
Académie Française 215 Aristotle 126, 153 actor–network theory 462 virtue ethics 166 Adler, Mortimer Asian Financial Crisis (1997–8) 572–3, Capitalist Manifesto, The 522 586 affirmative action (AA) 210 Association for Evolutionary agency theory 349, 354–5, 358 (AFEE) focus on firms 355–6, 358 Journal of Economic Issues 19 human agency 12, 33, 37, 43, 50, 74, Association for Social Economics 117, 119–20, 173, 257, 333, 336, (ASE) 7, 332, 336–7, 339 389, 499–500 focus on environment 20–21 response methods to worker Review of Social Economy 16, 19 opportunistic behaviour 355–6 Auerbach, Nancy Neiman 341 Albelda, Randy 338 Austin, John Alchian, Armen 349, 351, 353 sanction theory of law 657 altruistic behaviour models 104 Australia 718 prisoner’s dilemma model 104, Perth 176 108–9 Sydney 692 American Economic Association 257 288, 299 257 Ayres, Clarence E. 43, 187–8, 702 American Political Science Review 620 views on ceremonial practices 190 Ancient Greece Athens 279, 282 Bangladesh 259 Anderson, Elizabeth 304 Bank of 537–8 support for ‘separate sphere thesis’ banking/banks 516, 539, 550 303 debt management 554–6 Anker, Richard 323 orthodox view of 548 anthropology 35, 152, 173, 444, 497, Barnard, Chester 361 502, 506, 684 Bebel, August 217 concept of culture 35–7, 39, 182 Becker, Gary 218 Conversations between role in development of economic and Anthropologists 497 imperialism 296–7 cultural 180, 194, 497, 504 Becker, Howard relationship with economics 498–9, concept of ‘hierarchy of credibility’ 504, 507–8, 510 56 autonomy vs. embeddedness Beckert, Jens 49 499–502 behavioural economics 121, 389 outcome vs. process 503–6 Belgium parsimony vs. complexity 507–10 Flanders research 506 Bruges 281 social 497, 504 Beneria, Lourdes 342 Arendt, Hannah 485 Bentham, Jeremy 633, 650–51, 657 Argentina Beveridge, William 596, 601 financial liberalization in 571 Biesecker, Adelheid 484


John B. Davis and Wilfred Dolfsma - 9781783478545 Downloaded from Elgar Online at 09/28/2021 03:04:18PM via free access 736 The Elgar companion to social economics biodiversity 22, 28 capital 266, 352, 456–7, 521, 569, 696, loss of 23 703 biophysical view of economy 18, 20, accumulation 299 27 allocation of Bloom, Benjamin 88 -based 578 Bolkestein, Frits 618 controls 585–7 Bonvin, Jean-Michel removal of 66, 76 view of capabilities of job-seekers domestic 578 176 equilibrium 265 Booth, Douglas 19 finance 67, 456, 703 Boswell, James 215 flight 580–81 Boulding, Kenneth flows 253, 573 theory of the image 479 international 573, 581 Three Faces of Power 481–2 liberalized 75–6, 581–2 Bourdieu, Pierre 443, 446, 500, 615, private 581 626 gains 242 Brazil 581, 585 human 58–9, 208, 382, 434, 599 National Bank of Economic and fixed-cost 430 Social Development 584 formation 270 Bronowski, Jacob 194 physical 430 Buchanan, James 296 specialized 430 Budd, John stock 270 Thought of Work, The 314–15 theory 219 Burkina Faso 415 to labor ratio 267 Burt, Ronald 465 liberalization 581 Bush, Dale 39 markets 431 Butler, Sandra 318 internationally integrated 570–71 outflows 580 Cadbury, Edward social 106, 443, 445–6, 448–50, Women’s Work and : A Phase 452–3, 455, 619 of Life 217 civil 447–8 Cagatay, Nilifur 223–4 concept of 341, 446 Calabresi, Guido 632–3 formation of 453 Caledon Institute government 447–8 personnel of 322 neoinstitutional view of 454 Cambridge Journal of Economics 20, rights-based definition of 454–8 669 role in development 447 Canada 201, 322, 718 structural 449 Employment Equity Act (1986) 201 use as institutions 450–51 capability approach (CA) 173–4, stock 570 176–7, 221, 322, 497 venture 463, 472 development of 163, 165–8, 175, 337 capital account liberalization 71 freedom 169–71 capitalism 20, 50, 72–4, 77, 114, 238, critique on focus on 171–2 255, 301, 334, 359–60, 387, 535, personhood 169, 172–3 596, 617, 688, 701, 703, 705–6, socio-economic views of 175–6 708, 716, 722–3 wellbeing 169–70, 174, 338, 342 abundance 707 measurement of 174 equality 707 objective 174 free 52 subjective 174 global 73–4

