Academy st ... 36, 55. Ferry st 202. Spring St... .56, 95,147,183, 202, 345, 392, 431. All''nBt....36, 111, 220. Forsytnsi 413,453. Sprace st 492. Amity St 202. Franktort st... .112, 130, 240, 259. Stanton st... 55, 71,183, 240, 304, 324, 413, 453. Ann St .. 36, 95. Franklin st 3, 36, 71. Stone St.... 304. Attorney St.... 202, 324. Front St... .346, 369, 392, 431, 474. Stuvvesant st .. .202. Fulton St... .324. 369, 492. Suffolk St... .304, 305, 392. 474. Bank st. . .36,165, 324, 345. SuUivan st... .3, 37, 183, 282, 345, 369, 392. Barclay st 95, 282. Goerck st....240, 369, 392. Barrow st 259. Gold St....21. Thompson st... .21,55, 71,240, 241,282, 324,392,474. Baxter St.... 345,453. Gouverneur st 220, 282. Tompkins st 392. Bayard at 95, 392. Grand st, east of .... 3, 36, 130, 220, 259, Troy at.... 112. Beach st 21,36. 282, 324, 345, 369. Beekmanst 95. Grand st, west of Bowery 220, 259, 345, 369, Yandewater st 220,'240, 345, 453. Bleecker st... .3, 240, 269, 282. 324, 413. 413. Veseyst 220. Bloomingdale road 37. Greene st... .71, 95, 183, 282, 453. Walker st 345. Bond St....324, 453. Greenwich st, south of Canal st 36, 55,130,220, Washington st, south of Canal st 37,183,369, Boulevard, 59th to 69th st 304, 492. 259,345,413. 474, 492. Boulevard, 69th to 80th st 259, 282. Grove st 282. Washington st., north of Canal st 37, 453. Boulevard, 80th to 92d st 147, 259, 304, 324, Water st... .55,147, 220, 240, 259, 304, 324, 345, 413.. Boulevard, 92d to 10"2d st 71,95, 282. 324, 369, Hague st 369. Henry st, west of CUnton st... .71, 324. 431,453. Boulevard, I25th to 145th st... .112, 202, 259, 431. Watts st ...259. Boulevard. 145th st. to termination... .21,147,165, Henry at, east of CUnton st 21, 55, 71, 112, 147, 282, 324, 345, 431, 492.. West St... .-220, 304, 453. 282, 492. West .... 112, 345. Bowery, souih of Houston st .. 3, 282. Houston, East 21,95, 240, 282, 431. Houston, West 259,392. White St.... 3, 21. 55, 345, 392. Bowery, north of Houston st 431. WhitehaU St.,. 324. Broad st 3, 55, 392, 413. Hudson, south of Houston st 2i20, 240, 2i59. 369. Hudson, north of Houston at 130, 202, 304, 324. WiUett St... .95,130,183, 259, 324, 431, 453. Broadway, south of Canal st 111, 324. WiUiam st... .55,130. A, Broadway, from Canal to 14th st .. .56, 71, 95,165, Jacob st 202. Wooster St... 95,183, 304, Hi-Wlk 392, 431. 304,474. Jamea st 324, 413. Worth St... .202, 241, 282. Broadway, from 14th to 34th st.... 345, 431. James slip 259,413. Broadway, from 34th to 44th st... 21. Janest 166,220. 2d8t..,.43L Broadway, from 44th to 59th st... .71, 95,165,183, John St....304, 324, 431. 3d St.. 55, 304,370,371. , 220, 431, 474. 4tli St... .21, 37, 95, 130,166, 282, 304, 306, 345, 370L Broome st., east of Broadway 21,55, 71, 240,259, Kingsbridge road... .3, 21, 37,112,147,166,220,345, 392,453. 345,369,392,492. 392, 474. 5tfr St... .3, 71, 95,130,131,166, 345. Broome St., west of Broadway... .147, 240, 324,345, Laight st 345. 6thst....l47,148, 202, 370. 431,453,474. 7lh St.., .21, 37, 95,183, 220, 269, 282, 346, 370, 392, Leonard st... .71, 95. 431. 474. Canal at, east of Broadway.. ..21, 183, 282,324, Leroy st 259, 282. 8th St. east of Broadway....37, 55, 183,304,324, 453. Lewis st 21, 36, 202, 220, 282. 345, 413, 492. 392, 453, 492. Canal at., west of Broadway... .130, 345, 463. Lispenard st 453, 474. 8th St., west of Broadway 324. Cannon st 147, 453. Liberty St....71. 9th at, eaat of Broadway... .3, 71,183, 202, 259, 453. CarUsle St....71. Ludlow St... .3, 55, 71, 345, 392, 431, 453, 492. 9th at., west of Broadway 112,147, 202, 453. Carmine st 259, 282. Macdougal st .. 220, 240, 369. Cedar St.... 71,147. 10th St., eaat of Ist av... .37, 55, 147, 183, 220, 240, Madison St.... 130, 1€6, 202, 259, 304, 324, 345, 392, 324. 346. Centre St 392. 413, 474, 492. ' Chambers st 2o2, 369. 10th St., bet. Ist av. and Broadway 147, 220. 7i. 112, 202, 392, 474. 10th st, weat of Broadway... .21,*95, 240, 346, 431. Charles st 130, 220, 345. Manginst ...71, 492. Chatham st .. 56, 130. nth St. east of 1st av... .71,130, 431. Maniiattan at .. .166, 394. 11th St., bet. 1st aVi and Broadway... 37, 259. Cherry st., from Pearl to Rutgers st... .3, 202, 282. Marion st 492. Cherry St., from Rutgers to Bast River 36, 95, nth St., west of Broadway 3, 95, 240, 282,392,. Market at 166, 324. 