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ENCLOSURES: - Map -3 & 4 - Annexures 1 TO 6 - Plate 1 - 3 - Figure - 1



Indian power sector for planning and operational purposes is divided into five regions viz. Northern, Eastern, Western, Southern and North-eastern regions. For optimum utilization of available resources for electricity generation, integration of regional grids has been undertaken. At present Northern, Western, Eastern and North­ eastern regions are synchronously interconnected and operating as one single interconnected grid. As anticipated, by the year 2011-12, Southern Region (SR) is likely to be in surplus to the tune of 2000 MW during peak condition and about 7500 MW during off-peak conditions whereas, Western Region (WR) is estimated to have peak deficit of about 5500 MW by the end of 11th plan. Looking into the likely surplus scenario in Southern Region vis-a-vis deficit situations in WR, it is prudent that inter­ regional capacity between SR & WR is enhanced to gainfully utilize the available surplus power in Southern region.


The objective of the project is to enhance the inter-regional power transfer capacity between SR and WR by 3500 MW, thereby utilizing the surplus power of SR in the neighboring power deficit WR by the end of 11th Plan.


In the initial phase on integration of regional grids---, different regions were interconnected through HVDC back-to-back links primarily on account of wide varying operating parameters in different regions. These links were mainly meant for' emergency exchange of power on limited basis between the regions. A 500 MW HVDC back-to-back link at Sasaram inter-linking Eastern Region (ER) and Northern Region (NR) was also established under th,is phase (apart from other back-to-back inter·regional links) at an estimated cost of about RS.200 Crores. This link was commissioned in September 2002 and since then up-to July 2007 this link has greatly contributed in export of surplus power in Eastern Region to power deficit Northern Region.

In view of the above, it may be seen that substantial high capacity hybrid transmission capacity between ER & NR shall be created to cater to the transmission requirement between ER & NR. In the light of above development of transmission corridors between ER & NR, it is seen that the 500 MW Sasaram HVDC back-to­ back module shall offer very small capacity for regulation of power flow and may not prove to be much effective. Further, with many high capacity AC inter-connections in parallel, the existing Sasaram-Allahabad 400KV D/C, on which the HVDC back-to­ back link has been established, can also be directly connected to avail additional synchronous link between ER & NR.

It lEAR: SOUTH· WEST Interconnector 1 EXHIBIT ·1


SHOLAPUR ////, // // ~ WR




LEGEND Transmission lin.. under the Scheme • Substations under the Scheme

• lEAR: SOUTH - WEST Interconnector 2 However, the 500 MW HVDC back-to-back module at Sasaram can be effectively utilized asynchronous inter-regional capacity between SR & WR by shifting the HVDC back-to-back module from Sasaram to Kolhapur for enhancing the inter­ regional capacity between SR & WR.

The above scheme has been discussed and agreed by all the constituents of SR in the 24th meeting of Standing Committee of Southern Region Transmission System Panning held on June 18, 2007 at Bangalore and 2ih meeting of Standing Committee of Western Region Transmission System Planning held onJuly 30, 2007 at Indore.


Project Name South - West Interconnector Location Maharashtra and Karnataka Beneficiary States Constituent States of Southern &Western Region

I';~';ii~!'~; Project Cost Rs. 8296.55 million (USD 175.51 million) including IDC

1.4 Project Scope

The scope of the transmission lines and Substations to be implemented under the project are as follows:

Transmission line

1. Narendra - Kolhapur 400 kV Dlc line, 182 Km 2. L1LO of both circuits of existing Kolhapur - Mapusa 400 kV Dlc line at Kolhapur HVDC back-to-back station, 46 Km


1. Establishment of new 1000 MW HVDC back-to-back station at Kolhapur 2. Shifting of 500 MW HVDC back-to-back link from Sasaram to Kolhapur 3. Extension of 400/220 KV Narendra Substation

A power map showing the transmission grid of Southern and Western Regions highlighting the above scope of works is placed as Exhibit-I.

lEAR: SOUTH - WEST Interconnector 3


2.0 The project is located in the State of Maharashtra and Karnataka in . The basic details of the area under the project are given below:


Maharashtra, with an area of 30.77 million ha, is the third largest state of the country, constituting 9.36% of the total geogra~hic area. It lies between latitude 15° 35' and 22° 02' N and longitude 72° 36' and 80 54' E.

Physiographically, the state can be divided into five regions viz Deccan Plateau, Central Highland, Eastern Chotanagpur Plateau, Eastern Ghat and Coastal plain. Except around Mumbai, and along the eastern limits, the State of Maharashtra presents a monotonously uniform, flat-topped skyline. This topography of the state is the outcome of its geological structure. The state area, barring the extreme eastern Vidarbha region, parts of Kolhapur and Sindhudurg, is practically co-terminus with the Deccan Traps. General land use pattern of the state is given in Table 2.1.

Climate: The state enjoys a tropical monsoon climate; the hot scorching summer from March onwards yields to the rainy monsoon in early June. The rich green cover of the monsoon season persists during the mild winter that follows through an unpleasant October transition, but turns into a dusty, barren brown as the summer sets In again.

Rainfall: The average annual rainfall vc;tries between 160-200 cms. However, seasonal rains from the western sea-clouds are v-ery heavy and the rainfall is over 400 cm. on the Sahyadrian crests. The Konkan on the windward side ~s also endowed with heavy rainfall, declining northwards. East of the Sahyadri, the rainfall dim',nishes to a meager 70 cm. in the western plateau districts, with Solapur­ Ahmednagar lying in the heart of the dry zone.

Table-2.1 Land use Pattern ,---- ­ r--.------­ Land Use Area in '000 ha Percentage f-=-._­ --r---­ Total geographical area 30,771 ~etlorting area for land utilization 30758 100.00 Forests 5926 19.27 Not available for cultivation .. 2997 9.74 Permanent pastures and other 1341 4.36 grazing lands Land under misc.tree crops & 226 0.73 ~oves Culturable wasteland 903 2.94 Fallow lands otherthan current 1171 3.81 fallows '-c ­ Current Fallows 1181 3.87 Net area sown 17636 57.34









14"'00'1: 80"00'£

Forest Cover

Moderalel), Open Forest Dense Forest 5,20% 6,55%

• lEAR: SOUTH - WEST Interconnector 5 Temperature: The average annual temperature varies from 25-35 0 C.

Soil: The soils of Maharashtra are residual, derived from the underlying basalts. In the semi-dry plateau, the regur (black-cotton soil) is clayey, rich in iron, but poor in nitrogen and organic matter; it is moisture-retentive. The higher plateau areas have Pather soils, which contain more gravel. In the rainy Konkan, and the Sahyadri Range, the same basalts give rise to the brick-red laterite soil.

Mineral Resources: The mineral-bearing zones of Maharashtra lie beyond the area of the basalts in eastern Vidarbha, southern Kolhapur and the Sindhudurg G\rea. The Chandrapur, Gadchiroli, Bhandara and Nagpur Districts form the main mineral belt, with coal and manganese as the major minerals and iron ore and limestone as potential wealth. The Ratnagiri coast contains sizeable deposits of ilIimenite.

Water Resources: Water is the most precious natural resource of the state, greatly in the ctemand, and most unevenly distributed. The major rivers like the Krishna, Bhima, Godavari, Tapi-Purna and Wardha-Wainganga through its Fluvial action has further aided in the compartmentalization of the state into broad, open river valleys, alternating with plateau interfluves.

Ecological Resources: The recorded forest area is 61,939 Sq Km, constituting 20.13% of the geographic area of the state. Reserved Forest constitutes 79.46%, Protected Forest 13.23% and Un-classed Forest 7.31%. However, total forest cover recorded in the state is 46,865 Sq. Km comprising of 8070 Sq. Km very dense forest, 20,317 Sq.Km moderately dense forest and 18,478 Sq. Km of open or degraded forest thereby covering an area of 15.23% of State geographical area (Map-1). There are six forest types in the state, viz Tropical Semi Evergreen, Tropical Moist Deciduous, Tropical Dry Deciduous, and Tropica'l Thorn, Subtropical Broadleaved hill and Littoral and Swamp forests. A total of 1.53 million ha of forests constituting about 5% of geographic area, is under protected area network. There are 6 National Parks and 33 Wildlife sanctuaries. There are three tiger reserves namely Melghat, Pench and Tadoba. Ujni, located in the Solapur district, with an area of 35,700 ha is a wetland of national importance.

The lines of proposed transmission system· shall pass throUgh mainly two district of this state viz. Solapur and Pune having forest cover ranging from 0.32% to 08.70%. It may be noted from the table below that the forest cover in the said districts are generally open/degraded type except in Solapur district where it is mixture of dense and open forest. All precaution in routing of line through forest area to minimize ecological disturbance to highly wooded area has been applied successfully. Details of forest cover of these districts are as follows: InS .Km trict Geographic Very Moderately Open Total % ~s area Dense Dense forest Forest forest forest cover ~~ur 7685 101 940 616 1657 .56 About 70 per cent of the people in Maharashtra depend on agriculture. Agriculture contributes more than 22% of the state's income. Maharashtra is the largest

• lEAR: SOUTH - WEST Interconnector 6

producE~r of a number of items such as Alphonso mangoes, Thomson seedless grapes, Cavendish bananas, soft seeded pomegranates, sugar, cotton, oilseeds and cashew. Important cash crops are cotton, sugarcane, ground nut and tobacco. Although the state accounts for 9.2% of the total population of the country, it shares about 11% of industrial units, over 17% of labour, about 16% of investment and 23% of the value of industrial output.

Maharashtra's major industries are chemicals and allied products, textiles, electrical and non-electrical machinery and petroleum and allied products. Other important industries are pharmaceuticals, engineering goods, machine tools, steel and iron castinl)s and plastic ware. The development of offshore oil fields at Mumbai High and the nearby basins have contributed greatly for the industrial development of the state.


Karnataka is located in southwestern part of the country and lies b.etween latitude 11%' to 18° 25'N and longitude 74°10' to 78°35'E. It has a geographic area of 19.18 million ha constituting 5.83% of the total area of the country. It has a coastline of approximately 400 km.

Physiographically, the State can be divided into two distinct regions viz. the 'Maland' or hilly region comprising of Western Ghats and the 'Maidan' or the plain region comprising he inland plateau of varying height. Karnataka has representatives of all types of variations in topography - high mountains, plateaus, residual hills and coastal plains. The State is enclosed by chains of mountains to its west, east and south. It consists mainly of plateau which has higher elevation of 600 to 900 metres above mean sea level. The entire landscape is undulating, broken up by mountains and deep .ravines. General land use pattern of the state is given in Table 2.2.-­

Table-2.2 Land use Pattern

,--._­ f-=- Land Use I Area in '000 ha Percentage Total geographical area 19,179 ~~ortin9 area for land utilization 19050 100.00 Forests 3068 16.10 available for cultivation 2106 r-=­~ot 11.06 Permanent pastures and other 959 5.03 grazing lands Land under misc. tree crops & 303 1.59 groves Culturable wasteland 427 2.24 Fallow lands other than current 409 2.15 fallows ~------~---- Current Fallows 1367 7.18 Net area sown 10410 54.65


10"00'< 711·00'E

" !, N

18"OO'1\j IS"OU'/'; : BIOar MAHARASHTRA • + ,'" i . ..1" ~I •

."\ ­ ~\ ' ~ ­.. Gulbarga

IS"CQ'N 16"00 N


I..EGENO _ Very Don... Fo..... , CJ __FQn>OI

o OpenForetl

o Not>-For.., Elw_ 12'00',.. -­E3 DIou..,t """-r; @ S_bOwndiIIY -_...... _M< .. • so (I]~ 711'oo'E 18"00'.

Forest Cover

Open Forest 6,86%

• lEAR: SOUTH, WEST Inferconnector 8 Climate: The state enjoys three main types of climates. For meteorological purposes, the state has been divided into three sub-divisions namely Coastal Karnataka, North Interior Karnataka and Sout h Interior Karnataka T he Tropical Monsoon climate covers the entire coastal belt and adjoining areas. The Southern half of the State experiences hot, seasonally dry tropical savana climate while most of the northern half experiences hot, semi-arid, tropical steppe type of climate. The climate of the State varies with the seasons.

Soil: The Red soil constitutes major soil type, followed by Black soil. In some area Lateritic soils, Alluvio-Colluvial Soils are also found.

Rainfall: The annual rainfall in the State varies from 2,000 3,200 mm in the Western Ghats and between 400-500 mm in the northern and northeastern parts. Average summer and winter temperature varies from 26°C to 35°C and 14°C to 25°C respectively.

Temperature: Both day and night temperatures are more or less uniform over the State, except at the coastal region and high elevated plateau. They generally decrease south-westwards over the State due to higher elevation and attain lower values at high level stations. April and May are the hottest months.

Mineral Resources: Karnataka is endowed with fairly rich mineral wealth distributed more or less evenly over its territory. It has one of the oldest Geological Survey Department in the country, started as far back as 1880. The State contains deposits of asbestos, bauxite, chromite, dolomite, gold, iron ore, kaolin, limestone, magnesite, manganese, ochre, quartz and silica sand. Karnataka is the sole producer of felsite and leading proqucer of gold (84%), moulding sand (630/0) and fuchsite quartzite~ (57%).

Water Resources: Karnataka accounts for about six per cent of the country's surface water resources of 17 lakh million cubic metres (Mcum). About 40 percent of this is available in the east flowing rivers and the remaining from west flowing rivers. The major rivers of the State are Krishna, Cauvery, Godavari, North Pennar and South Pennar

Ecological Resources: The recorded forest area of State is 38,284 Km 2 whic h constitutes 19.96% of the geographic area of the State. Reserved Forest constitutes 74.940/0, Protected Forest 10.27% and Un-classed Forest 14.790/0 (Map-2).

The five forest types found in the State are Tropical Wet Evergreen, Tropical Semi Evergreen, Tropical Dry Evergreen, Tropical Dry Deciduous and Tropical Thorn forests. Most of the forests in Karnataka are situated in a belt running from north to south starting from to Mysore in the Western Ghats. There are 5 National Parks spread over an area of 0.25 million ha and 21 Wildlife Sanctuaries spread over 0.39 million ha. A total of 0.64 million ha constituting 3.320/0 of the geographical area of the State is under protected area network. Karnataka has two Tiger Reserves, Bandipur Nagarhole (extension) and Bhadra covering 0.2 million ha. It shares Nilgiri 2 Biosphere Reserve (area 5,520 km ) with Tamil Nadu and Kerala .

• lEAR: SOUTH - WEST Interconnector 9 The lines of proposed transmission system shall pass through mainly two districts of this state viz. Raichur and Gulbarga having forest cover ranging from 0.41 010 to 01.840/0. It may be noted from the table below that the forest cover in the said districts are generally open/degraded type except in Gulbarga district where it is mixture of dense and open forest. With due precaution in route alignment, the forest area has been avoided completely.

In Sq. Km District Geographic Very Moderately Open I Total 0/0 area Dense Dense forest Forest

r­ forest forest cover 8elgaum 13415 19 697 371 I 1087 8.10 DharNar 4260 0 387 '----- 223 164 I 9.08

Karnataka is one of the more economically progressive states in India. Nearly 560/0 of the workforce in Karnataka is engaged in agriculture and related activities Karnataka is the manufacturing hub for some of the largest public sector industries in India, including HAL, NAL, BHEL, ITI, BEML and HMT, which are based in Bangalore. Since the 1980s, Karnataka has emerged as the pan-Indian leader in the field of Information Technology. Exports from IT firms exceeded Rs. 50,000 crores ($12.5 billion) in 2006-07, accounting for nearly 38% of all IT exports from India. Karnataka also leads the nation in biotechnology. It is home to India's largest bio cluster, with 158 of the country's 320 biotechnology firms being based here. The state also accounts for 750/0 of India's floriculture.


3.0 POWERGRID's activities by their inherent nature and flexibility have negligible impacts on environmental and social attributes. Indian laws relating to environmental and social issues have strengthened in the last decade both due to local needs and international commitments. POWERGRID undertakes its activities within the purview of I ndian laws keeping in mind appropriate international obligations and directives and guidelines with respect to environmental and social considerations of Funding Agencies.


3.1.1 Constitutional Provisions

Subsequent to the first United Nations Conference on Human Environment at Stockholm in June, 1972, which emphasized the need to preserve and protect the natural environment, the Constitution of India was amended through the historical 42nd Amendment Act, 1976 by inserting Article 48-A and 51-A (g) for protection and promotion of the environment under the Directive Principles of State Policy and the Fundamental Duties respectively. The amendment, inter alia provide:

"The State shall endeavour to protect and improve the environment and to safeguard the forests and wildlife of the country". (New Article 48A)

"It shall be the duty of every citizen of India to protect and improve the natural environment including forests, lakes, rivers and wildlife and to have compassion for living creatures". (New Article 51 A (g)

Article 21 of the constitution provides, "no person shall be deprived of his -life or personal liberty except according to procedure established by law".

Article 21 is the heart of the fundamental rights and has received expanded meaning from time to time after the decision of the Supreme Court in 1978. The Article 21 guarantee fundamental right to life - a life of dignity to be lived in a proper environment, free of danger of disease and infection. The right to live in a healthy environment as part of Article 21 of the Constitution. Recently, Supreme Court has broadly and liberally interpreted the Article 21, transgressed into the area of protection of environment, and held that the protection of environment and citizen's right to live in eco-friendly atmosphere interpreted as the basic right guaranteed under Article 21.

Thus the Indian Constitution has now two fold provision:

(a) On the one hand, it gives directive to the State for the protection and improvement of environment.

(b) On the other hand the citizens owe a constitutional duty to protect and improve natural environment.


• MOP order/sanction under The Electricity Act, 2003:

Sanction of MOP, GOI is a mandatory requirement for taking up any new transmission project under the section 68(1) of The Electricity Act, 2003. The sanction authorize POWERGRID to plan and coordinate activities to commission the new project. Electricity act does not explicitly deal with environmental implications of . activities related to power transmission. However, POWERGRID always integrates environmental protection within its project activities.

• Forest Clearance Under The Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980:

When transmission projects pass through forest land, clearance has to be obtained from relevant authorities under the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980. This Act was enacted to prevent rapid deforestation and environmental degradation. State governments cannot de-reserve any forest land or authorize its use for any non­ forest purposes without approval from the Central government. POWERGRID projects, when involving forest areas, u.ndergo detailed review and approval procedures to obtain a Forest Clearance certificate from MoEF, Government of I~dia before starting any construction activity in designated forest area.

• _ Environmental Clearances under Environment (Protection) Act,1986:

Since transmission line projects are environmentally clean and do not involve any disposal of solid waste, effluents and hazardous substances in land, air and water they are kept out of the purview of Environment (Protection) Act, 1986. However, the recent amendment in the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 made it necessary to obtain clearance from MoEF for power transmission projects in two districts in the Aravalis (viz., Alwar in Rajasthan and Gurgaon in Haryana). The Aravali range, in these two areas, is heavily degraded; hence, any industrial activity there becomes critical. Environment Impact Notification, 1994 lays down specific project categories that require clearance from MoEF Power transmission projects are not included in this list.

• Batteries (Management and Handling) Rules, 2001:

MOEF vide its noti'fication dt. 16th May, 2001 under the section of 6,8 and 25 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 has put certain restriction on disposal of used _ batteries and its handling. As per the notification it is the responsibility of bulk consumer (POWERGRI D) to ensure that used batteries are not disposed of, in any manner, other than by depositing with the dealer/manufacturer/registered recycler/importer/reconditioner or at the designated collection centres - and to file half yearly return in prescribed form to the concerned State Pollution Controt Board .

• lEAR SOUTH - WEST Interconnector 12 • The Hazardous Wastes (Management, Handling and Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2008:

MOEF vide its notification dt. 20th May, 1986 under the section of 6, 8 and 25 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 has put used mineral oil under the category of hazardous waste which require proper handling and disposal. As per the notification, all used oil is to be auctioned / sold to registered recyclers only and file annual return on prescribed form to the concerned State Pollution Control Board.

• Ozone Depleting Substances (Regulation and Control) Rules, 2000:

MOEF vide its notification dt. 1ih July, 2000 under the section of 6, 8 and 25 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 has notified rules for regulation /control of Ozone Depleting Substances under Montreal Protocol adopted on 16th September 1987. As per the notification certain control and regulation has been imposed on manufacturing, import, export and use of these compound. POWERGRID is following provisions of notification and is phasing out all equipment which uses these substances and planning to achieve CFC free organization in near future.

• The Biological Diversity Act, 2002:

Under the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity Signed at Rio de Janeiro on the 5th day of June, 1992 of which India is also a party, MoEF has enacted the Biological Diversity Act, 2002 to provide for conservation of biological diversity, sustainable use of its components and fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the use of biological resources, knowledge and for matters connected therewith. As per the provision of act certain area which are rich in biodiversity and encompasses unique and representative ecosystems are identified and designated as Biosphere Reserve to facilitate its conservation. All restrictions applicable to protected areas like National Park & Sanctuaries are also applicable to these reserves. POWERGRI D will abide by the provision of act wherever applicable and try to totally avoid these biosphere reserves while finalizing the route alignment.


WB Operational Policies (OP) 4.011 ADB's Operations Manuals (OM) - F1/BP and JBIC Environmental Guidelines: These outlines funding agencies policy and procedures for environmental assess.ment (EA) of different developmental projects. All these guidelines classified developmental projects into three categories (A-C) based on its possible environmental and social impacts though WB & ADB has another category F1 applicable only to projects involving a credit line through a financial intermediary.

Transmission line projects are categorized as ca.tegory-B project having limited impact that can be further minimized through mitigative/management measures and would normally require only an environmental review. POWERGRI D takes remedial measures to prevent, minimize, mitigate, or compensate for adverse impact and

• lEAR: SOUTH - WEST Interconnector 13 improve environmental performance. Environment Assessment will take account the natural environment, human health and safety, and social aspects and trans­ boundary and global environmental aspects. During EA process public is also informed at every stage of project execution and their views are considered during decision-making process.


• Applicable Legislations 3.1.5 RELEVANT POLICIES • National Conservation Strategy and Policy Statement on Environment and Development, 1992 • Policy statement for Abatement of pollution, 1992

• National Environment Policy, 2006


3.2. 1 Constitutional Provisions

Constitutional provisions in regard to social safeguards are well enshrined in the preamble such as ~USTICE, social, economic and political; LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship; EQUALITY of status and of opportunity; FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation. Eundamental Rights and Directive Principles guarantee the right to life and liberty. Health, safety and livelihood ~ave been interpreted as part of this larger right. Social safeguards provisions are dealt in detail in different Articles such as Article­ 14, 15 17, 23, 24, 25, 46, 330, 332 etc. POWERGRID, through this docunlent, ESPP, commits itself to implementing the said constitutional provision in true sprit to fulfill its environmental and social obligations and responsibilities.


• National Rehabilitation and Resettlement Policy, 2007:

Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India has notified a National policy on R&R for PAFs in Feb'04 applicable to all developmental projects where 500 or more families' en masse in plain areas or 250 or more families en masse in hilly areas are displaced due to project activity. It essentially addresses the need to provide succour to the asset-less rural poor, support the rehabilitation efforts of the resourc~s and provide a broad canvas for an effective consultation between PAFs and authorities responsible for their R&R. It has also listed R&R measures and ent~tlements for different category of PAFs. Though the National policy as such, is not applicable to POWERGRID because transmission projects do not involve displacement of such a large number of families since land required for substations is quite small. However, the entitlement benefits listed in the National policy for PAFs have been adopted by

., lEAR: SOUTH - WEST Interconnector 14 POWERGRID in its "Social Entitlement Framework" that is being implemented wherever land acquisition for substations is undertaken.

• Rights of Way And Compensation Under Electricity Act, 2003:

The act has a provision for notifying transmission company under section 164 (B) to avail benefits of eminent domain provided under the Indian Telegraph Act, 1885. MOP, GOI vide gazette notification dt 23rd Dec'03 had already notified POWERGRID under this section of said act. Therefore, for the purpose of placing of any wires, poles, etc., POWERGRID has all the powers that the telegraph authority possesses. Thus, POWERGRI D can erect and construct towers without· actually acquiring the land. However, all damages due to PO\(VERGRID activity are compensated at market rate. Power transmission schemes are always planned in such a way that the power of eminent domain is exercised responsibly.

