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1941 The olC lege News, 1941-10-29, Vol. 28, No. 05 Students of Bryn Mawr College

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VOL. Copyright. .. XVIII, No, 5 BRYN MAWR and WAYNE, PA" WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER Trult, of PRICE CENTS > 29, 1941 Br n Colleg.! 10 y Mawr 1140 Greek Art Early Pm'chasing Mai-"Iand Calendar StlliJel1ts to Discuss Faculty In Mid-Sixth Century Thur5tay, October 30 Edllcatiollal Systems DefeJlse Gr Lea er hi Meeting, e pS . • e ou Jl d s p GrQup Requests 0 g C mm R m H IBM D d Reviewed by Richter o on oo , 7.30. of Europe and U. S. --- Friday, October 31 ' . 'War Price Rises' . Spani�h Cl b eull'a tty Repea Tendency Toward Naturalism u Tea. with Relationship 0/ National Life N I' I ave for , Shown in Attic Sculpture H r d Common Room, To EJllcat;oll to be Topic Priority Ratings Held by At This Time 4.00. Changes Made in Principle.; Saturday, November 01 A .. emb1r Chemistry Professors 1 Winter Plans Formed Dance, Merion. GoodJuv't, October 2i.-The n - Hall FOI'eIKIi gludenla. grad a an Assllre Goods d t u te d At Meeting archa ogi a Hockey game against undcrgl'lidulite. il participate in ing of Grecian eol c l rt!- r m e. w l Swa th or r priori- mains in th and third colh�lCe Il!'scmbly At • meeting on Wed e8 , The establishment. of wa e second Monday, November j a on the Kubject, n day ties and t� · e rise in prices ha , qUal n C., ill IJ,IIrr .VQtit)llIJ, ctobe a s 80 te of the sixth century n. Edllcll/i!1I/ r 22, F cu ty Defense Dr. Gisela Richte.r, Arc/mic Tucs- O the l far, affected the para- Miss Ri hter hcr AI'l Cruct, Ezeiulfil'e 0/ dll)', J ding the college com c pointed out in il� NO\'cmbcr 4. lea Group of Bryn Mawr College sent l tly c in Mr. third tbe AtticlI, fro", niJollt cn ml tively s igh ac ord g to lecture 515 10 the following e egra t e n y ­ of Flexncr series, c l committee pl"nning the ali- t l m o P n s l Foley, superintendent. Goodhart • mbl is Ruth o( grounds, is" facilitated b)' thr.his ricu 5_'f0' B . C' , 830. IK' ,\' Ficset '42. vania n r and the Chairman to l bt,lek- I Se ato s Tuesday, November A ke�' speech will a te pt. to out- of the Senate F i Relations ro n which has been by 4 t m ore gn Materials which are essential for g u d 11I'ovlded lin the ,ll'inci,lle (actor!\ in edu- e Committee: "We, the Dc.Cense the the r sc Hockey game against. the maintenance of buildings, Herodotus. We know of i . k Clu b �ntioll, the variat;Qn in the r nt- Group of ryn Lydia, llnd r win Pc Philadelphia CrlC ct t e B Mawr College, urge power and heating apparatus are 1'- mcnt of thefle u tors in the differ o( of the g o g Re - I' p l a i c ed with made the Gr�k· ds. f c tbe immediate e ea p( the Neu­ available if note is n lud 1'lIt ..o unt"iefl;, and their I'elutinn to sian menace, which Curr n Ev n :< Co mlllon " send stating Lhul the material city-states band together. e t e t . the order the cultuml a.nd 1I0ciul l fe of t e trality Acl." The mot.ion to R • • lhlll ad from the neccssary and should receive a " tlO1e, un d er S' OOlll, 730 i h is h h l n telegmlll was m e At ens, at t IS 0 Q l tloor, passe u r under Peisistrntus wu� nalioll!l concerned, Arterwlll'ds d Orders ------' ------round unanimously, and IIIed a 1 i l'i y rating call supplies a fixed Iloint for c n ell II U1'I'II , · .. I .• 1 l r II,., ',.,. s r o t o l- Will Russia Do?" Auto Mechanics Draw be btain be p rary Ih,'r.• o ed for the materials to o chronclogy, Winner of the l)ulitzcl' I'riz(' wnr s cable, fOi' I" .11110 ���,:::�II I .. Ih., ':":,i,��: u ed i the t.hey cannot be the e ur advanced, natu "/1'",'1 ti:::; ohll)" ot ('\"/'1')'��; r- Jo' Itt ;; ol'dgn Correspondcnts, .\I11",·I\-UII 0'11!x"1I ,�",'rl"ul.,:�,i: n MI' Eager Applicants' ': As c nt y . 231 hhl Ou- "kill "1I'·'1'=�· '1\ II\I.·.·(·"JI purchased immediately, alism extended from the molding of wa se\'t.'rul YCtll'S nnd 1'1"0';'"111.Ih,' "r I'anty s fOI' l\tus. 11... wlu.I" \,11UIIIIII'lIy The . . ''''''1 111 Ih,' who'n' dcpnrtnlent which will the face to the dcvclopmcnt ot the COI"I1!s(londcnt for lhl' New . kIIlK '''',hlllt·" CO\\' h,· o·;t" III hili .. sulfer lellst -from th mId-sixth century "''' JUo11-:1I1.·,,1 Ill! e restrictions figure. The YOI'k lie Lt.'lIt havl' liN'1I gl"l't!tcd w t gl'eal en- II"'�I u�,'ful. If h,' IIfll 1'im('loI. ill i h h. t',*·It�t'd o d will be the C cmi y the straight standing y u hli known II, ",II1'n'·'· .. r IIIIllIloIlrlnl �,'r,kt'. r ,,-"I'l!. all lIulhol' fOI' Wl"it(> I Ihusill"llI. Ni lll'ty- ci ht �hllklltl< on g o s h st De- o t II!> III! g to T1 ... 1·"I,."j I!I:oI.'1I / lIlU,t "­ Iln tm nt th professors in scuillture, when c l lr d ' "I l ""/,dl) r e , where all e Greek O Ulli e l lellse " I"'eceded hi.'( two (,lItl'l't'(1 IIIltO m c hallics da�;,- I "h"Io' ,', �l'", ..olhlltl)' fflr hu\'e ; r"n "11"lit ··"",,',,fI "ur. Iho) huv with rch ic , which "hO"II�hll priority ratings, The gov- a a Apollos af earlier l Io l , l'S meetin,!: i\lnndll�' :111<1 , ,I",,,,rur,· tlml 1I,..Ilw UII\'l·rll­\\'e e \'e s "One Life, One KOI)('k" alltl \\'('dnt'!!.