New releases on Olympism and sport Nouvelles parutions sur l’Olympisme et le sport May – June 2018 (Issue 5-6)

Find 171 new releases on Olympism and sport, of which 101 are accessible online.

Retrouvez 171 dernières parutions sur l’Olympisme et le sport, dont 101 sont accessibles en ligne. New releases Issue 5-6


1. The | Les Jeux Olympiques 5 1.1.1 Candidature process | Procédure de candidature 6 1.2 Summer Olympic Games | Jeux Olympiques d’été 6 1.2.1 Paris 2024 6 1.2.2 2020 7 1.2.3 Rio 2016 7 1.2.4 2000 8 1.2.5 1996 8 1.2.6 1992 | Barcelone 1992 9 1.2.7 1984 9 1.2.8 Montreal 1976 9 1.2.9 1988 10 1.2.10 1972 10 1.2.11 Mexico 1968 11 1.2.12 Tokyo 1964 11 1.2.13 1960 12 1.2.14 Melbourne/Stockholm 1956 12 1.2.15 Berlin 1936 12 1.2.16 Paris 1924 13 1.2.17 1908 | Londres 1908 13 1.2.18 1896 14 1.3 Olympic Winter Games | Jeux Olympiques d’hiver 14 1.3.1 PyeongChang 2018 14 1.3.2 Vancouver 2010 / London | Londres 2012 29 1.3.3 Torino | 2006 / 2008 29 1.3.4 2002 / Athens | Athènes 2004 30 1.3.5 1998 30 1.3.6 Lillehammer 1994 30 1.3.7 Albertville 1992 31 1.3.8 Calgary 1988 31 1.3.9 Sarajevo 1984 32 1.3.10 Innsbruck 1976 / Montreal 1976 32 1.3.11 1972 32 1.3.12 Grenoble 1968 33 1.3.13 Innsbruck 1964 33 1.3.14 Squaw Valley 1960 33 1.3.15 Cortina d’Ampezzo 1956 34 1.3.16 St. Moritz 1948 34 1.4 Sustainability and legacy | Durabilité et héritage 35

2. The Youth Olympic Games | Les Jeux Olympiques de la Jeunesse 39

3. The International Olympic Committee | Le Comité International Olympique 40 3.1 Olympic day | Journée Olympique 40 3.2 Presidents and members | Présidents et membres 41

The Olympic Studies Centre [email protected] 2

New releases Issue 5-6

4. The Olympic Movement | Le Mouvement olympique 42 4.1 Governance of the Olympic Movement | Gouvernance du Mouvement olympique 42 4.2 Olympism | Olympisme 43 4.3 Other recognised Games | Autres Jeux reconnus 44 4.4 Paralympic movement and Paralympic Games | Mouvement Paralympique et Jeux Paralympiques 44 4.5 National Olympic Committees (NOCs) | Comités Nationaux Olympiques (CNOs) 46 4.5.1 Australia | Australie 46 4.5.2 Russia | Russie 46 4.5.3 | Singapour 47 4.5.4 Turkey | Turquie 47 4.5.5 Uruguay 48

5. The athletes | Les athlètes 49 5.1 Anti-doping | Anti-dopage 49 5.2 Medicine and health | Médecine et santé 50 5.3 Olympians | Olympiens 50

6. The | Les sports olympiques 51 6.1 Summer sports | Sports d’été 52 6.1.1 Rowing | Aviron 52 6.1.2 Running | Course à pied 52 6.2 Winter sports | Sports d’hiver 53 6.2.1 Figure skating | Patinage artistique 53 6.2.2 Ski 53

7. Sport economics and management | Économie et gestion du sport 54 7.1 Management 54 7.2 Marketing 54

8. Sport law and ethics | Droit et éthique du sport 56

9. Sport and society | Sport et société 59 9.1 Media | Médias 59 9.2 Politics | Politique 60 9.3 Religion 61 9.4 Sociology | Sociologie 62 9.5 Technology | Technologie 62

The abstracts mainly come from the publishers. Les résumés proviennent principalement des éditeurs.

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New releases Issue 5-6

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New releases Issue 5-6


100 YEARS OF OLYMPIC FILMS: 1912-2012 Peter Cowie; Adrian Wood. Criterion, 2017, 216 p. This book presents the history behind each official film made for the Olympic Games from 1912 to 2012. It also contains a history of the restoration of the Olympic films. MA 28612

The Olympic Studies Centre [email protected] 5

New releases Issue 5-6


CANDIDATURE DE MADRID 2012 : UN ÉCHEC ANNONCÉ ! Estelle Milliat. VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, 2017, 120 p. Dans un monde ou le sport via sa spectacularisation est devenu quasiment inévitable, nous avons fait le choix d’étudier le cas madrilène de la candidature aux Jeux Olympiques de 2012. Ce choix correspond à nos goûts, à nos interrogations et à l’envie de travailler dans le domaine de l’organisation d’événements sportifs. L’objectif étant de répondre à la question : « Comment, malgré une volonté politique affichée forte et un projet, à priori, bien construit, comprendre et expliquer l’échec de la candidature de Madrid 2012 ? » Ce travail utilise les méthodes de recherches qualitatives, faisant appel à trois sources d’informations : les journaux (El País et ABC), des entretiens (auprès des porteurs de projet) et les documents officiels de candidature. Nos recherches et analyses

nous ont amené à définir les failles de cette candidature, en tentant de les expliquer et interpréter. Il semble que l’échec de la candidature Madrid 2012, soit due à un manque d’expérience et de stratégies notamment en terme de communication. Ajoutant à ces défaillances, des faits incontrôlables ayant porté préjudice à cette candidature. MA 28585


1.2.1 P ARIS 2024

PARIS 2024 : D'AUTRES REGARDS SUR LES JEUX : GÉOPOLITIQUE ET SPORT Gérard Perreau-Bezouille. Fédération française des clubs omnisports, 2017, 43 p. Paris organisera les J.O. en 2024. D'ici là, tout est propice à tous les excès. Comment les Jeux, le sport pourraient-ils être à l'abri de cette démesure qui s'empare de toutes les activités humaines et contribue à creuser les écarts entre sports, entre sport, dans la société, dans le monde ? Ces "autres regards", à partir du prisme géopolitique, veulent apporter au débat démocratique, il ne s'agit pas de dire rapidement "pour" ou "contre" à partir d'une idée préconçue ou d'informations incomplètes. Ils veulent contribuer à une approche pluraliste de "tout ce que vous voulez savoir sur les Jeux sans jamais avoir osé le demander" et à monter des exigences pour des Jeux toujours plus solidaires, populaires, féministes, intergénérationnels, éducatifs, nord/sud, écologique... une grande fête omnisports. MA 28624

The Olympic Studies Centre [email protected] 6

New releases Issue 5-6

LE PARI OLYMPIQUE DE 2024 : CHANCE OU MALÉDICTION ? : 24 DÉFIS À RELEVER Armand de Rendinger. Vigot, 2018, 250 p. 13 septembre 2017 : la France retrouve sa fierté ! Après trente ans de vains efforts, Paris accueillera les Jeux Olympiques en 2024. Mais la nouvelle à peine annoncée, comme toujours, divise les Français entre les anti et les pro-J.O. Le plus dur commence. Chacun de se demander si la période de préparation qui s’ouvre, avec ses espoirs et ses frustrations, ses travaux et ses dépenses, sera le spectacle d’un bonheur promis ou le théâtre d’une possible galère. Paris a un peu moins de sept années pour confirmer ses ambitions mises dans des Jeux réussis et éviter à la France l’infortune économique qui s’abat le plus souvent sur les J.O. MA 28614

1.2.2 TOKYO 2020

BASIC STRATEGY FOR FOOD & BEVERAGE SERVICES: TOKYO 2020 The Tokyo Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games. 2018, 60 p. This document provides information about the food and beverages policy adopted by the Tokyo Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2020. READ MORE

1.2.3 RIO 2016

YOU HAD TO BE THERE: EXTENDING INTERGROUP Doctoral thesis CONTACT THEORY TO POSITIVE CONTEXTS THROUGH A PARTICIPANT-CENTERED ANALYSIS OF FANS’ EXPERIENCES AT THE OLYMPICS Luke Brenneman. ProQuest / UMI, 2017, 334 p. This dissertation investigated positive intergroup contact and communication in the experiences of fans at the 2016 Summer Olympics in , Brazil. Guided by concepts from intergroup contact theory (ICT), formerly Allport’s (1954) contact hypothesis, the author asked fans to identify and discuss factors that were relevant to their experiences at the event. MA 28596

The Olympic Studies Centre [email protected] 7

New releases Issue 5-6

RANKING OF COUNTRIES IN SPORTING EVENTS Article USING TWO-STAGE DATA ENVELOPMENT ANALYSIS MODELS: A CASE OF SUMMER OLYMPIC GAMES 2016 Josef Jablonsky. In: Central European journal of operations research, 12 April 2018, pp. 1-16. After important sport events as the Summer Olympic Games are, the participating countries are ranked according to the number of gold, silver and bronze medals. A lexicographic ranking is usually applied in official reports which leads to higher ranking of countries with one gold and no other medals comparing to countries without any gold but with several silver or bronze medals. Moreover, this ranking does not take into account the specific conditions of the countries (population, economic strength measured by gross domestic product and tradition in sports). The aim of the paper is not only to evaluate the absolute achievements of the countries but evaluate their performance with respect to the resources they can spent. The models and their results are illustrated on the case of Olympic Games 2016 and compared with results given by traditional approaches. READ MORE (SUBSCRIPTION NEEDED. CONTACT US TO REQUEST ARTICLE)

1.2.4 SYDNEY 2000

SYDNEY 2000: OFFICIAL FILM Bud Greenspan. International Olympic Committee, 2017, 1 DVD (117 min.). Official film of the Summer Olympic Games Sydney 2000. DA 279/40

1.2.5 ATLANTA 1996

ATLANTA 1996: OFFICIAL FILM Bud Greenspan. International Olympic Committee, 2017, 1 DVD (206 min.). Official film of the Summer Olympic Games Atlanta 1996. DA 279/38

The Olympic Studies Centre [email protected] 8

New releases Issue 5-6

1.2.6 BARCELONA 1992 | BARCELONE 1992

BARCELONA 1992: OFFICIAL FILM Carlos Saura. International Olympic Committee, 2017, 1 DVD (130 min.). Official film of the Summer Olympic Games Barcelona 1992. DA 279/35

1.2.7 LOS ANGELES 1984

LOS ANGELES 1984: OFFICIAL FILM, PART 1 Bud Greenspan. International Olympic Committee, 2017, 1 DVD (142 min.). Official film of the Summer Olympic Games Los Angeles 1984. DA 279/28

LOS ANGELES 1984: OFFICIAL FILM, PART 2 Bud Greenspan. International Olympic Committee, 2017, 1 DVD (142 min.). Official film of the Summer Olympic Games Los Angeles 1984. DA 279/29

1.2.8 MONTREAL 1976

MONTREAL'S "BIG O": MONUMENTAL Article MASTERPIECE OR FINANCIAL FOLLY, PART 1 Mark Maestrone. In: Journal of sports philately, vol. 56, no.3, Spring 2018, pp. 3-8. This article is an exploration of the Montreal Olympic Stadium, that remarkable architectural landmark that served – for both better and worse – as a symbol of those Games.

