16 Pages Price 40,000 Rials 1.00 EURO 4.00 AED 39th year No.13546 Thursday DECEMBER 5, 2019 Azar 14, 1398 Rabi’ Al thani 8, 1441 Leader urges Islamic U.S. pressuring Iran football federation “Christ in the Night of mercy in regard to pharmaceutical companies cancels contract with Glory” distributed in Iraq, recent riots 2 to stop Iran sales 3 Marc Wilmots 15 Lebanon, England 16

Monthly non-oil exports from PSEEZ rise despite sanctions The truth about the TEHRAN — The value of non-oil ex- oil exports comes in a time when Iran ports from Pars Special Economic Energy has been facing many restrictions Zone (PSEEZ) in Iran’s southwestern port regarding shipping, insurance, and city of Assaluyeh increased 39 percent in banking transaction under the unjust terms of weight and five percent in terms U.S. sanctions. of value in the Iranian calendar month According to the PSEEZ Customs Man- incident in Mahshahr of Aban (October 23-November 21) com- aging Director, Ahmad Pour-Heydar, in pared to the last year’s same period, IRNA the mentioned time span, over $500 mil- reported on Wednesday. lion worth of non-oil commodities were See page 3 The increase in the country’s non- exported from the zone. 4

Tehran, Baku to deepen defense, security cooperation TEHRAN — Mohammad Hossein Baqeri, deepening and strengthening mutual chief of staff of the Iranian Armed Forces, security cooperation through a strategic and visiting Azeri Deputy Prime Minister point of view. Shahin Mustafayev on Wednesday vowed Major General Baqeri said that some to do their best to deepen Tehran-Baku of the regional and trans-regional players relations, especially in defense and se- can’t tolerate friendly relations between curity fields. Iran and the Republic of Azerbaijan, add- Reviewing the necessary bedrocks ing, “Iran views close relations between for expansion of all-out relations, the the people and the armed forces of the two two senior officials laid emphasis on nations as its strategic priority.” 2 ‘Foreign agents kill protesters, security forces in Iraq’ Iraq’s envoy to the United Nations has The rallies have, however, turned into vi- blamed the infiltration elements for killing olent confrontations in numerous occasions, demonstrators and security forces and with reports alleging that certain foreign-backed burning public and private property. elements have been seeking to wreak havoc Nearly two months of protests have in the country. Meanwhile, UN Special En- rocked primarily the capital city of Baghdad voy Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert said that and southern areas of Iraq. “out of love for their homeland”, thousands The protesters have expressed frustration of Iraqis have taken to the streets, asking for with the failing economy and have demand- their country to reach its “full potential for ed political and anti-corruption reforms. the benefit of all Iraqis”. 13 ARTICLE America has no right to slam violence (it has helped provoke or executed) anywhere ARTICLE Mahnaz Abdi By Martin Love this has been witnessed even remotely in the he seems, far more than Friedman ever has, Gerold Bödeker Head of the TehranTimes NORTH CAROLINA — From one American’s modern era except quite clearly in the case of to attempt to get his reporting more or less FAO Representative Economy Desk perspective, Ayatollah Khamenei jumped on Twit- Nazi Germany in its quest for lebensraum which correct at the Washpo, but he clearly does not to Iran ter this week and said something quite true even culminated in its defeat, thanks to the Soviet succeed. He recently castigated the “brazen use if it is not ever said nearly enough: “Our main Union largely during World War 2. The entire of force” by Iranian authorities to put down the Indigenizing enemy is one of the most evil, cruelest governments world knows this but has yet to call the U.S. protests in Iran that the rise in gasoline prices Let’s mind the soil in the world. It supports terrorists like ISIS and (and its allies) to account because of cowardice allegedly provoked, and in which an alleged modern technology the Zionists and former dictatorships such as and fear of becoming a U.S. target themselves. 200 or so people died amid some significant as it truly matters the Shah’s in Iran and the cruel Saudi family….” There is no other explanation that makes any physical destruction. in steel sector The Ayatollah’s statement is worth un- sense. So much for the big picture, which is But at the same time in the same article, he oil is an essential natural resource nullifies sanctions packing a bit. undeniable, even for many Americans who failed to point out that the current relative eco- for sustaining life on Earth. It is a First, Khamenei did not mention in his as- have been subjected to so much propaganda nomic misery in Iran is almost exclusively the Score component of land resources, sertion how the U.S. goes around the world by the mainstream U.S. media since it was result of draconian U.S. economic sanctions and agricultural development and ecological hile the U.S. unilateral sanctions trying to unseat existing governments to in- co-opted by narrow corporate ownership and the U.S. withdrawal from the JCPOA over 18 sustainability that constitutes the basis on Iran in recent years have up- stall its chosen, usually unelected “leaders”. various billionaire oligarchs that their heads months ago, plus the failure so far of the other for the preservation and advancement of set the Iranian industry in some W The baldest example of this kind of action of spin trying to get a grip in what is fact and signatories to the JCPOA to assist Iran in get- human life on this planet. sectors, the statistics indicate that the min- late was the recent coup d’état in Bolivia, and what is not. ting around the sanctions to keep the Iranian Soil is one of nature’s most complex erals sector has not been affected by the then we have the desired coup in Venezuela And to make matters worse, the U.S. is economy healthy. (There WAS to be a quid pro ecosystems, contains a great diversity of sanctions, while it’s been also improved. and Cuba and other countries such as Syria, now teetering on the edge of a potential quo with the erection of the JCPOA!) organisms which play many vital functions The improvement is more noticeable plus scores of earlier coups, accomplished or economic and social dislocation it has not Rezaian also claimed that as a result of such as the breakdown of plant debris, in the steel sector, as according to the attempted, since World War II, including the experienced since the Civil War almost 200 the protests, Iran’s authorities can now have take in components from the atmosphere, World Steel Association (WSA), Iran overthrow of Mossadegh in the early 1950s. years ago as every President since Jimmy few illusions about the degree of popular and aerate the soil as well as regulation of became the world’s tenth largest steel None of these countries under attack in one Carter has been worse that the preceding support they enjoy among the population, carbon, nutrient and hydrological cycles producer in 2018. form or another, including Iran, have ever, one in advocating destructive policies at and that there are “plenty of people (outside and breakdown of toxic elements. Iran which stood at the 13th place in ever constituted any kind of real threat to ANY home and abroad that have undermined the Iran) salivating over what they see as the This natural resource also plays an 2017 could lag behind three major steel aspect of the United States or to Americans health of the U.S. internally in almost every imminent demise of the Islamic Republic” important role in supporting animal bi- producers in the world, namely Italy, Tai- EXCEPT as a threat to the utterly perverse dimension. In this the U.S. media has been even as they have no idea or concept about odiversity above ground, including wildlife wan, and Ukraine to stand at the 10th desire of the U.S. government to destroy any complicit, and since this writer addressed the whatever might come next. Rezaian and those and domesticated livestock. place in 2018, despite the re-imposition kind of opposition to any of its overweening case of Thomas Friedman of the New York alleged others fail to understand that the The most widely recognised function of of sanctions by the U.S. “exceptionalist” policies. Times recently, it’s time to narrow the focus demise of the “Islamic Republic” is NOT the soil is its support for food production. It According to the WSA’s report, Iran In other words, the U.S. wants full spec- to yet another U.S. journalist, this time to going to happen even if changes instigated by is estimated that 95% of our food is directly produced 25 million tons of crude steel in trum dominance to dictate to anyone, any- the Washington Post’s Jason Rezaian, who the Iranian people alone occur. Opposition or indirectly produced on our soils. Healthy 2018 which indicates 17.7 percent growth where, and not only is this a preposterous and for a time was the Post’s correspondent in groups such as the MEK and those around soil supplies the essential nutrients, water from 21.2 million tons in 2017. undemocratic demand, especially when the Tehran until he was arrested and jailed for the late Shah’s son have been claiming they and oxygen that our food-producing plants Also as announced by the head of chosen means to achieve it has not involved over a year and then released by the Islam- have helped establish an opposition move- need to grow and flourish. Iranian Mines and Mining Industries diplomacy but violence which has made the ic Republic along with two or three other ment inside Iran to which they are connected, Soil is also crucial for ensuring the Development and Renovation Organi- U.S. and its allies de facto (if not yet de jure) American prisoners at Evin. Rezaian wrote, but at least he has the sense continued growth and maintenance of zation (IMIDRO), annual production natural and managed vegetation, includ- war criminals of the worst kind. Nothing like By all accounts Rezaian is a decent man and to call such assertions false. 13 of crude steel in Iran is planned to rise ing our diverse forests and grasslands three million tons to 28 million tons in and the huge breadth of species and the current Iranian calendar year (ends varieties that are cultivated or managed on March 19, 2020). for their food, feed, fuel, fibre and me- Such progress in this sector is mainly Nation gave U.S. dicinal products. the result of “indigenizing” approach, Soil organic matter is one of the major which is seriously followed up in all in- pools of carbon in the biosphere and is dustrial sectors of the country. another slap in important both as a driver of climatic In fact, indigenizing the technology of change and as a response variable to manufacturing required products, equip- the face, says climate change, capable of acting both ment and machinery to attain self-reliance as a source and sink of carbon. There- is the major economic approach of the IRGC chief fore, when managed sustainably, it can country during the sanctions. play an important role in mitigating and Such approach is now seriously followed TEHRAN — Chief of the Islamic Revolution ameliorating the risks and effects of cli- up in the oil industry as the major sector Guards Corps (IRGC) says the Iranian nation mate change. in Iran’s economy. gave the U.S. another slap in the face, refer- Functional soil plays a key role in the On Sunday, Sirous Talari, the chair- ring to the foreign-backed riots which ended supply of clean water and resilience to man of the Board of Directors of Iranian after people rallied in support of the Islamic floods and drought. Water infiltration Association of Manufacturers of Oil In- Republic. through soil traps pollutants and prevents dustry Equipment, said nearly 85 percent them from leaching into the groundwater. Maryam Kamyab Maryam “The Iranian nation in recent weeks gave the of the country’s oil industry equipment global arrogance, especially the U.S., another slap The soil captures and stores water, mak- are manufactured based on indigenized in the face… so that they return to their internal ing it available for absorption by crops, knowledge and technology. anxieties,” Major General Hossein Salami said thus minimizing surface evaporation and And in terms of steel, Industry, Min- on Wednesday, IRNA reported. maximizing water use efficiency and pro- ing and Trade Minister Reza Rahmani “Iran has stood for its national and Islamic ductivity. Healthy soil with a high organic Tehran Times/ Tehran Times/ has said that the country has achieved a values for four decades,” he emphasized. 3 matter content can store large amounts proper self-reliance in this sector. 4 of water. 12 I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y POLITICS DECEMBER 5, 2019

Leader urges Islamic mercy Rouhani says Iran resists sanctions in regard to recent riots

POLITICAL TEHRAN — The Leader of the Islamic Rev- deskolution on Wednesday urged relevant state without closing door to diplomacy bodies to honor Islamic mercy in regard to those who committed violent acts and caused insecurity in the protests that followed POLITICAL TEHRAN – President which is ready today. They talked with the a rise in gas price. deskHassan Rouhani said on United States when the deal was ready,” The call by the Leader came in response to a request by Sec- Wednesday that Iran is resisting sanctions the president stated. retary of Supreme National Security Council Ali Shamkhani on but his country has not closed the door to However, he said, Iran resisted and con- how to deal with those who were killed or wounded in the protests negotiations. trolled inflations despite a sharp decrease as well as those who acted viciously. “We have no way but resistance against in oil prices. The Leader said those were killed without being involved in sanctions, however, we have not closed door “Our economic condition was stabilized fueling riots should be considered martyrs and their families of negotiations,” Rouhani said during a speech and they saw that they could not succeed and should receive stipends. at Insurance and Development Conference. told Saudi Arabia and the Zionist regime that On others (those who instigated riots or committed violent The president said if the sanctions against you are wrong and Iran will not surrender acts under the influence of anti-Islamic Revolution propaganda), Iran are lifted he will be ready to meet the and signed the deal in 2015,” Rouhani said. the Leader said each group must be treated in a way that is closer leaders of the countries party to the 2015 ‘Trump was deceived into quitting to the Islamic mercy. nuclear deal. nuclear deal’ Shamkhani has prepared a report according to a verdict by “If they remove sanctions, we are prepared Rouhani also said that Trump was de- the Leader soon after eruption of protests to realize the root for talks at the level of 5+1 group’s heads of ceived into quitting the JCPOA. causes and reasons behind the unrests and providing support states,” Rouhani remarked. “They deceived him into quitting the for the families of the victims. The nuclear deal was signed between JCPOA and imposing sanctions against Iran The Supreme National Security Council’s report has suggested Iran and the 5+1 group (the five permanent to cause collapse of the system… They did that, within the existing legal framework, those ordinary citizens members of the UN Security Council) plus not know that the Iranian people stand by who were killed during the protests innocently without any de- Germany in July 2015. their country’s independence and dignity,” structive role, should be recognized as martyrs and their family Under the agreement, officially known the president remarked. should also be subject to services by the Martyrs Foundation. as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action He also said, “They violated the deal and In the meantime, the report has suggested that those who (JCPOA) and confirmed by the UN Security it should be remained in our historical mem- were killed in the protests in any way should be entitled to receive Council Resolution 2231, Iran was obligat- negotiations were underway between Iran He added, “This move (phone talks) re- ory that Iran signed an agreement with six Diyeh (blood money based on the Islamic law) and their family ed to put limits on its nuclear program in and the 5+1 group. sulted in reaching the Geneva agreement in of the world’s major powers and violated members should also be appeased. exchange for termination of economic and “My advisers who accompanied me in less than 100 days and temporary removal of it. We are still committed to the deal and financial sanctions. visit to New York convinced me to answer sanctions in various areas and also return of reducing our commitments is within the However, Donald Trump, a presidential phone call of the United States’ president for 700 million dollars of Iran’s blocked money framework of the agreement.” Zarif rejects rumors of candidate favored by hawks in the U.S. and Is- progress in talks. I had doubts to do so, but in banks on a monthly basis. The most im- In response to the abrogation of the JCPOA rael, started harsh attacks against the JCPOA, all my advisers unanimously told me to do portant achievement of this agreement was by the U.S. and a failure by the remaining resignation vowing to tear it up if elected president. so and I accepted. So, at the last moments recognizing Iran’s right to enrich uranium parties, particularly the Europeans, to protect POLITICAL TEHRAN — Iranian Foreign Minister Mo- Finally, in May 2018, he officially aban- when I was leaving New York, the United in that 100-day talks.” Iran’s economy from the sanctions effects deskhammad Javad Zarif on Wednesday rejected doned the JCPOA and introduced the harshest States’ president called and I answered.” Elsewhere, Rouhani said that the nuclear Iran has started to partially reduce its com- claims that he has resigned. ever sanctions in history against Iran. He added that the phone conversation deal could have bee reached sooner than mitments to the JCPOA in accordance to the “If I had resigned I would not be here,” Zarif told reporters The Trump administration not only re- lasted for 15-20 minutes and it acted like a 2015 but it was delayed to disruptive efforts paragraph 36 of the multilateral agreement. in the yard of the cabinet of ministers building. turned the previous sanctions lifted under “very strong locomotive for movement of by Saudi Arabia and Israeli Prime Minister (Paragraph 36 provided a mechanism An Iranian news website, the nuclear deal it added new ones, including the trains of talks.” Benjamin Netanyahu. to resolve disputes and allows one side, which is critical of the govern- a total ban on Iran’s oil exports. “We talked about the framework and he “You know, we could reach the final under certain circumstances, to stop com- ment, had claimed that the chief Trump’s administration has even threat- raised three issues. I told him we are not deal in 2014; however, it was delayed to plying with the deal if the other side is out diplomat has resigned. ened to penalize any country or company ready for the three issues. However, if the 2015 because of the pressure by the Saudis of compliance.) In relevant remarks, Alireza that does business with Iran. first issue which is nuclear related is nego- and Zionists. You know that the Saudi Iran started to scale down its commit- Mo’ezi, the deputy head of the Rouhani says he answered Oba- tiated and settled and you implemented it, foreign minister and the Israeli prime ments after waiting for a full year that the presidential communications ma’s phone call upon advice by advisors negotiations on the second and third issues minister went to Vienna (venue of the remaining parties honor their obligations. office, rejected the rumors and Rouhani also pointing to his phone con- will be put on agenda,” Rouhani explained. nuclear talks) and promised the United However, Tehran has insisted if sanc- released some photos of Zarif versation with Barack Obama, the former Rouhani did not refer to the two other States to reduce oil price to make Iran sign tions are lifted it will immediately reverse at the yard of the cabinet of U.S. president, in 2013, when the nuclear issues. whatever you say and not this agreement its decisions. ministers building. “As soon as media out- lets wrote about possibility of promotion in the regional Zarif condemns medicine embargo on Iran negotiations and diplomatic POLITICAL TEHRAN — Foreign Zarif said. unilateral sanctions on the countries and victimized by plots and economic sanctions movements, some embarked deskMinister Mohammad Butterfly disease, scientifically called companies which try to trade with Tehran. that have been imposed by the U.S. on spreading rumors of resig- Javad Zarif said on Wednesday that those Epidermolysis bullosa (EB), is a hereditary Belgium, Denmark, Finland, the administration,” Namaki said in a letter nation. Zarif in now in the yard of cabinet of ministers building,” countries which seemingly support the 2015 genetic disease characterized by different Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden issued to Ghebreyesus, adding that international Mo’ezi wrote on his account. nuclear deal are unfortunately preventing degrees of skin and mucosal fragility. The a joint statement on Friday announcing organizations should not remain silent about exports of medicines for special patients in Iran. pathogenesis of this rare disease involves becoming shareholders of INSTEX. Washington’s cruel economic sanctions that Iran opposes Japan’s SDF “As the issue is necessary and important, mutation in skin structural proteins resulting In a letter on Friday, Iranian Health also target Iran’s food and medicine, warning I am telling to the Europeans another time in four major types of EB, including EB Minister Saeed Namaki said that the U.S. of the adverse consequences of the bans. dispatch to Middle East that Iran does not expect a country which simplex, junctional EB, dystrophic EB and harsh sanctions against his country had The health minister said Washington has voiced support for the JCPOA (the Kindler’s syndrome based on ultrastructural gravely affected imports of medicine. claims such sanctions do not include By staff and agency Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) to mutation level in skin and mucosa. “We have been through a very hard medicine, medical equipment and food, Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi said on Tuesday that prevent a pharmaceutical company from These patients suffer from many physical year due to the sanctions and supply of and they are meant to suspend exchanges Iran is against Japan’s plan to dispatch Self-Defense Forces to exporting medicines for patients suffering complications including infection, upper and drugs, medical equipment and treatment in international banking systems. However, the Middle East. from special diseases,” Zarif said on the lower extremities deformities, severe itching, of patients, particularly the special and he argued, the behavior that the White House In an exclusive interview with NHK, he said Tehran is waiting sidelines of cabinet session with a reference widespread skin ulcerations that make them incurable patients, is an extraordinarily has adopted only goes in line with its efforts for Japan’s final decision, but it doesn’t believe that the presence to his visit to Sweden. susceptible to skin cancer, severe chronic difficult job,” Namaki said. to intentionally stop imports of essential of any foreign forces in the region would help boost stability, se- “Wound-dressing for the children constipation, dysphasia and odynophagia In his letter to Director-General of the goods for the needy. curity or peace. suffering from butterfly disease can’t be due to narrowing of the esophagus. Dental World Health Organization (WHO) Tedros The minister emphasized that major Araghchi, who had visited produced in all countries. Of course, Iran problems, oral mucosal involvements, urinary Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the Iranian health obstacles put by the U.S. in the way of Iran’s Japan ahead of the JCPOA joint experienced good progress but it is being tract dysfunction and kidney fibrosis are minister had reminded that the U.S. was import of medicine and medical equipment commission meeting in Vienna produced in low quantity. A few number of other complications. obstructing the import of medications for have had a negative impact on the treatment on December 6, said the Unit- pharmaceutical companies can produce it,” Zarif further voiced satisfaction over a patients of his country, adding that the of many Iranian patients. ed States’ policies are the root the minister stated. positive move by 6 European countries that WHO and the United Nations (UN) were “By imposing sanctions on the Iranian cause of escalating tension in “A Swedish company that has been joined the Instrument in Support of Trade responsible to adopt a measure against nation, the U.S. has not only committed the Middle East. exporting it (wound-dressing for butterfly Exchanges (INSTEX) that is supposed to Washington’s inhumane moves. economic terrorism but in practice it has The Asahi Shimbun report- patients) to Iran, is now unable to continue ease trade with Iran regardless of the U.S. “The brave Iranian people are being carried out a crime against humanity,” ed on October 18 that Japan is its trade with us due to the U.S. sanctions Namaki pointed out. considering dispatching the and oppressive behavior. I have to remind Zarif says a Swedish company that has As the main organization in charge of SDF to areas near the Strait of the Europeans that it is very good that you been exporting wound-dressing for providing universal public health coverage, Hormuz to protect tankers and have decided to join INTEX, but as the the WHO must not remain indifferent to this other vessels on its own, rather Americans are claiming that medicines and butterfly patients to Iran “is now unable to important issue, the Iranian minister said. than joining the coalition pushed humanitarian services are not included in continue its trade with us due to the U.S. He added that officials of the United by the Trump administration. sanctions list, you Europeans do not embark sanctions and oppressive behavior.” Nations must be held accountable for the Chief Cabinet Secretary on imposing medicine embargo on Iran,” adoption of measures in violation of law. Yoshihide Suga acknowledged at a news conference on Oct. 18 that Tokyo is mulling the option. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe instructed government officials to consider the dispatch of the SDF independently when he met with Japan say Iran has been informed about sending warships to Middle East the chief cabinet secretary, foreign minister and defense minister POLITICAL TEHRAN — Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshi- neighbors to rely on their own power. at the National Security Council on the afternoon of Oct. 18. deskhide Suga said that Japan has informed “History shows that the U.S.-led coalitions have always Although Washington is a key ally to Tokyo, Abe is set to opt Iran about its decision to send warships to the Middle East been nothing but unfit names that have not contributed to out of joining the coalition to avoid worsened relations with Iran, to reinvigorate its data and information, noting that Tokyo is security so far and further fomented more insecurity and an important oil supplier to Japan over many years. still resolved to continue close relations with Tehran. instability in different parts of the world,” Foreign Ministry Araqchi said in his meeting with Abe on Tuesday he elaborated “We explained it to Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Seyed spokesman Seyed Abbas Mousavi said. on Iran’s position in this regard. Abbas Araqchi, during his visit to Japan and his meeting with He said the U.S. misuses other countries’ name to legitimize He said Iran is inviting all countries which are affected by devel- Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, that Tokyo is increasing its unilateral presence opments in the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz to support its defense forces in the Middle East to bolster its data and Mousavi noted that the U.S. leadership of a naval coalition Iran’s initiative known as the Hormuz Peace Endeavor (HOPE). information (spectrum),” Suga said. in the Persian Gulf indicates Washington’s weakness and lack Araghchi also criticized the U.S. for withdrawing from the “Abe told Araqchi on Tuesday that Tokyo has decided of international legitimacy. 2015 nuclear agreement, known as the JCPOA, and imposing to dispatch more defense forces (naval fleet) to the Middle He called on the regional states to rely on their own and “maximum pressure” on Iran. Eastern region to promote its capabilities in collecting in- their neighbors’ capacities to establish sustainable and all-out The top diplomat also said that if Iran cannot benefit from However, Araqchi, who was on an official visit to Japan, formation to be sure about safe movement of ships in the security in the region. the nuclear deal, the country will certainly take the next step, told Japan’s state TV that his country is opposed to Tokyo’s region,” he further said. “The Islamic Republic of Iran as a country with lengthiest including the rejection of the International Atomic Energy Agen- decision of forwarding fleet of warships to the Middle East. In the meantime, Kyodo reported that Japan is trying to coastline in the Persian Gulf will continue safeguarding its cy’s inspections. In November, Iran warned that the U.S-led naval coalition have share in protecting fleets passing through the Strait of economic and security interests, including the security and U.S. President Donald Trump quit the 2015 nuclear deal, known which officially launched operations in Bahrain would further Hormuz with joining the U.S-led coalition. safety of shipping, with maximum power,” he added. as the JCPOA, in May 2018 and introduced the harshest ever exacerbate the security conditions in the region, calling on sanctions on Iran. After waiting for a full year, Iran said its “strategic patience” is over and started to gradually reduce its commitments to the nuclear deal in response to the U.S. moves. Tehran, Baku to deepen defense, security cooperation So far, the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) has 1 “Iran is resolved to pave the ground of views and stances have cemented brotherly cooperation between the two countries. in Baku in October 2017, with a high-ranking taken four steps to cut back commitments in accordance to par- for creation of more capacities and oppor- relations between the two countries that share During the meeting with Baqeri, Hasanov delegation from Iran’s Defense Ministry in agraph 36 of the JCPOA which “allows one side, under certain tunities to promote Tehran-Baku ties,” the common history and culture.” said Baqeri’s visit provided the opportunity attendance. circumstances, to stop complying with the deal if the other side top Iranian commander remarked. In mid-January, Major General Baqeri to review the activities of Iran-Azerbaijan During his two-day stay in Baku, Baqeri is out of compliance.” Mustafayev, for his part, underscored that visited Azerbaijan where he and Azerbai- Joint Defense Commission, saying necessary also held talks with Azerbaijan’s President Iran has repeatedly said if the European parties to the nuclear Baqeri’s recent visit to Baku was a milestone jani Defense Minister Lieutenant General recommendation has been made to enhance Ilham Aliyev as well as Chairman of National deal shield its economy from the U.S. sanctions it will reverse its in Iran-Azerbaijan relations. Zakir Hasanov signed a memorandum of its performance. Assembly Ogtay Asadov and Prime Minister decisions. He added, “Major General Baqeri’s point understanding (MOU) to bolster defense The joint commission held its first meeting Novruz Mamedov. I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y DECEMBER 5, 2019 IRAN IN FOCUS 3 U.S. pressuring pharmaceutical Russia warns about attempts companies to stop Iran sales: minister to weaken Iran-Iraq ties By staff and agency POLITICAL TEHRAN — Iranian Tehran says sanctions on the Central Russia’s Ambassador to the United Nations Vasily Nebenzya deskHealth Minister Saeed Bank of Iran (CBI) will prevent it from has warned about attempts to weaken relations between Namaki has said the U.S. is exerting pres- providing food and medicine to ordinary Iran and Iraq and drag Iraq into a regional confrontation. sure on all pharmaceutical companies to Iranian people. stop the sale of medicine to Iran. Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Namaki made the remarks in an inter- Zarif said last month that the United view with Iran Press on the sidelines of the States’ sanctions and economic war on weekly cabinet session. Iran have targeted the ordinary people’s “They have put pressure on all our fi- health and livelihood. nancial transactions regarding medicinal “There was a time when such warfare drugs and are exerting pressure on all phar- was used to simply limit the activities of maceutical companies to stop the sale of some countries. However, new warfare medicines to us,” he said. of the United States and what Trump has Officials in Washington repeatedly called the ‘economic war’ have targeted the claimed they would not stop the sale of ordinary people’s livelihood and health,” medicines and food to Iran, but they have the chief diplomat lamented. lied, and the flow of vital medicines has been Also on Monday, Zarif urged the Euro- stopped, the minister explained. pean parties to the JCPOA to carry out their “We buy medicines in various unofficial “minimal human duty” of selling pharma- ways and through brokers, of course, the ceuticals to Iran. “We are concerned about possible negative impact of medicines we buy are original, but with “Instead of arrogant threats or hollow the situation around Iran that is being inflated artificially very limited and expensive resources, we paper promises, E3/EU—and future IN- on the internal political situation in Iraq. Attempts to drag never impose this expense on our people.” STEX shareholder Sweden—should start the country in the regional confrontation destabilize the Namaki stated, “We called on the World with something very simple; a minimal domestic environment in Iraq,” website of the Permanent Health Organization (WHO) Director-Gen- human duty: Ask @molnlyckehc to SELL Mission of the Russian Federation to the UN quoted him as eral Tedros Adhanom, to intervene so products enabling Iranian kids with EB to saying on Tuesday at a UN Security Council briefing on Iraq. that the voices of our oppressed people cover their wounds,” he tweeted. “Iraq has the right to build and develop good relations are heard and America’s bullying against Saeed Namaki says the health of the people “#EconomicTerrorism kills,” he added. with its neighbors. No one has the right to undermine those Iranians is exposed.” should not be the subject of politics. In another tweet, Zarif mentioned U.S. relations,” Nebenzya added. The minister asserted that the health Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, saying, A group of rioters stormed into the Islamic Republic’s diplo- of the people should not be the subject all its obligations,” he added. the previous sanctions against Iran and “@SecPompeo once again admits that US matic mission in Najaf on November 27 and set it ablaze. They of politics. President Donald Trump withdrew Wash- ordered new ones. Trump has described #EconomicTerrorism on Iran is designed to also replaced the Iranian flag with an Iraqi one. Reportedly, “We hope that the pressure is lifted on ington from the 2015 nuclear deal, known his government’s sanctions against Iran starve, and in the case of medical supplies, the consulate had already been evacuated of its staff. the Iranian people, a nation that has fulfilled as the JCPOA, in May 2018 and restored as “economic war”. kill our innocent citizens.” Iraqi Foreign Minister Mohammad Ali al-Hakim apol- ogized to the Islamic Republic for the act. This was the second attack on an Iranian diplomatic mission in Iraq after its office in the Shia holy city of Karbala Military outfit means sacrificing oneself Nation gave U.S. another slap in the was attacked last month. for nation: Army chief face, says IRGC chief Iranian Ambassador to Baghdad Iraj Masjedi said on November 28 that the attack was aimed at damaging re- lations between Iran and Iraq. “Definitely, the objective behind setting fire on Iran’s consulate in Najaf is damaging good and brotherly rela- tions between the two neighboring countries of Iran and Iraq by certain foreign and internal elements in Iraq,” the ambassador remarked. Masjedi noted that the good relationship between Iran and Iraq have made certain countries in the region angry. He called on the Iranian people to practice self-restraint, noting that actions done by a limited number of rioters do not reflect actions of the Iraqi people. Iranian Ambassador to London Hamid Baeidinejad said in tweet on November 29 that British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab has expressed concern over attack on Iran’s consulate.