­ t"'ll"II' all ec d time, show a r ndn of "".,,1 "I'o�ted 1111 th o( o i t y ill e ,------open illsllCCtian a There a t of architec to t any time. is 11 we l h - Ullited States lie hrought Amcritllll Defeni'te bulletin oolll"d 1 , in 19:t3, The bills at tural sculpture from A o i x panis" Club Dallee ,-hich have come in the crop l s. Ma im Litvinov. first Sovie ('IlVOY ill '1'11),101" An)' ('onflict!! �hould S ag I t , I,)(' The Spanish lub nrTff­ pre t av r increase Here also the ten ency un- C h sen show an e e d toward a hington, Ilnd took our first. 1'(' I1�1 to Betty Nil!ro!li in abouL v )ler cent. in the cost cOllventional, ity fig- to W s po vited the Haverford Spaniloken of by Alexn der Wool­ The two rst nid gl'UUl S numix'r dance in the Com· n fi l mon on of s m cheaper materials have A then ian pottery was wide-spread c x l Room Oclol>C.r :JI. o e ott as t e co �c\'(.llt\,-!I;i' . Fi\'e !ttUilen !l : re (,II­ ri uch as fifty p r ee:6t. t rol.l hou Greece. In it, tail and h one man "who uld l from nine until one. The sc:n as m e h g t de 'nake a pur sc s hour at sOlne !"fliled in til(' n�I\'lln('ed l c m ll s No, they haven't. discovel'ed a of our a t o , Cowle!4 S , Varsity, Cripples, In o pete Compete has frantic.· the next. speakers in the �el'jeii. gold mine running across Denbigh The Businesa Office � no, ally investigated all t e lawn, Not yet. at least, And. h complica­ d bbles ending ill not t n priorities and 'finds that 8y Ali� Crowder. '42 ri disaster out of the vicious-looking holes al'e io s of "�:allt. is Ea� and West. is West t boundK, Margy Perkins, Varsity h a ml gradu- perhaps we could have a cable Maids Now Offered eff lu l traps, and Piglet new he twain shall beat," left half back, playing I'ight i e ated last. y a ', a and we t nn r. e I anyway. The whole few months sooner under the ect n, twenty saved the day, however, by t ic mere y anether evi- pr:ority heading of Repair. for the Popular New Classes 11 Rhoads cheering s io w e l Rhoads in t e ball upheaval is --- all Sen- dencc Bryn Mawr's ftrm EquipI�ltt of strong. roared out h second hair pushing the resoh'e Property and School. iors brandishing hockey stic extensive all- or Several innovations in the Maid's ks, o the modern trend t w d But whatever we do, through thc JCOolie o ar "'ui CoUegt., ed the hockey field in paratus, The tendency o( the t (ollow Classes became apparent at the teu dash p a t cali y seem to be totally u able to c n down r c i t . I we n , o - Ilul"lluit of Pembroke Seniors in an game, particularly in v nce go m n that en l gh where the ftrst half. They next i h , � last week, plans for the year are preparing for the t e �ern e t l unscheduled game Sat.urday a r be played in the e ritory discu!lsed Two new coursell, fte - to t r of were , ency. The electric cable run- ening the mmds of young ladles IS noon. the timekeeper Rhoads lH!rhaps ex­ emerg def nse y iene and Sewing, are Had not lost dl'fence was (rom a H g being of- ning under the lawn the more important form of e track Rhoads might have plained by the fact and ee di ab e . popular demand. of time, that Chris power house over half than copper c l s rered because o( produced at least a tie, but as it Wailles, V sity cenler half. guard ( ng Dr. Leary - the bui a rc.sul , Bryn Mawr has will , ar gs. has As t gi\'e two lectures was, the Kame ended in fav r the Pem roke j,lu,Mc:.e as cente of ldin on campus a there. is a 2-1 b .1 _1" rebell ain. rom n in Hygiene, n poAfli. o ed r died o( swornJlnever ag " � ow d b k , half, left half, and left full back. ed. Or, rather, it-has lJillty that a CroS!! of enl ro old age, It and the new cab e- n nurse wil� P e waS laid in 1902 on l w�e It comes­ Red La of preparation had not C ll!li erin that. three the b We h,a l S in i l o d g or years next. acceSSible, teach Home Nursing. ew g w l ck would � 40 old August, will always e s l th ' e Rhoads stay- Rhoads players had neve r , e will: be nder Mrs, C , 8 , but un rtunnt:el ' te be av it chec d at brought c de at p )', .' l' ( I able to h e k u the supervision of few V r t fo it was a d Fales, ed except l y nev r se that day, It built, a of up partially into Friday night before, that a � � to e justl8 manhole is being form ch ers pl.Byel"S had IJlayed ockey through which e to the foe. h IItIlt'1' bu ned out. An well subterranean room, , is making up foil r d it was so The knitting c.linic another composing a song, and prac- school da),!'!. and thnt is b e nnd novelty. names no one one could get at r -v i of .tudent victory ex- buried that 110 it the cable will un l The ticlng by the Iighl of cept h p'h a)-'er8 , ex- th or tan ibl . n Incarnlescent t (!!>;e !!8111(, a( i � 80 helpers who will pick up stilc h e9 . wi n any reasonable length of more less g e d t�e lamn.. allh ray,. ba erci!le'd !lJ ce hOIllO rp t.(c In a.n emerg n y ar posted in e ry -, ltt i.n )'(!ar, • next , with t fQr l )Op , time. Ul time-well, there Just won t e c e ve But s perio co"p, ould" generlll neatn(.'111 S th have set I.Ip a be an)' next time. hall, u r �'P"U de. c o( the game wa.