swinging to the side of the r«vol- Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Carlson and Miss Cornellla Oransky, who has cent years. He said he would trace to Secretary Wilbur last Sunday, at lands and that oil Interests were at- _ uticnlsts gradually. Some of those Ir. and Mrs. Roy Edwards of Arm-; een teaching art in a school at through the interior department any tho same time claiming the Interior tempting to obtain lands Illegally. M"oines, returned to Estherville EIGHT STATES IN In charge of the seventh cavalry CITY NEWS trong drove to Fort Dodge Sunday case that appeared questionable. secretary has made concessions to Wilbur suspended Kelley and asked ' attirday. She has severed her con- wore hold prisoners for a tlmo but and spent the day with Mr. and " Kcllcy submltbil his r nil applicants In the Colorado shale for an Investigation. now have returned to their orgunlx- Mrs. Helmer Kerberg. ections with the school there and utioli and will lead It In the north- Mr. and Mrs. Will Conklln of fill remain in Esfherville with her ward drive. Shawnec, Okla., arrived here Sun- Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Morse nnd arents. BRAZIL SEEK TO Won Rloctlon Immediately clay afternoon and will make their Mrs. James..Ralney went to DCS Gen. Da Cunha In a statement to- future home In Esthervllle. They lolncs Friday and spent the day. day sold that if the revolution were formerly lived In Eathervllle but Mr. Morse transacted business at Bull Gores Man; ^ triumphant a provisional govern- left hero several years ago to make he State House. EjLASTiPART;/ .^. UNSE AT THE GOV, ment would be established with elec- their home in Oklahoma. Threaten Searchers tions to b,- called eventually. Dr. A. I. Reed, chairman of the He added that" the insurgent army Merton Ji Rohlf, son of Mr. and ted Cross oragnizatlon in Esther- Fort DodRe, la., Oct. 6.—(fP)— would push northward to Rio De Mrs. John Ilohf, Is onflned to his Hie, is requesting all Red Cross The body of Dyne Stlnsland, farmer Janeiro and Eao Paulo and predict- home today hy Illness. He Is suf- members to plan to attend the n'ar Jewell, who was gored to ^MISSED Attempts to Prevent ed victory, saying the Rio Grande fering with the flu and -will prob- meeting which will be held Wednes- oath by a bull, was found Sunday Do Sul force alone numbered 40,000 ably he unable to attend school un- ay, Oct. 15, at the court house. norning after an eight hour search. Inauguration troops, with many of them drawing til next week. J, W. Morse went to Fcnton 'he bull also threatened searcher* near the feiloral capital. Gen. Da Thursday to transact business. He tvho entered the pasture where the " TT was so embarassfng to send regrets at Cunhu has been wounded but ho said Mr. and Mrs. George Hocket and also went to Fenton this afternoon x>dy finally was located. JL the last minute because my feet hurt.1 Montevideo, Urguay, Oct. 6—(fP> today ho had been assured by his email daughter, Barbara, of Ar- n business. 1 —News -filtering through Brazilian physician that within eight days ho nolds Park visited here Sunday But it's the last party, I'm going to miss, border points' Indicated today that would be able to join his troops. night at the home of Mr. and Mra. Mrs. U. R. Llchtenberger of Web- KELLEY CLAIMS thanks to Arch Form shoes. Not only are .eight of the 21 states in Brazil arc . Ho scoffed at the government's T. E. Tomlinson. ter City, who Is here visiting' at the they the most comfortable shoes imagin-', driving forward to unseat the fed- proclamation of a state of siege in ome of Mrs. Mattio Clark and OIL LAND DEALS eral government