413. 147, 345, 453. Mercer st... .71, 95,147,165,183, 240, 259, 453. Christopher st 21,147, 324. Mom-oe st.... 71, 95, 220, 282, 324, 369, 392. 12th st.^ e. of 1st av... .37. 304, 324, 346. Chrystie st.... 147,183, 202, 392, 492. Moore st 282. i2th St., bet. 1st av. and Broadway 183. 324,346. Church St... .21, 36, 55, 111, 130, 413, 431. Morton st 324,492. 12th st, west of Broadway....i47, 166, 259,282, CUnton st, from East Houston to Bast Broad- Mott SD... .95, 166, 220, 369,413. 324, 370. . way... .21, 202, 282, 304, 369. Mulberry st... .95.166, 202, 240,259, 282, 304,369, 13th St., east of Ist av... .4,147,166, 392, 453. CUnton St., from East Broadway to East River 392,431,453,474. -• . 13th St., bet. lat av: and Broadway... .282, 453. 324. 13th St., west of Broadway... .71, 240, 259, 283, 306, Cliff St.... 240, 369. Murray St 37,492. .Columbia st... 220, 413, 453. Nassau st 240. 346, 392, 453. Commerce St.. .21. Newst 130. 14th St., eaat of 3d av... .71, 282. Cooper st 369,431. Norfolk St... .21, 259, 392, 413, 431'. 14th st, bet 3d and 6th avs 454. Cornelia St 369. North Moore st 55, 130. 14th st, bet 6th and Sth avs... .95, 370. Corilandtat. ...71. 14th st, west of 8th av... .71, 95. Crosby St.... 165, 453. Oak St... .220, 240, 282, 304. 15th st, east of 3d av.., .112, 259, 324, 453, 492. Crotonst ...36, 392. • OUverst.. .183,369. 15th st, bet 3d and 6tli avs... .454. Old sli|i....l30. 15lh st, bet 6th &Jid 8tti avs... .95, 202, 282, 370. Delancey st, from Bowery to CUnton st.... 130,165, Orchard St... .55, 147, 240, 413. 15th st, west of 8th av... .71, 95,167, 324. 183, 2i0, 259, 282, 324, .^92, 413, 431. 16th St., east of 3d av.... 202, 220, 259. Delancey st, from CUnton to East River... .21, 111, Park St.... 413. Hike sUp .^ .453. . . 16th st, bet. 3d and 6th avs 346. 183, 474, ' 16th st, bet 6th and 8th avs... .282. 413. Division st... .36, 55. 71,130, 202, 220, 282. Peari St... .Ill, 183, 240, 259, 304, 324, 345, 392, 431. Perry st.... 21, 202.259, 304, 345. 16th at, wesi of 8th av .. .55, 240, 304, 346, 392. Duane st... .55, 392, 413. 17th St. east of 3d av... ;21, 220. 259. Depeysterst 259,304. PUjest....7i, 345, 43L Finest 492. 17th St.. bet. 3d and 6th avs... .55,147,148,167, 202, Deyst...71. 259, 346. 492. Dominickst 112. Pictst 369. Prince st 220, 282, 392. 17th st, west of 8th av... .95, 220, 282, 431. Downing st .. .21, 71. 18th at, east of 3d av... .4, 21, 37, 474. Dyckmanst 184. Reade st 95, 369. 18th St., bet 3d and 6th avs 4. 304, 324, 392. East Broadway, from Chatham sq. to Canal st.... Eenwick st 95. 18th st, bet.6th and 8th avs 493. 55, 71, 413. Hidgest....l30, 240, 259. 18th st, west of 8th av. .,..240, 304, 370. 43]t. East Broadway, from Canal to Grand st . 282. - Rivingion st... .55, 166, 304, 324, 431, 453, 492. 19th at, eaat of 3d av... .71,112, 392, 413, 453. • E dridge St... .130,183, 202, 259, 345, 392, 453. Roosevelt st 112, 202, 431. 19th St., bet. 3d and 6th avs 202. Elizabeth st... .21, 36, 240 Rosest 220, 304,474. 19th st, bet.eth and 8th avs .. 37.183,-259, 493. - Elmst....21, 111, 346. 20th St. betl 3d and 6th avs 112.167, 413. Sheriff St.... 147, 453. 20th st, bet. 6th and,8th avs 240, 259. Emeraon st 453. South 81 130; 345, 392." 20th st, west of 8th av.... 493. Essex St....202. Scammelst 492. 2lBt st, bet 3d and 6th avs 167, 282, 346, 453. BEAL ESTATE RECORD INDEX.

21st St. bet 6th and 8th avs. .166, 202, 304, 346, 44th St., bet 3d and 6th avs... .147, 346. 63d St. west of Sth av... .21, 112, 260. 474. 44th St., bet, 6th and Sth avs... .4, 346, 370. 64th st, bet 3d and 5th avs... .71,203, 260,283, 370,_ 21st !-t . west of 8th av... .71,147, 240. 44th st, west ol Sth av....l83, 202, 220, 304,370, 39i5. 413, 432, 454. 22d St.. cast ot 3d av... .220, 240, 346, 370. 432,454, .64th St., west of Sth av.... 306, 324. 22d St. bet. 3<1 and 6th avs... .220, 346, 475. 45th St., east of 3d av., 21, 282, 432, 65th st, east of 3d av.... 183, 241. 493. 22d St., bet. 6th and 8th avs .. .4,130, 220. 46th St., bet 3d and 6th avs... .65, 240, 260, 413,454, 65th St., bet. 3d and 5th avs... .203, 260, 326, 393, 22d ?t, west of 8th av... .4, 21. 37, 147, 240. 474, 413, 454. 474. '23d St. east ot 3d av .. .130. 370. 45th St. bet 6th and Sth avs... .183, 282, 324. 