� , o ey temJlornry a not omp nsate the three Var- remarkable. cable-the thing po s And t is m y for th .. prac­ Graduate u e ts are taking c e (or which the le I i erel st d n lawn are now larger part in the class s as 88 n m­ on Denbigh support... t:cal. Den­ e than ever sit)' hair back!! which "Pembroke Morale WM high the u utilitarian reason that brought to t e It ­ h le they dig down r - lawn is being mutilated. Any before. Adelaide Cromwell, Smith. h ara- to ng-w to e ganM':. p ber of casualties while Ivory w i i high l e me us her a ered intellectual and week-ending mO\'e the old one. But that n y the rchae l wh will History )' a ab a , be given again, CZaues will meet her hand, llpec,ah&ed 11\ spec- tor the little drama. ray . have a new coppn c e 17 d e se courses to t lJ1l11 11\ ot o( "Yay, l for ef n r g length , ayl . tacwar one man, fleld Contlnuf"d on m ntha In the meantime, the tftnch warfare, are t tally u true. once a week in T r..", 811l o o n or •• THE COLLEGE NEWS

• Whom Conscience Guides- THE COLLEGE NEWS "They're not lazy. They aren't cowards. I've handled CCC , (Founded In lads and these chonchies work far harder. It was difficult at first .} WIT'S END UU) II � wfle l,. durin .. lhe COlier. Year (nuptlnr durin .. Th.llk•• for me to !'ubU.hfld ll ea.t,r Hollda,. understand this no�ordcrs business, but it has worked White , 1"1I1t. Chrtlltmu and .. and dUrlnl" .urnlnatlon Whlla) Angel or \I, Ih, Inter.. , of Dryn Ma.r Co lle . Ma,ulr, Bulldln .. , Wa1n .. out damn welL" Thus spoke Gilbert Klos, supervisor from the Oryn Mawr .. at th. Miles the Erie Ca a I'", . ...ud COU .... Fifteen on n 1 Department of the Interior of Civilian Public Service Camp CoUa . N,w, Nothin a-tha L ' rl'a .. ... t uUy proteeted--':r-eop,.richb- . . "' 1' 1' ... In It rna,. raprlnted althe r wholly or In pa rt without wrltt.n ... Eclltor·ln·Chl,tb. Number 3, the country's first camp for conscientious objectors. The coffee situation in the " , "" •• Ion of til, .. The camp. in Maryland's Patapsc.o State Park, west of Baltimore, morning1J has become acute these Editor;dl BocmJ has had a long history, as work camps go. It was built in 1933 days. How are we going to defend '42, ourselves with shorthand? We JOAN" GROSS, Editor-in-Chiel for the first CCC boys; it was used by the N. Y. A., and last May ALICE CROWDER, '42, COPV JACOB, '43, New. SALLY don't doubir the honesty of those i:LLlC01T, '42 '42 it was opened under the Friends' Service Committee to provide A ''N BARBARA CooLllY, who are taking defense courses. NANCY' EVAR '43 LEN"ORIl ' O , '43 TS O B YLE C. O.S \vith an oppOrtunity to serve the country without being Personally we are taking shorthand , Editor;d' Stdl taught to kill. SO we will be indispensable in the '43 BECHTOLD, '42 MILDRED MCLESKEY. Hour BARBARA '42 The canl!> isn't a very preuy place. There are seven low dark ot Crisis. Everyone goes to '43 ISABEL MAR IN, ! AN SE DENNY, T '42 Erie in shorthand. Erie is a busy BARBARA HERMAN, '43 REBECCA ROBBINS, green buildings, cheaply built. The N. Y. A.'s had a house·breaking BARBARA U '44 SALLY MATTESON, '43 place in the middle of May. In an H LL KAUFFMAN, TON '4,( party 1x:fore they vacated, and the C. O.S had to install new floors hour. MARY BARBAllA., JESSIE S Il, I will come in an hour. FIlANCES'48 �'" ND, '48 . and wall·boarding and do a great deal of paintwork before the Emma may go in an hour. I will Sport. Mu.ic buildings were habitable. meet you in an hour. MILLER, '43 CHRISTINE WAPLES, '42 PORTIA '48 I They didn't mind. "Our job is to do more than anyone could We are already practicing ...... IE uALLARD, the require," William M.akenson, the director from the Service Com· games we will play in Rhoads BusintlS BOdrd basement to keep up the morale '42, millee, says. Actually, nolxxly so far has required anything, spe­ ELIl.AB£1'H CREGG, iUanager while alr·raid sirens screech over· CUIA MOSKOVITZ, Advertiaing MARTHA CANS, '42 cifically. What the '48, work shall be is determined by the campers. head. BETTY MARIE JONES, '42, Proll1.otion ELIZABETH NICROSI, '43 J n one of the 'meditation periods one man suggested that the camp •.• DIANA LUCAS. '44 . But 1Uf) will be. out there, in No I' 1-: ...EVEN DECKF..x, '44 HONWooD, '44 Man's Land, under bursting bombs Luu.s.t: '44 LUCILF: \VJ.LSON, should be run to prove that democracy can be applied in daily , whistling shells, air· raid wardens, Subscription Board life. Therefore, each boy chooses what job he wishes to do. Al­ sandbags and ftre·fl.ghting units. CRACE WEIGLE, '43, Manager FLORENCE KELTON·, '43 ready a small bridge has been rebuilt, a barn renov�ng morale ' and Defenae Contraet_5.etYice. OPINION � � l -:a- kind no anny-evtrhad;-:tkind whose keynote Philadelphia haa become a whirling IS IIltelhgent searchmg, not herd submission." From Broadway to Bach-or ity of students. As we feel that "Arsenal of Democ.racy." Conllnued on ______N_ANCY...:.. � ..,..= 1:.:.:::.U COTT:.:.....:.:, '42.::.._ _ Pll(JfI Flv", "Let's All Sing Like the music is valuable both as a bene· :- _:- _ ficial relaxation and enjoyable SUb- �. - n �irdies Sing" sh boarde " of Pem to see Us know what you think ot it? There are many ot us who love OUT been sequent education, we have plan- 1 "What tonlfUe calJ tell," "When NANCY SCRIBNER, '44. 