Duty, Honor, Country Duty 6 Battalion Staff, Military, Companies, Organizations
PASS-IN-REVIEW Wentworth Military Academy 18th & Washington Lexington, Missouri 64067 1987-88 Volume XVI Duty, Honor, Country Duty 6 Battalion Staff, Military, Companies, Organizations Honor 34 Football, Homecoming, Parents Weekend, Soccer, Cross Country, Wrestling, Swim ming, Basketball, Dances, Golf, Tennis, Track, Military Ball, Commencement and Awards Country 80 Junior College, Seniors, Juniors, Sopho mores, Freshmen, Junior High, Administra tion, Faculty, Support Staff Index 110 Table of contents 1 108th Corps Pass in review -k SCHOLASTIC ANTICS occasionally can be seen as P. Langdale watches D. Altendorf. "k AS SEMBLIES IN the chapel included a guard dog attack on Cpt Jim Sellers. ^PHYSICAL CHALLENGES met by high school Ranger C. Dillard sometimes needed another's assistance as given by B. Summit. ^ y -. p IP V klOSTH CADET OFFICERS: (row 1) McGowan, W. Anderson, and Love, Heyer, T.J. Kerr, Al-Baiz, Moore, Phrakonekham; and (row 5) Sise- R. Sellers, McQuigg, and Dorris; (row 2) more, and Burch. -kALLEQUALin Kubista, Foster, Vang, R. Reardanz, school spirit whether an enlisted Garrido, C.A. Smith, and Murphy; (row man as D. Dowson or an officer as 3) Stormes, Hale, Tubbert, Williams, Al-Baiz when it comes to yelling for Ruff, Wright, and Magazine; (row 4) the Dragons. 2 Duty, Honor, Country it ATTENTION TO details even in the barracks is important including Foxtrot as P. Haley and N. Martin learn working in their room, "k FOX- TROTTERS ARE students, too, and a Hall, J. Holt, P. Rowland. B. Fisher, and H. Pons do study hard. • CADET TRAINING does not always take place on campus, junior college cadets went to Ft.
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