Coaching in Healthcare

Ruth Q. Wolever, Margaret A. Moore and Meg Jordan

INTRODUCTION has brought attention and research funding to enable much-needed, rigorous studies of The timely arrival of in healthcare coaching as an innovative and patient-centric brings germinal seeds of hope to a landscape process that may bring about sustainable in dire need. The global healthcare industry is behavior change in patients (Wolever, et al., under siege by many forces: overuse of expen- 2013). However, the promise of coaching in sive medical procedures, dated volume-based healthcare has also brought confusion. For reimbursement systems, and outdated, siloed example, the burgeoning research on patient models of care. Add the global epidemic of coaching includes confounds that lead many preventable chronic disease associated with providers, patients and the public to misun- unhealthy behaviors and you find healthcare derstand coaching as synonymous with edu- systems facing massively disruptive change, cating and advising. and global economies enduring significant This chapter offers a map of the status financial strain (Bloom et al., 2011; Marrero and potential of coaching in the healthcare et al., 2012; Meeto, 2008). In this context, industry in an attempt to address both the there is both enthusiasm and confusion regard- enthusiasm and the confusion. We draw from ing coaching. coaching in other contexts to note potential There is enthusiasm for coaching because solutions to healthcare challenges, over- it aligns with the need to upgrade leader- view the rapidly developing evidence base ship competencies and provider well-being, for patient coaching, and discuss distinc- reduce healthcare costs, redesign financial tions of coaching in the healthcare context. and care delivery models, and reverse nega- We address the three primary applications of tive behavior-driven public health trends. In coaching in healthcare: 1) leadership coach- particular, the epidemic of chronic illness ing to address the unique challenges faced by

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the healthcare sector; 2) healthcare provider of organization, care delivery, payments, and coaching for both well-being and perfor- insurance. Industry disruption and uncer- mance; and 3) patient coaching to improve tainty promise to be immense, complex, and health and outcomes. Of these three appli- overwhelming. cations, patient coaching is the most heav- Fortunately, coaching in healthcare may ily researched in the academic literature; offer some mechanisms to support the rein- hence more attention is focused on patient vention of this critical industry by bolstering coaching, including a discussion of coaching healthcare leaders, providers and patients. dimensions in healthcare that are not found in other domains. Coaching presupposes sufficient inner resources and the necessary expertise to tackle life chal- lenges, and provides the guidance to harness these internal mechanisms … [to] amplify a cli- ent’s internal locus of control, defined as the THE STATE OF THE HEALTHCARE belief that one’s actions have as much or more INDUSTRY impact on life outcomes than external forces or individuals. In addition, coaching increases self- efficacy and self-determination. (Gazelle et al., Also referred to as the medical industry, the 2015, page 509) healthcare industry denotes ‘the aggregation and integration of sectors within the economic In essence, coaches in healthcare ask, ‘how system that provide goods and services to treat can people – healthcare leaders, providers, patients with curative, preventive, rehabili- and the patients – be well-equipped to navi- tative, and palliative care. It includes the gate the rough waters while also upgrading generation and commercialization of goods their own performance, health and well- and services lending themselves to maintain- being to master the huge demands?’ In con- ing and re-establishing health’ (Healthcare trast to the siloed reality of healthcare, industry, 2015). Providers of healthcare coaching takes a ‘whole person’ perspective include both institutions (e.g., hospitals or in considering the full context of a person’s clinics) and people (e.g., physicians, nurses, life, including the external environment as allied health professionals) that provide these well as social, political, and economic con- goods and services. straints and resources. Of critical importance The healthcare industry is undergoing will be the continued search for ways in fundamental, structural shifts. While costly which coaching can have systemic, not just innovations for acute medical situations grow personal, impact. unabated (Skinner, 2013), the US and global This chapter explores the status and emerg- healthcare industry is amidst a perfect storm ing research of coaching in healthcare from of formidable challenges: structural frag- four perspectives: 1) how coaching can help mentation, unaffordable costs, deterioration healthcare leaders develop healthy cultures in the well-being of the front line provider that more handily meet current demands; workforce, and suboptimal health outcomes 2) how coaching can help providers improve for those with chronic disease. Additional their well-being, resilience, and performance healthcare challenges include vast new gov- to be healthier themselves as well as better ernment regulations and initiatives (e.g., providers; 3) an overview of the expanding America’s Affordable Care Act, Accountable research on health coaching to help patients Care Organizations, and patient-centered mobilize their own resources for improved medical homes) as well as horizontal and health, along with the inherent conflicts in vertical industry consolidation (Mattioli standardizing that process; and 4) a brief et al., 2015). These challenges are driving description of differences between coaching much-needed disruption through new models within healthcare and other contexts. Of the

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first three areas, patient coaching within for rigorous studies and peer-reviewed evi- healthcare has accumulated the most data and dence (historically lacking in the coaching will be explored in more detail. industry), and partly due to the specialized In short, coaching can support the widely knowledge required of the rapidly shifting disseminated Triple Aim (Berwick et al., operations of the complex healthcare sector, 2008) that is guiding healthcare industry a knowledge that is not widespread among reinvention: applying integrated approaches executive coaches. Nonetheless, the skillsets to simultaneously improve population health, of executive coaches with this specialized improve patient care, and reduce per capita knowledge are needed to support healthcare costs. Because it is also clear that ‘the care of leaders in a tumultuous time. the patient requires the care of the provider’ Unfortunately, healthcare innovation is (Bodenheimer & Sinksy, 2014, p. 573), pro- not supported by the culture of healthcare: vider well-being and that of healthcare lead- ‘While businesses in other sectors have ership must also be included. This chapter become adept at bringing in ideas from discusses how coaching can offer one source outside their walls, healthcare has lagged of support to the healthcare industry to itera- behind’ (Wagner, 2013). As healthcare lead- tively reinvent itself through coaching inter- ers are forced to reinvent their organizations, ventions targeting leadership, providers, and the model for healthcare is being flipped patients while simultaneously expanding the upside down — from decades of focusing on evidence base for coaching. acute care episodes and encouraging utiliza- tion to a future where successful organiza- tions are able to reduce utilization, manage population health, and activate patients in LEADERSHIP COACHING the consumption (and delivery) of their own care. The only organizations that will prosper The healthcare sector is ripe for leadership in this environment of disruptive and massive coaching to enable resilience and innovation change are those that build a resilient and during a time of massive disruption, while adaptive culture in which staff members: also cultivating healthier cultures. To improve population health in an entire system requires t Welcome and seek change, rather than resist it; a wide spectrum of interventions from occu- t Experiment and innovate, rather than maintain the status quo; and pational health, to restructuring the environ- t Make hard decisions without relying on approval ments, to outreach and education for those from senior leaders (Wagner, 2013). at-risk, to excellent access to primary care with referrals as needed, all the way to cata- As one of the largest sectors of developed strophic care, disability management and economies, healthcare prides itself on being complex care management (Nash et al., driven by rigorously collected data and peer- 2015). While the development of population reviewed evidence. Surprisingly, however, health is beyond the scope of this chapter, there is paltry peer-reviewed literature on the there may be benefits to coaching the leaders study of healthcare leadership, leadership in healthcare as a step to bringing about a training, and executive coaching for healthcare healthier culture. However, the penetration of leaders. Especially notable is the absence of a executive or leadership coaching in health- thorough discussion of leadership competen- care lags behind that observed in other cies needed in healthcare to deal with today’s industries. realities. Research is needed to elucidate the This lag is partly due to a dearth in research leadership competencies needed to support supporting healthcare leadership training and personal and workforce health, well-being and practices, partly due to the industry’s demand performance in these turbulent times.