POLITICAL TEHRAN — Army enemy’s sedition in Iran. 1 “They wanted to tie maximum another statement the following day by deskChief Major General “The necessary training has been given pressure, which means economic sanctions Management and Planning Organization Abdolrahim Mousavi has said the mili- for the forces, and of course the necessary and psychological pressure, with internal chief (MPO) Mohammad Baqer Nobakht IAEA chief says may meet tary outfit worn by Iranian servicemen preparedness has been attained,” he said. incidents,” Salami said, highlighting the who said that the revenues from price Iranian officials in Vienna shows that they have chosen the path of “Sedition at different branches, di- enemy’s failure to reach its goal. increase will be paid in form of cash sacrificing themselves in order to defend mensions and shapes threaten the Islamic He said the enemy thought the Iranian subsidy to 60 million people. POLITICAL TEHRAN — The new UN nuclear watchdog the country and the people. Iran,” he said, adding that the armed forces, nation would stand up against their system, In what followed after the decision, pro- deskchief said on Tuesday he may hold talks “We are grateful for the blood of the backed by the people, should fight and but its “assumptions about the Iranian tests erupted in several cities with people with Iranian officials who will be in Vienna later this week martyrs, veterans and our predecessors,” defeat Iran’s enemies. nation is always wrong.” calling on the government to reverse course. for a meeting of the remaining JCPOA parties. General Mousavi said on Wednesday, ad- The general said the armed forces have The Iranian people recognize the im- The demonstrations, however, turned vi- Rafael Grossi, the director-general of the International dressing Army’s servicemen. recognized the measures which must be taken plications of U.S. policies and supports, olent in some cities, with clashes between Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), told Reuters he hopes he “We commit ourselves before the Great in order to counter the enemy’s sedition. the general remarked. security forces and certain rioters damaging can help set a new tone with the Islamic Republic in his God to preserve this legacy better than He pointed to the recent unrest across “Crime, murder and brutality are the public property. first face-to-face talks. ever and hand it to you, the youths,” he the country, saying the Leader of the Islamic fruits of U.S. policies,” he said. “This issue The damage caused to public and pri- added, Mehr reported. Revolution Ayatollah Ali Khamenei acted gave the Iranian nation an awareness that vate property is tens of millions of dollars. The remarks came weeks after protests as a guard against the enemies in order the U.S. wants nothing but poverty and In order to put an end to the unrest, erupted in some cities in Iran against in- to preserve security. backwardness for all nations of the world.” people from all walks of life took to the creasing gasoline price. In certain cases, Soon after the protests erupted, Ayatol- “This policy is dead in today’s world,” he streets across Iran in the following days the protests turned violent as some rioters lah Khamenei supported the government’s said, adding, “It is the nations that isolate to condemn the acts of violence in certain clashed with police, using knives and guns. decision, putting an end to doubts and and undermine the U.S. and drive it to the cities by some hooligans and anti-revolu- Rioters damaged public and private possible moves to reverse the decision. sidelines step by step.” tionary elements who derailed the people’s property and put banks and state build- The Leader said he had previously an- Late on November 14, the National legitimate protests. ings on fire. nounced that since he was not an expert on Iranian Oil Products Distribution Com- Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatol- The protests lasted just for a few days. the issue, he would support any decision pany (NIOPDC) issued a statement to lah Ali Khamenei has urged the authorities Mousavi said on Monday that the armed made by heads of the three branches of recount details for new prices of fuels to take good care of the affected people and forces have been trained to counter the government and the experts. in the country, which was followed by assuage the hardship caused by the move. The truth about the incident in Mahshahr By Mohammad Ghaderi armed rioters. The opposition media outlets are trying to other countries, follow particular instructions. Therefore, describe the defense by security forces as an anti-popular maintaining and establishing security in Mahshahr and He also described Iran’s nuclear program as one of the What happened during the recent incidents in Mahshahr and repressive behavior that resulted in murder of people. Imam Khomeini Port required more serious action due to priorities he would consider “immediately”. is distorted and widely circulated in the opposition media In this regard, the necessary actions taken by the forces are their critical sensitivity. In other words, the seizure of these “I’m the new kid on the block in this relationship. They’ve outlets. The incident represents some important points that being falsely reported by incisive keywords such as “the use areas means the blockage of the country’s vessels in the been there, now they get a new DG, so we have to sit down can be examined from several aspects. of tanks”, “DShK” and “military helicopters”. This is while, field of energy and export. Naturally, no government will together, start talking and take it from there,” he said. The recent events in Mahshahr can generally be cate- in comparison to the similar cases in other countries, the tolerate such a disruption. Therefore, police and security “Let me start my conversation with Iran. I don’t think it gorized as follow: Iranian police and security showed restraint in confront- forces countered the saboteurs based on legal orders. would be appropriate, and it would be unfair, to pronounce A) The partial version of the incident ing rioters. The council responsible for security in city or There are some important points in this regard that myself about their attitudes before I sit down with them.” First stage: creating an emotional atmosphere to deepen province in no country allows armed thugs to disturb the should be considered: Grossi has said he will be “firm but fair” on inspections an extensive psychological operation. At this stage, without country’s order and security. 1. Those who had taken anti-security actions were not generally, including in Iran, without spelling out what that providing any clear evidence, it is claimed that the citizens of B) The truth ordinary people or even protesters; rather they were trained means. He told Reuters he is satisfied with the work the Mahshar are living in abject poverty despite living in a rich First: a group of people, like many other parts in the elements who acted in a very clever and well-planned manner. IAEA’s inspections team has been doing. region that supplies a large amount of the country’s oil and gas. country, publicly protested the imprudence in announcing 2. Basically, such actions, which occurred almost ex- Under a nuclear agreement Iran signed with the 5+1 It is claimed that they do not even have access to bathroom! and implementing the gasoline price reform. clusively in Mahshahr and Imam Khomeini Port, are by nations in July 2015, Tehran agreed to put limits on its Second stage: claiming that rioters and armed thugs Second: shortly after, several groups derailed popular no means comparable to burning banks. Burning banks or nuclear activities in exchange for termination of economic were ordinary people. At this stage, by playing innocent, it protests. The groups were affiliated to the Mujahedin-e-Khalq other public places has a much more limited effect, while and financial sanctions. The IAEA was tasked to monitor is claimed that the citizens of Mahshahr (not armed thugs terrorist group, counter-revolutionary currents and some such actions have a national effect. Preventing fuel and oth- Iran’s compliance with the agreement, officially known as who were mainly non-native) blocked the road to Imam intelligence agencies of neighboring countries. They led er petrochemical products from being transported across the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). Khomeini Port and its petrochemical complexes only by the protesters by chanting separatist slogans along with the country can both disrupt people’s daily lives and cause But in May 2018 U.S. President Donald Trump pulled using few rocks and firing some tires because of discrimi- violent behavior. mental insecurity. Therefore, it is an irrational expectation his country out of the JCPOA and reinstituted sanctions nation and injustice. Third: Some native and non-native rioters were called to such an action be gently confronted. on Iran. Third stage: deliberately ignoring the issue of security threat by social media to join the trained groups. In the next step, 3. Those who showed this behavior were all armed with Iran and the remaining parties launched talks to save the to petrochemical complexes and blocking the country’s key rioters blocked crucial roads for transporting energy across firearms. It is illegal in our country to purchase, possess and JCPOA after the U.S. withdrawal, but the three EU parties energy route. It is a critical issue. If it had happened, it would the country and attacked military bases and public places. use arms, so the anti-security actions completely amounts to the deal (France, Britain, and Germany) have failed to have created a crisis in the country. Interestingly, the opposition Fourth: After seeing such violence, the majority of pro- to moharebeh (waging war against God). ensure Iran’s economic interests. media outlets have downplayed the threat and refused to refer testers immediately gave up their legitimate grievances and 4. According to the examinations, if police and security Iran started to partially reduce commitments under the to the background of the trained armed rioters and their role protests. Obviously, this move by people shows that they forces did not take action, not only the entire import from nuclear deal exactly a year after the U.S. abandoned the deal in creating an atmosphere of insecurity in the city. had no problem with the establishment itself and did not Imam Khomeini Port would have been influenced, but also and imposed the harshest ever sanctions on the country Fourth stage: spreading false news, exaggerating the in- intend to destroy public and private properties. the death toll would have increased. under the “maximum pressure” policy. At the time Iran cident, and claiming mass shooting by police and security Fifth: Armed rioters, who were being led by foreign-affil- Consequently, despite the false propaganda campaign announced that its “strategic patience” is over. forces with an emphasis on the keyword of the “IRGC”. In iated elements, turned the city into a battlefield. By blocking and widespread media warfare against the Islamic Re- So far, Iran has taken four steps in that regard. the incident in Mahshahr, police and security forces pro- the main roads for transferring energy, the rioters practically public, what happened in Mahshahr was not massacre However, Tehran has repeatedly said its measures will tected people’s lives and properties, as well as vital energy created a security problem. of ordinary people. Iran will take revenge for innocent be revered as soon as Europe finds practical ways to shield production and distribution lines against foreign-affiliated Sixth: The protocols regarding security in Iran, like all people who were killed by the rioters. the Iranian economy from unilateral U.S. sanctions. I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 4 ECONOMY DECEMBER 5, 2019

STOCK MARKET Iran, Kyrgyzstan open new TEDPIX 322528.0 IFX 4195.95 Sources: tse.ir, Ifb.ir chapter in economic relations

ECONOMY TEHRAN – Iran’s the 10-year cooperation agreement which CURRENCIES deskcapital hosted the 12th was inked between presidents of Iran and USD 42,000 rials Iran-Kyrgyzstan Joint Economic Committee Kyrgyzstan in 2016. meeting on December 3-4, during which As a member of the Eurasian Economic EUR 46,518 rials the two sides discussed numerous issues Union (EAEU), the trade agreement signed GBP 54,595 rials regarding expansion of trade ties. between Iran and EAEU, can boost relations The event was co-chaired by Iranian between Iran and Kyrgyzstan, Eslami added. AED 11,437 rials Minister of Transport and Urban Elsewhere in his remarks, Eslami put the Development Mohammad Eslami and current volume of trade exchanged between Source: cbi.ir Kyrgyzstan’s Minister of Transport and Iran and Kyrgyzstan at $44 million. Roads Janat Beishenov, the portal of Iran’s For his part, Kyrgyzstan’s Minister of Transport and Urban Development Ministry Transport and Roads Janat Beishenov noted reported. that expansion of economic relations with COMMODITIES Speaking in the opening ceremony of the Iran is a priority for his country, and called Brent $61.99/b meeting on Tuesday, the Iranian transport for the removal of trade barriers between minister underlined the two countries’ long the two countries. WTI $57.07/b history of good economic relations and said He further criticized the current level OPEC Basket $62.50/b holding this joint economic committee of trade between the two countries, saying meeting three years after the previous that the potential of trade between the two Gold $1,479.15/oz meeting is an indication of the two sides’ sides is much more than the current levels. determination for boosting trade ties. Iranian Minister of Transport and Urban Development Mohammad Eslami (L) and He also called for Iranian engineers and Silver $$17.22/oz The official noted that the base for Kyrgyzstan’s Minister of Transport and Roads Janat Beishenov in the 12th Iran-Kyrgyzstan experts to take part in various infrastructure Platinium $918.30/oz cooperation between the two sides will be Joint Economic Committee meeting held in Tehran during December 3-4 projects in Kyrgyzstan. Sources: oilprice.com, Moneymetals.com Indigenizing modern technology in steel sector nullifies sanctions Monthly non-oil exports from 1 “This industry can be still devel- As IMIDRO head has said, “Today, we million tons in the same time span of the oped and regarding the huge investment are witnessing a national will and determi- previous year. PSEEZ rise despite sanctions made in this sector during the past years, nation for self-reliance and promotion of Consequently, Iran’s production of crude we will soon observe a good balance also in production and indigenizing should be in steel is rising despite the U.S. attempts to [as 1 The official put the weight of the exported products at production chain of this metal in the country”, fact considered as a necessity in this regard”. the U.S. president said] “choke off the coun- over 1.6 million tons, saying that “The products included meth- the minister said in a meeting with the mem- And the good news is that based on the try’s largest non-petroleum related sources anol, propane, butane, light and heavy polyethylene, ammonia, bers of Iran Steel Association in late June. released statistics this approach is bringing of export revenue” through imposing new sulfur, and styrene.” “Steel industry is one of the industries result, as World Steel Association’s latest sanctions on Iran’s metals and minerals. The goods were exported to China, UAE, South Korea, India, in which some good investment has been report shows that production of crude steel On Sunday, Hossein Modarres Khiabani, Japan, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Turkey, Egypt, and Kuwait and made and today it has become a production in Iran during the first eight months of 2019 Iran’s deputy industry, mining and trade improving relying on domestic capabilities.” so on, he added. advantage”, Rahmani further underscored. has risen six percent from that of the same minister, announced indigenizing of the “Self-reliance and indigenizing in min- Iran exported 80 million tons of non-oil commodities worth Indigenizing technology in steel sector period of time in 2018. technology for manufacturing of modern ing industries indicate high potential and $24.5 billion during the first seven months of the current Iranian today shields this sector from the sanctions, The WSA put the country’s crude steel equipment required in steel industry and said, capabilities of domestic sectors and their calendar year (March 21-October 22), registering a 17-percent so it is atop agenda for the Ministry of Indus- output at 17.188 million tons in the eight- “Sanctions could not impede development vigorous determination in this due”, the rise in terms of weight. try, Mining and Trade and its subsidiaries. month period of this year, rising from 16.153 of Iranian industries, as our industries are official underlined.