• Provisions Under Land Acquisition Act, 1894, as amended in 1984:

When land is acquired for sub-stations, POWERGRID will follow procedures laid down under the Land Acquisition Act (LA Act), 1894. POWERGRID sub-stations have never resulted in large scale displacement or loss of livelihoods. There have been only marginal impacts due-to flexibility exercised by POWERGRID in selecting sites. The LA Act specifies that in all cases of land acquisition, no award of land can be made by the government authorities unless all compensation has been paid.


For POWERGRID, mandatory requirements vis-a-vIs Funding Agencies are comprehensive Resettlement and Rehabilitation (R&R) guidelines and an entitlement framework as per World Bank Operational .Directives 4.30 (OP-4.12) and 4.20 and ADB's Operations Manual OM-F2/BP.

• World Bank OD 4.30 (OP4.12): Involuntary Resettlement:

This directive describes Bank Policy and procedures on involu·ntary resettlement as well as conditions that borrowers are expected to meet during operations involving resettlement of affected groups. It requires a entitlenlent framework aimed at restoration, replacement and participation of affected groups. A detailed social assessment and development of an action plan having list of measures for betterment/restoration of lost assets/income is required to be submitted to bank before start of project work. However where only a few people (e.g. about 100-200 individuals) are to be relocated at a particular location, appropriate compensation for assets, logistical support for moving and a relocation grant may be the only requirements but the principle on which compensation is to be based will remai n same as for larger groups.

lEAH: SOUTH - WEST Interconnector 15 • World Bank OD 4.20: Indigenous People (IP):

This directive describes World Bank policies and procedures for projects that affect indigenous people. The objective is to ensure that development benefits are socially and culturally compatible and that the IPs are consulted. Thus, the Indigenous People Development Plan/Tribal Development Plan is to be prepared as a prerequisite. POWERGRID will not only incorporate the IP component whenever necessary, but will also pay attention to marginalized groups such as women, children, etc.

• ADB Operations Manual-F2IBP: Involuntary Resettlement:

The OP describes Bank Policy and procedures on involuntary resettlement as well as conditions that borrowers are expected to meet during operations involving resettlement. Its objective is to avoid such resettlement as far as possible if unavoidable measures like assistance to affected persons for restoration of their assets/livelihood as would have been in the absence of project. It also classified project into three categories like category-A where resettlement is significant and involve physical displacement of more than 200 persons, which require a detailed resettlement plan. Category B is that where resettlement is not that significant and requires a short r~$.ettlement plan. Category-C is that where no resettlement of people is foreseen and neither requires resettlement plan nor a resettlement framework.

POWERGRID emphasizes that displacement is not an issue with transmission projects because land below towerlline is not acquired and only a small piece of land is required for substations. However, all affected persons/families shall be provided compensation and rehabilitation assistance along with other measures as per POWE RGRI D's social entitlement framework which is based on these directives/manuals and National R&R Policy to restore incomellivelihood of all affected persons.


• National and State-wide Laws and Policies Relating to Land Acquisition and Issues of R&R

• Madhya Pradesh Pariyojana Ke Karan Visthapit Vyakti (Punsthapan) Adhiniyam, 1985

• Maharashtra Project Affected persons Rehabilitation Act, 1986 3.2.5 RELEVANT POLICIES

• Resettlement and Rehabilitation Policy- Coal India Ltd., May,2008 • Resettlement and Rehabilitation Poli~y- NHPC Ltd., 2007 • POlicy for Rehabilitation and Resettlement of Land Owners - Land Acquisition Oustees - Haryana State, December,2007; • The Orissa Resettlement and Rehabilitation Policy, Orissa, May, 2006; • Resettlement and Rehabilitation Policy - NTPC Ltd., June,2005;



At the system planning stage itself one of the factors that govern the evolution of system is the possible infringement with the forest. Wherever such infringements are substantial, different alternative options are considered. The route I site selection criteria followed by POWERGRID is detailed below: While identifying the transmissi.on system for a generation project or as a part of National Power Grid, preliminary route selection is done by POWERGRID based on the topo-sheets of Survey of India and Forest Atlas (Govt. of India's Publication). During route alignment all possible efforts are made to avoid the forest area involve­ ment completely or to keep it to the barest minimum, whenever it becomes unavoidable due to the geography of terrain or heavy cost involved in avoiding it.


Environmental Criteria for Route selection

For selection of optimum route, the following points are taken into consideration: (i) The route of the proposed transmission lines does not involve any human rehabilitation.

(ii) Any monument of cultural or historical importance is not affected by the route of the transmission line.

(iii) The proposed route of transmission line does not create any threat to the survival of any community with special reference to Tribal Community.

(iv) The proposed route of transmission line does not affect any public utility services like playgrounds, schools, other establishments etc.

(v) The line route does not pass through any sanctuaries, National Park etc.

(vi) The line route does not infringe with area of natural resources.

In order to achieve this, POWERGRID undertakes route selection for individual transmission lines in close consultation with representatives from the Ministry of Environm~nt and Forests and the Department of Revenue. Although under National law POWERGRID has right of eminent domain yet alternative alignments are considered keeping in mind the above-mentioned factors during site selection, with minor alterations often added to avoid environmentally sensitive areas and settlements at execution-stage. • As a rule, alignments are generally cited 10-15 km away from major towns, whenever possible, to account for future urban expansion.

lEAR: SOUTH - WEST Interconnector 17 • Similarly, forests are avoided to the extent possible, and when it is not possible, a route is selected in consultation with the local Divisional Forest Officer, that causes minimum damage to existing forest resources. • Alignments are selected to avoid wetlands and unstable areas for both financial and environmental reasons.

In addition, care is also taken to avoid National parks, sanctuaries,. eco-sensitive zones, tiger reserves and biosphere reserves etc. Keeping above in mind the routes of proposed lines under the project has been so aligned that it takes care of above factors. As such different alternatives were studied with the help of Govt. published data like Forest atlas, Survey of India topo maps etc. to arrive at most optimum route which can be taken up for detailed survey and assessment of environmental & social impacts for their proper management.

4.1.2 Evaluation of Alternative Route Alignments of Narendra - Kolhapur 400 KV Ole Line

Three different alignments (Map-3) were studied with the help of published data/maps and walkover survey to arrive at most optimum route for detailed survey. The comparative details of these three alternatives are as follows:

S.NO. Description Alternative-I Alternative-II Alternative-III 1. Route earticulars i) Length in Kms 200 182 198 ii) Terrain (a) Plain Plain, hilly terrain, Plain, gentle slopes, Plain, undulated land. (b) Hilly heavy contours and minimum low leveling gentle slopes and with low leveling areas areas minimum low leveling areas 2 Environmental impact i) Towns in Besides Kagal, Besides Kagal, Besides Kagal. alignment Nippani, Sankleshwar, Nippani, Chikkodi, Nippani, Chikkodi. Belgaum. , , . Kabbur, Bagewadi. . Bailhongal. Gokak, MK Hubli, Bevadi ii) Houses within NIL NIL NIL R.O.W iii) Tree/Crops and Neem. Coconut, Neem, Coconut, Neem. Coconut. its extent of Mango I Jungle trees. Mango I Jungle trees, Mango I Jungle trees. damage Groundnut, Brinjal. Groundnut, Brinjal, Groundnut, Brinjal, Millet. Green gram, Millet. Green gram, Millet, Green gram, Chilies, Sugarcane, Chilies, Sugarcane. Chilies, Sugarcane, Cotton. Dry crops Cotton, Dry crops Cotton, Dry crops

iv) Forest 3 Km (13.8 Ha.) NIL 2 Km (9.2 Ha.) involvement a. Type of Forest Reserved forest Reserved forest

b. Density of forest Low - Low v) Historical/cultural Nil Nil Nil monument vi) Any other relevant Nearest Arial distance Nearest Arial distance Nearest Arial distance information from Belgaum airport from Belgaum airport from Belgaum airport

is 15 Km (approx.) is 30 Km (apQrox.) i is 18 Km (approx.) : vii) Details of Tribal NIL NIL NIL areas. if any

lEAR: SOUTH - WEST Interconnector 18 S.NO. Description Alternative-I Alternative-II Alte rnative-III 3 Compensation Cost a) Towards forest Rs.146.76 Lakhs Nil Rs. 93.84 Lakhs clearance b) Tree/crop To be assessed during To be assessed during To be assessed during tower construction. tower construction. tower construction. 4. Major Crossings: River 3 1 3 Power line 8 7 8 Railway line 1 1 1 National Highway 4 2 3 5. Construction problems Approaches are less, Routine ROW issues Routine ROW issues since contours are heavy requires skilled job 6. O&M problems NIL NIL NIL 7. Overall remarks Alignment involves no. Alignment involves Alignment involves of power line crossing, plain, low leveling forest land. no. of NH crossings and land. No forest land power line crossings. - maximum forest involved and less no. river crossings, and involvement. of crossings NH crossings. Overall Overall cost likely to involved. cost likely to be be maximum. maximum.

From the above comparison of the three different alternatives it is evident that the Alternative-II is the most suitable route having minimum length i.e. 182 Km without involvement of forest, thereby avoiding ecological sensitive areas. Hence Alternative­ II has been found to be most optimum alignment and recommended for detailed survey.

4.1.3 Evaluation of Alternatives for LILO of 400 KV D/C Ko"lhapur - Mapusa Line at Kolhap.ur (HVDC)

Three different alignments (Map-4) were studied with the help of published data/maps and walkover survey to arrive at most optimum route for detailed survey. The comparative details of these three alternatives are as follows:

S.NO. Description Alternative-I Alternative-II Alternative-III 1. Route particulars i) Length in Kms (LiLO 45.5 48.0 50.0 Portion) Ii) Terrain - (a) Plain Plain and slightly hilly Plain and slightly hilly Plain and slightly hilly (b) Hilly terrain terrain terrain

2. Environmental impact v) Towns in NIL NIL NIL alignment

vi) Houses within NIL NIL NIL R.O.W

IE AR: SOUTH WEST Interconnector 19 s. NO. Description Alternative-I Alternative-II Alternative-III vii) Tree/Crops and Neem, Coconut. Neem. Coconut, Neem, Coconut. its extent of Mango / Jungle trees. Mango / Jungle trees, Mango / Jungle trees, damage Groundnut. BrinjaJ, Groundnut, Brinjal, Groundnut, Brinjal, Millet. Green gram, Millet, Green gram. Millet, Green gram, Chilies, Sugarcane, Chilies. Sugarcane, Chilies. Sugarcane, Cotton. Dry crops Cotton. Dry crops Cotton, Dry crops

viii) Forest Nil Nil Nil involvement a. Type of Forest Nil Nil Nil

b. Density of forest

v) Historical/cultural Nil Nil Nil monument vi) Any other relevant information vii) Details of Tribal Nil Nil Nil areas, if any 3 Compensation Cost c ) Towards forest Nil Nil Nil clearance d) Tree/crop To be assessed during To be assessed during To be assessed during tower construction. tower construction. tower construction. 4. Major Crossings (Nos.): River 2 2 2 Power line 6 (220 KV) 6 (220 KV) 6 (220 KV) Railway line Nil Nil NIL National Highway 2 2 2 5. Construction problems Routine ROW issues Routine ROW issues Routine ROW issues 6. O&M problems NIL Nil Nil 7. Overall remarks Route is passing Route is having more Route length is higher through area having line length, more nos. in comparison with comparatively less of angle towers but other alternatives vegetation I trees. No having comparatively passing through less forest areas, less vegetation / trees. vegetation area. ecological sensitive Cultivable land near area and developing Kagal encountered. towns in the alignment, hence this is considered as

I I best route.

From the above comparisons between the three alternatives studied for- LlLO of 400KV/DC Kolhapur - Mapusa line at Kolhapur (HVDC), it may be noticed that Alternative I is the most optimum alignment as it does not involve any forest or ecologically sensitive area. This alignment is passing through areas having comparatively less vegetation and less nos. of developing town. Moreover, lengthwise also it is shorter to other alternatives. Alternative II and III baving more nos. of angle towers and cultivable land encountering near Kagal respectively are more disadvantageous.


5.0 Impact Due to Project Location and Design

Environmental impact of transmission line projects are not far reaching and are mostly localized to ROW. However, transmission line project has some affects on natural and socio-culture resources. Thes'e impacts can be minimized by careful route selection. In order to get latest information and further optimization of route, modern survey techniques/tools like GIS, GPS aerial photography are also applied. Introduction of GIS and GPSin route selection result in access to updated / latest information, through satellite images and further optimization of route having minimal environmental impact. Moreover, availability of various details, constraints like topographical and geotechnical details, forest and environmental details etc. help in planning the effective mitigative measures including engineering variations­ depending upon the site situation/location. In the instant project also these techniques are used and detail survey using GIS / GPS is under progress. Although, all possible measures have been taken up during the finalization of route alignment for the proposed transmission line but due to peculiarity of terrain and demography of the area where project is being implemented, some environmental impacts may be there. The explanations in brief with regard to specific environment review criteria based on preliminary survey are as follows:

(i) Resettlement

As described earlier all measures are undertaken by POWERGRID at line routing stage itself to avoid settlements such as cities, villages etc. It may be seen from the above description of proposed route alignment and also keeping in mind that no land is acquired for tower foundation as per existing law, the project does not require any resettlement of villagers.

The proposed project involves construction of one new substation at Kolhapur for which 26.0 ha. of government land (Panchayat land) in the village Kalamb, Tal. Karveer, District Kolhapur has been finalized. Approx. 2.0 ha land is being acquired for construction / strengthening of access roads and extension of existing sUbstation at Narendra where sufficient land is already available for proposed bays. Hence fresh land acquisition and R&R issues are only involved in the Kolhapur substation and will be dealt as per the provisions of ESPP. Based on the outcome of assessment surveys, detailed RAPs shall be prepared listing a/l measures for rehabilitation of PAPs and community development work to be undertaken for up­ liftment / improvement of infrastructure etc. of affected villages (the issue of land acquisition and R&R shall be dealt in detail separately under RAP).

lEAR: SOUTH WEST Interconnector 21 (ii) Land value depreciation

Based on past experience land prices are generally expected to rise in the areas receiving power. Further, transmission lines generally pass through uninhabited area, agriculture fields and forests, where the land-use is not going to change in foreseeable future. Therefore, the value of land will not be adversely affected to a significant_ degree.

(iii) Historical I Cultural monuments I Value

As per the POWERGRID's policy of route selection only that route alignment is finalized that avoids all the historical and cultural monuments. As per the preliminary assessment carried out during finalization of route alignment in consultation with State Hevenue authorities and ASI, no such monuments are coming in the proposed route a.lignment.

{iv) Encroachment into precious ecological areas

As alrE:!ady explained a" precautions have been taken to avoid routing of line through forest and ecological sensitive areas and National park I Sanctuaries. It may be noted from the above description that with due care during the route alignment forest and protected areas have been completely avoided in the transmission lines covered under the scheme.

(v) Encroachment into other valuable lands

Impacts on agricultural land will be restricted to the construction phase and when large-scale maintenance measures are required. Some stretch of the line will pass through Agricultural fields. Agricultural land will be lost at the base of the tower, which is estimated to be 0.2-1 sq. m per average farm holding (Fig-1). In areas where lines will traverse agricultural land, compensation will be paid to owners for any crop danlage incurred as a result of construction activities. POWERGRID field staff will consult affected villagers and local revenue department and apprise him about the project and tower location, which shall be erected in the agricultural land, for compensation. Revenue department after evaluating the loss due to construction activity and productivity of land arrives at the compensation cost which is paid to farmer. Agricultural activities will be allowed to continue following the construction period. If bunds or other on-farm works are disturbed during construction or maintenance, they will be restored to the owner's satisfaction following cessation of construction or maintenance activities. In the event that private trees are felled during construction or maintenance operations, compensation will be paid to the owner in an amount determined by the estimated loss of products from the tree over an eight year period (for fruit bearing trees). Agricultural lands under private ownership will be identified, and in accordance with normal POWERGRID procedures compensation will be paid to the affected villagers (Annexure-1). Budgetary provision Rs. 446 Lakhs is made in the cost estimate to meet these expenses.

lEAR: SOUTH - WEST Interconnector 22 (vi) Interference with other utilities and traffic

As per regulations enacted by Government of India, it is mandatory for POWERGRID to seek clearance prior to construction from department of Railways, Telecommunications and wherever necessary from aviation authorities that are likely to be affected by the construction of transmission lines. The transmission lines affect nearby telecommunication circuits by causing electrical interference. A standing committee -- Power Telecom Co-ordination Committee (P.T.C.C.) has been constituted by Government of India to plan and implement the mitigating measures for the induced voltage which may occur to nearby telecom circuit and suggest necessary protection measures to be adopted. The committee suggests measures like rerouting of the telecom circuits, conversion of overhead telecom circuits into cables etc. to minimize the interference.

The cost of such measures is determined by the Committee and is shared by POWERGRID and Telecom Department on the basis of prevailing norms and guidelines. Though the exact cost to mitigate the impa-cts of induction in neighboring telecom circuits would vary from case to case, the cost on an average works out to be RS.50000/- per Km for POWERGRID. Provision to meet these expenses has been rnade in the cost estimate for the same.

Wherever transmission line crosses the railways, clearance is taken from that department. In general, the system is planned and executed in such a way that adequate clearance is maintained between transmission lines on the one hand, and railways, civil aviation and defense installations on the other. Wherever the transmission lines pass by the airports the towers beyond specified height are painted in alternate orange and white stripes for easy visibility and warning lights are placed atop these towers.

(vii) Interference with drainage pattern

As the transmission lines are constructed aerially and the blockage of ground surface is limited to area of tower footings, which is very small, there is little possibility of affecting drainage pattern. In the infrequent instances where the drainage is affected, flow will be trained and guided to safe zones. The proposed project does not involve any tower to be placed in river beds for river crossing. However, the DO type towers with required extensions with normal span (about 400m) are proposed for river crOSSing.

5.1 Environmental Problems Due to Design

(i) Escape of polluting materials

The equipments installed on lines and substations are static in nature and do not generate any fumes or waste materials.

lEAR: SOUTH - WEST Interconnector 23 (ii) Explosion I fire hazards

During the survey and site selection for transmission lines and sub-stations, it has been ensured that these are kept away from oil! gas pipelines and other sites with potential for creating explosions or fires.

Fires due to flashover from lines can be a more serious problem in forest. However, adequate safety measures shall be taken to avoid such incidences besides this forest authorities also incorporate measures like making fire lines to· prevent spreading of fire in the affected forest area.

(iii) Erosion hazards due to inadequate provision for resurfacing of exposed area

Adequate measures are taken to re-surface the area where excavation works are done. Topsoil disturbed during the development of sites will be used· to restore the surface of the platform. Infertile and rocky material will be dumped at carefully selected dumping areas and used as fin for tower foundations.

(iv) Environmental aesthetics

Since spacing between the towers in case of 400 KV lines is approx. 350-400 meters these will not affect the visual aesthetics of the localities particularly when it is ensured to route the lines as far away from the localities as possible. POWERGRID takes up plantation of trees to buffer the visual effect around its substations and to provide better living conditions. Wherever POWERGRID feels it appropriate, discussions will be held with local Forest Department Officials to determine feasibility of planting trees along roads running parallel to transmission lines to buffer visual effect in these areas. In addition, towers may be painted grey or green to merge with the background. ­

(v) Noise I Vibration nuisances

The equipment installed at sub-station are mostly static and are so designed that the noise level always remains within permissible limits i.e. 85dB(A) as per Indian standards. The noise levels reported during normal operating conditions are about 60 to 70dB(A) at 2m distance from the equipment. To contain the noise level within the permisSible limits whenever noise level increases beyond permissible limits, measures like providing sound and vibration dampers and rectification of equipment are undertaken. In addition, plantations of sound absorbing species like Casuarinas, Tamarind and Neem are raised at the sub-stations that reduce the sound level appreciably. It is reported that 93 m3 of woodland can reduce the noise level by 8dB(A). Actual noise levels measured at perimeters of existing Substations are 20 to 30d8(A).

(vi) Blockage of wildlife passage

Since the line is passing through mostly agricultural, wasteland and no . protected area, migration path of wild life etc. are involved, hence possibility of disturbance. to wild life are nil! remote.

lEAR: SOUTH VVEST Interconnector 24 5.2 Environmental Problems During Construction Phase

(i) Uncontrolled silt runoff

The Project involves only small scale excavation for tower foundations at scattered locations in plain area that are re-filled with excavated material therefore uncontrolled silt run off is not expected.

(ii) Nuisance to nearby properties

As already described in preceding paras, during site selection due care is taken to keep the transmission line and sUbstations away from settlements. Further, all the construction activities will be undertaken through the use of small mechanical devices e.g. tractors and manual labour therefore nuisance to the nearby properties if any, is not expected.

(iii) Interference with utilities and traffic and blockage of access way

Access to the site will be along existing roads or village paths; minor improvements to paths may be made where necessary, but no major construction of roads will be necessary either during construction or as a part of maintenance procedures. Even if at some places it is found that access road is not available than existing field I path may be utilized and compensation for any damage to crop or field is paid to the owner.

As and when a transmission line crosses any road I railways line, the short span angle (DT) towers are located at a distance so as not to cause any hindrance to the movement of traffic. Stringing at the construction stage is' carried out during lean traffic period in consultation with the concerned authorities and angle towers are planted to facilitate execution of work in different stages.

(iv) Inadequate resurfacing for erosion control

The proposed lines are to be constructed in· plain area where erosion problem is not anticipated. However, if due to terrain at some points transmission towers may be placed on slopes and erosion prone soils, internationally accepted engineering practices will be undertaken to prevent soil erosion. This will include cutting and filling slopes wherever necessary. The back cut slopes and downhill slopes will be treated with revetments. As explained above adequate steps shall be taken to resurface the area after construction. Wherever sites are affected by active erosion or landslides, both biological and engineering treatment will be carried out, e.g. provision of breast walls and retaining walls, and sowing soil binding grasses around the site. Furthermore, construction is generally undertaken outside the rainy season. As the proposed line is mostly passing through plain areas these problems are not antici pated.

lEAR: SOUTH - WEST Interconnector 25 (v) Inadequate disposition of borrow area

As mentioned earlier the transmission tower foundations involve excavations on small scale basis and the excavated soil is utilized for back filling. In case of substations generally the sites are selected in such a manner that the volume of cutting is equal to volume of filling avoiding borrowing of the area. As such acquisition/opening of borrow area is not needed.

(vi) Protection of Worker's health/safety

The Safety Regulations/Safety Manual published by POWERGRID, and included ·in tender documents will guide provisions for workers' health and safety. Various aspects such as, work and safety regulations, workmen's compensation, insurance are adequately covered under the General Conditions of Contract (GCC), a part of biddin~l documents. As a deterrent or to minimize accident during construction a provision- in the contract has been added that stipulates a fine/penalty of Rs.1 0 lakhs for each accidental death and Rs1.0 lakh/each for any injury and is deducted from the contractor's payment and paid to the deceased/affected family, in case of occurrence (Annexure-2).

POWERGRID has a dedicated unit to oversee all health- and safety aspects of its project under the Operation Service Department POWERGRID has framed guidelines/checklist for workers' safety as its personnel are exposed to live EHV apparatus and transmission lines. These guidelines/checklist include work permits and safety precautions for work on the transmission lines both during construction and operation (Annexure-3) and is monitored regularly by site in-charge and Corporate Operation Services. In addition training is imparted to the workers in fire fighting and safety measures. Safety tools like helmet, safety belt, gloves etc. are provided to them in accordance to the provisions of Safety Manual. First aid facilities will be made available with the labour gangs, and doctors called in from nearby towns when necessary. The number of outside (skilled) labourers will be quite small, of the order of 25-30 people per group. The remaining workforce of unskilled labour­ ers will be comprised of local people. Workers are also covered by the statutory Workmen (Compensation) Act. Regular health checkups are conducted for construction workers. The construction sites and construction workers' houses will be disinfected regularly if required. In order to minimize/checking of spread of socially transmitted diseases e.g. HIV/AIDS etc. POWERGRID will conduct awareness building programs on such issues for the construction workers.