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Over the past decade, few peer-reviewed In addition to deploying executive coaches papers have evaluated the potential value of to support healthcare leadership, peer coach- coaching for healthcare leaders (Henochowicz ing is also being explored; for example, the & Hetherington, 2006; Thompson et al., University of Massachusetts Medical School 2012). One randomized controlled trial is teaching peer coaching skills to physicians (RCT) of executive coaching in an Australian (Ziedonis, 2015). public health agency demonstrated improved At this point, an estimated 92% of surveyed goal attainment, resilience and well-being in hospital-based or healthcare system physician its leaders (Grant et al., 2009). Similarly, a leadership programs ‘always’ or ‘sometimes’ case study in Malta showed that a coaching offer an executive coach (US National Center program for nurse ward leaders was effective for Healthcare Leadership, 2014). This growth in improving their leadership skills and per- has led to the emergence of a US coach train- formance (Law & Aquilinia, 2013). In sum, ing school that specializes in training coaches there is promising data, but it is quite lim- who work with healthcare leaders and physi- ited. Perhaps the minimal empirical findings cians (Physician Coaching Institute, 2015). explain why a survey of 583 healthcare CEOs There are also many university and hospital perceived only a moderate value for coaching, healthcare and physician leadership programs with many CEOs remaining neutral or report- (e.g., Cleveland Clinic, Duke Integrative ing little worth in coaching (Walston, 2014). , and Harvard-affiliated programs), Despite the dearth of evidence and appar- but more studies of the impact of coaching ently low value held by CEOs for coaching, healthcare leaders are warranted. Such stud- enormous disruption in the industry is caus- ies are needed along with clear descriptions of ing leaders to look for innovative solutions. validated competency models that are suited Executive coaching is being recognized as to industries experiencing immense disrup- one potential resource for healthcare leader- tion. Since ‘the leadership competency mod- ship. ‘Vanguard institutions have pioneered els in widespread use today were developed programs to identify, develop, and equip prior to the passage of the Affordable Care physician leaders; However, such programs Act; evolving into a new era … will likely are not widespread’ (Shanafelt et al., 2015, require new competencies of our leaders’ p. 437). Within healthcare, leadership pro- (Garman & Lemak, 2011, p. 4). grams are often specialized for one group, Leadership competencies have been iden- reflecting some of the system siloes in health- tified in industrial organizational fields, but care – physicians, nurses, and administrators. limited work has been done in this arena in Nonetheless, the separate silos are recogniz- healthcare (Stoller, 2013), a rapidly changing ing the importance of integrating executive sector where both administrative and physi- coaching into their leadership curricula. cian leaders must increase innovation and Physician-focused programs that integrate improve managerial competencies (Walston, executive coaching include the American 2014). Some assert that leadership compe- Association of Physician Executives, the tencies in healthcare would ideally include American Association for Physician Leader- coaching skills and self-management skills ship and the United Kingdoms’s National that foster optimal performance and well- Health Service Leadership Academy (NHS being of the workforce: Leadership Academy, 2015). Similarly, leader- ship programs for nurses that integrate execu- ‘Integrating the principles and practices of profes- tive coaching include the Duke-Johnson & sional coaching across the continuum and within the entire academic medicine community could Johnson Nurse Leadership program, and gradually, but inexorably, shift the culture to be the National League of Nursing’s Executive dynamic and relational: one in which talented Leadership in Nursing Education and Practice. individuals can and do apply their peak performance

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to all aspects of their work’ (Thorn & Raj, 2012, sign of a healthcare system creating barriers p. 1482). to high-quality practice’ (Bodenheimer & Sinsky, 2014, p. 574). While new healthcare leadership competency A growing burden of government regulation models are evolving, executive coaches can further compromises physician satisfaction and support this evolution by helping to obtain data well-being along with the financial viability of to clarify the competencies, and advocating physician practices (Friedberg et al., 2013). for the integration of coaching into leadership The restructuring and rapid corporatization of models. Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness physician practices (CareCloud & QuantiaMD, studies of specific healthcare leadership com- 2014) adds dual sources of stress – the physi- petencies are needed to analyze and validate cian’s skills gap in teamwork and leadership the potential contribution of both leadership plus a decline in autonomy for physicians who coaching and related programs (Stoller, 2013). collectively have high needs for independence Since negative leadership qualities of phy- and self-determination. In one survey, positive sician supervisors significantly reduce both morale was reported by only 6% of physicians the well-being and job satisfaction of their (Physicians’ Foundation, 2008). Burnout has physician staff (Shanafelt et al., 2015), it is worsened from 2011 to 2014, with more than important to develop leaders who can foster half of US physicians now reporting profes- well-being and co-create a healthy and pro- sional burnout (Shanafelt et al., 2015). In fact, ductive culture. In fact, such a culture is vital 68% of family medicine physicians and 73% of not just to support the marathon reinvention general internists reported that they would not phase ahead, but as a key contributor to the choose the same specialty if they started their health of the front-line providers and subse- careers over (Physicians’ Foundation, 2008). quently, of the patient population. Burnout and dissatisfaction also affect nurses and other members of the healthcare workforce. Roughly one-third of hospital PROVIDER WORKFORCE COACHING and nursing home nurses report burnout; in other settings, 22% of nurses report burnout Extensive research indicates that physician (Bodenheimer & Sinsky, 2014). Similarly, well-being and professional satisfaction have 60% of healthcare employees in general a profound effect on the quality of their reported job burnout and 34% were planning patient care as well as patient satisfaction and to look for another job (CareerBuilder, 2013). adherence. Unfortunately, the latest news is Not surprisingly, job satisfaction is strongly not good on the state of physician well-being related to job burnout (Alacacioglu et al., (Shanafelt et al., 2012); in fact, 2009; McGowan, 2001; McHugh et al., 2011), as is lower patient satisfaction (McHugh et al., ‘the doctor–patient relationship … is in tatters … 2011; Vahey et al., 2004). Hence, financial Being a caring doctor has become practically cost- investment in healthcare employee wellness prohibitive. Insurance companies don’t pay enough and coaching has never been more important. for spending time with patients. But they do for CT scans and stress tests – whether they’re warranted Coaching offers one path toward enhanced or not’ (Meadows, 2014). physician and nurse well-being. (Gazelle et al., 2015). As with leadership coaching The emergence of electronic health records in healthcare though, provider coaching in and other administrative work also compro- healthcare has limited empirical work to sup- mise physician–patient relationships: ‘The port its effectiveness. This is another area principal driver of physician satisfaction is where coaching may offer support, yet is in the ability to provide quality care. Physician great need of well-designed research studies dissatisfaction, therefore, is an early warning that track both provider well-being and the