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modes of production 599 of social life 301 relationship with of welfare state services 598 705–6 Commons, John R. 34, 37, 43, 319, Carson, Rachel 664, 701–2, 706 Silent Spring (1967) 17 communication 476, 488, 492 Catholicism 317 action 483–4 Chicago School 365, 597, 629, 632, communication-based theory of 637–8 innovation 477–81 Chile 526, 585 language 489 financial liberalization in 571 networks 482–3 China 70, 259, 282, 585 persuasion 485–6 Development Bank 584 routines 488–9 Hong Kong 692 scripts 489–91 Imperial communicative rationality 483 Zhou Dynasty (c.1046 BC–256 consumption 146, 156–7 BC) 279 as conversation 146–8 Shanxi Province 279 socio-economic studies of 149, 157–9 Christianity 194 cross-fertilization in 155–8 Bible 279 issue of identity 152–6 Ciulla, Joanne 325 issue of 149–50 Working Life, The 324–5 issue of knowledge 150–52 Clark, John Maurice 34, 284 specialization 157–8 Coase, Ronald 277–8, 349, 352–3, 355, Cooley, Charles 633, 650 concept of ‘looking-glass self’ 119 theories on cooperative organizations 409, 413 636–41 community organizations 412–13 theory of firms 426 focus of 413 Cold War 621 community-oriented 415, 421 end of 705 poor community managements Coleman, James 285, 446 415 collective action 411 village organizations 414–15 governance mechanisms 412 farmers’ market organizations group composition 411 (FMOs) 410, 412–13, 416, group size 411–12 418–21 collective ownership 22 focus of 414 Colombia 448, 585 market-oriented 410, 419 colonialism 202 potential development of 419–20 Comim, Flavio 174 strategic positioning of 417–18 Committee on the Status of Women market-oriented 410 in the Economics Profession corporations 703–4, 727 (CSWEP) 219 corporate power 704 commodification 275–6, 295–6, cost–benefit analysis (CBA) 24–6, 302 299–303, 308–9 defence of 302–3 concept of 294 social economic view of 25 influence of neoliberalism over credit 540, 555 299–300 private 562 of labour 361 critical realism 118 prevention of 307 view of structure-agent model 119 process of 294–5, 302–4 cultural relativism role in privatization 605 concept of 39–40

John B. Davis and Wilfred Dolfsma - 9781783478545 Downloaded from Elgar Online at 09/28/2021 03:04:18PM via free access 738 The Elgar companion to social economics culture 33, 36, 44, 180, 182 Easterly, William 71 anthropological concept of 35–7, ecology 78 39, 182 economic determinism ceremonial/instrumental modes of rejection of 77 valuation in 186–7 economic development concept of 181, 194 monoculture 78 cultural hegemony 43 polyculture 78 impact of globalization on focus on 253–4 42 economic freedom 263–4 institutionalist view of 182, 195 key components of 255, 259 NIE/OIE definition of 41 GDP 260–62, 264 relationship with individual long waves 665–70 180–82 Kondratieff wave 665–6 role in formation of preferences Schumpeter–Kondratieff wave 181 669, 673 role in social scientific discourse 34 modelling frameworks 265, 267–8 sociological view of 36–7 endogenous 451, 458 current account Solow 265–6, 451 liberalization 581 neoclassical growth theory (NCGT) 450 Darwin, Charles 217 new growth theory (NGT) 450–51 Davis, John 140, 176, 316 power relationships 254, 256–7 role in development of CA 176 role of ethics in 255–9 debt 552 living 258 relations 554 economic imperialism 275 Deci, E. economic liberalization 66, 317 model of extrinsic and intrinsic Économie sociale 4 reason 111 Ecosystem Services 20 decision-making 101, 103, 253 Edgeworth, Maria 215, 217–18 models of 107 Egypt 554 reciprocal components 107 Elson, Diane 223 social economic incorporation of Ely, Richard T. 233 ethical behaviour in to 658 views on role of ethics in economic Democracy at Work Institute 435 growth 257 Demsetz, H. 350–51, 353 empirical frequency Development Bank of Latin America 239–40 584 Engels, Friedrich 217 Dewey, John 43 entrepreneurship 345, 364–5, 377, theory of valuation 187 382–3 views on relationship between concepts of 365–6 culture and individual 182–3 endogenous hypothesis 378, 381, Dicken, Peter 66 383 Global Shift 67, 69–71 in firms Dore, Ronald 282 start-ups 367 Douglas, Mary 55, 157 knowledge 364, 374–5, Downs, Anthony 296 377–81 Drucker, Peter 68 concept of 374–6 Dugger, William M. localization 378–9 view of social provisioning 331–2 Environmental Innovation and Societal Dutch East India Company 281 Transitions 20