66th St., east of 3d av... .112, 260, 346, 432, 474. 23d St., west of 8th av... .4, 37. 259. 304. 45th St; west of 8th ay... .4, 112,131,166,183, 260, 66th st, bet 3d and 5th avs... .260, 474, 24th St. east of M av .. .4. 346, 393, 432, 474. 66th st, Avest of Sth av... .413. 493. 24th St, bet 3d and 6th avs... .431. 46th st, east of 3d av 260, 393. 454. 67th st, bet. 3d and .5th avs—454. 24th St., bet. 6th and 8th avs... .259. 340. 46th st, bet. 3d and 6th avs... 112, 240, 324, 393, 68th st, west of Sth av 21, 393. •.24th St., west of 8th av.. 4. 413. 69th st, bet. 3d and 5th avs 4. 25th St., east of 3d av 71,183, 259. 46th st, bet 6th and Sth avs... .21, 183, 202, 260, 69th st, west of Sth av... .4, 21, 71, 283, 474. 25th st, bet. 3d and 6th avs 493. 304. 70th st, bet 3d and 5th avs .. .131,166, 183, 346, 25th St., bet 6th and 8th avs 95, 413. 46th st, west of Sth av... .4,112,220, 260, 282, 454. 70th st, west of 8th av... .4, 37, 55, 241, 305, 370, 25th St. west of 8th av... .112, 324. 47th st, east of 3d av... .21, 71, 183, 346, 432. 475. 26th st, east of 3d av... .71, 112, 259. 474, 493. 47th St., bet 3d and 6th avs 4. 71st st, east of 3d av... 4, 241, 305, 393, 432. 26th St., bet. 3d and 6th avs... .370, 414, 493. 47i:h st, bet 6th and Sth avs... .131, 346. 369. 474. 71st st, bet 3d and 5th avs ...21, 37, 203, 325, 346, 20th st, bet 6th and 8th avs... .37. 55, 166, 220, 47th st, west of Sth av... .37, 183, 324. 370. 432. 413, 474, 493, ^ 453. 48th St.. east of 3d av... .4, 71, 260, 346, 432. 7l8t St.. west of Sth av... 22. 147, 241, 346, 432. 26th St. west of 8th av 96, 130, 282. 48th St., bet 3d and 6th avs... .282, 432. 72d st, east of 3d av... .21, 220. 241, 305, 393. •27th .St., east of 3d av .. .166,183, 324. 392. 48th St, bet 6th and Sth avs... .112, 166, 324, 464. 72d St., bet, 3d and 5th avs... .184. 283, 370. 27th St., bet. 3d and 6th avs... .130, 259, 346, 474. 72d st, west of Sth av... .37. 55, 112. 432. 2;th St, bet 6th and 8th avs 37,112, 202, 453. 48th st, west of Sth av... .21, 37, 112, 183, 346. 432. 73d st, east of 3d av... .22. 37, 203, .346, 393. 28th St., east of 3d av 493. 49th st, east of 3d av... .4. 21, 55,166, 220, 413. 73d St. bet 3d and 5th avs....4, 21. 96, 166, 283, 28th st, bet 3d and 6th avs... .4, 131, 474. 49th st, bet 3d and 6th avs 65, 393. 305, 34G, 393, 475. 28th st, bet 6lh and 8th avs... .130, 220, 346, 453. 49th st, bet 6th and Sth avs... .202, 240. 73d st, west of Stli av... .37, 55, 71.112. 28th St., west of 8th av 202, 220, 282, 346. 49th St.. west of Sth av... .96,131, 183, 260, 370,432. 74th st, east of 3d av... .4, 21, 37, 96, 112,131,166, .29th St., east of 3d av 22, 37, 96,166, 203, 259, 454. 283, 370, 475, 493. 413. 60th st, east of 3d av 37, 112, 304, 324, 432. 74th st, bet. 3d and 5th avs... .4, 220, 346, 370, 393, 29th St. bet 3d and 6th avs... .147,2 59, 346, 453, 50th st, bet 3d and 6th avs 71. 413, 454. 493. 50th st, west of Sth av... .71, 260, 282, 370, 413, 432. 74th st, west of Sth av... .454. 129th st, bet 6th and 8th avs 147, 259. 51stst, east of 3dav....55, 183, 260, 282, 346. 393, 75th st, east of 3d av... .22, 305, 346, 454, 493. 29th st, west of 8th av... .21, 56, 346, 413. 432, 433, 454. 493, 75th st, bet 3d and 6lh avs... 112,147. 370, 432. 30th St. east of 3d av 37,147, 346. 370, 453. 51st st, bet. 3d and 6th avs... .131, 304. 76th St. east of 3d av .. .71, 72, 203, 305, 346, 347, 30th st, bet 3d and 6th avs .. .259, 282. 51st st, bet 6th and Sth avs... .96, 260, 474. 370 393 493 30th st, bet 6th and 8th avs... .95. 130, 324, 370. 51st st, west of Sth av... .4, 71,147,183, 220, 346, 76th St, bet. 3d and 5th avs... .112. 30th st, west of 8th av... .166, 220, 392. 370. 464, 493. 76th st, west of Sth av... .325. 31st st, east of 3d av... .4, 71. 96, 183, 282, 324, 454. 52d St., east of 3d av... .4, 21, 37, 71. 96,131,147, 77th st, east of 3d av... .21,112, 131, 283, 413, 432. 31st st, bet 3d and 6th avs 202, 392. 166, 282, 324, 346, 370, 393, 413, 433. 77th st, bet 3d and 5th avs.... 112, 325. 31st st, bet 6th and 8th avs... .112, 183, 346. 431. 52d st, bet 3d and 6th avs... .55, 96, 454, 493. 77th st, west of Sth av 96. 31st st, west of 8th av.. 183, 259, 474. 52d st, west of Sth av... .71,112,166, 220, 304, 325, 78th st, east of 3d av... .4.96, 220,241,259, 260. 