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impact of coaching on their medical work. evidence that can inform all fields of coach- One nicely designed coaching pilot did just ing. Coaching interventions are being this. A cohort of 25 physicians who received explored and implemented across the spec- coaching demonstrated improved resilience trum of healthcare delivery including pediat- and also better work boundaries and priori- rics, primary care, cardiac and other forms of ties, augmented and self-aware- rehabilitation, chronic disease treatment and ness, as well as increased self-compassion prevention, complex care coordination, and and self-care (Schneider et al., 2014). hospice, as well as corporate/organizational Qualitative analyses further revealed indi- health promotion and consumer wellness. rect improvement in patient care, reportedly The rising burden of lifestyle-related as a function of increased physician energy chronic diseases, including , and resilience, and because the physicians heart disease, stroke, and obesity, is a mas- modeled their coach’s presence and focus sive and growing challenge for healthcare during patient visits (Schneider et al., 2014). systems. In the US, half of all adults have a Such findings support the efforts of groups chronic disease (Center for Disease Control like the Massachusetts Medical Society’s and Prevention, Chronic Disease Overview, Physician Health Services program, which 2015). Furthermore, up to 86% of healthcare provides a network of specialized physician expenditures in the US are devoted to treat- coaches to address physician well-being and ing these lifestyle-driven chronic diseases performance. In addition, multiple health (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, coach training programs are targeting health- Chronic Disease Overview, 2015; Yach et al., care workers and including self-care as a 2004). ‘Our current healthcare spending is major component of their training. Such unsustainable and could eventually bank- programs include the nurse coach train- rupt the country absent dramatic changes in ing program sponsored by the International our current healthcare programs and system’ Nurse Coach Association (2015), and health (Bouchard, 2012). coach training programs at the University Fewer than 10% of US adults consist- of Arizona, the University of Delaware, and ently engage in the top lifestyle behaviors the Vanderbilt Health Coaching Certificate (Berrigan et al., 2003) including consump- Program. tion of fruits and vegetables and healthy die- tary fat, regular exercise, moderate (if any) drinking, and not smoking. By two measures, only 20% of US adults are thriving mentally PATIENT COACHING (Keyes, 2002; Kobau et al., 2010), revealing inadequate resources to sustainably adopt The Need for Patient Coaching healthy lifestyles in our obesogenic environ- ments. Clinicians, allied health professionals, Leadership competencies and workforce and researchers struggle with how to best well-being are two of the cornerstones of a help patients become more engaged in sus- healthier healthcare system. A third is com- taining healthy lifestyles to delay onset of, prised of patient activation and sustainable or reduce morbidity and mortality caused by, behavior change, both for population health chronic diseases. and for patients with chronic conditions. This The clinical and economic case for domain is the most advanced of the three interventions that target health-promoting cornerstones with respect to describing the behaviors as safe and effective primary and coaches and their necessary training and edu- secondary interventions has led to a num- cation. It is also the most developed corner- ber of US federal directives. These include stone in terms of the rapidly accumulating the Patient Protection and Affordable Care

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Act (2010) and the formation of the Patient- by supporting sustainable change in health Centered Outcomes Research Institute behaviors as well as adherence to complex (2015). Population health aims also empha- medical regimens. Our explorer’s map size greater patient-centricity and patient requires a legend to understand the coach engagement as seminal to enabling healthy titles deployed in the clinical, corporate, and lifestyles that are sustainable (Simmons consumer sectors. The use of distinct titles et al., 2014). In the domain of public health, (health coach, wellness coach or health & efforts such as coaching that improve individ- wellness coach) has emerged from debates ual well-being are being recognized as strong concerning the depth and breadth of back- predictors of lower near-term healthcare ground knowledge required for coaches in utilization and costs (Harrison et al., 2012). healthcare, corporate and consumer well- In the domain of chronic illness, greater ness. In fact, it has been vigorously argued patient-centricity and patient engagement in and remains largely unresolved depending on care is finally seen as necessary to improve which sector addresses the question. For health outcomes (Bodenheimer et al., 2002; example, at the original 2010 Summit of the Simmons et al., 2014). National Consortium for Credentialing Both patients and providers need to have Health and Wellness Coaches (NCCHWC), adequate knowledge of healthy lifestyles and clinicians, educators, and other clinical, clear methodologies to support behavioral public health, corporate and consumer sector change in order to improve health outcomes. stakeholders held a lively discussion about These recognized needs have led to new spe- the potential for drafting national standards cialties in medicine, including lifestyle medi- for education, training and a possible certifi- cine (e.g., www.lifestylemedicine.org and cation (Jordan et al., 2015). www.instituteoflifestylemedicine.org) and While many medical doctors and licensed integrative medicine (www.imconsortium.org healthcare professionals (e.g., medical doc- and https://nccih.nih.gov). Not surprisingly, tors, registered nurses, psychologists, social both specialties have noted a clear place workers, dieticians) recognized the need for for health and wellness coaching as central a behavioral expert or coach to help patients to their implementation (Frates & Moore, adopt healthful habits, several also suggested 2013; Wolever et al., 2010). Yet much larger that two levels of coaching competency should implementation efforts for health and well- be recognized – one for licensed healthcare ness coaching are needed since most health professionals due to their advanced clinical professionals are not trained nor paid to sup- knowledge, and a lower tier for non-clinical port patient engagement and health behavior coaches who work with ‘healthy individuals’ change as a means of treating and preventing on exercise, nutrition, and weight. For exam- chronic disease. ple, they suggested that an exercise goal for a healthy person may be best supported by a wellness coach while exercise goals for those The Emergence of Patient with heart disease require health coaches Coaching with greater knowledge. This reasoning is to be expected of an industry that emphasizes Professional health and wellness coaches, expert knowledge within the licensed bio- along with allied health professionals trained medical professions. To stem the rising tide to use basic coaching skills, offer promise to of the chronic disease epidemic or conquer help fill this gap. Health and wellness coaches unhealthful behaviors, it is assumed that one are those that provide coaching services to must have expert knowledge and clinical patients, employees, or consumers, typically judgment. The deeply embedded stakes held in an effort to prevent or treat chronic illness by some licensed healthcare practitioners