The Olympic Studies Centre [email protected] 9

New releases Issue 5-6

1.2.9 SEOUL 1988

SEOUL 1988: OFFICIAL FILM 1 Lee Kwang-soo. International Olympic Committee, 2017, 1 DVD (139 min.). Official film of the Summer Olympic Games Seoul 1988. DA 279/31

SEOUL 1988: OFFICIAL FILM 2 Im Kwong-taek. International Olympic Committee, 2017, 1 DVD (119 min.). Official film of the Summer Olympic Games Seoul 1988. DA 279/32

SEOUL 1988: OFFICIAL FILM 3 Li Ji-Won. International Olympic Committee, 2017, 1 DVD (92 min.). Official film of the Summer Olympic Games Seoul 1988. DA 279/33

1.2.10 MUNICH 1972

MUNICH 1972: OFFICIAL FILM Milos Forman. International Olympic Committee, 2017, 1 DVD (110 min.). Official film of the Summer Olympic Games Munich 1972. DA 279/24

The Olympic Studies Centre [email protected] 10

New releases Issue 5-6

1.2.11 MEXICO 1968

MEXICO CITY 1960: OFFICIAL FILM Alberto Isaac. International Olympic Committee, 2017, 1 DVD (160 min.). Official film of the Summer Olympic Games Mexico 1968. DA 279/22

1.2.12 TOKYO 1964

TOKYO 1964: OFFICIAL FILM 1 Kon Ichikawa. International Olympic Committee, 2017, 1 DVD (170 min.). Official film of the Summer Olympic Games Tokyo 1964. DA 279/19

TOKYO 1964: OFFICIAL FILM 2 Kon Ichikawa. International Olympic Committee, 2017, 1 DVD (156 min.). Official film of the Summer Olympic Games Tokyo 1964. DA 279/20

The Olympic Studies Centre [email protected] 11

New releases Issue 5-6

1.2.13 ROME 1960

ROME 1960: OFFICIAL FILM Romolo Marcellini. International Olympic Committee, 2017, 1 DVD (147 min.). Official film of the Summer Olympic Games Rome 1960. DA 279/17


MELBOURNE/STOCKHOLM 1956: OFFICIAL FILMS Peter Whitchurch; René Lucot; Louis Gueguen. International Olympic Committee, 2017, 1 DVD (60, 106, 24, 16 min.). Official film of the Summer Olympic Games Rome 1960. DA 279/17

1.2.15 BERLIN 1936

BERLIN 1936: OFFICIAL FILM Leni Riefenstahl. International Olympic Committee, 2017, 1 DVD (103 min.). Official film of the Summer Olympic Games Berlin 1936. DA 279/8

The Olympic Studies Centre [email protected] 12

New releases Issue 5-6

1.2.16 PARIS 1924

PARIS 1924: I OWE YOU, PART 2 Article Manfred Bergman. In: Journal of sports philately, vol. 56, no.2, Winter 2017, pp. 3-12. This article looks at the 1924 Olympic Games philately, and the few enigmas that still remain unresolved. In this second part, the author presents the Nîmes Arena project, the design for the 50c stamp.

PARIS 1924: I OWE YOU, PART 3 Article Manfred Bergman. In: Journal of sports philately, vol. 56, no.3, Spring 2018, pp. 9-20. This article that looks at the 1924 Olympic Games philately, and the few enigmas that still remain unresolved. This third part deals with the evolution of the 50c Victor Stamp (continued from part 2).

1.2.17 LONDON 1908 | LONDRES 1908

WYNDHAM HALSWELLE AND THE 1908 OLYMPIC Article 400 METRES FINAL, THE MOST CONTROVERSIAL RACE IN OLYMPIC HISTORY? Luke Harris, Iain Adams. In: Sport in history, vol. 38, no. 2, June 2018, pp. 216-245. One of the central narratives of the 1908 Olympic Games is the intense Anglo-American acrimony which culminated in the nadir of their sporting relations. One of the major controversies involved the 400 metres final which featured Halswelle, a British athlete, and three Americans – Carpenter, Robbins and Taylor. The final was declared void after Carpenter obstructed Halswelle and was disqualified. In protest the Americans withdrew Robbins and Taylor from the re-run and Halswelle won the gold medal unopposed. This paper explores the 400 metres final from the perspective of the British athlete Wyndham Halswelle utilising his diaries, photo albums, scrapbooks and the papers of his elder brother, Gordon. Serendipitously, the continual digitisation of newspapers also gave further insight into allegations of illegal team tactics by Carpenter and Robbins in the initial race. The article then further exploits these resources to develop a case study of Halswelle as an elite early-twentieth-century British amateur athlete. Differences in ideas of the amateur athlete ideal are often identified as an underpinning cause of international squabbling at the IV Olympiad and may have led to Halswelle’s decision to retire after the games at the age of 26 while still improving his performances. READ MORE (SUBSCRIPTION NEEDED. CONTACT US TO REQUEST ARTICLE)

The Olympic Studies Centre [email protected] 13

New releases Issue 5-6

1.2.18 ATHENS 1896

‘TEDDY’ FLACK WAS THE ‘LION OF ATHENS’ Article Ian Joblin. In: Journal of Olympic history, vol. 26, no 1, 2018, pp. 48-57. This article offers a first-hand testimony from the first Olympiad of the Modern era in Athens. Ian Jobling has transcribed letters written by Australian Edwin Flack, who won 800 and 1500 m.


1.3.1 PYEONGCHANG 2018

PYEONGCHANG ‘ARIRANG’ Article Philip Barker. In: Journal of Olympic history, vol. 26, no 1, 2018, pp. 4-9. In this article, Philip Barker gives a valuable insight into the PyeongChang 2018 Olympic Winter Games. He looks back at the key events and some of the major sporting achievements. The article closes with a page dedicated to all the facts & figures, and another one listing all the participating NOCs and their flagbearers

GLOBAL BROADCAST AND AUDIENCE REPORT: PYEONGCHANG 2018 International Olympic Committee, 2018, 6 p. This document presents the facts and figures regarding broadcast and audience during the 2018 Olympic Winter Games in PyeongChang with an emphasis on social media. READ MORE

ARRIVAL & DEPARTURES (AND) SERVICE: FOR OLYMPIC CLIENTS The PyeongChang Organising Committee for the 2018 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. 2018, 8 p. The manual contains practical information about arrival and departure services for NOCs and POCOG, from and to the airport and the Olympic village. READ MORE

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New releases Issue 5-6

ARRIVAL & DEPARTURES (AND) SERVICE: FOR OPVL, GVL, GMV RESIDENTS The PyeongChang Organising Committee for the 2018 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. 2018, 4 p. This manual contains practical information about arrival and departure services from and to the airport for the residents of the PyeongChang Olympic village, the Gangneung Olympic village and the Gangneung media village. READ MORE

ATHLETES AND TEAM OFFICIALS GUIDE: PYEONGCHANG 2018 The PyeongChang Organising Committee for the 2018 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. 2018, 1 vol. This official guide provides useful information regarding accreditation, Olympic village, transport, training, ceremonies and many more aspects to athletes and team officials participating at the 2018 PyeongChang Olympic Winter Games. READ MORE

ATHLETES AND TEAM OFFICIALS GUIDE: PYEONGCHANG 2018 PARALYMPIC GAMES The PyeongChang Organising Committee for the 2018 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. 2018, 1 vol. This official guide provides useful information regarding accreditation, Olympic village, transport, training, ceremonies and many more aspects to athletes and team officials participating at the 2018 PyeongChang Paralympic Winter Games. READ MORE

The Olympic Studies Centre [email protected] 15

New releases Issue 5-6

CUSTOMS & FREIGHT FORWARDING GUIDE: PYEONGCHANG 2018 The PyeongChang Organising Committee for the 2018 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. 2018, 3 vol. The PyeongChang 2018 “Customs and freight guide” is intended for Olympics and Paralympic Families and other Games-related organisations. These guides offer them a reference tool for importing and exporting equipment and supplies to and from Korea for use in connection with the PyeongChang 2018 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. These guides provide useful information on PyeongChang 2018 logistics, customs clearance regulations and procedures, freight

forwarding procedures and key contacts. READ MORE

DOPING CONTROL GUIDE: OLYMPIC AND PARALYMPIC WINTER GAMES PYEONGCHANG 2018 The PyeongChang Organising Committee for the 2018 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. 2018, 3 vol. The purpose of this guide is to give Games participants information about the anti-doping programme and how it will be conducted. This guide is not a technical document describing each step of doping control or other aspects of the anti-doping programme at the Games. This guide is not a detailed set of rules, but rather a summary of key aspects of the rules. This guide complements the International Olympic Committee (IOC) anti- doping rules, but does not replace or supersede it.


