped around the fire.. d1rty. with rainbow colors. Some of these tips seem like common sense, people still Basic Service, thinks a sweep­ place. He uses masking tape. If "Oh yeah,. That's not ignore _them: ing onee f!fVerY five years is ade­ a fireplace has glass doors then even an option. It just Above the Narrows quate fur most chimneys. tape the junctures to seal it. comes witl;t the job," Access to the rOOf is im.por~ Buchanan sa1d. • Mcike sure yo'-lr chimney has a cap. to keep rain and snow "But the.re are some chim­ out. Water can rust metal components. · leaves tum earner ueys that need to be cleaned tant, since that is where the Propsner said people every year if not twice a year," c1.e(ming takes place. The cap to pay sweeps to do the work • Check your chimney for nesting animals before lighting A landmark whieb divides hessid. the chimney is removed and the for three reasons - they the first fire of the season. ·the upper from the lower Rui­ The cost ·or hiring a chim­ soot is brushed down into the have ,the special vacuums, • Use a screen while burning. _ doso valley -was called by old ney sweep locally runs between fireplace using a brush they can spot safety probM • Place a fire resistant rug in front of the fireplace to catch "timers "The Narrows." $50 and $76, depending oo who attached to_ a long pole. The cap lema and they are the ones sparks. that get past the screen. should he cleaned of soot as well who get dirty. . . • Don't bum pine: because it leaves a heavy build-up of soot ' . is called, the difficulty of the job Begilmti.ir . at the ·~;~torm and how many chimneys a so the fire will draw weU. ''It's a real dirty job. But In the chimney. IJ'uni cedar. apple, juniper. oak and pinon. Ranch, it extends up the valley hmne hBS, say Buchanan, Blue Buchanan sells chimney then I could have been a fur three or four miles to just and Propsner. In the summer, brushes at his store at 202 plumber," Blue said. past the Fox Cave.· Here the the price is discounted, Blue Mechem Drive; a 6-ineh brush narrow valley, bordered by said steep hillsides extending down They agree that people is$32. $25 Rods. and which a 10-inch are connected brush is I d;j I FIB TAcncs' to the river, suddenly widens don't have to hire a professionel to the brushes to extend down IIE~~!DIJ~~~~------~------­--a out, presenting a world quite to clean their chimneys. into the chimneys, range from difti!rent from the one below... "There's nothing wrong $10 to $20, he ssid. with being a do-it..yourselfer," Buchanan has heard about On the 6th, the upper Rui­ said Blue, who left the real people using rock salt to clean a The one and only way to play doso presented a brilliant estate business to be become a chimney, but has doubts about lose a club and a diamond from dummy at trick two. In earlY autumn picture. the box chimney sweep. '13ut it can be a it being very effective. The idea South dealer before he could score nine the actual case, if East goes up elders~ along the winding mess. And sometimes people is to throw rock salt on a burn­ Both sides vulnerable tricks, and since he also had to with the ace, declarer acquires course of the rivet:. were solid don't know what they are get­ ing fire and the salt causes soOt 1b play good bridge, cer­ lose at least three spades after continuous orange amber. ting into." to Tall from the chimney. But four Q.iamoml tricks and easily tain good habits have to be surrendering the lead twice, makes the contract. So let's For instance, a sWeep can Buchanan believes it would, at developed. One of the most be was bound to fail. High along the petebwork tell someone if their chimney say East plays the nine and hillsides the · brush estend­ most, onlY - the soot so important of these is to count If declarer realizes this at has structural problems that that it could be scrubbed away winners when playing a trick one, he should then South's king wins the trick. ed in a tapes of light orange could lead to a firs - suCh as easier. Having .. stolen" a dia­ and sunlight ' t1y notrump contract. appreciate the great advan­ tage of leading a low diamond mond trick, declarer can next shining among the e p Consider South's approach to this deal. He won the spade play the ace and another and oedar in t;he;r coats lead with dummy's queen and South dealer. club. West wins and returns evergreen. Jed a club, taking East's queen Bolh sides vulnerable. a spade to establish his suit, NOR'ftl And so in the lower valley with the ace. Declarer then *AQ but his cause is already lost we bave late-summer weather, conceded a club to West's king, .7 since South now has nine wblle in the upper reaches-we and hack came a second spade • Q78•a tricks consisting of four have the splendor of autumn, to dummy's ace. .J876l! clubs, a diamond, two hearts . . in t;he;r brilliance Although the clubs were EAST mc:reaamg .9882 and two spades. all' the way to the golden not established, declarer had Of course, if West only eight tricks he could cash: •Jea&• aspens. queen of the mountain •AJS happens to have the ace of JaneL _four clubs, two spades and two diamonds, this line of play hearts. WhBll he later led a 8001H•Q fails. But leading a diamond diamond, East took the ace *Kii IAmg-tlme KansaS and returned a spade to l:halk •AKlO at trick two B.t least offers a friends help c:ele!Jrate up a one-trick set. •KB2 reasonable chance for the When South's method of •Ass• a contract, while tackling clubs Twenty years ago, Cllft' play is analyzed, it becomes first off~rs no chance at all. and lrene SODimerfeld drove clear that his approach could up to the house and said, "l'nu Sweeping the soot from the fireplace Is the dirtiest pan: of the job. never have succeeded in mak­ e 1998 King Features don't know us but we feel as ing the contract. He lb.ad to Syn.d., Inc . . though we know you because we resd your colllliUlB; we sub· scribe to the-Ruidoso News at ~roln State Monuments manager appointed; 'Tiust's future remains in .doubt our home in Halstead, Kan." Good news. Des Kessler has we all hope something can he trail riders Sunday. The 35 rid· I owe the Jay Walley article One of the ladies said there been ai>Jl9inted the new ranger worked to tbe benefit of evety· era were b'eated to breakfast at a correction. He is the southweSt were 200,000 at the Balloon Cllft' and 1rene and I heve Ifor:.~th=e~l~J:n:ca:ln~ State Monu- one. the Ellis store before riding over editor of the "Range" magazine Fiesta and abe thought abe had kept in toueh thrmigb visits • mei:Jts. The Galy and Des Miller are a 'the mountain the Glencoe and it is printed in NeVada. and Christmas eards. . to bumped into all of them, it was community vary proud set ofperents. Their Rural Events Center. · Ralph Dunlap~s spinning so crowlled- They all ,had a great Cllft'wes on his annuel pil­ .IJNOOJ.N held a surprise son Douglas, who lives in Seat­ Some of the same riders had class started Saturday. sense of humor. 'flwLS coffee for her· tle, Wash., is an accomplished 'taken the trail ride to the site of grimage to the reunion of the Callfornla 1lisitors Marion Spencer and Bertha Rainbow Division in Califor- Monday. Con­ pbo!cgrapbsr. Some of his latest the TUnstall killing Saturdsy. LaFave were Sunday Lincoln .nia. &!.tu~ation~ work is with the movie ''Practi­ These were just part of tbe There was an interesting visitors. cal Magic." He end a friend did activities of tbe Qowboy Sympo­ Sad news. bus load oftoorists from Califor­ 'Ibm and Pat Sullivan pre­ They stopped olf to take the stills .and also the poster. sium, which attracted large nis over the weekend. They had sented the Morning Prayer at a diner K- The Lincoln - to birthday at ,County Her­ The movie will he showing in crowds. flown inio Albuquerque and the church Sunday. Bob's. · Ruidoso soon, so we will look for Our own Richard Farns­ caught tbe tour bus tbere. They The elk are presenting traf­ itage 1hlst the· poster. Miller still travels to So ~ 89th birthday ceJe.. may close soon. worth. was honored at the cop.­ attended the Balloon Fiesta. fic problems in the Lincoln area. bration already has begun, The communi­ N.W York where he does assign· <:ert Thursday night, but he was played at White Sands, toured A group of students came mente. to attend. He had been in high­ thanks to ~ faitbful Kansas ty is trying to unable Lincoln, then went on to the upon four of them the triends. . see what can be Last week starf.ed aut on tbe on location in Minnesota and Cowboy Symposium end the way the other njght near Gov­ done to ,help cool side with a light freeze and was stranded at the airport Carlsbad Caverns. ;\nd tbey ernment Springs and deci~ to Lat us thank the Lord for keep it open. It ended up being vety warm. when rain grounded ·the air­ were all h~ving a great time. hit tbe guard rsll instead. They the blessings of li:iendship, ~star, injured is such a vital Symposium reaches out planes. His friend- ard Lincoln is getting more tour were ·not and did some and all our othar many bJass.. part of Lincoln, Wllfurd Brimley, accep(.ed the buseS each year and they are damage to the right front of, tile lngs. Lincoln was busY with tb'! award for him. spending more time here. ' car. So please be careful. ·,

11M ······••••• :..... *4t t+-4*M" ,;,., ----·p...... _....___ ...... _ ...... __ --HM- ...... , __..;.. ... _...: !..lo....._.....__:.ooi...O...:.....,j._ ...... _J.t.olo_....;,.....:...... u."...._.- ...... :...a- ..... '""- ~ ·• ~c.<·'-' •- ·• •• • • •- ~ 2:8 WEI>N~4.'\', Ot.T. 14, 1998 SOCIAL C:ALENOAR R1 IUUSU Nt.'\wi ·, ~· doso Higlo School, This (""'course io \ th arts 't SaiU~ Oct. 17 De- · VOiunteerf··wam:ec~: two on Wednes.. $25 for each oddi~onai •lbihog. Schol· . WHAT'S led by Dr. Birgit LaMothe and no reg. ~ e .....,.,... J-=· d • Call Bill" at 257- day 2-5:30: two on Thu,.day 2-5:30: orships available. c-hes .. aeeded:

~ istradon is needed. For more .Info,.. · · 2966110. -ns.•5:30 p.m. one 911 Thursday 5:30-7:30, needed nm meeting Sunday, Oct. 4. Ca11.25S.. • • matlon call 257-6149 or 354·2761. All Oct....._....,,,_ Thurscla>< Oct. 29 meet in porlclng 101 rblht away; and one as a .. "'-4"1" <1627 or 378.9162. HAPPENING Saturday. '· 24 at tht.. Museum of atENMUfdrc:arpooltolheOuqlost ~ also needed right liWOl' -- doe Horse, Ruidoso Downs. Photoal: in CarTJzmo for 6;~0 .dinner. PossiJie Computer knowledge appredll\ed ...... ,...... ,_. 5:30 p.m~p.~ursday. Oct. 22 nophy chow dlsplayit1g the wOrk Of bonllre !It Apple Wley Ranch alter but - necesoao')< Jo1:o descri~dons ---COIICII­Friday througii'Sundily. Oct. 16,. Ul. at he Viii of Ruidoso Vi!'- H-'1 area photogrnphers. For d-Is call -1ilnner. 6:30 pm. Solurday. Oct. 31 !IWIIable, Pleose stop loy the Ubraoy t ...... ~ > 1-800-263-5929. Halloween CIOSIUI'o1e -- at Bill and for an -applk:atlon. Christmas decOra­ For '"""' inliinnatiQn call (505) 671- music 313 Cree Meadows Oriwl...... ~-r 9212. . . llnapllll_,., ,.,~ house. .Brlna, a qlsh to shore, tjpn, ~ and )-fry sal! on Satur­ Thrologh 19 ...... "''"""" d;iy, Nov, 7, ~·ionS may be ~ lllilce...... ' . . . _.,_CIItnbt SarUrd Dec. ·tl18 w~l ~\Nan!"' drink"'~!'....,.. · are New Meidco .,.:um of~ His- a-There will be pmes and brought to the Ubrar)< We col· 7 p.m. on Thursday nl&htslll'~ 1\1!>1> ...... 5 p.m. - 8 p.m. SaiUrday. Oct. 31 at lectlng .-d Ch- decorations, HUI 5aiUrday. Oct. 17 at the Spencer The­ ltCOo')r and Science. 180 I Mountain Rooed ...... ,... lll.1d crafts, and old Jewelry for Scbool. Spc>~ 1>Y "'-•SIWra the Ruidoso Care Comer, 200 Resort --. B"'""" Swingers Sq"""' O...W'Cili!b. _, Blues legends John Hammond. --- N'N, Albuquerque. PhotographiiK' laQul- this-... right Driw, Ruidoso. Fun-tilled evening in­ now, . · Booker T Jones, BAnd Boys of AJaba. Thomas D. Mangelsen captUres the ·10 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 24 .. s.nr..n CaD ~ ~n:z.Y9ung.l57.3193 dudes games, a cakewalk and music diversity of nature. from the Arak re­ Cflurd1, Unccln. Annual moioow's ...... ,_ ...... _ .. for'"""'' !>fl. .. .·. ma and Bil'l:,.~ Arnold ca1ce 1'0" Marcella. For more lnf'onnatlon tiorausll the of bluos. For more by gions of North America to the rain meeting and eloato.. for the l,lnoaln caii257-907L --· "2 ~~-- . lnfonnatlon c::all 1-888-818-7872. forest oJ South Amettc:a. For nttore ln­ County Hls1011cal Society. ~ ~= '1'0"'!':;. J·<;·~~ aasses 10 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Tuesd¥ fonnadOn call (505) 1141-28112.' by Fatfler Berpand Gloo1a!\klaz. For nesday: I 0 a.m. ~- 7 p.m.; and ThU-'-• -r- NeWcomers and. be- : ··-~ .....,.,. information cioll (505) 653- Thursday: 9 a.m. u;:t 6 p.in.: Friday. 9 ginners welcome. For~ lriforma.. Liwo mustc Tuesday. Wednesday and Gull Clllllti­ 4025...... -lll&ht-- Boaal ...... ~IIUllnpM111ellflll&k! ~ ...... a.m. to 5 p.m.: Saturday II am. to 3 don. come by the Ruidoso Senior ...... Mushroom's Elipeilente SbDp · Thursday ----nights. For more informa­ Appllcadons for booth space being p.m. 258-3704, Center Ql' call257-4565• ..... :- tion call 258-4232. ac:cepted until Nov. 2 for the Moon­ 7 p.m., !st and.Joi.Saturday"' every ...... Cllllllly .. ~ -·. month. Come to read or come to lis­ II :30 a.m..-~~~- Tuesday. Oct. 27 at -lor chlldnnll-6 yean: Join ~~~- -~~~~- · llsht Extension Oub's 1Wentleth AA­ US Wednesday from 2.3 p.m. Saturday nights "Rock 'n Bowl" at ...... ten. All are weloonie. 1407 Sudderth, Restaurant: Casa Mendoza. one mile ervery _ nual On isb •• Bazaar to be held Thursday from 10-lla.m.forpuppet , 1202 Mechem DriYe, 258J3557. Country music-. 6~0 p.m. to 9 p.m. Ruidoso. east of the Run! Evenls ee.- on shows. songs. dance, nursery rhymes, · every Sunday with various local rm.~si­ Nov; ll.- 14 at the llai1ey County Hwy 70. Mexican bullet with dessert _.,..mng. ans and ....rts. wan1ec1 ~!.. •.. c:fans. On Tuesday it's Bkles Night Civic Center and Coliseum, Mule­ and ,.,._, $8. RoeseNmJons no <"""""' _..,. dramatics and loa of fun! No sign- Wednesday Mb 9 Nogal .1'. • 30 and 64. PatleriiS with breast lm. en "co potluck: .-n Wednesday. the RuidOso Village Hall. ---- 2· p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 20 Pbnnlng and offlc:e; I 0:30 a.m.-II :30 a.m. Is over. Refreshments may be pur­ •'- :· ,...... augmeodatlon ""' - ell&ft>le Games: I p.m. Mconda)< Wednesday llelr Qd'e In Qopilan; 12:10 d1ased before 1he movie. 10 I Carrizozo Canyon Rooed, Ru~ ... for this program. Appointmeuts and Friday. . Zoning Commission meatS m: the Rui- p.m :40 pm. Foii _, 2 ...,..3 doso, 257-3275. ,....,,. should be made dlreclly by 1he pa­ doso Villaae Hall. . -- - S.-Blood pressures: &a.m. p,m. 3:30 p.m.-4:30 !!-"" ....._ t1ent. CaD Majel -~ 257-5783. 2 p.m. Tuesday. Oct. 20 Unccln Coun­ -s- ..o-, • 4 p.m. Monday tlnou&h Frida)< T...,... 5 p.ri>.-6 p.m. Olp- n1 Mechem Drive, Ruidoso, 257- IIIDdiD SDsepdo 'Daul FIIMnlll'kiiiCI :r!:I~Authority in Ru~ Lfncoln post olllce: portalion ... docuor's appol...... : on.- 9444~ "What Dreams M!IY Come", Rshlng and picnicking at f Nopl """· Ubrar}< "Urban .._.,.... ':Antt.". Call the Canyon Read, Bent. 24 miles W. of Monda)! Vl'taaday and Frida)< 6:30 p.m. Wednesday. Oct. 21 Parks ~---~ Friday and SaiUrday. Oct. 16-17 "' the . - t11eate1 r~ Show dmes and ratlnss. Ruidoso on Hwy. 7D, 671-45SO. Ruidoso Convention Cemer. Festival and Rea eatlon Committee meets at ~-LIIInly ·-. ofGennanlood. beerandwlne. Ger­ doe Ruidoso Villap Hall. 106 S. Uncoln Ave. Free lfli&lsb adon. man folk dan

JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES youth 6:]0 p.m. Wed.: hf&h v.hoal meeting 1 p.m. Thur:: ICJcb Oub CHURCHES (&rades 1-5) 3:]0. 106 ~ Vlhle Road, ~]659, 157-3171: Sundiy. PubllcTIIk 10:00 .\SSEMBLY OF GOD ---- ~'~e~ SEVENlHDAY khaal 7:JO p.m.; Semat ADVENTIST M"escalero. 671-47-47...... Donald ...... --·~ pasta: Sunday School: 9:-45 , ._.,. a.m.; Sunday wwstip: I 0:45 a.m. 7 ...... p.m.; Wednesday seMces: 7 p.m. =~~~~.:-..:.. 207 Parkway. Agua Frta. Ruidoso 106 ~.Road, ~]659. Downs. 378-4161. Pastor Rick l.yda Flnlll 1 ur oUioCII 336-1076. porn.: Ralnlon PUblica 443-1904: Assoc. Pastor Wllbum El Paso Rl;tad, Ruidoso. Rev. BID EstudiDde laAialaya I :00 p.m.: I :SO Morrow 621-1206. Saun:ky: L.ena-d. Pastor. 5und:lry School: 9:JO p.m. Mart Escuela del l"'liilsser1o ~ twh school 9:30 a.m.; Church a.m.; Su'day ,..._..... warVip: I 0:--15 Teua .-o 7 p.m.: Reunion de servl· ser­ a.m. (includes c:hlldran'• church); do 7:50 p.m.; j-. Eaudlo de llbro vice: f I a.m. Wednesday: Prayer meeting 1 p.m. . --- - SUI'NI:Iy ~"I praise: 6 p.m.; CHRISTIAN ..._. 7:00p.m. _ _ _ Wednmcb)o f:lrDiy nlflht: 7 p.m. __ (Dbdplosoola.bl) LUfHF.RAN MO. SYNOD HuD and Gavilan Can,on Road. Rev. NON·Df.NOMINATIONAI...... M. '"""' ,.._, Sunday ...... ,.. ~- 1(..12/Adult: 9:30 a.m.; Sun· _112b Hull lka:l, 258-4191, 257- Abundallt Ull! Famltr Churdl day WorV\lp: 10:45 a.m.: Chancel 5296. kavln L. Krohn, P:mor: Surt­ 2810 Suddenh Drive. Sulbl 210, .. OlOir. ~ 7 p.m. cky. Wcnhlp 8;30 &m~ IO::W ~ 257-1188.. Mark•Gentry, pasmr: Sunday School & Adult Bible c. Sunday worship 6 p.m. ~ 9:30 a.m. Third ~ Everll"l Bible stuc1r 7 p.m. CHURCH OF CHRIST Bible Study. ~0 p.m.., call for kJc:a.. don...... ,....._ ... _ Grea Horst. 354-2301. Monday. -..~ ...- Hlshwq 48. Us Ear- Ruidoso men's Bible study noon at wood. Minister.- ~ Blbhl study. ME1110DIST Pizza Drive; Wona-i's I 0 a.m..; 5ullby worV!Ip: II a.m.. 6 Hue. Mechem p.m.;~BIIHstudy. 7p.m._ Bible study 6:30 p.m. Wednesday: ...... Capitan youth 8'014' 1 p.m. • die fair bufkllns. 1hursday. Adult Bible 415_ ...... lS7--4l81. ..-~bonua.. Hany, Rlsw, Pastor. SU1day "';;;;;;;;·,;;RI.adoso. ===...... """""0- Study 6:l0 p.m. '"""' ...... , Sc:hoal: 9l45 a.m.; 5&n:f3y wonhlp: bible study: 9:30 a.m.; Suncby wor­ 8:30a.m.. 10:55 a.m...... _ lhlp; I 0;30 a.m., 6 p.m.: Wednesday Unltlllll lkiiiOdist Cbwdl Parbll 433 Sl.!clentl OrMi In the Gahlway Blblll study. 7 p.m...... ,.~ ... ..,. c.mer. 257-5915. ,._.. jclhn Mar­ Pasta; 648-2893. 648-2846.. ~ shall Sundoly WOI"'$hlp 10:30 a.rn; zoozo: M.ndly Schoal: 10:00 a.m.; 'tYednesday. Mid-week bible study 1 CHURCH OF jESUS Sundlly WW1Hp: II: 10 a.m. Capitan: CHRIST IDS ., ...... , ...... ~m Su1daY__ Sdloc{ 8;30 a.m.; Sunday Cllrltt Communltr ...._... a...... Cllrlll &DI Schad: II &m. Capitan, l-lllhway "380 w-. )54- Rulclolo Bnnch, Nanh en~ 41. 1458. Ed Vlnlon, Pator. 5undq ~ mllll mlriwn 14/15, "'" Khocl, 9:45 Lm.: Sundl)' wonhlp. 4359 or 257-9691. Sunday. s.cr. PENTECOSTAL 10:30Lm. " mem rnRI:Ir~i: 10 a.m.; Sundl.l School 11:10 a.m.; Prtelthoad IWIM' l!lok ollllll - CllmlniDne Churcll ...... ComiiltuM SqUire, 61:1 ~ """ ,,,. """ Pot.-,/ - Uncoln Ave., Opbn, 257.a64. Wonwl= 11110-.m...... All~~n M. Mlllw. Putor, Sundl)' Drtve. 2$7-9265. B.A. Thurman, __ School: 10 Lm.: Slmcllf Ewnl"' Plirc;Jr: Sunday ..-vbl: Muir: ... ~ ~. 671...f630. WrfiJ ~-=- 6 p.m.: lllacll)' Blbli d!llclreril Church. IG-.30 Lm.: BIIM Sr:hllclu.:ht, PNIIdwlt, 671'"'506- StudJ': 1 p.m. Study Adujc lnd YGulh, .....~ Sunday:S....aiiWit...... ,.IOa.m.; -7p.m. Sunday """"' .., """""' I h2D a.m.: Priesthood "'-''-'Soc. & Youna NAZAKENI! Women. 12:.1 0 a.m. AllpiCIHRIIal811- Naon Su~ at 1M Glencoe Rur.t· ~ llmlelnonhofRuldoso on &ems Center. Ewwyona -tlaxne.. Hwy. 'lB. :J:J6.8011 Clwfa Hall, --Pracher Buster Reed cf Amarillo. Pastor. 5w'ldaV School: 9:-45 a.m.: Cal 378-4840 tor more Info. 5und;ao worship: IIMS a.m. a 6:00 p.nt.IWad. fdowiHp: 6:30p.m. centn~ 01st11no caa diiGradoft (on-Oo-415- Ruldoso. f!l0-0066. Pastor Carlos. Carreon. Reunion General J~ PRESIIYI'ERIAN 6:00 p.m.; Sabados t:OO p.m. at. Amla:ad 10:00 a.m (nlik:s). Lhl.. VIOnl CIIUidl • 441 Mechem. 257--M~ 'tiny and Suame ...... $nlly. Rll1ewal _...... Sunday IQJO a.m. and 5 pm. ~~~--l"pr.l)'l!l""~ mfcl..week,seMoes 7 pAn. . . • ,•

llllienleDDnllna (ULC) A110 Norttl, 336-7075. Jeanls!• -­Pl1ce, Pastor. Mornlns ·~ &:50 . FOURSQUARE a.m. (Sept. -June): .5UnllaY~ II a.m. ~.";':''=· w. ~. SUnday SdiOOI: 1'0 a.m.: 5U'Miay worship: II a.m., 7 p.m.;~ Bll:ll'ia.SIUdy. ''!""" FULL GOSPEL I'II!MiiMED CHUIICH ...... ,. 7*01 ...... EYeMW: Jel'\llceS:"""""'""""'"" 1::10 p.m. 5utMby...... _- ...... •· ' '

··- ·-·· .... _ .. _._ .. .:. ·- • -· • -- • ~-·-•·- • • ·- ··- ...: .... ~ •· ::.:.- ·-·· -· ~:~·-···-~- •. •·• ,:. <·-"-··• ...... __,_~ ...... __ ... _..._._ ...~~-...... ,.,,....,. ....~.,. • b •• ·-••-•+•+""•.;,. hS·; J 0$1$10 ) 0 $ PLC$1)$ $ Ul 0 j J102Q $ Y-P f'-flf F f f #CUp ..'f""'F f2 f2 V 0 W op """ f- • ¥-..--... -...----,.-- .--"'' • • - r • ··; . - " . - . -