305, 32d st, east of 3d av., 370, 474, 493. 413, 493. 325, 370. 32d St., bet 3d and 6th avs 370, 392. 53d st, east of 3d av... .4, 21, 71, 241, 282, 393, 432, 78th St. bet 3d and Sth avs....72, 131. 260, 283, 32d st, bet 6th and 8th avs... .21, 147. 183, 346, 493. 493. 474. 53d st, bet. 3d and 6th avs .. .21, 37, 71, 203, 304, 78th st, w^esl of 8th av... .346, 370. 32d st, west of 8th av... .21, 202, 324, 413, 493. 370, 454. 79th st, eaat of 3d av... .112, 203, 464. 33d St. east oPSd av 4, 95, 130, 166,183,346, 53d St. bet 6th and Sth avs... .21, 96,166, 183, 220, 79th st, bet 3d and 5th ava.... 72,184,203,221,260, 370. 241, 260, 304, 413. 305, 493. ;33d st, bet. 3d and 6th avs... .55. 53d st, west of Sth av... .166,183, 203, 241, 324, 393. 79th St., west of 8th av... .21, 96, 283, 370, 393. 33d st, bet 6tn and 8th avs 21, 55, 71, 393. 54th st, east of 3d av... .21, 71, 96,112, 324, 346. 80th St. east of 3d av... .346, 370. 33d st, west of 8th av 130, 304, 370, 54th St. bet. 3d'and 6th avs... .4,112, 131,183, 347, 80th st, bet 3d and 5th avs... .166, 220, 346,432, 34th st, east of 3d av... .4, 37, 71, 112, 130, 202, 220, 370, 371, 432. 454. 259.282,413. 54th st, west of Sth av....4, 21, 55, 112,131,166, 80th st, west of Sth av... .432. 34th st, bet 3d and 6lh avs.... 147, 166, 202, 240, 203 241. Slst st, east ot 3d av... .283, 346, 370, 454, 493. 370,474. 55th st, east of 3d av... .71. 241, 260, 3C4, 432, 493. 81st st, bet. 3d and 5th avs... .131, 325. 34th st, bet. 6th and 8th avs 4, 71, 130. 346, 55th st, bet, 3d and 6th avs... .71, 96,147, 183, 260, Slst st, west of Sth av 131. 454. 304, 305, 370, 413, 493. S2d St. east of 3d av... .55, 72. 112, 131, 147, 220, 34th st, west of 8th ay... .112, 202, 282, 370, 413, 55th st, bet 6th and Sth avs... 37.147.203,220, 346, 393, 414 474. 346,432,454. ' ' 82d st, bet 3d and 5th avs... .305. 35th st, east of 3d av 346, 413. 55th st, west of Sth av 241. 83d st, east of 3d av.... 166, 184, 370, 393. 414. 432. 35 h st, bet 3d and 6th avs... .37, 65,130, 240, 304, 56th st, east of 3d av... .37, 346, 413, 432, 433. 83d st, bet 3d and 5th avs 37, 475. 346. 56th st, bet 3d and 6th avs 21, 71, 96, 203, 241. 83d st, west of Sth av... .72, 346, 371, 475. :35th st, bet. 6th and 8th avs.... 112. 283, 305, 346, :i93, 432. 84th St., east of 3d av... .72, 96, 393. 35th st, west of 8th av 282. 56th st, bet 6th and Sth avs... .4, 21, 96,112,166, 84th st, bet 3d and 5th avs . .147, 454. 36th st, east of 3d av 370, 432. 346, 493. 84th St., west of 8th av.... 72, 96, 221, 305, 371, 36th st, bet 3d and 6th avs 95, 370, 393, 413. 56th st, west of Sth av... .71,112, 393, 413, 432. 85th st, east of 3d av... 4, 21, 112, 325, 36th St., bet. 6th and 8th ava 282, 304, 493. 57th St., east of 3d av 55,166, 220. 85th st, bet. 3d and 5th ava... .203, 221, 260, 288, :36lh st, west of 8th av... .55, 71,183, 346, 370, 474. 57th St, bet 3d and 6th avs... .4, 21,148,166, 241, 325,432,493. 37th St., east ol .3d av 130. 304, 393, 454, 474. 85th St., west of Sth av 72, 96. 37th st, bet 3d and 6th avs 130. 166, 220, 282. 57th st, bet. 5th and Sth avs... .21. 55, 71, 260, 370, 86th st, e. of 3d av... .37, 96,131, 241, 260, 283, 325, 370, 413, 432. 432, 493. 454, 475. 37th St., bet. 6th and 8th avs 240. 57thBt., westof8thav....4, 71,131, 183, 220, 283. 86th St., bet 3d and 5th avs... .147, 464. 37th st, west of 8lh av... .413. 413, 432, 453. 87th st, east of 3d av... .96,184, 260, 283,325, 346, 38th st, east of 3d av... .393, 454, 493. 58th st, east of 3d av.... 21. 37, 241, 260,305,324, 414. 38th st, bet. 3d and 6th avs 346, 393, 454. 346,393,^13,432. 87th st, bet 3d and 5th avs... .346. 38th st, bet 6th and 8th avs 37, 71, 95,130,131, 58th st, bet. 3d and 5th avs... .55, 96,148,166, 305, 87th st, west ot Sth av 260, 305. 166, 220, 260, 282, 454. 413,432,454. S8th St., east of 3d av... 55, 96. 38th st, west of 8th av 21,166, 370. 58th st, bet 5th and Sth avs .. .21, 37, 55, 96,112, 88th st, bet 3d and 5th avs... .112,184, 221, 370, 39th st, east ot 3d av 37, 95, 304, 454, 493. 131.147, 203, 220, 241. 260, 283, 305, 324, 346, 454, 493. 39th st, bet. 3d and 6th ava ...147, 202, 220, 370, 370, 413, 432. 89th st, east of 3d av:... 393. 393,493. 58th st, west of Sth av... .4, 71. 