Volume 57 No. 3 March 2013

PatriarchJOHN X Enthronement Address

VOLUME 57 NO. 3 MARCH 2013 editor’s letter contents COVER: ENTHRONEMENT OF PATRIARCH JOHN X Mixed Weight Couples? 3 EDITORIAL by Bishop JOHN

4 I AM AN ANTIOCHIAN WOMAN by Violet K. Robbat

6 ENTHRONEMENT SPEECH OF H.B. PATRIARCH JOHN X The Today Show had a segment in January with the claim that all women in the Antiochian 11 dAVID DEJONGE: BEYOND THE IMAGE about the impact on relationships of being a differ- Archdiocese are women who are Antiochian, so ent weight than your partner. I rather enjoyed the each is an Antiochian Woman. Because all wom- 15 tHE ORDER OF ST. IGNATIUS insights offered on the program. I would imagine en are Antiochian Women, each woman should The Most Reverend 16 tHE FUNERAL SERVICE – LECTURE 4 that no one likes having what one eats scrutinized witness to Christ, and accept her leadership re- Metropolitan PHILIP, D.H.L., D.D. by Archpriest Josiah Trenham, Ph.D. Primate by his or her spouse. Life is unfair, as we all have sponsibility given in baptism. Violet reflects on The Most Reverend 24 LETTER TO PRESIDENT OBAMA different ways and abilities when it comes to self- the Antiochian Women’s prayer, and shows how Archbishop JOSEPH control and very different metabolisms, allowing each woman relates to our God-given ministries. The Right Reverend 26 ORATORICAL FESTIVAL some to eat more and differently without gaining Of course, the case could be made that this prayer Bishop ANTOUN The Right Reverend 28 FOOD FOR HUNGRY PEOPLE CALENDAR weight. Being someone who has fought with my properly could be offered by men, too. Bishop BASIL weight all of my life, and being scolded (my male I find these observations helpful and not at all 30 sO WHAT’S THE BIG DEAL The Right Reverend WITH GREAT LENT? choice of words which would be rejected by my contradictory. Truth is often not reducible to a Bishop THOMAS by Father Joseph Allen wife) for my food choices, I am particularly sen- simple statement. While Orthodox truth on these The Right Reverend sitive to the issues raised. Differences in weight subjects cannot be reduced to any one of these Bishop ALEXANDER 31 ARCHDIOCESAN OFFICE The Right Reverend and perceptions about health can put pressure on observations, the tension between them stretches Bishop JOHN 32 COMMUNITIES IN ACTION a marriage. Emphasizing the differences between us to understand better who we are and what it The Right Reverend us can often leave us feeling judged, inadequate, means to be human, man or woman, Christian, Bishop ANTHONY isolated and hurt. Somehow we try to understand Antiochian and Orthodox. The Right Reverend Bishop NICHOLAS ourselves by understanding the other. Differences I would like to encourage local Antiochian Founded in Arabic as and similarities help us frame an understanding. Women chapters to be deliberate about explor- Al Kalimat in 1905 by Saint Raphael (Hawaweeny) Looking at these issues may even be helpful as we ing the faith and the differences between men and Founded in English as reflect on Women’sM onth. women (and not just in diet and exercise), and in The WORD in 1957 by Metropolitan ANTONY (Bashir) March is Women’s Month in the Antiochian the building of relationships in the parish, diocese Editor in Chief The Rt. Rev. Bishop JOHN, D.Min. Archdiocese. During this month we will celebrate and Church. I would like us to be deliberate about Assistant Editor Christopher Humphrey, Ph.D. the contributions of women in the Church. We identifying and responding to the needs of our Editorial Board The Very Rev. Joseph J. Allen, Th.D. will highlight their efforts and give thanks for neighbors and our faithful. I encourage women Anthony Bashir, Ph.D. them. Some priests will preach about the value of to use the Antiochian Women organizations to The Very Rev. Antony Gabriel, Th.M. Letters to the editor are welcome and should include the author’s full name and Ronald Nicola parish. Submissions for “Communities in Action” must be approved by the local women and the positive differences of the sexes, fulfill our Christian mission of sharing the Good Najib E. Saliba, Ph.D. pastor. Both may be edited for purposes of clarity and space. All ­submissions, in as well as our need for each other to reflect the News of Jesus Christ and taking care of God’s The Very Rev. Paul Schneirla, M.Div. hard copy, on disk or e-mailed, should be double-spaced for editing purposes. God who created both sexes in His own image. people. It is not too much of a stretch to say that Design Director Donna Griffin Albert ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION: Member Other priests will highlight the need of society, the Myrrh-Bearers were Antiochian Women. The U.S.A. and Canada, $20.00 The Associated Church Press men and the Church, for women. God knows that early Church included Jerusalem and Palestine as Conciliar Press Foreign Countries, $26.00 Ecumenical News International Single Copies, $3.00 men can’t bear children, nurture in a motherly Antiochian for several centuries. The Antiochian Orthodox Press Service The WORD (USPS626-260) is published monthly, except July and August, by the way, or support families and teach the way wom- Women have an amazing heritage and tradition. Editorial Office: Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America at 358 Mountain en do. There are differences between the sexes, We would do well to use this vision and history The WORD Road, PO Box 5238; periodicals postage paid at Englewood, New Jersey 07631- 2 Lydia’s Path 5238 and at additional mailing offices. albeit they are difficult to identify categorically. as a guide. Men may do well to develop or utilize Westborough MA 01581-1841 This month, the Antiochian Women organiza- these same principles for men’s groups. Men and e-mail: [email protected] Postmaster send address changes to: The WORD, 358 Mountain Road, PO Box 5238, Englewood, NJ 07631-5238 tions will highlight their efforts and encourage women, both similar and different, I wish you a Subscription Office: ISSN 0043-7964 www.antiochian.org. 358 Mountain Road membership. In the pages of The WORD, our Happy Women’s Month! PO Box 5238 Canada Post Publications Agreement No. 40065483 North American Board president, Violet Robbat, Englewood, NJ 07631-5238 Return Canada address to: by Bishop JOHN Atlas International Mail, PO Box 1051, Fort Erie, ON, L2A 6C7, Canada encourages membership in Antiochian Women

2 The Word The Word 3 Sacred28th annual Yes, I am an Antiochian woman. We (we women, that and help us to go on striving and to remember music institute is) are all Antiochian Women. You may be saying to that activities are not the main thing in life. The yourself, “Is she referring to me?”; “I don’t belong most important thing is to have our hearts direct- Wednesday, July 10th to Sunday, July 14th, 2013 to our women’s chapter organization – I sing in the ed and attuned to Thee. Amen. I am an choir”; “I teach Sunday School”; “I belong to the I am sure that, in reading this prayer, each of us Fellowship of St. John the Divine”; “I make altar sees herself and the various roles we take on as a the passion member of our church, diocese and archdiocese. cloths and help clean the church.” My dear sisters Antiochian However large or small this role, what is important in Christ, by virtue of your baptism and chrisma- of christ for an Antiochian woman is that we are focused on A JOURNEY THROUGH HOLY WEEK tion into the Antiochian Orthodox Church, you are our faith and His church. an Antiochian woman. KEYNOTE SPEAKER Woman On March 3, 2013, the firstS unday of the month, THE RIGHT REVEREND BISHOP ANTHONY

a letter from His Eminence Metropolitan PHILIP will Youth Music Ministry Choral Techniques As mothers, very costly oil of spikenard, anointed the feet of be read from the pulpit, declaring March to be “Wom- Young Conductor’s Music Theory Apprentice Program d a u g h t e r s , Jesus, and wiped His feet with her hair” (John en’s Month.” Every Antiochian woman throughout Conducting Byzantine Chant grandmothers, 12:3). Each of these women with their many gifts this blessed Archdiocese will be handed a blue and Hymnography Youth, Adult and we are by nature cared for the Lord in her own way. white sticker to wear as she enters the church. The Byzantine Choirs “Name That Tone!” nurturers, caregivers, Our Antiochian Women’s Prayer encapsulates sticker will read, “I AM AN ANTIOCHIAN WOMAN.” Vocal Techniques Talent Show and comforters of the sick their role, and ours, in serving Christ and the In July, 2013, at the Archdiocese Convention in and infirm. Whether we help cook for the church, Church. It reads as follows: Houston, Texas, the Antiochian Women will be cel- fundraise for worthwhile church projects, make In the Name of the Father and of the Son ebrating a wonderful milestone, their Fortieth Anni- Antiochian Village • 140 Church Camp Trail • Bolivar, PA 15923 altar cloths, volunteer at a homeless shelter, or versary. Do not question for another minute whether and of the Holy Spirit: O Christ our God, we For more information please contact support battered women and their families, we are all pledged to serve Thee with our whole you are an Antiochian woman. The time has come PAUL JABARA AT JABARASMI GMAIL.COM OR 5147388401 are all serving God. In doing so, we are following being. Help us to continue to work for Thee for us all to stand together and show our solidarity in the footsteps of many pious, humble and faith- through our Church without seeking praise, as “Sisters in Christ,” and to declare with one voice, ful women who served the Lord with their whole without seeking personal gain, without judg- “I Am an Antiochian Woman.” beings, women such as the Virgin Mary, the oint- ing others, without a feeling that we have ment-bearers, the deaconesses who served Christ Violet K. Robbat, President worked hard enough and now must allow our- Antiochian Women, North American Board and the church, Martha who prepared and served selves rest. Give us strength to do what is right Jesus a meal, and her sister, Mary, who, “took a Violet Robbat (President Antiochian Women), Metropolitan PHILIP and Diane O’Reagan (VP Antiochian Women) Jesus, Emmanuel, is always present here and one should suffer from poverty, especially when everywhere, among us. He is always with us, He knows that we ourselves have the necessary Enthronement Speech Of ready to meet us. He rejoices in our joys, He rev- means and resources. Why don’t we set as our els in our holiness, and He weeps with us when we goal what St. John Chrysostom, the great shep- H.B. Patriarch John X are troubled and sorrowed. He also cries when, as herd from Antioch, taught us: “Do not possess shepherds and flock, we neglect to live according anything that you have. What you have belongs to His teachings, and whenever our sins mar His to the others. It is yours and your neighbour’s as bleeding, yet glorious face, and thus veil the world well, like the sun, the air and the earth” (Homily from seeing Him in His Church, and through us. 20 on the to the Corinthians). Brethren, let us on this blessed day, when Jesus suffers when He sees many of us, and the cross of shepherding the great and glorious especially the young, drift away, leave the flock Church of Antioch is entrusted to me, join hands or become indifferent. Regaining them must be that together we may live its glory and reveal it our utmost priority. Thus, we will rejoice at the to all. This happens when we listen together to return of the prodigal son and that he may re- Jesus, and when we pray daily: “Teach me to do sume his place in the work of the Church. Why thy will, for thou art my God” (Psalm 142: 10). don’t we seriously ponder the real reasons behind God is not pleased to see that the unity He the emigration of our young? Why don’t we de- wants for His people is shattered, and that His velop methods of pastoral care that we may reach flock is divided into many factions. We, together, them, not only with words, but through liturgical constitute the people of God, a charismatic peo- revival, and through the teaching that refocuses ple, a holy nation, a royal priesthood. Each of us on the core of our tradition and liberates some must realize the gifts given to him by the Spirit of our practices from monotony? We have to find in the service of others. The shepherd is the first a way that enables them to touch the depths of servant who sacrifices himself for his flock; he our inspirational Liturgy, to let them inhale from knows each of them by name, like the Good Shep- it, and show them that it will open many oppor- herd who gave his life for all. The shepherd does tunities for them to enter into God’s and their not command “as if he were an autocrat,” as the brethren’s hearts. We face the huge task of mod- great St. Ignatius of Antioch wrote in his letter to ernising the practice of our pastoral care and of the people of Ephesus (Letter to the Ephesians our educational programs. Such a task requires 3:1). The shepherd orders by love and sacrifice. the participation of the priest, the monk, the nun, He orders by the cross which he willingly climbs, and the lay men and women. The task has to be as his Lord did before. He observes the talents founded on the knowledge of the theologian, the of his flock. He recognizes the good in them to specialization of the educator, and on the labor of enhance it. He calls us all to participate in the workers in the pastoral field as well. Kingdom’s design that starts here on this earth, Indeed, our youth are the treasure of our in the Church. And then the flock should put all Church. They are its ambassadors in this rapidly We thank the Lord our God who allowed us, in the two previous months, to celebrate His appear- their resources and their powers at the service of changing world. We want them to assume the role the Church, our true mother. In this way the face of ambassadors in a serious way. We want them ance in the flesh as man and His manifestation as God coming to save us. After Jesus had fulfilled of Christ will be revealed under the leadership of to know that the whole Church needs their en- His plan of salvation by dying on the cross and rising from the dead, and after He ascended in the the bishop who steadfastly calls for love, service thusiasm and commitment. It needs their readi- flesh to heaven from whence He had descended, sitting on the right hand of the Father, He prayed and “cooperation,” “For one is your Master and ness to consecrate their lives for a goal they want the Father to send the Holy Spirit to dwell in the hearts of each of us. Everyone who desires this all ye are brethren” (Mt. 23: 8). Let us practice to achieve. We have to make them aware of their and wants the Spirit to dwell in him does this so that Jesus may appear to him, and also that he this brotherhood in mutual respect and rise above special role in the Church of Christ “who loved God is not pleased might be reminded of the Lord’s sayings and teachings. The Holy Spirit shows us Jesus Christ, at ourselves, as our Lord has done by loving us unto the rich young man” and was saddened by his to see that the unity He wants for His first in the Church, which is His Body and which He wanted to be “a glorious church, with neither death. departure. The young are rich in their modern people is shattered, stains, wrinkles, nor any such thing” (Eph. 5: 27). He also makes Him present in the Church through God is not pleased to see His Church, which outlook, in their passion, and in the many gifts and that His flock is the word of His Gospel, in the Body and Blood of His Eucharist, in His meeting with His brothers is called upon to care for all, not caring enough that God bestowed upon them. We need them divided into many who gathered in His Name, as well as in every human being - especially in the poor, the homeless about the poor, those little ones whom He loved, and urge them, through our love, to always work factions. and the broken-hearted, in whom He accepted to dwell. The Holy Spirit reveals Jesus wherever and not treating them as its priority and the pri- in the Church’s workshop and to consider them- HEdawns, making Him present yet veiled in all religions and all cultures. ority of its institutions. Jesus desires that no selves responsible for it along with their brothers,