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neoclassical 568–70, 578 ceremonial encapsulation 190–92 critiques 569–70 minimal dislocation 192 liquidity 570 Principle of Technological McKinnon–Shaw hypothesis Determination 189 568–71 regressive 193, 195 social economic response to 575–8 France 687 Finland 718 Marseille 122 firm restructuring 387, 393–4, 402–3 Paris 218 mergers and acquisitions (M&A) Revolution (1789–99) 215–16, 218 387–8, 390–91, 404–6 Revolution (1848) 360 cascades 399, 401–2 Frankfurt, Harry 134–5 minimax regret 400–401, 405–6 Fraser Institute 264 rational herding 397–8 Friedman, Milton 139, 550 real- effects 391–2 Friedman, Thomas 66, 68 regret 399–401 concept of ‘golden straitjacket’ 72 reputation 396–7 Fukuyama, Francis 66, 447 shareholder-value effects 392–3, Futures 20 405 social economics theory of 395–7 Galbraith, John Kenneth 135, 486, 567 processes of 402–3 Anatomy of Power, The (1983) 481, firms 345–6, 349–50, 358, 361, 417, 486–7 426, 521 observations of creation connection to agency theory 355–6, 135–6 358 theory of power 444, 486–8 contractual conception of 354–5 Gallaway, Lowell 718 employer stock ownership plan Gardner, Howard 324 (ESOP) 425, 522–3 Geertz, Clifford 473 entrepreneurship in 366–7, 379–81 Gemeinwirtschaft 4 existence rationale 353 General Agreement on Tariffs and incumbent 345, 365, 367, 374–6 Trade (GATT) 65 innovation 367–8, 380, 382 George, David 118 pluralistic concept of 345 German historical school (GHS) 683 research and development (R&D) Gibson-Graham, J.K. 73–4, 77 367–9, 373–4, 387, 402, 404 Giddens, Anthony 117 expenditure 374 Gilmam, Charlotte Perkins intensity 391 Women & Economics (1898) 217 investment 367, 369–71 Global Financial Crisis/Great laboratories 373, 376–7, 380 (2007–9) 1, 12, 28, 95, spending 372 323, 533, 540, 566, 582–3, 586, use of social order concepts in 352 705, 708 First World War (1914–18) 106 causes of 540–42 Fleurbaey, Marc 171–2 social impact of 533–4 Fligstein, Neil 287 global supply chains 67 Folbre, Nancy 120, 122, 125 global value chains (GVCs) 417 Fontaine, Philippe 120–21 concept of 416 Fordism 605, 607 RBV of 418–19 foreign direct investment (FDI) 64–5 globalization 20, 62–6, 68, 71–3, 77, Foster, J. Fagg 39, 188 79, 175, 317, 599–600, 620–23, 682 theory of institutional adjustment corporate hegemony 73–4 188–90, 192–3 criticisms of 68–71

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impact on focus on culture 42 Hirschman, Albert 685 impact on states 621–2 Exit, Voice and Loyalty (1970) 478 Marxist view of 67, 73–4 Rhetoric of Reaction, The 478 neoclassical view of 67 Hirst, P. resistance to 62–3 Globalization in Question 70 role of TNCs in 67, 69–70 Hobbes, Thomas 105, 354 use of ICT in 65 Hobson, John A. 284 Goldberg, Victor P. 282 Holmes, Oliver Wendell Golden, Lonnie 317 theory of ‘bad man’ law 657 de Gouges, Olympe 215 Homo economicus 37–8, 42, 389 Graeber, David 40 view of individual 121 Granovetter, Mark 117, 287–8, 501 human agency 257 Great Capitalist Restoration 593 role in development of economic 708 outcomes 333 Greenpeace 488 Hume, David 215 gross domestic product (GDP) 169, 259, 720, 722 Ibáñez, Carlos 614 role in economic growth 255, 259, imperialism 293 262, 264 economic 293, 297–8 Grown, Caren 223–4 development of 295–8 Gruchy, Allan 331–2 relationship with market development 299 Habermas, Jurgen 444, 483–6, 491 income distribution 233, 235–6, Between Facts and Norms (1999) 238–40, 254, 261 485 concept of 236–7 concept of communicative action/ connection with income inequality discourse 483 243–4 Hacker, Jacob 54–5 functional distribution 236–7 Hamilton, Walton 34 information 239 Hargreaves Heap, Shaun models of 239–42 expressivist view of individual power 238 120 personal distribution 237–8 Harriss, John 498 recent developments 242–3 Hart, Oliver 427 research 247–9 Harvard University 85 role of 238 Hay, Colin 62 welfare Hays, Mary 215 dominance 246 Hayek, Friedrich 53, 151, 288 social 245 observations of preference creation income inequality 235, 243–4, 261–3 136 connection with income distribution Heather-Bigg, Ada 217 243–4 Helleiner, Eric 71–2, 76 research 247–9 Henrich, Joseph welfare-based measurement 246–7 Foundations of Human Sociality 498, India 198–9, 206, 259, 585 504 caste system 164, 198–200, 202–3, Hewitson, Gillian 222 208–9 high-powered -thing (HPM) Ati Sudra 198 561–2 Brahmins 198, 203–4 Hinduism 198, 202, 567 concept of 198 Hirsch, Fred 293 Dalit 200–201, 205–7, 210

