NLIU LAW REVIEW NLIU LAW REVIEW VOL. IV NOVEMBER, 2015 NO. II VOL. IV NOVEMBER, 2015 NO. II NLIU L R The NLIU LAW REVIEW is published by the students of National law Institute University, Bhopal, India. The NLIU LAW REVIEW publishes material on subjects of interest to the legal profession. It invites unsolicited manuscripts for publication. Such manuscripts should be sent in MS Word (.doc format) to
[email protected]. All citations and text generally conform to The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (19th ed. 2010). All rights reserved. No article or part thereof published herein may be reproduced without the prior permission of the NLIU LAW REVIEW. For all matters concerning rights and permission, please contact NLIU Law Review at
[email protected] V-IV N-II The views expressed in the articles published in this issue of NLIU LAW REVIEW are those of the authors and in no way do they reflect the opinion of the NLIU LAW REVIEW, its editors or National Law Institute University. N, ₂₀₁₅ Recommended form of citation: (2015) 1 NLIU Law. Rev. NATIONAL LAW INSTITUTE UNIVERSITY KERWA DAM ROAD, BHOPAL- 462 044 (M.P.) NLIU LAW REVIEW NLIU LAW REVIEW VOL. IV NOVEMBER, 2015 NO. II VOL. IV NOVEMBER, 2015 NO. II ADVISORY PANEL Hon'ble Justice S.S. Nijjar Judge, Supreme Court of India PATRON-IN-CHIEF Hon'ble Shri Justice A.M. Khanwilkar Hon'ble Justice Prakash Prabhakar Naolekar Chief Justice, High Court of Madhya Pradesh, India Lokayukt, Bhopal, Government of Madhya Pradesh, India Hon'ble Justice Randall R.