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regarding the superiority of their education Wellness Institute. Acupuncture students in and training may continue to hold sway over traditional Chinese medicine programs at where and how health and wellness coaches California Institute of Integral Studies are penetrate the long-established medical introduced to coaching knowledge and skills hierarchy. practice. The growing acceptance among the Not only are coaching title descriptions ranks of the licensed healthcare professions at issue in healthcare, but so too is the very to adopt coaching methodology and skills definition of ‘coaching.’ The definition is aligns with current initiatives outlined in the confounded because the scope of practice of Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act most, if not all, health professionals includes (2010). Health-enhancing behaviors must educating and advising patients. When be addressed, and coaching appears to be an coaching is defined as educating and advis- excellent way to do it. ing, most healthcare professionals do ‘coach’ Many argue that ‘a coach is a coach is a patients. In the world of healthcare, for coach’ and the content of the coaching is example, a medical assistant calling patients less relevant. This argument suggests that to remind them to take their medications coaches are process experts rather than con- has been considered ‘coaching.’ Whether or tent experts and can apply the process in not this approach is helpful, in the world of any context. Moreover, when trying to help professional coaching, this would not even patients and other stakeholders in the health- approximate ‘coaching.’ Hence, changing the care system adopt a new perspective that is way the term ‘coaching’ is defined in health- distinct from the conventional, expert-driven care is a massive undertaking. Nonetheless, paradigm, coaches who are not trained in inroads are being made in several healthcare that very paradigm can be more open and professions to add a defined ‘coach approach’ objective on the limitations of existing para- to their clinical practice. Leaders at a 2009 digms. In healthcare, however, coaches who Institute of Medicine Summit on Integrative are not licensed healthcare practitioners raise Health called for a new profession of health the issue of the content and amount of spe- and wellness coaches to assist the medical cific knowledge bases needed to effectively and public health professions in addressing coach medical patients. To understand this, this need for lifestyle turnaround. it is helpful to review the collaborative input Recognition of a ‘nurse coach role’ within gathered by the NCCHWC. nursing’s scope of practice by the American To begin with, after six years of debate Nurses Association was a significant step for (2010–2015), the NCCHWC advisors and nurses to embrace an evidence-based strategy board members concluded that a single foun- for supporting lifestyle change and enhanc- dational level of certification was urgently ing the health and well-being of patients needed for a broad transformation of health (Dossey et al., 2014). Nurses, psychologists, promotion, and dropped the two-tier notion clinical social workers, pharmacists, dieti- (a higher certification for licensed healthcare cians and other licensed health professionals professionals, a lower level for non-clinical who ascribe to a relationship-centered, holis- coaches). A single national certification tic approach pursue coaching skills at the will encompass a basic, foundation level of US Veterans Administration and the Osher knowledge and skills that assures competen- Center for Integrative Medicine at Vanderbilt. cies within the health and wellness coach- Similarly, medical doctors who practice ing process, based upon a validated survey similar models add coaching skills at Duke of job task analysis findings (Wolever et al., Integrative Medicine and the University 2016). In other words, medical practitioners of Arizona. Chiropractors adopt coaching will not dictate how health coaches function; skills, based on training from the National the emerging profession itself will chart that

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territory. In partnership with the NCCHWC, 2013; Moore et al., 2015). The Institute of the National Board of Medical Examiners Coaching (2015) at McLean Hospital, a (NBME) will implement the first national Harvard Medical School affiliate, has sup- exam in 2017. Hence, despite a great deal of ported the field since 2008 through education ongoing debate and the strong possibility that in the translation of science into coaching a tiered system will be implemented at some practice and coaching research grants. future time, the terms ‘health coach’ ‘well- ness coach’ and ‘health and wellness coach’ are currently used synonymously by the The Evidence Base for Patient NCCHWC, the NBME, and in this chapter. Coaching In North America, over the past 15 years more than 53 academic and private sector While the peer-reviewed literature on health programs have emerged to educate and train and wellness coaching is still in its infancy, approximately 20,000 health professionals to both the theoretical and outcomes research is either coach professionally or to deploy coach- burgeoning, although constrained by hetero- ing skills in their current scope of practice [per- geneity in coach definitions, background, sonal communication, NCCHWC Executive training, and study protocols. In terms of Committee of the Board, 8/23/16]. Health and study protocols, not only do different studies wellness coaches have diverse backgrounds define coaching in distinct ways, but each including nurses, exercise professionals, dieti- investigation differs in the choice of research tians, physical and occupational therapists, participants (i.e. type of patient), the inclu- psychologists, social workers, other mental sion criteria for these participants, the selec- health professionals, and physicians (Wolever tion of outcomes, the frequency and duration et al., 2013). A similar diversity exists in the of the coaching (aka ‘dose’), the timeline to settings in which health and wellness coaches measurement of the outcomes, and whether work, including outpatient clinics, healthcare or not the coaching is combined with other systems, health plans, employee wellness pro- interventions. In sum, the literature is chal- grams, government programs, health clubs, lenging to digest because of this variability. and private practice (Wolever et al., 2016). So, what can be said at this point? Coaching models include one-on-one coach- In 2009, the first review of coaching for ing, group coaching (e.g., Armstrong et al., improved health outcomes included articles 2013), and a growing exploration of peer from 14 literature databases and identified coaching (e.g., Botelho, 2015; Goldman et al., 72 studies (Newnham-Kanas et al., 2009). 2013; Rogers et al., 2014). This useful overview highlighted concerns Coaching delivery includes in-person, with lack of rigor. For example, only 34 stud- phone, videoconference, and secure email ies were RCTs, 20 studies were educational and text. Coaching interventions are often interventions rather than professional coach- supported by technology such as web coach- ing, and 12 studies did not define the ‘coach- ing platforms (Appel et al., 2011) and mobile ing’ intervention used. The overview makes apps (Spring et al., 2010). Multiple books and clear that the operationalization of health and papers support the training and education of wellness coaching described in the medical health and wellness coaches, drawing from literature is without a consistent standard. sources such as motivational interviewing, However, confusion about the definition of self-determination theory, the transtheoretical ‘coaching’ for patients is beginning to clear. model, , cognitive behav- By the end of 2012, 284 peer-reviewed ioral tools, social cognitive theory, emotional articles on health and wellness coaching were intelligence, mindfulness, empathy, and neu- observed in the medical literature, with 76% roscience (e.g., Dossey et al., 2014; Jordan, being empirical (Wolever et al., 2013). A