112, 131, 166, 220, 89th St., bet 3d and 5th avs... .369, 370. 39th st, bet 6th and 8th ava 4,183. 260, 283, 305, 324. S9th St., west of Sth av... .72,131, 432. 39th st, west of 8th av 4, 55, 71, 112, 131, 166, 59th St., east of 3d av... 4, 37, 55,147, 203, 283, 305, 90th st, east of 3d av 203. 183, 202, 260, 304, 346, 370, 393. 432, 454, 493. 370, 413, 432, 454. 90th st, bet 3d and 5th avs... .305, 432, 493. 40th St., east of 3d av... .393. 59th st, bet 3d and 6th avs... .21,147,241,324, 346, 90th st, west of Sth av... .131, 432, 493. 40th st, bet 3d and 6th avs... 21, 183, 202, 324. 347, 393, 474. • 91st st, bet 3d and 5th avs... .393,475, 493. 5 11. 59th St, bet. 6th and Sth avs... .131, 454. 91st st, west of Sth av .. .324. 59th st, west of Sth av 260, 413, 432. 92d st, east of 3d av... .241. 40th st, bet 6th and 8th avs 4, 21, 65,183, 393. 60th st, east of 3d av... .4, 37, 71, 96,112,131,147. 40th st, west of 8th av 96, 260, 282, 304, 324. 92d st, bet 3d and 6th avs... .37^ 346, 475. 166,183,283,305,454. 92d st, west of Sth av... .306,324, 326. 41st st, east of 3d av 147, 260, 346, 413, 464 60th st, bet 3d and 6th avs... .4, 37, 96, 203, 370. 41st st, bet 3d and 6th avs 392. 93d st, east of 3d av 4. 60th st, west of Sth av... .4,166, 283, 324. 93d st, bet 3d and 6th avs... .475. 41st St., bet. 6th and. 8th avs.... 95, 166, 202, 220. 61st st, east of 3d av 55,112, 183, 305, 346, 370. 260,282,370,493. ' ' ' ' 94th st, east of 3d av... .112, 393. 41st St., west of 8th av 304. 493. .55. 95th st, east of 3d av 96, 221. 42d St., east of 3d av... .37,166, 346, 370. 61st St. bet. 3d and 6th avs 4,37, 71,96,131,166. 96th St., east of 3d av 283, 325. 42d St., bet 3d and 6th avs 71. 95,131. 183, 203, 393. 96th st, bet 3d and 5th avs.... 260. -42d st, bet. 6th and 8th avs 202, 240 61st St., west of Sth av 4,166, 305, 346, 493. 96th St., west of 8th av.... 393. 42d St., west of Sth av 112, 324, 346 62d st, east of 3d av... .21, 96,147, 166,203,306, 97th st, east of 3d av... .283, 325. 43d St., east of 3d av .. 21, 37,131, 260, 393, 413, 393,413,454. ' , , , , 97th st, bet. :3d and 6th avs 283. 432,493. '''55 62d st, bet 3d and 5th avs... .71,147,166,183, 203, 97th St., west of Sth av.... 221, 393. 43d St, bet 3d and 6th avs... .112, 220 220, 241, 260, 305, 324, 870, 393. . 9Sth st, east of 3d av ... 37, 260. 43d St., bet. 6th and 8th avs... .324 62d st, west of 8th av... .305. 98th st, bet 3d and 5th avs 260, 283, 393. 43d St., west of 8th av... .21, 22,183, 202, 220, 370, 63d st, east of 3d av... .21, 37, 71,131, 241. 98th St., west of Sth av.... 325,369. 44th st, east of 3d av , ,21,183,432,493 63d st, bet 3d and 5th avs... .21,112, 241, 346, 370. 99th St., east of 3d av... .493. 413, 432. 99th St. west ot 5th av.... 221, 370. 475. REAL ESTATE RECORD INDEX

lOOth st, east of 3d av 72. 127th St. bet 4th and 6th a:vs... .4, 148,166, 184, Madison av.. from 79th to 89th at....22, 148,203. 100th st, west of Sth av... .131, 241. 283, 414, 432, 454. 101st St., west of 8lh av 131, 241. 221,464,475. 5 , , 127th st, bet. 6th and Sth avs... .184, 260, 283, 370, Madison av., from 89th to 99th st 454. 102d st, east of 3dav... .184, 260, 305. 393, 475. ' 102d st, bet. 3d. and Sth avs 96. 128th st, east of 3d av... .72,131,166,184, 305, 325, Madison av., from 99th'st to termination....37, 102d st, west of Sth av... .112. 370. 432. 148,. 305, 326, 393,- 476. 103d st, east of 3d av 96, 221, 283. 12Slh st, bet 3d and Sth avs... .72,131, 346, 454. West New aV 475, 493. 103d st, Avest of Sth av 476. 128th st, bet Sth and Sth avs... .283, 414, 432, 475. Park av 454. 104th St., east of 3d av... .147, 432. Prescottav 72. 1291 h St., east of 4th av;... 306. Postav.. .305. 104th st, bet 3d and 5ih avs 147,166, 260, 283, 129th st, bet. 4th and 6th avs... .166. 325, 414, 475. Riverside av 4, 432. 129th St., bet eth and Sth avs... .72,166, 203, 432, Seaman av 22. 104th St., west of Sth av... .393, 475. 454, 5 5,5 105th st, east ot 3d av .. .21, 72, 131, 203, 259, 326. 129th st, AA^est of Sth av... .394. St Nichol'S av 112, 305. 105th St., bet 3d and Sth avs .. .55, 147. 130th St., bet 4rh and 6th ava... .37, 203, 305, 476, South Slh av... .55, 112, 240, 241, 463. 105th st, w^est of 8th av..... 37. 130th st, bet 6th and Sth avs .. .184, 464, VermUyeaav 55. 