2019 For 34 years “THE WORLD’S MOST SOCIABLE SEVENS” Saturday 18th May 2019 Kick-off 12.30 p.m. Garmony, Isle of Mull Sevens Sponsors Isle of Mull Hotel & Spa MESSAGES FROM OUR SEVENS SPONSORS Ingelas Islands Ltd is proud to be the official event sponsor of the world famous Isle of Mull Rugby Sevens Tournament 2019. Based at Glengorm, Ingelas Islands design and make Functioning Art. A Beautiful fusion of Japanese hand printed art and exclusive hand crafted framing in Scotland. The company and its' work were officially 'loved' by Grand Designs Magazine last week in London. Our best wishes go to all the participating teams and the organisers of this great event. Steve Douglas Ingelas Gallery

The Isle of Mull Hotel is very pleased to support the worlds "Most Sociable Sevens" in this, it's 34th year. The Isle of Mull Hotel is a member of the Crerar Hotel Group and the very heart of our ethos is a close involvement with the community. With this in mind it's wonderful to see so many teams from all over Scotland and beyond attending the Sevens. We wish all the teams good luck and look forward to an exciting tournament.

Isle of Mull Hotel

All our Brilliant Club Sponsors TSL Construction, AGL Architects, Inverlussa Marine Services, Steve Douglas (Ingelas Islands Ltd), Glengorm, Mull Slaughterhouse, Isle of Mull Hotel, Tobermory Hotel Ltd. Island Pork and Isle of Mull Cheese, Tobermory Fish Company 1 ISLE OF MULL RUGBY FOOTBALL CLUB 20 19

SEASON 2018-19 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Welcome to the Isle of Mull Rugby Sevens. This is our 34th event which is quite an achievement in itself. We look forward to a great day of excellent rugby from all the teams involved and hope you enjoy your visit to our beautiful Island. The weather forecast is dry and sunny which will only add to the enjoyment of our special sevens day. We are particularly pleased to welcome both a men’s and women’s team from Lenzie and extend a warm greeting to Sevens virgins Hearts and Balls and Howe Harlequins. It’s also wonderful to see West Highland sides Bute, Lochaber and Cowal making a welcome return to the “Worlds Most Sociable Sevens” We hope you will all find an easy path to the bar and purchase a shandy or two! As usual we give our appreciation to all those who contribute in every way to ensure the continuing success of this very special event from the helpers, supporters, players and through to the ball boys. Very many thanks also to Tom French for organising the referees and to Morven for her understanding, support through the season. A special thanks to our joint sponsors, The Isle of Mull Hotel and Ingelas Gallery. I would also like to thank the many teams who participate gallantly each year and particularly the outstanding women’s teams. I’m confident that we can round off the year with a wonderful enjoyable sevens tournament which will only spur us on while we await the start of the new rugby season with renewed enthusiasm. Good luck and thank you for your continued support and friendship! Have a great day!

Sunday 19th May, A Social Clean-up Garmony Club House from 12 noon

AGM Mull Rugby Club Wednesday 29th May, 7.30 at Garmony

Saturday Morning Tag Rugby Finals Saturday Afternoon Men’s Tournament Women’s Tournament Late Afternoon Finals Early Evening Presentation of trophies Saturday Evening Giant Celebration dance at the Club House Sunday Clean-up. All help is really appreciated

Mull Youth About the Day Notice Board Photo Gallery Rugby Record Page 14 Page 12 Page 18 Page 8 Page 15 2

7’s CEILIDH at the CLUBHOUSE From 9pm till late with the DEMOCRATS Admission £5.00



Please camp at Garmony, organise your own transport or contact: Island Taxi (Iain English) Taxi Tel: 07510 195989 Mull Taxi Service (Alan Robson) Tel: 07760 426351 Chris Taxi Hire (Chris) Tel: 07493 886237 Tobermory Taxis (Andy Malcolm) 07810 666222

IMPORTANT NOTICE Working with the police to enforce licensing conditions on the premises club stewards will be readily identifiable by name badges. One particular worry is that younger club supporters (not being able to purchase at the bar) may try and bring alcohol onto the premises. The stewards are under instructions that only alcohol purchased on the premises can be consumed on the premises. Alcohol from other sources must not be brought into the club house. 3 ISLE OF MULL HIGHLANDS AND ISLANDS RUGBY SEVENS TOURNAMENT Started in 1985 the Isle of Mull Sevens Tournament brings together rugby clubs from all over the West Highlands and Islands along with guest players. Rugby players from all walks of life and all levels of skill compete on equal terms of skill and enjoyment. The very social nature of rugby and the fact that it is a game for all weathers makes it an ideal sport for our isolated rural areas where long trips and overnight stays are commonplace. Mull’s geographic position in the centre of this remote area makes it the perfect setting for a competition of this nature. For these reasons the Sevens Committee award trophies to the best West Highland team in the tournament. In 1992 the Mull Sevens made rugby history by running a dual tournament for both ladies and men. This was the first of its kind anywhere in the world! SOCIAL OR SERIOUS PLEASE In the "Worlds most Sociable Sevens" no PASS teams are excluded no matter what the THE standard they play. BALL 2019 the thirty-fourth anniversary of the Worlds Most Sociable Sevens and the twenty-eighth Worlds first men’s and woman’s joint sevens tournament.