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rigorous PRISMA-guided systematic review of health and wellness coaching, supported sought to shed light on the definitional con- by uniform standards for training and scope fusion, and demonstrated that a consensus of practice (Ammentorp et al. 2013; Kivelä around the parameters for a definition of et al., 2014; Olsen & Nesbitt, 2010; Wolever patient coaching in healthcare was begin- & Eisenberg, 2011). In order to make more ning to show across the literature. The review sense of the literature, and in particular, to specifically noted the following intervention ferret out equivocal results, greater transpar- components as key to the practice of health ency is needed in studies that claim to evalu- and wellness coaching: 1) the coaching ate ‘coaching.’ process is fully or at least partially patient- Despite definitional confusion about centered (observed in 86% of the articles); 2) coaching as an intervention in healthcare, coaching centers around patient-determined potential benefits of health and wellness goals (71%); 3) the coach elicits self-discov- coaching can be culled from five reviews that ery and active learning processes rather than systematically and clearly define the inclu- more passive patient roles where patients are sion criteria for the coaching studies they solely ‘advised’ or ‘educated’ (63%); 4) the included. The total number of studies cov- coaching process utilizes methods to encour- ered in these reviews is small (ranging from age accountability for behaviors (86%); 5 to 25) and the need for further description and 5) provides some type of education to of the interventions is apparent. For exam- patients along with using coaching processes ple, in one review, nine of the 15 assessed (91%). Importantly, 78% of the articles indi- studies still did not define health coaching cated that coaching interventions occur in the (Hill et al., 2015). Nonetheless, the reviews context of a consistent, ongoing relationship strongly suggest the effectiveness of health with a human coach who has received spe- and wellness coaching in improving moti- cific training in behavior change, communi- vational processes, psychosocial outcomes, cation and motivational skills. This emerging behavioral outcomes and to a lesser degree, consensus is a positive indication of improv- immediate biological indices of chronic ill- ing consistency in the operationalization of ness (Ammentorp et al., 2013; Hill et al, health and wellness coaching. 2015; Kivelä et al., 2014; Lindner et al., Nonetheless, the state of this literature is 2003; Olsen & Nesbitt, 2010). far from the standards typically acceptable in medicine. For example, the systematic review included all relevant peer-reviewed articles on health and wellness coaching, but descrip- Sample of Studies of Patient tions of the pertinent domains necessary to Coaching code the intervention were not adequate in 11% to 78% of the articles, depending on the Impact of patient coaching on research question (Wolever et al., 2013). As motivation, patient engagement, an example, 75% of the peer-reviewed arti- self-efficacy, and other cles did not specify the average length of psychosocial outcomes coaching sessions, 52% did not specify the While there are negative findings as well, the number of sessions provided and 64% did not preponderance of studies that clearly describe specify the duration of the coaching process. their coaching interventions document that It is impossible to understand the impact of coaching increases patient engagement and coaching interventions without these inter- the health-related self-efficacy necessary to vention details. In other words, findings from enhance patient outcomes. These include this systematic review also concur with multi- prospective, observational trials (Galantino ple calls in the literature for a clear definition et al., 2009), quasi-experimental trials

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(Linden et al., 2010) and RCTs2011). Even a Possible explanations include the back- large scale review of 275 studies that included ground and coach training of the interven- those without clear coaching definitions con- tionists, how the outcomes were measured, cluded that 75% of the RCTs found that and the very definition of ‘coaches’ and the health coaching can support individuals’ ‘coaching intervention.’ More specifically, motivation to change health behaviors and the intervention was described as physical their self-confidence to do so (National therapists who ‘informed [patients] about the Health Service Evidence Centre, 2014). In benefits of physical activity’ and discussed terms of other psychosocial outcomes, RCTs ‘their thoughts about their body function and of health coaching with patients with type 2 possibilities for physical activity’ (Brodin diabetes have shown improved depressive et al., 2008). Description of the intervention symptoms (Sacco et al., 2009), lowered per- states that goals for physical activity ‘were ceived stress, and improved perception of formulated and documented according to a health status (Sacco et al., 2009; Wolever structured manual based on the principles et al., 2010). Similarly, RCTs of health of graded activity training’ but the relative coaching with cancer patients have shown roles of self-determination in greater vitality and improved mental health and active learning in problem solving are (Thomas et al., 2012). unclear (Brodin et al., 2008). The point is that the coaching intervention trials that have Impact of patient coaching on emerged in healthcare assess a wide range of adoption of health behaviors disparate outcomes and reflect a variety of When systematic reviews cast the net more interventions delivered by a highly heteroge- widely to include studies that do not define neous group of professionals and paraprofes- health coaching clearly, the evidence is more sionals, to quite variable patient groups. muddled, but still suggests positive results in At this point, most reviews suggest that the the domain of lifestyle behaviors. For exam- behavioral change evidence from coaching ple, 59% of 32 RCTs reviewed reported that interventions provides at least a strong signal health coaching can support people to adopt that merits further exploration. When con- healthy behaviors and lifestyle choices such as sidering only those trials with well-defined lowered use of alcohol and tobacco, eating health coaching interventions, RCTs typi- more fruits and vegetables, and exercising cally demonstrate improvement in lifestyle more regularly (National Health Service behavior. While conflicting reports with Evidence Centre, 2014). The nuances of the strong methodologies exist (e.g., Sjöquist literature, however, point to the need of more et al., 2011), the majority of the more rig- consistent and rigorous definitions in the orous trials show improvement in physical methodology. As an example, a well-designed activity (Hersey et al., 2012; Rimmer et al., and conducted RCT tested the use of coaching 2009), dietary intake (Sacco et al., 2009), by physical therapists to help rheumatoid medication adherence (Wolever et al., 2010) arthritis patients achieve standardized exercise and specific self-care procedures such as foot goals. At the end of both the one-year coach- care for patients with diabetes (Sacco et al., ing intervention, and a second year follow-up, 2009). the coaching intervention, in comparison to As an example of the impact observed when usual care, failed to demonstrate an improve- adding a health coach, consider that typical ment in physical activity at recommended workplace tobacco cessations programs and levels (Sjöquist et al., 2011). Since multiple smoke-free policies have generally resulted trials in other patient groups have demon- in meager reductions in smoking prevalence strated improvements in physical activity, it is of 3.8% (Fichtenberg & Glantz, 2002). One unclear why this trial did not capture such. telephone-based tobacco cessation program,

