Hellenic J Cardiol 44: 43-48, 2003 Reviews The Role of and IIb Polymorphism in Coronary Artery Disease

MARIETTA CHARAKIDA, DIMITRIS TOUSOULIS, CHRISTODOULOS STEFANADIS, PAVLOS TOUTOUZAS Cardiology Department, Athens University Medical School, Hippokration Hospital, Athens, Greece

Key words: n Western society atherosclerotic di- units non-covalently associated with the Platelet sease is one of the commonest causes platelet membrane5. In all stages of pla- polymorphism, thrombosis, acute of increased morbidity and mortali- telet adhesion and aggregation, these re- I1,2 coronary ty . Atherosclerosis is a multifactorial di- ceptors interfere with subendothelial ma- syndromes, sease and many different environmental trix. Following vascular injury and under coronary artery factors such as physical inactivity, cigarette high shear stress conditions6, disease. smoking, hormonal and genetical or ac- adhere to the surface bound von Wille- quired (inherited dyslipidaemia, hyper- brand factor (vWF) through the platelet tension, diabetes, positive family history of glycoprotein (GP) Ib/X/V. This adhesion cardiovascular disease3,4) combine in order is made more stable and secure by subse- to determine its onset and outcome. quent multiple interactions between gly- Especially within the last decade, seve- coprotein Ia/IIa with collagen and GPIIb/ ral and their polymorphisms involved IIIa and Ic/IIa with vWF and fibronectin Manuscript received: in the atherosclerotic process, have been respectively6. July 26, 2002; found to increase thrombotic predisposi- Given the importance of platelet gly- Accepted: November 26, 2002. tion and risk of acute coronary syndromes. coproteins in primary haemostasis, it is Among these genes, platelet glycoprotein reasonable to suggest that in certain cir- polymorphisms have been studied intensely. cumstances, inherited differences in these Address: This article is a review regarding the ro- platelet receptors may contribute, by alter- Dimitris Tousoulis le of two platelet glycoprotein polymor- ing their activity, to an increased risk of phisms Ib and IIb in cardiovascular throm- acute coronary events. A platelet polymor- Athens University bosis. It is also worth mentioning the dif- phism, for instance, in a regulatory re- Medical School, Hippokration Hospital, ference between polymorphism and muta- gion may alter the expression of the recep- 114 Vasilissis Sofias St., tion. Mutation is defined any change (herit- tor on the platelet surface. Moreover a nu- 115 28, Athens, Greece able or not) in DNA sequence while poly- cleotide polymorphism that results in an e-mail: morphism is the difference in DNA se- amino acid substitution may change the [email protected] quence among individuals. The term poly- tertiary structure of the receptor and subse- morphism describes genetic variations oc- quently change platelet adhesive function. curring in more than 1% of the population. Glycoprotein GPIb/IX/V- Structure and Platelet receptors and their role in thrombosis polymorphism Most platelet receptors are com- This receptor consists of four subunits plexes with two or more polypeptide sub- (: GPIba, GPIb‚, GPIX and GPV)

(Hellenic Journal of Cardiology) HJC ñ 43 M. Charakida et al that are the products of distinct genes7. These sub- Table 1. The GPIba Met 145/VNTR A or B polymorphism and units have similar structural features and belong to thrombotic risk. 8 the “leucine-rich family” of glycoproteins . There Positive correlation Negative correlation are approximately 25.000 copies of this receptor per platelet9,10. Glycoprotein Ib is composed of two di- Coronary artery disease sulfide- linked polypeptides, glycoprotein Iba and Murata et al22 Ito T et al24 27 glycoprotein Ib‚ and this complex is non-covalently Gonzalez-Conejero et al associated with glycoproteins GPIX and GPV8,11,12. Myocardial infarction 31 23 The GPIb/IX/V receptor mediates the initial adhes- Mikkelson J et al Hato T et al Ardissimo D et al25 ion of platelets to the extracellular matrix under Mercier B et al32 conditions of high shear stress via the binding of von Cardiovascular disease/stroke Willebrand factor (vWf) to the amino acid terminal Carlsson LE et al29 domain of glycoprotein Iba13. Given the importance Carter AM et al30 of the GPIb/IX/V receptor in platelet