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     !"        P          !R ! !           Maulana Mohsin Sheikh, # P# Faizan Yunus, and Rashid                       Ahmed. &&+ $,-         Elaborating on the arrest of  #                       R  the three persons in Surat, the aking a serious note of the               DGP said, “On the basis of a    '() Tkilling of three outsiders              packet of sweets obtained from involved in apple trade in       the crime spot, the Gujarat Kashmir earlier this week      Q   ! "M  Police was contacted and a  + "./ despite the large presence of           + "./ team was sent there. A CCTV security personnel, the securi-          M        footage of a Surat-based sweets hief Minister Yogi ty establishment has revisited             enying any terror link shop was examined and Faizan CAdityanath on Saturday its strategy by providing a safe-    $  %    $    behind the murder of Yunus Bhai was identified.” condemned the murder of ty umbrella in the hinterland tants has improved in the last &        $  Q'()  Kamlesh Tiwari, the  ! "   The DGP said all the three Hindu Samaj Party president dotted with apple orchards. few days. Explaining the sig- D #  # #             controversial leader of a little- accused detained by the Kamlesh Tiwari, saying it was The Army and paramili- nificance of this factor, officials    ** + *)',%     known Hindu outfit, Uttar   % &    Gujarat ATS had accepted their “an act of mischief to create ter- tary forces have fanned out in said since August 5, the local          +   Pradesh’s Director General of involvement in the crime and ror” and such incidents would such areas besides population police and intelligence agencies             Police OP Singh on Saturday radical killing. It seems that that all three were linked to the not be tolerated and those centres to instill confidence were concentrating on main-     $       claimed to have a made a Tiwari was murdered due to a case in some manner. involved would not be spared. among masses and deny ter- taining law and order antici-          &   breakthrough within 24 hours controversial statement he Singh said that the probe so The Chief Minister said rorists time and space to move. pating unrest like mass protests   -            of the killing by arresting three made in 2015 but much more far pointed that Rashid was the that so far five people had been However, setting up of safe and violence. Also the snapping       *'       accused, including the master- will come out when we catch mastermind while Faizan pur- taken into custody in connec- pickup points for collection of of mobile services impacted              mind. hold of the remaining crimi- chased the box of sweets the tion with the murder case — apple crops in the wake of the intelligence gathering and   The three were taken into nals,” the DGP said, while rul- killers used to hide their gun in three in Gujarat and two in killings have created problems information flow came down              custody in Surat city of Gujarat ing out any terror angle behind on the day of the attack. Uttar Pradesh. He said a Special for the orchard owners located by at least 70 per cent, they said.   +   $      in a joint operation of the the sensational broad daylight The DGP said two more Investigation Team had also far away. While traders have With the restoration of  %    & .    police forces of the two states. murder of the Hindu Samaj persons — Rashid’s brother and been constituted to probe the been advised to use smaller mobile services earlier this              Two more arrests were Party chief in his residence- Gaurav Tiwari — were also case. vehicles for apple transporta- week and virtually no mass       made in Bijnor district of UP cum-office Khurshedbagh questioned but were let off after The Chief Minister said the tion from interiors of the dis- protests as feared, the local /          where Muslim clerics locality of the state capital. investigation. killers were allowed to meet trict, they are finding it difficult police, which provide the real    $   / - Q Mohammed Mufti Naeem The UP Police and their “Gaurav had called Tiwari by the security guard to ferry their produce to these time intelligence about terror- /     N%   O   Kazmi and Imam Maulana Gujarat counterparts were Kamlesh a few days ago, posted at his residence only mandis due to lack of smaller ists, has now re-established its    $          Anwarul Haq were held after interrogating the persons taken expressing his desire to work after the Hindu outfit leader vehicles. If this is cutting into counter-terrorism grid.       N2   O being named in an FIR lodged into custody, the DGP said, for the Hindu Samaj Party in gave him the nod. their profit margins, it is also This will result in the Army       3 /     by Tiwari’s wife Kiran. adding that all the three would Surat and other places,” he The killers sat with Tiwari affecting the timely transport of going after the terrorists already           .     The DGP said that they be brought to for fur- said. The DGP also rejected the and had food and tea. the produce to markets outside holed up in the sensitive areas                would soon nab the killers ther interrogation. allegation made by Tiwari’s Subsequently, the personal aide Kashmir. and 70-odd militants managing       %     also. The three persons taken kin that he was not provided of Tiwari and his son were sent On an average, one truck to infiltrate into the State from $         “Prima facie, this was a into custody in Surat are Turn to Page 4 Turn to Page 4 carries 800 to 1,000 apple across the Line of Control        boxes. Transporters are charg- (LoC) in the last two months,    -    ing 135-140 per box com- they said.     %    (# " " pared to 80-90 earlier. The killings came at a time           Kashmir produces over 20- when normalcy was returning        24 lakh metric tonnes of apple with the apple trade considered    -      * worth 10,000 crore annually. to be the lifeline of Jammu &    5 The attacks on apple traders Kashmir picking up. People       !    #    and truck drivers in Shopian were going about their daily          have triggered a fresh wave of economic activities after abro-     terror among the truck drivers gation of Article 370 giving          0$ Sena is contesting 124 seats.  + "./ and large number of non-local special status to the State on      Sensing a certain victory, a workers engaged in the labori- August 5.         ith the ruling BJP-Shiv large number of candidates ampaigning for the by- ous task of packing, loading The security establishment "#$ 6      WSena combine’s return to had sought tickets from their Celections to 11 seats of and unloading of apple boxes. thus redrew its strategy by     power in Maharashtra becom- respective parties, especially Uttar Pradesh assembly came Effort is to ensure that deploying the Army and para-          ing more or less certain, the the BJP, even in seats that have to an end on Saturday evening. apple traders in the hinterland military in the hinterland and     debate preceding the State gone to the other saffron party Polling in these con- of major apple growing centre populated centres of Kashmir     Assembly polls scheduled for in the alliance. stituencies will be held on of Sopore, which has Asia’s especially those engaged in &          Monday has narrowed down to Two days ahead of the October 21. The counting of biggest mandi for this fruit, the apple trade, sources said on          numbers. Notwithstanding the withdrawal of nominations, votes will be taken up on Shopian, Pulwama and Saturday.      saffron alliance’s confidence of Chief Minister Devendra October 24. Anantnag in South Kashmir The Army is now carrying ' ($ O     winning more than 220 out of Fadnavis had sent out stern The Election Commission are able to continue with their out area domination patrols in    total 288 seats, the numbers are belonging to both the BJP and message to rebels to opt out of has deployed Central forces in routine economic activities. large areas to instill confidence *$       quite not adding up if reports the Shiv Sena, are in the poll the fray and said that there all the 11 constituencies and In the meantime, a positive amongst the masses on the one '      from the ground are anything fray in as many constituencies would be no place for rebels in they have reached their respec- development has come in the hand and denying terrorists        to go by. across the State. Almost all the the BJP-led “Maha-Yuti”. tive areas and were holding flag way of the security forces as time and space to move, they  *       The questions being asked rebels are contesting the polls On his part, Shiv Sena marches to instil confidence intelligence flow about mili- said.          are: Will the BJP and the Shiv against the saffron alliance’s president Uddhav Thackeray - among the voters.   Sena at all cross the 200 mark? official nominees after having at his annual Dussehra rally There are 110 candidates in         Will the BJP retain 122 seats it been denied tickets by their held on October 8 -- subse- the fray for the 11 seats.           had won in the 2014 State respective parties. At least 30 to quently apologised to those While the Bharatiya Janata      Assembly polls? Will there be 35 of the rebels have the poten- party workers who have been Party wound up its campaign  $      a drop or an increase in the tial to sabotage the chances of denied tickets, in an effort to with Chief Minister Yogi      number (63) of seats won by the official candidates of the defuse rebellion within the Adityanath addressing elec-      %      /  %  the Shiv Sena in the previous two parties. The BJP is facing party ranks over the distribu- tion meetings in western UP at   7         Assembly polls separately? the brunt of rebels in the fray. tion of tickets. Both Fadnavis Rampur, Gangoh in $    The BJP and the Shiv Sena, The presence of such a and Uddhav have not suc- Saharanpur and Iglas in Aligarh 8         which had contested the 2014 large number of rebels in the ceeded in reining in the rebels. district on Friday, Samajwadi              Assembly polls separately, had poll fray should be seen in the Rebellion within ranks Party president Akhilesh         together won 185 out of the light of the fact that the BJP and apart, both the BJP and Shiv Yadav, who had skipped the             total 288 seats, as against 83 the Shiv Sena had contested the Sena look very formidable on campaigning, addressed a              seats bagged collectively by 2014 Assembly polls separate- paper. A cursory study of the rally in Rampur on Saturday.       the Congress (42) and the ly. The BJP had contested 260 Assembly segment-wise results All the prominent political            NCP (41). out of 288 seats, while the Shiv of the 2019 Lok Sabha polls parties — BJP, SP, Bahujan            It is the rebel factor that is Sena had put up candidates in (which saw the BJP and Shiv Samaj Party and Congress — 9           threatening to play a spoilsport 282 seats. Sena win 23 and 18 seats have claimed their stake on                            9  for the ruling saffron alliance While the BJP and its allies respectively) shows that the BJP all the 11 seats which are               : in the polls. Nearly 50 rebels, are contesting 164 seats, the Turn to Page 4 Turn to Page 4                                 ;                " ! #    #$      .            +                       P Q   verge of extinction in Leh and key population is in Barmer economically deprived landless  P Q   Ladakh as their number has district followed by Jaisalmer, people and these animals serve :        ;     drastically decreased and is Bikaner, Churu and least in as the source of livelihood for             less than hundred there. Tonk district. their masters and play an         Rajasthan tops the list of Maharashtra has only important role in their socio-                %&' States with most donkeys, fol- 18,000 donkeys as compared to economic status also,” officials   =      9 $ 7   lowed by Maharashtra, Uttar 29,000 in the previous census. added. $ %-              Pradesh, Gujarat and Bihar. The State Animal Husbandry In Rajasthan, 70 percent of &            Taking note of their declin- Department has already donkeys were of grey colour        8       &&+ $ ing numbers, the Ministry of launched a “Save Donkey” pro- and remaining animals were of  >-   ?         Fisheries, Animal Husbandry gramme in the lines of “Save white colour. In Gujarat, both              n the last seven years, India and Dairying has asked the Tiger” to protect donkeys. white and grey coloured don-    8     Ihas lost more than half of its Indian Council of Agricultural The population of don- keys were available. In anoth-  . >8        donkeys. The population of Research (ICAR) to explore keys in UP has declined major- er cold desert (Leh), donkeys $               donkeys has fallen by a massive possibilities of promoting don- ly from 57,000 to 16,000, while were dark coloured, mainly            $  61 per cent since 2012, as per key milk in the country that both Gujarat and Bihar have dark grey (42 percent), brown  $   &   @      the livestock census report can lead to their conservation. 11,000 donkeys. In 2012, there (42 percent) and black (16     6        2019. The total number of Donkey milk has four times the were 39,000 donkeys in Gujarat Ministry’s officials, the decline China for its medicinal use. percent) in colour. In Haryana,   8  Q      donkeys in India now stands at vitamin C as cow’s milk, and and 21,000 in Bihar. in population might be due to Some cases of donkey killings most (90%) of the donkeys    ;          just 1,20,000 down from contains casein, lactose, vita- their decreased working utili- have been reported in Madhya were grey coat coloured while            3,20,000 seven years ago. mins A, B1, B2, B6, D, and E The donkeys’ population ty, as alternate economical Pradesh and Maharashtra. in Bihar, grey coat colour (54.17            The decline in the four- besides being used for beauty also declined from 17,000 t0 sources of mechanization are Donkeys are normally used percent) was prominent, fol- ?      /+  legged animal population is products. 10,000 in Jammu and Kashmir. available. Besides, the wildlife for transportation of agricul- lowed by white grey (36.11 per-             uniform with almost all the As per the donkeys’ census, Assam has 13000 while mafia who used to supply tiger tural goods, building materials cent) and brown (5.56 percent).        %     States witnessing a decrease in the population of donkeys has Haryana now has 10,000 don- skin and parts, have now and people all over the world. As per the census, the pop-        their numbers. Alarmingly, fallen to 23,000 from 81,000 in keys. switched over to donkeys, “Majority of the donkey pop- ulation of camels, pigs, horses,         donkey population is on the Rajasthan. The maximum don- According to Agriculture which are in much demand in ulation is owned by socially and Turn to Page 4 

    + ,-. ,-/0 4  345   % !        !3/   &' ( #

 + "./ openly express their resent-  + "./ ciary.”    ment against the UPCC chief Targeting the district offi- he bypolls to 11 assembly     and his team. amajwadi Party president cials, the SP chief said, “The Tseats of the state will be a     Recently, during cam- Akhilesh Yadav launched officers should conduct them- litmus test for UP Congress     paigning in Rampur assembly Sa frontal attack on the selves in professional man- president Ajay Kumar ‘Lallu’,    constituency, Lallu faced oppo- Yogi Adityanath regime in ner... political bosses keep who has been given the      sition when the dissidents Rampur, alleging that the changing every five years. The responsibility of reviving the      openly threw chairs forcing Bharatiya Janata Party govern- officers change their behaviour party in Uttar Pradesh.   him to stop the meeting. ment was misusing the state much faster than the weather Though there is nothing at It may be mentioned that machinery and intimidating and those officers who are stake for the party as it is not the bypolls will be held on the voters. working for the ruling party contesting the bypolls to retain while the Bharatiya Janata coming Monday for Gangoh, On Saturday, the SP chief may have to face tough time in any seat, its performance will Party, won the seat. Rampur, Iglas (SC), Lucknow campaigned for party candidate future with the change of definitely point to the success Interestingly, many UP Cantonment, Govindnagar, Tazeen Fatma, who is contest- guard.” of the UPCC chief and Congress leaders who were not Manikpur, Pratapgarh, ing the bypoll from Rampur Hitting out at Yogi Congress general secretary, happy with the elevation of Zaidpur (SC), Jalalpur, Balha assembly seat. She is the wife of Adityanath, the SP chief said, Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, who Lallu as UPCC president and (SC) and Ghosi seats. SP veteran leader and Lok “The police in this regime annoyed majority of senior even refused to accept the It is a four-cornered con- Sabha member from Rampur, have gone berserk and the leaders in UP by giving the offer of Priyanka Gandhi test with the Bharatiya Janata Mohammad Azam Khan. cops can kill anyone with leadership of the party in UP Vadra to be part of her advi- Party (BJP), Bahujan Samaj “It appears that the by-elec- impunity. An innocent youth to Ajay Kumar ‘Lallu’ and sory committee, relented and Party (BSP), Samajwadi Party tion to Rampur assembly seat was killed by the police by denying posts to old leaders, addressed some corner meet- (SP) and Congress fielding has become very prestigious for shooting him from point blank barring one or two, while ings in favour of party candi- candidates on all 11 assembly the BJP and Chief Minister time. The police have registered cases,” the SP chief said. range as he had failed to pay revamping the UPCC. dates. seats. Yogi Adityanath. The BJP gov- over 80 cases against Azam Akhilesh Yadav said that the extortion money to the Soon after taking charge as It may be mentioned that Of the 11 seats, eight were ernment has unleashed a reign Khan, his wife Tazeen Fatma, the Yogi Adityanath govern- police.” UPCC president, Lallu, despite a party leader had asked Lallu held earlier by the BJP and of terror against the SP rank who is a member of Rajya ment had singled out three dis- Akhilesh Yadav said the the party’s humiliating defeat to own the defeat in Hamirpur Pratapgarh was represented and file and the common man,” Sabha, and MLA son Abdullah tricts – Rampur, Etawah and mother of Hindu outfit leader in the Hamirpur assembly as he had selected the candi- in the assembly by the ruling Akhilesh Yadav said, adding, Azam. Kannauj — as no develop- Kamlesh Tewari, who was bypoll, has not only forced date. party’s ally Apna Dal (Sonelal). “Do not despair, such things do “The Rampur bypoll is no ment work had been under- killed in the state capital on party workers and leaders to Not only in Hamirpur, all The seats of Rampur and happen in democratic poli- small election. It is an election taken there during the Yogi Friday, had said on record that take the streets, he also asked the candidates except PL Jalalpur in Ambedkarnagar tics.” to save democracy and the Adityanath rule. her family was more secure them to work hard to ensure Punia’s son Tanuj in district were held by the During the ongoing by- whole country is watching the Praising the party’s Lok during the Samajwadi Party victory of Congress candi- Barabanki, are the choice of Samajwadi Party and Bahujan elections to 11 assembly seats events here. The people of the Sabha member from Rampur, regime and her son was killed dates on at least a couple of Lallu as Priyanka gave him a Samaj Party, respectively. and the bypoll at Hamirpur country are anxious about the the SP chief said, “Azam Khan in the Yogi Adityanath rule. constituencies. free hand to prove his worth. Congress has no share in assembly constituency held outcome of the by-election is a national leader and is The SP chief alleged that In Hamirpur the Congress If the bypoll results turn out to the seats going to bypolls and earlier, Akhilesh Yadav has here as the Yogi Adityanath valiantly fighting the legal bat- the UP Police was trying to give candidate lost his deposit and be the same as in Hamirpur, it it would be an achievement for campaigned only in Rampur as government has deployed all its tle and he is confident that he a communal colour to the remained behind Samajwadi would give ammunition to the party even if it is able to Azam Khan is facing tough might to fix Azam Khan in fake will get justice from the judi- murder of Kamlesh Tiwari. Party and Bahujan Samaj Party the dissidents in the party to win one of these 11 seats.     # 4-!! )     - !R -         %! #   !    #  "    + "./ seriously injured when a mound of Firozabad (PTI): The BSF head earth, near which they were digging Pilibhit (PTI): The head- official said. constable who was killed early n a tragic mishap, the personal sec- soil, collapsed on them on Saturday. master of a primary school, “Furqan Ali has also been this week in an unprovoked fir- Iretary of Union minister Santosh Bisauli Sub-Divisional Magistrate who was suspended for mak- warned that in future he should ing by a Bangladeshi border Gangwar died after his car collided CP Saroj said the incident took place ing students recite an adhere to the departmental guard on the India-Bangladesh with a truck in Shahjahanpur on in Wazirganj police station area, where poem by , rules and discharge his duties border in West Bengal, was cre- Friday midnight. He was returning to Gyan Devi, 46, Sunita, 30, and Rita had has been transferred to anoth- under the direction of senior mated at his native village here Bareilly after expressing condolences gone to dig the soil near the mound in er school on humanitarian officers,” Swarup added. on Saturday evening. over a death in a family in Kannauj their village. As they were digging the grounds, an official said on Ali was suspended earlier The body of 51-year-old when the mishap took place. soil, the mound collapsed and the three Saturday. this week after the Vishwa Vijay Bhan Singh reached his Superintendent of Police (City) in women were buried under the heap of District Basic Education Hindu Parishad alleged that the native village Chamrauli under Shahjahanpur, Dinesh Tripathi, said soil, the SDM said. Officer Devendra Swarup said headmaster was “forcing” chil- Makhanpur police station area that Brijesh Kumar Tiwari (44), the Villagers rushed to the spot, and Furqan Ali would, however, be dren, mostly belonging to the in the district early on Saturday personal secretary to the Union extricated the three women from but discharging his duties as a majority community, to recite and was cremated amid the Labour and Employment Minister, Gyan Devi and Sunita had died by teacher and not as a headmaster. the prayer, ‘Lab pe aati hai dua’, assurance by the district was traveling in his car from Kannauj then, while Rita was hospitalised. Ali, who was the head- which the right-wing outfit administration that the gov- to Bareilly on Friday night when it Meanwhile, the death toll in Mau master at the Gyaspur-2 pri- said was usually recited at ernment would take care of his collided with a truck that was in front LPG cylinder blast rose to 17 on mary school in Bisalpur area of madarasas. family’s welfare. of it near Madnapur. He said that Saturday. The blast occured in a two- Pilibhit district, has been Ali had termed his sus- Officials said as the the Tiwari died on the spot, and his body storey building in Walidpur Badhai attached to the large size pri- pension unjustified and alleged slain soldier’s jawan’s reached was sent for post-mortem. Tola area under Mohammadabad mary school in same area on that some people were trying to his native village, his family Brijesh Kumar Tiwari hailed Gohna police station on October 14. humanitarian grounds follow- give a communal colour to the members and villagers from Jasuli hamlet under Qila police While Mansa Devi (53) succumbed to ing a report from the block matter. demanded that one member of station of Bareilly and had two sons. her injuries on Friday night, her education officer that he is dif- The teacher had said his family be provided a gov- Lucknow (PNS): Union Minister Smriti Irani In Badaun, two women were daughter Sonam also died while receiv- ferently-abled, Swarup said. schoolchildren also recite ernment job and a petrol pump will visit her Lok Sabha constituency Amethi on buried alive while a third one was ing treatment on Saturday morning. “Due to non-receipt of a ‘Saraswati Vandana’, besides be allotted to one of his kin, October 20 and 22 and take part in a series of pro- probe report by the Amaria the Urdu prayer. besides raising a memorial in grammes, including a ‘Gandhi Sandesh Yatra’. block education officer, Furqan Nobody had raised an his honour. On October 20, Irani will take part in the Ali has been let off with a objection over it, but the VHP Officials said the villagers, ‘Gandhi Sandesh Yatra’ along with other strong and final warning,” the was politicising the issue, Ali in fact, raised the demand say- Bharatiya Janata Party leaders to spread Mahatma basic education department had alleged. ing that unless the administra- Gandhi’s thoughts among people, said an office- tion promised to fulfill the bearer of the Bharatiya Janata Party. demands, they would not allow The sandesh yatra will also seek to inform *! ( (   $  his cremation. the people about the various welfare schemes of This led District Magistrate the Centre and the Uttar Pradesh government, Banda, (PTI): Six persons have been booked in Chitrakoot Chandra Vijay Singh and he said. district for allegedly raping a 23-year-old woman, police said on Senior Superintendent of Police On October 22, Irani will undertake a tour Saturday. Police said the case was registered on Friday. The woman Shachindra Patel to speak to of Amethi district with Uttar Pradesh Governor was raped around two weeks ago. Four men took her to an senior officials and assure the Anandiben Patel. The Union Textiles Minister unknown place on the pretext of dropping her from her college family members that their will also inaugurate the Amethi District Hospital to village and gang-raped her for two days. demands had been accepted. and address the programme. .! ! 