6 The Word The Word 7 Enthronement Address

and especially those whom God has called upon time, but to renew the human soul and bring it in it, we ought to support them and assure them to watch over His flock. If we love them the way closer to the face of Jesus. All its attention must a decent life. The community has a major role to Christ loves them, then our relationship with them be in His direction. Only then will modernisation play in this regard. would become one of brotherhood, love and mu- interact with the human heart and lead to the sal- The monastic movement plays a central role tual respect. In this way they will overcome every vation of man. in the revival of the Church and in its spiritual contradiction between obedience and authority Needless to say, the Lord is saddened by the vi- life. We are thankful that in the past fifty years and will live as the children of one family, obey- olence and killing now permeating many regions, and with the help of God, we have regained in ing those who obey Jesus Christ. Thus, author- as is now happening in Syria. We have there mem- our Patriarchate, these “spiritual oases,” the mo- ity becomes obedience and obedience becomes a bers of our Church who have been forced to leave nastic orders that arose in the first centuries of loving authority. their homes and towns; they have become jobless, Christianity. We need monasteries with members God is not pleased when He sees us clinging they have lost their means of livelihood. Love is who truly live brotherly communion in prayer, to the letter of things, emptying the letter of spir- the enemy of death and of violence wherever they spiritual exercise and physical work, thus carry- it and life. We know that the Church is alive by may come from. We have to consider the cause ing us with them in their prayers. We are certain the Holy Spirit, and through Whom, it has sur- of the homeless as our cause and help those who that their fervent prayers will protect the entire vived throughout history. Ecclesial Tradition is suffer from this tragic situation. We have to show world and will strengthen the Church in fulfilling not something motionless or stagnant, but a tool them our love, to consecrate ourselves to comfort its mission. of salvation and a way to understand the divine them. Jesus suffers in each one of them; do we Jesus wants everything among us to be per- sacrament. We live at a time in which tradition see Him in them? Shouldn’t we consecrate our- formed decently, wisely, in an orderly manner and helping to find the right responses to the urgent is often rejected, and this negatively affects our selves to serve them by donating a part of what abiding by the rules. We respect our institutions challenges facing our generation, and facing our youth. Our Church is concerned with the devel- we own to them? Shouldn’t we be ‘the administra- and our laws, and we try to remove the obstacles institutions. opments of our time because Jesus Christ wants tors of divine matters,’ as the great Antiochian St. that stand in the way of their proper implementa- We please the Lord when we work as shep- it to be His witness at all times. Following up on Maximos the Confessor said? In this respect, we tion. Canons are not rigid laws. They are an ex- herds and flock in strengthening the unity of the a time like ours requires wiping off the dust that, have to carry the cross of our country and to pray pression of the life of the Church and of its re- Orthodox churches, in helping them in the reali- due to our sins, has accumulated on our tradition and work for reconciliation, brotherhood, peace, lationship with its Lord. In addition, we should sation of the awaited Great Holy Synod, and in throughout the centuries. It also requires work- freedom and justice in our region, categorically enable the institutions established by our ances- resolving the challenges facing it. We cannot, in ing to reveal what is authentic in it. Modernity is refusing all kinds of violence and hatred. tors, with the grace of God, to be more conscious this respect, forget the basic role of the Church of a blessing that calls us to revive the fundamentals Jesus is undoubtedly saddened when He sees of the challenges of the modern consumer society. Constantinople and the Ecumenical Patriarchate. Needless to say, the of our worship and teachings, and also to differ- some of us, shepherds and flock, behaving in a These institutions should continue to inhale from As for us, in Antioch, we shall remain a bridge of Lord is saddened by entiate between the one Holy Tradition and the way totally strange to the spirit of His Gospel. our tradition and from the Spirit manifested in it. communication among all, and supporters of all the violence and killing many secondary traditions and practices to which Such behavior transforms our character and be- If we do that, then the dialogue with the world now permeating many decisions taken by consensus of all the churches we often cling. The witness of the Church, at this comes a stumbling block in guiding people to regions, as is now will become easier and our children will be bet- working together. We are also committed to find- age, is to discern and make choices. Modernity imitate Jesus and espouse His ethos. Hence, we happening in Syria. We ter equipped to face the challenges of modernity. ing solutions that will manifest the face of Jesus in have there members of offers many opportunities. We must resort to the have no choice but to repent as persons and as a They will also get acquainted, without fear, with His Church, for the salvation of the world, setting our Church who have good in it to regain our people who are getting community, and to rely fully on God, seeking His its positive aspects. The only reason for justifying aside all divisive material and mundane concerns. been forced to leave increasingly attracted by prevailing globaliza- forgiveness, and trusting that He will guide us to the existence of an institution in the Church is to their homes and towns; Jesus cries when He witnesses the divisions in tion. Our Church must not fear to use the meth- His path. “He who longs after God and finds his witness to Jesus and to spread His teachings in they have become job- the Christian world, and the distance among its ods available in our time to modernise its prac- ease and comfort in Him, God can be seen in him less, they have lost their its own way, although it may have other important members, as well as the recent weakening of ecu- tices, to build bridges towards its children, and for God is in all His creatures,” according to St. means of livelihood. social and cultural roles to play as well. menical work. We have to pray with Jesus and all Love is the enemy of to learn to speak their language. This is what the . Jesus wants his Church to be the light of the brothers belonging to Him, that “the unity Christ death and of violence holy fathers did when they used Greek philoso- Here we appreciate the importance of a good world, and the light should not be hidden. It wills might grow” (John 17: 1). We must under- wherever they may phy, which was widespread in their time, to con- clerical education that will provide us with shep- should illuminate the minds and hearts of our come from. stand that this unity is a necessary condition “that vey the message of the Gospel in a language that herds who will live and behave according to people. We have to mobilize all our resources and the world may believe” (John 17: 21). The drifting the people understood. We have to follow their God’s will, who will be committed to the mis- activate all our brethren to serve their mother, of the people away from faith, their disinterest in example if we are to remain faithful in transmit- sion of Priesthood and who will participate in our Antiochian church, that it may preserve its God’s love, their reliance on a world without the ting the message. The challenge lies in making the Church’s work. Therefore, I call our youth to shining light ignited in the past by our Apostolic God who created them in His own image, calling the life of Jesus Christ glow in our faces, in our approach this ecclesiastical service with humil- See. In this respect, we recall the important role them to His likeness, and offering them a way to- worship, and in all the aspects of our Church that ity, steadfastness and boundless love for God, re- of the St. John of Damascus Institute of Theology ward deification, is disturbing. These tendencies the people may find their salvation in it. Finally, membering the Lord’s saying to Peter: “If you love and of the University of our Orthodox Church, urge us to try and instill harmony between the renewal is not only to modernise the texts and to me, feed my sheep” (John 21: 15). To help those the University of Balamand, in renewing the pas- Eastern and Western churches and to strengthen make them understandable in the language of our priests in fulfilling their mission and succeeding toral vision, in offering new possibilities, and in

8 The Word The Word 9 Enthronement Address

cooperation in the fi elds of ministry and pastoral they are afraid and anxious about their fate; they care. We need to encourage dialogue, to get to emigrate searching for a better life. the Church know each other better, and to take daring reli- must deal seriously with these problems which gious initiatives so that we may reach, in God’s are at the heart of its mission, using all available good time, the communion in the one . capacities, resources and endowments to help We may then tell those who ask about our faith: its children stay in this region. As for those who “come and see” (John 1: 46), come and see how have already emigrated or are about to emigrate, our love for each other stems from our love for the Church must fi nd adequate ways to shepherd the One who loved us and gave His life for all. them abroad, in their respective Antiochian arch- God is not pleased to see co-existence with dioceses. We must always call them to be “imi- non-Christians with whom we share the same tators of Christ even as He is of his Father” (st. country regress and even vanish here and there Ignatius of Antioch, The Letter to the Philadel- for various reasons, for reasons of politics, or for phians 7: 2), reminding them that they are all fundamentalist tendencies, that have nothing to “fellow-travelers and God-bearers” (st. Ignatius do with religion. Love does not know fear or hos- of Antioch, The Letter to the Ephesians 9: 2). tility: “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not Without God and without returning to Him in to- envy, it does not boast… It keeps no record of tal humility, all human associations are in vain, wrongs. Love does not delight in evil…” (1 Co 13: with no present and no future. 4-8). Love is our byword and our weapon. We, the my brothers, my sons, our common concern Antiochians, are an Eastern church; its roots go is to please God. this is the main challenge that deep in the history of our region. Along with our members of the Holy Antiochian synod, and muslim brothers, we are the sons and daughters our archdioceses in the homeland and abroad, of this good earth. God wanted us in it to wit- our sons and daughters, and all members of our ness to His Holy Name, and in it we must stay, Church will have to face. the Antiochian see is encouraging decent and respectful co-existence, one and we will continue to work that it may re- refusing all kinds of hatred, fear and arrogance. main united and continue to shine even brighter. to my muslim brothers I proclaim, we are not Our archdioceses are and should be open to each Eight years ago, that, although he had been a serious Protestant only partners in the land and in its destiny, for other and should cooperate at all levels. they David DeJonge came Christian, he was totally unaware of the history together we have built the civilization of this land should be open to the other Orthodox churches, David DeJonge to St. Nicholas An- of the Church from the apostolic period until the and shared in the making of its culture and his- to the sister Christian churches, and to all people tiochian Orthodox Church in Grand Reformation, and much that he did not know in tory. Let us therefore work together in preserv- of good will. the goal of our Antiochian Patri- Rapids to photograph the wedding of general about the Church. His newfound interest ing this precious heritage. We are also partners in archate is to ensure that Christ is not ashamed Jamie Abraham, a parishioner of St. in iconography and church history led to the pub- worshipping the one God, the true God, the light of us. rather, we have to stand united together in Nicholas. David is a very well-known lication of a book that was much more than just a photographer, having completed por- collection of beautiful photographs of the icons of the heavens and of the earth. love in order to fulfi ll this goal. Help me to reach traits of many notable Americans (in- of St. Nicholas Church, but an historical guide to We are a church and not just one confession this goal, that our church may shine by His light cluding President Gerald Ford, Henry two thousand years of history. The book, nearly among others. the Church includes the confes- and may serve as a vehicle of peace, brotherhood Kissinger, John McCain, Antony Scalia, two hundred color pages, is entitled, Beyond the sion and does not deny it, but the Church is not a and cooperation. It is this goal that will ultimately Newt Gingrich, Jesse Jackson). Being Image: The History of the Church through Iconog- confession whose concerns stop at its boundaries salvage our deteriorating world and infuse it with keenly aware of images, David was struck raphy. The text was written by Katherine Khorey, without thinking of the others. this is so because meaning. We know well that this meaning is in by the icons recently painted by iconog- a member of St. Nicholas, and the book was in- our Lord asked us to love everyone and to seek us, but it is often hidden behind our passions and rapher, Fr. Theodore Koufos. This fi rst spired and produced through the generosity of the common good. this does not mean that we sins. I humbly and collegially call upon all our encounter with Orthodox icons was the Gerald and Julie Abraham. It is available from St. should neglect the concerns of the community archdioceses to congregate actively and wipe off beginning of a spiritual journey that led Nicholas Church in Grand Rapids for $40 (616- that constitutes the social environment of our the dust of the precious jewel entrusted to them. to his chrismation in the Holy Ortho- 954-2700). church. We have to care, according to an open through joint solidarity and participation of all dox Church. David was again engaged David has also formed a company that produces evangelical spirit, about all its components. We members of these archdioceses, we shall together to return to St. Nicholas several times some very fi ne reproductions of icons. Interested to photograph the installation of other readers can see David’s photographic work on his continuously pray for all its members because bear witness to the One God who redeemed us icons with the intent of producing a his- web site at www.dejongestudio.com. They may this is how we “lead them to God” (st. Ignatius with His precious blood, and who wants the An- torical picture-book for the parish. It was also fi nd his reproductions on his webpage,www. of Antioch). We want to listen to them and try tiochian Church, where we were fi rst called Chris- through his labor and the icons that Da- legacyicons.com. What follows is David’s story in to solve their problems and diffi culties. We know tians, to recover the leading role it played in its vid discovered the saints who lived from his own words. that many of their members emigrate because glorious history. apostolic times down into the twentieth century. David was shocked to realize Fr. Daniel Daly