11 o'clock coffee but cannot afford Many people, who have I B. IChooled in music and have an in· ned to arrange. time and place my eutle's due," and "Blue Skies" to pay ten cents· each day. We do iound like in tour part hannony. herent love of it, have expressed a for all who enjoy hearing harmony Students Urge Institution of not see why the Inn could not in· I This is to nothing new, jult an deeire Cor the enlarginl' or the mu· and contributing to It, to meet and be Five Cent Morning Coffee autute a special ute between the the average individual ling old favorites while learning enlarged field tor avid step·sineers hours of ten and twelve A. M. lie field for At College Inn here at Bryn iIIawr. These groups new ones. and a chance for the not·so-hope. Signed : To College New.! ot hidden harmonlun have �n From Broadway to Bach is our lw mute. Enthusiasm Ind vibrant the Editor of rite R. Fiesel, E. ?tt. Stone, R. Wright, te - vocal chorda are your only dues. The coffee aituation in the morn· N. Ben, M. Gans, N. C" Wood, aincinl' .11 alonl', but have always repertoire, and trom mu to Mar , wiahed there were an orl'aniution tinelll, our seope. The only re· No tryout or talent required. It'a Inl' has become acute these day .. A. Bethune, C. M. Cleja, S. Kirt­ where they mirht enlaree their rep- quirtment is spirit. We believe just in fun. The head of Glee Club We have neither the advantaee of ley, B. Cooley, M. MacLeod, J. N. ertolre and their volume. The choir th.t with the deeire to sinl' and [and Mias Ward have endorsed it. the social I'atherinp at the Dean­ Perry, Pyle, J. Wilson, J. we have is splendid but aman and the pride In improvement, a sup- Announcements will come out ery nor the advanla1'6 ot low Banard, M. Blake, C. J. Mac­ the Glee Club worka only about erb Informal choral group can be: concemin.. our openina ..athering priced coffee. We sunat the fol· Donald, E. F. Newman, M. Gum­ year. Dum- soon four montha of the The achieved. The "waUtinl' m' baby In the Hay day room, .. .. lowinc plan: bart, M. Magrath, H. A. Comer, partidpanta in aupportlnl' n , L. .... of both t.heae back hOrMl'a" from Danblah will we hear a luf6c:ieat Five cent coft'ee at the I n if Sc.bwenk, M. Daly, M. Lang, poaPi .uU repnMDU the minol'- me.... with the "Cme,. bland about or a chee.rint" cUellU.Let neceuary, with • bullet syltem. S. Jacob, M. B. Kauffman.

.i' I

THE COLLEGE NEWS Pagl. Three -.- -- - - Skillful B. M. Hockey No Grades, Fa ilures or Pro,!,otions Gi'l'en Team Defeats ' Penn Students in America's Largest Art School

• Contributed Tr,'oull Murnaghan Controls Ball lor N�", by in Coan, opcn and anyone hali access to the SO Yards to Score Final Carol '43 rare objects, nothing Is ever I Sl>cctacular Goal America's largest nrt school is "missed," The underworld itself, housed in an unpretentious build- according to Mr. Fleisher, feels By Jacqueline . . ,43 ing on Catharine Street, in the honor bound to respect beauty. DrYIl Mawr, Ort�berBallard, !5. - Philadelphia slum area. Founded When we were there. he cited the The I by Samuel Fleisher, forlher settle­ story of n'local gangster who 'sed Owls IItormoo to thell' second over- Illcnt worker, forty-three years ago, to wait quietly downstairs for his whe.lming �ictol'y ot t.he seasoll 011 t.he Graphic Sketch Club hilS grownIt.8 young son, B student. Like any Saturday morning, beating t.he Uni- steadily, in size and in tame. other father, he was thankful Lhnt versity of ennsylvanin hockl 5-1. 'Y purpOSe reml\incd the same­ his boy WllS getting advantages - team by a score of Put. to gi\'e the underprivileged n that he had missed. The last goal, made by chance to know and to recognize But perhaps the most striking Murnaghan, was one ullneccS&nI'y beauty. item in the Club is the old adjoin­ for victory, but the most spec- bf Mr. Fleisher, an a.rt COllnoi88Cur ing church that. Mr, Fleisher hus tacular of the game. It WIIS one 11 fa and collector, told us that he was remodeled. The inlervetHng wall those tootba ll plnYiI motion . inspired to organize his school one hns been broken, and one can now pictures, whcn in the last minute ....'1\ winter evening when he overheard enter directly from one of the of play n toreward tears dO the the interested conversation of two downstaiN! rooms. Incense burns field for fifty yards to the goal rather dirty little boys who were and a hidden organ Illays selec­ posts. Pat Me.,iah. did just that, rushing commenting on a painting exhib­ tion! Crqm Handel's past the opposition with' clever a ited in store window. All instruc· The charel is filled With count. stickwork, and controlling the ball n at the now fallIous tio be club is less medieval ikons, illuminated by all the way from the fifty yard line. free ; materials can bought at candll!f!l, and there are lovely sha. The Vanity's cnptain, Chris cost ; and anyone is welcome. dowy murals on the walls. Behind ·O.K.,O.K., I'D RAT�!R R�AO Wnples, scored twice, as did Pat Philadelphia debutantes, drawn to the altar are alcoves with still ,.HAN DROP "THRE-E- 3PE-tl<� Murnaghan, because of a while Lydia GifTord the Club its unusual t-- more ecclesiastical treasures. It OF SOMeTHING- lNTO 'lINO SPt'<.Ir Skirt and Blouse $16.50 ,.,. Tas stud('ntsthe and special (aculty­ AI Nail All Cos.eli, Polish C ••• I .. . rate (or 14 N. Merion $UO THE DRESS SHOP Mawr, AvenuePa. LORR LABORATORIES · P ...... II. J. from D. Lucas. Pert' West 6 Bryn •