of President Wash- Rio Grande Do Sul, saying that the Miss Esther Casler and tier aughters, is confined to her bed by able, but you actually rest, as you walk on ington Luis and prevent the inaug- federal administration lacked forces brother, Vcrnlo Casler, of Algona, Iness. .WERE ILLEGAL uration of the prcHident-elect, Dr. capable of carrying out the measure visited here Sunday with Miss Ber- ? their 'Shock Absorber' cushion heels Leroy Trone of Chicago arrived Washington, Oct. 6—(IP)—An early %>IT"-- * , \1*1 Julio rrcstps, Nov. 15. In the great i\uthern department. nte Conklln. **&:-•"&VK. 1*. of live rubber. * And, my dear, they're The leader of the movement which here Sunday afternoon for a few 'fflcial stand by the department of so smart! began in the southernmost state of Abert Dick accompanied by Mrs. ays visit with Clifford Hcmmingson ustlce on general claims by Ralph Rio Grande Do Sul, Francisco Florcs FIRE FIGHTERS Dick Ralph and Robert Knox, drove nd Robert Hanson. Leroy formcr- !. Kelley, that Interior repartmcnt Da Cunha, asserted today that the to Sioux City Thursday for a visit y lived here -when his father wns ifflci.ila have mishandled Colorado ! States of Parana, Santa Catarlna, TO GATHER AT with friends and relatives. manager of the Oardston hotel 11 shale lands appeared probably to- Plahuy, Ceara, Rio Grande Do Nortc, bout six years ago. lay, despite official silence by Kcl- Farahyba and Minos Geraes were SPIRIT LAKE Mrs, Wilbur Hemphill and Mrs. ey concerning all details of his Jessie Fuss took the Rev. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Walter of Ma- barges. backing his campuig.n with the fed- Spirit Lake, la., Oct. 6.—(IP)—Firo .Ison, S.-D., arrived here Sunday af- eral troops and thousands of civil- City Saturday night and spent the Assistant Attorney General Beth fighters and city officials of north- week-end with Mr. Weible's mother. ernoon for a visit with Mr. and •tana joining the revolting forces. west Iowa towns will meet here Oct. Mrs. Glenn Walter. They will re- ,V. Richardson, who is directing State of Sicee Declared .7 to discuss fire prevention and Mrs. Jessie Scevcrs and daughter, urn to their home Wedhcsday and ederal investigation Into the claims Meanwhile the federal government fighting methods. Mildred, and John Darland of Sioux will bo accompanied by Mrs. Walt- of the former Denver land office Das declared a state "of siege In Rio Waldo Rundin of Wahoo, Neb., City spent the week-end here with rs and daughter, who will also visit chief, has indicated some form of .Grande Do Sul and.Minaa Gcracs. state Firo Marshal J. \V. Strohm Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dayton and with her parents in Aberdeen', S. D. conclusion may bo reached this - The revolutionaries are consolidat- and H. J. Corcoran of DCS Molnes, daughter, Ruth,* and Mrs. Mary week. RAIFE'S SHOE STORE ing their gains in all the cities of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Allen of Jack- In the absence of specific charges. Rio UVande .1)0 Sul. Juan Francisco representing the state insurance bu- Hudson. Mrs. Harold Kcelcr and reau, will give addresses. son, Robert Dale, -who have been vis- on, Minn., Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Richardson has been coductig a sur- •OPAfeira, who commands one of the Oleson of Petersburg, and Mr. and •cy of all oil shale cases during re- A public meeting will bo held in iting In Sioux City, accompanied .'revolutionary brigade*, has gone to them to Esthervllle. Mrs. Claude Jackman of this city Porto Alegre, -w.hich wusn taken by connection with the firemen's con- were guests