THE THEME OF THE 2019 GAME OF THRONES (Or Super Hero's if you fancy that!) THE MULL 7's CUP WINNERS Men: Gruline Cup & Medals Women: Pink Cup & Medals EAGLE FINALS Eagle Trophies for Men and Women's Teams BEER AND BUBBLY FINALS Best Social Sides in the Tournament


The Worlds Most Sociable Sevens Deagh Chraic CELEBRITY CONTRIBUTIONS A PHOTO OPPORTUNITY WITH HISTORY The Calcutta Cup is the trophy presented to the winner of the England versus Scotland match which takes place during the annual Six Nations Championship. However, the Calcutta Cup pre-dates the competition itself. Following the popular introduction of rugby to India in 1872, the Calcutta (Rugby) Football Club was established. Unfortunately after a few years interest in rugby diminished and the Calcutta (Rugby) Football Club was disbanded in 1878. It’s members decided to keep the memory of the club alive by having the remaining 270 silver rupees in their bank account melted down to be made into a trophy. The trophy was then presented to the Rugby Football Union in 1878 to be used as “the best means of doing some lasting good for the cause of Rugby Football.” From this the Calcutta Cup became the victor’s trophy in the annual England versus Scotland. Although this years match was a magnificent draw Scotland retained the Cup as they had won it the previous year. Today the Scottish Rugby Union bring the World famous Calcutta Cup to the “Worlds Most Sociable Sevens”. Don’t fail to take the opportunity to get your photo with the best known trophy in rugby. Graham Law (SRU) will be around and about to help you capture that unique memory moment. The Mull Rugby Club thank Graham and the Scottish Rugby Union for this generous support of our event.

GEORGE R R MARTIN DEDICATES THIS PAGE OF THOUGHTS FROM HODOR ON THE MULL SEVENS This is probably the crowning achievement of my life. It with great honour that I write these first words on behalf of Hodor that, he feels, sums up the “World’s Most Sociable Mull Sevens”

CHAPTER ONE odor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor Hodor hodor hodor hodor. Hodor hodor hodor hodor Hodor Hhodor hodor hodor Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor …….. hodor Hodor hodor hodor hodor Hodor hodor hodor, hodor Hodor hodor hodor hodor Hodor hodor hodor hodor Hodor hodor hodor hodor Hodor hodor hodor hodor Hodor hodor hodor hodor Hodor hodor hodor hodor! Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor? Hodor hodor hodor hodor Hodor hodor hodor, hodor hodor hodor hodor, hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor. Hodor hodor hodor hodor. Hodor hodor hodor hodor Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor Hodor hodor hodor hodor Hodor hodor hodor hodor Hodor hodor hodor hodor Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor (hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor). Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor. Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor. Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor, hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor. “Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor” Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor. Hodor hodor hodor hodor? Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor, hodor hodor hodor hodor!!!!! Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor. 6 WEST HIGHLAND AND ISLAND TEAMS WHO HAVE ATTENDED THE ISLE OF MULL SEVENS

ISLE OF MULL RUGBY FOOTBALL CLUB CLUB HISTORY: Mull is the third largest of the Hebrides. The coast line, broken by sea lochs, bays and inlets is the amazing length of over 300 miles. On Sunday 30th July, 1978 the first game of Rugby was played and won on Mull! Shortly after, the Isle of Mull Rugby Club was formed and has thrived on what can only be described as arduous conditions. In 1989 the Mull Rugby Club won three 7’s tournaments. These playing achievements and the completion of the Garmony Sports pitches gained the club the honour of being MacEwan’s Club of the Month in September 1989. In 1992 the Mull Club made history by running the first dual sevens tournament for both men and women. This tournament is now recognised as the "Worlds most Sociable Sevens". Shortly after the clubhouse was completed. In 2002 the club became the first Glasgow and District island side to be promoted to the National Leagues. Mull was the first club awarded the Hydro Electric Club of the Month in September 2007. This reward was given in recognition of the success of the junior section which had cumulated in winning both a National Tag Rugby Title and the Murrayfield tournaments Fair Play Award. A major refurbishment was completed in 2011 to upgrade the Garmony facilities to an Island Sports Hub. WOMEN’S SECTION: Mull women’s teams have won the main tournament once. The women’s rugby team was officially constituted into the Isle of Mull Rugby Club in 1992. CLUB PITCH: Garmony. CLUB HOUSE: Garmony Clubhouse.

ARRAN RUGBY FOOTBALL CLUB CLUB HISTORY: It is often said that Arran is Scotland in miniature - having wild mountains to the north and a fertile plain to the south. An ideal gathering ground for rugby players. Arran Rugby club was started in September 1975. NUMBER OF VISITS TO THE MULL SEVENS 10

BENBECULA NOMADS RUGBY FOOTBALL CLUB CLUB HISTORY: North Uist, Benbecula and South Uist have been linked by bridges and causeways to form a single ‘long island’. Benbecula is separated from its neighbours by stretches of shell sand and quick sand. In 1977 some local lads and schoolboys got together and formed a rugby team. They have no home for the club; hence the name Benbecula NUMBER OF VISITS TO THE MULL SEVENS 1

BUTE RUGBY CLUB CLUB HISTORY: With the mountains of Arran to the south and those of Argyll to the north, Bute is a lowland island in a highland setting. Bute Rugby Club was founded in 1979. Bute stalwart, Ivan Cowie, has won a Mull Sevens award for “Services to West Highland Rugby”. NUMBER OF VISITS TO THE MULL SEVENS 20

ISLAY RUGBY FOOTBALL CLUB CLUB HISTORY: Islay, the southernmost of the inner Hebrides, has a population of 4,000. Islay R.F.C. joined the SRU in December 1983. Islay run their own great event, a beach rugby festival, that normally takes place in the warmer summer months. NUMBER OF VISITS TO THE MULL SEVENS 9 7 KINTYRE RUGBY FOOTBALL CLUB CLUB HISTORY: Were it not for a tiny isthmus at Tarbert, Kintyre would be a member of the inner Hebrides. Kintyre Rugby Club started in 1983 with a meeting at the Ardshiel Hotel, Campbeltown. NUMBER OF VISITS TO THE MULL SEVENS 13

LOCHABER RUGBY FOOTBALL CLUB CLUB HISTORY: Travelling north when you cross the Ballachulish Bridge you enter Lochaber truly Scotland’s grandest landscape. Lochaber R.F.C. was officially started in 1969, a good five years after Oban. Her officials point out, however, that the first team in Fort William was playing ‘way back before the war in 1933 it ran for a few years and then folded. Lochaber now plays in the same league as Mull. NUMBER OF VISITS TO THE MULL SEVENS 24