10 the Word the Word 11 Beyond The Image

and formed a canvas shield of the dome above. Orthodox Church. After twenty years as a photographer and a life- As a Protestant I found that it was always a The ten-foot doors were lodged open, and the light filtering time growing up with Christian teaching, my life mystery how the Christian faith became what it is through the windows illuminated a dusty haze that filled the was about to change. I call this moment the scaf- today. For me and for many Protestant Christians, air. In the center of the church was a stairwell that zig-zagged fold of divine ascent. I approached the stairs and Christian history seemed to go from the death and Beyond the Image vertically and disappeared into the hazy top of the structure. looked up and behind me. I quietly said to myself resurrection of Jesus Christ directly to 1500 A.D. Yellow, chipped and seasoned scaffolding ascended as far as one of my “life sayings”: “A journey of a thousand and Martin Luther. What I discovered in this as- the eye could see to a plywood platform that rested on top miles begins with a single step.” And so this jour- signment was the fifteen hundred missing years. ney began as I stepped onto the stairs. This was a discovery not only of the blood of my This was an intriguing assignment, one steeped Lord, but the blood of those who forged our faith, in mystery both in my life and in the construction of those willing to give their all to share faithfully around me in this church. As I began the slow as- the good news of forgiveness and love – daugh- cent, I was astounded at how much the entire man- ters killed by fathers for their love for Christ, and made structure shifted with my every step. This miracles of which I had never heard. movement let those working above know immedi- Everything within the Orthodox Christian faith ately that someone new was arriving. is harmoniously ordered. Here I refer to what Or- The soft voices echoing above acknowledged thodoxy calls Holy Tradition, that is, the Scriptures, that a new person was coming up. At the top of the the writings of the Church Fathers, the creeds and scaffold I could no longer see what was going on councils, the prayers, hymns and liturgy, as well below, but only those things surrounding me sixty as the icons of the Church. All these things are in feet above the floor. The workers were installing harmony with one another down through the cen- the Pantocrator icon in the dome of St. Nicholas turies. The icons of the saints that I saw in this Antiochian Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan. church depicted many of the heroes in the long So what happens when you take a lifelong Prot- history of Christian faith. estant and drop him into the installation of iconog- Like the scaffold on which I now stood, the wis- raphy representing two thousand years of church dom of the Church Fathers was critical to the sta- history? For me what happened were a transfor- bility and the future of the church. The “truth once mation and the beginning of an addiction to learn- delivered to the saints” has been preserved and ing. These led in turn to the production of a book made present to us not in history books, but in all by which I could share the journey and knowledge the elements of the Holy Tradition of the Church. with others, and to my eventual chrismation in the What I saw in the icons is the same truth professed

12 The Word The Word 13 Beyond The Image Works of The Order in Action! in the Creed and expressed in the prayers and the truth. From there one can truly assess and de- hymns of the Church. The history and life of the termine one’s own beliefs. I studied thousands of Theophany School Church is present in the Holy Tradition. This was hours in preparing this book, and many times have the history that longed to know. been surprised to learn that what I had thought ixteen years ago, at the tender in our parishes and communities. It is no wonder At the top of the steps I was greeted by those was biblically correct in fact was wrong. Good age of twenty-one, Sonia Daly had that we agree with St. Theophan the Recluse: “Of who were not only artists but also expert church his- study of church history should yield “clarity by a vision to open an Orthodox School all holy works, the education of children is the torians, actively working at their artistry . . . or was contrast” for you, too, who are curious, shedding near her hometown in Massachusetts. most holy”! it just artistry? For what I have found in five years of light on your own beliefs, wherever you end up. With her hard work and by God’s grace, Theophany School strives to provide these studying church history, as part of the preparation The Antiochian stream of the Orthodox Church Theophany School opened its doors in 1997. faith-based educational opportunities to all fami- of this book on iconography, is that everything with- can trace its origins back to the very first church Since then, we have been working hard to foster lies, regardless of economic status. In this tough in the Orthodox Christian faith is linked together to (after that of Jerusalem), founded by the Apos- the intellectual, moral and social development of economic climate, Theophany School is still able the past. There are checks and balances to make tles in Antioch (thus the term Antiochian). The our students by engaging their minds, nurturing to provide an affordable Orthodox education for sure that there is no deviation from the foundations Orthodox Christian faith also gave the world the their spirits, and enriching their God-given gifts its families through fundraising and through gen- laid by Christ, the Apostles and the Church Fathers. Nicene Creed that many Christian bodies either and talents through the teachings and life of the erous grants from such organizations as The Or- For no one or no denomination can declare himself cite or use as a basis for Christian faith. Orthodox Holy Orthodox Christian Church. Our small class der of St. Ignatius. As well as helping to keep our or herself Orthodox; first there must be a set of de- believe in apostolic succession, which means that sizes and child-driven curriculum let us educate tuition costs low, the Order funded expansion of fining beliefs, rules, and structure. each bishop is in a line of succession going back the whole child, thereby cultivating each child’s Theophany’s program offerings through the cre- Like the manmade scaffolding put up to con- to the Apostles themselves. In laymen’s terms, this strengths, and encouraging him or her to be an in- ation of a week-long summer enrichment camp. struct this temple, eventually the men who made might be compared with a family tree or spiritu- the structure and icons will fade away from the al chain going back to the beginning, and to ap- dependent thinker and a thoughtful member of our This camp, which runs each June, provides op- earthly scene. For the manmade structures can be pointments made by the very first apostles. The School, and of his or her family and communities, portunities for current and future students and flawed, damaged and imperfect. For those in the Orthodox Church, for all intents and purposes, is ultimately guiding us all along the path to Christ. families to explore our programs and philosophy. profession of iconography there is no room for the custodian of the undivided Church’s history, Theophany School remains a beacon of hope Additionally, Theophany School is currently in the imperfection as these images are visual stories to as Orthodox are in charge or share care of the for the future of our students, their families and process of adding enrichment programs, in music, indicate to people today and in the future of the most holy sites in Christian history: the Church of our society at large, given the current state of our dance and language, as supplements to our child- faith and outside of it. They must be faithful to the the Sepulcher, the Church of the Nativity, and the economy, the instant gratification provided by dig- centered curriculum. We know that our students, Tradition of the Church. Monastery of St. Catherine which is at the foot of ital technology, and the violence exhibited in the families and communities are benefitting from the Again, like the structure of the scaffolds, the Mt. Sinai, to name a few. The Orthodox monks of media and in our schools. We believe that we are strong foundation that we are building here, as our iconography is symbolic and historic and must ad- St. Catherine’s Monastery have some of the oldest called to “train up a child in the way he should alumni are going on to become leaders of SOYO, here to centuries of consistency and instruction. Christian documents in the world. go, and when he is old he will not depart from it” GOYA and OCF, to participate in community ser- For iconography has been called theology in color. What I found in the process of producing this (Proverbs 22:6). Theophany School’s educational vice, and to thrive in their academic programs. As a mere human being, working to capture the book was a vast gallery of witnesses to church histo- philosophy is based on the faith, life and teach- We look forward to seeing the ways in which they photographs of this book, I will fade away as well. ry – icons, theologians and priests. The scaffolding ings of the Orthodox Church: to recognize and re- change the world. Knowing how our students And when the men and women fade, what remains at St. Nicholas has long since been taken apart and spect God’s presence in all things, to constantly flourish following their preschool and kindergar- will form a link from the earliest days of the church removed, allowing those below to fully view those challenge each other to grow, and to engage our ten experiences at Theophany School, we look to the future, so that others as well can trust the above. With its removal, those above are looking senses, minds, souls and bodies in becoming forward to expanding into a full elementary pro- foundation described within this book. If we have down and witness clearly how people have assem- the persons God means us to be. At Theophany gram, fulfillingS onia’s dream. These opportunities done our jobs properly, you will look at the images bled and disassembled their own lives; each person School, our students not only learn the fundamen- would not be possible without the generosity of rather than us. The history depicted within the ico- owns a scaffold of divine ascent. What are the piec- tal building-blocks that enable them to advance philanthropic organizations such as The Order of nography and photographs should be able to tell es in our own lives that need repair? What acts of academically, but they develop the social skills that St. Ignatius. From the bottom of our hearts, we the story of Christianity accurately and sufficiently. mercy are we not tending to? Are we spreading the will help them become great leaders, family mem- would like to thank The Order for their continuing For the purposes of this book we decided not to news about the truth that can bring peace? What bers and friends: patience, humility, self-control, patronage as Theophany School and its students delve into a theological defense of the use of icons poor are we ignoring? What hurting need to be empathy, how to take turns, how to share, and change the world, one child at a time. in veneration, worship or prayer. If this perplex- helped? Have we given up the first-class seat to aid es you, we invite you to study the history of the the poor and the homeless? Do we help our neigh- how to communicate. Research shows that learn- ing these skills in preschool is crucial for success 1. P.M. Wortman, “An Exemplary Evaluation of a Program That Worked: Church using the full spectrum of materials now bors the way we would help strangers on a mission The High/Scope Perry Preschool Project,” American Journal of Evalu- 1 available, or to seek the counsel of an Orthodox trip overseas? What spiritually lost need help? in a competitive job market later in life. We know, ation 16.3 (1995): 257-65 (print). priest. (These topics, however, were scrutinized The lessons on the scaffolding are now perma- however, that a successful career is just one thread and established at the Second Nicene Council in nently etched in my mind as now, each Sunday, my in the rich tapestry of our lives. By interweaving 787 AD.) As a lifelong historian and photojournal- family worships at St. Nicholas. I look upon the Orthodoxy into the everyday lives of our students ist my intent has always been to get as close to face of the Pantocrator each week and reflect on and families, our students will not only be better the source of the story as I could, and that has where this journey has led me. To know that once prepared to face the challenges of an increasingly always meant going to the witnesses to gather in- I touched the face above, and one day I will be secular world, but they will also be prepared formation. Hopefully to find the witness is to find Continued on Page 23 to become the next generation of leaders