• ,


EXCERPTS Dr. Th urman States Mary Moon Speaks \- Fear Morning Maelstrom on Taylor Steps FROM • Rules fo r Full.p'Ving About Vogue Contest May Produce Two-dimensional Undergrads EXILE Kauffman, '4} ___ Good/lilT! Ocl,wCr l6.-"lIuIllUIl /Jell7le"". October Z7. - Mary By Mary Barbara at the correct height to act I to everyone's t beings," Bald Br. l owprd TIur- !\loon, '40, winner of the 1940 Prix There is n rumor going around clothes. Some Missouri Mwketcer Susie S ill . � mun In chapel, Sunday c\'Cll.lI1g. lie !'t t. that Bryn Mawr students have underprivileged souls drop their , mg A'n1l d CI"Ipplbg Paris Conte . explained he Sc,1 'bbl' S, 1 "tend to try to reduce everything surdiJ'le complex. Evidence to pen, and pepcils. In this ulcs and tcchni ue of winning Ice�JJoxl Co-Eds that happens to them to units of I' q Il port this is obtainable every morn- case might as well give up • o r - , V v"e contes to scniore, Mond y T"� foltofoinq letter ha. Ilteu e understandinf{, 110that in ttJe midst � . � ing, every hour, on the hour-the and go they can. Cer- cf'i"Cfl lront SIlJfie artern n. MIss Moon IS now Prl steps of Taylor. A wave of fe- tainly, Itlflt«"", '.H, tdi- I ot ..ex,Mlrience Ufe itself makes � � if and when they sec them cdl- {(11f t 01 de Pans and general college mules with glasses and books going again, they will not recognize them tor JI#!ar tllft College News IIcnse." Dr. Thurman, who has e tor oC Vogue. mul winn r 01 t,h� F:llrOlltlnL "'eI� spoken at several Bryn' Mawl' . one way pushes against a wave o( in that mass of pulp and mud. t After speak 1 college la. t Sil e itt Chapel �erviees, is dcan of Howard ing a� 07 s females with glnsse� and books IOIV.I/i/J Hl'r111U. /(JlJrk, I But worst of all, pity that un- Mi., ri I'on Ore n t 'alll e- goin� the other way. And here fno lit the (JI ou University. l ' : wiae member of the faculty who, Uttil1Cnlitll .�� � � � � l\1��� 01 ychie rn WI e: to � rl and there cun be scen the I Sduwl JOH.M",ti.m. with T Dr. Thurman outlined the three ; � � : in some moment ot madness, holds l 01/14. con te :.o B ryn awr. bewildered proteasor. Alezonder, 'Jl tiM Dr. il.. Pktut. requirements (or a (ull li(e. First, . ' . . head of a the door (or someone. d eonSl8UI . , IS open to al l seniors 811 ,� crow squeezell, thes ·R"',. '"I. each person must be IIltcrested 10 . . T"- d . see , Perhaps Lhe college should . 0 our qUIzzes w h' IC h appear In th e . . invest f f a as ·f a" rac ted y b ' r- -50 c findlJlg a way 0f II'f e worth I"IVlllg, J I some I in traffic 1ights. O one-way eR- Columbia-finc town 00 o- Novem r, 0ecem be r, 'I areh , and il'll r ' ·be I . M "\Vem us," , he sal'd", seem to our- ' relllS,'bl I e force , owar d 'h e nucI eus ,"",... O cds ttt U ot living in boarding 1 1 oflue. I , . r let classes out sev- A lin "suell �( V Th' O sC wh° - selves to be worthful; this inner I , the door. Some, (avored by slim at intervals ot 'houses, f�terniti�, sororities and . bI to . two minutes. I pass ,he qmzzC1J are eI Iii e "gures, , WIS, espera"", l fee I' IIlg 0f wort. hfu I ness requires an " u d '-1y an d Or just do away with undergradu- al ts, As (or lUI three musketeers W t th ey .I Ite an essaY on anY'ub' Je � , emerge exhausted on inside lI I intimacy with ethical ideals." the entirely. But ,in any case, we live in the Dumlts A t And WISh . e auTh , orh 0, th e w nning . . " . i only to be mc' by Rno,h. r cras - we live the l fe of 0 Rily almost- A (ull l e demands also, a be-. I h something must be done or in & i it l cSlIay ill given a year'II job on illg wave of utgoing maniacs. It, sh.ort time Bryn Mawr sorry dinner is on the table and big Iie( which can honestly be held, ot f e• o. will be the \'OUI " by SORle (avormg (ate and summon_ & • Rowina can't wait as ahe leaves ourselves , of others of life and home ot new form ot freaks_ '. ,: Moon adVIsed sellIora who are Ing' 0(t hell·· I, as veK IJe 0 s ren only when we finish. of Cod. And lastly, II hCe IS not . " " gth, two. dimensional student&. . �OLng to enter the contest to (orget they manage to survIve this gibber- �o be barren, It mUAt IIlC' I �d e WO k- The beauty of Lhis apartment is , � they are in college. "When you · . .. 