CALLUS Education writer Sanqly Suggltt Phone: 505-257-4001 WEDNI!SDAY, Ocr. 14, 1998 38 ON, . . . Star-struck stud~nts get a~on~mical-lesson on the constellations

BY SANDY SUGGTIT The library put oot books on Star Lab~ she said. another within two years, she RUIDOSO N£WS STAFF \11KI1"£R the constellatiofls and stars The Space Center"' has said, and soon reslized they and designed a webquest that three Star Labs they rent out COllldn't iill all the requests. Star Lab "agents" Kayla presents students with a prob- · to schools all over the state. ''That's when we started Scilrafiotti and Frank Walstlm lem and JP.ves them addresses The Hall of Fame Foundation training the teachers,'' Wiggins led 289 ehildren and 65 adults on the we~ to find the answers. purehased the itrst portable said. · through the·constellations Mon­ "Parents were amazed planetarium through· a griQlt, The training Scarafiotti par­ day through Thursday.· also,'' Scarafiotti said. "Crawl­ s.aid VICtoria Wiggins, public ticipated in was held st White ing into it was a challenge, and: programs manager for the Mountain Elementary School in Star Lsb . is an inflatable sitting on the hard concrete Education Department at the Ru.idoso1 she said, and they-were ~that travels around fi.Qor was a challenge. We were Space Center. trained to set up the plan,etari­ ' to sehools in New Mexico, on really. amazed by the detail 'There are only four per­ um. use the equipme_nt, ~ . loan f.roJn the International that was,.Provided by this plan- manent-site planetariums in given Jesson plans developed by - Space Center in Alamogordo, etQ.ri.UDL . the state of New Mexico, so Lawrence Hall of Science in Cal­ explained Scarafiotti, a parent -They looked at stars of the . (for) sehools that wanted to do ifornia, and some instruction in and volunteer with Action for northern hemisPhere· and the astronomy programming, it basic -onomy ooru:epts. ChUdren and Teachers, who constellations of different cpl. was very difficult for them.." 'We ha\'e over 150"teachers was trained, along with 14 tures and discuoBefl the Hubbell The first Star Lab was such trained in New Mexico as 'Star teaehsrs, last spring. Action for Thleocope and the ·obaarvatories a success, they had to purchase Lab agents,"' she said; . Children and Teachers paid for in New~. the rental of the Star Lsb. Sandy SusamJRukbso News Secop.d graders asked Star Lab, an inliatabie planetarium on loan from the 1ntemadonal Spalca Ceoter. incredible 'l':lestions, ·she said, "You crawl in "Ute entrance: was set up In the Capitan. SchOol gymnasium last week. 11 . like: How far away are the tuhe and sit down on your bot­ stars? Why' do people use tom, insida, and it's pitch black stars? How can they tell direc­ in there, .and the projector sits tures so they eould ~ eee stars), some are.lf!'liow; red are tions by the atars? . right in the middle," Scara!Iotti ~bat the ~ks or the· Na"\'"a;- the coolest stars,':,SOO said. Thutsday afternoon, • said. -rbey loved it, the instant JOS were eeemg. Seeraliotti ~ 17 clsssrooms Scarafiotti deflated and packed ,' they got in there, they wera "You can ehange> the canis- fur the elementary sehoo~ Wol­ up the planetarium into a duf­ . BlllBZed at how many stars ters (ol) hand-punehed film ston led fiw for the high sehoo~ fel bag and .three boxes, ready ' there were_and the size of some that give impn!i!lilitmil o1f tpt> and Scarefiotti also took three fur the United Parcel Service to ' of the stars. There's a canister stars. Soble'are'JID-IJ!,i' in 'SJZe, groups of adults on a journey to pick up; the company donated that draws the dot-to-dot pic- some . are bl~e, -~~ hott- . the stars "'}parent night. the shipping, so kids could see · "'.-."~ :Jt 8 • "i . CapimnSdhoo~~~~~----£~~=~~-~~-~~~~~~E;--ERl~J~kl~os~o;FHUl~ghh~Skdh~oo;dl~--~~~L~u~n~~~h~:~C~h~iclre~~:n~nu~gg~e::ts, Wednesday; October 14- assorted Wednesday, Oct. 14 mashed potatoes with ~- Breakfast: Boiled egg, English , Lunch: ;_lJ,am ~d Breakfast: Letilon turnover, corn, wheat rolls, fresh as

muffin, jelly, juice . eheese (No]? H.ill)_, ,"eef taco ·fryable, fresh assorted fruit, fruit Lunch: King Chicken, pinto (Sierra Vista), lctt'i.ce and variety of milks ' Mondey; Oet. 19 - Break- beans, aolad, co1ce tomato, assorted~ frui~... > Lu~ Tui~' ,pot· pie, fust: Cereal, 1% milk, graham Thursday, Oct. 111 · - '1\tesday, Oct. 20- Break- Djixed· ~t;abi<1S, wheat rolls, ,. crackers,~ fresh fruit Breakfast: Cinnamon toast; fast: Pretzel, assorted tiiesh treah assorte:d fwtt : . · , , Lunch: Chicken. patty ·on cereal, jnice fruit · ~· · · 'l'bursday, Oekl&:- Break- . bun, potato salad, lettuce ami Lunch: Fish nuggets, mac- Lunch: Corn dog' (Sierra fast: Mufij.~ -~gua.J:es ~~ pickle, assortedfresh_fruit ~t· ami eheese, veggle sticks, Vista), bellf eltehf~Ailits (Noli •sausage, ..- ... Luneh: Pizza with ground 2/$300 beef topping, lettuce and pick­ f.: Cereal, 1% milk, graham i I.e. assorted fresh' fruit, tater crackers,~~ fruit ·3-1111_,.._,_ ...... /lJUII tots Lunch: Salisbury steak, ., Friday; Oet. 16 - Break­ mashed potatoes, mixed vegeta­ • fast: Cereal, graham crackers, bles, wheat rolls, assorted fresh ~fresh fruit fruit _,...,,lllledi,.Mom . Tuesday; Oct. 20 - Break­ LINDA ZINN - OWNER ...... _.. Half-day inservice day, no • --..... lnl!L lunch fast: Pretzel, assorted fresh REASONABLE RATES - CUSTOMIZED SERVICE Monday, Oct. 19 - Break­ fruit, 1% lowfat milk fast: Cereal, graham crackers,. Lunch: Sloppy Joe on a bun, (505) 257 411065 ~rted fresh fruit com, lettuce and picked, asst>rt­ Lunch: Grilled· ham and ed~fruit cheese or beef taco, lettuce and tomato, assorted fresh fruit K '1\tesday, Oct. '20 - Break­ fast: Pretzel; assorted fresh ANbC··- 1' IIIIIC.UU·,...I"' fruit m. 111101 IJIIZ Lunch: Corn dog (Sierra V1Sta), beef enehiladas (Nob Sff YOUR llf&PIUI. HARDWARI fOI.ItSJ Hill), green beans, assorted fresh fruit ·• - Sierra Vls1;a and Nob Hill '"'' ,,_. · Saturday ' ,.- II Wedn11ioday, Oct. 14 - Breakfast< Csreal, sraham ersclrers, .assorted ftoeali fruit Luneh: Macaroni ham and ·~.-':;9ptober 3 J·st cheese.


• 48 WEDNESDAY, OCT. 14, 1998 LOCAL NEWS · Rlllooso N~ I • ee ra-In

-, Ninth annual Cowboy Symposium is / . GLENCOE - The ninth Symposium ever, but our best Well-known televiSion and annual Lincoln County Cowboy ·ever &mn the perspective of film star Willbrd Brimley. who Symposium broke all 'vious customer enjoyment," noted was on hand to accept an attends~ ~ :!.fth more event director Scott Walls. award on behalf· of his fiiend .' than 13,C)!)O ·Visitors &!tending "Nearly all of the vendors and Richerd Farnsworth. was •. the thrE5e-day even, organizers practically eveey performer -those who agreed. . eaicl \ · Said it was the best show they'd , ·~ far as I'm concerned, It began with a ThurSday ever attsndsd All the credit l'or I'll be back eveey year for as night concert ..:t the RWdoso that goes to our corps of vnlun- long as you'll have me," said .Convention Canter and oontln­ ~s &mn all over the county,' Briinley. "This is the real Ued with the tmdiiional three They work the year around at thins:. I had a great time." days of actlvitiee at the Glen­ improving the event and work · • Brimley not only accepted coe Rural Events Canter. around the clock during the the award for Farnaworth, hut < "Not only wils it our biggest festival itself." . endeared h!mseH' to the thOu- ' /\'• '

DlanneStai~N~ OW.ne Slalllnp/RuldGsa "*"" Kenneth "Rooster"' Cogburn of the Wilkins Ranch scoops up some beans for Curtis Vlbbard of Roswell during the Paula Manis and led Crews of theY Milliron tend to thelrsklllets of food during the Owc:kwagon cookoff at the Cow­ chuckwagon cookoff. boy Symposium Saturnay.

. '·- . ' .. ·:::;_~--r·---· -.

Pete Jenkins, left, anci Kef. ArthUr strum their guit:ars sing a few verses at the 7 0 Chuc:kwagon owned by Bob Drake.


I •. : Oianne~News Keith Middleton from the Broken Spur Wagori serves up chow. · Randy Striddand from the CircleS Ranch frorn Teocasllashos a smile while putting the flnlshingtouches on a sldilet of""""'

0 0 0 0 c .. < ,. ; ;- ' :.. < o • - 1 , ,o ' 0 , 0 0 0 • , I' 'O J• O 0 • 0 0 0 < ._ ,• I .. 0 0 ·.,- ,. 2r 2z tte·fu'r' -.nt$~&f' btOd 6 · ·;,·~ ,~, ob-x t'•tn'tt«*•trtnnrteftM'+M •• •n•ttn'mt•t•tt••· ...... I• .C.•"··· ...... _.. _., .. ,_,_.,-~-...... R..IR_, _ _._,. :.,0 E j" 0 tL rOt 0':! ~ 0 -~' - "'I- "" '" ' ~ '. " ,. 11 ".· . .. ,, ·= ...... ·•

LOCAL NEWS - WI!DNESI)AY, OCT. 14, 1998 SB ---

...,,.,11 /1o,J\• fllu..., ~!

·~-,, ···~~ ~ . .41; 'biggest and best' ,.,._...,_ .' .,. '" sando of fans !IS he performed petition. Collin Webber barely >:;~: on ths main stage on Fri\ • • e>c' ond conseeutive year m a l'Op&- 'This thlng just keeps get- .;;~~~ sr....b!~~~,p~-~u:: =~~': ~ .,,., Clay Howard. ~-•~- for "~ ·--'-. ·, ·• •r.:! Robinson won a distinctive u.m..:;~ J;~ 3 ~ 0 "~' buckJ for his plish ·added Wells. •Just as Ray Raed. >:~ belt e accom - intended, this'· r.tival has ment.I th 6 and under di · ....,;.. •..a.t a kit ol' attention to n e - - n- ~~:::::!':.: "'-'~·." . ' · sion, 5-year-old Sid Cervantes ~~ ~...,. .· ..... ~ also won a buckle. In ths mut- By Scott 'i'!Wis fi>r tlw Rui- · ·.!! One of the man,. entertainer.~ In the main building at the GJencoe Rur.JI E-.en:a Center on~ ' ~ ton-busting (shesp riding) com- doqo News. · ' .;:-·· :::,;: {~·ss ~~~~~~~~~~~


-· - ' ',.1'' Dianne Stalllnp'Ruidol:o News Unda Cunningham. right. from Grand Prairie. Texas, and Karla Warren from Alamogordo, enjoy chuckwagon chow SaaordO)'

-· '

. .• Llnalln County Cowboy Symposium director Scatt Wells. left. accepts an award on behalf of the volunteer OJmmitR """""_,_ .. ·. tee from Dr. Walter L Bishop of the national Old Trail Driven: Assoc:btiorL It was the flrst dme the association recognized- jean Prescott, chosen three-time female performer of the·year in Western music, played selec- • an event rather than an lndMdual for promotion and preservaUon of "estem heritage. tions from her album "Prairie Hewers." .·.

' ... ' Dt.me StalrnptRuld:lsn IWlwr. .. !--'" : OI>Vlne Sfallinpltufdoso News A variety of musidans have helped make the S)'pOSium class act event that ' the H ...... of -le. clapped their hands and stDmped their feet"'_.. o1: \'Vostem musl< SaturdO)'. kl$.

•-----a,;··e··-··• • •·-----.-..-~-~..& _... _ ------· ~-~-' - . ,. ' .

.811'1 ~AUIII..V. ... 6B WEDNESDAY, Ocr. 14, 1998

• Especially for and their

7 3. '1-• • • 5 2. ... By BETTY DEBNAM <:),. . 0 I • 10 Wise Choices Build Strong Bodies , f1' IIS.Y· .u Choose to Be Healthy-Wealthy

Hand care We are wealthy wh- we have · 1-of money. We might lillY that weare ~thy when we Invest In 01U'II8lves and have 1- of good heldth. Wise choice& JDBde over and · over build heldtby habits that - off for the rest of your Ufe. Why take any risk? Be a . healthy-wealthy bodybuilder. Clrcte the wiHst c:holces. H_Bir care-

-·... by Patricl

;f:'{ ~ lranolM-"-IIIt'INnJ--.,G1___ .,._. 1 """'.;'"'" "'" ., . TRY 'N "" ~ ~,.., .. HEALTH AND Be Healthy· Wealthy· Words that remrnd us of health are hidden In the block below. Some words are hidden backward or diagonally. See If you can rune wen spent Exercise find: HEALTH, HABITS, STRONG, LIFE* BODY, CARE, EAT, SLEEP, HAIR, GROOMING. POSTURE. DIET, FOOD, TALK, EXERCISE. DENTAL, MENTAL, WASH, BATH, CLEAN. I LIKE 'ffJ A L T S L P T E I D L R I A H ITAYFITI CMAL IOUMST I BAHS S T L E F S D E N T A L N V N M T K E E T H S A W F B A T H EGRPXUOGROOMING N H P 0 V R 0 P a R B 0 D V D T I a I N E N A E L C F 0 0 D AERACGJHEALTHSJ L E A T K E S I C R E ~ E T K

Talking things over

Newspaper in Education SJx!nsored by: RuidOso ..News Inn of the Mountain Gods High Country Agen_cy a/So spOnsored by:~' Cree Meadows Pro Sqpp First Federal Savings Bank. Mike Line

Ruidoso State Bank,, Next weak, .Page ,,_ ' .. ... ,., ...... -~---


.. .--~

WEDNESDAY, Ocr. 14, 1998 _78

4 HOlleas for Sale 2 BEDRD.DM. 1 BATH fur­ . ·~~~E'st ''' 7 Houses for Rent nished mobfle. Close to $3000 DOUBLEWIDESI evervthlng. Water paid. No COMMERCIAL BUILOJNO ~ARGE "ESTATE TYPE $1600 SINGLEWII!JESI 2 BEDIIOOMI 1.8 BATH; petsf Pr8fer middle aged or Midtown, n.W OOAeiJuctlon. hQme. Five bedrooms, 6 On .aelscted "!'!_deJa. Uvlng room, dining f"'Oflt, older couDia $360JmO for 2 20% down. Soma owner fi- bathe 3 oar g~a. Must "'New 1 8:1'80 11(126,990 large den, giant IJif!)hen, people. 267:2oo4 - nance. 257·5&91 . Sellli' Prlcl!! reduced to undor $209 morithly. qrtihard, garden, 3 acres; ''Class'' $194,500. caft Don Lincoln, •New 32x44 $33,990 11i850/mo .. + dep. Raferencae Coklwett Banker 257-5~ 11. under $249 mon'ihhi'. zero Down L.BiiCJ, raqulrad. (915)687-4952. • Homes Pac~eet 10 C9ndoa for Rent • All RetM&tee a led 3 Land for Sale . 3 BI!_DROOM,. 2 BATH; 209 JUNIPEit: 2 BE!DRODM 1o ClaleB ~ce ted. 1 batl:l, small study, many Call fOr Deti!i.lla: fireplace, garage, south side 2 BEDROOM, 2 BATH, 2 car G AC. HWV 48 .(5 MIN. extras. $67,000 OBO. 1-800-2&7... 884 Cree, 1 year laaae; $75q/!QQ gtlf'8118, $650 par month. 3 FROM Afto Tum-Off; well 257-7977, 480-2893· QuB.IIty Homes llJIIS uwJ_Ues & dsp081t. can IJedrOom, 3 bath, 2 car ga­ Facts eteotrlclty telephone., 25'7-6218 . rage, $700 per month. Ritter 1 natural 106 Juan Tabo N.E. ,gas. Boraars NaUonSJ Forest, Albyg_uerQMe_, NM & ASSOCiates. 37G-7108 heBVIIy wooded,· and very -~· (505) 2~7-4001' ... · privata. 258-5982. 1 l'i::AA' OLD .RUSTIC LOG DON'T WORRY, •• cablli .1bv ·owner. 1700 sq.ft., •GOOD • CONQlnGN 12X60 \f'ERV NICE & OPEN; fur· 3bdrrn/2ba, firepLace, IBrga mobile homa.-2 bdnn, 1.5 ba, nlshed, 313 Condo. Two . soreened·ln back porch, cleS:n, comfortable, all Be happy!l approJC 314 acre, cetrtr81 heat, appliance; $8000. Ca-ll fireplaces, ~·· facuzzl, 258-9297. ' pool & spa In season•. Full osslble lease. 505-?57- kitchen $875 + deposit & uUII· .g 058 Many fine liaS. 257-7009. 1-800-857-0955 homes FAX (505) 257-7053 FOR RENT 11 Cabins/Vacation Hours: Nightly, VJeeldy, Monthly ' Call Cindy .. FULLY FURNISHED: nlahlly, LoT Fo-R . SALE! AL T8J Gaor ~ Really. ..2ii-4011 weekly, monthly. Remocfaled, Monday - Friday· LAKES Unit 7, Block 17, t.ot Uc...,... 390RM (SIO.P9 B), piUS 22, Afto Lakes Gblf Mem-­ fireplace, dQck. fenced yard, bership.! $21,000 OBO. Setty great neighborhood In 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Banh (:1::10)492-2987. ·. J;i~o. (505)257-3032. ONE BI!DROOM- HOUSI! r BY OWNER;:· WHrTI! MT. SUitable for s!ngla or C()Uple. ESTATES; 321 L.L, Davis, EAGLE CREEK ACRES 2 BDRM12BA MOBILE In Ae· No pets, $425 month, Ulillties NEED A PLACE TO STAY? t#2, 30 - flva acre ttracts • 3bdrmf2.6ba, nice view, open oreatlan VIllage. Price re­ paid. 378-4492 Several homes av&llable. uUII1fes "' priva,te · road. floor -· appoox 1950 sq.ft. duced! Woqd stove, new hot NIGhtly, weekly, Qr monthly. CMIIzauon Is .one mile 257-5924, 258-3864. " _water heater. Call for rrii)I"E! ln­ call 5b5-257 -362.2 or ton' fniia . olose, yet ~teems 111s fannatian, $$ 900. 258-5949 FOR RENT: .1 BEDROOM 888-818-7444 though It's lar away. • -house and several 2 Phone Of' Fax a NEW BY OWNER bedroom mobile homes. 108 Cardinal (near -..oOAStt- $295 to $375. No pets. $200 • Walmart), 3 bdrm/2 ba -tjii!I!DQ- depOsit. References ri­ 12 Mobile Spacas/Rt 1420 sq. ft., beautiful we trattefQr .anythfng. we quf.red. 258-4060 or 2 LOTS; 3,76 AC. & 1.12 ceramic tile, Berber have u,e largest aeleclion at 258-9005. BEAUTIFUL MOBILE AC., both have beautiful carpet, private redwood single and doUblewldes In SPACE Adult park 11\dll-- - views of Sferra Blanca and deCk, _metal roof; level New Mexico. F'ree-dellvery. handle 14x60, $150.00 golf course. f3ood accHs, ,_..... ldoso. 257·6100. DLRt#Q089S'. BRADY CANYON CABINI monthly mature couple - no · call Bob 1-800-853·1717 dogs. Also travel trailer paved street, city ummes. . - 2bdrm/1bah furnished, 257·9127. • . i . fireplace, .was er Be ~r. re­ spaces. 257-2004. BEAUtiFUL SUNNY A TRUE ZERO frigerator.. Prater couple, no SLOPE • price reduced to pets. $550/rno plus uUI111es & $69,000 from $67,000. DOWN PAVM.ENTt cteposlt. 972-462-7793 LOT FOR SAUE• 1~1. Par­ . •$500 Down payment! LEASE TO OWN 314 ACRE. acilee Canvon subdlwlslon. All 3bdr'rn/a~Ja, covered deck, Lots In Capitan, $500 down, ftrwlace.!.l axcellent coric:lltlon. •First Time $2DO!mo. 35.4-3197. uUIUes. Call 858~54. for ProgramSerr& more lntmmatlon. • To,tal Real Estate, Ann Roddy. 257·;1381 "'Amazlrig 9.5% Credit MultipU: Reatala . ·, ~rovall AYallable Ntnrl '"Zero own Land Call RENTAL HOTLINE 15 Storage for Rent . HomePac~l •Rebates: $1 0 to 257-9603 . $3000 on selected for a liM of currcnl nilhlly, weekly UPPER CANYON MINI . homes. a: lo:as; term rentals ~Wailllblc:, STqRAGE now renting. Cell Clasaifieds WHITE 257~73 or 420-QB50 ' , . Call for details a~l.! 257-407S dllriiiJ business hour$, a.:· ... 1-IIOD--695-1112. 5:00 p.m. Monday for Wedntisday suger Center L a D SELF STORAGE 1 10~cit ~tral NE. 48 Space available. Ml§ingle-tamily Lots . Albu ue ue, NM. CREE MEADOWS EXECU­ Hwv.· 5:00 p.m. Wednesday for Friday . TIVE HOME; 3bdrm/2ba, 25ff·4599 or 257-9463. · - i.2 with super views! .. den, ale, llraplace, doUble Display Ads· ' , I • REALLY CUTE 2BDRMiaBA garage, carport, 2 decks. Also 12 commercial lots. mobile, f'.loe covered.- lot, $1200 lease plus deposft. No 17 Business Rentals Noon Monday for Wednesday dose-ln. MOving - must sell. Pets. 257-9526. 1 257-3856• .· ,• .Jll'fti)Jl,W:ed~;t~A~i~'tPr'li'riW-Y'I ...... ,..DA'~~~· 3 .BDRM/2 BA HOUSE FOR ! we have.h&fped over .SOOO RENT; cfean, prfme midtown "'"''· . . Lett*$ .. families buy mobile homeB. location (11 o North). No Prime Retail Space available- heavy walking EAGLE CREEK CANYON LOW DOWN & LOW PAY­ Pets! 1 year lease. $750/mo 1:00 p.m. Monday for Wednesday ~ · LAND FOR"i$ALE; Allq 1Ql: RD. Spanish Territorial; 6.5 MENTS, on any size new, +depOSit. 257·3768. traffic and goad parking. Social md{dbarSblp .•. avar .. acros, ·creak, landscaping, used or rapo. DLRIII00695. 2117 Sudderth. 1:00 p.m. Wednesday for· Friday- looks Alto i.aks, $1,500 or fenced. 3 year old 3bdrmJ . Before you buy, call Bob, trade for mid-size car.. call 3.5ba, lncl~g guest apart- . 1-B00-853-1717 ~ after 5:3opm. 915-594-7'003 !!'.!1!'1!. 3-car garage & bam. 8 Apts. for Rent " ~423, 702-254-1426. RUIDOSO BENDIX II mobJie l'HE ATTIC COMPLEX: 5 home; 14x8D, 3bdrml2ba, FURNISHED 1 &. 2BDRM. Co-op retail spaces from furnished, new carpet, wood APTS. bills P.Bid. No pets. $200-$350. One office CLASSIFlCACI'IONS SUBSCRIBE TO THE burning fireplace In Rae Call 258-3111. . .space. S350. 258·5338 - • RUIDOSO NEWS VIllage Park. Call TODAY! can Gina for the 6 Moblles for Sale SDS-257-6324. 1. Real EState 26. Farm Equipment rates In your deUvery area 18 Bus. Opp. or buy a gift subscription SPACIOUS 1/BDRM APT. 2 .. Real Estate Trades 27. Feed & Graii}S • for a friend. 257·4001. w/FP available Oct. 1 • Partial­ ly fumtshed, close-In, neWly GREAT OPPORTUNITY! 3. ,....nd for Sale 28. Produce & PJ,anrs- 2BDRM, 1BA MOUNTAIN I'G· remodeled, SQUeaq: clean, Three BUsinesses! One for treat; totally fUmlshed In adult utilities Included. Prefer adult, price!! OWn your own future! 4. Houses Sale 29. Pets & SuppUes .. TWO LAROE LEVEL LOTS park near midtown Ruidoso. non-smoker, wlreferencas - VIdeo store, Frame shop, Gift s. Cabins for siolo 30. Yard Salesr zoned for mobile fn Fawn · Affordable at $10,500. (817) no $595/month + de­ shop/Gallery. All for Ridge addition on Buck Trail. 496-2248. pas!rats. • 257·3165. $105,000 firm. 2204-2206 6. Mobile HomU for Sale 31. Household Goods 258·33n davtlme only. Sudderth, Midtown, 257-7009. 7. Houses for Rent 32. Musical Instruments CJMMARON CONDOS affl. 8. Apartments for Rent 33. Antiques clancy apts. available. $3251 INVESTOR: Mo. Cell after 2P. 378-4375, Local seeks Investment 9. Mobiles for Rent 3~. Arts~ roperty or business. Send attar or Fax to P.O. Box 162, 10. Condos for Rent 35. Sporting Goods The beauty will last forever LOS PINOS APARTMENTS r. Alto. Fax 336-4323 11. cabins for 2 Bedroom units available, Rent 36. Miseellaneous utilities paid. 257-2212, 12. Mobile Spaces for Rent 37. Wanted to Buy 257-6316 REAL ESTATE 13. Room for Rent 38. Help Wanted CLASSES 14. Want to Rent 39.. Work Wanted RUIDOSO DOWNS 3B_RI IN ROSWELL 1 BA, $525/mo, 2bdrm/1 be, S 15. Storage Space for Rent 40. SetVices $475/mo. In Triplex. ALL Ptc:pore ror a new CAREER! UTILITIES INCLUDED. Real Estat~ cl- forming now 16. Pasture for Rent 41. House Sitting 258-5958 In ROSWELL . 17. Business Rentals 42. Chlld Csre O.reer/lnfonnati!Jn: ThursdaY. OCTOBER 22. IQ98 6PM 10 8.PM 18. Business Opportunities 43. Child Care Wanted 1BDRM/1BA UN­ a1 the R011well Inn. J81S Nonh 19. Autos for Sale 44. Firewood for Sale FURNISHED. Located ne!llr · Main, Ros-11. New Mn;cu. Alto Store. New carpet, paint. Short lnterun·.- St~k''fW'..., <; 20. Trucks & 4x4s for Sale 45. Auctions No pets. References re­ qulretl. $300 + bills. Pmg"'"' i 21. Vans for Sale · 46. Lost & Found • 258·4089 . • 'Top Suc:-cc55 lt;;tC!I 22. Motorcycles for Sale 'Qualit) M~lt'Ttal~ 47. Thank You "IMtruc:riun 23. Auto Parts . 48. Announcements DARLING STUDIO AVAIL­ "Over 50,000 Sa11hf1Cd Sludcnl~ but the opportunity ABLE Oct. 5 - squeaky FO)I" ~ lnftmnaliun amliur 24. & 'Ihlvel Trailers 49. Personal~ • clean, nicely fumlshed, newly ReJ,i~tr:uio.m call: 1-1100-7n-1171 &Horses ' remodeled, utilities Included, close-ln. Prefer Bdult, non­ •A.t;K .AN)'(JNE.IN REAl E.U:~Tl smoker wfreferences - no to own will not! lnSiitu~o> pets. $400 per month/$200 New Mexiro Rul belle deposit· 257-3185. CLOSEOUT SPECIALS NOW IN PROGRESS ••• LARGE ONE BEDROOM 19 Autos for Sale EFFICIENCY $390/mo, bills As always... Piease ~ch~ dour advert~ement for en;ors .. a~~~~ SAVE THOUSANDS! paid, unfurnished. Call (806) lot errors must bet recetve by The Rutdoso News wtth 24 houl)ir 652-3580. 1996 CAPRICE CLASSIC, 36k, loaded, like new, of the first publication date. . . wholesale, $14,500. 1 Time is running out to stake your claim to acres of beautiful counttyside in 2· BEDROOM UN­ 257-9725 Prepaid ads will be cancelled upon request, but withoUt' · · • FURNISHED cabin. Midtown, eaSY. access; $400/rno.+ dap. in eonside.ration of the reduced rate. · · New Mexico's preQlier mountain resort! Imagine living where.skies are blue, 1991 TQYOTA TERCEL, ~ +utilities. Call 257·9128. dr.. FWD, 85,000 miles, ac, Publisher assumes no financial responsibilitY for typographieaf amlfmlcd. Clean, rellable, the air is clean, and snow-capped mountain -peaks are the only skyscrapers. red! $3,500,257-3187. ~~ in advertisements except to publish a cori'ection in the IJ.~t 9 Mobiles for Rent JSSUb, I I 1991 OLDS ClARA; V6, 4- Don't miss this great_ opportunity. There will never be another community dr, 84,000 miles, excellent con· PUBLISHER'S NOTICE -All real estate advertising in )his 3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH dltion, front wheel drive, EASY ACCESS near "Y", on automatic, amlfm/cass, new . is subject to the .Federal Fair ·Housing Act of 1 ~68 as beautiful as The Ranches ofSonterra! Call us today at (800) 784-3676 11ver, water furnished. Natural tires. $4,700 OBO. 258-9141 gas, electricity & cable avail­ after 5pm. . it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation or. able. Nice, $395. Also very based on race, color, religion~ sex, handicap~ or (5115) 336-45417.-- • $,.. nice 2 bedroom available. 378·4498, 378·4467. '96 CHRYSLER TOWN & status, or national origin, or an intention to mak~ may . ' COUNTRY LX mlnl·ven, limitation of discrimination.'" This neWspaper 43,000 miles, one owner, loaded with options, lncl · 3.8 accept any advertising for- real _,state· which, SMALL P.ARK MODEL M.H. engine, driver-side door. law•• Our readers are hereby j~forwed IJl.at., fOr rant. $226/mo + '$200 Good condition. Available for dep.,354·3197. quick sale at NAOA advertised tn this newspaper are available On an wholesale, $16,995. Call To complain of discrimination, Call Dave at 354·2600. at · For the Washington, DC -area 1989 LINCOLN CARTIER at ThoHoll-free telephone. number is Town car, loaded, good con­ dUlon, rtJns excellent, leather seats, $13,225.·257-2487