Sunday at the homo cf /the rebels last week. There he will ference, at which citizens and school Mrs. Martha Bley of Emmetsburg Mrs. C. F. Jackman and family. i 111 * 1111 tl I4'H 'confer w-tli revolt leaders, among children will be Instructed on the spent the week-end here at the •them Hercollno Castro, a former na- proper- means of fighting fires. Es- home of. Mrs. Louis Mathwtg and Clarence Ladd of Minneapolis and val lieutenant who IB in charge, of thervllle, Emmetaburg, Slbley. Lake daughters, Edith, and Laura. '. J. Klopp, who has been visiting in -Uhe Insurgent troops there. Park.tJUilford, Arnolds aPrk and BIUV 1 Minneapolis with his wife, who Is , ^Regular ofOcere, pro gold- to lie rounding towns will be represented. Lyle Stoddard, who Is working in laying at the J. E. Tirens home, Port Dodge, spent Sunday here at the rrived In Estherville Sunday. Mr. home of his sister, Mrs. E. W. Seev- Ladd will visit here with his moth- erson. er,,Mrs. W. A. Ladd, for a few days PUBLIC SALE! before returning to his home. ! .Crowds Miss Betty Pairs spent the week- Plf I%fe'iH& 23HI 3$& Pf the Remaining Assets of the end In Des Molnes visiting with her Mr. and Mrs. Helmer Motson re- say * GRAND parents. \ - •*••'•• \ • urned to Esthervilld Thursday from heir wedding trip to Splccr, Minn., Marvelous THEATRE Mr. and Mrs. H. G. McTavlsh and where they visited for several days three children spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Hcrum. VI: The Mightiest of In LcMars visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Matson will leave Sat- Iowa Savings Bank, Estherville, Outdoor Romances! Mrs. O. D. Hart, who Is a college urday for Armstrong where they friend of Mrs. McTavish, when they will make their future home. both attended school at the State Last Time To-Nite Teachers' college in Cedar Falls. Miss Viola Weir of SIbley spent MONDAY, he week end here with her aunt, Miss Marion Ruth Mahlum, dau- Miss Lulu Holcomb. Miss Weir is a Rex Beach's super thriller ghter of Albert Mahlum, who Is at- nurse at (t hospital at Sibley and re- dnesday, Oct. 22, : tending school at Cornell college at urned to her work Monday morn- Mt. Vernon, has been elected a mem- ng. ber of (ho Women's glee club at the college. Miss Milda Jensen, clerk at the BlKlK'HEISJliBf* at2:00P.M. i "THE SPOILERS" . M. Christensen store, spent the With This Big Cast . , Mr. and Mrs. George Shadle, Mrs. week-end at her home north of Mabel Peterson and daughter, Mar- Spirit Lake. ion, and Mr. and Mrs. John Thor At the Court House, Estherville, Iowa Kay Johnson Harry Green Betty Compson sonantl family of Armstrong, drove Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Me A flams of James Kirkwood Slim Summervillc William Boyd to Rockwell City Sunday for a visit Swea City visited here Sunday with Pursuant to an order of the District Court of Emmet County, Iowa, signed September 22, 1930, the undersigned will sell, subject SHOWS TO-NITE 7:15-9:15 with Mr. and Mrs. E, F. Knowles. their daughter. Miss Clara McAd- to any minor errors or omissions, tho remaining assets of the Iowa Savings Bank of Estherville, Iowa, at the Court House In Esther* Mrs. John Cronholm of Minneapo- ams. They were dinner guests of ville, Iowa, on October 22, 1830, at 2 o'clock P. M. Tho right to settle with any debtor and withdraw any item before tfie sale ia Begins Tomorrow—TUESDAY lis', who formerly lived in Esther Mrs. Dan Booth and daughter, Prls- hereby reserved. All of the assets listed below to »e sold without recourse or any guarantee on the part of the Receiver. STANLEY SMITH ville, is visiting at the Knowles cllla. home. . -, • . JJ.JL. ANDREW, Receiver. ' ',' Ginger Rogers, Charles Ruggles, Frank Moran, in Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Chrlsteneen r'7T,'"=rn- . Iowa Savings Bank. '•, "QUEEN HIGH" Miss Kathryn Burns spent the returned home Sunday night from s •v: irvjr l-TJT? , , Estherviile, Iowa. ^ week-end in Algona visiting with Mr. eastern markets where Mr. Christen ~ ' and Mrs. James Burns and family. sen purchased new stock for every department in his store. Vest, Aaron, C • .