MID ARGYLL RUGBY FOOTBALL CLUB CLUB HISTORY: In 1977 a few enthusiastic players started a team, based at Lochgilphead and called it Mid Argyll. Mid Argyll have a great tournament record being twice winners and runners-up three times and also winning BWH Team Trophy. NUMBER OF VISITS TO THE MULL SEVENS 24

OBAN LORN RUGBY FOOTBALL CLUB CLUB HISTORY: By West Highland standards Oban is a large town, essentially where steamers meet road and railway. Oban Lorn was founded in 1964. Oban are the most powerful of the West Highland sides. NUMBER OF VISITS TO THE MULL SEVENS 32

PORT-RIGH RUGBY FOOTBALL CLUB - Ellen a’Cheo CLUB HISTORY: The name of Port-Righ is the gaelicised form of Portree, which means King’s Harbour - conferred on the town after the visit of James V’s fleet in 1540. Eilean a’Cheo means island of mist. Port-Righ was founded in January 1987 with the aim of promoting rugby in the island of Skye. NUMBER OF VISITS TO THE MULL SEVENS 5

SKYE AND LOCHALSH RUGBY FOOTBALL CLUB CLUB HISTORY: Skye and Lochalsh are one of the few rugby clubs whose name encompasses both island and mainland players. An island player has to cross by ferry at Kyleakin to play, for it is on the mainland that the club has its facilities. Skye and Lochalsh was founded in 1975. Who will ever forget the dramatic tie-break situation against Mid Argyll in the first Sevens final. NUMBER OF VISITS TO THE MULL SEVENS 5

STORNOWAY RUGBY FOOTBALL CLUB CLUB HISTORY: Stornoway is the metropolis of the Western Isles and the only town of burgh size in the Hebrides. Stornoway is a centre for the Harris Tweed industry. Tweed manufacturers gave rise to strong border connections; Mills management often trained at the textile college in Gala. Not surprisingly this link led to the founding of Stornoway R.F.C. in 1942. NUMBER OF VISITS TO THE MULL SEVENS 1

COLL CLUB HISTORY: The Isle of Coll is to the north west of Mull. Rugby on the island took a turn for the better when Scotland international player and team captain, Rob Wainwright, moved their in 1999. The Coll team have a very famous history of appearances at the Mull Sevens. They did in fact win the competition on their first appearance (albeit boosted by several internationalists). NUMBER OF VISITS TO THE MULL SEVENS 15

MUILEACHS The 2012 Mull Sevens brought the Muileachs their finest hour. The team reached the Sevens final. One day perhaps we will see there like again! NUMBER OF VISITS TO THE SEVENS 11 8 2018 Sevens Day Tag Finals

"Mull Sevens day has also established itself as Mull Tag Finals Day. Tag Rugby is organised on Mull and Iona by the Isle of Mull Rugby Club with the co-operation of the Island’s Primary School Head Teachers and active Schools co-ordinator Babs Whyte who has now retired from her post but has continued to support the programme to it conclusion today. Thanks Babs for all your hard work and organisation, we hope you enjoy TAG HONOURS spending more time in your poly Year Team Award tunnel!! 2007 Salen PS Golden Ball League Winners After schools clubs run throughout 2007 Salen PS Torloisk Tag Rugby Cup the school year with a number of 2008 Salen PS Golden Ball League Winners gatherings hosted by the 2008 Salen PS Torloisk Tag Rugby Cup participating schools and culminating 2008 Salen PS Garmony Quaich in today's Finals. 2009 Salen PS Scarlett Cup 2009 Lochdonhead PS Garmony Quaich Tag has now been introduced to all 2009 Lochdonhead PS McGochans Fair Play Cup the Mull and Iona primary schools and 2010 Dervaig/UF Orcas Golden Ball and Cup offers our local youngsters the 2010 Tobermory Tornadoes Garmony Quaich opportunity to train and play rugby in 2010 Lochdonhead Swans McGochans Fair Play Cup a structured environment with an 2011 Salen Sea Eagles Scarlett Cup emphasis on enjoyment and 2011 Bunessan Bulldogs Garmony Quaich participation. 2011 Lochdonhead Swans McGochans Fair Play Cup We ask that you vocally encourage all 2012 Salen PS Golden Ball the youngsters taking part in today's 2012 Tobermory PS Scarlett Cup tournament and make it a day to 2012 Lochdonhead PS Garmony Quaich remember for some time to come. 2012 Bunessan PS McGochans Fair Play Cup The Club takes this opportunity to 2013 Tobermory PS Golden Ball thank Argyll and Bute Rugby 2013 Tobermory PS Scarlett Cup Development officer Alan Wright for 2013 Lochdonhead/Iona PS Garmony Quaich his many years of hard work and his 2013 Salen PS McGochans Fair Play Cup expertise and we wish him all the 2014 Salen PS Golden Ball very best in his new role with Active 2014 Tobermory PS Scarlett Cup 2014 Dervaig PS Garmony Quaich Schools. Also thanks to the Head 2014 Salen PS McGochans Fair Play Cup Teachers, Staff and Parents of all 2015 Salen PS Golden Ball the Islands’ Primary Schools for 2015 Lochdonhead/Ulva PS Scarlett Cup their support and amazing hospitality 2015 Bunessan PS Garmony Quaich over the season, Active Schools for 2015 Bunessan PS McGochans Fair Play Cup their continued help, the Volunteer 2016 Bunessan PS Golden Ball Coaches for their time and 2016 Lochdonhead/Ulva PS Scarlett Cup dedication and the Local Businesses 2016 Tobermory PS Garmony Quaich who have invested in the future 2016 Salen PS McGochans Fair Play Cup successes of our Club. 2017 Salen PS Golden Ball 2017 Salen PS Scarlett Cup 2017 Dervaig PS Garmony Quaich 2018 Salen PS McGochans Fair Play Cup 2018 Bunessan PS Golden Ball 2018 Salen PS Scarlett Cup 2018 Bunessan PS Garmony Quaich TAG PLAYER OF THE YEAR 2018 Bunessan PS McGochans Fair Play Cup 9 Mull Minis and Junior Rugby