5.3 Environmental Problems Resulting from Operation

(i) O&M Staff/Skills less than acceptable resulting in variety of adverse effects

The O&M program in POWERGRID is normally implemented by sub-station personnel for both, the lines as well as sub-stations. However in respect of the-long distance transmission lines, there are monitoring offices that are located at various points en-route. Monitoring measures employed include patrolling and thermo-vision scanning.

lEAR: SOUTH - WEST Interconnector 26 The supervisors and managers entrusted with O&M responsibilities are intensively trained for necessary skills and expertise for handling these aspects.

A monthly preventive maintenance program will be carried out to disclose problems related to cooling oil, gaskets, circuit breakers, vibration measurements, contact resistance, condensers, air handling units, electrical panels and compressors. Any sign of soil erosion is also reported and rectified. Monitoring results are published monthly, including a report of corrective action taken and a schedule for future action.

POWERGRID is following the approved international standards and design, which are absolutely safe. Based on the studies carried out by different· countries on the safety of EHV lines in reference to EMF affect POWERGRID have also carried out such studies with the help of PTI, USA and CPRI, Bangalore on their design. The studies inferred that the POWERGRID design are safe and follow the required international standard. Because of issues relating to need to ensure health and safety relating to the line such as fire safety, safe voltages on metallic parts of buildings, and safety clearances to avoid flashover, the transmission lines will not pass directly over any residential properties and as such the potential for EMF effects to occur will be further diminished. Given that it will be necessary to ensure that there are no properties in the ROW. beneath and to the sides of the overhead line, automatic mitigation against EMF will be provided between the source of potentially high strengths (the transmission line) and the residential properties.

Poly Chlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) due to its high heat capacity, low flammability and low electrical conductivity was extensively used as insulating material in capacitors and transformers. But after the finding that these PCBs are non­ biodegradable and has carcinogenic tendency, its use in electrical equipments as insulating medium has been banned all over the world long back. However, it has been reported in some studies that chances of contamination of oil with PCB is possible. Keeping that in mind, POWERGRID has taken all possible steps in association with NGC, UK and setup Regional testing laboratories for testing of existing oil for PCB traces and results of this suggests that PCB contamination is not an issue with POWERGRID. The World Bank has also made following comments after a detailed study on Management of PCBs in India: "Power Grid was the most advanced in testing for PCBs of the organizations visited for this project. They have established a procedure for identification of the presence of PCBs in transformer oil and more detailed analysis for positive identification sample. To date no significant concentrations of PCBs have been detected. Power Grid do not appear to have any significant issues regarding PCB management and have initiated a testing program. The experience & laboratories of Power Grid could be used to provide a national PCB auditing service".

5.4 Environmental Problems Resulting During De-commissioning

Decommissioning the HVDC terminal would involve lowering the conductors from the towers, which wou1d then be wound up for transport and recycling. Towers and other support structures would be dismantled in a process that is essentially the reverse of

lEAR: SOUTH WEST Interconnector 27 the assembly. Tower footings in agricultural land and other places where they would cause a nuisance, it would be cut off typically about 1m below ground level with the lower end of the footing remaining in place. Rubble from the removed section of the footing and the slab would be removed from site and disposed off to an approved landfill area. Transformers, switchgears and oil containment facilities will also be removed from the site and transported to new site for erection. The transformer oil most probably shall also be transferred in the prescribed containers to the new site for refilling to the transported transformer. However, proper testing of oil for PCB traces and other impurities shall be carried out before its refilling to the transformers. The rernaining oil not withstanding the purity criteria will be handled and disposed off as per the provisions made under Hazardous Wastes (Management, Handling and Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2008, if required.


(i) Loss of irreplaceable resources

The transmission projects do not involve any large scale excavation and land is lost to the extent of 0.2-1 sq m only for each foundation. As the lines in the subject project are not passing Jhrough any forest area, the problem of losing natural resources in this project is' not envisaged. Moreover, with the provision of water harvesting in the substations, it is estimated that such provision shall help in recharging the ground water resulting in conservation of precious natural resource like water. (ii) Accelerated use of resources for short-term gains

The project will not be making use of any natural resources occurring in the area during construction as well as maintenance phases. The construction material such as tower members, cement etc shall come from factories while the excavated soil shall be used for backfilling to restore the surface. Thus the project shall not cause any accelerated use of resources for short term gains.

(iii) Endangering of species

No endangered species of flora and fauna exist in the project area as well as no reserve forest is getting affected thus there is no possibility of endangering/causing extinction of any species. Some trees that are planted by the social forestry in the substation area are to be removed by Social Forestry Department as per the MOU entered upon by POWERGRID with the Panchayat.

(iv) Promoting undesirable rural to'urban migration

The project will not cause any submergence or loss of land holdings that normally trigger migration. It also does not involve acquisition of any private land holdings. Hence, there i~ no possibility of any migration.


Public consultation I information is an integral part of the project implementation. Public is informed about the project at every stage of execution. During survey also POWERGRID's site officials meet people and inform them about the routing of transmission lines. During the construction, every individual, on whose land tower is erected and people affected by ROW, are consulted. Public consultation using different technique like Public Meeting, Small Group Meeting, informal Meeting as per Environmental Social Policy & Procedures of POWERGRID (ESPP) shall also be carried out during different activities of project cycle. During such consultation the public will be informed ~bout the project in general and in particular about the following: • Cornplete project plan (Le. its route and terminating point and substations, if any, in between); • POWERGRID design standards in relation to approved international standards; • Health impacts in relation to EMF; • Measures taken to avoid public utilities such as school, hospitals, etc.; • Other impacts associated with transmission lines and POWERGRI D's approach to minimizing and solving them; • Land acquisition details, proposed R&R measures and compensation packages in line with .F0WERGRID's policy; • Trees and crop compensation process.

Apart from organising many informal group meetings in different villages public meeting was also organised on 27.07.2009 at village Kalamb in Kolhapur Distt. of Maharashtra (Establishment of 1000 MW HVDC back-to-back station at Kolhapur) and on 29.07.2009 at Panchayat Community Hall in the Aravalli Vii/age of Distt. Belgaum (Narendra - Kolhapur 400 KV Dlc line) of Karnataka state. Gram Panchayat Leaders and Members from Kalamb village in Kolhapur and from Aravalli, Kenganur, Jalikuppa and Villages, Area Revenue Inspector, Bailahongal in Belgaum district and public from these vii/ages attended the above Meeting (Plate 1, 2 & 3). To get the maximum participation during the Public consultation Program a notice was served well in advance to the villagers.

Pamphlet containing the Highlights of Transmission System Associated with South­ West Interconnection in local language i.e. Kannada (Annexure.. 4) and English were distributed for the information of the participants. The route map was also displayed for the perusal of the participants.

The questions I apprehension raised by the village leaders and public were answered during the interactive session. The entire interactive session was conducted in local language i.e. Marathi and Kannada (Translated copy of the interactive session enclosed as Annexure 5. The program was appreciated by the villagers including Sarpanch and they assured to extend their cooperation for construction of transmission project. The process of such consultation shall continue . during project implementation and even during O&M stage.

lEAR: SOUTH - WEST Interconnector 29 5.7 CONCLUSIONS:

From the above discussion, it would seem that the area is rich in physical resources. But careful route selection has avoided involvement of National Park I Sanctuary or protected areas including forest stretches. Thus, the route selected for detailed survey is the most optimum route alignment and do not involve any other protected area. As the selected 26 ha land is encroachment free government and therefor_e no R&R issues are involved. However, access to selected site involves construction I strengthening of existing kuchha road that may involve acquisition of small area of private land which will be dealt as per the provisions of ESPP. Hence, based on the criteria agreed with Bank the project is coming under the P2 category. The infrastructural constraints are very real and pose a limiting factor on the development of the area. The above facts while on the one hand underline the need for implerTlentation of the project for overall development of the area and on another hand suggest that a detailed E.I.A. may not be necessary.



Monitoring is a continuous process for POWERGRID projects at all the stages be it the site selection, construction or maintenance.

The success of POWERGRID lies in its strong monitoring systems. Apart from the site managers reviewing the progress on daily basis regular project review meetings are held at least on monthly basis which is chaired by Executive Director of the region wherein apart from construction issues the environmental aspects of the projects are discussed and remedial measures taken wherever required. The exceptions of these meetings are submitted to the Directors and Chairman and Mana~ling Director of the Corporation. The progress of various on-going projects is also informed to the Board of Directors. Following is the organization support system for proper implementation and monitoring of Environmental & Social Management Plan.

6.1 Corporate Level

An Environmental Management Cell at corporate level was created within POWERGRID in 1992 and subsequently upgraded to an Environment Management Department (EMD) in 1993 and in 1997 it has been further upgraded to Environment & Social Management Deptt. (ESMD) by incorporating social aspect of project. Briefly, the ESMD's responsibilities are as follows:

• Advising and coordinating RHOs and Site to carry out environmental and social surveys for new projects. • Assisting RHQs and site to finalize routes of entire power transmission line considering environmental and social factors that could arise enroute • Help RHOs and Site to follow-up with the state forest offices and other state departments in expediting forest clearances and the land acquisition process of various ongoing and new projects • Act as a focal point for interaction with the MOEF for expediting forest clearances and follow-ups with the Ministry of Power. • Imparts training to POWERGRID's RHOs & site Officials on environment and social issues and their management plan.

6.2 Regional Level

At its Regional Office POWERGRID has a Environmental and Social Management cell (ESMC) to manage Environmental and Social issues and to coordinate between ESMD at the Corporate level and the Divisional Headquarters. The key functions envisaged for ESMC are:

• Advising and coordinating field offices to carry out environmental and social surveys for new projects envisaged in the Corporate Investment Plan

lEAR: SOUTH - WEST Interconnector 31 • Assisting the ESMD and site to finalize routes of entire power transmission lines considering the environmental and social factors that could arise en­ route • To follow-up forest clearances and land acquisition processes with state forest offices and other state departments for various ongoing and new projects • Acting as a focal point for interaction with the ESMD and site on various environmental and social aspects.

6.3 Site Office

At the Divisional Headquarters level, POWERGRID has made the head of the division responsible for implementing the Environmental and Social aspect of project and are termed as Environmental and Social Management Team (ESMT) . Key functions of the ESMT are:

• Conduct surveys on environmental and social aspects to finalize the route for the power transmission projects • Conduct surveys for the sites to being considered for land acquisition • Interact with the Forest Departments to make the forest proposal and follow it up for MOEF clearance. • I nteract with Revenue Authorities for land acquisition and follow it up with Authorized Agencies for implementation of Social Management Plan (SMP). • Implementation of Environment Management Plan (EMP) and SMP • Monitoring of EMP and SMP and producing periodic reports on the same.

It may be noted that POWERGRID is well equipped to implement and monitor its environment and Social Management plans.

As regards monitoring of impacts on ecological resources particularly in Forest, Sanctuary or National Park, it is generally done by the concerned Divisional Forest Officer, Chief Wildlife Warden and their staff as a part of their normal duties. As no forest area is involved in the instant project such monitoring/provision shall not be applicable to proposed project. A detailed Environment Management Plan (EMP) including monitoring plan for all possible environmental and social impact and its proper management has been drawn (Table- 6.1) and will be implemented during various stage of project execution. A budget estimate towards tree/crop compensation and EMP irrlplementation is prepared and is placed at Annexure-G. Since many provisions of EMP are to be implemented by contractor hence for proper monitoring EMP has included in the contract document (Annexure-7).

Environmental Review: Periodic review by corporate ESMD and higher management including review by POWERGRID CMD of all environmental and social issues. is undertaken to ensure that EMP and other measures are implemented at site. Besides it annual review by independent Auditor under ISO: 14001 shall also be undertaken for compliance of agreed policy and management plan.

lEAR: SOUTH - WEST Interconnector 32 Table- 6.1 Environment Management Plan

-~ ...... -..-­ Project activity Potential Proposed Parameter to be Measurement Institutional Implementation schedule Istage impact mitigation monitored and frequency responsibility measure Pre-construction Location of Exposure to Setback of dwellings Tower location and Setback POWERGRID Part of tower siting survey and transmission safety related to overhead lile line alignment distances to detailed alignment survey and towers and risks route designed il selection with nearest houses ­ design transmission line accordance with respect to nearest once alignment and permitted level of dwellings design power frequercy and the regulation of su~ervision at sites. Equipment Release of PCBs not used in Transformer design Exclusion of POWERGRID Part of te'nder specifications for the specifications and chemicals and substation PCBs in equipment design parameters gases in transformers or transformers receptors (air, other project stated in tender water, land) facilities or specification ­ equipment. once Processes, Process, Exclusion of POWERGRID Part of tender specifications for the equipment and equipment and CFCs stated in eqUipment systems not to use system design tender chlorofluorocarbons specification ­ (CFCs), including once halon, and their use, if any, in existing processes and Phase out Part of equipment and process systems should be schedule to be design ph ased out and to prepared in case be disposed of in a still in use ­ once manner consistent with the requirements of the

Government -

lEAR: SOUTH - WEST Interconnector 33 ~...... -.-...... --...... -.-­ IProject activity Potential Proposed Parameter to be Measurement IInstitutional Implementation schedule /stage impact mitigation monitored and frequency responsibility measure Transmission line Exposure to Transmission line Electromagnetic Line design POWERGRID Part of detailed alignnent survey design electromagnetic design to comply field strength for compliance with and design interference with the limits of proposed line relevant electromagnetic design standards - once interference from overhead power lines Substation location Exposure to Design of plant Expected noise Compliance with POWERGRID Part of detailed siting survey and and design noise enclosures to emissions based regulations ­ design comply with noise on SUbstation once regulations. design Location of Impact on Consideration of Tower location and Consultation with POWERGRID Part of tower siting survey and transmission water bodies tower location at line alignment local authorities detailed alignment survey and towers and and land where they could be selection (distance and land owners design transmission line located to avoid to water and/or - once alignment and water bodies or agricultural land) design agriculbJralland. Social Careful route Tower location and Consultation with POWERGRID Part of detailed tower siting and inequities selection to avoid line alignment local authorities alignment survey and design existing settlements selection (distance and land owners to nearest - once dwellings or social institutions) Minimise need to Tower location and Consultation with POWERGRID Part of detailed tower siting and acquire agricultural line alignment local authorities alignment survey and design land selection (distance and land owners to agriculbJral land) - once

lEAR: SOUTH - WEST Interconnector 34 I Project activity Potential Proposed Parameter to be Measurement Institutional Implementation schedule /stage impact mitigation monitored and frequency responsibility measure Involuntary Social Compensation paid RAP Consultation with POWERGRID Prior to construction phase resettlement or inequities for temporary! implementation affected parties- land acquisition pennanent loss of once in a quarter productive land as per LAA & its process Encroachment into Loss of Avoid encroachment Tower location and Consultation with POWERGRID Part of detailed siting and alignment precious ecological precious by careful site and line alignment local forest survey /design areas ecological alignment selection selection (distance authorities - once values! to nearest damage to designated precious ecological species protection area) Transmission line Deforestation Avoid encroachment Tower location and Consultation with POWERGRID Part of detailed siting and alignment through forestland and loss of by careful site and line alignment local authorities ­ survey/design biodiversity alignment selection selection (distance once Minimise the need to nearest Consultation with by using existing protected or local authorities towers, tall towers reserved forest) and design and RoW, wherever engineers - once possible Obtain statutory Statutory approvals Compliance with clearances from the from Government regulations ­ Government once for each subproject Encroachment into Loss of Use existing tower Tower location and Consultation with POWERGRID Part of detailed aligrment survey farmland agricultural footings!towers line alianment local authorities and design productivity wherever possible selecti n and design engineers - once I

lEAR: SOUTH - WEST Interconnector 35 1 Project activity Potential Proposed Parameter to be Measurement IInstitutional ! Implementation schedule !stage impact mitigation monitored and frequency responsibility I measure I Avoid siting new Tower location and Consultation with I Part of detailed siting and alignment towers on farmland line alignment local authorities \ survey /design wherever feasible selection and design engineers - once Farmers Design of Consultation with Prior to construction phase compensated for Implementation of' affected parties- any permanent loss Crop once in a quarter of productive land Compensation (based on affected area) Farmers/landowners Design of Consultation with Prior to construction phase compensated for Implementation of affected parties- significant trees that Tree compensation once in a quarter need to be trimmed/ (estimated area to , removed along be RoW. trimmed/removed) Statutory approvals Compliance with Part of detailed siting and alignment for tree trimming regulations ­ survey /design /removal once for each subproject Noise related Nuisance to Substations sited Noise levels Noise levels to POWERGRID Part of detailed equipment design neighbouring and designed to be specified in properties ensure noise will not tender be a nuisance. documents ­ once Interference with Flooding Appropriate siting of Tower location and Consultation with POWERGRID Part of detailed alignnent survey drainage hazardslloss of towers to avoid line alignment local authorities and design patternsllrrigation agricultural channel interference selection (distance and design channels production to nearest flood engineers - once zone) I

• lEAR: SOUTH - WEST Interconnector 36 Project activity Potential Proposed Parameter to be Measurement IInstitutional Implementation schedule /stage impact mitigation monitored and frequency responsibility measure Escape of polluting Environmental Transformers Equipment Tender POWERGRID Part of detailed equipmErlt design materials pollution designed with oil specifications with document to Idrawings spill containment respect to potential mention systems, and pollutants specifications ­ purpose-built oil, once lubricant and fuel storage system, complete \/\lith spill cleanup equipment. Substations to Substation sewage Tender POWERGRID Part of detailed substation layout include drainage design document to and design Idrawings and sewage mention detailed disposal systems to specifications ­

avoid offsite land # once and water polluton. J Explosions/Fire Hazards, to life Design of Substation design Tender POWERGRID Part of detailed sUbstation layout substations to compliance wi1h document to and design Idrawings include modern fire fire prevention and mention detailed control control codes specifications ­ systems/firewalls. once Provision of fire fighting equipnent to be located close to transformers. Decommissioning of HVDC Terminal Transformers, Contamination Transferred in Testing for PCB During refilling POWERGRID DecofflmissioninglRecommissioning switchgears and of land I nearby prescribed traces and other Used Oil I Waste water bodies containers for impurities Oil utilization at new sites for re-filling to transported transformers - - ...... ­

lEAR: SOUTH - WEST Interconnector 37 Project activity Potential Proposed Parameter to be Measurement ! Institutional Implementation schedule Istage impact mitigation monitored and frequency Iresponsibility measure Used I waste oil not Handling & As and when POWERGRID Decommissioning/Recommissioning withstanding purity Disposal as per the generated I Authorized criteria to be provisions of Recyclers handled and Hazardous waste disposed off as per rules, 2008 the provisions under Hazardous waste rules, 2008, if ) required. Transformers, switchgears etc. to be sold to I authorized recyclers. Noise related Nuisance to Conduct out activity Noise levels Noise levels at POWERGRID Decommissioning/Recommissioning neighbouring during daytime and [d8(A)] boundary properties noise levels to be nearest to during kept within properties and dismantling prescribed norms. conSUltation with affected parties if any - during decommissioning Construction Equipment layout Noise and Construction Construction Construction POWERGRID Construction period and installation vibrations techniques and techniques and techniques and (Contractor machinery selection machinery machinery through ! seeking to minimize creating minimal contract ground disturbance. ground provisions) disturbance ­ once at the start of each construction

lEAR: SOUTH WEST Interconnector 38 rProject activity Potential Proposed Parameter to be Measurement IInstitutional IImplementation schedule . /stage impact mitigation monitored and frequency , responsibility measure --~ i phase Physical Disturbed Construction Timinglof start of Crop disturbance POWERGRID Construction period construction farming activity activities on construction -Post harvest as (Contractor cropping land timed soon as possible through to avoid disturbance but before next contract of field crops (within crop - once per provisions) I one month of site harvest wherever possible). Mechanized Noise, vibration Construction Construction Complaints POWERGRID Construction period construction and operator equipment to be equipment- received by local (Contractor safety, efficient well maintained. estimated noise authorities ­ through operation emissions every 2 weeks contract provisions) Noise, Turning off plant not Construction Complaints POWERGRID Construction period vibration, in use. equipment- received by local (Contractor equipment estimated noise authorities ­ through wear and tear emissions and every 2 weeks contract operating provisions) schedules Construction of Increase in Existing roads and Access roads, Use of POWERGRID Construction period roads for airborne dust tracks used for routes (length and established (Contractor accessibility particles construction and width of new roads wherever through maintenance access access roads to be possible - every contract to the line wherever constructed) 2 weeks provisions) possible. Increased land New access ways Access width Access restricted POWERGRID Construction period requirement for restricted to a single (meters) to single ( Contractor temporary carriageway width carriageway through accessibility within the RoW. width within RoW contract - every 2 weeks provisions) I Temporary Overflows, Temporary Temporary fill Absence of fill in POWERGRID Construction period I

lEAR: SOUTH ~ WEST Interconnector 39 Project activity Potential Proposed Parameter to be Measurement IInstitutional Implementation schedule /stage impact mitigation monitored and frequency responsibility measure 3 blockage of utilities reduced placement of fill in placement (m ) sensitive (Contractor discharge drains/canals not drainage areas ­ through permitted. every 4 weeks contract provisions) Site clearance Vegetation Marking of Vegetation marking Clearance strictly POWERGRID Construction period vegetation to be and clearance limited to target (Contractor 2 removed prior to control (area in m ) vegetation ­ through clearance, and strict every 2 weeks contract control on clearing provisions) activities to ensure minimal clearance. Trimming/cutting of Fire hazards Trees allowed Species-specific Presence of POWERGRID Construction period trees within RoW growing up to a tree retention as target'species in (Contractor height within the approved by RoW. following through RoW by maintaining statutory authorities vegetation contract adequate clearance (average and clearance ­ once provisions) between the top of maximum tree per site tree and the height at maturity, conductor as per the in meters) regulations. Loss of Trees that can Species-specific Presence of POWERGRID Construction period vegetation and survive pruning to tree retention as target species in (Contractor 'deforestation comply should be approved by RoW following through pruned instead of statutory authorities vegetation contract cleared. clearance ­ once provisions) per site Felled trees and Disposal of cleared Use or intended POWERGRID Construction period other cleared or vegetation as use of vegetation (Contractor

, pruned vegetation to approved by the as approved by through be disposed of as statutory authorities the statutory contract authorized by the (area cleared in authorities ­ provisions) 2 statutory bodies . m ) once per site