___• ____ .. ______.... ______.___ -- .... --- ~----~-~--A-~------~------. ' . I~-~- t){

18Q CHEVY 4X4 shortbed, a/o, 3!9..~. -~-!PBed. $4,500 OBO.~

1998 JEI!P YiRANGLEfl; drives and rides great. Aoklno $6,860. Coli Tom 630.0'137. NEW ALL GLASS DINING table. 36"X 60' with 4 chairs, stiU has proteOU\18 covering. 1987 NISSAN- P/U; ASking $500, Large Kenmore automatic with overdrive, rnlciOW&ve, like new, sao. 268-$97 PREE FIREWOODI YOU runs great, pullout starvo, HAUL. Pre~sure washer. new mud and snowtlrae. electric, never used, f120. Must sell/257~2881. QUEEN SIZE MAT· Pressure canner, 1 B qt., $50. TRESSES for sale; $20 258-91'2:7 ' Counov Lodge 1995 T-100; 4WD. TOYOTA (Hwy.oeo. 48""'" ~onh) sae~21. extra cab ptclcup With camper USED CAAPI!T FOR SALE. shell. Excellent condition. Good condition. Call Standard transmission. GE WASHER, KENMORE 378-6395 354-2863. DRYI!R, WhlrlpQol dish· washer, 500 gallon propane tank. 268-3805 TWO STEEL BUILDJNOS, 1991 ISUZU TRUCK 4X4, Engineered Certified. 4Dx58 New 31• tires/aluminum rimS, was . $10,640 now $5,479, CD player, bad Uner etc., ex­ SOUTHWESTERN BELL 40x32 was $6,740 now - cellent condition, $5896 Cellular bag phone $1 oo: (2) $3,548. Must seD, can deliver OBO, 434-4737. shower doo/'8 $50 ea. Sliding 1-800-292-0111 Schlonsky.:s Deli glass· patio door .$100, 1 257-6935 afternoon or eve. -We waat .JOt1: mature, . depemlablu, ~8 1978 FORD BRONCO 351, VENT--FREE PROPANE' glia CARPENTRY, CUSTO~ modiflad eriglna, runs good, heater wilh fan and 'ltlermo­ cualomer-frhmdl,y peraoa to ba BUILDING, addlflons. $1,500 ltrm. "CaN 258-3039 or stat, •used". 28,000 BTU; a put of the Beat Bun& and carports, deck&, metal roofs, 258-5951. 34Arts $22.5, originally $400. Coolest 'l'rHbi' hi to-. custom homes, painting, &. · 257-3868 BenefitB available bldudiDg power washing. N8tlve :.,;~~~··.; Ruidoso builder - 'Please give ro:. •" health lnsurllllDit,lllOIDp8t;iti.)'& us a cal. 336-9116. •: ...... 1995 TOYOTA 4-RUNNER; wages. Apply in penon extra clean, 221000 miles, loaded! Will sacnflce $2,500 Sehl~ DaH,.'l'CBY 'lhlata !("'. ;,.;"''' below book. Call Tom 3812 Sud4erth :'~"~~ ..~,. (•' 630-0137. -:,,d 1'·-..~ oJ' ~~~·.':'il 4x4 '92 BLAZER S.10i 4 . ~.J· -I"' DOOR, ~ & old, new tires, •4.::·~··!..1 & shockS. Wei( maintained & SWIMMING ,••.J ... very clean. Usa 257-5111 t:, .. : -:I (wk) or 336-7834 (hm). Instructors needed. .) .;,... $7,200. ', .. -~' Call/ Kathleen at . MABANC& ANIMAL , ': control, u~ne ... .. 378-4051, ~t. 30!1. removal of na. ,(',! ••• Skunks, etc. Leave meSSE!9e, ·' .... -:: ... 22 Motorcycles 336-$689 will can back after .-:. ... ",. 5:00. 1888 RED, SUZUKI 12BSR ENDURO. Good ®nd. $400. Cal.\257-7539. RUIDOSO BOOKKEEPING Service: Full charge PAINT TO ESCAPE bookkeeping and cuatomiZ&d S81\/ioe at reasonsble rates. 24 RV/[[flvel with Unda·Zinn, owner. 257-4065 BILLIE LONC ~PROFESSIONAL PAINT· lNG•• Prolsct l'(lur sl~l Power washing, decks Beghrning Oils Need sealed. . 26 years experience, Line Cook. I'Dferencea, trce"nsed. Aft wol'k SICN oua:rameedl We need to Cuisine, wolk.. Please call336-9116. 2$8-9071 • Mescalero.

Ucense ltB1095 .: .. ~.. OVer 40 Yeara Experience .• ··, ! .. New Constructton!Addltlons 35 Sporting Goods Remodeling Melal floofs • Decks QUality Work Guaranteed 45 _Aucfions ' : ··~· IMMEDIATE UQUIDATIONI 257-4858 ~Cell 4204793 A' f"'rsonal guns, must .san. Cal Doug 268-5533 or =· ~NGS~--_;. --~~~~~··~.·. ··~~ ... ·:• '.'t ~·:~~~; FULL·TIME/PART·TIME ful kitchen with GOL.F CLUBS· LYNX -~ ··" .· dishwasher,w= lcemaksr, GRAPHITE Iron· and CLERK/SECRETARY . set needed. ExoeiiAnt phone ·-, .... ,,- microwave; two &~ld&oauts, titanium 'woods 1,3,5. dATA CHIEKJ HIRING skills Experience $31 ,600. 258-6606. 336-7929. LI.:C neceaeary. • ' ,-,, j fult.tlma tel~none oallectoi'B.. dealing with a lllgh volume of ·"·'.- - expel'ience required. customers. Computer skills a ,...... InitiO provided. Hourly .Jus. Sand msume and cover tts •bonUs. DOE. Apply at r.~rm,s~.~o.~ 25 Livestock 36 Miscellaneous e Lincoln Tower, suite 646r-----Auldoso DOwns. NM AUCTION NOTICE ·--·· 312,~ 1096 Mechem. EEOE 88346. -1 HORSES BOARDED: Prop­ KIDS BOOKS: COLLEC· ertY backs to national forest, TION of 17eat books lor ele­ CARPENTER AND, Cemen­ SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17 $9D·S150. Call 378-8191 or mentary kldsl Christ Church ter's helper wanted. bwn DISHWASHER SAFE DRIVERS NEEDED, 378-n08 In lhe Downs Thrift Shop. toolS a pfua. wm pa_y $7-$12 needed at The ApplY anYIIme. PIZZa Hut, '2.G ~ 10:00 A.M. SHARP 378-8464. per hour cash. Call 336 120i Mecfiem. ·9116. InnCredible. Apply $~$ CMRIZOZO AUCTION CO. • HWY 380 W. ~ . PATTY"S PEPPERS IS POSTED .,. 26 Farm Equipment 1984 2DR MERCURY; Good in person~ Hwy 48~ SEEKING a reliable cOok & CA~IZOZO, NM ·AUCTION SIGNS running condition, $450. SALilS 336-4312 ~~=~ at310 Sud- Queen size hlde-a·bed sofa, ASSOCIATE STOCK TANKS; 6 FT. good condition, $100. Call 1 Fanlai'Hc Auction of Quality dfameter, $60, 8 ft. diameter, 257-3874 .Ruidoso's oldesr store :.:-;;iii;i~ $100. Pressure washer; new, reqires a polished, outgo. NAnONAL PARAMEDICAL music equipm components, and related. We can't list it all!! eomoanr looking for pro­ Reservation Clerk electric, $120. Fendng bar, ing sales professional to fessions to do Insurance needed. Minimum 3 Here's an Idea as to the magnitude I MANY thousands of dollars $18. 258-9127 BUY AT WHOLESALE; Pre· sell jewelry. gifts and col­ physicals. Must ba proficient paid phone· cards! 107 years experience at worthl NO RESERVES, NO MINIMUMS, Also, there are a few lectibles. This is a full­ In blOOd ~raw. Great part. minutes $17 plus tax. 53 time Income! Call Kevin at great antiques! Col. Swede minutes $8 plus tax. Guaran· Front Desk and/or Hotel _27 Feed & Grain time position for 12 1·BONB4-3926. read, 258-3320. months per year. Reservations. Drug ~ :rPP UNI DRUM SETSI #1- CB700 Minimum of 3 years of HOUSEKEEPERS NEEDED workplace, good bene­ *------·HAY FOR SAL.E: Three Full or Parl·tlme. Above IJIIn.. Pearl lacquer w/Zildgian cymbals; #2- RJvers Cattle eo., 648-2448. The experience .selljng art, imum salary. Applv In person filS. Apply 1n person black lacquer w/Sabian cymbals: jewelry or collectibles. or call lnnabruek Lodge, 601 Human· resource Dept., Apples are Sudderth 257-4071. organ (1960's) model KB-2061 Benefits include Insur­ Inn of · the Mountain Picked! electric guitar w/han:l (1965); 29 Pets & Supplies ance, vacation and paid CIRCLE K NOW HIRING for Gods, Carrizo Canyqn cas1t . Ranch. holidays. Qualified appli­ full-time and part·tlme posl· amp - lifter; "PA·I 00 .- -- Ilona. Apply In person, Rd., Mescalero, NM *ACOUSTIC·' cants please send a confi­ Ruidoso DOWris. 300" polyphoQic guitar -syQtheslzer; SAVe A PEts LIFEIII dential resume to: The ' - Portasound; *KOBG • "DW-IlOOO" wave- By sponaorln~ pet Covered Wagon ·stores at on the Pet In 2526 Sudderth Dr., LINCOLN COUNTY MEDICAL CENTER form synthesizer; *BOLAND • preset thit RuidOSO ewe Ruidoso, NM 88345 polyphonic synthesizer, stereo every month you can has an opening for a full-dme Clinical Office let Ruidoso know sound· mixer; .UT-66 video "ED-300". vou cere at a cost MR BURGER NEEDS EX· Assistant· In one of our phySician offices. amplification system, 400 waus; series you can aflonl. Only PERIENCED PART-TIME power amplifier, "CS-4()0" slereo •UWA - $25. + tax per montfl COOK and experienced Previous physician office experience required. and we'll dOnate part Front Counter peraan. Apply LCMC offers a competitive salary and compre­ Hom expander; *ROLAND - 1 -eset of the proceeds to (1) APT SIZE KITCHEN In person. 1203 Mecham polyphonic synthesizer ksyboard; - "CP-1200" the Humane Society. range, LP, good condition, MICHELENA'S NOW hensive/flexible benefits pr,ogram. If Interested, power conditioner & light module; Ill "PB- Call JILL lodoy. $55. (2) space heaters; LP, HIRING Lead person In • "257·4001" wllhennastat $60, automatic kitchen. Expertenc&· with high contact Rebecca, Human Resources, Box 8000, 328" - 16 bit multi·effeCis processor; fiddle w/bow, $55. Both good. 3364296 volume a pfus. $9/hr. to start, in case; *ADQmONAL albums, CO's, tapes, rriovies, reels, benefits available. aPdy In Ruidoso, NM 88355, (SQ5) 257-8256. EOE - person at 2103 Sudderth. power cords, stands, mikes, more.· · , ~. LABRADOR PUPPIES AKC PERSO,.AL COMPUTER; REGISTERED · Black. Bred 133 mhz, 15" monitor", 16mb ' . speciflcal!;t' for size, •oew ram, 1.6gb. hard drive, .P~RSON NEEDED TO SUNDAY •·OCTOBER t8 O.~P.M• clawed , shots; Mom modem, sound, Wfn95, $455. NURSING ASSISTANTS & CARE for elderly lady, IIV&-In. (vellow), Dad (proven south 258-9127 Posolble, """ pay b!l lhe iexas gun dog • black). hour. Pteua can sae.s;te._ $250.378-7020 or37B-4857. KLEINS THRIFT STORE CI!RTIFII!D NURSING ASSISTANTS SALE: jackets $6; one rack . Immediate Openlags FREE TO GOOD HOME: 9 clothes • only $1; Womens, Nursing AssislaniS needed for a long tenm fildlllty, ~Ve . For. monthS old female mid size kids, mens, dothes; -s.so dog.. Has shots, good narure. Table; Sheets $1. Open Tue. will pay you while you train. Shift diffi::rentiat: 378·9100, leave massage. ·Fri. available. For a career move come ro /\IIro DErAil ll'o,(, 31 Household DetallsDetalls Cenoer - Caring for Generations. (2) WOOD STOVES: A Ver· ·~ylor-Made CtU' Ctue" Contact Therese at 257-91171. mont Castings ·osflant• parlor stove or a large Preserve yoUr eat's value! custom made •Mother Earth Kody: 257-4175. 430·2,005 News• sty'la. $400 each. WINDO\\- TINfiNG THE GREAT WALL OF 257-4345 CHINA Has openings for all .positions. Full and Part-time. ~f:Jr 1~ panron. 2913 SUd- WHIRLPOOL WASHER BEANIE BABIESI OVER BO~NO AND electric d!'Yer for Salit 1oo· tor Sale! Brltanhla, 1100 tor set. 257-5383. 19flll98 Maple, Garcia, 97 1'eddy & CASA BLANCA Is accej:)lfng Princeaa. 258-3320 ·~~-~tjons ,for an positionS: . 'liALL rrid~r p~la WDHng to . Mansfield Furnitufe -liard """ got paf6 'WoO. "Buy, Seil or Trade" MOBILE HOME 12X85, ~ In ~rscn 601 ~cham $2.,978; (3) chesVdrawers: New & Used Fumlture beautiful couchlhlde-a-bOdj KOUSI!!KI!EPDIIS NEJ;DSD & Mattresses chairs; ooffee tabl&; ena I'OR FRIDAYS. Apply 01 .-9:.. . table; mac. Items. 378-4923 ClQwn Point oond61i, ~ 220 257-3109 • 1000 Sudderth Or. leave message. · crown or. ·

. . . ~l;ST !!.YtULABLE CI!DPY ·RumosoNBIIS -- 'oi:r. 14, 1998 9B '•

Lli 8 al Not!C\1... '• . N.Y. TIMES LEGAL Nonc;e 1217 Pursuant to 8·21 ..1 ,.~@q, Edi~ by Will Shortz NMSA 1978 Col)'tp., j.K;"'p;jCJE

V1118Aa~~r~~=·~B= of Aulr;loao wDI ":t hOld -;:: a ACROSS lltiSavage biiC heaftng on November 1 Bushy colt aeOneofthe t,998 313 at Cree 2:00~., VIII! D ~~'Selle or Bart Greata .· In tlia Vlllaaa of R~i:kte9. " tO"Oanclng • Hell step, in .. IS"""'""" 10 consiJNr at"the .msndmantpublo """""" Ol · Queen• pop music tho '"'""'s dlab1ot DI!IP for "" Partner of ways 1he following deacribed prap- group t4lt goas wlih 33Shack ~f l_Biock -2.. School Dlablct ucomcrlb ., SubdiVIBIOn runner• "' Rufdoso, NM 18 Army COTps Of ae Early Andean The abiiiW de~ed -~ are noW zonad R-e Two­ Engineers 38 More rational ·• Pr!lmllv Residential Dtatriat construction a7 Diplomat's skill ·'• , -.nd WID be oonsldered for re- J zortlr,o to R-3, Multiple- · teBurrow ·a Fr. holy woman Fem 1Y Dlatrtot. nln direct J ~ ·ortfar of thtt Planning ..& a Burger King, to ' ·J ZOning commission . . . cam petition McDonald's • VDiage of AUidO~, N,M . NOTICE OF taMid • ISICIOatua R. Fllchiudo PENDENCY-OF ACTION .., WhBre the Joot Planning _A:dmlnlatrator The Slate o1 New Mexico to \ 2th-century gels Jell case ftZAB&OD4 the above-listed Respon­ dale ' 18&11 1T(10)14 dents: • ·. You •ra hereby notified there aolongflsh Crave, with ' Is pendlna In the .DJstrlct a DOWN CoUrt of Lincoln County, New at Rich Little, e.g. 44"YouMuat Mexico' a civil acuon; b~ uorewout t ponnors NOTICE the Cause Numbers II defeater, 1975 LI!PAL LEGAL NDnCE above, In which the State of u Three-sided New Mexico, on behalf of the -ord a Hightail it ,. The Planning and Zon!!lo Com. Llncpln County Narcotics En­ mission of the VIllage of forcimant Unlt. Is Petllloner a Nollmaglned ' RuidOso will h01d a regular and you are Respondent. 4 Roulette bet • meeting on November 3, The general object of the a Inclined ·' 1898 at Vllaga Hall, 313 said . ilcCfan .Is a suit tor ere& Malldow8 Drive. The forfeitUre of a vetdde, andfor eSnicker me811ng Will begin at 2:00 us qurrency, and/or property P.M. The purpose of - the as desarlbed above. 7 Say It's so meeung will b8 to consider Unleasi you enter your ap·. e.New Oeel proj. case I#P\I88..Q47 a Variance . peamnce In said cause on or e Jesus Christ, 27 Slowly, in music .q More tranquil 48 Pesky insect r'BQUest for the follOWing de- befota Nov111mber ao, 1998j with "the" 211 In--person, as· an 43 Horse restraint ...... ,... • ..., '"""""'"' will •• ...... •• No-no: Var. Lot fS. BlOCk f41 Glolf Course · agl!ilnet you In said cause by 10 Virtually . Interview SheriH's Estates SubdiviSIOn difault.. e star, eo Erelong " Ruldoao.- Lincoln Clj)unty, Atl:onle~for Petitioner: 11 One after the 29 Sub detector . e.g. oth8r aoRecess • Invitation letters &t First place l,aw~=-the PLANNING & -:::....'81:\~~ay ZONING. COMMISSION 1000 New York. Rm~- 1lllll temper at Computer . 47 Tennis's N Simile center l!s/Cieatus A. Rlc!han:ts Alamogordo, N(/1 8831 0 13Saharan command Nastasa A Not a sharer Pl.,nlngAdmJn181ra!orT(10)I WitnesS my Hand•. and Seal£.>· , taUsesa aa Weatthy ones 18571 4 of saki COurt lri Catiizota;• ·• · NM this 21st day of Sap­ camcorder 38 TWo-headed tember,_198B. 23 Resort near lady· exhibit,· ALICE BACA BAXTER In tlte cla•l...... _ Dl8trfct Court Clark Copper e.g. By: Elipbeth Lueras Mountain 37 Part of L.S.T. '-•nn1eat 2&7-4001 DeDUlv "1ifa7 4T(9)30(10)27,14.21 ·84 Soprano Berger aa Liturgy 2SMgleonagem ·40 Film producer "-Ll:.C~:.J 118 Plain People Ponti I

"'c . -. )\

"Encourage your children to read a newspaper every day. It will make them stars in the most important game of all­ the game of life:' Every day of the year since I was a child, I've read everything I could for news, information and entertainment. So, if you want to give your children a great start. read to them from the time they'~e toddlers. That's what my parents did for me. ·When your children get older, encourage them to read books, magazines,. and certainly. a newspaper each and every day. Tell them john Eil~vay says it will make them stars iri the most important game of

all- the game of life. -JohriEiway.Quarterback 'RUIDOSO· NEWS It all starts with newspapers. THIS MES5AGk IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY THIS N'EWSPAPER AND THE NEWSPAPER ASSQCIATION OF AMERICN" '

.. .. . l

J...... _...&..a..~~,..._..o&...o.&...... ,.,....,...... __ ... _-...... _ _...... -.- ' ····e•II)IIO.•••··-v···•••• > ' ..,..• ...... ,- ...... • • ' ...... _ '- • • ...... ____•• •• -··---··------'-----·----A-1 --• ~~- -• ~ -• -· •·-- -• •• -•• c - - - ·~ ..•.., " ...... -· ...... ~ ... ·.....--...... ,-... --.---...-~-~,...... ~~ ..... ~~~~~~:qoo:;pt~E;ft'i'f ., . . •

lOB Wtil>Mlsi>AY, Ocr. 14, 1998 1 tl/ ......