A massive welcome this year to Lucy Wilson and Mull’s own Seahawks Cheerleading Academy

NATIONAL TAG RUGBY HONOURS Year Team Award 2007 Mull SRU National Tag Cup Winners 2007 Mull SRU National Tag Fair Play Trophy 10 LAST YEARS PLAYER PHOTO ARCHIVE 11 TEAM BROUGHTON

Broughton have 2 ladies teams entering Mull 7’s and we have our own theme, Harry Potter (not all super heroes wear Hogwarts Express Bus capes or ride dragons) We are looking forward to partying and playing in Mull and have many drinking games and our wands are up and ready to have a blast. Quidditch games will be played, so get your broom sticks polished. We will be arriving on the Hogwarts Express Bus. Team Gryffindor is headed up by Broughton club Captain Dani Downs AKA Albus Dumbledore who is also Tour Master. Gryffindors are associated with daring, bravery, nerve and chivalry but can also be cocky and reckless.

Gryffindor Number A. Dumbledore 1 Dani H. Potter 2 KB H. Grainger 3 Issy R. Weasley 4 Lauren R. Hagrid 5 Cheryl A. Madeye 6 Cat G. Weasley 7 Jo N. Longbottom 8 Ruth Dobby 8 Bethany R. Lupin 10 Jess Hedwig 11 Shan

Team Slytherin has Captain Laura Kinghorn AKA Severus Snape. SLYtherins are known for being ambitious, cunning and resourceful and are also regarded as being evil, no doubt there will be some cheating over the weekend. Slytherin Number S. Snape 1 King L. Voldemort 2 Nicky B. Lestrange 3 Demi H. Slughorn 4 Kirsty G G. Goyle 5 Allie D. Umbridge 6 Emel Peeves 7 Shelia D. Malfoy 8 Stacey The Bloody Baron 8 Charlotte V. Crabbe 10 Elle V. Krum 11 Marta 12 MULL NOTICE BOARD LEGENDS OF MULL RUGBY To celebrate the 25th Anniversary, Silver Sevens, the Isle of Mull Rugby Club introduced a “Mull Rugby Club Hall of Fame”. To qualify for the Hall of Fame a player must: 1) Have been an outstanding club player and personality. 2) Have more or less retired from first team rugby. Players are inaugurated to the Hall only once a year. This year James Gibbons enters the Mull Rugby Hall of Fame. Known locally as Gibby James has been a foundation rock of the Mull Club for many years. A most unlikely rugby player James arrived on Mull from the football heartland of the Central belt. Turning up one night at training “to give it a go” and has been part of the Mull Club ever since. Make no mistake, for all his rough edges, Gibby has been one of the most determined players the Club has ever seen. He never gives in and, in his heyday, was an outstanding tackler. THE HALL John MacIntyre, Neil Williams, Donald MacLennan, James MacPhail, Angus MacColl, Fergus Whyte, Colin MacPhail, Iain McKeand, Richard Henderson and James Gibbons. PLAYERS REPRESENTING MULL TODAY Men's Player Pool Women's Player Pool Sean Black This year the Mull girls will help other teams out Andrew MacLeannan David MacLennan Luke Plummer A MacLean Scott MacColl Stuart Crichton Angus MacLeod Murdo MacLean James Gibbons

NEWS FROM BELOW THE GRASS ROOTS 13 TEAMS ATTENDING TODAY'S SEVENS THE DRAW AND TIMES OF PLAY ARE ON THE INSERT SHEET MEN'S PLAYING IMPORTANT WOMEN'S PLAYING IMPORTANT TEAMS COLOURS PERSON/S TEAMS COLOURS PERSON/S Black, white, red James Greig Green & White Laura Mull Oban Women with tartan trim Sean Black Camouflagee MacCormick White, black and Craig Dunain Stirling Willie Dick Blue and red red Vodka Megan Foulis Dark green and Dougie Craig Dunain 07856232998 Coll Black and green navy Wainwright Squash Andrew Johnston Dundee eshar bola Oban Green and red Red and black 07568 310763 DUWRFC chloe o’rourke Commonwealth Red and black Mikey Colella Kirkcaldy WRFC All blue Corgi George Crusaders Gavin Red, white and Lindsay Lenzie Pink Stirling Women Cruickshanks black McNaughton Inverness Craig Royal blue and Jamie Red black and Grangemouth Adele hunter Dunain red stripes Fraser Craig gold Emma Wood Blue & white Crieff Howe Harlequins Beth Robinson diamonds 07786992253 Broughton Women Stobswell Blue and yellow. Daniel Brogan See previous page Dani Downs Gryffindor Stuart Adams Broughton Women Cowal Maroon/White See previous page Laura Kinghorn Ben Currie Slytherin

Hearts and Balls Pink Bruce Ruthve Watsonians

Livingston Navy with white Colin Cantley Lenzie Women Pink Kiera Mortimer

Royal blue and Bute Alistair Reynolds yellow

Lochaber Yellow and Black Stewart.Sandison

Lafferties Lightning

Hamilton 34th WORLD'S MOST SOCIABLE MULL SEVENS The day has both a men’s and women’s rugby sevens tournament. The two competitions run side by side. Due to the occasional team missing the ferry or getting waylaid on route the format and draw of the tournament is on an insert The Finals are played at about 5pm Todays Referees Tom French, Stuart Wright, Duncan Pine, Calum Lazenby, Colin George, Jim Stevenson, Gordi Reid & Gavin Douglas

Food,Bar and Toilets

Corporate Lunch Tent

Sound of Mull Pitch Camping Areas

Mountains of Mull Pitch

Medical Staff If requiring first aid or medical attention please report to the First Aid Station to the side of the Clubhouse. If the injury is on the pitch first-aiders will be in attendance. Our sincere thanks to all the volunteers of the medical team. 34th WORLD'S MOST SOCIABLE MULL SEVENS The day has both a men’s and women’s rugby sevens tournament. The two competitions run side by side. Due to the occasional team missing the ferry or getting waylaid on route the format and draw of the tournament is on an insert The Finals are played at about 5pm The Hide Todays Referees Teams Meet Here Tom French, Stuart Wright, Duncan Pine, Calum Lazenby, Colin George, Jim Stevenson, Gordi Reid & Gavin Douglas

The lifetime ambition of all true blooded rugby players to stand in front of this table!