14 The Word The Word 15 Series “A Christian Ending to Our Lives” The Glory of the Divine Services of the here in the funeral service that the other-world- Lecture 4: Archpriest Josiah Trenham, Ph.D. Orthodox Church ly nature of the Orthodox Christian faith is re- vealed in such contrast to the materialistic world There is nothing that cheers the heart of an in which we live. The sobriety and truth-telling Orthodox priest more than the praying of the di- The Funeral Service of the funeral service is so blatant, so articulate, vine services. It is the priest’s greatest honor to and delivered with such a succinct power that it conduct these holy mysteries, and it is the great- Spiritual Essentials and Practical Advice for the ­Family leaves visitors reeling, convinced that they have est honor of the faithful to participate in them. heard the truth about life and death, the earth and This is the case for the Holy Liturgy, but also for heaven, and the importance of the Kingdom of all the sacraments and services of the Church. God in a way that they never do in any other place The services themselves are transformative. at all. I believe it is safe to say that the Orthodox Their beauty, holiness, depth, and theology reveal funeral service is the most dramatic service of the and convey the Holy Trinity to us, and us to the Church. Holy Trinity. As the pastor of St. Andrew Church I regularly The Purpose of the Funeral Service have the joy of interacting with first-time visitors and neophytes who are literally overwhelmed by Very few Americans today can tell you the pur- the services. I hear about these occasions on a pose of a funeral service, and those who try will regular basis following the liturgy, but I also hear probably articulate a purpose that is, in fact, far about them on the occasions when there are larg- from the traditional purpose of Christian funer- er visitor populations, such as at baptisms, wed- als. I suspect that most would say today that the dings, and funerals. purpose of the funeral is to celebrate the life of At baptism receptions I often hear from visitors the deceased and to remember them. There is about the deep effect that exorcisms, the trine im- a time and place for this, but it is certainly not mersion and emersion, and the sealing with holy the funeral service. The purpose of the funeral Introduction chrism has upon the attendees. This sacred rite of service is two-fold: to assist by our prayers the initiation leaves a deep impression upon visitors, transition of the soul of the departed to the next In my last three pieces on this subject, I have examined and they leave with a firm understanding that the life; and to bid it farewell. We come to funerals to intercede for our departed loved one, and to say the origin and meaning of death, how the cultivation Orthodox Church takes holy baptism extremely seriously and believes that it is truly the begin- goodbye. of the remembrance of death is a fundamental virtue in In most of the divine services we come to wor- the Christian life; what a Christian perspective on aging ning of the Christian life, entrance into the holy Church, and a miracle of forgiveness, regenera- ship God, and to make supplication for our sins. is – a preparation for translation to the next life; and In the funeral service we come to ask the Lord for what constitutes a good death; and we walked through tion, and adoption into the family of God. At wedding receptions I hear from visitors mercy for the departed. As such, attendance at the basic practical steps from death to burial. In this about the beauty of the crowning and I receive the funeral of the departed is not something that article I would like us to look at the Funeral ­Service. questions about the various movements of the ought be dreaded or resisted in any way. Rather, service: the processional dance around the Holy we ought to go fervently to the funeral as an ex- Gospel; the drinking of the blessed wine; and pression of our sincere love for the departed. We more. I often hear comments like, “There is no go to serve, to help, to intercede, to do a great act question that they are really married.” These for someone we love, and in cases of the funerals comments come from the content of the sacra- of those who did not die well, we go to help and ment of crowning, the many blessings from the express the mercy of God. Author of marriage and supplications to Him, and The Text of the Funeral Service the reading of the Holy Gospel about the wedding feast at Cana. From the earliest times of the Church, believ- At the mercy meal following funerals I also ers sang hymns and psalms and read prayers for hear from visitors. In fact, in my pastoral experi- the repose of the departed. The has always ence, there has been no divine service that has been the main prayer book of the church, and provoked greater response from non-Orthodox provides the core of the material for all the di- visitors than has the funeral service. Perhaps it is vine services of the Church, including the Funeral Service. The fundamental form of the Church’s

16 The Word The Word 17 The Funeral Service

funeral service took definitive shape in the fourth tions about God’s protection: “He shall deliver tion chanted in every Sunday Orthros, “Blessed soul of thy servant, and establish him in Para- and fifth centuries, and the most beautiful por- thee from the snare of the hunter.” (In this art thou O Lord, teach me thy statutes....” The dise; where the Choir of the Saints, and of the tion of the funeral service, the Funeral Idiomela, case the “hunters” are the demons who seek to Evlogetaria of the Departed are chanted using Just, shine like the stars of heaven; Give rest was composed by St. John of Damascus in the bring our souls into hell.) It goes on: “He shall the same solemn tone, the plagal of tone 1, but to thy servant who hath fallen asleep, regard- early eighth century. Let me walk you through the defend thee under His wings”; “His faithful- the hymns are thematic for the funeral and not ing not all the charges against him.” In this component parts of the service, starting from the ness and truth shall be thy shield”; “Thou shalt the resurrection. fifthEvlogetarion, the congregation picks up the opening, “Blessed is our God, always, now and not be afraid of any terror”; “There shall no Evlogetarion 1. “The Choir of the Saints prayer and speaks, asking the Lord to give rest to ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.” evil happen unto thee”; “He shall give his an- has found the Fountain of Life and the Door the departed, and recalling that, contrary to the gels charge over thee … They shall bear thee of Paradise. May I also find the right way, way we see the body of the departed in the cof- In Repose on the Solea in their hands;” “Thou shalt go upon the lion through repentance. I am a lost sheep. Call fin ravaged by death, the souls of the just shine The service begins with the departed lying in ... and the dragon shalt thou tread under thy me, O Savior, and save me.” In the firstEvloge - like the stars of heaven. Such is the future of the repose in his coffin on the solea. The celebrants feet.” Is this not the very deliverance we all are tarion, the departed seeks mercy from the Savior faithful. stand in the holy gates facing the departed and seeking for the soul of the departed? Do we not through the voice of the chanters. Evlogetarion 6. “Ye who have trod the nar- the congregation. This arrangement itself is of gather to ask of God that the soul of the depart- Evlogetarion 2. “O thou who of old didst row way most sad; all ye who, in life have tremendous significance. For a believer to be on ed not fall into the hands of the hunter-demons? create me from nothingness, and didst hon- taken upon you the Cross as a yoke, and have the solea is a very special thing, for it is here that That the soul of the departed not be detained or or me with thine image divine, but because followed Me through faith, draw near. Enjoy we draw near to God and receive the holy sacra- consumed by Satan, the prowling lion and drag- I transgressed thy commandments hast re- ye the honors and the crowns which I have pre- ments. On the solea we are united to the Holy on? Are we not gathered to beseech God to allow turned me again unto the earth from which I pared for you.” In the sixth Evlogetarion, Christ Trinity when we receive the holy Eucharist, are our beloved to trample these enemies underfoot? was taken. Bring me back to that likeness, to Himself speaks and promises that the reward of The purpose of the funeral service touched by God when we are united with holy That the angels of God take charge of the soul be reshaped in that pristine beauty.” In the sec- bearing the cross through this sad earthly life is is two-fold: to as- unction, and are crowned into one flesh by God of our beloved and escort it to paradise? Indeed ond Evlogetarion, the departed, after recalling honors and crowns prepared by Him for His dis- sist by our prayers in the service of holy matrimony. When we are we do, and this beautiful Psalm 90 is the funeral the true theology that God made man a partaker ciples forever. the transition of on the solea we should think “nearness to God,” psalm par excellence. of His image and upright, and that sin, the trans- Evlogetarion 7. “Devoutly do we hymn the the soul of the and such is the case also in the funeral service. The psalm ends with God speaking, “Because gression of the commandments, is the origin of triple splendor of the one Godhead, crying departed to the next life; and to The departed on the solea is our presenting him he hath set his love upon me, I will deliver death and misery, asks that through death he be aloud: Holy art thou, O Father, who art from bid it farewell. We or her to God. him; I will set him up, because he hath known brought back to God’s likeness and be reshaped everlasting; O Son, Co-Eternal; and Spirit come to funer- my Name. He shall call upon me, and I will in pristine beauty. Death and Resurrection as re- ­divine! Illumine us who with faith do worship als to intercede The Funeral Psalm: Psalm 90 hear him; yes, I am with him in trouble (and shaping is a fundamental patristic dictum. thee; and rescue us from fire eternal!” In this for our departed Following the opening exclamation, the chant- “in trouble” is a good description of the soul af- Evlogetarion 3. “I am an image of thy seventh Evlogetarion, (following the Doxa), we loved one, and to say goodbye. er reads Psalm 90. This psalm has as its central ter death); I will deliver him, and bring him to glory ineffable, though I bear the brands of worship the Holy Trinity, and ask for deliverance theme the care and protection of God. It antici- honor. With long life (actually eternal life) will transgressions. Show thy compassions upon from eternal fire. pates the words of St. Paul, “If God is for us, who I satisfy him, and show him my salvation.” thy creature, O Master, and purify me by thy Evlogetarion 8. “Hail, O Holy One, who can be against us?” (Rom. 8:31). It begins with These concluding verses of the funeral psalm in loving-kindness; and grant unto me the home- for the salvation of all men didst bring forth these beautiful words which open the funeral ser- which we hear the voice of the Lord God are full country of my heart’s desire, making me God in the flesh; through whom the race of vice, “Whosoever dwells under the defense of of immense consolation, and reflect the very heart again a citizen of paradise.” In this third Evl- man hath found salvation; through Thee have the Most High, shall abide under the shadow of God, God’s desire for all persons that they love ogetarion, the departed reminds God that though we found Paradise, O , O pure and of the Almighty.” Is this not what we seek for our Him, inherit eternal life, be brought to honor, and he is a sinner, yet God’s image is not completely blessed one.” In this eighth and finalEvlogetari - departed brethren – that, as they move into the be satisfied in His salvation. eradicated by our sins. The departed asks God to on (after the “both/now”), we hymn the Most Pure unseen realm, they find themselves under “ the I should note as well that in some Orthodox purify him so that he may be fit to inherit his true Virgin Theotokos as the one through whom our defense of the Most High” and “abiding under funeral traditions Psalm 90 is omitted, and Psalm heart’s desire – paradise itself. salvation has come. the shadow of the Almighty”? 118, the amomos, is read. This is the longest Evlogetarion 4. “Ye holy Martyrs, who The Small Litany for the Departed. Fol- The psalm continues in a dialectical man- psalm in the psalter and praises the word of God preached the Lamb of God, and like unto lowing the Evlogetaria for the Departed, the cel- ner, with the author speaking and saying, “I will and a blameless life (amomos) and has always lambs were slain, and are translated into life ebrant chants the small Litany for the Departed. say unto the Lord, Thou art my hope, and my been cherished by the faithful at the time of eternal, which groweth not old; pray ye unto This litany is prayed several times throughout the stronghold, my God, in him will I trust.” Here is ­repose. Him that he will grant us remission of sins.” In funeral service, and in it the clergy and faithful the disposition of soul we pray that our departed this fourth Evlogetarion, the departed asks God ask for the pardon of the sins of the departed, for loved one has. We hope that he reposes with this The Evlogetaria of the Departed for the prayers of the holy martyrs. We remember his soul to be established where the just repose, sense of trust, reliance and faith in the Lord, for Following the funeral psalm, the chanters the martyrs at death, since they show us the way and for God’s mercies and kingdom to be granted it is this faith which will provide victory in death. chant the Evlogetaria of the Departed. We are to approach death and conquer it in Christ. to the reposed. The psalm continues with beautiful affirma- used to hearing the Evlogetaria of the Resurrec- Evlogetarion 5. “Give rest, O Lord, to the