106th St., east of 3d av 66,147,166, 241, 325,493. 130th st, Avest of Sth av 22, 393, 454, 1st av., from Houston to 14th st 131, 347. 106th st; bet 3d and Sth avs... 37, 112, 347, 475. 1.31st st, east of 6th av... .37,166, 221,282, 393, 475. 1st av., from 14th to 23d st... 96, 221. 106th st, west of Sth av... .184, 305, 393, 432. 131st St.. bet. 5th and Sth avs..'; .22, 393, 1st av., from 23d to 34th st... 4, 22, 55, 96,112,184, 107th st, east of 3d av 55, 166, 260, 131st St., Avest of 10th av 148, 283,305,475,493. 55,, 107th st, Avest of Sth av 95, 432. 132d st, bet. Sth and Sth avs... .131, 148,166, 221, 1st av.. from 34th to 42d st... .22, 37, 55, 221, 371, lOSth st,- east of 3d av 369. 325, 393, 493, 414, 432, 493. ' 109th st, east of 3d av 221, 432, 133d st, east of Sth av... .283, 305. 1st av., from 42d to 50th st... .22, 55, 96, 260, 347, 109th st, bet. 3d and Sth avs 131, 241, 325, 414. 133d st, bet Sth and Sth avs... .55,112,166, 346. 433. 5.5551 454,493. 393,414. 1st av., from 50th to 59th st... .96,112,131,184,325, 109th st, Avest of Sth av 221, 475. 134th St., east of 7th av... .241, 347. 433,475. ' 110th St., bet 3d and Sth avs... .56, 131, 283, 493. 134th st, bet. 7th and 10th avs 72, 96. 1st av., from 59th to 69th st... .4, 96,166, 221, 305, 111th st, east of 2d av 203, 260, 370. 135th ?t, east of 7th av 22. 325,-347,371. 5,5,, 111th st, bet. 2d and 4th avs 4, 203, 464, 135th St., bet 7th and 10th avs 96. 1st av., from 69th to 79th st... .4, 203, 241, 347. 111th St., bet. 4t.h and Sth av-s 4. 136th St., east ot 7th av... .221, 305. 325, 347. 1st av., from 79tb to 89th st... .203,283, 347, 371. 111th st, Avest of Sth av... 184. 136th st, west of 10th av 112. 137th st, west of 10th av... 112. 1st av., trom 89th to 99th st... .283, 325. 112th st, east of 2d av 55, 241, 260, 432. 1st av., from 99th to 110th st....260. 112th st, bet 2d and 4th avs ...21, 37,112,131, 138th St., east of 7th av... .325. 139th st, bet 7th and 10th avs 221. 1st av., from 110th to 120th st... .4, 203, 414, 433. 147, 184. 241. 325, 346. 432, 475. 1st av., from 120th st. to termination 55,166,203, 112th St, bet 4th and Sth avs 72, 203. 140th St., bet 7ih and 10th avs 325. 112th st, west of Sth av., 37, 55, 221. 140th st, west of 10th av 96, 259. 283,414,433,454.475,493. 113th st, east of 2d av... .4, 21, 37, 203, 305, 432, 141st st, west of 10th av 4, 259. 2d av., from 14th to 23(1 st... .131, 203. - 475. - 5 5' 142d st, bet 7th and 10th avs 283. 2d av., from 23d to 34th St... .4, 37, 96,130,131, 203, 113th at, bet 2d and 4th avs.. ..22.148, 221, 325, 142d St., west of 10th av... .131, 393. 221, 283, 325, 347, 393. ,55, 371, ' ' 143d St., bet 7th and 10th avs .". .112. 203, 260. 2d av., from 34th to 42d st 37, 167, 347, 371. 113th st, west of Sth av 37. 144th st, east of Sth av ... 432. 2d av., from 42d to 60th st... .37, 96,167, 260, 283. 114th St., east of 2d av 131, 305. 394, 454. 144th st, west of 10th av 414. 325, 347, 393,454. 5 , , , , 114th st, bet 2d and 4th avs.. ..131, 148, 371, 414, 145th st, west of 10th av... .414, 432. 2d av., from 50th to 59th St... .4, 22, 56,112,167. 432. 5 5,, 146th St., bet Sth and 10th avs... .131. 203, 221, 241, 325, 347, 371, 454. 493, 494. 114th St., bet. 4ih and Sth avs 55, 56. 147lh st, bet Sth and 10th avs... .55. 2d av., from 59th to 69th st...l4S, 167,184,221, 114th St., west of Sth av . 240. 147th St. Avest of 10th av 305, 306. 260,475. '55, 115th st, east of 2d av 184, 260, 283, 493. I49th St. west of 10th av... .492, 493, 2d av., from 69th to 79th st. . 305, 493. 115th st, bet. 2d and4th avs... .72, 96, 203, 370,393, 150th St.. ..283, 492,5493. 2d av., from 79th to S9th st .. .4, 283, 347, 433. 4.54. ' ' ' 151st st 305. 2d av., from 89th to 99th St.... 131, 167, 221,260, 115th st, bet 4th and Sth avs ... 106, 326. 152d st, west of 10th av.... 305, 283, 325, 393, 454. 115th st, west of Sth av 22, 37, 414. 166lhst....l48, 2d av., from 99th to 110th st... .72,112, 260. lieih st, east of 2d av... .72,112, 184, 260, 283, 346. 157th St. ...325. 2d av., from UOth to 120th st... .56, 72, 260, 414. 116ih st, west of Sth av... .184, 221. 159th St.... 305, 370, 371. 475,494. ' ' ' .' 160th St. ...72. 117th St., east of 2d av... 221. 260,393, 432, 493. 2d av., from 120th st. to termination 22, 203. 