630 Part 162—Inland Waterways Navigation
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Pt. 162 33 CFR Ch. I (7–1–16 Edition) (e) Reporting points (Eastbound). TABLE 161.70(e)—EASTBOUND (ICW) Latitude/ Designator Geographic name Geographic description longitude Notes 1 ..................... GIWW Mile 295 .......................... ICW MM 295 .............................. 29°47.25′ N. Sailing Plan Re- 94°01.10′ W. port. 2 ..................... North Forty GIWW Mile 279 ...... North Forty ................................. 29°56.40′ N. 93°52.10′ W. 3 ..................... Sabine River MM 268 ................ 268 Highline ............................... 30°02.20′ N. 93°44.30′ W. 4 ..................... GIWW Mile 260 .......................... 260 Highline ............................... 30°03.50′ N. Final Report. 93°37.50′ W. (f) Reporting points (Westbound). TABLE 161.70(f)—WESTBOUND (ICW) Latitude/ Designator Geographic name Geographic description longitude Notes 1 ..................... GIWW Mile 260 .......................... 260 Highline ............................... 30°03.50′ N. Sailing Plan Re- 93°37.50′ W. port. 2 ..................... Sabine River Light ‘‘2’’ ............... Black Bayou ............................... 30°00.03′ N. 93°46.18′ W. 3 ..................... GIWW Mile 285 .......................... The School House ..................... 29°52.71′ N. Sector Shift. 93°55.55′ W. 4 ..................... GIWW Mile 295 .......................... ICW MM 295 .............................. 29°46.20′ N. Final Report. 94°02.60′ W. (g) Reporting points (Offshore Safety Fairway). TABLE 161.70(g)—OFFSHORE SAFETY FAIRWAY Latitude/ Designator Geographic name Geographic description longitude Notes 1 ..................... Sabine Pass Safety Fairway— East Dogleg ................................ 29°35.00′ N. East. 93°28.00′ W. 2 ..................... Sabine Pass Safety Fairway— West Dogleg ............................... 29°28.00′ N. West. 93°58.00′ W. [78 FR 51671, Aug. 21, 2013] 162.65 All waterways tributary to the Atlan- tic Ocean south of Chesapeake Bay and all waterways tributary to the Gulf of PART 162—INLAND WATERWAYS Mexico east and south of St. Marks, Fla. NAVIGATION REGULATIONS 162.75 All waterways tributary to the Gulf of Mexico (except the Mississippi River, Sec. its tributaries, South and Southwest 162.1 General. Passes and the Atchafalaya River) from 162.5 Definitions. St. Marks, Fla., to the Rio Grande. 162.80 Mississippi River below mouth of 162.15 Manhasset Bay, N.Y.; seaplane re- Ohio River, including South and South- stricted area. west Passes. 162.20 Flushing Bay near La Guardia Air- 162.85 Yazoo Diversion Canal, Vicksburg, port, Flushing, N.Y.; restricted area. Miss., from its mouth at Kleinston Land- 162.30 Channel of Tuckerton Creek, N.J.; ing to Fisher Street; navigation. navigation. 162.90 White River, Arkansas Post Canal, 162.35 Channel of Christina River, Del.; Arkansas River, and Verdigris River be- navigation. tween Mississippi River, Ark., and 162.40 Inland waterway from Delaware Catoosa, Okla.; use, administration, and River to Chesapeake Bay, Del. and Md. navigation. (Chesapeake and Delaware Canal). 162.100 Ohio River at Louisville, KY. 630 VerDate Sep<11>2014 08:45 Sep 23, 2016 Jkt 238138 PO 00000 Frm 00640 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\238138.XXX 238138 ehiers on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with CFR Coast Guard, DHS § 162.15 162.105 Missouri River; administration and SOURCE: CGD 75–082, 42 FR 51759, Sept. 29, navigation. 1977, unless otherwise noted. 162.110 Duluth-Superior Harbor, Minnesota and Wisconsin. § 162.1 General. 162.115 Keweenaw Waterway, Mich. 162.117 St. Marys River, Sault Ste. Marie, Geographic coordinates expressed in Michigan. terms of latitude or longitude, or both, 162.120 Harbors on Lake Michigan. are not intended for plotting on maps 162.125 Sturgeon Bay and the Sturgeon Bay or charts whose referenced horizontal Ship Canal, Wisc. datum is the North American Datum of 162.130 Connecting waters from Lake Huron 1983 (NAD 83), unless such geographic to Lake Erie; general rules. coordinates are expressly labeled NAD 162.132 Connecting waters from Lake Huron to Lake Erie; communications rules. 83. Geographic coordinates without the 162.134 Connecting waters from Lake Huron NAD 83 reference may be plotted on to Lake Erie; traffic rules. maps or charts referenced to NAD 83 162.136 Connecting waters from Lake Huron only after application of the appro- to Lake Erie; anchorage grounds. priate corrections that are published 162.138 Connecting waters from Lake Huron on the particular map or chart being to Lake Erie; speed rules. used. 162.140 Connecting waters from Lake Huron to Lake Erie; miscellaneous rules. [CGD 86–082, 52 FR 33811, Sept. 8, 1987] 162.145 Monroe Harbor, Mich. 162.150 Maumee Bay and River, Ohio. § 162.5 Definitions. 