Allahabad (PNS): A gang of five unidentified armed on looted 4 lakh from a trader dealing in cattle business near Laugav canal road on the bor- der of Fatehpur and Kaushambi, under Mahewaghat police station of Kaushambi district on Friday. They also damaged the window panes of trader's SUV and took away the keys of vehicle DIG (Prayagraj range) KP Singh said two police teams had been assigned to nab the robbers

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 ' & + "./ "      ine gamblers were arrest-    Ned from different places of the state capital in the past   24 hours. A sum of Rs 8,500   # $% and five packs of playing cards    were recovered. Those arrest- ed were identified as Rohit   Pal, Avinash Rawat, Shailesh    Kumar Rawat, Amit, Vishal Verma, Arun Singh, Jeetendra, Sheru and Manoj. Talab, another gambling den gambling den. They conduct- cards were recovered by the The first raid was con- run by Manoj Kumar was ed the raid and police. The SSP said more ducted at a gambling den in busted by the police. As a part nabbed six gamblers, includ- raids would be conducted all Mohanlalganj operated by of the routine checking, the ing the owner. A sum of Rs over the district on the occa- Rohit Pal. It was run only dur- police stumbled upon the 3,500 and a pack of playing sion of Diwali. ing the night hours and would witness the presence of influ- ential people. Locals would often complain about distur- !  %! !  bance created by the late night activities there.  ' & + "./ been tense since Thursday fied as Ajay, Mohammad The police said a group of night following a dispute over Haider Ali and Mohammed residents drew the attention of wo groups of labourers land for construction of Shaan. Motorcycles, stolen SSP Kalanidhi Naithani but Tclashed with each other in make-shift houses. One group spare parts of trucks, jeeps the police did not take any Maqdoompur area under alleged that their rivals and light diesel vehicles worth action. However, following Gomti Nagar police station on acquired a large portion of Rs 10 lakh were found from the intervention of senior Saturday morning. Two per- land by demolishing the their hideout. officers, the police were forced sons each from both the make-shift shelters and were The police said they were to swing into action. The raid groups were injured and they not allowing re-construction. moving towards Naka area was carried out in the wee were rushed to Ram Manohar Initially, the warring groups from Kaiserbagh crossing late hours when gambling was at Lohia Hospital, where their would have heated exchange on Thursday night. They were its peak. The henchmen of condition was said to be out of but elders in the area used to stopped by the police for Rohit Pal raised an alarm and danger. diffuse tension. checking of the documents of scores of gamblers managed to Investigating officer Meanwhile, the police their vehicles and their iden-  # "   + ,    &     escape. However, Avinash Baleshwar Singh said no arrested three persons for tities. They became nervous Rawat and Shailesh could not arrests were made in this con- stealing automobile spare and could not respond to escape. The police seized Rs nection as the warring groups parts from different parts of police queries. They were 5,000 in cash and two packs of struck a compromise follow- the state capital and selling taken to the police station A    playing cards. ing police intervention. The them at throwaway prices to where they confessed to their Meanwhile, in Bakshi-Ka police said the situation had mechanics. They were identi- crime in the wee hours.    $   

Lucknow (PNS): With the “We are not facing any death of the Hoolock gibbon problems in terms of leopards on Friday, Lucknow zoo will be and tigers which we can breed replacing it with a pair of gib- in the zoo itself, but we face bons from Meghalaya zoo. issues in terms of a gibbon Also known as ‘hookoo ban- which can’t be bred here,” he dar’, the animal was one of the said. He pointed out gibbon star attractions at the zoo and was an intelligent animal and it died due to old age. His part- will be missed by them. The ner had died several years back zoo director said that primates The gibbon was 39-year-old were also restricted to a very and had been procured from few areas of the country. He Meghalaya zoo. said they were already in an The gibbon’s death has interaction with the Meghalaya caused a lot of sadness among zoo authorities and the visitors since it was one of the moment they get a nod, they most favourite inmates for would get the animals within children. Zoo director RK the next three days. He said Singh said the problem which they would be getting a pair of         "   #    %   # .  #/   #      they were facing was that the rescued primates. “Currently animals could only be procured the only primates which we from zoos, as per Central gov- have are the chimpanzees,” he   R   #  ernment’s instructions. pointed out.  &    ' & + "./ people have this fancy of buy- “We are in a dialogue with ing animals online and not in UPSRTC because these people hief Wildlife Warden Sunil the small places or towns,” he also operate through buses. CPandey said that the Forest added. The Chief Wildlife We are mulling the idea of department was carrying out Warden said that the illegal having a workshop with the a major operation in the state trade of birds was also taking UPSRTC conductors. The idea to check the trade of owl since place and there had been a is that they should know if Diwali is drawing close. He number of seizures in this anyone is carrying a sack as a said the operations are being regard. He said that the latest luggage, it could be carrying carried out along with the seizure was that of the birds tortoises and turtles. This is Wildlife Crime Control brought from Hapur to important because they may Bureau, Delhi. Kanpur zoo. “Parakeets, which not be aware of what this Illegal sales of owl soar at are schedule one animals, are item is and hence have to be the time of Diwali owing to traded because people like to trained,” he pointed out. some ritualistic practices and keep them, which is not The official said that the Lucknow (PNS): The Uttar Pradesh myths associated with the bird allowed,” he added. Forest department organised a State Road Transport Corporation based on misinformation that The senior official said workshop with Global Tiger (UPSRTC) on Friday held its Board its sacrifice brings wealth. that the biggest trade happen- Force at Pilibhit. “This is meeting, which was presided over by its He said the operations are ing is that of turtles which are important because we are chairman UPSRTC Sanjeev Saran and being carried out in a confi- sent abroad and also within looking at various options as witnessed the presence of senior offi- dential manner. “What is the country at Kolkata. “There regards how to tackle the cials, including managing director Raj being carried out is confiden- have been several incidents man-animal conflict. This is Shekhar. “LDA gave its nod to leasing tial and details cannot be because turtles are in demand the area where there is a lot of out its land for a period of 90 years for shared. The purchase or hunt- for their carapace in Asia and potential of man-animal con- construction of a bus station at ing of the owl takes place hearts of Bengal. The carapace recently, there has been a flict since the width of the for- Jankipuram to accommodate 459 buses close to Deepawali,” he point- is a layer which lies below the seizure in Sultanpur and there est which is in the shape of a at a times, thus resolve the problem of ed out. However, he said that shell and is considered to be a have been major seizures horseshoe is barely 5 km. The traffic snarls,” Shekhar said. The nod for the last two to three years, delicacy by many. Tortoise across the state and that they animals stray out easily and was also given to name the Nichlaul the enforcement has been trade is taking place all across have been very active in that. enter the agricultural fields all depot as Maharajganj depot. “A rec- active in this regard and hence the state because every ‘jheel’ He added that the trade around,” he said. ommendation has been given to change the trade has not been so and ‘pokhar’ has these tor- has come down, though not He said that winter is the the name of Faizabad depot to Ayodhya brisk. Asked whether online toises but the best part is that seized completely, because the time when most of the animals depot,” he said. Shekhar said the nod has trade of wildlife was also hap- there have been massive police had been active along stray out and hence one needs also been given to send a proposal to the pening, he said it was very lit- seizures all across the state with railways since those delv- to be very alert. “We have Central government for upgrading tle. “Mostly, these things take related to turtles and tortois- ing into the trade tend to roped in Global Tiger Forum Sonali bus station for international place in a metro town where es,” he said. The official said transport the turtles by trains. for the purpose,” he added. standard services. ?             Lucknow (PNS): The Endocrinology department of KGMU organised a programme with Breast Cancer Support Group at Atal Bihari Vajpayee Convention Centre on Saturday. Nearly 60 breast cancer sur- vivors walked the ramp, giving inspiration to the patients pre- sent on the occasion. The star attraction was Bollywood same and its treatment is avail- actress Padmini Kolhapure. able in KGMU itself. KGMU Speaking on the occasion, she Vice-Chancellor Dr MLB Bhatt said families of breast cancer said such programmes help in patients should support and dispelling myths and miscon- encourage them. “One needs to ceptions associated with cancer. be happy and calm and medi- Head of the Endocrine depart- tate for inner peace,” she added. ment Anand Mishra said the Singer Tripti Shakya said programme was aimed at giving that name of cancer itself terri- confidence to breast cancer fies a person but medical science patients so that they can lead a        "  # &   has found the solutions for the normal life.  &     + ,-. ,-/0

, (    8.94*:-

  0 degree college cultural fest.   $#   Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Sports Fest is being organised '   at Babu Banarasi Das Amity Institute of Educational Group in Lucknow Pharmacy, Amity University, this year on October 22 and 23. organised a workshop on More than 1,000 students from ‘Personality development and all the eight zones (Agra, career opportunities’. The Bareilly, GB Nagar, Ghaziabad, workshop was inaugurated by Gorakhpur, Prayagraj, Pro Vice-Chancellor of Amity Lucknow and Meerut) will be University Lucknow Campus showcasing their talents in var- Sunil Dhaneshwar, and direc- ious track and field and indoor tor of Amity Institute of events like badminton, basket- Pharmacy Suneela ball, chess, kho-kho, football, Dhaneshwar. The session start- table tennis, volleyball and ed with the keynote address by kabaddi. The venues will be Dr founder of Future Academy  ' & + "./ attached to it and each region Akhilesh Das Stadium and  0# ) #    P1   "    % Rubby Chawla that focused on has exquisite varieties. The Babu Banarasi Das National        "% "  23   managing soft skills to meet he ‘Silk Fab 2019’ underway uniqueness of silk products Badminton Academy. The O5      *  # " * 3    P     corporate demands. Prashant Tat Kaiserbagh Baradari has attracts customers across the opening ceremony will be     *   #    Vikram Singh, a soft-skill train- come at the right time when the globe with exclusive weaves, presided over by AKTU Vice-  "%  #     "    (0P er, delivered a talk on career weather is changing and designs and traditional motifs. Chancellor Vinay Pathak.      #   opportunities in pharmacy. women are shifting from cot- Through these exhibitions, Founder and director, The tons to silks. There is a huge handloom agencies not only )&   Dutt and fourth runner-up and certificates to the winners Speak Zone, Bilal Ahmad deliv- variety of silk from all parts of market their products at rea- Unity PG and Law College was Prabhjot Kaursanda. of participants. Principal SD ered a motivational talk. More the country. sonable rates but also get to organised Justice Shah Sharma said that participation than 450 students and faculties Over a period of more know customers’ choices with Muhammad Sulaiman   in cultural and literary fest from various pharmacy insti- than two decades, the exhibi- regard to colour, design, and National Essay Writing The valedictory ceremony plays a vital role in the confi- tutes in UP and Uttarakhand tion is an initiative of the office weaving for future improve- Competition in collaboration of the two-day annual cultur- dence building of the students. were benefitted by the of development commissioner ment of the product,” an offi- with Max Law Firm. The essays al and literary fest ‘Medha A total of 522 students partic- workshop. for Handlooms, Union cial said. were evaluated by Qamrul Samvardhan-2019’ was organ- ipated in 17 different events on Ministry of Textiles, through In furtherance of its Hasan Siddiqui, former addi- ised at Sri Jai Narain Mishra PG October 18 and 19. The theme   National Handloom uniqueness, the Central gov- tional advocate general (UP); College on Saturday. The chief of the event was ‘Sapno ki Local and traditional skills Development Corporation ernment has launched the Taru Saxena, advocate and guest on the occasion was GC Udaan’. All the winners will be in India are in for a big boost. (NHDC) Ltd to provide direct ‘Handloom Mark’ scheme for senior partner of a law firm; Shukla, secretary-manager of given an opportunity to An MoU was signed in this access to handloom weavers to handloom products and ‘Silk DNNS Yadav from LU’s Faculty the college management com- represent the college in regard at a programme on ‘UP market their products to con- Mark’ for genuineness of silk of Law; and Meraj Ahmad mittee, who gave away prizes ‘Divyankur-2019’, an inter- Skill Summit and MSME Meet sumers in various cities of products, to encourage and from Unity PG and Law 2019’, jointly organised by PHD India. As many as 110 agencies give a distinct identity to the College. The chief guest was Chamber of Commerce and belonging to 12 states are par- products. Ravi Robert Layll, former dean, Industry, Anuna Education ticipating in the exhibition. The exhibition will be open Faculty of Law (LU), and Network Pvt Ltd, and National Officials said the hand- for public from 11 am to 8 pm manager of Lucknow Christian Skill Development loom sector of India employs up to October 25. “We only College. The winner was MN Corporation, UP. The summit 45 lakh persons directly or allow these agencies who have Srivaishnavi from Damodaram was inaugurated by minister indirectly, which is next only to been recommended by the Sanjivayya National Law Mahendra Nath Pandey, who agricultural sector in the coun- respective state governments, University (Andra Pradesh) was the chief guest. The guest try. “The art of handloom Weavers Service Centres while the first runners-up were of honour was minister weaving has traditional values (WSCs),” he added. Shristi Jain & Prachi Arya Sidharth Nath Singh. The sum- from Babu Banarasi Das mit also witnessed an exhibi- University School of Legal tion by local artisans with sec- -8"))+-8/0 Studies, and Lakshita Handa tors like life sciences, gems & from Rajiv Gandhi National jewellery, coats & paints, University of Law (Punjab). healthcare, beauty and wellness. The second runner-up was Under the MoU, it was decid- Syed Mohd Mehdi from ) # 36789P "  ed to promote local and tradi- Faculty of Law (AMU) while  : ;  )   ( " tional skills under Pradhan the third runner-up was Priya Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana. &  0 "

*2'  president and the delay in Sonia wards and involved more than 27 three persons in connection established a lead in 122 Gandhi taking over as his suc- crore households and non- with the murder. Late on Friday Assembly constituencies, while cessor, the Congress does not households. night, Additional Chief Secretary the Shiv Sena was in the lead in look like a national party once it (Home) Awanish Awasthi had 105 constituencies. Between the was. The recent resignations by  P  said that a special investigation two saffron alliance partners, the party’s sitting MLAs and leaders to the market to purchase some- team comprising Lucknow IG BJP - in the Lok Sabha polls -- have weakened the Congress’ thing, and it was during this peri- SK Bhagat, SP (Crime) Dinesh established lead in the same organisational structure at the od that Tiwari was murdered, Puri and DSP (STF) PK Mishra 1 2+,"- & 00 number (122) of seats it had won grassroots levels. The Congress’ Yogi Adityanath said. The Chief had been constituted to probe ‘EXSPO-2019’, the four-day international sports olympiad, the 2014 Assembly polls, while campaign has been listless from Minister was expected to meet the incident. Tiwari was cre- organised by City Montessori School, RDSO, got off to a start the Shiv Sena increased its tally the beginning. That the Congress the family members of the mated at his native place in on Saturday. The inaugural ceremony was held at Kanpur Road from 63 to 105 in terms of the leadership has given up on deceased leader on Saturday Mahmoodabad after the district auditorium where the chief guest was RDSO director general Assembly seats won in the 2014 Maharashtra well ahead of the night, as per media reports. administration succeeded in Virendra Kumar. Stalwarts such as ‘Iron Man of Asia’ VS Chauhan, polls and the leads established in polls could be evidenced from Earlier on Saturday, the family of convincing his family members international athlete Gulab Chand, footballer Manoj Tamang; for- the Assembly segments in the the fact that while Congress the deceased had said that they that their demands would be ful- mer Ranji cricketer Ashok Bombi etc were present on the occa- 2019 Lok Sabha polls. leader Rahul Gandhi addressed would not cremate Kamlesh filled. sion. Around 500 young players from India and abroad have Together, the BJP and Shiv mere six public rallies, party pres- Tiwari until the BJP leader met arrived at Lucknow to compete in a series of sports events. Sena established leads in 227 out ident Sonia Gandhi and its them. To satisfy the anger of the &   0  of total 288 Assembly segments, leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra family, Lucknow Divisional witnessing a four-cornered con- &&   in the 2019 Lok Sabha polls. It is stayed away from Maharashtra. Commissioner Mukesh test, giving an edge to the ruling Aarna Shukla, a student of class the figure of the leads in the 227 Confined to their respective Meshram had met the family in BJP. Though the BJP candidates V, City Montessori School, Aliganj Assembly segments that has constituencies where they are Sitapur and said that a Special are sitting comfortably in most Campus II, bagged the first prize in prompted ruling saffron alliance contesting and the neighbouring Investigation Team was probing of the constituencies to the an inter-school dance competition, leaders to claim that that the two areas, senior Congress leaders the case. He also said that a bypolls, Ghosi, Rampur and organised by Vibhoo Educational, saffron parties would win more like Ashok Chavan and Prithviraj licensed weapon would be pro- Jalalpur may witness a tough Social & Cultural Society. Students of than 220 seats in the Assembly Chavan could not campaign vided to Kamlesh’s eldest son for contest. Chief Minister Yogi various schools showcased their tal- polls. much across the State. The self-defence and the a recom- Adityanath campaigned in all the ent but Aarna left the judges As against 164 and 124 seats predicament that the NCP faced mendation would be made for a poll-bound constituencies. impressed with her moves. being contested by the BJP (plus was of two folds. First, the government job for him. He also Although the BJP had won eight its allies) and Shiv Sena respec- switchover by a large number of assured the family of “appropri- of the 11 seats in the previous tively, the Congress and NCP are its MLAs to either the BJP or the ate financial help”. Meshram poll, a look at the poll percent- contesting 147 and 121 seats Shiv Sena has resulted in said the demands of the family age reveals that registering big respectively in the State unprecedented erosion of its had been taken into account and win will not be easy for the party Assembly polls, where as their base in its stronghold of sugar they would be provided securi- this time. Of the 11 assembly allies are contesting the remain- cane-rich western Maharashtra. ty, adding that their meeting with constituencies going to bypolls, ing 20 seats. The CPI and and Secondly, the NCP has psycho- Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath except for Rampur and Jalalpur, CPI(M) are contesting 16 and 8 logical jolt after its founder- was being fixed. We are recom- all were won by the BJP in 2017 seats respectively. The Mayawati- president Sharad Pawar, former mending a government resi- state assembly elections. headed BSP is contesting 262 Deputy Chief Minister Ajit dence for the family. The first challenge for the seats, while the Raj Thackeray- Pawar and several of its leaders BJP is likely to come from the led MNS has fielded candidates across the State have been 0    Ghosi assembly seat in the Mau in 101 constituencies. Between booked by the Enforcement security despite repeated district where the party had April-May 2019 Lok Sabha polls Directorate for alleged irregu- requests. Singh said the deceased won by a very thin margin in the and now, there has understand- larities and its senior leader was provided a gunner and a 2017 assembly polls. Its candi- ably been a sea change in the Praful Patel’s name figured in a policeman and both were present date Phagu Chauhan had won by political scene in the State. The deal with the wife of Iqbal when the incident took place. He a margin of just 7,000 votes. ruling saffron alliance is taking Mirchi, an aide of Karachi-based added that there was no laxity on Bahujan Samaj Party candidate on a very weak Opposition, don Dawoon Ibrahim. Sr Pawar the part of the police adminis- who came second had polled 34 especially after the Congress was the lone full-fledged cam- tration. Singh also refused to per cent votes. The seat was and NCP have suffered a body paigner for the NCP. Pawar, make any comment when asked vacated by Chauhan after he was blow in recent months - in the who undertook two rounds of about the allegation of Kamlesh appointed Governor of Bihar. form of large-scale election-eve tours across the State, addressed Tiwari’s mother Kusuma who The Jalalpur Assembly seat desertions from their ranks. a total of 65 rallies. said there was hand of a local BJP in Ambedkarnagar, is considered The desertions by 30-odd leader in the killing. a BSP stronghold and has a size- sitting MLAs and leaders in the  )P  Kamlesh Tiwari’s son able amount of Dalits, Muslims last three months have not only ponies and mules have also Satyam Tiwari, however, was not and Brahmins. It also poses a eroded the traditional bases of sharply declined by 51.9 percent. satisfied with the breakthrough challenge to the ruling party. The the Congress and NCP, but they The number of pigs also regis- and asked whether the case seat was vacated by BSP’s Ritesh have made matters easy for the tered a decline. There were 11.1 would be investigated properly. Pandey after he was elected to ruling BJP and Shiv Sena to pre- million swine in 2007, which ‘I don’t know if the men arrest- Lok Sabha. Another seat that pare for the State Assembly decreased to 10.2 million in ed (by police) murdered my may prove difficult to win is polls. Such is the level of the con- 2012. In 2018, there were 9 mil- father or if someone killed him Rampur, where the electorate has fidence in the ruling BJP circles lion swine. Horse and ponies also and innocent people are being been voting for Samajwadi Party that Prime Minister Narendra sharply declined by more than 45 framed. If these are the actual leader Mohammad Azam Khan Modi, BJP president Amit Shah per cent. The number was culprits and the police have since 1980, barring 1996 when and Chief Minister Devendra 612,000 in 2007, which increased video as evidence, the NIA he lost to a Congress candidate. Fadnavis have repeatedly gone to to 625,000 in 2012, and then should take over the probe. If Considered a traditional strong- town, saying that the BJP-led saf- sharply decreased to 340,000. they probe and this (the arrests) hold of the Samajwadi Party,, the fron alliance’s victory in the India’s livestock population are proved correct, we will be sat- seat will witness a four-cor- State Assembly polls is a foregone increased to 535.78 million, with isfied. We do not have belief in nered contest in which the conclusion. Modi and Shah have the number of cows rising 18 per this administration,’ he said Muslim votes are expected to be anointed Fadnavis as the next cent to 145.12 million as com- before an electronic channel in divided between the SP, BSP and Chief Minister. On his part, pared to 2012, according to lat- Sitapur on Saturday morning. Congress. In a bid to retain the Fadnavis has said that the saffron est census. However, the live- Kamlesh Tiwari, 45, who seat, the SP has fielded Tazeen alliance would sweep the polls stock population witnessed a was earlier associated with a fac- Fatma, wife of the Rampur MP with an unprecedented majori- decline of 1.35 per cent in Uttar tion of the Hindu Mahasabha, Azam Khan. The BJP has field- ty. Contrast the BJP-Shiv Sena Pradesh, Rajasthan (1.66 per was killed in his office in ed Bharat Bhushan Gupta from alliance’s confidence with the cent) and Gujarat (0.95 per Khurshedbagh under the Naka this seat. The other seats going already down-in-the-dumps cent). The 20th Livestock Census Hindola police station in to bypolls are Zaidpur in mood prevailing in the Congress was conducted with the partic- Lucknow on Friday. Two persons Barabanki where Tanuj Punia, and NCP. Hemmed in by the cri- ipation of all States and Union had visited Tiwari with a box of son of former MP and veteran sis triggered by the resignation Territories. It covered about 6.6 sweets before killing him. An Congress leader PL Punia, is of Rahul Gandhi as the party lakhs villages, 89,000 urban FIR had been registered against contesting on Congress ticket.     + ,-. ,-/0 # ' 1!  % ! /!;,3-% 2 P= Q?  Q    BC   &&+ $ Constitution which states that number of Indians arrested raising the level of nutrition for trying to enter the US ille-    ith the Prime Minister and the standard of living and gally has "tripled".  &&+ $ premises in Andhra Pradesh Krishnamurthy Foundation WNarendra Modi espous- improving public health is the This means a lot of poor and Telangana. during the '80s. But he was ing the nationalism cause by duty of the state. Indians are leaving the country > earches in multiple premises Around 300 personnel of expelled from the foundation highlighting the abrogation of "You only remember in search of employment Sof firms and trusts founded by Income Tax (IT) department and later set up his own trust. Article 370 from Jammu & Article 370 but you do not keep opportunities, the Congress spiritual guru 'Kalki' Bhagwan — are involved in the searches He had gone into hiding Kashmir during the cam- in mind your constitutional leader said, adding, "Modi ji 9  &  whose original name is Vijay which commenced early on following a business failure in paigning for Haryana and duties. Around 93 per cent chil- please respond why is this Kumar Naidu - have led to the Wednesday morning continued 1989 and later emerged as Maharashtra Assembly polls dren are not getting proper happening as you have been  &&+ $ detection of undisclosed income through Thursday and are Lord Vishnu's 10th avatar scheduled for October 21, the nutrition and your entire focus running the country for the last of nearly 500 crore including expected to last till Friday, 'Kalki' in Chittoor district of Congress on Saturday sought to is on Article 370," he said. "You five-and-half years." he Congress on Saturday hit unaccounted cash receipts of officials familiar with the Andhra Pradesh. He also counter it by projecting its are doing this because of the He also took potshots at Tout at Union Minister about 409 crore. development maintained. claimed that his wife was the own tough image by pointing Assembly polls... You do not the Prime Minister over India Piyush Goyal for his remarks on A total of 43.9 crore in According to IT officials, incarnation of the lord's out how India under it split know about the people who are ranking 102 in the Global Nobel laureate Abhijit Banerjee cash and US currency worth besides cash, IT officers also consort. He got name and and created suffering," Sibal said. Hunger Index, saying Modi with its leader Priyanka Gandhi 18 crore were seized. The seized incriminating docu- fame after many top brass Bangladesh. He further attacked should concentrate less on pol- Vadra saying the Government’s total value of the seizure is ments about shady investments politicians, industrialists and "Modi ji only remembers Modi and Home Minister Amit itics and more on the people of job is to improve the "collaps- about 93 crore, which includes and purchase of vast tracts of celebrities started coming to his (Article) 370. He does not Shah over their remarks that the country. ing" economy and not to run a gold and diamonds, a land in Tamil Nadu and even ashram. The Chittoor ashram know when Pakistan split and Jammu and Kashmir lagged Citing the latest GDP "comedy circus". tax department official in Kenya in violation of rules. also hit the headlines in who did it. It was we in development because of growth projections by interna- Goyal on Friday said ing to belie the achievements of release said. About 88 kg of During IT raids, it 2008 when five people died and (Congress) who split Pakistan's Article 370. tional agencies, Sibal said, Banerjee supported 'NYAY', a others. The Nobel laureate did undeclared gold jewellery, val- was found that Krishna also many were injured in a stam- integral part from it... Where Citing poverty, infant mor- "Despite India's GDP growth minimum income scheme pro- his work honestly and won the ued at 26 crore, diamonds runs a few construction firms pede. were you (Modi) then?" senior tality and unemployment rates, rate slipping to a six-year posed by the Congress, which Nobel Prize, she said in a tweet amount to 1,271 carats worth in the name of While Lotus, At the ashram, an ordinary Congress leader Kapil Sibal along with gross enrolment low of 5 per cent in the April- was rejected by the Indian vot- in Hindi. about 5 crore, have also been Golden Lotus, Blue Water darshan of the couple is priced asked. ratio in higher education and June quarter, the Modi ers and there was no need to "The economy is collapsing. seized. and Dream View among oth- at 5000 and special darshan at "Tell the people of Haryana human development index Government "accept what he thinks". Your job is to improve it, not to The raids were conducted ers. Krishna, resides in 50000. Similarly, the medita- that it was because of the rank of Haryana, Maharashtra, still insists that all is well The 'NYAY' scheme was run a comedy circus," the after a tip-off from the Chennai, is said to have invest- tion classes offered at Oneness Congress that Pakistan's inte- Uttar Pradesh, Madhya with the country's economy one of the highlights of the Congress general secretary said. Intelligence Bureau that Kalki's ed heavily in the business ven- Temple starts from 50,000 gral part was split from it. This Pradesh and Gujarat to Sibal and that it remains among the Congress manifesto for the She also tagged a media son Krishna is suspected to tures of his associates, which onwards and these sessions happened under the Congress said, "These states did not have fastest growing in the world." April-May Lok Sabha polls. report which claimed that the have made huge investments in too have come under the scan- attract a huge number of for- rule. Praise the Congress, but Article 370, but most of the "But revised projections The Union commerce and slowdown in the auto sector several ventures of his associ- ner. According to sources, near- eigners. you don't have the guts to do corresponding figures of for India's GDP growth rates industry minister, at a media continued in September. ates including real estate with ly 20 of Krishna's business During the late '90s, the that," he said. Jammu and Kashmir were way this year alone indicate other- briefing in Pune, also described Banerjee, an Indian- the use of illegal finance. associates are under investiga- self-proclaimed spiritual leader Training his guns at Modi, better." wise. In fact, some analysts Banerjee as a "Left-leaning" American who has been criti- Besides the sprawling tion. set up a campus in Chennai the Congress leader asked what Referring to data from a have dropped growth projec- person. Lashing out at Goyal cal of the Narendra Modi gov- headquarters of Kalki Bhagwan The 70-year-old Naidu called Somamangalam, and has the BJP Government under US Customs and Border tions for 2019-20 from 7.5 per for his remarks, Priyanka ernment's economic policies, near Chittoor bordering Tamil started his career in 1971 as a also started 'Oneness him done for implementation Protection report, Sibal claimed cent all the way to just 6 per Gandhi said instead of doing won the 2019 Nobel Prize for Nadu, searches were also on at clerk at Life Insurance of India University' in Chennai's of Article 47 of the that in the last three years the cent," he said. their work, BJP leaders are try- Economic Sciences. 20 places in Chennai and other and then joined J Varadaiahpalem.        -       ( '   .(