Se<:liol! 1.· II is propoaod lu am.end Arlicle 8, Sec'lion t d in Subaeetion h uf tbl.a ISIICIIOII, llllCea levied UJlOll lllllBible pniJIOrt)' ahall be 1111 pnoponloa ro tile Vfdt~e thereof• .ud taJ«ro ahall b6 """' and ualform IIJIOfl aub.locta of ~ion ot tha -..ao claaa. Dlrferent methoda may be provided by law 10 dalennbtt Vldu ol different kin~"' PI'OPert)', but tbll ~ uf value qidbstlRUcJJ UIJE r1110a are •••-d shall not e-d thirty-three 11od onc-third per-

B. The legialahire shall provide- by law tor lhe ..al11arton of l'8tlidallu.d -·rupert)l rnr prup<~rtY 1&X41Ion purpollft In a ommAer thllt llmlm annual r.nc:rea&e~ Ia Va,IWRk>n of re!iidanttal praperty. Thalli:altatloo may be ap­ plied tO elaatl..., of rll!lldenllal l)n)party blxpayel$ baMid 011 OWQer-occ:u­ panc:y, age _. ino,:DIIle. Tbe llmltonloa 1 may blli autbllrlzed alatewide 01' at $eo.:t.ion 1. hIs proposed t.l» &IIUI·Al"ttcle 8 of the constltutlen of New tbe optton of ll loc:QI jurladicUcm 11111d may tnelode condltlana unde.r which Mexico by oddirl.ll a new BOCtioD toif;., tbu Umltatlon Ill applted. Aqy vaiUIUion llmllath:ma allthurlzed WI a lOCIII '"The lealalature shall eumpt ~·1 t110 the ..-openy lncludln(l jurlsdl.cllon opriua sJiall p....,.lde ror apttlylna statvwide or multi-jurladU.. the oo~IIF·Or jollu prapeny of ad aad wife. of eve'ry veteran Uonal praperty tiUl ralea lO the ylllue oltht$ property a~ if the vaJw~tloa o1 tlut llnllt!d tore.• ol the Ualied 8 w11o lula b..,n detenniiJIICI pur- lnerea" llmlhltian did n« tq~ply." . suant to fedorullaw 1<1 have~ II pern11111 total serYico-c:on"""ed dis" atlillty, If the vatenm occuplu lha U hll prllmipal pJaee or raaf.. Sei:tloll 2. The .IUIWndrnen1 pi"'ppaed by thle ~solutl~~r~ slmU be" sub­ de!H!e and bu apeoNUy Bdapted e -~e ra hi~ dlll8blltly'·Wilnll a mitted to the people fur t~r approval ur rejection at the MXt &enural grant tor •l"'dallll•depbld ho11.11lns 8111111 the; veteran by tbe federal electiDtJ OJ" at any 'PCC:ial election prior to thai d.ate whlcll rruw be Cllllecl a,ovemmen1 baaed ou liJa PBrmaaent a~d t · d"lllllbilily. The lealniaturc ror tllal purpose. aholl el100 ptoride this ell&rnptlora from ~for prepeny u"!ned by the wld.ow or wtdower of a veter811 who we lble for the ~mplien Brter Analyala prolnded In this seetlon,if the. widow Cll"" eont;lnuea IQ oCcQpr: tile npec:lally adapted propertY aa hi• principal Plet:f residl!llee. The bur­ Coplltllutional Amendment 1 prperJY ta:rt.M be In po:apm"tloa 10 duo Yaille oltbe proJJe!"ly. Tbe emeJUJment ~ tile Jejpslattu.., to PI"QVide by law for limltadoo SI'Crt:IOA 2. The ame1:1dment propolled by dl~atton •baD be &lib· ot &llllual ln,;:ree"" tn valuatloa oll'f!l!lllien1;UII propeny. Tho Umllllii.OII mined 10 tbe people for tbelr .appi'G9GI or ftiJ tbe nelr to tbat date · may ba ealled :f.. the taxpayer and may bll authoJ'Illed atahlw or ua •iocl!l Clplicnl b.- tor !bet purp..... lh'lef Aaalyli• CONSTJTVTIONAL AMENDMENT 2 A JOINT RESOLUTION PROPOSING AN AMENDMENT TO ARTI·· ConllltuHonal Amendment S propo•e• 10 amell 00_ m.enlll nad Sec:tJoa 1. lt IB propo!led to •mend An6cle lli:SectlcuJ J2 oil he eonatiN- . eUI'Y tba proper! !I as tbe prlnclpel ~of reaidi!OilC. . tlon of New Meldco to read. · veb.lelea Ia

""'There Ia creoled the "judk:lal ...,.darda ~:~:~mmlsfll.on"', C!O.IIllil'tJIIa er two justieetl or Judi!...,, ORe mql.rrate and. two law,.,.. sel....ted aa may be provided by Law ta serve for terma of four yeare.lllld (rive] aix cftl· ua•, IKIRI! of whordance .-.lrh this aec:tiun, any jultlce, Judae -or meaiatrate ol anyeourt may be dillclpllned OJ" remcnred for lll:llltUlmlilconductln olhee, p....,.l&tent failure or laablllty to perfDnn e Ji!d&e'a dutlea, or habJtuat In­ Section 1. SHORT TITI.E. Tbls act mey be elted as. ttle '"151911 CaJiihll temperance, or be may be retired for dlseblllty aerlotllly lnkn"ferina ProJects Gene~al Obllget~n Bond Act~. with the porfonaance of his dullest hat ill, or 1!1 llke]y to beeom-..ot a per­ manent charect8T. The eommlaalon may, after Jnvellfl.plilm It deem• Soetlen 2. PURPOSE. For the piJf"pose or provldles fumb fOJ" capital necotiiLBry. ordw a h.,.rla11 to be held before It eonc:~>n~lna tbe dlsclpUae, eXJ!andltw-IB ea euthorUed In tl>ia .ct. geaeral obllsaHarlllll shall be retired with tbe BDme r\ghta all" if he had re-· rlred parwant to die rattrement prosr-m. ..,UPGJI an erder for reznoval. the Jusliee, Ji~Cbn! 6r mqlstrate sblld tb.t~reby be remuvtlfl f'rom afftce, and IUa IIB1ary ..Ji.tllcemoe from the date of the nrcrer.

All Jlllpcrl Mled with the COJrJ.nllsslan w lho ~~~UtUa, and Pl"fJC;eedlnp bcrore the <:Wtlmlssion or Ita maatera. are eonl'ldeatlal. Tb.e nOns olpao pen and giving of testimonY before the commtalon o:r Its mut~ l• c. ror ecoloRICAUY slp\ncant l11nd acquU.Itlon to tho enere:v, miner­ privileged In a.ny ecdon far defamat1011, except thet the record Rled. by ala- end natural nHIOUn:ea department, six hundred thou&end doUara ~ths commiBBion Ia tb.e ,...preme court continua& prlvdqed bill, upon \II ($600,01.10) for thn purpoae or acquirlft8 unique IIUI ecolegh:ally slanlfl­ tllin... loaaa Ita .CIIIIf'tden~al chsraeter, and a writlna wblclt •• privt­ to rhe cartt ll!nda that afford habitat for r•re• tbl'elrtoned or e:adrulpred apec:let1, lei!Od prior to 111 rtllns with the er~mmlaaton w illl m ..tere doaB not lose as proVIded In the Natural LaJUia Proteetlon Ael~ Ita privlleae by the rutna. T.he COlllml.,.ton abad promtdgatiii"WKifbl~ establl•hbtg proeedure• for heariDgB uacler dlla aect:inn. No jiiii~·OF D. for the Bl Cuml® Real lnternallolllll beriWifll onnter, to the olfjee jud&e whrl Ia a member of the eommlanlon or 1111pn:me I'OUM al:uill p.~~Mk;l­ or cultural effoll"l! one mlllton dollars ($1,000.000) 10 plan,. deatsn, eon­ p.uta In any proceeding tnvolvlns hla nwa diac:lpllne, removal or retll'e­ atruel1111d equip il camiao Real lnterrudlo:aal herllaii:O ccn~er, lneludinll menl. and fllrnl· penn.aaent l!ll:hlbhs, aru:lllary nuppun arrueturca and a treU ayllem, 10 CGlllmemorale" Kl camino Reel do Tierra Adentro IP Socorro county; and Thl• aectloll• Ia aherttat!Ye to, aud eumulative wllh, the removlll of Ju.s­ veblclc far the uc:ea. Judges IUld ma,glarraraa by lmpaedtment aud IIICI original BUperln­ E.. for the atare•a radie communication~ ayden~ uparilde. two mfllloa tendlng eontrol of the auprome court." .. , twa bundred. 1\Vellty-flve thoUILBnd dotlar11 ($2,225.0000 far QOnvcr~~lon ol . 1111 inttlal RanteD! of. !be state-. oNdiO eGmmiiJ:Ilcationl ll)'atem 10 dlgba1 2- The amendment Pl"DJIOSed by tb.la resohnloa 8ha1l be llll:tiined Ia · IBII:rv:l-tooSUPPID"I lew eoren:llllll~ctn" aafely ltlld ~rr~venet1s ancl tbe pcap!e 11>1" tbOHd llddltloaal memben wuuld be • mq:J.m.te tile UMe board of naanee abaU Pllbllsb a notice of tha tlma 1111d place ot the~ rq:lamred voters of"tbl11 11t11te bnve voted UJIOD and approved the judiiO and a nonlawyer itttzen membar. 111110 in a newspeper el pneral clrculatloa In the state and moy al111 pub­ boiXII and propel"\y Iaiii as provided le thla aect:ioiL AnY bond& b-d un­ illh the notice in a racognl:u=d fill.llnclnl journal out1ldu tha atate. There­ der that ect aball be iubed wilhln I>IWitY-alx 111011th• from the d•te of CONWnTUnONALAMENDMENTl quired publications &lulU be made ence each week for two conseeutive mBIIIa equipment sucb elcx:Uoa. .-eel!• prior to ths datu fixed for the aale, the laat publication tbcreot to A .IOINT RESOLUTION PROPOSING TO AMEND THE CONSITI"U­ be at lean ftve days prior 10 lhe elate or the sale. The notice ah.allapecity Tlta ballots 111ed attb.e 19518 11eneral olectlon shall contain subatnn­ TION OF NEW MEXICO TO PROIUBIT SEC0Nl)..TERM COUNTY OF­ the amoue1. d8J101111natfon, maturitY and dcncriptloo or tile bolide to be tlally the followlnglanQuase: FICIALS FROM HOLDING AODlTJONAL COUNTY OFFICES. offered for sale Hid the place, d!lte and h01.1r at whleh the lllilled bids BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF NEW ehall be n=celved. At the tlmn and piece aJ>eoUied Ja lhc notice, tiM- state , A. "The 1!198 Capital Projects General Obllllldlon Bond Act autbor!Ee• MEXICO: boanl of flnanee •ball Open the bids In publle and ahBII award the b1111ds .. the lasuence illld Nle o1 aenlol" eJrg.,., fadliiY lmJJroventent •nd equlp­ to the bid• or bJddera ofterin11 the best tmee lnr the bonds. The Slate tnenl·bcmds. Shall the &Wie of New Mexico be nuthorized 10 Issue jp!n· board ... Sectloo l It I& propoaad to amend Anicle 10, Seeli&u:l2 of the c.ma:fku· or nnence may rejecl any or all blda end reu.dvertlse aud may ere! ob.Upl\oJI bond1 Ia an amount net 10 mtC~~ed alx miUion three hun­ Uoa of New Mn11.ieo to read waive any IITOI(Uinrlly ln a bid. All blda, e~~eept that of tbe state, shall be dred twenty lhouSIIIId dollars ($6,320.0CID) 1<1 make capital expendlturos ~A. In every eounty all elected official& 11111111 Ber¥1! four-year tenna, a~ by a depoa.lf oil-percem of th• !lid price. Tlu! depD51t of fm. cerlllin aen.lor cltlzeu fac!Uiy lmprovemerotll and equipment project& sub)ecf to the pravfston• ot Subseetlen B of thlllltCCtlon. IU1 unsuceesstul bidder mhall be returned llf!On rejecden of the bid. The n.n4 provide far a generaJ propeny tax Imposition end levy ru the pay­ atate board of ftnnnee may also 1cJJ the bos:td1 or allY pen o1 rhe baed• fO ment of prtnelpal of, lnterellt on aDd expena"" l11eurred In conneciiOrl B. In tboae eoumlesthat prior fO l!IW! ha-w- nor fuld fO'I:Ir-yea.r lerm& the atllle treaattrer or •tate Investment otncer. The state treaiiUJ"eT o:r wltb dla""IIIIII&Doe or rhe bondll 1111d tile eallecdon of the tax as permitted for eleet•d offlclall. the aseessor, ahertff and probate Juctae •hell be ntate invenment otncer u authel"lzed to pu.rc:hnM any clthe bond• for by ••....., elected Ia four-yeer tenna and thn treaeurw and cle.-J' alutll be elected to inVI!Itmenl. The bond• &l"e 102111 IDVI!Btmenl• for any per110n or boar4 ,..,__ ApliUit~"; two-Yn&r ,.,...... In tho! rtra1 elec:tlun followiDR the ndoprtnn of tb.ls Amlmd· chataed with the IDVCIIlment o(any public l'llmb and may be aceeptlld •• ~ meat. In •ub1equent electton•. tbe 1Tea8Urar encl. cle:rll ehall he electe4 to aec~~rlty for any depea.if of pteblle money. B. "The 191111 CaDttal Projects Generul Obllsatton Bond Ac:t author:b:eB fou~-rcur tl!rm&. .., the fllsUIIac:e and. sale of public educatiiiJUII CIIJiital Impr-ovement~~ allll ac­ Section 6. EXPENSES. Tbe e.IIJienaea lncurre4 by the ..,..,.. board or n­ qul•ttion~ bonds. Sbsll the alate or New Maldoo be authorized to ISBUe c. To t~rovlde for .ota&gered COUII:IY commission terml, In COWitles nanee 111 or relatlna to the preparation and sale ol the bonds ahall ba paid lfllller&l obllketllm bonds ln aa amowtl 1101 1<1 exceed RW!IIty-two million with three eouaty eommls•lenen, the terms of no more than fWQ cum­ out of tbe proceeds from the lillie or the bonds. and all rebate. PenallY, ia­ ••• alne bundrea forty thousand dollars ($72,940.000) 1<1 meke capitilll!'qletl­ mt..,IDIH!ra shall e>p~enh .eltd illcqulsi­ commlaaionera, rhe term. of ao more than three cum.nUaaionoarl lhaU ex­ proo;:eed1 uederthe lnrel"lllll RI!Yeaue Code of 1981!, aa emended, shall be tlona and provide for a general propertY Ulx ~~ and lavy for the . pire in IIJe umo year. paid from earnlmra on bond pmc:eeds or orber monel' er the atate, legally pn,-ment of principal ot,laten~~~t on and e:qoenaea lncufi'i!llln eor~nec:tioJI available therefor. wllb the luunnce of the boad• end tb.a coiJectlon of the tax aa permlned D All c;:ounty offtcers. after hllvina" aarve.d two conaeeutlve four-:reaT by laW1 • Ierma. llha1l be melialble 10 hold any Cpublicl eounty office lot" two yea.n Section 7. TAX LEVY. Te provide for lbe peyment of the prinelJ)al ol '"'-- Apinst __ -; 'thereafter.• and interest on lfte bon !Ia U;sued and 11<1ld purauam to the provlalon. ul •h• 15198 capital Project& General Obl\aBI:IoD 8011d Act, there Bhal.l be and· :seet\on 2. The amendment propoaed by thia resolution sb.IIU be Bllb­ lbere Ia hereby impOSed and levied darinll .,.ell year In which IIRY of tho llllned to the people for,thelt apptvval or rejection at the next geaera.l bondal ere otm;talldlng an ad valorem lax on all ptoJ!erty In the lUIIe !IUb­ electrion or 11 any special o:-lecnon prier 10 tbat date wbic:h maY hoi ealh:d ject to propeny tautlon for Illata purpoaea BllfflctaaiiO pay the inhlreBI forlhalpu...... ,... aa II becomn due on tile benda. tnsm:her witb an 84totlnt 8l.lff\cicnt1o provide 11 alnkin' fllnd to pay the principal of tbe boads as It becotnea Brtef Analysts due and. If pennitted by Jaw, ad velorem taxea mer be coJJccred to pay Conlltltutio""J Amendment .J pn>pOIJEIOI to omand Article 10, Sec::tlon 2 adminlstrarlvo COlts lneldent 10 tbe coUcctlon ot •ueh taxea. Tba 11111!1 of the elmlltltullon of New Mo:-xlc:o to change the curreQt nntrtctlon thet ahall be imPOSed. lev:led. lWieaaed and colleerad at the tlmea nll&ed, levied, year term• rrom llolding ally publle office for two y.,.ra thereaner. The aa,...ed and coUecred. It is the d111y of alllll:rt. officialS and .,uthoritles 10 amendment WOUld make the prohlbitiOII applicable only talhe lloldiJIR ol cause theae taxN to be lmposed,lq¥\ed, ..sessed aad eoHec:ted. "8ny-countyoffla: within two years. ·Sectlon8. TREASUR.BR- DUTIES. TI1a atare treaaurer ahaD keep U,p­ CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT 4 ..rnte aocounta ot all IDODB)' eolleeted purswlllt to the taXes !mp11111ad Md levied pursuant 1<1 the prevl.alona of the 1998 Cnpttnl Projeetll Ganeral A .!OINT RESOLUTION PROPOSING AN" AMENDMENT TO TH£ Oblfptlon Bond Ael and shad ....., thia maney only for the parposea ol CONSTITUTION OF NEW MEXICO TO PROHI91T THE EXPENDI­ payinR the principal of and lnterest on tho bonds u they become due and TURE OR KNt.:UM9RANCE OF RETIREM8NT TRUST FUNDS, CR£.. ..,,. Clqlea...,. relellnR thereto. ATED FOR PUBLIC EMPLOYEES AND EMPLOYEES OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS. COUEGES AND UNIVERSITIES, FOR ANY PURPOSE EX­ Section 9. IRR&:PEALABLE CONTRACT • AUTHORITY FOR IS­ CEPT FOR THE SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE BENEFIT OF THE TRUS1' SUANCE. Any oWJIOr of bond• ill1ued pur~n~ant to the provlalona er the BENEFICIARIES; PROVIDING FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE 195111 CaPital Projecta General Obliaatlon Bond Aet may. etlber .at Jaw w TRUST F_UNDS; AFFIRMING CERTAIN PROPmi:TY RIGHTS. In equltyl by suit, ac:tlon w ma:ndnmua, enforce a:nd compel the perfor­ m.nee a the dulles required by that act of an~ offlcer IQ' entl'y mtm­ BE IT RF-SOI.VED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF NEw ~one.l in rlult eer. The proovlsiona of the 1!198 Cepltal Projects General MEXICD- Obllgatkm Bond Act con•llnate lllliiTIIl>elilable eontract with the ownera of any of the bonds ia1111ed pu....,.,t to that -' for IIIII faithful perfor­ .S..Cik>n l. lt ;• pr-oposed ro ame11d Aniele 20 of the con~Utullon of mance of wb.lch tb.e ruu faith and credh ol the atate of New MIIIIIC!O ere New Mexice by addtng • new Sec:tlon 22 to read: hereby pladpd: Without ref'erenco.t ta any other act or the Jl.lalalaruru of ~A All fl.,nda. asU!a._proceeds. JeeDme, contriburll>lhl, g1lte ...d par­ the srare, the 111911"CIIpltal Pro.ieets General Obligation Bond Act lR lUll menta from any 11<111rce whatsoever paid Into or held by a public: emplo)'­ authnrity for the 1111111111oe and lillie of tbe bomb! autborlzed In thlll net.· eea rat11"1m!ont system or an educational retlntntent .,.nem .,.,..ted by 1111d ~~~~~:It bonds shaJI )Qive aH tllo qualltlea of inVOitment aaeurflii!B under tile !IIWB of thla nate shall be held by each reapoctlve IYIIIIm In a tnm the Unlfenn Omunerciol Codeol'the atate,llllall not he Invalid ror BRl' ir­ fund 10 be admlnifltered and lnve1ted by eaeh respeetlve ayatem for lhe resuJarlty or deiOIII Je tbe J71'0C11Cd;lnae for llllf lallllllce lllld nle of tile ...,., a'Dd eltc:IUiive baonflt or the member&, retirilea nad ether bomendn­ bonda and ahall he tncontlllltable Ia tlla h110da of bane fide purchaser• or rias of that aystem. ExpondJturq rrom a ayerem trust fllnd ahell cnaty be boldera thereof for Vlllue. All banda la•ued IIJ:Ider tha ps:ovlalona at the mad• for the benefll of the tru.t benatJcllmtu aad foJ' expen- of ed­ 1998 Capital Project:& General Obllaatlon Bond Aet, end tha Interest mlnllterina tbe aynem. A entem truat fund aball never be u1ed, dt­ lller.ot~, en eumpt £'rom ..XIItiorl by tile atm and any 111bdiYI•inn or n~rted, ~. ualglled, pi~ tnve1ted, 111lCUmbered 1111' QlmJDr\ahld ptdtlle bodJ "dumtof, . for .,.Y other P\II"PINie. Ttl tlul extent conal-.al with tlul prOvlalane of thla IBIIIIon, each tnaal l'llnd •hell be lrln~•te4 end u.e ayae.ma el.lminll· 8ecrJ011 10. PRo.ISCTI. Tn. PI'OOIIdl from fila Ale nr bond• J.. ued rerad aa pi'IWlded by lllw. uadlr the J!!rOVlltcm• or tbe ltlll CIPiud ~~~~· OlftOQI Obllgatl!lll Bond Act 1 ...11 ba dlllrlb"uttd a1 loll01fl IGro rill .plh'fDIII Md Ia tha a. Tbe Nfli'Mien\ W.l'd .r die IHiblflf CIIIIJI.,._ rlldnment aratam IIIUJUftll apeelflllll • • · · Md the board or lila educational rellHIM!IIt qatam ahlll be lhl 11'1181- ...... ·• lor dtalr nQ!B~Iva qMema and !UV. the IIDle and a~~e~Z..h•• llduolnr A, tor HRior clliHD f'llcllltr lniprev•menu...ad *'4UIIItlona, to lhe duty Uld I'UpOIIalblllty tor admlnlltntloaand lnv•Hil•nt ol die trult &tiM APJ!OY Ob 811111: . '·•' , • ' • l'ulld hald by lba:lr retpeotlve •Yitema. "'" '•· . (1) GDe hlllldred tbou~a~~d dcllll'll dltoo,:ti to purolwle meat• 0411111• C. A rellrement beard alulll lulva tlle mil end exolllliva .,_... 8ftd b)' rbeolty eurhortry 10' adopt IICw.n.l IQumplfonl fer fie ayat.lft baNd upon the =~ M~kh' cenm.o~N ,~~-;:1/' B11mall.~ recoiiUMndatlon• made. ·by an !Adependept actu11ry with ..-hom it cen­ (2) nven hundntd fthy theuUJJd dnllua $7&0;1100) to p11foha,. VIIIJ.. tral:f&. The IQ.Imture IIJeJIIIIGt eoac=t uv lew tlld liic:Na- die beeftal O(u for the aenlor ceatera ap•hlted by tb.,>CIIIfl nt' Alb!IQUII,.ua·td· )JIIId by the S)'atem ill 11n7 manner or cbanae• Ute fundlna tennille tor • BlftiAiillo couliltY; ~-"''"~··•• •.1 ' , • re!lrament plan unln1 aaequ.re fuadlna ia pnwldad. (Done htmdred HW,~ntv-ft\rl tllnuland dllllarlCOob~W- ' D. UPon me.lq the mlnltiwm HrVtoe requlremnta or An applicdlle {4) fotlneen tbOUAIId dsUari M.OOI) CO;p~nra'BIII4~1Derrl" ~ plan crnted by law for amployHII ot tba ~tate or IIIII' or Its far tlw -aor 01111ta" oparated by ~liudDio ~-· • ' ~ political 111bdlvlslena or Wtltllliooa. • IDinl!ber of a pla11 aluill acquire a (.!1) r.ort)' thotiNind dollar• ctol0.'000} to ~ ..WWaJe tm:. rw V'tllted property rlahl•ldt dllll PJUCaU liTOtMtloml Undi!l' the APPIK:abfe '""~ Pue1llo aenler ce:nhlr In Qem.OIIo ~ M·· ' 1• t. .,..., I provl8JDna of lhl!l ~ew Mexico and Un11ed Statu conetiNtilma. 01: al~~ty-Nne thoaealld dollarl to P\11'81111Le ltt.aldolaa:.r;:• - lata eqidslmellllorADIOr"Gelltwl c.tron~!lll rr.l I!O< • E. Nochfna in thla Retlon •hall be conmued to Pl"Ohlbit modlfleaitons (7) ilild"y-ftva tllounnd dollarn {= ,000) 10 Pllnitulallmala eq lllelll hi retirement plana that eahance or pf"ftnrv.. the aatu81'Jal -.mdneu or for-lcrCIIDII!ralnella"eaCOt.lllt)j .....1'"·'·' ,,. • -~l •n altected trull fund or lndivklael reclremem pllm.." (8) 0111 IJIIDdred tllouund dOllars ($tiiO,OOIN11tGJ~Uiddlel Olr -'Gr o:entera Ia Cbave• Clllllitr. · .• ,., .~···bn~~ ~· 1 SellllOJI .l. The .mendlaent propo8Cd bv U.tll reaafuUoD nftaU be 1111bo u<'l aeveaty-tiV* thousand dollara ($75,ooo).(o1Umpronmallbli to tbe mltted to the people for lbtd:r approv.J or rejelllfoa at tbe lnDit 11011ert!J Lelle Artluu' •ankll' oenter "in Chavq ca•:v-1....~- .o:. S.ctten 14. SEVERABILITY. If any PVI or Ullltcetlon of the 19911 electkm or at any •peclal eleedOD pJinr to that date whlolt may NIIIJJed (10} ~-n tbou11111d dnllara ($27,1ivu.a'fe pllnhlee a vel:tlcle for capital Projlleh Oenlll"al Obllaedon Baluf Aclla. hela·tuvalirt. tlln remain- • for that parpoM. lhe.Aconul PUeblo 1enlor centOt' in Clbola I:OIIftli)'ll ·· ., .. ,.,.,.... , der or IU apPik;ltlan tootb:ei- illlllltkma or DersOII.B 11NW not bo affecled. Brief A1181ylls m~\l~or~::.~~o::~.=-:~e~~IO"·P'R"'-•.,~IaL_~.. ,!r Sectl~m 2S. ~DC\". k ill a-..ary f'er the pid;>lle ·pcac... hfvalth CoalltUutiOnal" Amendment 4 propesee 10 elllead Anicl• 20 or the eon­ (12) one hurulred fortl1.eb; lbolllalld ~ ro parch- ove- aDd"~ tbartl:lll ac:t take ellect ltnmedlately. atftu:ttoa ~ New Mmdco by addioe a new Seedall Z2 recJIIIrinll tbar All oa­ blcl• far lhe (JI"IIZIIII1811for cltleo• program Ill, r : "~' HU or a Pllblle emplo,....,. rtlllrement •vlltelll or en ~lonal .-eli,... (13) 1hiiY-flvt1 theu.ad dolllll"l (1115,0110) to npMJd•lhtl It . 81 dill" 1883 4T (10}9,14,21,28 '·:' .. ,:~· ''· •I• ~ .. '· I

·-· ...... ~ .. ·-· .. - --· -· .,_ . ,... "" ...... _.._...... , .. -,.. '"' 118

eabtdlo de

'~ ..