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which included health coaches as part of with heart disease, diabetes and history of an employee wellness program, however, expensive claims received nine 60-minute achieved a quit rate of 32% compared to group coaching sessions and demonstrated a 18% among nonparticipants (Terry, 2011). decline in inpatient admissions by 25.4%. Another health coaching program delivered Simultaneously, admissions increased 6.4% by a hospital to local employers noted that for similar participants who did not partici- the quit rate at one year for 161 participants pate in the coaching program (Hignite, 2008). was 63% (Sforzo et al., 2014). While one could argue that positive human contact of any kind could elicit a therapeutic Impact of patient coaching on effect for health issues, quality health coach- biological risk factors ing employs specific processes and also In terms of a positive impact on biological covers self-care and self-management that outcomes, the evidence is more mixed. Only 2 can impact the making of wise, cost-effective of the 6 published reviews, 37% of the 60 choices in terms of urgent care. Hence, it is RCTs and 84% of the non-RCT studies found reasonable to assume that health coaching is largely positive results on biological outcomes more likely to lower inappropriate emer- (National Health Service Evidence Centre, gency room usage and medical utilization 2014). The potential role of definitional con- than would a strictly supportive alliance that fusion can be clearly seen in the biological had no additional coaching elements. results as well. In general, the strongest find- In a more recent and much larger cost- ings with the most highly defined coaching effectiveness trial, 174,120 subjects were interventions that are provided by profession- studied who had high healthcare costs and als well-trained in coaching, have been in selected chronic and ‘preference-sensitive’ cardiovascular and metabolic health. conditions such as those in need of hip- Coaching, whether provided alone or as part replacement or back surgery. Total medical of a larger program, has been shown to costs and utilization metrics were compared improve biomarkers including total choles- for the subsequent 12 months between those terol, body mass index, fasting blood sugar, participants randomized to health coach- hemoglobin A1C, and risk of subsequent cor- ing versus a support condition. Average per onary events (Allen et al., 2011; Appel et al., member, per month (pmpm) medical and 2011; Edelman et al., 2006; Kumanyika et al., pharmacy costs were 3.6% lower in the 2012; Leahey & Wing, 2013; Rimmer et al., coaching group, averaging $7.96 pmpm. 2009; Sacco et al., 2004; Vale et al., 2003; The majority of the cost savings were gener- Whittemore et al., 2004; Wolever et al., 2010). ated by a 10.1% reduction in annual hospital admissions and some savings from decreased Impact of patient coaching on cost use of emergency rooms. Given that the cost and utilization to run the health coaching program was less Finally, there is insufficient evidence to draw than $2.00 pmpm, an estimated return on conclusions about the impact of health coach- investment was documented of almost 4:1 ing on utilization or costs (National Health (Wennberg et al., 2010). Service Evidence Centre, 2014). Several studies revealed promising findings, but this work is in its infancy. In an early study, 229 participants in a Duke employee health pro- ISSUES IN HEALTH AND WELLNESS gram received health coaching as part of a COACHING larger intervention that also involved case management and physician incentives. In As the rigor of the research improves and year 1 (2003–2004), high-risk participants definitional issues are addressed, this rapidly

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growing body of work on health and well- with the intention of helping patients to ness coaching is likely to support other areas better understand a specific health condition of coaching research. In addition to provid- or related factors (e.g., disease or condition ing both efficacy and effectiveness data, the information, typically tracked clinical mark- most powerful mechanisms of action in ers) or well-established consensus guidelines coaching will become more clearly deline- for health behaviors. In fact, expert informa- ated through empirical work. Moreover, as tion is what patients expect from their health- mechanisms are clarified, the use of particu- care providers. Here is the first place where lar skills can be assessed both when used by where health coaching departs from health professional health and wellness coaches, education in patient care. There is evidence and when used by other healthcare profes- that imparting knowledge is not the most sionals in combination with their different useful approach to inspire sustainable roles. The healthcare context provides a par- change. Education is necessary but far from ticularly rich environment in which to study sufficient to self-manage chronic illness the use of coaching skills by non-coach (Caldwell et al., 2013; Huffman, 2009; professionals. Lindner et al., 2003; Newnham-Kanas et al., Compared to other coaching fields, how- 2009; Whittaker et al., 2012; Whittemore ever, there are also four main differences in et al., 2004). Moreover, providing informa- health and wellness coaching which must be tion prescriptively or with an expert attitude considered. One early health coaching review is counterproductive to involving patients in noted that health coaching interventions gen- their own care (Joseph-Williams et al., 2014). erally covered at least one of three domains: Keys to a helpful approach to education behavior change strategies, psychosocial sup- include optimal timing so that patients are port, or disease-related education (Lindner open to take it in, offering the right dose of et al., 2003). Interestingly, the last of these information to avoid overwhelm, and ensur- domains represents a clear departure from ing that clients get the knowledge immedi- other fields of coaching and reflects the his- ately relevant for their next steps. Various torical context of medicine wherein providers evidence-based interventions that have an educate patients. A related area of difference optimal approach to health education include between health coaching and other coaching relationship-centered methods that sup- arenas include the knowledge base needed port autonomy (Williams et al., 2006) such by coaches in the health and wellness arena, as shared decision making (e.g., Durand particularly when coaching medical patients. et al., 2015), maintenance care interventions The third area of difference centers on the (e.g., Friedmann, 2006), and motivational fact that patients as clients are likely to be interviewing (e.g., Rollnick et al., 2007). more vulnerable than other coaching clients. Theoretical models that go beyond health Finally, the payment models for coaching in education and support coaching are often healthcare are quite distinct. cited in health coaching research, including the application of Social Cognitive Theory (Bandura, 1997) to help build a patient’s Content Education in Health and motivation, self-efficacy, and engage- Wellness Coaching ment. A well-researched change model, the , assists health Provision of content education is a signifi- coaches to help their patients or clients appre- cant point of debate in health and wellness ciate the stages that they will cycle through coaching. Coaches are often asked by their as they contemplate, prepare, act and sustain employers to provide content education – change, and then match strategies to stages of information from expert credible sources, readiness to change (Norcross et al., 2011).