The Word 18 The Word 19 The Funeral Service

Lamentations and Hymns self. We come to aid the soul by prayer. because the departed needs so sincerely to be re- Tone 3. “All mortal things are vanity and membered in God’s Kingdom. Following this we Following the Litany for the Departed the exist not after death. Riches endure not, nei- chant the first five beatitudes which pronounce chanters and readers sing a collection of ten or ther doth glory accompany on the way: for blessings upon the poor in spirit, mourners, the so solemn hymns, some of which are chanted and when death cometh, all these things vanish ut- meek, the hungry and thirsty for righteousness, some of which are read. Perhaps the most moving terly. Wherefore let us cry unto Christ the Im- and the merciful. Then, following the fifth beat- is the , “With the saints give rest, O mortal King: Give rest, in the dwelling-place itude, we interpose a selection of hymns to the Christ, to the soul of thy servant, where there is became a transgressor of thy commandment. of all those who rejoice, to him who is departed Lord between the remaining beatitudes. These neither sickness, nor sorrow, nor sighing, but For which cause, O Lord, thou didst condemn from among us.” This third idiomelon takes its verses between the separate beatitudes summa- life everlasting.” These hymns are followed by him to return again unto the earth whence he theme from King Solomon’s Ecclesiastes – be- rize the prayer and wish of the faithful for the de- another Litany for the Departed. was taken, and to entreat repose.” In this sev- cause of death, all earthly glory is vain. enth hymn, the role of the envy of the devil is parted, “May Christ give thee rest in the land of The Idiomela of St. John of Damascus Tone 4. “Where is desire for the world? brought forth in the fall of man. The devil and the living, and open unto thee the gates of Para- Where is the display of transient mortals? dise, and make thee a citizen of his kingdom; and Now we arrive at the most beautiful hymnody human sin – here we find the beginning of every- Where are the gold and the silver? Where is give thee remission of those things wherein thou and the most profound theology of the Funeral thing awful, and how we should despise the devil the multitude of household servants and their in life hast sinned, O thou who lovest Christ.” Service: eight idiomela composed by the great and sin! clamor? All are dust, all are ashes, all are theologian, St. John the Damascene. These idi- Tone 8. “I weep and I wail when I think shadows. But come, let us cry aloud unto the The Epistle Lesson omela are composed to be chanted, one in each upon death, and behold our beauty, fashioned deathless King: O Lord, of thine eternal good Following the Beatitudes the prokeimenon is of the eight tones. (Often the first seven are sim- after the image of God, lying in the tomb dis- things account him worthy who hath departed chanted, and the epistle lesson is taken from the ply read, and the eighth and final idiomelon is figured, dishonored, bereft of form. O marvel! from among us, giving unto him rest in thy First Epistle of St. Paul to the Thessalonians, in “Remember us, chanted in a slow, melasmatic way, while the de- What is this mystery which doth befall us? Why blessedness which groweth not old.” This fourth Chapter 4 of which St. Paul writes that he would O Lord, when thou ceased is censed on four sides.) have we been given over unto corruption, and comest into thy idiomelon, which begins with four sober ques- not have us ignorant about those who have fall- Tone 1. “What earthly sweetness remaineth why have we been wedded unto death? Truly, kingdom.” tions, posits that earthly desire and accomplish- en asleep, lest we sorrow as those do who have unmixed with grief? What glory standeth im- as it is written, by the command of God, who ment are dust and ashes. no hope. He goes on to affirm in the clearest of These poignant mutable on earth? All things are but feeble giveth the departed rest.” This magnificent and Tone 5. “I called to mind the Prophet, as terms that, at the return of Jesus Christ to the words of supplica- shadows, all things are most deluding dreams: final idiomelon is usually chanted very slowly, he cried: I am earth, and ashes; and I looked earth, He will bring with him the departed, and tion to the Lord yet one moment only, and Death shall supplant and it articulates the fundamental disposition of Jesus Christ were again into the graves and beheld the bones that together we shall forever be with the Lord. them all. But in the light of thy countenance, O the believers at the funeral itself. The funeral is originally uttered laid bare, and I said: Who then is the king or Christ, and in the sweetness of thy beauty, give not a celebration of the life of the departed, nor by St. Dimas, the the warrior, the rich man or the needy, the up- The Gospel Lesson thief on the cross, rest unto him whom thou hast chosen: foras- is it even a meditation upon the Resurrection of right or the sinner? Yet, O Lord, give rest to in the last mo- much as thou lovest mankind.” This firstidiom - Christ. It is rather a meditation upon death, with The Gospel lection is taken from St. John thy servant with the righteous.” This fifth idi- ments of his life. elon unmasks this earthly life and its pleasures the proclamation of the Resurrection at the end. 5:24–30, in which Jesus Himself promises that omelon paints death as the great leveler. Standing We repeat these for what they are – deluding dreams. It teaches us As such it is time for “weeping and wailing,” all who hear His word and believe in Him will words on behalf before death, at the graveside, and observing the not to place our hope in earthly things. for sober and contrite prayer, and deadly serious- not come into condemnation but into everlast- of the departed in bones, all earthly distinctions vanish and we can- ing life. He foretells the day when all those in the the funeral service Tone 2. “Woe is me! What manner of ordeal ness. This is why we wear black to funerals. not tell who is who. tombs will hear His almighty voice and rise: those because they doth the soul endure when it is parted from Tone 6. “Thy creating command was my The Beatitudes are so apropos, the body! Woe is me! How many then are its who have done good to a resurrection of life; origin and my foundation: for it was thy plea- and because the tears, and there is none to show compassion! Following the most significant idiomela of and those who have done evil to a resurrection departed needs sure to fashion me out of nature visible and Turning its eyes to the angels, it supplicates in St. John of Damascus, we chant the Beatitudes of damnation. These are extremely sobering, yet so sincerely to be invisible, a living creature. From the earth vain; stretching out its hand to men, it findeth in tone 6. These words were spoken by our Lord comforting, words. remembered in thou didst shape my body, and didst give me God’s Kingdom. none to succor. Wherefore, my beloved breth- in His famous Sermon on the Mount, and mani- a soul by thy divine and quickening breath. The Homily ren, meditating on the brevity of our life, let fest the Christian way of life, the blessed life. Wherefore, O Christ, give rest to thy servant us beseech of Christ rest for him who hath de- In the funeral service the beatitudes are begun The homily following the Holy Gospel is an op- in the land of the living, in the habitation of parted hence; and for our souls great mercy.” with these words, “Remember us, O Lord, when portunity for the celebrant to apply the words of the Just.” This hymn theologizes on the making By the repetition of the words “Woe!” this second thou comest into thy kingdom.” These poignant God’s truth to the hearers in a personal way. The of man from natures visible and invisible. idiomelon posits the great ordeal the soul goes words of supplication to the Lord Jesus Christ funeral sermon is an extremely important word in Tone 7. “When in the beginning, thou didst through at death. Death is not easy! And it is this were originally uttered by St. Dimas, the thief on that the preacher has a congregation more sober create man after thine own image and like- great trial of death and the movement of the soul the cross, in the last moments of his life. We re- and receptive to the preaching of the word of God ness, thou didst set him in Paradise to reign out of the body and to paradise or hades that is peat these words on behalf of the departed in the than at any other time. Tremendous comfort may over thy creatures. But when, beguiled by the the fundamental reason for the funeral service it- funeral service because they are so apropos, and be brought to the sorrowing through the funeral malice of the Devil, he tasted of the food, he homily, and tremendous conviction to the uncom-

20 The Word The Word 21 The Funeral Service daily devotions APRIL 2013 mitted and wayward. The funeral preacher opens or thought, and with all his senses, whether vol- of the Almighty God. By this sacred chant we pray that the Lord V. Rev. George Alberts his mouth for both consolation and exhortation, untary or involuntary; whether with knowledge God would uphold the departed in blessed existence, and keep and is to preach the Gospel of the Cross and Res- or through ignorance. If he be under the ban or him in His mind in Paradise forever. This would be then the ful- urrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.1 excommunication of a Bishop, or of a Priest; or fillment of the petition of the thief on the cross, “Remember me, 1. ISAIAH 8:13-9:7; GENESIS 6:9-22; A eulogy may be offered at this time as well, or hath sinned by any oath; or hath been bound, as O Lord, when Thou comest in Thy Kingdom.” We join our voic- PROVERBS 8:1-21 (FAST) may have already been made at the wake, or yet man, by any sins whatsoever, but hath repented es to the thief’s and ask God to remember the departed forever 2. ISAIAH 9:9-10:4; GENESIS 7:1-5; later offered at the mercy meal. him thereof, with contrition of heart: he is now – Memory Eternal. PROVERBS 8:32-9:11 (FAST) absolved from all those faults and bonds. May 3. ISAIAH 10:12-20; GENESIS 7:6-9; PROVERBS 9:12-18 (FAST) The Prayer of Absolution all those things which have proceeded from the The Last Kiss 4. ISAIAH 11:10-12:2; GENESIS 7:11-8:3; weakness of his mortal nature be consigned to After the dismissal, the faithful are invited by the celebrants to Following the homily and another recitation of PROVERBS 10:1-22 (FAST) oblivion, and be remitted unto him: Through His approach the departed on the solea and give a last kiss, a sacred the Small Litany for the Departed, the Prayer of 5. ISAIAH 13:2-13; GENESIS 8:4-21; loving-kindness; through the prayers of our most farewell “until we meet again.” The Last Kiss is a tremendously PROVERBS 10:31-11:12 (FAST) holy, and blessed, and glorious Lady Theotokos human act, and full of emotion and pain and faith. This act at 6. HEBREWS 10:32-38; MARK 2:14-17 (FAST) and ever-virgin Mary; of the holy, glorious, and the conclusion of the funeral is a very ancient funeral custom 7. HEBREWS 4:14-5:6; MARK 8:34-9:1 (FAST) all-laudable Apostles, and of all the Saints. Amen.” descending from the earliest days of persecution. This Last Kiss 8. ISAIAH 14:24-32; GENESIS 8:21-9:7; This last and great Prayer of Absolution is given by all present to the deceased is also a mighty expression PROVERBS 11:19-12:6 (FAST) the bishop or priest using his priestly authority of the unity and community of the faithful, both living and de- 9. ISAIAH 25:1-9; GENESIS 9:8-17; and power to its great extent. It is the apostolic parted. PROVERBS 12:8-22 (FAST) power of the Church in action for the salvation 10. ISAIAH 26:21-27:9; GENESIS 9:18-10:1; of souls, and has opened the kingdom of God to The Benefit of the Funeral Service for All PROVERBS 12:23-13:9 (FAST) innumerable persons at the time of their depar- The funeral service has exercised a tremendous influence 11. ISAIAH 28:14-22; GENESIS 10:32-11:9; tures from this life. I should also note, lest any- upon civilization. It uses the opportunity presented by death to PROVERBS 13:19-14:6 (FAST) one misunderstand and think that he can sin and help man develop a more profound understanding of the mean- 12. ISAIAH 29:13-23; GENESIS 12:1-7; not worry about it because the priest will grant ing and purpose of life. It helps man to mourn and grieve in a PROVERBS 14:15-26 (FAST) him this great absolution at his funeral, that there therapeutic, prayerful and regenerative way. It helps Christian 13. HEBREWS 6:9-12; MARK 7:31-37 (FAST) is one very important phrase in this absolution persons to understand the importance of their faith, and how 14. HEBREWS 6:13-20; MARK 9:17-31 (FAST) that reads, “but hath repented him thereof, with they are set apart from the unbelieving world which faces death 15. ISAIAH 37:33-38:6; GENESIS 12:12-18; contrition of heart.” Repentance is the door to without hope. It greatly enables the participants to live without PROVERBS 14:27-15:4 (FAST) forgiveness, and it is the condition for the bishop masks, and to face reality as it is. All the holy mysteries trans- 16. ISAIAH 40:18-31; GENESIS 15:1-15; or priest’s absolution. form believing participants, and the funeral, numbered amongst PROVERBS 15:7-19 (FAST) the divine mysteries by St. Dionysios the Areopagite, does not 17. ISAIAH 41:4-14; GENESIS 17:1-9; Absolution is made. This is properly reserved for PROVERBS 15:20-16:9 (FAST) The Benediction and Dismissal just alter the state of the departed, but alters the living at the the bishop, and may not always be done in the fu- 18. ISAIAH 42:5-16; GENESIS 18:20-33; The final benediction and dismissal has several funeral itself. We leave funerals different, changed, and molded neral service. If it is read by the priest-celebrant, PROVERBS 16:17-17:17 (FAST) unique phrases in it, including a reference to the by the hands of God. it should only be read if the deceased is a spiritual 19. ISAIAH 45:11-17; GENESIS 22:1-18; resurrection of Christ as on Sundays and the days The sober and sublime prayers and chants of the Funeral Ser- child of the priest. The Prayer of Absolution is PROVERBS 17:17-18:5 (FAST) of Holy Pascha, and instead of a simple wish that vice fashion contrition within us, encourage our repentance, and not technically a prayer at all, but a declaration of 20. HEBREWS 9:24-28; MARK 8:27-31 (FAST) God “have mercy on us and save us” the priest absolution and reads as follows: soften our hearts. 21. HEBREWS 9:11-14; MARK 10:32-45 (FAST) “Our Lord Jesus Christ, by His divine grace, says, “establish in the mansions of the righteous Archpriest Josiah Trenham, Ph.D. 22. ISAIAH 48:17-49:4; GENESIS 27:1-41; as also by the gift and power vouchsafed unto the soul of His servant N., who hath been taken PROVERBS 19:16-25 (FAST) His holy Disciples and Apostles, that they should from us, and number him with the Just….” 1.  With a blessing from his bishop and the use of a special and brief burial form, the priest 23. ACTS 12:1-11; JOHNS 15:17-16:2 (FAST) may preside at the burial of non-Orthodox. These circumstances provide the priest with 24. ISAIAH 58:1-12; GENESIS 43:26-31; 45:1-16; bind and loose the sins of men: (For He said unto Memory Eternal a unique opportunity to present the beauty and splendor of the Gospel to those who them: Receive ye the Holy Spirit: Whosoever sins would not normally hear it. PROVERBS 21:23-33:4 (FAST) At the conclusion of the Funeral Service, and ye remit, they are remitted; and whosoever sins Beyond the Image 25. ISAIAH 65:8-17; GENESIS 46:1-7; indeed often from the time of repose until the ye retain are retained. And whatsoever ye shall Continued from Page 14 PROVERBS 23:15-24:5 (FAST) Funeral, the chanting of “Memory Eternal” takes 26. ISAIAH 66:10-24; GENESIS 49:33-50:26; bind or loose upon earth shall be bound or loosed forever in His presence brings me the greatest ­comfort in my life. place. This is a universal Orthodox custom of PROVERBS 31:8-31 (FAST) also in heaven.) By that same power, also, trans- I am forever grateful for the friendships forged on this project. For great significance. According to St. Symeon of 27. HEBREWS 12:28-13:8; JOHN 11:1-45 (FAST) mitted unto us from them, this my spiritual child, it was my escort up and down the scaffold both in life and at St. 28. PHILIPPIANS 4:4-9; JOHN 12:1-18 (FAST) N., is absolved, through me, unworthy though I Thessaloniki, that great commentator upon the Nicholas that has forever changed me. Perhaps those above are be, from all things wherein, as mortal, he hath divine services, the “Memory Eternal” is the of- watching our lives the entire time to see if we are pure, and what 29. EXODUS 1:1-20; JOB 1:1-12; MATTHEW 24:3-35 (FAST) sinned against God, whether in word, or deed, ficial recognition of the deceased. By singing this truly lies Beyond the Image. we place the deceased into the everlasting arms Let mercy lead us. 30. EXODUS 2:5-10; JOB 1:13-22; MATTHEW 24:36-26:2 (FAST) 22 The Word David DeJonge The Word 23