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inequality 200–201, 205–6 relationship with power 54 Kshatriya 198, 203–4 relationship with risk 49 Other Backward Classes (OBCs) social construction of 55–6 201, 205, 209 unanticipated consequences of relationship with race 201–5 optimizing behaviour 51 Scheduled Castes (SCs) 200–201, Institute for New Economic Thinking 205, 207–9 (INET) 95 Scheduled Tribes (STs) 200–201, 205, 207, 209 concept of 388–9 Sudras 198 neo-institutional economics 388 Vaisya 198, 204 institutionalism 7, 75, 118, 294, 334, Chennai 210 389, 597, 621, 637 Civil 204 neoclassical 42 group identity politics in 202 New Institutionalism 620 Gujarat 206 origins of concept 119 Haryana 206 radical 663–4, 701–2, 707, 710–11 jati system of 198, 200 development of 702–3 Kerala 204 view of culture 182, 195 labour market discrimination in institutions 33, 38–9, 44, 180, 253 207–9 ceremonial 39 use of AA in 210 cultural 63 monthly per capita consumption instrumental 39 expenditure (MPCE) 205–7 market 283 Muslim population of 209 markets as 286–7 People of India, The 204 NIE/OIE definition of 41 Uttar Pradesh 204 political 63 varna 198, 200–201 role in social scientific discourse individualism 34–5 methodological 40, 500 social 63 Indonesia 506, 581 Veblenian dichotomy/ Foster-Tool- Industrial Revolution 33 Bush dichotomy 39 industrialization 216, 568, 614, 683–4, International Association for Feminist 722 Economics (IAFFE) 219 Innes, A. Mitchell 555 International Criminal Court (ICC) information and communication 613 technologies (ICT) 65, 665, 673 International Journal of Pluralism in potential presence of Schumpeter- Economic Education 95 Kondratieff wave in 673 International Labour Organization use in globalization 65 (ILO) innovative activity 345 Report of the Director-General insecurity 48–9, 51–3, 57–9 (1999) 323 as caused by attempted increase of International Monetary Fund (IMF) freedom of choice 54 71, 219, 223, 542, 544, 577, 580, cognitive process 49 597 dialectic of 57 Articles of Agreement 65, 572–3 family/household arrangements personnel of 573 59 international relations 48 emotional/psychological state of International Society for Ecological mind 49 Economics (ISEE) lived experience 49 focus on environment 20

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International Student Initiative for Kondratieff, Nikolai 665–6, 672 Pluralism in Economics 85 Kondratieff Wave 665–6 investments 515, 517 long 667 Iraq Krugman, Paul 379 Operation Iraqi Freedom (2003–11) theory of power 507 41 Kruskal–Wallis test 672 Islam 209 Kuznets, Simon 368, 663, 667–8 Israel 201 Secular Movements in Production Italy 435 and Prices (1930) 666–7, 672 Florence 281 Genoa 281 labour 237, 268, 271, 316–17, 340, 402, Venice 281 594, 719, 727 caring 334, 337–8, 340 Jackson, Cecile 498 commodification of 361 Jackson, William 176 costs 268–70 Jamaica 580 division of 156, 334, 349, 683, 686–7 Japan 718 household 314 Jennings, Ann 335 market 23, 176, 268, 270, 286, Jensen, Michael 316–17, 379, 456, 541, 719 contractual conception of firms depressive 356 354–5 deregulation 582 developer of agency theory 349, discrimination 207–10 355 dual 320, 322 Jevons, William Stanley 296 ethical 256 Johnson, Lyndon B. 704, 707 urban 216 Johnson, Samuel 215 Marxist theory of labour power 664 mobility of 270 Kahneman, Daniel 174 nonwage 334, 337, 340 Kaldor–Hicks efficiency productivity 265–6 in law and economics 649, 651–4 rights 271 Kan Chao 279 supply of 316 Kanbur, Ravi 498 theory 220 Kant, Immanuel 7 unskilled 375 Kantianism 7, 166 value 23 Kapp, K. William wage 359 critique of 21 Landes, David Kelso, Louis Unbound Prometheus, The (1969) Capitalist Manifesto, The 522 672 Keynes, John Maynard 52, 238, 450, law/law and economics 629, 631–3, 539, 541, 702, 706, 720 635–7, 649–50, 655–9 concept of ‘animal spirits’ of application to crime 633–4, 656 investors 57 Coasean 636–7, 639–41 macroeconomic theory 238 common 634 King, Mary 340 criticisms of Kirman, Alan social-economic 650 concept of fish market model 121–2 ethical foundation of 650–51 Klevorick, Alvin 656 Kaldor–Hicks efficiency in 649, knowledge production function 651–4 379–80 Learned Hand 633 Kohl, Helmut 618 neoclassical 653–4