1 ng mae I s, rom, 'hC)' s togger IIIto e lee' box . Just Ul' k- It not mg Cor a SOCial order III whIch Lh III 1S al'e talking about clothes say coun- their classes . n s e ter. and droop at their locked and there IS nearly always e\en, th e wea k can fi d h 1 " . try instead oC camIIU S. She also desks, tnthermg (orce to cndure ' . ' M ' ' Dr Thurman was confident that Shetland Sweaters 'neth ng n t drIllk .lIlg ha t ' con ded that "chic," "glamor," o o ' ' Y , lros l though the fi the same ordeal after an hour's s Ios, bu , we keep be er on Ice any- lo\e could I l er "'I "sophisticated" and "smooth" are refi l!'t e. by hate. "When l - how Tychie and 0 H ot course world is dominated Slip-on t a boo . V wan t peopI cwh o rivileged upperclassmen some- ' someone is kind to you," he eon- Olllle . � P $6.95 hie p on Lha t.. The University or III . huve good taste thell' use of Eng- times think or I a crown on . using the other door . thc ·-·hool of ,' ou""al,' ""- Wcll ,' , cI udod , uhe .IS "acmg I . .. Luscious C::olors I'IS 1;I t he gtl' wh 0 callS a picture It Rut Ihis dO<'s not alleviate - I d 'h R, arc a II your good the sit is a bit of surprise to be in )'our lea you I • X s present (o your boy uatioll lIufficiently. There 60-200 coeds lite trying to Ifrow tall enough to . l"Il� � . are an- classes of 1 but we are " automa e m- , friend Will be tically h archical spirits on the campus who, getting used to it. Life i. different wear " KI'ITY McLEAN inut.ed. uncaring of their own livei, im- 20 here-we all carry hours ot only assures Prix de Paris not peril those of others by sitting on BRYN MAWR classes and Isba for one thing. Kallsas City Times, and he t Co- jobs for its winners but makell the steps, placing their books be­ Saturday classes arc a fiendish lumbian Mi88ourian. And hope [ e,'ery effort to find them for its S' ii de th. n' and ligh l ing I Colleue � � �� idea and all 8aid against them I um taking the New. ��,;,��� �������� twenty honoraple mentions. In .=� ",����",;����� �� is true. If we had Oryn Mawr too-so we urc well read, fact, Moon practically promised work too, I thinlc t would quit for Next we work on The semeste r , jobs to the toll one hundred. (VOf/llf Va. The classes are all one scm- Columbian Mo. and report on po· seem!'! to have its finger on morl' ester and our best Ol\eS come next newA, courthouse news and lice jobs thlln even the President.) • • semester. This IC:mcsLer the three such like in th town . We will • � . I Seniors interested in fashion, of us take two dull cour8C�-1'e- III press copy read, take associated I feature writing or d�signing were quireen Lant';lSler Ave., Br)'n Mawr U8 the N. Y. Times, t.he Bait. Sun, uDown in San Diego" the Kansas City Star and the


Ilrr I "I'm in (I\-of oril 'quii rcd coun•. ill burlns. lun b;,P/ Itarnwhat 10 lookfor in furs!My 01U (ur ((Iat �:M onc lllilt nill mJlcu 'M! look ''''icc) was �lIjn8 a nc..... lininl["�:'"d Ihe furri�r sho\\crJ me Ih<> 10 Hollander stamp on the back of the pdt�-I". r •.IJOII my coat ""on: well, kept its beauty longt'f." AND W"I;" YOU IUY NEW FURS ),(llit retailer "'ill be Shld to show you, on pdt or lag. this bmnu$ Hulllndcr mark. The price of furs dept-ncb on quality of a.., J wo!trrqn�h:t'. hUI "'Iwlher )'OU much or little, Hollander �,aml' I�!I� )OU )our lu will p.,. the' � •k�� their Maul, longt'1. '/I EI.c ;"ark Youl. welcom& ke-cold .. lu.t ...·often and .urely 0/011 fi"d H 0 L LA N D E It COC -COt. ill a. comes. You ta.te qu ..lltYI the quality of eenuine thlnt Its 0" {o"!Jer eooc!nft Ice-cold Coca-Cola elva you the ta.te that charm. FUR S lloal kccp II.ei,· beerll/.., •. and never cloys. You let the fHI of complete refreshment, buoyant refreshment. Thirst ...kI nothlne more. O' 'OTTLID UNDU AU'HO.ITV 'HI COCA.COlA COM'ANY tv PHILADELPHIA COCA·COLA BOTTLING CO. quality THE fII EED aTfIIEET FfIIOM TO 14th. PHILADELPHIA, PA. You trust III SSrd


Rhinies al1d Freshmen War l'riorily Ruli':'gs PENN POINTS hold the greateat volume of con- lema are created. more skille1 tracu. Subcontracts aN! inctcas- worken arc needed ; the Schuyl';11I !IiI College Slightly ;ng due to the help of the De(ense odor has permeated the derenle Crowd uare Dance Continued from Pas:e T ·o Sq Workers are thrQlYing.. out their COntract Service, which haa a mass machinery, and the city govern- Con tinued from One Pan white collars and climbing into of infonnation at the disl)C)sal of ment is being o.sked to co.ql>ernle Gl/tItIlf/KiIWI, FriIW l/, October 1.£. bought for lhilt}'ear, the renl dim· more lucrative overalla and denim prime eontractots who arc seeking with the Federal Go\'ernmcnl in -A recard crowd of Rhinies and cully will come in the buying tor workshirta. Old plants, dilapi- conc�rn. equipped to sharc.dcCense making Philadelphia lI fe f Nn­ Bryn Mawrters bobbed up and nexf year. � ?� dated and semi-idle, are still being work. The service receives tional Defense and Ita cltlum� down to the muaic or Chris Sander- 176 The cost of food at present shows • revitalized, and many have been enquiries r day. This is very hard on the city go ­ son's country band, at the pe � Bryn an increase of about twelve per r . roaring with ush orders for over But the old Philadelphia stiJl I �rnmenL And Philadelphia. IS Mawr- averford H square dance. cent over last year's prices. Prices N Y a year. The avy ard, the Sun stands at the bottom of the statis- almost too busy to noticQ that locnl Unlike last year', gallant crew, of eggs, canned goods and pork l Shipbuilding Company, Baldwin tic.: �ndeed, new housing Ilrob- elections are here. , 'the Haverford element arrived with. have ri,en mo,t. the Miss Hait, by Locomotive Works (housed in new grace and calm in,lead of the vio- eliminating the crackers at milk and expanded plant facilities), • [ _�����=::=�����;",===:= lent demonstrations of former lunch, �====�=� has taken the first step to- Brill's, Budd's, Diston, R. C. A., = years. But they warmed up soon. ward economy, and • she also hopei Midvale Steel, and scores of others Excel>t for a few stragglers who to cut down on the amount of food are almost accustomed to the 24 IHI � had to be guided into each suc- consumed at various ro---- teas on hour, 3-shift plans. 