Langerin, a Novel C-Type Lectin Specific to Langerhans Cells, Is an Endocytic Receptor That Induces the Formation of Birbeck Granules
Immunity, Vol. 12, 71±81, January, 2000, Copyright 2000 by Cell Press Langerin, a Novel C-Type Lectin Specific to Langerhans Cells, Is an Endocytic Receptor that Induces the Formation of Birbeck Granules Jenny Valladeau,* Odile Ravel,* cross-priming, a mechanism by which exogenous anti- Colette Dezutter-Dambuyant,² Kevin Moore,³ gen is alternatively routed into the MHC class I pathway Monique Kleijmeer,§ Ying Liu,³ for presentation to CD81 cytotoxic T cells (CTL) (Nair et Vale rie Duvert-Frances,* Claude Vincent,² al., 1992; Paglia et al., 1996; Albert et al., 1998). Recently, ² Daniel Schmitt, Jean Davoust,k Christophe Caux,* cross-priming was demonstrated in mouse DC following Serge Lebecque,* and Sem Saeland*# internalization of immune complexes via Fcg-receptors *Schering-Plough (Regnault et al., 1999). Laboratory for Immunological Research Langerhans cells (LC) are immature DC of the epider- Dardilly 69571 mis and mucosal tissues. LC express several receptors France for antigen uptake, including the Fcg and Fce receptors ² INSERM U346 (de la Salle et al., 1997) and the DEC205 multilectin Centre Hospitalier Edouard Herriot (Jiang et al., 1995). However, LC do not express the Lyon 69437 macrophage mannose-receptor multilectin (Linehan et France al., 1999; Mommaas et al., 1999), used for antigen cap- ³ DNAX Research Institute ture by other DC subsets (Sallusto et al., 1995). Expres- Palo Alto, California 94304 sion of different sets of antigen receptors may thus con- § School of Medicine and Institute of Biomembranes fer antigen-type and intracellular-processing specificity Department of Cell Biology to the different DC subsets. Utrecht 3584 CX Ultrastructurally, LC are characterized by a unique The Netherlands pentalamellar cytoplasmic organelle, the Birbeck gran- k Baylor Institute for Immunology Research ule (BG) (Birbeck et al., 1961).
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