Very Rev. John Edmunds, ST. Rev. David Emmanuel Goatley President Executive Secretary Conference of Major Superiors of Men’s Institutes Lott Carey Baptist Foreign Mission Convention

Rev. David Guthrie Mark S. Hanson President, Provincial Elders Conference, Southern Province Presiding Bishop Moravian Church in America Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

Very Rev. John Hardin, OFM Dr. Joel C. Hunter President Senior Pastor Franciscan Friars (OFM) English Speaking Conference Northland – A Church Distributed

Archbishop Cyril Aphrem Karim Kathryn Mary Lohre Archdiocese of the Syrian Orthodox President Church of Antioch for the Eastern USA National Council of Churches – USA

Rev. John McCullough Kathy McNeely President and CEO Director Church World Service Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns January 7, 2013 President Barack Obama Rev. Dr. A. Roy Medley Janet Mock, CSJ The White House General Secretary Executive Director 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW American Baptist Churches – USA Leadership Conference of Women Religious Washington, DC 20500 Rev. Peter Morales Richard J. Mouw, PhD Dear Mr. President, President President Unitarian Universalist Association Fuller Theological Seminary The goal of a just peace among Arabs, Israelis and Palestinians has eluded leaders in the Middle East and in the U.S. for more than a generation. As you embark upon your second term, there is an unprecedented opportunity Stanley J. Noffsinger Harriett Jane Olson for your Administration to play a catalytic role in the resolution of this conflict. As faith leaders deeply General Secretary General Secretary and CEO committed to peace and reconciliation in this land held sacred by so many, we write to ask that you now bring Church of the Brethren United Methodist Women the full energies of your Administration to bear toward facilitating a just, durable, and final negotiated agreement to end the Arab-Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Rev. Gradye Parsons Bishop Richard E. Pates Stated Clerk of the General Assembly Chairman, Committee on International Justice and Peace Presbyterian Church (USA) U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops We understand the difficulty and cost of undertaking this effort. There are groups on both sides that oppose Presbyterian Church (USA) U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops

any agreement. The losses Palestinians have experienced since the Oslo Accords were signed nearly twenty Metropolitan Philip Diane Randall years ago have deeply marred trust and made many despair for the possibility of negotiations ever producing Metropolitan Philip Diane Randall Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of Executive Secretary an acceptable outcome. Israelis fear that that the losses they may face in negotiations could undermine the North America Friends Committee on National Legislation existence and security of their state in future generations. Bob Roberts Leonard Rodgers Your own Administration experienced the costly challenges of working toward peacemaking during your first Senior Pastor Director term, but another generation cannot wait as prospects for peace grow dimmer. The U.S. should place the full NorthWood Church Evangelicals for Middle East Understanding weight of its support behind the long-term well-being of Israelis and Palestinians. Proposals put forward must be feasible and convincingly address their separate national aspirations for security and justice. The Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori Dr. Julius R. Scruggs Presiding Bishop President American political leadership is needed now more than ever to support both Israelis and Palestinians in The Episcopal Church National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc. creating a resilient and just peace. Conversely, the consequences of maintaining the status quo, while events further complicate the feasibility of a two-state solution, may perpetuate the conflict for generations to come. Ronald J. Sider Jim Wallis President CEO Mr. President, we recognize the awesome burdens you carry for the welfare and fate of so many people at Evangelicals for Social Action Sojourners home and abroad. We pray that you will be given courage, patience, and wisdom for your decisions in this and in all other matters. Rev. Sharon Watkins Bishop Rosemarie Wenner General Minister and President President, Council of Bishops

Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) The United Methodist Church Respectfully,

Fr. Mark Arey Dr. Carroll A. Baltimore, Sr. Ecumenical Officer President Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc.

The Most Rev. Archbishop Khajag Barsamian Rev. Geoffrey Black Primate General Minister and President Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern) United Church of Christ

J Ron Byler Shan Cretin 2013 Executive Director General Secretary April 4 - 7, Mennonite Central Committee – U.S. American Friends Service Committee Bishop ANTOUN thanks

Rev. Paula Clayton Dempsey Rev. Tom De Vries ­everyone for their love and Saint Emmelia Minister for Partnership Relations General Secretary Alliance of Baptists Reformed Church in America prayers expressed on his name’s Orthodox Homeschooling day. Many years to you, Sayidna Very Rev. John Edmunds, ST. Rev. David Emmanuel Goatley Conference President Executive Secretary ANTOUN, from all of us. Conference of Major Superiors of Men’s Institutes Lott Carey Baptist Foreign Mission Convention Make plans now to bring your family and join us for 3 days and nights of: Rev. David Guthrie Mark S. Hanson +Bishop ANTOUN  President, Provincial Elders Conference, Southern Province Presiding Bishop Inspiring Speakers Moravian Church in America Evangelical Lutheran Church in America  Enlightening Workshops  Very Rev. John Hardin, OFM Dr. Joel C. Hunter Lenten Liturgical Services President Senior Pastor  Curriculum Vendors Franciscan Friars (OFM) English Speaking Conference Northland – A Church Distributed  Comfortable Lodging

Archbishop Cyril Aphrem Karim Kathryn Mary Lohre Bishop ANTHONY thanks  Delicious Lenten Meals Archdiocese of the Syrian Orthodox President  Family Fun and Fellowship Church of Antioch for the Eastern USA National Council of Churches – USA everyone for their love and prayers expressed on his name’s with other Orthodox Homeschoolers Rev. John McCullough Kathy McNeely President and CEO Director day. Many years to you, Sayidna Church World Service Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns ANTHONY, from all of us. Rev. Dr. A. Roy Medley Janet Mock, CSJ General Secretary Executive Director American Baptist Churches – USA Leadership Conference of Women Religious +Bishop ANTHONY

Rev. Peter Morales Richard J. Mouw, PhD Check our website www.antiochianvillage.org for the conference

schedule and registration information available 2/19/13 24 The Word President President Unitarian Universalist Association Fuller Theological Seminary

Stanley J. Noffsinger Harriett Jane Olson General Secretary General Secretary and CEO Church of the Brethren United Methodist Women

Rev. Gradye Parsons Bishop Richard E. Pates Stated Clerk of the General Assembly Chairman, Committee on International Justice and Peace Presbyterian Church (USA) U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops

Metropolitan Philip Diane Randall Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of Executive Secretary North America Friends Committee on National Legislation

Bob Roberts Leonard Rodgers Senior Pastor Director NorthWood Church Evangelicals for Middle East Understanding

The Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori Dr. Julius R. Scruggs Presiding Bishop President The Episcopal Church National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc.

Ronald J. Sider Jim Wallis President CEO Evangelicals for Social Action Sojourners

Oratorical Festival “The Bible Fills Us with Eternal Joy” Parish Life Conference for the Diocese of Wichita & Mid‐America I stand before and passion of God coursing through every single ­effect the Book of Job has had on my mentality and out- you today with a vein, artery, and capillary in your body. That is joy. look on life. sense of deep hu- Now that we’ve answered one question, an- The words of the Holy Bible will never abandon us, mility and great other more complex one remains. How do we nor will they cease to inspire the masses. Their teachings pride – humility, in achieve such a sense of spiritual and emotional shall always be with us and, through them, God will be that I stand in the fulfillment? We must look back to the year 90 A.D. with us. For those of you who doubt that the words of the wake of the great When the Bible was assembled all those years Bible are with us here today, in the very halls of this room, architects of our ago, it began to act as an anchor, tying us to faith know this: The teachings of God are always with us. We ­Christian faith; and joy, rather than leaving us adrift in a vast are never alone. Not when the night is darkest, the wind pride, in that this sea of atheism and despair. Times were tough, coldest, the world most seemingly indifferent. They are forum represents a with Christians being persecuted at every turn with us in the sadness and the laughter, the bitter and the ­celebration of the by the vicious soldiers of the Roman Empire. sweet. They smile down upon us, pick us up when we’re Orthodox spirit in Holy ­Scripture also served as a beacon of hope down, guide us when we are lost, and lead us to forgive- June 5‐8, 2013 ‐ Kansas City, Missouri its purest form. for all men and women, guiding us through the ness when we don’t deserve it. at the fabulous I ask you today ­treacherous obstacles of life to the holy island “The Bible fills us with eternal joy,” reads the quote brothers and sis- that is salvation. from a man in whose shadow we stand ­today. I would like Westin Crown Center ters, what is joy? Times today are still tough, as we find our- to close with a different quote, however: Romans 15:13 The answer to this selves at a crossroads. Our nation is in a reces- — “May the God of hope fill you all with joy and peace in Hosted by: question eludes us sion, our world engulfed in constant warfare, and believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may St. Basil Antiochian Orthodox Church like a lost dream, our people losing their faith. Those who afflict us abound in hope.” and has plagued us seem to multiply, those who support us dwindle. Thomas T. Ghebrezgi Visit us at or www.plckc2013.com since our humble Perhaps the answers to our problems lie with the St. Philip Orthodox Church, Davie, Florida beginnings in the actions of our ancestors. Like our predecessors Judges’ Choice, Diocese of Miami and the Southeast

Garden of Eden. before us, we must never turn a blind eye to the St. Michael Orthodox Church is excited to invite you to Joy is a unique Bible or underestimate its value in our lives. the 66th Diocese of Toledo & the Midwest emotion, its actual Whenever I feel the pressures of today mount- 2013 Parish Life Conference meaning hidden in a pool of murky ambiguity. If ing up against me like a great wave, I turn to the June 19 - 23 you ask four men on the street today what gives Book of Job for gems of inspiration and wisdom. in Louisville, Kentucky His Grace Bishop ANTHONY presiding him joy, you’ll get four very different answers. For those of you unfamiliar with his tale, it is the  Creative Arts Festival  Bible Bowl and Oratorical Festival The corrupt man will say that joy can be had simple story of a righteous man who is tested by  Teen SOYO and 20/40 Events from the indulgence of the sinful pleasures of our God. Job comes home one day to find his family  Antiochian Women’s Luncheon  Order of St. Ignatius Luncheon world that have lead far too many down a path of killed, possessions destroyed, health deteriorat-  Children’s Vacation Church School  “A Taste of Kentucky” Event moral decadence. The greedy man will argue that ing, and morale crumbling. Just when all hope is  Cruise on the “Belle of Louisville”  Senior Presentation with His Grace joy is derived from the obsessive quest for wealth, lost, however, with what little spirit he has left, Bishop ANTHONY  Grand Banquet and Hafli status, and power that has engulfed so many of Job persevered. And he persevered. And he per-  Friday and Saturday Child Care Available our fellow men in an ocean of spiritual poverty. severed, until God rewarded him for his faith, by  Divine Liturgy at St. Michael’s The listless man will think that joy comes from restoring all he had lost. Saint Emmelia (Child Care Available)

a sedentary lifestyle fueled only by one’s selfish It still moves me. After finishing Job, the previ-