1 Ift..nIII"...... �.. (i!8sive position, '1III 8" ..- the newcomers of campus. both colleges pitched The slack cra has gone. And, to in well and The present college budget is noisily the accompaniment of mummers . based on April's prices. last Prices and brass bands, Kensington's Conversation wa n't the strong have gone up s sin� and are ex- Cramp's Shipyard, idle for thirteen point of tht! evening, but sticky to continue pcd;ed to do 80. If year8, was reopened last month lIelgb 110 cider and quick change, of part- there is increase o er an ot \' ten and aet.-UfJ with six mlWlive gov­ ners kept the party going. The per cent in the coat of 8upplies, rn e ment oroen. Come tbe CoUege Bazaar! most startling results of this ener- said Mr. Runt, the college cannot When the rush hit home, Philll­ to getic, if a IitUe unenthusiastic, hope to finish the year with bal- n delphia had square feet dancing was the percentage popula- anced budget. 11,000,000 of idle plant floor. Since June, tion of the participants llCen at the The College Inn the slack has been taken uri Greek's afterwards. The upper- J 1040, Students to DiscufS the rate of 1,000,000 square feet classmen, who tiad so carefully seen at "" day, Wednesday, System every sixty daY8 Relief rolls I1rc that everyone was happy, rubbed Educational � _ decreasing. The transit system is their hands with satisfaction 8!'1 l\'o"e"iber 5th COlltlnued from Palre -.)ne faced with the urgent need for permissions were requested on all enter into the consideration. expansion and a comfortable in- eides. . Although the roreign students creaae in its receipts . Telephone The evening', department of mis- Come see our specially chosen College Clothes, are carrying through all the plan- culls are soa l'ing. and shopping understanding was an incident in- young and gay. with lots of at tiny prices. ning themselvcs, they will discuss fever has hit Philadelphia (this wllvinj:f' two Haverford boys whQ the whole problem of education In last mainly in (he lower and mid­ Come browse among our collection of clever ac­ broke into the om breathlessly and referenee to American education. die income groups). cessories and amulinq gadqets. Choose a gift or inquired where that' wonderful Over two hundred new rma have boogey-woogey music was coming fi up a costume. Heard on the fourth floor or Dal- located in Philadelphia. Manufuc- from: Strong denials of the ac �n - ton: turing plants have shown a step- cusation were followed by the dis- Professor: Where ill a ruler in up of 36% in volume of out-put. covery that the most. wonderful COLLINS theoretical institution? Consumer goods volume is HIO: OPPENIIEIM boogey-woogey wall coming from ------, - ,'- greater than it was one year ago. - downstairs. But there were ,. 1 d. Philadelphia . Employment has crept up 31�"', Ches'nu'. 12.h such aidetrack, and the �;�n left on the plano and forgot- r payrolls GO% cost of Jiving 4.4"'", was a financial success. Most �:� �':��l�;�, to be found in a pool of , the Cha er Co .". ful moment-when the gatereceipts mb O r m and etal 'nindustrie. s I ����;c�;��� ����������::������ �� -. THE SMOKE OF SLOWER­ �::;;:;::;;:;;:;;:;;:;; BURNING CAMELS CONTAINS

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than any of them -Camels also ive you 5 • slower l! PER PA CK ! a smoking equal, on the average, to • pittS -""1"'� • � •




, I l Defense Group Plans opinion. The SJ){'akers' Rureau s ory OfferS New Chapel FOllnd will continuc to get outsido speak. Chapel thilJ Sunday will be Formed at Meet,' An idcnt.ifica.uon brilcelet Com --_ while the (acuity prebensive Plan ... - CI'S, will continue . held irl GoodharC Auditor. on which is written, "Julie Continued from One discussiolls in thh Common Room. • ium, wh cre D r. Ru(us JOlle� Pan Sennitt, Sarratt, ," r',iIC )'enr the History Depart­ �:ill.f'lu, .. tl�1 11a.,rt or the Another meeting will lOOn be will be the s.... aker. The u�moc.,u:)'I" linwe ttlBelu'e delell was found ncar Dolgclly on I'� held for the Is olTering Ii new plan of lit;, election of officers, t Haver(ord choir is to sin" October 28. lA&er may claim Section six has been changed, Those who agree with the Graul", Ilrehl!:lIsi\'es to its majors, with t c Bryn Mawr choir, this from Martha Kent, __ ___ Ilrincipies ______1 lt formerly read: "It is hoped that will be welcome as lIew Drs who are t.aking a co:npre· - Bryn Mawr, Pa, L -Ir-- the policy of American defense members. • h �i\'c in modern F;nglish history ot" P brokes I here outlined will have the effect Kill • take one covering a half cen- of I)reventing direct American l18r. I d.fense.'