adhesion it is reasonable to suggest that small alterations in GPIb structure can influence the platelet’s functional re- dies23,24 failed to confirm this association even when sponses and subsequently the thrombotic risk14. analysis was limited in younger female patients with Two polymorphisms of the glycoprotein Iba myocardial infarction25. gene that affect the structure have been described The preliminary data, regarding the role of the and a third one that may lead to altered gene ex- VNTR polymorphisms in acute ischaemic events, pression of this subunit. In the first polymorphism, a are also conflicting26 (Table 1). A limited number of cytosine (C) to thymidine (T) substitution, results in studies have demonstrated an association between the amino acid methionine15 in the place of threo- Met 145 (VNTR A or B) and risk of cardiovascular nine at position 145 and is responsible for the HPA- disease15,22,27,28 while others have not found this asso- 2 platelet antigen system16. This dimorphism is in ciation29,30. In a recent study the HPA-2 Met/VNTR linkage disequilibrium with a variable number of B allele was associated with increased occurrence of tandem repeat (VNTR) polymorphism within the myocardial infarction and sudden death in middle macroglycopeptide region of GPIa resulting in the age patients31 (Table 1). duplication of a 13 amino acid sequence17. This last Studies have discrepancies in assessing the risk fragment can be present as a single copy or repeated of GPIb/IX/V polymorphism in different ethnic up to four times. groups. Among European populations the VNTR In the third polymorphism of GPIba, a T to C B/C genotype was associated with a 2-3 fold increase single nucleotide substitution at position 5 from the in risk of coronary artery disease in a Spanish popu- initiator methionine codon is termed Kozak poly- lation27 but no association was detected in a French morphism and is thought to alter the translational population32. Furthermore, in a prospective study of efficiency of glycoprotein Iba18. Moreover, an asso- middle-aged Americans the VNTR C/C genotype ciation between the C-5 allele and increased GPIb / was associated with a decreased risk of coronary IX/V receptor density has been documented19-21. events28,33 (Table 1). The data regarding the role of the Kozak poly- morphism of the GPIba variant are also inconclu- GPIb/IX/V polymorphism and cardiovascular disease sive. The study by Meisel et al34 is the first that asso- GPIb/IX/V receptor is responsible for the initial pla- ciated the 5C allele of this polymorphism with an telet adhesion to the subendothelium under high increased risk of unstable angina or ischaemic com- shear stress conditions and several studies have as- plication following percutaneous coronary inter- sessed its polymorphisms as potential independent vention. The same finding was confirmed recently by risk factors for myocardial infarction. In a Japanese Kenny et al35. In this last study the T-5C polymor- study of 91 patients with non-fatal myocardial infar- phism in GPIb alpha was associated with the risk of ction or angina and 105 healthy controls, the Met MI in a population with unstable angina35 (Table 2). 145 allele was associated with increased risk of co- Several studies21,28,36 failed to confirm an asso- ronary heart disease among a subgroup of patients ciation between this dimorphism and clinical risk for under the age of 6022. At the same time other stu- arterial thrombosis while others reported a trend

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Table 2. Kozak polymorphism and thrombotic risk. glycoprotein IIIa is linked to the human platelet an- tigen 1b45. Four other rare polymorphisms in GPIIIa Positive correlation Negative correlation with myocardial infarction with myocardial infarction gene have been described and are related with the alloantigen system HPA-446,47, HPA-648, HPA-749, Douglas H et al37 Croft S et al21 HPA-850. Meisel C et al34 Corral J et al36 A thymine (T) to guanine (G) transversion in 35 38 Kenny J et al Frank MB Î·È Û˘Ó exon 26 of the glycoprotein IIb gene that encodes an Sperr WR et al57 Ile to Ser substitution at amino acid 843 has been reported and is responsible for the expression of the towards protection against myocardial infarction by HPA-3 alloantigen