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For the most part, effective health coaches ingredients make up the concept of an evi- avoid teaching, advising, or telling clients dence-based practice. They include: 1) the what to do (Jordan, et al., 2015; Wolever preferences or interests held by the client; et al., 2016). The most effective means of 2) the most credible and current informa- applying their health/disease lifestyle knowl- tion; and 3) the practitioner’s expertise (p.8). edge is to facilitate learning and discovery on This tension in how to best provide educa- the client’s part through the cycle of health tion is well articulated in narrative medicine; coaching itself by: Haidet and Paterniti (2003) note that the provider’s t establishing the alliance with trust, rapport and empathy; perspective may exclude crucial patient-oriented data necessary to achieve therapeutic effectiveness. t holding the client’s agenda foremost; The patient’s perspective may miss critical biomedi- t evoking client values and strengths; cal facts needed for accurate diagnosis. [Providers] t evoking the client’s broader vision to support need a method of fostering efficient sharing of desired health outcomes; critical biomedical and patient-specific information t supporting the patient in seeking clarity and self- necessary for both [the] biomedical management assessing readiness; of disease and [the] therapeutic healing of illness. t identifying the patient-determined goals; (as cited in Drake, 2015, pp.133–134) t supporting movement into action; t tracking progress in ways the patient has identi- Another hotly debated topic in health fied to increase their own accountability; and wellness coaching is the appropriate t helping the client to articulate learning and and necessary knowledge base for a health insights; and and wellness coach. Most would agree t continuing to plan for sustained changes (Jordan, that a coach must have sufficient health/ 2013; Smith et al., 2013). disease knowledge to know when to inter- rupt a counterproductive or potentially dan- Application of a coach’s health/disease gerous action on the client’s part. If a patient knowledge may be required at any of these or client expresses an interest in pursuing stages. The difficult balancing act for a a seemingly unsafe exercise routine after a health coach is to hold the health/disease heart attack, or wants to begin a nutrition- knowledge, without acting like a content ally-deficient diet fad, then a health coach expert or interrupting the flow and dynamic needs to switch roles, dropping the coach process of clients gaining insight for role and adopting a health educator stance themselves. while encouraging the patient to review their Here is the second place where health goals with a licensed healthcare provider. coaching departs from health education in In those moments, the backdrop of quietly patient care. In health and wellness coach- held health/disease knowledge moves to the ing, the provision of information should be forefront. Most health coach training curric- titrated to the needs of the coaching client. ula recommend that the coach asks permis- Specifically, coaches help clients deter- sion to switch roles (e.g., Caldwell et al., mine the type and amount of information 2013) explains the reasons, and reminds needed ‘just in time,’ find reliable informa- the client of a prior agreement that clarified tion sources, and select an optimal learning that the coaching alliance would most likely mode (e.g., lecture vs. reading vs. video, or contain a portion of health education along expert consultation). The coach should fol- with the health coaching. After disabus- low an evidence-based practice for support- ing the patient of erroneous or potentially ing clients in gaining new knowledge and harmful information, the coach then returns skills. Stober, Wildflower and Drake (2006), to coaching methodology as soon as possi- for example, suggest that the three primary ble (e.g., Jordan, 2013; Moore et al., 2015).

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Uniform Standards for a cardiovascular disease, other inflammatory Knowledge Base for Coaches diseases (e.g., degenerative brain disease in Healthcare and degenerative joint diseases), cancer, and chronic pain. The formation of the non-profit NCCHWC in 2010 is moving the field of health coach- ing forward in the United States (Jordan Patient Vulnerability et al., 2015; Wolever et al., 2016). The NCCHWC sponsored a professionally-led Unique to coaching in healthcare is the fact job task analysis (JTA) to define the role of that many clients in need of health and well- health and wellness coaches, clarify scope of ness coaching are simultaneously struggling practice, and determine training and educa- with medical conditions that threaten their tion standards that would produce competent self-definition, if not their lives. In addition, health and wellness coaches. The national financial and familial pressures may add to standards further allow for a collaborative this vulnerability. Patients may feel exposed research agenda including broad compilation discussing the types of behaviors and life- of evidence on the effectiveness of coaching style that led to poor states of health. Health in healthcare across diverse settings, as well coaching clients may thus be more vulnera- as more specific findings on best practices ble than those coached in the executive or life within coaching that lead to optimal out- coaching arena (Wolever et al., 2011). When comes. The NCCHWC has launched national patients face troubling chronic health condi- training and education standards to accredit tions, limitations or illness, often co-morbid programs, and individual certification for with mental health conditions, their vulnera- health and wellness coaches will become bilities surface, presenting health coaches effective in 2017 with the joint support of the with an added challenge of being present NCCHWC and the NBME. and supportive, as patients face their fears. With respect to the education of coaches Vulnerability is often a reciprocated in the domains of health sciences and life- exchange. When patients deal with physical style medicine, NCCHWC has set an initial and mental health problems, health coaches standard of at least 15 hours of education may, in turn, face their own fears of insecu- in evidence-based healthy lifestyle infor- rity (role and financial), disability, and mor- mation to acquire foundational knowl- tality. Hence, vulnerability inherent in edge of the factors that promote health and working with the physical body and the full well-being. Health and wellness coaches gamut of mental and physical health issues should have knowledge of basic, evidence- may push buttons in health coaches – leading based healthy lifestyle recommendations them to be more protective of their clients, or by credible sources, including the Centers more judgmental. Either can lead to transfer- for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, ence, over-identification and coach burnout. Healthy Living, 2015), the National Institutes Case reports on credentialed nurse coaches of Health, the American College of Sports find that addressing holistic self-care for the Medicine (2015), and the American College coach herself is a critical keystone to ongo- of Lifestyle Medicine (2015). The required ing professional development and prevention health knowledge will continue to evolve; of burnout (Dossey et al., 2014). The nurse for example, some health professionals also coach board certification was created in 2013 believe that health coaches should have foun- for registered nurses and advanced practice dational knowledge of the common chronic nurses who wish to add patient coaching conditions that affect the majority of the US skills to their practices (International Nurse population: obesity, hypertension, diabetes, Coach Association, 2015). Holistic self-care

