433 CONSTANTINE PARISH COUNCIL http://constantinecornwall.com/council/ C.F.P.Chapman Clerk to the Council Chy Lean St Keverne Road Mawgan Helston TR12 6AY telephone 01326 221648
[email protected] Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Constantine Parish Council held on Thursday September 18, 2014 at 7.00pm in The Vestry, Constantine. Present: Cllr P.Carter Cllr C.Gray Cllr A.H.Bolt Cllr Nicholls Cllr Mrs S.Dunstan Cllr Miss C.Evans Mr C.Chapman (Clerk) Visitors: CCllr Hatton, Mr Fox (Cornwall Community Land Trust), Mr Allen, Mr Andrew, Mrs Clowes, Mr and Mrs Croftson, Mr Hussey, Mrs Moore, Mrs Munn and Mrs Thomson. The Chairman welcomed members and visitors to the September meeting. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME Members noted that • using a very low-key approach, the Christmas Lights appeal has raised a total of £682.83 with further promised sums to come • a collecting box to help swell the funds has recently been placed in the Spar Shop • the plan is to decorate the village using white lights • letters concerning Christmas trees will be sent to residents of Fore Street, Glebe Terrace and Vicarage Terrace • out-door lights have recently been purchased at a cost of £680.00 • any help the Parish Council can offer will be very gratefully received. Drawing members’ attention to the advertisement in The Constant Times concerning the drop-in event at the Tolmen Centre on Saturday September 27, Mr Croftson introduced Mr Alan Fox of the Cornwall Community Land Trust. Mr Fox said that • the Cornwall Community Land Trust helps locally based trusts to