FAMILY LOUNGE LOOK DESIGN GUIDELINES: PYEONGCHANG 2018 OLYMPIC & PARALYMPIC WINTER GAMES The PyeongChang Organising Committee for the 2018 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. 2018, 8 p. These guidelines present the graphic standards and the use of the banners and the table skirts at the Family Lounge at the 2018 PyeongChang Olympic & Paralympic Winter Games. ALSO PUBLISHED IN KOREAN VERSION. READ MORE

FUNCTIONAL PICTOGRAM DESIGN: THE OLYMPIC & PARALYMPIC WINTER GAMES PYEONGCHANG 2018 The PyeongChang Organising Committee for the 2018 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. 2018, 36 p. This document contains guidelines on the design of the functional pictograms (venues, movement, transport, facilities and services, security, safety signal, stakeholders, accessibility, load zones, parking, etc.) for the PyeongChang Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games 2018. READ MORE

The Olympic Studies Centre [email protected] 16

New releases Issue 5-6

GUIDE FOR PASSION CREW: UNIFORM WEAR AND CARE The PyeongChang Organising Committee for the 2018 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. 2018, 2 p. This guide presents useful information about the staff uniforms of the 2018 PyeongChang Olympic Winter Games. It details the composition of the uniform and how to wear it. ALSO PUBLISHED IN KOREAN VERSION. READ MORE

GUIDELINES FOR RIGHTS HOLDING BROADCASTERS (RHBS) AND SUB-LICENSEES: THE OLYMPIC WINTER GAMES PYEONGCHANG 2018 The PyeongChang Organising Committee for the 2018 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. 2018, 62 p. This guide details the rules for the use of the Olympic Winter Games

PyeongChang 2018 emblem, logos and slogan by the official rights- holding broadcasters (RHBs). The elements in this document are intended to be used in broadcast programming only by RHBs and their sub-licensees in accordance with their respective media rights agreements. ALSO PUBLISHED IN KOREAN VERSION. READ MORE

GUIDELINES FOR RIGHTS HOLDING BROADCASTERS (RHBS) : THE PYEONGCHANG 2018 PARALYMPIC WINTER GAMES The PyeongChang Organising Committee for the 2018 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. 2018, 61 p. These guides detail the rules for the use of the Paralympic Winter Games PyeongChang 2018 emblem, logos and slogan by the official rights- holding broadcasters (RHBs). The elements in this document are intended to be used in broadcast programming only by RHBs and their sub-licensees in accordance with their respective media rights agreements. ALSO PUBLISHED IN KOREAN VERSION. READ MORE

The Olympic Studies Centre [email protected] 17

New releases Issue 5-6

HOST CITY'S LOOK DESIGN GUIDELINES: PYEONGCHANG 2018 OLYMPIC & PARALYMPIC WINTER GAMES The PyeongChang Organising Committee for the 2018 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. 2018, 53 p. These guidelines present the graphic standards (colours, fonts) and the

look design (banners, fences, barricades, etc.) to be used at the 2018 PyeongChang Olympic & Paralympic Winter Games. ALSO PUBLISHED IN KOREAN VERSION. READ MORE

INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION ACCREDITATION MANUAL: PYEONGCHANG 2018 PARALYMPIC GAMES The PyeongChang Organising Committee for the 2018 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. 2018, 44 p. This manual has been prepared by the PyeongChang Organizing Committee for the 2018 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games (PyeongChang 2018) to assist International Federation (IF) to prepare and complete the accreditation process for their delegation members. READ MORE

KIT OF PARTS & VENUE APPLICATION GUIDELINES: PYEONGCHANG 2018 OLYMPIC AND PARALYMPIC WINTER GAMES The PyeongChang Organising Committee for the 2018 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. 2018, 112 p. This manual outlines the specific use of the PyeongChang 2018 design

elements and their correct application, thereby ensuring artwork consistency. ALSO PUBLISHED IN KOREAN VERSION. READ MORE

LICENSED PRODUCT DESIGN GUIDELINES: THE OLYMPIC WINTER GAMES PYEONGCHANG 2018 The PyeongChang Organising Committee for the 2018 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. 2018, 78 p. The licensed product design guidelines for the Olympic Winter Games PyeongChang 2018" were created based on the official emblem, slogan,

and the Look of the Games. Other guidelines such as the emblem guidelines, the look of the Games guidelines, the pictogram guidelines and the mascot guidelines have to be referenced as well for correct usage. The use of licensed product designs is limited to licensed product items including those listed in the guidelines and cannot be applied to the Games’ official applications such as templates and signs. ALSO PUBLISHED IN KOREAN VERSION. READ MORE

The Olympic Studies Centre [email protected] 18

New releases Issue 5-6

LIVE SITE LOOK DESIGN GUIDELINES: THE OLYMPIC WINTER GAMES PYEONGCHANG 2018 The PyeongChang Organising Committee for the 2018 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. 2018, 14 p. This guide presents the design guidelines for the live sites (stages, banners placards, etc...) of the PyeongChang 2018 Olympic Winter


LOOK OF THE GAMES GUIDELINES: THE OLYMPIC WINTER GAMES PYEONGCHANG 2018 The PyeongChang Organising Committee for the 2018 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. 2018, 68 p. This guide details all the elements that are part of the PyeongChang 2018 Olympic Winter Games look of the Games. It includes information on the design, colours, concept, and more. ALSO PUBLISHED IN KOREAN VERSION. READ MORE

MEDIA HANDBOOK: THE PARALYMPIC WINTER GAMES PYEONGCHANG 2018: 2018 3.9. - 3.18. The PyeongChang Organising Committee for the 2018 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. 2018, 130 p. This media handbook includes all necessary information for the media. It will provide useful information regarding facilities and services which are important to successfully implement the media activities during the PyeongChang 2018 Paralympic Winter Games. ALSO PUBLISHED IN KOREAN VERSION. READ MORE

NATIONAL PARALYMPIC COMMITTEE ACCREDITATION MANUAL The PyeongChang Organising Committee for the 2018 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. 2018, 48 p. This manual has been prepared by the PyeongChang Organizing Committee for the 2018 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games to assist the National Paralympic Committee (NPC) to prepare and complete the accreditation process for its delegation. All organisations participating in the PyeongChang 2018 Paralympic Winter Games must complete the accreditation process to obtain Paralympic Identity and Accreditation Cards (PIACs) for their delegation members. Please refer to the “Press

by name accreditation manual”, which was published in September 2017, for details of the accreditation process for press representatives whose applications fall under the responsibility of the NPCs. READ MORE

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New releases Issue 5-6

NOC ADDITIONAL TEAM OFFICIALS ACCOMODATION GUIDE The PyeongChang Organising Committee for the 2018 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. 2018, 15 p. This guide provides NOCs with a list of accommodations available to them during the PyeongChang 2018 Olympic Games. READ MORE

NOC CHEFS DE MISSION MANUAL: PYEONGCHANG 2018 The PyeongChang Organising Committee for the 2018 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. 2018, 281 p. The manual, published for the chefs de mission, contains step-by-step operations from the delegation’s arrival to departure as well as detailed information on Games-time services and facilities, such as: freight, Olympic village, venues, security, transport, ticketing, security, etc. READ MORE

NOC CHEFS DE MISSION SEMINAR: FOLLOW-UP REPORT: PYEONGCHANG 2018 The PyeongChang Organising Committee for the 2018 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. 2018, 60 p. This report is a follow-up of the NOC Chefs de Mission seminar which took place in PyeongChang on 1-3 February 2018. It lists Q&As about practical details and services available for NOCs during the PyeongChang 2018 Olympic Winter Games. READ MORE

NPC CHEFS DE MISSION DOSSIER: PYEONGCHANG 2018 PARALYMPIC GAMES The PyeongChang Organising Committee for the 2018 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. 2018, 192 p. This dossier aims to provide chefs de mission with information on services and operations to assist in their delegation’s preparations for the Paralympic Winter Games PyeongChang 2018. It contains various information about the freight, the Paralympic village, the housing, the medical services, the transport, the venues, the security, etc. READ MORE

The Olympic Studies Centre [email protected] 20

New releases Issue 5-6

NPC CHEFS DE MISSION SEMINAR: FOLLOW-UP REPORT: PYEONGCHANG 2018 The PyeongChang Organising Committee for the 2018 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. 2018, 37 p. This report is a follow-up of the NPC Chefs de Mission seminar. It lists Q&As about practical details and services available for NPCs during the PyeongChang 2018 Winter Paralympic Games. READ MORE

OLYMPIC HEALTH CARE GUIDE: PYEONGCHANG 2018 The PyeongChang Organising Committee for the 2018 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. 2018, 21 p. This guide provides information on the medical services programme for the PyeongChang 2018 Olympic Winter Games. It contains the map of the organisation, the IOC medical policies and procedures, and many more. READ MORE

OLYMPIC VILLAGES GUIDE: PYEONGCHANG 2018 The PyeongChang Organising Committee for the 2018 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. 2018, 29 p. This guide describes the Olympic villages for the 2018 PyeongChang Olympic Winter Games. ALSO AVAILABLE IN KOREAN VERSION. READ MORE

The Olympic Studies Centre [email protected] 21

New releases Issue 5-6

PARALYMPIC HEALTH CARE GUIDE: PYEONGCHANG 2018 The PyeongChang Organising Committee for the 2018 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. 2018, 22 p. This guide provides information on the medical services programme for the PyeongChang 2018 Paralympic Winter Games. It contains details about the medical policies and the services offered at the Paralympic village and the sport venues. READ MORE

PARALYMPIC PHARMACY GUIDE: PYEONGCHANG 2018 The PyeongChang Organising Committee for the XXIII Olympic Winter Games. 2018, 58 p. This "Pharmacy guide" contains the list of medications, along with guidance on their usage, available at the Paralympic village polyclinic pharmacies. Its main purpose is to provide physicians with the basic information regarding each medication and the WADA permitted/prohibited status of each medication. READ MORE

PARALYMPIC WINTER GAMES SPORT ENTRIES MANUAL The PyeongChang Organising Committee for the XXIII Olympic Winter Games. 2018, 20 p. This manual is designed to provide NPCs with the Paralympic sport entries process, relevant policies, and instructions for completing the online registration for athletes participating in the PyeongChang 2018 Paralympic Winter Games and to assist NPCs in using the eSEQ to complete the entries of their athletes to the Games. READ MORE

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New releases Issue 5-6

PHOTO GUIDE: THE PYEONGCHANG 2018 PARALYMPIC GAMES The PyeongChang Organising Committee for the XXIII Olympic Winter Games. 2018, 62 p. This guide presents all the useful information needed to support the activities of the photographers covering the PyeongChang 2018 Paralympic Winter Games. EXISTS ALSO IN KOREAN VERSION. READ MORE