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is particularly important, given the interper- for immediate positive biological outcomes. sonal and intrapsychic issues that arise in If coaches are pressured to produce a priori- the coach when working with chronically defined outcomes rather than self-determined ill patients. Furthermore, the interpersonal goals, there is risk of undermining the learn- dynamic presented when coaching those ing process itself that is seminal to coaching. who are ill, injured or traumatized requires One payment-related concern is third party clear skills in emotional self-regulation, and a requirements for reimbursement and the well-developed awareness of the coach’s own myriad questions they raise. If a third party internal processes (Livingstone & Gaffney, (private insurance, government or employer) 2013). covers the cost of health and wellness coach- ing, what authority do they maintain in designing patient-determined goals? Where Payment Models are coaching interventions best delivered – in clinical offices, corporations, or through The final distinction between coaching in communities and consumer channels? What healthcare and coaching in other contexts is coach training and expert background are related to payment models. While in execu- needed for reimbursement? Should coaching tive and life coaching, individuals or their clients be required to contribute a co-pay? corporations typically pay for coaching ser- Should payers be able to approve or deny tar- vices, the use of health and wellness coach- get areas for coaching? To a payer, coaching ing will not flourish without capitalizing on to lower blood glucose seems quite differ- multiple modes of payment. Indeed, ‘who ent from coaching to lower distress, particu- should pay for health coaching?’ is more larly if the distress is driven by personal or than a philosophical question. If coaching professional relationships and other life and leads to improved health, which lowers the work issues. Yet, improving the latter may be burden of chronic illness for healthcare insti- the germinal mechanism to lowering blood tutions, federal and state budgets, and indeed glucose. society, then all parties ideally would support Until the evidence base clearly demon- the use of health and wellness coaching. strates that patient-defined goals (versus Self-insured companies and health insurance externally-defined targets) produce stronger companies are already recognizing the prom- and more sustainable change, we may be left ise of health and wellness coaching. Use of with policy driven by confounds rather than ‘health coaching’ is written into the US a clear evidence-base. On the positive side, Accountable Care Act regulations (2010), however, the push to clarify the effectiveness although it is not defined and third-party of health and wellness coaching (as well as reimbursement is primarily occurring through specific mechanisms of change) will propel pilots and demonstration projects. the research agenda forward in a way that As the healthcare system moves from fee- may also inform other fields of coaching. for-service models, or volume models, into value-based models and accountable care organizations (ACOs), there is greater like- Health Coaching Competencies lihood that coaching will be deemed cost Contribute to Healthcare Culture effective and more widely disseminated in coming years in both clinical and commu- Last we want to briefly touch on how coach- nity settings. While the promise of greater ing skills can be taught to non-coach health dissemination may increase access to coach- providers as a strategy to improve patient ing, the result of coaching being dictated by outcomes. For example, when physicians ACOs may put undue pressure on the need were trained in motivational interviewing

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techniques (collaboration, empathy, open diseases and fostering optimal health for all. inquiry, reflections), their patients lost an A key to progress is the development of a average of 1.6 kilograms three months later more coordinated and strategic research after a single patient visit. The patients whose agenda on coaching in its many forms across physicians were not using motivational inter- the healthcare ecosystem. viewing techniques maintained or even gained weight (Pollack et al., 2010). In a few moments, healthcare providers can make a difference by using a collaborative rather than REFERENCES a prescriptive dynamic. Similarly, physicians who employ another key competence of Alacacioglu, A., Yavuzsen, T., Dirioz, M., Oztop, I., & coaches – empathy - appear to produce better Yilmaz, U. (2009). Burnout in nurses and outcomes in their patients. Compared to physicians working at an oncology depart- patients whose physicians had low empathy ment. Psycho-oncology, 18(5), 543–548. scores, patients whose physicians had high Allen, J. K., Dennison-Himmelfarb, C. R., empathy scores were significantly more likely Szanton, S. L., Bone, L., Hill, M. N., to have good control of blood sugar and cho- Levine, D. M., … Anderson, K. (2011). Com- munity outreach and cardiovascular health lesterol levels (Hojat et al., 2011). (COACH) trial: A randomized, controlled trial Finally, the training of providers in two of nurse practitioner/community health other coach competencies may also be help- worker cardiovascular disease risk reduction ful: self-awareness and non-judgmental pres- in urban community health centers. Circ ence. An ongoing criticism in healthcare is Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes, 4(6), 595–602. that the ‘unconscious bias by healthcare pro- doi: 10.1161/CIRCOUTCOMES.111.961573 fessionals’ contributes to racial health dis- Ammentorp, J., Uhrenfeldt, L., Angel, F., parities and deficits in the quality of care, and Ehrensvard, M., Carlsen, E. B., & Kofoed, P. this deplorable situation continues to persist (2013). Can life coaching improve outcomes? – long after the 2003 report of the Institute of A systematic review of intervention studies. Medicine (Williams & Wyatt, 2015, p. 555). BMC Health Services Research, 13, 428. American College of Lifestyle Medicine Training providers to recognize their own (2015). Retrieved 11/30/15 from biases and to adopt a deeply non-judgmental http://www.lifestylemedicine.org/ presence may be helpful to all of healthcare. American College of Sports Medicine (2015). Retrieved 11/30/15 from http://www.acsm.org/ Appel, L. J., Clark, J. M., Yeh, H. C., Wang, N. Y., Coughlin, J. W., Daumit, G., … Brancati, CONCLUSION F. L. (2011). Comparative effectiveness of weight-loss interventions in clinical practice. The dissemination of coaches and coaching New England Journal of Medicine, 365(21), principles across the healthcare spectrum – to 1959–1968. leaders, the provider workforce, and the entire Armstrong, C., Wolever, R. Q., Manning, L., Elam, R., Moore, M., Frates, E. P., … Lawson, K. population in clinical, corporate, community (2013). Group health coaching: strengths, and consumer settings – is positioned to make challenges and next steps. Global Advances a vital contribution to the reinvention of in Health and Medicine, 2(3), 95–102. healthcare systems globally. Collectively we doi:10.7453/gahmj.2013.019. need healthcare systems that are led by highly Bandura, A. (1997). Self-efficacy: Toward a competent leaders who foster organizational unifying theory of behavioral change. cultures that promote innovation and well- Psychological Review, 84(2), 191–215. being of the healthcare workforce. All of that Berrigan, D., Dodd, K., Troiano, R. P., is in service of slowing the tide of chronic Krebs-Smith, S., & Barbash, R. B. (2003).

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