• lEAR: SOUTH - WEST Interconnector 40 Project activity Potential Proposed Parameter to be Measurement Institutional Implementation schedule /stage impact mitigation I monitored and frequency responsibility measure Wood/vegetation . loss of Construction Illegal wood Complaints by POWERGRID Construction period I harvesting vegetation and workers prohibited /vegetation local people or {Contractor deforestation from harvesting harvesting (area in other evidence cf through 2 wood in the project m , number of illegal harvesting contract area during their incidents reported) - every 2 weeks provisions) employment, (apart from locally employed staff continuing current legal activities). Surplus Runoff to cause Soil excavated from Soil disposal Acceptable soil POWER Construction period earthwork/soil water pollution, tower footings locations and disposal sites ­ GRID 3 solid waste disposed of by volume (m ) every 2 weeks (Contractor disposal placement along through roadsides, or at contract nearby house provisions) blocks if requested I by landowners. Substation loss of soil Fill for the Borrow area siting Acceptable POWERGRID Construction period construction substation {area of site in m2 borrow areas ( Contractor foundations and estimated that provide a through 3 obtained by creating volume in m ) benefit - every 2 contract or improving local weeks provisions) water supply ponds or drains, with the I agreement of local communities. Substation Water pollution Construction Seasonal start and Timing of major POWERGRID Construction period construction activities involving finish of major disturbance {Contractor significant ground earthworks activities - prior through disturbance (Le. to start of contract substation land construction provisions)

lEAR: SOUTH - WEST Interconnector 41 I Project activity Potential Proposed Parameter to be Measurement Institutional Implementation schedule [stage impact mitigation monitored and frequency responsibility measure I forming) not acthi,ities undertaken during the monsoon season. Site clearance Vegetation Tree clearances for Ground Amount of POWERGRID Construction period easement disturbance during ground (Contractor establishment to vegetation disturbance ­ through only involve cutting clearance (area, every 4 weeks contract 2 trees off at grou nd m ) provisions) level or pruning as Statutory approvals Statutory POWERGRID Construction period appropriate, with approvals for (Contractor tree stumps and tree clearances ­ through roots left in place once for each , contract and ground cover site provisions) left undisturbed. Tower construction Waste disposal Excess fill from Location and Appropriate fill POWERGRID Construction period - disposal of tower foundation amount (m3)of fill disposal (Contractor i surplus excavation disposed disposal locations - every through I earthworkfflll of next to roads or 2 weeks contract I around houses, in provisions) agreement with the local community or landowner. Storage of Contamination Fuel and other Location of Fuel storage in POWERGRID Construction period chemicals and of receptors hazardous materials hazardous material appropriate (Contractor materials (land, water, securely stored storage; spill locations and through air) above high flood reports (type of receptacles ­ contract

level. material spilled I every 2 weeks provisions) 3 amount (kg or m ) and action taken to control and clean up SRiII)

lEAR: SOUTH - WEST Interconnector 42 IProject activity Potential Proposed Parameter to be Measurement ! Institutional Implementation schedule ,'stage impact mitigation monitored and frequency Iresponsibility measure I I Construction Noise nuisance Construction Timing of Daytime POWERGRID Construction period I schedules to neighbouring activities only construction (noise construction only (Contractor properties undertaken during emissions, [d8(A)]) - every 2 weeks through I the day and local contract communities provisions) informed of the I construction schedule. Provision of Contamination Construction Amenities for Presence of POWERGRID Construction period facilities for of receptors workforce facilities Workforce facilities proper sanitation, (Contractor

construction (land, water, to include proper water supply and through I I I I workers air) sanitation, water waste disposal contract I I supply and waste facilities - once provisions) I I disposal facilities. each new facility I Encroachment into Loss of Use existing access Usage of existing Complaints POWERGRID Construction period farmland agricultural roads wherever utilities received by local (Contractor productivity possible people through Ensure existing Status of existing /authorities ­ contract irrigation facilities facilities every 4 weeks provisions) are maintained in I I working condition Protect /preserve Status of facilities 3 I topsoil and reinstate (earthwork in m ) I after construction completed I I Repair /reinstate Status of facilities 3 damaged bunds e1c (earthwork in m ) after construction

I L-___._... _ ...... __... __.... ~ _comQleted .. _ ~- - -­ - ... - ....---.-..- ..--.... - I

lEAR: SOUTH - WEST Interconnector 43 I Project activity Potential Proposed Parameter to be I Measurement I Institutional /Implementation schedule I I I /stage , impact mitigation monitored and frequency responsibility I I , I measure ,_ .... I Social Compensation for Implementation of Consultation with POWERGRID I Prior to construction I inequities temporary loss in Crop compensation affected pa rties - . agricultural (amount paid, once in a quarter I production dates, etc.) I Uncontrolled Soil loss, Need for access Design basis and Incorporating POWERGRID Construction period erosion/silt runoff downstream tracks minimised, construction good design and (Contractor siltation; use of existing procedures construction through roads. (suspended solids management contract Limit site clearing to in receiving waters; practices - once provisions) work areas area re-vegetated for each site 2 ; Regeneration of in m amount of I vegetation to bunds constructed stabilise works [length in meter, 2 areas on completion area in m , or ! 3 (where applbable) volume in m J) I Avoidance of excavation in wet season Water courses protected from siltation through use of bunds and I sediment ponds Nuisance to Losses to Contract clauses Contract clauses Incorporating POWERGRID Construction period nearby properties neighbouring specifying careful good (Contractor land uses/ construction construction through i values practices. management contract practices - once provisions) I for each site

lEAR: SOUTH - WEST Interconnector 44 I Project activity ,Potential Proposed Parameter to be Measurement ! Institutional Implementation schedule !,stage impact mitigation monitored and frequency Iresponsibility measure As much as Design basis and Incorporating possible existing layout good design I access ways will be engineering used. practices - once for each site Productive land wit Reinstatement of Consultation with be reinstated land status (area affected parties- 2 following completion affected, m ) twice- of construction immediately after ) completion of construction and after the first harvest Social Compensation will Implementation of Consultation with POWERGRID Prior to construction inequities be paid for loss of Tree/Crop affected partieS-) i production, if any. compensation once in a quarter I (amount paid) Inadequate siting Loss of land Existing borrow Contract clauses Incorporating POWERGRID Construction period

of borrow areas values sites will be used to good (Contractor I source aggregates, construction through therefore, no need management contract to develop new practices - once provisions) sources of for each site aggregates Health and safety Injury and Contract provisions Contract clauses Contract clauses POWERGRID Construction period sickness of specifying minimum (number of compliance- (Contractor

workers and requirements for incidents and total I once every through members of the . construction camps lost-work days quarter contract public Contractor to caused by injuries provisions) prepare and and sickness) implement a health and safety plan.

lEAR: SOUTH - WEST Interconnector 45 Project activity Potential Proposed Parameter to be Measurement I Institutional I Implementation schedule /stage impact mitigation monitored and frequency Iresponsibility I measure

Contractor to I I I arrange for health I I and safety training I sessions I Inadequate Likely to Training of Training schedules Number of POWERGRID Routinely throughout construction construction stage maximise POWERGRID programs period monitoring damages environmental attended by each monitoring person - once a personnel year Implementation of Respective Submission of effective contract checklists duly completed environmental and remedial checklists of all monitoring and actions taken contracts for I reporting system thereof. each site - once using checklist of all contractual I I environmental requirements Appropriate contact Compliance report Submission of clauses to ensure related to duly completed I satisfactory environmental compliance I implementation of aspects for the report for each contractual contract contract - once environmental mitigation measures. Operation and Maintenance Location of Exposure to Setback of dwellings Compliance with Setback POWERGRID During operatbns transmission safety related to overhead line setback distances distances to towers and risks route designed i1 ("as-built" nearest houses ­ transmission line accordance with diagrams) once in quarter alignment and permitted level of

lEAR: SOUTH - WEST Interconnector 46 IProject activity Potential Proposed Parameter to be Measurement Institutional Implementation schedule /stage impact mitigation monitored and frequency responsibility measure I design power frequen:;y and the regulation of I supervision at sites. Equipment Contamination Equipment installed Substation design Base height as POWERGRID During operatons submerged under of receptors above the high flood to account for HFL per flood design ­ flood (land, water) level (HFL) by ("as-built" once raising the diagrams) foundation pad. Oil spillage Contamination Substation Substatio bunding Bunding (Oil POWERGRID During operatons of land/nearby transformers located (Oil sump) sump) capacity water bodies within secure and ("as-built" and permeability impervious sump diagrams) - once areas with a storage capacity of at least 100% of the capacity of oil in transformers and associated reserve tanks. I I Inadequate Injury and Careful design using Usage of Preparedness POWERGRID Design and operation provision of sickness of appropriate appropriate level for using I staff/workers staff /workers technologies to technologies (lest these I health and safety minimise hazards work days due to technologies in I I during operations illness and injuries) crisis ­ once I each year Safety awarene~aining/awarene$ Number of raising for staff. rograr"'l~ ~I}d______J?r9grall1~LClD9 ___

lEAR: SOUTH - WEST Interconnector 47 Project activity Potential Proposed Parameter to be Measurement Institutional Implementation schedule Istage impact mitigation monitored and frequency responsibility measure . Prepcuation of fire mock drills percent of staff emergency action /workers covered plan and training - once each year given to staff on implementing emergency action plan Provide adequate Provision of Complaints sanitation and water facilities received from supply facilities staff /wo rkers every 2 weeks Electric Shock Injury/mortality Careful design using Usage of Preparedness POWERGRID Design and Operation Hazards to staff and appropriate appropriate level for using public technologies to technologies these minimise hazards (number of injury technologies in incidents, lost work crisis - once a days) month Security fences Maintenance of Report on around substations fences maintenance ­ Barriers to prevent Maintenance of every 2 weeks climbing barriers on/dismantling of transmission towers Appropriate warning Maintenance of signs on facilities warning signs Electricity safety Training Number of awareness raising in /awareness programs and project areas programs and percent of total mock drills for all persons covered concerned parties - once each year

lEAR: SOUTH WEST Interconnector 48 Project activity Potential Proposed Parameter to be Measurement Institutional Implementation schedule Istage impact mitigation monitored and frequency responsibility measure Operations and Unnecessary ,Adequate training in Training/awarenes:; Number of POWERGRID Operation maintenance staff environmental O&M to all relevant programs and programs and skills less than losses of staff of substations mock drills for all percent of staff acceptable various types and transmission relevant staff covered ­ once line maintenance each year crews. Preparation and training in the use of O&M manuals and standard operating practices. Inadequate Diminished Power Grid staff to Training/awarenes:; Number of POWERGRID Operation periodic ecological and receive training in programs and programs and environmental social values. environmental mock drills for all percent of staff monitoring. monitoring of project reievant staff covered ­ once operations and each year maintenance activities. Equipment Release of Processes, Procesf' Phase out POWERGRID Operations specifications and chemicals and equipment and equipment and schedule to be design parameters gases in systems using system design prepared in case receptors (air, cholofluorocarbons still in use ­ once water, land) (CFCs), including in a quarter halon, should be phased out and to be disposed of in a manner consistent with the requirements of the Government. Transmission line. Exposure to Transmission line Required ground Ground POWERGRID Operations maintenance electromagnetic design to comply clearance (meters) clearance ­

• lEAR: SOUTH WEST Interconnector 49 Project activity Potential Proposed Parameter to be Measurement Institutional IImplementation schedule Istage impact mitigation monitored and frequency responsibility! measure interference . with the iimits of once I electromagnetic interference from overhead power

lines I Noise related Nuisance to Substations sited Noise levels Noise levels at POWERGRID Operations neighbouring and designed to (d8(A» boundary properties ensure noise will not nearest to

be a nuisance. properties and J consultation with affected parties if any- once


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!jim, ,-,yr" INa abo.,n III III.,. WWI Con(OWfl art .,pro)(l~tc . ~ PII.-.lly (411WIJ w~.,· A. ,.lni.,. lIti,ht. .'t. ,.PS!"tll~lmi hclpt" an IGIll lUMIp ,.nll., '4 1j Ic~ ' 4~ ; aI~ ~m 01 a Tbe ~"clatl94 01 ar. ,· of WoodW, ....~t v« coloUred MHj ..~ 1 IlliG or cr.III....y.T.I4"ApldIIW. CIIUlll~ WI'" QI~ , . .ocw* law. « ~ Fo.rtKI V. ~.n by ;&1'''' owd CM.tI., ~"'tio. COtlWUh ""Itn ",b· f Uu·q. ~. .wJop. •C'UI1" . , • " .. . , •. • " rlblMl. i ~,omjilC.ct ~r~lIy.d ANNEXURE-1 TREE & CROP COMPENSA TION PROCEDURE Tree and Crop Compensation Procedures

Statutory Requirements:

As per the statutory requirements (IS-5613, Part 3, 1989) all the trees and bushes, including saplings coming in the ROW limit i.e. clearance belt of transmission lines must be cut and removed. The procedure for clearing of trees and crops is as illustrated below.

In exercise of the powers vested with Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (POWERGRID) under Indian telegraph Act'1885, part 3, section 10 to 19 conferred under section 164 of the Electricity Act 2003 through Gazette by India, extra ordinary dated 24th Dec. 2003, has the authority to place and maintain transmission lines under over along or across and posts in or upon, any immoveable property. As per the provisions of Indian Telegraph Act1885 Part III Section 10 (b) which prohibits acquisition of any rights other than that of use only, land for tower and right of way is not acquired and agricultural activities are allowed to continue. However, as per clause 10 (d) of same act stipulates that the user agency shall pay full compensation to all interested for any damages sustained during the execution of said work. Accordingly, POWERGRID pays compensation to land owners towards damages if any to trees or crop during implementation of transmission project as well as during Operation and maintenance phase. The procedure followed for such compensation is as follows:

POWERGRID follows the principle of avoidance, minimization and mitigation in the construction of line in agricultural field having crop due to inherent flexibility in phasing the construction activity and tries to defer construction in cropped area to facilitate crop harvesting. However, if it is unavoidable and is likely to affect project schedule, compensation is given at market rate for standing crops. All efforts are also taken to minimize the crop damage to the extent possible in such cases. As regards trees coming in the Right Of Way (ROW) following procedure is adopted for enumeration:

All the tre'9s which are coming within the clearance belt of ROW on either side of the center line are identified and marked/numbered from one AP to the other and documented. Type, Girth {Measured 1 m. above ground level}, approximate height 0 the tree is also noted for each tree. Trees belonging 0 Govt., Forest, Highways and other local bodies may be separately noted down or timely follow up with the concerned authorities for inspection and removal. Cashew, Guava, Lemon and other hybrid trees which are not of tall growing nature are not marked for cutting since these trees can be crossed using standard tower extensions if required.

A notice under Indian Telegraph Act is served to the landowners informing that the proposed transmission line is being routed through the property of the individual concerned. The notice shall contain the particulars of the land, ownership details and the details of the trees/crops inevitability likely to be damaged during the course of the construction of the proposed transmission line and acknowledgement received from land owner. A copy of said notice is further issued to the Revenue Officer, who has been authorized by the State Govt. for the purpose of assessment/valuation and disbursement of compensation to the affected parties.

The revenue officer shall further issue a notice of intimation to the concerned landowner and inspect the site to verify the documents related to the proof of ownership and a detailed Mahazer is prepared for the identified trees and crops inevitability damaged during the course of the construction. For assessing the true value of timber yielding trees help of forest officials is taken and for fruit bearing trees help of Horticulture department is taken.

The Mahazer shall contain the land owner details type of tree/crop, its present age, variety, yielding pattern etc. and the same is prepared at site in the presence of the land owner. These Mahazers are further compiled and a random verification is conducted by the concerned District Collector or his authorized representative in order to ascertain the assessment carried out by the revenue office is genuine and correct. After this process the District collector issues a tree cutting permit to Power Grid Corporation to enable removal/ damage to the standing tree/crop identified in the line corridor.

Once the tree/crop is removed I damaged, POWERGRID shall issue a tree cutting/crop damaged notice to the land owner with a copy to the Revenue Officer to process the compensation payment. Based on the above the compensation payment is generated by means of a computerized programme developed by the National Informatics Center exclusively for this purpose. The detailed Valuation statement thus generated using this programme is verified at various levels and approval of payment of compensation is accorded by the concerned District Collectors.

On approval of compensation, the revenue officer shall further intimate the amount payable to the different landowners and POWERGRID arranges the payment by way of Demand Draft to the affected parties. The payment is further disbursed at the local village office after due verification of the documents in presence of other witnesses.

Procedure exclusively followed in Kerala State:

Due to typical demography of Kerala state and presence of several orchards of Coconut and Rubber, State government in consultation with Kerala State Electricity Board {KSEB) have devised a formula for arriving the compensation which is as follows:

Compensation = yield X constant factor X average market value X future age.

The constant factor is to arrive the net return component for the particular variety of tree in line with the annuity ratio slab prescribed for the balance life of the tree. TREE / CROP COMPENSATION PROCESS

Walk over / preliminary survey of route alignment 1 Detailed / Check Survey of final route alignment to fix the angle point and tower spotting

If the line palling through private cultivable areal. Issue of Notice under Indian telegraph I Act to the landowner 1 Preparation of Mahazer by Revenue official ------. at site in presence ofland owner, POWERGRID and two witnesses. ! Inspection / verification by DC or his authorized reoresentative I 1 I Issue oftree cutting pennit bv DC I ~ Cutting oftrees by POWERGRID and issue ofcutting certificate to land owner and revenue official by POWERGRID

Grievanct· Procedure Association of Forest / AP may represent ifnot ~ Horticulture Dept!. for assessment of value of satisfied with assessment I Preparation ofchecklist and valuation timber and fruit bealing to revenue or to DC for statement by revenue official revision/review. 'I I trees respectively. ...-., .. + Approval of valuation statement by DC I If he/she is sti II not /' /' satisfied may move to /' /' ~ court. /' /' /' Disbursement ofcompensation to /' ,/ affected fanners and /' I 1 / I Local Court J ANNEXURE-2 CONTRACT CONDITIONS ON WORKER'S HEALTH & SAFETY Section VIII. Particular Conditions 8-13

GC Addition of Sub-Clause GC

Compliance with Labour Regulations

During continuance of the contract, the Contractor and his sub-contractors shall abide at all times by all applicable existing labour enactments and rules made thereunder, regulations notifications and byelaws of the State or Central Government or local authority and any other labour law (including rules). regulations bye laws that may be passed or notification that may be issued under any labour law in future either by the State or the Central Government or the local authority. The employees of the Contractor and the Sub-contractor in no case shall be treated as the employees of the Employer at any point of time.

GC Addition of Sub-Clause GC

The Contractor shall keep the Employerindemhified in case any action is taken against the Employer by the competent authority on account of contravention of any of the provisions of' any Act or rules made thereunder, regulations or notifications including amendments.

GC Addition of Sub-Clause GC

If the Employer is caused to pay under any law as principal employer such amounts as may be necessary to cause or observe, or for non observance of the provIsions stipulated in the notifications! byelaWs! Acts! Rules!regulations including amendments, if any, on the part of the Contractor, the Employer shall have the right to deduct any money due to the Contractor under this contractor any other contract with the employer including his amount of performance security for adjusting the aforesaid payment The Employer shall also have right to recover from .the Contractor any sum required or estimated to be required for making good the loss or damage suffered by the Employer.

GC Addition of Sub-Clause GC

Salient features of some major laws applicable to establishments engaged in building and other construction works:

a) Workmen Compensation Act 1923: The Act provides for compensation in case of injury by accident arising out of and during the course of employment.

b) Payment of Gratuity Act 1972: Gratuity is payable to an employee under the Act on satisfaction of certain conditions on separation if an

Substation Package S I for System Strengthening in Northern Region for Sasan & Mundt'll UMPPs Section VIII. Particular

employee has completed 5 years service or more or on death at the rate of 15 days wages for every completed year of service. The Act is applicable to all establishments employing 10 or more employees.

c) Employee P.F. and Miscellaneous Provision Act 1952: The Act provides for monthly contribution by the employer plus workers @1 0% or 8.33%. The benefits under the Act are:

a. Pension or family pension on retirement or death, as the case maybe. b. D~posit linked insurance on death in harness of the worker. c. Payment of P.F. accumulation on retirement/death etc.

d) Maternity Benefit Act 1951: The Act provides for leave and some other benefits to women employees in case of confinement or miscarriage etc.

e) Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act 1970: The Act provides for certain welfare rne(lsures· to be" provided by the Contractor to contractlabourand" in case the Contractor fails to provide: the same are required to be provided, by the Princip(ll Employer by law. The Principal Employer is required to lake Certificaticin of Registration and the Gontractorisrequired to take license from the designated Officer. The Act is applicable to the establishments or Contractor of Principal Employer ifthey employ 20 or more labour contract labour.

f) Minimum Wages Act 1948: The Employer is supposed to pay not less than the" Minimum Wages fixed by appropriate Government as per provision of the Act if the employment is a scheduled employment. Construction of Buildings, Roads, Runways are scheduled employments.

g) Payment of Wages Act 1936: It lays down as to by what date the wages are to be paid, when it will be paid and what deductions can be made from the wages of the workers.

h) Equal Remuneration Act 1979: The Act provides for payment of equal wages for work of equal nature to Male and Female workers and for not making discrimination "against Female employees in the matters of transfers, training and promotions etc.

i) Payment of Bonus Act 1965: The Act is applicable to all establishments employing 20 or more employees. The Act provides for payments of annual bonus subject to a minimum of 8.33% of wages and maximum of 20% of wages to employees drawing Rs. 3500/- per month or less. The bonus is to be paid to employees getting Rs. 2500/- per month or

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above upto Rs. 35001- per month shall be worked out by taking wages as Rs. 25001- per month only. The Act does not apply to certain establishments. The newly set-up establishments are exempted for five years in certain circumstances. Some of the State Governments have reduced the employment size from 20 to 10 for the purpos_e of applicability of this Act.

j} Industlial Dispute Act 1947: the Act lays down the machinery the procedure for resolution of Industrial disputes, in what situations a strike or lock-out becomes illegal and what are the requirements for laying off or retrenching the employees or closing down the establishment.

k) Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act 1946: It is applicable to all establishments employing 100 or more workmen (employment size reduced by some of the States' and Central Government to 50). The Act provides for laying down rules governing the conditions of employment by the Employer on matters provided in the Act and get the same certified' by the designated Authority~

I) Trade Unions· Act 1926: The Act lays down the procedure for registration of trade unions of workmen and employers. The Trade Unions registered under the Act have been given certain immunities from civil and criminal liabilities.

m) Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Act 1986: The Act prohibits employment of children below 14 years of age in certain occupations and processes and provides for regulation of employment of children in all other occupations and processes. Employment of Child Labour is prohibited in Building and Construction Industry.

n) Inter-State Migrant workmen's (Regulation of Employment & Conditions of Service Act 1979: The Act is applicable to an establishment which employs 5 or more inter-state migrant workmen through an intermediary (who has recruited workmen in one state for employment in the establishment situated in another state). The Inter­ State migrant workmen. in an establishment to which this Act becomes applicable, are required to be provided certain facilities such as housing, medical aid, traveling expenses from home upto the establishment and back, etc.

0) The Building and Other Construction workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act 1996 and the Cess Act of 1996 : All the establishments who carry on any building or other construction work and employ 10 or more workers are covered under this Act. All such establishments are required to pay cess at the rate

Substation Package S I for System Strengthening in Northem Region for Sasan & Mundra UM PPs 8-16 Section VitI. Particular Cnnlrlitiolrl<:

not exceeding 2% of the cost of construction as may be modified by the Government. The Employer of the establishment is required to provide safety measures at the Building or construction work and other welfare measures, such as Canteens, First-Aid facilities, Ambulance, Housing accommodations for workers near the work place etc. The Employer to whom the Act applies has to obtain a registration ~ certificate from the Registering Officer appointed by the government.

p) Factories Act 1948: The Act lays down the procedure for approval at plans before setting up a factory, health and safety provisions, welfare provisions, working hours, annual earned leave and rendering information regarding accidents or dangerous occurrences to deSignated authorities. It· is applicable to premises employing 10 persons or more with aid of power or 20 or more persons without the aid of power engaged in m.anufacturing process.

GC 22.4.1 Addition of New Clause GC 22.4.1

Protection of Environment

The Contractor shall take all reasonable steps to protect the environment on and off the Site and to avoid damage or nuisance to persons or to property of the public or others resulting from pollution, noise or other causes arising as consequence of his methods of operation.

During continuance of the Contract, the Contractor and his Sub­ contractors shall abide at-all times by all existing enactments on environmental protection and rules made thereunder, regulations, notifications and bye-laws of the State or Central Government, or local authorities and any other law, bye-law, regulations that may be passed or notification that may be issued in this respect in future by the State or Central Government or the local authority.

Salient features of some of the major laws that are applicable are given below:

The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, This provides for the prevention and control of water pollution and the maintaining and restoring of wholesomeness of water. 'Pollution' means such contamination of water or such alteration of the physical, chemical or biological properties of water or such discharge of any sewage or trade effluent or of any other liquid, gaseous or solid substance into water (whether directly or-indirectly) as may, or is likely to, create a nuisance or render such water harmful or injurious to public health or safety, or to domestic, commercial, industrial, agricultural or other legitimate uses, or to the life and health of animals or plants or of aquatic organisms.

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The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981, This provides for prevention, control and abatement of air pollution. 'Air Pollution' means the presence in the atmosphere of any 'air pollutant', which means any solid, liquid or gaseous substance (including noise) present in the atmosphere in such concentration as may be or tend to be injurious to human beings or other living creatures or plants or property or environment.