%    &&+ $ agreed draft comprehensive nificance as the central gov- Ravi said the NSCN-IM the Government of India, settlement, including all the ernment on August 5 has "mischievously" dragged in he said.  &&+ $ Government of Punjab and the Sahasrabuddhe, president, uling out a separate flag substantive issues and compe- announced abrogation of spe- the Framework Agreement and In view of such unfortunate Shiromani Gurudwara ICCR, will accompany the heads Rand Constitution for the tencies, is ready for inking the cial status given to Jammu and began imputing imaginary attitude of some NSCN-IM s the Government prepares Parbandhak Committee," the of missions, the statement said. Nagas as demanded by the final agreement. Kashmir under Article 370 contents to it. leaders, Ravi held a detailed Ato celebrate the 550th Birth Ministry of External Affairs Guru Nanak Dev's teach- NSCN-IM, the Centre has "Unfortunately at this auspi- and bifurcated the state into The framework agreement consultation meeting with the Anniversary of Guru Nanak, said in a statement ings of love, peace, equality and made it clear that the endless cious juncture, the NSCN-IM Union territories. was signed on August 3, 2015 primary stakeholders of the India has invited the heads of The committee is responsi- brotherhood have universal negotiations with the insurgent has adopted a procrastinating With the annulment of the by NSCN-IM general secretary Naga society on October 18 in foreign missions based in New ble for the management of appeal and convey the message group under the shadow of attitude to delay the settle- special status, the separate flag Thuingaleng Muivah and the Kohima. Delhi to visit the Golden Temple Gurudwaras in the states of of spirituality, humanity, devo- guns were not acceptable. ment raising the contentious and the Constitution of Jammu government's interlocutor Ravi The meeting was attended in Amritsar. Punjab, Haryana and Himachal tion and truth," the statement The Central Government symbolic issues of separate and Kashmir cease to exist. in presence of Prime Minister by the apex leadership of all the "Over 90 Resident Heads of Pradesh, besides the Golden added. India and Pakistan are is also determined to conclude Naga national flag and consti- The ruling BJP, Prime Minister Modi. 14 Naga tribes of Nagaland, all Missions in New Delhi are temple in Amritsar. also working on opening the the 220-year-long peace tution on which they are fully Narendra Modi and Union Some NSCN-IM leaders the minority non-Naga tribes expected to travel to Amritsar on Hardeep Singh Puri, minis- Kartarpur corridor to facilitate process without delay, inter- aware of the Government of Home Minister Amit Shah on through various media plat- of Nagaland, the Nagaland 22 October. The visit is being ter of state for civil aviation, pilgrims visit Kartarpur Sahib locutor for the Naga talks and India's position," the state- many occasions had made it forms are misleading the peo- Gaon Burha Federation, the organized by the ICCR ( Indian housing and urban affairs and Gurdwara in the Narowal dis- Nagaland Governor RN Ravi ment, issued on Friday night, clear that they believe in only ple with "absurd assumptions Nagaland Tribes Council, Council of Cultural Relations) in minister of state for commerce trict of Pakistan's Punjab said in a statement. read. one flag and one Constitution and presumptions" over what church leaders and civil society collaboration with the state and industry and Vinay province. Ravi said a mutually Ravi's statement bears sig- for whole India. they have already agreed with organisations. )#   %       8   )  # /0 )   #    <8=7*     0   "  - % !  1211   &&+ $  &&+ $ congregation of law enforce- Friday.   &&+ $ that the Chairman, Rajya Sabha ment officers will coincide The general assembly of rime Minister Narendra in consultation with the ndia will host the 91st with country's 75th Interpol is an annual exercise PModi on Saturday met he DNA Technology Speaker, Lok Sabha has referred IInterpol General Assembly in Independence anniversary cel- hosted by member countries. Bollywood actors and film- TRegulation Bill, which seeks the DNA Technology (Use and 2022 after a proposal in this ebrations, they said. All major decisions affecting makers, including Shah Rukh to control the use of DNA tech- Application) Regulation Bill, regard was cleared with "over- The officials said that the general policy, the resources Khan and Aamir Khan, to dis- nology for establishing the 2019, as introduced in Lok whelming support" from mem- Central Bureau of Investigation needed for international coop- cuss initiatives to mark the identity of a person, has been Sabha, to the Standing bers countries of the interna- (CBI) Director Rishi Kumar eration, working methods and 150th birth anniversary of referred to a Parliamentary Committee on Science and tional police cooperation body. Shukla moved this proposal finances are deliberated and Mahatma Gandhi. Standing Committee for exam- Technology, Environment and According to an Ministry of before the 88th General discussed by representatives. In an interaction with them ination, the Lok Sabha Forests for examination and Home Affairs press note, vot- Assembly in Santiago, Chile Based in Lyon, France, at his official residence here, the Secretariat has said. report within three months," ing in this regard took place which got over Friday, they Interpol is an international prime minister said several The bill that seeks to con- the Lok Sabha secretariat said today at the 88th General said. police cooperation organisation people from the world of films trol the use and application of in a bulletin on Friday. Assembly of the Interpol at The CBI represents the with 194 member states and and television have been doing producers Ekta Kapoor, Boney action, the prime minister the deoxyribonucleic acid The chairman of the com- Santiago Chile with India win- Interpol in India as the coun- 100 years of experience of great work when it comes to Kapoor and Jayantilal Gada. urged those present to encour- (DNA) technology for estab- mittee, Congress leader Jairam ning with an overwhelming try's National Central Bureau. international cooperation in popularising the ideals of The prime minister point- age tourism in the country. lishing the identity of certain Ramesh, has invited suggestions majority. The Interpol is an India will get a chance to policing. Gandhi. Referring to Gandhi, ed out that members of the film The prime minister told the categories of persons, including from the public on the Bill. international organisation with host the General Assembly of The organisation has 90- he said the power of creativity industry had come with a lot of gathering that they do great offenders, victims, suspects A similar bill was passed in 194 member-states and has International Criminal Police million records spread across is immense and it is essential to suggestions. work but perhaps they are not and undertrials, was passed by the Lok Sabha in January last 100 years of experience of Organisation (Interpol) after 25 17 database. harness this spirit of creativity "I am happy to share that aware of its global influence. the Lok Sabha in July. year but it could not be cleared international cooperation in years since 1997 when it was Equipped with secure glob- for the nation. we have addressed them to "Your work has reached all The bill has been referred in the Rajya Sabha. The bill had Policing. hosted here, the officials said. al data communication chan- Among others present in ensure more people can see the corners of the world. On the to the Parliamentary Standing then lapsed with the dissolution Home Minister Amit Shah Delhi Police commission- nel I-24/7, incident response the meeting were Sonam brilliant work done by our film part of the government, I am Committee on Science and of the previous Lok Sabha. had proposed to host the er Amulya Patnaik and teams, command and control Kapoor, Kangana Ranaut, direc- personalities," the prime min- happy to help in anyway to Technology, Environment and The bill provides for estab- General Assembly in India to Madhya Pradesh Police chief V centre, a worldwide network of tors Rajkumar Hirani, ister's office said in a series of ensure maximum impact of Forests by Rajya Sabha lishment of a national DNA Interpol Secretary General K Singh also accompanied the NCBs, the organisation assists Rajkumar Santoshi, Ashwini tweets quoting him. your creative initiatives," Modi Chairman M Venkaiah Naidu. data bank and regional DNA Jurgen Stock when the two met CBI director at the general law enforcement agencies of Iyer Tiwari, Nitesh Tiwari and During the course of inter- said. "Members are informed data banks. here on August 30. The biggest assembly, which got over on member countries. 3    (! 4  "#'     78 ) 6=7     " ( 5 6,  $           *         (  %#    00   &&+ $ atmosphere. "One of the major reasons .  #* he Delhi Cabinet on behind this increase in pollu- > 1 # &  &&+ $ the Hindu group said in its TSaturday has cleared a pro- tion levels is the stubble burn-  00   &&+ $ year-old bootlegger with 444 affidavit. posal of its environment ing that happens in the neigh-  00   &&+ $ quarters of illicit liquor in his awyers representing "Ram "Reconstructing the department to carry out a mass bouring states of Delhi, some- n view of Assembly polls on possession. LLalla Virajman", or the mosque at the disputed site is awareness campaign on pollu- thing over which the ver 250 people IMonday in neighbouring The man identified as infant Lord Ram, in the polit- inequitable, unjust and con- tion and pollution-control Government of NCT of Delhi Oparticipated in the Delhi State Haryana, Delhi Police Saurabh, a resident of Delhi's ically sensitive Ram trary to Hindu Dharma, measures. The Cabinet has has no control. Therefore, the edition of the global Walk on Saturday has increased vig- Budh Vihar area, was nabbed Janmbhoomi - Babri Masjid Islamic Law and all principles approved an expenditure of 36 only option available to the for Freedom to raise awareness ilance along the city borders. at around 9:40 PM on Friday. case filed a relief affidavit of justice. The area which is crore from the Budget of the people of Delhi are emergency against human trafficking. According to a senior "PCR vans deputed on the with the Supreme Court on under dispute is one integral Directorate of Information and measures to severely cut down The event is happening for the police official, police teams borders areas are keeping eye Saturday, asking that the dis- unit and is indivisible, so the Publicity (DIP) towards the on any sources of pollution first time in the national have started checking of vehi- on each and every vehicles puted land be handed over for whole area should be given to mass awareness campaigns emanating from Delhi, as well Capital. cles along the Delhi-Haryana passing through the border. On the construction of a Ram offer worship at Ram mentioned above. exposure. Central pollution as to find mechanisms by According to a statement border in order to prevent the Friday night PCR van in the Temple. Janmasthan," the affidavit "One of the challenges Control Board (CPCB) also which people can cope with the released by an NGO, Delhi transportation of illicit liquor area observed that an auto- The group's lawyers read. faced by any government in recommends corporate rising pollution levels," Delhi and nine other Indian cities, during dry days in the poll- rickshaw coming from Tikri argued the Muslim petitioners Muslim parties also such a situation is regarding employees to work from home. government said in a state- along with 450 locations bound State. Border, seeing police took a u- were entitled to neither land submitted a relief to the compliance and participation "Air pollution is one of the ment. across 50 countries, simulta- "Generally in elections, the turn and sped away. Finding nor equitable relief as the Supreme Court today but of the citizens in such emer- most serious public health con- To encourage people not to neously hosted the global, silent borders are sealed 24 hours activity suspicious police team Babri Masjid no longer did done so in a sealed cover gency measures as these often cerns faced by the citizens of fire crackers on Diwali, AAP Walk for Freedom in public before the conduct of polls but on PCR followed the auto-rick- exists. The lawyers also said after divisions within the intrude upon the regular day- Delhi. Rising pollution levels, Government is arranging a spaces on Saturday. this time Delhi Police have shaw and stopped it," said the Nirmohi Akhara should Sunni Waqf Board were to-day life of people and hence especially in the winter months, laser show as a community More than 4,600 started it early and intensified Sharat Kumar Sinha, the not be awarded the land exposed this week. However, mass awareness campaign is affects the health of all citizens Diwali celebration in Central people participated in the checking," said Shalini Deputy Commissioner of because it had questioned lawyers for the Hindu group necessary," Delhi Government but especially that of children Park. "Various measures being the walk in 10 Indian cities, it Singh, Joint Commissioner of Police (DCP), PCR. whether Ram Janmasthan - objected. said. and senior citizens," Delhi taken by the Government of said. Police, Western Range. "On checking of the vehi- the birthplace of Lord Ram - “Moulding of Relief' given It is pertinent to mention Government said in a state- NCT of Delhi include Odd- Over 250 citizens The polls to the 90-mem- cle police team recovered nine could be considered a juristic in sealed cover by Muslim here that level of harmful pol- ment. Even rule from 4th-15th from corporates, colleges and ber assembly will be held on boxes of illicit liquor contain- entity. petitioners is not permissible. lutants have recorded three While Delhi government November, distribution of free NGOs participated to raise October 21 and the results ing 444 quarters. The man "Ayodhya is a sacred place This encourages address to the times higher than their pre- has claimed 25 percent reduc- masks to citizens of Delhi via awareness about human traf- will be declared on October 24. was handed over to Mundka and it is a place of pilgrimage. court in secrecy and keeps scribed standards. Center run tion in air pollution but due to school children, as well as ficking at Delhi, Mumbai, On October 18 night, police station and a case under It is the faith of the Hindus other parties in the dark. It pollution monitoring agency unfavorable Meteorological encouraging a cracker-free Shillong, Kolkata, Bengaluru, Police Control Room (PCR) section 33/38/58 of Delhi that Ayodhya has divine and prejudices the rights of other SAFAR advised masses to keep conditions and stubble burn- Diwali by organising a laser Kochi, Chennai, Hyderabad, van patrolling near Delhi Excise Act was also registered spiritual significance even in petitioners," the lawyers said door and windows closed of ing, Delhi has recorded high- show ," Delhi government said Panjim and Pune, the state- Hirankundna area, adjacent to against the accused," the DCP the absence of temple or idol," today. homes and office to avoid er levels of PM 2.5 in city in an official statement. ment added. Haryana border nabbed a 20 added.     + ,-. ,-/0  (