-« 60.00 Roberts, L. E ._ 1.20 NOTES Wasserman, B .•« 100.00 Sacred Wlllermenla ...... „...,.„ . 11.67 Mrs. Charles Waldron, who was Adams, Charley $ 184.92 Waterman, W. H « 46.63 Smith, Genia- .. .„,,„, , . .30 knocked to the pavement and badly Aalborg, Joe « 45.15 West, Catherine & B. E 142.43 injured by a hit and run driver lost Amundson, John „ 410.00 Williamson, J. W -•» 40.00 Tuesday night, was able to be taken Ballantyne, R. M...... , 23.50 Wood, W. F. & wife -. 3000.00 to the home of her parents, Mr. and Bemis, Sidney E , 854.85 Mrs. J. J. Morrissey, Saturday after- Benns, C. C « 35.55 UNPAID STOCK ^» noon. Mr. Waldron, who was also Bianchard, Will « 14.77 SECURED NOTES lilt, is still In a serious condition and Boggess, J. L 12.16 ASSESSMENTS '•'•* will have to remain at the hospital. Bond, Harry & Viola 7412.02 Klleraton, C. R. & Jane _ 12480.00 Converse, P. W...... ~.« 3500.00 Borreson, Louis J 26.65 Holmes, W. H. & Clara « 205.95 Miss Gcnevievc Moodic and Miss Brott, Archie & Nellie „ 2G1.10 Orvls, Joe, Judgment , ...... -. -« 300.00 Elizabeth Lawless of Emmetaburg Bright, P. D , 2831.95 visited here Sunday night at the Brown, A. B 2118.75 home of Mr. and Mrs. Ted C. Ham Brown, James R. & Nellie 2640.00 OTHER REAL ESTATE mcs. Brown, Roy J 507.40 JUDGEMENTS " Buhr. II. B 52.40 Sold subject to mortgages, unpaid taxes Mr. and Mrs. O. II. Greer of Sac Brown, Gco., Alva & Maynie Boots 6600.00 Bollharz, Gco , 3520.78 nnd interest. Unpaid portion of 1930 leas- City visited here Sunday with Mr. Campbell, H. D 50.08 Bchtcrnacht, E. L 6108.69 es and 1931 leases assigned to purchaser. and Mrs. Word Grecr at the Cards Gunderson, Hans A. & Bertha .. 10433.45 Cooley, D. C. & Maggie 5241.00 Hcldcckcr, Fred & Mrs. Jones ...., 175.00 ton hotel. .Ward Greer and O. H. Coon, B. M , 5.00 Aanonson Farm— 80 acres, E. fr. half of, Qrccr arc brothers. Klein, Otto ...«• 87.71 NE fr. quarter of Section 1-98-33 subject Christian, Gilbert & Chas 383.67 Lowman, Roy F « 233.31 Mr. and Mrs, Herman Oransky re- Crumb, Lucllo « 250.00 McEvoy Bros « 300.00 to first mortgage of $5000.00. , turned to Estherville Friday from Crumb, F. W 2170.98 Dayton, Ed « 30.80 Orvis, J. H « 1000.00 Ahrcns Farm— 220 acres, NEK Section their trip in DCS Molnes, and Cedar 23 and W. 60 acres of NWVi Section 24- Rapids. Mr. Oransky also spent a Darling, E. D. & Lillian 4098.00 Denison, C. L 1513.C8 100-34 subject to first mortgage of $20,- few days in St. Louis buying stock 000.00. for his department store here. East, B ; 125.00 NON-LEDGER ASSETS Eleenmenger, Joseph & Lena ...« 840.00 Bryan, Evans 1200.00 Bond Farm—240 acres, N'/4 SW% Section Anton Fisher's sale of lumber Erickson, Abel & Hanna 80.00 Mary A. Wyman-Anna Kelly .... 25.00 9 and SE<4 Section g-99-34, subject to first went far better than anticipated, an Gilbert, H. B » 493.75 G .A. Langman « 7.75 mortgages of $24,000.00. ud In the News, brought buyers who Ghoslln, J. W 2739.27 D. C. Wells «. 20.00 purchased all that Mr. Fisher had Ghoslln, R. E. & J. W , 302.00 C. L. 13olty ;.