Govt. to provide $14b for importers of Agreement to promote bilateral trade basic goods next year inked between Iran, Belarus ECONOMY TEHRAN — Iran’s ECONOMY TEHRAN — Iran have been emphasized. deskdeputy finance and eco- deskand Belarus signed an Belarus for long has been among nomic affairs minister says the government agreement on Wednesday for promoting Iran’s trade partners and the country has provisioned $14 billion of official-rate mutual trade, IRIB reported, quoting the played a significant role in reaching the foreign currency in the next Iranian calendar spokesman of the Islamic Republic of trade agreement between Iran and the year (March 2020-March 2021)’s budget Iran Customs Administration as saying. Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). bill for imports of basic goods, Mehr news According to Rohollah Latifi, the In late November 2018, Russia’s agency reported on Wednesday. agreement was signed by the Head of President Vladimir Putin endorsed a Importers of rice, barley, corn, edible the free market, through a domestic Forex Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Admin- much-awaited agreement for the estab- oils, oilseeds, and livestock feed, as well as Management Integrated System (locally istration (IRICA) Mehdi Mirashrafi, and lishment of a free trade zone between According to Deputy Industry Minister Hossein Modares Kh- medicines and a few other items are going known as NIMA). the Chairman of Belarus State Customs Iran and the Eurasian Economic Union iabani, in terms of value the figure fell 11 percent in comparison to receive the government support, accord- Based on the latest reports by the Central Committee Yuri Senko on the sidelines thus facilitating the process for the Is- to the last year’s same time span. ing to Mohammad-Ali Dehqan Dehnavi. Bank of Iran (CBI), NIMA supplied over of a World Customs Organization (WCO) lamic Republic to join the Moscow-led The official noted that the government has allocated 870 billion “The government has identified these €20 billion for imports of goods and ser- event in South Korea. regional economic block. rials (about $20.7 million) of facilities to be used as incentives goods as the basic needs of the people and vices since it was launched in April 2018 The agreement was signed in line with The deal was finalized by Iran’s Am- for the country’s exporters in the current Iranian calendar year has decided to keep the prices of such items up to October 2019. the implementation of the free trade bassador to Russia Mehdi Sanayee and (ends on March 19, 2020), adding that such incentives could low in the market, so $14 billion of currency NIMA, which seeks to boost transparen- agreement between Iran and Eurasia, chief of the Eurasian Economic Com- boost the country’s non-oil exports. with official rates will be provided to the cy, create competitiveness among exchange Latifi said, adding that it is aimed for mission (EEC) Tigran Sarkisyan in a On May 18, 2018, the U.S. President Donald Trump announced importers of these commodities next year,” shops and a secure environment for traders, improving the level of cooperation be- meeting in Moscow in late August and it his country’s withdrawal from Iran’s nuclear deal known as the Dehnavi said. is a new chance for importers to supply their tween the two countries and protect the officially comes into force on October 27. Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action endorsed by the UN Security The official noted that the mentioned required foreign currency without specific economic and social interests of both The EAEU is comprised of Russia, Council Resolution 2231. fund is in fact some sort of subsidy which problems and for exporters to re-inject sides. Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Kyr- The U.S. withdrawal from the JCPOA and imposing sanctions the government pays to support people’s their earned foreign currency to the do- In the mentioned agreement, several gyzstan. It is an international organiza- in contravention of the UN Resolution, requiring to lift interna- livelihood in the sanctions era. mestic forex market. It was inaugurated important factors including identifying tion created with the aim of encouraging tional sanctions on Iran, have been condemned by all the other Iranian government provides the coun- to allow exporters of non-oil commodities the two sides’ needs, increasing efficiency, regional economic integration through signatories to the deal, i.e. China, Russia, France, England, and try’s importers of basic goods with foreign to sell their foreign currency earnings to customs control of goods and vehicles the free movement of goods, services Germany. currency at a lower exchange rate than importers of consumer products. in transit between the two countries, and people within the union. Malaysia to open its doors to China capex growth hits three-year low as Why Latin America should go all in on 16,000 APEC 2020 delegates weak economy, trade war drag the sharing economy next year Capital investment by Chinese firms has While we tend to think of the so-called About 16,000 delegates are expected to make their way to Ma- ground to its slowest pace in three years, sharing economy as a new concept — a laysia for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) 2020. as a weakening economy, tight credit and product of the fourth industrial revolu- International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Darell Leiking prolonged trade war with the United States tion — its origins are far older, as old as said these delegates would attend more than 120 meetings in dent sales growth and cash reserves, a the economy itself. five cities around Malaysia, scheduled throughout next year. Reuters analysis showed. What’s happening now, rather, is that “This venue has a historic significance of being the host for the Companies are also spending more days due to the rise of e-trading and disruptive APEC Leaders’ Meeting in 1998 that was hosted by our current to turn inventory into sales and eking out models that are ending certain logistical Prime Minister. Next year, the same Prime Minister will host smaller profit gains, the analysis showed, chains, the concept is developing and per- APEC 2020. in an economy growing at its weakest pace problem in terms of generating a strong meating popular speech. American economies should do all they The “hosting of APEC 2020 will emphasize on three main in nearly three decades, with many analysts recovery in the Chinese economy,” said For Latin America, there are both ben- can to seek alternatives. In our case, as elements – Hospitality, Substance and Inclusivity.” expecting the slowdown to intensify. senior China economist Julian Evans- efits and challenges involved with these I’ve written before, the state needs struc- Guided by the theme “Optimizing Human Potential Towards The outlook became even more Pritchard at Capital Economics. economic shifts. But they also offer a real tural reform. That reform must envisage a Future of Shared Prosperity”, the minister said APEC 2020 uncertain on Tuesday after U.S. President “Overall credit conditions are still quite possibility to redevelop our battered econ- changes in education, justice, security, would drive the APEC 2020 agenda through three priority areas. Donald Trump said a trade deal with China tight and credit growth is actually slowing … omies. In Colombia’s case, like with most infrastructure, and cargo and passenger These areas are improving the narrative of trade and invest- might have to wait until after the U.S. because, in particular, the non-bank forms Latin American economies, dependence mobility inside the country. ment; inclusive economic participation through digital economy presidential election in November 2020. of credit access have become much more on the sale of primary goods has caused Colombia also needs to root out cor- and technology; and driving innovative sustainability. “Things will get much worse before restrictive in the shadow banking sector.” considerable instability. ruption and do away with inefficient bu- “In November 2020, we expect to welcome 21 Leaders from getting better,” economists at Macquarie Though the government has taken steps Dependence on a good, especially com- reaucracy in both the private and public APEC Economies to deliver a consensus declaration on the critical said in a client note on Monday. Even to encourage lending, bankers told Reuters modities or natural resources, destabilizes sectors. And on the financial side, we issues and launch the new Post-2020 Vision of APEC. positive economic data from China recently they have little appetite to lend to small economic growth in the two other types of need to overhaul the system of taxation. “Adding to the long list of agenda items for APEC 2020, the is volatile and vulnerable to one-off factors firms due to the trade war and uncertain goods: secondary and tertiary. If this overhaul were fully implemented, year 2020 is also the end of the Bogor Goals. such as warm weather, they said. economic outlook, as well as a years-long With primary goods (raw materials or the country’s risk ratings would improve “This means, Malaysia is entrusted with an enormous task “After all, the so-called phase 1 deal drive to cut risk in the financial system. renewable and non-renewable resources), substantially, and that, in turn, would help of leading the 21 APEC economies to draft the future of APEC is mainly about preventing things from Cash reserves at surveyed firms grew prices are usually free-floating and depend make the country more competitive. beyond 2020,” said the minister, adding that inclusivity was getting worse, instead of making things 5.6% on year in the September quarter, on international rates set in this case in What we need to drive this scale of central to APEC 2020. significantly better,” they said, referring to the weakest since the first quarter of 2018. U.S. dollars. economic transformation are more and “In line with the inclusivity agenda, and to ensure appropriate negotiations in a 16-month Sino-U.S. trade Moreover, the average number of days a The greater our dependence on these better jobs. This could be done by pro- distribution of prosperity, we have made it a point for Malaysian war punctuated by tit-for-tat import tariffs. company holds inventory before sale was goods, the less chance we have of pursuing moting private and public initiatives that brands and SMEs are accorded special priority to directly benefit The weakest growth in three years 108 in the first nine months of the year, real economic development, of diversifying, involve the sharing economy concept. Its from the hosting. Chinese firms raised capital spending topping an annual average of 100 or less in other words, into industrial production essence is fairly simple and based on the “At the margins of the meetings, there will also be programs by 1.6% in the three months through in the last four years. (secondary goods) and providing world- integration of producers and consumers arranged for Malaysian businesses, including SMEs, Social Enter- September versus the same period a year Revenue grew 6.7%, the weakest in at class services (tertiary goods). in a community. Both sides have a com- prises and Start-ups to showcase their products and capabilities. prior, the weakest growth in three years, least three years - the earliest period for The shaken economy mon objective, so creating a collaborative The “objective is to incorporate the Malaysia Boleh spirit showed a Reuters analysis of about 2,900 which data from a comparable number The dollar’s current price volatility framework between them facilitates their among us,” he said, adding these efforts were consistent with firms with market capitalization above of firms is available - while net profit rose makes diversification even more urgent connection and, ultimately, the exchange the Shared Prosperity Vision 2030. $100 million. 7.8% versus nearly 22% two years earlier. — so as to avoid its negative effects on an of products and services. (Source: nst.com.my) The “weak appetite to invest is a (Source: reuters.com) already shaken economy. This is why Latin (Source: qcostarica.com) I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y DECEMBER 5, 2019 ENERGY 5 ‘Iran fully self-sufficient in building gas Next decade to be pivotal one for energy sector in SEE, power plants, able to export its technology’ IRENA reports By Vladimir Spasi ENERGY TEHRAN – Managing other countries (construction of dams, water deskDirector of Iranian Elec- and wastewater treatment plants, and wa- The adoption of an energy mix consistent with the Paris Agree- trical Power Equipment Manufacturing and ter transferring pipelines) is rising, Energy ment would create a cumulative addition of D 485 billion in Provision Company (known as SATKAB) Ministry of Iran is seriously following up gross domestic product between 2019 and 2050 in Southeastern says the country is fully able to produce and the objective of boosting technical and en- Europe (SEE), according to a report produced by the Interna- export all equipment and services needed gineering services exports from electricity tional Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). for construction of gas power plants. and water sectors. The document, announced at a regional workshop in Sa- “Our ability for manufacturing and sup- Of the water and electricity projects under rajevo in June, will be presented by Emanuele Bianco from plying water and electricity equipment has implementation by an Iranian company in the organization at the regional conference Renewable Energy reached a point where we are not only able a foreign country it could be referred to the Sources in District Heating and Cooling Systems to be held on to fully meet our domestic demand but also project for building a dam, a water trans- December 5-6 in Belgrade. export it to other countries,” Mohammad-Vali ferring tunnel and a 120-MW power plant The “next decade could prove to be a pivotal one for the energy Alaedini told IRIB on Tuesday. in Sri Lanka which is already 94 percent sector in SEE. The region possesses considerable potential for “The ministry has set some goals in this complete. developing renewable energy and improving energy efficiency. regard, which are going to be implemented According to the Association of Iranian To harness this potential and fully achieve the energy transi- and achieved by SATKAB,” he said. Exporters of Technical and Engineering Ser- tion, the region will need to set new targets, ensure a sustained He mentioned Iraq, Armenia, Syria and vices, Iran has the potential and capability investment in variable renewable energy technologies, develop Tajikistan as some of the export destinations to export technical and engineering services its modern biomass industry and introduce a holistic policy for Iranian energy equipment and servic- worth $25 billion in a year. framework,” IRENA advises. es, adding “We have achieved 80 percent Some Iranian companies including Mapna The economies analyzed in the report are EU member states self-sufficiency in construction of wind Group have already had fruitful presence Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania and Slovenia; and the contracting power plants, while in construction of gas in completion of infrastructure projects in parties of the Energy Community: Albania, Bosnia and Her- power plants, hydroelectric power plants that, considering their satisfaction with the Since the electricity sector accounts for several countries including Iraq and Oman zegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Moldova and dams we are completely self-sufficient works of Iranian engineers, is forming a joint the lion’s share of Iran’s technical and engi- and if such contribution will be expanded and Serbia. and exporting services to other countries.” working group with Iran for further imports neering exports, and also given that Iranian it will be a good source of export revenues Southeast Europe analyzes the energy landscape, the poten- Tajikistan is one of the export destinations of engineering services, Alaedini noted. companies’ presence in water projects of while job creation. tial and costs for scaling up renewables, together with policy frameworks and investments that are required, and the expected socio-economic impact of transforming the area’s energy system. IRENA estimates shifting the regional energy system to Oil ministry to hold innovation event in mid-Dec. renewables would grow the economy of SEE by 2% by 2040 and 1% from then until 2050, compared to a business-as-usual ENERGY TEHRAN – Iranian Oil Ministry plans Affairs Department Mehdi Ahmad Khanbeigi, the event case. It purportedly translates into a cumulative gain of more deskto hold the country’s first innovation is meant to address various challenges and innovative than D 485 billion. event in the oil industry, in mid-December, Shana reported. requirements in the country’s oil industry. Renewable energy sector The event dubbed “Petroleum Take-Off”, is going to The event consists of four main sections and one With the creation of new jobs in the renewable energy sec- focus on gathering and integrating various technology side event including a technology supply exhibition tor, an energy transition would also help tackle long-standing fields in the oil industry’s supply and demand sectors. (attended by knowledge-based and startup companies), a unemployment and brain drain issues, the authors found. The To be attended by the country’s renowned oil, gas technology demand exhibition (attended by oil ministry’s inclusion of social welfare benefits, such as improvements in and petrochemical companies, the event is aimed to subsidiaries), the “every challenge-a solution” event health and air quality, ensures that potential gains further out- improve and promote various factors in the country’s oil (attended by startup groups and scholars), a university weigh additional costs, IRENA said. industry, including development, learning, streamlining, student event called “petro-test”, and a technology According to the report, the energy transition will involve selecting and opportunity-making. tour featuring senior executives from the oil industry the phase-out of the aged fossil fuel plants and the introduc- According to Director General of Oil Ministry’s Research operations. tion of larger shares of renewable energy in SEE’s power and energy sectors. Hydropower is apparently a very cost-competitive option Japan’s offshore wind power generates Oil rises before OPEC+ meet, lifted by for new power. Data from the IRENA Renewable Cost Database show that the weighted-average levelized cost of electricity or interest in foreign companies drop in U.S. crude stocks LCOE from hydropower in SEE decreased by a third from the 2011 to 2014 period to the 2015 to 2018 period. During the Japan’s offshore wind energy arouses a Oil prices rose on Wednesday ahead of a latter four years, the gauge was D 0.083/kWh. growing interest in foreign companies meeting of OPEC and its allies to discuss “Many SEE economies have often overlooked variable re- seeking opportunities in this market, a whether to extend production curbs to newable energy technologies in their renewable energy plans, study by the GlobalData Company said support the market, while industry data favoring the more traditional and established hydropower and on Tuesday. showing that U.S. crude stockpiles fell more biomass technologies, which were perceived as less expensive. The entity’s investigation reveals that than expected helped to lift prices. Even with a relatively high cost of capital, solar PV and onshore the Japanese offshore wind power market Brent crude futures were up 35 cents, wind remain cost-competitive solutions for electricity gener- currently represents 68 megawatts (MW), or 0.6%, at $61.17 a barrel by 0246 GMT. ation in the region today, compared to generation from fossil but there are potentials for 770 MW of U.S. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) fuels,” the report reads. capacity in four wind farm projects, all of crude futures were up by 31 cents, or 0.6%, The central value for last year’s total installation costs for which are in the permitting stage. at $56.41. solar PV landed at D 1,215/kW (about 10% higher than the The “offshore wind turbines market in The Organization of the Petroleum Ex- weighted-average of European countries outside SEE). Assuming Japan, although currently in an incipient and studies. porting Countries (OPEC) and allies that Crude oil inventories in the U.S. fell by a 7.5% cost of capital, the range can translate to LCOE between stage, shows more and more positive sig- “Global companies seek to be the first include Russia - a group known as OPEC+ more than expected last week, according D 0.093/kWh and D 0.130/kWh. For SEE, a central LCOE nals to investors and the recent joint ven- participants in the Japanese market to - are preparing to approve deeper crude to the industry group American Petroleum value of D 0.105/kWh was calculated for 2018. It is 5% higher ture between Canadian Energy Company gain the advantage of being the first to output cuts this week, when they meet in Institute (API). Stockpiles of crude oil fell than the weighted-average value for other European markets. Northland Power and Shizen Energy is move when the market begins to grow,” Vienna, according to Iraq, the group’s sec- by 3.7 million barrels, more than double Driven by a global trend in falling expenses for turbines and a testament to this,” said the Director of Singh said. ond-biggest producer. expectations of a decline of 1.7 million barrels. project balances, total installed costs in SEE have decreased Energy of GlobalData, Harminder Singh. The official said that the German electric Thamer Ghadhban, the oil minister of Gasoline and distillate stocks increased, by 19% since 2010, the findings reveal. The weighted-average According to the Japanese Wind En- utility RWE, for example, signed a coopera- Iraq, told reporters on Tuesday in Vienna however, and the market looked for con- value in 2018 was D 2,030/kW, 4% higher than in European ergy Association, several foreign develop- tion agreement with Kyuden Mirai Energy. that a “deeper cut is being preferred by a firmation of the crude draw when official markets outside SEE. ers such as Ørsted, Equinor, wpd and CIP Also, the Nowegian Equinor energy number of key members”. figures come out from the U.S. Department The abundance of wind resources in the region has enabled have established branches in the country, company believes that because the waters There is still some skepticism in the of Energy’s Energy Information Adminis- onshore wind to become an increasingly cost-competitive source showing their intention to invest in this are too deep in Japan, the availability of market over whether OPEC will cut out- tration later on Wednesday. of new power generation, with suitable locations being devel- area of the Asian nation. sites for fixed turbines at the bottom is put further, however, with many analysts Keeping a lid on prices are the dwin- oped in recent years, IRENA said. The weighted-average LCOE In January 2019, for example, Danish off- low, the manager also said. expecting only an extension of existing cuts. dling prospects of a trade deal between the of onshore wind projects commissioned in SEE during 2018 shore wind energy company Ørsted signed a Therefore, he said, floating facilities “We … think OPEC could announce an United States and China. The trade dispute was D 0.069/kWh, 43% lower than for those commissioned memorandum of understanding with Tokyo could change the rules of the game in the extension to supply cuts to cover the whole between the world’s two biggest economies during 2010 and the lowest since then, and 4% lower than the Electric Power Company (TEPCO) to work country as the company estimates 3.5 gi- of 2020 rather than the three to six months has weakened the global economy and held weighted-average for projects in other European countries. together on offshore wind energy projects. gawatts (GW) of offshore wind potential the market is currently factoring in,” BNP back oil demand growth. Solar PV and wind generation Renewable energy generation in Japan by 2030. Paribas Markets said in a note. U.S. President Donald Trump said on With the fall in costs for solar and wind technologies expected According to the analysis, Japan ap- According to GlobalData, marine wind An extension “with an option to review Tuesday an agreement to end the trade to continue, SEE could benefit greatly from further developing proved at the beginning of the year a law capacity installed in Japan is expected to policy at the next meeting, would send a dispute may have to be delayed until af- its vast potential, the global organization claimed. Both solar on the promotion of the use of territorial reach about 3.8 GW, which represents a strong message of commitment by signa- ter the American presidential election in PV and wind generation can be even more cost effective than waters for renewable energy generation staggering 33 percent of total wind capacity tories of the Declaration of Cooperation,” November 2020. shown so far in this analysis, provided access to a low cost of facilities on the high seas. in the country by 2030. the BNP Paribas analysts said. “Both contracts should remain supported capital becomes more prevalent in SEE, the report concludes. This was followed in July this year by the Overall, the weather ahead seems excit- OPEC members meet today and then at these levels despite the (U.S.-China) trade Most of the renewable energy capacity is concentrated in identification of 11 areas as potentially suit- ing for offshore wind power in the country on Friday the OPEC+ group meets. OPEC+ concerns as the market looks to the start the EU member states of SEE, while the rest of the region has able for the development of offshore wind and developments in the coming years will has been curbing supply since 2017 and is of the OPEC+ meeting today,” said Jeffrey been relatively slow with such endeavors. The countries in the energy, in four of which the government be interesting to watch, Singh estimated. expected to keep the cuts in place to balance Halley, senior market analyst at OANDA. trade bloc benefited from the early adoption of medium-term, will carry out geological measurements (Source: evwind.es) out record production in the United States. (Source: uk.reuters.com) technology-specific targets for renewable energy and the intro- duction of dedicated supporting policies, the analysis indicated. Between 2001 and 2018, SEE received D 20.7 billion in re- newable energy investment excluding large-scale hydro. The Leading fund managers say Aramco is significantly overvalued timeline starts from zero in 2001 to a 2012 peak of D 3.7 billion. By Irina Slav The Investment Authority — the country’s In 2018, total expenditures were D 1.49 billion. sovereign wealth fund — will reportedly buy shares worth Overall, renewable energy investment remains fragile in A day before Aramco is to announce the final price of the $1 billion. The Kuwaiti sovereign wealth fund has, according SEE, in IRENA’s view. The “changing pattern of investment shares it will list on the Saudi stock exchange, the list of to unnamed Reuters sources, also committed to $1 billion can be attributed to the presence (or lack thereof) of dedicated bad news for the company got longer. A survey among fund worth of shares. Other sources said both commitments were supporting policies. Without stable policy and regulatory frame- managers has shown that most of them believe that the even higher, at $1.5-$2 billion each. works, regional investment in renewable energy will continue company is overvalued by up to a third. Too concerned about transparency to be sporadic,” the report reads. The survey was conducted among 31 asset managers That, however, makes up for a tiny portion of the proceeds The “adoption of the second EU Renewable Energy Directive holding assets of $3.8 trillion by Bernstein and reported by Aramco is eyeing. This means it will have to depend over- (RED II) gives governments in SEE the opportunity to update Fortune. Its conclusion supports what a number of observers whelmingly on retail investors or urgently find institutional and reset those targets. These updated targets could be designed have been saying for months now: that interest in Aramco fast and for the worse for Aramco two months ago, when its ones that are not too concerned about transparency. The to make better use of the improved visibility of the energy sector, shares among international investors is unlikely to be great oil field and a processing plant were struck with drones and latter is highly unlikely to happen just days from the official adopt adaptation measures and realign targets to reinvigorate because of too many uncertainties, including a lack of the missiles. The September 14 attacks added another potential listing unless Riyadh is hiding a couple of investors up its renewable energy deployment,” the report finds. transparency that international investors are accustomed to. problem to the list of problems they might have had with the sleeve. This means it will likely have to rely overwhelmingly The document highlights that solid fossil fuels (hard coal When Aramco last month announced a price range for Saudi company: security of supply. Meanwhile, banks and on retail investors. and lignite) account for 43% of power generation and 3% of its float, the mean in it gave the company a valuation of analysts continued to argue how much Aramco was worth. These are retail investors who are taking on loans to heat production for residential structures. In 2018, the average some $1.7 trillion. That’s $300 billion less than the original Goldman Sachs, one of the organizers of the IPO, has be able to afford the purchase of Aramco shares. As such, age of coal plants was said to be 41 years. According to the re- target valuation that Crown Prince Mohammed was after for valued Aramco at even more than Riyadh: $2.3 trillion. they are also investors who will start selling their shares port, the aging infrastructure of the facilities and their negative Aramco. It also would mean IPO proceeds of $100 billion Others, however, have valued it at just $1.2 trillion. Between the moment the price rises after the listing, if it does. And environmental impact reveal the need for rapid shutdown of should 5 percent be floated. these extremes, there is a host of other figures. None of the moment the selloff starts will be the moment the share older plants and the suspension or improvement of the more However, the original plan has changed. Aramco will them matter, however, if there is no one to buy the shares. price will drop. recent ones. offer 1.5 percent of its stock next week, and it will offer them Fortunately for Aramco, there are a lot of people willing Now that may be a good time for international investors IRENA suggests redetermining the role of fossil fuel power almost exclusively to Saudi investors. That’s after talk that to buy its shares. Last week Aramco said it had attracted to buy into Aramco. After all, it is still the biggest integrated plants. “In particular, the energy transition will require high Aramco could list more than the originally planned 5 percent, bids worth $44.3 billion by the deadline for retail investors oil company in the world with the biggest reserves, possibly levels of flexibility in the power system. System integration costs and up to 10 percent. to express interest in the listing. And that’s just retail in- the biggest production capacity, and a lot of downstream would decline if investments were oriented towards flexible In the world of oil vestors. The company is also counting on local and regional operations, too. What’s not to like? power plants and other flexible resources,” the report underlines. Things can change fast in the world of oil and they changed institutional investors. (Source: oilprice.com) (Source: balkangreenenergynews.com) I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 6 INTERNATIONAL DECEMBER 5, 2019

Danny Shaw: Ecuador’s Moral injury and America’s Moreno great betrayer, useful lackey of IMF

