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W&M M Anniversary Sale of Fur-Trimmed Winter

COATS -7 usually $49.95—$59.95—$69.95 Special Purchase 350

p^ "% iMk, %^hvT^iaiilUialfiMIVEBISS^BSSSiKES^H Tailored, dressy, and eve- ning blouses of crepe, , and sheer with these Luxury Furs: rayon, in long or short sleeve styles. White and SILVER PERSIAN colors, sizes S3 to 40. » FOX, LAMB, BEAVER, | MINK, SKUNK, SQUIRREL, First Floor and many other precious furs i Coat* with plastron* of fur, tuxedo* of ^ of oh Convenient CREDIT TERMS fur, jacket* fur! Coat* of Julllard and Buy Forstmann’s fine fabric* combined with precious furs. i Our exclusive Sixes 12 to 44, and half sizes. 1 „”',* "PURCHASE CERTIFICATE" Plan Coat Salon, Third Floor wo-tA/y- payment,. gives yQU FOUr to ten MONTHS to pay. ’>/■ 9 Be GIFT-MINDED w We invite you to open a .&r: i Bu\r,H%rt',a?ine.a,l‘' Philipsborn Charge Account Mpf ■•;.-v••••""■>' 'W-y-y'•'•*»:•:••••:•:. ™«v••■ -w'• v'' ^«SJ«r•■*■•• ••*•


.vav.'..*:*:■ v. '■■■■ ■*• v.vo-'••>*■«■<>■..AW-wi-x $ Sale of Anniversary Sale of Anniversary m Skirts New Midwinter usually $3 & $3.95 ' $1.88 .DRESSES *> $19.95—$16.95—$12.95—$10.95 Shetland, and J skirts In flared or pleated styles, with belts New and kippers. Green, rust, wine, brown, black, blue i or mixtures. 24 to SO. Mid-winter First Floor

CL. 4 1 | HATS Exciting new fashions in rayon crepe, , rayon and vel- veteen, in the new muted pastels Usually w and dark shades. Of course, there $3 and $3.95 Anniversary Sale of Anniversary Sale of are jewel trims, color combinations, apron types everything that’s ^an Tailored different and desirable. Sports £r Dress Sites 12 to 44, and half sites. SUEDE , VELVET, FUR FELT and BELT- ING hats in the newest and most flattering ver- SUITS Special Croup of sions of turbans, off-face, shako, pillbox and brim ^ W B W styles. In black, brown and colors. COATS S16.9S and S19.9S Usually JUNIOR qq Usually S19.95 to S2295 0 0* ^ g g L DRESSES *0*88 Special Group of New Hats coc 13 Usually S10.95-S7.95 usually $5 and J5.95 $17.88 FUR I g Mannish two-piece suit* with You’ll adore the casual campus . RABBITS HAIR AND CASHMERE single link closings, in wor- styles, the ‘'Date" dresses! In , in all the new shapes and novelty trims, with / snoods, veils, ornaments Tailored and dressy styles in stripes an<* serBe- bright wools, rayon crepes and and feathers. f uha^ or 12 box or fitted coats of Black, brown, grey. to 44. . Sizes 9 to 15. mono- Fourth Floor tone nub weaves, diagonals, or Special GroupK Second Floor * . brown or Black, mix- 7 D ClllTC y^ Housecoats tures. Sizes 12 to 44. d-rc. iUllb Usually S 12.95 rnxra Floor. Tailored suits of men s woolens. $1.88 -.• ftSL I I —...

Zipper and wrap-around housecoats with back flare, in novelty prints, polka dots and . Sizes 13 to 44. Anniversary Sale of first floor

FUR Anniversary Sale of COATS SHOES usually J6.S0 $ $4-85 SUEDES! PATENTS! \ L GABARDINES! 0ELASTICIZED MATERIALS! COMBINATIONS! FURS known for their HIGH PRICES, Knit Frocks ““e such as: good-looking BEVERLY styles you see regularly in“Je our S7.9S-S16.9S department at a higher price. Don’t miss usually these values ... come HUDSON SEAL-dyed Greatcoat* of Skunk early for best selection. All sizes but Muskrat not in every style. Dyed Cross PERSIAN $0.99 Mink-dyed MUSKRAT Special Group of $3.95 and $4.95 Nofuro| Qr#y KIDSKIN PEGGY LEES..$3 55 Mink dyed MARMOT Special Group of reg. $8.75 ^ 6r#y ar ,|aek PARIMODES..$5.85 One and two-piece knit* Natural or dyed SQUIRREL CARACUL Fint Floor of cotton chenille or bou-

— ele. Style* with or Greatcoat* of dyed FOX SUPER SEAL-dyed Coney — long Slips Gowns Pajamas short sleeves, in dark col- Fur Coats of magnificent quality and fine ors or bright shades. Slses workmanship .. offered at Birthday Gift Usually $2, $2.29, $3 IS to 44. Prices. Swagger, boxy or fitted styles, in ^ ^ 1,000 PIECES of quality lingerie In rayon crepes ^B r \ \J sizes for misses and women. Tint Floor and , with embroidery, lovely , or tai- B • J 1 Fur Salon, Third Floor. lored. SLIPS have adjustable straps, bias cut or I 4-gore. Sizes 32 to 44. GOWNS AND PAJAMAS 9 Anniversary Sale of sizes 15 to 17. White, tearose and colors. ™ First Floor 2 for 3323 Beverly Gloves A "Tc /aSS% Anniversary Sale of HOSE 79e Usually Fm^ Girdles & Foundations usually 79c

Special purchase of 1.000 prs. to in fabrics and — usually $7.50 $12.50 gloves novelty Purchase combinations. Dark and a few VtaAYhI Special colors. Sizes to 7H. 69' bright 5*£ /<'//%' l) Buffalo & Cowhid# s395 3 prs. $1.97 *09 < Our famous Heel-in-a-Heel .88 Sweaters Umbrellas $1 Beverly hose, in 4-thread, 45- Bags, 5*| * gg Famous make foundation gar- Usually 13.29 J°° I gauge chiffons, with stretchy Sturdy and practical ments of quality, in styles for In three sizes and combination tops. lengths, handbags of genuine buf- slip- all figure types, 'in lastex and 8V2 to IOV2, in all new winter falo or cowhide, in “Stopp/Jo” cardigaluTnd umbrellas with 16-rib construc- pouch, over sweaters of zephyr or an- combinations, lustrous sat- shades. Buy for your personal envelope, sipper, tophan- and wool. Also a few with tion. New Oemstone-Catalln needs, and for Xmas as dle and tors ins or Lastique. gifts compact styles. suede combinations. Blight and and Prystal handles. Several well I Black and brown. dark colors. First Floor colon. First Float Second Floor Tint floor tint floor