The University of Winnipeg Student Weekly March 27, 2008 the Uniter Contact: [email protected] 02 NEWS
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ISSUE VOLUME 62 2008/03/2724 THE UNIveRSITY OF WINNIPEG StuDENT weeKLY March 27, 2008 The Uniter contact: [email protected] 02 NEWS UNITER STAFF NEWS EDITOR : STACY CARDIGAN SMITH NEWS EDITOR : KSENIA PRINTS E-MAIL : N EWS @U N ITER .CA E-MAIL : N EWSPROD @U N ITER .CA MANAGING EDITOR News Jo Snyder » [email protected] BUSINESS MANAGER James D. Patterson » [email protected] Geo-fencing tech raises privacy concerns PRODUCTION MANAGER Melody Morrissette » [email protected] CAMERON MACLEAN “You find that Canada had to get with Lasha Tchantouridze, a professor of po- PHOTO EDITOR BEAT REPORTER the program in terms of adopting these litical studies at the University of Manitoba Colin Vandenberg » [email protected] onerous security measures that many peo- and a research associate with the Centre ple in Canada feel go too far, undermining for Defense and Security Studies, said that COPY & STYLE EDITOR s part of the proposed North Amer- people’s privacy, undermining their liberty geofencing technology has been used for a Jacquie Nicholson » [email protected] ican SuperCorridor, the Govern- [of movement],” said Michael Welsh of Cit- wide variety of purposes by farmers, cartog- ment of Manitoba has entered into NEWS ASSIGNMENT EDITOR raphers, geographers, and geologists. Adiscussions with a weapons manufacturer, Stacy Cardigan Smith » [email protected] He said that any modern technology can raising concerns over personal privacy and be used for illegal or non-benign purposes, NEWS PRODUCTION EDITOR freedom of movement. and that it is up to governments to ensure Ksenia Prints » [email protected] “Canada had to get with The provincial government has been in that the technology is used appropriately. contact with weapons manufacturer Lock- the program in terms of COMMENTS EDITOR “The governments are democratically Ben Wood » [email protected] heed Martin to develop a tracking system adopting these onerous elected and they have to make sure that for cargo trucks and passengers traveling citizens’ rights and the laws of the land are ARTS & CULTURE EDITOR along the highway. security measures that protected,” said Tchantouridze. Whitney Light » [email protected] “Geo-fencing” technology uses GPS satellites to track the movement of objects many people in Canada LISTINGS COORDINATOR Kristine Askholm » [email protected] within a certain geographical area. It was feel go too far.” originally developed by companies to track —Michael Welsh, SPORTS EDITOR the movement of mobile employees in order Kalen Qually » [email protected] to ensure they stay within areas their em- Citizens Concerned ployer deems productive. BEAT REPORTER This technology will be used to track About Deep Jenette Martens » [email protected] the movement of cargo along the trade cor- Integration BEAT REPORTER ridor. If a truck strays beyond one of the Cameron MacLean » [email protected] designated highways, alarm bells will sound and local law enforcement will be notified BEAT REPORTER and proceed to track the truck down. Dan Huyghebaert » [email protected] The purpose of these security measures BEAT REPORTER is to appease American security concerns James Janzen » [email protected] with regard to cross-border trade in the wake of 9/11. “The idea is that you want to have that izens Concerned About Deep Integration, a cargo going to its destination without tak- Winnipeg-based activist group. THIS WEEK ’ S CONTRIBUTORS ing any detours, any changes, anything that Welsh is concerned that, under the U.S. would make that particular container suspi- Patriot Act, this technology will be used to Graham Podolecki, Joe Kornelsen, Tom Llewellin, cious,” said Ron Lemieux, Manitoba minis- collect data on the movement of people James Beddome, Holly Rose, Aaron Epp, Matt Prepost, ter for infrastructure and transportation. within the United States, information that Andrew McMonagle, Lisa Moore, Bora Kim, Alex Kyle, There are those who fear this technology can then be shared with U.S. intelligence Jo Villaverde, Kevin Chaves, Denis Vrignon-Tessier could be used to invade peoples’ privacy. agencies. The Uniter is the official student newspaper of the University of Winnipeg and is published by Mouseland Press Inc. Mouseland Press Inc. is a membership based organization in which students and community members are invited to participate. For more information on how to become a member go to www.uniter. ca, or call the office at 786-9790. The Uniter is a member of the Canadian University Press and Campus Plus Media Services. Sex workers just ask for respect, rights SUBMISSION OF ARTICLES, LETTERS, GRAPHICS AND PHOTOS ARE WELCOME. Articles must be submitted in SEX WORK ADVOCACY GROUP STELLA ADDRESSES STUDENTS ON MONTREAL’S SEX INDUSTRY text (.rtf) or Microsoft Word (.doc) format to [email protected], or the relevant section editor. Deadline for submissions is 6:00 p.m. Thursday, one week before