------With headquarters in the wads Timelessl"ll -- --- ======ticipntioll in the war, no olle \ N but Mer � in place of onc covering the / town hull of Ardmore, Lower . '=: ew IInder-arm I, • , can guarantee that such direct ' r r from ""JI'II One Ion l'owns h' III has orgon'l7.c d (Ie · ' I c Iler100 , Ou rmg' t he ye:}r, ('oll l,nue!I ' Cream Deodo ar t n r , PUl'tlClpatlOIl" WI'I I not bccome ncces· this ray, UPJler Darby hus the ball," (elise uctivilies, und IIIready many ij�ttldClltli (ollowlIIg' compl'chcn- Kary for the defense of the United saJ,I.Iery 1 I o( the faculty have registered (or I:;i e plan will Mtudy 80urce mate- answerpd for every occasion as did States," Stops P,elrs,pir'altlio," r al und bibliograllhy bearing on 'the History of Art cheer: "Rococ· Reports were givell about the volunteer scrvice in civilian de- of the different sub-com­ c:onlm\'ersiul I,roblems of the ! coca, baroque, baroque, etc. Apse." activities rense and public safet.y, An or· mittce.. Miss Gardiner, chairmAn ganization now being IJtartcd in epoch in order La ascertain how Elated by the 1-0 victory of of the 8ub-co��ittce on defense Montgomery County and the Phil- • first. .! history is written, Along 'with Rhoads in the half, the checr , courSCI ��d trallllllg, discussed the IIdelphia Defense Council were also ing section did a "To the May hi8 comllrehcnsive in a more Iim- l new tralmng courscs for students. reported, � Pole" snake dunce amon g the ros. 1 , Iled field, the sludenLs must take t MIU Northrop spoke a�ut the Pillos (or the winter prog ram trate figures of IIlayers, But ven Research Co nll,tt:ec, whl�h has were decided on , Matenal will be one examination 011 general Euro' more elated by the Pembroke� vic. � worked collectl�g mf rmabon Bnd c lIectcd ; tetters lVld telegrams 1\ � pean history and third in some to ,the whole Rhoads contin nt 1. Doesnotrotdrcsses or men', l research malerlal dUring ill be sent out as f'.Jtpressions of "re, the 8U • .Docs noc initale ot , r ch08en Held, preferably 1I0t I woundry homewards smgmg the VIC· shins .kin. mer, I�' I rs, B I'oug hto n announ 2. No w.iling co dry. Can I tory song tune Glory glory h a· be " F.• n"land since . The ( : , I u ' , "'" 1603 " th t the IVar Re I'Ie ! D rive In the used right after Ihavin$' Ie uJa)' : stops persplfllion I 1 co'liprehenflive may al!o be I college community, exclusive of 3. lns llnlly I S HOE S for to d.ays. Removes odor La' an allied subject such "To hell, to hell, 10 hell with rem· studenLs, collected $1389,76, which 1 J ill e flOm ptrsplrtcion, 8S economicif' or politics, o tel hell with I'em. was distributed among the Rritish It. p ur�, whill!:, greu�less, To ��r � hell, lor A II Occos;o,u 4. Four history majors are fo l- , broke: War Re1ief Society, the Greek War stainless vanishing cream. ,HI hell, to Ilell with Pell1· a ' Arrid hili lowing the new Ith,n this ye r, To �::::�e Relief Society, and China Aid, 5. been awarded the It ea t hell with Pl!mbl'oke EMt, SWEATERS SKIRTS Approval S lof he Am�rian ,As the comprehensive system is To WIlS also announced that the Red InslitulC' of LaundC'rin� (or being nltered purely on 8n ex· fa brICS. (This goe� on (01' several verses Cross workroom is to be reopened being harmless to Jlcrimcntal basis, ! Shop at the dClu&rlmcnt which in the end include Pembroke (01' students on Monday, Wednel'l' Anid is the Lh.itGEST SELLING & I is undecided at llre8C.llt whether West afterthought-but then day and Thursday evenings, and DEODORANT. Trj jar today 1\8 an Philip Harrison Store the limited examination will c • for the maids 011 Tuesday evening, � be omes thl!: final shot :) offered again ned year and ex· Miss Linn, secretary of the or- !'t;mbroke'. lie. a .. moulderlng Bryn Mawr < ten dcd t th h' to bOll)' 0 ° er IS ry fiIe Id S, In the grllVe, elc.. gnnizntioll, listed the nearby or· ARRIDAlall._MIII"1II'..tId � lIulrchhlg o , I .. nUL Hhootlu t(OI!tI n gnnizations concerned with civilian 39¢ .jOU' (aloo lot .lId 6ot) .... ) " � Largest Group Joins � • Mec"a"ics' Cou",. :1 CoIHlnued rrom J"'ftGe Oue AD.IINN. AMIS (110' of Ilog', tcl'e" ond rodlol ...1.", ing lind filing; eleven have ..,0"'1' 1,01"I"g romp. lob .i'iO"cod In her al up for the eourllc in flhorlhand :1 Choi,mOIl of Ih' Enl"Iol"me"1 Com. mill .. of Ih, Home laglo", rorton book·kcc) ing, Ch\'�8CS are It of Ch �; ••t.rfi,ld. il 0 mighty w.leom, by bUll every Wednesday (\, glh for Ihe I'll'" :::,': : II III camp. to lhe Secl'elariul Exchange o Walnut Stl'eel, Enrollment (or Nursing )-Iome "OR, KILOARE'S ha� I'eached sixteen, This groul) WEDDINQ DAY" llIC('tH Fl'iduy evening fl'om MondRY , 7,30 "CHARLIETueaday CHAN IN RIO" unri1 n,30 in the gym,


... follow ,lte lead of Adrienne Ames and send ,lte men in ,lte camps ,lte cigarette ,ha" s ( Defini,ely MILDER and BETTER-TASTING ---- -, '- "v tf.l verything about Chesterfield <=-', '/' E () ,, f is mad. for your pl.'bsur. and conY ... ��" nienee ,., from their fine, rightly blended '" '" C)�l" Il1eS t tobaccos to their easy-to-open eello- � . e ,f, phcrn-.- jlRbt that keeps Chesterfield ::.. 't£}'" e always Fresher and Cooler-Smoking. Have fun -be friendly pack Dfld try /, ' Buy a them, f lile. Treat' yourself and (! Y.... ·r. J ure to ,Item II.co_ ",. (V� \ I>ig ,hing ,""" J pushing Clterterfield others toJresb-tasting aIteod all ov.r ",. country is ",. Wrigley's Spearmint Gum _val of smole.,. lile. you .... . " The Flavor Lasts IVfRYWHfIU YOU GO 14�h •