117th St., bet 2d and 4th avs. '..A, 37,55, 72, 96,131, 165th St. ...22. 185! h St.... 4, 393. 3d av., from Bowery to 23d st 167, 414. 221.260,305,370,414,493. 3d av., from 23d to 28th st... .369, 414. 117th st, bet. 4th and Sth ava... .131, 221, 241, 260, 206th St....305, 325. 20rthSt....305, 325. 3d av., from 28th to 34th st.... 22,112, 260, 371. 414. 3d av., from 34th to 42d st... .4,184, 221, 305, 414. 117th St., west of Sth av 241. AVENUES. 3d av., from 42d to 50th st... .148, 241, 305. 118th St., east of 2d av... .37, 203. 283, 370. 3d av., from SOth to 59th st 347, 371. Av, A, from Houston to Sth st 393, 454. 3d av., from 59th to 65th st... .4, 283, 325, 347. 118th st, bet 2d and 4th avs..'. .96, 131, 260,346, Av. A, from Sth to 14th st 22, 414. 3d av., from 72d to 79th st... 96,112, 414. Av. A, from 14th to 24th st... .4, 37, 306, 393, 394, 3d av., from 79th to S9th st ... 131,184, 261,414,454. 118th st, bet. 4th and Slh avs... .131, 221, 241, 260. 414, 475, 493, 3d av., from S9th to 99th st... .72,112,184, 283, 325. 283, 414. Av. A, from 52d to 72d st 96, 369, 392, 119th st, east ot 2d av... .65, 72, 166,184, 260, 475. Av. A, from 72d to 82d st... 55, 112, 131, 221, 283, 433. 119th st, bet. 2d and 4th avs.... 203, 260. 305,493. 55,,, 3d av.. from 99th to 110th st .. .4, 37, 96,167,184, 120th st, east of 2d av... .4, 112, 184, 260. 283, 475. Av, A, from 82d to 92d st 72, 96, 241, 414, 305.347,371,454. 55,,, 120th st, bet 2d and 4th avs... .131,414, 432, 493. Av, A, from 92d to 120th st .. .37,184, 454, 493. 3d av., from 110th lo 120th st 96, 347, 414. 120th st, bet 4th and 6th avs... .454. Av, A, from 120th st, to termination 96. 3d av.. from 120th st. to termination..'. .96,112,148. 120th st, west of Sth av... .37. Av, BtoSthst.. ..148. 203, 221, 261, 433. 120th St., bet. 2d and 4th avs....370. Av, B, from Sth to 14th st... .241. 4th av., from Bowery to 34th st... .56,131,148, 167, 120th St. bet 4th and 6th avs 220, 221,261,371. 5 5 , , Av. B, from 14th to 23d st... .37, 220. 4th av., from 34th to 42d st... .72,167, 371. 454. 121st st, east of 2d av 4,184, 325, 454 Av. B, above 23d st 55,96,184. 121st st, bet 2d and 4th avs... .4,166, 414 Av. C. from Houston to Sth st 4, 260, 454. 4th av., irom 42d to 59th st... .96,148, 221, 241, 305. 121st st, west of Sth av 184. Av. C, from Sth to 14th st... .325, 371, 393, 414. 454. '55,, 122d st, east ot 2d av... .184, 260, 432, 493. Av. D, from Houston to Sth st... .37,305. 4th av., from S9th to 69th st... .22, 96, 325, 414, 432. 122d st, bet. 2d and 4th avs... .22,147,203, 260, 346. Av. D, from Sth to 14th st... .166. 4th av., from 69th to 79th st... .203, 283, 305, 371, 122d st, bet 4th and 6th avs... .260. Glaremont av 432. 393, 494. 5 , , , 122d st, bet 6th and Sth avs... .166, 241. Hudson av 493. 4th av., from 79th to 89th st... .22,203,221, 305,454. 122d st, west of Sth av... .55, 184. GreeuAAich av 22, 454. 455, 475. 5 5 5 5, 123d st, east of 2d av 4, 370, 454. Lexington av., from 21st to 2Sth st... .241, 305, 346, 4th av., from SOth to 99th st 56, 260. 123d st, bet. 2d and 4t.h avs... .260. 4th av., from 99th to 109th st... .260, 414. 433, 494. 1231 st, bet. 4th and 6th avs... .131,147,166, 203, Lexington av.. from 28th to 34th st... .37,166, 221, 4th av., from 109th to 119th st... .37,148, 371. 260, 475. 283, 305, 371,475. 5 , , 4th av., from 119th st. to termination 4,130.167. 123d st^ bet. 6th and 8th avs... .22, 166, 370, 432, Lexington av.. from 34th to 42d st 22,55,72, 221,260,306,347,371,494. Sth av., from Washington sq. to 14th st 283, 306, 123d st, west of Sth av... 4,148, 203, 493 112, 325, 393, • 5,5 131, 203, 221. Lexmgton av., from 42d to 52d st.,, .131,148, 325, Sth av,, from 14th to 23d st.... 22,131 124th st, east of 2d av... .260. 414, 55..,, ..494. Sth av,, from 23d to 34th St. .22, 37, 283,325,347, 124th st, bet 2d and 4th avs... .22, 260, 283, 325. Sth av,, from 34th to 42d st... 124th St., bet 4th and 6th avs.... .37, 72, 221, 241, Lexmgton av., from 52d to 59th st.., .55, 148, 203, 260,325,347,371,454,493, Sth av„ from 42d to 59th st. .. 260, 454. 