The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, This provides for the protection and improvement of environment and for matters connected therewith, and the prevention of hazards to human beings, other living creatures, plants and property. 'Environment' includes water, air and land and the inter-relationship which exists among and between water, air and land, and human beings, other living creatures, plants, micro-organism and property.

The Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991, This provides for public liability insurance for the purpose of providing immediate relief to the persons affected by accident'occurring while handling hazardous substances and . for matters connected herewith or incidental thereto. Hazardous substance means any substance or preparation which is defined as hazardous substance under Environment (Protection) Act;.. 1986, and exceeding such quantity as may be specified by notification by the Central Government.

GC 22.4.2 Addition of New Sub Clause 22.4.2

(i) The Contractor shall (a) establish an operational system of managing environmental impacts, (b) carry. out all the monitoring and mitigation measures set forth in the environment management plan attached to the Particular Conditions as Appendix-I, and (c) allocate the budget required to ensure that such measures are carried out. The Contractor shall submit to the Employer (quarterly) semi-annual} reports on the carrying out of such measures.

(ii) The Contractor shall adequately record the conditions of roads, agricultural land and other infrastructure prior to transport of material and .construction commencement, and shall fully reinstate pathways, other local infrastructure and agricultural land to atleast their pre-project condition upon construction completion.

(iii) The Contractor shall undertake detailed survey of the affected persons during transmission line alignment finalization under the Project, where applicable. and

Substation ,Package - S I for Sys(em Strengthening in Northern Region for Sasan & Mundra UMPPs 8-18 Section VIII. Particular ·"",."tiAn~

(iv) The Contractor shall conduct health and safety programme for workers employed under the Contract and shall include information on the risk of sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV/AIDS in such programs.

GC 22.4.3 Addition of New Sub Clause 22.4.3 including its Sub-Clauses

Safety Precautions

GCC The Contractor shall observe all applicable regulations regarding safety on the Site.

Unless otherwise agreed, the Contractor shall, from the commencement of work on Site until taking over, provide:

a) fencing, lighting, guarding and watching of the Works wherever required, and

b) temporary roadways, footways, guards and fences which may be nec~s$ary for the accommodation and protection of Employer I his representatives and occupiers of adjacent property, the public and others.

GCC The Contractor shall ensure proper safety of all the workmen, materials, plant and equipment belonging to him or to POWERGRID or to others,' working at the Site. The Contractor shall also be responsible for provision of all safety notices and safety equipment required both by the relevant legislations and the Engineer, as he may deem necessary.

GCC The Contractor will notify well in advance to the Engineer of his intention to bring to the Site any container filled with liquid or gaseous fuel or explosive or petroleum substance or such chemicals which may involve hazards. The Engineer shall have the right to prescribe the conditions, under which such container is to be stored, handled and used during the performance of the works and the Contractor shall strictly adhere to and comply with such instructions. The Engineer shall have the right at his sole discretion to inspect any such container or such construction plant/equipment for which material in the container is required to be used and if in his opinion, its use is not safe, he may forbid its use. No claim due to such prohibition shall be entertained by the Owner and the Owner shall not entertain any claim of the Contractor

Substation Package - SI for System Strengthening in Northern Region for Sasan & Mundra UMPPs Section VIII. Particular Conditions 8-19

towards additional safety provisions/conditions to be provided for/constructed as per the Engineer's instructions.

Further, any such decision of the Engineer shall not, in any way, absolve the Contractor of his responsibilities and in case, -use of such a container or entry thereof into the "Site area is forbidden by the Engineer, the Contractor shall use alternative methods with the approval of the Engineer without any cost implication to POWERGRID or extension of work schedule.

GCC Where it is necessary to provide and/or store petroleum products or petroleum mixtures and explosives, the Contractor shall be responsible for carrying-out such provision and/or storage in accordance with the rules and regulations laid down in Petroleum Act 1934,Explosives Act, 1948 and Petroleum and Carbide of Calcium. Manual published by the Chief Inspector of Explosives of India. All such storage shall have prior approval of the Engineer. In ,case"any approvals are necessary from the Chief Inspector' (Explosives) or any statutory authorities, the Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining the same.

GCC All equipment used in construction and erection by Contractor shall meet Indian/International Standards and where such standards do not exist, the Contractor shall ensure these to be absolutely safe. All equipment shall be strictly operated and maintained by the Contractor in accordance with manufacturer's Operation Manual and safety instructions and as per Guidelines/rules of POWERGRID in this regard.

GCC Periodical examinations and all tests for all lifting/hoisting equipment & tackles shall be carried-out in accordance with the relevant provisions of Factories Act 1948, Indian Electricity Act 1910 and associated Laws/Rules in force from time to time. A register' of such examinations and tests shall be properly maintained by the Contractor and will be promptly produced as and when desired by the Engineer orby the person authorised by him.

GCC The Contractor shall be fully responsible for the safe storage of his and his SUb-Contractor's radioactive sources in accordance with BARC/DAE Rules and other applicable provIsions. All precautionary measures stipulated by BARC/DAE in connection with use, storage and handling of

Substation Package Sl for System Strengthening Northern Region [or Sasan & Mundl« UMPPs 8-20 Section VIII.

such material will be taken by the Contractor.

GCC The Contractor shall provide suitable safety equipment of prescribed standard to all employees and workmen according to the t:1eed, as may be directed by the Engineer who will also have right to examine these safety equipment­ to determine their suitability, reliability, acceptability and adaptability.

GCC Where explosives are to be used, the same shall be used under the direct control and supervision of an expert, experienced, qualified and competent person strictly in accordance with the Code of Practice/Rules framed under Indian Explosives Act pertaining to handling, storage and use of explosives.

GCC The Contractor shall provide safe working conditions to all workmen and employees at the Site including safe means of access; railings, stairs, ladders, scaffoldings etc. The scaffoldings shall be erected under the control and supervision of an experienced and competent person. For erection, good and standard quality·of material only shall be used by the Contractor.

GCC The Contractor shall not interfere or disturb electric fuses, wiring and other electrical equipment belonging to the Owner or other Contractors under any circumstances, whatsoever, unless expressly permitted in writing by POWERGRID to handle such fuses, wiring or electrical equipment

GCC Before the Contractor connects any electrical appliances to any plug or socket belonging to the other Contractor or Owner, he shall:

a. Satisfy the Engineer that the appliance is in good working condition;

b. Inform the Engineer of the maximum current rating, voltage and phases of the appliances;

c. Obtain permission of the Engineer detailing the sockets to which the appliances may be connected.

GCC The Engineer will not grant permission to connect until he is satisfied that;

Substation Package - S I for System Strengthening in Northern Region for Sasan & MundI'll UMPPs Section VIII. Particular Conditions 8-21

a. The appliance is in good condition and is fitted with suitable plug;

b. The appliance is fitted with a suitable cable having two earth conductors, one of which shall be-' an earthed metal sheath surrounding the cores.

GCC No electric cable in use by the Contractor/Owner will be disturbed without, prior permission. No weight of any description will be imposed on any cable and no ladder or similar equipment will rest against or attached to it.

GCC 22.4.3:15 No repair work shall be carried out on any live equipment. The equipment must be declared safe by the Engineer and 9 permit to work shall be issued by the. Engineer before any repair work is carried out by theCqotractor. WhHe,working on electric lines/equipment, whet6,~~,,:iiveor dead; suitable type and sufficient quantity'of'19pls ,will have to he provided by.· the Contractor' to electric;ians/workmen/officers.

GCC 22.4.3;16 The Contractors shall employ necessary number of qualified, full time electricians/electrical supervisors to maintain his temporary electrical 'installation. '

GCC The Contractor employing, more than' 250 workmen whether temporary, casual, probationer, regular or permanent or on contract, shall employ at least' one full time officer exclusively as safety officer to supervise safety aspects of the equipment and workmen, who will coordinate with the Project Safety Officer. In case of work being carried out through Sub-Contractors, the Sub­ Contractor's workmen/employees will also be considered as the Contractor's employees/workmen for the above purpose.

The name and add ress of such Safety Officers of the Contractor will be promptly informed in writing to Engineer with a copy to Safety Officer-In charge before he starts work or immediately after any change of the incumbent is made during currency of the Contract.

Gce In case any accident occurs during the construction/ erection or other associated activities undertaken by the Contractor thereby causing any minor or major or fatal

Substation Package - S I tor System Strengthening in Northern Region for Sasan & Mundl« UMPPs 8-22 Conditions

injury to his employees due to any reason, whatsoever, it shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to promptly inform the same to the Engineer in prescribed form and also to all the authorities envisaged under the applicable laws.

GCC The Engineer shall have the right at his sole discretion to stop the work, if in his opinion the work is being carried out in such a way that it may cause accidents and endanger the safety of the persons and/or property, and/or equipment. In such cases, the Contractor shall be informed in writing about the nature of hazards and possible injury/accident and he shall comply to remove shortcomings promptly. The Contractor after stopping the specific work·· can, if felt necessary. appeal against the order of stoppage of work to the Engineer within 3 days of such stoppage of work and decision of the Engineer in this respect shall be conclusive and binding on the Contractor.

GCC The Contractor shall not be entitled for any damages/compensation for stoppage· of work due to safetyreasons as provided in para GCC and the period of such stoppage of work will not be taken asan extension of time for completion of work and will not be the ground for waiver of levy of liquidated damages.

GCC It is mandatory for the Contractor to observe during the execution of the works, requirements of Safety Rules which would generally include but not limited to following:

Safety Rules

Each employee shall be provided with initial indoctrination regarding safety by the Contractor, so as to enable him to conduct his work in a safe manner.

No employee shall be given a new assignment of work unfamiliar to him without proper introduction as to the hazards incident thereto, both to himself and his fellow employees.

Under no circumstances shall an employee hurry or take unnecessary chance when working under hazardous conditions.

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d) Employees must not leave naked fires unattended. Smoking shall not be permitted around fire prone areas and adequate fire fighting equipment shall be provided at crucial location.

e) Employees under- the influence of any intoxicating beverage, even to the slightest degree shall not be permitted to remain at work.

f) There shall be a suitable arrangement at every work site for rendering prompt and sufficient first aid to the injured.

g) The staircases and passageways shall be adequately ·Iighted.

h) The employees when working around moving machinery, must not be permitted to wear loose garments.· Safety shoes are recommended when - working in shops or places where materials or tools are likely to fall. Only experienced workers shc:1I1 be permitted to go behind guard rails or to clean around energized or moving equipment.

i) The employees must use the standard protection equipment intended for each Job. Each piece of equipment shall b'e inspected before and after it is used.

D Requirements of ventilation in underwater working to licensed and experienced divers, use of gum boots for working in slushy or in inundated conditions are essential requirements to be fulfilled.

k) In case of rock excavation, blasting shall invariably. be done through licensed blasters and other precautions during blasting and storage/transport of charge material shall be observed strictly.

GCC The Contractor shall follow and comply with all POWERGRID Safety Rules, relevant provisions of applicable laws pertaining to the safety of workmen, employees, plant and equipment as may be prescribed from time to time without any demur, protest or contest or reservations. In case of any discrepancy between statutory requirement and POWERGRID Safety Rules

Substation Package - S I for System Strengthening in Northern Region for Sasan & Mundra UMPPs 8-24 VIII. Particular Conditions

referred above, the latter shall be binding on the Contractor unless the statutory provisions are more stringent.

GCC22.4.3.23 If the Contractor fails in providing safe working environment as per POWERGRID Safety Rules or continues the work even after being instructed to stop work by the Engineer as provided in para GCC above, the Contractor shall promptly pay to POWERGRID, on demand by the Owner, compensation at the rate of Rs.5, 000/- per day of part thereof till the instructions are complied with and so certified by the Engineer. However, in case of accident taking place causing injury to any individual, the provisions contained in para GCC shaJI also apply in addition to compensation mentioned in this para.

GCC If the Contractor does not take adequate safety precautions and/or fails to comply with the Safety Rules as prescribed by POWERGRID or under the applicable law for the safety of the equipment and plant or for the safety of personnel or the Contractor does not prevent hazardous conditions which cause injury to his own employees or employees of other Contractors or POWERGRID employees or any other person who are at Site or adjacent thereto, then the Contractor shall be responsible for payment of a sum as indicated below to be deposited with POWERGRID, which will be passed on by POWERGRID to such person or next to kith and kin of the ­ deceased: -- a. Fatal injury or Rs. 1,000,000/­ per accident causing person rl,....,.,th . . --­ b. Major InJunes or Rs. 100,000/­ per accident causing 25% person or more permanent disablement

Permanent disablement shall have same meaning as indicated in Workmen's Compensation Act. The amount to be deposited with POWERGRID and passed on to the person mentioned above shall be in addition to the compensation payable under the relevant provisions of the Workmen's Compensation Act and rules framed there under or any other applicable laws as applicable from

-~------.~~------~------~ Substation Package - S 1for System Strengthening in Northem Region for Sasan & Mundra VMPPs Section VIII. Particular Conditions 8-25

time to time_ In case the Contractor does not deposit the above mentioned amount with POWERGRIO, such amount shall be recovered by POWERGRIO from any monies due or becoming due to the Contractor under the contract or any other on-going contract.

GCC22.4.325 If the Contractor observes all the Safety Rules and Codes, Statutory Laws and Rules during the currency of Contract awarded by the Owner and no accident occurs then POWERGRIO may consider the performance of the Contractor and award suitable 'ACCIDENT FREE SAFETY MERITORIOUS AWARO' as per scheme as may be announced separately from time to time.

GC 22.6 Emergency Work (GC Clause 22.6)

Replace the words "Otherwise" with "In case suCh work is not in the scope of the Contractor", in the second last line of second paragraph of GC clause 22.6.

GC 23.3 Supplementing sub-clause GC23.3

For notification of testing, four weeks shall be deemed as reasonable advance notice.

GC 23.7 Test and Inspection (GC Clause 23.7)

Replace the words "GC Sub-Clause 6.1" with "GC Sub-Clause 46.1", in the last line of GC clause 23.7.

GC 24.4 Replacing Sub-Clause GC 24.4

As soon as all works in respect of Precommissioning are completed and, in the opinion of the Contractor, the Facilities or any part thereof is ready for Commissioning, the Contractor shall commence Commissioning as per procedures stipulated in Technical Specification, and as soon as Commissioning is satisfactorily completed, the Contractor shall so notify the Project Manager in writing.

GC 24.5 Replacing Sub-Clause GC 24.5

The Project Manager shall, within fourteen (14) days after receipt of the Contractor's notice under GC Sub-Clause 24.4, notify the Contractor in writing of any defects and/or deficiencies.

Substation Package - S 1 lor System Strengthening in Northern Region for Sasan & Mundlll UMPPs 8-26 Conditions

If the Project Manager notifies the Contractor of any defects and/or deficiencies, the Contractor shall then correct such defects and/or deficiencies, and shall repeat the procedure described in GC Sub-Clause 24.4. If the Project Manager is satisfied that the Facilities or that part thereof have passed Precommissioning, the Project Manager shall, within fourteen (14) days after receipt of the Contractor's notice! seven (7) days after receipt of the Contractor's repeated notice, advise the Contractor to proceed with the Commissioning of the Facilities or that part thereof. If the Project Manager is not so satisfied, then it shall notify the Contractor in writing of any defects and/or deficiencies within seven (7) days after receipt of the Contractor's repeated notice, and the above procedure shall be repeated. . .

GC 24.6 Replacing Sub-Clause GC 24.6

If the Project Manager fails to advise the Contractor to proceed with the Commissioning of the Facilities or the relevant part thereof or inform the Contractor of any defects and/or deficiencies within fourteen (14) days after receipt of the Contractor's notice under GC Sub-Clause 24.4 or within seven (7) days after receipt of the Contractor's repeated notice under GC Sub-Clause 24.5, then the Facilities or that part thereof shall be deemed to have passed Precommissioning, as of the date of the Contractor's notice or repeated notice, as the case may be

Existing Sub-clause GC24.7 stands amended and renumbered as GC 24.9 and following Sub-Clauses stand added as new Sub-Clauses GC 24.7, 24.7.1, 24.7:2, 24.7.3, 24.7.4, 24.7.5, & 24.7 j)

GC 24.7 . GC 24.7 Commissioning

GC 24.7.1 Commissioning of the Facilities (or specific part thereof where specific parts are specified in the GC 1.1) shall be commenced by the Contractor immediately after being advised by the Project manager, pursuant to GC sub-clause 24.5 or immediately after the deemed Completion except for Commissioning Precommissioning (including deemed Precommissioning) under GC sub-clause 24.6.

GC 24.7.2 The Employer shall, to the extent specified in Appendix-6 (scope of works and supply by the Employer), deploy the operating and maintenance personnel and supply raw materials, utilities, lubricants, chemicals, catalysts, facilities, services and other materials required for Commissioning.

GC 24.7.3 On passing of the Precommissioning and charging of the Facilities at rated voltage, Commissioning would be attained.

Subslation Package S I for System Strengthening in Northem Region for Sasan & UMPPs ANNEXURE-3 HEAL TH & SAFETY CHECKLIST



Safety Related Check List during Construction of Transmission Lines

Region: ...... Name ofDHQ/GHQ: ...... Date of Safety Audit:......

Name ofTr. Line: ......

Loc. ~o: ...... Voltage Level: ......

Naml) ofContractor: ......

Name of Sub Contractor: ......


Description of Activity Feed back Remarks

I} EXCAVATION: 1. Dumping of Excavat~d soiL (Minimum 1.5 Mts. or half the depth of ~ the pit which ever is more) Yes/No. Whether angle of repose of soil as per design in the foundation is maintained or not. Yes/No. 3. De watering arrangement is available ( If necessary) Yes/No. 4. Working area has been protected properly to avoid against fall of ~ passerby or animal in the excavated pit. Yes/No. I 5 Shoring & Shuttering to protect the loose rock / soil against fall exists. Yes / No. t--­ 6 Arrangement of illumination at construction site is available. (if required) Yes/No. 7 Check proper/adequate arrangement is made for extension of electric supply. (Proper size of cable, Use of fuse, No loose Yes/No. connection for De-watering Pumps! Illumination / Electric . compressors etc. if applicable). I T Check for damage / Uneven settlement of foundation. Yes/No. 9 Ensure Life saver arrangements have been made during construction of well foundation in river bed. (Where necessary) Yes/No. I 10 Check that the adequate arrangement is made for the storage of blasting material at safe place. (ifrequired) _. Yes/No. I 11 Check that the blasting materials is handled with due care at site. ( If required ) _ .. Yes/No. 12 Check that during blasting operation, Labour / Workmen I Passerby are at safe places and arrangement is made to inform public by Yes/No. caution markings (Red Flag) / Public Notices. 13 Cheek that the Blaster is holding the proper license issued by the appropriate authority. as per the Indian Explosive Act. Yes/No. Check that the length ofthe fuse wire used during blasting operation t is adequate. Yes/No. SN Description Qf Activity Feed back Remarks 15 Ensure Laying of temporary cable used for operation of Machines used during construction should not cause any danger for Yes/No. electrocution ofworkmen. i fI6. Check ~at PPEs i.e. Safety ?elmets, .Safety Shoes, is used by blaster ! i and thelr gang members dunng blastmg. Yes/No. I 17 Ensure that Shuttering and timbering has been made as detailed in I I:S: 3764. Yes/No. 18 Ensure that before undertaking excavation, the soil has been tested and in case of availability of. any explosive / dangerous gas, Yes/No. I necessary arrangement must be made to remove / dilute such gases. 19 The positions of underground installations such as sewers, water I pipes and electrical cables have been verified and in case of their Yes/No. existence, they must be isolated. rw Arrangement shall be made to prevent external vibrations due to rail / road traffic (Ifrequired). Yes/No. I :I Safety is ensured during the construction ofTr. Lines for buildings, structures etc. which are coming in the vicinity of the excavated Yes / No. ~ea from collapse. ( Ifrequired) 22 aleck that sufficient strong ladder of suitable length is available for ingress / outgress ofpersons in the pit • Yes/No. 23 Lone worker should not be allowed to work in the excavated area beyond shoulder level. Yes/No. 24 Check for any possibility of seepage of water from nearby pond / river should be estimated and taken care of. Yes/No. 25 After excavation the work has been completed speedily and back filling done at the earliest Yes/No.

n) CASTING OF FOUNDATION / CONCRETING: 1 Check construction materials are stacked at safe place and also does not cause any danger. (Away from pit by 1.5 Mtrs. Or halfthe depth Yes/No. ofpit, which ever is more. ) 2 Check arrangement of illumination at Construction Site. (If _. required). Yes/No. 3 Ensure life saver arrangements have been made during construction of Well foundation in River Bed. Yes/No. Check that the Concreting Mixer machine is placed at a safe place. (Not very near to pit.) Yes/No. Check proper / adequate arrangement is made for extension of electric supply. (Proper size of cable, Use of fuse, No loose Yes/No. ~ connection for De watering Pumps / Illumination / Electric i compressors etc. ifapplicable). 6 Check that laying of temporary cables used during construction Yes/No. activities should not cause any danger for electrocution to workmen. 7 Inspection of excavations shall be made by a Competent Person i every day. In case, possible cave in or slide is apparent, all working i Yes/No. in the excavation shall be seized until the necessary precautions have been taken to safeguard the possible cave in or slide. _ .. i I SN Description of Activity Feed back Remarks

8 Jacks and vertical supports shall be positioned in such a manner that the vertical loads are distributed equally and do not exceed the Yes/No. capacity of the jacks and the jacks are placed away from pit edge I etc. i 9 Proper Jacking arrangement is made to take the entire load of I 1 template. Yes/No. 10 In case of long template in stub setting, more jacks have been. ! provided and check that the Jacks are placed on levelled and hard· Yes/No. surface to avoid the unbalancing and fallen. l1 Wire mesh rolls shall be secured in order to prevent dangerous recoiling action. Yes/No. 12 Lone worker should not be allowed to work in the excavated area. Yes /No. ,.--' 13 Check that sufficien(strong ladder of suitable length is available for ingress / outgress ofpersons in the pit Yes/No.


Sl'I Description of Activity Feedback Remarks I 1 Check proper communication facility is available at site during Tower erection. (If required) Yes/No. 2. Check damages or uneven settlement of foundation. Yes / No. 3. Ensure the derrick used before tower erection has been checked for adequate strength! size. Ensure for copy of test certificate for all the Yes/No. lifting machines and tackles. Ensure that the pulleys used before tower erection has been checked ~ for adequate strength / proper size (diameter). Also in case of open Yes/No. type pulleys proper locking arrangements like providing of Safety Pin is made. Ensure for copy of test certificate for all the lifting machines and tackles. 5. Ensure that the ropes used before tower erection h~ been checked for adequate strength / physical condition (Free from break of Yes/No. strands and knots etc. 1--' i 6. Check that the lifting tools and tackles i.e. Winch Machine, Chain Pulley Block, Trifor, D - Shackle etc. are in healthy condition and Yes/No. I

has been tested periodically. (Attach copy oftest certificate). i 7. Ensure that permission has been obtained from Aviation Authority for erection of special towers. (Where necessary). Yes!No. c-­ 8. Ensure that permission has been obtained form Aviation Authority for erection of towers which comes in the vicinity of flying zone. Yes/No. (Where necessary) _. I 9. Check that the safety measures has been taken before undertaking for the RQad / Rail! River Xing jobs involving like wise stretches. Yes/No. 10. For rail or road crossing check whether written working plan is available at site with specific reference to safety e.g. local earthing, Yes/No. skilled & experience manpower, proper T&P, strength and height of, scaffolding to maintain the required clearance etc. 11. Ensure that all the members and proper size of Nuts and Bolts of SN Description of Activity Feed back Remarks lower section are fitted properly before erection of the upper section Yes/No. oftower is taken up.