TEHRAN (FNA) — Danny Shaw, professor of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, says President Lenin Moreno pretended endless conflicts to adhere to country’s Citizens’ Revolution, but turned out to be itary operation is relatively successful, it’s easier for a servant of the country’s pro-West elites. soldiers to explain to themselves and live with their In an exclusive interview with FNA, Shaw said the US and its own actions. It must help mitigate moral injury symp- Allies demand their lapdogs in power in Latin America to serve toms, at the very least, if they can tell themselves that them most, adding the West is afraid of “leadership of popular a greater good was accomplished. leaders such as Rafael Correa, Evo Morales and Nicolas Maduro Conversely, if you did something that leaves you with who preserve dignity and sovereignty of Latin American countries.” doubt or regret but achieved no positive results, that Danny Shaw is an author and university lecturer teaching would lead to more painful feelings and less defense Latin American and Caribbean Studies and Race, Ethnicity, Class against them. So, in one way, it seems odd that, except and Gender at the City University of New York. He has worked in those few moments, I didn’t hear anyone make the and organized in forty different countries. He is also an activist connection between the lack of victory in America’s against “inhumane international economic system”. wars and the incidence of trauma. Below is the full text of the interview: On the other hand, it’s not so surprising that such What has made Ecuadorians protest against the president connections were not made more often or more clearly. they themselves elected? They would only have reminded the participants of an A: Lenin Moreno started to be continuation of Rafael Correa uncomfortable reality: that America’s wars in the present in the Citizens’ Revolution, but he proved to be a great betrayer era have, on the whole, fallen far short of producing any and a useful lackey of the IMF, the World Bank and the elites greater good that would help justify the moral injury of Ecuador. What we have seen in the country was a massive so many soldiers are struggling with, not to mention showdown of the millions of impoverished and working class all the other human damage those wars have caused. accompanied by the indigenous population against the unpopular I can’t know their inner feelings, but I can guess rule of Moreno. So now we see with 4.2 billion dollars unleashed that it would have been painful for many symposium by the IMF, Moreno is to a huge step back as he is rejecting the participants to admit that fact out loud or to let them- cost he has made, because he does not want hundreds of thou- selves think it at all. Probably it wasn’t something the sands of Ecuadorians on the street. The showdown between the organizers would have liked to hear either or remember popular forces of Ecuador and the IMF will continue, as the old when they face troubled soldiers in the months and saying “the borrower is slave to the lender” is relevant today years to come. in Ecuador. The IMF wants to have its way, but the nation are depression, insomnia, nightmares, and self-medica- By Arnold Isaacs, Nick Turse and Tom Engelhardt Moral Clarity Versus Moral Injury fighting back against the will of IMF. tion via alcohol or drugs, but they arise from different Another moment in that same session suggested a The IMF is an international finance institution. Why has ANTIWAR — Many men do monstrous things. And circumstances. PTSD symptoms are a psychological different but related link between the nature and cir- its presence in Ecuador led to the recent protests? some men are very nearly monsters, capable of killing reaction to an experience of life-threatening physical cumstances of a military operation and the likelihood A: The IMF, World Bank and US-based development banks without compunction or remorse. In the everyday ci- danger or harm. Moral injury is the lasting mental and of trauma. This one had to do with the moral perception are in fact “undo-development” banks. They are based on op- vilian world, we generally seek to lock them up. In war, emotional result of an assault on the conscience – a of the operation itself. pression, exploitation and disempowering the popular forces of they have a chance to fully flower. And if they serve in memory, as one early formulation put it, of “perpetrat- Since his crews are not physically at risk when any country. We should look at the IMF records in the Caribbean, militaries that fight serial conflicts where the laws of ing, failing to prevent, or bearing witness to acts that carrying out their missions, Lieutenant Colonel Blair Africa, South East Asia and Latin America. The IMF policies of war are considered mere suggestions, they can be all transgress deeply held moral beliefs and expectations.” pointed out, the traditional “kill or be killed” formula cutting subsidies, education, etc. lead to massive rebellion on that they can be. The idea remains controversial in the military world, of the battlefield can’t help them explain their war to the part of everyday people. The IMF and World Bank have very I investigated such a man once. He fought his way but the wars that Americans have fought since 2001 – themselves. Instead, the drone fighter’s explanation bad records in the oppressed countries. Their message is if you across Asia in the Chinese civil war, the suppression of involving a very different experience of war fighting has to be “kill or someone else will be killed.” In turn, do not play ball with us, we will isolate you and cut you off the the Huk rebellion in the Philippines, and the Korean from that of past generations – have made it increas- that determines not just what they do, but who they financial world. That is why we see blockade of Cuba, Venezuela, and wars. He spent 10 troubled years in the ingly difficult for military culture to cling to its old feel they are. “Being a protector of others,” Blair said, DPRK and Iran, precisely because these countries are outside of Marines before joining the Army and then was hailed manhood and warrior myths. Many in that military becomes their “core identity.” the influence of the IMF, World Bank, the US government and as a super soldier, even as allegations of murder swirled have had to recognize the invisible wounds of moral A couple of quotes in a December 2017 article on military, which is why there is this propaganda and economic war around him. conflict that soldiers have brought home with them an Air Force website show how the missions against against these countries which refuse to genuflect to the US power. In March 1968, a member of Sergeant Roy Bumgarner from those battlefields. ISIS strongly validated that identity – and, indirectly, How do you evaluate IMF loans and deals? Jr.’s scout team went to military authorities to report That shift was evident at the moral injury symposium, suggest why operations in other theaters have not. A: Cutting a deal with the IMF and its international lending multiple murders of Vietnamese civilians. “I’ve got held in early August in a Washington, D.C., hotel. The The article, which I found after the symposium end- institutions is like cutting a deal with the devil. They are not giving nothing against Sgt. Bumgarner except this mad urge feelings and experiences I heard about there were not ed, was a feature about a remotely piloted aircraft unit these loans for free, but with high interest rates. The Ecuadorian to kill,” Private Arthur Williams told an investigating necessarily representative of the climate in the wider (not Blair’s) that supported the ground operation to people have to pay off this debt in the years and decades to come. lieutenant colonel. “I don’t want him to get in trouble, military community. The special operations forces, which recapture Raqqa, the Syrian provincial city that ISIS Historically, the post-World War II US imperialism and its allies but I can’t know of what is happening and say nothing. put on the event, have their own distinctive character, designated as the capital of its so-called caliphate. One have controlled other countries through the international banking More people will be killed.” The Army did nothing. culture, and experiences, and a disproportionate number quote is from a squadron commander: “It wasn’t our system. So, of course that is why Rafael Correa, Hugo Chavez, One morning in early 1969, Bumgarner detained an of the 130 or so attendees were mental-health specialists aircrew just striking ISIS targets. We also were safe- and those who refuse to play ball instead of preserving dignity unarmed Vietnamese irrigation worker and two teenage or chaplains, the two groups that have been most open guarding and watching over [friendly Syrian troops] and sovereignty of Latin American and other oppressed coun- boys tending ducklings. Marching them to a secluded and attuned to the very idea of moral injury. (A military as they cleared civilians moving out of the city to safe tries of the third world were constantly punished. If you look at spot, he and one of his men opened fire. A military chaplain in the Special Operations Command, in fact, locations.” The article also quoted a sensor operator: recent Ecuadorian history, the US media make full scale attacks court convicted him of manslaughter, but he served first had the idea for the symposium.) “My favorite part of this job is that I’m able to help against Rafael Correa and the Citizens’ Revolution because they no prison time, remained in Vietnam, and reenlisted Still, the symposium emerged from the same history civilians be safe and I’m able to help liberate whatever stood up for international justice and dignity. They had Julian approximately six months later. He became one of the the rest of the military has lived through: 18 years of city we need to. There’s no better feeling than know- Assange for several years protected in their embassy in London, last U.S. infantrymen to serve in that war. uninterrupted violence, of war without end in distant ing you can directly impact the battlefield and other which humiliated the US. Any time there is a popular leader like By the late 1960s, Bumgarner was said to have a lands, that has killed or wounded some 60,000 Amer- people’s lives.” Hugo Chavez, Nicolas Maduro, Rafael Correa, Evo Morales, they personal body count of more than 1,500. Sometimes, his icans and a far greater number of foreign civilians, Obviously, when their screens showed them the are very afraid of this type of leadership. They want Sebastian six-man “wildcat” team logged more kills than the rest while displacing millions more and helping drive the civilians they were helping, and not just the enemies Pinera in Chile, Lenin Moreno in Ecuador and Mauricio Macri of his 500-man battalion. I often wondered how many worldwide refugee population to successive record-set- they were killing, those crewmen found moral clarity, in Argentina who are their poppets. of those dead were enemies and how many just teenage ting levels. Against that backdrop, those two days in rather than moral conflict, in their experience. From duck herders and middle-aged farmers. Bumgarner Washington proved gripping and thought provoking in Blair’s comments, one can surmise that was true for his died before I had a chance to ask him. His court-martial their own right. What follows are some of the thoughts crews as well, presumably for similar reasons. NATO is a brain dead, transcripts, though, don’t give the impression of a man they provoked in my mind as I listened or when I later Sadly, it is also pretty obvious that such a sense of obsolete, rabid dog. carrying a heavy psychological burden or regretting reflected on what I heard. clarity has been the exception, not the rule, in the wars anything he had done. Something Said, Something Unsaid Americans have been fighting for nearly two decades. Euthanize It. Some men do, however, kill while in government In the sessions I attended, virtually every speaker That doesn’t automatically mean those wars were not By Thomas Knapp service and pay a psychological price. We now call that mentioned one relevant fact about our present wars moral, but whatever their moral nature, it would only “moral injury” and understand (as Homer did in writing and the soldiers who fight them. But a different rele- rarely have shown up on the drone operators’ screens On November 27, US president Donald Trump signed the Hong about Achilles in the Iliad) that victimizers can also be vant fact on the same subject was almost completely – or in the sightlines of soldiers looking at actual bat- Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act.In early November, victims. Today, TomDispatch regular Arnold Isaacs, missing. tlegrounds in real space – as clearly as it did for those French president Emmanuel Macron complained that the North who covered the Vietnam War for the Baltimore Sun, Again and again, participants spoke about the great airmen remembering their Raqqa missions. (Not that Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is experiencing “brain death” takes us in a striking fashion to the frontlines of the change in how soldiers experience war. In past gener- Raqqa raised no moral questions at all. Yes, the fighting as its member states go their own ways, with “no coordination battle to overcome – or at least mitigate – the toll on the ations, for the great majority of service members, war there liberated its inhabitants from an exceptionally whatsoever of strategic decision-making.” US president Donald consciences of the men and women fighting America’s was a one-time event. In the 18 years since 9/11 and the brutal occupation. But it also destroyed most of their Trump’s reply: “Nobody needs NATO more than France.” The two twenty-first-century wars: a “Moral Injury Symposium.” invasion of Afghanistan, war has become a permanent homes, largely in air strikes by U.S. and allied planes continued their duel over NATO’s future at an early December If “perpetrating, failing to prevent, or bearing witness part of soldiers’ lives in a continuing cycle of repeated that, by one estimate, dropped 20,000 bombs on the meeting of the alliance’s members in London. to acts that transgress deeply held moral beliefs and deployments to battle zones. (And that’s not to men- city. By the time the campaign was over, Raqqa, like a Unfortunately, 2019 Trump isn’t nearly as smart as 2016 expectations” can cause profound psychological damage tion the even more startling change for those who see number of other Syrian and Iraqi cities, was in almost Trump, who noted that “NATO is obsolete.” In fact, became ob- to soldiers, imagine what Phan Thi Dan, the widow of combat remotely, sitting in front of screens and firing complete ruins.) solete 25 years before Trump called the fact to our attention. The that irrigation worker, went through when she saw missiles or dropping bombs from unmanned aircraft A Question, Maybe Farfetched… Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact – the two enemies NATO was her husband lying on the ground with his head blown flying over targets thousands of miles away.) As nearly I didn’t frame it this way when I was at the symposi- supposedly formed to protect Europe from – dissolved in 1991. off. She stood frozen for a moment, then fainted. On all the symposium speakers pointed out, that change um, but this question later came to mind: Has the U.S. Wars of offensive choice, rather than defensive necessity, coming to, she tried to attack an American on the scene in the war-fighting experience has also changed the military as an institution, not just its individual service followed in the Balkans and Libya. NATO participated for more but was restrained. “When I get flashbacks, that fit of nature of combat trauma and the military culture’s members, morally injured itself over the last 18 years? than a decade in the US occupation of Afghanistan. Its current fury still arises in me,” she told me nearly four decades understanding of and attitudes toward it. This is a military force that never stops declaring direction includes dangerous membership overtures to Ukraine later. No doubt, many Afghans, Iraqis, Somalis, Syrians, Here’s the reality that almost nobody mentioned, it’s the best and strongest in the world, but has not and Georgia – countries bordering, and overtly hostile to, Russia. Yemenis, and Libyans have had similar experiences at though it’s closely related: the reason these wars have successfully concluded a significant war for nearly 30 NATO’s claim to be a “defensive” alliance of any kind has long the hands of soldiers. One day, maybe we’ll convene a lasted this long and have become a permanent part of years or maybe longer. (The first Gulf War of 1990- ceased to pass the laugh test. symposium for them and their psychological injuries, soldiers’ lives is that they have not been successful. My 1991 looked like a great win at the time, but appears If the organization was merely brain dead or obsolete, that too. ~ Nick Turse notes record only one presentation where that connec- like anything but an unequivocally positive accom- would still be good reason to dissolve it. But it’s actually far A Legacy of a New Kind of War tion was even touched upon, and then only implicitly, plishment in retrospect.) It may sound farfetched, but worse than that. As Arnold R. Isaacs wrote, When an announcement not directly. is it unreasonable to wonder if that dissonance, that If there’s any real logic to NATO’s continued existence, that of a “Moral Injury Symposium” turned up in my email, That single indirect mention came in a discussion wide gap between goals and actual accomplishments, logic probably centers around its $1 trillion annual expenses. That’s I was a bit startled to see that it came from the U.S. Spe- group conducted by Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Da- might leave a collective sense of sorrow, grief, regret, a lot of money fed into the maws of various military industrial cial Operations Command. That was a surprise because vid Blair, the commanding officer of a Florida-based shame, and alienation? That’s the list of feelings that complexes by an entrenched multi-national bureaucracy who many military professionals have strongly resisted the remotely piloted aircraft squadron. He mentioned that Glenn Orris, a Navy chaplain, displayed on a chart in his love their own paychecks, pensions, and prerogatives. term “moral injury” and rejected the suggestion that his MQ-9 Reaper drone crews increasingly have come symposium presentation and specified as the ones that Maintaining those two welfare programs requires NATO to soldiers fighting America’s wars could experience moral to prefer missions in theaters other than Afghanistan. keep morally injured service members awake at night. operate as an active and perpetual threat to world peace, a rabid conflict or feel morally damaged by their service. Specifically, he said, they were most positive about I’m posing this as a question, not offering it as an dog wandering the globe in foaming-mouthed search of oppor- Moral injury is not a recognized psychiatric diag- strikes against ISIS in Iraq and Syria where they “could answer. Certainly, at various moments during the tunities to “defend itself” against opponents who represent no nosis. It’s not on the Veterans Administration’s list see the front lines moving.” (That suggests he was re- symposium, I had a sense not just of individual but threat whatsoever to it or to its member states. of service-related disabilities. Yet in the decade since ferring mainly to the 2016-2017 period when those of collective trauma. As an outsider in that world, I Even if it attempted to maintain a truly defensive posture, the concept began to take root among mental health Reapers were supporting American and Iraqi ground can’t and won’t venture to evaluate the emotional state NATO would still be too dangerous to keep around. Its 29 mem- specialists and others concerned with the emotional forces recapturing territory that had been under ISIS of the military as a whole. Still, the question doesn’t ber states, stretching as far east as Turkey, each have their own lives of active-duty soldiers and military veterans, it occupation.) Those missions led to “less trauma” for his seem ridiculous. grudges among each other and with external parties. Sooner or has come to be fairly widely regarded as “the signature operators, he said. At another point, he added that “if A New Idea of What Moral Injury Really Is later, an otherwise insignificant spark is bound to set the whole wound of today’s wars,” as the editors of War and Moral it [an engagement] ends well, they look back on their The final event of the second day – an unusual closer book of matches alight. Injury: A Reader, a remarkable anthology of contem- lives differently.” for a professional or academic conference – was a reading When a person is brain dead, we mercifully turn off the ven- porary and past writings on the subject, have noted. Other than that single remark about his crews pre- of Sophocles’ play Ajax, as rewritten by Bryan Doerries. tilator. When an organization is obsolete, we shut it down and For those not familiar with the tag, moral injury is ferring missions in other theaters, Blair never made After the reading, Doerries, artistic director for Theater move on. And when a rabid dog threatens the neighborhood, we related to but not the same as post-traumatic stress dis- any explicit comparison between Afghanistan and any of War, the company that put on the performance, mod- shoot it before it can bite us or our neighbors.Nearly 30 years order, or PTSD, which is a recognized clinical condition. other conflict zone. However, what he did say sounds erated a discussion with a panel of four recent veterans late is better than never. Let’s euthanize NATO. Both involve some of the same symptoms, including like plain common sense. It’s logical that when a mil- and members of the audience. 11 I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y DECEMBER 5, 2019 ANALYSIS & INTERVIEW 7 Who wins the UK election? Political ambiguity in London By Saeed Sobhani Dems to differentiate themselves. the £218,500 raised by Labour—Corbyn Indeed, for recent newcomers -- like has adopted a newly confrontational tone TEHRAN — The UK general election is the short-lived Referendum Party in the toward Britain’s élites. At the beginning being held as many polls show the Con- 1990s (pink), or the UK Independence of his speech, he assailed “the tax dodg- servative Party over the Labor Party. Party (purple) -- distinct colors may simply ers, the bad bosses, the big polluters,” However, many political analysts believe help them stand out in a crowded political and the “billionaire-owned” media. He that, as of now, Boris Johnson cannot be marketplace. quoted Franklin Delano Roosevelt. “They considered the definitive winner of the UK The Liberal Democrats’ leader Jo Swin- are unanimous in their hate for me, and I general election. Here’s a look at some of son steps off an orange bus to be greeted welcome their hatred,” he said. And then the latest news and analysis on the UK by supporters. Corbyn outlined a plan, in his words, to general election: while some colors have historical links, “rewrite the rules” of the British econo- How Britain’s political par- none are indelibly tied to ideologies. Else- my. In 2017, Labour’s electoral promises ties got their colors where in Europe, orange is associated with implied an extra seventy billion pounds As CNN reporte,with the UK’s general both the Christian Democrats and, in the of public spending—around a ten-per- election less than two weeks away, British east, post-Soviet uprisings (see Ukraine’s cent increase in the government budget. voters have seen their TV screens, mail- so-called “Orange Revolution”). In other Last week, Corbyn doubled down, with boxes and newsfeeds fill with color.Just countries, green may represent Islamic proposals that would come to more than a like commercial brands, political parties parties rather than environmental ones. hundred and thirty billion pounds a year. know that using a single, bold shade can And while brown has longstanding links to There was truly something for everyone: make them easier to recognize -- whether Nazi groups, it also features prominently in thirty hours a week of free child care for that’s out on the campaign trail or checking the logo of the Marijuana Party of Canada. two- to four-year-olds; more nurses for the the latest polls. Even the simple idea that blue and N.H.S.; a hefty increase in the minimum If the last election is anything to go by, red represent right and left-wing parties, wage; more generous pensions and a halt to the blue of the ruling Conservatives will respectively, is inconsistent. In the US, a rising retirement age; free college (again); go head-to-head with the red of Labour. Democrats are blue while the more con- free fibre-optic broadband; free music Yellow and orange (the Scottish National servative Republicans are red (though lessons for children; a “green industrial Party and Liberal Democrats, respective- before the 1988 presidential election, TV second-places. general election. Corbyn is more your guy for a rally or a revolution,” promising a million new jobs; ly) will likely make up the race for third. networks often did the opposite, and the Yet, there is consensus among pollsters, “Our achilles heel is in our communi- picket line, or a chat at the bus stop. This partial re-nationalization of the nation’s Elsewhere, the British political system current notion of “red states” and “blue political scientists and statisticians that ties, in what’s known as our heartlands, hasn’t always counted against him. In the railways, post office, and energy suppliers; offers a veritable kaleidoscope of differing states” only came into common parlance MRP is the best available election-fore- that voted leave and are not quite sure spring of 2017, Theresa May, who was every and a reinstatement of trade-union rights. -- and sometimes duplicate -- colors. The until the 2000 presidential run-off). casting tool for estimating at scale what yet whether they will give their vote to inch an orthodox Prime Minister, gambled “Ignore the wealthy and powerful who newly formed Brexit Party uses turquoise, Of course the irony, in both the US is happening in individual seats. Labour,” he said. that she could crush Corbyn in a general tell you that’s not possible. The future Change UK has opted for black and white, and Britain, is that despite the color-cod- The core challenge of modelling how “If we can engage people listening to election. Early in the campaign, Labour is ours to make, together,” Corbyn said. while Northern Ireland’s Sinn Féin and ed campaigning, when people get to the different people will vote, comes down what’s on offer, what type of Britain and was twenty points behind in the polls. He quoted Pablo Neruda. “You can cut Wales’ Plaid Cymru are represented by polling booths on voting day, the various to which factors — from education to country we want as we go into the future, But Corbyn’s underdog status—combined all the flowers but you cannot keep spring nearly identical shades of green. shades won’t be displayed for their final, ethnicity and past voting records — the then we are on a winner. It’s very much a with some popular left-wing policies, like from coming.” A poll conducted by the BBC is pro- crucial decision -- that’s because the ballot model-builders allow into their calcula- question of how we do that, whilst at the nationalizing the railways and providing In the mouth of a different candi- jected on to Big Ben at the moment voting papers are printed in black and white. tions. Another issue — one that thwarted same time tackling the very real issues free college tuition, which seemed both date—an Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, or finished for the 2010 general election. UK election: the tactical some pollsters in 2015 and 2017 — was we’ve got over Brexit and with Jeremy radical and achievable—turned him into an Elizabeth Warren—Corbyn’s agenda Although the older, established par- fight to beat Boris Johnson modelling turnout. “The people who are in some places.” a low-risk, feel-good alternative for many could sound very different, even trans- ties trace these associations back to their As Fainancial Times reported, When very hard to poll are also very unlikely to Some Labour candidates fear the party’s voters. There was a chant, “Oh, Jeremy formative. Labour’s plans are meant to foundation, the importance of color in pollsters asked voters in Finchley and Gold- vote,” says Mr Lauderdale, “so you end up blizzard of generous spending pledges, Corbyn,” to the tune of “Seven Nation address inequality and to undertake a campaigning blossomed with the advent of ers Green in early October how they would missing out on parts of the population that the most recent being a 30% cut in rail Army,” by the White Stripes. There was British equivalent of the Green New Deal. new technology and advertising between vote in a possible general election, 41 per don’t vote and don’t show up in the poll.” season ticket prices, are raising questions a Stormzy meme. Corbyn is relatable; he Even Corbyn’s much-derided Brexit pol- the 1950s and 1970s, explained Dominic cent backed the Liberal Democrats ahead These decisions on factors can influence among some voters about whether they seems to care. May was stilted and dour. icy—negotiate yet another deal and put Wring, a professor of political communica- of 29 per cent for the ruling Conservative the shape of the electoral results map that could be delivered. Labour gained thirty seats and the elec- it to the British public for a vote—isn’t tion at the UK’s Loughborough University. party. Labour trailed in a distant third. each model generates, and there are early At a press conference last week, Corbyn tion ended in a hung Parliament. May’s much crazier than Johnson’s promise to “The advertising industry itself un- The constituency — a Conservative-held signs that some of the models circulating produced 451 pages of uncensored docu- authority—and her command of Brexit— secure a new trade deal with the E.U. by derwent a change around the introduc- marginal seat in north London — has been in public are falling into the trap of pro- ments, which showed that between July never recovered. the end of 2020. But the messenger mat- tion of color television, so, increasingly, shared in recent elections by the two main ducing unnatural swings in vote share 2017 and July 2019, senior UK and US Since Johnson called an election, last ters, and Corbyn is Corbyn. He and John colors and more ambitious or innovative UK parties. But the internal Lib Dem polling between parties. trade officials discussed the NHS, drug pat- month, the question has been whether McDonnell, Labour’s shadow Chancellor designs became quite significant,” he said appeared to vindicate the decision to par- “This can happen if you have a model ents, the pharmaceutical industry, health Corbyn and Labour can pull off a similar and the architect of its economic policies, in a phone interview, adding that, during achute in Luciana Berger as the party’s that is failing to capture the ways that insurance and medical devices as part of performance. But the past two years have are veterans of strikes and internecine this time, “parties began to simplify their candidate. The former Labour MP quit Labour voters in really Labour places are the post-Brexit trade deal. been awful for almost every well-known Labour disputes about wealth creation messaging.” the party in February over its failure to different from Labour voters in places that Experts have warned that the docu- British politician, caught up in the inertia and the role of the state that go back to the Beyond simple brand recognition, address anti-Semitism within its ranks. were less Labour,” says Mr Lauderdale. ments show the US wants the UK to rip and viciousness of Brexit. When I wrote early seventies. Unfairly or not, whenever certain colors have long been associated Finchley and Golders Green, which voted “That’s not to say it’s not happening, but up the way it sets drug prices – potentially a profile of Corbyn, shortly before the Corbyn speaks about setting up a new with various values and ideologies. Yellow, overwhelmingly to remain in the EU at it’s probably not happening to that extent.” leading to billions of pounds a year in Brexit vote, he was still riding a bicycle “National Education Service” for adult for instance, is often linked to liberalism, the Brexit referendum, has the largest UK election: halt US trade added costs for the NHS. to appointments and knocking around in learning, or bringing utility companies while black has traditionally represented Jewish population of any seat in the UK. talks until NHS off table, Corbyn Can Jeremy Corbyn Lose the mismatched jackets and pants. These days, into public ownership, he evokes an age anarchism or fascism -- especially in Brit- Yet five weeks later, by which time the tells Johnson British Election and Still Win? he is mostly crammed into a dark-blue of high taxation, inefficient bureaucracy, ain, where followers of the British Union election had been called, a second survey, As Guardian reported, Jeremy Corbyn But The New Yorker reported that ritish suit. Since the spring, he has worn a pair and national stagnation. of Fascists in the 1920s and 1930s were conducted by a different pollster, Deltapoll has urged the prime minister to break off politicians tend to avoid December elec- of corrective glasses for muscle tiredness “These are vast numbers, enormous, known as “Blackshirts.” for The Observer newspaper, asked 500 trade talks with Donald Trump until any tions. Darkness falls early, the weather is in his right eye. One of Corbyn’s telling colossal,” Paul Johnson, the director of Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn constituents the same question. This time reference to pharmaceuticals is struck out bad, and optimism is hard to come by. The characteristics is his seeming passiveness, the independent Institute for Fiscal Stud- wears a red tie to deliver a speech in North- the Conservatives led on 46 per cent, the of Washington’s negotiating objectives. last one was in 1923, when the recently his tendency to shrink at vital moments. ies, said, of Labour’s declared spending ampton, England. Berger campaign had slipped to 32 per As the US president prepared to fly in installed Conservative Prime Minister, Earlier this month, at a campaign stop plans. Johnson described Corbyn’s claim Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn cent and Labour was even further behind. on Monday evening to attend the Nato Stanley Baldwin, called an election four in Blackpool, in the north of England, that its policies could be funded by tax wears a red tie to deliver a speech in The two polls graphically illustrate the summit alongside other world leaders, years earlier than necessary, in order to John Crace, the Guardian’s parliamenta- increases on the richest five per cent of Northampton, England. Credit: Darren huge uncertainty surrounding next week’s Corbyn wrote to Boris Johnson to urge rally the country behind a contentious ry sketch-writer, was struck by Corbyn’s the population as “simply not credible.” Staples/Getty Images British general election. They highlight the him to give fresh reassurances about NHS trade policy that he was pursuing. It was a lifelessness. “He could barely keep his Beyond the economy, the inclusiveness For the Labour Party, the use of red volatility of the electorate — the 17-point privatisation. terrible idea. The Conservatives lost power eyes open as he introduced a showcase of Labour’s policies—toward migrants, was a natural choice for a group allied gain for the Conservatives between two The Labour leader has repeatedly ac- and the Labour Party formed a government programme for lifelong education that disabled people, and other minorities— with trade unions, social democrats and surveys just five weeks apart is unprece- cused the prime minister of preparing to for the first time. In theory, it’s not hard should be at the heart of his party’s man- is undermined by Corbyn’s continuing democratic socialists. Since the French dented — in a campaign which has been sell off the NHS, and Labour activists at to imagine something similar happening ifesto,” Crace wrote. “It was almost as if failure to disentangle anti-Semitism Revolution, the color has been widely dominated by Brexit and the breakdown recent rallies have taken up a chorus of to Boris Johnson, on December 12th. Like he was punch-drunk. Years of being the from the Party’s left-wing turn under associated with left-wing politics, sym- in traditional party loyalties it has created. “Not for sale! Not for sale!” Baldwin, Johnson wants the upcoming underdog, of disproving the doubters, of his leadership. Earlier this month, two bolizing the blood of workers who died They also help explain why tactical vot- Johnson has described Labour’s claims contest to have a single focus—his Brexit always bouncing back, have finally taken Labour parliamentary candidates were in the struggle against their oppressors. ing is set to be one of the decisive factors as “total nonsense”. But in the letter, sent deal—but he and the Tories have other their toll. Now it looked as if he had had forced to withdraw from the election, Upon Labour’s inception at the begin- in the election. The latest polls indicate on Monday, Corbyn called on him to take things to answer for. enough.” In recent weeks, most national one for using the term “Shylock” during ning of the 20th century, the party used the Conservatives could be on track for a a series of concrete steps to show he is Conservative Prime Ministers have led polls have had the Conservatives ahead by a council meeting, the other for claiming a red flag as its official logo. “The color is majority because the party has managed serious.These include bringing all services Britain since 2010. During that time, the at least ten per cent. On November 14th, that allegations of anti-Semitism within central and symbolic to the labor move- to consolidate a large section of voters who back in-house; repealing the Health and Party’s signature policy has been a pro- John Curtice, a professor at the University Labour were “orchestrated by the wealthy ment, and has been since that period,” supported leaving the EU in 2016 behind Social Care Act, and suspending trade talks gram of austerity that has protected the of Strathclyde who is regarded as Britain’s establishment.” This week, Britain’s chief said Wring, noting that the party logo has its “Get Brexit Done” sloganeering. The until Washington changes its negotiating country’s finances at an immense human preëminent polling expert, described the rabbi, Ephraim Mirvis, described the anx- since changed to a red rose. final result, however, could depend on objectives. cost. Crime has risen, schools have suf- chances of Labour winning a majority in iety felt by many Jews about the prospect The Conservative Party, meanwhile, has whether Remain supporters, armed with Corbyn says Johnson should decline fered, and poverty is increasing. Patients December as “as close to zero as one can of Corbyn becoming Prime Minister. “A historically adopted all the colors of the opinion poll data, will vote tactically for to press ahead with talks on a bilateral arriving in the emergency rooms of the safely say.” While Johnson’s net approval new poison—sanctioned from the top—has United Kingdom’s flag -- red white and blue the party most likely to beat the Conserv- trade deal unless Trump excludes any National Health Service are facing the rating hovers around zero, Corbyn’s is taken root in the Labour Party,” he wrote in -- in order, perhaps, to promote itself as a ative party led by Prime Minister Boris reference to pharmaceuticals from US longest waiting times since 2004. Aver- minus sixty. the Times of London, warning voters that defender of British values. Of those three Johnson — which in most constituencies negotiating plans and accept the role of age wages in Britain, unlike in the U.S., Last week, I went to Birmingham to see the “the very soul of our nation is at stake.” colors, an ultramarine blue emerged as its is either Labour or the Lib Dems. the regulator – the National Institute for are yet to recover to their level before the Corbyn launch the Labour Party’s election Whenever Corbyn is challenged about the predominant shade (though the party’s Yet its 2017 success has given a sense Health and Care Excellence (NICE) in financial crisis. And that’s before you even manifesto. The event took place in the most troubling aspect of his record, he current tree logo is a paler shade than of infallibility to MRP that its record else- setting drugs prices. get to the soul-grinding shit show that is atrium of a faculty building at Birmingham adopts a more or less rote response. He some of its predecessors). Traditionally where doesn’t necessarily warrant. You- Washington’s negotiating objectives, Brexit, which has been a Tory production City University, overlooking a construc- raises his voice and declares angrily that the most expensive color to produce, blue Gov was not the only pollster using MRP a public document, include the demand from start to finish, except that it hasn’t tion site for HS2—an eighty-billion-pound the scourge of racism and anti-Semitism has long held connotations of wealth and in 2017 — the other, Michael Ashcroft’s that “state-owned enterprises” should finished yet. Under vaguely normal political high-speed-rail project championed by is unacceptable in all walks of life. And conservatism. company, forecast a hefty 64-seat Tory “accord non-discriminatory treatment conditions, the Conservatives wouldn’t the Conservatives. Unlike May, who was then it happens again. British Prime Minister, Boris John- majority. with respect to the purchase and sale of stand a chance in next month’s election. fiscally cautious, Johnson is promising During Corbyn’s first months as leader son, delivers his keynote speech at the Outside the UK, MRP polling has been goods and services”. Johnson has his talents but he is hardly voters both tax cuts and higher public of the Labour Party, people in Westminster Conservative Party Conference. most accurate in strict two-party systems It also calls for “full market access for a flawless candidate. It might not tell you spending, which gives the campaign the used to compare him to Chauncey Gar- Among the smaller parties, color where the link between politics and de- US products”, for what it calls “government everything about a Prime Minister if he feel of competing Christmas lists, after diner, a character in the 1979 film “Being choices have sometimes been relatively mographics tends to be neater, but unlike regulatory reimbursement regimes” for won’t tell you how many children he has, years of gruel. Corbyn appeared on the There,” in which a homely gardener (played straightforward -- the Green Party uses the UK where several parties from the Lib pharmaceuticals and medical devices. but it must tell you something. Last week, stage, which was decked out in clashing by Peter Sellers) is almost accidentally green, unsurprisingly, due to its obvious Dems to the Brexit party who could all Trump’s public appearances during during the first televised debate of the pinks and reds, just after 11 a.m. Students elevated to the U.S. Presidency. He was a connections with environmentalism. Oth- have an outsized impact on the outcome. his visit will be scrutinised closely for campaign, Johnson was asked whether peered down from the floors above and he blank, seemingly genial man on whom it ers have been more pragmatic. Take the “MRP won’t work as well for smaller any comments about a future trade deal. the truth mattered. “I think it does,” he raised two thumbs up to greet them. At was possible to project all kinds of things. Liberal Democrats’ orange, for instance, parties,” says Kevin Cunningham, an in- When he and Johnson met at the Biarritz replied. “I think it’s very important.” The his best, Corbyn is personable and direct, In the past four years, the public sense of which emerged from the combination of dependent political statistician who built G7 meeting in August, the US president audience burst out laughing. possessed of moral certainty. He held up a Corbyn has narrowed, while the scale of the two parties it was created from: the one of the MRP models being used in the lavished praise on Johnson, saying: “I’ve But these are not vaguely normal condi- copy of the Labour manifesto, a red booklet his job has grown. Holding together the Liberal Party (yellow) and the Social 2019 election. “A party on 15 per cent may been saying it for a long time: he’s the right tions. Johnson’s main opponent is Jeremy marked with “For the Many, Not the Few,” Labour vote in Britain—and growing it Democratic Party (then associated with not even appear [among the respondents] man for the job.” He has also criticised Corbyn, the leader of the Labour Party. the Party’s slogan under his leadership. sufficiently to dislodge the Conserva- the red of Labour, which it broke away in many constituencies.” Corbyn in the past.Labour hopes switching Since he was elected to the post, four years “Labour’s manifesto is a manifesto for tives—is not dissimilar from the challenge from in the early 1980s). This imprecision is clear in the MRP the debate back to the NHS will help it to ago, Corbyn, a seventy-year-old socialist hope,” Corbyn told the audience. “But facing the Democratic Party, as it tries Yet for the Liberal Democrats -- the models that are circulating. YouGov’s persuade traditional supporters to stick Member of Parliament, has remained al- you can’t have it.” He paused for effect. to muster a coalition to defeat Donald UK’s third largest party until the 2015 model estimates that the Lib Dems are with the party. most uniquely unimaginable as a British “At least, that’s what the most powerful Trump in 2020. The Party is increasingly election -- the color orange had another running in second place in 117 constitu- The Unite general secretary, Len Mc- Prime Minister. Most voters look at Corbyn people in Britain and their supporters torn between its younger, more diverse benefit: it was otherwise unclaimed. With encies, but another model, carried out Cluskey, acknowledged in an interview and simply can’t picture him doing the want you to believe.” urban voters and its traditional work- the Scottish National Party growing in by data analytics company FocalData with HuffPost on Monday that Labour-held things that Prime Ministers do: living in To take on Johnson’s Conservatives— ing-class base, in the Midlands and the prominence in the 1970s, switching from on behalf of pro-Remain tactical voting seats across the Midlands and the north Downing Street, hobnobbing with the who raised £5.67 million in the first week North. The Brexit vote made Labour’s a clashing yellow made it easier for the Lib site Best for Britain, gives them only 96 were the party’s “achilles heel” at this Queen, taking charge in an emergency. of the election campaign, twenty-six times internal tensions explicit. 11 I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 8 ADVERTISEMENTS DECEMBER 5, 2019