   P* 0  ) 8   /-  ! O)?      * 8! !    (    P      8$ 8 shrines to fuel protests. to apprehensions about their /!;,5< Friday prayers have not safety, the officials said.   :/ : M*     estrictions that were been allowed at Jamia Masjid Mobile services were   +% Rimposed in parts of – the grand mosque of restored in Kashmir earlier   9 8 ome Muslim litigants in the     Srinagar in view of Friday Kashmir in Downtown (old this week, but the SMS facili- SRam Janmabhoomi-Babri prayers were lifted on Saturday, city area) - for over two ty was snapped again hours nion Home Minister and Masjid dispute have said that if    but normal life remained months. later due to apprehensions of UBJP chief Amit Shah on the Supreme Court’s verdict is   affected across the valley for Meanwhile, normal life the services being misused. Saturday dared Congress leader in their favour then the con- %  the 76th consecutive day fol- remained affected across the Internet services, across all Rahul Gandhi to declare that his struction of mosque should be lowing the abrogation of pro- valley. Shops opened for a few platforms, continued to remain party will restore provisions of delayed on the disputed land in     visions of Article 370, officials hours early in the morning in snapped in the valley, the offi- Article 370 in Jammu and Ayodhya to maintain harmony. ,   said. some areas, including in the cials added. Kashmir if voted to power. A litigant, Haji Mahboob, %   They said the curbs, under commercial hub of Lal Chowk Most of the top-level and Addressing a rally in said that keeping in view of the Section 144 of the CrPC, were in the city here, but the main second-rung separatist politi- Maharashtra’s tribal Nandurbar condition of the country, the   imposed in Anchar area under markets and other business cians have been taken into pre- district, Shah said after Narendra first priority is to maintain har-   the jurisdiction of Soura police establishments were shut, the ventive custody, while main- Modi won the second term with mony. “If the verdict is in    N station and the areas around officials said. stream leaders, including two a massive mandate in May this Shah said Nandurbar has favour of Muslims, then in the the historic Jamia Masjid in Private transport plied former chief ministers, Omar year, the first thing he did was to been included among the 115 greater interest of peace and Nowhatta police station on unhindered in the city here Abdullah and Mehbooba abrogate provisions of Article districts under the Modi gov- communal harmony, we should should postpone the mosque’s Ayodhya — the second longest Friday morning. They were and elsewhere in Kashmir, the Mufti, have been either 370 which gave special status to ernment’s tribal development not build a mosque on the land, construction, if the verdict proceedings in its history — imposed as a precautionary officials said, adding few areas detained or placed under Jammu and Kashmir. policy. “In the next five years, we should construct a bound- comes in our favour,” he said. and reserved its verdict in the measure to maintain law and in the city witnessed traffic house arrest. “Due to the special provi- Nandurbar will be developed as ary around it and leave it,” he Mohammad Umar, who is also politically sensitive case that is order in view of the Friday jams. Another former chief min- sions, Pakistan fomented terror a premier tribal district in the said. “This is my personal a litigant in the case, said he expected in a month’s time. congregational prayers. Auto-rickshaws and few ister and sitting Lok Sabha MP in the state and over 40,000 peo- country and Maharashtra as the opinion, what I think should be agreed with postponing the Fourteen appeals have The restrictions have been inter-district cabs were also from Srinagar Farooq ple died. Development in number one state,” he asserted. kept in view is the present sit- construction. “We must take been filed in the apex court lifted from parts of the city seen plying in some areas of Abdullah has been arrested Kashmir came to a standstill. But The minister listed the develop- uation of the country. I will also care of peace and communal against the 2010 Allahabad here, the officials said. the valley, they said. under the controversial Public Congress was not ready to scrap ment works being undertaken by discuss this proposal with other harmony in the society,” he High Court judgment, deliv- Authorities have been However, the other modes Safety act, a law enacted by his the provisions. It was worried the state government and the litigants,” he said. added. Iqbal Ansari, one of the ered in four civil suits, that the imposing curbs in vulnerable of public transport were off the father and National about its vote bank and not about Centre for tribal welfare. Another litigant, Mufti main Muslim litigants did not 2.77-acre land in Ayodhya be areas of the valley on Friday, roads. Schools and colleges Conference founder Sheikh the national interest. “No PM “The Modi government Hasbullah Baadshah Khan, comment on the remarks, but partitioned equally among the apprehending that vested inter- were open, but the students Mohammad Abdullah in 1978 ever dared to take the decision. decided to construct a memo- who is the local president of the said that they will not allow any three parties — the Sunni Waqf ests may exploit the large gath- stayed away as parents contin- when he was the chief minis- It was Modi with his 56-inch rial for tribal freedom fighters. Jamiat Ulema Hind, also agreed breach in the communal fabric Board, the Nirmohi Akhara erings at big mosques and ued to keep them at home due ter. chest who made the move,” he Similarly, Eklavya Model with Mahboob. “It is correct of the society. “Let the verdict and Ram Lalla. On December said. Schools have been started,” he that we must take care of com- be pronounced,” he said. 6, 1992, the Babri Masjid, con- “Rahul Gandhi asks what is said. Shah accused the munal harmony first. We will The apex court on structed at the disputed site in the connection between Article Congress of using ‘adivasis’ discuss the situation with Wednesday wrapped up the 40- the 16th century by Shia Q:  370 and Maharashtra. I dare him (tribals) only for votes and senior Muslim religious leaders. day hearing in the decades-old Muslim Mir Baqi, was demol- to declare that if voted to power, never working for their devel- In the current scenario we temple-mosque dispute in ished. his party would restore the pro- opment. He also alleged that       R visions of Article 370. There is the Congress did not do any- still one day to go for the assem- thing for the welfare bly elections. See how the peo- of Other Backward Classes   - people, including an apple trad- August 5 and “there is a visible ple will react. Don’t you want (OBC) in 55 years and said it er, were killed shows that the change towards peace and nor- Kashmir to be an integral part of was the Modi government he recent killing of three terrorists are frustrated over malcy”. India?” the Union minister which gave constitutional Tnon-local civilians by ter- the return of normalcy in “The peace movement has asked. status to the OBC Commission. rorists was “done out of frus- Kashmir and they want to scare started in the Valley as there is tration” to cause fear among the people,” Khanna, who heavy rush of vehicles on the people, a senior BJP leader said returned from Kashmir after a roads with people coming out  N O on Saturday, expressing confi- three-day long visit, told to earn their livelihood. The dence that the perpetrators of reporters on the sidelines of a markets are abuzz with activi-   A the gruesome incidents would function here. ties... frustrated, the terrorists are soon be killed or captured to The BJP leader, who is also trying to create fear but we are maintain peace in the Kashmir in charge of Jammu and confident that the government Thane (PTI): Maharashtra will celebrate “Deepotsav” in Valley. BJP National Vice Kashmir, said the terrorists will not allow them to succeed,” advance on October 24, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi President Avinash Rai Khanna involved in the innocent civil- he said. He said the government Adityanath said during a campaign rally here on Saturday. also said the situation in the ian killings have been identified is not going to show any laxity Results of the Maharashtra Assembly elections, to be held Valley is fast returning to nor- and “very soon they will be as it did over the past 73 days by on October 21, will be out on October 24. mal and people have reposed either killed or captured” by the maintaining peace and law and “Deepotsav (festival of lights) will be celebrated in their faith in the democracy by security forces. A truck driver order in the Valley. Maharashtra on October 24 before the one celebrated in Ayodhya actively taking part in the Block from Rajasthan, a migrant “I visited central, north and on October 26,” he said, referring to the festival organised by his Development Council (BDC) labourer from Chhattisgarh and south Kashmir areas. People government in Ayodhya during Diwali. elections, scheduled to take an apple trader from Punjab have accepted the decision In his speech, Adityanath lashed out at the Congress and NCP, place on October 24. were killed and another apple which is for their betterment. listing the corruption scandals which came to light during their Without naming the trader critically injured in three There are 520 candidates in the regime, and said the BJP, in the last five years, was not tainted National Conference (NC) and separate attacks by terrorists in fray for the BDC elections in by a single such allegation. the Peoples Democratic Party Shopian and Pulwama districts 130 blocks, out of 137, in the The Congress regime served the interest of only “one fam- (PDP) leadership, he accused of south Kashmir since Monday. Valley which shows the faith of ily”, he said. them of looting the state and Asserting that the BJP will the people in democracy,” The Congress could have abrogated Article 370 of the said “there was not a single “write a new chapter” of devel- Khanna said. He said the cen- Constitution which gave special status to Jammu and Kashmir protest by people for them”. opment in Jammu and Kashmir, tral government wants to long ago, but did not do it because it had only self-interest in “The government is very he said this was his second visit empower the Panchayati Raj mind, Adityanath alleged. serious to maintain law and to the Valley after the abrogation institutions in Jammu and Those who indulged in corruption were now going to jail order but the way the innocent of provisions of Article 370 on Kashmir. one by one, the BJP leader said. N   (-       !   O % !   34   !

  & &+ $   ./+. 

rominent Muslim body xuding confidence that the 10"   1/P  " PJamiat Ulama-i-Hind’s chief Erecent killing of a BSF jawan Maulana Arshad Madani on by a Bangladeshi border guard   ./+.  gation is on,” Murshidabad wide Padma river. Saturday said no compromise won’t have an impact on bilat- Superintendent of Police The BGB team later freed will be acceptable in the Ram eral ties, the neighbouring n FIR has been lodged Mukesh Kumar said. two fishermen and informed the Janmabhoomi-Babri Masjid land country’s Home Minister Aagainst Border Guard The BSF officials, too, con- BSF that the third person has dispute case, and hoped that the Asaduzzaman Khan said on Bangladesh (BGB) by its Indian firmed that police have lodged been held by them and that was Supreme Court verdict would be Saturday he would talk to his counterpart Border Security an FIR against the BGB. when the BSF post commander based on evidence and not faith. Indian counterpart Amit Shah, Force (BSF) over the killing one Refuting claims by the of the 117th battalion, a sub- At the meeting of the central if needed, to “defuse the situa- of its jawans earlier this week, Bangladeshi border force that its inspector, took a six-member executive committee of the tion”. a senior police officer said. patrol team “had to open fire in party on a motor-boat to resolve Jamiat, Madani also claimed that Khan also stated that an A Bangladeshi border guard self-defence”, a senior official of the issue, they said. Shortly “people from Kashmir to Indian fisherman, who was on Thursday fired from his the BSF said not a single bullet after, a BGB jawan identified Kanyakumari are scared” and arrested on Thursday for tres- AK-47 rifle during a ‘flag meet- was fired from the Indian side. only as Sayed fired from behind, there is a feeling of “mistrust” pre- passing into Bangladesh waters, ing’ along the international “Although an inquiry has killing Bhan Singh. vailing due to the current situa- will be released, in accordance boundary in West Bengal, killing been ordered by the BSF, we still A senior BSF officer in Delhi tion. There is an attempt to end with the norms. BSF head constable Vijay Bhan decided to lodge a complaint said on Friday that the troops the constitutional traditions so Noting that a “misunder- Singh (51) and injuring anoth- with the police, in accordance “did not try to forcibly take away that new history can be written, standing between the forces” er jawan, Rajvir Yadav. with the norms. The allegation the lone fisherman from the cus- he was quoted as saying by a led to the killing of Border A BSF statement said the by the BGB that we had fired tody of Border Guard Jamiat statement. Security Force (BSF) head con- incident took place in first is not just absurd but a bla- Bangladesh. They had gone for Referring to the Ram stable Vijay Bhan Singh, Khan Murshidabad district around 9 tant lie. We didn’t fire a single flag meeting inside Bangladesh Janmabhoomi-Babri Masjid case, said, “Steps would be taken to am when a force party bullet,” a senior BSF official territory on getting a call from Madani said that Jamiat Ulema- ensure that such incidents don’t approached the BGB troops, said. the BGB.” The officer added that e-Hind has full faith that the judi- recur. If needed, I will talk to standing at a “char” or a river- Officials had said that the during a telephonic talk between ciary’s decision will be based on Amit Shah to diffuse the situ- ine in the middle of the Padma trouble arose when BGB per- the commanding officers of the evidence and witnesses, and not ation.” river, to resolve an issue linked sonnel held three Indian fisher- two sides, post the incident, the on faith. A Bangladeshi border to Indian fishermen. men who were allowed by the counterpart “did not say that BSF On the reported offer by the guard fired from his AK-47 rifle “Yes, we have received a BSF to fish within the men had either violated the IB Sunni Waqf Board to drop its during a ‘flag meeting’ along the complaint from the BSF. A case International Border, that runs or entered inside Bangladesh claim in the case as part of a set- border in West Bengal, killing has been registered and investi- through the middle of the 3-km- territory.” tlement, he said, “The head of the Bhan Singh and injuring anoth- Waqf Board is not the owner of er jawan, Rajvir Yadav. “unfortunate”, the Bangladesh other’s territories, they are would propose the use of non- the land, but a caretaker. We will A BSF statement said the home minister said the direc- released during flag meetings fol- lethal weapons and joint bor- not accept any compromise in incident took place in tor general of both the forces lowing laid-down procedures.” der patrol, during the next this matter. Whatever the court Murshidabad district around 9 should ideally sit together and Khan also asserted that flag meeting, the Bangladesh decides, we will accept it. ‘’ am when a force party solve the issue. the incident won’t cast its shad- home minister said such mea- At the meeting, Madani approached Border Guard “The two countries share a ow over the biannual DG-level sures could also prevent civil- opposed the statement of Home Bangladesh (BGB) troops, cordial relationship and the meeting of the two border ian deaths along the interna- Minister Amit Shah in connec- standing at a “char” or a river- same applies for the BSF and guarding forces in New Delhi, tional boundary. tion with the NRC that Indian ine in the middle of the Padma the BGB. There has been an later this year. Official sources said border citizenship will be granted to river, to resolve an issue linked unfortunate incident, but I am “As far as I know, talks forces of India and Bangladesh Hindu, Sikh, Jain and Buddhist to Indian fishermen. hopeful that the director gen- between the BGB and the BSF that guard the 4,096-km long refugees beforehand with the The BGB personnel had eral of both the forces would sit will take place as per schedule. international boundary have passage of the Citizenship held three Indian fishermen together and solve the matter,” If needed, I would talk to Amit maintained friendly relations (Amendment) Bill. “It is clear who were allowed by the BSF Khan told PTI over phone Shah to resolve the issue. We and no bullet has been from Amit Shah’s statement that to fish within the International from Dhaka, Bangladesh. think there should be a flag exchanged between them for his thinking is against Article 14- Border, but let go of two Asked about the fisherman meeting to find a solution to decades. 15 of the Constitution which talk later. who is in Bangladesh police such problems,” he iterated. Thursday’s incident is an about equality and prohibit dis- Shortly after, a BGB jawan custody, Khan said, “He will be The last director general- “aberration” and efforts were crimination on the grounds of identified as Sayed fired from released. At times when fisher- level talks was held in June this being made to ensure that the religion, race, caste, sex or place behind, killing Bhan Singh. men of both the countries year at BGB headquarters in situation does not deteriorate, of birth,” he alleged. Terming the incident unknowingly stray into each Dhaka. Contending that he they added.     + ,-. ,-/0  . 4*.-"1 =).:)*4*:>.:+/9  +// line, adding that “I will do all I then voted on Tuesday. In reference to the 52 per ber of MPs voting and also how gets rid of the controversial Irish can to get Brexit done by Opposition Labour Party cent versus 48 per cent vote in many choose to abstain. backstop from the repeatedly n a historic weekend October 31”. leader Jeremy Corbyn declared favour of Brexit in the June 2016 The Northern Irish defeated former prime minister Parliament session, the first At the special Parliament that the ‘Super Saturday’ vote referendum, he said: “Let’s speak Democratic Unionist Party Theresa May’s agreement. Iin 37 years, British MPs on session, dubbed ‘Super Saturday’ was a clear message from MPs now both for the 52 and the 48. (DUP), which props up the The backstop had been pre- Saturday voted to back a motion because of its significance, UK that they have “declined to back Let us go for a deal that can heal Conservative Party government, sented as a non-negotiable mea- that delays the vote on British MPs backed an amendment the prime minister’s deal”. this country, let’s go for a deal has refused to back the new sure designed to prevent a Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s tabled by Conservative Party Earlier, MPs began debating that can heal this country and Brexit withdrawal agreement on return to physical checks on the Brexit deal struck with the MP Oliver Letwin demanding the new Brexit deal motion, allow us all to express our legit- the grounds that it goes against Irish border. As a compromise, European Union (EU). that no new Brexit deal be which was to be followed by imate desires for the deepest its unionist principles because of the new deal effectively draws a In a setback to Johnson, the voted on until the requisite leg- what had been characterised as possible friendship and part- different customs arrangements new invisible customs border 322 versus 306 vote on an islation to see it through in time a knife-edge vote in the House nership with our neighbours. to be imposed on the island of along the Irish Sea where some important amendment means for the October 31 deadline was of Commons on the so-called “A deal that allows us to cre- Ireland post Brexit. goods could face tariffs when that the UK prime minister is in place. divorce arrangements between ate a new shared destiny with Anti-Brexit MPs and most crossing over to the UK. bound by the Benn Act passed The government had the UK and the 27 remaining them. And a deal that also of the Opposition Labour Party The last time the UK earlier by the parliamentarians already indicated that it would members of the economic bloc. allows us to express our confi- will also be voting against, leav- Parliament sat for a weekend to write to the EU by midnight pull its own motion on Johnson opened the session dence in our own democratic ing a handful of Labour MPs session was to vote on the on Saturday seeking a delay to Johnson’s “great new deal” and with a plea for all sides of the institutions, to make our own representing Leave supporting Falklands War in 1982 on a the October 31 deadline as no move it to next week if MPs House to come together behind laws, to determine our own constituencies in the UK who motion tabled by the then prime new deal has been passed in the were to back the delay amend- the “great deal”. future, to believe in ourselves are prepared to defy their party’s minister, Margaret Thatcher. Commons by the October 19 ment, introduced as an insur- “Let us come together as once again as an open, generous official line and vote with To coincide with the cut-off date. ance policy against a default no- democrats to end this debilitat- global, outward-looking and Johnson. Commons debate on Saturday, While Johnson and some of deal crash-out by the month- ing feud. Let us come together free-trading United Kingdom.” It is this group that could thousands of people descended his team have previously said end deadline. as democrats behind this deal, The complex arithmetic in hold the cards for Johnson after upon central London to that he will abide by the rule of Johnson stressed that he the one proposition that fulfils the Commons for Johnson’s the hardline Brexiteer group demand a so-called People’s law, it remains unclear what was neither “daunted nor dis- the verdict of the majority but minority government means within his own Tory party, Vote or a new referendum on next steps are expected from mayed” by Saturday’s vote and which also allows us to bring that he is not assured of the called the European Research the Brexit deal struck by Downing Street. Johnson that the government would together the two halves of our magic 320 MP mark required Group (ERG), came out in sup- Johnson – who took charge at declared in Parliament soon place the required legislation hearts, to bring together the two for his Brexit deal to cross the port of the deal just as the Super 10 Downing Street in July with   < # )    :    # #   after Saturday’s vote that he will around his new EU withdraw- halves of our nation,” said parliamentary hurdle in a fully Saturday session got underway. a pledge to get Brexit done by  . (##          5 &  not be seeking an extension to al agreement next week, expect- Johnson in his statement to the sitting house. That number The new deal secured at a the October 31 deadline “no ifs         "  # %: #  "   the end-October Brexit dead- ed to be tabled on Monday and Commons. varies depending on the num- Brussels summit on Thursday or buts”.              6A5    '# !(     . ( * 