393, 414, .22,72,131,203,221, 124th St., bet. 6th and Sth avs 221, 414 Lexington av., from 59th to 69th st... ,112,131, 347, 124th st, west of Sth av... 4, 112, 203, 325 454, 5,5 Sth av.. from S9th to 72d St.. 125th st, east of 2d av... .55, 96, 203, 260, 432 Lexington av., from 69th to 79th st...,72, 96, 112, 261, 283, 394, 455, 125th st, bet 2d and 4th avs... .166, 370, 432 131,166. ' ' ' Sth av,. from 72d to 89th st... .4, 167, 241, 306, 325, 125th st, bet 4th and 6lh avs.. .-.96, 166, 260, 283, Lexington av., from 79th to 90th st... .4, 112,184, 393,414,494.. 5 , , , , 414, 454, 260. , , Sth av., from 89th to 96th St... .131. 125th St. bet 6th and Sth avs... .221. ' Madison av., from 23d to 28th st... .493. Sth av., from 96th to llOih st... .241, 347, 455, 494. 125th at., west of Sth av.... 112,148. Madison av., from 28th to 34th st 72, 184, 325. 5th av., from 110th to 120th st... .56, 96,414. 126th st, east of 2d av... .37. Madison av., from 34th to 42d st... .37,112,184, 393, Sthav.. from 120ih st to Rivec,.. .22, 112. 126th St. bet 2d and 4th avs... .166, 221, 260. 432,493. ' ' ' ' 148, 203, 261, 414, 433. ^--— ' 126th st, bet 4th and 6th ava 96. 166, 221. 260 Madison av., from 42d to 52d st... .184, 325, 493 6th av., from Carmine st. to 14th st... .167, 241,283. 414,454,493. . ' Madison av., from52d to 59th st 4, 413, 432. 371, 433. 126th St., bet 6th and 8(h avs 37, 283, 305, 414 Madison av., from 59th to 64th st,.. .260, 305 6th av., from 14th to 23d st... .167, 241, 475. Madison av., from 64th to 69th st... .22, 55, 203, 305. 6th av., from 23a to 34th st... .221, 241, 325. 454, 493. ' ' 6th av., from 34th to 42d st... .71. 126th St., west of Sth av 37. 371,414,454. ' ' . ' 5 6th av., from 42d to 59th st 72, 96, 455. 127th st, bet 2d and 4th avs... .241, 305. Madison av., from 69th to 74th sfc... .55, 283, 347. 6th av., from llOlh to 125th sfc 112,167. Madison av., from 74th to 79th st 112, 221, 414. 6th av., from 125th st. to Hatlem River 324, 325, 347,371,455,475,494.. REAL ESTATERECORD IN D E X.

7th av., from Greenwich av. to 23d st 167. 9th av., from 59th to 72d st... .306, 433, 455, 475. 7th av.. from 23d to 42d st... .72,167, 347, 371, 476. 9th av., from 72d to 84th st... .56, 241, 475, 7th av., from 42d to 59th st... .56, 431, 494. 9th av., from 84th to 100th st .. .305, Ashland place... .36, 202, 259. 7th av., from 59th to 100th st 96. 9th av., from lOOih to 110th st... .131, 221, 241, 324, 345. 7th av., from 110th to 125th st... .241, 455, 9th av., from 110th st to termination 203, 325, Bathgate place 4. 7th av., from 125th st, to Harlem River 261, 283, 10th av,, from West to 23d st..,. 148, 3( 6, 325, 10th av„ from 23d to 34th st... .203, 165. Sth av, to 23d st... .347, 394, 10th av., from 34th to 42d st.., ,22. 261, 283, 433. Nichols place—95. Sth av„ from 23d to 42d st... .22, 56, 221, 325, 371, 10th av.. from 42d lo S9th st... .56, 96,148,167, 221, Park place 95. 394, 433, 494. 241, 306, 475. Sth av.. from 42d to 59th st....l67, 221,283, 347, 10th av., from SOth to 72d st... .4, 221. 413. 414. Prospect place,.. .21, 37. 371. 455. 10th av., from 84th to 100th st... .203, 324, 433. Rutherford place 55. Sth av., from 59th to 79th st 22, 37, 131, 347,371, 10th av., from lOOth to 120th at... .347. Sylvan place—112. 394. 10th av., from 13Sthto 159th st... .167,184, 305, 306. Sth av., from 79th to 89th st. .371,475. 10th av., from 159th st. to termination 184, 306, Union place 202. Sth av.,t rom 89th to 99th st. .131, 241. 306. Washington place. . .95.147, 282. Sth av., from 120th to 135th st... .22, 56, 148, 325, nth av.. from 34th to 42d st... .221. Waverlyplace.... 166, 202, 282, 345, 369. 433. nth av., from 42d to 59th St.. .38, 112, 184,203, Acre property 55, 455. 8th av., from 135th st to termination 56,112, 221 283 325. Hudson River .. 221. 325. nth av., from 'sgth to 72d st... .4, 72,131, 283, 347. Interior lots... .4, 184, 304. 371. 9th av. to 23d st... .22,167, 184, 475. nth av., from 72d to 84th st... .96,112,283, 371. Sth av., from 23d to 34th st.., ,38, 56,112,184, 203, nth av., from S4th to 96th st... .306. 325. Pier, or bulkhead. East River 113,148. 394, nth av., from 96th to 107th sfc... .96, 112. 221,475. Miscellaneous... 131, 221, 283. 347, 369, 370, 433. 9th av,, from 34th to 42d st... .22, 325, 394. nth av., from 107th at. and above—148,167, 494. Fort Washington property 494. Sth av., from 42d to 59th st... .22,167, 371, 475, 12th av., above 110th st.... 394. Fort George property 22,166.