system51. the 5C allele37,38. This discrepancy in the results can be explained partly by differences in the selection of Glycoprotein IIb Ile 843 Ser and cardiovascular risk the study population and the choice of the control group (Table 2). Studies regarding the functional consequences of A careful review of the published studies, does this polymorphism have yielded conflicting results. not allow us to reach a conclusion regarding the role Several investigators have observed no effect on in of GPIb/IX/V polymorphisms in coronary artery vitro platelet aggregation52 while other reports in- disease. Further studies are needed to clarify the ro- dicated that platelets with the GPIIb Ser843 allele le of the polymorphisms of this receptor in coronary demonstrate increased in vitro platelet aggregation artery disease. and decreased clot retraction compared to those lacking the allele53. Controversial are also the data regarding the Glycoprotein GPIIb/IIIa - Structure and polymorphism role of this polymorphism in coronary artery disease. GPIIb and GPIIIa are present in platelet membrane Reiner et al54 reported an increased risk of myo- as a heterodimeric complex whose formation re- cardial infarction among women who possessed at quires the presence of divalent cations39. Two chains least one copy of the GPIIb Ser 843 allele (Table 3). of GPIIb are associated non-covalently with one This increased risk was present only in a subgroup of chain of GPIIIa for the formation of GPIIb/IIIa com- women who had additional cardiovascular risk fa- plex40,41. There are approximately 80,000 copies of ctors (cigarette smoking, hypercholesterolemia or GPIIb/IIIa per platelet39 and its major ligands are had a positive family history of early myocardial in- and vWF either when they are immo- farction)54. In contrast studies involving male pa- bilised or in solution after platelet activation. tients from Japan23 or Central Europe55-57 failed to The genes that encode GPIIb and GPIIIa are detect the same association (Table 3). In addition in both in 17q21 chromosome42. A number of point a study of 2178 patients with symptomatic coronary mutations have been described in GPIIb/IIIa’s gene disease undergoing coronary stent placement, the and there are data suggesting their interference in Ser 843 allele was not related with the development the etiology of acute coronary syndromes. Polymor- of coronary stent thrombosis or restenosis58 (Table 3). phisms of GPIIb as well as GPIIIa have the ability to With so many conflicting results from epide- produce platelet specific alloantibodies. These anti- miological studies it is difficult to recognize Iib Ile bodies are the main cause of several disorders i.e. 843 Ser polymorphism as an important inherited post-transfusion purpura and neonatal alloimmune determinant of atherothrombotic risk. The possible thrombocytopenia43. There are at least seven GPIIIa alleles but the most common polymorphism in Table 3. GPIIb polymorphism and thrombotic risk. GPIIIa is described by the human alloantigen system HPA-1 (Pl∞)39 with frequencies of 97.9% for HPA- Positive correlation Negative correlation with myocardial infarction with thrombosis 1a and 26.5% for HPA-1b in the Caucasian popu- 44 lation . Due to the substitution of a cytosine from a Reiner AP et al54 Sperr WR et al57 thymidine at position 1565 in exon 2 of the GPIIIa Bottiger C et al55 A2 Hato T et al23 gene, the platelet antigen Pl variant displays a 56 39 Kroll H et al proline instead of a leucine at position 33 . A rare Bottiger C et al58 leucine 40/arginine40 polymorphism on platelet

(Hellenic Journal of Cardiology) HJC ñ 45 M. Charakida et al association between the Ser 843 variant and in- infarction are concerned, the true effect of genotype creased risk of arterial thrombotic disease among can be masked if mortality rates are the endpoint. premenopausal women requires confirmation in Correlations between platelet polymorphisms and larger studies. environmental risk factors reinforce this. Moreover, several genes are in linkage disequilibrium with other genes and simultaneous studies of several ge- Genetics and antiplatelet therapy nes may reveal associations that at present seem to Genetic factors are postulated to modulate drug be weak. Regarding the correlations between