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NASA delays Boeing Starliner test flight Satellite broken? Smart satellites to the rescue to ISS due to rocket issue When satellites break, which is surprisingly often, there isn’t Delays are pretty much the norm for complex Boeing is hoping to prove Starliner’s much you can do about them. space missions. NASA announced on Tuesday space-worthiness with this Orbital Flight They become expensive and dangerous flotsam, orbiting that the upcoming launch of Boeing’s uncrewed Test before launching actual astronauts to Earth for years or generations until gravity eventually draws Starliner to the International Space Station the ISS, likely in 2020. NASA contracted them to a fiery death in the atmosphere.? University of Cincin- has been pushed back to Dec. 19. with both Boeing and SpaceX through the nati professor Ou Ma is engineering robotics technology to fix The delay is due to a “purge air supply” Commercial Crew Program to bring ISS orbiting satellites in his Intelligent Robotics and Autonomous issue with United Launch Alliance’s Atlas V astronaut launches back to US soil for Systems Lab. He envisions robotic satellites that can dock with rocket, NASA said. the first time since the end of the Space other satellites for repairs or refueling. ULA issued an update on Tuesday saying, Shuttle era in 2011. “Additional time was needed for the ULA NASA intends to end its reliance on Russian and Boeing teams to complete an analysis Soyuz spacecraft, but the crew program has of the issue, replace the duct and complete seen a string of delays. NASA and SpaceX processing ahead of launch.” still hope to launch astronauts to the ISS in a The two-day delay is minor compared Crew Dragon capsule in early 2020, but that with some of the rescheduled launch dates launch depends on Crew Dragon passing a we’ve seen already. The test flight was series of safety tests. originally set to happen as early as March Boeing’s upcoming flight test will mark 2019. “Both the rocket and the spacecraft a major milestone for the program if it is are healthy and moving through standard successful. We just have to wait a couple pre-launch processing,” Boeing Space said of extra days. in a tweet. (Source: msn)

The most useful repair satellite will be able to complete multiple tasks, Ma said. During his career, he has worked on various pro- Hubble spots two galaxies rubbing off on each other jects relating to the robotic arms aboard the International Space Size is always relative, and that’s especially true when it many millions of light-years, their respective gravitational Station and the former space shuttle program. His signature is comes to outer space. We’re tiny creatures, so we think of pulls are acting on the other. floating in orbit on a piece of equipment aboard the space station. the Earth as this incredibly large thing, with our solar system As you can see in the image released by the ESA and In his lab, Ma and UC senior research associate Anoop Sathyan being almost impossibly large. The size of our home galaxy, NASA, material from both galaxies has begun to drift into are developing robotic networks that can work independently the Milky Way, is hard to wrap our heads around, so when space between the pair. This appears as a bluish haze in the but collaboratively on a common task. we peer into space and spot a pair of galaxies cuddling up image, and it’s made of various clouds of dust and gasses For their latest study, Ma and Sathyan put a group of robots to close to each other it’s a difficult thing to grasp. that are being pulled back and forth. the test with a novel game that uses strings to move an attached In this image captured by the Hubble Space Telescope, the Our own Milky Way is actually going to eventually interact token to a designated spot on a table. cosmic feature known as Arp 293 is presented in gorgeous with a neighboring galaxy itself. Right now, as you sit and Since the robots each control just one string, they need the detail. Arp 293 is actually two separate galaxies that have read this, our home galaxy is on a course to collide with other robots’ cooperation to move the token to the right spot by drifted so close to one another that they’ve begun to share the larger galaxy known as Andromeda. While this might increasing or relaxing tension on the string in response to each some of their material. sound scary, the huge space between stars in both galaxies robot’s actions. The two galaxies that makeup Arp 293 are NGC 6285 means that the likelihood of collisions between stars will Using an artificial intelligence called genetic fuzzy logic, the (on the left in the image) and NGC 6286 (on the right). be very small. On top of that, the actual merger won’t take researchers were able to get three robots and then five robots to From our point of view, they’re sitting virtually side-by-side. place for another 4.5 billion years or so, so it’s really not move the token where the researchers wanted. They’re far closer to one another than many galaxies we can worth worrying about. Their results were published this month in the journal Robotica. observe from Earth, and while they’re still separated by (Source: msn) The researchers found that by using five robots, the collective could accomplish the task even if one of the robots malfunctioned. “This will be especially true for problems with larger numbers SpaceX’s 19th cargo launch will carry New silicon device converts blue of robots where the liability of an individual robot will be low,” the researchers concluded. high-tech toolbox for spacewalks photons into red photons Ma said a million things can go wrong with every satellite launch. But for most of those glitches, nothing can be done once the satellite is deployed. A $400 million Intelsat satellite the size of a small school bus malfunctioned this year after reaching a high elliptical orbit, according to SpaceNews. A few of the first 60 Starlink satellites launched by SpaceX malfunctioned as well this year, but their low Earth orbit is designed to decay to oblivion in just a few years. Perhaps the most famous satellite glitch of all time occurred in 1990 when the Hubble Space Telescope was deployed only for NASA to learn its pricy mirror was warped. A subsequent repair mission aboard the space shuttle Endeavor in 1993 replaced the mirror to provide astonishing images of the universe. Sending humans to space for satellite repairs is prohibitively expensive, Ma said. Four subsequent Hubble service missions costing billions of dollars combined were performed by astronauts from the space shuttle. Faulty satellites have dogged most international space programs from Japan to Russia. The problem isn’t limited to Earth orbit. In 1999, a NASA orbiter crashed into Mars because engineers used pounds instead of metric newtons in thruster software. The thrusters fired with four times less force than anticipated and the spacecraft’s orbit was critically low. “The purpose is to protect sensitive Scientists have long considered the By Paul Brinkmann By Brooks Hays The inability to repair satellites becomes a more pressing tools and make them more accessible possibility of pairing silicon with organic, concern with every launch, Ma said. SpaceX plans to launch its 19th cargo and easier to use,” Mark Neuman, RiTS Researchers have developed a new hybrid carbon-based molecules, but attempts to “Big commercial satellites are costly. They run out of fuel mission to the International Space Station project manager for Northrop Grumman. device — pairing silicon with organic, layer the two materials failed to yield the or malfunction or break down,” Ma said. “They would like to , carrying 5,700 pounds of supplies, “The Japanese airlock for equipment is carbon-based molecules — that can “spin-triplet exciton transfer” needed to be able to go up there and fix it, but nowadays it’s impossible.” experiments and a new high-tech toolbox very popular, very busy.” convert blue photons into red photons, convert blue and green light into red. NASA is hoping to change that. In 2022, the agency will launch that will keep robotic equipment ready Two robotic leak detectors will be paving the way for more efficient solar For the new device, described this a satellite capable of refueling other satellites in low Earth orbit. for spacewalks. stored in the toolbox, for example. The energy conversion. week in the journal Science Advances, The goal is to intercept and refuel a U.S. government satellite. The NASA said the mission will carry a leak detectors have mass spectrometers Silicon’s electronic properties researchers used tiny chemical wires to project called Restore-L is expected to provide proof of concept hyperspectral imaging system for the that can find leaks from the space station, make it a popular choice for a variety of link silicon nanocrystals and anthracene for autonomous satellite repairs, NASA said. Japanese government capable of scanning NASA officials said. technologies. The material, one of Earth’s molecules, enabling the novel form of A Colorado company called Maxar is providing the spacecraft the Earth’s surface for types of geologic The leak detectors until now have most abundant, is used to make everything energy transfer. infrastructure and robotic arms for the project. processes in mineral and oil resource required 12 hours of preparation time in from semiconductors to solar cells. But silicon “The challenge has been getting pairs Most satellites fall into disuse because they exhaust their sup- exploration. space, once brought through airlocks, to isn’t great at turning light into electricity. of excited electrons out of these organic ply of fuel — not from a critical malfunction, said John Lymer, Liftoff is planned for 12:51 p.m. from be usable. While silicon can convert red photons materials and into silicon. It can’t be done chief roboticist for Maxar. Refueling alone would be a boon for Launch Complex 40 at Cape Canaveral Neuman said the toolbox might stow into electricity just fine, its attempts to just by depositing one on top of the other,” the industry, he said. Air Force Station, Fla.. The Air Force camera inspection equipment, wire cutters convert blue photons, which carry twice Roberts said. “It takes building a new “You’re retiring a perfectly good satellite because it ran out said weather is 90 percent favorable for or other robotic equipment in the future. as much energy as red photons, yields type of chemical interface between the of gas,” he said. Lymer said he’s familiar with the work Ma is launch, with a backup date Thursday, if The tool stowage assembly was developed mostly wasted thermal energy. silicon and this material to allow them doing in his Intelligent Robotics and Autonomous Systems Lab. needed. Launches to the space station have at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in For the new device, engineers paired to electronically communicate.” “Ou Ma, who I’ve worked with for many years, works on rendez- instantaneous launch windows to catch Greenbelt, Md., in partnership with NASA’s silicon with a carbon-based material called Scientists studied the efficacy of their vous and proximity organization. There are all kinds of technical the station in orbit. Johnson Space Center in Houston. anthracene that converts blue photons new wire links using laser imaging. The solutions out there. Some will be better than others. It’s about There is, however, a risk of strong Experiments also doubling as marketing into red photons, which the silicon can observations showed the interface getting operational experience to find out whose algorithms are upper level winds, Air Force and SpaceX efforts that are being sent to the space station more easily convert into electricity. enables 90 percent of the energy to move better and what reduces operational risk the most.” officials said. include Anheuser-Busch launching more The device can work in reverse, too, between the silicon nanocrystals and Lymer said the industry is poised to take off, creating a boon “If we look at the predictions, we think than 3,500 barley seeds. Twenty seeds will which could prove useful to medical anthracene molecules. for aerospace engineering students like those at UC. we are OK,” said Jessica Jensen, a mission be sprouted or grown out. The beer giant imaging and quantum technologies. Researchers suggest the breakthrough “I think it’s the future. We’re going to crawl into it — not management director with SpaceX. “We said in 2017 that it wants to be the first “The organic molecule we’ve paired could enable the production of miniature leap,” he said. launch data balloons to measure actual beer on Mars. silicon with is a type of carbon ash called electronics, as well as enable applications In Ma’s lab, students are working on the automated navigation winds. We won’t know until tomorrow.” The mission is to launch on a new Falcon anthracene. It’s basically soot,” lead in medicine, bioimaging and solar cell that satellites will need to dock with other satellites in space. It’s NASA has names the new toolbox 9 rocket that hasn’t been used. Many recent researcher Sean Roberts, an assistant technologies. tricky business since an inadvertent bump in zero gravity can Robotic Tool Stowage Assembly, or SpaceX launches have employed reused professor of chemistry at the University “The novelty is really how to get the send one or both vehicles tumbling. RiTS, and nicknamed it a “Robot Hotel” rockets. The Dragon capsule that will carry of Texas, said in a news release. “We now two parts of this structure — the organic “It’s easy to make it tumble in space because nothing holds because it will store robotic equipment in the cargo previously flew on SpaceX’s CRS- can finely tune this material to react to molecules and the quantum confined it. Then the satellite becomes even more difficult to grab. If it ideal conditions, outside the station. That 6 and CRS-11. different wavelengths of light. Imagine, silicon nanocrystals — to work together,” starts to tumble, it can tumble forever basically. It won’t stop will mean such equipment will be in tip- In January, the capsule is scheduled to for quantum computing, being able to said Lorenzo Mangolini, an associate on its own,” Ma said. top shape for spacewalks, but it will also re-enter Earth’s atmosphere and splash tweak and optimize a material to turn one professor of mechanical engineering at Engineering simulations can predict the dynamic behavior free up room inside the station and avoid down in the Pacific Ocean off the coast blue photon into two red photons or two the University of California, Riverside. of a target satellite so an approaching satellite can safely arrest the need to carry such tools through the of Baja California with 3,600 pounds of red photons into one blue. It’s perfect for “We are the first group to really put the it, he said. equipment airlocks. return cargo. information storage.” two together.” “We have simulation tools so from there we can accurately predict its behavior,” he said. “To grab something in space is really difficult. And grabbing India’s crashed Vikram Moon lander spotted on lunar surface something that’s tumbling in space is even more difficult.” A NASA satellite orbiting the Moon has found India’s search it for signs of the lander. and the first on the lunar south pole. Time is of the essence. With every launch and every failed Vikram lander, which crashed on the lunar surface in It added that a person named Shanmuga Subramanian The main spacecraft, which remains in orbit around satellite, low Earth orbit is approaching the Kessler effect, the September, the US space agency said on Monday. contacted the LRO project with a positive identification the Moon, dropped the unmanned lander Vikram for a theory by Donald Kessler that satellite collisions could create NASA released an image taken by its Lunar Reconnaissance of debris – with the first piece found about 750 meters descent that would take five days, but the probe went a cascade of debris hampering the safety of future launches as Orbiter (LRO) that showed the site of the spacecraft’s impact north-west of the main crash site. silent just 2.1km above the surface. depicted in the fictional 2013 Oscar-winning film “Gravity.” and associated debris field, with parts scattered over almost Blasting off in July, emerging Asian giant India had Days after the failed landing, the Indian Space Research “Think of the speed of these objects. We’re not talking about two dozen locations spanning several kilometers. hoped with its Chandrayaan-2 (“Moon vehicle 2”) mission Organization said it had located the lander, but had not highway speed or even aircraft speed. They’re traveling at 17,000 In a statement, NASA said it had released a mosaic to become just the fourth country after the US, Russia and been able to establish communication. mph,” Ma said. image of the site on 26 September, inviting the public to regional rival China to make a successful Moon landing, (Source: The Guardian) (Source: Science Daily) I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 10 HERITAGE & TOURISM DECEMBER 5, 2019

International arrivals in Iran Tehran, Tashkent discuss enhanced reach 6.7 million since March

TOURISM TEHRAN — Some 6.7 million foreign desknationals have visited Iran since the be- tourism, cultural heritage co-op ginning of the current Iranian calendar year (March 21), IRNA reported. TOURISM TEHRAN — Iran’s tour- “We are interested in using Iranian ex- “Since the beginning of this year, 6.7 million foreign deskism minister Ali-Asghar pertise for restoring monuments, but in nationals holding visas have arrived in the country,” said Mounesan and Uzbekistan’s ambassador in this regard an agreement must be signed Mojtaba Karimi who presides over Foreign Ministry’s visa Tehran Bakhodir Abdullaev exchanged views by authorities of the two countries.” and passport department. to strengthen mutual ties in the arenas of The Islamic republic hosted a record high tourism, cultural heritage, and handicrafts. of nearly 600,000 medical travelers during In a meeting in Tehran on Tuesday, the first four months of the current Iranian Mounesan invited Uzbekistan to attend calendar year (March 21-July 21), nearly Tehran International Tourism Exhibition, equal to the figure for the whole past year, which is scheduled to be held in February according to an Iranian association for the 2020, ILNA reported. health tourism promotion. He urged the need for holding various Many domestic experts say that medical meetings between Iranian and Uzbek travel tourism in Iran produces win-win outcomes businesses, saying, “To increase cooperation as the country yields considerable bene- in the field of tourism, it is necessary to hold fits to international health-care seekers, face-to-face meetings between Iranian and offering affordable yet quality treatment Uzbek tourism companies, which can take services. The country has set its goals to place on the sidelines of the Tehran Inter- exceed its yearly medical travelers to around national Tourism Exhibition.” 2 million in [calendar year] 1404 (March “Holding joint museum exhibitions with 2025-March 2026). different countries are on the agenda of Back in September, the World Economic this ministry. Given the cultural richness Forum (WEF) ranked Iran first in the world of Iranian museums, we are ready to hold as a pocket-friendly destination. “Iran ranks He made the remarks in a two-day national conference a joint museum exhibit between Iran and 1st globally [in the category of Price Com- on ecotourism which kicked off in the city of Mashhad on Uzbekistan.” petitiveness], thanks to low ticket taxes and Wednesday. Talking on health and medical tourism, airport charges (7th), fuel prices (5th) and Iran welcomed some 7.8 million foreign nationals last the Iranian minister added that Uzbek health high purchasing power (5th).” Iran’s tourism minister Ali-Asghar Mounesan (R) meets with Uzbekistan’s year, achieving 52.5 percent increase year on year. Ac- travelers can choose Iran as their destination The Islamic Republic boasts hundreds of ambassador in Tehran Bakhodir Abdullaev at the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, cording to the World Travel & Tourism Council, Iraq was as it is one of the most advanced countries historical sites such as bazaars, museums, Tourism and Handicrafts, December 3, 2019. the main source of tourism for Iran in 2018, constituting in this regard and patients can enjoy advan- mosques, bridges, bathhouses, madrasas, 24% of all inbound visitors. Azerbaijan with (17%), Turkey tages such as pocket-friendly costs, high Abdullaev for his part welcomed and handicrafts within the framework of mausoleums, churches, towers, and man- (8%), Pakistan (4%) and Bahrain (2%) constituted other quality services, close distance as well as Mounesan’s proposals, expressing hope setting up a joint economic committee by sions, of which 22 being inscribed on the major sources while the remaining 46% came from the experienced medical staff. to deepen ties in tourism, cultural heritage the two countries. UNESCO World Heritage list. rest of the world. Chabahar to host IORA tourism ministers’ meeting Disney announces New TOURISM TEHRAN — Tourism ministers from the various measures have been taken to promote Iran’s sole Wars hotel to open in 2021 deskIndian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) oceanic port as a safe and hospitable choice for both do- will come together in Iran’s port city of Chabahar in the mestic and foreign visitors. This is the vacation Star Wars fans have been looking for. next Iranian calendar year (March 2020-March 2021), The province was long shunned by potential foreign Soon, guests will be able to take the ultimate trip to a galaxy CHTN reported on Tuesday. travelers though it is home to several distinctive archaeo- far, far away aboard Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser—aka “The first meeting of tourism ministers of the coun- logical sites and natural attractions, including two UNESCO Walt Disney World’s new Star Wars hotel. tries bordering the Indian Ocean will be held in Chabahar World Heritage sites, namely Shahr-e-Soukhteh (Burnt City) Dubbed a “space cruise,” this experience is more than [in Sistan-Baluchestan province] next year,” provincial and Lut desert, shared between it and Kerman province. just a hotel, it’s a two-night itinerary that fully immerses tourism chief Alireza Jalalzaei said without mentioning For mainstream Iranians, the name of Sistan-Baluch- travelers in their own Star Wars Story. the exact date of the event. estan conjures up stories of drought, desiccated wetlands And we’ve just learned that these space cruises will begin In addition to tourism and business, the summit is and dust storms. In the international scale foreigners taking flight in 2021. aimed to explore social interactions that could bring to- may consider it a reminiscent of the big red blot on the Similar to a traditional cruise, intergalactic travelers will gether various cultures of the Indian Ocean states, he Iran safety map. all arrive together to the terminal, near Disney’s Hollywood official explained. Established in 1997, the Indian Ocean Rim Associa- Studios, on their departure day. So the story goes, your Iran is connected with some one third of the world’s tion is a dynamic inter-governmental organization aimed population, which are members of the IORA through Sis- at strengthening regional cooperation and sustainable space cruiser, the Halcyon, is much too big to land on any Holidaymakers hike across a desert route in Sistan-Bal- tan-Baluchestan, he noted, adding that such a capacity will development within the Indian Ocean region through planet, so guests will have to blast off in a launch pod to uchestan province, southeast Iran. reach the ship. On your way, you’ll see stars zooming by be a good opportunity for the province to attract travelers its 22 Member States and 9 Dialogue Partners. Home to before attaching to the Halcyon. from the association’s member states. mental image of Sistan-Baluchestan has been changed.” nearly 2.7 billion people, Member States, whose shores Enter the atrium through whooshing “Star Wars doors,” Elsewhere in his remarks, Jalalzaei pointed to significant Having a number of distinctive natural and historical are washed by the ocean, are including Australia, Bang- and you’ll find droids, aliens, and fellow travelers. You’re changes the province has been embraced in tourism and attractions, Chabahar could be named as one of the most ladesh, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Malaysia, Oman, South also liable to run into some trouble—Kylo Ren and his hospitality sectors over the past couple of years, saying, “The underrated destinations in Iran. However, in recent years Africa, Thailand and Iran. villainous First Order stormtroopers have been known to make their way onto ships like this one. (Source: MSN) Iran tourism: Sector may get huge boost from China in ROUND THE GLOBE defiance of U.S. sanctions Cistercian Abbey of By Palash Ghosh for Chinese visitors in July 2019. That 1 million figure would represent a Fontenay Despite the imposition of U.S. sanctions on huge jump from the 52,000 Chinese who various sectors of its economy, Iran is en- visited Iran in 2018. Located in the Bourgogne Franche-Comte region in the joying something of a boom in its tourism “We believe that the two countries have had Cote-d’Or Department in the commune of Marmagne, industry – with China possibly preparing common cultural and trade communications the Cistercian Abbey of Fontenay was founded in 1119 to play a big role. for a long time. So we should facilitate and by St Bernard in a marshy valley of Bourgogne. With Ali Asghar Mounesan, Iran’s minister improve mutual collaborations, especially its austere architecture, church, cloister, refectory, of cultural heritage, tourism and handi- in the tourism industry,” Teymouri said. sleeping quarters, bakery and its ironworks, it illus- crafts spoke to Chinese officials in Beijing But Mounesan is even more ambitious trates the ideal of self-sufficiency as practiced by the over the weekend to ask them to invest in – he said he hopes the relaxed visa rules earliest communities of Cistercian monks. Iran’s growing tourism industry, citing the eventually helps to attract 2 million or even ever-closer economic ties the two Asian giants 3 million Chinese tourists to Iran annually. are developing. “We believe that the tourism industry is “If Chinese investors agree, we can pro- [capable of] generating more income than the vide them with a parcel of land to invest in oil industry, and that sanctions do not work in the field of construction [and] operation of the tourism sector,” Mounesan said. “So we tourism sites and complexes,” Mounesan told should facilitate and improve mutual collab- an audience that included Chinese Minister orations, especially in the tourism industry.” of Culture and Tourism Luo Shugang. Of course, China already has established Mounesan further said Iran would like deep economic links with Iran’s energy China to engage in research and renovation industry. of ancient Persian monuments -- as Iran Earlier this year, China agreed to invest has similar cultural ties with Germany, File photo shows Chinese citizens in Tehran with Borj-e Azadi “Azadi Tower” in the $400 billion in Iran’s oil and gas, petrochem- background France and Italy. icals, transport and manufacturing sectors Chang Hua, China’s ambassador to Iran, in the next 25 years. Although the U.S. State Department ad- tourist arrivals in 2025 – boosted partly who recently visited Iran’s Golestan province to While U.S. sanctions did lead to a tempo- vises U.S. citizens not to travel to Iran, Afar by the Chinese. discuss the tourism potential of the northeastern rary reduction in Chinese imports of Iranian noted it’s still possible for Americans to get “The development of tourism infrastruc- Iranian region bordering the Caspian Sea, told oil from 2017 to 2018, Chinese companies an entry visa. GeoEx, a high-end luxury tour ture, the considerable volume of investments Built between 1139 and 1147 by Abbot Guillaume the local governor-general Hadi Haqshenas nonetheless received waivers from the bans operator, has been taking travelers to Iran in tourism sector, along with the issuance thanks to the generosity of Ebraud, Bishop of Nor- that “Iran and China are two ancient civiliza- – as a result, Chinese purchases of Iranian since 1993, “making it the longest-operating of electronic visa and visa waiver for target wich, the Abbey of Fontenay was consecrated by tions and have been trading on the Silk Road oil has varied widely. U.S. tour company in Iran.” countries could be considered as the main Pope Eugene III, a Cistercian and former disciple for many years, and we are pleased that these For example, between September 2018 However, partly due to U.S. sanctions, few causes of the growth in foreign travelers,” of St Bernard. This form of Romanesque Cistercian exchanges are increasing day by day.” and August 2019, monthly Chinese imports westerners are travelling to Iran anymore. Mounesan said. church is of great simplicity and strict modesty with Haqshenas noted that with imminent of Iranian crude has ranged from as high as Most tourists to Iran come from neighbor- To prepare for an influx of tourists, 12 its basilica design in the form of a Latin cross, its blind air flight traffic between Gorgan in Iran’s 800,000 barrels per day in April to as low as ing countries. The World Travel & Tourism hotel projects valued at 16 trillion rials nave, and transept devoid of a tower. The perfection Golestan province and Aktau, Kazakhstan, 100,000 barrels per day in August. Council reported that Iraq was the largest ($380 million) have commenced in north- of the proportions, the rigor of the wall openings and “we are ready for the presence of Chinese As for tourism, Iran now has the world’s source of tourism to Iran in 2018, accounting west Iran. These properties are expected the science of the vaultings, the beauty of the wall tourists in the Golestan province.” third fastest growing travel sector, said Afar, for 24% of all visitors. to create a total capacity of 961 beds and masonry which places impeccable courses of ashlar Chang also criticized the sanctions im- a U.S.-based travel magazine, behind only Iraq was followed by Azerbaijan (17%), about 2,000 new jobs. side by side with crude rough-cut rubble constitute posed by the U.S. on Iran. “We have always Tajikistan and Ecuador. Turkey (8%), Pakistan (4%) and Bahrain (2%). Aside from U.S. sanctions, Iran’s repressive the value of this architecture. been opposed to unilateral sanctions and Iran attracted about 7.3 million tourists Indeed, the tiny Arab state of Oman sent government and status as an alleged sponsor The cloister and the chapter house have remained expressed our support for Iran,” he said. in 2018 – a nearly 50% hike from the prior more visitors to Iran (30,000) than did western of terror in other countries has created a very intact and were inspired from the same principles. Haqshenas cited China’s well estab- year. In the first five months of this year, Iran Europe (26,000) during that period. negative image of Iran in many western minds. Within its enclosing wall, the Abbey still retains lished joint venture in the Pakistani port attracted about 4 million foreign tourists, a Teymouri noted the number of Turkish “It is a country that is often portrayed other communal buildings: monks’ day room and of Gwadar, and suggested China and Iran 30% increase from the same period last year. visitors jumped by 35% in just one year – de- as unwelcoming, but the reality is quite the dormitory, warming room, refectory, guest house, could arrange a similar endeavor along the “Thanks to a simpler visa process and spite the continuing turmoil in adjacent Syria. opposite,” said Jenny Gray, the global product bakery and iron works. This last building, dating to coast of the Caspian Sea. a major slide in the value of the Iranian In 2018, Iran’s travel and tourism sector and operations manager of Intrepid Travel the end of the 12th century, recalls the part which the Vali Teymouri, Iran’s deputy director for rial, travel to Iran has grown easier and contributed about 1.16 trillion rials ($8.83 of Australia. “Iranians are warm, friendly Cistercians played in the technological progress of tourism affairs, said he hopes Iran could more affordable for international visitors,” billion) to the economy, or 6.5% of overall and eager to show off their country to for- the Middle Ages, and is one of the oldest industrial attract up to 1 million Chinese tourists per Afar wrote. gross domestic product. eigners. The feedback from our travelers is buildings in France. year, citing that Teheran’s government Indeed, the value of the rial plunged by Under Iran’s “2025 Tourism Vision a testament to this.” (Source: UNESCO) commenced a new visa waiver program about two-thirds against the dollar last year Plan,” the country hopes to reach 20 million (Source: International Business Times) I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y DECEMBER 5, 2019 INTERNATIONAL 11