12. Check that the anti climbing devices are provided in the tower after I erection job. Yes/No. 13. Check that the danger plates have been provided. Yes/No. 14. Check that only erection team members are allowed to stand near the tower while erection is in process and should wear the safety Yes/ No. i helmet / Safety Shoes. 15. . Working area of the tower has been demarcated during erection. Yes/No. I 16 Check that proper guying arrangement has been made. And also to see that proper size of the crow bars has been used which has been Yes/No. I i • fixed at hard surface in case ofsandy soil or loose soiL i Check that proper arrangement is made while lifting the tower r m~mbers and fixing them at height i.e. Proper size and strength of • Yes / No. __~e hook used for lifting the tower members. I . L' Check sufficient numbers of guys are made while lifting the i ~SSembled cross arm and also avoiding use of single sheeve pulleys. Yes / No.

_ while lifting the assembled cross arm / heavy load. . ! i


Feed back Remarks ;--.SN Description ofActivity I. All drivers and plant operators are holding the valid driving license. Yes/No. 2. Check that the permit has been obtained from the Competent Authority for stringing of conductor while crossing through Road / Yes/No. i - Rail/River/ Venerable areas etc. ( Where necessary ) 3. Check that required painting has been made on tower falling in the i vicinity ofaviation zones. (Where necessary.) . Yes/No. 4. Check that all safety measures have been taken during stringing of conductor crossing the EHV / HV / LT lines (Earthing of existing Yes/No. lines etc.) 5. Ensure that proper size of Nuts and Bolts is rigidly tightened and punching / tacking / tack welding is done in towers before Yes/No. undertaking stringing job. 6. Ensure that proper scaffolding arrangements made during stringing ofconductor ( While Road Xing / Power Line Xing etc. Yes/No. ,--. 7. Ensure that all members are fitted in tower before undertaking conductor stringing work. Yes/ No. 8 Check that the back filling of the foundation has been done as per specification. Yes/No. r-­ 9. Ensure that the discharge rod is electrically tested before use. Yes/No.. r-­ 10. Stringing Machine / Tension pullor Machine are properly earthed. Yes/No. '--.. It. Check the brake arrangement ofthe TSE Machines is working. Yes/No. ll. Ensure that the pulleys used before conductor stringing has been checked for adequate strength / proper size (diameter), also in case Yes/No.

of open type pulleys proper locking arrangements like providing of i Safety Pin is made Ensure for copy of test certificate for all the lifting machines and tackles. '-­ I SN Description of Activity Feed back Remarks 13. Ensure the ropes used before conductor stringing has been checked ! for adequate strength / physical condition (Free from break of Yes /No. strands and knots etc. 14. Check that the lifting tools and tackles i.e. Winch Machine, Chain ! Pulley Block, Trifor, D - Shackle etc. are in healthy condition and Yes/No. has been tested periodically. (Attach copy oftest certificate). i Check for the brake arrangement of the Drum reel of conductor I during laying / paying out ofconductor. Yes/No. ~ Check that proper communication facility is available at site during of stringing of conductor ( If required) i Yes/No. 17. Whether the tower has been permanently earthed. Yes/No. 18. Check that Sag Board is provided at two locations. Yes/No. ~19. Check that the Sag Board arrangement is made by the experienced / trained persons. Yes/No. . - r-­ 20. Check approved Sag tension chart is available and followed at site. Yes/No. I 21. \A/hile clamping ofconductor / EW to be done, check for earthing. Yes/No. ~ 22. Ensure sending signal to puller to stop when last layer of conductor / EW being pulled. Yes/No. I ,23 Check tension applied on the dynamo meter dial and check values

with approved data. Yes/No. i Before stringing starts check that the villagers do not come underneath the job ofthe concerned section. Yes/No. ~.25. Only nylon or polypropylene ropes should be used during conductor stringing in vicinity of live overhead lines. Yes/No. 26 Ensure that PTW has been taken from the concerned authority. Yes/No. ,27 Ensure that Winch, Pulleys etc. are properly earthed. Yes/No. '­ 28. For LT lines, whether special persons are posted at each point of isolation till return ofpermit (PTW). Yes/No. - 29. Whether the network of LT lines has been thoroughly checked and precautions taken Against inadvertent charging. Yes/No. 30. Check that proper arrangement is made / available for development and use of a Portable Earthing and Short - Circuiting Devices which Yes/No. can be engaged and disengaged to and from the LT lines, keeping away from the LT lines, until all operations on the same are completed and all men and materials are removed from LT lines. 3l. Check the provision and proper positioning for the guying and back staying (Where necessary). Yes/No. 32. Check demarcation offeeder is done for D/c Line. Yes/No. 33. Ensure that all the insulator strings are thoroughly checked for availability and proper fixing ofcotter / split pins before hoisting the Yes/No. same. General Points common for all activities·during Excavation, Casting ofFoundation


SN Description of Activity Feed back Remarks 1. Check whether the contractor had procured required quantity of PPEs considering maximum numbers of erection gangs deployed at Yes /No. onetime. 2. Supervisors/ Workmen have been provided with required healthy PPEs, like Safety helmet / Safety Belts / Safety Shoes / Gum Boot Yes/No. etc. as applicable. T. Availability ofFirst Aid Box with required medicines at site. Yes/No. ~ Instruction register is available at site. Yes/No. 5. Ensure that Supervisor / Gang Leader always issues instruction to the Workmen before start ofworlc. Yes/No. 6. Ensure that supervisory staff from Power Grid is available at site during construction. Yes / No. 7. All driver and plant operators are holding valid driving license. Yes/No. -. 8. Check the vehicle for rescue is available at site. Yes/No. -.9. Ensure engaged labour are aware ofthe job. Yes/No. _.10. Check that the unskilled labourers are not ellgaged in skilled job. Yes/No. 11. Ensure that supervisor / workmen engaged in the field are aware of First Aid Techniques ( Such as in case of Electric Shock, Fall from Yes /No. the height, Snake bite and the person rescued from buried under the debris etc. 12. Check for nearby Hospital/Doctor in case ofemergencies arises. Yes/No. 13. While transporting heavy consignment of conductor / EW drums from central store to site by the use of Cranes, Truck, and Tractor. Yes/No. The safety aspect for construction and failure of brake system of moving machinery is to be checked. 14. At least one dry powder type of portable fire extinguisher shall be provided especially where explosive or blasting agents are used for Yes /No. excavation. r--­ 15. Check the competence (Qualification / Experience) of supervisor / gang leader ofcontractor. Yes/No. L-.-­


Signature Signature Signature

Name: Designation: Name: Name: i Representative of Designation: Designation: I I Contractor Power Grid Rep. from Site. Power Grid Rep. from RHQ. Safety Related Check List during Construction of Sub - Station

Region: ...... '" Name ofDHQ / GHQ: ...... Date of Safety Audit......

Name of Sub Stn.1 Switching Stn.: ......

Name ofContractor: ......

Contractor License / Registration No.: ...... Validity ......

Name of Sub Contractor : ......


r-­ S]\ Description of Activity Feedback Remarks -

I): SAFETY DURING EXCAVATION: l. Check Sub station area has been protected by constructing boundary wall aU around the sub station to avoid entry of passerby / Yes / No. I _. unauthorized pefS()n or animal in the sub station. 2. De watering arrangement is available (If necessary) Yes/No. -. 3. Check proper / adequate arrangement is made for extension of electric supply. (Proper size of cable, Use of fuse, No loose Yes/No. connection and no naked wire connection to Pumps / Illumination / Electric compressors etc. ifapplicable). 4. Check arrangement of illumination at constI11ction site is available. Yes /No. 5. Check dUIilping of Excavated soil (Minimum 1.5 Mts. Or half the ~ depth ofthe pit which ever is more from the edge of the pit.) Yes/No. 6. Check Shoring & Shuttering to protect the loose rock / soil against Yes/No. fall. (ifrequired). 7. Check lone worker is not be allowed to work in the excavated area. Yes/No. i 8. Ensure Laying of temporary cables used for operation of Machines Yes/No. used during construction should not cause any danger for I electrocution ofpe~ons / animals. 9. Ensure that before undertaking excavation, the soil has been tested and in case of availability of any explosive / dangerous gas, Yes/No. necessary arrangement must be made to remove / dilute such gases. 10. The positions of underground installations such as sewers, water pipes and electrical cables has been verified and in case of their Yes/No. existence, they must be isolated before further excavation works to ensure Human Safety. ii. I Check that the scaffolds are not overloaded in any case. Scaffolds Yes/No. are to be erected and supported properly. 12. Stability of the soil of the excavated pit for safe working is to be checked and certified by a competent person daily before start of Yes/No. work. A register at site is maintained where competent person can certify accordingly. No manhole should remain uncovered during

night & offdays. ! SN Description ofActivity Feed back Remarks 13. Check the provision of sufficient strong ladder of suitable length is Yes/No. available near the working place during excavation. I 14. Check if any permission is required from local statutory body before 1 excavation. Yes/No. IS. Check for No undercutting / toe cutting in soil. Yes/No. 16. Check after excavation the work should be speedily completed. Yes /No. without delay and back filling done at the earliest. 17. Check for any possibility of seepage of water from nearby pond / Yes/No river has been estimated and taken care of. 18. Check to avoid slide / collaps of side walls of excavated pit, the Yes/No. excavation is to be done in trapezoidal cross section.

• 11). SAFETY PRECAUTION DURING STORAGE, HANDLING AND USE OF BLASTING MATERIAL. • Check that the adequate arrangement is made for the storage of 11 I blasting material at safe place. (Temporary Magazine is to be Yes/No. • installed observing all norms) as per Indian Explosive Act. ~ . 2. Check that the blasting materials is handled by licensed blaster with Yes/No. due care at site. (If applicable) i 3. Check smoking is prohibited in the vehicle carrying explosives. Yes/No. I r-­ 4. Check that the Blaster is holding proper license issued by the Yes / No. appropriate authority. As per Indian Explosive Act. I 5. Check that the length ofthe fuse wire used during blasting operation Yes/No. i is adequate. 6. Check while transportation, no unauthorized person is allowed in Yes/No. vehicle carrying explosives. - 7. Check that the loading and unloading of explosives is being done i Yes/No. carefully. 8. Check explosives and detonators or blasting caps is not being Yes/No. transported in the same vehicle. 9. Check while transportation the detonators and explosives are not Yes/No. carried loose or mixed with other materials. r--. IC Check surplus explosives shall not be stacked near working area Yes/No. during loading / unloading. 11. Check explosives shall not be held in hands when lightening the Yes/No. fuse. r-­ l~ .. Check that blasting in the open has been carried out during the fixed Yes/No. hours every day or on fixed days in the week so that the public at large should know about this. r-­ 13. Check that arrangement has been made to display sufficient Yes/No. wamings I sign board to enable the people to get out of the blasting area to get offthe danger zone 14. Check that the danger zone has been suitably cordoned off. Yes/No. 15. Check during blasting operations begin / after the fuing of explosives shall follow the loud siren. Yes/No. Iii. Check that during blasting operation, Labour / Workmen / Passerby are at safe places and arrangement is made to inform public by Yes/No. L-...... SN Description of Activity Feed back Remarks caution markings ( Red Flag) I Public Notices etc. l7. Check that PPEs i.e. Safety helmets, Safety Shoes, is used by blaster and their gang members during blasting and also the persons Yes/No. . supervising the blasting opemtions. 18. For covered blasting ensure placement of cover plates of proper thickness and sufficient numbers ofsand filled bags. Yes/No. 19. Ensure that permission for blasting has been obtained from the appropriate authority. Yes/No.

m) SAFETY DURING CASTING OF FOUNDATION / CONCRETING: L Check construction materials are stacked at safe place and also does not cause any danger. (Away from pit) i.e. 1.5 Mtrs. or half the Yes/ No. depth of the pit which ever is more.) 2. Check proper armngement of illumination at Construction Site of Sub station is available. Yes/No. 3. Check that the Concreting Mixer! Vibrator machines etc are placed at a safe place (Not very near to any pit at least 1.5 Mtr. from the Yes/No. edge of the pit) to avoid transfer of vibmtions and should be opemted by skilled persons. 4. Check proper / adequate arrangement is made for extension of electric supply. (Proper size of cable, Use of fuse, No loose Yes/No. connection Jor De watering Pumps / Illumination / Electric compressors etc. if applicable). 5. Check for laying of temporary cables used during construction activities should not cause any danger for electrocution to persons / Yes/No. animals. 6. All bracing, struts and shuttering in excavations shall be adequately secured so as to prevent their accidental displacement. Yes/No. 7. Ensure Shuttering and timbering has been made as detailed in I:S: 3764 for protecting the loose rock / soil against fall. Yes/No. - 8. Check for proper placing of Hydraulic jacks with stability and constant watch ofthese instruments (which are continuously loaded) Yes/No. to avoid any danger ofdisplacement causing sever accident. _. !


- SN Description of Activity Feedback Remarks

~ 1. Check Back filling done prior to erection activity. Yes/No. ~ 2. Check the derrick used before structure erection has been Test certificate is checked for adequate strength / size and no joints are Yes INo. required apart· permitted. from visual inspection. 3. Check that the pulleys used before structure erection / Test certificate' is Equipment Erection has been checked for adequate strength / Yes/No. required apart proper size (diameter), also in case of open type pulleys from visual i proper locking armngements like providing of Safety Pin is . inspection. I I SN Remarks Description ofActivity Feedback I made Safe working load should be punched. 4. Check the ropes used before structure erection I Equipment Test certificate is Erection has been checked for adequate strength / physical Yes/No. required apart condition (free from break of strands and knots etc. from visual inspection. 5. Check that the lifting tools and tackles are ill healthy Test certificate is condition and has been tested periodically. Yes/No. required apart from visual inspection. 6. Check pennission has been obtained from Aviation Authority I for erection of Lightning Mast which comes in the vicinity of , Yes / No. flying zone. (Where necessary ) 7. Check that all Nuts and Bolts are fitted in the structure before undertaking the job of other section of the structure and are Yes/No. tightened. 8. Check area has been cordoned off to prevent injuries to unauthorized persons from hitting against structural Yes / No. Ir-­ component or falling in the excavated pits. 9. Check that danger plates are available on all the equipment & structures in the switchyard. Yes/No. 10. Check demarcation offeeder is done for Double Circuit Line. Yes/No. 11. Check only erection team members are allowed to stand near the structure / Equipment while erection is in process and Yes/No. should wear the safety helmet / Safety Shoes. 12. Check proper guying arrangement has been made while lifting structure / Equipment, if necessary-: Yes/No. 13. Check that proper arrangement is made while lifting the structure members and fixing them at height i.e. Proper size Yes/No. and strength of the hook used for lifting the structure members. 14. Check sufficient numbers of guys are made while lifting the assembled structure / heavy loads and also avoiding use of Yes/No. single sheeve pulleys while lifting the assembled structure / i heavy load. Check arrangement has been made for equipment rs· identification. Yes/No. i 16 Check that required painting made on tower falling in the i vicinity ofaviation zones. (Where necessary.) Yes/No. 17 Check no live wires nearby. Take shut down ifnecessary. Yes/No. 18. Check the structure has been permanently earthed. Yes/No. 19. Check crane are preferably be used for erection of pipe structure in the sub station building works (ifrequired.) Yes/No. 20. Check all safety procedures for erection work like use of I safety helmets, Safety belts, use of guy wires, lowering / Yes/No.. lifting of tools by rope etc. are strictly adhered to during I structure erection works is in progress in the switchyard. i 21. Check that correct size of spanner (Box or ring type) as well ! SN Description of Activity Feedback I Remarks as DE spanners is being used. Yes/No.

22. Check working area of the structure has been demarcated I

during erection. . Yes/No. i 23. Check heavy structures are lifted with crane with proper Yes/No. safety.

24. Only polypropylene ropes are to be used to tie the aluminium tube / Bus bar since this is soft material and will not damage Yes / No. . aluminium tube / Bus bar during erection. 25. Ensure that R clips in insulator caps are fixed properly to avoid disconnection of insulator discs. ! Yes/No. 26. Ensure that all the necessary security pins (split pins) are fixed. Yes/No. I 27. Check all nuts of jumper fittings are properly tightened and I live metal clearance have been maintained as per Yes/No.1 POWERGRID specification. \--. i 28. In case of tension fitting dead end joint dimensions before & after the compression are checked and recorded. . Yes/No. 29. No damaged component of any hardware fitting should be used on works. Yes/No. ,..--­- 30. Length of jumpers has been measured properly to give it a parabolic shape. No sharp bend should exist. Yes/No. 31. Check surge counter erection facilitates proper reading and • that earthing is done with minimum bends. Yes/No. 32. Check Surge monitor has been earthed by connecting it to main earth mat with (G I Flat 75 x 12 mrn) and earth pit Yes/No. • separately as per drawing. . 33 Check the alignment of earth switch with isolator, earth switch of isolator is put into operation and the contacts are Yes/No. cleaned. After completion of pre commissioning checks and

formats are dully filled and signed. ! Ensure that the rubber beedings are kept in good condition. Yes/No. ~35 Check CT has been placed on the support structure very carefully and all nuts have been tightened. Earthing is done as Yes/No. per drawing. 36. Ensure the lattice structure of CT has been earthed at two points. ! Yes/No. 37. Check the marshalling box in the switchyard has proper illumination arrangement. Yes/No. 38. Check the capacitor unit is short circuited & earthed, until erection and commissioning works are being done on CVT. Yes/No. (The capacitor get charged by the electrical fields in the vicinity and they keep these charges for a long time, which can be dangerous to human life. Hence the shorting of capacitor unit is necessary). It should be removed before tests / use. b2~_ Check Fuses in the marshaling box are OK. Yes / No. SN Description of Activity I Feedback Remarks I 40. Check proper earthing ofCVT tank has been done. Yes/No. 41. Check all housing accessories, mounting stools including I bolts / Nuts for fixing Line Trap and insulators are of non Yes / No. magnetic material. i

42. Check H.F. point of CVTs on which the coupling device is i not mounted has been earthed. Yes/No.

43. Check the remaining CVTs have been earthed thro' coupling device. Yes / No. 44. Cable drums after visual inspection should be stored preferably in the covered area. Cable ends should be clamped. Yes/No. '--' 45. Ensure each cable and conduit run should be tagged with cable identity numbering as per the approved that appear in Yes/No. the cable and conduit schedule. - - 46. The tag should be of aluminium plate with ID number punched on it and securely attached to the cable conduit by Yes/No. not less than two turns. Cable tags should of rectangular shape for power cables and of circular shape ~or control • cables. 47 Check underground cable markers should project 150 mm above ground and spaced at an interval of 30 Mts. They shall Yes/No. be located on both sides ofroad and drain crossing and also at every change in direction. 48 Check cable tags should be provided inside the switchgear, motor control centres, control and relay panels etc. wherever Yes/No. required for cable identification, where a number of cables . enter together through a gland plate. 49, The cable (power and control) between LT stations, Control room, DO set building and fire fighting pump house should Yes/No. be laid in the buried cable trenches. In addition to the above, for lighting purpose also, buried cable trench can be used in . outdoor area.(as per Technical specification of specific -. i contract) 50. Cable route and joint markers and RCC warning covers should be provided wherever required. The voltage grade of Yes/No. cables should be engraved on the marker. 51. Tray Identification Number on each run of trays at an interval of 10 Mtrs should be painted. Yes/No. 52. In case the outer sheath ofa cable is damaged during handling / installation, the same should be repaired to the satisfaction Yes/No. of the site. In case any other part of a cable is damaged, the same should be replaced by a healthy cable. Power cables should be at the top most layers. The armor ofcontrol cable is I to be earthed. 53. All cable tennination should be appropriately tightened to I ensure secure and reliable connections. All the exposed parts • Yes / No. -. ofcable lugs should be covered with tape, sleeve or paint. I 54. Power and control cables are laid on separate cable trays Yes/No. SN Description of Activity Feedback Remarks I I-­ 55. Co-axial cable is laid separately from power cable. Yes I No. 56. All cable trays, racks and metallic ducts have been grounded I

by cmmecting each to earth / mat. ( As per Scheme) i Yes/No. 57. Check sections of cable trays have been bridged by copper I jumpers/ G I to retain continuity of earthing. (As per Scheme) i Yes I No. 58. Check earthing ofpanel is done by the erection contractor for connecting it with switchyard earth mat. ( As per Scheme) I i Yes No.

59. Auxiliary bus wiring for AC and DC supplies, Voltage Transformer circuits, annunciation circuits and other common Yes INo. services is provided near the top of the panels running i through out the entire length of the panels. I 60. All internal wiring to be connected to external equipment is terminated on terminal blocks, preferably vertically mounted Yes I No: on the side ofeach panel. ,...--. 61. Check whether Mimic Diagram is available preferably made of anodized aluminium or plastic of approved fast colour Yes/No. material and screwed on to the panel that can be easily • i cleaned. 62. Check the panels all equipment mounted on front and rear side as well as equipment mounted inside are provided with Yes I No.

individual name plates with equipment designated engraved. i 63. Check on top ofeach panel on front as well as rear side, large I and bold name plates are provided for circuit / feeder Yes/No. designation. r--. 64. Check all front mounted equipments are provided at the rear with individual name plates engraved with tag numbers Yes/No. corresponding to panel internal wiring to facilitate easy I tracing of the wiring.

65. Check the name plates mounted directly by the side of the i respective equipments should not be hidden by equipment Yes INo. wiring. 66. Check availability of 240V single phase 50 HZ, AC socket with switch suitable to accept 5 Amps and !5 Amps pin round . Yes/No. standard plug, is provided in the interior of each cubicle with ON-OFF switch for connection of hand lamps. e--. 6"1',. Check that panels are provided with a fluorescent lighting fIxture rated with 240 Volts single phase, 50 Hz supply for Yes/No. the interior illumination of the panel during maintenance. The fIttings are complete with switch fuse unit and switching of the lighting is controlled by the respective panel door switch. Adequate lighting with fuse unit is also provided for the i

corridor in control panels. i >--.. 68. Check control panels are provided with necessary arrangements for i"eceiving, distributing, isolating and fusing Yes INo. of DC and AC supplies for various control, signalling, lighting and space heater circuits. The incoming and sub circuits are separately with switch fuse units. SN Description ofActivity Feedback Remarks

69. Check panels are provided with a space heater rated for 240 V, single phase, 50 Hz, AC supply for the internal heating of I Yes / No. the panel to prevent condensation of moisture. 70. Check all panels are equipped with an earth bus securely I fixed i Yes/No. 7l. Check when several panels are mounted adjoining e~h other, I the earth bus is made continuous with necessary connectors Yes / No. and clamps for this purpose. • Check provision is made for extending the earth bus bars to ~ adjoining panels on either side. Yes/No. Check provision is made on each bus bar of the end panels for mconnecting earthing grid. • Yes /No. 74. Check all metallic cases of relays, instruments and panel I mounted equipment including gland plates are connected to . Yes / No. the earth bus by copper wires ofspecified size. c--­ 75. Check the colour code ofthe earthing wire is green. Yes / No. i ,...--' 76. Check that earthing made with equipment is with Nuts and Bolts i.e. For such connection lugs should be pressed and Yes/No. tightened to the-tehninals through Nuts and Bolts. i I 77. Check that no equipment is mounted on the panel doors. Yes/No. ! 78. Check each switch should bear clear inscription identifying its I function. _ I Yes/No. r------' 79. Check those who have sufficient knowledge ofsteel structural . job have been employed in steel structural works only. Yes/No. 80. Check necessary instruction has been communicated by supervisor before start of the day's works to workmen under i Yes/No. his control. 81. Storing of equipments is to be made properly to avoid any accident during handling. Yes / No. 82 Check all Nuts and bolts are properly raised or lowered

preferably using closed loop pulleys and gully bags / hand Yes / No. i bags tied at the end for carrying nuts and bolts. i Check that Fire resistant sheets are used before entrance of I ~ control cable in control room. Yes / No. I Check air compressor tubing properly tightened. I Yes/No. ~4. r 85. Check all carrying connectors / clamps properly tightened. Yes/No. I o ---­


SN Description of Activity Feed back Remarks l. Check all members are flxed in structure and ensure proper size of Nuts and Bolts are rigidly tightened and punching / tacking / tack Yes/No. welding is done in towers / structures before undertaking conductor laying job. I 2. Ensure proper scaffolding arrangements made during laying of i SN Description of Activity i Feed back Remarks conductor (While Power Line crossing etc). I Yes/No. 3. Ensure that all members are fitted in structure before undertaking conductor laying work. . Yes /No. ·4. Ensure that the discharge rod is electrically tested before use. Yes/No. S. Ensure whether the structure is properly earthed. Yes I No. 6. Only nylon or polypropylene ropes should be used during conductor laying in vicinity of live overhead lines. . Yes/No. 7. Ensure that PTW has been taken from the concerned authority when extension ofexisting sub station is under execution. Yes I No.