publication. Deadline for advertisements is noon Friday, six days prior to publication. The COSIMA AMELANG “Sex workers are working in danger, not victims of incest and abuse, Stella also fo- Uniter reserves the right to refuse to print submitted material. The Uniter will not print submissions that are homophobic, THE MCGILL DAILY (MCGILL UNIVERSITY) because the job is dangerous but because the cuses on community outreach, sending rep- misogynistic, racist, or libellous. We also reserve the right to edit for length and/or style. laws are,” said Émilie Laliberté, an ex-sex resentatives to speak with students, police worker and Stella outreach worker. officers and nurses. CONTACT US » ONTREAL (CUP) – Sex work- Clamen and Laliberté criticized the Clamen and Laliberté stressed that, General Inquiries: 204.786.9790 Advertising: 204.786.9790 ers still face a dangerous stigma, tendency of abolitionist feminists to dis- contrary to public opinion, many sex work- Editors: 204.786.9497 according to Stella, a Montreal- miss sex-work as inherently oppressive and ers even enjoy their occupation because of Fax: 204.783.7080 Email: [email protected] Mbased group working to protect the rights of threatening to women. the sense of empowerment that comes with Web: sex workers. “They claim sex work is violent, when financial independence. LOCATION » For 13 years, Stella has been commit- they are actually not allowing their fellow Sex work also provides individuals an Room ORM14 ted to improving the working conditions of females to have personal agency,” Clamen opportunity for free sexual expression and University of Winnipeg 515 Portage Avenue women and trans-gendered people in the said. “This is the most violent thing you experimentation, they said. Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 2E9 Montreal sex industry. could do to a woman.” “Most people assume that people com- Advocating decriminalization, Stella’s Stella’s efforts to create a more secure ing to Stella aren’t happy doing sex work. MOUSELAND PRESS BOARD OF DIRECTORS: main goal is to legitimize sex work in order sex-worker environment include holding But people actually like doing the job,” said David EisBrenner (chair), Mary Agnes Welch, Rob Nay, Nick Tanchuk, Dean Dias, Brian Gagnon, to guarantee basic human rights for those individual meetings with workers, distribut- Clamen. Devin King, Meg McGimpsey, Ben Zorn, Scott Nasaty who practice it. ing informative pamphlets to workers and “That’s significant considering it’s rare (UWSA) “Where our government is still stuck, is their clients, maintaining a medical clinic now that people actually enjoy their jobs.” For inquiries email: [email protected] whether sex work is okay or not. People are and participating in political lobbying. This sense of enjoyment is evident in still trapped in this debate,” said Jenn Cla- According to Clamen, education lies at Stella’s philosophy and activities. men, an outreach worker at Stella. the heart of the group’s endeavours. From holding the XXX Forum — in COVER IMAGE Though prostitution is legal in Canada, “We want to equip sex workers with which 250 sex workers from around the Sean Maxey, from the series any solicitation of sex work is considered the best knowledge they could have. They world gathered in Montreal — to its maga- the 5 corners of hell an offense according to article 213 of the need to learn strategies within their situa- zine, published with the creative contribu- 22” x 22” india ink, watercolour, Criminal Code. tion in order for them to gain more agency,” tions of local sex workers, the organization spraypaint on paper Due to fear of prosecution, workers in the she said. is committed to empowering sex workers. for more info sex trade are less likely to report sexual assault, In an attempt to dispel common mis- “Kind of cute and sexy — that’s our visit robbery or any other breaches of their rights. conceptions of sex workers as drug-users or style at Stella,” said Clamen. contact: [email protected] The Uniter FebruaryMarch 28,27, 2008 SECTIONEWSN 033 Rapid transit petition submitted to City Hall THE STRUGGLE TO BRING RAPID TRANSIT TO WINNIPEG CONTINUES International C O GRAHAM PODOLECKI L IN VANDEN IN News Briefs VOLUNTEER STAFF Compiled by Ksenia Prints B ERG THE STARBUCKS MERMAID oping to revive plans for rapid- SINGS A TUNE OF WOE transit in the city, the Winnipeg SAN DIEGO, California – Starbucks has Rapid Transit Coalition submit- been ordered to pay baristas $105 million back Hted a 3,500 signature petition to City Hall for wrongly withholding tips. While their coffee March 17. may be fair trade, a California court deemed Starbucks labour standards to be anything but. The petition asked the city to apply for The chain used to split tips between employees a piece of the federal government’s $500 and managers, an action that violated California million National Transit Fund. labour laws which exclude restaurant managerial The city can obtain $18 million if it staff from sharing in on the additional profits.