Moral injury and America’s East Asia at the glance endless conflicts China-Russia natural gas pipeline a great success 6 Essentially, he attempted to draw out the panelists and the audience on what the play was trying to say and how The China-Russia east-route natural gas pipeline that 2,500-year-old story of a warrior’s depression, madness, officially begins service on Monday. This is a major and suicide might connect to their own experience. Listening event in the promoted economic cooperation between to various responses, I found myself thinking that perhaps the Beijing and Moscow and diversifies Russia’s energy main purpose of his, if not Sophocles’s, version was to make exports as well as China’s energy imports. It is an the audience think about what war is. What it really is, not achievement of the China-Russia comprehensive the heroic myth humans have made of it from ancient times strategic partnership of coordination for a new era on. And then I thought, maybe that’s what we’d been talking in the economic and trade field. about for the previous two days. Maybe that’s what moral With a total length of more than 8,000 kilometers, injury is: realizing the true nature of war. the pipeline is the longest natural gas pipeline in the Along with that thought came another, one that first oc- world today. Negotiations alone over the project had cured to me nearly 45 years ago when, as a reporter for the been going on for 18 years. But after that, a fruitful Baltimore Sun, I personally witnessed the disastrous end of result was quickly reached in the following years. the Vietnam War. I’ve believed ever since that covering war Obviously, the process has been encouraged by the from the losing side gave me a truer knowledge of its nature strengthening of China-Russia strategic mutual trust. than I’d have gotten from that or any other war’s winning Once it starts to run at full capacity, the pipeline side. Maybe I should say darker, not truer, since I suppose the will be able to supply 38 billion cubic meters of gas winners’ war is real, too. But whichever word you choose, my annually to China. This accounts for 14 percent of experience, I felt, gave me a more unobstructed view of war. natural gas that China consumed in 2018 and 28 I could see it more clearly for what it was precisely because percent of natural gas that China imported in the there was no good result to balance against the death and loss same year. and terror and despair. There was no excuse to explain away Previously, Russian natural gas was mainly delivered the human disaster I’d seen and written about for several to Europe. Russia was supposed not to be worried years, no way to tell myself that the war was necessary or had about relevant exports. However, large-scale US served any purpose. exploitation of shale gas and rapid changes in global That bit of personal history makes me think it’s not ac- energy structure have gradually shaped a buyer’s cidental that our present consciousness of moral injury has market. Combined with the West’s sanctions against come out of wars we didn’t win. They haven’t been lost in the Russia, the latter’s natural gas exports to Europe face same clear-cut way that the war in Vietnam was. They haven’t new challenges. Opening up the Chinese market (yet) ended in the kind of catastrophically decisive final act I will greatly improve Russia’s status in negotiations if necessary. also frustrated by external challenges, including witnessed there in the spring of 1975 in the weeks that led to with Europe. The fives NGOs such as NED are closely connected the Middle East situation. Saigon’s surrender. But these recent wars haven’t accomplished This is a win-win cooperation between Beijing to US authorities, whose funding directly or indirectly Even so, Washington still seemingly considers their goals either, or given our soldiers a worthwhile reason and Moscow. Strengthening collaboration between comes from US government allocations. These NATO not in enough trouble and has recently started for what they’ve gone through, which is surely a key piece of the two not only creates substantial quantities of organizations are at the forefront of US values to find the organization a new enemy - Beijing.On the moral injury story. direct benefits, but also often plays a positive role infiltration to advance American national interests. November 20, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo I was a civilian journalist, not a soldier. I went to Vietnam of leverage in their third-party market cooperation. These organizations have played a disgraceful role called for member states’ attention to the “current to report, not to fight. I didn’t come home with any trauma The comprehensive strategic partnership between in stirring social turmoil in many countries. and potential long-term threat” posed by China at symptoms. But I have all the feelings that Chaplain Orris listed China and Russia will benefit the two peoples. To This is the first time that China has openly imposed a NATO foreign ministerial meeting. A senior US as identifying markers for moral injury: sorrow, grief, regret, befriend a distant country and be hostile to neighbors sanctions on US NGOs, which doesn’t imply that administration official again said Friday that the shame, and alienation. Those emotions come from what I has been the usual geopolitical pattern, which is Beijing thinks riots in Hong Kong were solely caused China-posed challenges, including its “dominance learned about war, not from anything I did, and that makes me quite common in Asia. In this context, China-Russia by external factors. But certain forces from the US of 5G telecommunications networks” is a “very, very believe it may not be wrong to think that what we call moral ties have set a good example. did exert a disruptive impact. Sanctioning them is high priority” and will be discussed by President injury might not be just one person’s response to particularly As mutual trust strengthens, the two countries a naturally result of China’s national strength and Donald Trump with allies at the NATO summit. troubling events, but a symptom of something larger, of seeing will have more space for trade cooperation. Cross- sovereignty will. The US is building NATO as an ideology-based war individually and collectively for what it truly is. border pipeline and bridge infrastructure improve the The US side shouldn’t feel surprised by Beijing’s alliance aimed at containing China, with 5G as its A Last Thought two sides’ all-round cooperation. This will probably announcement to suspend port calls of US warships and major focus. During his European visit in September, In closing, I will turn back to the editors of War and Moral structurally affect geo-economics in the entire region. aircraft. The US military may feel inconvenient since US Defense Secretary Mark Esper urged NATO Injury. In their introduction, Douglas Pryer, a retired army The pipeline will economically energize the places it they traditionally stop in Hong Kong for maintenance, members to ban Chinese companies from their 5G intelligence officer and Afghanistan and Iraq veteran, and goes through in Russia. For China, many cities will but they can argue with the US Congress and the networks. Similar statements have been made by Robert Emmett Meagher, a classicist and professor of human- enjoy clean energy from Russia, which will help the White House. quite a few US officials. ities at Hampshire College, pointed to an aspect of war that is environment in Northeast and East China. The countermeasures announced on Monday also NATO has always been a tool utilized by Washington missing in their anthology, the symposium, and in American China is upholding people-centered development, sent a clear signal to radical forces in Hong Kong that to support its own interests. The US is now attempting culture more broadly: an idea - if internationalized - that maximizes equal they shouldn’t count on external forces to dictate the to draw other countries over to its side and pursue “We must acknowledge a great gap in this text as in nearly and mutually beneficial cooperation among countries. Hong Kong situation. The city is part of China and its strategic goal of keeping China down.Europe every other on the subject of America’s wars and veterans: The pipeline benefits the two peoples. There should no force can change or weaken this reality. China should not be fooled by US tricks. It is time for these the deaths and wounds, physical and spiritual, inflicted on be more such pipelines and bridges in the world. has abundant capability to adopt tough measures member states to seriously consider the situations the ‘others,’ our enemies, especially our ‘civilian enemies.’” The mind-set that hinders such projects should be when necessary to stop external forces from causing and make the right choice.European nations are Pryer and Meagher are right. Such an acknowledgement history. any real harm to China’s sovereignty. now faced with two options: blindly following the is almost entirely absent from the national discourse about Countermeasures show China’s firm will The People’s Liberation Army is also stationed US or cooperating with China despite US preaching. our wars and their legacy. But without it, no moral wound, to defend sovereignty in Hong Kong. It is not a decoration, but provides Taking sides with the US is not in line with Europe’s whether an individual’s or a society’s, can truly be healed. China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced fundamental support for Hong Kong’s stability. Hong interests. Making this choice will only turn Europe, Monday that China would suspend reviewing Kong, under China’s rule, connects China and the a significant world polar, into a US puppet. Is this applications for US warships and aircraft to make West. If the US wants to broaden communication a scenario the once strongest continent wants to Who wins the UK election? port calls in Hong Kong and will impose sanctions through Hong Kong, we welcome it. But if Washington see? And if European countries shut their door on on five NGOs, including the National Endowment wants to abandon this platform, so be it. It is also China’s 5G technology, will they be able to bear 7 In 2016, around a third of Labour voters chose to leave for Democracy (NED) and Human Rights Watch. our attitude to other Western countries. the potential losses?But recognizing the reality and the E.U. (Corbyn himself is a long-term Euroskeptic.) In the election These measures, the first wave of countermeasures It’s Hong Kong’s tradition to connect China and cooperating with China will make a different story. next month, some sixty per cent of Labour-controlled constituencies against the “Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy the West. However, if Hong Kong society can’t stop In 2018, China was the second-largest partner for will have a majority of Brexit voters. The big story of British politics Act,” will have a real impact on related departments internal disruptive forces and the city can no longer EU exports and the largest partner for EU imports. recently has been about how the main parties have adapted to the and organizations. perform such a function, then the city will experience Future cooperation will only bring more benefits new, tribal identities of Leave and Remain and how they go about The measures demonstrate Chinese government’s an economic structural adjustment.No force should to both sides. It is possible that the US will create amassing those voters into a parliamentary majority. Under John- determination to not allow certain US and Western ponder the idea of undermining China’s sovereignty difficulties for China-Europe collaboration, but China son, the Conservatives are now an unambiguously pro-Brexit party. forces to wantonly make waves on the Hong Kong over Hong Kong. The path is a dead end. is ready to make efforts to strengthen exchanges. Under Corbyn, Labour has attempted to make room for everybody, issue. If the US side continues to provoke on Hong Targeting China will mean self-isolation Facing the two choices, those with discerning which is either unifying or a disastrous misjudgment, depending Kong, it is expected that China will take follow-up for NATO eyes can easily tell which to choose. “Is our enemy on your point of view. actions.Because of “one country, two systems,” the NATO’s 70th anniversary meeting is scheduled today Russia? Or China? Is it the goal of NATO In late October, political analysts described the figure of “Work- US can exert some influence in Hong Kong. But on Tuesday and Wednesday in London. Troubled to designate them as enemies? I don’t believe so.” ington Man” as vital to both parties’ chances. Workington is a seaside Washington shouldn’t get the illusion that it can by internal and external problems, the organization French President Emmanuel Macron has already town in Cumbria, on England’s northwest coast, which has voted turn the influence into jurisdiction over Hong Kong, seems not in a mood to celebrate. The US-based made this clear. Labour in every general election since 1918. This spring, however, the and make the city its sphere of influence. Defense News even predicts that “politics could make What good does making an enemy do? Targeting Brexit Party won the European parliamentary election. “Workington The measures announced on Monday are mild, as the situation feel more like a funeral.” China is a doomed way, as breaking off cooperation Man” is a white, male voter, older than forty-five, with a high-school China has exercised restraint so far, but it doesn’t The organization is already dragged by several with the world’s second-largest economy is like self- education, who voted for Brexit and is hesitant about sticking with mean Beijing won’t hit back with harsher measures, internal disputes such as defense budgets, and is imposed isolation. Europe should think it over. Labour under Corbyn. The term was coined by Onward, a center-right think tank, and expresses a hope, pursued by the Tories in recent years, that the Labour coalition is about to collapse. “Brexit has unlocked a load of voters for the first time,” Will Tanner, Onward’s director, told me. “If you look at some of the Labour Party’s policies and, specifically, their tone, they are clearly focussing quite heavily China welcomes six European states joining INSTEX on a socially liberal, probably metropolitan-dwelling, probably not By staff and agency between Europe and Iran and is a clear very old socialist. It’s not about working-class politics at all.” Tanner Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson expression of our continuing commit- used to be one of May’s senior advisers and witnessed her failure, Hua Chunying said on Tuesday that China ment to the Joint Comprehensive Plan close up, to win those voters. But Johnson is a more adept and vig- highly commends efforts to implement of Action (JCPOA).” orous campaigner. The day before Corbyn’s manifesto launch, the the Instrument in Support of Trade Ex- The statement also noted that full and Prime Minister was in Teeside, a historically Labour-voting region changes (INSTEX) and welcomed six new effective implementation of the JCPOA in the country’s industrial northeast, accidentally letting slip a tax European states for joining it. is of the utmost importance. cut that will benefit lower earners. “INSTEX marks an important effort In a tweet on Friday, French Foreign The truth is that both of the main parties are going to find it on the European side to safeguard the Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian welcomed very difficult to win in December. The more that Johnson looks JCPOA [the 2015 nuclear deal]. It reflects the move. like a populist Brexiteer, the more he risks alienating traditional, a determination to uphold multilateralism He said that the six European coun- middle-class Conservative voters, of whom about four and a half and the international order based on in- tries made an important decision to join million voted Remain. The Liberal Democrats, who want to can- ternational law. China highly commends INSTEX. cel Brexit altogether, are chasing those votes in the South and the that,” she told a press conference, the The foreign minister also said that West of England. The reach of Corbyn’s state-building radicalism, Chinese Foreign Ministry said in a report the Europeans are strongly committed meanwhile, may have found its natural limit. Last week, in the first on its website. to support the nuclear deal. round of polls after the manifesto launch, Labour’s share of the vote Belgium, Denmark, Finland, the Neth- Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas barely moved, leaving the Conservatives still some twelve points erlands, Norway, and Sweden issued a Araqchi has also welcomed decision by ahead. But unstable loyalties around Brexit and the oddities of the joint statement on Friday announcing the six new European states. British electoral system mean that it is almost impossible to translate becoming shareholders of INSTEX. INSTEX It was introduced long af- national polls into an accurate prediction of seats in the House of Hua said, “We welcome this decision ter the U.S. imposed sanctions on Iran Commons. “There are lots of dynamics at play which should make made by the six countries and support and threatened to punish any country or the Conservatives worry or at least be very careful,” Tanner said. efforts to move forward the INSTEX. It on January 31, is designed to circumvent and the United Kingdom warmly wel- company that does business with Iran. One of those dynamics is that, if Johnson falls short of an outright will help promote cooperation between U.S. sanctions against trade with Iran come the decision taken by the govern- On March 20, Iran’s central bank gov- majority, Corbyn would be strongly placed to lead a loose coalition, Europe and Iran and ensure the imple- by avoiding use of the dollar. ments of Belgium, Denmark, Finland, ernor Abdolnaser Hemmati announced made up of Labour, the Scottish National Party, and the Liberal mentation of the JCPOA. We hope this France, Germany and the United the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden, that a mechanism similar to INSTEX has Democrats—all opposed to Brexit in one form or another. It would mechanism will soon cover more areas Kingdom issued a statement on Satur- to join INSTEX as shareholders,” read been registered in Iran, officially called be an unusual way for a veteran socialist to enter Downing Street, and open up to non-EU countries as third day welcoming the decision by the six the statement published by website of the Special Trade and Finance Institute but nothing stranger than what happened at Britain’s previous parties to facilitate the normal economic countries. the UK Foreign Ministry on Saturday. (STFI). December election. Tanner brought up what happened in 1923. and trade cooperation between Iran and “As founding shareholders of the It added, “This step further strength- However, the mechanism is not oper- “The Conservatives throwing away a majority and the first Labour the international community.” Instrument in Support of Trade Ex- ens INSTEX and demonstrates Europe- ational yet and the Europeans have said government ever being ushered in with the support of the Liberals,” INSTEX barter mechanism, introduced changes (INSTEX), France, Germany an efforts to facilitate legitimate trade it is for trade of humanitarian goods. he said. “History doesn’t repeat itself but it does rhyme.” I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 12 SOCIETY DECEMBER 5, 2019

Tehran’s air pollution International Cheetah Day: mitigation needs $4 billion

ENVIRONMENT TEHRAN — The Municipality of Tehran has deskprepared a comprehensive plan to mitigate running fast toward extinction air pollution in the metropolis, based on which a total budget of 174 trillion rials (nearly $4 billion) is required over the ENVIRONMENT TEHRAN — Asiatic course of four years. deskcheetah, the planet’s The plan, proposed by the municipality’s transportation and fastest mammal, are facing extinction as traffic organization, focuses on reducing particulate matter their population has dramatically shrank and the concentration of PM 2.5, so it reduces primary PM to less than 7,000 in the world over the sources and secondary precursors like nitrogen oxides (NOx) past few years, with a small remaining and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), ISNA news agency population in Iran. reported on Wednesday. Cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) have long, It has envisaged that primary PM sources will be reduced by slender bodies covered with unique black 55 percent and secondary precursors by 45 percent. In this line, spots scattered across their tan coats. The $1 billion should be financed in the first year. name cheetah comes from the Sanskrit word The plan claims that the main reasons behind air pollution “chitraka,” which means “the spotted one,” intensification in the capital is lack of clean and cheap public according to the World Wildlife Fund. transport, overcrowding the transport fleet, poor quality vehicles, With aerodynamic bodies, long legs and extremely old public transportation fleet and violation. blunt, semi-retractable claws, cheetahs are However, controlling and removing air pollution sources, fining formidable carnivores that can sprint at speeds the industrial units for emission generation, and development of up to 60 to 70 mph (96 to 112 km/h), of public transportation and the human-centered infrastructure according to the Smithsonian National Zoo are the main policies of the plan. & Conservation Biology Institute. According to the plan, all vehicles, regardless of their type, According to the International Union for contribute to production of particulate matter by 70 percent, Conservation of Nature’s (IUCN’s) Red List of and heating devices produce 2 percent of pollution, while Threatened Species, most cheetah subspecies power plants, refineries and industries are responsible for are considered vulnerable as all populations air pollution by 27 percent. of them are on the decline. And in the category of vehicle emissions, trucks with 23 per- Cheetahs are found across Africa especially cent, public transport buses 12 percent, other buses 18 percent, in northern part of it; and a scattered popu- motorcycles 10 percent, minibuses 4 percent, contribute to the lation of them can be found across eastern production of particulate matter. and southern Africa, once they had been The plan suggests to renovate 8,200 buses in the public trans- found in a wide range of Central Asia and port fleet and 4,800 buses in the private sector. the Indian subcontinent. In another part of the plan, the importance of diesel par- In 2010, Cheetah Conservation Fund with other factors affecting the population Cheetah’s mating is more complex than factors putting African and Asian cheetahs ticulate filter installation is emphasized and it is estimated designated December 4 as the International of cheetahs as well, he lamented. other cats as they refuse to mate with rela- in danger are different and management that the average price of each filter is around $23,000, full Cheetah Day. Cheetahs need a large area to live in, so tives, which is an evolutionary adaptation ways of each also differs, for example in implementation of which costs $47.5 million that reduces 3 The Iranian cheetah population seems they cannot be kept in one place or area, because mating causes genetic disorders, Africa excessive haunting for fur trade percent of the PM emissions. to be in trouble; incidental killing of chee- even for example, Khar Turan National he highlighted. and lions are the main threats to cheetahs. The program further emphasizes on considerable share of tahs by people or livestock guarding dogs, Park, which covers more than 1.4 million Female cheetahs tend to be solitary, while Referring to climate change role in chee- trucks in air pollution, which can be mitigated by retrofitting habitat fragmentation and loss of biological hectares, is not a permanent habitat for males typically live in groups made up of tah’s extinction, he noted that climate change or installing filters, while it requires a budget of 62 trillion corridors and prey base depletion, mining the cheetahs, he noted. other male siblings called coalitions, females has not been a major factor, although some rials (about $1.5 billion). activity and road construction were among Referring to prey population as a threat- socialize with males only when mating but may suggest that it caused cheetahs to change The plan also refers to diesel engine motorcycles as a source the main factors that threatened the lives ening factor, he said that over the past years, then raise their offspring on their own, he habitats, it has not yet been proven. of pollution due to emitting 10 percent primary PM and 18 of these valuable species. the population of prey has improved to some added. He also added that in an attempt to pro- percent secondary PM, so 800,000 of these motorcycles should Baqer Nezami, conservation of Asiatic extent due to an increase in populations of Changing habitats also has an impact on vide a safe place for the few surviving Asiatic be replaced with electric ones, which needs 36 trillion rials cheetah project manager, told IRNA on small- to medium-size animals, such as ga- cheetah death toll, as they pass the roads and cheetahs, thousands of livestock have been (about $850 million). Wednesday that cheetah population in our zelles, hares, Persian fallow deer and birds. mostly get killed in accidents, he lamented, moved out of cheetah home ranges in Touran The proposed plan emphasizes to scrape 3 million clunker cars country is affected by many factors and un- Nearly one-third of the protected are- adding, in a road in Yazd province, 6 cheetahs National Park in the province of Semnan to and replace them with new ones which will cost 42 trillion rials fortunately not only did not improved after 18 as are cheetah habitats, and in all of these were killed in accident, and this is because avoid livestock-cheetah conflict. (about $1 billion), and 30,000 taxi catalysts have to be replaced, years of conservation plan implementation areas, prey population has been improved of increased number of cars. He further suggested that we must first which can reduce gas emissions by 2.5 percent. but it is currently dropping. and poaching have declined in comparison He went on to note that to conserve the identify the underlying problems and, giv- Air pollution kills 5,000 Tehrani citizens annually There are no accurate statistics on the to other areas, he added. species, security of the natural habitats en the economic circumstances, first find Some 4,000 to 5,000 Tehrani citizens die each year from population of cheetahs in the country since North Khorasan, South Khorasan, Sem- must be ensured, so we are fencing the solutions and then think about a number direct exposure to PM emissions, and air pollution brings Iran the last time the camera traps installed nan, Isfahan, Kerman and Yazd are 6 prov- deadliest roads. of other factors such as climate change that a loss of over $2.6 billion per year, or about $ 2,000. to determine their distribution 10 years inces in which the cheetahs breed, and other Over the past 10 to 15 years, we have lost have affected the whole world and nature. Polluted air haunted the capital for 49 days ago, which has never been repeated, but areas are where the cheetahs probably go in 25 cheetahs on the roads, usually in the win- Accordingly, we propose to earmark part Tehran air quality index (AQI) reached an unhealthy level it seems that there are 30 individuals in some seasons and come back to the breeding ter, when livestock enters the habitat, he of the money allocated to deal with sand and of pollution for 49 days since the beginning of this year (March Iran, he stated. habitat again to regenerate, which causes regretted. dust storms, to move livestock out of cheetah’s 21), according to a report published by the Tehran Air Quality During past years, herd dogs have always most of the cheetahs to die whether while In response to the question whether the habitat, because this will both protect the Control Company. been the major contributors to the cheetah crossing the roads or in conflict with human threat factors of Asian and African chee- species and prevent overgrazing and soil An AQI is used to communicate to the public how polluted the fatalities and have caused the most casualties, or poachers, he explained. tahs are the same, he explained that the erosion, he concluded. air currently is or how polluted it is forecast to become. The index categorizes conditions according to a measure of polluting matters into excellent (0-50), good (51-100), lightly polluted or unhealthy for sensitive groups (101-150), mod- Let’s mind the soil as it truly matters erately polluted (151-200), heavily polluted (201-300) and 1 The soil captures and stores water, making it available transfers sediment and sediment-bound contaminants to ing hunger and food insecurity and to stable ecosystems. severely polluted (301-500). for absorption by crops, thus minimizing surface evapora- water bodies, decreases the surface water infiltration and There is an urgent need to stop land degradation and soil During the aforementioned period, 47 days got lightly polluted, tion and maximizing water use efficiency and productivity. water-holding capacity of soil, transfers the particles and erosion in their various forms and establish frameworks while air quality reached unhealthy levels for 2 days which was Healthy soil with a high organic matter content can store releases organic carbon from the soil and degrades the water for sustainable soil management systems. almost dangerous for all the residents. large amounts of water. This is beneficial not only during and nutrient supply of the soil. Governments also must increase the area under sustain- This is while, over the same period last year, Tehraners did droughts when soil moisture is crucial to plant growth but All these processes lead to yield reduction, climate change able soil management practices, enhance the restoration not breathe a single day of heavily polluted air. also during heavy rainfall because the soil reduces flooding intensification, agrochemical contamination of waterways of degraded soil, and promote sustainable production and run-off by slowing the release of water into streams. and last but not least desertification; the changes that put intensification. WORDS IN THE NEWS Considering the criticality of the soil to keep the life-cycle food security at risk and cause serious economic losses. FAO urges its member states to provide and adopt suitable chain unbroken, all of us must keep in mind that the soil Impacts of erosion are not limited to environmental or technologies, sustainable and inclusive agricultural policies, Watergate anniversary is a finite resource and its loss is not recoverable within a economic spheres. Erosion visibly degrades landscapes effective extension programmes and sound education systems human lifespan. through the exposure of subsoil, presence of rills and gullies, so that more is produced with less. (June 17, 2002) In many regions of the world, erosion is the greatest or the occurrence of dust storms and subsequently affect the FAO supports the development of national soil informa- Today marks the thirtieth anniversary of Watergate, the most threat to soil health and soil ecosystem services. physical and psychological experiences of local communities tion systems to assist decision-making on sustainable land famous political scandal in American history. What began as a Erosion removes fertile surface soil, incorporates denser who retain strong links to their home places. and natural resources use. burglary led to the downfall of US President Richard Nixon. It subsoil into the surface layer, reduces optimum rooting zone How can we save our soil? Today we celebrate World Soil Day calling people and also revealed a web of political spying, sabotage and bribery. This for extraction of water and nutrients from soil, loses the Promoting sustainable management of soil can con- stakeholders all around the world to take action to “Stop report from Ian Pannell in Washington. charged organic materials from the surface soil horizon, tribute to healthy soil and thus to the effort of eradicat- Soil Erosion” to “Save Our Future.” It was June 17th 1972, early on a Saturday morning. Five intruders were caught inside the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee, adjusting bugging equipment and photographing ENGLISH IN USE documents. The Republican Party, the FBI, the CIA, the Justice Department, the attorney-general, the White House and eventually, the president of the United States, all became embroiled in the LEARN NEWS TRANSLATION ensuing scandal. Eventually, Richard Nixon was left with no choice but to resign. Three decades later, and the story still holds much fascination. But it also continues to inform today›s political climate. Tehran short of 12,000 The recent reform of campaign finance was partly the result of کمبود 12 هزار کالس درس در پایتخت continuing efforts to make public life at least appear cleaner. There classrooms continued to be large doses of public skepticism about politics مدیــرکل نوســازی مــدارس اســتان تهــران اظهــار کــرد: بــا توجــه به جمعیت فعلــی دانــش آموزی ,and politicians, born out of the Vietnam war but cemented in Considering the current population of students educating in Tehran Watergate. The willingness to speak out against President Bush there is a shortage of 12,000 classrooms which will increase to بــه ۱۲ هــزار کالس درس جدیــد نیــاز داریــم کــه البتــه بــا احتســاب رشــد جمعیــت بــه ۱۸ هــزار and his policies in the midst of the war on terrorism is perhaps 18,000 over the next few years, director of the organization for کالس طــی چندســال آینــده م ی رســد. .the best indication of this. But Watergate was about more than renovation of Tehran schools has stated just skepticism. It was also about restoring faith in a political Currently, 8,500 classrooms are beyond repair and must be علــی شــهری در گفتوگــو بــا ایســنا، گفــت: ۸۵۰۰ کالس درس در تهــران بایــد مــورد تخریــب ,system that limits and divides power between the executive the legislature and the judiciary. It›s this which many see as reconstructed, while 14,500 others need retrofitting, ISNA quoted و بازســازی قــرار گرفتــه و ۱۴ هــزار و ۵۰۰ کالس درس مقــاوم ســازی شــوند. همچنیــن بــا تراکــم .the abiding legacy of Watergate. Ali Shahri as saying on Wednesday Words There is also a high density of students in the capital, and despite بــاالی جمعیــت دا نشآمــوزی در اســتان روبروییــم و علیرغــم آنکــه تراکــم میانگیــن در مــدارس bugging equipment: hidden microphones used secretly to listen the average capacity of classrooms accommodating 24 students, the کشــور ۲۴ نفــر اســت، شــاهد دوبرابــر ایــن میــزان تراکــم در برخــی مناطــق هســتیم. .to private conversations number of students in some areas is twice the average, he lamented attorney-general: the chief law officer in the US, who also advises Referring to the current construction projects, he said that there مدیــرکل نوســازی مــدارس اســتان تهــران تاکیــد کرد کــه در حــال حاضــر ۱۱۰ پــروژه نیمه تمام the government embroiled in: deeply involved in (usually something bad - like are 110 projects under construction, half of which will be completed دیگــر داریــم کــه امیدواریــم نیمــی از آنهــا را تــا مهــر ماه بــه مرحله بهرهبــرداری برســانیم. .(an argument or a scandal) by the new school year (September 23 inform: here, influence large doses of: large amounts of skepticism: a skeptical attitude; doubt as to the truth of something restoring faith in: if you restore someone’s faith in something, PREFIX/SUFFIX PHRASAL VERB IDIOM you help them trust it again executive: the part of government which makes sure that laws “im-, in-” Pep something up Not cut out for something are carried out Meaning: into Meaning: to make something or someone more Explanation: If you are not cut out for something, legislature: the part of government which makes laws active or interesting you are not the sort of person to succeed or be happy in judiciary: all the country’s lawyers and judges are known together For example: Claudia inserted her key in the lock. a particular activity as the judiciary For example: The team needs a few new players abiding legacy: lasting influence to pep it up. For example: I started studying medicine but I knew (Source: BBC) immediately that I wasn’t cut out for it. I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y DECEMBER 5, 2019 WORLD IN FOCUS 13