8. Ensure that Winch, Pulleys etc. are properly earthed. Yes I No. 9. For L T lines, check whether special persons are posted at each point of isolation till return of permit (PTW) if positioning of person is Yes / No. not possible then it is to be seen that all the point of isolation has -1 . been kept in the locked position till the work is in progress. i to. Whether the network of LT lines has been thoroughly checked and precautions taken against inadvertent charging. Yes I No. .II. Check that proper arrangement is made / available for grounding L T . lines coming across during conductor laying. (This can be done by Yes /No. way of portable earthing and short circuiting devices which cab be engaged to and disengaged from LT lines, keeping away from the LT lines until all operations on the same are completed and all man and materials are removed from the LT lines). 12. Check the provision and proper positioning for the guying and back staying (Where necessary). Yes/No. Check working of hydraulic crimping machine. Yes/No. 14. Check before and after crimping, dimensional changes in clamps I ~ and are in accordance with the drawings and specifications. Yes/No.


Description of Activity Feed back Remarks 1. Check that while earthing conductor crossing the road is laid 300 I fF- mm below the road or at greater depth depending upon the site Yes/No. conditions. I 2. Check that while laying the Earthing conductor in outside area is buried at least 600 rom below the furnished ground level. Yes/No. I 3. Check that the earthing pads have been provided for the apparatus / equipments at accessible position. : Yes/No. 4. Check all steel columns, metallic stairs are connected to nearby 1 earthing grid conductor by two earthing leads. : Yes / No. S. Check of earthing of lightening fixtures, receptacles switches, junction boxes lighting conduits has been done by a separate Yes/No. earthing conductor. 6. Check that the railway tracks within switchyard area has been

. ~. _M_ SN Description of Activity Feed back Remarks earthed at a spacing of 30 Mts. / specified distance and also at both Yes/No. I

ends. i 7. Check cable trays has been connected to earthing flat of 50X6 nun / specified sized earthing flat at intervals specified in approved Yes/No. drawing. 8. Check that this earthed flat is earthed at about 30 Mts. distance. Yes/No. 9. All accessories in transfonner and reactor like radiators tank:, I cooling banks etc are connected to the earthing grid at minimum Yes /No. two points.. I lD. Check metallic conduits are not used as earth continuity conductor. Yes/No. II. Check flexible earthing connectors should be provided for the moving parts. Yes/No. Check sheath and armor of single core power cable is earthed at r- • switchgear end.and equipment side. Yes/No. I 13. Check contact surface of earthing pads for jointing free from scale, i paint, enamel, grease, rust or dust. Yes/No. - 14. Check that light poles, junction boxes on the poles, cable and cable I boxes / glands, lockout switches etc. are connected to the earthing Yes/No. conductor running along with the supply cable which intern is

i connected to the earthing grid conductor at a minimum two points. i Check earthing conductor which is generally buried 2000 nun 15. outside the switchyard fence. All the gates and every alternate post Yes/No. ofthe fence are to be connected to earthing grid. 16 Check megger used for measuring soil resistivity is calibrated with desired accuracy. Yes/No. The earth resistivity has been measured in dry weather condition. Yes/No: 18. Check the earthing ofTransfonners and Shunt reactor, earth pits are f constructed as per relevant standard / approved drawing. Yes/No. Check that the measured value of combined earth resistance should be less than I Ohm. - 19. Yes/No. Check that for earth electrode and individual earth pits, this value 20. should not be more than one Ohm. Yes /No. Check all non current carrying metal parts shall be effectively 21. earthed by two separate and distinct earth connections ( Indian Yes/No. Electricity Rule 61,67) f--­ 22. Clleck that all pylon supports in the Fire Fighting HVSW system has been earthed to the earthmat. Yes/No. E: GENERAL POINTS COMMON FOR ALL ACTIVITIES DURING EXCAVATION, CASTING OF FOUNDATION

Erection ofstructures, laying ofConductor, storage and transportation ofmaterial:

SN Description of Activity Feed back Remarks l. Check Supervisors / Workmen have been provided with required healthy PPEs. Like (Safety helmet / Safety Belts / Safety Shoes / Yes/No. ! Gum Boot etc. as annlicahle ) Check availability ofFirst Aid Box with required medicines at site. Yes/No. 3. Check Site Instruction register is available at site. Yes/No. ~4. Ensure Supervisor / Gang Leader always issues instruction to the i Workmen including contractor labour before start of work. Yes/No.

1 5 . Ensure supervisory staff from Power Grid is available at site during - construction. Yes / No. ! Check all driver and plant operators are holding valid driving license. Yes / No. - 7. Check the vehicle for rescue is available at site. Yes/No. - I -­8. .Ensure engaged labour are aware ofthe job. Yes/No 9. Ensure supervisor / workmen engaged in the field are aware ofFirst Yes/No. I Aid Techniques ( Such as in case of Electric Shock, Fall from the height, Snake bite and the person rescued from buried under the debris, rescue ofperson from drowning etc. '--. I 10. Check for availability and to keep a record of nearby Hospital / Doctor in case ofemergencies arises. Yes/No. I II. While transporting heavy consignment of conductor / EW drums i from central store to site by the use ofCranes, Truck, Tractor. The Yes /No. safety aspect for construction and failure ofbrake system ofmoving : machinery is to be checked. 12. At least one dry powder type of portable [lIe extinguisher shall be provided especially where explosive or blasting agents are used for Yes/No. excavation. ( Ifapplicable) 13. Check the competence (Qualification / experience) of supervisor / gang leader ofcontractor. Yes/No. 14. Wire mesh rolls shall be secured in order to prevent dangerous Yes /No. I recoiling action. 1~: Proper unloading arrangement has been made at site (Preferably with crane) to wlload the material. Yes/No. 16. After unloading the material visual inspection of the materials has been carried out along with the erection contractor to check that the Yes/No. material has not been damaged or not (Galvanizing is proper or not) As per approved Field Quality Plan etc. 17. While transporting the heavy laden equipment like transformer / Reactor by road from Rly Stn to Sub station check whether for all Yes / No. safety precaution taken. Like safe lifting capacity of crane, safe load on culvert / Bridge / Nala / Drain etc.and working plan is available at sire with specific reference to safety e.g. local earthing, skilled & L experience manpower, proper T&P, strength and LT wires / lIT

'--_.... wires interrupting the ... height of equiEment and the required Description ofActivity Feed back Remarks : clearance maintained etc. Pennission to be obtained from concerned authority if required. "Impact recorder on the equipment like

r i Reactor / Transformer must be installed during transportation" Check that the adequate and safe means of access and aggress has been provided for all work places as far as reasonably practicable Yes/No. and is being used by the workers. r i jl9. Check proper illumination is provided at the work places and their approaches including passage ways. Yes/No...... Check that the lamps have been protected by suitable guards where . necessary to prevent danger, in case the lamp breaks. Yes/No. -""" 21. Check loose materials which are not required for use shall not be placed or left so as dangerously to obstruct work places or passage Yes/No. ~ ways. 1 22. Check all projected nails has been removed or bent over to prevent injury. Yes/No. 23. Check scrap, waste and rubbish has not been allowed to accommodate on the site or the scrap materials has been stored at Yes/No. the isolated place. 24. Check that the worker while working at height scaffold materials, I waste materials and tools are not being thrown by them to cause Yes/No. injury to any person. 25. Check whether contractor has procured required quantity of PPE considering maximum number of erection gangs deployed at one Yes/No. time. Check the quantity ofPPEs. 26. Check that the PPEs required by the workmen are being utilized by them always. Yes/No.

T'J. Check the worker is under constant surveillance by the other person while working at height. Yes/No. 2f. Check construction site has been barricaded for unauthorized persons / animals. Yes/No. c-­ 29. Check that lifting appliances and machines and vehicles used on the construction site is of sound material and good quality and is free ! Yes/No. from patent defects and is strong enough to with safely the load and stresses to which they will be subjected. 30. Check structures and equipment is being used only for the purpose for which they were intended. Yes/No. C--" 3 L. Check equipment has been operated by the competent person. Yes/No. 32. Check portable ladders shall not exceed 9 Mts. in length, other wise Yes/No. may cause danger while climbing of person and back legs shall be equally braced. 33. Check unskilled labour are not utilized for skilled jobs and only experience persons are deployed for erection. Yes/No. 34. Check a well planed and doc-umented procedure for the entire Construction works of Sub station shall be prepared by contractor Yes/No. and get approved from Power Grid for distribution to Contractors' field staff and Power Grid for follow up. 35. Check no metallic measuring tapes are bein~ used during expansion 1 I



ABOUT POWER(jRID: POWER GRID CORP. OF INDIA LTD., (POWERGRID), A Government of India Undertaking, is engaged in the eSlablishment of Regional and National Grids for Transmission of electricity generated by Central Generating Stations to State Electricity Boards I utilities, with its Corporate Office at "SAUDAMINI", Plot No: 2, Sector­ 29, Gurgaon - 122001 (Haryana) and Southern Region -II Office at No: 32, Race Course Road, Bangalore 560001 (Karnataka). POWERGRID has been notified as the Central Transmission Utility (C1U) of the country.

OBJECTIVE OF THIS PROJECT: To enhance Inter-Regional power transfer capacity between Southern Region and Western Region by 1000 MW by the end of 11 tb Plan, POWERGRID is executing the Transmission System associated with South-West Interconnection. BENEFICIARY STATES: Constituent States of Southern Region and Western Region are the beneficiaries ofthis Project.

SCOPE OF WORK: );>Construction of Narendra - KoIhapur 400 KV D/C Line, about 182 Kms. in length, connecting Narendra in Karnataka and Kolhapur in Maharashtra along with Bay extension at existing Narendra 400 KV Sub-station. This Transmission Line passes through Dharwad, Belgaum and Kolhapur Distrids. );> Establishment of 1000 MW HVDC back-to-back Station at Kolhapur with LlLO of both circuits of existing Kolhapur­ Mapusa 400 KV DlC Line

COMMISSIONING SCHEDULE: This Project is scheduled to be commissioned within 42 months from the date of investment approval.

PROJECT COST: Estimated Project Cost on completion is Rs: 1356.79 Crores.

LEGAL FRAMEWORK: This Transmission Project· is proposed to be executed as per the provisions contained in the Indian Electricity Act, 2003 and the rules made there under and the Electricity(Supply) Act,1910 and 1948, in so far as these are applicable.

BENEFITS OF THE PROJECT: This Transmission Link between Narendra and Kolhapur will facilitate transfer of power from surplus Region to deficit Region to meet their' additional power demand under power deficit situation, thereby improving the electricity supply to the domestic I agricultural I industrial consumers by the respective State Electricity Boards I Utilities.

ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: POWERGRID endeavors to protect the environment in all areas of its activities right from planning to completion and subsequent operation of the Transmission Projects. Transmission Projects are environmentally clean and non~polluting in nature and does not generate any waste. The construction activities, however, carry certain environmental and social impacts, mostly minor in nature.

Special emphasis is made at the time of route alignment itself to avoid environmentally sensitive areas such forests, wild life reserves and biosphere reserves. If alternate routes are not Techno-economically feasible, adequate care is taken to ensure that such forest crossings are kept to the minimum possible. Forest clearances are obtained from the appropriate Forest Authorities and prescribed compensation is paid to the Forest Department to compensate for the trees cut and to develop alternate forest areas. All relevant guidelines, including the directions of the Supreme Court in this regard from time to time, are fol1owed. Adequate care is taken at the time of Route selection to ensure that minimum numbers of trees are required to be cut during execution.

COMPENSATION FOR DAMAGED CROPS I TREES: Passage through plantations, gardens & estates, if any, is considered after evaluating the Techno-economic factors. Damages to the Crops and Trees along the route alignment are computed based on the compensation assessed by the Revenue Authorities I Agriculf:4re Dept. I Horticulture Dept. of the area and paid to the affected Land Owners. Agriculture activities below the Line (conductors) are allowed to continue after the construction of the Line, without any infringement on the electrical clearance. iiDi:ld nta' nil1lcltF'dtz1l1l' tf~ ~01)a:bD ~lJJtfta'. r;:rod. i'ddndd ~i;b,f. ""viiDM,,, iliIo~a:bDI'ld,')....d'. .at i'do~M:l.i tfo~eW llc:b," eall1'1i tfosrt"od C7e,\ lll:b," &:boti"rt"t1 lll:b," ogadC'll iliIo>lJOl'l ~d't&'Ii Im>I"le C7e~feW lld;)." '!SWrtv~oI ~.lIi¢>.a_d'. .at iliIo~eW i:h'lru, 'lirlt~ ~" iiDl.M li:fo.2 iIf~d 29 I'1.:Iamod (mCa:bDC'II) dq, ~d,');j...d'. d6.lce lltjnlrtd 'lirltOM:l.i 1110. 32. dfi'dt.RIti'dr datta'. e!ortw'vatbll1~ wd,');j d'. GId rv.t:h d'tz1d ttoOeW iiDl!iIIdce mce.,t t!lod;) ri.ltb.aililcml'ld' 1").... u-- .-a. o.J....., "'-'

d'llce ~rt.RI m\&:b ogd'tz1rtv t!lo.dO?l,\ I:)d;)." ogadce l!iIIi;bqjFi:l~oI IllffeW o.1..QtealfeW e..vrtcl 1000 mf.~.bI rt.,t1 ldtf.i'do> iiDi:ld nta' niItJitF'dtz1l1l' tf~ ~01)a:bD IOlJJtfCJ«. d'll" iiD\i:b ,,"VtUfti"rtv 1t1IO.1JF'i:l1\b0l ~i:lF'&'i'Itl._d'.

•lI1tffOs- t.RIf90Ud lI1c51d 400 6.~f0.r I)/~. ogRdC'll li:mrtrd t!locmw 182 6.lJJt. flUet. 'lililM"M'lid II1tffos ~ Eb~~d t~ailidd i:ltfrf Im>I"le I:!nlIO li:ftftOs 400 t.ll. niiD tfos e!t-I.)i'd...drlt1 i'doiiD'liF' l)iDF'l)i'Itli:ld;). .at I.)d;)." ogllilldce i:l:l'DriF'ii!I t;redl:Rlti. e!Vrnxll.) ~ t.Rlt90mad dcttrtv m:>1I.'nIO.d ~d;)~tri.l._d'.

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.at ~o.1..Qtr'. ogmdce li:mrtrii!l I.)c:b," ldtf.t1 1.Iri.lEi t.l!Ood I:)d;)," t!ltjnlEi ~tbi:l ogd'tz1rt.,rr I.)t:b.... ogmdce n!AilF'~EiF'!oI'$UJ w;l1o.1..Qtrta::zri.l._d' ~ tf~ C7etl\rtV I.)d;)," r.:boti.,rt.,rf. rt"mo.1..QtiiD~l'l. 'Ii,,'" I!SIII"'IJ.J BQ',lJJ" t.'lvtcmdOrf 1.)dJ,," 1.).01'$0> iliI~~ri.l....d'.

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t9dce. ogd'tz1rtvq, i:b;jJ... t9i\ft'li t.'lo.1.Rlt~.,)teWcJf ogd'tz1rtvq, ~ dll1.!!fl.) iliIod~cedo.m ~'!.. ogr;1fz1rtvq, cW!l~d't mll~ tfrtdo"" ogiGdce Ii:mrtF' ~lJJF'i¢>~rt I.)dtid mli:md'li nv!! aleroed'. ai:Ie~d't .dmd t!lIl1, i:l:l'DrtF'l.)~cmrt iliIo~o:b:l ttdce, ogd'tz1rt.,rf mQ'.~~ "I)w ~~ iGoQ'l.)i¢)co"" d.etl)tJit'!>....d'. t9dce. ogd'tz1rtv~ 1i:mrtF' ~1::J:lF'i¢>iJ!lrt iliIot.'loQ';I1~ t9dl'nl.Qncrtv t9~Eb" ;I1c1o:b:l._d'. i;b&.l... M'Ii... iiDOl:!nldi:l~oI i'dot.'loQ'm'i, t!ldrn,QftOrtv '.IW?latrf .:ltc51....d'.nt:)?l1\bno~1'l flUt{. ~o.:1JlIoeWd .o;)~ ~d'fF'z1l11rtv~oI ~;o't:)?lri.l ....d'. ~lIiIIdce Ii:mrtF'i:l~oI tf~ ~a::zrt l!iIIQ',lJOd~ I'lti i;bdrt.,rr 'liaw ~.:l notl'l>"" .o;)t{.di:l!oililUllri.l....d'.

I"'diii:bdrhb ariA .,.,~ ~:-

I.)d;)." ogmdce 1i:mrtF' ,'01::J:lF'i¢>lJOrt e!"rt.,rf I:!nIrt.RI i;bdrt.,rf ;o'ot.'loQ'iiD~ ltocmeW ttQftOrtw. 'lto).... ~fMmCt wCJlla1!AilElOod ~o. i:l:l'Dmll1 1i:m1)1.I t;l'JitlJJeW li:mIO'liOrf iIiQ'Ii_ ;I10~ ~tctt:)?lri.l._d'. .0" ;::1:;mF'd tvrf .Dc:b," t!lo.d lIiII'liiltlol 'liI~ CWlI~d't mll~ tfrtdo"" .0)'" fillJi:lMrtv1\bol. ~i:lF'!oiGf.)~cml'ld'. ANNEXURE-5 TRANSLA TED COpy OF INTERACTIONS REPORT ON PUBLIC CONSULTATION MEETING AT ARAVALLI VILLAGE ON 29.07.2009 ON CONSTRUCTION OF NARENDRA-KOLHAPUR 400 KV DIC TRANSMISSION LINE •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

In accordance with the requirement of Environmental' and Social Policy & Procedures (ESPP) of POWERGRID, Public Consultation Meeting on construction of Narendra - Kolhapur 400 KV DIC Transmission Line was held at the Panchayat Community Hall at Aravalli Village, Belgaum District, Kamataka on 29.07.2009 at 11.00 am.

Gram Panchayat Leaders and Members from Aravalli, Kenganur, Jalikuppa and Inchal Villages, Area Revenue Inspector , Bailahongal, and public from these villages attended the above Meeting (Lis': & photos enclosed) .

Pamphlet containing the Highlights of Transmission System Associated }Vith South-West IntercOImection in local language (KANNADA) and ENGLISH were distributed for the information o)f the participants (copy enclosed). The ROUTE MAP was also displayed for the perusal ofthe participants.

Shri N R Chabbi, Gram panchayat clerk, introduced Power Grid officials and other members those who were sitting on the dais to the villagers.

Shri G.Dhananjaya, Manager, Narendra SIS welcomed the gathering on behalf of POWERGRID and also briefed about the role ofPOWERGRID in Power Sector.

ShrL C.N.Suresh Babu, Chief Manager (Engg), Bangalore briefed on the highlights of Transmission System Associated with South-West Interconnection and also interacted with the local leaders and the public.

The questions I apprehension raised by the village leaders and public were answered during the interactive session. The entire interactive session was conducted in local language, that is Kannada. ( Translated copy of the interactive session enclosed ).

Concluding the discussions, Shri. P.S.Patil of Aravalli Village explained to the Villagers in the local language (Kannada) regarding the benefits ofthe project, in brief.

The Meeting was concluded with the Vote of Thanks by Shri Prabhu Bhandari, Sr.Engineer, POWERGRJD, Narendra TL.

**************** English Translation of Interaction with public during Pubic Consultation meeting at Aravalli village on 29-07-2009 regarding construction of Narendra-Kolhapur 400 KV DIC line (1) Shri. S.M.Mulimani, Inchal. a) What is the main purpose of this project? The purpose of Narendra-Kolhapur 400 DIC Line is to facilitate transfer of excess power produced in surplus state to electricity deficient state.

b) Whether we will get sufficient power this project for our area? POWER GRID are only the facilitators to state government to transmit power from one Region to another Region; later the State Govt. utilities will provide the infrastructure to supply power to all the villages.

(2) Shn Gurupad Ulageri, Aravalli. Kamataka Govt. is giving free electricity upto 10 HP supply to farmers and What POWERGRID will provide? PO\VERGRID is supplying power to KPTCL in Karnataka. Providing free power or not comes under the purview of the State Government.

(3) Shri B.S. Mullar (APMC Vice chairman) Is this Project confined to Taluk or district or state level? This is a central Govt. project & is not confined to particular state; transfer of power available from surplus state to deficit state is being done through High Tension Transmission Lines; the power will be distributed by the local Electricity Board I Utility.

What are the criteria for compensation made by POWERGRID for damages during this project? Wbile constructing this line if some of crops I trees are damaged, the compensation will be paid to the respective land owners, as per the rates fixed by local Horticulture I Revenue I Forest depts. Suitable compensation will be paid the land owner as level as best.

(4) Shri. B.S Patil Village chief.

It is well known that once the government takes decision with consultation or without consultation, they will complete the project by any means. In case some people or villages resist to the project then what you are going to do? Whether you will stop the work or forcibly you will continue the work? This project is useful for the community and hence POWERGRID will try to convince the villagers for their consent or necessary action as per the law will be taken to carry out the work, keeping in view ofGovt. ofIndia's target power to all by 2012.

(5) Shri N.R.Chabbi gram panchaytat clerk, asked on behalf ofaudience. This meeting is to give information regarding the project or to start the project directly? Th,! purpose of this meeting is before commencing the project, POWERGRID wants to give awareness regarding the project and clear the doubts of villagers. ************ LIST OF PARTICIPANTS FOR PUBLIC CONSULTATION AT ARAVALLI ON 29-07-2009


1. Shri C.N. Suresh Babu , CM(Engg), RHQ, Banaglore 2. Shri I. Nallathamby, CM(Safety/Engg), RHQ, Bangalore 3. Shri C. Gopi. CM, Narendra SIS 4. Shri Dhananjaya, Manager, Narendra SIS 5. Shri Prabhu Bhandari, Sr. Engineer, Narendra TL


1) Smt. Karevva Madar, Grama Panchyat President. 2) Sh. Arjun Bhovi, Grama Panchyat Vice President. 3) Sh. N M Ganigere, Grama Panchyat Member. 4) Sh. C R Murugod, Grama Panchyat Member. 5) Sh. P B Bholashetty, Grama Panchyat Member. 6) Sh. S R Jagatap, Grama Panchyat Member. 7) Sh. P S Patil, Guest. 8) Sh B S Patil, Guest. 9) Eevenue Inspector, Bailahongal. 10) Sh. 0 M Sarkavas, Secretary Grama Panchyat...... list continued ... l\ . .3 ~~'h~ c..l.A I\.>u:>.V\ h V.A ~l-Vt

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Total line length 227 Kms.

Total tower locations 569 approx.

A. Compensation

1 Forest (Budget Provision of Rs. 56.561akh kept in Project Report)

- Line length in forest: OKm.

SubTotal Rs.O.OO lakh

2. Crop & Trees

- Line length in Private /Revenue land 227 Kms.

- Tower location in Private /Revenue land- 569

- Crop/tree compensation 400 KV line- (227 x 1,00,000) Rs. 227 Lakhs

SubTotal Rs. 227 Lakhs

B. Implementation Monitoring &Audit

Man-power involved for EMP implementation & Monitoring in entire route of Transmission lines (Rs.10,OOOI- x 227 Km) = Rs. 22.70 lakhs Independent Audit (LS), if needed ;;;;; Rs. 5.00 lakhs

SubTotal Rs.27.70 lakhs


, , ~--~------~ 8-16 Section VIII. Particular GondftiOfls

not exceeding 2% of the cost of construction as may be modified by the Government. The Employer of the establishment is required to provide safety measures at the Building or construction work and other welfare measures, such as Canteens, First-Aid facilities, Ambulance, Housing accommodations for workers near the work place etc. The Employer to whom the Act applies' has to obtain a registration ~ certificate from the Registering Officer appointed by the government.

p) Factories Act 1948: The Act lays down the procedure for approval at plans before setting up a factory, health and safety provisions, welfare provIsions, working hours, annual earned leave and rendering infonnation regarding accidents or dangerous occurrences to designated authorities. It· is applicable to premises employing 10 persons Of more With aid of power or 20 or more persons Without the aid ofpower' engaged' in. manufacturing. process.