0  $ / slowdown and calls for reforms     to labor and tax laws and the hile’s president declared a pension system. Cstate of emergency in Attacks on metro stations  .".+& B 8.&:C arrived outside the town but relaunch its assault on Tuesday Santiago Friday night and gave forced the closure of the entire Turkey-backed factions closed when the deal runs out if the the military responsibility for subway system — the key form yrian Kurdish-led forces and the road ahead and behind, Kurdish fighters don’t pull out security after a day of violent of public transport in the con- STurkey exchanged blame on leaving it stuck outside Ras al- of a zone 30 kilometres (20- protests over an increase in the gested and polluted city, car- Saturday for fighting that has Ayn. miles) deep running the entire price of metro tickets. rying three million passengers rattled a US-brokered cease-fire Turkey’s Defense Ministry length of the border. Throughout Friday, pro- a day. in northeastern Syria, as the said Saturday it was “com- Turkish Interior Minister testors clashed with riot police “The entire network is Kurds appealed to Vice pletely abiding” by the accord. Suleyman Soylu said 41 sus- in several parts of the capital closed due to riots and destruc- President Mike Pence to It accused Kurdish-led fighters pected Islamic State members and the subway system was tion that prevent the minimum enforce the deal. carried out 14 “attacks and were re-captured after fleeing shut after attacks on stations in security conditions for pas- The Syrian Democratic harassments” the past 36 hours, a detention camp amid fighting some of the worst violence the sengers and workers,” the Forces said in a statement that most in Ras al-Ayn. It said the earlier this week in Syria. He city has seen in years. metro operator said on Twitter, Turkey has failed to abide by Syrian Kurdish fighters used said 195 other suspected IS At least 16 buses were after attacks against nearly all the deal, refusing to lift the mortars, rockets, anti-aircraft members had already been re- torched and a dozen metro sta- the 164 stations where many siege of Ras al-Ayn, a key bor- and anti-tank heavy machine taken. tions totally destroyed. gates and turnstiles were der town. It said 30 hours after guns. His comments were carried Around midnight destroyed. the five-day pause went into The ministry also said it by Turkish television on President Sebastian Pinera The Santiago Metro, at 140 effect on Thursday, there were was in “instant coordination” Saturday. declared a state of emergency kilometers (90 miles) the still reported clashes inside with the United States to Turkish President Recep and appointed Major General largest and most modern in the town and medical person- ensure the continuity of calm, Tayyip Erdogan has accused Javier Iturriaga del Campo as South America, is expected to nel could not enter to help excluding instances of “self- Syrian Kurdish forces of releas- head of national defense. (  <( *     *  "     *   ""    " * remain closed this weekend wounded. defense”. ing some 750 IS members and “The objective of this state *   "  and could reopen gradually Turkish-backed Syrian The agreement — reached families, amid Turkey’s offen- of emergency is very simple but next week. fighters encircled Ras al-Ayn in negotiations between sive. The Kurds say they broke very profound: to ensure pub- Closure of the metro forced just before the cease-fire came Turkish President Recep Tayyip out of their camp a week ago, lic order and peace for the impose a curfew at present. Barricades were erected in increased from 800 to 830 many Santiago residents to into place, trying to crush Erdogan and US Vice President attacking guards, amid heavy inhabitants of Santiago,” Pinera “We are not going to several parts of the city and peso (USD 1.13 to USD 1.17) walk home, sometimes long Kurdish resistance inside. Mike Pence — virtually hands clashes and Turkish airstrikes said in a statement. restrict any personal freedom masked protestors armed with for peak-hour travel, following distances, resulting in scenes of Throughout much of the day Turkey its aims in the invasion, nearby. The state of emergency is for now,” he said. sticks and stones clashed with a 20 peso rise in January. chaos. Pinera slammed the Friday, fighting was reported requiring Kurdish fighters to Turkey’s state-run English initially for 15 days and restricts Violent clashes escalated as riot police, who repelled them The fare hike was blamed protestors as criminals. there and in neighboring vil- vacate a swath of territory in language broadcaster TRT freedom of movement and night fell and the headquarters with water cannon and tear gas. on rising oil prices and a weak- “This desire to break every- lages that came under attack by Syria along the Turkish border World said the IS members and assembly. Due to the emer- of the ENEL Chile power com- Residents in many districts er peso. thing is not a protest, it’s crim- the Turkish-backed forces. during the cease-fire. families were captured by gency, the National Football pany and a Banco Chile branch, of Santiago banged their pots in There had been several inal,” he said in a radio inter- The Britain-based Syrian The Kurdish-led force, Turkey-backed Syrian opposi- Association has suspended both in the city center, were set a show of support for the pro- fare-dodging actions in recent view. Observatory for Human Rights which had only a nominal, tion forces. The foreign nation- matches this weekend. on fire and several metro sta- testors. days, organized on social On Thursday, 133 people said Saturday that Turkey- indirect role in the deal, said it als, many of them Europeans, General Iturriaga said the tions hit with Molotov cock- The unrest started as a media, but the protests esca- had been arrested for causing backed Syrian fighters have will abide by the halt in fight- would be transferred to a military would patrol major tails. The ENEL tower blaze fare-dodging protest mainly lated Friday, tapping into gen- damage to metro stations, esti- prevented a medical convoy ing but has not committed to Turkish-controlled zone in trouble spots in the city of was put out with no one by students against the hike in eral discontent among many mated at up to 500 million peso from reaching Ras al-Ayn since any pull-out. Erdogan warned northern Aleppo, according to seven million but would not injured, firefighters said. metro ticket prices, which Chileans amid an economic (USD 700,000). Friday. It said a medical convoy Friday that Turkey will the broadcaster.       !!  *      /  N O  !   0      $ &  $/ “We have one delegation gone by, the process of international agencies and   $+0 counter the march, the daily said. lenged in court when they are which has a penchant for devi- decolonisation that began with actors and channelise resources The daily quoting its sources called in to support the civil 0 +// ndia has slammed Pakistan ating from the subject being India’s own independence for the 17 non-self governing akistan government may call said that in the meeting the par- administration. Ifor raising the issue of Jammu deliberated upon in this august remains unfinished. territories that would enable Pin army troops in Islamabad ticipants agreed that peaceful Meanwhile, Pakistan’s eghan Markle has admit- and Kashmir at a forum of the forum and making unwar- “There still remain 17 non- them to build capacities in to counter a protest march called protest is everyone’s right but no Opposition leader Bilawal Mted becoming a mother UN, saying the country ranted remarks not pertinent to self-governing territories, their just and noble quest by Opposition parties to “topple” one can be allowed to besiege Bhutto-Zardari has announced while living under an intense employs “empty rhetoric” to the agenda on hand,” Misra said which are in various stages of towards achieving long cher- the Imran Khan government, Islamabad. that his party would hold nation- media spotlight has been a serve its “distorted agenda” on Wednesday. the decolonisation process” on ished goals. accusing it of coming into power The meeting also discussed wide anti-government protests to “struggle”. and continues to engage in “It seeks to employ empty the agenda of this Committee. Pakistan has been unsuc- through rigged elections, accord- security of sensitive government press Prime Minister Imran The Duchess of Sussex spreading unsubstantiated alle- rhetoric to serve its distorted He underscored the need to cessfully trying to drum up ing to a media report. buildings and foreign embassies. Khan to resign and restore “real gave birth to son Archie in May gations. agenda and continues to engage step up international efforts to international support against Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam’s (JUI- It decided that the govern- democracy” in the country. after marrying Prince Harry Minister in India’s in spreading malevolent and conclude this long-drawn India for its decision to with- F) chief Maulana Fazl has ment will hold talks with all Bilawal, the chairman of last year. Permanent Mission to the UN unsubstantiated allegations,” process. draw Jammu and Kashmir’s announced that he will march in Opposition parties including the Pakistan Peoples Party, said Britain’s aggressive press Deepak Misra did not name he said. “In this inter-connected special status and bifurcate the Islamabad on October 31 against Fazl. If the talks fail, army troops the government had lost its at first welcomed Markle, 38, Pakistan but his remarks were Misra, addressing the world, India strongly believes state into two union territories. the government. All major will be deployed to protect the credibility in the masses as it did into the royal fold but cover- in response to a statement by Committee, said that since the that pursuing a pragmatic After India’s decision on Opposition parties, including government buildings and not fulfil any of its promises. age has become increasingly Islamabad’s UN envoy Maleeha creation of the United Nations, approach towards decolonisa- August 5, Pakistan downgrad- PML-N, PPP, ANP and PkMAP important installations. “Our demand is to restore hostile, with the tabloids lux- Lodhi, who while speaking at more than 80 former colonies tion would surely lead to ful- ed diplomatic ties with New have announced their support However, the Ministry of democracy [in the country],” he uriating in stories about forum last week, had yet again have gained their indepen- fillment of legitimate wishes of Delhi and expelled the Indian for the ‘Azadi March’. The Interior will make the final deci- said in his address at a party rally Markle’s fractured American raked up the issue of Jammu dence and joined the family of the people of Non-Self High Commissioner from the Express Tribune reported that sion if the armed forces are to be here. family and rumours of palace and Kashmir. United Nations. Governing Territories. The country. the government is devising its called, the report said. “We don’t accept this artifi- rifts. Lodhi had said that UN’s As a result of sustained complex challenges facing the Rejecting Pakistan’s reac- strategy to deal with the protest Army troops were also cial democracy… the democra- Speaking to ITV during the decolonisation agenda will efforts by the UN membership, present world can only be met tion, India has categorically march and is weighing the called during Pakistan Tehreek- tic and socio-economic rights of couple’s recent tour of southern remain incomplete without the today, fewer than two million by coordinating our responses told the international commu- option of calling in armed forces e-Insaf’s (PTI) 2014 and the masses shall be restored… Africa, she said that: “Not resolution of the issue of people live in non-self-gov- in a spirit of cooperation and nity that its move on Kashmir in the capital. Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan’s and for that Imran Khan has to many people have asked if I’m Jammu and Kashmir and ref- erning territories, according collaboration,” Misra said. is an internal matter. India A meeting held at Prime (TLP) November 2017 sit-ins. resign.” OK”. ereed to India’s decision to to UN documentation. He added that the interna- maintains Kashmir is a bilateral Minister Imran Khan’s residence According to Article 245 of Bilawal, 31, said all opposi- “Look, any woman - espe- revoke Article 370 in Jammu However, he noted that tional community must strive issue with Pakistan and no here on law and order situation Pakistan’s Constitution, acts of tion parties had decided that the cially when they are pregnant and Kashmir. even as seven decades have to enhance cooperation with third party has any role in it. discussed different options to armed forces cannot be chal- government must step down. - you’re really vulnerable and so that was made really challeng- ing, and then when you have a new born - you know?” she  %  !0  8!  ! 0; 3  said, when asked how she was coping. “And especially as a woman, it’s a lot. 0  >8"$"/ The new feature marks a about the agreement, but last data privacy issues. organizations whose articles !  She added: “And also, departure from Facebook’s month Facebook said it plans News Corp chief execu- will be featured. thank you for asking, because acebook on Friday con- longstanding practice of letting to pay only a portion of the tive Robert Thomson said A human team will select not many people have asked if Ffirmed that some stories algorithms dictate users’ expe- publishers whose stories Facebook “deserves credit for relevant, reliable breaking  /"/ I’m OK. But it’s a very real thing from News Corp, publisher of riences. appear in the tab. recognizing the principle of and top news stories for the to be going through behind the The Wall Street Journal, will be “I’m excited we’ll have the Facebook and Google journalistic provenance.” tab and the number of pub- ussian emergency officials say at least 15 people are dead after scenes.” among the headlines delivered opportunity to include currently dominate the mar- “Mark Zuckerberg seems lishers involved will grow Ra dam at a Siberian gold mine collapsed and water flooded Asked if it would be fair to in a news tab the leading social award-winning journalism ket for online advertising, personally and professional- over time, Facebook has said. two workers’ dormitories. say it had “really been a strug- network plans to launch in from The Wall Street Journal making it harder for tradi- ly committed to ensuring Aside from human-curat- The Emergencies Ministry also said 13 people were unac- gle”, Meghan said: “Yes.” Her coming weeks. — and other US News Corp tional news organizations to that high quality journalism ed top news, sections of the counted-for, Russian news agencies reported. comments come after the cou- Edited by seasoned jour- properties — in our news gain traction in digital. has a viable, valued future,” he tab will rely on algorithms to The collapse during heavy rain occurred early Saturday near ple launched legal action this nalists, the tab will be separate tab,” the firm’s co-founder Zuckerberg and his social added. figure out a user’s interests the village of Shchetinkino, in the Krasnoyarsk region about 3,400 month against British tabloid from the feed that displays and chief executive Mark network have also come The Wall Street Journal based on “signals” — such as kilometers (2,100 miles) east of Moscow. the Mail on Sunday for inva- updates from people’s friends, Zuckerberg said in a state- under intense pressure in has reported that Facebook pages followed, interactions The country’s Investigative Committee said it has opened a sion of privacy, with Harry according to the California- ment. recent years over the spread plans to pay about a quarter with online news or sub- criminal investigation on possible charges of violation of work- recalling the hounding of his based tech giant. No details were provided of so-called “fake news” and of the estimated 200 news scriptions to publications. place safety regulations. later mother Diana.     + ,-. ,-/0  /  0 -")(.1:     P   Q  ! %    +$.*  0  $   $ 1/+:8:0.3.":1-.*:--):=+ $           ?3/ 5 1    !"!!  : -* :-!   This year the theme of Indian Idol  Do you see any difference in the talent from - /  -5.   +  1  is Ek Desh Ek Awaaz. Can you five years ago and now? * 3,CB explain more? Talent is talent. Music is ingrained in the DNA In simple words, we are a of Indians. But, when I look at the youngsters alificent is back; the evil witch is back; her radical country and we have a lot today, technology has made a lot of difference. The wrath in full form against the human of talent in every nook and corner. youngsters are doing a lot of riyaaz before coming Mrace. In the middle of all this is her The theme — Ek Desh Ek Awaaz for the auditions. They are well-prepared but they Goddaughter— a human — whom she raised as — encapsulates the fact that we also know that there’s a lot of competition. The her own. Those who watched Part 1 would have are only looking for talent youngsters know that technology is available for a fair idea of what is happening here. Familiar irrespective of his background or everyone and they are trying to walk an extra mile faces and certain references to what happened race. We believe that the talent to make a difference. They are committed to their earlier, (Maleficent), make it a rad easier to unites us through a musical work much more than we ever were. follow the thread in thus one. However, fret manner. We welcome each  Do you think reality shows can be a turning not if one has not seen the earlier movie. and every voice in the show point in a singer’s career? Malificent:Mistress of Evil can be enjoyed without focusing on a Yes. Today’s generation is blessed to have reality even otherwise such is the storytelling by particular form of music. shows. We never had this opportunity in our time. director Robert Stromberg.  What things do you keep When you are talented and you are on a show, you But that is not the only good thing about in mind while judging? come into everyone’s radar. If you win the show or this film. It is full of colour, the brilliant, vibrant All the three of us — are in the top 10, you are suddenly in demand. You and wonderful hues that exist in Nature. Add Vishal Dadlani, Neha start getting work. I always joke about this on the the fairies, pixies and all creatures magical and Kakkar and I are looking for show too that Salman Ali’s (winner of Indian Idol there is a heady combination of wonder that keeps out of the box talent that is 10) passport is thicker than mine. you in a story that is nothing new new but told realistic. In this world, you  What does music mean to you? +//+/./0 Manav Vij who spends the entire excellently. It is a fight of good over evil. No guesses can’t look for Lata Music is everything to me. It is my soulmate ?3- / 1=@ time grunting and nothing much who wins and yet one watches with baited breath Mangeshkar, Asha Bhosle or and the only thing that has been with me through A"  %! even though he has so much screen for what is to come. Mohammad Rafi, no one can my highs and lows. Apart from my daughters, music - - - -  presence. Angelina Jolie as Malificent is brilliant. Her beat them. They are the best. is the only thing that has kept me alive all this while. * 3&B Director Navdeep Singh may attempts and rehearsal to smile and be pleasant to her They are just one of a kind. And It is a tool to remove any pain that a person is going not have been to tell a compelling Goddaughter’s would be in-laws is not only sweet but I had the chance to work with them through. When I made Moh Moh Ke Dhaage, people here are a few problems that story of revenge by keeping it on a makes one smile as well. Her getting teary eyed at the when I was 18. Now I am 55; its time called me up and said that the song is healing them. Laal Kaptaan has. First, the fasttrack with a backdrop in 18th climax is the icing on the cake. Michelle Pfeiffer as the to move on and get fresh voices. If That was a big compliment for me. Tlook that Saif Ali Khan Century but he does manage to Queen of Ulstead is just as good. someone has something different  Do you have a favourite song? supports. While the make-up artist redeem himself by keeping the What makes this film a must for those who love to serve on the table, we are It’s yet to come. (laughs) who painstakingly worked on audience guessing how a boy who Nature is that there is a message that this one has to welcoming them with open hearts.  What was the most challenging project? giving this look to the actor, there was strung up on a tree and convey — Man is the evil here, ruining Nature. But I believe that we have found what The qawwali from Main Hoon Na was quite is need to understand that there is assumed dead managed to survive all is not lost here. There is time. Humans need to find we were looking for — magical challenging. I wanted to make a qawwali that no need to copy. Some elements are just to spend the next 25 years a way to co-exist with Nature otherwise it is bound singers. would set a trend and after that many composers familiar — inspired from Captain hunting for the man who betrayed to destroy us. L    A case in point is Azmat, who started making qawwalis. Before that there were Jack Sparrow. We fell in love with the entire nation against a war with won a singing reality show when he no qawwalis and then suddenly Kajra Re Kajra Re that look but it doesn’t mean we firangis. was just 10-11 years old. Then he came and many more followed. want it replicated. Then there is the fact that there stopped singing and fell in bad company.  An advice for the aspiring singers? Second, from the opening are no songs. While the story has But, he was brave enough to come up and Just a simple one: Nothing can help anyone scene we understood that the film been told a thousand times and we accept that he lost the track at some point. except for hard work and commitment towards is about revenge and that the know that the hero will win, yet We gave him a second chance. This is what your work. A lot of people ask me how have you victim needs to meet his Maker in one is glued to the seat due to some Indian Idol 11 is all about. survived in the industry for 42 years? I started the manner that was avowed. What great performance by Saif Ali who  You have been judging the show since a when I was only 16 and I kept working since then. follows in the next 155 minutes dons a new look and plays a Naga long time. How has the journey been? Also riyaaz is the key. I keep on making songs leads to sheer boredom. sadhu helms and powers this film. The audience has started saying that this irrespective of the fact that whether it will be used Third, the storyline is weak and Another person who needs a is the best trio of judges on Indian Idol so in the film or not. And there has been not even a is stretched out. Some slick editing special mention here is Deepak far. The reason being we get along very single day when I haven’t made a song. Everyone could have taken Laal Kaptaan on Dobriyal who plays the mad-hatter well. We do have difference of opinions is working hard so you have to work even harder. a fastrack. tracker is absolutely brilliant. sometimes but that’s fine. The journey Nothing comes easy. It is tough, but it is worth it. Fourth, a big disappointment is L    has definitely been a great one.

< !  # "12+  P      J 9O      "(  *AL # #-#, !%%.%."=3<%   #        (L   '            <&%,%,<)  #  (#   #!  # #    (   O  (  ( '      * ( #  #   # #   E        *       ( O   '$  e is anokha, humorous lifestyle and starting   '         O and one of the most everything from the  (   (  * Hentertaining character scratch was not a   '  'M in &TV’s rib-tickling show piece of cake. “I had 0    *   Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hain. Meet never travelled in     K    P0 )    Anokhe Lal Saxena aka Mumbai’s local trains. *' &    Saanand Verma, who have The first day when I     *      never feared challenges in his was going for    (*   *          life. auditions, I tried to  *       * ' Verma has been receiving board a train, I was  ( *'  8   immense love and appreciation shocked to see the  (         for playing Saxenaji, however situation. I knew I   E      doing TV was not on his cards couldn’t do that. I    '   $%  K 2'   until he had an encounter with thought of              the show’s director Shashank commuting by bus,   B*0 C(    Bahl. which again was a $OD0        ( $ -    “I never wanted to do TV. tedious task.    ' '/    "' My aim was to pave my way Affording a rickshaw ( 9           *    2  into Bollywood. Therefore, I or a taxi was not in  E    '        didn’t want to expose myself my budget so I     ,  ' O much at that time because decided to walk to          !     then you get restricted to TV. the audition venue. I    * *     ' One fine day, I came in contact used to walk almost      *  *     with Shashank Bahl and I 14 hours a day,” he F     started doing FIR. The reason tells you. :(    *0 * AL I chose the show was because Now, after 10  8    "  $ BC it gave me space to hide my years, Verma feels  (     E *'OD identity as I had to play blessed to have got the  '>       *     different characters in disguise opportunity to play   (*   '* ( for different episodes. After the some of the best roles    O      E *  show got off-air, Shashank which people still     $  '   offered me to play Saxenaji in cherish. Tharki Patel "   (     (  his new show. I wasn’t sure of in Pataakha (his first AL8  E * ( K*( taking it up. But, once I read the film as lead), * *   'M script and got to know about Satyanarayan Dubey '$      *  A my character, there was no in Apharan and the  ($   L * $  reason to turn down the offer. most recent hostel        * $K' It was the character which was staff in Chhichhore    H  0  * $    never played on screen before where though the role  '  ($E      and I was blessed to have was small but a     '$* gotten the opportunity to play prominent one, he    '   D     such a character,” he says. believes.    ' '$   Verma believes that a His approach      ($  $ director is like the captain of towards acting is to (      K *     the ship. If the director is good, get into the skin of the  O   '*      '      the end results will definitely be characters.   '$           D     good. “During the shoot, “For me, there is   'M   E        Shashank not only help us no existence of  'M   '  *  improvise our characters but he Saanand Verma. I am   &0P (    tries to bring out the best of the just the characters /      * %        script. It is all about team that I play. I am  '$  (L(   ' *  work. If you see my character nothing apart from          (  *    closely, the punch line is ‘I like almost 40 per cent of the package of 50 lakh per that. I believe in living and  6  K      it’. The line and when Saxenaji comical elements are added by annum. But, I wasn’t satisfied feeling my characters.  (      * rolls his eyes was Shashank's him in the final script. Apart with my work. It felt like Whenever you are playing    MANN'     brainchild and I gave it the from him, I am the most something is missing and that intense characters for instance *   ' right tone. So, definitely a mazakiya person on the sets. I was acting. Since my Saxenaji, you have to be careful  ( *  *  K8  director's part is of immense make sure that everyone is childhood, I was always enough to maintain the  (   (*" -  AL  K* importance but when you work laughing and is in a happy interested in performing arts. comical timings and to express   #'  " $ together on a project, it all mood during shooting,” he Then one fine day, I decided to your character without losing *     ( depends on team work. We all tells you. quit my job and go on to the essence of it,” he tells you   E(   '$   do new improvisations in our But, as everything comes pursue acting. I had a house in and adds that when not acting $  (      $ characters on a daily basis and with a price, to reach this stage Mumbai, which in itself was a he is an unpredictable person.     '    the learning process is never in his life, Verma too had to big thing. But I had to pay the Some people think he is   '       $  ending,” he tells you. make several sacrifices. “I come home loan, with the PF money arrogant and others that he is     * '      Verma is all praise for his from a humble background. that I got after quitting my job, a humble and down-to-earth (   ( (  $ director and believes that he is There were times when my I paid my house loan. I was left person. And he loves to remain   *   K the most funny person on the family didn't have money to short on money. I had to sell like this.  '&    ($      sets. “The atmosphere on the eat. But as time passes, those my car because I wasn’t in a Verma, currently is in talks * 0(. $' $ sets is very light-hearted and time passed too. I went on to position to pay the EMIs. I for some projects which are not >*'      the credit goes to Shashank. He study and eventually got a job suffered from a financial yet finalised. But, definitely "    (  '$ tries his best to make everyone in a MNC. I worked with the crunch again during that time,” good things are waiting ahead 9*(K       feel comfortable on the sets. He company for nine years and he recalls. for him which the audience will 0 K& &  'M gives the script a vision and there was a time when I had a Leaving behind a luxurious get to know about soon.     + ,-. ,-/0  3