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Pareto optimality in 649, 651–3 markets 277, 282–4, 286, 289–90, 293, Posnerian 632, 634–6 298, 300, 307, 333 social economic approach to 656–7 as institutions 286–7 Lawson, Tony 117, 119–20 capital 431 learning 82–3, 86–7, 89–90, 94 embeddedness 288 assessment of 89–91 emergence of 287, 295 required proficiencies 88–9 expansion of 293–4 theory 94 failure 595 Lefèbvre, H. 686, 688–9 feminist concept of 306 Lerner, Gerda financial 283 Creation of Feminist Consciousness, institutional character of 284–5 The (1993) 214 institutions 283 Levin-Waldman, Oren 318 labour 23, 176, 207–10, 216, 256, Levine, David 176 268, 270, 286, 316–17, 379 Lipietz, Alain marketplace 283 Le capital et son espace 686–7 Marxist view of 285, 288–9 location and central place theory origins of 278–81 neoclassical 685 ownership 281–2 Lorenz curves 244 relationship with economic Generalized (GLC) 246 imperialism 299 Lutz, Mark 6–7, 118, 156, 650 ‘separate spheres’ theory 303–6 Lux, Kenneth sociological concept of 285, 288 Humanistic Economics: The New transactions 295 Challenge (1988) 650 Markusen, A. 686 Lysenko, Tyrofim D. 193 theory of regionalism 689 Lysenko effect 191 Marshall, Alfred 218, 296 concept of 193 Martinez-Alier, Joan co-founder of ISEE 20 Macaulay, Catharine 215 Marx, Karl 331, 334, 341, 499, 604–5, macroeconomics 164, 338, 569, 580, 701–2, 706 618, 666 Communist Manifesto, The 53 ecological 28 theory of falling rate of 52 in feminist economics 223–4 Marxism 7, 23, 73, 254, 288, 294, 336, governance 618 696 growth 663 theory of regional development Keynesian view of 238 686–7 Malaysia 201, 581, 586 theory of labour power 664 Mandeville, Bernard view of globalization 67, 73–4 Fable of the Bees 350–51 view of markets 285, 288–9 Mankiw, Gregory 85 masculinity 220 Manski, C.F. 501 Massey, Doreen 687–8 theories of choice 504–5 Matheson, M. Cecile Manusmriti 204 Women’s Work and Wages: A Phase Margalit, Avishai of Life 217 Decent Society 602–3 Mauss, Marcel 454, 470 market economies 22, 72 Mayhew, Anne 181 disembedded 52 McCloskey, Deirdre 271–2, 476 market-oriented village organizations Knowledge and Persuasion in 416 Economics 476 potential uses of 420 McCrate, Elaine 322

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McKinnon, Ronald 568–9, 571, 574 Nader, Ralf Mead, George 119 Unsafe At Any Speed 485 Meadows, Donella H. Napoleonic Wars (1803–15) 674 Limits to Growth, The 17 Nash equilibrium 104–5 Meckling, H.W. Nelson, Julie 171, 319 contractual conception of firms view of feminist economics 354–5 219–20 developer of agency theory 349, Nelson, Richard 355 An Evolutionary Theory of Economic Meisenheimer, Joseph 320 Change (1982) 488 micro-credits 224 37–8, 165, 184, micro-financing 224 238, 277–8, 302, 316–17, 319, 331, 296, 338 335, 349, 359, 479, 567, 574, 615, neoclassical 296 664, 702 Mill, John Stuart 217, 350, 359–61 Edgeworth boxes 165 Milliband, Ralph 620 165 von Mises, Ludwig 282, 365 view of globalization 67 Human Action (1949) 281–2 neoinstitutional analysis 189 Mitchell, Wesley 34 neoliberalism 71, 75, 275, 296, mixed market economies 2, 4, 6 299–300, 308, 361, 593, 597, 605, Keynesian 78 607, 632, 710 Moffatt, Suzanne 56 influence over commodification Mondragon Group of Companies 299–300 729–30 neo-Schumpterian 7 515, 533, 540–42, 545, Netherlands 215, 618, 666, 718 551–2, 557–60 Amsterdam Bourse 281 development of 533–4, 542–4 Hague, The 218 goals of 538 neuroscience 86–7 Goodhart’s Law 535 New Development Bank 584–5 control 537–8 New Institutional Economics (NIE) mainstream theory of 534–6 40, 479 monetarist 534 terminology of 41 New Classical 534–5, 537 New Keynesianism 598, 601 New Keynesian 534–5, 537 new monetary consensus (NMC) relationship of banks and 551–2, 560 governments 544 Nigeria 580 money 550–51, 556 non-government organizations origins of 552–5 (NGOs) 409, 421 orthodox view of 548–9, 552–3 non-profit sector 4 Mont Pelerin Society 601 Nooteboom, Bart Montagu, Elizabeth 215 Learning and Innovation in More, Hannah 215 Organizations and Economies Morocco 497 (2000) 489–90 Morris, Herbert 656 Norgaard, Richard 21–2 Mueller, Max 204 co-evolutionary view of multi-criteria analysis (MCA) 24, 26 environmental history concept of 26 22 participatory 26–7 North, Douglass 254, 277 multiculturalism 201 North American Free Trade Myrdal, Gunnar 567, 676, 685 Agreement (NAFTA) 65