162.155 Sandusky and Huron Harbors, Ohio. 162.160 Vermilion, Lorain, Cleveland, The following definition applies to Fairport, Ashtabula, and Conneaut Har- this part: bors, Ohio. Merchant mariner credential or MMC 162.165 Buffalo and Rochester Harbors, New means the credential issued by the York. Coast Guard under 46 CFR part 10. It 162.175 Black Rock Canal and Lock at Buf- falo, New York. combines the individual merchant 162.195 Santa Monica Bay, Calif.; restricted mariner’s document, license, and cer- area. tificate of registry enumerated in 46 162.200 Marina del Ray, Calif.; restricted U.S.C. subtitle II part E as well as the area. STCW endorsement into a single cre- 162.205 Suisun Bay, San Joaquin River Sac- dential that serves as the mariner’s ramento River, and connecting waters, CA. qualification document, certificate of 162.210 Lake Tahoe, Calif.; restricted areas identification, and certificate of serv- along south shore. ice. 162.215 Lake Tahoe, Nev.; restricted area adjacent to Nevada Beach. [USCG–2006–24371, 74 FR 11212, Mar. 16, 2009] 162.220 Hoover Dam, Lake Mead, and Lake Mohave (Colorado River), Ariz.-Nev. § 162.15 Manhasset Bay, N.Y.; seaplane 162.225 Columbia and Willamette Rivers, restricted area. Washington and Oregon; administration (a) The restricted area. An area in and navigation. Manhasset Bay between the shore at 162.230 Columbia River, Wash. Manorhaven on the north and the 162.235 Puget Sound Area, Wash. 162.240 Tongass Narrows, Alaska; naviga- southerly limit line of the special an- tion. chorage area in Manhasset Bay, west 162.245 Kenai River, Kenai, Alaska; use, ad- area at Manorhaven (described in ministration, and navigation. § 110.60 of this chapter), on the south; 162.250 Port Alexander, Alaska; speed of its axis being a line bearing 166°50′ true vessels. from latitude 40°50′17.337 N, longitude 162.255 Wrangell Narrows, Alaska; use, ad- 73°43′03.877 W, which point is on the ministration, and navigation. 162.260 Channel leading to San Juan Harbor, south side of Orchard Beach Boulevard P.R.; use, administration, and naviga- at Manorhaven; and being 100 feet wide tion. for a distance of 380 feet in a southerly 162.270 Restricted areas in vicinity of Mari- direction from the south side of Or- time Administration Reserve Fleets. chard Beach Boulevard, and thence AUTHORITY: 33 U.S.C. 1231; Department of flaring to a width of 300 feet at the Homeland Security Delegation No. 0170.1. southerly limit line. 631 VerDate Sep<11>2014 08:45 Sep 23, 2016 Jkt 238138 PO 00000 Frm 00641 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\238138.XXX 238138 ehiers on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with CFR § 162.20 33 CFR Ch. I (7–1–16 Edition) (b) The regulations. (1) Vessels shall other vessel. Vessels of all types, in- not anchor or moor within the re- cluding pleasure craft, are required to stricted area. travel at all times at a safe speed (2) All vessels traversing the area throughout the canal and its ap- shall pass directly through without un- proaches so as to avoid damage by suc- necessary delay, and shall give sea- tion or wave wash to wharves, land- planes the right-of-way at all times. ings, riprap protection, or other boats, or injury to persons. Pilots and vessel [CGD 75–082, 42 FR 51759, Sept. 29, 1977, as amended by USCG–2008–0179, 73 FR 35016, operators transiting the canal and its June 19, 2008] approaches are warned that violation of this rule may result in having their § 162.20 Flushing Bay near La Guardia privilege to transit the canal sus- Airport, Flushing, N.Y.; restricted pended. Passages of vessels through the area. canal will be monitored and specific (a) The area. An area in the main cases will be investigated where dam- channel in Flushing Bay extending for age by suction or wave wash does a distance of 300 feet on either side of occur. Owners and operators of yachts, the extended center line of Runway No. motorboats, rowboats and other craft 13–31 at La Guardia Airport. are cautioned that large deep draft (b) The regulations. (1) All vessels tra- ocean-going vessels and other large versing the area shall pass directly commercial vessels ply the canal, and through without unnecessary delay. such owners and operators should be (2) No vessels having a height of more particularly careful to moor or anchor than 35 feet with reference to the plane well away from the main ship channels, of mean high water shall enter or pass with moorings and lines which are suf- through the area whenever visibility is ficient and proper. less than one mile. (c) Right-of-way. All vessels pro- ceeding with the current shall have the [CGD 75–082, 42 FR 51759, Sept. 29, 1977, as right-of-way over those proceeding amended by USCG–2011–0257, 76 FR 31838, against the current. Large vessels or June 2, 2011] tows must not overtake and attempt to § 162.30 Channel of Tuckerton Creek, pass other large vessels or tows in the N.J.; navigation. waterway. All small pleasure craft shall relinquish the right-of-way to (a) Power boats or other vessels pro- deeper draft vessels, which have a lim- pelled by machinery shall not proceed ited maneuvering ability due to their at any time within the limits of these draft and size.