.. . ' -· .... " '.


Seccl6u II. ELECCION.-Los ~ emltldDA de c:onl'onnir'oyeeiDII de BJeMS de C&pit.-1 de J99B hula QUI' los VDilOilll!:ll enpadron9dos de estc estado baylln votado f. IIJ)I'IObdo 1011 bone>£ y el Lmpuealo sobl'l! la propledad segdn dlapnne uta seec: 611. Tado~ los bcmot. eml­ llllna bajo e111 ley, aer4D emltl!k>s dentnl de \lelnle y n1a mi:M!S a partir de .. rechll de dlclla l:leceldn. lAs bolllhls de Ia el...:eldn p!lll!llll de 19911 cantendnln suatand•lllmenre ef siiJidenhl teliedad y plilnl pqpr el principal, I~~>~ In,_..., y loa pMDa llli!I,IITidDI; en telacf6a t'On Ia l!lllilll6n de los bonDS y Ia ..eeooudltcl...., dellm.puesto &eldlllo permlte Ia ·"'"-''-- A~----- E11 Contra· ·: B. •t.. ley de Bonos de Oblipcl6n Ge11end para Proyectos de llienes de Capital de 1998 aui1 mlll6nea novechmtoa cuarenta mtl d61aru J$12,940,000) Plll"l CDSteiiT proyecrot~ de blena de capital p.ora bacer las mejor111 y realizar adquialckln.,. "" beDBfido de Ia educacl6n ptlbliCII e im· poner 1111 Jmpue5"1o general onbre Ia pt"OJ>ledad para pa,gar el prlncapal, loo in· tera;:;J..I"a p1111 Lncurrldoe en n:!Ki611 am Ll eotlal6n de los bollOo ~ Ia re- .,.... dellmpueSID oqdn lo permlll! Ja ley? A favor En ConlN "; c. 'La ley de 8111101 de Obllpel6n Gl!llenll p.ora l'nlyec:toa de Biel'llll do CapiTal de 19518 allluriza Ia emisiiiQ y venta de bonn p.ol"ll 1.11 .odqlllalcJI'IJI de tlerraa. )Pebenl el utado de Nuno Mo!ldoo autoriur qlll! Ill! ~nJ~Itan bano1 de oblillcl6n p~~eral en un.a BUIDI qua no pged.g seiHieatot vetnle rnn d611ore­ CS!Uli.OOOJ para eootur L• aclqabiel6a d1. tlerna dnl~a• y cl1 •lanttlca4o ecalotrtco quo tlfl"ecen llltblrat para espaelu n~ra1, 1mmnaud.. o en peliii'IIJI cl&ipoaet" qao u lmPDfiP Ull !mpu1Uto lfGIIIII"IIL aabnr Ill Pf1:1pklded par. p•r,• • Pf'lnoi!NII, IDI IIIIDnllll y 1.. IIIIGIIIIGUrrid~l 1m rt1lac\da can .. omiel6n 1 lu beucl• ~ Ia l"lle.udaeldn dellmpulllfD 1qtln Je Plmlllola Jey1 A tavm- Kn~:~~~~tre •: D. "LL Lay do Donee do Obllllckln Gtmonl pera l'nlyvctns da Dle11111 de Clplt1f de 1991 autorlu quo 11 emLYn y 10 Yenlilln bo- Pflf& ol ~11111'11 do •, herenctetntomalltclllll defCarnlnn Real. )DebaR tl eet.clo de NuevD M.. lco autDI'iztr que If """till! "-de alll:lpold!l pneral en 11111 euma qi!D no n­ eed• Ull mlll6n trolnt. mO d61al"llll ($1,0.10,DQOJ PI!:& crmear Jalp.r.. pll'll ol ~ro·~ Clllltl"O do bm"onc:Ja lnternt~clonal del CllmiiiD Roallnelulve eiQ!IIIIclllll'l• y ua ailltellll de I'Cifedail ODII II fin do conTDmiOI'U" II CellliiiD do Roe! do tierra ael'lllr~ 1d11ntro en llloonQdo dl a-rro y dii)KIIIer que lllllmpanp un hapueno ••• 111111 mbl"ll 11 pnlplldld pan pllflll" el prtnctp&l. tntlll'llllel r pNOI lncii"IT!dOI ,, en nrlacl6n I!Dil Ia lmlilli6n dD \011 boiiDI ~ Ia I"IICIIUiillcl6n da lrnpue.to le:adn Ia pannlte Ia lqt A ravor="-~~ Ita contra - ___,.

~- E. 'Lilley de Baaoe de Obliii""GIAII ca>rrw•lr,r• Pn>y.actot de Bieftu de ..... Capital dll 111911 llltDrlu que n emltln bnno1 1 nblilacl6!1. general en UOI 5111111 que 110 ex.:udn dot mUklna dua clentoa olllel'lfa mil ciMvcl ($2,ZIIO;OOO) para -.r II convarekln del .1lateme de eomunkllcionea radlalea del e.rado 1 an 1ioteme de 11rvlci1N1 dltrllllea p&ra mejora~ Lleflcecll y la ~eprldad de lao ~- .. asen~e~ de! arden pdbllee 1 lntereonect.ar dichoa III'Yk:lo• plll"a re•pnnd.- • erneraeacllll!l e.usallllll por deMatret neturllu y dillponer que se lmponp UD bnpuealll aenen~l !Kibre Ia propledad er-n~ palfar el princ:ipel. los llltel"l!llell ~ 1J118IDI l!l.~rrldoa en rolac:l6n con Ia en~lai6JI de IDB bon1111 y le recaudacl6n del lrnpueato •e!Pin lo perrnlte Ia lcy1. -~~- A ~avor J1 en contra - •

Cada propucsll que eonna en.esta seed6n im:luye una obra eiJieetft~:~~ u ob· jcto qut1 ae n.. andu-' cnn el pn~4ucto de lol bonet. Si Clwllqula"ll de '-• pl'O'poo U1!51l' 110 eo aprobada por un• mayor&l dol los wtllntu en Ia• elecc!IXIII!8 ...,.._ eralcs del eltado en 1991, Ia emlsl6n de bon.,.. para las obrasuobjetnapeclfl· cado ~n Ia j)l"UJJLH!sta IH!l'M l!>ll!luhlos y liD fDI'IIHir6n pane de Ia jey de bml~dt abllpci6D general par11 priiJICctO!I de bienes de capital de 1991 Sl loa votanteo no apl"llaban olfpli\D de laa pi'GpUDt!P en las clecciDDCII generale.o de 1991, dl­ ebo rechazo DD tetuiNitl!t.IJoHI efecto CD las abras u objetos eap~l.flcad"" ni., lu dllpoa\c!Dill!ll de Ia ley de - de llbllpei6n general para proyec:t"" de bi· ::::: .. ~01<•1 '' "" ret.l"~'"" ~ '" --••• ~"""'"' ~ lo ••~· ' La oecretlril de eat..,.. en! Ia de boMS de obllsaci6n II""· '· eral pata pnlyootoo de ble 1 de aaplla rropu-al puablo 1111111 eJeec:IDn• genenll!tl " .. de 1998, y dh:ha prclpuo:•ta el"ll pane de laproclamaei6n de lal elec:c:loiii!S "', general.,. emltlda por c:.da 111111 de lol eacrtbanos de condadD. t.n IIIICrer.ria d~ •.,• eatado plibUcarlla ~~~~ de bon1111 de llbliaacl6Jt getleral par. proyectol de bl· enes de Cll)lital de 19118 en 111 totalldad en pbr lo taanOs lin ~rl6dtco 1111 cada c:ondado del eslado 11 e& que Ull peritidlco se pllbllc.a en 1111 rnlllmoa, UIUI ""' por BeaU~Ra, durarete <:uafm II!IJNIIIal ·a bu•OTI'tll •llu-. ciiii!PB o perscmas no Hr6n .lfeetadoa...... Scce~n IS. EMER~IA.-Para Ia Pl:1. sallld y al!flllrldlld dl!l pUblk:o ea nece~arlo que eaUI lay entre en vill

J ...... , ...,.~"''"'"'"L'"'"••••&·•·•~•·~~••••·""·"""""'"' • ----• •------·------=------.-• • ...... --- 12B W1lDNESDAY, OCT. 14, 1998 Rmooso NJWV&.

Lt)ST.WEEK'S BESULTS 1. Ruidoso 53, Santa Teresa 28 6. ~n~as St. 16, Colqrado 9 11. San Francisco 31, New Orleans 0 2. Capitan 50, Santa Teresa JV 6 7. Te~CijS A&M 28, Ne~r~ka 21 . 12. Jacksonville 28, Miami 21 3. Clovis 48, Lovington 8 8. Ten~ssee. 22, Georgia 3 13. Tennessee 12, Baltimore 8 4. Santa Rosa 38, Escalante 0 9. 22, UNM 19 14. UTE~..... Denver 21, Seattle 16 5. Cloudcroft 55, Mescalero 0 10. UCLA 52, Arizona 28 15. New England 40, Kansas City 10 . ' '98 Capitan Tigers ·'98 R.._idoso Warrior Footbal·l Schedule Football Schedule Date oeeonent Site Time W/L Date Date OEEonent Site Time W/L Aug. 28 Hatch Capitan 7:30pm •o Sept. 4 Aug. 28 Capital Santa Fe 7:3Qpm •a Sept. 4 Fort Sumner Fort Sumner 7:30 pm Sept. 4 Rio Grande Albuquerque 7:30 pm / o• Sept. 11 a• Sept. 11 Eunice Sept:. 11 Sooorro Ruidoso 7:30pm Eunice 7:30pm o• Sept. 18 •o Sept. 18 Cloudcroft Cloudcroft 7:30pm •o Sept. 18 Tularosa Ruidoso 7:30pm •o Sept. 25 Floyd Carrizozh~ 7:00pm Sept. 26 ·Academy Albuquerque 1:00 pm •o/ Sept. 24 Artesia JV Capitan 7:00pm •~o o• ~ Oct. 3 Ramah Ramah \ 1:00pm Oct. 2 ·Hobbs Ruidoso~ ... 7:30pm Oct. 2 Dexter 7:00pm o• •o Capitan o• ·7:30pm Oct. 9 Clovis Christian Carrizozo 7:00pm Oct.-·9 St. Teresa St. Teresa •o Oct. 10 Santa Teresa JV Capitan 7:30pm •o •a Oct.·J-6 Open 16 Oct. 17 Mountainair Mountainair '7:00pm Oct. Loving Loving 1:00pm DO oa Oc~. 23 Artesia Artesia 7:30p.m 00 Oct. 23 Jal Capitan 7:00pm DJZJ Oct. 24 Pine Hill Carrizozo 7;00 pm DO Oct. 30 Portales Ruidoso 7:30pm 00 Oct. 30 Hagerman Hagerman 7:00pm DO Nov. 6 Lovington· Ruidoso 7:30pm DO

.. \\~. ~ '88 Mescale-ro Chiefs BURGER Hwy 70 West, Ruidoso Football Schedul·e ZIA. NATURAL ~~E:- GAS COMPANY ,~,~ KING 378-8194 Date O(!(!Onent Site Time W/L ._..., - Sept. 3 Hat~dE CAN.fUilt~ED.. 4:00pm DO · 707 Short Drive • Ruidoso Downs, NM • 378-4277 ·~· . --··· Sept." 12 Hot Springs JV \ Hot Springs 1. Capitan at Loving 10:00 am o•.. 2. Carrizozo at Mountainair Sept. 19 Capitan JV Capitan 2:00pm o• Sept. 25 Reserve Yar. Reserve 2:00pm D•· . - ~ • l / • a 'l"\ ""S~ ,I' • ._,, • , ,...... ,, ~ . "'• Fanr.lly Frsion Oct. 2 Animas .'~ 'Mescalero · 7:30pm o•,IJ !! i 1 _.., '.,... Center Oct. 9 Cloudcroft Mescalero 7:00pm o• Oct. 15 Alamo Soph. Al·amo 6:00pm DO· 159 Mescalero Trail • 257-5029 \ 398 Sudderth Dr. • 257-4006 3. Kirtland. Central at Silver \. 4. Valley at Farmington .

Sierra Blanca Motors, Inc. 300 Hwy 70 W • Ruidoso Sudderth Dr. at the "Y" 257-4081~ 257-7827 5. Albuquerque Academy at Socorro \) 6. Dartmouth at Ya•e

f\. LINCOLN COUNTY Hav .an "Electrifying" Season! L'- MEDICAL CENTER OTERO. COUNTY ELECTRIC Ruidoso • Carrizozo • Corona r------~--~------, COOPERATIVE, INC. Small-town Hospital... Big-city Care Win $25.00 Serving Alto - Capitan - Mescalero _Carrizozo - Hondo 257-7381 Try to predict the winners of the 15 games_'listed on these football pages! 336-4550 7. Virginia at Georgia Tech Write down the teams you think will win below and pick the winner and 8. Te~as Tech at Colorado the score of the tiebreaker. •Each week the winner will be notified to pick up the prize money at The Ruidoso News office. ••Entries must be in The Ruidoso News office by 5:00p.m. on Friday. Only those entries clipped from The Ruidoso News will be accepted. One Entry Per Person. Inn ..t!. M+\lntAin ~

,.. , A_, 11 Lo li< l• J .. II- .,-t ••• ,. ~f\!:...... t"""% •• '404"':~· ""~l~'.._. •. :-'~·~'""''""'"'""'··!... ~ ... -...... ~-...... ,...... ,. ~ """-"""''...... )':""".., tP:-CIIOIOW-> --·-· "'""P¥"""44 .-..,"""""'; P:,..P """"zrwt~.-~""'" W~i IIIIIUI---""cp ___ 4_ill""'!i .-•-- · .. #,PO DM"" ¥ ;a a woe a 4 a- a s a a£ au r u 2!iiJM .... '+··-· I. ~

. 'r;- ...... · ·.


I •. . ·, ...... ·r For Tllunday, Oct. IS­ Wednesday, Oct. 21, ltta


•' .• • ':••······························· .. ···, ...... • 1"V. l·llfii··ILifii·I'I'S . • .. ~ . ·' ...• ,Optimistic ·'Emma's­

. Wish' -airs ..0 • ·Sunday

... ' ·« Page 14 \ • . . . ' ~ . ..·...... • .. I . ·~... · . . ·New clan added to· 'Bold and .. :. ~ l • ' ,>~ • I l 'I the ... Beautiful' • .• . Page 12 . .• . .• PBS tells story of Africans in America

Actress Angela Bassett

I ("I low Stella Got ller 'I Groove Back") lends her voice to the engrossing docurncntary rniniscrics 'r "Africans in· An1erica ... <.1ir· ing Monday-Tilursctay on P£35. The series spans .• 0 the years from the 1G07 . . Jamestown colony to the J • .• post-Civil War era . . • .• Pa g e-~-1-3------...

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2 • 7V In Ruidoso • OCI. I 4, I 998 •a®~!.~l&•---+~_.MBL¥~.S~~~.. ~(44~P~«Q~~~.-.o~.;~;~--·-·-- .. •-·-~~~.•------·-----·--·~·~--~---- •


' . BY DlitNNE STALLINGS crate has enough room for the pet to RUIDOSO NBWS STAFF WR/T£11 stand comfortably and to turn around inside. Trim the pets nails to prevent them from being caught in the crate These pets are currently up for adoption at Uncoln County Humane Society Don't forget the 81Ul\ljll Blceslng door or ventilation holes. of the Animals SJMinsorlld by the Never ta\!e 8 pet with you if it . ' Call257-9841 Humane Socieey of Lincoln County. will have to remain ;,; the car. A tradition tied to the feast of St. -, Francis of Assisi, the blessing is ~ Thmperatures slcyrocket within min­ for 10 a.m. to noon Oct. 17 at School utes in a car, even with windows low­ House Park near the Ruidoso Senior ered for cireulation. Center off Sudderth Drive. 2. The best way tel give pets in a Father David Berg of Santa Rita crate water is to freeze it in a cup that Catholic Church in Carrizozo will hooks onto the door of the crate. give the blessing. Everyonll is invited They'll hBve n~ moisture with­ regardless of denomination. Free out water splashing all over the crate. Polaroid photographs will be taken of Freezing water in a bowl also worka animals with Santa Claus, or yOu can for car trips, the authors aaid. bring yOU own camera. S. Bring along your pete favorite • Awards will be banded out. All toys and bedding in the crate, which ~of pets are welcome, but be sure should be labeled with the word "Live to keep them on a Ieasli or under Animal" and ''This End Up," plus restraint. · your addrees and phone number, those of your destination and an More traveling hints emergency contact person. 4. Book j;he moat direct flight, if Aa promised, rn finish the laat traveling by plane. The fewer trans­ five of 10 traveling hints oontained in fers for yOUr pet, the less chance of "Pete Weloome, a Guide to Hotels, beoomingaeparated. H the weather is Inn and Resorts." bot or cold, a shorter trip also is bet- The new book, written by ter for .a pet waiting in the cargo hole Kathleen and Robert Fish, is pub- of a plane. Check with the airlines lished by Bon Vivant Preas and sells about the type of crate they will for $19.95. aroept. Marty Is an adorable Au~la shepherd mix male Jiggs Is a tiger strip and white adult male cat with I covered the first live traveling 5. Don't feed your pet before who's about 9 months old and easy to· please. He's short hair. He likes to lounge In the sunbeams and · tips laat week and here are the other traveling. It will reduce the chance of good natured, atrait of the breed. and would catch ·explore back corners of closets. He'd make a good live: an w:cident in the crate or in your car. on quiddy to tralninJl. Aussies like to keep busy. companion for someone with limited space· except 1. The whole experience is easier The authors also remind owners that in their heart. 'if your pet has been trained to accept pets need rest stops just as their own­ being in ·a crate. It's handy for plane era do, to stretch their legs and • Sponsored by: and car travel, or if a pet is left; in a relieve themselves. Hyourpetdoesn't • motel toom. The crate eliminates the ride in the car much, start taking him possibility of a pet escaping if a maid for ahort·rides a few weeka ahead of a 'Ruidoso. News enters the room. . trip, lengthening the time in the car The authors wrote to be sure the as the date for the trip gete closer.

1V in Ruidoso • ocr. 14. 1998 • J r r t r ,r


4 • 7V in Ruidoso • Ocr. I 4. I 998 ...... ---- ...... , ..- .. --.... :------·~------~------.... --~- '




7am 0:30am 11am 12am


5:30am 3am; 2pm 12am; 8:30pm 11:30pm sam 6am Spm 11:30pm 10:30am 11am The Newton Bam 12pm 8:30am 12:30pm 11pm Bam; 5pm 10am 3am Bam Bam - 7:30am 4:30pm 4am; 2:30am; 1oam 10am 2:30pm 3:30am 7pm 4:30pm 10am 81lfll: 8:30pm • 117 VISION DRIVE • 257-5121

• 1V In Ruidoso • Ocr. 14. 1998 • 5 ~ ., ., ,...... '~.: ..

' 'I I ~ f

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6 • 'IV inRuidoso • Oct. 14. 1998 EJ£1 I


couldn't throw .It away! URBAN LEGEND No, you had to labelltl Well, I thought Broken *12:45 *3:00 5:00 7:00 *9:05 Tape was the name of the movie!" WHAT DREAMS MAY COME tPG-13) *12: 15 *2:30 4:30 6:40 *9:00

In u Femme Nllri!B, airing Saturday on USA Network, Nlklta (Pete Wll­ ANTZ(PG) aon) 11 caught In a dangerou• trap that could mean thl end at Section one. *12:30 *2:45 4:45 7:15 *9: 15 TRIVIA TRIVIA- Ashton Kotdler, co-star of 71rat 70s During "The TroUey Song'' in Mett · Show, grew up on a fami in IQWa and Me in St. Louis, an extra calls 'tlut, 0111;0 worked as a ceml-dust sweeper "Hi, Judy!» to star JJic1y Garland. ata~MillsplanL Her cbaracler's name is llsther. L-----"~====..:1 • .,

1V In Ruidoso • ocr. 14. 1998 • 7 ·~ ...... ,.. ' ' ' . ' .• • '~·· .. . .•• -: • J'...... ' ' ' • -

Home lips . WEDNESDAY Vision News EASY CLEAN-UP - Use veg­ etable oil spray on all cookie sheets, : Dr. D. Joyce Sonnenriloser roasting pans and broiler pans. It J)r.'Anatole F. Gutowski really helps wben it comes time 10 clean up. Evelyn G., Daytona Beach, (50$) 257-5029 Aa. CHANGE THE WAY THE WORLD LOOKS AT YOU! POTATO MAGIC - 1be Olber day I was making homemade poiiiiO salad and for the life of me, I eould­ Set the.nood with your eye~~ Wfi/!ff!.. o't lind IIIII darned vegetable peeler. . . I had an old cheese slil:er lying in tbe offers eight distinctive designs for you. drawer and thought I'd give that a try. . Guess what! It actually worked pret­ . .. ty well. I thought! would pass this on. That cat eyes, old cheese slicer came in pretty bandy when r it came 10 peeling those blasted poraroes. I only could go one or behind the 8 all are fun. to wear ,' way, but what the heck? When worse • comes 10 worst, you use what you and· nothing blocks your view . Mix or have. Liz D. Phoenlx, Ariz. ,. f WHAT BRAND? - Paper-towel • brand names are easy ro remember If match them to make your personal statement. you stuff the plastic wrapper up inside tbe paper lUbe when you start 10 use lheru. Dave c. Middletown, You're bure to get a uniquel9ok • Pa. Come by Fhm:.Y ·CENTER.tS9 Mesealero Trail . NOVELTY GLASSES - Since ~ION my oldest gnndcbild was little, it has or caD (505) 257-5029: We can answer. your questions and sb~w you been my pleasure 10 :;erve juice from A plastic surgeon's Jilted wife (Goldie llawn) uua medical and cos­ what is available in tile latest con\act lens fashion. MaQufacturer's junior baby-food jars as juice glasses. metic methods to llfay yqung In Death Becomes Her, airing Wednaa- discount available for a limited time. What a nice memory of each day on USA Network. L..---~!""":-....,~....,~~"":"!~-----,~ gmndehild! We thillk of them each and every rooming with our frugal reminder! Sandy L., Moscow, Kan. DEADLINES: Display & Classified Display advertising deadlines as as follows: Sluw your specisl Hom lip with our rettders. Send t1wn ID DID11e • Wednesday's edition ...... Monday noon Eckert, King Features Weekt, Smke, 235 East 45th Strut, New e Friday's edition ...... Wednesday noon York, N.Y. 10017. 0 19981Ciq Fealula Syad.. Joe. Cal1257-4001 for more information. Ruidoso News • 104 Pari< Ave, Ruidoso, NM 88345

8 • ·fV in Rt:.ddoso • Oct. J 4. J 998

- -·· --·· ~--_,_ U Oj t 11G,19A1141A .lifl.4*_'?'·. I""*,,_ Qaooo;o -"'· j OI¥'111( •. W04 .a;;;; I !lw:;Q.OOH 18 ... 1,01\! OQ\- 1 .... :;<0.,..._,.,, ... ,u~,~·¥...-r --·"""'' ·"" " ,--. ···-·· ' I ' .• -••.+• ; ' ·••'#I'>·'O•;· ''' ' . ' . . ' .