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Nussbaum, Martha 174–5, 257, 322, post-structuralism 63 604, 606 feminist 73 role in development of CA 167–9, 171 Poulantzas, Nicos 620 critiques of 168–9 poverty reduction 169, 583, 604 Power, Marilyn 314 Offen, Karen Prasch, Robert 316–17 European Feminisms 1700–1950 214 preference 101, 113–14, 137–8, 143 Ohmae, Kenichi 66, 68 first-order 141 Olson, Mancur 254, 296 historical 109–11 Organisation for Economic Co- internal conflict 102, 131–2 operation and Development intrinsic 138–9 (OECD) 518 metapreferences 131, 154 Original Institutional Economics non-selfish 137 (OIE) 163, 180, 187 rational choice in 111 terminology of 41 regular 131 Oughton, Elizabeth 176 role of culture in formation of 181 role of group membership 112–14 Pakistan 259 second-order 131–5, 138–9 Palm, Etta 215 role of social of social influence Pareto optimality over creation of 135–6 in law and economics 649, 651–3 social 104–5 participatory democracy 83 conditional 107–8 paternalism 172 other-regarding 105–6 pensions 515, 517, 524–6, 528 reciprocation 106 analysis of 515, 527 time inconsistency of 154 defined-benefit 525 two-selves model 140 defined-contribution 525 unpreferred 141–2 development of 524 Pressman, Steven 322 public private equity companies (PECs) privilege 526 403 Perrow, Charles 50 profit-maximizing firms 133–4 Perroux, François 676, 684–5 privatization 22, 591, 593–4, 596–8, Phillimore, Peter 56 603–4, 623 Phillips, Joseph D. 716 as multidimensional concept 596, Phillips curve 551 606 Pigou, Arthur Cecil 218, 717 role of commodification in 605 concept of externality 17 of welfare state 602 de Pisan, Christine psychology 152 Book of the of Ladies, The economic 174 (1406) 214 social 155 Plato 153 Pujol, Michèle Polanyi, Karl 287, 295, 298, 308, 317, Feminism and Anti-Feminism in 331, 576, 605, 693 Early Economic Thought (1992) Great Transformation, The 52 213 theory of individual 501 Putnam, Robert 446–7 political science 48 neoinstitutional view of social Popular Front 614 capital 454 Posner, Richard 296, 305, 632, 634–6 post-Keynesianism 7, 317, 515, 537–8, Rabin, Matthew 107 568 Radin, Margaret 305, 307

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Rao, Vijayendra Russian Federation 580, 585 Culture and Public Action 498 financial liberalization in 578 rationality 108 Russo, Giovanni 325 Rawls, John Rwanda 201 A Theory of Justice 58, 166 Ryan, John 233, 257–8, 317, 520 maximin criteria of fairness 167 Reagan, Ronald 618 Sandel, Michael Real World Economics (Post-Autistic/ support for ‘separate sphere thesis’ Broadband Economics) 95 303–4 regional development/innovation 663, 515, 517–19 676, 682–3, 688–90, 692, 694–6 lifecycle 517 cultural political economy (CPE) Schelling, Thomas 140 691–2 Scherer, F.M. 370 culture, discourse, identity and Schmoller, Gustav 284, 684 hegemony (CDIH) 691 Schumpter, Joseph Alois 57, 365, 444, embedded 684–5 476–7, 480, 598, 663, 669, 672–3, gender and diversity in 690 706 GHS approach to 684–5 Business Cycles (1939) 667 local development 690 Capitalism, Socialism and Marxist theory of 686–7 Democracy (1942) 371–2 neo-reductionist view of 686 cluster-of-innovations hypothesis political economy of 686–7, 669 694 concept of state 600 regulation 690 definition of innovation 476 territorial innovation models (TIMs) role of communication 477 663, 676, 680–82, 686, 692–3 theory of creative destruction 477 mileu innovateur 677 Second World War (1939–45) 11, 35–6, social embeddedness 693–4 40, 65, 192, 218, 568, 596, 617, regionalism 676, 692 665, 683–4 new 676, 681–2, 686, 693 Holocaust 194 regulation theory 696 Seguino, Stephanie 318 Reich, Robert B. 66, 68, 72 Sen, Amartya 12, 64, 75, 257, 302, 322, Research Policy 20 338, 458, 497, 567, 604 Review of Radical Political Economics Development as Freedom (1999) 170, 335 172 Review of Social Economy 174, 341 Inequality Reexamined 322 Ricardo, David 235 Rationality and Freedom (2002) Richardson, George B. 282 170 risk role in development of CA 163, relationship with insecurity 49 165–7, 169, 173, 175, 221, 337 Risley, Herbert Hope 204 focus on freedom 170–72 Ritter, Joseph 323 theories of equality 125–7 Robbins, Lionel 296, 314 Senegal 415 Robeyns, Ingrid 168 Sennett, Richard 50 Robinson, Joan 717 Shann, George Romer, Paul M. 379–80 Women’s Work and Wages: A Phase Roosevelt, Franklin D. 524, 702–4 of Life 217 New Deal 702 Shaw, Edward 568–9, 571, 574 Roth, Alvin 288 Siemens Netherlands 468–9 Royal Dutch Shell 488 networks at 469–70