Trump impeachment probe to enter ‘Foreign agents kill protesters, security forces new phase with landmark hearing in Iraq’ The Democrat-led U.S. House of Repre- Stanford Law School, Michael Gerhardt, of 1 “However”, she lamented “they are paying an unim- sentatives is set to reach a turning point in the University of North Carolina School of aginable price for their voices to be heard”, pointing out that its inquiry into whether President Donald Law and Jonathan Turley at George Wash- since 1 October, over 400 people have been killed and more than Trump improperly pressured the government ington University Law School. 19,000 injured. of Ukraine to interfere in U.S. politics, mov- Feldman has previously said Trump’s She explained that although today’s youth has no recollec- ing from an investigative phase to deciding violation of informal democratic norms is tion of life under the former dictator Saddam Hussein, who was whether Trump should be impeached. a “stress test” for the constitution and that executed after being found guilty of war crimes in Iraq in 2006, With the president abroad at the NATO Trump’s pressure on Ukraine was an im- they are aware of what was promised after his death and “through meetings in London, the shift marks a perilous peachable “abuse of power”. Turley leans the power of connectivity, they know perfectly well that a better moment in his troubled presidency after the towards Republicans’ narrative and has future is possible”. release on Tuesday of a 300-page report by previously criticized the Democrat’s case “The current situation can hardly be judged without putting it House Intelligence Committee investigators as incomplete and short of “proof of an im- in the context of Iraq’s past”, Ms. Hennis-Plasschaert said, “but describing Trump’s months-long effort to peachable offence”. what we are witnessing is an accumulation of frustration over pressure Ukraine. “We have finished the investigative phase the lack of progress for so many years”. The report issued by the House Intelli- and now we are on to the charging phase (Source: agencies) gence Committee, together with the Foreign where you take all the facts and present to a Affairs and Oversight committees, alleges jury and ask what do we have here,” Barbara Trump “subverted U.S. foreign policy toward McQuade, a professor of law at the University Ukraine” and “undermined” U.S. national of Michigan told Al Jazeera. Moscow vows retaliation security by seeking two politically motivat- Republican allies of Trump issued a ed investigations to “help his presidential 123-page advance rebuttal of the Intelli- after berlin expells 2 re-election campaign”. gence Committee report on Monday saying embassy employees It also accuses Trump and his lawyers Democrats “have been working to impeach of obstructing the House impeachment offence,” said Melissa Murray, a professor of “What do these words mean? How have President Trump since his election” in an German media has reported that the national chief public pros- investigation. law at the New York University law school. these words been interpreted? What did our “orchestrated campaign to upend our po- ecutor suspects Russian intelligence agencies of having ordered In a landmark hearing on Wednesday, ’Stress test’ founders mean by these words in the 1700s? litical system”. The case against Trump is the killing of a former Chechen military commander. The Kremlin four constitutional law scholars will discuss The U.S. Constitution provides for the The model was English common law and “based on the accusations and assumptions has described the allegations as baseless. whether the case against Trump meets a removal of a U.S. president for commission removal of a member of Parliament,” she said. of unelected bureaucrats who disagreed Russia’s Foreign Ministry has criticized Germany’s decision political and legal test for impeachment. of treason, bribery or “high crimes and mis- The four constitutional scholars who with President Trump’s policy initiatives to expel two employees of the Russian Embassy in Berlin in con- “The big issue facing the Judiciary Com- demeanors”, a phrase that invokes politics are scheduled to testify are Noah Feldman and processes”. nection with the assassination of a former Chechen insurgent. mittee is, what constitutes an impeachable as well as law, Murray told Al Jazeera. of Harvard Law School, Pamela Karlan of (Source: al Jazeera) The Foreign Ministry said it views the move as “unsubstan- tiated and unfriendly.” Russia will respond in kind if the Russian diplomatic work- ers they turn out to have diplomatic passports, Andrei Klimov, Putin says U.S. ramping up its military Lebanon’s Aoun calls for consultations the deputy chair of the upper house’s Committee on Foreign Affairs, has said. forces for space to designate new PM “There is an international rule, it was not made up by us, where expulsion of diplomats in response is expected, among other Russian President Vladimir Putin said Black Sea city of Sochi in southern Lebanese President Michel Aoun called Lebanon’s 128 lawmakers. The prime min- things. So Russia has all the reasons to do that,” Klimov said. on Wednesday that the United States Russia, said that Moscow categori- for formal consultations on Monday with ister must be a Sunni Muslim according to The German Foreign Ministry announced earlier in the day was rapidly developing its military forc- cally opposed the militarization of lawmakers to designate a new prime min- Lebanon’s sectarian system of government. that it was expelling the two diplomatic workers because Russian es for potential operations in space and space but that the U.S. moves meant ister, a statement from the presidency said Saad al-Hariri, the outgoing prime authorities allegedly failed to cooperate with the investigators that Washington openly viewed space as Russia had to further develop its own on Wednesday. minister, quit on Oct. 29 in response to looking into the murder Zelimkhan Khangoshvili, despite Ber- a potential theater of war. space sector. Aoun is required to designate the can- protests against the ruling elite. lin’s requests. Putin, who was speaking in the (Source: TASS) didate with the greatest support among (Source: Daily Star) What happened in Berlin? Khangoshvili, a 40-year-old Georgian citizen who was a commander of a unit that fought Russian troops in the conflict in Chechnya, was shot dead in a Berlin park on 23 August. The following day, German police said they had detained a 49-year- Harris says U.S. not ready for black woman president old Russian citizen suspected of killing Khangoshvili. Kamala Harris withdrew from the race for Democratic pres- percent of registered Democratic voters. Some saw Harris The German prosecutor general’s office said it had evidence idential nominee after falling in the polls, disappointing as the Democrats’ best chance to defeat Trump in 2020. to suggest that the “state bodies of Russia or Chechnya” were liberal media, and running out of money. The botched But the California senator’s busing policies were soon behind the murder. campaign is a lesson in the limitations of identity politics. called-out by critics, who noted that her stance was hardly (Source: Sputnik) Over the course of a campaign that was kicked off with distinguishable from Biden’s. She had fumbled and missed an Oakland, CA. rally of an estimated 20,000 enthusiastic an important opportunity to differentiate herself from the supporters, Kamala Harris’s presidential run lost momentum moderate frontrunner on the solid ground of racial politics, as the candidate floundered in attempts to define a clear while she could have also maintained a safe distance from Ending divisive meeting, message and to distinguish herself as a viable challenger the economic progressives, including Bernie Sanders and to Donald Trump – perhaps the most loathed president of Elizabeth Warren. NATO agrees to Baltics all time among Democratic voters. Striking back in the second debate, Biden pounced on Harris stumbled on health care, half-heartedly defend- Harris for her “double talk” on health care, attacking her defense plan ed her career as an attorney general of California, missed ill-defined proposal, which called for the elimination of chances to debunk frontrunners, and finally proved unable private insurance and came at a cost of $30 trillion a year. Following a day of drama that revealed deep wounds within NATO, to separate herself from the field of progressives on one Biden then returned to the busing issue, challenging Harris members of the military alliance meeting near London attempted side, and moderates on the other. for failing as California attorney general to make legislative came from others, including Mayor Pete Buttigieg, to put on a united front by adopting a common summit state- Harris entered a crowded field as a “top-tier” candidate. attempts at desegregating the San Francisco and Los Angeles and most recently, billionaire and former New York ment as they agreed to an updated defense plan for the Baltics She could boast of being only the second black woman public schools. Biden also attacked Harris for her record as Mayor Michael Bloomberg. and Poland, which Turkey had previously threatened to block. to become a U.S. senator. She represented California, a a draconian prosecutor who threw people in prison despite The California senator and others have suggested that NATO leaders said in a concluding statement on Wednesday Democratic stronghold and the nation’s most populous exculpatory evidence, which played poorly in a Democratic Kamala Harris paid a price for her identity as a black woman. that Russia’s “aggressive actions” were a threat to Euro-Atlantic state. Her political success and identity as a black woman primary race that put a premium on social justice. But the prevalence of identity politics within the party, the security, and that China’s growing influence presented challenges even led some to dub her the “female Obama” – at the time Harris also found herself fending off challenges from two-term presidency of Barack Obama, and the fawning for the alliance. the highest recommendation for a Democrat. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii, a party outsider and critic media that greeted Harris’ candidacy suggest otherwise. “Our solemn commitment as enshrined in Article 5 of the Harris gained ground in the first debate with an effective of Democratic hawks like Hillary Clinton. This sparring In the end, Harris failed in her Democratic primary run Washington Treaty that an attack against one ally shall be con- smack-down of former Vice President Joe Biden over the could do little to help while potentially harming Harris. in spite of her identity, not because of it. Kamala Harris’s sidered an attack against us all,” they said. racially charged issues of student busing and Biden’s earlier Harris’s slide in the polls continued through poor aborted campaign highlights the limits of identity poli- Turkey had warned it would refuse to endorse the plan to friendliness with racial segregationists. Post-debate numbers performances in subsequent debates, and with the tics in the absence of clear policies, soaring rhetoric, and bolster defense in Baltic states neighboring Russia and Poland, showed Harris soaring past Elizabeth Warren to second or slipping poll numbers she also lost the support of po- compelling vision. with President Tayyip Erdogan demanding the alliance recognize third place, with the support of anywhere between 11 to 15 tential donors. New challenges to the moderate wing (Source: RT) groups that Ankara deems terrorists, including the YPG militia. But NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg told reporters on Wednesday that “we stand together, all for one and one for all. Our commitment to Article 5, the collective defence clause Saudi king invites ’s emir to PGCC summit in Riyadh of our alliance, is ironclad.” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov responded to the develop- Saudi King Salman has invited Qatar’s emir “The message was received by the of “supporting terrorism”, a charge The PGCC is a bloc comprising Bahrain, ments, saying on Wednesday that Russia would not get involved to an annual meeting next week of the Gulf Deputy Prime Minister and Minister repeatedly and vehemently rejected Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the in an arms race with NATO, even if the alliance increased its regional bloc in Riyadh, the Qatari foreign of Foreign Affairs, Sheikh Mohammed by Doha. UAE. military spending. ministry said, amid a two-year-old diplomatic bin Abdulrahman Al Thani, during his However, the three Persian Gulf block- Its 40th summit next week “will review Stoltenberg has claimed that European allies and Canada have crisis in the region. meeting today with the PGCC Secre- ading countries are currently participating regional and international political devel- added $130bn to their defense spending since 2016. Peskov said The 40th session of the six-nation Persian tary-General Abdullatif bin Rashid Al in a regional football tournament in Qatar, opments as well as the security situation NATO’s increased spending “reinforces” the Kremlin’s concerns. Gulf Cooperation Council (PGCC) summit Zayani,” the statement added. having announced their participation at the in the region and its effects on the security According to Reuters news agency, Stoltenberg said members is scheduled to take place in the Saudi capital It did not specify if Doha had accepted last minute. and stability of the PGCC countries,” the did not discuss the YPG militia on Wednesday. on December 10. the invitation, which comes amid signs of Saudi Arabia, which has also body’s secretary-general said in a state- Al Jazeera’s James Bays, reporting from Watford, said: “Stolten- “The Emir, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad a thaw in tensions that have fractured the sealed its land border with Qatar, ment on Sunday. berg said they were moving forward with the protection of Poland Al Thani, received a written message from regional bloc. will play the hosts in the semi-finals A Qatari delegation headed by Minister and the Baltic states, but it was not really clear whether there was a ... King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud of Since June 2017, PGCC members on Thursday. of State for Foreign Affairs Soltan bin Saad total resolution. It is clear he’s trying to paper over the differences the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ... to attend Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emir- There were also reports of Qatar’s Foreign Al-Muraikhi represented the country at last we’ve seen in the open since NATO leaders arrived here.” the GCC Supreme Council 40th session,” ates (UAE), Bahrain, along with Egypt Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrah- year’s GCC summit, which was also held On Tuesday, US President Trump and his French counter- Qatar’s foreign ministry said on its website have imposed a land, air and sea man Al Thani making an unannounced visit to in Riyadh. part clashed over NATO’s role and its future, with the US leader on Tuesday. blockade on Qatar over accusations the Saudi capital last month. (Sourc: al Jazeera) entering a war of words between Emmanuel Macron and Erdogan. Trump tore into Macron during a 52-minute press conference, rallying against European tax policies and criticizing the French leader’s remark that NATO was “brain dead” as “very, very nasty.” Trump calls Canada’s Trudeau ‘two-faced’ after summit video Macron stood by his comment and, referring to Turkey, said 1 The protests were started, he says, by ordinary Saudi Arabia. Is it necessary to point to what everyone responsible ultimately for the bloodshed in Ukraine members disagreed over the definition of terrorism with regard Iranians upset over their economic circumstances can readily see if only they would admit to the truth: during and after the U.S. fomented coup there. to the YPG militia. and outsiders did not lead them. the U.S. having butchered millions of innocent lives And it must be said, finally, that if ever there is ever The French president first made his assessment of NATO in a But one comment by Rezaian is so very far off the (all told) over decades in places like Iraq, Vietnam, serious protest by the disenfranchised and relative November 7 interview with The Economist, as he criticized a lack mark that it lacks credibility and thus seems to de- Afghanistan, Syria (by proxies), Libya, Yemen and poor in the United States, the resultant action by the of coordination between members of the alliance over Turkey’s stroy a good portion of his own credibility. He wrote elsewhere…while Iran has NOT attacked any country U.S. government is going to be far more violent and recent operation in Syria. flatly that the current Iranian government “has never on offense nor expressed extra territorial ambitions bloody than any reaction by Iranian authorities has Erdogan later responded, challenging Macron to check his valued human life”. in well over 200 years? Is it necessary to point out ever been. It’s hard to say whether the U.S. is close to own “brain death”. It’s quite fair to say that ANY government any- again the butchering of human lives by the Saudis in or far from a serious upset or insurrection, but Wash- Several other NATO members also disagreed with Turkey’s where trying to preserve itself and/or its nation will Yemen and in Arabia, or the nearly genocidal activ- ington has sure been fertilizing the field for it with operation, with some suspending arms sales to Ankara. demonstrate in extreme circumstances (or not) a vary- ities of the Zionists west of the Jordan River and its the absence of smart domestic policies and actions Elsewhere on Wednesday, Stoltenberg said members declared ing degree of respect for human life. On this score, offensive attacks on Syria, Lebanon and even Iran, not that might address the widening social and economic space as the “fifth operational domain”, as they agreed to prepare the Islamic Republic’s “respect for human life” far to mention its illegal land grabs with U.S. support? gaps between the haves and have nots inside the U.S. for conflicts in space, the Arctic and computer networks, as well surpasses the respect for human life shown by its And the U.S. is and will be ultimately responsible and its offensive foreign policies. It’s anyone’s guess as traditional land, sea and air battles. enemies, especially the United States and its “allies”, for the ramping bloodshed in places like Bolivia, or what lies ahead everywhere, but the declining Empire NATO also warned China for the first time that it is monitoring in particular for examples in the Mideast Israel and the potential for same in Venezuela, as it has been of Chaos is a dangerous animal indeed. Beijing’s growing military might. (Source: agencies) I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 14 WORLD SPORTS DECEMBER 5, 2019

‘See you soon in Italy’: Radiation hot spots found at Tokyo Ibrahimovic fuels talk of Serie A return 2020 torch relay start - Greenpeace Sweden footballer Zlatan Ibrahimovic has fuelled speculation that he is set to return to Italy, where he has played for AC Milan, Inter Radiation hot spots have been found at the “The ministry cooperated with related Milan and Juventus, by saying in an interview: “see you soon in Italy”. J-Village sports facility in Fukushima where groups to decrease radiation levels in that The 38-year-old striker confirmed his departure from Los Angeles the Tokyo 2020 Olympic torch relay will area,” said the official. Galaxy last month following the club’s elimination from the Major begin, Greenpeace Japan said on Wednesday. “On Dec. 3, Tokyo Electric Power (Tepco) League Soccer playoffs. Greenpeace found that radiation levels took measures to decrease radiation levels “I’ll join a club which must get back to winning, which must around the recently refurbished venue, which in said area.” renew its history and is in search of a battle against everyone and also hosted the Argentina team during the The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear station, everything,” Ibrahimovic told GQ Italia. Rugby World Cup earlier this year, were located about 220 km (130 miles) northeast “That is the only way I’ll be able to find the necessary motivation significantly higher than before the Fukushima of Tokyo, was rocked by a magnitude 9.0 to surprise you again. Daiichi nuclear reactor meltdown following earthquake and subsequent tsunami in March “It’s not just about choosing a team, as there are other factors the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami. 2011, sparking three reactor meltdowns. that need to line up, including in the interests of my family. Greenpeace’s survey found radioactivity More than 160,000 residents fled nearby “I’ll see you in Italy soon.” readings taken at J-Village on Oct. 26 as high towns in the aftermath as radiation from the According to reports in Italy, Ibrahimovic has been offered a as 71 microsieverts per hour at surface level. reactors contaminated water, food and air. six-month deal to come to the aid of struggling former giants AC People are exposed to natural radiation Greenpeace called on the Japanese Milan, who are 11th in the Serie A table. of 2,000-3,000 microsieverts a year, so government to conduct more extensive Napoli are also a possible destination as last season’s runners-up anyone staying in the vicinity of J-Village radiation surveys in the area and the NGO sit seventh, after a run of six league games without a win. for two or more days could be exposed to planned to return to J-Village soon to “I love to make the difference,” he added. “I don’t just want to more than that. “determine if subsequent decontamination do one or two things well, I want to do all of it.” These readings, although not deemed life- attempts have been adequately conducted.” Ibrahimovic played for two seasons between 2010 and 2012 threatening if exposed for a short length of Tokyo 2020 organizers could not be with AC Milan, helping them to their last Serie A title, and scoring time, are 1,775 times higher than prior to the immediately reached for comment. 42 goals in 61 league appearances. March 2011 disaster, according to the NGO. Environment, but had received no response. statement. Worries that local food could be He also won three league titles with Inter Milan, and two with The Olympic flame is due to arrive from “There is a risk that heavy rain will An ministry official acknowledged to contaminated by the nuclear disaster has Juventus, which were both revoked following the ‘Calciopoli’ match- Greece in Japan on March 20, with the torch spread these higher levels of contamination Reuters on Wednesday that the ministry prompted plans by South Korea’s Olympic fixing scandal. relay officially starting from J-Village on on public roads, and thus re-contaminate had been alerted to higher radiation level committee to buy radiation detectors and (Source: Daily Mail) March 26. already decontaminated surfaces,” warned readings in an area surrounding J-Village ship homegrown ingredients to Japan for Greenpeace said in a statement that it Greenpeace nuclear specialist Shaun Burnie, and that decontamination measures had its athletes at the Tokyo Games. Jesus aspires to rival City team- had sent its findings to Japan’s Ministry of team leader of the J-Village survey, in a been taken. (Source: Reuters) mate Aguero in scoring stakes Copa America draw decided with Rockets hopeful NBA acts after James Gabriel Jesus ended his eight match goal drought with a brace in Manchester City’s 4-1 victory over Burnley on Tuesday and hopes this Australia and Qatar added to the mix Harden dunk not counted can spark him into emulating team-mate Sergio Aguero’s scoring rate. The 22-year-old Brazilian has got his chance to lead the City line, and will do so again in the Manchester derby on Saturday, because record goalscorer Aguero is injured. Jesus -- bought for a reported £27 million ($35 million) from Palmeiras in the January transfer window in 2017 -- said he is confident in his abilities as a goal scorer but just needs to follow 31-year-old Aguero’s example. Aguero, who is out with a thigh injury, has scored nine goals in 12 Premier League appearances this season and 173 in 251 league games overall for City at a rate of 0.69 per match. “I know my qualities -- I know I can score,” Jesus said after the match. “I have to score when I play. Sergio scores every time. That is my ambition. I want to play and score every time.” Jesus said the victory was also a confidence booster for the defending champions after an indifferent run which brought one victory in five games in all competitions prior to the Burnley clash. City reduced the deficit between themselves and leaders Liverpool to eight points, although it can go back to 11 if the Champions League Argentina will open the 2020 Copa America Argentina. The Houston Rockets are optimistic the net. We have since come in here holders beat city rivals Everton later on Wednesday. with a blockbuster clash against Chile in Bue- Japan, the other invited nation, also the NBA office will take action after and looked at the play. He dunked it so “It is a confidence (booster) for us. This time the Premier League nos Aires. failed to win any of its games as it was held referees mistakenly did not count a hard that the net carried it back over is so difficult,” he said. In a rematch of this year’s third-place to draws against Uruguay and Ecuador fol- James Harden dunk in Tuesday night’s the rim a second time, so in fact it did “Liverpool are now eight points in front of us. We have to play play-off, which Argentina won as Lionel Messi lowing a heavy 4-0 defeat against Chile in 135-133 double-overtime loss to the clear the net and should have been a all the matches like a final to win.” and Gary Medel were sent off, the teams will their opening match. San Antonio Spurs, sources told ESPN. successful field goal. (Source: Mirror) meet again at the El Monumental on June The Copa America has also previously in- The Rockets are hopeful the league “As to could the play have been 12 next year. vited Costa Rica, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, office will either award the victory to reviewed, it is a reviewable matter, but Bale on Bernabéu boos: “I While the draw took place on Tuesday, Mexico, Panama and the United States to com- Houston due to the Rockets outscoring you have a window of 30 seconds to the nations already knew almost all of their pete in the tournament with El Tri finishing the Spurs in regulation or order that the challenge the play during that timeout didn’t really know how to opponents with teams split into zones for next as runners up twice. final 7 minutes, 50 seconds be replayed that he had and while they were protesting year’s tournament in Argentina and Colombia. Following the 2020 Copa America, the at a later date, sources said. the call, trying to get clarification of deal with it” However, Australia – playing at their first tournament is set to be held every four years Harden’s breakaway dunk with 7:50 it, that window passed. So therefore, it Copa America – were drawn into Group A, with the next edition scheduled for 2024. remaining would have given the Rockets elapsed, and they were not able to do it.” Bale says as he has gotten older he has learned how to deal with which features Argentina, Bolivia, Uruguay, Uruguay are the most successful nation a 104-89 lead. The ball whipped through D’Antoni, who spoke to the media whistles from Real Madrid fans and also says backs Mourinho for Chile and Paraguay. when it comes to Copa America having won it the net and back over the rim before before the pool report was released, Tottenham success. Qatar, the other invited nation, will meet 15 times, one more than next best Argentina. bouncing off, and the officiating crew had a different account of the referees’ Gareth Bale thinks Jose Mourinho is an “amazing statement” of Colombia, Brazil, Venezuela, Ecuador and Messi will be hoping his nation can lift the mistakenly ruled that Harden missed the explanation immediately after the play. Tottenham Hostpur’s intentions. Speaking to BT Sport, via football. Peru. Brazil will go into the tournament as trophy again next year as the 2019 Ballon d’Or dunk and denied Houston coach Mike “I have no idea,” D’Antoni said. “I london, Bale also commented on the whistles he has been subjected defending champions after their success at winner looks to secure some long awaited D’Antoni’s attempt to challenge the call. heard that they said the ball hit James and to by Real Madrid fans in the wake of the ‘Wales, golf, Madrid’ flag. home this year. success with the national team. “When the play happened, Harden went back through, so it was a goaltend “I think the first time it happened [being booed], it was a bit of a The Selecao beat Peru 3-1 in the 2019 Copa Despite winning honours regularly with goes in for a dunk, and then the ball on James. I challenged that, and I didn’t shock. I didn’t really know how to deal with it,” he told Robbie Savage. America final having also seen off Argentina Barcelona, Messi is yet to win anything with appears to us to pop back through the get a response. Then another guy said it “But as I’ve got older, it’s happened one or two more times and and Paraguay on their way to the decider. Argentina’s senior side, though he did claim a net,” crew chief James Capers told a wasn’t a goaltend; it went out of bounds you understand how to deal with it. Qatar made their debut at the tournament gold medal with the U23 team in 2008 Olym- pool reporter. “When that happens, on us. And I said, ‘Well, I challenge that.’ “Now I just shrug it off. In way, with respect it’s the best place to this year, drawing their first match against pics and lifted the U20 World Cup in 2005. that is basket interference. To have Can’t do that. “ get whistled if you don’t perform which I understand. Paraguay before falling to Colombia and (Source: Goal) a successful field goal, it must clear (Source: Eurosport) “Obviously I have to just keep working hard and keep proving to the fans what I can do. Eventually the whistles do stop and you get on with your career like normal.” Mourinho replaced Mauricio Pochettino on the bench for Spurs Doping casts shadow over Putin’s hopes for sporting prestige recently with the Argentine being sacked after a five year stine with A proposed four-year doping ban on Russian athletes for handling the data. the club. Mourinho, who has won league titles in three different would deal a huge new blow to President Vladimir Putin’s “I am sure our officials will never recognise that they have countries, is tasked with getting the team back into the Champions efforts to use sport to boost national prestige and his disgraced themselves and will never ask for forgiveness,” League places. own reputation. sports commentator Alexei Durnovo told AFP. “Having [Jose] Mourinho there is an amazing statement from But experts say the Russian leader could also turn the “We will never know the names” of those responsible, the club, I think he’s a serial winner,” Bale said. ban to his advantage -- by portraying it as a politically he added. “Tottenham want to win trophies and I don’t think there’s a motivated attempt by the West to once again humiliate Popular sports commentator Vasily Utkin even urged better partnership than Mourinho and Tottenham together to try the country at the expense of athletes. athletes to sue Russian authorities, who he said “were and win some trophies.” The executive committee of the World Anti-Doping genetically linked to the security services”. (Source: AS) Agency will meet in Lausanne on December 9 to consider At the same time, analysts said the crisis was unlikely a recommendation for the ban, which would exclude to seriously affect Putin’s personal popularity. Russians from major sports events including the 2020 Athletes ‘betrayed’ Fraud case against Messi Tokyo Olympics and 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics. Denis Volkov, deputy director at pollster Levada, said foundation reopened A WADA review panel has accused Moscow of falsifying authorities and state-controlled media would bill the ban laboratory data handed over to investigators as part of as a new move by the West to humiliate Russia -- and that Fraud charges against Lionel Messi’s charity have been reopened a probe into the doping allegations that have plagued the majority of Russians would accept that line. by a Spanish court. Russia for years. “The authorities will use this to their advantage,” Volkov A Barcelona judge dismissed a complaint filed by Federico In power for nearly 20 years, Putin has made sport the scandal, observers say. told AFP. “All of this will be interpreted in the sense of Rettori, a former employee of Messi’s foundation who had accused and healthy living a cornerstone of his popularity and is “I fear that we’re headed for catastrophe, everything the West always against Russia.” the non-profit organisation of fraud, embezzlement and money regularly shown on state television taking part in judo was done too cynically and grossly,” Sergei Medvedev, The question will be whether Russia’s athletes buy it. laundering, in September due to a lack of evidence matches or on the ice for hockey games. a professor at Moscow’s Higher School of Economics, Maria Lasitskene, a three-time world high jump Following an appeal, a high court in Madrid has decided to reo- His government poured enormous resources into Russia’s wrote in Facebook post. champion, has already warned she would quit Russia pen the case in order to allow the plaintiff, Rettori, to give evidence hosting of the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics -- the first The avid sports enthusiast compared the doping scandal and train elsewhere so as not to miss the Tokyo Olympics. before judge Maria Tardon, a court spokesperson told ESPN FC. Olympics in Russia since 1980 -- but the Games were to Russia’s handling of the assassination attempt of defector Along with hurdler Sergey Shubenkov and pole vaulter In dismissing the case in September, the judge wrote that the tainted by claims of widespread, state-sponsored doping. Sergei Skripal in England and its denials of supplying Anzhelika Sidorova, the 26-year-old missed the Rio Olympics complaint “was based on an account put together from stories in Russian athletes faced a series of bans over the next separatists in eastern Ukraine with the missile that shot in 2016 because of the doping scandal. the press, without bringing even a single element that was person- few years and were forced to participate in the 2018 down flight MH17. “I do not intend to miss a second Olympics in a row ally and directly known” by the plaintiff. Pyeongchang Winter Games as neutral competitors. In both instances Russia shifted blame with vehement because of some strange people who cannot do their job In his complaint, Rettori claimed that Messi’s foundation in- ‘Headed for catastrophe’ denials and finger-pointing. honestly,” Lasitskene has said on Instagram. vested a minimum part of what it collected to social causes and Redemption seemed on the way with Russia’s But in this case, Medvedev said, Russia will not get away Russian rugby star Vasily Artemyev said the country’s stated that funds were diverted for private activities. successful hosting of the 2018 football World Cup, and “with a smirk from Putin” and a generation of Russian athletes have been “betrayed”. In October 2018, Messi lost a court case in Spain against two the reinstatement the same year of its RUSADA anti- athletes could be prevented from pursuing their dreams. The Russian men’s rugby sevens team is already out journalists that reported “irregularities” in the finances of his doping body. Sports commentators were hard on Russian authorities of contention for the Tokyo Games but the women’s team foundation. But if the allegations of tampering with laboratory data in the wake of the potential ban being announced, with is still hoping to qualify. (Source: ESPN) are true, Russian authorities have managed to re-ignite many blaming criminal investigators who were responsible (Source: AFP) I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y DECEMBER 5, 2019 SPORTS 15