Orthodox thoughts and total spiritual apathy. And, finally, ously burgeoning demands of the outside world

the righteous man: the righteous man will know are now a distant, faded memory. It is an under- Special Rate of $99/night that nothing can bring you joy except the pres- dog story, one that celebrates the joy of virtuous Homeschooling Free Indoor Parking Garage ence of God in your heart and soul. life and also serves as a cautionary tale. Count Conference Free Wi-Fi and Business Center Brothers and sisters in Christ, I stand before your blessings brothers and sisters. That’s what Spa, Salon & Barber Shop you today aiming to make boldfaced liars out I’ve taken from this passage, and every day be- Six Restaurants & Lounges AND LOOK WHAT YOU CAN DO WHILE IN April 4-7, 2013 Club 360 Fitness Center of those first three men and debunk the age-old fore I lay to sleep I fall to my knees and thank LOUISVILLE! Outdoor Swimming Pool Over 100 restaurants, shops, and attractions myth that any joy can be derived from the vices God for all he has given me and my loved ones. within walking distance including the Muhammad Ali Antiochian Village River view from all rooms Center, Louisville Slugger Museum and more (discount cards available to all PLC participants) that so pollute our world today. Joy is the feeling I say this, not to brag nor to chastise those who Located on Historic Main Street Ligonier, PA in Downtown Louisville A short drive to major attractions including you get, and only get, when you can feel the love do otherwise, but only to illustrate the profound Churchill Downs & the Kentucky Derby Museum Registration opens 2.19.13 To register or purchase an ad, go to www.stmichaelorthodoxchurch.org/plc www.antiochianvillage.org For rooms call the Galt House direct at (800).843.4258 and tell them you are going to the Midwest Parish Life Conference 26 The Word Food for Hungry People 2013 39th Anniversary

        & *  ! *  &$*   $*  &#$*  #*  %&#*          !(  *!$ 7 &%%%!'  !& %% & # !& %% & # !(  *#!$ !& %% & # !*!&'  *!&##%-7% !$ *!&# !$! $!# !*!&!( , !$%"$4 $ *!&#! ,  !%!!! !  "!$% (%#!%%$  "!$%/<@/  !&%$5! "!$%/;@!# $%#%/ &%  /<;!#- *!&#! / &%  !$# *!&#! / *  *!&#!! " *!#% &$ $&$ /;>-&$  $! /;@!#$%"/ Food for !#& #* !" 7!'$7 *!&# $-7($ $&$$-7($ ! & %! / "%& #* !)&$ / & #* *!& %#$%* *!& %6$ 7$%"7 %! ( 7% 7$#&   ' !!/7 ' # /7 ! & %!&# &%&#/ Hungry !&%!#%!$(! !'!#% #$%#' / & #*/ People        =? =@ =A =B =C =D >; !(  * !& %%!$  !(  *# $ !(  *$ !(  *!!#$ ''#*!   !(  * Program ##!#$#  *!&#! / * !*!&', # *!&# !$*!&#!  % *"!$% %#!&%%$ *!&#! , * /;@!#!/ "!$%/<;"# ###%!#, * ', */;@!# %" $ # *!&# /<;!#/ % %6$7& !7% # /$(" /;@!#/ /"!"  %*' %# %  '  “A Gift from *!&#7 ##!#7 !!#%%'$ &$7# 7!!%! & #*"!" 7!!#7%!%%# "!%$!#"&#$$/ #!! , */;@ #%%  !"%!% %& #*+ '%! &%&#!#% % $7 %$7 /!&6% the Heart” !! (! & #*/ 7$# 7!# (!#6$& #*/ %!"%& #* 7#7!&%! #$/ %#!!/  %  & #*/ Celebrate        ><   < = > ? @ A 7&%%! &"*!&# !#'#* !(  * !#"!# !(  *"!0$ !#'#*$%  !#'#*$!( by Giving !'#!%73$! "!  *!&# )% $! !#$  *!&# !*!&!( ,!# """#$#- %%($(% $ "%!!/ ! -"*/<;/%$ !*!&'  ! -"!$% '#*! "!$% "*/;@/ %6$ %!*"*/<;/ *# !% 7! $% 7%! *!&#! , * /<@/$!& /<;/ %0$ '# 7$"# 7%# "$&$$ ! *& #*&% & #*#$  /<;!#/ %6$ '#7$$#%7 1%& !&%2% '$(%%% #!& %(!#- '#*!%!!/ !$%"#%$!% 7)% 7 %& #*/ & #*/ $$!  / %$ ! *( Here is an additional and special way to give to the poor and Given by ______"!$%/;@!# (!#/ %6$  "  %! "&$% hungry, and your friends, at the same time throughout the year. !% *!&# %%!# %!$(!  & #*#!&  You can give your gifts to the hungry in honor of a loved one on In Honor of ______! / & #/ %/ %(!#/ any occasion, such as a birthday, baptism, anniversary, thank-you,        send card to ______B C D <; << <= <> retirement or any other special event. “A Gift from the Heart” is also a thoughtful memorial. !(  * !(  * */=;!# !*!&' !(  *#$#$ !& %*!&#%!# 76'!% *!' ______! "&%#$! "%&#$!*!& "#!! %%$!# " !!#!#    *!&   !&"$  %!"  Please include this coupon along with your donation. We will *!&!( , * '! *!&# *$$$*!& *!&#! , * *!&#! , * "!$%/;=/ (# -7%%6$ send a personalized icon card to the person you designate to inform /=@!#/ ($, &$% '/$( /@;!#/$ /;=!#/ %6$ &#7&"7 %#&-&%% ______%0$% 7"%&#7*!&#$ "&$7$7 $7*7%! 7#$7& # #& %!'#-$! & #*'! * them of the gift you gave in their honor. 1*%2!&%! (%!&%!!8 #*%  $#   #! %(!#/ %6$%#$/ *!&/ */;=!# Send coupon and check to Gift Amount $______(Please check one) & #+ "!$%/;=!# !# !#% # /  %  “Food For Hungry People” K Baptism K Anniversary  "%&#/ & #*/ *!&#! / c/o robin Lynn Nicholas K Christmas K thank you        4237 dundee drive  85 6 7 8 9 Diocese of Worcester and New England Sacred Music CDoutreach Project - "Musicprograms Making of the A Difference"Fellowship of st. John  &(" 2! #!( $  $#( $!,,-",  &(" "  &(! """ 2!"&"  !(( $% " !*2 ! (,56 !, %( $"#  ( $%* ( ( $!!# ! $" the divine, the diocesan organization that funds !( $ #  With the encouragement of His Grace Bishop Antoun,   ! ! "* (#& * #1"#" # # (* (,57 ,65,! """ "+2 $! ( $!"%, the projects of the diocese’s Combined Choir. the (,5: !,   ! ! 2! !0!2  !, #-" !$"  !" ! 2 !"$" the Diocese of Worcester combined choirs recorded #1" 2  !2 !( "  (! ! ))) "#(.#$/ !"#1""$!+ $!# "# , ( $% # Choir comes together at various times of the year #!& !&# ( $, $#( $! &##$!(, #1" ##  !#&"## $# #"#   %) "# ',  $!("$! &!&"+" #"( andMake for specialA Joyful occasions, Noise providing spiritual en- ( !,  !  ! ! !#!+( $ Select Hymns from the Divine Liturgy #   %!# % #$#  Make richment while raising funds for worthy causes # ) )2        ...the purposethrough of this Cd recording sales. is to If spiritually you are enrich interested in pur- :       all who hear it, especially those who are  A unable chasingto attend the a single Divine LiturgyCd or duein sellingto illness. a number of Cds   We took thisin one your step bookstore,further and made please the CD contact a fundraiser. david Franciosi  Make a Joyfuloyful Noise The entire profitat [email protected] from the sale of the CD will for go pricesto to three and informa-   Orthodox charitable groups...Theophany School, Needham, Select Hymns from the Divine Liturgy tion. this beautiful Cd would please listeners of  J MA., IOCC (International Orthodox Christian Charities) and the Antiochian Women's Orphanage Endowment.    Combined Choirs of the New England all ages, and would make a great gift. Antiochian Orthodox Christian Churches  We hope that you will enjoy this Christian effort of  Noise "Music Making A Difference". Submit orders by email or phone: [email protected] or 781.769.2443 28 the Word Price per CD $12 plus $2 P&H. Bulk orders, 25 or more CDs, $9 plus UPS. the Word 29 So What’s the Big Deal with Archdiocesan Offi ce

Great Lent? Ordinations mA’AE, John, to the Holy diaconate by Archbish- Knowledge Informs Effort op JOsEPH on February 3, 2013, at st. Barnabas Church, Costa mesa, California. He is assigned to On march 18, “Pure monday,” we will have ar- man opened his bag and pulled out a small ham- that parish. rived at the gate, that which opens the way to our mer. He tapped three places on the engine, and Elevations spiritual renewal. Yes, Lent will be full of those when he hit the third place, the engine lurched special services; for example, those on Wednes- into life! the engine was fi xed! the old man care- BABA, Priest Paul, to the dignity of Archpriest by days and Fridays. It will be a time for self-refl ec- fully put his hammer back in his tool bag and left. Archbishop JOsEPH on January 27, 2013, Holy tion, for Christian action, and for remembering Later that week, the owners received a bill Virgin mary Church, West sacramento, California. a calendar of historic events. Increased fasting from the man for $5,000.00. “What?!” the own- Donations to The WORD and prayer will become the norm, and we will be ers exclaimed. “He hardly did anything!” so they January 2012 called to a heightened philanthropy by our Ortho- wrote the old man a note asking him for an “item- mrs. Leilah Farha $250 dox Faith. All these efforts are important, in fact, ized bill.” In return, he sent such a bill: “tapping mr. and mrs. Jack Zarour $200 critical, for our journey to Jerusalem and the un- with a hammer, $2.00; knowing where to tap, mr. George J. david $100 folding events of Holy and Passion Week. (Pascha $4,998.00.” rt. rev. Fr. Paul mccune doyle-trust $100 mrs. Jeanette Corey $100 is may 5 – late this year.) Yes, effort is important, but knowing where mr. William Assaly $100 I had been trying to think, with greater dis- to make an effort in your life makes all the differ- mrs. dorothy W. Kaiser $100 cernment, about this “Great Lent.” I concluded ence. Our knowledge informs our efforts, and this mr. timothy swaty $100 that, yes, our effort is indeed important, but our is especially true of our faith-life, particularly dur- dr. Ganim E. Howard $100 knowledge is even more important. In fact, it ing the intensity of Great Lent. In short, it means mrs. Linda Andres $100 is precisely our knowledge that makes all the dif- that our praxis during Great Lent – prayer, fast- Chuck and sandy Abookire $100 ms. sally E. rihbany $100 ference to our effort. the “big deal” with Great ing and philanthropy – has its most powerful ef- mr. John d. Hendrix $100 Lent is to discover that truth! Now I had a prob- fect when it is informed by our knowledge of its mrs. Cheryl A Vinciguerra $75 lem, however: how to demonstrate the truth that meaning. so Great Lent is also a time to read, to mr. maurice t. Hakim $60 our knowledge informs our efforts, that is, how study and to learn – and that’s a big deal! mr. James Peters $50 mr. and mrs. Jonathan Jones $25 to show that what we know about our Faith, our In memory of my wife ms. Janice t. Barker $25 Father Joseph Allen mrs. Najwa Joubran $50 ms. Eva samieh $25 Church, and, in particular, Great Lent, will give Pastor, St. Anthony Church, Bergenfi eld, New Jersey ms. miriam Obeid $50 mrs. sharon m. simmons $25 meaning to our efforts in these areas? mr. robert Awad $50 ms. Jeanne J. Anton $25 Well, my problem was solved mrs. Adiba Ibrahim $50 ms. Jennie F. Porter $25 when I recalled a very brief story V. rev. Fr. James samuel salem $50 ms. mary tinney $25 about the giant ship engine that mr. sadie salem $50 mary & Elias Kandalaft $25 failed. the ship’s owners called in mr. and mrs. robert shammas $50 mr. and mrs. Elias G. rizkalla $25 ms. Joanne C. Gervasi $50 ms. dorothy Warycka $25 one expert after another to fi x that Asma Hamarneh trey $50 mr. Gary rasponi $25 engine; none could fi gure out what to mr. and mrs. ronald Basarab $50 mr. and mrs. Ibrahim touma $25 do! then they brought in an old man mrs. Nour m. Haddad $50 mr. and mrs. Charles A. Castley $25 who had been working on the ships mr. and mrs. Paul Anter $50 mr. George matook $25 since he was a teen. the other work- Edward and Lillian Betor $50 ms. sandra m. Arida $20 mrs. Elaine s. Jacobs $50 ms. Valerie Joseph $20 ers who had been applying all their mr. Charles E. Amash $50 mrs. Jeanine Aoude $20 efforts to repair the ship, smirked mr. and mrs. Najib Azar $40 ms. Christine Bradley $15 and laughed with each other as the mr. Arthur Abig $30 mr. and mrs. Issa Nesheiwat $10 old man walked on the ship carry- mr. and mrs. John E. Crumpler $30 mrs. Claudia Eysie $10 ing his bag of tools, which seemed to mr. Georges Barakat $30 mrs. Norma m. Abdallah $10 them crude and archaic. Onek marachilian $25 In memory of her husband George mrs. June d. Koeppe $25 ms. Betty Charles $10 He went to work immediately. Af- mrs. marylin Kurban $25 ms. Valentina Y. Barchukova $10 ter checking over the engine, the old rev. Fr. Alex Vukovich $25