Sound of Mull Pitch Camping Areas


Medical Staff If requiring first aid or medical attention please report to the First Aid Station to the side of the Clubhouse. If the injury is on the pitch first-aiders will be in attendance. Our sincere thanks to all the volunteers of the medical team. 16 TEAM NEWS LETTERS News and views sent from around our visiting teams

Team manager - Jamie the peg leg fraser Captain - Fraser Craig We're arriving on the Saturday and camping

Great theme this year. We'll be arriving and camping on the Friday night. "The Isle of Coll's rugby career was ignited when ex- Scotland captain Rob Wainwright moved to the island. Bringing a team bolstered by several internationalists Coll entered the scene with a bang and has since been a near regular face at the 7s. They have enjoyed a successful last few years winning the Sea Eagle Cup twice." Looking forward to the 18th Cheers, Dougie

The charity is looking forward to the weekend. We will arrive Saturday morning & depart Sunday. The boys will be camping but myself and another board member are looking for accommodation. I shall bring some goodies for the club to hand out and promote the charity work if that’s ok? Of course it is Mull RFC

We will be arriving Friday evening. Daniel Brogan will be leading the side (mostly likely very badly). It’s a small contingent making the trip and what we lack in passing, tackling, kicking and running we make up for in stamina on the social aspect. 7 min games should see fack (fat back) Adam McArthur struggle to produce a season best lung bursting 2min of constant play before requiring to sit down.

We are arriving Friday. A few are coming up during the day around lunch time and the rest will be coming later on at night. Looking forward to the tournament this weekend, Andrew Goudie

Just wondering on squad numbers for Saturday! How many are allowed in the playing squad! I’m looking at 10-12 boys plus a couple of others that could travel to make up numbers if necessary! Hope the weather holds out to make another Fantastic event!

I’m aware this is last minute but we have a team entered. It’s just to let you know that we are still attending. We will be travelling with 7 lads. 17

We will be arriving on the Saturday morning. Emma

Arriving Friday afternoon. We are a National League 1 side and recent Sarah Beaney Cup Quarter Finalists who have been in existence for just 5 years. Priding ourselves on inclusion in all aspects of rugby & life and having fun along the way. Mull 7s virgins. Cordelia

Oh and we will be arriving Friday night! Megan

Some of us are arriving on the Friday night to camp and set up base others will arrive on the Saturday. We are bringing players from other Clubs to experience the Mull 7’s. Many thanks Mull RFC

Wewill be arriving the Friday night on the 6.10pm ferry and camping as usual. We are looking forward to another great Mull 7s tournament. Laura

We’ll be arriving on the Saturday morning. Sarah

We are definitely coming up! Also we are coming up the Friday afternoon ferry

Hi Duncan, can’t believe it’s that time of the year again. We will be sending the usual bunch of old boys and Mull virgins. The usual crew will be there on Friday, with the others coming up on Saturday. Looking forward to catchup with lots of great friends from Mull. Alan Blair

It had been many years since Lenzie last had a ladies team but now thanks to the hard work of many people at the club, the newly formed team has gone from strength to strength since its inception in August. A team that started off with only 3 members now proudly boasts around 17 active players, varying in skill level from experienced players to complete newcomers. The team have recently participated in a few contact games and tournaments and are delighted to be attending the Mull Sevens to gain some more expe- rience and of course enjoy a great weekend away!

It has been a very successful season for Lenzie this year, winning all 20 games in West Di- vision 2 as well as picking up a Club of the Month award and also being named Glasgow Warrior’s Community Club of the Year. A key to the success this year has been the resur- gence of youth at the club, many of whom are taking part this weekend, and it is a great sign of future things to come over the next few years and beyond. This will be the 3rd time that Lenzie has competed in the Mull sevens and if the last two years are anything to go by then we should be in for yet another great weekend! 18 2018 the 33rd SEVENS 19 20 SEVEN’S PAGE OF HONOURS WINNERS OF THE MULL SEVENS PLAYER OF THE TOURNAMENT 1985 Skye and Lochalsh Mark James (Skye & Lochalsh) 1986 Mid Argyll Robin Riddly (Mid Argyll) 1987 Mull Neil Williams (Mull) 1988 Mid Argyll Donnie MacKinnon (Islay) 1989 Mull Roddy Scott (Mull) 1990 Selkirk Ian MacDougall (Islay) 1991 Stirling Donald MacLennan (Mull) WINNERS PINK CUP Shona MacKay (Mull) 1992 Selkirk Dougie MacKay (Kintyre) 1992 Edinburgh Accies Marianne MacKenzie (Mull) 1993 Stirling Brochan (Mid Argyll) 1993 Clifton Babs Whyte 1994 Exiles Ivan Cowie (Bute) 1994 Edinburgh Accies Sandra Buchan 1995 Hawick Angus MacColl (Mull) 1995 Clifton Stella Mathieson (Inverness) 1996 Tobermory Single Malt 7 Graham MacNab (Lochaber) 1996 Edinburgh Accies Sandra Buchan (Mull) 1997 Stirling Richard Anderson (Mid Argyll) 1997 Edinburgh Accies Babs Whyte (Mull) 1998 Stitling Gerry Ralston (Mull) 1998 Glasgow Southern Rachel Nikolson (Lochaber) 1999 Heriots Stan Whittaker (Lochaber) 1999 Mull 2000 GSP Very Occasionals John MacIntyre (Mull) 2000 Inverness 2002 Heriots James MacPhail (Mull) 2002 Atlantis (USA) PHOTO ABOVE Katrinka Blunt (Atlantis) 2003 Selkirk Douglas Pender (Oban) 2003 Kirkcaldy Rachel Nikolson (Lochaber) 2004 Selkirk Gavin MacDonald (Oban) 2004 Watsonians Rachel MacDonald (Oban) 2005 Selkirk Kevin Anderson(Oban) 2005 Basque Weavers Audrey Barr (Oban) 2006 Rodents David MacLennan (Mull) 2006 GHA Dee Bradbury (Oban) 2007 Stirling Angus MacColl (Mull) 2007 Kirkcaldy Rhia Edwards (Mull) 2008 Black Watch Dave Downham (Mull) 2008 Dundee University Donna Smith (Oban) 2009 Stirling Phil Speirs (Bute) 2009 Cartha Kara MacKee (Mull ) 2010 Black Watch Colin MacPhail (Mull) 2010 Cartha Rhia Edwards (Mull) 2011 Stirling James Gibbons (Mull) 2011 Cartha Wendy Andrews (Mull) 2012 Mull Andrew Maclennan (Mull) 2012 Dundee Kelly Lamont (Oban) 2013 Oban Robert Beattie (Oban) 2013 Oban Debi Thomson (Oban) 2014 Hamilton Ewan MacHardie (Hamilton) 2014 Stirling YT (250) 2015 Hamilton Craig Skillen (Hamilton) 2015 Stirling Eilidh Mitchell (Mull) 2016 Selkirk Ciaran Whyte (Mull) 2016 Stirling 2017 Brown Trouts Sean Black (Mull) 2017 Stirling 2018 Crusaders Hugh Lindsey (Red Kites) 2018 Stirling Rachel Shankland (Stirling)