« 1 220.00 Davis Farm— 160 acres NE% Section 27-99« to offer. Burns ana Beck were the Graham, C. R. 352.28 Goodgc, Robt. H * 62.50 34 subject to mortgage of $13,000.00. auctioneers. .Griffith, Harry 4122.84 II. J. & Llzzio lllnrichs , 200.00 Echtornacht Farm— 1D9 acres NW% Sec- Hansen, H. H. 11414.18 E. L. Mclalwaln 1582.9G Miss L. B. Dcrly, society editor Hillcstad, Thos 40.00 tion 32-100-33, subject to mortgage of $14,- and reporter of tho Fairmont Sen- J. Midthunc > G5.00 000.00. tinel visited at the home of her IHmbauch, Fred S. 21656.45 L. C. llarris-Gertrudo Woodcock.; 100.00 cousin, Mrs. Jessie Fus, Thurs- Hill, J. G 20.00 R. R. Allison « . 245.00 Horswell Farm— 160 acres NE% Section Hood, Ray R. & Maude » 640.00 Gus E. Patterson » 107.13 day. She was accompanied by Mrs Holden, G. P. 7117.65 27-100-34 subject to mortgage of $12,600.- Mury...H.OI) Smith. Ralph 577.4B NE'/i Section 35-155-34. .that you. should expect to find style and quality merchandise Olson, Andrew 1270.00 Anderson. II. II 319U.7S Person, C. W. •. * 600.00 AanoiiMon, Asmon & Emma ...... 142.li8 Canada Land— 160 acres SE% Section 18- at ouv store, for we have served iu that capacity for the past Rankin, O. E « 47.M Dunlsun, C. It. & Mary 1744.52 50-10 W. 3d. Province- of Saskatchewan. , twenty years. Rogers, C. A 125.r,2 ErhleriMcht. K. I « DD41.6S Robb, E. G H 048.00 Fordyce, Charlea K!l!l.U7 Residence Property— W. 46 ft. of Lots 7 & Now! more than ever we emphasize, these, two important Relnhart, Elmer « 052.r,0 lk>l>i>. •>• V anSll.Sli K. Block 75 Original Plat of Estherville. factors, and announce the arrival of hundreds of new coats and Relneman, F. J 25.00 Kubli, Frit-/. 244.53 Residence Property— Lot 2 Block 56 Orig- Reed, J. F 15.00 Maloncy, M. O. & Mrs. James ..... 753.91 inal Plat of Estherville, subject to mort- dreses, the results of a market trip to Eastern' style centers, RouHscau, R. N 439.49 Nelson, C. O , 22.45 gage o£ $1400.00. Ryder Estate « 3GO.OO Steinbergcr, Mi-rl 1040.1'J that has filled our store with lovely new wearables that are al- Ryder, Thelma » 100.00 Beilharz, Oeo. & Debblo 7282.23 Erpeldlng Farm— 160 acres NE%, Section Ridler, Ray M 600.00 Converse, F. W 3520.10 8-99-33 subject to first mortgage of $15,- most irristable. '•.'... Schaefer, F. A ., 81S.11 Caylor, S. B , 23453.38 000.00. Also subject to contract of sale to Sheldon, H. M 325.00 Fouls, Mamio 055.70 Hen Gunlhcr on which there la a balanca < May wo have the pleasure of showing you these beautiful Stoner, C. B „ 23.96 due of $6,100.00 for March 1. 1931, settlo- ^garments? ; Seams, Harry L « 10.00 ment. SinKinaster, Mrs. Allen 7.2S OVERDRAFTS Spencer, II. F « 17.81 GunderHon Farm— 154 acres SE',4 of Sec- Sherman, 8. J. & Maudo 682.77 Arnett, H. L. ... 5.60 tion 13-100-35 subject to mortgage of Smith, J. A. & Stella ...... 325.16 Bausutt. Uoy .... .24 $8,700.00. Also subject to contract of sale The Cuban Congress, convoked in Swaney, D. L 2880.57 Berg, Murvlllo J. .05 to Roy Roarsou on which there Is a bal- special session, was called upon by .32 Ftekident Machado (above) to Tayor, F. R. & Emma , 297.20 Brown, Maurlcu ance duo of $1200.00 for March 1. 1931, suspend constitutional guarantees Underwood, A. W. i....,,.-<.....« 52.40 Crumb, R W. .. 321.91 uuttlument.

in .Havana and environs until after 1 • the national elections on Novem- ;!' , All of the above Items will be offered separately and collectively and any depositor of the hank or creditor may make an offer prior 'Vj/mmFf. ber 1. The suspension will give to date of sale by filing his bid with the Examiner In Charge, which ivlll be a standing bid at the time above assets are sold. dictatorial powers in dealing with Mg situation which may arise ' -ui_rii_^ U» republic. / f^