PHOTO OPERATIONS: FEBRUARY 9-25TH, 2018: THE 2018 PYEONGCHANG OLYMPIC WINTER GAMES The PyeongChang Organising Committee for the XXIII Olympic Winter Games. 2018, 100 p. This guide presents all the useful information needed to support the activities of the photographers covering the PyeongChang 2018 Olympic Winter Games. EXISTS ALSO IN KOREAN VERSION. READ MORE

PIN BADGE GUIDELINES FOR NOCS AND NPCS: PYEONGCHANG 2018 OLYMPIC AND PARALYMPIC WINTER GAMES The PyeongChang Organising Committee for the XXIII Olympic Winter Games. 2018, 23 p. This document contains the information required for the NOCs and NPCs

to produce their pin badges for the PyeongChang 2018 Games. The NOCs and NPCs are required to produce their pin badges for the Games that are consistent with the visual identity of the Games using the design elements introduced in this document. ALSO PUBLISHED IN KOREAN VERSION. READ MORE

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New releases Issue 5-6

PRESS BY NAME ACCREDITATION MANUAL: PYEONGCHANG 2018 PARALYMPIC GAMES The PyeongChang Organising Committee for the 2018 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. 2017, 43 p. This manual was prepared by the PyeongChang Organizing Committee for the 2018 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games to assist responsible organisations to prepare and complete the accreditation process for their press representatives. All organisations participating in the PyeongChang 2018 Paralympic Winter Games must complete the accreditation process in order to obtain the Paralympic Identity and Accreditation Cards (PIACs) for their members. Also a participant at the Olympic Winter Games PyeongChang 2018 must apply for a separate Paralympic Games accreditation. The PyeongChang 2018 Press by Name Accreditation Manual (September 2017) complements the Press by Number Accreditation Manual (January 2017) that PyeongChang 2018 delivered to the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) and National Paralympic Committee (NPCs). READ MORE

PRESS BY NUMBER ACCREDITATION MANUAL: PYEONGCHANG 2018 PARALYMPIC GAMES The PyeongChang Organising Committee for the 2018 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. 2017, 13 p. The PyeongChang Organizing Committee for the 2018 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games (PyeongChang 2018) is working closely with the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) to provide a fair and efficient accreditation process for the worldwide press. This guide provides an overview of that process with information for National Paralympic Committees (NPCs), written and photographic press, and non-rights holding broadcasters interested in covering the Games. READ MORE

PUBLICATION DESIGN GUIDELINES: THE OLYMPIC WINTER GAMES PYEONGCHANG 2018 The PyeongChang Organising Committee for the 2018 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. 2017, 135 p. These guides present the design guidelines (colours, crops, snowflake motif) for the official publications of the PyeongChang 2018 Olympic


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New releases Issue 5-6

RESEARCH REPORT ON SPECTATORS' SATISFACTION WITH THE 2018 PYEONGCHANG WINTER OLYMPICS The PyeongChang Organising Committee for the 2018 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. 2017, 67 p. This research was conducted in order to understand how satisfied those spectators of 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics were and use the data as the basis on which the future Olympics can be better prepared for the spectators. READ MORE

RESEARCH REPORT ON SPECTATORS' SATISFACTION WITH THE 2018 PYEONGCHANG WINTER PARALYMPICS The PyeongChang Organising Committee for the 2018 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. 2017, 78 p. This research was conducted in order to understand how satisfied those spectators of 2018 PyeongChang Winter Paralympics were and use the data as the basis on which the future Paralympics can be better prepared for the spectators. READ MORE

SELF-DRIVE MANUAL: THE OLYMPIC WINTER GAMES PYEONGCHANG 2018 The PyeongChang Organising Committee for the 2018 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. 2017, 32 p. This manual provides a summary of driving processes and procedures for the PyeongChang 2018 Olympic Winter Games, including information related to responsibilites, fueling, insurance, Olympic lanes, fines, VAPP, etc. EXISTS ALSO IN KOREAN VERSION. READ MORE

SLOGAN DESIGN GUIDELINES: THE OLYMPIC WINTER GAMES PYEONGCHANG 2018 The PyeongChang Organising Committee for the 2018 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. 2017, 1 vol. This guide presents the design guidelines for the official slogan of the PyeongChang 2018 Olympic Winter Games.


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New releases Issue 5-6

SPORT PICTOGRAM GUIDELINES: THE PYEONGCHANG 2018 PARALYMPIC WINTER GAMES The PyeongChang Organising Committee for the 2018 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. 2017, 30 p. These guidelines present the sports pictograms for the 2018 PyeongChang Paralympic Winter Games, including all the graphic rules


TEAM CAPTAINS' MANUAL: PYEONGCHANG 2018 The PyeongChang Organising Committee for the 2018 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. 2017, 14 vol. Each of the 14 team captains' manual guide includes information on the competition format and rules, the venue facilities, and services like transport, security, medical services, etc... READ MORE

TRANSPORT GUIDE FOR ATHLETES AND TEAM OFFICIALS: PYEONGCHANG 2018 The PyeongChang Organising Committee for the XXIII Olympic Winter Games, 2018, 103 p. This transport guide provides useful information regarding transport systems to athletes and team officials who participated at the 2018 PyeongChang Olympic Winter Games. ALSO AVAILABLE IN KOREAN VERSION. READ MORE

VENUE TOUR BOOKLET: PYEONGCHANG 2018 The PyeongChang Organising Committee for the XXIII Olympic Winter Games, 2018, 42 p. This manual describes the venues of the PyeongChang 2018 Olympic Winter Games. It contains fact sheets and venue maps of the Gangneung coastal cluster and the PyeongChang mountain cluster. READ MORE

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New releases Issue 5-6

VENUE TOUR BOOKLET: PYEONGCHANG 2018 PARALYMPIC GAMES The PyeongChang Organising Committee for the XXIII Olympic Winter Games, 2018, 42 p. This manual describes the venues of the PyeongChang 2018 Paralympic Winter Games. It contains fact sheets and venue maps of the Gangneung coastal cluster and the PyeongChang mountain cluster. READ MORE

WATCHING THE GAMES & ACCOMODATION STAYS: GREEN OLYMPIC GAMES The PyeongChang Organising Committee for the XXIII Olympic Winter Games, 2018, 1 vol. This brochure was edited to inform the public of the PyeongChang 2018 Winter Games on how they can reduce and offset their entire carbon emissions in regards to the preparation and staging of the Games. READ MORE

WAX FACILITIES FOR NOCS: PYEONGCHANG 2018 The PyeongChang Organising Committee for the XXIII Olympic Winter Games, 2018, 16 p. This document presents details about the wax cabin specifications and allocations for the Olympic Winter Games PyeongChang 2018. READ MORE

WAX FACILITIES FOR NPCS: PYEONGCHANG 2018 The PyeongChang Organising Committee for the XXIII Olympic Winter Games, 2018, 4 p. This document presents details about the wax cabin specifications and allocations for the Paralympic Winter Games PyeongChang 2018. READ MORE

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New releases Issue 5-6



GUIDE DE L'ÉQUIPE DE FRANCE : JEUX OLYMPIQUES DE PYEONGCHANG, 9-25 FÉVRIER 2018 Comité National Olympique et Sportif Français. 2018, 213 p. Guide de l'équipe de France Olympique qui a participé aux Jeux Olympiques d'hiver de PyeongChang 2018. MA 28580


TEAM GB HANDBOOK: PYEONGCHANG 2018 British Olympic Association. 2018, 90 p. Guide of the British team which participated in the 2018 PyeongChang Olympic Winter Games. MA 28581


HUNGARIAN OLYMPIC AND PARALYMPIC TEAM: PYEONGCHANG 2018 Hungarian Olympic Committee. 2018, 91 p. Guide of the Hungarian team which participated in the 2018 PyeongChang Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. MA 28582

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New releases Issue 5-6


KOREAN DELEGATION OFFICIAL GUIDE BOOK: PYEONGCHANG 2018 OLYMPIC WINTER GAMES Korean Sport & Olympic Committee. 2018, 149 p. Guide of the South Korean team which participated in the 2018 PyeongChang Olympic Winter Games. MA 28583

1.3.2 VANCOUVER 2010 / LONDON | LONDRES 2012

VANCOUVER 2010, LONDON 2012: OFFICIAL FILMS Bud Greenspan; Nancy Beffa, Caroline Rowland. International Olympic Committee, 2017, 1 DVD (116, 109 min.). Official film of the Olympic Winter Games Vancouver 2010 and the official film of the Summer Olympic Games London 2012. DA 270/43

1.3.3 TORINO | TURIN 2006 / BEIJING 2008

SALT LAKE CITY 2002, ATHENS 2004: OFFICIAL FILMS Bud Greenspan; Gu Jun. International Olympic Committee, 2017, 1 DVD (88, 101 min.). Official film of the Olympic Winter Games Torino 2006 and the official film of the Summer Olympic Games Beijing 2008. DA 270/42

The Olympic Studies Centre [email protected] 29

New releases Issue 5-6


SALT LAKE CITY 2002, ATHENS 2004: OFFICIAL FILMS Bud Greenspan. International Olympic Committee, 2017, 1 DVD (119, 96 min.). Official film of the Olympic Winter Games Salt Lake City 2002 and the official film of the Summer Olympic Games Athens 2004. DA 270/41

1.3.5 NAGANO 1998

NAGANO 1998: OFFICIAL FILMS Bud Greenspan; Kieth Merrill. International Olympic Committee, 2017, 1 DVD (104 min.). Official films of the Olympic Winter Games Nagano 1998. DA 270/39

1.3.6 LILLEHAMMER 1994

LILLEHAMMER 1994: OFFICIAL FILM, PART 1 Bud Greenspan. International Olympic Committee, 2017, 1 DVD (104 min.). Official film of the Olympic Winter Games Lillehammer 1994. DA 270/36

The Olympic Studies Centre [email protected] 30

New releases Issue 5-6

LILLEHAMMER 1994: OFFICIAL FILM, PART 2 Bud Greenspan. International Olympic Committee, 2017, 1 DVD (105 min.). Official film of the Olympic Winter Games Lillehammer 1994. DA 270/37

1.3.7 ALBERTVILLE 1992

ALBERTVILLE 1992: OFFICIAL FILM Joe Jay Jalbert; Douglas R. Copsey. International Olympic Committee, 2017, 1 DVD (104 min.). Official film of the Olympic Winter Games Albertville 1992. DA 270/34

