Meeting God, Again - Malachi - Sermon Manuscript
1 Meeting God, Again - Malachi - Sermon Manuscript We did it! We’ve made it to the end of this 15 week series! Along the way we’ve seen different themes crop up… themes like loyalty, faithfulness, idolatry, broken and restored relationships… But if you boil the minor prophets down to the basics: They invite us on a journey through history where the hearts of God’s people were far from Him, and yet God, in His love, constantly says: Return to Me, and I will return to you. So that’s what we’ve been focusing on - The idea of Meeting God, Again. I’m guessing this series resonated with each of us in different ways, but my main goal was to raise awareness that there is a real need for people to know Jesus. There are a lot of people in this world who have never heard about Jesus. But I’m guessing that for us, most people we know have at least heard about Him. I’m sure we could all think of people who have left God behind because they had questions about Him, but their questions were left unanswered or unsatisfied. Unfortunately what happens for some is that over time, those questions turn into accusations against God. Accusations like: God, why didn’t You answer my prayer? Why did you allow this horrible circumstance to happen to me? Why are so many of my non-Christians friends well off, but my family is struggling financially? This is what the book of Malachi is all about. It’s the last book in our Old Testament, and it was written about 100 years or so after the books of Haggai and Zechariah (the two previous books).
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