• PRIME 'TIME MOVIES...... ~ ...... '... ''' '.... ,,,.' '' • - CMUF ~NOT LISTED "alldnl Drlvo~n" ** (1994; Qomedy) AshUe a7-year·old, S4mllllonbankhe\sl. (In Slereo)rm A Rhoy,RichardGabai.AyoungwomandeviJesa (2 hm.) a Sun. If p.m. soxy new way to attract movtegoors. (2 hru,) "Com.lng to Amtrlca" *** (191lll, Ccmec!y) These available channels are not Included in The Ruidoso News hourly · "The AboonJ Mlndod PrOituof' **** Eddie Murphy Amenia Hall. An Alrlcan prlnce (1981;Comady)FredMocMum~y/NancyOison: . !•BIIdniSaHt!. 2 8·~:. * , "•m=).Gri'"n arrives in New Vorl< lo.flnda bride. (In Stereo) lliJ listings. · I . - · · ASinall-toWnpiOfessorcleve!opsanenU111BviiY • 1 00~.. 11997 ,. "' (2 hm., 30 min.)- Fd. 9:30p.m. substance. 'G' rm (I hr., '51 min.) e sun. 8 Dmw, Slt!M!a Ryan. Thme .cenlad ds help· ''Co-union" ••l!o (1989, Suspenss) Chris· . p.m. · ~OJI!B flnorlclillly stre= larmem. (In Slemo) topherWalken, UndssyCIOUse. WhiUey Stria·· Chappel Satellite Channel Nanu: ''The Aoouoed" *** (1988, Dll!ma) Jodie NR (I hr .. S~Jmtn.) Mon. 9:40p.m. bofs accoum of his allegeri bout With aliens. (2 Foster, Kelly McGillis. A pmsecutor goeufter "BIIdnl Holt!"** (1996•Comody) J.J. Nollh, hrs.) 181 Tus. 1:30 a.m. 5 SATCOM C-4(F...4) Preview Guide barpatrnnswhoencoumgedmplsta.(lnSioreo) Julie Strain. Thma slbllngslfy to mvllaflze a ''Courago of Luola" *** (1946, Advenlure) NIA . Local Access{OTI 'R'IID (1 hr .. 50 mtn.)-Saf, 1 a.m.· sagging boaohsldohotel. (1 hr., 30mln.)t!D Ellzabalh Taylor, Frank MOilJOn. A ~lrllrles to 11 "Act of Vlalonco" *** (1949, Dmma) Van Thu. 11:4Sp.m. mhabllltate a tralneri·to-ldll collie. (2 hrs.) IIID 14 GALAXY 5(0-5) TNN Hellln,Janetlelgh. Anoftlcefs shameful waract "Bionk ChiCk"** (1094, Comedy) Brian Bon· l'hu. tO p.m. com sa back to haunt him. (1 hr., 30 min.) IIID sail, Kamn Dully, Aboy buys his diaam·houso "Courega UQdor Flra" **** (11198, Dmma) 16 GALAXY S(G-5) Headline News F/1. 6p.m. wlthafug1Uve GIOok'amonoy.(lnStereo)'PG'IBI · Denzel Washington, Meg Ryan. OPinions vary 26 SATCOM C3(F-3) C-SPAN "Addlcltd to Love" ** (1997, comeriy- 11 hr.,33mn.)-1 Tue. 7:2;p.m., t2;50a.m. on a dead woman'ai)Onductln the Gull War. (In Drama) Meg RYan. Mafthow Broderick. Jilted "Blindfold: Acto of Obsoooloh" ** (1994, Sterno) 'R' rm (1 hr., 55 min.) -Sat. 9P,m. 29 SATCOM C4(F...4) C-sPAN2 lovo18spyonthelroxopannoraandplotrevengo. Drama) Shannon Dohedy, Judd Nelson. A "Crocodile DUndH" *** {1986, Comedy) 30 GALAXY lR(G-1) Cartoon Network · (lhSiereo)'R'IID{1hr.,40mln.)aSUn.Bp.m. woman wanls to mvlvethe excitement in her Pa\11 Hogan, Undo Kozlowski. An Australian ''Tht Advontum or BullWhip QriiQn'' *** marriage. (In Stereo) liD (2 hr&) m Thu. 12 hunting legand blavesthe wilds of Monhanan. 31 SATCOM C4(F...4) CMTV (1967, Comedy) Roddy MoDowall. Su~nna a.m. (In Stereo) 'PG·I3' IBI(1 hr., '51 min.) liD Fd.. 33 SATCOM C4(F...4) Travel Channel Pls&hona. 1\ BosiQn butler 11nds excllemsnl on "BIDed Alley" **\!o 1'955, 1\dvenlure) Jchn 7:15p.m. Home Shopping Network tho Western !mnller. (1 hr., 50 min.) l!l!D Wed. Wayne,LsumnBacaU.AesamanhelpsChinese "Cry, lh' Bolovod Country" *** (1995, • 34 SATCOM C4(F...4) tt p.m. paaeMisescapecommunlsts.IBI(1 hr., 55 min.) Dmma) James Earl Jonas, Richard Harris. A 35 GALAXY 9(G-9) MTV "The Advontu,.o ol Milo 1111il DUo" *** lila Sat IOp.m. son's murder brlngs two South Africans to· (1989, Adventura) Nam~1ed hy Dudley Moore. A "Blood and $and" *** (1941, Drama) Ty10ne gather; {!n Stereo) 'PG·13' rm (I hr., 51 min.) 36 GALAXY lR(G-1) American Health Network killen end puppy am swspt Into ssveral mtesd· Power, Rita Hayworth. 1\ maladofs altair jao- ..Thu.Sp.m. 37 SATCO~ C3(F-3) The Weather Channel " ventumo. (In Sterno) 'G'IID( 1hr .. 16mln.)IIII!D panllzes his career and lomlly. (2 hra., 30 min.) ''Cubo" *** (1979, Adventum) BIOCke Wed. 6:30p.m. IIID Sot. 8 p.m. Adams, Sean Connery. Amo,..nary rekindles "Agllntl Aft Oddt" *** (1984, Drumal "Bioodllat VIII: Hsrd Woy Out" * (1996, "Drop Oood Fred" ** (199 t, Comeriy) Phoobe "Faarteso" *** (1993, Drama) Jell Bridges. on old ftsme os Balisla's ruts ends. (2 hrs., 40 Catea, Rlk Mayall. A woman's imaginary friend Isabella Rossellini. A plane crash survivor is Rachel Ward, Jell Bridges. An unemployed Dmma) Don "fhe Dragon" Wilfll)n, Jllllan min.) lilil Ftl. 9 p.m. · athlele looks lor a gangslefs runaway lover. (In McWhirter. A mild moth teacher laces a threat retums tosolveherpiOblems. (2hrs.)lll!J Wed. drawn to a 9rtevlng woman. (In Stare~) 'R' [liJ (2 Stereo) rm (2 hra.) 11E111 Mon. 5 p.m. lrom his sscmt paaL(In Stereo) 'R' rm (I hr., 25 to:4Sp.m. · hrs., 1 min.) 111m Thu. It p.m. '" Mon. t :50 a.m. "Dunaton Choclrs In" *** (1996, Comedy) "Feeling Mlnnesola" ** (1995, Comedy· • "Mco In Wonderland" *** y, {1951 , Fantasy) min.) IIIIJID D DramaJ Keanu Reeves, Vincent D'Onofrio. A Voices ol Kathryn Beaumqnt, Ed Wynn. Wall "Boom~rang" ** (1992, Comeriy) Eddie Mur· Jason Alo ..ndar, Faye Dunaway. A fugitive Disney's anlrnateri version of Lewis CarroWs phy, Holle Bony. A aoxlst mslllellng exooutlve omngutan wreaks havoc at an upscale hotel. (In bride ditches her groom for his younger brother. "Dongor Zone"** (1996, Drema) Billy Zane, (In Stereo) 'R'IlD (1 hr .. 35min.)l&fJ Mon. If .. claaalc. 'G' 1m (I hr., 15 min.) 111JD Fd. II p.m. gala hi1comouppance. (In Stereo) liD (2hm., 30 Robert Downey Jr. An engineer Is drown Into the Stereo) (2 hm.) am Sun. 7 p.m. '"Along lhtGrutDMda" *** (1951 West· min.)m Fd. ?p.m. search for stolen plutonium. (In Stemo) llll (!.hr .. p.m. 1 "Rrebell Forward" H'h (\972. Orema) Ben ern) Kilk Douglaa, Virulnla Mayo. An eScaped "Bpm on lhe Fourth of Ju\y" **** (1989, 30 min.) 1mB Fd. 8:30p.m. E Ga:r:zara, Ricardo Monlalban. A general takes crimlnallsca&ondretumeritolaceJustlce.(l Dmma) Tom Cruise, Raymond J. Bony. An "Tho Dangorouo" •II (1994, Suspanse) Rob· Jtr., 28 min.) Tue. 6:16p.m. . )doallsllc Marine returns ,lrom Vletnaf!l as charge at a trouble·rldden division. (2 hrs.) o ert Davl, Michael Pam. Aslain rupertefs siblings "Earthquake In Nsw Vorl<" (1998, Suspenso)· flli!IJ Wed. II p.m. Iilii Tue. t1:15p.m. "AmooiAndraW"**(1998,Comedy)Nlcolaa · ·rateglc. (In Stereo) 'R liD (2 hru., 24 min.) vowmvengeonharklllem. (lnSie.reo) 'NR' (1 hr., Greg Evlgan, Cynthia Gibb. Acop sean:hes for Cage, Samuel L. Jackson. A famous wrller Is , Wed. p.m. · "The Firm"*** (1993, Drama) Tom Cruise. 6 36 min.)-Sal. t:t5 a.m. his family in lhaaftarmathola quake. (In Stereo) Gene Hackman. A law·school grad signs on with mtstalmn lor abullJiarln his new home. (2 hro., 5 'Bom Yooltrdey" **** (19!if), Comedy} "DorkAIIgtl: Tho Alctnl" **II (1994, Horror) IBI (2 hru.) am Sat. 7 p.m. • min.)- Wed.,6:0S p.m. • Judy Holli,dof, William Holden. A\yCOOn hires a a sinister Tennessee firm. (In Stereo) tm (2 hrs., Angola Feathorslone, Daniel Markel. Afemale .. East Side, West Sldo'' **'h (1949, Drama) 35min.)m!DSal. 7p.m. "Angelo In the Endl!llno" ·••* (f997 Co- tulorloteachhlalo.vorpropereliq~ette.{l hr.,43 damon mtsos soma hall on tha surloce world. (2 Barbers Stanwyck. James Mason. A high· 5: "Filii Kid" **'h (1996. Comedy) Slnbad. medy)ChrlstopherUoyd Manhllwlswtence. A min.)- Mon. rs p.m. hrs.) lEt Fri. 7 p.m., I I p.m.', . socle\y marriage's dlslntegrutlon loads to mur· Brock Pierce. A government .lgenl-guards the sperts·!ovlng angsl hel,i dLta struggUng toot· ''The Boyo Club" *** (1997, Druma) Chris "Tha Cork Half'' **ll (1993, Horror) Timothy 'der. IBI (2 hro.) 1J!!1 Wed. 6 p.m. balllaam.IBI(1 hr.. 37 mlp.)a Fd. 8:35p.m. Penn,.J)Dmlnlc Zamp10gns. An almeri slmnger president's braUy young son. 'PG' 1m (1 hr., 41 Hunan, Amy Madigan. Awritofa alteragomani· "6 H11dsln aDullol Bag"** (I 997, Comedy) mtn.) U Man. 5 p.m .. 12:40 a.m. ''TIItAppltOumpllngGongRidotAgaln"** takes 'refuge In a secluded clubhouse. (In Jests llsallthrough murder. (2 hro .. 30 mln.)Bill Joa Pesci, Andy Comeau. A mob courier loses (1979, Comedy) conway, Ddn Knoll!. Two Stereo) 'R' (1·hr., 32mln;)ti!IB Thu. 6:30p.m.; "Fools Ruah In': ~*·>1997, Comedy) Matthew 'Jlm .!'hu. 7 p.m., 11 p.m. . h)s ba9 ol severed heads .at an allport. (In Perry, Salma Hayek. Pregnancy pushes one· bumbling ouUaW.lry 10 walk tha straiiJ!lt'llnd · Tue. 12:30 a.m. "Doyo ol Wino and Roooo" **** (1962, Steroo) 'R'IlD (I hr,,35 mln.)O!t1D Wad. 7p.m. narrow. 'G' rm (1 hr.. 28 min.) IIIII 711u. 11 p.m. "Brlnkr'J 1998, Adventure) Erik ""! Denen, shot lovers into a ditlicu\1 mamage. (tn Stereo) 1m 0/Dm&)JackLemmon, Lse Remick. Ahusbend "Tho EltphaniiXilh" ***'h (1980, Drama) (1 hr., 55 min.) am Wed. 1;35 a.m. "April in Parlo" **II (1952 Musical) Doris Christina ldai.Anln·llne&lcalordosortshlapala and wile struggle to control their alcoholism. (1 John Hurt, Anthony Hopkins. Sased on the \lie of Dsy Ray llolgar. An angagad 'dlptomotlalls In · to join a rival loam. rm (I hr., 40 mln.)I!IIIJ Thu. "Forbidden Passions" * (1996. AduiiJ Dobra hr., 57 mtn.)GB Sun. 12:30 a.m. tho monstrously dolormod Jolm Merrick. (In Beauy, MarshaU Hilliard. A cyber-seductress lovewlth er;hcrusglrl. (1 fir.. 41 min.) a Mon. 6:3tyun., 12:35 a.m. "Doolh BICotntl Htr" *** (1992, Comedy) Stereo) 'PG'IlD (2 hrs .. 5 min.) 111m Wed. 8 t2:30a.m. · "Buohwhackod" ** (1995, Comeriy) Daniel uses her special gllts in the afterlile. (In SUJreo) Meryl Streep, Bruca Wl.llla. Two vain women vie p.m. .• . 'NR' (1 hr .. 27 min.) mD Wed. tt:30p.m. "Aauotln'" *1\'(1985, Drama)SylvesterStel· Stem, Jon Polito. youlha aocompa;m;uglllve lorthessoret to etemallfle. (In Stereo) rm (~ hrs.) "Emma'e Wlah'' (1998, Fantasy) Joanna tone;AntonloBaljlleras.Awlld newcomerdmws , on hlaOightto DaVtro Peak. (2 hro.) Ftl. to 'jForever Young" *** (1992, Fantasy) Mel liD Wed. 7 p.m. · ' Kems, Della Reese. Premiere. An elder1y Gibson, Jamie lee Curtis. A 1930s test pilot a bead on a Velarin hll man. (In Slereo) liD (2 eB.m, ,0 , , ••• ., " (I C _.,) R "Doalh on lho Nllo" **'h (1978, Mysi•IYI woman awakens ro find herself 35 years youn· awakens In rnodem-day America. (In Stereo) hrs., 12 min.} ..Thu. Bp.m. uoun -~·• **" 981, om ••, I· Peter Usllnov, Be~ Davis. Herculo Pm L,A." ** (i996. Advonturel · "Four Boys and a Gun"** (1957, Oramaj donOulnn,DonaldSuthoriand.Anavalollicilrls teachsr lake elght.ohlldron to a now homo. (2 hrs .. 20 min.)- Tue. 12:35 a.m. Kurt Russell, Stacy Keach. Snake Plissken rmnk Sutter., Larry Green. Four youths kill a mcruitedlosstarra.&l:'torrorist; (In Stereo)'A' hm., 5 min.) fmliiJ Mon. 10:10 p.m. ''Tho Della Force" ** (1986, Adventure) faces foes In the rulos of 2013 . (In police officer during a robbery. (1 hr., 14 min.) liD (1 hr., 65 min.) Tue. 8 p.m. • 1''BuHorillto Are .Free" **** (1972, Dmma) Chuck Norris, Lao Marvin. A hijacking leads a Stereo) 'R' \Ill (I hr .. 41 (Rin.) am Wed. 1;05 "AI Cl011 Rongo" *** (1988 Dramt} Sean Goldie Hawn, Edward Alban. A scettelbralnad Gl!l3 Tue. 6 p.m. bsnd ol ccfmmtmdoslo ths Middle Easl (2 hrs .. a.m. , "Foxllre" ** (1996. Drama) Hedy Burress, Penn, CMstapher Wolken. Ali almtoss loon aCUBS$ end a b~j,tf~ghbur~nd romance. 'PG' 50 min.) GilD Wed. 8:10p.m. "Escape From Naw York'' *** (1981, Sci· follows In his fathefs criminal footsteps. (In (I hr., 49 min.) Wed.' 10:10 p.m. Angelina Jolla. A drll1t!r spurs four ab11sed high­ ''Tho DonOot" ** (1996, Horro~ Colbln Bem· once Fiction) Kurt Russell, Adrian~• Balbeau. schoolglrlslntoaelion. (In Stereo) 'R'tm ( 1 hr., 40 Stereo) 'R'IlD (1 hr., 51 min.) GID Sal. 6 p.m. sen, Undo Hollman. A cheating wile sends a The preslden1 is- missing In the p-r?son city of 'min.J mD Sun. 12:50 a.m. Horro~ SavertyHillsdantistona rumpago.(ln Stereo) llD • Manhalten. 'R' (I hr., 40 min.) mr;ll Sar. rr :20 "Atom A;t Vampilt" ** (1960, AI· "Freaky Friday"**"~ (1995, Comedy) Shatley (1 hr .. 30 min.) Ftl. 7 p.m. p.m. berto Lupo, Susanna Lomt. A botched experi· c 111D 'Long, Gaby •Hoffmann. A molher magically mont changes a alngor Into a bloodsucker. (2 "The DoVl~Doll" *** (1938, Horror) Uonol "Escape to Witch Mountain" (1995, Adven· SWilches bodies wilh her, teen da ughter.IID ( 1hr., hm.)lll!J Sol. 1:30 a.m Barrymore:, Maureen O'Sulllvsl), A vengeful ex· lura) Erik von Oeuen, Elisabeth Moss, Twins 37..min.) mJ Sun. 1;20 a.m. • "Call oltho Wild" *** ( 1935, Adventum) Clark con crealea miniature assassiQs. (2 ~rs.f IIIII with mrstlc powers flee an evil millionaire. (In Gable, Lomita Young. Two men and a d~ Sun.Bp.m. Stereo IBI(t hr .. 36 min.JGD Wed. 5:40p.m. "Friday tho 13th Pari VII~ Jason Take• Man- . B ~oct lor gold In lha Yukon. (I hr., 21 min.) ''The Davll'o Advocolt" **II (1997. Horror} "The Evening Slar" ** (1996, Comedy· haUa}l" HI (1989, Horror) Jensen Daggett.' U1J Fri. 1:45 a.m. Keanu RtJeves. AI Paclno. An a1tomey goes to Drama) Shirloy Maclalne, Bill Paxton. Aurora Scot( Reeves. Crystal lake's mamac gives his "Baby Boom" *** (1987, Comedy) Diane "CaprlcomOno"•••(t978,Suspenso)EIIlott workatatawflnn run bySalan. (In Stereo) 'R' rm Gmanway deals with three troubled grandchild· regards to Broadway.(2 hrs.) mD Sal. 1 a.m. o , Sam Shepard. A hlgh·powered e•ec Gould, .James BIOIIn. Ast10nauts lhiBBion to (2 hrs.; 24 mln.)III!I!D Thu. ft:05p.m. II!BI ron. (In Stereo) 'PG·13'\lll (2 hrs., 8 min.)C!lllD "Friday tho 131h Part VII- The Naw Blood" I ori a distant cousln'slnlant. (2 hrs., 35 min.) ravaal a lakeri NASA space mission. (2 hm .. 45 Wed. 1;55 a.m. Mon. tO p.m. *lh (1988, Horror) larParkUncoln, Terry Kiser. Sat. 8:25p.tn. r min.) Tue. 1:15 a.m. A teen-age psychiC unwiltingly resurrects mur­ liD "The Devll'o Own"*** (1997, Drama) Harrl· "The Ex" ** 'h ( 1996, Suspense) Yancy Butler. :!J•~Y FacoNefoon" ** (1995, Susponse) C. "CUpar: A Splrllod Boglnnlng" ** (1997, son Ford, Brad PIH. A New York cop unknow· Nick Mancuso. A psyc_holic woman invades her derous Jason. (In Sterao) 'R'Illl (I hr, ~0 min.) mD Fri. 11:50 p.m. =molnas Howell, Usa Zane. A rising mobster Comedy) Steve GuttenbellJ, Lori Loughlin. The lngly shelters an Irish terrorist. (In Sterooi'A'IBI lonner husband's new l~e. (In Stereo) 'R' rm (I clashe~wlth AJCaponeln lhel920s. (In Stereo) lriendlr, ghost retuma Ia save e haunteri man- (1hr.,50mln.)CIIDMon. ft:tSp.m. • hr .. 27 min.) am Mon. 7 p.m. "Full Clrcie" (1996, Drama) Ten Polo. Cqrbin 'R' (1 hr., 33 min.)GIJISal. 1 s.m. slon. ( n Slareo)IBI (2 hrs,} am SUn. 9p.m. "D.O.A." ** (1988, Suspense) Dennla Quaid, "Exlremltlea" *** (1986, Drama) Farrah Bernsen. Asuccessful young woman struggles j to trust and love again. i2 tlfS.)&IJ Fri. 7 p.m. "Bachelor PartY'' ** (1984, Comedy) Tom "The Cot From outtr sp ..." Ull (1978, Meg Ryan. A c!ying professor seeks t~o parson Fawcelt. James Russo. An assault victim learns j Hanks, Tawny Kltaen. A bus drivefs pals throw ComedyV. Kan Berry, Sandy Duncan. An ellen who poisoned him. (In Slerao) 'R' rm (I hr., 38 her assailant knows her addmss. (2 hrs.) Iilii "The Full Manly"***\\ (1997, Comedy) Rob· him a no·holds.!Janod par!Y. 'A' rm (1 hr., 46 cal hos 36 hours lo repair his wreckeri space· mln.)-Sal. lt:3Sp.m. l'hu. 6p.m. ertCar1yle, TomWilkinson,Cash-poorBritsdare j bare 11 an in a strip show. (In Stereo) 'A' tm (1 min.) Gil Fd. e p.m. • ship. 'G'IID (1 hr., 43 min.) IIIII Tuo. 11 p.m. "Doctor X" **\\ {1932, Horro~ Uonel Alwlll, "Eye ol God" **ll (1997, Dmma) Manha to j hr .. 31 min.) liD Mon. 8 p.m. "Bod Gldt" ** (1994, Western)