30 the Word the Word 31 Communities in Action

Bishop THOMAS The St. Seraphim Center is a . . The time spent at SSOC is ­Encourages Work of ministry conducted by the par- a way for some of our regulars St. Seraphim Center in ish of St. Mary’s … to feed the to alleviate loneliness.” ­Chambersburg needy in the Chambersburg “I had wanted to be involved to trust the Center and its staff, Holy Cross Antiochian St. George, Little Falls, is the Drs. Nick Jones and area. The Center serves lunch in the Center personally for Stephen Esper During his August 2012 visit the numbers steadily increased. number of teens we have, and, to some 35 to 45 guests twice some time. I am a “cradle” Orthodox Church in to St. Mary Church, Chambers- Then, of course, there are the therefore, the greater number a week on Thursdays and Sat- Orthodox Christian, but have Linthicum, Maryland burg, Bishop THOMAS repeat- problems presented by the be- of activities we can participate urdays, which complements never been a member of a Holy Cross Antiochian Ortho- edly stressed the importance of havior of some of the guests, in. Yearly we are involved in re- the lunch schedule of the Sal- church that did anything like dox Church in Linthicum, Mary- the parish’s work at the St. Sera- but these issues have managed gional meetings and retreats, as vation Army across the street. this. While we are taught not land (near Baltimore) hosted a phim Orthodox Center (SSOC) to resolve themselves over time, well as our own service projects The Center is well-recognized to be proud, the SSOC makes one-day Advent retreat featur- in downtown Chambersburg and largely as a result of the unoffi- planned throughout the year. We as a welcoming community me feel proud to be part of the ing Dr. Stephen Esper and Dr. urged parishioners to continue cial “code of behavior” enforced conduct our own fundraisers to center in the Chambersburg St. Mary Community.” Nicholas Jones, leaders of the and extend this ministry to the among the guests themselves. help pay for the cost of all these area. It also offers recycled “The foremost lesson I have Byzantine Choir of St. George wider community. When Bishop THOMAS visited activities. articles of clothing, free of learned from working at St. Cathedral in Pittsburgh. Stephen His Grace was presented with the Center on Saturday, August We’d like to share with you charge, to men, women, and Seraphim is that anybody and Nick took us through the a report on the Center written by 18, he was impressed by the some of the wonderful things children. could be put in a situation to structure of Vespers and Matins, one of the parish’s high school spirit he found among both the our teens take pride in yearly. On a typical Thursday or Sat- need our services. For ex- including much of the theology students, Ariel Wetzel, who gave staff and the guests. He reflected Three or four times a year we urday, the volunteers arrive ample, we have fed a women embedded in the hymns and the an overview of the history of the on this in his remarks after Ves- visit a local boy’s orphanage, or around 9:00 a.m. They pre- with an Ivy League degree and practices that accompany them; SSOC, as well as excerpts from pers that evening, in which he have them visit our parish or join pare for the day by making hot a man who fifteen years ago they also spoke about different interviews she conducted among encouraged St. Mary’s parishio- us at a park. The teens have a dogs and soup, and setting out was in a position of author- musical roles in the church, the those engaged in the ministry. ners not to “hide their works un- great opportunity to play games sandwiches and baked goods. ity in our town. Also, instead vocation of a chanter and the The idea of a center came der a bushel basket” but to make like football, volleyball and four The doors open at 10:00, of dreading service, I actually practical aspects of learning and from Father Tom Klein, a the SSOC known so that others square with the boys, and just when people can come in, take look forward to talking with worshiping with Orthodox mu- priest at an Orthodox church can conduct similar ministries simply to hang out with them. a seat, and partake of the food our guests. They have names, sic. As our mostly-convert parish in Huntington, Pennsylvania. throughout the diocese. “The For Halloween, we put together and drinks. The Center has faces and stories.” nears its 20th anniversary, we He came to Father Theodore need is great and increasing ev- “goodie bags” of candy and other a friendly community atmo- The report also includes staff are proud of many of our accom- Pulcini of St. Mary’s and sug- erywhere,” he observed. sweets to give them, and visit sphere. This continues until reflections on challenges and plishments, but this retreat man- gested St. Seraphim of Sarov This past November the SSOC them at the orphanage to play. 1:00pm, when the center clos- difficulties encountered at the aged to both humble us with the as the center’s patron saint. began its fourth year of ser- Each Christmas, we host them at es and the volunteers clean up SSOC. There is always the prob- knowledge of how much more After interested parish mem- vice to the community. At St. our church for a Christmas par- and leave. lem of funding. What enabled we have to learn and inspire us bers and Frs. Ted and Tom Mary Church we thank Sayidna ty, and Santa drops in, bearing What is perhaps most mov- the Center to get started was a to do so joyfully. met several times to discuss THOMAS for his words of en- gifts for each of the boys. In the ing about Ariel’s report are the generous seed grant given in the idea, Fr. Ted had the group couragement, and we take seri- spring, we take them on a picnic reflections offered by various 2009 by FOCUS North Ameri- An Active Teen SOYO in participate in a several-week- ously his challenge to let others at a local park. Spending time SSOC staff members whom she ca. Since then, the generosity Little Falls long prayer discipline to con- know of our ministry at the Cen- with the boys from the orphan- interviewed. of both parishioners and those template the idea, and prayed ter. (Anyone wanting a copy of As teenagers at St. George in age is one of our most popular “I have found that when outside the parish have kept the to ask for St. Seraphim’s inter- Ariel Wetzel’s full report can e- Little Falls, New Jersey, it was activities. people (in whatever circum- Center in operation. Then there cession and guidance. When mail Fr. Ted Pulcini at pulcini@ unheard of not to join the Teen To celebrate the Advent sea- stances in life) are treated with was the challenge of establish- the group finally decided to dickinson.edu.) We hope that SOYO. It was what everyone did; son, for two months we collect dignity and respect, they will ing trust “on the street.” Ariel’s go through with the idea, during his next parish visit in it was almost frowned upon if you clothes each year, and, on the respond in like manner. I also statistics clearly show that when an apartment was rented on November 2013, His Grace will didn’t. When each of us turned morning we leave for New York see how our center provides the Center opened its doors in Route 30, Lincoln Way West, visit the SSOC as it begins its twelve, we went to our first Teen City, we make sandwiches. We people with more than just a November 2009, the number of and the St. Seraphim Center fifth year of service. SOYO meeting, and we have been drive into the city together and meal. It provides them with those who availed themselves of came to be. attached ever since. One benefit hand out both food and clothing companionship . . . whether its services was small. However, Ariel then describes the work of of having such a large parish like to people we meet on the street with other visitors or staff. . . as time passed and people came the Center:

32 The Word The Word 33 Communities In Action

who are in need. It’s strange to inasmuch as you did it to one of project for the St. Herman House of the Nativity and the Church of trust- say, but small conversations with the least of these My brethren, of Hospitality in Cleveland, Ohio, School children’s choir sang ees and homeless people have such a you did it to Me.” We hope and candle-dipping, geocaching (a Christmas Carols. His Grace acknowl- profound effect on us, and each pray that Teen SOYO will teach treasure-hunting game involving Bishop THOMAS spoke of the edged by year we return so touched. We everyone our true purpose: to a GPS device), and weekend li- importance of Al-Kafaat and the law as an love to spend time with each become more like Christ. turgical services. blessing it is for each person to “Institu- other doing God’s ministry in The distraction-free environ- have the opportunity to support tion of the great city of New York during Students from Fifth to ment of the Village, combined the Al-Kafaat project. Fr. Deme- P u b l i c the “most wonderful time of the Eighth Grade Prepare for with the spiritual focus of the trios Makoul spoke briefly on Welfare.” year!” the ­Nativity at the retreat, provided a wonderful the importance of supporting Founded We also go on retreats at a St. Herman Retreat opportunity for participants to such causes and how they al- in 1957, mander in 2007). To learn more Bp. THOMAS at monastery and make trips to the prepare themselves for the Feast low us to be a presence of light the Foundation delivers its ser- St. George, Pittsburgh, Thirty-two middle school stu- about the good works of the Al- Al Kafaat Fund Raiser local food bank, and so much dents and ten chaperones gath- of the Nativity while reflecting on in the world. The proceeds of vices today to a daily population Kafaat Foundation, please visit more. This year we had the op- these encouraging words from the evening were multiplied as of 4,500 beneficiaries in 7 dif- ered for a weekend of spiritual http://www.al-kafaat.org. portunity to spend Thanksgiving St. Herman: “From this day, from parishioner-owned restaurants, ferent centers, with a working refreshment, fellowship and fun Let us practice the true spirit morning in Newark, passing out this hour, from this minute, let us as well as philanthropically- team of 830 employees. Al-Kaf- at the Antiochian Village Confer- of Christmas giving all-year sandwiches to homeless people strive to love God above all and minded individuals, completely aat is a founding member of the ence Center during the annual long, doing faith-inspired good and seeing the struggles they to fulfill His holy will.” underwrote the cost of food and World Commission on Vocation- St. Herman Retreat, Decem- works while calling to mind the have. The 2013 St. Herman Retreat is food preparation. al Rehabilitation, a member of ber 14–16, 2012. In its fifth year, words of our Lord made incar- We have been so blessed to scheduled for December 13–15. The Al-Kafaat Foundation (al- the International Cerebral Palsy the St. Herman Retreat is a pan- nate, “Assuredly, I say to you, be a part of such an active and Registration information is avail- kafaat meaning “abilities” in Society, a member of Inclusion Orthodox program designed for inasmuch as you did it to one passionate SOYO. Teen SOYO able on www.antiochianvillage. Arabic) delivers rehabilitation International, a recipient of students in fifth through eighth of the least of these my breth- has had such a huge impact on org. To learn more about volun- services and special education the Rehabilitation International grades, and organized and facili- ren, you did it to Me” (Matthew all of the teens of St. George in teering as a chaperone, contact to children and adults with spe- Presidential Award, and a three- tated by Antiochian Village staff. 25:40). Little Falls. Jesus said in Matthew The most recent retreat theme, Barli Ross, Director of Program cial needs. The Foundation is a time recipient of the Lebanese 25:40, “Assuredly, I say to you, “Reading the Holy Scriptures: Development for the Conference Lebanese non-governmental or- Order of Cedars (Knight in Weaving Our- Center, at 724.238.3677, exten- ganization governed by a board 1972, Officer in 1997, and Com- selves into the sion 425. History of God’s Love,” was In the True Spirit of Giving

taught through In the true spirit of Christmas interactive pre- giving, the community of St. sentations and George Cathedral in Pittsburgh, discussions led Pennsylvania, and clergy from by guest speak- neighboring parishes gathered er, Fr. Noah together on Saturday, Decem- Bushelli, pas- ber 22, 2012, with His Grace tor of St. Philip Bishop THOMAS for Vespers

Antiochian Or- followed by a Nativity Dinner thodox Church, benefitting the Al-Kafaat Foun- in Souderton, dation in Lebanon. The Cathe- Pennsylvania. dral’s parishioners and organi- Other activities zations collaborated and worked included games, together to present a beautiful campfires, an evening of good food and good outdoor suppli- fellowship. The church hall cation service to twinkled with Christmas lights Antiochian Village St. Herman of and decorations. The Byzantine Alaska, a service Choir chanted liturgical hymns Registration now online for Summer Camp, Chanting Camp & Iconography Camp www.avcamp.org

The Word 35 THE WORD 358 Mountain Road Periodical postage paid at PO Box 5238 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Englewood, NJ 07631-5238

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