GC 22.4.1 Addition of New Clause GC 22.4.1

Protection of Environment

The Contractor shall take all reasonable steps to protect the environment on and off the Site and to avoid damage or nuisance to persons or to property of the poblicor others resulting. from ponution', noise orother causes arising as consequence of his methods of operation.

During continuance. of the Contract, the Contractor and his Sub­ contractors shall abide aC all times by all existing enactments on environmental protection and rules made thereunder, regulations, notifications and bye-laws of the State or Central Government, or local authorities and any other law, bye-law, regulations that may be passed or notification that may be issued in this respect in future by the State or Central Government or the local authority.

Salient features of some of the major laws that are applicable are given below:

The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, This provides for the prevention and control of water pollution and the maintaining and restoring of wholesomeness of water. 'Pollution' means such contamination of water or such alteration of the physical, chemical or biological properties of water or such discharge of any sewage or trade effluent or of any other liquid, gaseous or solid substance into water (whether directly or indirectly) as may, or is likely to, create a nuisance or render such water hannfu I or injurious to public health or safety, or to domestic, commercial, industrial, agricultural or other legitimate uses, or to the life and health of animals or plants or of aquatic organisms.

Substation Pacbg<: - SI for System Strengthening in Northern Region for Sasan & Mundra UMPPs Section VIII. Particular ('Aln,ejitio:ns 8-17

The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981, This provides for prevention, control and abatement of air pollution. 'Air Pollution' means the presence in the atmosphere of any 'air pollutant', which means any solid, liquid or gaseous substance (including noise) present in the atmosphere in such concentration as may be or tend to be injurious to human beings or other living creatures or plants or property or environment.

The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, This provides for the protection and improvement of environment and for matters connected therewith, and the prevention ()f hazards to human beings, other Hving creatures, plants and property. 'Environment' includes water, air and land and the inter-relationship which exists among and between water, air and land, and human beings, other living creatures, plants, micro-organism and property.

The Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991, This provides for public liability insurance for the purpose of providing immediate relief to the persons affected by accident'occurring while handling hazardous substances and -formatters connected herewith or incidental thereto. Hazardous substance means any substance or preparation which is defined as hazardous substance under Environment (Protection) Act;" 1986, and exceeding such quantity as may be specified by notification by the Cenlral Govemment.

GC 22.4.2 Addition of New Sub Clause 22.4.2

(i) The Contractor shall (a) establish an operational system of managing environmental impacts, (b) carry out all the monitoring and mitigation measures set forth in the environment management plan attached to the Particular Conditions as Appendix-I, and (c) allocate the budget required to ensure that such measures are carried out. The Contractor shall submit to the Employer (quarterly) semi-annual) reports on the carrying out of such measures.

(ii) The Contractor shall adequately record the conditions of roads, agricultural land and other infrastructure prior to transport of material and construction commencement, and shall fully reinstate pathways, other local infrastructure and agricultural land to atleast their pre-project condition upon construction completion.

(iii) The Contractor shall undertake detailed survey of the affected persons during transmission line alignment finalization under the Project, where applicable. and

~~--'-'~'-'----,------SUbSlalion ,Package - S I for System Strengthening in Northern Region for Sasan & Mundl'3 UMPPs Environment Management Plan [Applicable for Power Transmission System Projects] Appendix-I to PC Project activity/ I Potential Proposed mitigation Param~ter to be I Measurement lInstitut~o~~l I Implementation Applicability stage impact measure momtored 1 and frequency responsIbIlity· I schedule Pre-construction nrmTP"R n:IHn I P"rt ()f tower Location of Exposure to Setback of dweilings IO Towt:r location and I Setback J.""""'" ~.;..."-~ ...... '.."...... ! ""' ...... ~ "" Trammission transmission safety related overhead line route line alignment distances to siting survey and Line Tower towers and risks , designed in accordance selection with nearest houses detailed Packages ,­ transmission line I with permitted level of respect to nearest - once alignment alignment and power frequency and dwellings survey and design the regulation of design supervision at sites. Equipment Release of PCBs not used in Transformer design Exclusion of POWERGRID Part of tender Substation specifications and chemicals and substation transformers PCBs iIi specifications Packages* design gases in or other project transformers for the parameters receptors (air, facilities or equipment. stated in tender equipment water, land) specification ­ once Processes, equipment Process, equipment Exclusion of POWERGRID Part of tender and systems not to use and system design CFCs stated in specifications chlorofluorocarbons tender for the (CFCs), including specification ­ equipment halon, and their use, if once any, in existing processes ana systems should be phased out Phase out Part of and to be disposed of schedule to be equipment and in a manner consistent , prepared in process design with the requirements case still in use of the Government -'-once Electromagnetic ..... '" Transmission line Exposure to Transmission line Lin~design ,POWERGRID Part of detailed Transmission design electromagnetic design to comply with field strengthJor compliance' alignment Line Tower interference the limits of proposed line with relevant survey and Packages l electromagnetic design standards ­ design

Page 1 of15 Environment Management Plan [Applicable for Power Transmission System Projects] Appendix-I to PC , ProJect activity! Potential Proposed mitigation Parameter to be Measurement Institutional Implementation Applicability . stage impact measure monitored and frequency responsibility schedule I interference from once overhead power lines Location of I Impact on Consideration of tower Tower location and Consultation POWERGRID I Part of tower Transmission transmission . water bodies location at where they line alignment with local siting survey and Line Tower towers and and land could be located to selection (distance authorities and detailed Packages transmission line avoid water bodies to water bodies. avoiding tower alignment alignment and foundation in survey and design water bodies design Social Careful route selection Tower location and Cons1.:lltation POWERGRID Part of detailed inequities to avoid existing line alignment with local tower siting and settlements selection (distance authorities and alignment to nearest landowners ­ survey and ! I dwellings or social once I design I institutions) Minimise need to Tower location and Consultation POWERGRID Part ofdetailed acquire agricultural line alignment with local tower siting and land selection (distance authorities and alignment to agricultural land owners ­ survey and land) once design Encroachment Loss of A void encroachment Tower location and Consultation POWERGRID Part of detailed Transmission into precious precious by careful site and line alignment with local . siting and Line Tower ecological areas ecological alignment selection selection (distance forest I alignment Packages values! damage to nearest authorities to survey!design to precious designated avoid/minimize speCIes ecological forest protection area) involvement ­

I nce I ...... I ...... i -- - --~- -- -- 2

Page 2 of15 Environment Management Plan [Applicable for Power Transmission System Proiectsl Appendix-r to PC Project activity/ Potential Proposed mitigation Parameter to be Measurement Institutio nal Implementation Applicability stage impact measure monitored and frequency responsibility schedule I Transmission line Deforestation I A void encroachment I Tower location and I Consultation I~OWERGRID Part of detailed Transmission through and loss of I b?,: careful si:e a~d line alignment with local siting and Line Tower Packages forestland biodi versity f allgnmem ,eledwn se~ecliuil (distance ! uuthcritics ­ alignment survey/design to nearest protected ----once Minimise the need by or reserved forest) Consultation i using existing towers, with local I tall towers and RoW, authorities and wherever possible design engineers ­ once Obtain statutory Statutory approvals Compliance clearances from the from Government with Government I regulations- once for each

subproject I Encroachment Loss of Use existing tower Tower location and Consultation POWERGRID Part of detailed Transmission! into farmland agricultural footings/towers line alignment with local alignment Line Tower productivity wherever possible selection authorities and survey and Packages design design engineers ­ once A void siting new Tower location and Consultation. Part of detailed towers on farmland line alignment with local siting and wherever feasible selection authorities and alignment design survey /design engineers ­ once

Page 3 of15 Environment Management Plan [Applicable for Power Transmission System Projects} Appendix-I to PC IProject activity! rPotential I Proposed mitigation Parameter to be I Measurement Institutional Implementation Applicability stage impact I measure monitored I and frequency responsibility schedule Fanners compensated Design of Consultation Prior to Transmission for any permanent loss Implementation of with affected construction , Line Tower of productive land Crop parties ­ once I phase Packages Compensation in a quarter (based on affected I I area) Fanners/landowners DeSign of Consultation Prior to I compensated for Implementation of with affected construction significant trees that Tree compensation parties - once phase need to be trimmedl (estimated area to in a quarter removed along RoW. be I trimmedlremoved) I I Statutory approvals Compliance Part of detailed I for tree trimming with. , siting and !removal regulations ­ alignment I once for each survey Idesign subproject Interference with Flooding Appropriate siting of Tower location and Consultation POWERGRID Part of detailed Transmission drainage hazardslloss of towers to avoid line alignment with local alignment Line Tower patterns/Inigation agricultural channel interference selection (distance authorities and survey and Packages channels production to nearest flood ' design design zone) engineers ­ once Construction - Equipment layout ! Noise and Construction Construction Construction POWERGRID IConstruction j All Packages and installation I vibrations techniques and techniques and techniques and (Contractor I period machinery selection machinery , machinery through I seeking to minimize creating contract ground disturbance. minimal provisions) I ground I I

Page 401l5

,r', ,,... '" .'IT'\ '\ .:r , If', '6, 4', «If1 ~ . ... ( IfI (') r Environment Management Plan [Applicable for Power Transmission System Projects! Appendix-I to PC I Project activity/ Potential I Proposed mitigation Parameter to be IImplementation I Applicability

1 sta~_ im act measure monitored schedule I I I disturbance ~

1 once at the I stan of e~ch I constructlOn , phase Physical Disturbed Construction activities Timing of start of Crop POWERGRID IConstruction All Packages construction fanning on cropping land timed construction disturbance ­ (Contractor period activity to avoid disturbance of Post harvest as through field crops (within one soon as contract month of harvest possible but provisions) wherever possible). before next crop - once per site Mechanized Noise, Construction Construction Complaints POWERGRlD Construction All Pa~kages construction vibration and equipment to be well equipment­ received by (Contractor period operator safety, maintained. estimated noise local through efficient emissions authorities ­ contract operation ev~2 weeks provisions) Noise, Turning off plant not in I Construction Complaints POWERGRlD Construction vibration, use. equipment­ received by (Contractor period equipment estimated noise local through wear and tear emissions and authorities ­ contract operating every 2 weeks provisions) schedules Construction of IIncrease in I Existing roads and Access roads, Use of POWERGRlD IConstruction Transmission roads for airborne dust I tracks used for routes (length and established ,(Contractor. period Line Tower width of new roads wherever through Packages accessibility i.p.. I. const.ruction and a~rtides maintenance access to access roads to be possible ~ contract the line wherever constructed) every 2 weeks provisions) ------'I. _ 2..ossible.

Page 5 of15 Environment Management Plan [Applicable for Power Transmission System Projectsl Appendix-I to PC Project activity! Potential Proposed mitigation Parameter to be .Measurement Institutional i Implementation Applicability stage impact measure monitored and frequency responsibility I schedule Temporary Overflows, Temporary placement Temporary fill Absence of fill POWERGRlD Construction . All Packages 3 blockage of reduced of fill in drains/canals placement (m ) in sensitive (Contractor period I utilities discharge not permitted. drainage areas ,through - every 4 contract weeks provisions) Site clearance Vegetation Marking of vegetation Vegetation Clearance POWERGRlD Construction All Packages to be removed prior to marking and strictly limited (Contractor period clearance, and strict clearance control to target through 2 control on clearing (area in m ) vegetation ­ contract activities to ensure every 2 weeks provisions) minimal clearance. Trimming/cutting Fire hazards I Trees allowed growing Species-specific Presence of POWERGRlD Construction Transmission of trees within . up to a height within tree retention as target species (Contractor period Line Tower RoW the RoW by approved by in RoW through Packages maintaining adequate statutory following , contract clearance betvleen the authorities vegetation provisions) top of tree and the (average and clearance- conductor as per the maximum tree once per site I regulations. height at maturity, in meters) Loss of Trees that can survive Species-specific Presence of POWERGRlD Construction vegetation and pruning to comply tree retention as target species (Contractor period deforestation should be pruned apPfQved by in RoW through instead of cleared. statutory following contract authorities vegetation provisions) clearance ­ I once per site

Page 6 of15 Environment Management Plan [AJll1lJc~ble for powerlr1t.nsmission Syst~ Pr()J(!~tsl Appendix-Uo PC Project activityl Potential Proposed mitigation Parameter to be Measurement Institutional Implementation Applicability stage impact measure monitored and frequency responsibility schedule I Felled trees and other Disposal of cleared Use or POWERGRID Construction t ,",1..,..-..,,~ ...... J _...... ~ _....,'!~n.A \..rl,",,"U~U VL }/.L""'-uvY vegetation as intended use of (Contractor i period I vegetation to be approved by the vegetation as through disposed of as statutory approved by contract , authorized by the authorities (area the statutory provisions) 2 statutory bodies. cleared in m ) authorities ­ once per site Wood/vegetation Loss of Construction workers Illegal wood Cotnplaints by POWERGRID Construction All Packages harvesting vegetation and prohibited from Ivegetation local people or (Contractor period deforestation harvesting wood in the harvesting (area in other evidence through project area during m 2,number of of illegal contract their employment, inci¢ents reported) harvesting· provisions) (apart from locally every 2 weeks employed staff continuing current legal activities). Surplus Runoff to cause Soil excavated from Soil disposal Acceptable soil POWER Construction Transmission earthwork/ soil water pollution, tower footings locations and I disposal sites ­ GRID period Line Tower 3 Packages solid waste disposed of by volume (m ) . every 2 weeks (Contractor I

disposal I placement along through roadsides, or at nearby contract house blocks if provisions) requested by landowners. Tower Waste disposal Excess fill from tower Location and Appropriate fill POWERGRID Construction Transmission construction ­ foundation excavation amount (m3)of fill disposal (Contractor period Line Tower disposal of disposed of next to disposal locations ­ through Packages surplus roads or around houses, eyery 2 weeks contract earthwork/fill in agreement with the provisions) local ~tnllluni~o~ _ - --.•...... -­

Page 7 of15 Environment Management Plan [Applicable for Power Transmission System Projectsl Appendix-I to PC

--- Project activity! Potential I Proposed mitigation Parameter to be I Measurement Institutional Implementation Applicability stage impact , measure monitored and frequency responsibility schedule landowner. Storage of Contamination ! Fuel and other Location of Fuel storage in POWERGRID Construction All Packages chemicals and . of receptors I hazardous materials hazardous material appropriate (Contractor period materials I (land, water, securely stored above storage; spill locations and through air) high flood level. reports (type of receptacles ­ contract material spilled, every 2 weeks provisions) 3 amount (kg or m ) and action taken to control and clean up spill) Construction Noise nuisance Construction activities Timing of Daytime POWERGRID Construction All Packages schedules to neighbouring only undertaken during construction (noise construction (Contractor period properties the day and local emis~ions, [dB (a)]) only -.every 2 through communities infonned weeks contract of the construction provisions) I , --_. schedule. Provision of Contamination Construction Amenities for I Presence of POWERGRID Construction All Packages facilities for of receptors workforce facilities to Workforce proper (Contractor period construction (land, water, include proper facilities sanitation, through workers air) sanitation, water water supply contract supply and waste and waste provisions) disposal facilities. disposal ! facilities - once each new facility --

Page 8 0/15 Environment Management Plan [Applicable for Power Transmission System Projects] Appendix-I to PC IProject activity/ Potential Proposed mitigation I Parameter to be ­ Measurement Institutional Implementation Applicability sta2e impact measure monitored and frequencv responsibility schedule I Encroachment Loss of Use existing access I Usage of existing Complaints POWERGRlD I Construction All Packages into fRrmb-mn agricultural roads wherever utilities received by (Contractor . period .. productivity possible local people through Ensure existing Status of existing lauthorities ­ contract irrigation facilities are facilities every4 weeks provisions) maintained in working condition Protect/preserve Status offacilities 3 topsoil and reinstate (earthwork in m ) , after construction ~ompleted Repair !reinstate Status of facilities 3 damaged bunds etc (earthwork in m ) after construction completed Social Compensation for Implementation of C~msultation POWERGRlD Prior to inequities temporary loss in Crop compensation with affected construction agricultural production (amount paid, parties ­ once dates, etc.) in a quarter Uncontrolled Soilioss, Need for access tracks Design basis and Incorporating POWERGRID Construction I All Packages erosion/silt runoff downstream minimised, use of construction I good design (Contractor period siltation; existing roads. procedures and through Limit site clearing to (suspended solids construction contract work areas in receiving management provisions) Regeneration of waters; area re- practices ­ 2 vegetation to stabilise vegetated in m ; once for each works areas on amount of bunds site completion (where constructed [length applicable) in meter, area in '--..

Page 9 of15 Environment Management Plan [Applicable for Power Transmission System Projects1 Appendix-I to PC

I Project activity/ Potential Proposed mitigation Parameter to be ! Measurement Institutional Implementation Applicability ! stage impact measure monitored and frequency responsibility schedule I A voidance of mi, or volume in I ir 3 excavation in wet m ]) season I Water courses protected from siltation through use of bunds and sediment ponds Nuisance to Losses to Contract clauses Contract clauses Incorporating POWERGRID Construction nearby properties neighbouring specifying careful good (Contractor period land uses/ construction practices. construction through

values I management contract practices provisions) once for each site As much as possible Design basis and Incorporating existing access ways layout good design will be used. engineering practices once for each site Productive land will be Reinstatement of Consultation reinstated following land status (area with affected 2 completion of affected, m ) parties - twice construction - immediately after completion of construction I and after the

i frrsf harvest ,

Page 10 of15 Environment Management Plan [Applicable for Power Transmission System Projects] Appendix-I to PC

Project activity/ ! PO. tetltial I Proposed .mitigation parame.ter to be ... M.easurem.e.ntlI. nstitntlon.11 Implementation IAppli"billty I staoe im act I measure monitored . ~nd freCl~~n~y-· ,_responsibility i schedule . ~ocia~ . C~mpensation will be rmplementation of I C~nsultation POWERGRID I Prior to . I

! 'neqmtlt'« rl'lld for lo!>:!>: of . Tree/Crop- , with affected I constructiOn I I I I production, if any. compensation parties - once I I (amount paid) in a quarter rHeallll and safety Injury and i Contract provisions Contract clauses Contract POWERGRlD Construction All Packages sickness of I specifying minimum (number of clauses (Contractor period workers and I requirem~nts for incidents and total compliance ­ through members of the . constructiOn camps lost-work days once every contract public Contractor to prepare caused by injuries quarter provisions) and implement a health and sickness) and safety plan. Contractor to arrange for health and safety training sessions Inadequate Likely to Training of Training schedules Number of I POWERGRID Routinely All Packages construction maximise POWERGRID programs throughout stage monitoring damages environmental attended by construction monitoring personnel each person ­ period I once a year Implementation of Respective contract Submission of effective checklists and duly completed environmental remedial actions checklists of all monitoring and taken thereof contracts for reporting system using each site - once checklist of all contractual environmental requirements

Page J1 0/15 Environment Management Plan [Applicable for Power Transmission System Projects] Appendix-I to PC IProject activity/ ! Potential I Proposed mitigation Parameter to be Measurement Institutional Implementation Applicability I I stage impact I measure I monitored and frequency responsibility schedule ! Appropriate contact Compliance report Submission of I I clauses to ensure related to duly completed , I ,satisfactory environmental compliance I implementation of aspects for the report for each contractual contract I contract - once environmental I mitigation measures. I , Operation and Maintenance Location of Exposure to I Setback of dwellings to ICompliance with Setback POWERGRlD During Transmission transmission safety related Ioverhead line route setback distances distances to operations Line Tower towers and risks designed in accordance ("as-built" nearest houses Packages transmission line with permitted level of diagrams) once in I alignment and power frequency and quarter design the regulation of i I I supervision at sites. Oil spillage I Contamination I Substation Substatio bunding Bunding (Oil POWERGRID During Substation I of land/ne~rby I tr~n~formers located (Oil sump) sump) capacity , operations Packages* water bodies ' wlthlIl secure and ("as-built" and i impervious sump areas diagrams) permeability ­ I with a storage capacity i once of at least 100% of the capacity of oil in transformers and associated reserve tanks. ~-~ - -~-,

Page 12 0/15 Environment Management Plan [Applicable for Power Transmission System Projects1 Appendix-I to PC I Project activity/ i Potential Proposed mitigation Parameter to be Measurement Institutional Implementation Applicability I stage impact measure monitored and frequency responsibility schedule I Inadequate I Injury and Careful design llsing Usage of Preparedness POWERGRID Design and All Packages provision of slckness ot appropnate appropriate levd for u;;ing operation staff/workers staff Iworkers technologies to technologies (lost these health and safety minimise hazards work days due to technologies in during operations illness and injuries) crisis - once each year Safety awareness Training/awareness Number of , raising for staff. programs and programs and Preparation of fire mock drills percent of staff emergency action plan Iworkers . and training given to covered - once staff on implementing each year I emergency action plan Electric Shock Injury/mortality I Careful design using Usage of Preparedness POWERGRID Design and All Packages Hazards to staff and appropriate appropriate level for using Operation public . technologies to technologies these minimise hazards (number of injury technologies in incidents, lost work crisis - once a I days) month. I I Security fences around Maintenance of Report on substations fences maintenance Barriers to prevent Maintenance of every 2 weeks climbing barriers on/dismantling of .' transmission towers Appropriate warning Maintenance of signs on facilities warning signs

Page 13 of15 Environment Management Plan [Applicable for Power Transmission System Projects! Appendix-I to PC Project activity/ Potential Proposed mitigation Parameter to be Measurement Institutional Implementation Applicability stage impact measure monitored and frequency responsibility schedule Electricity safety Training Number of awareness raising in /awareness programs and I project areas programs and percent of total mock drills for all persons concerned parties covered ­ once each year Equipment Release of Processes, equipment Process, equipment Phase out POWERGRlD Operations Substation specifications and chemicals and and systems using and system design schedule to be Packages* design gases in cholofluorocarbons prepared in parameters receptors (air, (CFCs), including case still in use I water, land) halon, should be - once in a phased out and to be quarter disposed of in a manner consistent with the requirements of the Government. Transmission line Exposure to Transmission line Required ground Ground POWERGRID Operations Transmission maintenance electromagnetic design to comply with clearance (meters) clearance ­ Line Tower interference the limits of once Packages electromagnetic interference from overhead power lines

Page 14 of15 Environment Management Plan [Applicable for Power Transmission System Projects! Appendix-I to PC

-~ I Project activity/ Potential I Proposed mitigation Parameter to be Measurement Institutional Implementation Applicability I stage ~ impact i measure monitored and frequency responsibility schedule, I Noise related Nuisance to Noise levels Noise levels at POWERGRlD Operations Substation I~~~~t::~~~ :~~,~r~nd I 11cighbouring Ulwv.LOJ..I...... ; _ ... "'..:...... (rlR(;t)) I boundary , Packages* properties noise will not be a nearest to nuisance. properties and consultation with affected parties if any ­ once

* Substation Packages also include Transformer, Reactor, FSCITCSC Packages.



Public Consultation Meeting At Kalamb Village On 27.07.2009 On Establishment of 2 X 500 MW HVDC Back-to-8ack Station at Kolhapur

, i

'/ ; :At~,~~0'f , ' ' , ... ;. PHOTO PLATE-2

Public Consultation Meeting At Aravalli Village On 29.07.2009 On Construction Of Narendra-Kolhapur 400 KV DlC Transmission Line


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Public Consultation Meeting At Araya!!! Village On 29.07.2009 On Construction Of Narendra-Kolhapur 400 KV DIC TransmisSion Line



i X


T R A N S M y I S S I o N



X & Y 10·15 METERS a = 300- 450 mm