For 7-Weefc^Eason During the Aanual
STORES OPEN . c TIL 9 'TONITE Second Claso Postal? Paid Vol. LXXIV. No.'23/ 3 Sections, 22 Pages CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1967 • Cranford, New Jersey 07016 : TEN GENTS Outstanding Studen ts Honored James Heller,-oiajedictorian. .of this year's graduating class at Cranford High School, was pre sented with six awards, largest number accorded to any individual, For 7-Weefc^eason during the aanual. awards assembly held in the school auditorium on The' Cranford Recreatiop/T)epar.tment's annual summer Monday morning. playground program underlie direction of Recreation/Super- , He received- the G. K. Warner intendent Robert R: Shupin will open for a seven-week- season Award sponsored by tHe Cranford at eight areas next Moj*oay. Activities will be conducted;Mon- Lions • Club, a $50' bemd,-, as did day through Friday trom 9:30 ami. tdtioon and ltd 4 p.m. Susan Ril\a, highest ranking gir,l in the class. These presentations Registration will be taken on 1 • --•..• ..•••, • '-• . Photp byKurr Associates. were . made ' by Je.rry JDeRosa' of Monday at. the following play- OUT AFTER TROUT — Scene at North Union Av<>. bridge 'over .Railway River during "Fisjiiiag the Lions Cilub: grounds: Adams Ave., Brook- •Derby" sponsored by Cranford Jayeees with support of local business firms. Township youngsters D lomm side PL, Johnson Ave., Lincoln The valedictorian-' and Jakob, 1 under 14 years of ag« were eligible for prizes awarded on the basis'.of tags on fish they caught. The Sperling, salutatorian, received- # A;ve,, Memorial Field, Roose- Jaycees stockctithe river between the bridge and Hansel Dam with 300 trout for the derby; bonds .from the PTA, presented by lt , d Giv\ id CHS velt School, Sunny Acres, and .
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