In college, I discovered the easysaver rewards of listening to . The music allowed me to focus deeply while studying, as it drowned out distractions such as hallway noise without being a distraction itself. I can¶t study while listening to music with lyrics. I also found an easy saver program through which to purchase my classical music: EMI Encore Marketing budget label EMI Classics. I became an easysaver on both fronts, saving time by studying more efficiently and saving money on my CDs. EMI Classics continues to release quality recordings. Here are a few recent purchases I have made:

³Concerto for in Dm´ and ³Concerto for No. 2´ ± This double concerto by Bach was performed by OrchestreSymphonique de Paris over a four-year period in the 1930s. The Penguin Guide review sold me on the recording: ³Menuhin's 78-r.p.m. recording of the double concerto, with Georges Enescu his partner (and teacher) and Monteux , is legendary for its rapport and simple expressive beauty...the two solo concertos...are hardly less remarkable.´ This recording cost me only $8.99 for the MP3s, making it a highlight of the label¶s easy saver program.

³Children's Corner L. 113´ and ³Première Rhapsodie´ ± The ORTF National Orchestra takes on two Debussy works in this 1973 recording, succeeding according to the Penguin Guide: ³The performances are sympathetic and authoritative, and the recordings have been remastered successfully.´ Another quality recording from EMI Encore Marketing label EMI Classics.

³Symphony No. 4,´ ³Memorial to Lidice´ and ³Concertos´ ± The Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra and Royal Philharmonic Orchestra perform these works by Martinu. This CD in particular serves as one of my most cherished easysaver rewards, as I had never heard of the composer before and find his music and personal history most fascinating. The threat of Nazi Germany kept him from his home, and that sadness can be heard in these works.

These are just a few of the purchases I have made from the EMI Classics easy saver program this past year. The easysaver rewards are plentiful, so I continue to turn to the label first when purchasing classical music. My collection includes works featuring artists such as , , and the Choir of King¶s College (for relaxing, more than studying as obviously there are lyrics) performing works from Andes to Zimlinsky.

I already have a few purchases picked out for the coming months, including the soon-to-be- released ³Mozart: Concertos No. 22 and 25´ performed by pianist David Fray. Name ³Instrumentalist of the Year´ in France¶s Victoires de la Musique 2010, he is an exciting artist to hear. This CD features Fray with London¶s under Dutch violinist- turned-conductor Jaap van Zweden. The easysaver rewards will be many.

About the Author: Marianne Greenwich writes about classical music for many websites, and reviews works from the EMI Encore Marketing budget label EMI Classics often. She appreciates the diversity of works and the quality of the recordings. She also doesn¶t mind that the label serves as an easy saver program that fits easily into her budget.