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Simon, Herbert 26 social networks analysis (SNA) 443, Singapore 201 464–7, 470, 472–3 small- and medium-sized enterprises centrality 467 (SMEs) 416, 537 clustering 466 supply of funding to 543 network density 466 Smith, Adam 51, 106, 121, 173, 215, nodes 465 233, 270–2, 319, 706 potential development of 470–71 concept of division of labour 349 structural embeddedness 467 Theory of Moral Sentiments 16 ties 464–5 view on role of group membership social order 350 on preference 112–13 association 351–2 views on role of ethics in economic command 350 growth 255 separation 350–51 Wealth of Nations, The 333–4 social provisioning 276, 319, 322, Smith, Vernon 286 331–2, 339–42 Social Capital Initiative (SCI) 447, 449 as analytic category 333–4 social economics 7–8, 11–12, 15, 20, policy implications of 337–8 25, 27, 33, 36, 38, 75, 78, 82, 93, process of 326 114, 116, 118, 120, 135, 176–7, through work 314 315–16, 319, 324, 326, 332–3, 337, social psychology 118 339, 388, 566–7, 591, 607, 615, social science 35–6, 152, 158, 180, 445, 617, 620, 625–6, 637, 649, 717 509 additional orientations in 7 development of 33–4 analysis of stock markets 519–20 terminology of 34–7 approach to law/law and economics view of communication 477 656–7 Social Science Information 668 concept of 4–5, 12–13, 15–16 social structures of accumulation development 82 (SSA) 710, 717, 726–7, 731 environmental 19–20, 23 socialism 34, 217, 360, 640 identity Fabian 34 humiliation 324 Utopian 216 property rights associated with socially embedded individual 101, 325 116–22, 127–9, 603 nurturance 709–10 as Homo socio-economicus 118 relationship with socio-economics concept of 120–23 5–7 development of 117 strategies in 5–6 issue of equality 125–6 theory of merger 395–7 structure-agent model 119–20 view of CA 175–6 Society for the Advancement of Socio- social identity Economics (SASE) 7, 20 variants of 122–4 socio-ecological 27 social justice 253 systems (SES) 340 social networks 449–50, 462–3, 471–3, socio-economics 11–13, 16, 19, 21, 76, 501 102, 261, 275, 388, 516, 696 benefits of 463 relationship with social economics concept of 462 5–7 formal 469 sociology 35, 48, 53, 152, 219, 287, 357, informal 469 505 Matthew Effect 468 concepts of markets 285, 288 workflow 468–9 economic 287, 462, 464

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Söderbaum, Peter 19 social 19 Sombart, Werner 284 transitions 24, 28 Sonnenschein, Hugo 285–6 Swaney, James 19 South Africa 177, 523, 585 Switzerland 718 South Korea 580–81 Southern Cone Crisis 580 Tae-Hee Jo 338 Soviet Union (USSR) 41, 66, 193, taxation 729 progressive 76 collapse of (1991) 192, 287 Taylor, Harriet 217 Spain teaching 85–6, 89–90, 92–3, 96 Basque Country 692, 729–30 assessment 90–91 Bilbao 692 ethical frameworks 94 Sri Lanka 201 feminist perspectives on 92–3 Stalin, Josef 193 impact of Global Financial Crisis standard industrial classification (SIC) (2007–9) 95–6 371, 373 methods 83–4 Standing, Guy 323 active experimental engagement state/nation-state 591–2, 611, 615–16, 87–8 623–5 pluralism 95–6 administrative apparatus of 620 student dissatisfaction 85, 88 agency of 619–20 technology 665–8, 670–71 concept of 611–12 industry life cycles 665–7 impact of globalization on 621–2 Kondratieff waves in 665–6 public–private distinction 612–13, Teschl, Miriam 174 615 Thailand 580 representation 616–17 Thatcher, Margaret 596, 618 Stiglitz, Joseph 71 Third Reich (1933–45) 194 stock markets 515 Thompson, G. association with production Globalization in Question 70 relations 520–21 Tilly, Chris 322 ESOPs 521–2 Tobin, James 583 social-economic analysis of 519 Tool, Marc 39, 182 socially responsible investing (SRI) concept of ‘neoinstituional’ thought 523 188 Strange, Susan 66 trade flows 157 Strober, Myra transnational corporations (TNCs) 73 view of feminist economics 219 regulation of 77 structuralism 620 role in globalization 67, 69–70 Post-Keynesian 538 Tristan, Flora 216 Summerfield, Gale 322 Trump, Donald 476 surplus 716–18 Tullock, Gordon 296 concept of Turkey 580 Marxist 723–4, 730–31 neoclassical 730 Uganda 341 in egalitarian societies 729–30 Ukraine generation 719 Chernobyl disaster (1986) 53 value 719–22 Union Universelle des Femmes sustainability 15, 23 founding of (1890) 218 economic 19 United Kingdom (UK) 34, 56, 71, environmental 340–41 84–5, 95, 202, 215, 360, 436, 502,