1.3.8 CALGARY 1988

CALGARY 1988: OFFICIAL FILM Bud Greenspan. International Olympic Committee, 2017, 1 DVD (202 min.). Official film of the Olympic Winter Games Calgary 1988. DA 270/30

The Olympic Studies Centre [email protected] 31

New releases Issue 5-6

1.3.9 SARAJEVO 1984

SARAJEVO 1984: OFFICIAL FILM Kim Takal. International Olympic Committee, 2017, 1 DVD (82 min.). Official film of the Olympic Winter Games Sarajevo 1984. DA 270/27

1.3.10 INNSBRUCK 1976 / MONTREAL 1976

INNSBRUCK 1976, MONTREAL 1976: OFFICIAL FILMS Tony Maylam, Jean-Claude Labrecque. International Olympic Committee, 2017, 1 DVD (77, 118 min.). Official film of the Olympic Winter Games Salt Lake City 2002 and the official film of the Summer Olympic Games Athens 2004. DA 270/25

1.3.11 SAPPORO 1972

SAPPORO 1972: OFFICIAL FILM Masahiro Shinoda. International Olympic Committee, 2017, 1 DVD (167 min.). Official film of the Olympic Winter Games Sapporo 1972. DA 270/23

The Olympic Studies Centre [email protected] 32

New releases Issue 5-6

1.3.12 GRENOBLE 1968

GRENOBLE 1968: OFFICIAL FILMS Claude Lelouche, François Reichenbach, Jacques Ertaud, Jean- Jacques Languepin. International Olympic Committee, 2017, 1 DVD (112, 97 min.). Official films of the Olympic Winter Games Grenoble 1968. DA 270/21

1.3.13 INNSBRUCK 1964

INNSBRUCK 1964: OFFICIAL FILM Theo Hörmann. International Olympic Committee, 2017, 1 DVD (90 min.). Official film of the Olympic Winter Games Innsbruck 1964. DA 270/18

1.3.14 SQUAW VALLEY 1960

SQUAW VALLEY 1960: OFFICIAL FILM Heribert Meisel. International Olympic Committee, 2017, 1 DVD (93 min.). Official film of the Olympic Winter Games Squaw Valley 1960. DA 279/16

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New releases Issue 5-6

1.3.15 CORTINA D’ AMPEZZO 1 956

CORTINA D'AMPEZZO 1956: OFFICIAL FILM Giorgio Ferroni. International Olympic Committee, 2017, 1 DVD (96 min.). Official film of the Olympic Winter Games Cortina d'Ampezzo 1956. DA 279/14

1.3.16 ST. MORITZ 1948

ST. MORITZ 1948: OFFICIAL FILM Michel André. International Olympic Committee, 2017, 1 DVD (91 min.). Official film of the Olympic Winter Games St. Moritz 1948. DA 279/9

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New releases Issue 5-6


CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR PAST AND Working paper FUTURE OLYMPIC CITIES Jean-Loup Chappelet. IDHEAP, 2018. 31 p. Like any project – and the Games are among the largest projects that can ever be undertaken – the Games present major challenges and opportunities for a city and its country. This report systematically examines the main challenges and opportunities. It reviews the criticisms commonly levelled at recent Olympic Summer and Winter Games, the challenges faced and the opportunities grasped. It examines the solutions available to future Olympic cities or which have been put forward by previous ones. The structure of this independent report is therefore based around the usual criticisms levelled at the Games, ranging from delivery over the course of 8-10 years’ preparation (including the bid) to short-, medium- and long-term legacy after the Games. These criticisms are used as the titles of each section of the report, which set out how we can address them and offer practical recommendations to resolve potential issues. The prime objective is to put forward a reasoned vision, based on properly referenced scientific studies and the experience of the author, who, in various capacities, has attended every Summer Games from Munich 1972 to Rio 2016 and Winter Games from Lake Placid 1980 to PyeongChang 2018 (other than Seoul and Calgary 1988). Its ambition is to facilitate a clear and rational debate around an Olympic project, based on arguments that are simply set out and supported by solid third-party research. READ MORE

THE IMPACT OF THE PERCEIVED IMAGE AND Article TRUST IN THE INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIC COMMITTEE ON PERCEPTIONS OF THE OLYMPIC GAMES IN GERMANY Nadja Giesen, Kirstin Hallmann. In: International journal of sport policy and politics, Ahead of print, 24 April 2018. Images and trust are both multi-dimensional constructs. They influence an individual’s perception of an object. Considering the failed referenda in Germany to bid for Olympic Games, this study’s purpose was to analyse the impact of perceived trust in the IOC as well as the IOC’s image in Germany on how the Olympics are perceived. By means of a standardized, self-administered questionnaire, German citizens were asked to indicate their level of trust in the IOC and their image of IOC. READ MORE (SUBSCRIPTION NEEDED. CONTACT US TO REQUEST ARTICLE)

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New releases Issue 5-6

OLYMPIC TRANSPORT LEGACIES: RIO DE Article JANEIRO’S BUS RAPID TRANSIT SYSTEM Eva Kassens-Noor, [et al.]. In: Journal of planning education and research, vol. 38, no 1, March 2018, pp. 13-24. Since the International Olympic Committee selected Rio de Janeiro to host the 2016 Olympic Games, large-scale transportation infrastructures have been transforming the city. This article examines the transportation planning process and consequences of implementation in the run-up to the 2016 Olympic Games by triangulating qualitative and quantitative methods. It argues that because of the low cost, speed of implementation, best-practice knowledge, existing political coalitions, ease of land acquisition, and flexibility in planning, BRTs emerged as the dominant Olympic transport solution. READ MORE (SUBSCRIPTION NEEDED. CONTACT US TO REQUEST ARTICLE)

DID LONDON 2012 DELIVER A SPORTS Article PARTICIPATION LEGACY? Themis Kokolakakis, Fernando Lera-López, Girish Ramchandani. In: Sport management review, In press, 3 May 2018, pp. 1-12. Despite the increasing academic interest in the analysis of the Olympic legacy, there is a relative knowledge gap as far as sports participation legacy is concerned. The authors bridge this gap by analysing the short- term sports participation legacy of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games on the adult population in England. The study shows a positive trickle-down effect on participation from hosting the Games. READ MORE (SUBSCRIPTION NEEDED. CONTACT US TO REQUEST ARTICLE)

EXAMINING SERVICE QUALITY AND SOCIAL Article IMPACT PERCEPTIONS OF THE 2016 RIO DE JANEIRO OLYMPIC GAMES Tiago Miguel Ribeiro… [et al.]. In: International journal of sports marketing and sponsorship, March 2018. The current article examines the effects of service quality on perceived positive and negative social impact of the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games. READ MORE (SUBSCRIPTION NEEDED. CONTACT US TO REQUEST ARTICLE)

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New releases Issue 5-6

COMPARING THE URBAN IMPACTS OF THE FIFA Article WORLD CUP AND OLYMPIC GAMES FROM 2010 TO 2016 Martin Müller, Christopher Gaffney. In: Journal of sport and social issues, Ahead of print, 11 May 2018, pp. 1-23. At a cost of often more than US$10 billion, mega-events such as the Olympic Games and the FIFA Men’s World Cup are the single most transformative urban project in many host cities for decades. This article develops an analytical matrix for comparing the impacts of these events on cities and proposes a case survey method to apply this matrix to six recent sports mega-events: the Olympic Games in Vancouver, London, Sochi, and Rio de Janeiro and the FIFA Men’s World Cups in South Africa and Brazil. READ MORE (SUBSCRIPTION NEEDED. CONTACT US TO REQUEST ARTICLE)

RESIDENTS’ PERCEPTIONS OF MEGA SPORT Article EVENT LEGACIES AND IMPACTS: THE CASE OF THE HAMBURG 2024 OLYMPIC BID Anja Scheu, Holger Preuss, [et al.]. In: German journal of exercise and sport research, Ahead of print, 6 April 2018, pp. 1- 11. The purpose of this study was to examine perceptions of local residents prior to the public referendum for the 2024 Hamburg Olympic bid and to assess their level of support for the bid. The representative survey conducted amongst Hamburg residents reveals a high level of support but also a strong perception of negative legacies. A comparison between the perceived positive and negative legacies shows that the negative legacies outweigh the positive legacies. When examining factors that influence support, statistical analysis reveals the perception of positive legacies as the strongest predictor of support. The survey also indicates that residents attach great importance to the costs of the Games and feel no personal benefit from hosting them. The findings suggest that Games organizers and authorities should mostly rely on positive legacies while negative legacies ought to be mitigated. READ MORE (SUBSCRIPTION NEEDED. CONTACT US TO REQUEST ARTICLE)

RETHINKING OLYMPIC LEGACY Vassil Girginov. Routledge, 2018, 215 p. How do Olympic legacies come about? This book offers an alternative approach to the study of Olympic and mega- sport event legacy, challenging how legacy is conceptualised and practised. It shifts the focus from legacy as a retrospective concept concerned with what has been left behind after the Games, to a prospective one interested in actions and interactions stimulated by the Games. MA 28577

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New releases Issue 5-6

HOSTING THE OLYMPIC GAMES: THE REAL COSTS FOR CITIES John Rennie Short. Routledge, 2018, 113 p. The book reveals the true costs involved for the cities that hold these large-scale sporting events. It uncovers the financing of the Games, reviewing existing studies to evaluate the costs and benefits, and draws on case study experiences of the Summer and Winter Games from the past forty years to assess the short and long-term urban legacies surrounding host cities. MA 28605



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New releases Issue 5-6


DO THE YOUTH OLYMPIC GAMES PROMOTE Article OLYMPISM?: ANALYSING A MISSION (IM)POSSIBLE FROM A LOCAL YOUTH PERSPECTIVE Martin Schnitzer. In: European journal of sport science, Ahead of print, 23 April 2018. This articles assesses if and how the youth in the communities of the YOG host cities have been influenced concerning their perception of the Olympic values and the Olympic movement. Special attention of the study is paid to the analysis of intervention mechanisms which the local youth underwent (e.g. attending the YOG on-site, participating in school programmes). The study was conducted among 1004 adolescents living in the host region three years after the Innsbruck 2012 YOG had been staged. READ MORE (SUBSCRIPTION NEEDED. CONTACT US TO REQUEST ARTICLE)



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New releases Issue 5-6



2018 OLYMPIC DAY: NOC TOOLKIT International Olympic Committee, 2018, 48 p. To help the National Olympic Committees in organising their Olympic Day event, this toolkit includes useful information and additional tools to set up this event: a brief history of Olympic Day, which will help to promote the event; some activity sheets for educational workshops and cultural activities; the Olympic Day logo which an be used on all promotional material; advice on promoting and communicating the event and the links to the questionnaire and report on Olympic Day 2018. ALSO AVAILABLE IN FRENCH VERSION. READ MORE

2018 OLYMPIC DAY: STAKEHOLDER TOOLKIT International Olympic Committee, 2018, 40 p. To help the key stakeholders of the Olympic Movement in organising their Olympic day event, these toolkits include useful information and additional tools to set up this event: a brief history of Olympic day, which will help to promote the event; some activity sheets for educational workshops and cultural activities; the Olympic day logo which an be used on all promotional material; advice on how to promote and communication about the event. ALSO AVAILABLE IN FRENCH VERSION. READ MORE

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New releases Issue 5-6


THE BIOGRAPHIES OF ALL IOC MEMBERS, PART Article XXVI Philip Barker, Volker Kluge, Ruud Paauw. In: Journal of Olympic history, vol. 26, no 1, 2018, pp. 66-70. This is the 26th part of the series about IOC Members.