Iran football federation cancels Iran runners-up in three-nation futsal tourney contract with Marc Wilmots: report SPORTS TEHRAN — Iran national futsal team deskfailed to win Mashhad Cup 2019. TEHRAN — Football SPORTS Team Melli, who are getting ready for the 2020 AFC deskFederation Islamic Re- Futsal Championship, lost to Belarus 3-2 in their must- public of Iran (FFIRI) has reportedly win game in Mashhad’s Shahid Beheshti Hall on Tuesday. canceled its contract with Team Melli coach Marc Wilmots. In a meeting took place in Istanbul, Tur- key, FFIRI president Mehdi Taj reached an agreement with the Belgian coach to terminate the contract. The football federation has already said there are no legal obligations to pay a compensation for cancelling the contract. Wilmots was appointed as Team Melli coach in mid-May on a three-year-contract but failed to meet expectations. He replaced who left Team Melli after the 2019 AFC Asian Cup. Wilmots had already said Iran foot- ball federation has created contractual violations for him. Iran had started the three-nation campaign with a 5-5 “I have taken note of the rumors pub- draw against Slovakia, while Belarus beat the European lished in the Iranian press, which are in- team 4-1. correct. The truth is that Iran football Iran became runners-up with a better goal difference federation has created serious contractual than Slovakia. violations for me and my staff. We face an Belarus claimed the title with two wins. intolerable situation,” Wilomots wrote. The 2020 AFC Futsal Championship will take place in Under coaching of Wilmots, Iran have from 26 Feb. 26 to Mar. 8. defeated Hong Kong and Cambodia and lost to Bahrain and Iraq in the 2022 World Cup and 2023 Asia Cup qualifiers. leaders Iraq. with former Persepolis coach Branko 2006 FIFA World Cup and the federa- Team Melli sit in third place in Group A source close to Iran football feder- Ivankovic. tion has expressed an interest in bringing Iran sends six wrestlers to C with six points, five points adrift of ation said the federation has negotiated The Croatian coach led Team Melli in him back. Alans tournament in Russia

SPORTS TEHRAN — Iran wrestling federation Iran beat S. Korea at IWBF Asia Oceania C’ships deskhas released the roster of six wrestlers who will be competing at the Alans tournament. SPORTS TEHRAN — Iran’s men earned a big en’s teams will compete at the competitions, taking place deskwin against powerhouse South Korea at at the Eastern National Sports Center and are scheduled The competition will be held in Vladikavkaz, Russia the 2019 International Wheelchair Basketball Federation to conclude on December 7. from Dec. 5 to 8. (IWBF) Asia Oceania Championships in Thai city Pattaya In the men’s competition, the six top-ranked teams - The team is headed by Ebrahim Mehrban and Oveis on Wednesday. Australia, China, Iran, Japan, South Korea and Thailand Mallah. Omid Hadiazhar led Iran with 23 points while Dong - will play in Division A, which will be a single round-robin The tournament in Ossetia is now in its third year and Hyeon Gim scored 22 points for the Korean team. to determine first to sixth place in the ranking. has quickly become one of the toughest in the world. In Iran will meet China on Thursday. The other eight teams - Afghanistan, Chinese Tai- just two years, there have been six world champions to Iran’s women’s team also beat Afghanistan 41-25. pei, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Malaysia, the Philippines compete in it and not win. The Iranian team will face India on Thursday. and Saudi Arabia - are drawn into two pools of four in Iran men’s freestyle roster The IWBF Asia Oceania zone has four spots available for Division B. 57 kg: Alireza Sarlak men and three for women at Tokyo 2020, with one spot in The top two teams in Division B will become the sev- 61 kg: Majid Dastan each already allocated to Japan as the host nation. enth- and eighth-ranked teams in Division A to make up 65 kg: Amirmohammad Yazdani Fourteen men’s teams and an event-record eight wom- the quarter-final pairings. 92 kg: Mohammadjavad Ebrahimi 97 kg: Abbas Forootan 125 kg: Amirhossein Zare Foolad held by Saipa in Iran Professional League SPORTS TEHRAN — Foolad points and two games in hands. Persepolis will face Zob Ahan in Isfahan. Zob Ahan,” Persepolis coach Gabriel Iran hockey to participate at deskfootball team were held Also, Pars Jonoubi was held to a 1-1 draw “We are ready for the match since Calderon said. by Saipa in the Iran Professional League by Machine Sazi at home game. we have not won Zob Ahan in Isfa- Gol Gohar will play Naft Masjed Soleyman Men’s Junior AHF Cup 2019 (IPL) on Wednesday. On Thursday, Esteghlal will host Shahr han for nine years. After our match in Sirjan, Sanat Naft entertain Paykan in Foolad moved to fourth place with 20 Khodro in Tehran and IPL leaders Sepahan against Nassaji was cancelled, the team Abadan and Tractor host Shahin Bushehr TASNIM — Iran will take part at the Men’s Junior Asian points. Sepahan sit top of the table with 23 meet Nassaji in Ghaemshahr. trained well and we are ready to beat in Tabriz. Hockey Federation (AHF) Cup 2019. The competition will be held in Muscat, Oman from December 5 to 14. Tributes paid to Afghanistan Rapinoe calls on Messi, Ronaldo to help in Iran have been drawn in Pool A along with China, Sri Paralympic Committee President fight for equality Lanka, Thailand and Uzbekistan. The Persians will start the campaign with a match against Thailand on Thursday. Pool B consists of Oman, Singapore, Chinese Taipei and Hong Kong. The competition will be held at the Sultan Qaboos Sports Complex which is the most important stadium in the city of Muscat. The top four teams from this tournament will qualify for the Men’s Junior Asia Cup 2020 and will join the teams of Bangladesh, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia and Pakistan who are already qualified. Also, the Men’s Junior Asia Cup 2020 is a qualifier round for the Hockey Junior World Cup 2021.

Esteghlal forward Diabate a doubt for Shahr Khodro match Tributes have been paid after the death and Asian Paralympic Committee,» the U.S. women’s national team captain Megan tan, help me!’” she said. “These big stars do of Afghanistan Paralympic Committee Brazilian said. Rapinoe has urged male superstars such not engage in anything when there are so President Amir Mahmoud Mahmoudi. «The work he has delivered as part of as Cristiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi and many problems in men’s football. PLDC — Esteghlal striker Cheick Diabate is injury doubt The official passed away after suffering the Afghan Paralympic community has Zlatan Ibrahimovic to do more to tackle “Do they fear losing everything? They for the match against Shahr Khodro. a heart attack on December 1. had a profound impact on Para-athletes issues such as racism and sexism in mod- believe that, but it is not true. Who will The Blues will entertain Iran Professional League leader He was described as a «significant figure in and society as a whole, and for that he will ern football. erase Messi or Ronaldo from world football Shahr Khodro in Tehran’s on Thursday. the development of Para-sports in his country» always be remembered. Rapinoe, 34, won the female Ballon history for a statement against racism or Diabate suffered a rib injury in Esteghlal’s training by the International Paralympic Committee «He will be sorely missed. d’Or award -- only the second in history sexism?” on Tuesday after colliding with teammate Sajjad Aghaei, (IPC) who expressed their «great sadness». «The Paralympic Movement has lost -- on Monday after winning the World Cup, Rapinoe helped the United States to leaving him with a gash to his head. IPC President Andrew Parsons also a true friend and a passionate advocate Golden Boot and Golden Ball in July. its second World Cup title during her Aghaei also is doubtful for the important match. made his own tribute. for the rights of people with disabilities.» Speaking with organizers France Football era with six goals and three assists, with The 31-year-old Malian forward has played a key role «I and the whole IPC Governing Board Afghanistan has competed at five after her Ballon d’Or triumph, Rapinoe one strike coming in the final and four in the recent weeks, helping Esteghlal to move up to third would like to express our deep and sincere Paralympic Games: Atlanta 1996, Ath- challenged Ronaldo, Messi and Ibrahimovic more in the latter stages. She picked place in the table. condolences to Mahmoudi’s family, as well ens 2004, Beijing 2008, London 2012 to follow her lead and be more active against up the player of the match award in Diabate has scored five goals in four matches in the as to his close friends and colleagues at and Rio 2016. problems in the sport. the final. current season. the Afghanistan Paralympic Committee (Source: Insidethegames) “I want to shout: ‘Cristiano, Lionel, Zla- (Source: ESPN) His absence will be a big blow as Esteghlal looks to go top of the table after many years. Iraq match part of Bahrain’s growing process, says Sousa Bahrain’s 2019 Persian Gulf Cup semi-final on Thursday The two met twice in Group C of the Asian Qualifiers, Roozbeh Cheshmi on will be part of the team’s learning process said head coach with both matches ending in draws. Helio Sousa as his side prepare to face Iraq. Something has to give on Thursday, with the winners to Trabzonspor’s radar Bahrain defeated Kuwait 4-2 in their final Group B match face either hosts Qatar or Saudi Arabia in Sunday’s final but on Monday to advance to the last four stage, where they as far as Sousa is concerned, it is the long term that matters. Turkish Super Lig football club Trabzonspor have set sights will meet Group A winners Iraq. “We have 23 players in our squad who are ready to play on signing Iran international midfielder Roozbeh Cheshmi. Exciting Iraq will be a test but it is one that Sousa reckons at any time,” he said. “I’m working to make a special identity The Turkish football club are going to sign the player Bahrain need as they continue growing. for the team by making all the players capable of playing.” as a free-agent player. “Our next opponents Iraq are a strong team and they have Bahrain opened their 2019 Gulf Cup campaign with a Esteghlal are going to win Iran Professional League had great performances in the competition,” said Sousa. 0-0 draw against Oman, which was followed by a 2-0 defeat after seven years and Cheshmi is an important player for “At the moment they are one of the best teams in Asia to Saudi Arabia before their heroics against Kuwait. Italian coach Andrea Stramaccioni. while we are building a new team and we must keep growing Iraq stunned Asian champions Qatar 2-1 and United Arab Cheshmi can join his former teammate to compete with such strong teams.” Emirates 2-0 before playing to a 0-0 draw with Yemen, with in the Turkish football team. It will be fourth meeting between the two since August, Srecko Katanec’s side playing with 10 men for more than The 26-year-old represented Team Melli at the 2018 with Bahrain defeating Iraq 1-0 in the 2019 WAFF Cham- 80 minutes after Mustafa Mohammad Jaber was sent off. FIFA World Cup and 2019 AFC Asian Cup. pionship final. (Source: the-afc) (Source: Gazete Damga) Prayer Times Noon:11:55 Evening: 17:30 Dawn: 4:11 (tomorrow) Sunrise: 6:59 (tomorrow) DECEMBER 5, 2019 ART&CULTURE I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y www.tehrantimes.com Managing Director: Mohammad Shojaeian Editor-in-Chief: Mohammad Ghaderi Editorial Dept.: Fax: (+98 21) 88808214 — 88808895 “Christ in the Night of Glory” [email protected] Switchboard Operator: Tel: (+98 21) 43051000 Advertisements Dept.: Telefax: (+98 21) 43051450 Public Relations Office: Tel: (+98 21) 88805807 Subscription & Distribution Dept.: Tel: (+98 21) 43051603 distributed in Iraq, Lebanon, England www.eshterak.ir Distributor: Padideh Novin Co. Tel: 88911433 CULTURE TEHRAN — Arabic Webmaster: [email protected] deskand English versions Printed at: Jame Jam Bartar Borna - 44197737 of “Christ in the Night of Glory” have been distributed in Iraq, Lebanon and Tehrantimes79 Tehrantimesdaily England. The book containing the stories No. 18, Bimeh Alley, Nejatollahi St., Tehran, Iran of Leader of the Islamic Revolution P.o. Box: 14155-4843 Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei’s Zip Code: 1599814713 meetings with the families of the Armenian and Assyrian soldiers that were martyred during the 1980-1988 Iran-Iraq war was published by Sahba Publications in 2014. “Two new meetings of the Leader are due to be added to the book in its new edition,” Hassan Adibzadeh, the managing director of Sahba Publications, has said in a press release. GUIDE TO The book has been translated into SPIRITUAL AWAKENING English by Fazlollah Nik-Ain. The night of glory refers to the nights of the 19th, 21st, and 23rd of Fear the suspicion of believers, for, God has placed Ramadan, which are known as the truth on their tongues. “grand nights”, during one of which Imam Ali (AS) the entire Quran was sent down to the Prophet Muhammad (S). It is believed that Allah is extremely merciful to his servants on these nights. This photo shows the Arabic, Persian and English versions of “Christ in the Night of Glory”. Culture Ministry excludes high income artists from tax Cinematographer Nemat Haqiqi’s Iranian director to raise “The Unburied exemption: official awards donated to Film Museum of Iran Dead” in Tehran ARTTEHRAN — Deputy Culture Minister deskfor Legal Affairs has said that artists and cultural organizations with high incomes are excepted from any tax exemption.

Auctioneer Hossein Pakdel takes a bid for the sale of a painting during the 11th Tehran Auction at the Parsian Azadi Hotel in Tehran on July 5, 2019. (Mehr/Asghar Khamseh) Pictured above are the awards director and cinematographer Nemat Haqiqi won at the International Children and Youth Film Festival and the Sepas Film Festival. Iranian stage director Sina Rastgu in an undated photo. “We as the major cultural organization of the country believe actors, singers, institutes or any other organizations with a high ARTTEHRAN — Festival. This award is also among the ARTTEHRAN — Iranian then taken back to the room. income must pay tax, but their incomes should be investigated,” deskLate Iranian objects donated to the museum. deskdirector Sina Rastgu Unexpectedly, the leader of their group Ali-Asghar Karandish told the Persian service of FNA on Wednesday. cinematographer Nemat Haqiqi’s national Born in 1939, Haqiqi worked as a plans to stage French philosopher and is also arrested and taken to the attic but as Based on Article 139, Section L of Iran’s tax law, 273 cultural and international awards have been cinematographer in more than 35 films playwright Jean-Paul Sartre’s “The the Nazis are unaware of his true identity, and artistic activities being performed under the authorization donated by his ex-wife, Lili Golestan, to and TV series, including Masud Kimiaii’s Unburied Dead” (“Les Morts Sans he is likely to be released soon. of the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance are exempted the Film Museum of Iran, the museum “The Deer”, “Dash Akol” and “Baluch”, Sépulture”) at a Tehran theater. Now, the five other prisoners are facing from paying the tax. announced on Wednesday. and Behruz Afkhami’s “The Bride” and The director has renamed the play the temptation to reveal the true identity Earlier last week, some reports published on Iran’s budget The best cinematographer awards “Hemlock”. “The Small Symphony of Silence” to of this man to obtain their release. All, bill for the upcoming year announced the government’s plan to were presented to him at the Sepas His son, Mani, is the director of several perform it in Iran. however, refuse to do so, except for the reduce the tax exemption to 50 percent. Film Festival for “Dash Akol” in 1971 acclaimed Iranian movies including “Pig”, The 1946 play is about five resistance youngest, terrified by the prospect of being Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance Seyyed Abbas Salehi and “Curse” in 1973. “A Dragon Arrives”, “Canaan”, “Abadan” fighters during the World War II in France, tortured and executed. So the leader kills stepped into the issue on Saturday by requesting a continuation Haqiqi also directed “Coin” in 1977, and “Men at Work”. who are taken prisoners by the Nazis and him to prevent him from speaking. of the tax exemption for cultural and artistic activities in letters which won the award for best film at the Haqiqi passed away of a heart attack locked in an attic. One after the other, they Rastgu’s troupe is rehearsing the play, sent to President Hassan Rouhani, First Vice President Es’haq International Children and Youth Film in 2010. are taken away, interrogated, tortured and which will be staged in the near future. Jahangiri and the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs. Consequently, Vice-President Mohammad-Baqer Nobakht, who is also the director of the Management and Planning Organization, D.C. Fontana, pioneering “Star Trek” With strong accent, Hugh Grant ‘went for announced on Sunday that the government is extending the tax exemption for artistic and cultural activities. writer, dies at 80 it’ in Ritchie’s “The Gentlemen” However, Karandish said that the issue should be discussed NEW YORK (Hollywood Reporter) LONDON (Reuters) — Hugh Grant in meetings between the Culture Ministry and the Ministry of — Dorothy Catherine “D.C.” Fontana, the is best known for playing the bumbling Finance and Economic Affairs. first female writer for “Star Trek” who Englishman in romantic comedies so when “It’s not right and proper to cancel the exemption or add to penned a number of classic episodes, has the role of a cockney-accented private it as result of a media frenzy,” he noted. died Monday evening following a short investigator in Guy Ritchie’s new crime illness, according to the science fiction caper came up, the actor was a little hesitant property’s official site. She was 80. to portray someone so different. IIDCYA introduces books for A trailblazer for female writers in sci- Grant plays the shady Fletcher in “The fi television, Fontana crafted numerous Gentlemen”, a far cry from his roles in “Four visually impaired people stories for the original Star Trek TV series, Weddings and a Funeral” and “Notting Hill.” including 1967’s “Journey to Babel,” “That was part of the appeal but also CULTURE TEHRAN — Iran’s Institute for Intellectual which introduced Spock’s father Sarek part of the fear,” Grant told Reuters at a deskDevelopment of Children and Young Adults and mother Amanda. The episode was screening of “The Gentlemen” on Tuesday. (IIDCYA) has published a selection of 22 books by Iranian children’s credited with allowing audiences to see “I thought, I’m 59 now. Is it too ludicrous authors for visually impaired people. Star Trek’s characters as more than just to suddenly be this guy completely from The collection was introduced during a ceremony at the IIDCYA their jobs but as actual people. the other side of the tracks with a full-on art and cultural center in Fadak Park on Tuesday, IIDCYA announced Fontana also went on to work on the London accent? Guy said ‘No, no, no, no. in a press release published on Wednesday. animated series, and she penned the classic You can do it. You can do it. Just own it.’ 1973 episode “Yesteryear” in which Spock So I went for it.” travels back in time to rescue a younger The film marks the return of Ritchie version of himself. to his to crime film roots as he helms a In 1987, Fontana helped launch a new era D.C. Fontana. (Getty Images/Albert L. Ortega) comedy-drama filled with fishy characters. of “Star Trek” when she co-wrote “Encounter Soon after, Roddenberry brought Matthew McConaughey plays Actor Hugh Grant and his wife Anna at Farpoint”, the two-part pilot for “Star Trek: her along to “Star Trek” to work as his American Mickey Pearson, who has Elisabet Eberstein pose as they arrive The Next Generation”, which introduced the production secretary and asked her to built a marijuana business in Britain. for a special screening of ‘The Gen- world to Patrick Stewart’s Captain Picard choose a story to write for season one. When he tries to sell it, others want to tlemen’ in London, Britain December and earned a Hugo nomination, which she “Charlie X”, an episode about the capitalize in any way they can. 3, 2019. (Reuters/Henry Nicholls) shared with co-writer and Star Trek creator Enterprise picking up an unstable teen Ritchie found fame with “Lock, Stock Gene Roddenberry. boy with powerful mental abilities, would and Two Smoking Barrels” and “Snatch” hacking by reporters, said he drew from “She was a pioneer. Her work will become her first sci-fi credit and would before directing “Sherlock Holmes” and his past for inspiration. continue to influence for generations to make her a rare breed at the time: a woman Disney’s live-action version of “Aladdin.” “I’ve come across a lot of private come,” William Shatner said Tuesday who wrote sci-fi TV stories. “I’m not sure if I missed (crime capers), investigators who work for tabloid via Twitter. “At the time, I wasn’t especially aware it’s just as you get older ... I want to manifest newspapers ... and some of them I had lunch with before the film. We’ve sort IIDCYA officials unveil selection of books by Iranian children’s Fontana wrote under the name “D.C.” to there were so few female writers doing action more work,” he said. help prevent discrimination based on her adventure scripts,” Fontana recalled in 2013. “This is a script I wrote 15 years ago of become friends. Weirdly, these are authors published for visually impaired people during a people who hacked my phone. Some of ceremony on December 3, 2019. (IIDCYA/Mahmud Rahimi) gender when submitting pitches around “There were plenty doing soaps, comedies, ... The genesis of it was ... from a while Hollywood. She already was a working writer or on variety shows. By choosing to do action ago and it just felt like now was the time them have been to prison for it, but now Writer Majid Amiq expressed thanks to IIDCYA for its endeavors who had sold a few scripts when she first met adventure, I was in an elite, very talented to make it.” I’m quite friendly with.” in publishing books for the blind, and hoped the institute would Roddenberry, who at the time was overseeing and very different group of women writers.” The cast includes Colin Farrell as a no- Grant has made British headlines for expand its activities and publish books with varied topics. the NBC military series “The Lieutenant”. In She also contributed to “Star Trek: Deep nonsense boxing coach, Charlie Hunnam as his campaigning against the return of a One of the children read part of Sepideh Khalili’s “Tickle” 1963, Fontana was working as a production Space Nine”, and worked on the web series Pearson’s right-hand man, Henry Golding Conservative government and a hard Brexit written in Braille alphabet for the participants at the ceremony. secretary to one of the producers of “The “Star Trek: New Voyages”. In addition to as a gangster and Michelle Dockery as in the Dec. 12 election. IIDCYA director also noted that the institute has released Lieutenant” and she ended up reporting “Star Trek”, Fontana’s credit included such Pearson’s glamorous wife. “I panicked about the future of this many audio books during the past year and hoped to publish directly to Roddenberry when his secretary shows as “The Waltons”, “Bonanza” and Fletcher works for a tabloid newspaper country,” he said. “I think we’ve got eight books for children with low visual acuity and low hearing ability. was hospitalized for two months. “The Six Million Dollar Man”, among others. and Grant, who was a victim of phone- days left to save it really from disaster.”