' 1V in Ruidoso • oct. 14. 1998 • 9 I j • ' , ··'' . ·'; . , .. · ••• • . l •

OThe Girl Next Door" (1998, Drama) Tracey "In lOut"**"" (1997, Comedy) Kevin K"ne, 7.. M "Nokodln New York"**~ (1993, Drama) Eric Gold, Sharon Glass. Premiere. Awoman's mar· Joan Cusack. A Midwestern schoolteacher is 51011z, Mai'/'Louise Parflor. A young playwright rled lover manipulates her into murder. (In outed on national television. (In Stereo) 'PGpt3' "Mad City'' ** (199.7, Drema) John Travolla, Rl!lsl choose between love and caraor. (2 hra;) Sleroo)llll (2 hrs.) GilD Tue. 8 p.m. llll(1 hr., 30mln.)III!I!D Thu. 7p.m.a.rUo. Duslln Hollman. Areporter manipulates a small Gil Thu. ro p.m. . · · "Girlo Town" *** (1996, Drama) U8 Taylor, Ia p.m. Slory lnlo a media ciiCIJs. (In Slaroo) 'PG·I3'1lll "Navajo Blues" * (1996, Drama} Sloven Anna Grace. Alriend's suicide deeply stirs t.tuee "In lhe Gloaming" *** (1997, Drama) Glenn (I hr .. 54 mln.}CIIIMoo. 6p.m. Bauer, lrano Bedard. A tes Vegas dolecUve high~chool seniors. (In Stereo) tm ( 1 hr., 30 Close, Robert Sean Leonard. A man dying ol ''Tho Magnlflcent Rober'** (1981, Blogra· hides out on a Navajo 1'0581VaUon. (In Stereo} 'R' min.) mm rue. r0:20 p.m. AIDS seeks 1oreconcile wilh hlslamlly. (I hr., 25 phy} (Part 2 of 2} Kari Boehm, Glulia Rublnl. (1~r.. 27mln.)Cll!il1Mon. 9:30p.m. · -.• "Gold Dlggore of1935" *** (1935, Musical) mln.)m!J Sun. 7 p.m.; 8:25p.m. VoungBeelhoven goosto Vienna 10 Sludy undor ''Tht Nalghbo~· ** (19113, Suspense} Rod Dick Powell, Gloria Stuart. Adesk clerk at a fancy "Indecent Behavior 4" (1997, Suspense) a mas1or.llll (I hr.) Gil Thu. 9p.m. Slalger, Undo Kozlowski. II cra>eddol:lortnan­ resort falls loran heiress. (2 hrs.)&D rue. 12. Stlarmon Tweed, Christian Noble. "). delective "Major Laoguoll" *% (1994, Comady) Charile aces a pragnan1 woman and her husband. (In a.m. • m.. ligates a mode\'s mysterious death. (In Sheen, Tom Borenger. Tile Cleveland Indians Sterao)'R'Illl(1 hr .. 33 mtn.}- Wed. 11:30 "TheGaldanChlld" ** (1986, Comedy) Eddie S1ereo)'NR'(1 hr.,36mln.)GIDFrl. 10:15p.m. retumloranotherpannant race. (In Stereo) 'PG' p.m. Murphy, Charles Dance. A social worker "lndecen1 Proposal" H'h (1993, Drama) IB1 (1 hr., 44 min.) liD Tue. ~p.m. "No Eocopa" ** (1994, Sclonco FICiion) Roy searches lor a mys~cal Tibetan child, (2 hrs.) Robert Redford, Oeml Moore. A man oHers a "Tho Mon From Left Field" •% (1993, Co· Uotta. Lance Henllksan. A Molino convict Is IIIII Wed. 6 p.m. couple $1 million lor a nigh! wllh lho wilo. (In mody-Oramo) Burt Reynolds, Roba McEnU18. sonlanced 1o a deadly Island prison. (In Stereo) "Grand !Huston" **** (1937, Drama) Joan Slereo) llll (2 hrs.) mED Sun. 7p.m S1ree1 urchins adoplen amnesiac as !heir base­ 'R' 1DI (1 hr.. 58 min.) GlD sat. 11 p.m. Gabin, Erich von Stroheim. Jean Renoir's por· "lnspaclor Mol'le: The Sins Of lho Falhel'l" ballcoech. (lnSierao)(2hre.)-Thu. !Op.m. "No Way Back" ** (11l96, Adven1u18) Rusllllll trait of a commandant and his prisoners. (Subti· (1990, My51ery) (PM I of 2) John Thaw, Kevin "Tho Mon Who KnowTooUHII" **~ (1887, Crowe, Helon Slater. An FBI agent becomes Ued)(2 hrs.)ll!D Fri. 12 a.m. Whaloly. Morse.lnvesllgates lout play a1 a fa­ Comody) Bill Muooy, Polar Gallagher. 1\ ctua­ · caughltna warbetwo;&:l gangs. (fn Stereo} mily-run brewery. (1 hr.)G!J Tuo. 8 12 'R'Illl 1 hr .. 28 min.) Fil. 1:20 a.m. "The Great Escape" **** (1963, Adventure) ?.m., lass video cleri< Is caugl\1 up In a 1881 spy caper. Steve McQueen, James Gamer. Allied POWs a.m. (il Slsroo) 'PG' 1m (1 hr.. 34 min. JIB Set 6 "Normal Ute" **% (1996, Drama} Ashl~y stage a daring escape lrom a Nazi prison camp. p.m.; Tuo.6p.m. Judd, Loke Perry. A dlstulbed wife canupts a (3 hlll.)II!ID Fri. 7:30p.m. "Tho Mon Who LoVId Women'' ** (1983, pollee olflcefsludgmoni. (In Stereo)IDI (1 hr., 45 ''Grind" ** (1996, Drama) Adrienne Shelly, J Comedy} BurtReynolds, Jullo.Andraws. A psy­ min.) Gllllll Tbu. 7 p.m. Billy Crudup. An ex-convict causes tamiliallur· chiatrist counsels a sculptor obsessed wllh "liarlh Staf' * (1996, AdV8n1tlra)Jamascaen, moil after returning homo. (In Stereo) (1 hr., 40 ..Jerry Maguire" ***'h (1996, Comedy­ womon,(2 hre.) ..Wed. 8:30p.m. Chllstopher Lambe~. A murderous buslnes .. min.)m11'J Tue. 8:40p.m. Drama) Tom Cruise, Cuba Gooding Jr. A crisis of "Mori)Jn Chl!llbel'l' Doalro" * (1997, Aduh} mon has designs on gold-rich land. (In Staroo} 'R' llll(1 h<,l!ll min.} a!IB Sun. 6:30p.m. "Grizzly" ** (1976, Horror) Christophur conscience costs a sports agent his job. (In Merilyn Charroers, Amy Lynn Baxter. A cina­ George, Andrew Prine. A ranger and a naturalist S1erao)'R'Illl(2hrs., 18mln.)llllil/l Tue. 9p.m. matic slran raises more than trouble on a movie "Nowhere" **!'.. (1997, Comedy·Drama} track a man-eating bear. {2 hn:..) GliB Tue. "John Loves Mery" *** (1949, Comedy) sol (1 hr., 25 min.) 11111 Thu. 1:15 a.m. Jamos Duval, Rachal True. Honnonally cllarged W:15p.m. Ronald Reagan. Palricia Neal. An engaged "Mo18" ** (1996, Sclonce Fiction) DJMerG~· teens Iooft lor true love lri Los Angeles. (In American soldier marries an Engllshwoman. (2 nor, Shanl!elafonla·Harpor. A ve1eran lawman S1eroo)'R'Illl(1 hr.,2l! min.)lmJ Wed. IOp.m. hrs.) tJ!D Mon. 9:30p.m. 1ravels to Mara 10 f19h1 crime. 'NR' (1 hr., 27 min.) ''Tho Nurae" *% (1997, Suspense) Lisa Zane, H 11111111 Wad. 1:30 a.m. liD SilL Bj>.m. John Stockwell. A nurse seeks ravangalor her "Merchant ol Deoth" (1997, Suopense) Ml· lathofs sulcidel raga. gn Sloroo} 'R' llll(1 hr.. 34 "Halloweentown" (1998, Comedy) Debbie cheel Pare, Undo HoHman. A J)OIIco olflcer mln.)GIIJ Surt 1:5 am lie;nolds, Judith Haag. Premiere. A young witch K hunts down his fomllv'skiHelll. (In Starao} 'R' (1 helps her family fight allan evll torce. !Bl ( 1hr., 30 hr., 39 min.) aD 'iltu. 1:30a.m. R min.)- sat. 5 p.m. "Midnight Tampto1lonl ~" (1937, Drama} 0 "Halloweentown" (1998. Comedy) Debbie "Kama SUire: A Tale ol ~ovo" ** (1996, Jane Daniels, Johnny Gardella. A woman em· "Random Encount ...' (1996, Suspense) Ell· Reynolds, Judith Haag. A young witch help'3 her Drama)tndlra Vanna, Sarila Choudhury. Aser­ barks on asensuatodyssoy\Oflnd her soul male. "An Occaolonet Hall"** (1995, Drama} Tom Berengor, Valorls Go8no. Afanner pnvale eye Is zabetti Berkley, Joel Wyner. A talontsd oxecu· family light ott an evil force. 1m (1 hr.. 30 min.) vant girt seduces a princess's prospective hus· (In Sleroo} 'R' (1 hr., 21 min.) liD Tuo. 10:30 Uva geto mixed up In murder and botrayel. (In li!liJ Sal. 12:50 a.m.; Mon. 6:40p.m. band. (In Slereo) NR'Illl (I hr .. 55 mil.) Gill' p.m. hired 1o find a professofs killer. (In Slareo) 'R' llll (1 hr., 36 min.) 11i!m Sun. 11 p,m. Slaroo) 'NR'Illl(1 hr., 29 min.)- 'llle. 11:25 "Hanl Juaflce" ** (1995, Dromo) David Brad­ Sun. 12:35 a.m. "Millions" •% (1991, Su;ponse) Billy Zane, p.m.-Fri. 5:30p.m. ley, Charles Napier. A federal agent goes under "Kaspar Heuaor" ** (1994, Drama) Andre Carol All. A rulhless heir 1rlos to gain control ol "Onco BIUtn" ...,. (1985, Com~ Lauren Hutton, Jim Carray. A lady vampires elemal "Rod Una"* (1996, Drama) Chad McQueen, cover in a brutal prison. (In Stereo) 1m (1 hr., 30 Eisennann, Ut!o Samel. A wild orphan may be the family fortune. (In Sleroo) (2 hra.)fD Tuo. Michael Madson. A raceoCar driver Is caught min.)III!DWed. 7p.m. lhe heir 1o lho Dukedom of Baden. (SubliUed) 1tn 12a.m. • I' youlh requlras virgin mate blood. (2 hrs.) ID Sun. 7p.m. · beiWaen 1wo rivetcrfmlnals. (In Sleroo} 'R'Illl (1 "Harlow'' *** (1965, Biography) Cari'oll Slereo) (2 hrs., 20 min.) m1l!l Fri. 11:40 p.m. "Miroclo Boach" ** (1992, Comeoy) Ami Do­ hr.,42mln.)-Frl.1:26a.m. Baker, Martin Balsam. Based on the brief career "Kelly's Heroea" *** (1970, Comedy) Clln1 lenz, Dean Cameron. A disillusioned ydulh "Otfon'o Kay" (1996, Science FictiOn} Frank Zagadno, Torjd Jensen. A couple discover an "Tho Rolle" ** (1997, llorrolj Panelopa Ann oii93Ds actless Jean Harlow. (2 hill., 5 min.) Eastwood, Tetty Savalas. An American soldier meets a wlsh11ranllng gonia. (2 hm.}- Fri. Miller, Tom Sizemore, 1\ ravenous monSirlr E111 Mon. 6 p.m. . halches a plan 1o s1eal NaZI gold. (3 hlll.}IIIIJ 12a.rn. olherworldly artllact In Africa. (In Slereo)llll (1 hr.,45 mln.)UII!JThu. 5:15p.m. stolko guests a1 a Chicago musaum gala. (In "Havana"** 'h l1990, Drama) RobertRedlord, Tue. 8:15p.m. "A Modam Afllllr'' * (1995, Comedy) Usa Slaroo) llll(1 hr.,SS min.) Grilli Mon. 8:60p.m. Lena Olin. A gambler begins a risky af!air with a "Kill Ma Again" ••% (1989, Suspense} Vol Eichhorn, Stanley Tucci. A woman keeps alolg ''Tht Qllllldef' **y, (1981, Biography) Tony Curtis, Jorttes Franclscus. APIINllndlan Merino "RtlriractlVll" ** (1997, Science Action} Cuban revolutionary. (3 hrs.)liliJ Fn. 6 p.m. KBmer, Joanna Whalley-Kilmer. A down·and· sacral from lho man ohe Is detilg. 'R' (I hr.. 30 James Beluahl Kvlle Travis. Apsychiatrist uses "Hellrland Souto" ** 'h (1993, Comedy) Rob­ out private eye helps fake a clienra dead'!. {In min.) GBI Fri. 9:45p.m. helps ralsalhe U.S. flag at two Jlma. (1 hr.. 48 min.) Wed. 1:30 s.m. a tirr.e machine against a psychopalh. (In en Downey Jr., Char1es Grodin. Four angels Slereo)'R' (I hr., 34 mln.)IIIIII'IJMon. 9p.m. "Moll Ft.-ro" *** (1996, Drama} Robin a Sterao)llll(1 hr.,Mmin.)fiiiBSun. !0:30p.m. may redeem themselves through a yuppie "Kin tho Glrlo" (1997, Suspense) Morgan Wrigh~ Morgan Freeman. A sltong-wllled "Ovorlloal'd" **~ (1P97, Comody) Goldie ** Hewn, Kurt RusselL An amnesiac milllonalreas ''TM Rotum oll)octor X"** (1939, Horrol) banker. (In S1ereo)1Bl (2 hlll.}III!J Tus. 7p.m. Freeman, AshleyJudd.An escapadvlctlmanda woman lacea a haraflllleln 1700s london. (In Humphrey Bogart, Rosemary Lana. A blood "Her Wicked Waya" ** (1991, Drama) Bar·. lorenslc ellj)ert trail a klllor. (In Slerao) 'R'Illl (2 SlerBO) 'PG·I3' 1D1 (2 hrs., 3 min.) IIB/J Mon. lsdupadby a cunning C81p8111ar. (2 hra., 20 min.) -Sal. 6:0S p.m. spoclall51 revives a oclenUSI&Jrecuted for mur· bara Eden, Heather Locldear. A reportar uses a hrs.) G1B Sun. 7:45p.m.: Wed. 9:30p.m 8:45p.m. dnr. (1 hr., 15 min.) ..Sun. 1f:30p.m. news crisis In a bid to gain power. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) ''TMMonalof' **(1925, Horrol)lonChaney, "Rttumto&avago1111Ch" *'h (1996, Arlvan• am sun. 12:30a.m. Garttudo Ofmsled. Silent. A madman abducts lura) JuRe Strain, Redngo0b18gon. Undan:over of p "Hilla Homo"*** (1948, Advenlure) Ed­ L motorists lor his expenmen1S. (1 hr., 30 min.) egen111 search lor a stolon ~ler hopmuslo can1est fQrblgmonay. (In alroublesome call gld. (In Sl""'o)'R' (1 hr .. 28 min.)f!llltSel. 12e.m. Tue. B•IS p.m. "Polm Sptfngo Wooko nd" **Yo (I 963, Co­ Sleroo) 'PG' (I hr., 35 min.) Mon. 5p.m, medy) Troy Donahue, Connie Stevens. Vacs· 1111D min.) liD Sun. 8 p.m. "Larger Than Ufo" ** (1996, Comedy) Bill "Molhir Nlghf' **~ (1996, Drama) Nick "Rivor of No Reblm" *** (1954, Wostem) "Hit and Run" ( 1997. Suspense) Karl sann, Murray, Janeane Garofalo. An elephant and Its Nolle, Sheryl Lao. An American In Berlin as­ tlonlng college sludants lnvadn a resort com· Robert MHchum, Malllyn Monroe. Raft passen· KristoflerRyan Winters. A man Ms 1he road with new owner head for 1he Wes1 Coast (In S\eJ80) sumastha role of a NaZI opakesman. (In Sloreo} munity. (I hr., 4f min.)- Wed. 9:30p.m. gero lace rapids, ouUaws and hoslllo natives. (1 altoublesomocallglri. 'R' (1 hr., 28 min.)C!II!I\J 'PG'Illl (1 hr., 33 min.)I!IID Tua. 7:15p.m. 'R' llll (1 hr.. 50 mtn.) II!JI!D Sat. 11 p.m. ''Tho Pandora P10jtcl" (1998, Adventure} hr., 31 mln.)Eit Wed. Bp.m. Wed. 11 p.m. "Lanle Como Homo" *** (1943, Drama} "Moving" ** (1988, Comedy} Richard Pryor, Daniel Baldwin, Erika Elenlak. A government agent must re111ave a stolen weapon. (In Slerao} "RockatMan" * (1997, Comedy) Hartand Wi~ "Hocus Pocua" **"" (1993, Comedy) Bello Roddy McDowall, Edmund Gwenn. A collie Beverly Todd. A man leads his family on a Iiams, Josslce Lundy. Aclumsy sotanUSI wins a Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker. Youths conjure up 1ravels 1,000 to return to her 1111 (2 dlsosbOus cross..,..ntry ptd\oe)(2 hill.} mnes lamny. miJ 'NR'IDI(I hr., 30 min.} OlD Thu. 9:40p.m seaton a mission 1oMars. 'PG'Illl(1 ~r., 34mil.) lhree ehitd-twngry witches on Halloween. (In hro.)ID 1hu. 6 p.m. Mon. 8:10p.m. 1 "Paraalla" ** (1982, Horror)Jamas Davidson, fllliJ Fri. 5 p.m.; 12:20 a.m. Slereo) 'PG'Illl (1 hr .. 35 min.} li!liJ Sat. 6:30 ''The Laa1 Buller· (1996, Drama) Jason Don­ "Mn. Sofltl" **% (1994;lortimaj DlaneKea· Daml Moore. Genn warfare ctBates hontflc be­ "Roaatlo". **·* (1937, Musical} Nelson Eddy, p.m.; Wed Sp.m., 1 a.m. ovan, Koji Tamakl A soldier and his Japanese 1on, Mel Glbs<>n. A prison warden's wife helps Ings 1ha1preyon humans. (I hr .. 30 mln.)l!m Eleanor Powen. AWl!sl Polnl cadet falls in lovo "A Hole In lhe Head" ***"" (1959, Comedy) enomltr.Vkon e Pactlic Isle. (In Sloreo}( 1hr., 40 her lnmatolover oscapo. (In Stereo) 'PG.13'1Bl Sun. 9p.m. wilh a Belksn princoss. [2 hill .. 30 min.) liB Frank Sinatra. Edwai'CI G. Robinson. A widower min.) Tue. 7 p.m. (I hr., 52 mln.)CIIED 1hu. 5p.m. "Perla, Texas"*** (1984, Drama) Harry Dean Mon. 1:30 a.m. with n son becomes 1nvolved wid1 a showglrt. (2 "Tho Lalli OuUaw'' d% (1993, WeSiem) "Munolor,Go Homo"** (1986,Comedy) Frad Stanton, Nastassja Klnskl. An amnesiac seeks a ''The Roll" *** (197Q, Drama) Bette Mldler, hrs.)GB Sun. 6 p m.. r0:30 p.m. Mickey Rourke, Denno! Mulroney. A bank rob­ Gwynne. Yvonne De Corio. Hetman MunSirlr reunion with hlo eslranged famlly. 'R' (2 hm .. 30 Alan Bates. A rock s(nger crumbles undor the "Horizons West"*** ( 1SS2. Western) Robert ber seeks revenge on the men who betrayed Inherits his Brilish uncle's oS181e. (2 hrs.} GI\!J min.}CilliiiThu. 1:30am. weigh! of her lama. 'R' (2 hrs., 1.4 min.) Cl!liD Ryan. Rack Hudson Two brotherS drift toward him. (lnS!orao)'R'Illl(l hr., 30mln.)CilED Tue. Tua. 10p.m. "PallyGirl" **% (1958, Drama}RobertTaylor, Sun. 8:45p.m. oppos•te sides of the law (1 hr., 21 min.) fml ''Mul'dor at 1600" **"" (1997, Suspense} 7p.m. Cyd Charissa. A lawyer gels lnvolvod wilh a "Rover Dongerllal~" ...v, (1991, Comedy) Tue. 12:30 a.m. Wesley Snipes. Olano Lane. The presldenl~ "Lawnmowar Man 2: Beyond Cyberspace" powertul rackolooring oulfil. (2 hrs.} ll!D Wed Voices .of Radney Oangerlield, Susan Bo~. A ''House" ••111 (1986. Horror) William Kan. * 'h (1996, Science FicUon) Patrick Bergin, Mall son Is lmpliceted In a sacra;,; doalh. (In 12a.m. las Vegas canlno gets 81aS1oplfann llle. G' (1 . George Wendt. A writer's return to his home Frewer. Avirtual-reality villain plots to control the Sterea)'R'Illl (1 hr., 47 mln.l .Thu. 11:10 "Palh to Parallloo: The Untold Story o11ho hr., 14 min.} om Tue. 5 p.m. triggers supematural events. (2 hrs. lmD Tue. worid. (2 hrs.}IVmJ Tllu. 8.'05p.m, 11:05s.m p.m. World Trildo clanter Bombing"**% (1997, 7 p.m., 1 f p.m. "Lagaloso" *** (1998, Drama} James Gar­ "Mul'dor In Mind" **"" (1997, Suspanse) Drama) Peter Gallagher, Marcia Gay Harden. A ''Housel!: The Second Story'' *(1967, Horror) ner, Gina Gershon. A veteran lawyer hands a Jimmy Smits, Mary-Louisa Parlier. A woman drama1iza11on ol the WoridTrade Canter bomb­ s Arye Gross. Jonathan Stark. A man lights to high-prolilo esse 1o e rooklo. (In Sloreo)llll (2 must prove her lnnoc~nce In her husband's lr>!J.I!!.I993. (In Slorao} 'R' llJ1 (1 hr.. 31 min.) protect an ancesto(s enchan,ed skull. (2 nrs.) hr>.)liliJThu. Wp.m. murder. (In Slerao} 'R' llll (1 hr .. 28 mln.)I!ID CIIIJ Sun. 12:55 a.m .... "Sabolega" (1996, Drama) Marl< Dacsscos, mil Wed 7 p.m., tt p.m. "Ufe Of lhl Partyi The Pamela Hanlman Wed. 8:30p.m. "Tho Poacomakor'' ** (1997, Suspense} Caui8-Anne Moss. A former Navr commando "Howling V: The Rebirth" t 1h (1989, Horror) Story" (1998, Drama) Ann-Margrel, David "Mul'dor or Memory? A Momon! ~I Truth GeorgoCioonay, Nlcela Kidman. Ascion list and hunls lhoklllersor anannsttealer. (In S1ereo) 'R' Philip Davis, Victona Cathn. European travelers Dukes. A charismatic woman becomes the U.S. Movie" (1994, Drama} Leigh Taylor·Young, a saldlar ssok stolen nuclear weapons. (In llll (1 hr., 39 mtn.)!llllliD Fri. 9:50p.m. must lind the werewoll•n their midst. (2 hrs.) ambassadorlo France.IBI (2 hrs.)I!D Wed. 7 Michael Brandon. A mother fights to prove her Slereo) 'R'1Bl (2 hrs., 3 mln.)ll!liJ Thu. 6:30 ''SObrlna lho Toon-Ago Witch" ** (1996, mDSat 5p.m. p.m. son lslnnocor11 ol murder. (2 hill.) liD Thu. 7 p.m.; Mon. 8 p.m. Fantasy) Melissa Joan Hart, Chariane Femetz. "The Howling VI: The Freaks" *~ (1991. "Unda" ** 'h (1993, Suspar.se) VIrginia Mad· p.m. ''TM Peal"*~ (1997, Comedy) John Legul­ A teen-ager discoVers she has supernatural Horror) Brendan liJghes, Bruce Manyn Payne. sen, Richard Thomas. A crafty acillleress "My Braoa1" (1994, Drama} Meredllh Baxler, zamo, Joflrey Jones. A hyporacUve can artis1 powe111, (In Slereo)llll (2 hrs.}IDDMon. 10p.m. A carnival owner tnes to manipulate a dlstUibed lramos her husband lor murder. (In Slereo)llll (2 JameyShertdan. Based on reporter Joyce Wad· becomes a German hunter's quarry. 'PG-13'11D "Salome" *** (1953, Drama} Aila Hayworth, werewolf. (2 hn:..) dD Sat. 7 p.m., t 1p.m. hrs.) mD Tue. 1 a.m . 1efo battle wi1h braas1 cancer. (2 hrs.} GliD (1 hr., 22 min.} fiiD Sl(ll. 7:30p.m. . Slewart Granger. Harod's stapdaughler ;r.; "Hudson Hawk" •% (1991, Adventure) Bruce "UU1e Nlklla" ** (1988, Drama) Sidney Po­ Sun. 7p.m "Phil Buch" ** (1996, Comedy) Jenna•ne plo1tolri11Johnthe8eptist (1 hr.,43mln.) Wlltis, Danny Aiello. A former cQt bufglar breaks lder, River Phoenix. An Air Force Academy "My fair Lady" **** (1984, Musical) Rox (H'-W/} Hopkins, Brian Hooks. A roltJnd toon Sat. 1:30 a.m. back Into the business. (2 hrs.) Wed. 1:30 ED ~pp!icantgets shocking !;Q\ne~s. (In Stereo) Harrison, Aud,.YHepbum. A professor bets he and his pal head aulfarfun In lho sun. (In Stereo) "Salvlllo~· *** (1986, Orama}3ames Woods, a.m. · PG llll (I hr., 39 min.) fn. J:05 a.m. csn leech a slreel vsndorto be a lady. 'G' (2 hrs., 'R' llll (1 hr .. 24 min.)- Fri. 9 p.m. James Beiushi. A photographer looks at El "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" ***lh "Look far the Sllvor Unlng" *** (1949, Musi­ 50 min.} fDJThu. 6 p.m. "A Pltc'ol 1M Action" **\0 (1977, Comedy} Sahradofs political sltuation.llll (2 hrs .. 5 mio.) (1996, Drama) Voices of Tom Hulce, Demi cal) June Haver, Gordon MacRae. Marilyn Miller "My Fair Ladly" **** (1984, MuslcaQ Rox Sidney PoiUor, lllll Cosby. Two amlabla crooks lllii'IJ Sat. 12:30 a.m IVoore. Animated. A deformed man lives his IHe rises 1o fame in vaudeville.llll (2 hrs.) liB Mon. Harrison, Audray Hepburn. A professor bets he Help out some juvenile definquents. (a hill.) "San Quentin" H% (1946, Drama) Lawrence in a bell tower. (In Stereo)00(2 hrs.)ID!ISun. 11:30p.m can leach a ftowar gid11l be a lady. 'G' (2 hrs., 50 -Mon. !2:15a.m. Tiemey,llanonMacLane.lnmateas1artagroup 6p.m. 'l..ook Who's Talking" H% (1989, Comedy) 1Ain.} IIJiiThu. 10 p.m ''Pifiow Tllk" ***% (1959. Comedy) Rock 10 help pn..,ors prapara for parole. (I hr., 30 John Travolla, KilllUa /llay. An unwed molhor's "My Wild Irish R... " **'h (1947, MuslcaQ Hudson, Doris Day. Anlntorio1 decorator shares min.}- Tuo. 8:30p.m. · babyoflers e running oommenlaryon tne. (2h1S .. Dennis Morgan, Artono Dahl. Chauncey Olcott a party tina w1lh a J>layboy. llll (1 hr., 45 min.} "Sap*rahr Tobl11" ..,....,. (1958, Dreme} Da­ 5 min.} 1118 Mon. 6:05p.m. becomes a successlullrish stngar. (2 hrs.)- IIIII Mon. 10:30 p.m. borah Karr, Rita Hayworth. PelllDnel dramas Mon. 6p.m. ' "llluiiOns" ** (1992, Suspense) Heather "Loll In America" *** (1985, Comedy) All>ert ''TMPIIy ...' *** (1992, Se1fra} nm Robblno, envelop g"es1S at a Brillsh resort. (2 hrs.)- Locklear, Robert Canadine. A woman begins to Brooks, Julie Hagerty. A yuppie couple 1aka a N G1Sia Scacehl. Robert Allman's scalhtng took al 1$111. 10:30 p.tn. . suspect the worst ot her sister-in-law. (In Stereo} cross-counby !rip In a motor homo. 'R'IDI (1 hr., lhe Hollywood system. (2 hrs., 35 min.) D ''TM ShadOW Mtn" (1996, Scle~ Fiction) (2 hrs.)GD Wed. 12 a.m. 31 min.} GIIDThu. 9:30p.m.; Wed. 5:30p.m. "Nikld Citv: JuaUco With a BuDII" (lg96, Thu.rza.m Eric' Robarts. Sha1flyn Fenn. A fomlly goes on "lmaglnoryCrlmaa" ** (1994, Drama) Harvey "LoVIIa a Mony Splondored Thing" ***% SuspenSe) Robin TuMoy, Kalllfyn Erbo. A hit ' "P)Jmolllll AdVtnluro" *** (1gsz. Adven- the tun Jolla wing an allan encounler. (In Stereo) Keite\, Fairuza Balk. A teen-agar tn 1962 Oregon ( 1955, Dramo) William Holden, Jennifer Jones. man. ota11rs dalectlvas and lhe lourista !hey 1111'11} Spencer Tracy, Gene Tremey. Tho Plf· 'NR' !Ill (1 hr., 34 min.)-Sun. 10:15 p.m. has a compticaled lamlly Ble. (In SlorBO) 'PG' (1 A Eurasian doctor and an American war raporler saved. (In Slareo) IDI(I hr.,47min.}-Thu. grlms 11ndura a hazardous VOJBD• lo lhe New ''TMBIIIslvYDoo" ***(f959,Comedy) Fled hr., 44 min.) CIDThu. 7 p.m. fall In love. (111'., 42 mil.) ..Fri. 12 am 9 p.m.: Mon. 11 p.m. World. (2 hrs.)- Tue. 10 p.m. MecMuooy, J""'! Hager\. Ari11!1tumi01een Intel

10 • 1V iil Ruidoso • OCt. 14, 1998 uo z;:o; W'¥ ,* .0 ····- -- - *"f • . .