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New releases Issue 5-6



OLYMPIC AND PARALYMPIC GAMES: EVER IN AFRICA? Heidi Beha. MESGO, 2018, 68 p. The IOC has started a process of rethinking the OG and with the announcement to host the Youth Olympic Games 2022 in an African city, the question arises, if Olympic and Paralympic Games will ever happen in Africa? The available data and literature on OG and Africa is rather limited. This thesis includes a set of quantitative and qualitative data resulting from 46 standardized interviews (questionnaires) with decision makers and stakeholders of the OG. More than 20 presidents, general secretaries, vice-presidents and CEOs of associations of International Federations, International Federations, National Olympic Committees as well as senior sports journalists, a social media influencer, representatives of sponsors and former world-class athletes were interviewed. Further stakeholders contributed to this research, among them the Tokyo 2020 Organising Committee of the Olympic Games (TOCOG), a representative of the Paralympic movement and UN- HABITAT. Deriving from literature review, the analysis of the IOC’s “Olympic Agenda 2020” and the collected data through the decision makers and stakeholder interviews, a number of recommendations were formulated and discussed. READ MORE

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New releases Issue 5-6

GLOBAL SPORT LEADERS: A BIOGRAPHICAL ANALYSIS OF INTERNATIONAL SPORT MANAGEMENT Emmanuel Bayle... [et al.]. Springer, 2018, 441 p. This book analyses the careers, governance and management practices of some of the institutional sports leaders who have had the greatest impact on global sport in the 120 years since Baron revived the Olympic Games. Through their positions in major sports organisations, their influence, the examples they set, their successes and failures, and their ability to bring about change, these notable individuals controlled and continue to control the development of Olympic and international sport. The portraits included within this collection provide a critical analysis of these leaders’ careers by examining sports management from a biographical perspective, and allowing readers to understand the challenges and obstacles faced by international sport’s top administrators. The contributors explore the interactions between these leaders’ career paths and their strategies, both within their organisations and in the overall sporting context. "Global sport leaders" will be of interest to students and scholars across a range of disciplines including sports management, sociology, politics, history and international relations. MA 28602


PERCEIVED VALUES IN RELATION TO THE Article OLYMPIC GAMES: DEVELOPMENT AND USE OF THE OLYMPIC VALUE SCALE Joerg Koenigstorfer, Holger Preuss. In: European sport management quarterly, Ahead of print, 4 April 2018, pp. 1-26. This study is concerned with the perception of values in relation to the Olympic Games. As, to date, there is no scale available that captures such value perceptions. In a series of pre-studies and main studies with Olympic Games experts and residents from various countries, this study develops, validates and calibrates the Olympic Value Scale. READ MORE (SUBSCRIPTION NEEDED. CONTACT US TO REQUEST ARTICLE)

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New releases Issue 5-6


SPORT MEGA-EVENTS IN EMERGING ECONOMIES: THE SOUTH AMERICAN GAMES OF SANTIAGO 2014 Gonzalo A. Bravo... [et al.]. Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, 147 p. Chile and the South American Games of Santiago 2014 offers an interesting case to examine an event of sizeable magnitude in a country with little history of hosting sport mega-events (SMEs). This case study will expand the readers understanding of third-order SMEs like the South American Games and highlight the circumstances under which they occur. It also contributes to advance and challenge our knowledge as to what extent previous findings made on impact, legacies, justifications, and challenges identified on larger scale SMEs hosted in the developed world, inform the process and outcomes of second or third-order SMEs organized in less developed countries. This monograph is suitable for scholars and practitioners who want to expand their knowledge on sport event planning outside the rim of the global north. It is an essential read for scholars and graduate students in policy studies, sociology, international business, sport and event management, and tourism and hospitality. Likewise, it is an important resource for event planners, government officials, event rights holders, and sport destination marketers involved with the planning of sport mega-events across the world. MA 28623


EXPLORING THE SOCIAL LEGACY OF PARALYMPIC Article GAMES FOR DISABLED PEOPLE Lyusyena Kirakosyan, Manoel Osmar Seabra Junior. In: Brazilian journal of education, technology and society (BRAJETS), January-March 2018, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 136-147. The central research aim of this article is to examine the social legacies of the 2012 and 2016 Paralympic Games for disabled people as identified in the media coverage of three selected periodicals, The Guardian, Estadão and O Globo. The article presents a summary of the qualitative analysis of the media coverage related to the topic of Paralympic legacy and disability rights, highlights its central themes and offers a discussion of the findings through the lens of critical disability studies. READ MORE

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New releases Issue 5-6

PARALYMPIANS COMPETING IN THE OLYMPIC Article GAMES AND THE POTENTIAL IMPLICATIONS FOR THE PARALYMPIC GAMES Leonardo José Mataruna-Dos-Santos, Andressa Fontes Guimarães-Mataruna, Daniel Range. In: Brazilian journal of education, technology and society (BRAJETS), January-March 2018, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 105-116. The 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games, held in Rio de Janeiro, reignited public interest and discussion around Paralympic athletes attempting to qualify for, and compete at, the Olympic Games. That Paralympians have sought to compete at the Olympic Games is, however, not new. This paper looks at the largely inrecognised and often underreported history of Paralympians competing at the Olympic Games and addresses why it is that Paralympians may wish to compete at the Olympic Games. The paper also explores whether or not with advances in medical and prosthetic technologies, as well as potentially increased income and funding, we can expect to see more Paralympians attempting to crossover and compete in the Olympic Games in the future. READ MORE

THE PALGRAVE HANDBOOK OF PARALYMPIC STUDIES Ian Brittain... [et al.]. Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, 687 p. This handbook provides a critical assessment of contemporary issues that define the contours of the Paralympic movement generally and the Paralympic Games more specifically. It addresses conceptualisations of disability sport, explores the structure of the Paralympic Movement and considers key political strategic and governance issues which have shaped its development. The "Palgrave handbook of Paralympic studies" is written by a range of international authors, a number of whom are senior strategists as well as academics, and explores legacy themes through case studies of recent Paralympic Games. Written in the wake of the 2016 Rio Paralympic Games, it provides an assessment of contemporary challenges faced by the International Paralympic Committee and other key stakeholders in the Paralympic Movement. Its critical assessment of approaches to branding, classification, social inclusion and technological advances makes this handbook a valuable resource for undergraduate study across a range of sport and disability related programmes, as well as a point of reference for researchers and policy makers. MA 28578

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New releases Issue 5-6



EARLY DEVELOPMENTAL ENVIRONMENT AND Doctoral thesis OLYMPIC SUCCESS: AN ANALYSIS OF AN AUSTRALIAN SPORTING "HOTSPOT" Kristy Skye O'Neill. The University of Sydney, 2018, 280 p. Inspired by the ‘birthplace effect’ phenomenon, this study aimed to identify an Australian sporting “hotspot” and gain an understanding of factors underpinning a proportionately high number of Australian summer Olympians experiencing their early developmental environment within the area. READ MORE


LE LIVRE NOIR DU SPORT RUSSE Jean-Christophe Collin. Stock, 2018, 309 p. Le sport est un élément essentiel de la société russe. C’est ce qu’a très tôt saisi Vladimir Poutine, lui-même grand sportif, ancien judoka, qui a constitué autour de lui une garde prétorienne aux muscles rebondis jusqu’aux postes les plus importants du pouvoir. Dans ce contexte, le sport russe est redevenu un instrument de propagande sans pareil et un moyen pour le pays de retrouver son rang dans le concert des grandes puissances. Avec comme conséquences les récents scandales liés à l’organisation des Jeux Olympiques pharaoniques de Sotchi en 2014 ainsi que les multiples affaires de dopage révélées depuis. Ce livre propose une plongée dans un univers extravagant et inquiétant au gré de destins singuliers et d’itinéraires hauts en couleur. Quand pouvoir et sport se confondent. MA 28617

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New releases Issue 5-6


RING OF STARS AND CRESCENT: 70 YEARS OF THE OLYMPIC MOVEMENT IN SINGAPOUR Peh Shing Huei. Singapore National Olympic Council, 2017, 233 p. This book pieces back the foundations of Singapore National Olympic Council (SNOC), retraces its stories and rediscovers its personalities. More than just an account of the athletes who did Singapore proud, this book tells the behind-the-scene stories of officials who had painstakingly kept SNOC going, and thriving, for seven decades. It not only recalls the famous achievements of Tan Howe Liang, and Joseph Schooling, but also shares the lesser-known exploits of G. G. Thomson, E. W. Barker and Ng Ser Miang. It is the story of Singapore and its 70-year adventure with the Olympic Movement. MA 28627


