Safer Village Driving Secretary: Mr Steve Barron Email: [email protected] Phone: 07840 104274

SAVID Community Group Meeting Friday 16th April 2021 6:30pm Held remotely via Zoom


1. Chairperson’s introduction and welcome. Chair welcomed everyone to the SAVID group meeting on Zoom. Connection issues followed and Colin Hedgley began the meeting in Chair’s absence until item 5. Chair joined by phone with no video for which she apologised.

2. To receive apologies from people not attending. Martin Lyne (), Tanya Fosdick, Mike Garnham (partial as had connection issues) and Andrew Jolliffe. Present: Pauline Procter (Chair, Tuddenham), Colin Hedgley (Treasurer, ), Bob Crouch (), Mike Garnham (part of meeting)(, Ted Herrington (Playford), Geoff Caryer (Grundisburgh PC), David Chenery (SCC Highways Officer) and the Secretary.

3. To approve minutes from the meeting held on 12th February 2021. The minutes of the SAVID meeting dated 12th February 2021 were agreed as a true record.

4. Matters arising not covered by this agenda. None.

5. SAVID verbal update reports a) Update by SAVID reps on local issues. Playford reported that they had brackets on one post and were awaiting the second post which was in the hands of SCC Ops with H&S checks pending, followed by a quote. Ted Herrington was asked to email David Chenery directly. Pauline Procter asked Bob Crouch to set up a draft four week cycle rota for the SID. Software required for data download would be needed on a memory stick. Pauline Procter would arrange for one of the volunteers at Tuddenham to assist Ted with the installation of the SID etc. Page 1 of 4


Little Bealings were still waiting for posts and it clarified that these were in the pipeline to be installed still and more time was needed. Great Bealings reported that CSW had restarted and there had been some battery issues, plus some new equipment had been ordered at no cost to the Parish. It was not known when this would be available. SID was up and running again. Grundisburgh reported that CSW was still suspended as there were not enough volunteers yet. Some new locations had been suggested and CSW were assessing these formally. QLS had resulted in one objection from Hopkin Homes and it would be up to the PC to give their views on this at their next meeting to SCC Highways. Tuddenham reported that the first CSW had been done and traffic flow was low. QLS: was in the public consultation stage and a public meeting was scheduled for 29th April. David Chenery advised that any signage issues in Tuddenham needed to be reported using the online tool if possible, if not practical, then email him directly. and The meeting noted the ongoing absence of a rep from these parishes despite receiving the £100 donation from them. It was agreed that secretary should write to the Clerk and seek clarity about a possible SAVID rep being nominated at their AGM in May. b) SCC Highways updates (SCC Highways Officer) David Chenery reported on the following: SCC restructuring: This was no longer an issue. SIDs: Some PCs were considering solar powered SIDs (Ufford have one) and it was reported that these SIDs required 89mm posts and a bigger concrete foundation than the battery powered SIDs (76mm posts). There could be more cost involved and the SIDs were possibly more static. ANPR: David Chenery advised the meeting of the web pages on the Road Safe website relating to Automatic Number Plate Recognition trial which Mike Mottram was running. There is a formal process for Parishes to apply for ANPR which includes post provision (as with SIDs). It was clarified that Swilland and Witnesham should still formally apply for ANPR despite information received from SCCllr Gordon Jones. Secretary would advise the Clerk. QLS (Quiet Lanes Suffolk): This was going well. There were usually 2 meetings per week with two delivery waves programmed in so far. This was the first scheme of it’s kind in the Country. Other: Post May 2021 elections, SCC Councillors would receive a four year highways budget amount in one pot which could be spent in varying amounts over that period, rather than an annual budget pot every year of the four. The 30-mph limit in Great Bealings was in the hands of the legal people currently.

6. Treasurer’s report

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Colin Hedgley reported that the current balance was £1069.16p and this was unchanged since the last meeting potential expenditure had been funded by ESC budget for a parish. The accounts spreadsheet had been circulated prior to the meeting. The financial situation was healthy but may need reviewing in July and seek subscriptions of £50 per parish. This would be an agenda item for the next meeting.

7. Shared approaches on Speed Watch and Enforcement. Chair reported that there had been no progress since the last meeting as she had been too busy on QLS and CSW. The meeting agreed to keep this alive and deferred the agenda item to the next SAVID meeting. Andrew Jolliffe in his absence had sent a message to SAVID as follows:

• ESC as part of the Community Partnership initiative is currently working alongside a seconded member of EDF staff who is looking at transport issues, particularly in rural areas. They are looking to create a strategy but also for some ‘quick wins’. I met with them approximately a month ago to highlight some of the recurring themes within the Fynn Valley/Carlford area and mentioned the ongoing concerns about speeding the SAVID as a whole. We await his work in the coming weeks and I shall be sure to keep you updated. • Our Community Partnership is currently focusing on environmental care. The next theme we will explore is transport and road safety, expected to commence in the next 4/6 months. When appropriate I would like to invite a member of SAVID to attend and engage in our conversations as we look to have a practical impact on the theme. I know that Colin Hedgley attends in his Councillor role, however there is also space available for another representative from SAVID to share your insight and help steer direction.

8. SAVID Tool Kit: Utilisation of some content from Gloucestershire Doc. Deferred until next meeting.

9. Use of SID/VAS equipment update. The meeting agreed that this had been covered by previous agenda items. Geoff Caryer (Grundisburgh PC) reported that a spare VAS was in storage if any village wanted to utilise it, although battery life was poor. Contact Geoff or Bob at Grundisburgh.

10. SAVID web-site. Chair acknowledged the requested added item to the list from the last meeting about SAVID’s commitment to developing a network with SCC, the Police, CSW, Mike Mottram and the SNT on the SAVID home page. The Page 3 of 4


meeting agreed that they were happy with the added statement and that it should be retained.

11. Date of next meeting and items to be raised. The next SAVID meeting would be Friday 18th June 2021, 18:30 via Zoom.

Meeting closed at 7:45 p.m.

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