INTERNATIONAL GUESTS WHO GOT THE AMAZING MULL SEVENS GOING John Rutherford Gerry McGuinness, Andy Irvine, John Beattie, Steve Munro, Jim Gossman, Pete Steven Euan Kennedy, Gordon Hunter, Roger Baird, Jim Pollock, , lan Paxton

GUEST TEAMS WHO HAVE PLAYED IN THE MULL SEVENS Finlay Calder’s Tobermory Single Malt Team 1996, 1997 and 1998. Rob Wainwright’s Scottish Sea Farms Select 2000 and 2002. VERY SPECIAL AWARDS Outstanding International Prospect Fraser Harkness (Selkirk) Services to West Highland Rugby Ivan Cowie (Bute) Due to the decrease in West Highland teams from 2018 this trophy is now on ice. Results can be seen from the 2018 programme back. 21

Our President, John Archbold, has been unwell. We wish him a full and speedy recovery. Wonderful Club helper Barbara has also had a difficult time with her health. Get well soon. 22 THE MULL SEVENS CHARITY RAFFLE Look for the charity fundraiser's to give a donation to:

HEARTS + BALLS Helping rugby help its own Amazing Prizes This year our joint fundraising charity is for the Mull Wet Weather Facility and Hearts and Balls For many, rugby brings enormous pleasure and a sense of community. On occasion, however, like other sports it can result in injury, sometimes serious injury. Hearts & Balls aims to ensure that, in such circumstances, those who need help are supported by the wider rugby community. Since 1999, we’ve supported over 30 players and their families affected by serious injury. Over that time, Hearts & Balls has been able to offer financial assistance as well advice and an opportunity for individuals and families to talk to someone who understands what they are going through.To do the work it does, Hearts & Balls relies on voluntary donations. The rugby community across the country has responded magnificently. Clubs and individuals from all over Scotland have shown unbelievable ingenuity and generosity in helping Hearts & Balls help those who need it. Part of that effort involves fielding an invitational Hearts & Balls 7’s side. The charity has previously been to Orkney RFC, Glasgow 7s, Jedforest 7s, and is competing at Mull today. Associate Director and Seven’s Coach Bruce Ruthven will once again lead the boys this year and we wish them and the rest of the teams a great day. Hearts & Balls would like to offer a special thanks to Orkney Builders, Kirkjuvar Gin, Loganair, Ryden, Argyle, Martin Currie and Barclay Gilmore whose generous sponsorship has allowed the team to take part in these 7s tournaments.

CONGRATULATIONS TO LAST YEARS SEVENS. WE RAISED OVER £3,500 FOR THE “MY NAMES DODDIE FOUNDATION” 23 GARMONY WET WEATHER SPORTS HALL The Club is working towards the construction of a Wet Weather Hall at Garmony. With rainfall nearly every day throughout the winter this is a much needed amenity for the Isle of Mull. Garmony is in a central position on the Island and the Hall will be available to all users. The new design, by locally well known Architect Sandy Lees (AGL Architects), has just been completed. The use of a traditional agricultural structure brings the large area required for indoor sports such as, basketball, tennis, athletics and others into an affordable price range. For further information contact: Duncan Swinbanks, Tom Nelson or Fergus Whyte. 24 RULES OF THE CONTEST

TOURNAMENT 1) A Club or Team can bring any size of player pool to the Tournament. 2) Games will last as long as is decided by the referee. 3) The "Social or Serious" qualifying games are of a form as decided by the Tournament Committee. 4) If a knock-out game is drawn at full time playing ends are changed every 2 minutes until a side scores and then that side shall be the winner without further play. 5) Finals are probably 7 minutes each way. 6) Each playing team shall comprise of 7 players plus replacements. 7) Guests players can be included in the squad before the Tournament starts. 8) The referee’s decision shall be final.

REPLACEMENT OF PLAYERS 1) Players may be replaced at any time as long as this doesn't interfere with the flow of the game. 2) Replaced players for non-injury must come for your team pool. 3) Replaced players for injury must come from the same club. However if less than seven fit players are available from your club the replacement may come from any team.

REPLACEMENT OF INJURED PLAYERS 1) Injured players must be replaced immediately. 2) No injured replaced player may play in any future tie unless allowed by the Tournament Medical Officer.