genes response either in determining efficacy or the risk of and myocardial infarction, the true effect of geno- side-effects. It has been hypothesised that the type can be masked by whether patients died of clinical efficacy of antiplatelet drugs (i.e aspirin) acute coronary syndromes or when only survivors are might be related to PlA polymorphism. Aspirin in- included in the studies. hibition of platelets varies by PlA genotype59,60. In Considering that atherosclerosis is a multifa- addition, a more specific antiplatelet therapy, GPIIb/ ctorial disease it is extremely difficult to conclude IIIa antagonists, have been suggested to have diffe- that genetic inheritance will be enough to explain the rent responses according to PlA genotype61-63. GPIIb/ interindividual variations by itself. Correlations IIIa antagonists bind to the receptor and prevent already noticed between platelet polymorphisms and platelet aggregation to all known agonists but oral environmental risk factors reinforce this assumption. GPIIb/IIIa antagonists have been proven to be inef- It is difficult to arrive at a definite answer for the role fective and even harmful when administered in pa- of platelet polymorphisms and especially for GPIb tients with acute coronary syndromes61. Whether the and GPIIb polymorphism, as present reports are in- PlA2 variant of the GPIIb/IIIa antagonists is more consistent. Understanding the interaction of platelet susceptible to the partial agonist activity induced by glycoprotein polymorphisms with cardiovascular risk smaller ligands such as GPIIb/IIIa antagonists and factors and endovascular procedures may also in- whether this hypothesis can explain the observed fluence treatment strategies targeting a specific su- variability in the response to these drugs in humans sceptibility gene implicated in coronary thrombosis. has yet to be addressed. Further studies are needed to clarify the potential association between platelet polymorphisms, coro- Conclusions nary artery disease and myocardial infarction. Platelet glycoprotein receptors play a primary role in the thrombotic process. They mediate the multiple References interactions of platelets with the extracellular matrix 1. Henderson A: Coronary heart disease overview. Lancet and they interfere with mechanisms. 1996; 348 Suppl 1: s1-s4. Therefore, platelet glycoprotein polymorphisms may 2. Bedinghaus J, Leshan L, Diehr S: Coronary artery disease prevention: what’s different for women? Am Fam Physician be involved in the process of thrombosis. 2001; 63: 1393-1396. The preliminary data regarding the glycoprotein 3. Burke AP, Farb A, Malcom GT, et al: Coronary risk factors GPIb and GPIIb polymorphisms in ischaemic events and plaque morphology in men with coronary disease who as well as in the adverse thrombotic events after co- died suddenly. N Engl J Med 1997; 336: 1276-1282. ronary interventions are inconclusive and often con- 4. Wannamethee G, Shaper AG, Macfarlane PW, et al: Risk factors for sudden cardiac death in middle-aged British troversial. The discrepancy in the results of different men. Circulation 1995; 91: 1749-1756. studies may be explained partly by differences in the 5. Reiner AP, Siscovick DS, Rosendaal FR: Platelet glyco- study design and the analysis. Many studies have a protein gene polymorphisms and risk of thrombosis: facts limited sample size, which is frequently too small to and fancies. Rev Clin Exp Hematol 2001; 5: 262-287. 6. Kandzari DE, Goldschmidt-Clermont PJ: Platelet poly- confirm or rule out the presence of a relevant epi- morphisms and ischemic heart disease: moving beyond tra- demiological association between specific poly- ditional risk factors. J Am Coll Cardiol 2001; 38: 1028-1032. morphisms and cardiovascular disease. Moreover, 7. Bussel JB, Kunicki TJ, Michelson AD: Platelets: New un- studies differ in ethnicity, bias in selection of patients derstanding of platelet glycoproteins and their role in di- and controls, plurality in clinical endpoints and sease. Hematology (Am Soc Hematol Educ Program) 2000; 222-240. variation of environmental factors. Furthermore, as 8. Lopez JA: The platelet glycoprotein Ib-IX complex. Blood far as the correlations between genes and myocardial Coagul 1994; 5: 97-119.

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