Notice Inviting Bid Name of Work: Comprehensive operations & maintenance of existing smart solutions installed at various locations in Jaipur under smart city phase 1, 2 & 3 and equipments /devices installed at JDA NOC including all software, hardware, licenses, firewall, warranties, P2P connectivity and required internet bandwidth for maintaining the whole system live and functional for two years with FMS. SINGLE STAGE TWO PART BID JAIPUR DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Office of Executive Engineer (Elect.-I) Room No.114, Court Building, Ram Kishore Vyas Bhavan, Indira Circle, Jawahar Lal Nehru Marg, Jaipur 302004 Rajasthan Telephone: +91-141-2569696 Email:
[email protected] NIB CONTENTS CONTENT Page No. Notice Inviting Bid (NIB) 01 Paypment mechanism for participanting in tender 05 Abbreviations & Definitions 08 Section 1: Project Profile & Background Information 10 Section 2: Eligibility Criteria 11 Section 3: Broad Scope of Work 13 Section 4: Instruction to Bidder (ITB) 17 Section 5: General Terms& Condition of Bid & Contract 30 Section 6: Special Terms& Conditions of Bid& Contract 36 Annexure-1: Solutions wise Locations 37 Annexure-2: Existing Infrastructure Details 42 Annexure-3: Technical Bid Evaluation Checklist 52 Annexure-4: Pre-Bid Queries Format 56 Annexure-5: Tender Form 57 Annexure-6: Bidder’s Authorization Certificate 58 Annexure-7: Self-Declaration – No Blacklisting 59 Annexure: 8-Declaration by the Bidder regarding Qualification Under Section 7 of the Act 60 Annexure-9: Certificate of Conformity/No Deviation/End of Service