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n February 4, 2019, the It has been 13 years since she first never stopped me from pursuing my pas- General of Mines Safety hails from Pushpa Rai who is working as Assistant Government allowed women began working in a job that was predom- sion or go wherever I wanted to. Even Mangrol in Gujarat. Manager Mechanical after completing her to work in mines, both under- inantly male. A lesson that Liril has learnt when I was the only girl to be selected for Like Kandoi, her father too is a busi- Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical ground as well as opencast, is that one must not shirk or run away from the course, my parents supported me and nessman and mother a homemaker. She Engineering and Master’s in Industrial and during the day and at night any job that has come her way. were very proud of me. More so since I is a long way away from home — West to Production Engineering from Uttar Pradesh withO some riders like written permission “Whatever work has been assigned to have started working here,” Kandoi says. East. Technical University. from women is a must before employing you, needs to be completed to one’s best She has been working in the sector for “Till recently girls were not allowed to Rai is from Lucknow. Her father is a them and they have to be deployed in a abilities. Hard work is important. We have six years and be away from home. “There work in mining. But thanks to the retired Additional SP and mother a home- group of not less than three in a shift. to prove that even though we are working were things that will always make you Government, this is now possible. I was the maker. Her six siblings — two brothers and The Mines Act, 1952, had so far in a field that was male-dominated, today homesick. When you step out of your com- first girl from my batch to graduate with four sisters are all working.She tells you that restricted the employment of women we stand with them. It is necessary to set fort zone there are bound to be difficul- a mining engineering. It was not easy. My unlike most families and girls who found workers in underground mines and in an example for the other women who will ties. But the facilities in the township make $ /&O >&&+$>$ parents didn’t know what the field was like. comfort by staying home. opencast or above ground workings of the come forward to take our place in the it easy for us. Whether is it the work envi- /8.$ $ &$$ I was told that this sector was not for “When I took up engineering, it never mine during night hours.The women future. If today, we refuse to do a partic- ronment or otherwise, it doesn’t feel as if women. That it was a tough field to work occurred to me that I had to look for work labour force participation rate in the ular work, the coming generation will also I am working in the mining sector. I can &" /8'$" // >/8 in. Even after I got my campus placement closer to home. I am blessed that my par- country stands at just 27% as against 51% not come forward,” the 42-year-old tells go out for a movie, or a swim. Whatever /9$&(/8$ with Vedanta Hindustan Coal, I didn’t ents never stopped me from whatever I in Indonesia, 58% in Bangladesh, 64% in you who is married and has a baby boy. we need is within our reach,” Kandoi tells K.8$ ./$ understand what they were talking about. wanted to do. It was my decision to study China and 73% in Vietnam. “There is no difference between a boy you. It was only after I landed up on day one engineering; it was my decision to work With the amendment, Tata Steel to or a girl today. I had been working since That is the reason why safety is not of the job and realised what the work with Tata Steel,” Rai says. boost gender diversity has recruited 10 before my marriage. My husband encour- such a big issue for her. “Safety is an issue entailed. It was such a bad day. But it has She tells you that a typical day for her women officers at its Noamundi Iron mine. aged me as did my in-laws. I want to grow the minute one steps out of the home. This been seven years since then. I have worked depends on what time her shift starts. “I am J Liril who joined Tata Steel in 2002 professionally and take on more respon- is impractical if one wants to work. Even in all the departments related to mining. so excited to be working night shift and am as Trade Apprentice from SNTI, sibilities by working in a shift,” Liril says. if I was living in a metro, I would have to One has to be ready to work in every con- shift in-charge. It is such a proud moment Jamshedpur, after completion of her grad- Twenty-eight-year-old Karishma fend for myself. I have to look after my dition. Now, I am here. I joined the unit for us that we can command and the entire uation says she joined the Iron-Ore Kandoi who is working as Manager safety. I can’t always be dependent on oth- in August this year,” Kher says. operation,” Rai says. Processing Plant as Fitter-cum-operator in Mechanical in the Iron-Ore Processing ers,” Kandoi says who works as a shift-in- The reason why she changed her job She agrees with Kher and opines that 2006 and was subsequently promoted as Plant after doing her Bachelor’s in charge. was that she wanted to work in shift. “In one can’t be bothered by weather conditions. a mechanic. She was later promoted as Mechanical Engineering from Assam Her work involves washing of the ore my previous, due to the law restrictions, “Even at home one can feel the cold or feel Chargehand, the position she holds at pre- Engineering College in the year 2013 who that comes in before it is sent further down I couldn’t work in shift. But here, I am shift the heat and work even when it is raining. sent. hails from, Dhubri, a small town in Assam the production line. “After the ore is mined $ /+   $ in-charge,” Kher says who got married in It is a mindset. We have to work around the “I belong to Noamundi. My father tells you that her father is a businessman. it is sent to us. There is a process that is 2016.She tells you that both she and her weather conditions,” Rai says. used to work with Tata Steel. I am the sec- “He deals with automobile spare parts. involved. Primary and secondary wash &" /8/ >/8 husband worked in the same department Though she is not married, she tells you ond generation who is working here. I My mother is a homemaker. I joined this plants. This involves complete manpow- /&'  $  before she decided to move to Noumundi that each person makes plans whether they started as a trade apprentice back in 2006. unit in July so it has been only a few er handling. We have to see which depart- / >$&+ //8.$ while her husband is still with Hindustan materialise or not is another thing.Once her To begin with, there were some appre- months. Till now working here has been ment requires how much manpower and Coal. shift is over, there are several things that Rai hensions since there were no women work- amazing. I began my career with Jindal what kind of work they need to undertake. K8 $;. &8 Interestingly, she never thought about does to entertain herself. ing in mechanical jobs. It was considered Steel after graduation. I am not bothered We have to take corrective action as well staying back home and looking for a job “There are so many things that one can to be a man’s work. I had to work with whether I am working in a job that was tra- if there is a machinery breakdown. These there. Or even help her father in his agri- do here. There are so many facilities here. them in the field since there weren’t ditionally for men. I am more concerned require snap decisions if problems arise culture business. “My father never forced One has to visit this place to understand many facilities available. We did our work in making a career for myself in this field. since the ultimate goal is that there are no me to do want I wanted. But he wanted me what kind of entertainment is on offer for with the help of our male colleagues. With It doesn’t bother me whether there are hindrances in production,” Kandoi shares. to become an engineer. That is why I took people. Most Saturdays are spent watching times, things changed for the better,” Liril other women working beside me. I just She tells you that while she is not mar- the subject at graduation,” Kher tells you. a movie,” Rai says. recounts. want to push myself and realise my poten- ried at present if the subject came up, she She has a message for women who want Though her parents have not visited her While there were a few comments by tial. Now, at Tata Steel, the work culture would tell the person that he needs to to pursue a career in this sector. “They yet, since she has recently joined, she plans men however the majority of them never is such that it doesn’t instill fear. The group accept her with her job.“I will tell him that should not balk at taking up mining as a to visit the family for Diwali. “Being the made Liril feel uncomfortable that she was has provided several faculties to make us there is no way I am going to leave my job. profession just because the working con- youngest means that I am the pampered in the wrong department. “They never said feel safe. There is transportation with GPS He has to understand that I will not go ditions are tough. There will be dust; one one. I have to visit the family,” Rai says. that because I was a woman, I was best tracer. There are CCTVs to monitor where his jobs take him since this is where will have to work in the field where there She has a message for women. “There suited for a desk job. My job, at present, things,” Kandoi says. I work,” Kandoi says. $&;"$ & //8. is no AC. It is not a glamorous work envi- are so many women who study mechani- is providing others training on how to Her interest in mechanics began as a Pratixa Kher working as Senior $  / 8 $> ronment. One should be ready all the time. cal engineering but pursue a job in anoth- operate the machines and complete the job child. She used to watch her father work Manager Mining after doing a Bachelor’s $E" 8 &'$ $8/  Women should not be afraid to work in a er sector. If this is what they had wanted to in the field. There have been times when with automobile parts. This made her pur- in Mining Engineering from Government particular department. On one hand, we do, why pursue mechanical engineering? the machine develops a snag. I have had sue mechanical engineering. “When I got Engineering College, Bhuj in 2012 and /& >/8& talk about 21st Century and equal pay. We What I sow is what the future generation to lend a helping hand it rectifying the the opportunity to study this subject, I was holds a First Class Mine Manager’s K  8$ have to be ready to accept that comes our will learn from like I have learnt that I can issue,” Liril says. thrilled. My parents encouraged me. They Certificate of Competency by Directorate way,” Kher tells you. do whatever I set my mind to,” Rai says. N&     JO

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  8" $   !D *" 0      B>C) - -./*-)*.-D ; $   5   ohit Sharma continued his sensational run as a Test   8" $ Ropener with his third hun- dred of the series, allowing India ain may affect the second 8 Q  to regain control of the proceedings Rday’s proceedings as well in the after a top-order collapse in the final India-South Africa Test, the & A India’s batting coach “Somebody of his experi- free towards the end of first third and final game against South local weatherman predicted on Vikram Rathour on Saturday ence and the kind of cricket session when he pulled Africa at Jharkhand State Cricket Saturday. attributed Rohit Sharma’s suc- he plays, if he starts coming Anrich Nortje for the first of Association (JSCA) stadium on “There is a possibility of thun- cess as Test opener, in the good top of the order, it his four sixes, while Ajinkya Saturday. dershowers and lightning at iso- ongoing series, to mental changes everything for the Rahane too came on his own With India reduced to 39 for lated places in Ranchi. Chances adjustments. Indian team, even when in a difficult second session three, Rohit (117 batting off 164 are less by Monday onwards,” an “He is such an experi- you’re touring.” for the visitors. balls) and Ajinkya Rahane (83 official of the Indian enced player. I don’t think you Rohit looked tentative “Ajinkya showed great batting off 135) shared an unbeat- Meteorological Department, need to change anything with early on and was given LBW intent today. Whenever he en 185-run stand to stage the Ranchi, said. his technique. The only on seven by umpire Richard bats with this intent, he looks home team’s remarkable recovery. adjustment I think he had to Illingworth, but survived fol- a really good player. As I said India were 224 for three before a better strike rate than his explo- make was his game plans,” lowing a successful review, earlier also, they bowled in bad light, followed by rain, forced sive Mumbai partner as he notched Rathour told reporters after which showed a faint inside- good areas initially and there an early end to play on day one up his fastest half-century in India. the first day’s proceedings. edge. was help in the wicket, so with only six overs possible in the Sharma, however, had a testing “I always believed he is “In Tests, you need to play Rohit had some problem early final session. opening session as he survived on too good a player not to be through those tough spells on. With his stellar effort, Rohit, seven after reviewing an LBW playing in any format. It was that you will get. I think he’s “Of course, as a bats- who hammered 14 boundaries successfully. a good call to make him to doing that well in this series. man, you need to survive that and four sixes, became the first He also survived a run out open. With the amount of Once he’s set, he’s a phenom- time, which Rohit did really Indian opener since Sunil Gavaskar chance when he was out of crease runs he has scored, he has set- enal player, we all know that well. Anybody will look to score more than two centuries but Zubayr Hamza’s throw from tled the issue for the time he can really punish you.” uncomfortable because those in a Test series. Gavaskar had point missed the stumps. being,” Rathour added. Rohit started to break were tough conditions.” PTI achieved the feat way back in Uneven bounce with a few 1970. staying really low greeted the Rohit’s Test century number six Indian openers in the morning as came with a massive six off spin- Rabada and Lungi Ngidi made full     ner Dane Piedt. It was a typical use of the conditions to give the vis- P7Q knock from India’s limited overs itors their best start of the series. & A In a bid to end his losing vice-captain as he exercised caution Rabada got rid of opener  ./+.  themselves up to bring streak at the toss, South Africa when Kagiso Rabada was steaming Mayank Agarwal (10) and the covers. skipper Faf du Plessis on Saturday in the morning before going for his Cheteshwar Pujara (0) inside the video of unbeaten He took the single off brought Temba Bavuma as proxy strokes. first-hour of play. Acenturion Rohit the second ball of the over captain for the third and final Test. If that was not enough, Rahane The first breakthrough came in Sharma shouting ‘not to reach 95 and at the However, luck did not favour matched him at the other end and Rabada’s third over when the the now’ as the skies turned same time, the rain start- South Africa as the coin landed in brought up his 21st half-century off pacer swung it away with Agarwal grey just before he ed coming down. favour of India skipper Virat Kohli just 70 balls. edging it to Dean Elgar at third slip. smashed a six to reach his Batting as an opener who chose to bat for the third time Piedt, who was included in Rabada went on to dismiss third hundred of the series for the first time in this in the three-match series. place of Senuran Muthusamy, cut Pujara for a duck in his fifth over took social media by series, Rohit added yet After winning the toss, even a sorry figure against Rohit’s fury, following a successful review by the storm. another feather to his cap Kohli couldn’t help but laugh at giving away 43 runs in his six overs. South Africans after the on-field Rohit reached the by becoming the batsman Faf’s helplessness. Debutant left-arm spinner umpire Richard Illingworth turned three-figure mark with a to hit the most number of “It shows that it isn’t meant to George Linde, who replaced an down an lbw appeal. six as he was batting on 95 sixes in a Test series. be (win the toss with a proxy cap- injured Keshav Maharaj, ended the But it was Nortje who earned in the 45th over. The lim- During the ongoing tain),” du Plessis said after losing day with tidy figures of 11-1-40-0. the biggest wicket as he sent back ited overs vice-captain three-Test series, he has so his 10th consecutive toss in Asia. Such was the Indian duo’s domi- Pune Test’s double centurion Kohli brought up his third cen- far hit 17 sixes and has sur- Graeme Smith, however, did- nance after lunch that Rabada, who after the skipper failed to read one tury of the series, his sixth passed Shimron Hetmyer’s n’t seem impressed with du Plessis’ had a fiery opening spell of 7-4-15- that came back in sharply. overall, off Dane Piedt’s tally of 15 which came idea of coming out with a proxy 2, looked listless in the second spell Kohli took the review but only bowling. Just before that, during the two-match captain and said it reflected the that read 4-0-30-0. to be turned down with an umpire’s Rohit shouted ‘not now’ series between West Indies mindset of the visitors who have Rahane matched Sharma shot call and the skipper went back to when it started to drizzle and Bangladesh in been struggling to get going in the for shot and at one point even had the pavillion frustrated. / 0 % "%  #  ## 0  # "   #  "    and the groundsmen set 2018/19. ongoing series. PTI

and come with a plan. I try and 75  +    put as much pressure as pos-  % !   !4R .  sible and finally got the wick-   8" $ 224/3 in 58 overs when bad everyone. et.” weather forced an early stumps. “Overall, it was a good He said there’s still hope in   &&+ $ The squad for the Bangladesh the selection committee said. outh African pacer Anrich “We were definitely better effort by the bowlers. There the side as they look to bounce series will be picked in “It will also depend on how SNortje on Saturday rued as in the previous Test. We just was little bit in it this morning, back. ndia skipper Virat Kohli Mumbai on October 24. the skipper himself feels. He letting India off the hook after tried to control the game little tried to utilise as much but one “I think there were quite a Icould be rested from the “There is a possibility that knows his body the best and if reducing them to 39 for three bit better. Unfortunately, we or two overs didn’t go our way.” lot of opportunities right three-match T20 series Virat could be rested need be he can himself ask the on the opening day. couldn’t get another wicket... It Kagiso Rabada was the through the series. Lots of against Bangladesh, keeping the workload selectors for rest,” the source Hoping to avoid a 3-0 would have been nice to have pick of the attack with 2/54 in nicks going through the gaps or beginning here on management pro- added. whitewash, South African them four-five down,” Nortje 14 overs, while Nortje (1/50 falling short. Something hap- November 3. gramme in mind. After the first T20 in Delhi, bowlers gave a good account said after the first day’s play. from 16 overs) picked up the pened today here there, that’s Kohli has But the selectors Rajkot and Nagpur will host the of themselves by taking three “We had one or two overs wicket of India skipper Virat normal to cricket. We have to been playing will only speak second and third game on wickets quickly, but Rohit where we went on top, later on Kohli. take it forward going from almost non-stop, to Virat once November 7 and 10 respective- Sharma and Ajinkya Rahane we just pulled it back again. So, “I was hoping for a wick- here. Just keep on asking those featuring in 48 of the Test match ly. shared an unbeaten 185-run maybe, here and there we lost et somewhere and to get him questions and control the con- India’s 56 games (against South Africa) partnership to take India to but, in general, a good effort by was unbelievable, but just try trollables, I guess.” since October last year. ends,” a source close to

0  &8 Argentine fifth seed Guido Pella          5-7, 6-4, 6-4. ormer world number one  Italian teenager Jannik FAndy Murray reached his Sinner became the youngest first semi-final since the 2017   ATP semi-finalist in five years *    "'0 French Open with a battling when he defeated Frances Tiafoe three-set win over Romania’s of the United States 6-4, 3-6, 6- Marius Copil in Antwerp on  3.   0 0&8 city will be a huge boost for her Friday. Sinner, 18, is the youngest to side. The 32-year-old British star, make the last four on tour since ndian women’s hockey team “Some members from this steadily rebuilding his career 17-year-old Borna Coric at Basel Icaptain Rani said on Saturday team have played in India before after major hip surgery earlier in 2014. that consistency in selection has but that was way back in the FIH this year, defeated qualifier However, he faces a daunt- helped her team members in World League Round 2 in 2013, )   #   Copil 6-3, 6-7 (7/9), 6-4. ing semi-final against three- understanding each other better but the crowd that comes out to “I feel OK, it’s more how time major winner Stan ahead of the Olympic Qualifiers. watch hockey in Bhubaneswar is you pull up the following day,” Wawrinka after the former She said that home support nothing like that.     said Murray, who is two wins world number three got past fel- will be a huge boost for them “We know we will be cheered away from a first title since low 34-year-old Gilles Simon of  &&+ $ when they compete in the on from the first minute of the break the course record Dubai in March 2017.  )     " ! ?   #  1 France 6-3, 6-7 (6/8), 6-2 in his upcoming FIH Olympic match, and we are all looking for- again,” said Suriya. “The good thing about the quarter-final. Qualifiers. ward to playing at home. It is a op Indian elite athletes, The runners of the Airtel indoor matches is that the 243 in the world, had the chance hours on court with an ace for Sinner, who lost to An 18-member women’s good moment in your life when Tincluding women’s course Delhi Half Marathon will be points are fairly short so it to wrap up the quarter-final his third win in three meetings Wawrinka at the US Open this team was announced here on you play such a huge match in record holder L Suriya, on awarded 1 lakh as a bonus doesn’t take as much out of you when he had a match point in against the 92nd-ranked Copil. year, will become the youngest Friday by chief coach Sjoerd front of your home crowd, and the Saturday said they would prize if they break the course as on some of the slower courts the second set tiebreak. Murray goes on to face ATP finalist since Kei Nishikori Marijne, which saw the team is looking forward to pro- look to break the course record this year. outside.” He eventually sealed victo- France’s world number 70 Ugo at Delray Beach in 2008 if he Dutchman retain the players who ducing a great performance and record in the Airtel Delhi Parul Chaudhary, who is Murray, now ranked a lowly ry after more than two and a half Humbert who put out downs the experienced Swiss. represented India in their enjoying it on the field,”she said. Half Marathon here today. keen to make an impression preparatory tour of England ear- Rani said there is pressure, Suresh Kumar Patel, this year, was delighted about lier this month. but her team members have huge Srinu Bugatha, Pradeep the bonus cash prize on offer. “We have a group of players belief in themselves, and are Chaudhary in the men’s cat- “It’s great that the run- ;   "D   ')  who have played together for a focusing on doing the basics egory and Suriya, Parul ners will be rewarded with a good period of time, and that right in both the matches. Chaudhary and Priti Lamba bonus cash prize for breaking obviously helps in building a “We all know how in the women’s category are the course record. We are   &&+ $ I’m not scared to face her, I am fine with future, let her have the experience and good understanding between important these matches the top domestic athletes very happy and I will defi- the trials,” said Mary Kom on the sidelines focus on preparation for the highest level. all the team members. are, but we cannot let vying for honours in the nitely give it my all to achieve am not scared to face Nikhat Zareen,” of a felicitation program. I have been fighting for last 20 years. To “We know each other in them get to us. We have prestigious IAAF Gold Label a bonus prize this year,” said “Iavowed celebrated boxer MC Mary “I have defeated her many times challenge is easy but to perform is diffi- and out, and all of us under- played in huge match- race. There will be 23 women Parul. Kom, saying it would just be a “formality” since SAF Games but she keeps challeng- cult.” stand each other both on and es before and we now and 22 men Indian elite ath- Speaking about the con- to beat her in the trials for the Olympic ing me. I mean, what is the point? It is just In women’s competition, BFI had said off the field, so I believe have the experience letes taking part in the race. ditions, Pradeep Chaudhary qualifiers. a formality. BFI also knows in August that only the Gold and Silver win- it has also helped us of coping up Suriya, who created the said that the weather has Mary Kom (51kg) found herself who can win a medal at ners at the World Championships in Russia a lot. We are now with the pres- course record in 2017 with a changed for the better since embroiled in a controversy with Zareen Olympics.” would be selected directly for the Olympic preparing to be at sure. time of 1 hour 10 minutes 31 Friday and hopefully the demanding a trial bout against her before Mary Kom said “people qualifiers in February. our best when we “We will seconds, said she enjoys run- conditions will suit the run- the Indian squad for next year’s Olympic are jealous of me”. However, BFI now has decided to call take on USA in play our own ning in ADHM. ners today. qualifiers is decided. “It has happened with me in a selection committee meeting next the Qualifiers game, and focus “The route at the Airtel “The weather suddenly This was after the Boxing Federation the past also. Perform on the week to discuss Zareen’s plea. here,” said Rani. on the basics. If Delhi Half Marathon is very changed on Friday. It was of India (BFI) stated that it intends to pick ring, that is the real thing. Mary Kom said there Looking we can continue nice. In 2017, I really enjoyed very windy making the con- six-time world champion Mary Kom (51kg) BFI sends us for exposure should be gender quality back at her with the way we the run as the weather was ditions very cool and suitable for the event in China on the back of her trips so comeback with a in the selection criteria. experience of have been playing, also good. Therefore, I put up for runners. I am looking for- recent Bronze medal winning performance Gold, prove yourself,” she “I don’t care about all representing the and play according a good performance that ward to a great run and good at the World Championships in Russia. said. this. Let BFI take the decision. national team in front to our plans, we will year. I am looking forward to weather on a beautiful track “The decision has been taken by BFI. “I am not There should be gender equality, of home support, Rani be able to produce another great experience in will be an added bonus,” said I can’t change the rule. I can just perform. against her. She can’t have separate rules for men and said the support in the good results.” ADHM. Hopefully, I will Chaudhary. Whatever they decide, I will go with that. might be good in women.”     + ,-. ,-/0  4 (!!!   + <    -!  (  %  #    &0 0 8$ clinical Bengal Warriors Aon Saturday clinched their arcelona’s ‘MSG’ strike force maiden Pro Kabaddi League Bis finally clicked into gear as title by defeating Dabang Delhi Lionel Messi, Luis Suarez and 39-34 in a pulsating summit Antoine Griezmann all scored clash here. in a ruthless 3-0 victory over Naveen Kumar was bril- Eibar on Saturday. liant once again with 18 raid Griezmann’s place in the points for Delhi but uncharac- newly-formed attacking tri- teristic errors cost their title dent has not been secure but hopes in front of a packed audi- the Frenchman opened the ence, including Sports Minister scoring at Ipurua before teeing Kiren Rijiju, at the EKA Arena up Messi and then playing the by TransStadia. crucial pass for Suarez to make The Warriors did not have it three. the services of star raider and “There will be good and captain Maninder Singh but got bad days but we are getting to support with his presence as know each other and bit by bit assistant coach of the team in we will do even better,” said the final match of Season Griezmann. Seven. An authoritative Barca dis- The pressure of the final play thrust them to the top of got to the Warriors in the early La Liga, for a few hours at least minutes as Delhi stormed to a before Real Madrid play Real 6-0 lead. Naveen Kumar cer- Mallorca. They moved three tainly looked charged up for the points clear of Atletico, who event while Delhi’s cover com- drew 1-1 at home to Valencia. bination of Anil Kumar and The victory also dismissed Vishal Mane also seemed keen suggestions their players might to stop any raider coming their be affected by Friday’s post- way. The Delhi side clinched ponement of next Saturday’s their All-Out in the 8th minute Clasico due to protests in to open a four-point lead but Catalonia. the Warriors were a different Violence in Barcelona and side after the restart. Stand-in minutes remaining for the Perhaps the smartest move 10th minute (21st consecu- to script a comeback for the disruptions at El Prat airport captain Mohammad break. The closely-contested from the Warriors’ camp was to tive) but his side struggled to Delhi side, hitting the 300- meant Ernesto Valverde’s side Nabibakhsh picked up his first-half ended with the scores deploy the experienced Jeeva get a stranglehold of the match point milestone in the process, altered their pre-match routine game, clinching valuable raid levelled at 17-17. Kumar in a shifting cover role, as Warriors corner combina- but his work continuously got and embarked on a 589-kilo- points, as the Warriors quick- The Warriors maintained depending on the raider’s tion of Rinku Narwal and undone by uncharacteristic metre bus trip to the Basque ly reduced Delhi’s lead. that momentum in the second strong foot. Baldev Singh also got into the errors in the defence with the County on Friday. Delhi’s Iranian player half as they quickly got into the The decision helped as the game. likes of Joginder Narwal and All the while, discussions Meraj Sheykh impressed as a lead. Sukesh Hegde once again Warriors clinched another All- The Warriors inflicted Ravinder Pahal struggling. continued over the Clasico substitute, picking up two raid sizzled for the Warriors with Out in the 8th minute of the another All-Out with six min- The Warriors’ defence held against Real Madrid, which is points in pressure situations, some mature raiding, often half to open-up a 4-point lead. utes remaining to open-up a tight in the final minutes to now expected to go ahead in but the Warriors secured their getting the better of Ravinder Delhi’s Naveen Kumar 10-point lead. secure their maiden Pro December.  <&  )     *  " && " #  first All-Out with under four Pahal in Delhi’s left corner. clinched his Super 10 in the Naveen Kumar kept trying Kabaddi League title. “It is fashionable not to *  5 *  1(    # 5 * %   agree on political issues but at least let’s agree on the date of showings led to Ousmane Barca made it two just the Clasico,” Valverde said Dembele starting against before the hour as Frenkie de "< <  ( -    ! . afterwards. Sevilla before the internation- Jong’s incisive ball was collect- “It doesn’t seem to me that al break. ed by Suarez. As he lost control, 0 $"& pass from fellow Argentine Mauro a petulant slap on Leandro Paredes. difficult.” Perhaps chaos off There was good news too Griezmann took over, flicking Icardi before calmly guiding beyond Tuchel threw on Mbappe, the pitch inspired Barca to for Barcelona in defence, where left to Messi, who made no ngel Di Maria grabbed two Benitez in the Nice goal on 15 min- restricted to just two substitute unite on it. Samuel Umtiti came through mistake. Agoals while Kylian Mbappe utes. appearances since August, for the This was their fifth 90 minutes in what was his first The third involved all three struck on his return from injury as Only Mbappe has been involved final eight minutes and PSG made consecutive victory in all appearance of the season. again. Griezmann’s superb Paris Saint-Germain won 4-1 at Nice in more goals in France this year the most of their two-man advan- competitions, a sequence Umtiti, who has been out with reverse pass set Messi clear and to surge five points clear at the top than Di Maria, who duly doubled his tage. Mbappe drove low under which is swiftly erasing mem- a foot injury, replaced the he generously slipped the ball of Ligue 1. tally six minutes later with a sublime Benitez to claim his first goal since ories of a stumbling start to the banned Gerard Pique. left for Suarez who was left with PSG lost Neymar and the influ- lob from an unfavourable angle. August 11 and then laid on an assist season. The only blot on the result an open goal. ential Idrissa Gueye to injury over Marquinhos replaced PSG cap- for Icardi to tap home in stoppage The resurgence has coin- was an injury to Sergi Roberto, Atletico lost ground as the international break while tain Thiago Silva at half-time and time. cided with Messi’s return from who hurt his left knee and was they were undone by a late Mbappe and Edinson Cavani were headed against the crossbar at a cor- Nantes could trim PSG’s lead injury yet it was the fluidity and replaced at half-time. He will be Dani Parejo free-kick against only fit enough to make the bench ner, but a mistake from the Brazilian back to two points on Saturday when cohesion of the front three, a doubt for the Champions Valencia at the Wanda for the trip to the Cote d’Azur. presented Nice a lifeline on 67 min- they head to bottom side Metz, while rather than the Argentinian’s League game away at Slavia Metropolitano, where both “At the start of a run of six very utes. Rudi Garcia begins his reign as Lyon familiar solo brilliance, that will Prague on Wednesday. sides finished the game with 10 intensive matches, it’s always good An ill-advised attempt at chest- manager against lowly Dijon. have been most pleasing for The visiting fans chanted in men. to start with a win,” said PSG coach ing down a cross allowed Kasper Garcia, 55, must win over Valverde. support of the nine Catalan Diego Costa scored a first- Thomas Tuchel. Dolberg to tee up Ignatius Ganago underwhelmed fans and turn “Great players always leaders imprisoned last week half penalty. In a mad final 10 “We had a good first half, I was to blast home via the underside of around a season that is already understand each other,” for a failed independence bid in minutes, Joao Felix limped off happy. We had chances to control the bar. threatening to go off the rails Valverde said. 2017. with all three of his team’s sub- the match but at the start of the sec- Any chance Patrick Vieira’s side after taking charge of Lyon on “With time and matches Griezmann’s finish clipped stitutes already used, Parejo ond half, we forgot to close it out.” had of salvaging a result effectively Monday. they will understand each other the inside of the post and struck in the 82nd minute and A spectacular triple save by evaporated though with the dis- He has been tasked with ending even more.” found the net after 13 minutes. Valencia’s Lee Kang-In was Walter Benitez kept out Presnel missal of Wylan Cyprien and a miserable run that has left them Messi should have made it sent off in injury-time. Kimpembe and Abdou Diallo in the Christophe Herelle in a matter of languishing in 14th place after nine 0 0  B  two before half-time but was Felix’s fitness will be a con-  <"  ) % "%     ""; < opening minutes at the Allianz minutes. games, already seven points away Griezmann has four goals denied one-on-one by goal- cern ahead of Atletico’s "  >      " 1  & " !  Riviera but PSG soon made the Cyprien was shown a second from the Champions League places since joining Barca from keeper Marko Dmitrovic. Champions League game at # *  ;     #   0   breakthrough. yellow card for dissent with Herelle for which they are expected to chal- Atletico Madrid last summer Suarez’s goal was ruled for off- home to Bayer Leverkusen on  # ; % 1  1  Di Maria raced on to a first-time sent off following a VAR review for lenge. but a series of underwhelming side. Tuesday.   "(+ >E'%>==.:

keeper made some spectacular 0 +// saves. I was pleased to come on and give us a bit of comfort. ottenham narrowly avoid- There was a real purpose to our Ted an embarrassing home game today.” defeat to bottom club Watford Manchester City head to on Saturday as Chelsea and Crystal Palace in the late match Leicester leapfrogged champi- on Saturday. ons Manchester City in the Pep Guardiola left Sergio Premier League. Aguero and Riyad Mahrez out With leaders Liverpool not of his starting line-up but there in action until Sunday, it was a was a place on the bench for chance for the chasing pack to defender John Stones after an press their credentials for top- injury lay-off. four spots. Liverpool travel to Old Chelsea’s Marcus Alonso Trafford on Sunday, chasing a broke the deadlock for Frank record-equalling 18th consec- Lampard’s side at Stamford utive Premier League win while Bridge against Newcastle for a Manchester United are just 1-0 win while Youri Tielemans one point above the relegation sealed a 2-1 victory for zone. Leicester over Burnley at the  *&   &   King Power Stadium.  * '  Manmohan Bhargawa bagged his second Hari Singh Cricket Academy beat Allahabad But Spurs boss Mauricio Everton climbed out of the gold medal by winning the 100m breaststroke Cricket Association by 28 runs to enter the semi- Pochettino saw his side labour Premier League relegation zone event in the 16th Masters National Aquatic final of the 1st All-India Sports Galaxy Cricket to a 1-1 draw at home to on Saturday with a well- Championship at SAI centre on Saturday. He also Tournament at Seth AR Jaipuria ground on Watford, following a 3-0 deserved 2-0 victory against bagged the 50m freestyle bronze. Host Uttar Saturday. thrashing at Brighton and a West Ham that eased the pres- Pradesh now has 38 medals in its kitty, with BRIEF SCORES: humiliating 7-2 defeat at home sure on Marco Silva. seven gold, four silver and six bronze. HSCA: 198 (Puru Sharma 72, Abhishek Sakuja to Bayern Munich. The Portuguese boss Meanwhile, UP Swimming Association also 44, Pragam 31; Yash Dayal 34/5) Spurs, who reached the (  <##* # #      "    # & "  # *  ;   described the match at felicitated Manmohan Bhargawa, Lakhanlal ACA: 170 (Yadvendra Yadav 42, Amar Champions League final in    (  %#  "   Goodison Park as a “must-win” Arora, Bhagwati Manwantram, Vishwanath Chaudhary 38, Yash Dayal 24; Mukesh 38/3, June, have now won just game following four straight Behre, Dulal Kumar, Ramkrishna, Anant Jog, Harshit 25/2) three of their opening 12 disappointing result. “We didn’t play as well as Bournemouth drew 0-0 at league defeats and a goal from Ramkanwar Sangwan, Muthu Kumarswami, games in all competitions and “We know we have a we can and we couldn’t get into home to Norwich. Brazil forward Bernard in the Manbeer SIngh, Dayanand Sharma and Om Seth   appear unable to find their world-class team so it’s about our rhythm as much as we In the early kick-off on 17th minute set his side on Faisal Khan of Aligarh outclasssed spark. showing what we can do when would have liked,” said Saturday, Everton climbed out their way. Everton dominated  )  Amanpreet Singh of Lucknow while Ankit Pochettino’s men got off to things don’t go our way. It’s Leicester defender Jonny Evans. of the relegation zone with a the match and had multiple 17th seed Vinay Mishra shocked fourth seed Rastogi of Rampur outpointed Azeem Abbas on an awful start as they fell important we turn it around. “But luckily Youri well-deserved 2-0 victory chances to extend their lead but Ravi Shankar while fifth seed Medhansh Saxena the opening day of the Nawab Emad-ud- behind in the sixth minute, We know how good we are, we (Tielemans) got us our goal.” against West Ham that eased were forced to wait until injury hold top seed Pawan Batham in the 5th round dinAshraf Memorial Uttar Pradesh State Sub- Abdoulaye Doucoure finishing just have to start showing it on Ahead of City’s match at the pressure on Marco Silva. time to score their second, of the 1st Christchurch Chess Championship on juniors snooker championship at Lucknow superbly from Daryl Janmaat’s the pitch.” Crystal Palace later on A first-half goal from Brazil through late substitute Gylfi Saturday. After the end of 5th round, Vinay Golf club here on Saturday. Tarandeep Singh of assist. Leicester held a minute’s Saturday, Leicester were second forward Bernard and a late sec- Sigurdsson. Mishra and Prithvi Singh were leading the tally Agra notched up an impressive straght frames But Dele Alli grabbed a late silence before kick-off to in the table, seven points ond from substitute Gylfi Victory in Saturday’s early with 5 points followed by Pawan and Medhansh victory over local lad Astitva Kumar. However, leveller for Spurs with his first remember their late owner behind leaders Liverpool, while Sigurdsson gave Everton the kick-off lifted Everton to the with 4.5 points each. Mayank Agarwal kept the city’s flag high by goal since January. Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha, Chelsea, also on 17 points, three points in a match in relative safety of 12th in the reaching the quarter-finals, beating Sahil There was major confusion who was killed in a helicopter were third. which they had 19 shots. table, one place above strug- &  '  Kriplani in straight frames. Earlier, Uttar as it appeared as if VAR had crash at the stadium last Matt Targett scored a goal “It was a fantastic perfor- gling Manchester United, DPS Eldeco blanked DPS Bareilly 4-0 to win Pradesh Billiards & Snooker Association sec- ruled out the effort, but it was October. deep into injury time as Aston mance,” Sigurdsson told BT ahead of the later fixtures. “It the Inter-DPS Zonal Football Tournament at La retary Vivek Agarwal inaugurated the champi- allowed to stand. Chris Wood put Burnley in Villa came back from 1-0 down Sport. was a fantastic performance,” Martiniere Ground on Saturday. Raaj Anand onship. “We made it difficult for front but Leicester’s in-form to beat 10-man Brighton 2-1. “We had a lot of chances, Sigurdsson told BT Sport. scored a brace for the winner while Chandani ourselves,” said Alli. forward Jamie Vardy headed an Southampton took the lead especially in the second half. “We had a lot of chances, and Sagar netted agoal each. Kartik bagged the &   “We controlled the game equaliser just before half-time against Wolves at Molineux, You never know when it’s 1-0 especially in the second half. best goalkeeper title while Yashraj was adjudged The 5th State-Level Special Games will be and bossed possession. It was and Tielemans completed the courtesy of a Danny Ings goal — you always want to get You never know when it’s 1-0 the best defender. Mayank and Raaj Anand were held at KD Singh ‘Babu’ Stadium on October 22. my first start and great to be turnaround with just over 15 but were pegged back by a Raul more. “They are dangerous — you always want to get awarded with beat midfielder and best striker Around 400 special players from various districts back in the team but overall a minutes to go. Jimenez penalty while going forward and their goal- more.” respectively. are expected to participate in the event.     + ,-. ,-/0 ## PQ   Q

You played Sancho Panza in Laal My mother was happy. She likes looking for an actor who could play the ing that I want to do biopics aur woh Kaptan. Was it hard to get into the everything that I do. But, my father did- role of Irrfan Khan’s right hand in the sabney kar liya except me. Since then I shoe of the character? n’t like it. He always asked me to leave film, but there’s no dialogues for the decided not to look for anything spe- Not at all. It was interesting to play acting and come back. He wanted that character. He asked me if I could play cific. The industry typecasts you. To such a character. I didn’t face any chal- I should look for a stable job. My neigh- it and I said yes. That’s how I got my first avoid this, you have to take the initia- lenges. Even my costume was bours used to make fun of me. They /&&/+& &++& project. After that my friend taunted me tive of showing all your shades. well-designed and my look was used to say things like akela kahan   $$/ a lot and asked me to thank him. Moreover, if you are an outsider, you perfect. All this helped me a lot ghumta rehta hai, subah nikalta hai raat (laughs) won’t get served everything on a plat- to get into the skin of the ko aata hai and what has he done to  &8&$ / +0&($ Are you satisfied with where you ter. You have to struggle your way. character. himself. There was no support at all. But &&89&/8&$ are today or is there somethingyou A change that you would like to see Was acting always on your as they say after every storm comes clear are looking for? in the industry for actors and other cards? skies so was the case with me. Once I  / + 9&0&&/ Some people tell me that this is not working professionals? I was extremely expressive entered Bollywood, everyone’s behav- $>>&8& +&9&+' where I should be, I deserved more and There should be a royalty system in since childhood. I had the iour towards me changed manifold. I should have been on a different level. the industry. Whenever a film earns calibre of making people Now whenever I visit them, it’s like a fes- 0 ($ :$ But, I am happy with wherever I am and profit, a part of it should be given to the laugh and cry with tival for them. They all have framed my whatever I have. If I was on a higher cameramans, spot boys, makeup artists my actions. After photos and put it on their wall. Also, the  &8&9&8$ level then probably things would have and others. Otherwise only the big Xq‚yƒu completing my rigid mentality of only taking up the   &9&8$ 9& been more complicated. And once you names will benefit from it. As for us also, studies, I wasn’t conventional career path has changed reach a higher stage there’s a certain kind we are not at a stable position. We don’t BCCT9IBS@VGc9P sure of which field there. The youngsters from my area are of pressure on you. have any funds or any extra income. to opt for. Some now trying their hands in singing, You may feel that I don’t deserve this Here the easy way out is to enter poli- Fuy‰„ “„v ˆxy‰ˆ ‚u‰y„vy‚ƒ‰‚yu of my friends dancing and other fields and the soci- or I know nothing. So it’s better to stay tics or start your own business. Once Sƒqˆqq„t Xq„‘aut‰Qq„‘ Fu became doctor ety is supporting them. They see me as ing team. So he asked me to speak with grounded and be satisfied. Mujhe jitna you do this, art becomes secondary for ‰†uq‰“yxQ‘‰rqFq‰xƒyqr ‘x “ and some went an example. All this makes me feel Honey and see if there’s any role for him. aata hai uss hisaab sey main ekdum theek you. Your focus shifts to remain polit- xutusytut rus ƒuq„qs ˆxy‰ for journalism so I happy. The deal was that the night’s dinner was hoon jahan bhi hoon. This way, I am ically correct. I don’t want to enter pol-  tˆuqƒˆ ‚uq„tqsxq„wuxqxu thought of utilis- How did you get on board for on him. I immediately said yes and we learning every day and I am enjoying it. itics. To avoid this, some percentage of ing my best quality Maqbool? both went to Honey’s office. After we My priorities have changed now. Earlier, the profit should be distributed among “ ‘‚t‚yu ‰uuy„xu and give acting a It was a funny incident. One day my reached there, Honey asked for a photo it was to look for good work. Today, I the whole team associated with the film. y„t‘‰ˆ• chance. roommate told me that there was a cast- of both of us and went on to show it to am looking to do different work. This will encourage them to work with How supportive were ing process going on somewhere and Vishalji, a casting director. Vishalji Was there a dream role in mind? greater enthusiasm and put in more your family in your decision? one of my friend Honey was in the cast- came outside and told me that he was Not really. In 2007-08, I started say- efforts in their work. P  $     Q     '(Q D  ' :$/&&8   *     %:3:86 8 :3286  6376-33 "//.  /8

hese fairy lights cloth diapers come with one adjustable waterproof shell Twith a set of 100 per cent organic cotton soaker sets with a dry feel lin- ing on top. It is an ideal night time diaper which lasts for 10-12 hours at night for most babies brought to you by #SuperbottomsUNO.

Cranberry Pesto Spaghetti with Basil Prep time: Approx 20 minutes Ingredients: 1/3 cup pine nuts ood health is a treasure. A treasure you cherish and pre- 1/4 cup dried cranberries Gserve. Presenting an exceptional assortment of fine organ- 8 sprigs of basil ic herbal teas. Grown in organic farms with natural nutrients 1/2 cup grated parmesan that sustain the environment and biological diversity, the ingre- 8 tablespoons olive oil dients within have all the therapeutic goodness that goes to cre- Salt, pepper ate these wonderful elixirs that — Typhoo Treasures — bring. 1 lb spaghetti The result is a set of caffeine-free herbal blends with great Directions: taste and their own distinct remedial powers. Crafted to reju- Roast pine nuts in an ungreased pan until they venate, cleanse and revive you and your loved ones any time of are light brown and remove them from the pan. the day. Coarsely chop the pine nuts and cranberries. Take basil leaves and chop them finely. Mix the pine nuts, cranberries, basil and 2/3 of the parme- 93&=686$/9 san with oil. Season with salt and pepper. 926&3/-7D?6/:/  Boil the noodles in accordance with the instruc- tions on the packet. Strain the noodles and mix he most jovial season is here and colours in attire and decoration add to them with the basil cranberry pesto. If required, Tits glory, so why lag behind in jewellery? season them again with salt and pepper. Sprinkle " %.&,%).,% Flaunt the best of fine coloured gemstone jewels, in the most allur- remaining parmesan over the spaghetti and ing designs and enjoy the celebratory season in its full & true spir- serve. it. Kohinoor Jewellers Agra presents Festive Glimmer, a wide range   #'   F,  of fine jewellery options beaming with enticing colours in precious and semi-precious coloured gemstones. Curated for the upcoming 9$  8 >/8:/  #,%>).) %=.%  festive season and countless weddings that follow, the collection offers something unconventional for each occasion. The collection is a per- +          $  #% #! #  ! fect amalgamation of lively colours and vigorous cuts to suit the season   /     and creating favourites for the new modern era!   % 0;

?3E:/ 3:%33D6- Marble Ganesha with What inspired you to make a film which prohibits dis- 6Q-$=6+/9 Silver jewels crimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or place  o for these interesting panoply of sweet and savory ift your loved Price: 3,51,000 of birth? Gtreats crafted to delight all gourmet lovers. From Gones this I read certain headlines that talked about the discrimination artisanal homemade mithai, rich dry fruit tea cakes to Sicilian Notes Liquid that were disturbing. These events compelled me to talk about carefully selected confectionaries, delectable savories to Lip Colour Duo by it and attract the nation towards these. These headlines find a ocket squares that seek to epitomise the handpicked assorted nuts to Kashmiri kahwa and a bot- Kiko Milano so that mention in the film as. Pqualities of a colourful passerine bird. tle of wine, this hamper by The Westin, Gurugram is they can create a Ganesha in Rosequartz Were there any challenges while making this film? Every piece unfolds the story of style, crafts- sure to add grace to the perfect pout this fes- stone with Silver jewels Actually, none. I didn’t find any during the making. Possibly manship and history weaved together and festivities. tive season. It gives a Price: the only challenge was when you try to make a movie on real presents an essential men’s fashion acces- matte and shiny lip 3,51,000 issues, the general perception from the society is that it is not a sory in its most luxurious avatar. paint. Side 1 pro- comeerical film. But thankfully, the film did brilliantly at the BO. The hand-crafted pieces by Goulian vides matte, com- So even that percetion is damaged. Finch are hand-woven with mulberry silk fortable and long How did you zero in on Ayushman Khurrana? and 3 gm of gold zari, redefining this clas- lasting effect. Side 2 Coloured cusion There is an interesting story behind this. I had met him for sic essential of men’s wardrobe. The cred- provides super shin- Ganesha with Silver another film. I ended up telling him about Article 15 as well. it for weaving a 16x16 inch piece with small ny and one stroke. It jewels and marble base Though I never saw him in this role in my head but he was so motifs goes to a few weaving families in gives 2 in 1 effect Price: 35,400 interested, so convinced about the project and pursued me and Benaras, who have resisted the use of power and finish for both Xur r)   '(!') *  *  +  took the part away from me. However, while I had the script I looms. day and night look. ,   *  +  -  ))((.' didn’t have the cast in place that is why it was just lying around. Therefore, I was working on another project that I met Ayushman for. omeone has rightly said: ‘Home is breezy. But, now they want to decorate You have directed romantic films and serious one’s as well. Swhere our story begins’. One can it too. The hesitation of buying expen- How does this switch work? easily find a house but to make it a  (#!! sive stuff has gone away. But, yes if you Technically speaking there is a switch. But it didn’t happen home, requires lots of dedication, see the middle-class they are still not like a switch for me. I have always made films that have attract- love and fine pieces of art that define so open for expensive home decor,” he ed me at that point in my life. These stories happened at a cer- your personality. More so during fes- tells you and adds that the prices of tain stage, career and what was taking plac ein the world. There tivals. The place where we live, direct-  0  $*> E($9 $ $-$ the items are on demand. was no design behind doing these movies. ly or indirectly affects our psycholo- If you are one of those who are Is it becoming tough to make meaningful cinema? gy and also give a glimpse of our per-          willing to decorate your home with- No, on the contrary it has become easier. When a film like sonality. out making it look too heavy, Jain has Article 15 makes 70 crore at the BO, it is a heartening find. The Everyone wants to buy the best of a few tips to share. economics of films like these is very different. There might be the decor for their homes, but to find “For those who want a modest, films that make 70 crore but made on a budget of 55 crore. everything at one place is a task. If you classy look for their homes, they can But Article 15 is made 15 crore, these are better business ideas. are one of those with deep pockets ❝ went on to buy a chandellier for their Even the people have a wider palate. They are interested in know- there are several options that one can halls. It will provide a delicate touch ing more about their country. They are more receptive about such choose from that will take care of all /&&/+& $. with a flair of elegance. If not this, one movies. your furniture and interior decor  .$  &$8 can also opt for a vase or a corner shelf You recently wrapped up shooting for Thappad. Can you tell woes. to give a luxurious touch,” he tells you. us about it? Finely hand crafted pieces of art, /& However, coming up with a lux- The film is dedicated to the women on this country and hence from delicate sofa sets to beds to mar- ury store comes with its share of chal- it also releases on the eve of Women’s Day — March 6, 2020. It ble tables to crockery to stellar chan- " /".EE0+/". lenges. “We can’t compromise on the deals with gender bias and inequality. delliers that will instantly light up the quality so we have to keep a strict You were at Shiv Nadar School. What message do you have mood to dining tables, each piece is $ > 8$ 8& check on that. Since our collection is for the youth? what one would take away. &"/8$ & handcrafted we have to be more care- It is them who are going to change and improve the society. Nitin Jain, Founder-MD, INV ful with even the slightest details,” he I try and made sure that my films engage with them. What they