In all cases of interpreting the rules the Committees decision shall be final ! 25 PAGE OF THANKS Club members have been grateful over the years to everyone who has contributed to the Club’s success. Should anyone - and there have been so many - who has helped in this enormous task, been inadvertently omitted from the list below, please accept our sincere apologies and a big “THANK YOU” List of Thanks Mr & Mrs James Harmer, Archie & Janet MacDonald, Arle Lodge, The Laundry, Coperland House, Iain & Ishbel MacKinnon, Angus Cheape, Mr John N Morrison, Helen & Douglas Wilson, John & Catherine MacIver, KFT Ltd (Brian and Chris Swinbanks), Tackle & Books, The Mini and Midi mums and all who helped with food and rotas, Those that helped with the bar, Seahawks Cheerleading Academy, The Isle of Mull Pipers, Touch Judges and Referees. Raffle Donations The Mull Rugby Club and Hearts and Balls Fabulous Food Donations Glengorm Estate, The Tobermory Fish Company, Isle of Mull Cheese, Island Pork, Ony Boa Pork Lochbuie Larder, Island Bakery Organics, Tobermory Bakery, Lochbuie Estate, Scallastle Farm Isle of Mull Hotel, Tobermory Whisky, Mull Slaughter House, Naomi Knight Pam MacColl, Rosie Swinbanks and all kinds of personal donations for cakes and food Programme photos and Press Facebook and Fiona Scott (Oban Times), Janna Greenhalgh (Round and About) The Medical Team of: Richard Kellet (Paramedic) and Dr Emma Grace Major Benefactors Jim & Patience Corbett, Torloisk Estate, Mr & Mrs K & V Coleman, Mr Rory Forrester (Ardnacross Farm), Jimmy & Julie Robb Tournament Ball Sponsorship Rhino Patrons Dr D A & Mrs S M Clark, Janet Nelson, Davie and Al McKee Club Sponsors TSL Construction, AGL Architects, Inverlussa Marine Services, Glengorm, Steve Douglas (Ingelas Gallery), Mull Slaughterhouse, Isle of Mull Hotel, Tobermory Hotel Ltd., Island Pork, Isle of Mull Cheese, Tobermory Fish Co. SEVENS SPONSOR Isle of Mull Isle of Mull Hotel & Spa Hotel & Spa Ingelas Islands Ltd 26 CLUB HISTORY