‘JUST SAYING – BRAVO KIDS – AND GIVING THEM Article SOME GIFTS IS NOT ENOUGH’: AMATEURISM, TURKISH WRESTLING, AND THE OLYMPIC GAMES Sabri Özçakır, Matthew P. Llewellyn. In: The international journal of the history of sport, Ahead of print, 5 Apr 2018, pp. 1-17. The Republic of Turkey embraced international Olympic sport as an affair of the state. Sport, in particular, the ancestor sport of wrestling, was heralded as an important tool in the cultivation and propogation of an incipient Turkish national identity. The dominance of Turkish wrestlers at the 1948 Summer Olympic Games in London revealed the nationalistic importance of sport in Turkey. Eager to recognize the accomplishments of their champion wrestlers, the Turkish public joined forces with journalists and governmental officials in launching an official cash reward scheme. In direct violation of the International Olympic Committee’s anti-profiteering rules concerning amateurism, Turkish Olympic medallists received monetary prizes. When the wave of nationalistic euphoria subsided, Turkish Olympic officials were forced to acknowledge the consequences of the nation’s magnanimity. On the eve of the 1952 Olympic Games, the Turkish Olympic Committee (TOC) stripped the nation’s champion wrestlers of their amateur status and promptly prohibited them from competing in the Finnish capital. The TOC’s decision provoked a national outcry. High-ranking governmental officials called upon the TOC to reverse its decision. Unable to make late amendments to its roster of Olympic participants, the TOC reported that Turkey’s athletic heroes would not be permitted to defend their Olympic titles in . READ MORE (SUBSCRIPTION NEEDED. CONTACT US TO REQUEST ARTICLE)

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THE EARLY HISTORY OF OLYMPISM IN URUGUAY Report (1911-1924): A NATIONAL-GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE Shunsuke Matsuo. The University of Tokyo, 2018, 32 p. Postgraduate research grant programme 2017 Olympic Studies Centre, International Olympic Committee. This research examines the early history of Olympism in Uruguay beyond the alleged “beginning” in 1923. Based on a thorough investigation on primary sources related to the IOC, the YMCA, and the National Committee of Physical Education (CNEF), the governmental institution in charge of all national sports policy in Uruguay, it has revealed that the CNEF, as part of its policy-setting efforts, maintained a constant communication with the Olympic Movement as early as the 1910s. The outcomes of this research also shed light on the important role that Uruguay played in the global enterprise for Olympic diffusion in South America during the early 1920s. In fact, the IOC-YMCA partnership formed in 1920 resulted in Uruguay in an extraordinarily intense collaboration between the IOC, the YMCA, and the CNEF, three institutions that shared a similar ideal of mass sports promotion. The award of the Olympic Cup to the CNEF in 1925 testifies to this harmonious relationship. However, this IOC-YMCA-CNEF triangle tragically collapsed during the latter half of the 1920s. READ MORE

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THE ANTI-DOPING CRISIS IN SPORT: CAUSES, CONSEQUENCES, SOLUTIONS Paul Dimeo and Verner Møller. Routledge, 2018, 174 p. The sense of crisis that pervades global sport suggests that the war on doping is still very far from being won. In this critical and provocative study of anti-doping regimes in global sport, Paul Dimeo and Verner Møller argue that the current system is at a critical historical juncture. Reviewing the recent history of anti-doping this book highlights serious problems in the approach developed and implemented by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), including continued failure to accept responsibility for the ineffectiveness of the testing system, the growing number of dubious convictions, and damaging human rights issues. Without a total rethink of how we deal with this critical issue in world sport, this book warns that we could be facing the collapse of anti-doping, both as a policy and as an ideology. "The anti-doping crisis in sport: causes, consequences, solutions" is important reading for all students and scholars of sport studies, as well as researchers, coaches, doctors and policymakers interested in the politics and ethics of drug use in sport. MA 28600

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STEROIDS AND DOPING IN SPORTS: A REFERENCE HANDBOOK David E. Newton. BC-Clio, 2018, 354 p. This book provides a comprehensive introduction to one of the most controversial issues in modern society-steroid abuse among athletes-as well as to the ongoing debate over the use and misuse of illegal substances in amateur and professional sporting events. It helps readers towards an understanding of the nature of anabolic steroids and their effects on the human body, both beneficial and harmful. The book also comprises an extensive array of tools that permits students to continue their own research on the topic. It includes a glossary of terms that will aid readers in better understanding the technical language used in discussions of steroids and doping in sports and introduces readers to the complex issue of testing for illegal drugs in both amateur and professional sports, and to methods of testing and problems involved with mediating the validity and reliability of tests. It introduces students to important individuals and organizations involved in steroid abuse and doping in sports, both historically and currently. MA 28609


INTERSEXUALITY IN SPORT: ON THE VERDICT OF Article A GERMAN COURT Helmut Digel. In: Journal of Olympic history, vol. 26, no 1, 2018, pp. 62-65. In the wake of Germany’s Federal Constitutional Court deciding that a “third sex” be entered in birth registers, former IAAF Vice-President Helmut Digel asks what consequences such a verdict could have for the sport of the future.


BUTTERFLY: FROM REFUGEE TO OLYMPIAN: MY STORY OF RESCUE, HOPE AND TRIUMPH Yusra Mardini; with Josie Le Blond. St Martin's Press, 2018, 284 p."Butterfly" tells the story of Yusra Mardini, from Syria to the Olympics to her current work with the UN as a Goodwill Ambassador. Mardini is eager to tell her story in the hopes that readers will remember that refugees are ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances, chased from their homes by a devastating war. In today's political climate, this story is guaranteed to inspire and educate readers from every background. MA 28610

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THE OLYMPIC PROGRAMME EVOLUTION The Olympic Studies Centre. 2018, 7 p. What makes a sport an Olympic sport? From the Games of the Athens 1896 Olympiad the size of the Olympic programme has grown from 43 events in 10 sports and disciplines to more than 300 events in 49 sports and discipline in 2020. A similar pattern of growth is also seen for the Winter Games. But what is the difference between a sport, a discipline and an event? And who decides what is included? This reference document on the Olympic programme evolution has the answers, revealing some of the criteria that have been put in place to develop the Olympic programme over the years. EXISTS ALSO IN FRENCH VERSION. READ MORE

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THOMI KELLER: A LIFE IN SPORT David Owen. Independent Publishing Network, 2018, 245 p. Thomi Keller's place in rowing's pantheon is beyond dispute. A talented oarsman whose hopes of winning an were dashed when didn't attend the 1956 Games, he went on to preside over FISA, the sport's international federation, for more than thirty years. During a turbulent and fast-changing era marked by Cold War politics and sport's incipient commercialisation, he substantially modernised both rowing and its governing body, resolutely putting the athlete first. Yet Keller's influence extended far beyond his own sport. By convincing other sports leaders of the benefits of working together, he forged the international federations into a force that the International Olympic Committee - custodians of the world's most diverse and spectacular sporting event - had no choice but to respect. At the height of his powers, in the late 1970s, he arguably wielded more influence among fellow sports leaders than the IOC president himself. Though ultimately outmaneuvered by the IOC's Juan Antonio Samaranch, who identified and harnessed the Olympics' commercial power, Keller remained a revered figure until his death in 1989, aged only sixty-four. Thirty years on he is still, as one obituarist put it, "the outstanding figure in the history of international rowing". While the sporting world Keller inhabited has since been transformed by the cash that has gushed in from broadcasters and sponsors, his essential message - that fair competition and athlete wellbeing must come first - remains today as relevant as ever. Drawing on exclusive access to contemporary documents and the reminiscences of those who knew Keller, the award-winning sportswriter David Owen has written the first full-length biography of one of the most important and charismatic sports leaders of the twentieth century. MA 28619


WHEN RUNNING MADE HISTORY Roger Robinson. Syracuse Univ. Press, 2018, 306 p. Robinson takes readers on a globe-trotting tour that combines a historian’s insight with vivid personal memories going back to just after World War II. From experiencing the 1948 "Austerity Olympics" in London as a young spectator to working as a journalist in the Boston Marathon media center at the moment of the 2013 bombings, Robinson offers a fascinating first-person account of the tragic and triumphant moments that impacted the world and shaped the modern sport. He chronicles the beginnings of the American running boom, the emergence of women’s running, the end of the old amateur rules, and the redefinition of aging for athletes and amateurs. MA 28616

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THE SCIENCE OF FIGURE SKATING Jason D. Vescovi... [et al.]: Routledge, 2018, 143 p. The "Science of figure skating" is the first book to provide an evidence- based and comprehensive reference for the scientific underpinnings of this complex Olympic sport, where early specialisation presents unique challenges for coaches and athletes alike. Drawing on cutting-edge research and featuring contributions from leading academics and practitioners, the book covers key topics of health, training and high performance in figure skating, including: physiological demands / nutrition and hydration / training methods / psychology and mental performance / novel issues relating to performance such as travel and jet lag / technological innovation / effectively and succinctly applying theory to practice, The "Science of figure skating" is a valuable resource on integrating sport science concepts into training and performance. It is essential reading for any applied sport science student or researcher with an interest in winter sports, and coaches, sport science officers, nutritionists or clinicians involved in figure skating. MA 28618

6.2.2 SKI

SCIENCE AND SKIING VII: 7TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON SCIENCE AND SKIING, ST. CHRISTOPH/ARLBERG, AUSTRIA, DECEMBER 10- 15, 2016 Erich Müller... [et. al.]. Meyer and Meyer sport, 2018, 415 p. This book contains the proceedings of the Seventh International Congress on Science and Skiing, which was held at St. Christoph am Arlberg, Tyrol, Austria, in December 2016. The conference was organized and hosted by the department of sport science at the university of Salzburg, Austria. It was also part of the programs of the steering group “science and skiing” of the World Commission of Sports Science and contains a broad spectrum of current research work in alpine and Nordic skiing and in snowboarding. In the proceedings of this congress, the keynotes as well as oral presentations are published. The manuscripts were subject to peer review and editorial judgment prior to acceptance. MA 19848/7

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GOVERNANCE IN SPORT: A SCOPING REVIEW Article Mathew Dowling, Becca Leopkey, Lee Smith. In: Journal of sport management, Ahead of print, May 2018, pp. 1-14. This article examines the current state of sport governance research within the field of sport management. In adopting Arksey and O’Malley’s framework, a scoping review was conducted involving a comprehensive search of all published literature between 1980 and 2016. The process involved searching four electronic databases and a manual search of sport management journals. READ MORE (SUBSCRIPTION NEEDED. CONTACT US TO REQUEST ARTICLE)


INVESTIGATING SOCIAL MEDIA CONSUMPTION, Article SPORTS ENTHUSIASM, AND GENDER ON SPONSORSHIP OUTCOMES IN THE CONTEXT OF RIO OLYMPICS Sunil Hazari. In: International journal of sports marketing and sponsorship, Ahead of print, May 2018. Using the context of Rio Olympic games, the purpose of this paper is to investigate attitude toward sponsorship outcome as it relates to purchase behavior, gender, sponsor patronage, sports enthusiasm, and social media consumption.