Home tells you that it is all about find- $ '0 $ O tells you. think is normal, is actually not. As long as they can process this ing that one item for your home that The studio is created in such a way information — this normal is incorret— they will bring about fits in well. “Some people think that /E/❝ home stand out and will break the importance of a well-maintained that it resembles a home with separate a change. making their homes chock-a-block cluster. No need to pile up your home home. rooms for different collections like bed What next? with furniture and decor is the thing. with anything and everything,” he says. “There was a time when people room, living room and others to give Until last week I was busy with Thappad. But I have a few But it’s a no-no. I would suggest to buy Jain tells you that time has didn’t bother much about their home. you a full feel of a luxurious home and scripts that I am working on. I know which one to take up and just one thing that will make your changed and people have realised the The only aim was to keep it clean and to help you make a wiser choice. move on to that sooner than later.      3 *)*)'B

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hat’s old is new again. And this control the glucose receptors in the body and (Glycemic Index) is great news. Suddenly, whole keeps diabetes away. and is better grains with ancient pedigrees digestible due to the are being embraced by home Finger millet (Ragi) enzyme activity that cooks and restaurants and are This underrated gluten-free grain has a lot peaks during sprout- Wwidely available in the supermarkets. And, going for it. It is a rich source of calcium and ing, and the starchy leading the pack are millets. iron and its main protein fraction eleusinin, has carbs in the seed As a nutritionist, I have always believed that a high biological value, meaning it is easily on sprouting get millets duly deserve space on your plates. Rich absorbed and used in the body. converted into in fibre, protein, B vitamins and other nutrients, It helps the digestion immensely and is energy. So the result- these ancient grains are extremely versatile and packed with cellulose, a type of dietary fibre ing sprouted food has can be swapped for pasta or rice in dishes, that helps keep our digestion humming along, a higher ratio of protein added to salads and power bowls, and cooked constipation away and cholesterol levels in and fibre to carbs. Proteins like oatmeal for a warm breakfast bowl topped check. also become more digestible with fruit and nuts. Plus, for the environmental- Plus, like barley, ragi is an ideal food for when the food is sprouted. And the biggest Delhi based Meghana Narayan and Shauravi ly conscious people, the feel good factor is that diabetics, and overweight people as its digestion benefits is that sprouting helps decrease the Malik decided to become entrepreneurs, they millets require little water, grow well in arid and is slow and glucose is released from the presence of anti-nutrients (like physics acid, conducted extensive market research, product semi-arid regions of the world and thus, con- intestines very slowly into the blood. *&0   enzyme inhibitors, lectins, saponins etc), the research and development, put in a lot of think- suming them amounts to you leaving a lower        naturally occurring compounds that are found ing and then decided to follow their heart and carbon print in the world. This could be your Foxtail millet (kangini or thinnai)       in plant seeds that interfere with our ability to focus on millets. This is how they launched contribution to ensuring that we leave behind It is loaded with smart carbohydrates, the         digest vitamins and minerals within the plants. Slurrp Farms in 2015. Realising that the some food for the future generations as well. kind which don’t increase the blood sugar levels 'L (  In fact, one big benefit of sprouting grains answers to healthy cooking lay in our own immediately, but slowly release glucose into the  (     is that studies have found that there are wide- grandmother’s kitchens, they dug out old  bloodstream. Additionally, it is rich in dietary  '   spread changes in gluten concentrations of the recipes to make their brand cookies using mil- For the starters, the dense, earthy flavour fibre, and minerals like iron and copper. These   *  '(( grains when they are sprouted. Looking at how lets. Today, besides cookies, they offer cereals takes some getting used to, especially since our help reduce the levels of bad cholesterol and  *   ' much grains we consume today (a big chunk of (for toddlers), dosa and pancake mixes, and palate is more used to the bland softness of keep the immune system strong as well (    ( our diet is made of these), it is a good idea to munch — all made from millets. wheat and white rice. But, there’s a lot going for      '$ naturally reduce gluten consumption this way. Bengaluru based snacks brand Soulfull is them. Millets are gluten-free grains and that Barnyard millets (jhangora)  (  So which grains can be sprouted? another success story. Inspired by the the rising makes them a boon for those who are gluten It tastes similar to broken rice when cooked        You can sprout any kind of whole grains — popularity of quinoa, during his stay in the US, resistant and even for those who wish to reduce and is called samak ke chawal. This nutrient  ( *  the important thing is that the grain should be Prashant Parameswaran, CEO and MD of the the gluten load in their diet. Additionally, it is dense millet has high fibre content, which can (M      a whole grain, with the germ and bran intact. brand, struck upon the idea to come back to now a well-proven fact that consuming millets effectively help in losing weight. . (  "' / > Refined grain cannot be sprouted. India and promote the humble Indian grains — on a regular basis can help you lose weight, It is a rich source of calcium and phospho- > ' Sprouted grains can be eaten raw, lightly Millets. He decided to make this enriching and owing to the rich content of fibre and bioactive rous, which helps in bone building, and has (   cooked, ground into flour or made into a bread. nutritious lineage palatable for the daily con- compounds in them. more fibre than most other grains and delivers   (   So throw in a handful of sprouted grains like sumption needs of the modern consumer. both soluble and insoluble fibre that helps in (         sprouted quinoa in your salad, add some Today the band offers multiple millet-based   ! preventing constipation, excess gas, bloating '     sprouted rice to your stir fry or soup, or sim- options like millet Muesli and Smoothix includ- Sorghum (jowar) and cramping. It also has the highest amount of *  (     mer sprouted buckwheat, quinoa, or millet in ing ragi, jowar, foxtail millet and bajra. They Our grandmothers preferred jowar rotis iron compared to other grains. ' your milk to make a porridge, they hold a lot of also combine the power of millets with a over regular wheat rotis. There was a reason for good for your system. healthy mix of various grains, such as ragi with that. While the calcium content found in jowar ""#"$" &  Bengal gram. is very close to the content in wheat and rice, it To make the most of the millet goodness, ●   C66 !7D Q " Definitely, there is an increased awareness packs in a neat punch of iron, protein, and sprout them and consume. Sprouts have been 0 ' =N     Chef Anahita N. Dhondy, Chef Partner, of the importance of millets for our well-being. fiber. Jowar is also rich in policosanols, which the buzzword for healthy eating for a long time       SodaBottleOpenerwala CyberHub says she loves A lot of nutrition experts are talking about help in reducing bad cholesterol in the body. now. But somehow sprouting is limited to '.    using millets in her recipes because she finds them. There is an increased impetus by the lentils — moong dal, chana, lobia… And even *'B C(  them versatile, easy to cook and add value to all government too to educate people on how mil- Pearl millet (bajra) though other grain sprouts have been around ' DB2 C 43N dishes. “They are yummy as a salad where you lets are not only nutritious but how they help There’s lots going for this millet. Bajra is an for a while, they really have not become main-  *' * * can add crunch. In a soup, or even make a main the environment and farmers, thereby creating excellent detoxing agent and contains catechins stream yet. It’s now time to change that. *':  course,” she says. In the restaurant, she serves a sustainable ecosystem. like quercetin that help the kidney and liver Sprouting increases the nutritional value by  *     okra millet salad, millet soup, ragi bread and at According to Parameswaran the biggest function properly by excreting the toxins from leaps and bounds as the process boosts vita-  R   *  home she keeps boiled millets (particularly ragi marketing challenge in making millets ‘hot’ the body. mins, minerals and antioxidants of the food. ' (finger millet) and barnyard millet (samak ke with the millennials is to position millets right It’s particularly great for monsoon season There is an increase the concentration of a key chawal)) in her fridge. Easy to toss and use. to meet their lifestyle needs. That is a tall order, when digestion gets a little sluggish. It’s high nutrients like B vitamins, vitamin C, and folate. ●   According to her they might be becoming pop- but entirely doable as these brands are proving. fibre, gluten free properties help kick the diges- Plus, these nutrients become more bio-accessi-     *"   ' ular as a culinary trend in restaurants today all The need of the hour is to use unorthodox, tive process into action. In fact, this millet is ble (more easily assimilated and absorbed by  *  (  over again, but they’ve been cooked in Indian creative measures to boost the popularity of particularly loaded with insoluble fibre that the body) too. This is extremely helpful in the  *" B DA   '       forces recognised its potential only recently. The writer is a Delhi-based weight helps reduce the overall blood pressure); and bioaccessibility of iron (> 300%) and man-  B8  C Over the last few years, new age entrepreneurs management consultant, nutritionist and author fibre rich (helps reduce the LDL or bad choles- ganese (17%), and calcium (“marginally”). decided to revive the culture, and are getting a of Don’t Diet! 50 Habits of Thin People terol). Magnesium present in bajra also helps The food also becomes of lower GI good response too from the consumers. When and Ultimate Grandmother Hacks      0+". $ &$0 8" R"/+/8 $/ '+//.$  0+". $ &  / / 8 (:/ 8&+8&: isvxeyyiuty  +//.$   8 &/8+ K-/&+ &8>&+ 3 *)*)'B

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en days after launching a root of the present crisis lies in neighbouring Turkey. invasion turned it into a full Tlong-anticipated military the regional power dynamics in However, the present crisis war zone, forcing mass exodus assault on the Kurdish People’s Turkey. Though the immediate in Syria is caused by Trump’s in Iraq.  *   "  "# % Protection Units (YPG) militia trigger for the Turkish invasion hasty decision to withdraw Despite agreement to in northeastern Syria, Turkey of northeastern Syria was military from Syria, thus trig- pause fighting, it is doubtful on October 18 agreed to the Erdogan’s long-cherished gering the Turkish assault on that Turkey will leave the   #/        " US-brokered five-day ceasefire desire to fill the vacuum cre- America’s Kurdish partners in region any soon. As per the on the condition that the ated by the US pullback from Syria and jeopardising the plan, once the safe zone buffer  ?   Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Syria, Ankara admitted that its efforts to contain the ISIS. In is established, Turkey’s military "     Forces (SDF) would withdraw goal was “to destroy the terror fact, Kurds have almost always will set up 12 observations S Senate majority leader Mitch kered with Ankara. from the proposed “safe zone” (YPG) corridor” being estab- failed to read the intentions of posts to ensure that Kurdish UMcConnell on Friday attacked President “The combination of a US pullback and       within the stipulated period. lished by Kurdish forces in America that has been espous- forces don’t make a comeback. Donald Trump’s decision to pull troops the escalating Turkish-Kurdish hostilities is * %  "  However, the terms and Syria along Turkey’s southern ing contradictory goals in the In this situation, the expecta- from Syria as “a strategic nightmare” that will creating a strategic nightmare for our coun- conditions, set by Turkey, hint border. However, the real aim WANA region. tion from the stateless Kurds to help Washington’s foes and hurt its allies. try,” McConnell wrote in his opinion piece.  " LL  at an ominous future for the of Turkey’s involvement in While the successive US bear Turkish highhandedness “Withdrawing US forces from Syria is a “Even if the five-day ceasefire announced #     region. Turkish President Syria is to “crush the heads” of administrations have main- for long is unrealistic. grave strategic mistake,” McConnell, the top on Thursday holds, events of the past week Recep Tayyip Erdogan has the Kurdish fighters who aspire tained that the States’ bound- Therefore, the edgy calm in Republican in Congress, wrote in an op-ed have set back the US’ campaign against the  # threatened to escalate to form an autonomous state aries in the WANA region the northeastern Syria is replete published in The Washington Post. Islamic State and other terrorists,” he said.   LL    Operation Peace Spring if the for the Kurds in south-eastern must not be changed, they with severe repercussions. First, “It will leave the American people and McConnell did not mention Trump by SDF fails to leave the safe zone part of Turkey. have sought support of the there is no plan to handle the homeland less safe, embolden our enemies, name, though he did liken the Syria with-   "  buffer along the Turkish bor- Kurds — the biggest state- Kurds in fight against the erst- ISIS prisoners who were under and weaken important alliances.” His com- drawal to the foreign policy of Trump’s    P"3  der. “If the promises are kept less nation primarily spread while USSR, Saddam Hussein control of the Kurdish forces till ments come after Trump on Wednesday Democratic predecessor Barack Obama. until Tuesday evening, the safe across Iraq, Turkey, Syria and in Iraq, and currently the ISIS the Turkish invasion. It has defended his decision to pull US troops out “We saw the Islamic State flourish in Iraq  %   zone issue will be resolved. If Iran, and the fourth-largest in Iraq and Syria. But, when the been reported that several of of Syria as “strategically brilliant.” after President Barack Obama’s retreat. We      it fails, the operation will start ethnic group in the West Asia Kurds were pinning their hopes them have already fled the McConnell, usually a staunch supporter will see these things anew in Syria and the minute 120 hours are over,” & North African (WANA) on the Donald Trump admin- makeshift jails in prisonbreaks. of the President, had earlier in the month con- Afghanistan if we abandon our partners and      he said. region — have been given false istration to help them keep the There is no agreement on the demned Trump’s withdrawal of troops from retreat from these conflicts before they are However, claims and coun- promises by vested interests at part of Syria in their safe transfer of the custody of the northeast Syria, which sparked a week-long won,” McConnell wrote. terclaims about the ceasefire various treaties for over a cen- hands, they have been left in terrorists from the SDF to the Turkish offensive against the Kurds who were “America’s wars will be ‘endless’ only if conditions have already tury for the creation of a the lurch. It has also caused the Turkish forces. Moreover, iron- allied with the US in the fight against Islamic America refuses to win them,” he added in doomed the agreement. Soon Kurdistan. Trump administration loss of ically the US President seems State. an apparent jab at Trump’s insistence that the after the truce declaration, the In the recent years, Kurds’ credibility as a reliable partner least concerned about the ISIS Fighting has continued despite a tempo- withdrawal was necessary “to get out of these SDF claimed the deal covers successful military campaigns in fight against terror. Reports prisoners’ custody and many a rary ceasefire Vice President Mike Pence bro- ridiculous Endless Wars.” AFP only a 12-km stretch, disputing against Islamic terrorists and have come that Israel is appre- time he called fugitive prison- Erdogan’s announcement that enemies of the US paid divi- hensive and keeping tabs on ers “least dangerous”. the “safe zone” would spread 30 dends and raised its stature as the situation. The Syrian territory, now km deep inside Syria and 440 a trusted partner in the fight No matter how much in Turkish control, may fall into km along the border with against terror. However, the rise Trump defends his decision on the hands of the ISIS which has Turkey. of the might of the Kurds has Syria, he is being criticised by been emboldened by the US Moreover, the sanctity of threatened the Turkey Americans and others for withdrawal and SDF’s sched- >0;)0;; the agreement has been disre- Government which fears it abandoning their Kurdish allies uled departure. Moreover, if spected with both the sides might be forced to meet the in fight against the ISIS. Turkey leaves northeastern accusing each other of violat- demand for a Kurdish Slamming the US administra- Syria without giving control to ing the ceasefire agreement. autonomous State. This is why tion, French President an able force, it can only lead European countries, particu- Ankara had opposed Kurdish Emmanuel Macron said the US to further destablisation in the larly France, which condemned independence in Iraq in antic- decision to withdraw and aban- region. Turkey’s invasion, are sceptical ipation that their success in don the Kurdish forces “weak- While, the military pullout of the intention of the Erdogan northern Iraq would encourage ens our credibility to find part- is Trump’s gift to the ISIS, the Government. According to the Kurdistan Workers’ Party ners in the field who will fight Turkish invasion, and the so- European Council President (PKK) — which has strong ties with us, thinking that they are called five-day ceasefire are a Donald Tusk, the ceasefire “is with the Kurdish People’s protected”. win-win situation for Ankara a demand (for the) capitulation Protection Units (YPG) that Now the moot question is and the terrorist force. Erdogan’s of the Kurds”, and the world was internationally acclaimed whether the ceasefire will sus- sole focus is to “crush the community must not abandon for being instrumental in tain. The northeastern region heads” of the Kurdish fighters. the Kurdish partners. wresting large stretches from of Syria was considered by the In fact, Turkey-Kurds con- the ISIS in Syria and Iraq — to locals the safest place to live in (The writer Associate Editor   #"   *  0 (  %#   * "  * *  0 (   0 flict has a long history and the strive for independence in the the country till the Turkey & News Editor, The Pioneer) 3% ! * 89%6789       ""/8$  / 8/  $ /8$ &8 8 & /.+&:( &"8H>"$> +$ &K>8/ & >//+ /& K&8&$$8&0: &"/ & €axu€ ! >$ 8& /8 $"$ &$"8$9+8& K08&$'./&8&8 3 *)*)'B

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"56 * #  # (#    0 8 0  &/ has three operative tools — Buddhi (the remain conscious about keeping buddhi faculty of discriminate intelligence), in active mode for a reasoned stand. It is erception drives a being. It encom- ceptions. The paradox, however, is that Ahamkara (sense of I consciousness), and easier said than done, as habits die hard. passes all aspects of our working- seldom do we remain conscious about Manasa (the sense aided mind). The It is in this spirit that ancient India’s Pself. It offers us with the window- evaluating our thought process to bring three, enlightened and animated by Cita learned masters came up with various frame through which we look at issues in about the desired change. Those who do (the element of consciousness), are sup- meditative techniques to help get over hand. Be they thoughts arising in mind not change with time, remain stuck to posed to work in a coordinated manner, habit tendencies and reshape the thought prompted by indwelling desire trends, or their perceptions, and with obvious con- complementing and supplementing each process afresh. In the process, you first for that matter how we respond to exter- sequences. To make things clear, a look other as a unified organism, with become aware of the inherent fault lines, nal stimuli, are all moderated by our per- into how perceptions are formed ahamkara in the lead. For, be it translat- which when acknowledged could be ception. And as every being is born becomes imperative. ing indwelling desire trends into action, addressed through fresh educative inputs. unique, each manifesting varying mind- We are all born with karmic carry or react and respond to outer field data I then made the consultee aware of trend, accordingly, our individualistic over from the past, termed as ‘samskara’ collected by Manasa, ahamkara has to astrological pointers to his fault lines. perceptions vary from person-to-person. in Indian circulation. They are subject to take the call. In between, ahamkara is Mars and Jupiter placed adverse to each That holds the key to all actions on our further add on while being raised as supposed to invoke buddhi for due dili- other speaks loud of his swaggering ego, part, and thereby the fruits thereof — child, as are induced by parents and envi- gence to filter off the undesirables for a which binds him to his self-assumed dos pleasant of stressful. ronmental influences. These karmic sensible approach. The paradox, however, and don’ts and not open to look beyond As I was explaining this to a consul- imprints involuntarily define individual is that often caught up in the usual grinds for reality check. Both the luminaries tee, he interjected: “Sir, you mean to say specific beliefs and perceptions, which set of life, ahamkara identifies itself with locking horns with Saturn, speaks of a that we become due for failure and frus- the terms of our desire trends, likes and indwelling desire trends, and then blindly sense of fear and insecurity. That makes tration because of our own flawed per- dislikes, prejudices and obsessions, habits pursues it as if that would its end game. It him habitually suspicious and overcritical ception. If so, is there any scope for mod- and attitudes, virtues and attributes. Our gets caught up by the tempting influences of all. Also, it speaks of a volatile emo- ification?” Well, there could be other fac- indwelling desire trends excite corre- of the seeming world and makes it a tionality. His interpersonal relationship tors for our failures, but in any case, our sponding thoughts, which when gravitate dream destination. In both cases, skills, thus, being wanting, he is not able perception matters. For, our perception in mind, translate into action. Evidently, ahamkara takes things on their face to relate to those around with ease. has a role to play in how intelligently or the character and content of our percep- value, and doesn’t feel the necessity of Hence, the mental stress he suffers from. otherwise we deal with contrarian forces. tion hold the key to the fruits of our invoking buddhi for a reality check. That      " %  Going through the lessons of life, as our actions — pleasant or frustrating. Our makes likelihood of failure more proba-      >>   # vision expands, perceptions do keep habits tendencies often play a spoiler in ble. If you fail to make use of your own 38876% ;;" %;; 11  ((% changing even in usual course of life. It the whole process. most profound empowerment tool, you ;   38887776= could also be consciously modified, if we Now, a look into the construct of our have to bear with the consequences.  '99838883GG9HGHGA=I9H8H72A6A2 identify and acknowledge our flawed per- mind, the prime driver of a being. Mind That makes it incumbent upon us to 5# '** * # J"#  #

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