Season Team Standard President Captin Secretary Treasurer 78-79 Friendlies Cameron Whyte Cliff Gorman Cliff Gorman Jim Tolmie 79-80 Friendlies Cameron Whyte Jim Tolmie Cliff Gorman Jim Tolmie 80-81 GDLD III Cameron Whyte Angus MacColl Cliff Gorman Jim Tolmie 81-82 GDLD II Jimmy McKeand Angus MacColl David Howarth Cliff Gorman 82-83 GDLD I Jimmy McKeand Alan Cameron David Howarth Jim Scott 83-84 GDLD I Jimmy McKeand Pete Walker David Howarth Jim Scott 84-85 GDLD II Cameron Whyte Creon Carmichael David Howarth Jim Scott 85-86 GDLD II Cameron Whyte Iain McKeand Duncan Swinbanks Pamela Williamson 86-87 GDLD I Cameron Whyte Iain McKeand Duncan Swinbanks Susie Goldie 87-88 GDLD I Cameron Whyte Fergus Whyte Duncan Swinbanks Susie Goldie 88-89 GDLD I Cameron Whyte Fergus Whyte Duncan Swinbanks Audrey MacLennan 89-90 GDLD I Cameron Whyte Fergus Whyte Duncan Swinbanks Nikki Williamson 90-91 GDLD I Cameron Whyte Donald MacLennan Duncan Swinbanks Nikki Williamson 91-92 GDLD I Cameron Whyte John MacPhail Duncan Swinbanks Jean Dunlop 92-93 GDLD I Cameron Whyte Reay Whyte Duncan Swinbanks Jean Dunlop 93-94 GDLD I Cameron Whyte Reay Whyte Duncan Swinbanks Jean Dunlop 94-95 GDLD I Andrew Stephens Donald MacLennan Duncan Swinbanks Jean Dunlop 95-96 GDLD I Andrew Stephens Gerry Ralston Duncan Swinbanks Sheila Macfarlane 96-97 GDLD I Roddy Scott Gerry Ralston Duncan Swinbanks Sheila Macfarlane 97-98 GDLD I Roddy Scott Gerry Ralston Duncan Swinbanks Sheila Macfarlane 98-99 GDLD I Norman Macfarlane Gerry Ralston Duncan Swinbanks Sheila Macfarlane 99-00 GDLD I Norman Macfarlane James Gibbons Duncan Swinbanks Sheila Macfarlane 00-01 GDLD I Norman Macfarlane James Gibbons Duncan Swinbanks Sheila Macfarlane 01-02 National League Norman Macfarlane John MacIntyre Duncan Swinbanks Duncan Swinbanks 02-03 GLD 1 Norman Macfarlane John MacIntyre Duncan Swinbanks Duncan Swinbanks 03-04 GLD 2 Norman Macfarlane James Greig Duncan Swinbanks Duncan Swinbanks 04-05 GLD 2 John Clayton James Greig Iain Smithson Duncan Swinbanks 05-06 GLD 2 John Clayton James MacPhail Iain Smithson Duncan Swinbanks 06-07 GDW 3 John Clayton Alex Craig Duncan Swinbanks Duncan Swinbanks 07-08 GDW 3 Tom Nelson Alex Craig Duncan Swinbanks Duncan Swinbanks 08-09 GDW 3 Tom Nelson David Downham Duncan Swinbanks Duncan Swinbanks 09-10 GDW 3 Tom Nelson David MacLennan Duncan Swinbanks Duncan Swinbanks 10-11 GDW 2 Tom Nelson Derwyn Hewitt Duncan Swinbanks Duncan Swinbanks 11-12 GDW 3 Tom Nelson Andrew MacLennan Duncan Swinbanks Duncan Swinbanks 12-13 GDW 3 Tom Nelson Andrew MacLennan Duncan Swinbanks Duncan Swinbanks 13-14 GDW 3 Tom Nelson Andrew MacLennan Duncan Swinbanks Duncan Swinbanks 14-15 GDW 3 Tom Nelson Alex Craig Duncan Swinbanks Duncan Swinbanks 15-16 GDW 4 Tom Nelson Craig O'Donnel Duncan Swinbanks Duncan Swinbanks 16-17 GDW 4 Tom Nelson Craig O'Donnel Duncan Swinbanks Duncan Swinbanks 17-18 GDW 3 John Archbold Sean Black Duncan Swinbanks Duncan Swinbanks 18-19 GDW 3 John Archbold Sean Black Duncan Swinbanks Duncan Swinbanks Club Honours Date Event Personal Mull Honours Winner 1980 & 1982 Lochaber Sevens Hon Vice President Cameron Whyte Winner 1982 Machrahanish 7’s Hon Vice President James MacKeand Winner 1984 Lochaber Sevens Hon Life Member Duncan Swinbanks Winner 1985/6 GDLD II Hon Life Member Jean Dunlop Winner 1987 Mull Sevens Hon Life Member Jeanie MacColl Winner 1988 Lochaber Sevens Scotland U18 James MacPhail (1998) Winner 1988 Oban Sevens New holder after 35 years! Season most Tries 21 Sean Black (2019) Winner 1989 Highland Sevens Oban 7’s P of the T Neil Williams (1988) Winner 1989 Clydesdale Sevens Glasgow U16-18, CoOpt Ciaran Whyte (2011) Winner 1989 Mull Sevens Selkirk 7’s P of the T Ciaran Whyte (2018) Winner 1989 September McEwan Club of the Month Winner 1993 Clydesdale Sevens Winner 1999 Mull Woman’s Sevens Guest Internationalists Winner 2007 September Hydro Club of the Month Winner 2009 Chieftain of the Sevens Who returned for the Winner 2009/10 GDW 3 30th Anniversary Sevens Winner 2012 Highland Sevens John Rutherford Winner 2012 Lochaber Sevens Iain Paxton Winner 2012 Mull Sevens Rob Wainwright Winner 2014 Oban Sevens 27 MULL RUGBY CLUB OFFICE BEARERS AND CONTACTS Members of the Club Committee PRESIDENT SECRETARY TREASURER LADIES SECRETARY John Archbold Duncan Swinbanks Duncan Swinbanks Lydia Hosdell Phone 01680 812346 01688 302477 01688 302477 07913 988815 email [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMITTEE MEMBER Sean Black & Finlay McLaren James Greig Sally Swinbanks Andrew MacLennan BUILDINGS COMMITTEE COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMITTEE LADIES CAPTAIN Tom Nelson & Fergus Whyte Naomi Knight Flora Corbett N/A FIXTURES SECRETARY DEVELOPMENT MANAGERS BOOKINGS CLEANING Derwyn Hewitt Naomi Knight Pam MacColl Emma MacFadyen Phone 07795 397801 Flora Corbett 01688 302321 [email protected] CHILD PROTECTION INTERNATIONAL TICKETS SCHOOL RUGBY CHAMPION MEMBERSHIP Babs Whyte Babs Whyte Gerry Ralston Duncan Swinbanks GROUNDS MANAGER FACILITIES MANAGERS FACEBOOK WEB-SITE Donald Morrison Various Various Duncan Swinbanks MULL LOTTERY TICKETS 100 CLUB CAPTAIN VICE CAPTAIN Jeanie MacColl Pam MacColl Sean Black Finlay McLaren HEAD SENIOR COACH SEVENS COACH HEAD JUNIOR COACH WOMEN'S COACH James Greig James Greig Iona Whyte N/A

To date (we think) 19 couples have met and got married at the Worlds Most Sociable Sevens. If you meet at the sevens and then got married please let us know your story. 28

I can’t believe the same chat up lines are working again!!

P.S. Watch out for the Salen Runners appearing at Garmony after their sponsored run. Please give them a welcoming cheer! They have fluorescent T Shirts

See you this year! A WORD FROM OUR NEWEST SPONSOR We chose to sponsor the rugby club because it is more than just a rugby club. The aspirations are to hopefully extend the activities for those on the island and will potentially provide a destination for those on the mainland too. We believe that local businesses should, when they can, support such enterprises for the benefit of the community. We look forward to healthy growth.

Exclusive room lighting and art combined. Visit us at The Steadings, Glengorm Castle. It is advisable to call ahead to ensure that we are there to welcome you Call Steve Douglas on 07977 907113 Email: [email protected]


We are all more aware then ever how plastic impacts our environment. Single use, disposable plastic are often an unavoidable part of our everyday lives. 33% of all plastics, such as water bottles, bags and straws are used just once and thrown away. There are many circumstances where we have little or no choice on whether the item we’re buying is from a sustainable source, rather than being produced from harmful petrochemicals. Plastic can take hundreds, sometimes thousands of years to decompose, which means they never truly go away.

Re-Think MESS, part of the Mull & Iona Community Trust, are looking to inspire individuals and local businesses to use less plastic by going Drastic on Plastic either by switching to re-useable alternatives, or to plastics made from plants. The forthcoming Isle of Mull Rugby 7s will see a large number of rugby fans attend the Worlds Most Sociable Sevens tournament at Garmony, Isle of Mull. Re-Think MESS is working with Isle of Mull Rugby Club during the event supplying pint and half pint cups made from plant-based PLA material.

PLA (polyactic acid) is a plant based, non-toxic material that has similar properties to plastic. Manufactured from corn starch, the corn is grown in a field which is considerably better for the environment that petroleum-based plastics. Once manufactured, PLA looks, feels and performs in the same way at plastic, it is clear and can be moulded into cups. PLA also decomposes at a faster rate than regular plastic, and its plant-based source certainly makes it a greener alternative.