1 (2 hrs.) ~~!f:g:h~·~ ~O!b (2 ~"':: $ "'~:1.- rus .. : ::~~i;"ll;~:r~l C,:~~ti~Jt~~~~~~~:j: "S~ilrkv'•.~•~blnJ'' **11.(1Q~1, Drama)~ytt RpYnglds, ·RbllllefWarcj. A ifll;~ci:!Jp unl;OVers hlgh~eve1 gbileromeotcc!IIIPHqn, (In Sle~l llD • (2 hr.;., 5 rilln.)II!D Wfd: l1:30p.m. "!lh911hrpugh.Jha Hol!ll'' j1PII8, ~pmma) Un\IIIJ'\0~\ll\a Ylncent.f.',~,1'wo Yugijs\avlan friends tlnel- :ihbmSI!II'l!s"~"emles In war. (In Stereo) llll tl ht., 4R mtn.) a:sst. 7:45p.m.; Q: Who plays the molll of the main· Tue.II:~O p.m. · • , v eharaeter on That '70s Show? -Mike "Sinalo II_., Slnglo Womon" **·< 1984, eo. Dues e-mail. medy·Dmrrl') 'Shelrey Hack. Paul Mli:ha~l ., via Glaser. Lonely $Ingles sealih lor romance •f!• "The Vanfahfng" ** (1993, Suspense) Jell A: That's comedy veteran Debra lo popular n)ghtllpcjt (2hra., 5mln.)l'/.ll!IJ~at IJ Bndgos, Kiefer Suthe)fand. A woman's abduc· Rupp playing relentlessly chipper Kit· p.m.. . . . lion toads her lover on athrao-yoar search. (2 ty Foreman in the new Fox hit II' s the "SiniJ!e Whllt·· F•m.Je" **" (1992, Sus· hrs., hrs .. 20 min.) liD Sun. 6 p.m., 10:20 p.m. fifth series role for Rupp, who previ· pense)B~ifseiFcinila, ~ennlferJason telgh. A .· "ThoVoryThoughto!You" ** (1944, Drama) wcmandeve\ilfllladoadl~flxaliononherfomelo ·------=------T Dennis Morgan, Eleanor Parker. After a wartime ously co-starred in Over the Top, If roommate. ·(In S!ei'09) 'A' llD (1 hr., 47 min.) • · · wedding, a couple meol with disspproval. (1 hr., Not for You, The Office and Davis 45 min.)-Sun. 12:45 a.m. .f4':'£~~mR~!!:hel Cldt". *** (1961, ''Taklni cara al Buolneu" **" (1990, Co· ''VIclouo Cfrcloe" ** (1997, Dmma) Bon Gat· Rules. ) I · Dl ~c~· Pel Fl h A 1 medy) James Belushl, Charies Grodin. An ex- Drama An 9 e c nsQO, er nc · . m"' con aesu. mas the lden111y of an ad executive. (2 zara, Carolyn LoWery. Awoman stnkes asordid She also has guest stanid on numer­ Blonary tn the Belgian 'le; s~ccuillb$ to bargain for·heriove(s fraedom. (In Storao} llD (I ous series, including To Have & to templetlon.lthrs., 4.mln.) Mon. &'15p.m. ~'Trs~l::W.F:~~ '::::'d.: Tho Movlo" ** hr.,GOmln.)amSst.11 p.m. Hold. The Adventures of Brisco Coun· "Ski PafW", **" (1!165; Cdmedy} F~kfe "Voyage to tho Bottom ol the Soa" *** Avalon, fl'wa•no H!Gkinan, Twocollegealilleto~ (1990, Hono~ Debomh Harry, Christian Slater. (1961, Adventure) Waller Pidgeon, Joan Fon· 7y Jr., Blossom and Caroline in the ' · old'"" (1" 30 1 1- Atenortn1ogylnspiradbyGeorgeRomoro'sTV Debra Jo posoeswomon!Jna • .,.. ..r., m "· - series. (In Stomo) llD (2 hrs.) IIIII Fri. !a.m. Iaine. A subnuulne crow batUos a radioactive City. She had a recurring role on Rupp Fd. 10p.m. · · · ''Tafei From lht HoQd" ** (19~5. Honor) thmattoEarth. 'PG'IlD(I hr.,45mlri.)-Fd.i Friends and played Katie, Jerry's ob­ "Somito"- to Watch Dvar Mt" **" (1997, Clarence Williams Ill, Coll>ln Bernsen. Amo~l· p.m. on Beverly Hills, 90210? -Strickland Drama) Tom Benmger, Mimi Rogers. Amarried ci•n plays'hosuofour storio.softwfsJedterror. (In sessive asen~ on two episodes of Sein· via e-mail. deteolive becomes involved 1\!th a murder 1\11· • feld. noss.(lt\Storao)llll(l hr., SOmln.)II!DMon. 7 Stereo) 'A' liD (I hr., 37 min.) IIID Mon. 6p.m. A: Scott Paulin (/'/1. Fly Away) "Talking AboUI $.ex"**" (1994, Comedy· w Outside of her series work, Rupp played Corey Randall during the 1993· P.fommJrebV" *** (1993, Drama) RJchaod Dmma) Kim Wayans, Marcy Walker. Couples played Marilyn See in the HBO mini­ 94 season. Gere, Jodie Foster. APmOUmelklead Civil War lll~andllghlalllllaHcniQhlboola C:urseln~orWolshllomeland. (In (2 hrs .• 5 min.)- Sat. 12:30 a.m. UomCunnlngham, Ciragg Fllzgerald.lrish youlh March, .~amoW;hr•o~tl)illo)ll!lll'lbu. (!:45 p.m. ''Tho Third Men" **** (1949, ,Suspenso) gangs flgllt their rivals IIJ stealing bultons. (2 Q: Did Mlcbael T. Weiss (The Pre­ "Sprlnglltfifilllft'~ **'7(1852, wmsm)Gary Joseph Con~n, Draon Welles. A )'lrllor ques· hrs.) GilD SaL 12:35 a.m. She had a recurring role as Phyllis, tender) ever play on Guiding Light? Cooper, Phyiii.-ThOlll~r, AcouJtrmBrtlaled a•· tlons a frlend s death In postwar VIenna. (I hr .. "Wayne•o World 2" ** !(, (1893, Comedy) Mike Phil's wife, on Murphy Brown and in -The Blodgetts via e-mail. Ill do nd r work. 11-h' 33 min ) 44 min.)- Tue. 9 p.m. Myers, Dana Corvay. A dead rock star lolls o 4 recent seasons also has appeared on OJ • · • • ''3D Yeo.- to Lite" !f998. Sclenco Flctlon) A: No, but he got his start on Days 'tJ;'rue,~:tfjii" Wayne to organize a big concert (In Sterao) T)te "Q''"''' · r.~ · 7 s 1 Andrew Robart Hays, Hugh 0 Connor. An 1mp 0soned 'PG-13'1lll (I hr., 34 min.) C!llii'J Sat. 8:45p.m. Boy Meets World, Burning Zone, Our Lives. M~iQ! ~tMo!l. 'li:lpr party's teen "dellbarately agedthreodocades. (2 hra.) "Wool Point Story" **\I (1950, MuslcaQ Vir· NYPD Blue and Good Grief. ~iMile~t. · ' l

1V in Ruidoso • ocr. 14. 1998 • II . . .. SOAP TALK FRIDAY New clan added to Bold and the Beautiful By Candace Havens ClVData Featum Syndicate The Bold and tire Beautiful is geUing a make-over with the addition of a new family and a revamped theme song by Dionne Warwick. The new clan is headed by Myles Fairchild (Michael Swan), an invest­ ment banker with' a few skeletons in the closet. His daughter, Kimberly (Ashley Cafagna), is going to cause big trouble for Rick (Jacob Young). I Daytime fans may remember Swan I from his popular run as r>_uncan on As I the World Turns. He lefl the show two I years ago when his contract was up. ~ Swan also recently wrapped up a I small stint on One Life to Live. k "We're delighted to have such a tal­ I ented and accomplished actor join our I cast," says B&B producer Bradley k Bell. ''I've admired Michael Swan's ~ work for years and know that he'll be an incredible asset." Warwick has re-created the theme Courtenay Cox, usa Kudrow and Jennifer Anlston (from left) star aa Fridays on CBS, Peter Funt and Suzanna Somera host Candid Cllmsrs, music as a new love ballad. Appearing three single women trying to get by with i little help from one another In which hidden camerae catch unsuspecting people's reactions to as herself, Warwick befriends Lauren In Friends, airing Thursdays on NBC. practical)okea. Fenmore (Tracey E. Bregman). The song premieres Nov. I I. , In other news: Daytime actors are - SATURDAY. SUNDAY popping up all ov

12 • TV in Ruidoso • Oct. 14, 1998 ... · ' "" . ""' .. ---··-,_...... ,... ----· ---- •

\ A, .f..M • " . • n.J:. .. IN FOCUS cans .zn n.:m.!JIJCa ·~ · ~~;£. MEADot.b -- c~ . · · ,.,8 ' tills the· information gap PianoBar . Geneva Hicks 'Jy $uzanne Gill Restaurant Lounge, 7 nigllls a week · Located at the Cree Meadows Country Club OTVbara "'IliUm $yndicate Dance to Restaurant open 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. . "The Talisman" Vje\¥ers who tune into PBS' Africans · BREAKFAST • LUNCH • DINNER Wednesday in AmeriCillhis week will be 'rewarded Featuring daily specials · With a melliOlabJe jplirqey; · · through 9a.m.to ... Saturday Rich iii s11und; J(!1i"llllnd image, the , ·!lC!nfictl!!n miniseries airs in .folil: 90- •·· , minu.f!l installments frOm Mond;iy, Oct .1. 19;\)uough TbuiScJ4Y, ~t 22 (check .. . ;l!li:8llislin$s). SJ)III1Jiillg .!he yeats frOm · the Jamest!lwn. colony 1n 1607 to the. '~post-Civil War era. il adds a missing it~iilillnJ·~ •· ·dimension of '!Jack experience to the "l story of the nation's fouilding. ENW-T (~~:~~:~~~~~ ,.,art·l of.tlie.serjes, The Terrible as a :C Transformation. explains hCJW tbe in- vestigator. . . dentured servitude of botb whites and Television When Nosh and Joe (Don Johnson, blacks was used to build the North say~, ''Our ~~ncefo~s th~ founders Cheech Marin) are acc11,sed of mur- Amer.ican colonies. When· the first ·to live up·to'thcu own •deals. dering three fellow officers during a Africans arrived by chance on the Vir- · Patts 3'·lllld 4, Brotherly Love and The Italian AmericansU: drug bust, Investigator Caillfu Cross glnia coast in 1619, they were put to .fu4grrnml Day, ·chronicle the slave re­ . (Bieetb)h assigned to gather evi~ worlculongside white indentured.lahor- bellions and .abolitionist movement. A Beautiful Song .dence for tlteir ca~e. Unfortunately,. ers. More. laws are passed, compelling the she and Nosh don't hitlt off. To PUike "In 1619;" notes historical novelist . return of escaped slaves to their mas­ For Italian Americans, life is "a )leautiful song" to be lived with operatic ters. This new legislation forces every matters worse, Nash and Joe clash Charles Johnson (Middle Passage), intensity. TbeJtalian AmeriC811!1 U: A Beautiful Song is a tribute to Ital­ when they are forced to share a cell. ''people were not categorized in terma citizen to become involved on a moral of races." · level ian-American culture. Many notable Italian Americans' share their per­ sonal stories in the special, including actors Danny Aiello, Alan Aida, Changes came "law by law," as the AfriCIJIIS In America personalizes lhe Dom Deluise, Susan Lucci, and Paul Sorvino. • film's nllll'lllivc puts it, fust in Virginia epic of slavery tlmlugh the memoirs of IN FOCUS and later in such colonies as Carolina, literate black Americans of the lime The Italian AmeriC811!1 U celebrates a particularly Italian way of under­ which bad institutionalized slavery who 10\lk care to record their individual standing life, and explores what it means to be Italian in America from the frOm its founding. odysseys. Readers include actors An: Italian perspective, examining the ideals of generations and the icons While landowners amassed fortunes dre Braugber and William Hurt. An­ the culture - from Dante to DiMaggio. using slave labor on one side of the gela BasS'ett is the Jeries' narrator. Wann remembrances recall traditions like family dinners that are so ocean, black-on-black wars rained ter­ Viewers lesm of Jobii'Brown's raid much more than meals. Dinners highlighted in the program demonstrate ror on the other shore. Th.se simulta­ on Harpers Feny and feellhe terror of neous events decimated the population runaway slaves rounded up and herded how tbe lessons learned around the table- hard work, honor, honesty, in Africa. ooiO soutbbounil trains, muCh like the self-confidence- are preparation for success. For so many Italian-Ameri­ Part 2, Revolution, uses individual Jews of World War D Europe. In Part can families, these gatherings are the center of family life, wbere culture is stories of slaves and masters - includ­ 3, genealogist Karen Hughes White passed from one generation to tbe next like the seemingly infinite courses ing Virginia planter George Washing­ reads out the names of ber ancestors too - to explore the tension between served. frOm a document recording the sale of The program also pays tribute to the late Frank Sinatra, a true ltalian­ the colll!lists' desire to free thC~~~SCives Thomas Jefferson's slaves. frOm tyranny and their continued sup­ Ame.rican hero who embodied acceptance and success in the American pression of the rights of thousands in Executive producer Orlando Bagwell mainstream .. their In 1776, all were "created midst is optimislic aboUt the impact Africans The Italian AmeriC8JJS 0: A Beautiful Song airs Monday, October 19th equal" as long as tbey weren't In America will hove on those who in­ Africans, American Indians, women or vest the time to see it at 7:00p.m. II repeals Friday, October 23rd at !O:OOp.m. Lea Thompson stars in a multigen­ children. erational saga depicting the chilllging "There's a way of life that is driving '"lbrough a clear and constructive un­ Africans in America roles of women in the United States in the continuation of slavery," Johnson derstanding of our pas~ there is the op­ NBC's A Will of Their Own, airing explains. "More than anything else, portunity for growth and healing," How did America build a new nation based on principles ofliberty and Sunday and Monday, Oct. 18 and 19. that is what's bard to give up." Bagwell says. · equality while justifying the existence of slavery? AfriC8DS In America The tension continued after the Revo­ Recounted by photojournalist Aman­ 'This is not a black history or a white addresses this tough question in a new four-hour documentary series. da Stewrud (Thompson), the story be­ lution. Concessions were made to slav­ history, but a story that explores how . gins in 1894 as Amanda's .mother ar­ . ery as an expedient for ra~ing the white and black slavery and freedom In ''The Terrible Transformation," the series premiere challenges popu­ . ii\>es in the States to beeoine a bouse­ Constitution, yet eventually, Johnson are connected at the bip." . lar misconceptions about the origins of slavery in America. Racial slavery l,ilaid. She !Widericcs self-rellanee ear­ did not arrive full-blown with the first Africans to set foot on Virginia soil ly on, manylng a,llPv~ her sOCial class, in 1619 ~ it evolved over several decades, one law at a time. Books by ·Ralph Hollenbeck • and passes this" trait on to Amanda, "Revolution," the second episode, examines how the colonies' struggle who in tum brio~ up her daughter in THB QUEEN'S HOUSE: A Social polllics, which can in time of crisis or for sovereignty called into question the institution of American slavery. the!8111e fashion. Qistoty of Buctitlgbam Palace, by celebration unite the country." One Edna · Healey (Carroll & Graf: iDstance she cites was last year's out­ "Brotherly Love" examines the new nation's first40 years through events $27 .9S). IronicaUy, both George pouring of people and tributes before in Philadelphia. There, the promise of liberty became real for some of the Washington and bis War of Buckingham's gates follow,ing the city's citizens and fleeting for others. Independence opposite, King George death of Princess Diana. Oeotge ID "Judgment Day," the series finale, focuses on the final years before the m. bequeathed to their nations more and his adoring wife, with whom be Civil War and the eventual, bloody end to the institution of slavery. As bad IS children, loved the palace and 1han just ~ frauicidal ;evolution. the nation expanded westward and thousands of slaves from the South WashingtOn, "Father ofllis country,''. adomcd it with taste. Not all his heirs never lived in the White House, but shared his enthusiasm. Victoria lost were marched into the new territories, American citizens were forced to he did participate in the cornerstone her zest for life IIJIIIIeft Buckingham decide whether the nation would be slave or free. laying of what came to symbolize the for years after ber beloved Prince MricaDS In America will be broadcast over four consecutive evenings, presidency. Earner, Oeorge m. atrec­ Albert died. Edward VID resided Monday through Thursday. October 19th - 22nd at9:00 p.m. tiooately known to his subjects as there only briefly before be abdicated "Fanner George." bought for his new to marry his American love. }he Channe/3 Television from bride a LOndon mansion that would palace could speak volumes, but the Eastern New Mexico· New Mexico bellome associated with the British author, wife of a former British monarchy - Buckingham Palace. The cabinet member, brightly and infor­ British royals before and since have matively details in a single tome bad other resideoce,s, but as Edna much of how the Clennan-derived • TRIVIA TRIVIA · Jlealey notes, " ... the palace has royal family over the years took a endured. Neither harsh words nor "heap of living" to make A dancer and stage actor, Tahj r'A golfer inlle; spare-time. earonr.e enemy bombs have destroyed it, Buckingham a home representative Mowry (Smtln Guy) Jlas- performed l Rhea (Sabrina, the Teenage Witch) because It bas fulfilled a deep-seated of )lngland. in music videos by Michael Jack­ Ihas a hole-in-one to her credit and need - to have a focus, above party ' · 0 lfl8 King Fea..., SyDd .. lnc. ~ son and Mariah Carey. looks forward to hilling another.

• 7V in Ruidoso • Oct. 14; 1998 • 13 • • ...... -----w-==--=---=-·-·..----....r-----·------~--~· --·-•-« ···----~-·-

. An elderly woman (Joanna Kerns, lift) has her frlsnd (Della Reaae) cover for hlr when lhe llkaa off to help hllt'dsughter In Emma'• Wleh, · premiering Sunday on CBS. Kerns gets what she wants in optimistic Emma's Wish By Suzanne Gill Emma - get it?), she encounters only olVDaiB FaatuRIS Syndlcala the most perfunctory lrial period be­ It's not every week tliere's a movie fore shifting into mother-confessor about a. couple of elderly ladies m~ - and all tWs time ber daughter who've taken up residence in a nursing slill does not recognize her. home Without losing interest in life. Back at lbe nursing home, Mona is Della Rees~ and Joanna Kerns play dqiog her best to cover for her friend .. . tbc geriatric roommates in Emma's With Wish, Kerns takes a risk por­ Wish, airiJ!g Sunday, OcL 18, on CBS. rrayin~ a much older woman, but re­ !{ems, who starred in Growing Palru maillll more convincing as Marne, the from 1985 to 1992, p)ays 75-year-old tadiant 40-ycar-old zipping around · Emma Bridges, who blows ·out her Soutliero California in a vintage ' birthday candles with a wish that she· \(o~s:gcn conveltiJjle. might come to the aid of her daughtl!r · Koiaii"s perfo4ce a5 stressed-out (Harley Jane Kozak), who is 1rying to daughter Joy is easy to overlook raise two children, start a business and al~gsidc Kerns' star a~ut viewers/ deal with a maniage in crisis. As Emma's irrepressible pal, Mona, will appreci:UC th~~!siiJ.~~~er 1/ain. Reese gives the film a welcome injec­ • As}oy's .soile~rWhit,e;;JPitghl hus­ tion of attitude. band, :WiUiam ,R, Mll~.ia·m~.than Undeniably a "woman's movie," equal to the light labiln set for him in witb a sentiment-soaked message Cynthia Whitcomb's script. And about forgiveness of self and others, Stephanie Niznik lends comic relief as Emma's Wirh asks considerable sus­ the ambitious nursing-home director pension of disbelief as Emma first be­ who nearly spoils everything. comes youilg tJuvugh the magic of her The sum of ~se parts isn't perfect wish, then getS hired, Mrs. Doubtftrt· alchemy, but a little magic is enough style, as ber daughter's housekeeper. to make Emina'r Wi!h satisfying view­ Calling herself Marne (an anagram of . ing.

Maya's (Laura San Giacomo) biting criticism cau888 a flamboyant de­ signer to have a temper tantrum 1n Juet Shoot Me, airing Tuesday on • NBC. .

14 • 7V in Ruidoso • Oct. 14, 1998

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Plug sat- -, ' .. .. . ' d 'J •)l ~ :- 'l' •• " . • • · - C....::~1W.1u [lave several eleclri­ • Check that the amperage ratings cal applillllces ~luggeil into 31! adapter for extension cords are higher than the in a snlgle butlet'l' Do your extension electrical products they are used with. cordnun underrt~a'th rugs? Have you To find this infonnation, check own­ ever stuck a fork inld the toaster'/ er's manuals and electrical labels. If you answered yes to any of these • Do not plug one extension cord questions, you have created a potential intO another. eleclrical hazard. . • Remember mily to usc extension Many of the thousands of eleclrical cords on a temporary basis; they are not fii'CS that cause hundreds of dealhs and safe as pennanent household wiring. injuries each year could be avoided if Also, check that the cord is not wrapped people were better educated about around itself or another object. electrical power, according 10 Woods • Always check that the cord you lnduslries, a leading manufacturer of have selected meets its intended use. eleclrical extension cords. You can verify this by checking the Op average, one person ia electrO­ electrical rating on both appliance cu~ in the horne every 36 hours, and and extension cord. on~ person is electrocuted In the • Keep cords out of your path or workplace every w .. .According to work area. When using electrical · Baltimore Gas anlfl!lec~c Company; equipment outside, use only weather­ in addition to the lives lost, $1.2 bil­ resistant, heavy-gauge extension cords lion in personal property is claimed marked for outdoor use. CALL - every year by fires lh~l result from the l negligent use of eleclrical appliances ELECTRICAL CORDS· j and extension cords. CHRISTINE, LINDA OR JILL 4 As a maker .of extension cords and • Don't run eleclrical cords under- a J other electrical products, Woods neath rugs or carpets, and don't place Industries offers several suggestions heavy objects or furniture on cords. • for keeping your household safe Walking on cotds and heavy weight can Ask about special rates •j throughout the year. - break wiring and possibly cause a fire. • All electrical cords should be I WALL OUTLETS kept out of reach to keep children or for running in both pets from pulling appliances off j • If plugs seem to fit loosely into a tables or counters. 4 wall outlet, the outlet needs to be • Turn off electrical products if the without rust unplugging the appliance. TV Guide and Vamonos repaired. A loose-fitting wall outlet cotd overb.eats. • During electrical storms, small • may cause ovetbealing. Have an elec­ appliances, like hair dryers, curling trician check die outlet. UNPLUGGING YOUR PRODUCfS irons or toaste~. can be potentially • Attach safety covers to all outlets dangerous if left plugged in. 257-4001 •

where children are present. Avoid dec­ • Keep all electrical products and ' • orative safety caps that may tempt a cords. lilq: mdios, hair dJyers or curling PLUGS child to play with wall outlets. irons, away from water while plugged in. • Never use a knife or fork to • Never remove the third prong of a EXTENSION CORDS remove a stuck slice of bread or bagel three-pronged plug because it can pro­ while the toaster or toaster oven. is tect you from electrical shock. Convert • Only use extension cords that still plugged in. two-pronged outlets to fit three­ have been listed by a recognized cer- • Never reach into water to relrieve pmpged plugs using an adapter with a tification organization. · an appliance thai has fallen in grounding tab.

1V in Ruidoso • oct. 14. 1998 • IS • •

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