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526, 577, 579, 596, 618, 710, 718, valuation/values 33, 44, 180–81, 183–4, 723 195 government of 598 ceremonial/instrumental modes in London Stock Exchange 281 culture 186–8, 190 Workplace Employment Relations instrumental 191 Survey 432, 435 judgments 185 United Nations (UN) 218, 261, NIE/OIE definition of 41 264 prizing 184 Beijing Plan for Action (1995) 218 role in social science discourse 36–7 Development Fund for Women standards of judgment 185 (UNIFEM) 224 systems 183–4 Development Programme (UNDP) Veblenian dichotomy in 187 75, 224, 458, 582 Veblen, Thorstein 34, 182–4, 319, 334, Human Development Index 604, 664, 701–2, 724 (HDI) 75, 169, 259–61 role in development of Human Development Reports 163, institutionalism 119 169, 221 theory of habitual behaviours 38–9 Statistical Office 221 Theory of the Leisure Class, The United States of America (USA) 17, (1899) 180, 194 34, 36, 39, 54, 56, 65, 71, 83–5, view of Darwinian evolution in 88, 95, 141, 192, 194, 217–18, 239, social development 37 246, 321, 335, 338, 425, 436, 485, views on relationship between 502, 518, 536, 540, 561, 574, 577, culture and individual 182–3 579, 581, 594, 631, 665, 673, 705, Vedder, Richard 718 709–10, 716, 718, 723 9/11 Attacks 624 Walpole, Horace 215 Atlantic City, NJ 325, 340 Walton, Michael Chicago, IL 218 Culture and Public Action 498 Civil War (1861–5) Walzer, Michael economy of 432, 636 support for ‘separate sphere thesis’ Federal Trade Commission 303 Lines of Business Data 372 theory of ‘blocked exchanges’ 304 GI Bill 193 Washington Consensus 664, 718 government of 53 Webb-Potter, Beatrice 217 Medicaid 55 Weber, Max 279, 612 New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) theory of utilitarian rationality 281 483 Office 370 welfare state 58, 591, 593, 595–6, pension system of 524 599–600, 613–14, 619 Philadelphia, PA 218 commodification of 598 466, 472 failure 597–8 stock ownership in 522–3 human dignity 599, 602, 604–6 urban development 23 Keynesian (KWS) 596, 598, 601–2, Uruguay 604, 607 financial liberalization in 571 pensions 600–601 US Small Business Administration private–public boundary 595 Innovation Data Base (SDIDB) privatization of 602 371–2 Wheelock, Jane 176 utilitarianism 16, 24–5, 650–51, 657 White, Howard 498 preference 24 Wight, Jonathan 94

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Wildavsky, Aaron 55 non-accelerating inflation rate of Williams, Bernard 603 598 Williamson, Oliver 254 relationship with capitalism 705 willingness to accept compensation universal employment 708 (WTA) 25 wage-setting 317–18, 320 willingness to pay (WTP) 25 wages 320, 326, 331 Winter, Sidney workplace democracy 346–7, 424–5, An Evolutionary Theory of Economic 427–8, 431–2, 434–6 Change (1982) 488 capital investment 430 Wisman, Jon 314 compensation contracts 433 Wollstonecraft, Mary 215–16 concept of 424–6 work 314, 316–17, 319, 326 ESOPs 426–7 definitions of 322 stakeholders 424–5 Index of Job Desirability 321 workers 428–9 social economic study of 319–23 cooperatives 433–4 role of identity 324–5 62, 71–2, 172, 219, 223, social provision through 314 414, 446, 448, 451–4, 577, 597 underemployment 315 Engendering Development (2001) 223 unemployment 315, 356–7, 705–6, poverty line 48 708–9 World Development 498, 503 employer of last resort (ELR) World Exhibition of Vienna (1873) 218 708–9 (WTO) 62, insurance 58 577, 24

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