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MARKETING DU SPORT : UNE VISION INTERNATIONALE Michel Desbordes, André Richelieu. De Boeck Supérieur, 2018, 221 p. Quels sont les nouveaux leviers marketing à la disposition des organisations sportives ? L'ouvrage fait le point sur les dernières recherches dans le domaine en matière de gestion de la marque, d'événementiel sportif et de management des enceintes sportives. Dans un contexte de concurrence accrue – où la visibilité et la différenciation sont les maîtres mots –, il est plus que nécessaire de connaître les dernières techniques adaptées à ce contexte particulier qu'est le spectacle sportif. C'est pourquoi "Marketing du sport" présente une

approche originale de cette discipline récente qu'est le marketing du sport. En associant deux compétences reconnues au niveau international (le Français Michel Desbordes et le Canadien André Richelieu), l'ouvrage offre une vision européenne et nord-américaine et fait le point sur les dernières recherches dans le domaine en matière de gestion de la marque, d'événementiel sportif et de management des enceintes sportives. MA 28613

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OLYMPIC MOVEMENT CODE ON THE PREVENTION OF THE MANIPULATION OF COMPETITIONS: EXTRACT OF THE IOC CODE OF ETHICS International Olympic Committee. 2018, 23 p. This document presents an extract of the IOC Code of ethics 2018. It contains the Olympic Movement code on the prevention of the manipulation of competitions in English and French. READ MORE

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THE PALGRAVE HANDBOOK ON THE ECONOMICS OF MANIPULATION IN SPORT Markus Breuer... [et al.]. Springer, 2018, 335 p. Sport has enjoyed steadily increasing prominence and economic importance since the millennium. But threats to its integrity appear to have grown in parallel, undermining the very sense of innocence and fun which is an important part of its appeal. Threats to the spirit of sport come from internal, external and even state actors, who seek either to manipulate events on the field or to exploit the institutions of sport for their own ends. As the reputation of sport becomes more tarnished as a result, its sustainability as a significant part of the entertainment industry is called into question and loss of reputation may even result in decline in recreational play. In this wide-ranging collection of essays, the international team of contributors explores the structural economic sources of the problems that beset sport and address the question of ‘what is to be done?’ through economic reasoning. Specific topics covered include doping, match-fixing for betting or sporting gain, the role of forensic statistics in detecting nefarious activity, issues related to club ownership, corruption in the awarding of mega-events and within sports governing bodies, and the role of the law and the Court of Arbitration for Sport. In the final chapter, the editors pull together the various strands and propose that policy to mitigate the threat to fair play should be built around two themes: improving sports governance and designing incentives to help actors in sport choose honest over manipulative behaviour. MA 28601

LE CONCEPT D'ARBITRAGE : REGARDS CROISÉS ENTRE DROIT ET SPORT Camille Leroy... [et. al.]. Éditions l'Harmattan, 2018, 221 p. Le présent ouvrage vise à développer une analytique du concept d'arbitrage à partir de sa mise en oeuvre dans le domaine sportif. Le respect de la règle tout comme sa transgression permettent de cerner ce concept sous une forme innovante : il s'agit d'analyser les rapports entre arbitrage sportif et arbitrage juridique et d'étudier le rôle de chaque intervenant, aussi bien de celui qui doit veiller à la bonne application de la règle mais aussi de celui qui est tenu au respect de la règle. Le respect de la règle apparaît comme le point d'achoppement des deux disciplines. MA 28621

SPORTS LAW: LEX SPORTIVA & LEX OLYMPICA : THEORY AND PRAXIS Dimitrios P. Panagiotopoulos. Biblioedit, 2017, 739 p. This book is designed to cover the historical development of sports law and addresses the fundamental issues of this field of law, whereas at the same time it analyses some of the most important contemporary legal issues of the field. MA 28615

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SPORTS LAW IN SWITZERLAND Lucien W. Valloni... [et al.]. Wolters Kluwer, 2018, 164 p. The growing internationalization of sports inevitably increases the weight of global regulation, yet each country maintains its own distinct regime of sports law and its own national and local sports organizations. Sports law at a national or organizational level thus gains a growing relevance in comparative law. The book describes and discusses both state- created rules and autonomous self-regulation regarding the variety of economic, social, commercial, cultural, and political aspects of sports activities. Self-regulation manifests itself in the form of by-laws, and encompasses organizational provisions, disciplinary rules, and rules of play. However, the trend towards more professionalism in sports and the growing economic, social and cultural relevance of sports have prompted an increasing reliance on legal rules adopted by public authorities. This form of regulation appears in a variety of legal areas, including criminal law, labour law, commercial law, tax law, competition law, and tort law, and may vary following a particular type or sector of sport. It is in this dual and overlapping context that such much-publicized aspects as doping, sponsoring and media, and responsibility for injuries are legally measured. This monograph fills a gap in the legal literature by giving academics, practitioners, sports organizations, and policymakers access to sports law at this specific level. MA 28584

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A NETWORK APPROACH TO THE USE OF SOCIAL Doctoral thesis MEDIA IN THE YOUTH OLYMPIC GAMES AND THE OLYMPIC GAMES Juha Yoon. ProQuest / UMI, 2017, 150 p. The purpose of this dissertation is to use a dual-study approach to conduct both in-depth and longitudinal social network analyses of the online communication surrounding the YOG. MA 28597

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DENAZIFICATION, DEMOCRATIZATION, AND THE Chapter COLD WAR: DIPLOMATIC MANIPULATION OF THE GERMAN OLYMPIC COMMITTEE Leonardo José Heather Ditcher. In: Defending the American Way of Life, Kevin Witherspoon and Toby Rider, University of Arkansas Press, 2018. The western Allies paid careful attention to the re-formation of athletic clubs in occupied Germany as part of the policies of using sport as a way to help with the democratization process after the Second World War. The High Commissioners and their respective governments – particularly the Americans – became intimately involved with the composition of the German Olympic Committee in 1949, the year Allied occupation of Western Germany ended and the Federal Republic of Germany came into existence. Allied interest in the German Olympic Committee persisted through 1951, when the International Olympic Committee formally readmitted Germany. Germany's reintroduction into the Olympic Movement was thus marked by political involvement not only by its Chancellor, Konrad Adenauer, but in particular by foreign intervention. The Allies pushed for international acceptance of Germany, but the Nazi pasts of many German sport leaders created problems. This chapter will examine these meddling actions on the part of State Department, HICOG, and Foreign Office officials into Germany return to the Olympic movement and international sport in general, and how the moral aims of denazification and democratization ultimately were subverted to the politics of the Cold War as the Soviet bloc pushed for a separate recognition of East Germany. These actions reveal a clear and concerted effort by foreign ministries, and especially the U.S. State Department, to use international sport to meet their needs. The eagerness with which IOC members – including future IOC president Brundage, perhaps the biggest public advocate for the separation of sport and politics – corresponded with their governments left a legacy of government positions influencing, via correspondence and in-person meetings, the actions of international sport leaders.

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NATIONALITY SWAPPING IN THE OLYMPIC GAMES Article 1978–2017: A SUPERVISED MACHINE LEARNING APPROACH TO ANALYSING DISCOURSES OF CITIZENSHIP AND NATIONHOOD Joost Jansen. In: International review for the sociology of sport, Ahead of print, 10 May 2018, pp. 1-18. While the practice of nationality swapping in sports traces back as far as the Ancient Olympics, it seems to have increased over the past decades. Cases of Olympic athletes who switched their national allegiances are often surrounded with controversy. Two strands of thought could help explain this controversy. First, these cases are believed to be indicative of the marketisation of citizenship. Second, these cases challenge established discourses of national identity as the question ‘who may represent the nation?’ becomes contested. Using state-of-the-art machine learning techniques, the author analysed 1534 English language newspaper articles about Olympic athletes who changed their nationalities (1978–2017). READ MORE (SUBSCRIPTION NEEDED. CONTACT US TO REQUEST ARTICLE)


GIVING THE BEST OF YOURSELF: A DOCUMENT Report ABOUT THE CHRISTIAN PERSPECTIVE ON SPORT AND THE HUMAN PERSON Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life. Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2018, 52 p. Sports is a meeting place where people of all levels and social conditions come together to reach a common aim. It is also a formative vehicle. Perhaps today more than ever, we must fix our gaze on the young, because the earlier the process of formation begins, the easier the person’s integral development through sports will be”. With these words, Pope Francis introduces the new publication of the dicastery for the laity, family and life that aims to highlight the role of the Church in the sports world and how sports can be an instrument of encounter, formation, mission, and sanctification. The document, composed of five chapters, does not ambition to cover every aspect of the variegated activity of sports, but it wants to offer a Christian perspective of sport to those who practice it, assist as spectators, and participate in it as technicians, arbiters, coaches, as well as to families, priests, and parishes. EXISTS ALSO IN SPANISH, FRENCH, PORTUGUESE AND ITALIAN VERSIONS. THE GERMAN VERSION WILL BE AVAILABLE SOON. READ MORE

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RETHINKING SPORTS AND INTEGRATION: DEVELOPING A TRANSNATIONAL PERSPECTIVE ON MIGRANTS AND DESCENDANTS IN SPORTS Sine Agergaard. Routledge, 2018, 116 p. Based on empirical research, this book offers a critical cultural analysis of the idea that sport can promote the integration of migrants and their descendants. It examines the origins of this idea, the concept of integration, perceptions about target groups, and analyses the methods, results and organisation of sport-based integration programmes. The book also considers the prevalent nationalist (neo-assimilationist) view of integration and uniformity in immigrant groups in the context of migration studies focused on super-diversity, and explores the various ways in which transnational connections influence consumption of, and participation and representation in, sport within the community. MA 28599


THE 2018 WINTER OLYMPICS: A SHOWCASE OF Article TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCEMENT Nir Kshetri, Diana Rojas-Torres. In: IT professional, March/April 2018, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 19-25. The 2018 Winter Olympics in PyeongChang was a showcase of South Koreas technological advancement and sophistication.

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